12.03.2025 05:50 |
Hits: | 6572217 |
Hosts: | 865492 |
Max OnLine: | 1004 |
OnLine: | 5 |
2. Abdulaeva Zaira Esenbulatovna
Assistant Lecturer of Department of the Humanities, Applicant for Candidate degree of Department of the Theory and History of Culture, Daghestan State University
3. Abdusalamov Magomed-Pasha Balashovich
Candidate of Historical Sciences, Associate Professor of Department of the Humanities, Daghestan State Institute of National Economy, Makhachkala
4. Abramov Sergey Sergeevich
Post-graduate student of the Department of the Organization of Manufacture and Management, the South-Russian State University of Economy and Service, Shakhty
5. Abramova Galina Alekseevna
Doctor of Philology, Professor of Department of Publishing, Advertising and Media Technologies, Kuban State University
6. Abregov Acherdan Nukhovich
Doctor of Philology, Professor of General Linguistics Department, Adyghe State University
7. Abregova Asiyat Àñëàíîâíà
Applicant for the Candidate degree of Civil Law Department of the Kuban State Agrarian University
8. Abregova Zhanna Osmanovna
Candidate of Historical Sciences, Associate Professor of Department of History of the State and the Law, Maikop State University of Technology
11. Avagyan Greta Levonovna
Doctor of Economics, Professor, Head of Finance and Credit Department of the Krasnodar Branch of the Russian State Trade and Economic University, Krasnodar
13. Avanesova Rita Rafaelovna
Senior Lecturer of Economic Department of the Adyghe State University Branch in Belorechensk
14. Avanesova Tatyana Panayotovna
Candidate of Pedagogy, Associate Professor of Foreign Languages Department, Ushakov Sea State Academy
15. Avdeev Pavel Leonidovich
Applicant for Candidate degree of Taganrog Institute of Technology, Southern Federal University
16. Avdeeva Olga Ivanovna
Candidate of Philology, Associate Professor of Department of the Russian Language and Techniques of Teaching, Adyghe State University
17. Averyanov Mikhail Vitalyevich
Applicant for Candidate degree of Philosophy and Sociology Department of Adyghe State University
19. Agabekyan Raisa Levonovna
Doctor of Economics, Professor, Rector of Academy of Marketing and Social-Information Technologies (IMSIT), Krasnodar
22. Agarkova Elena Viktorovna
Candidate of Biology, Associate Professor of the Anatomy and Physiology Department, North Caucasian Federal University, Stavropol
23. Agarkova Lyubov Vasilyevna
Doctor of Economics, Professor of Economy Department, Stavropol Institute of Economy and Management named after O.V. Kaznacheev (branch), Pyatigorsk State University of Humanities and Technology
25. Agirbova Bella Alexandrovna
Post-graduate student, Maikop State University of Technology, Maikop
26. Agirov Aslan Khangireevich
Doctor of Medicine, Professor of Physiology Department of Natural Science Faculty, Adyghe State University, Maikop
27. Agoshkova Olga Vladimirovna
Candidate of Pedagogy, Associate Professor of Pedagogy and Social Psychology Department, Adyghe State University
29. Azashikova Fatima Ramazanovna
Candidate of Economic Sciences, Senior Lecturer of the Economic Theory Department of Adyghe State University
30. Azylbekova Gulya Olzhabaevna
Senior Lecturer of Pavlodar State Pedagogical Institute, Master of Linguistics
31. Ayvazyan Oksana Oganesovna
Applicant for a Candidate’s degree of Department of Russian and Technique of Teaching, Adyghe State University
32. Aynutdinov Ruslan Faritovich
Post-graduate student of Faculty of Political Science, M.V. Lomonosov Moscow State University, Moscow
Phone: |
8-(925)-312-11-82, 8-903-723-13-91 |
33. Musap Aichichek
Lecturer of the Turkish Language at the Bashkirsky State Pedagogical University named after M. Akmulla, applicant for Candidate degree of the Russian Language Department (Supervisor of studies - Doctor of Philology, Professor R.Kh. Khayrullina)
34. Akaeva Napisat Baysoltanovna
Post-graduate student of National History Department of the Daghestan State Pedagogical University, Makhachkala
36. Akopov Mikhail Samvelovich
Post-graduate student of Department of Marine Practice and Safety of Vessel Movement, Admiral F.F. Ushakov State Maritime University
37. Akopyan Viktor Zavenovich
Candidate of Historical Sciences, Associate Professor of Department of History of State and Law of Russia and Foreign Countries, Pyatigorsk State Linguistic University. Doctoral candidate, Pyatigorsk
39. Aldasheva Aygul Abdulkhaevna
Doctor of Psychology, Leading Scientist of Laboratory of Labour Psychology, Institute of Psychology, the Russian Academy of Sciences
40. Aldonina Lyudmila Dautovna
Head of Radiological Branch of the Adyghe Republican Clinical Oncological Hospital
41. Aldoshina Marina Ivanovna
Candidate of Pedagogy, Senior Lecturer, Professor of General Pedagogy Department at Orel State University
42. Aleeva Elena Grigoryevna
Senior Lecturer of Economy Department, Novorossiysk Branch of Adyghe State University, Novorossiysk
43. Aleksanyants Gayk Derenikovich
Doctor of Medicine, Professor, Vice-Rector for Scientific Work, Head of Anatomy Department of the Kuban State University of Physical Training, Sports and Tourism
44. Aleksentsev Viktor Andreevich
Candidate of Sociology, Chief of Judicial Department at the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation for Stavropol Territory
45. Aleksentseva Natalya Viktorovna
Candidate of Sociology, Director of Georgiyevsky College
48. Aliev Marat Vyacheslavovich
Candidate of Physics and Mathematics, Associate Professor, Head of the Department of Applied Mathematics and Information Technology, Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science, Adyghe State University
49. Aliev Tofik Dzhabrailovich
Senior Lecturer of Department of Physical Training and Sports of the Azovo-Black Sea State Agroengineering Academy
50. Alieva Anzhela Bulatgadzhievna
Candidate of Historical Sciences, Senior Lecturer of Department of History of the Countries of the East, the Daghestan State Pedagogical University, Makhachkala
51. Aliyeva Margarita Fedorovna
Candidate of Sociology, Associate Professor of Automated Information Processing Systems and Management Department, Deputy Dean of Engineering-Physical Faculty, Adyghe State University, Maikop
52. Alkacheva Alla Afanasyevna
Competitor for Candidate degree of Pedagogical Technology Department, the K.D. Ushinsky Yaroslavl State Pedagogical University
54. Aloev Alim Sufyanovich
Applicant for Candidate degree of Department of Agriculture, Soil Science and Agrochemistry at Kabardino-Balkarian State Agricultural Academy named after V.M. Kokov
55. Altunin Alexander Alexandrovich
Post-graduate student of Department of the Russian Language and Techniques of Teaching, Adyghe State University (Supervisor of studies – Doctor of Pedagogy, Professor M.Kh. Shkhapatseva)
56. Aluyan Oleg Vyacheslavovich
Post-graduate student of the Department of Taxation and Business Infrastructure, the Kuban State University of Technology, Krasnodar
57. Alkhasova Svetlana Mikhaylovna
Doctor of Philology, Leading Scientist, Institute of Humanitarian Researches, the Government of KBR and KBNTS RAN
58. Amirkhanov Abakar Yunusovich
Post-graduate student of Department of Management of Social and Ecological Systems, the Russian Academy of Public Service at the President of the Russian Federation
59. Amninov Erdni Vasilyevich
Post-graduate student of the 3rd course of Department of Management of Social and Ecological Systems, the Russian Academy of Public Service at the President of the Russian Federation
61. Andrianov Andrey Vladimirovich
Post-graduate student of Belgorod State National Research University, Belgorod
62. Andrukhaev Khazertal Makhmudovich
Candidate of Physics and Mathematics, Professor of Informatics and Computer Equipment Department of Mathematics and Computer Science Faculty at Adyghe State University
63. Andryushchenko Svetlana Ivanovna
Post-graduate student of Pedagogy Department of the Armavir State Pedagogical Academy
64. Anzarokova Marziet Chesikovna
Candidate of Art Criticism, Senior Scientist of Ethnology
and Folk Art Department, T. Kerashev Adygheya Republican
Institute of Humanities
65. Anikeenko Zhanna Glebovna
Applicant for Candidate’s degree of the Theory and Technique of Physical Training Department, Kuban State University of Physical Training, Sports and Tourism
66. Anisimova Natalya Yuryevna
Candidate of Biology, Senior Scientist of the Cellular Immunity Laboratory of Research Institute of Experimental Diagnostics and Therapy of Tumors, N.N. Blokhin Russian Oncological Research Center of the Russian Academy of Medical Science, Moscow
68. Anokhina Viktoriya Sergeevna
Senior Laboratory Worker of Department of Russian Language and Technique of Elementary Teaching of Taganrog State Pedagogical Institute
70. Anokhina Elena Nikolaevna
Post-graduate student of Botany Department of Natural Science Faculty, Adyghe State University, Maikop
72. Antoshintseva Mariya Alexandrovna
Candidate of Philology, Associate Professor of the Department of Educational Technologies in Philology, the Rostov State Pedagogical University named after A.I. Gertzen
74. Anchabadze Yuriy Dmitrievich
Candidate of Historical Sciences, Leading Scientist of Institute of Ethnology and Anthropology of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow
77. Apishev Abrek Abdulakhovich
Doctor of Economics, Professor, Head of Economy and Management Department, Adyghe State University, Maikop
78. Aranova Svetlana Vladimirovna
