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    Linguistics. Theoretical Problems of Linguistics
  • E.N. Ryadchikova and S.V. Tarasenko
    Linguistic and cultural principles and ways of reflection of national consciousness and national culture in language

    The paper discusses reflection in language of national culture, thoughts of people about life and national values, traditions of stereotypes, interrelation of the person and a society, language definition of a national belonging and criteria of self-consciousness. The authors examine the predominating role of a national language and language units for identification of national consciousness and cultural senses. Anthropocentrism is investigated as a special principle of studying the national language person.

    pdf ryadchikova2007_3.pdf  (147 Kb)

  • M.P. Akhidzhakova
    Setting up of a linguistic metatheory within the framework of a history of linguistics

    The situation in a system of linguistic knowledge nowadays when it is a conglomerate of data that are diverse in origin and frequently not reduced in a uniform pattern on language, testifies that the system is in the process of organization. The paper examines aspects of systematization of this knowledge, reveals various mutual relations and interrelations between its parts and elements during creation of a uniform scientific pattern of language.

    pdf akhidzhakova2007_3.pdf  (148 Kb)

  • T.A. Ostrovskaya
    À standard language and modern social-territorial dialects in the Great Britain

    The paper examines the modern social-linguistic situation in the Great Britain, namely strengthening of a role of dialect forms of language, the diglossia situation, the literary form – Estuary English, the reasons of this situation etc.

    pdf ostrovskaya2007_3.pdf  (91 Kb)

  • A.P. Tikhonova
    Linguistic and cultural aspects of a language sign (on a material of the Adyghe, Hattic and Hettic languages)

    Investigation of the value of language units in a context of cognitive structures allows better understanding a role of the person as a carrier of a certain experience and knowledge in formation of language meanings. In the paper the author proceeds from the precondition that natural languages are culture codes differently reflecting and structurizing the world around.

    pdf tikhonova2007_3.pdf  (113 Kb)

    Russian Philology
  • R.Y. Namitokova
    Actualizers of author's neologisms in the text and author's neologisms as actualizers of the text (on a material of the author's neologisms of Eugeny Evtushenko)

    In analyzing the texts containing author's neologisms the functional – pragmatic features of word-forming means, their text-forming role and interaction with other units of the text are most fully displayed in acts of communication.

    pdf namitokova2007_3.pdf  (131 Kb)

  • I.A. Neflyasheva
    Occasional words with the attribute meaning in mass-media texts: a cognitive-pragmatic aspect

    The paper studies occasional words with the attribute meaning as one of universal basic aspects of categorization of the objective reality.

    pdf neflyasheva2007_3.pdf  (116 Kb)

  • L.V. Kopot
    Univerbation as a phenomenon of word formation from the point of view of social linguistics

    The tendency to economy language means is displayed at various language levels. Univerbation as the phenomenon of compressive word formation is observed during social relations in various layers and in the groups united in accordance with a generality of interests. This phenomenon is caused by internal language laws and extra-linguistic factors.

    pdf kopot2007_3.pdf  (125 Kb)

  • L.A. Avakova
    Specific features of chess term functioning in the specialized context

    A sphere of term fixing and a sphere of term functioning are generally differentiated. The paper examines specific features of chess term functioning in special texts, as well as syntagmatic relations of terms distinguishing a chess and sports terminology as a whole from terminology of other branches of knowledge.

    pdf avakova2007_3.pdf  (127 Kb)

  • G.A. Melkonyan
    The dynamics of polysemy and homonymy in the Russian language and its lexicographic interpretation

    The paper discusses development of lexical semantics of separate words and traces in this connection lexicographic development of words with multiple meanings and homonyms in different dictionaries of the Russian language.

    pdf melkonyan2007_3.pdf  (100 Kb)

  • A.A. Adzinova
    Titles in the creolized text (on a material from "glossy" fashion magazines)

    The analysis of interrelation between a concept of images and a concept of the verbal text reveals double decoding of the information incorporated in the creolized text, which results in perception of this kind of the text by the person as a uniform concept (sense).

    pdf adzinova2007_3.pdf  (104 Kb)

  • S.S. Shkhalakho
    Caucasian terms in the lexical system of the Russian language

    Revealing of full volume of the Caucasian lexicon and specificity of its functioning in Russian is important both for definition of its status among borrowings and for successful realization of programs concerning preservation and development of state languages and realization of a language policy in such multiethnic region as the Northern Caucasus.

