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Historical Sciences
L.D Fedoseeva Georgiy Arsenievich Emanuel, the commander of the Caucasian line and Black Sea region (1826-1831)
L.V. Burykina Care of colonel A.V. Pistolkors about an improvement of living conditions of immigrants
F.H. Shebzukhova A problem of a peasant community in the internal policy of the imperial government in the second half of the 19th century
A.D. Panesh A geopolitical situation and internal social and economic conditions in Cherkesiya in the first third of the 19th century
Ethnography, Ethnology and Historical Anthropology
A.V. Sopov An economy, culture and life of Cossacks as ethnic determinants
K.K. Khutyz and E.A. Shebzukhova Adyg hunting from ethnographic and folklore materials
Philosophical Sciences
O.I. Kuskarova Rationality as a way of the attitude of the person to the world. Structure and typology of rationality
Sociological Sciences
S.A. Nadyukov Secularization in a Turkish way (Mustafa Kemal Atatyurk’s reforms)
A.A. Muzalev The territorial organization of an infrastructure of religious geosystems in the Adygheya Republic
Economic Sciences
M.P. Khagurova The priority directions of development of the agrarian and industrial complex in the Adygheya Republic
T.I. Afasizhev and V.A. Teshev Mechanisms of financing researches at higher schools (based on experience of foreign universities)
A.A. Kerashev and V.V. Teshev Classification of laws of development of commodity markets of consumers' cooperative society
A.S. Buzarov and M.V. Kuteeva Social problems of the population against a background of reform of local self-management
V.V. Teshev Strategy of increase in efficiency of activity for the consumers' cooperative society enterprises
A.A. Kerashev and R.A. Baibekova Organizational and economic aspects of creation and effective functioning of vertically - integrated formations in the agrarian and industrial complex
M.V. Kuteeva Prospects of realization of economic potential of municipal formation “The City of Maikop” (in conditions of reform of local self-management)
Political Sciences
A.D. Basniev The Adyghe parliamentarianism at the beginning of the 20th century (the sociological-political analysis)
Pedagogical Sciences
E.G. Malinochka A situational - functional nature of educational mutual activity
T.N. Poddubnaya Components of social protection of the childhood in a region: the conceptual approach (using an example of the Adygheya Republic)
E.A. Buzarova and T.N. Chetyz Psychological and pedagogical characteristics of children of the senior preschool and younger school age
N.V. Kabayan and N.N Valueva The modern state of a system of additional education in the Adygheya Republic
T.N. Poddubnaya Training of experts in social protection of the childhood in conditions of higher school: experience and results
Psychological Sciences
S.V. Bedenko The analysis of a phenomenon of manipulation from a position of the valuable – semantic approach
Philological Sciences
Ò.Ò. Neshcheretova On semantic motivation of a category of gender
A.A. Khatkhe Names of grassy plants with structure of a word and a word-combination in the Adyghe and English languages
Geographical Sciences
T.P. Varshanina A system of monitoring of modern tectonic and seismic processes in the Northwest Caucasus
À.À. Muzalev On geography of religions and on a concept “a religious geosystem” in geographical researches
Biological Sciences
A.A. Pseunok Mechanisms of adaptation
E.A. Shebzukhova and K.K. Tarasenko New findings Trionyx khosatzkyi from the Middle Sarmatian sediments in the Belaya river
Mathematical Sciences
D.S. Ushkho and O.A. Ponomareva Special points of cubic differential system on the equator of the Puankare sphere
Information Technologies
R.D. Khunagov, T.P. Varshanina, O.A. Plisenko, I.V. Starodub, S.F. Pikin, A.F. Kizyanov and A.V. Almaeva The information-analytical system of the Bureau of Technical Inventory (“IAS BTI”)
E.V. Lutsenko and V.E. Korzhakov Forecasting a level of subject knowledge of students by the SK-analysis of data on their social status
V.S. Tlyusten On some parallels of formation and organization of internal structure in artificial and natural languages