Candidate of Pedagogy, Leading Scientist of Research Institute of the General Education, the A.I.Herzen Russian State Pedagogical University
79. Arutyunyan Vadim Vladimirovich
Post-graduate student of Department of History and Philosophy of Science, Stavropol State University
84. Astapov Ivan Alexandrovich
Candidate of Physics and Mathematics, Scientist, Institute of Material Science, KhSC FEB RAS
85. Astapova Elena Stepanovna
Doctor of Physics and Mathematics, Professor of Department of Physical Material Science and Laser Technology, Rector of Amur State University
86. Atlaskirov Albert Ruslanovich
Post-graduate student of Philosophy and Sociology Department, Adyghe State University, Maikop
87. Autleva Asiet Nurbievna
Candidate of Pedagogy, Senior Lecturer of General Pedagogy Department at Adyghe State University
88. Autleva Fatima Askarbievna
Candidate of Philology, Associate Professor of Foreign Language Department, Adyghe State University
89. Afamgotov Eduard Magametovich
Senior Lecturer of Department of the Theory and History of the State and the Law and Political Science, Adyghe State University
90. Afasizhev Turkubiy Indrisovich
Doctor of Sociology, Professor of Philosophy and Sociology Department, Adyghe State University
92. Akhidzhakova Maryet Pshimafovna
Doctor of Philology, Professor of General Linguistics Department, Adyghe State University
93. Akhmedyanov Zagir Urazbekovich
Senior Lecturer of Mathematics and Computer Science Department of the Natural-Mathematical Faculty at Sibaisky Institute of the Bashkir State University
94. Akhmetov Sultan Medzhidovich
Doctor of Pedagogy, Professor, Rector of the Kuban State University of Physical Training, Sports and Tourism
95. Akhmetova Dzhulyetta Aminovna
Candidate of Philology, Senior Lecturer of Adyghean Philology Department, Adyghe State University
96. Akhomgotov Anzor Zaurbekovich
Candidate of Biology, Scientist of Laboratory of Vertebrates Diversity, Institute of Ecology of Mountain Territories, Kabardino-Balkarian Scientific Center, Russian Academy of Sciences
99. Achmiz Kazbek Guchipsovich
Doctor of Historical Science, Director of GOU SPO «Kh. Andrukhaev Adyghe Pedagogical College»
100. Asheva Aminat Aslanovna
Post-graduate student of the Russian Language Department, Adyghe State University (Supervisor of studies – Candidate of Philology, Associate Professor S.V. Lyapun)
102. Ashkanova Tamara Magomedovna
Doctor of Higher Category of the Adyghe Republican Clinical Hospital
103. Ashkhamaf Aytech Ruslanovich
Lecturer of the Ecological and Ground Law Department of the Kuban State Agrarian University
104. Ashkhotov Anzor Mukhamedovich
Candidate of Economics, Associate Professor of Management and Marketing Department, Kabardino-Balkarian State University named after Kh.M. Berbekov, Nalchik
105. Ashchepkov Vitaliy Timofeevich
Doctor of Pedagogy, Professor of Pedagogy Department, Armavir State Pedagogical Academy
106. Ashcheulov Alexander Valeryevich
Post-graduate student, the Kuban Institute of International Business and Management, Krasnodar
107. Ayubova Indira Dzhamaldinovna
Post-graduate student of Economic, Social, Political and Recreational Geography Department of Geographic Faculty, Kuban State University
108. Babayan Angela Vladislavovna
Doctor of Pedagogy, Professor of Management and Marketing Department of the North-Caucasian Institute – Branch of Russian Academy of National Economy and Government Service under the President of Russian Federation
109. Babenko Irina Alexandrovna
Post-graduate student of the Belgorod State University, the economist of Federal State Establishment “Prison of Federal Agency Admnistration for Execution of Punishments in Russia across the Saratov Region”
Phone: |
8 917 212 47 33; 8 906 313 65 36 |
110. Babich Lyudmila Sergeevna
Engineer-Researcher of Physiology Department of Natural Science Faculty, taxidermist of a zoological museum of the Adyghe State University
114. Bagdasaryan Lyubov Yuryevna
Lecturer Assistant of Finance and Taxation Department, Institute of Service, Tourism and Design. Branch of North-Caucasus Federal University in Pyatigorsk
115. Bagirokov Khazret Zaurbechevich
Doctor of Philology, Professor of Russian Philology Department, Adyghe State University
116. Bagmetov Vladimir Viktorovich
Candidate of Economics, Doctoral Candidate of the Kuban State University of Technology, Krasnodar
118. Bagomedov Musa Rasulovich
Candidate of Philology, Associate Professor of Daghestan Languages Department, Deputy Head of Dean for Scientific Work of Philology Faculty, Daghestan State University
119. Baev Pavel Anatol’evich
Candidate of Sociology, Assistant Professor of Department of Culturology and Management of Social Processes at the Institute of Social Sciences of Irkutsk State University
120. Bazhenov Vyacheslav Grigoryevich
Doctor of Pedagogy, Professor of Pedagogy Department, Sochi State University of Tourism and Health Resort Business
121. Bazaeva Fatima Umarovna
Candidate of Pedagogy, Associate Professor of Pedagogy Department, the Chechen State Pedagogical Institute
125. Bakulina Svetlana Dmitrievna
Candidate of Culturology, Associate Professor, Scientist of Cultural Science Department of Omsk State Pedagogical University
126. Balabanova Margarita Yuryevna
Lecturer of Foreign Languages Department of Michurinsk State Agrarian University, competitor for Candidate degree of Department of English Science and Intercultural Communication of Moscow Humanitarian Pedagogical Institute (Supervisor of studies – L.G. Popova, Doctor of Philology, Professor)
127. Baladzhan Anna Norbertovna
Senior Lecturer of Department of Musical Disciplines of Institute of Arts, Adyghe State University
128. Balakhova Vera Pavlovna
Post-graduate student of the Modern Russian Language Department, the Kuban State University (Supervisor of studies - Doctor of Philology, Professor E.P. Marchenko)
129. Balikoev Alan Arsenovich
Post-graduate student of the North-Caucasus Mining and Metallurgical Institute (GTU), Vladikavkaz
130. Bandurin Aleksandr Petrovich
Doctor of Philosophy, Professor, Head of Engineering Pedagogy and Social Work Department, Novocherkassk State Land Improvement Academy
131. Baragamyan Anzhela Ashotovna
Senior Lecturer of English Business Language Department
of the Kuban State University of Technology, Applicant for
Candidate degree of French Philology Department, the Kuban
State University (Supervisor of studies – Doctor of Philology,
Professor V.V. Zelenskaya)
132. Baranova Alexandra Yuryevna
Candidate of Philology, Associate Professor of General Linguistics Department, Adyghe State University
133. Baranova Svetlana Aleksandrovna
Post-graduate student of the Department of Industrial and Regional Management, Kuban State University of Technology
135. Barakhoeva Nina Mustafaevna
Candidate of Philology, Assistant Professor of Ingush Philology Department of the Ingush State University
136. Baromychenko Anastasiya Gennadyevna
Post-graduate student of the Russian Language Department, Adyghe State University (Supervisor of studies – Candidate of Philology, Associate Professor Z.K. Bedanokova)
137. Bartashevich Alexandra Alexandrovna
Applicant for Candidate’s degree of Economy and Management Department of Adyghe State University
140. Bakhareva Tatyana Gennadyevna
Candidate of Biology
141. Bashaeva Sovbika Abuevna
Post-graduate student of Pedagogy and Pedagogical Technologies Department at Adyghe State University (Supervisor of Studies - Doctor of Pedagogy, Professor F.P.Khakunova)
Phone: |
ðàá. 8 (8772) 57-00-04 |
142. Bashkatov Ivan Alexandrovich
Candidate of Pedagogy, Associate Professor of Fine Arts Department of Lipetsk State Pedagogical University
143. Bayanduryan Galina Levonovna
Doctor of Economics, Professor, Head of Taxation and Business Infrastructure Department, the Kuban State University of Technology, Krasnodar
144. Bgan Natalya Vladimirovna
Candidate of Economics, Associate Professor of Department of Economics and Enterprise Management, Maikop State University of Technology, Maikop
145. Bguashev Aidamir Batyrbiyevich
The Candidate of Pedagogy, Associate Professor, Head of the Departmen of Physical training, Adyghe State University
147. Bguasheva Zareta Borisovna
Candidate of Philology, Associate Professor of Adyghean Philology Department, Adyghe State University
148. Begidova Svetlana Nikolaevna
Doctor of Pedagogy, Professor of Pedagogy and Social Psychology Department, Adyghe State University
149. Beglyarova Asya Levovna
Candidate of Philology, Associate Professor of Humanities
and Law Disciplines Department, the Branch of Adyghe
State University in Belorechensk
150. Bedanokov Murat Kaplanovich
Candidate of Physics and Mathematics, Doctor of Economics, Professor, Dean of Engineering-Economic Faculty at Maikop State Polytechnic University
152. Bedanokova Zuleykhan Kimovna
Candidate of Philology, Associate Professor, Head of the Russian Language Department, Adyghe State University
153. Bedanokova Lyudmila Shumafovna
Post-graduate student of Physiology Department of Natural Science Faculty, Adyghe State University, Maikop
155. Bedanokova Susanna Kaplanovna
Doctor of Philology, Professor of French Philology Department, Adyghe State University
157. Bedzhanov Murat Bezrukovich
Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor, Principal Scientist of Adyghean State Institute of Humanitarian Researches
158. Bedzhanova Asiet Yusufovna
Post-graduate student of Department of General Linguistics, Adyghe State University (supervisor of studies – Candidate of Philology, Associate Professor Makerova S.R.)