    pdf shkhalakho2007_3.pdf  (120 Kb)

  • G.B. Gurtskaya and V.B. Gurtskaya
    Abkhazian terms in Fazil Iskander’s prose

    Creativity of Fazil Iskander, which is on a joint of both Russian and Abkhazian culture, has absorbed elements of two cultures. Data on the intercultural communication of two peoples – Abkhazes and Russians – find original reflection in word formation of the writer. The situation of their interference is of certain interest for linguists both as the way of studying bilinguism and as the aspect of studying individual style of the writer – bilinguist.

    pdf gurtskaya2007_3.pdf  (123 Kb)

  • M.S. Skhakumidova
    Speech behaviour of the manipulator as a rhetorical phenomenon

    Manipulation as a phenomenon in oral-speech communication exists for a long time (the 5th -century Sophists in Ancient Greece). Subsequently the science developed in a direction of condemnation of the individual who used in speech unlawful methods, the dodges, creating barriers in dialogue. This traditional aspect is also important today: questions on the reasons of manipulation, characteristics of Manipulators, the ways of influence on them are acute as well. However, the new rhetorical science, proceeding from complicated modern realities, recommends manipulative methods and tools, emphasizing that “they themselves are neutral, fair or dishonest only at use, turning into white or black rhetoric”.

    pdf skhakumidova2007_3.pdf  (112 Kb)

    Adyghe Linguistics
  • A.N. Abregov
    Labialization and delabialization as phonetic processes: development of labialized consonants during phonetic adaptation of loan-words in Abkhazian-Adyghe languages

    Labialization and delabialization participate not only in articulation of sounds, they are also two opposite phonetic processes. In Abkhazian-Adyghe languages, labialization has received wider development compared to delabialization. Labialization in these languages continues to operate as a process and during phonetic adaptation various labialized consonants develop in loan-words.

    pdf abregov2007_3.pdf  (155 Kb)

  • S.K. Abregova
    The value of lexicon of the Shapsug dialect for historical lexicology and its role in enrichment of the dictionary structure of the Adyghe literary language (using a material from “Russian-Circassian or Adigsky dictionary” of L.Y. Lyulie)

    The paper is devoted to lexicon of the Shapsug dialect and its role in enrichment of the dictionary structure of the Adyghe literary language (on a material from “Russian-Circassian or Adigsky dictionary” of L.Ya. Lyulie).

    pdf abregova2007_3.pdf  (93 Kb)

    Contrastive Linguistics
  • F.I. Kheishkho
    Predicative verbal idioms of Russian and Adyghe languages: structural and grammatical features

    The paper is devoted to structural and grammatical features of verbal idioms, as well as to various models of verbal predicative phraseological units of Russian and Adyghe languages.

    pdf kheishkho2007_3.pdf  (129 Kb)

  • S.A. Sasina
    Scientific terminological phraseological units in English and Russian discourses.

    The paper examines terminological phraseological units, which have left a scientific sublanguage and entered in the general use. During transition from special sphere into common-literary language the units under consideration get a semantic two-planned character. Keeping the etymological meaning, they are also used in modern English and Russian discourses and in the rethought metaphorical meaning.

    pdf sasina2007_3.pdf  (87 Kb)

  • Z.G. Teuchezh
    Translation paraphrasing and its versions

    The paper is devoted to versions of translation paraphrasing, which is an effective way of overcoming interlanguage and intercultural difficulties of translation. Translation is considered to be a process of creation in foreign language of the text being secondary in relation to the original. Use of a paraphrase in translation is caused by ability of language to give secondary name to subjects, conditions and processes.

    pdf teuchezh2007_3.pdf  (105 Kb)

  • Z.A.-D. Bidzhiev
    Formal-semantic types of nominative sentences in languages of various typologies (on materials of the Karachevo-Balkar, English and Russian languages)

    The paper discusses the formal-semantic types of nominative sentences in the Karachevo-Balkar, English and Russian languages. The author traces laws of expression of proposition by nominative sentences with names of various semantics as a nucleus; the most typical distributors of various semantic types of nominative sentences are revealed. Semantic classification of nominative sentences is constructed on principles of denotative semantics that means that the basis of classification of sentences under consideration is the object of a nomination.

    pdf bidzhiev_2007_3.pdf  (131 Kb)

