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Problems of the Quality of Training Process at Higher School
U.M. Panesh Training and methodology maintenance of professional and educational programs – a way to high quality of training at Universities
Problems of Physics and Mechanics
V.E. Korzhakov, A.V. Korzhakov Realization of a method of optimizing the preliminary acoustic and magnetic processing of industrial water in diesel generators
Geological and Mineralogical Sciences
I.G. Volkodav Placers of Adygheya
Historical and political Sciences
V.A. Shcherbovich Out of a history of the development of physical training in the army of pre-revolutionary Russia
L.D. Fedoseeva The ways of punishment and encouragement of mountaineers at the height of the Caucasian War
L.V. Burykina Peasants’ migration to the Northwest Caucasus in the post-reform period
E.F. Krinko Problems of spiritual development of the Soviet society during the Great Patriotic War: historiographic aspects
E.M. Malysheva World Wars and local military conflicts in a history: consequences and lessons
A.Sh. Buzarov On some features of the activity of political elite in political processes in Russian society: statement of the problem
Economic Sciences and Problems of Financing
O.V. Petrovskaya The higher school of Bulgaria and Poland in 1944-1989: problems of financing and material maintenance
T.I. Afasizhev, V.A. Teshev Adaptation of higher schools in conditions of crisis of budgetary financing
V.V. Kolodyazhny, A.I. Kuev Optimization of rational use of resources in a farm
Yu.I. Tarasov, E.B. Chuyako The concept of personnel control in the theory and practice of classical management
R.I. Makhosh Problems of carrying out audit of efficient use of budgetary funds
R.I. Makhosh Some problems of statement and development of control-accounting body of subjects in conditions of the normative-legal base existing in the Russian Federation
Sciences of Law
E.M. Afamgotov Administrative – legal status of the citizen of the Russian Federation
I.A. Shcherbovich Bankruptcy adjusts the new Law, old problems remain
N.A. Petrovsky Heuristic role of a method of analogy in modern criminal law
Psychological and Pedagogical Sciences and Problems of Training the Pedagogical Staff
L.N. Kubashicheva «Ideal» as a philosophical, psychological and pedagogical problem
L.V. Krasnova, L.A. Torokhina A psychological analysis of a phenomenon of shyness
Z.K. Meretukova Training of the future teacher for overcoming professional – pedagogical difficulties as a problem of pedagogical education
M.H. Shkhapatseva Linguistic and methodology preparation of the teacher of primary school
E.A. Buzarova Essence and the contents of the concept “theoretical thinking”
M.M. Tesheva Role of stimulation and motivation of training
M.M. Tesheva Application of active methods in teaching English
E.A. Buzarova, T.N. Chetyz Elaboration of the content of training as a system of category knowledge
Biomechanics and Sport
A.M. Doronin Physical exercises as a result of muscle activity like the engine and the analyzer
O.B. Nemtsev Theoretical bases of movement precision
E.I. Salov Ecological poem. Review of K.K.Hutyz's book «Hunting at Adyghes»
Problems of Human Physiology
K.D. Chermit, E.K. Aganyants, A.V. Shakhanova Prognostic opportunities of burst values (Ger. Wurf)
Problems of the Quality of Training Process at Higher School
N.V. Kabayan Generalization of experience in realization of a system of the methodical training of students - the future biology teachers in conditions of the modernization of education
N.M. Temzokova General microbiology: a technique and experience
Problems of the Theory and Practice in Tourism Organization
N.V. Kabayan Imitating modelling of a recreational zone
Historical and political Sciences
A.Sh. Buzarov, S.A. Nadyukov Christianity in Shapsugiya: historical aspect
H.I. Tuguz F.A. Shcherbina as a historian and chronicler of the Russian-Circassian War
S.A. Shcherbinin Power and the population of the North Caucasus during the revolution and the First World War (1917-1920)
A.Sh. Buzarov On the major steps undertaken by the government of the USSR in the area of international activity on prevention of unleashing of the Second World War and aggression of the German fascism against the Soviet state
Sociological and Cultural Studies
A. Mikhailov The phenomenon of deviation: theoretical-methodological foundations
Philological Sciences: Linguistics
L.S. Makarova Poetic discourse and translation
Economic Sciences and Problems of Financing
T.I. Afasizhev, V.A. Teshev The higher schools in conditions of reduction of the state financial support (from experience of foreign countries)
N.I. Pshikanokova Budgetary federalism and a transfer system as the tools of regional policy
S.K. Chinazirova Development of the agrarian enterprises in conditions of innovative transformations of the agro-industrial complex
V.V. Kolodyazhny, A.I. Kuev Planning of the agricultural enterprise production on the basis of the marketing activity in conditions of reproduction
Yu.I. Tarasov, N.A Tumasyan Basic features of the “Labour” goods in new conditions of managing
Yu.I. Tarasov, N.A Tumasyan Evolution of labour market, its typology and structure
Sciences of Law
A.M. Shadzhe Jurisprudence and the problems of perfection of the legislation