Biomechanics and Sport
K.D. Chermit, A.H. Anaev and M.M. Ebzeev Development in the future experts in physical training and sports of competences to form a social state of pupils health
M.D. Ashibokov and O.F. Ryukhina Formation of a healthy way of life at volleyball lessons
Historical Sciences
S.P. Markova Testaments from the York Archiepiscopate’s Archive of the epoch of classical Middle Ages
A.K. Cheucheva The Ottoman Empire and Northwest Caucasus in the 18th century
V.N. Maltsev Formation of the central government bodies in the Caucasus: the 6th Temporal Branch and Committee on affairs of the Transcaucasian district (1842-1845)
L.D. Fedoseeva Interests of Russia and Turkey in the North-West Caucasus in the first half of the 19th century
A.V. Belikov Migration policy of Russia after a cancellation of the serfdom and “Regulations about populating foothills of the western part of the Caucasian Ridge by the Kuban Cossacks and other immigrants from Russia” of May 10, 1862
L.V. Burykina On social-psychological aspects of migration to the North-West Caucasus in the first half of the 19th century
E.A. Sheudjen The Northern Caucasus in the 1920s: at sources of historical knowledge
E.N. Klybik Demographic processes in the 1920-1930s: on a historiography of a problem
K.G. Achmiz Children during the Great Patriotic War
E.F. Krinko “Here we are in one of the largest meat grinders in the world …”: faces and images of the Second World War in Ernest Junger's diaries
K.S. Ozheva Care concern of the population and party organizations of the Northern Caucasus for soldiers of the Red Army during the Great Patriotic War
T.P. Khlynina The effect of the displaced prospect: social shocks of time in space of historical anthropology
F.K. Dzhigunova Social and genderage gradation of Early Medieval burials in the Transkuban territory
E.S. Chernysheva The major factors braking the process of integration of Russian-speaking Jews-repatriates in the society of the State of Israel
F.H. Shebzukhova Social policy of the government of the USSR (Russian Federation) in a village in the 1960-1990s: setting up of a problem (as shown in the Adygheya Republic)
Y.M. Braga A social basis of peasant farms in the Adygheya Republic
L.R. Khut “Do you want the killing of cats to stop?” (Testing as a way of examination of a student-historian: speculations of a higher-school teacher)
Philosophical Sciences
A.Y. Chadje The North Caucasian society: the theory and methodology of research
Sociological Sciences
J.V. Kambotova Employment of youth in a labour market of Kabardino-Balkariya: the analysis of state
M.G. Lukashova Questions of social instability of the regional society
E.A. Panina Middle class people as a special social-cultural category in stratification structure of Adygheya Republic
S.M. Stash Sociological studying of the social and cultural sphere
D.Z. Khamdokhov The state of social health in a “small” multicultural society (as shown in the Kabardino-Balkarian Republic)
Economic Sciences
A.A. Kerashev, V.V. Teshev Methodical approaches to an estimation of steady development of the organizations of consumers' cooperative society
E.N. Zakharova About cognitive modelling of steady development of social and economic systems
A.A. Kerashev, M.K. Tamova Methodical bases of the estimation of the region’s competitiveness as a factor of realization of its competitive advantages
A.A. Mokrushin A system of planning financial streams in corporate structures of agrarian sector of economy
V.G. Piteev Marketing and its place in management of the organization’s competitiveness
B.R. Tuova Regional economic strategy of the development of the innovational market by creation of a technical and ecological urban zone (technoecopolis) in the territory of Adygheya Republic
A.U. Ushkho Principal bases of construction of models for development of regional social and economic systems
A.Sh. Khuazheva Organizational – institutional model of management of regional agrarian and industrial complex on the basis of distinguishing economic clusters
Sciences of Law
L.N. Burkova A mortgage of the grounds of agricultural assignment: problems of legal regulation