160. Bezrukova Anzhela Aslanovna
Candidate of Sociology, Associate Professor of Philosophy, Sociology and Pedagogy Department of Maikop State University of Technology
161. Bekizheva Dina Ibragimovna
Senior Assistant of the Adyghe-Khablsky Interdistrict Prosecutor, Younger Adviser of Justice
Phone: |
88787051357, 88787051498 |
163. Bekulova Indira Zarifovna
Assistant Lecturer of Theoretical Physics Department of Physical Faculty, Kh.M. Berbekov Kabardin-Balkar State University
166. Beletskiy Artur Vasilyevich
Post-graduate student of Department of Organization and Control of Transport Processes, the Engineering-Economic Faculty, Maikop State University of Technology
168. Belitskaya Oksana Valeryevna
Candidate of Economics, Associate Professor of Management Department, Kuban Social and Economic Institute, Krasnodar
169. Beloglazova Maria Aleksandrovna
Senior Teacher of Commodity Research and Goods Examination Department of Polytechnic Faculty at Maikop State Polytechnic University
170. Belozerova Tatyana Gennadyevna
Candidate of Economics, Lecturer of the Accounting, Audit and Automated Data Processing Department, Kuban State University, Krasnodar
171. Belolipskaya Galina Sergeevna
Candidate of Philology, Head of Department of Theory and History of Journalism, Head of Journalism Branch of the Astrakhan State University
172. Belomestnova Irina Vasilievna
Post-graduate student of Economy and Management Department of the Economic Faculty, Adyghe State University, Maikop
173. Belousova Alina Vladimirovna
Post-graduate student of Economic Department, the Southern Institute of Management, Krasnodar
175. Belotserkovets Elena Alekseevna
Senior Lecturer of Service Activity and Tourism Department of Non-State Private Educational Institution of Professional Higher Training “The Kuban Social and Economic Institute”
176. Belmekhov Ruslan Kaplanovich
Post-graduate student of Economy and Management Department, Adyghe State University, Maikop
177. Belyaev Yuriy Mikhaylovich
Doctor of Economics, Professor of Production and Regional Management Department, Kuban State University of Technology, Krasnodar
178. Belyaeva Darya Vladimirovna
Post-graduate external student, Lecturer Assistant of Department of Economy, Organization and Control of Production, Tyumen State Petroleum-Gas University
179. Beryoza Natalya Viktorovna
Applicant for Candidate degree of the South - Russian State University of Economy and Service, Shakhty
180. Berbash Tatyana Ivanovna
Candidate of Pedagogy, Associate Professor of Fine Arts Department of Lipetsk State Pedagogical University
181. Berbekova Fatima Arturovna
Post-graduate student of Romance Languages Department of Kabardian-Balkar State University (Supervisor of studies – F.N. Guketlova, Candidate of Philology, Assistant Professor)
182. Berdichevskaya Elena Maevna
Doctor of Medicine, professor, Head of Physiology Department, Kuban State University Physical Education, Sport and Tourism
183. Berezhnoy Vladimir Ivanovich
Doctor of Economics, Professor Head of Economy and Management Department of the North-Caucasus State Technical University, Stavropol
185. Berezin Gennadiy Nikolaevich
Candidate of Psychology, Doctoral Candidate of Academy of Governance of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia
186. Berechetova Ruzanna Askerovna
Post-graduate student of Philosophy and Sociology Deaprtment of Adyghe State University
188. Berzegova Saida Aslanovna
Post-graduate student of Philosophy and Sociology Department, Adyghe State University, Maikop
189. Berlin Lev Vladimirovich
Post-graduate student of Applied Economics and Personnel Management Department, Kuban State University, Krasnodar
190. Berlina Svetlana Khasanbekovna
Applicant for Candidate’s degree of the Economic Theory, Economy and Management Department, Krasnodar
191. Bersirov Batyrbiy Makhmudovich
Doctor of Philology, Professor, Director of Adyghe Republican Institute of Humanitarian Researches named after T. Kerashev
192. Bersirov Tembot Batyrbievich
Senior Lecturer of Department of the Theory of State History and Law and Political Science, Adyghe State University, Maikop
193. Beryukh Anna Fedorovna
Post-graduate student, Lecturer of Psychology, Psychohygiene and Ecology Department of Northwest State Technical University, St.-Petersburg
194. Beseda Natalya Aleksandrovna
Post-graduate student, scientist of the Selection and Seed-Growing Grain Sorghum Laboratory of the I.G. Kalinenko Russian Scientific Research Institute of the Cereal Crops, Zernograd
195. Beskorovaynaya Natalya Stanislavovna
Doctor of Economics, Professor of Taxes and Taxation Department, North-Caucasus Federal University, Stavropol
197. Bessarabova Yuliana Vladimirovna
Post-graduate student of Pedagogy Department at Kuban State University (Supervisor of Studies - Candidate of Pedagogy, Professor E.A.Degterev)
199. Beshukova Zarema Muratovna
Candidate of Jurisprudence, Assistant Lecturer of Criminal Law Department of Law Faculty, Adyghe State University
200. Beshukova Fatima Batyrbievna
Doctor of Philology, Professor, Head of Literature and Journalism Department, Adyghe State University
201. Bzhetseva Saida Zaudinovna
Senior Lecturer of Philosophy, Sociology and Pedagogy Department of Maikop State University of Technology
202. Bzhetsov Kazbek Zaurovich
Post-graduate student of Botany Department of Natural Science Faculty of Adyghe State University
204. Biba Anna Nikolaevna
Post-graduate student of the Accounting, Audit and Automated Data Processing Department, Kuban State University, Krasnodar
205. Bibikova Elvira Vitalyevna
Candidate of Pedagogy, Assistant Professor of Foreign Languages Department of Faculty of Information Systems for Economy and Jurisprudence at Maikop State Polytechnic University
207. Biryukov Aleksey Yuryevich
Post-graduate student of Advertisement and Marketing Department, Kuban State University of Technology, Krasnodar
208. Bitkeev Nikolay Tsedenovich
Doctor of Philology, Professor of Kalmyk State University
209. Bitkeeva Aysa Nikolaevna
Doctor of Philology, Leading Scientist of Institute of Linguistics, Russian Academy of Sciences
210. Bitlev Arslan Azret-Alievich
Competitor for Candidate’s degree of Production Economy Department of North-Caucasian State Academy of Art and Technology, Cherkessk
213. Blyagoz Asiyat Nurbiyevna
Candidate of Philology, Associate Professor of Pedagogy and Pegagogical Technologies Department, Adyghe State University
215. Blyagoz Zulkarin Uchuzhukovich
Doctor of Philology, Professor of Department of Russian and Technique of Teaching, Adyghe State University
216. Blyagoz Nafiset Shumafovna
Candidate of Pedagogy, Senior Lecturer of Pedagogy Department at Adyghe State University
218. Bobrova Marina Salavatovna
Post-graduate student of Music History Department (supervisor of studies – Candidate of Art Criticism, Professor G.E. Kaloshina)
219. Bobrovich Boris Akramovich
Competitor for Candidate degree of the Russian Academy of Public Service at the President of the Russian Federation, Moscow
221. Bobylev Yuriy Vladimirovich
Doctor of Physics and Mathematics, Professor of General and Theoretical Physics Department, Faculty of Mathematics, Physics and Computer Science, Tula State Pedagogical University named after L.N. Tolstoy, Tula
222. Bogatyrova Asiyat Tatarkhanovna
Post-graduate student of Economy and Management Department, Adyghe State University, Maikop
223. Bogdanova Anastasiya Evgenyevna
Post-graduate student of Volgograd State Agricultural Academy, Volgograd
224. Bogdanova Valentina Yuryevna
Post-graduate student of the Department of Pedagogy and Ttechnology of Preschool and Elementary Education, the Armavir State Pedagogical Academy
225. Bogdanova Elena Alexandrovna
Post-graduate student of French Philology Department, Adyghe State University (supervisor of studies – Candidate of Philology, Associate Professor Sokurova S.N.)