  • Y.P. Nechay and N.V. Ignatieva
    Author's plan of modal relations in E.Voynich's novel “The Gadfly” and in its translations into Russian

    Comprehension of the author's intention for depicting of which elements of all levels of language are used, is possible with adequate perception of the author's modality of picture estimation in a work of art. The paper gives a comparative linguistic analysis of fragments from E.Voynich's novel “The Gadfly” in the original and in translation. This analysis allows to establish that, with a view of emotional – aesthetic influence, the writer uses various modal means and shows complicated shades of an emotional condition of the heroes. It is worthy of note that the author becomes the organizer of the narration and the ruler of destinies of the characters.

    pdf nechay2007_3.pdf  (190 Kb)

  • S.N. Khut
    On formation of a bilingual person (as shown by Adyghe-Russian bilinguism)

    In the paper, the author undertakes an analysis of the mechanisms of mastering the second language by the child. Features of a cognitive system of a bilingual person are examined.

    pdf khut2007_3.pdf  (93 Kb)

  • F.A. Autleva
    Comprehension of the translation process as a multi-aspect phenomenon at the boundary of the 20th and 21st centuries

    At the boundary of the 20th and 21st centuries, a historical-theoretical experience of translations is generalized in new conditions that are free from ideological criteria. Problems of translation studies are brought to the forefront. There is a cultural turn in translation studies, and translations are recognized as products of culture. The culturologic approach demands knowledge of a social and cultural context. Interest in culturologic phenomena increases. The modern theory of translation is included in a general philosophical paradigm as an interdisciplinary phenomenon.

    pdf autleva2007_3.pdf  (86 Kb)

  • L.S. Makarova
    A toolkit for the analysis of artistic translation

    An attempt is undertaken to create a toolkit for the complex communicative-pragmatic analysis of artistic translation. Such modules of the research device as lingual-stylistic, artistic-aesthetic, culturologic and personal are distinguished. The special attention is given to creative aspects of reconstruction of the verbal-artistic information in translation.

    pdf makarova2007_3.pdf  (103 Kb)

  • A.V. Utkina
    Substantiation of the cognitive approach to a category of comic

    In the paper, an analysis is made of the existing cognitive theories of comic that allow consideration of this category at deeper level, i.e. from a position of cognitive science.

    pdf utkina2007_3.pdf  (82 Kb)

    Theoretical Problems of Literary Criticism
  • U.M. Panesh
    Integration of cultures and problems of studying the Soviet literature of the 20th century

    Processes of cultural integration belong to the most significant phenomena of social-historical development. The integration revolution accelerates and intensifies cultural diffusion. Rapprochement of cultures influences formation of genres of the literature, styles and aesthetic directions. Theoretical comprehension of the art – aesthetic community named the Soviet literature plays the great role in this case. The picture of this unique phenomenon will be incomplete without studying history and the theory of new-forming literatures, their typological features, peculiarities of setting up, stages of development etc.

    pdf panesh2007_3.pdf  (167 Kb)

  • K.N. Ankudinov
    The modern neo-romantic poetry as “the parallel culture”

    The paper gives brief definition of romantic outlook and examines the character of display of romantic outlook in modern poetry. The author makes a conclusion that in conditions of a modern cultural situation the neo-romantic poetry for some reasons is aesthetically subjected to repression and makes up the so-called “parallel culture”. The neo-romanticism at the present stage of its evolution repeats in many respects historical romanticism (romanticism as a direction) that is expressed in its direct subject, thematic and lexical continuity in relation to historical romanticism. In the final part of the paper possible prospects of neo-romanticism and neo-romantic poetry are discussed.

    pdf ankudinov2007_3.pdf  (99 Kb)

  • N.V. Belaya
    Tradition and innovation as the major components of literary creativity

    In the paper, the author examines the theoretical aspect of the major literary critical concepts “tradition” and “the innovation” necessary for in-depth study of separate scientific problems. The scientific propositions of works of M. Bakhtin, R. Apresyan, A. Guseynov, V. Kozhevnikov, and L. Nikolaev are used as the principal ones.

    pdf belaya2007_3.pdf  (88 Kb)

  • S.R. Panesh
    Study of traditions of a poem about the past in the beginning and in the middle of the 1960s (I. Mashbash, A. Gadagatl', H. Beretar' and N. Bagov)