N.I. Gerasimova Problems related to protection of subjective rights of citizens in the medical-social sphere
S.G. Dzybova Basic laws of transformation of the Russian legal system in the post-Soviet space
I.V. Zhidkikh On legislative definition of a principle of justice
L.R. Zaoeva A connection of education and training during preparation of specialists at the Faculty of Law
E.M. Kurbanova Procedure and organizational bases of the seizure of documents
R.E. Mirzoyan Settling with payment orders
E.I. Pshizova Preventive measures against the crimes related to infringement of labour rights of citizens
M.V. Saakyan An analysis of problems related to use of drugs in Russia at the present stage
A.S. Stroikova Admissibility of proofs in the Russian criminal legal procedure
M.M. Tkharkhako The origin and development of the institute of presidency in foreign countries
F.N. Udychak The Ombudsmen concept in the modern world
Z.A. Khadzhuova Legal regulation of cooperation: a historical aspect
Z.M. Khatkova The place of court decisions in a system of constitutional law sources in the Russian Federation
A.A. Khapay Information as a legal category
I.B. Khakonova Role of sense of justice in legal life of a society
A.M. Chadje The actual problems of efficiency of the Russian legislation at the present stage
M.G. Chadje Problems related to searching for property of the debtor-organization, to sequestrating and valuating property
S.K. Shazzo The origin and development of the Russian legislation concerning the responsibility for robbery
I.A. Shcherbovich On regulation sources of the competitive process in Russia in the 19th century
Political Sciences
Z.A. Zhade Geopolitics: a theoretical retrospective show of ideas
I.N. Gaidareva Information component of national safety
H.I. Tuguz Ethnic problems: political and legal aspects
B.H. Kazanov Traditions and innovations in national culture
A.O. Srukova TV and the valuable world of the person
E.T. Chamokova Reflection of social and cultural processes in the publicistic of the Adyghe writer-educator Adyl-Ghirey Keshev (Kalambiya)
Linguistics. Theoretical Problems of Linguistics
E.N. Ryadchikova and S.V. Tarasenko Linguistic and cultural principles and ways of reflection of national consciousness and national culture in language
M.P. Akhidzhakova Setting up of a linguistic metatheory within the framework of a history of linguistics
T.A. Ostrovskaya À standard language and modern social-territorial dialects in the Great Britain
A.P. Tikhonova Linguistic and cultural aspects of a language sign (on a material of the Adyghe, Hattic and Hettic languages)
Russian Philology
R.Y. Namitokova Actualizers of author's neologisms in the text and author's neologisms as actualizers of the text (on a material of the author's neologisms of Eugeny Evtushenko)
I.A. Neflyasheva Occasional words with the attribute meaning in mass-media texts: a cognitive-pragmatic aspect
L.V. Kopot Univerbation as a phenomenon of word formation from the point of view of social linguistics
L.A. Avakova Specific features of chess term functioning in the specialized context
G.A. Melkonyan The dynamics of polysemy and homonymy in the Russian language and its lexicographic interpretation
A.A. Adzinova Titles in the creolized text (on a material from "glossy" fashion magazines)
S.S. Shkhalakho Caucasian terms in the lexical system of the Russian language
G.B. Gurtskaya and V.B. Gurtskaya Abkhazian terms in Fazil Iskander’s prose
M.S. Skhakumidova Speech behaviour of the manipulator as a rhetorical phenomenon
Adyghe Linguistics
A.N. Abregov Labialization and delabialization as phonetic processes: development of labialized consonants during phonetic adaptation of loan-words in Abkhazian-Adyghe languages
S.K. Abregova The value of lexicon of the Shapsug dialect for historical lexicology and its role in enrichment of the dictionary structure of the Adyghe literary language (using a material from “Russian-Circassian or Adigsky dictionary” of L.Y. Lyulie)
Contrastive Linguistics
F.I. Kheishkho Predicative verbal idioms of Russian and Adyghe languages: structural and grammatical features
S.A. Sasina Scientific terminological phraseological units in English and Russian discourses.