227. Bogus Mira Bechmizovna
Candidate of Pedagogy, Assistant Professor of Pedagogy and Pedagogical Technologies Department of Adyghe State University
228. Bodyakov Oleg Pavlovich
Competitor for a Candidate degree of Economics, the Department of Taxation and Business Infrastructure of Kuban State University of Technology, Krasnodar
229. Boztash Abdullah
Applicant for Candidate degree of the Russian Language Department of Bashkirsky State Pedagogical University named after M. Akmulla (Supervisor of studies - Doctor of Philology, Professor R.Kh. Khayrullina)
230. Boychenko Sergey Evgenyevich
Assistant Lecturer of Department of Applied Mathematics and Information Technologies of the Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science, Adyghe State University
231. Boldyshev Igor Viktorovich
Doctor of Philosophy, Associate Professor of Department of the Humanities and Natural-Science Disciplines, Essentuksky Institute of Management, Business and Law
232. Boldyshev Igor Igorevich
Senior Lecturer of Department of Humanities and Social-Economic Sciences of the Stavropol Higher Military Aviation Engineering School
233. Boldysheva Nadezhda Ivanovna
Candidate of Sociology, Nevinnomyssk State Humanitarian and Technical Institute
234. Boleeva Galina Sergeevna
Post-graduate student of Human and Animal Physiology Department, Faculty of Biology, Moscow State University named after M.V. Lomonosov
237. Bondarenko Aleksandr Sergeevich
Engineer of Information-Analytical Department of the Russian Center of Forest Protection, Branch of the Center for Forest Protection in the Krasnodar Territory
238. Bondarenko Galina Ivanovna
Doctor of Sociology, Professor of Sociology and Cultural Science Department, Kuban State University, Krasnodar, Senior Scientist of Department of the Slavic-Adyghe Cultural Relations, Adyghean Republican Institute of Humanities named after T.Kerashev
239. Bondarenko Mikhail Mikhailovich
Post-graduate student of Social Psychology and Management Sociology Department, the Kuban State University
240. Boran-Keshishyan Anastas Leonidovich
Candidate of Technical Sciences, Head of Navigation Department of Admiral F.F. Ushakov State Maritime University, Novorossiysk
241. Bordovskiy Vladimir Alexandrovich
Post-graduate student of Department of Human Resource management and organizational psychology of the Kuban state university
242. Borisov Sergey Alexeevich
Candidate of Economics, Associate Professor of Applied Economics and Human Recourses Management Department of Kuban State University, Krasnodar
244. Bosenko Yuliya Mikhaylovna
Post-graduate student of Psychology Department, the Kuban State University of Physical Training, Sports and Tourism
246. Botasheva Natalya Panteleyevna
Senior Teacher of Painting of Karachaevo-Circassian State University
247. Botasheva Fatima Borisovna
Candidate of Economics, Associate Professor of Accounting and Audit Department, the North-Caucasian Academy of Humanities and Technology, Cherkessk
248. Boyarko Alexander Alexandrovich
Lecturer of Economics Department of Southern Institute of Management, Krasnodar
250. Bratslavskaya Ekaterina Yakovlevna
Candidate of Economics, Associate Professor of World Economics Department of Kuban State University, Krasnodar
251. Breslavtseva Nina Alexandrovna
Doctor of Economics, Associate Professor of Accounting Department, South Russia State University of Economy and Service, Shakhty
252. Bricheva Madina Marzakanovna
Candidate of Philology, Associate Professor of English Philology Department, Adyghe State University
253. Brovkina Liliya Ivanovna
Senior Lecturer of the Branch of the Moscow State University of Technologies and Management in Rostov-on-Don
255. Bronnikova Larissa Mikhailovna
Senior Teacher of Mathematical Analysis Department at Barnaul State Pedagogical University
256. Bubentsov Vitaliy Nikolaevich
Associate Professor of Arts and Design Department of Murmansk State Humanities University
257. Bugaeva Marina Vyacheslavovna
Candidate of Economics, Associate Professor the Organization of Manufacture and Management Department, the South-Russian State University of Economy and Service, Shakhty
258. Buglak Sergey Ivanovich
Candidate of Philology, Professor of English Language Department of the State Polar Academy
259. Budasova Viktoriya Alexandrovna
Post-graduate student of Pskov State Polytechnic Institute, Pskov
260. Budnik Mikhail Ivanovich
Candidate of Medicine, Trainee of the Cellular Immunity Laboratory of Research Institute of Experimental Diagnostics and Therapy of Tumors, N.N. Blokhin Russian Oncological Research Center of the Russian Academy of Medical Science, Moscow
261. Buzarov Alik Shumafovich
Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor of Adyghe State University, Maikop
262. Buzarov Kim Ibragimovich
Doctor of Pedagogy, Professor of Pedagogy and Pedagogical Technologies Department, Adyghe State University
Phone: |
ðàáî÷. (8772) 57-19-05 |
264. Bulatova Oksana Valeryevna
Post-graduate student of Management of the Organization Department, the Kuban Institute of International Business and Management, Krasnodar
265. Bulgakova Ekaterina Aleksandrovna
Scientist of Scientifical-Practical Laboratory of Socialization Problems at Faculty of Psychology of the Moscow State Regional University
266. Burkova Lidiya Nikolaevna
Candidate of Jurisprudence, Associate Professor of Civil Law Department of the Adyghe State University, Maikop
267. Burnusuzyan Araksiya Petrosovna
Post-graduate student of Department of Literature and
Technique of its Teaching, the Armavir State Pedagogical
Academy (Supervisor of studies – Doctor of Philology,
Professor V.P. Sosnovsky)
268. Burtsev Pavel Vasilyevich
Applicant for Candidate degree of Institute for Retraining and Professional Development of Teachers of the Humanities and Social Sciences, Southern Federal University, Deputy Chief of Oktyabrskaya Railway for Corporate Governance and Work with Authorities of Subjects of the Russian Federation
269. Burykina Lyudmila Vasil’evna
Candidate of Historical Sciences, Associate Professor of National History Department of Adyghe State University
270. Bouriak Natalya Yuryevna
Senior Lecturer of Department of Foreign Languages, the Academy of Marketing and Social-Information Technologies, Krasnodar
271. Butova Olga Anatolyevna
Post-graduate student of National History Department of Adyghe State University, Deputy Director for Teaching and Educational work of GOU NPU No.23, Apsheronsk of Krasnodar Territory
Phone: |
8-961-826-95-58, 8-918-336-95-30 |
272. Buchatskaya Viktoriya Viktorovna
Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Applied Mathematics and Information Technology, Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science, Adyghe State University
273. Buchatskiy Pavel Yuryevich
Senior Lecturer of Department of Automated Systems of Processing Information and Control of Engineering-Physics Faculty, Adyghe State University, Maikop
274. Bykov Anatoliy Valentinovich
Candidate of Pedagogy, Associate Professor of Department of Physical Culture and Sport, Institute of Shipbuilding and Arctic Marine Technique of Northern (Arctic) Federal University named after M.V. Lomonosov
275. Byuller Elena Alexandrovna
Candidate of Economics, Associate Professor of Resource Management Department, Adyghe State University, Maikop
276. Vaganova Elena Anatolyevna
Post-graduate student of Communication Technology Department, I.Ya. Yakovlev Chuvashsky State Pedagogical University (supervisor of studies – Doctor of Philology, Professor Subbotina M.V.)