V.I. Margiev Powers of republics as the subjects of the Russian Federation in the field of international relations (as shown by the Adygheya Republic)
A.V. Polienko Implementation of public prosecutions on affairs about the murders accomplished by socially dangerous way
A.V. Margiev On the right of republics to exit from the structure of the Russian Federation
Political Sciences and Social Movements
Z.A. Zhade National interests and safety of Russia in context of geopolitics
H.I. Tuguz Ethnic policy: the theory and practice
G.B. Luganskaya The training of music teachers in higher schools: cultural science aspects
Psychological and Pedagogical Sciences and Problems of Training the Pedagogical Staff
A.V. Polienko Psychological aspects of the activity of public prosecutors
L.M. Dolgopolova Integration of teaching and educational direction in the training of students for work with part-time groups of children
Yu.Yu. Udichak, G.T. Shparyova The education of gifted children in national school
Geographical Sciences
F.V. Tlekhurai Periodicity of the evolution of re-settling in the territory of Adygheya
F.V. Tlekhurai Types of settlements in the territory of Adygheya
Biological Sciences
N.D. Dzhimova, E.A Goncharova An influence of harmful substances on water invertebrate
Problems of Human Physiology
N.M. Temzokova Health, the most important thing in life
E.N. Pshizova Labour for the person and society as the determining form of ability to live
A.M. Doronin, D.A. Romanov The brain activity culture and its development
L.N. Kubashicheva The worthy son of his people
Ecological Sciences
A.N. Autleva Essence of ecological consciousness
S.I. Chitao, I.V. Russkikh Specific features of the mixed woods flora in the vicinity of the settlement of Mezmai in the Apsheronsky area of the Krasnodar region
Historical and political Sciences
A.D. Fedoseeva Barter with the mountaineers on the east coast of the Black Sea in the first half of the 19th century
L.V. Burykina The German colonies of the Northwest Caucasus in the second half of the 19th century: historiographic aspect
V.V. Kulakov General A.I.Denikin, the leader of the White South
V.V. Kulakov The state system of White Russia
V.V. Kulakov The White’s movement in the South of Russia
A.A. Semenov Professional work of city workers during the Civil War: social liberation of the epoch of economic decline
T.R. Meshlok Social and political activity of the legal Muslim organizations in France and Germany
O.V. Petrovskaya A system of youth selection for higher educational institutions of Bulgaria and Poland: socialist experience (1948-1989)
Philological Sciences: Linguistics
K.N. Paranuk Neomythology of the novel of D.Koshubaev “Abrag”
A.S. Rubtsov The union of the literature and cinema
Economic Sciences and Problems of Financing
A.A. Kerashev Integration institutions: their essence and significance
A.A. Kerashev Development of approaches to globalization of economic relations
E.K. Pryadchenko Specific features of socialization of market economy in Russia
N.I. Pshikanokova Structural reforms of regional economy: essence, transformation of farm patterns, shifts in the main groups of branches
A.Sh. Buzarov, M.V. Kuteeva Ways of increase in efficiency of a social policy in the region (as is shown in the Republic of Adygheya)
M.V. Kuteeva Problems of innovational management in Russia at a transitional stage
Yu.I. Tarasov, N.A. Tumasyan, E.A. Khachemizova Ìethodological approaches to an estimation of economic efficiency of labour market functioning
Sciences of Law
A.M. Shadge Legislation as one of the sources of the right
S.G. Dzybova The role of the Constitution in formation of legal systems of the countries - members of the CIS
V.A. Shcherbovich Legal bases of protection of honour and dignity of the person of military men (the Military Commissariat of the Republic of Adygheya)
S.K. Shazzo Reasons and the conditions promoting perpetration of robbery
N.A. Petrovsky Analogies in jurisprudence and in right-applying practice
Psychological and Pedagogical Sciences and Problems of Training the Pedagogical Staff
L.N. Kubashicheva Scientific bases of the development of a problem of unconscious
E.A. Buzarova Psychology of personal and professional development, self-breeding and self-education
Z.K. Meretukova On the scientific – methodological device of pedagogical researches
A.M. Shekhmirzova Independent work of students in conditions of multilevel preparation of experts
L.V. Shelekhova On a methodological system of training
A.P. Mikhailov Some features of social adaptation of convicts under age in educational colonies
T.N. Chetyz Realization of a principle of continuity between preschool education and an elementary school
Geographical Sciences
F.V. Tlekhurai Evolution of systems of moving in Adygheya
Z.K. Kakhuzheva Gift of the linguist and the teacher (Review of the book of Professor M.H. Shkhapatseva “Linguistics and Linguodidactics”)
Problems of Human Physiology
F.N. Apish On M.R.Kudaev's anniversary
Ecological Sciences
A.U. Thabisimova, V.A. Yaroshenko Ecological aspects of Meloidae family trib concentration in the vertical zones of the Northwest Caucasus
Geological and Mineralogical Sciences
I.G. Volkodav Mineral fertilizers of Adygheya
Historical and political Sciences
L.D. Fedoseeva Yermolov on Caucasus
L.D. Fedoseeva Foreign intervention in the Caucasian War
L.V. Burykina Peasants’ migration to the Northwest Caucasus in the 1820s – 1850s