Z.G. Teuchezh Translation paraphrasing and its versions
Z.A.-D. Bidzhiev Formal-semantic types of nominative sentences in languages of various typologies (on materials of the Karachevo-Balkar, English and Russian languages)
Y.P. Nechay and N.V. Ignatieva Author's plan of modal relations in E.Voynich's novel “The Gadfly” and in its translations into Russian
S.N. Khut On formation of a bilingual person (as shown by Adyghe-Russian bilinguism)
F.A. Autleva Comprehension of the translation process as a multi-aspect phenomenon at the boundary of the 20th and 21st centuries
L.S. Makarova A toolkit for the analysis of artistic translation
A.V. Utkina Substantiation of the cognitive approach to a category of comic
Theoretical Problems of Literary Criticism
U.M. Panesh Integration of cultures and problems of studying the Soviet literature of the 20th century
K.N. Ankudinov The modern neo-romantic poetry as “the parallel culture”
N.V. Belaya Tradition and innovation as the major components of literary creativity
S.R. Panesh Study of traditions of a poem about the past in the beginning and in the middle of the 1960s (I. Mashbash, A. Gadagatl', H. Beretar' and N. Bagov)
F.B. Beshukova Postmodernist discourse of modern media culture
N.Y. Prais The native land and foreign land: publicistic works of D.Ñ. Mirsky and A.V.Tyrkova-Williams created in England in the 1920-1940-s
L.V. Chistobaeva On a problem of satirical and comic in the Russian literature of the 1920-1930s
The Russian literature
L.I. Demina Lyrical conflict in poetry of the 1950s
I.A. Tishchenko Ecology of a nature as an object of art comprehension in modern Russian prose
T.Y. Sedinkina The composite analysis of a poem “Village” of A.S. Pushkin
I.I. Kondrashova The nature of artistic synthetism in V.Veresaev's creativity
Problems of Studying Literatures of the Peoples of the Russian Federation
Z.S. Botasheva Interaction of ideas of North Caucasian new literatures and the Russian literature
A.K. Pshizova A genre, a historicism and classification of T.Kerashev’s short stories
N.S. Vasilieva A modern essay and a story in the Adyghe literature (the aspect of intragenre typology)
B.D. Khunagova Specific features of a lyrical-epical genre in the literature of the Northern Caucasus peoples
M.M. Gubanukaeva Specificity of formation and development of the genre of the novel in the Chechen-Ingush literature
K.N. Paranuk Female archetypes in a figurative system of the Adyghe modern novel (Y. Chuyako, N.Kuek, H.Beshtokov, D.Koshubaev)
A.K. Matyzheva An Adyghe short story (on general and special in typology)
T.M. Vostkhasheva The Adyghe literature in the 1920-1960s
M.N. Khachemizova The horseman of honour (on place of Tembot Kerashev and Alim Keshokov in spiritual culture of Adyghes)
F.N. Khuako Social-historical and genre preconditions of strengthening a personal element in North Caucasian prose (1930-1950s)
T.M. Stepanova and L.P. Bessonova Typology of folklorism in literary texts
S.L. Zukhba and E.M. Maliya Akhyn – the patron of large horned livestock in the Abkhazian-Adyghe mythology
S.M. Nekhay Artistic – expressive means in poetics of the Adyghe lyrical songs
R.B. Unarokova “Histories” of Daut Byrs in a context of humorous culture of Adyghes
O.V. Kapets Folkloric sources of I.A. Il’in’s creativity (on a material of work “Singing Heart. The Book of Silent Contemplations”)
M.M. Pashtova The Adyghe humorous culture: contextual conditionality
N.H. Emykova The Adyghe languages and folklore in a system of broadcasting (1926-1950)
Study of Arts
V.G. Mozgot Some tendencies in artistic taste developing in modern students
S.I. Khvatova The Eucharist church chanting in the Russian Orthodox Church
S.A. Mozgot Specificity of research of space in music: on inclusion of an analytical method
V.A. Gurevich “Box of the thoughts” by A.G. Rubinstein as a document of the epoch
A.N. Sokolova Ecological aspects of musical-instrumental culture of Western Adyghes
J.M. Jordania “You are Scholars, and of Course, You Know This Better than Me”: Few Issues of the Perception of Traditional Music by Ethnomusicologists and by the Carriers of the Traditions
P.A. Sergeeva Vocal-choral lessons as the important means of formation in schoolboys of the emotional-valuable attitude to the world in interpreting an artistic image of folk – song folklore
S.A. Zhiganova An invitation to the wedding in the Kuban folklore tradition
General and Social Pedagogy
Z.K. Meretukova Problem education as means of realization of the unity of didactics and dialectics
A.M. Doronin and D.A. Romanov Classification of didactic processes
Z.K. Meretukova and A.R. Chinazirova On a didactic principle of scientific character and scientific outlook in a context of a post-nonclassical scientific picture of the world
A.M. Doronin and D.A. Romanov Complex pedagogical systems
Z.K. Meretukova The scientific-methodological device of pedagogical researches
M.E. Paatova Pedagogical rehabilitation of minor offenders in conditions of close institutions
À.Ð. Chinazirova On innovational ideas in I.Y. Lerner's didactic heritage (Dedicated to the 90th anniversary and to memory of the scientist).