277. Vayndorf-Sysoyeva Marina Efimovna
Candidate of Pedagogy, Associate Professor, Director of Institute of Education Informatization, Moscow State Humanities University named after M.A. Sholokhov
278. Vays Andrey Andreevich
Candidate of Agriculture, Associate Professor (Doctoral Candidate) of Department of Forest Valuation, Forest Regulation and Geodesy of the Forestry Faculty, the Siberian State University of Technology
280. Valeeva Liliya Rubinovna
Assistant Lecturer of Criminal Law and Criminology Department of the Ulyanovsk State University, Ulyanovsk
281. Valeeva Nadezhda Ivanovna
Post-graduate student of Contemporary Russian Language Department of Kuban State University (supervisor of studies – Doctor of Philology, Professor E.P. Marchenko)
282. Valiullin Vadim Rimovich
Post-graduate student of Applied and Trade Sociology Department, Bashkirsky State University, Master of Sociology, Ufa
284. Vartanyan Eva Vladimirovna
Specialist in Study of Department of Humanities and Social-Economic Disciplines, North-Caucasian Branch of the Russian Academy of Justice, Krasnodar
285. Varshanina Tatyana Pavlovna
Candidate of Biology, Senior Lecturer of Geography Department at Natural Science Faculty of Adyghe State University, Head of Center of Intellectual Geoinformation Technologies at Adyghe State University, Maikop
286. Vasenko Veronika Evgenyevna
Lecturer Assistant of Economy and Financial Management Department, Kuban State University of Technology, Krasnodar
287. Vasiliadi Natalia Igorevna
Post-graduate student of Pedagogy and Pedagogical Technologies Department at Adyghe State University (Supervisor of Studies - Doctor of Pedagogy, Professor F.P. Khakunova)
289. Vasko Ivan Vladimirovich
Post-graduate student of Kuban State University, Krasnodar
290. Vakhovsky Vyacheslav Vitalyevich
Candidate of Economics, Professor of State Municipal Management Department, Ulyanovsk Branch of Russian Academy of National Economy and Public Service at President of the Russian Federation. Ulyanovsk
292. Vashchenko Ilya Igorevich
Post-graduate student of the Adyghe State University, Maikop
293. Verevkina Yuliya Vladimirovna
Post-graduate student of the Rostov State Conservatory named after Rahmaninov (Supervisor of studies - Candidate of Art Criticism, Associate Professor E.V. Kiseeva)
294. Vereshchagina Elena Alexandrovna
Post-graduate student of the Siberian Federal University, Krasnoyarsk
295. Verzhbitsky Igor Vladimirovich
Senior Lecturer of Wrestling Department of Institute of Physical Training and Judo of the Adyghe State University
296. Vermennikova Lyudmila Viktorovna
Candidate of Economics, Head of Tourism Management Department, Kuban Institute of the International Business and Management, Krasnodar
297. Verkhovodova Rita Alexandrovna
Competitor for Candidate degree of the Theory and Technique of Professional Training Department, the Armavir State Pedagogical University
298. Vertsinskaya Nelli Nikolaevna
Doctor of Pedagogy, Professor of Pedagogy and Psychology Department, the Kuban State University
300. Vilenskaya Tatyana Evgenyevna
Candidate of Biology, Director of Yeysk Teacher Training College
301. Vilensky Mikhail Yakovlevich
Doctor of Pedagogy, Professor of Department of Pedagogy and Psychology of Professional Training, the Moscow Pedagogical State University
302. Vinogradova Yuliya Vladimirovna
Post-graduate student of Taganrog State Pedagogical Institute
303. Vintizenko Igor Georgievich
Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor, Professor of Department “Mathematical Analysis” of Stavropol State University, Nevinnomysk
304. Vitsenets Tatyana Nikolaevna
Post-graduate student, Lecturer Assistant of Department of Economy and Management at the Enterprise of Far East Federal University, Vladivostok
305. Vishnevetskaya Viktoriya Viktorovna
Candidate of Philology, Lecturer of Foreign Languages Department of Novorossiysk Polytechnic Institute of KubGTU Branch
307. Vladimirova Margarita Alexandrovna
Post-graduate student of the Accounting, Audit and Automated Data Processing Department, the Kuban State University, Krasnodar
308. Vlasenko Zakhar Leonidovich
Post-graduate student of National History Department, Adyghe State University
309. Voblaya Irina Nikolaevna
Competitor for a Candidate’s degree of Economy and Management Department of Adyghe State University, Maikop
310. Vodneva Marina Gennadyevna
Lecturer of Foreign Languages Department of Rostov State
University of Railways, Applicant for Candidate degree of
the Contemporary Russian Language Department, the Kuban
State University (Supervisor of studies – Doctor of Philology,
Professor L.A. Isaeva)
311. Vodozhdokova Zarema Nalbievna
Post-graduate student of Philosophy and Sociology Department of Adyghe State University
313. Vozmishcheva Nataliya Valeryevna
Applicant for Candidate degree of English Philology
Department, V.G. Korolenko Glazovsky State Pedagogical
Institute, (Supervisor of studies – Doctor of Philology,
Professor N.N. Orekhova)
314. Volkov Yuriy Yuryevich
Post-graduate student of Southern Federal University, Rostov-on-Don
316. Volkova Olga Alexandrovna
Doctor of Sociology, Professor; Professor of Social Work Department of Belgorod State National Research University, Belgorod
317. Volkova Roza Alexandrovna
Teacher of the Russian language and literature of the Kuban technical secondary school of economy and real estate, applicant for Candidate degree of the Department of General and Slavic-Russian Linguistics, the Kuban State University (Supervisor of studies - Doctor of Philology, Professor Yu.P. Nechay)
318. Volkodav Igor Georgievich
Doctor of Geology and Mineralogy, Professor of Geography Department of Natural Science Faculty, Adyghe State University, Maikop
319. Volobueva Nina Alekseevna
Candidate of Pedagogy, Senior Lecturer of General and Social Pedagogy Department of Armavir State Pedagogical University
320. Volosatova Oksana Alexandrovna
Post-graduate student of Department of Social Disciplines and the Humanities, the North Caucasian Social Institute, non-state educational institution of higher education
321. Voloshin Mikhail Anatolyevich
Post-graduate student of Theoretical Physics and Computer Technologies Department, Kuban State University
322. Voloshina Vera Petrovna
Post-graduate student of General Pedagogy Department of Armavir State Pedagogical University (Supervisor of Studies - Doctor of Pedagogy, Professor G.F. Karpova)
323. Vorobyev Nikolay Nikolaevich
Doctor of Economics, Professor of Economy, Accounting and Audit Department, Nevynomyssk Institute of Technology (Branch of North-Caucasus Federal University), Stavropol
324. Vorokova Nodira Khasanovna
Assistant Lecturer of Statistics and Applied Mathematics Department, the Kuban State Agrarian University
326. Vorontsova Galina Vladimirovna
Candidate of Economics, Associate Professor of Management Department of the North-Caucasus State Technical University, Stavropol
327. Voskanyan Yuriy Eduardovich
Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor of Clinical Angiologiya and Vascular Surgery Department of RMAPO, Vascular Surgery Division, Stavropol Regional Clinical Center for Specialized Types of Medical Care Public Healthcare Institution, Stavropol
329. Vukovich Galina Grigoryevna
Doctor of Economics, Professor of Applied Economics and Personnel Management Department, Kuban State University, Krasnodar
330. Vysotsky Pavel Andreevich
Deputy Head of Federal Agency of Financial-Budgetary Supervision, Moscow
Phone: |
(499) 251 70 64, ôàêñ: (499) 251 97 62 |
331. Gabdullin Renat Bulatovich
Candidate of Economics, Senior Scientist of the Committee for Science, Ministry of Education and Science, Republic of Kazakhstan, Almaty
332. Gavrilov Aleksandr Ivanovich
Candidate of Physics and Mathematics, Associate Professor of Physics Department at Kuban State University of Technology
334. Gadzhieva Elena Yuryevna
Lecturer of Economy Department, Southern Institute of Management, Krasnodar
335. Gazaeva Larisa Vladimirovna
Candidate of Pedagogy, Professor of Department of the Theory and Technique of Teaching Russian, Vice-Rector for Scientific Work of the North Ossetian State Pedagogical Institute