    The poems devoted to the historical past of Adyghes are examined. In these poems, the authors use traditions of folklore and numerous methods of the oral national epos that give to works national colour. Influence of national folklore on formation of a historical poem is also investigated.

    pdf Panesh2007_3.pdf  (88 Kb)

  • F.B. Beshukova
    Postmodernist discourse of modern media culture

    The paper discusses the problem of scientific identification of a condition of culture in a modern postindustrial society. The basic attention is given to a phenomenon of a postmodernism as a culturologic model of the present and to one of its major components – to post-structuralism.

    pdf beshukova2007_3.pdf  (139 Kb)

  • N.Y. Prais
    The native land and foreign land: publicistic works of D.Ñ. Mirsky and A.V.Tyrkova-Williams created in England in the 1920-1940-s

    In the paper, the author examines publicistic works of D.C. Mirsky and A.V. Tyrkova-Williams created in England in the 1920-1940-s. An analysis is made of the works the main problems of which are freedom of creativity, preservation of Russian national culture and literature in emigration.

    pdf prais2007_3.pdf  (796 Kb)

  • L.V. Chistobaeva
    On a problem of satirical and comic in the Russian literature of the 1920-1930s

    The idea that any theme excludes the primitive – household approach and demands the class, so-cial-political approach was realized in development of satire, restricting it to strict ideological frame-works, that have had an essential effect on the ideo-logical and art side of separate satirical works in the 1920-1930s.

    pdf chistobaeva2007_3.pdf  (116 Kb)

    The Russian literature
  • L.I. Demina
    Lyrical conflict in poetry of the 1950s

    The paper discusses the evolution of the lyrical conflict in literary process of the 1950-1960s. Its originality is related to a change of the internal contents of the conflict caused by influence and over-coming of absence of conflict. The paper is basing on the theoretical material (G. Pospelov, L. Timofeev, L. Ginzburg, J. Lotman, A. Kovalenko etc.) and on works of N. Zabolotsky, Y. Smelyakov, A. Tvardovsky etc.

    pdf demina2007_3.pdf  (147 Kb)

  • I.A. Tishchenko
    Ecology of a nature as an object of art comprehension in modern Russian prose

    The paper discusses ecology of a nature as an object of art comprehension in modern Russian prose. Numerous problems in Russian prose, both ecological and spiritual – moral, are acute again because they are almost not investigated in a context of modern art – ecological publicism (S. Zalygin, V. Rasputin, V. Astafiev), and plus to this, influence of Russian great art and publicistic prose on creativity of national writers is poorly studied.

    pdf tishchenko2007_3.pdf  (105 Kb)

  • T.Y. Sedinkina
    The composite analysis of a poem “Village” of A.S. Pushkin

    The complete analysis of a literary work, and in particular revealing the contents of its art form, contains considerable difficulties for the teacher of the literature.

    pdf sedinkina2007_3.pdf  (65 Kb)

  • I.I. Kondrashova
    The nature of artistic synthetism in V.Veresaev's creativity

    The formation of a new stage in development of Russian prose and the literature as a whole is investigated on the basis of the analysis of V.Veresaev's creativity. A “new” Chekhov’s (Bunin’s) direction in Russian literary creativity is shown.

    pdf kondrashova2007_3.pdf  (105 Kb)

    Problems of Studying Literatures of the Peoples of the Russian Federation
  • Z.S. Botasheva
    Interaction of ideas of North Caucasian new literatures and the Russian literature

    The paper discusses folklore sources, the value of Russian literary tradition, art features of North Caucasian new literatures at a stage of their setting up, their shortcomings, the role of the first North Caucasian authors in creation of national literatures etc.

    pdf botasheva2007_3.pdf  (110 Kb)

  • A.K. Pshizova
    A genre, a historicism and classification of T.Kerashev’s short stories

    The author considers actual problems of modern literary criticism, a genre and classification of T.Kerashev’s short stories.

    pdf pshizova2007_3.pdf  (119 Kb)

  • N.S. Vasilieva
    A modern essay and a story in the Adyghe literature (the aspect of intragenre typology)

    Despite the considerable attention of writers and literary critics to small narrative genres in the Adyghe literature their value is so great that they demand constant steadfast attention at each new stage of their development as an independent object of research. Having concentrated special attention to modern books of essays and on lyrical prose (H. Ashinov, P. Koshubaev, Y.Chuyako), the paper examines the theory and methodology of genre differentiation of modern small prose, its intragenre variances basing on theoretical propositions of leading researchers: M. Kunizhev, A. Skhalyakho, K. Shazzo, U. Panesh, E. Shibinskaya, S. Khut, T. Chamokov, M. Khachemizova, R. Mamiy, A. Tkhakushinov, H. Tleptsershe etc.