N.A. Orlova Integration of theory and practice in the field of physical training
Z.K. Ferkhatova Chishmay Pshunelov – the high-school student, the teacher, the educator and the publicist (the pre-revolutionary period of life and activity)
G.N. Dubogryzova Problems of musical education in pedagogical works of the 1920s
V.P. Shram Realization of students’ academic freedoms in a system of education
E.B. Ptushchenko An adaptive system of formation of professional information-technological competence in a specialist for improvement of the quality of education
R.A. Magomadova Formation of social orientation of the future teacher in the educational environment of higher school
Z.R. Anchokova Formation of aesthetic culture of the future teacher in educational system of the State University (using the Faculty of National Philology and Culture of the Adyghe State University as an example)
F.I. Blieva Structure of professional subjective position of the future expert
N.O. Baranukova Theoretical aspects of creative self-development of the person
Z.T. Pshikanokova Social – legal protection of the childhood
O.D. Lukyanenko Providing an effective feedback in didactic information interaction between the teacher and the child aged 6-7 years
A.P. Zaitseva Continuous vocational training of teachers for institutions of additional education
S.M. Khachetlov Control for quality of education of pupils in conditions of rural social-cultural complex
Z.G. Abubakarov Optimization of civil socialization of students in educational system of higher school
O.I. Uzdinova Conception of school risk factors as a theoretical-methodological basis of innovational transformations in modern system of school education (valeological and pedagogical aspects)
A.F. Penno Formation of extreme abilities of cadets – pilots during parachute-saving training
L.N. Kotrutsa Formation of patriotic consciousness of pupils in conditions of modern school
Technique and Technologies of Teaching
M.H. Shkhapatseva Intersubject and interlevel relations in linguistic-methodical training of the teacher of primary classes
B.M. Dzhandar Specific features of teaching the grammar of the English oral speech of pupils at national (Adyghe) school
I.M. Kozlov, M.H. Kodzheshau Estimation of specific features of biomechanical structure of football player movements
R.R. Magomedov The elementary biomechanical analysis of professionally-guided movement plastics of students – choreographers
G.B. Luganskaya and A.V. Lysenko Estimation of the student concert performance in an instrumental class as a means of optimization of educational process in higher school
L.S. Tlyusten Phonetic-graphic foundations of teaching Russian spelling to pupils in Adyghe primary schools
L.M. Pazova Concept of various language levels as a condition of studying polysemy by younger pupils
F.K. Urakova Trough and basic concepts promoting teaching construction of the text
D.D. Zhazheva Specific difficulties in mastering the Russian phraseology caused by a correlation of phraseological system of Russian and native languages
I.V. Makrushina Pedagogical conditions of formation of ecological consciousness at the future teachers of safety of life and activity
S.A. Khazova Formation of bases of professional experience at the future specialists in physical training and sports by means of application of game methods of training
Y.A. Ioakimidi Components of a professional orientation of the future specialist in physical training and sports and their development
A.R. Mamiy Influence on the movement program at performance of a standing jump
Z.Z. Mamysheva On cognitive and pedagogical functions of proverbs and sayings in the process of formation of the younger pupil’s person
A.A. Daurov Application of new information technologies to teaching and educational process at secondary school providing general education
S.B. Elipkhanov Training of young men at judo lessons for service at the call of the Armed Forces
A.A. Ovsova Formation of pedagogical skill at specialists in physical training and sports at gymnastics lessons
G.I. Polshina Children motivation to engage in sports at a stage of initial sports training
G.V. Berezhnoy Development of physical qualities in 14-16 years-old pupils, with the use of means and methods of training according to A.A. Kadochnikov’s system (“Russian style” of hand-to-hand fight)
A.G. Moiseeva From professional-applied physical training to formation of professional-applied physical culture
H.S. Uzhbanokov Use of conditions of middle mountain topography in training sportsmen – orientators
A.A. Yurina Methodological and theoretical aspects of investigating a scientist’s professional mentality
N.V. Petrova Psychological and pedagogical essence of research culture of the person
I.V. Detkova The attitude of accentuated teenagers to educational activity
S.K. Bagadirova Specific features of studying steadiness to stresses in sportsmen-judoists
E.Y. Shchebanets Correlation of psychological support and psychological escort during the psychological help rendered to parents and to children with deviations in development
A.A. Fedoseeva Social-pedagogical correction of criminal subculture