336. Gazieva Susanna Jumaldinovna
Senior Lecturer of Department of the Higher Mathematics and System Analysis, Maikop State University of Technology, Maikop
337. Gaivoronskaya Natalya Nikolaevna
Applicant for Candidate’s degree of General Pedagogy Department, Adyghe State University
338. Gaiday Marina Nikolaevna
Senior Lecturer of Social and Special Pedagogy and Psychology Department, Armavir State Pedagogical Academy
339. Gaidareva Inna Nikolaevna
Candidate of Socuiology, Assistant Professor of the Constitutional Law Department at Adyghe State University
340. Gaidenkî Vladimir Viktorovich
Candidate of Economics, Associate Professor of the Accounting, Audit and Automated Data Processing Department, Kuban State University, Krasnodar
Phone: |
(861) 21 99 501 (äîá. 201) |
341. Galimova Liliya Nadipovna
Candidate of historical sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Humanities, Social and Economic Disciplines of Ulyanovsk State Pedagogical University named after I.N. Ulyanov
342. Galustov Ambartsum Robertovich
Candidate of Pedagogy, Rector of the Armavir State Pedagogical Academy
343. Galustov Robert Ambartsumovich
Doctor of Pedagogy, Professor of the Theory and Technique of Professional Training Department, the Armavir State Pedagogical University
344. Garazha Nataliya Alekseevna
Candidate of Historical Sciences, Associate Professor, Head of Department of the Theory of History of the State and Law, RGSU, Maikop
345. Gasanova Marina Ayubovna
Candidate of Philology, Associate Professor of Department of Theoretical and Applied Linguistics, Daghestan State University
346. Gasanova Salminat Nuradinovna
Candidate of Philology, Assistant Professor of Theoretical and Applied Linguistic Department of Philological Faculty of Daghestan State University
347. Gerasimova Irina Fedorovna
Candidate of Philology, Doctoral Candidate of Russian and Foreign Literature Department, Moscow State Humanitarian University named after M.A. Sholokhov (Scientific consultant – Doctor of Philology, Professor of Journalism Department O.E. Voronova)
350. Gergieva Yana Mairbekovna
Post-graduate student of Department of the Theory and Technique of Teaching Russian of the North Ossetian State Pedagogical Institute
351. Getmansky Michail Yur’evich
A post-graduate student, computer programmer of Center of Intellectual Geoinformation Technologies at Adyghe State University
352. Gisina Olga Grigoryevna
Lecturer at Economy and Management Department of Novorossiysk Branch of Moscow Humanities - Economic Institute, Novorossiysk
353. Gishev Nukh Turkubievich
Doctor of Philology, Head of Language Department, Adyghean Republican Institute of Humanitarian Researches
354. Gladkaya Olga Tikhonovna
Deputy Director of FGBU «Kabbalkvodresursy»
Phone: |
òåë./ôàêñ (8662) 40-50-27 |
356. Gnetetskaya Ludmila Lavrentyevna
Candidate of Economics, Associate Professor of the Production and Regional Management Department, Kuban State University of Technology, Krasnodar
358. Gozgesheva Sataney Mukhtarovna
Expert of Political Science, Sociology and Theology Department of the Pyatigorsk State Linguistic University, Pyatigorsk
360. Goleva Galina Alexandrovna
Candidate of Economics, Associate Professor of Economy and Regional Management Department, IRPD, Southern Federal University, Rostov-on-Don
361. Golovanova Svetlana Alexandrovna
Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor of Department of History of Russia, Armavir State Pedagogical Academy, Armavir
Phone: |
9604765248; 3-57-00 |
362. Golovina Galina Viktorovna
Candidate of Pedagogy, Associate Professor of the Department of Socially-Cultural Activity, Krasnodar State University of Culture and Arts, Krasnodar
363. Golovnev Yury Filippovich
Doctor of Physics and Mathematics, Professor, Head of General and Theoretical Physics Department, Faculty of Mathematics, Physics and Computer Science, Tula State Pedagogical University named after L.N. Tolstoy, Tula
364. Golubov Evgeniy Aleksandrovich
Cardiovascular surgeon of Heart Surgery Division of FKU «The Main Military Clinical Hospital of Internal Troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia», Balashikha
365. Golub Marina Sergeyevna
Senior Lecturer of Preschool Pedagogy and Psychology Department of Faculty of Pedagogy, Psychology and Communicativistics, Kuban State University
366. Gomleshko Rustam Ruslanovich
Applicant for Candidate degree of Philosophy and Sociology Department of the Adyghe State University
367. Gomonova Tatyana Dmitrievna
Senior Lecturer of Department of the Humanities and Legal Disciplines, Branch of Institute of Management, Business and the Law in Salsk
368. Goncharenko Svetlana Yurievna
Senior Teacher of Foreign Languages Department of Admiral F.F.Ushakov Sea State Academy
370. Goncharova Natalya Alexandrovna
Competitor for Candidate degree of French Philology Department, Kuban State University (supervisor of studies – Doctor of Philology, Professor Grushevskaya T.M.)
371. Gorbova Irina Alexandrovna
Post-graduate student of Department of History of Russia, Armavir State Pedagogical Academy, Maikop
372. Gorelova Inna Sergeevna
Candidate of Economics, Lecturer Assistant of Department of Information-Analytical Systems of Security, Institute of Technology, Southern Federal University, Taganrog
373. Gorelova Galina Viktorovna
Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor of Department of State and Municipal Management, Institute of Technology, Southern Federal University, Taganrog
374. Gorobets Ludmila Nikolaevna
Doctor of Pedagogy, Professor of the Department of Russian and Technique of Teaching, Armavir State Pedagogical Academy
375. Gorobtsova Olga Nikolaevna
Candidate of Biology, Senior Scientist of the Laboratory of Soil and Ecological Researches, Institute of Ecology of Mountain Territories KBSC RAS, KBR
376. Gorokhov Stanislav Anatolyevich
Candidate of Geography, Associate Professor of Economic and Social Geography Department, Doctoral Candidate of Modern and Contemporary History Department, the Moscow Pedagogical State University
377. Gorchkhanova Tanzila Khasultanovna
Assistant Lecturer of Russian and Foreign Literature Department, Ingush State University
378. Goryanova Irina Vasilyevna
Lecturer, North-Ossetiya State University, Vladikavkaz
379. Gofman Elena Yuryevna
Post-graduate student of Pedagogy Department, the Armavir State Pedagogical Academy
380. Grebennikova Veronika Mikhailovna
Candidate of Pedagogy, Senior Lecturer of Pedagogy and Psychology Department, Dean of Faculty of Pedagogy, Psychology and Communications at Kuban State University
381. Grezina Marina Alexandrovna
Candidate of Economics, Associate Professor of the State and Municipal Law and Management Department of the Southern Federal University, Rostov-on-Don
382. Grekalova Irina Nikolaevna
Senior Lecturer of Physical Training Department, Adyghe State University
383. Grechishkina Svetlana Stanislavovna
Candidate of Biology, Physiologist of Research Institute of Complex Problems, Adyghe State University, Maikop
384. Grigorashchenko – Alieva Nadezhda Maksumovna
Lecturer of the Sochi State University of Tourism and Resort Business, Sochi
385. Grigoryev Egor Vadimovich
Post-graduate student of Volga Region Institute of Management named after P.A. Stolypin
386. Grigoryeva Svetlana Borisovna
Post-graduate student of Department of Russian Language and Technique of Its Teaching of Armavir State Pedagogical University (Supervisor of studies – I.I. Gorina, Doctor of Philology, Professor of Department of Russian Language and Technique of Its Teaching of Armavir State Pedagogical University)
387. Grigorieva-Rudakova Oksana Anatolievna
Post-graduate student of Pedagogy and Psychology Department at Kuban State University (Supervisor of Studies - Doctor of Pedagogy, Professor I.A. Rudakova)
388. Grigoryan Kristina Eduardovna
Post-graduate student of Department of Theory and History of Culture, Krasnodar State University of Culture and Arts (supervisor of studies – Doctor of Philology, Professor Lubashova N.I.)