    pdf vasilieva2007_3.pdf  (111 Kb)

  • B.D. Khunagova
    Specific features of a lyrical-epical genre in the literature of the Northern Caucasus peoples

    The paper discloses specific features of a lyrical-epical genre, characteristic of the literature of the Northern Caucasus peoples, as well as influence of traditional folklore subjects on creativity of the North Caucasian poets.

    pdf khunagova2007_3.pdf  (92 Kb)

  • M.M. Gubanukaeva
    Specificity of formation and development of the genre of the novel in the Chechen-Ingush literature

    The paper discusses setting up of the genre of the novel in the Chechen-Ingush literature and creativity of S. Baduev, M. Mamakaev, S.-B. Arsanov, H. Oshaev and other writers, who played extremely important role in formation of the national literature and who defined development of the genre of the novel in the modern Chechen literature.

    pdf gubanukaeva2007_3.pdf  (95 Kb)

  • K.N. Paranuk
    Female archetypes in a figurative system of the Adyghe modern novel (Y. Chuyako, N.Kuek, H.Beshtokov, D.Koshubaev)

    The paper discusses novels of Adyghe modern writers N. Kuek, Y. Chuyako, H. Beshtokov and D.Koshubaev, whose creativity is characterized by presence of a rich folklore-mythological context. An analysis is made of the figurative system of novels of these authors from a position of definition of influence of mythological poetry on image formation. The author reveals and systematizes base sources of through author's images and motives – universal archetypes, investigates the ways of representation of archetypes in mythological, folklore and in art images, determines the correlation of epical and mythological components in image formation.

    pdf paranuk2007_3.pdf  (129 Kb)

  • A.K. Matyzheva
    An Adyghe short story (on general and special in typology)

    An Adyghe short story, as the literary term-concept, has no developed theoretical base because it is a youngish genre in new literature. But it is well investigated as the art structure of a prosaic folklore genre, though it is not identical to literary structure and structure of the short story. The Adyghe short story has the typological qualities common with the Russian and European short story, as well as it has its own national features.

    pdf matyzheva2007_3.pdf  (118 Kb)

  • T.M. Vostkhasheva
    The Adyghe literature in the 1920-1960s

    In the paper, the author describes the development of the Adyghe literature in the 1920-1960s. The typological classification offered in due time by Y.Surovtsev helps to understand laws of development of both the literature of our country of the 20th century and newly-formed literatures. According to this gradation the prose of the 1920-1930s is singled out in the separate period. The novel of T. Kerashev “The way to Happiness” is the most typical phenomenon of this time. The art of a word of the 1940s – the beginning of the 1950s is a special layer in the structure and style. The literature at the present stage (since 1956) is considered to be of the period of active search and creative achievements that is reflected in formation of prose genres.

    pdf vostkhasheva2007_3.pdf  (123 Kb)

  • M.N. Khachemizova
    The horseman of honour (on place of Tembot Kerashev and Alim Keshokov in spiritual culture of Adyghes)

    Tembot Kerashev and Alim Keshokov, classics of Adyghe literatures (Kabardian and Adyghe), who evolved in the identical environment and created at the same time, reflect in their creativity moral and philosophical criteria of people. They are spokesmen of spiritual culture of Adyghes. Two great prose writers were always in a saddle like horsemen – soldiers on the guard of artistry of our literatures reflecting highly moral human principles of reason, goods, fairness and beauty.

    pdf khachemizova2007_3.pdf  (106 Kb)

  • F.N. Khuako
    Social-historical and genre preconditions of strengthening a personal element in North Caucasian prose (1930-1950s)

    In the paper, development of the national literature during 1930 – 1950s is examined. This is the period specificity of which is the art historicism implying at the given stage the origin and development of some elements of lyricism. The author studies this process and its results basing on the works of North Caucasian writers.

    pdf khuako2007_3.pdf  (149 Kb)