E.A. Kir'yanova Food problem in the 1930s: state and ways of its decision (according to data from some areas of the Central Russia)
Sociological and Cultural Studies
S.A. Rezin'kova, S.A. Korzhakova Basic elements of a subject domain in an expert system of monitoring of social stratification
Philological Sciences: Linguistics
L.S. Makarova On one experience of the analysis of art translation
Z.I. Kerasheva Expression of denying in the Adyghe languages
M.M. Tesheva Linguistics and regional geographic aspect in teaching the English language The union of the literature and cinema
Economic Sciences and Problems of Financing
Z.A. Khadzhuova Specific features of agricultural cooperation (1865-1917)
N.I. Pshikanokova Regional investment policy: the institutional-economic mechanism
E.B. Chuyako, E.A. Khachemizova, Yu.I. Tarasov Methodical aspects of an estimation of òðóäîîáåñïå÷åííîñòè and labour inputs of manufacture of agricultural production
V.V. Teshev, V.A. Teshev How one can improve an investment climate in Russia
S.A. Dzybova Some aspects of cooperation and their role in development of an infrastructure of the market
A.A. Mokrushin Normalization of the cost price as a component of the organization of exchange-distributive relations between participants of the integrated formation
S.-M.H. Yunaev Function of the State in sphere of management of regional agrarian and industrial complex
Sciences of Law
E.M. Afamgotov Theoretical problems of the suffrage of the Russian Federation
N.S. Skhabo Some aspects of the evolution of a principle of freedom of the contract in domestic civil law
B.I. Shekultirov Constitutional-legal regulation of the international activity of the regions of the Russian Federation
N.I. Gerasimova The mechanism of protection of property rights for the participants of the limited liability company
L.A. Burkova On legal problems of lease of land-plots
M.S. Pshizov On opportunities of criminalistic researches of the hand-written texts executed in Adyghe
Å.Ì. Kurbanova On functions of a search
M.G. Zaretskaya Qualifying attributes of taking bribes
O.I. Gerasimova Separate aspects of the criminal liability of minors
R.E. Mirzoyan The historical precondition of the development of non-cash monetary circulation
V.I. Margiev The concept of international law subjectivity
V.I. Margiev Evolution of the theory and practice of international law subjectivity
M.M. Tkharkakho On legal institutes of the state of emergency in foreign countries
I.N. Gaidareva The social right in the system of jurisprudence
Political Sciences and Social Movements
A.I. Utkin, V.V. Kulakov Basic sources of financing of the left-wing radical parties of Russia in the beginning of the 20th century
H.I.Tuguz The Osetin-Ingush conflict: problems of territory
A.S. Buzarov, A.I. Utkin, V.V. Kulakov Political-philosophical-methodological principles of comprehension of historic facts, phenomena, tendencies and processes
Z.K. Stash On some features of the political regime in modern Russia
E.A. Parasyuk Public corporations and bodies of the government in Russia: setting up and development of the mechanism of interaction
Psychological and Pedagogical Sciences and Problems of Training the Pedagogical Staff
F.A. Apish Correlation of motives and needs: the theoretical analysis of scientific approaches
F.A. Apish Planning of the contents of a teaching material and the formation of motivation of educational activity of students
A.M. Bedanokova Educational potential of the Adyghe folklore
S.V. Bedenko Researches of influence of manipulation orientations of the person during a dialogue on his sociometrical status in a group
I.N. Markowa Specificity of artistic speech as a psychological factor of intensification of teaching Russian
I.N. Markowa Russian culture in the adaptation process of foreign students
N.O. Mitrova Social project as way of forming communicative competence of university students
L.S. Aseikina Frustrational tolerance as a competence of the teacher and the student in teaching russian as a foreign language
L.S. Aseikina Creation of frustrational tolerance of foreign students at the elentary level education from the competent approach position
T.N. Chetyz Problem of continuity of training of children of preschool and younger school age: working aspect
Geographical Sciences
F.V. Tlekhurai, D.N. Lukhmanov The bases of the concept and programs of social - geographical studying of the Adygheya Republic with a view of creation of the electronic atlas
Biological Sciences
V.A. Yaroshenko, A.U. Tkhabisimova Biotopical distribution of family Meloidae in the Adygheya ecosystems
A.U. Thabisimova, V.A. Yaroshenko Differentiated character of trophic specialization of Meloidae
Literature and Literary Critisizm
I.N. Kolyasnikov An integrative field of a moral - aesthetic continuum in Nartiada
Problems of Computer Science and Computer Facilities
A.M. Doronin, D.A. Romanov, M.L. Romanova The man-machine interaction and its parameters
S.A. Korzhakova, A.V. Korzhakov Research of the aprioristic information on the expenditure of fuel in carburettor engines
Military Service
V.A. Shcherbovich Organization and ways of improvement of quality of selection of candidates for military service under the contract
K.K. Khutyz Reading a course of lectures. The review of E.A.Sheudzhen's book “Historiography. Questions of the theory and methodology. A course of lectures”.