389. Grigoryan Mariya Eduardovna
Senior Lecturer of Department of the Humanities and Social and Economic Disciplines, Municipal Independent Educational Institution the Krasnodar Municipal Medical Institute of Higher Sisterly Education
390. Grinenko Svetlana Viktorovna
Doctor of Economics, Associate Professor, Professor of Economy Department, Institute of Technology, Southern Federal University in Taganrog
391. Grinko Margarita Artemovna
Applicant for Candidate degree of Pedagogy Department of the Armavir State Pedagogical University
392. Gritsay Anna Gennadyevna
Teacher of Pedagogical College in the settlement of Leningradskaya, Competitor for Candidate degree of the Social and Special Pedagogy and Psychology Department, the Armavir State Pedagogical Academy
393. Gritsenko Anna Nikolaevna
Post-graduate student of the Accounting, Analysis and Audit Department of the Kuban State University of Technology, Krasnodar
395. Gritsenko Nikolay Pavlovich
Candidate of Historical Sciences, Associate Professor of Public Relations Department of Faculty of the Journalism, Kuban State University
396. Gromov Viktor Evgenievich
Doctor of Physics and Mathematics, Professor, Head of Faculty of Physics of Siberian State Industrial University, Novokuznetsk, Fax (3843) 465792
397. Grushevskaya Tatyana Mikhaylovna
Doctor of Philology, Professor, Head of French Philology Department, the Kuban State University
399. Gryaznova Yuliya Germanovna
Applicant for Candidate degree of Department of History and Philosophy of Science, the Stavropol State University
400. Gubanukaeva Markha Mushalievna
Candidate of Philology, Associate Professor of Department of Literature and Technique of Teaching, Chechen State Pedagogical Institute
401. Gubareva Lyubov Ivanovna
Doctor of Biology, Professor of the Anatomy and Physiology Department, North Caucasian Federal University, Stavropol
402. Gubzhokova Diana Dzharikhanovna
Deputy Director of Interbranch Regional Center for Improvement of Professional Skill and Professional Retraining of Chiefs and Specialists of Kabardino-Balkar State University
403. Gubin Georgiy Viktorovich
Post-graduate student of Marketing and Business Management Department, Kuban State University of Technology (KubSTU), Krasnodar
404. Gudkova Galina Nikolaevna
Doctor of Biology, Professor of Botany Department of Natural Science Faculty, the Adyghe State University
405. Gukasyan Alexander Valeryevich
Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor of Department of Machines and Apparatuses of Food Industry, Kuban State University of Technology, Krasnodar
406. Gukasyan Zoya Oganesovna
Candidate of Economics, Senior Lecturer of Department of Accounting, Analysis and Audit, Kuban State University of Technology, Krasnodar
407. Guketlev Yusuf Khadzhibiramovich
Doctor of Economics, Professor, Head of Department of Organization and Control of Transport Processes, the Engineering-Economic Faculty, Maikop State University of Technology
408. Guketlova Fatimat Nashirovna
Candidate of Philology, Assistant Professor of Romance Languages Department of Kabardian-Balkar State University
410. Gura Alena Yuryevna
Senior Lecturer of Philosophy Department, Kuban State University of Technology, Krasnodar
412. Gurnovich Tatyana Genrikhovna
Doctor of Economics, Professor of the Department of Financing Management and Bank Affair, Stavropol State Agrarian University, Stavropol
413. Gurova Evgeniya Alexandrovna
Post-graduate student of Department of Economy and the Account, the North Caucasian State Technical University, Stavropol
414. Gurskaya Marina Mikhaylovna
Candidate of Economics, Associate Professor
the Accounting, Audit and Automated Data Processing Department, the Kuban State University, Krasnodar
417. Gusak Yuliya Nikolaevna
Assistant Lecturer of Roman Languages Department, Stavropol State University
418. Gusarova Elena Nikolaevna
Candidate of Pedagogy, Associate Professor of Pedagogy and Psychology Department, Krasnodar University of Culture and Arts
419. Gusev Roman Nikolaevich
Post-graduate student of the South-Russian State University of Economy and Service, Shakhty
420. Guseva Anastasiya Nikolaevna
Post-graduate student of the Department “The Organization of Manufacture, Management and Marketing”, the South-Russian State University of Economy and Service, Shachty
421. Guseva Ekaterina Vladimirovna
Lecturer of the Department of the Automated Control Systems and Software at Military Educational-Scientific Center “Land Forces”, the Military Academy of Armed Forces of the Russian Federation (Branch in Penza)
422. Gutov Adam Mukhamedovich
Doctor of Philology, Professor, Head of Sector of the Adyghean Folklore, Institute of Humanitarian Researches, the Government of Kabardino-Balkar Republic and Kabardino-Balkar Center of Russian Academy of Sciences
424. Guchet (Tkhagova) Asiet Amerbievna
Post-graduate student of Physiology Department of Natural Science Faculty, Physiologist of the «Health» Centre at Adyghe State University
425. Guchetl Aminat Ramazanovna
Teacher of the highest qualifying category of Department “The Law and Organization of Social Security”, Maikop State Humanitarian and Technical College of Adyghe State University
427. Gyurdzhyan Gayk Armenovich
Post-graduate student of Psychology Department, the Kuban State University of Physical Training, Sports and Tourism
429. Davankov Vadim Aleõandrovich
Doctor of Chemistry, Professor, Head of the Laboratory of Stereochemistry of Sorption Processes, A.N. Nesmeyanov Institute of Element Organic Compounds, the Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow
431. Davletkulova Gulfiya Shafkatovna
Lecturer in Bashkir Language and Literature of Salavatsky Pedagogical College, post-graduate student of Department of Technique of Teaching the Linguistic Disciplines of Bashkir State Pedagogical University named after M. Akmulla (supervisor of studies – Candidate of Pedagogy, Professor Ð.Â. Almukhametov)
433. Davydova Mariya Anatolyevna
Senior Lecturer of Social Communications and Technology Department, Southern Federal University, Head of Department of Strategic Planning of Information Policy Service, Ministry of Internal and Information Policy of Rostov Region
436. Dalaeva Yuliya Dashidorzhievna
Specialist of Post-Graduate Courses and Doctoral Candidate Department, post-graduate student of Social and Ecological Management Department, Russian Academy of Public Service at the President of the Russian Federation
437. Danilina Marina Viktorovna
Post-graduate student, Institute of World Economy and Iinternational Relations of the Russian Academy of Sciences
438. Dargan Anna Alexandrovna
Post-graduate student of Sociology and Social Work Departement of the North Caucasian State Technical University
439. Darmilova Zhanna Davletovna
Doctor of Economics, Professor of Management Department, the Academy of Marketing and Social-Information Technologies, Krasnodar
440. Darmilova Svetlana Vladimirovna
Candidate of Pedagogy, Associate Professor of French Philology Department, Adyghe State University
442. Daurova Mariet Shugaibovna
Candidate of Pedagogy, Associate Professor of Pedagogy and Social Psychology Department of Adyghe State University
443. Daurova Marieta Ruslanovna
Teacher of correction school of type 8, Maikop
444. Daurova Ruzana Sultanovna
Post-graduate student of Department of History and Culture of the Adyghes, Adyghe State University (supervisor of studies - Doctor of Philology, Professor R.B. Unarokova)
445. Dautov Yuriy Yunusovich
Doctor of Medicine, Professor of Department of Medicobiological Disciplines of Institute of Physical Training and Judo, Adyghe State University
446. Dautova Anzhela Mukharbievna
Post-graduate student of Adyghe Philology Department, the Adyghe State University (supervisor of studies – Doctor of Philology, Professor M.N. Khachemizova)
447. Dautova Marina Muradinovna
Post-graduate student of General Pedagogy Department, Adyghe State University, Lawyer of Health Care Center
448. Dakhno Ekaterina Valeryevna
Post-graduate student of Sociology, Political Science and Law, Institute for Retraining and Professional Development of Teachers of the Humanities and Social Sciences, Southern Federal University
449. Dvornikova Evgeniya Ignatyevna
Doctor of Pedagogy, Professor, Head of Russian and Foreign Literature Department, Stavropol State Pedagogical Institute
451. Dedyukhina Anna Gennadyevna
Post-graduate student of English Philology Department, the Kuban State University (supervisor of studies – Doctor of Philology, Professor T.M. Grushevskaya)
452. Deyneka Alexander Ivanovich
Post-graduate student of the Department of Political Science and Political Management, the Kuban State University, Krasnodar
453. Dekkushev Ruslan Borisovich
Principal State Inspector of Labour of State Labour Inspection in the Karachay-Cherkessia Republic, Cherkessk
454. Deliboltoyan Arsen Edvartovich
Post-graduate student of the Accounting, Audit and Automated Data Processing Department, the Kuban State University, Krasnodar
455. Delova Lyudmila Alievna