  • T.M. Stepanova and L.P. Bessonova
    Typology of folklorism in literary texts

    The problem of connection of poetry with oral national creativity is one of the most actual and interesting. Scientific research of such connections has an old tradition. It was initiated by A.Vostokov in his “Experience in Russian poem formation”. In the 19th century, a well-known “mythological school” has appeared (founders are brothers V. and Y. Grimm). It found followers among the West-European (A. Kun, V. Shvarts, M.Muller, A.Pikte, T.Benfey etc.) and the Russian scientists (F.I.Buslaev, A.N.Afanasiev, V.F.Miller), aspiring to comprehend sources of poetic thinking of the people. In studying this question the works of A.N. Veselovsky, N. Kostomarov, A.A. Potebnya, P.V. Kireevsky, A.N. Pypina were of special value.

    pdf stepanova2007_3.pdf  (117 Kb)

  • S.L. Zukhba and E.M. Maliya
    Akhyn – the patron of large horned livestock in the Abkhazian-Adyghe mythology

    In the paper, all basic data on the patron and a deity of large horned livestock in the Abkhazian-Adyghe mythology are investigated in detail. Both folklore and ethnographic materials of Abkhazes and Adyghes are widely used.

    pdf zukhba2007_3.pdf  (174 Kb)

  • S.M. Nekhay
    Artistic – expressive means in poetics of the Adyghe lyrical songs

    The aesthetic originality of lyrical songs of Adyghes is elucidated. In the paper, an analysis is made of artistic – expressive means of lyrical songs in their poetics.

    pdf nekhay2007_3.pdf  (113 Kb)

  • R.B. Unarokova
    “Histories” of Daut Byrs in a context of humorous culture of Adyghes

    On the basis of materials obtained during folkloric-ethnographic expeditions in Turkey (1997-1999, 2002, 2005) some questions related to the ways and forms of actualization of humorous culture characteristic of Turkish Adyghes are examined. The author reveals representativeness of humorous debates and analyzes artistic features of “histories” of poet – improvisator Daut Byrs and the dzheguako character of mastery of his performance.

    pdf unarokova2007_3.pdf  (172 Kb)

  • O.V. Kapets
    Folkloric sources of I.A. Il’in’s creativity (on a material of work “Singing Heart. The Book of Silent Contemplations”)

    The paper is devoted to one of the three I.A. Il'in’s works “Singing Heart. The Book of Silent Contemplations”. The author interprets the applying of the philosopher to subjects traditional for folklore and the use by him of the form characteristic of mythological stories and works of classical folklore.

    pdf kapets2007_3.pdf  (101 Kb)

  • M.M. Pashtova
    The Adyghe humorous culture: contextual conditionality

    The paper examines the carnival-humorous culture of Adyghes as the parallel existing phenomenon reflecting and shading a system of social norms and prohibitions, thereby approving their importance in the inversion form.

    pdf pashtova2007_3.pdf  (160 Kb)

  • N.H. Emykova
    The Adyghe languages and folklore in a system of broadcasting (1926-1950)

    When a radio appeared, the languages and folklore had got an opportunity of entering a new sphere which rendered huge influence on their further development. In the paper, the author discloses a difficult way of entry of both the Adyghe languages and folklore to a system of broadcasting.

    pdf emykova2007_3.pdf  (164 Kb)

    Study of Arts
  • V.G. Mozgot
    Some tendencies in artistic taste developing in modern students

    The paper examines problems of research of musical taste in the modern scientific literature of our country and abroad. The special attention is given to the analysis of social and cultural forms of musical – artistic taste of the person. The basic tendencies are established in development of musical taste of students at the end of the 1990s and at the beginning of the 21st century. As a result of studies, the author offers to introduce the special course at the universities devoted to studying various styles and genres of modern musical culture.

    pdf mozgot2007_3.pdf  (203 Kb)

  • S.I. Khvatova
    The Eucharist church chanting in the Russian Orthodox Church

    At a boundary of the 20th and 21st centuries divine service singing in the Russian Orthodox Church, in addition to canonic genres, includes the Eucharist church chanting, representing in most cases concerts of sacred music for chorus a cappella, less often, the Psalms, sacred songs and celebratory Christmas carols. The paper is devoted to the Eucharist genres in divine service practice, to the attitude of attendants of church and regents to an opportunity of performance of various kinds of Russian concerts of sacred music.

    pdf khvatova2007_3.pdf  (205 Kb)

  • S.A. Mozgot
    Specificity of research of space in music: on inclusion of an analytical method

    In the paper, the author undertakes an attempt to analyze the different approaches and methods existing in musicology of our country to study a category of space, namely the dialectical-phenomenological, complex, ontological, intrinsic, semiotic and differentiated. They form the “universal” direction basing on studying the universal properties of musical space. Inclusion of the analytical method, aiming at investigating spatial properties of each component of musical matter, including a musical sound, means of musical expressiveness, musical intonation and others can essentially add the knowledge of both a category of space in music, and specificity of musical space in style of separate composer.

    pdf Mozgot2007_3.pdf  (174 Kb)

  • V.A. Gurevich
    “Box of the thoughts” by A.G. Rubinstein as a document of the epoch

    In the paper, the author makes an analysis of the memoirs of outstanding Russian musician of the 19-th century Anton Grigor'evich Rubinshtein. The author considers the reasons, why the complete publication of this book in the pre-revolutionary and Soviet times was impossible. The structural analysis of the memoirs is also presented (approximately 20 themes: art and society, philosophy, aesthetics, typological and psychological phenomena of the human nature etc.). The particular attention is given to the question of the policy and authority. The thoughts of A.G. Rubinstein are very important nowadays.

    pdf gurevich2007_3.pdf  (98 Kb)

  • A.N. Sokolova
    Ecological aspects of musical-instrumental culture of Western Adyghes

    The paper discusses the questions of singling out instrumental culture of Western Adyghes from the general Adyghe one and opportunities of its consideration as an independent system. The author offers to consider the instrumental culture of Western Adyghes as integrity, ecology of which is provided with characteristics of isolation, adaptability, self-preservation and with the expanded reproduction. Distinctions between the Western-Adyghe and Eastern-Adyghe instrumental traditions are shown using specific examples.

    pdf sokolova2007_3.pdf  (162 Kb)

  • J.M. Jordania
    “You are Scholars, and of Course, You Know This Better than Me”: Few Issues of the Perception of Traditional Music by Ethnomusicologists and by the Carriers of the Traditions

    The article discusses few cases when the differences in the perception of traditional music by the professional ethnomusicologists and by the carriers of the traditions caused serious misunderstanding of the existing facts. The article is mostly based on the Georgian fieldwork materials, collected by the author of the article in the 1970-1990s. Among the discussed cases are: (1) the problem of finishing the traditional songs (it is suggested, that some traditional genres, like lullabies, do not actually have the ending of a song), (2) the problem of the title of the traditional songs (it is suggested that traditional songs might not have titles, instead when needed, the first words of the song or the social function of the song is mostly used), (3) the problem of the relationship between the performers and the listeners (it is suggested, that unlike the common “classical” model of dividing the society on performers and listeners, in many traditional societies there is no such division).

    pdf jordania2007_3.pdf  (134 Kb)

  • P.A. Sergeeva
    Vocal-choral lessons as the important means of formation in schoolboys of the emotional-valuable attitude to the world in interpreting an artistic image of folk – song folklore

    The modern social and cultural situation puts forward a task before teachers, teachers of music and heads of children's choral collectives not only to know the contents of a subject and a technique of its teaching, but also to master subtleties of dialogue with children, to be able to form the correct attitude to the world (to a nature, to the person, to a society, to knowledge, to activity, to himself, to values, to fine and ugly) to be able to operate emotions, to use reasonably the emotional sphere of the child during teaching, to understand, comprehend and realize axiological and educational potential of teaching to choral singing of folk songs. Establishing a connection with objects of world around through artistic images of folk songs, the child comprehends, feels the actions and establishes the deliberate valuable relations. Just the valuable relation, despite its complexity, dynamism, discrepancy, is the central category of education, it fills and forms moral perfection of rising generation.

    pdf sergeeva2007_3.pdf  (140 Kb)

  • S.A. Zhiganova
    An invitation to the wedding in the Kuban folklore tradition

    The article is devoted to the specialties of one of the stages of wedding ceremony in the Kuban traditional culture, namely to an invitation to the wedding. This stage realizes traditional folk meanings of the wedding ceremony using parallel ceremony codes, including characters, things, space and others, that are systematically connected. The musical genres as a part of acoustic code play an important role in a rite of an invitation to the wedding. Wedding songs are used in communicating between villagers, they also comment the ritual process and play a security function. The important structural component in the process of transition of the ceremonial meaning is the musical and poetical rhythm of songs.

    pdf zhiganova2007_3.pdf  (243 Kb)

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