Candidate of Sociology, Leading Scientist of Philosophy and Sociology Department of T.M. Kerashev Adyghe Republican Institute of Humanitarian Researches
456. Delok Vyacheslav Khazretovich
Applicant for Candidate’s degree of General Pedagogy Department of Adyghe State University
457. Demin Andrey Nikolaevich
Doctor of Psychology, Professor of Social Psychology and Sociology of Management at Kuban State University
459. Demkina Elena Vladimirovna
Candidate of Pedagogy, Associate Professor of Pedagogy and Social Psychology Department, Adyghe State University
460. Demchenko Elena Vladimirovna
Post-graduate student of Track and Field Athletics Department of Institute of Physical Training and Judo, Adyghe State University
461. Dendeberya Anna Pavlovna
Post-graduate student of Pedagogy Department, the Armavir State Pedagogical Academy
464. Dzhambekova Tamara Belalovna
Doctor of Philology, Professor, Head of Department of Literature and Technique of Teaching, Chechen State Pedagogical Institute
465. Dzhamirze Bella Yunusovna
Post-graduate student of the Rostov Legal Institute of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, Rostov-on-Don
466. Dzhandar Betti Makhmudovna
Doctor of Pedagogy, Professor of English Philology Department, Adyghe State University
467. Dzhapua Zurab Dzhotovich
Doctor of Philology, Professor, Academician of Abkhazian Academy of Sciences, Director of Nart Studies and Field Folkloristic Center at Abkhazian State University, Chief Scientist of Abkhazian Research Institute of Humanities named after D.I. Gulia, Abkhazian Academy of Sciences
468. Dzharimov Aslan Alievich
Doctor of Economic Sciences, Professor of Human Resource Management Department of Adyghe State University, Maikop
469. Dzharimova Zarema Aslanovna
Candidate of Economics, Associate Professor of the Accounting and Finance Department of Adyghe State University, Maikop
471. Dzhimova Nina Davletcherievna
Candidate of Biology, Associate Professor of Physiology Department of Natural Science Faculty, the Adyghe State University
472. Dzhrivakh Bashar
Post-graduate student of Chemistry Department of Natural Science Faculty, Adyghe State University
474. Dzybova Saida Gissovna
Candidate of Jurisprudence, Head of Constitutional Law Department at Adyghe State University
Phone: |
8 909 469 28 28, ðàá. òåë. 593 961 |
475. Dianova Veronika Alexandrovna
Senior Lecturer of Management, Marketing and Entrepreneurship Department, Southern Institute of Management, Krasnodar
476. Dikalova Marina Valentinovna
Post-graduate student of Social and Special Pedagogy and Psychology Department, Armavir State Pedagogical Academy
479. Dobrovolsky Alexandr Grigoryevich
Applicant for Candidate’s degree of Economy and Management Department,Adyghe State University, Maikop
480. Dodova Lyudmila Muratovna
Post-graduate student of Psychology Department of the Kuban State University of Physical Training, Sports and Tourism (Supervisor of studies – B.A. Yasko)
481. Dolgiev Murat Magomedovich
Post-graduate student of Economy and Management Department of Economic Faculty, Adyghe State University, Maikop
483. Dolzhikova Svetlana Nikolaevna
Candidate of Philology, Professor of Foreign Languages
Department, the Russian Trade-Economic University
484. Domaev Evgeniy Vladimirovich
Deputy Chief of Special Disciplines Department of the Siberian Branch of the St.-Petersburg State Fire Service University, the Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Russian Federation, Zheleznogorsk
486. Donenko Feîdor Vitalóevich
Doctor of Medicine, Leading Scientist of the Cellular Immunity Laboratory of Research Institute of Experimental Diagnostics and Therapy of Tumors, N.N. Blokhin Russian Oncological Research Center of the Russian Academy of Medical Science, Moscow
487. Dordzhieva Viktoriya Ilyinichna
Candidate of Biology, Associate Professor of Botany and Zoology Department of Faculty of Pedagogical Education and Biology, Kalmyk State University, Elista
489. Doronin Anatoliy Mikhaylovich
Doctor of Pedagogy, Professor, Head of the Department of Track and Field Athletics, Institute of Physical Training and Judo, Adyghe State University
490. Dorokhov Denis Vladimirovich
Deputy Chief of Department of the Theory and Technique of Aircraft Management, Yeysk Higher Military Aviation College (Military Institute)
491. Doroshenko Aleksey Sergeevich
Candidate of Pedagogy, Associate Professor, Head of Medicobiological Discipline Department of Institute of Physical Training and Judo, Adyghe State University, Maikop
492. Dosta Galina Vladimirovna
Senior Lecturer of the Department of the Law, the Volgodonsk Institute of Economy, Management and the Law (Branch of Southern Federal University), applicant for Candidate degree at Faculty of Training Scientific and Pedagogical Staff of the Rostov Juridical Institute of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, Rostov-on-Don
493. Doyunova Svetlana Sergeevna
Post-graduate student of Russian Language Department, Adyghe State University (Supervisor of Studies – Doctor of Philology, Professor R.Yu. Namitokova)
494. Drokina Kristina Vladimirovna
Post-graduate student of Management Department of the Taganrog Institute of Technology, Southern Federal University, Taganrog
495. Druzhinina Valentina Sergeevna
Graduate of 2009 from the Natural Science Faculty, the Adyghe State University
496. Drushevskaya Viktoriya Leonidovna
Post-graduate student of the Kuban State University of Physical Training, Sports and Tourism
497. Dubentsov Maxim Igorevich
Post-graduate student of the Department of the Person Psychology and General Psychology, the Kuban State University
499. Dubrovin Aleksey Vladimirovich
Post-graduate student of the Department of National History, Historiography and Theory of History, Adyghe State University, Maikop
500. Duguzhev Islam Borisovich
Post-graduate student of Financial Management and Investment Department, Kabardino-Balkarian State Agricultural Academy named after V.M. Kokov, Nalchik
501. Dukhina Tatyana Nikolaevna
Doctor of Sociology, Professor of Department of Stavropol State Agrarian University
502. Dushko Marina Sergeevna
Post-graduate student of Psychology Department at Kuban State University of Physical Training, Sports and Tourism (Supervisor of Studies - Doctor of Psychology, Professor G.B. Gorskaya)
503. Dyakov Sergey Alexandrovich
Candidate of Economics, Associate Professor of the Organization of Manufacture and Innovative Activity Department, the Kuban State Agrarian University, Krasnodar
504. Dyakova Irina Nikolaevna
Candidate of Biology, Associate Professor of Agronomy Department of Agrarian Technology Faculty, Maikop State University of Technology, Head of Department of Cultural and Decorative Plants of Botanical Garden, Adyghe State University
505. Dyachenko Irina Alexandrovna
Post-graduate student of the Department of Organization and Planning the Local Development, the Kuban State University, Krasnodar
506. Evstifeeva Olga Gennadyevna
Ñandidate of Sociology, Associate Professor, Head of Commerce Department of the Volgograd Branch of the Russian State Trade - Economic University, Volgograd
507. Evtykh Saida Adamovna
Lecturer of Department of Physical Training-Health Improving Technologies of the Kuban State University of Physical Training, Sports and Tourism
508. Evtykhova Nafiset Muratovna
Candidate of Pedagogy, Associate Professor of Department of Natural and Mathematical Disciplines and Techniques of Their Teaching in System of Preschool and Primary Education, the Faculty of Pedagogy and Psychology, Adyghe State University
509. Egorenko Anna Olegovna
Candidate of Economics, Associate Professor of Institute of an Open Business Education and Design, Associate Professor of Managemant Department
Phone: |
(495) 680-17-69; 8 964 508 28 86 |
510. Egorova Viktoriya Sergeevna
Post-graduate student of Psychology Department of the Kuban State University of Physical Training, Sports and Tourism
511. Ednich Evgeniya Mikhaylovna
Senior Lecturer of Physiology Department of Natural Science Faculty, Head of Department of Natural Vegetation of the Adyghe State University Botanical Garden, Maikop
513. Emelyanova Irina Nikolaevna
Senior Lecturer of the Branch of Rostov State Economic University in Georgievsk of Stavropol Territory, Applicant for Candidate degree of Accounting Department of the Rostov State Economic University
514. Emuzova Nina Guzerovna
Doctor of Pedagogy, Professor of Department of Pedagogy and Psychology of Complementary Pedagogical Education, the Kabardino-Balkarian State University named after Kh.M. Berbekov
515. Emykova Nurdzhan Khadzhibievna
Scientist of Adyghe Science Center of Research Institute of Complex Problems, Adyghe State University
516. Ermishina Elena Borisovna
Applicant for Candidate degree of Economics Department of Southern Institute of Management, Krasnodar
517. Ermolenko Alexander Alexandrovich
Doctor of Economics, Professor, Head of Economy Department, the Southern Institute of Management, Krasnodar
518. Ermolenko Galina Vasilyevna
Candidate of Biology, Associate Professor of the Anatomy and Physiology Department, North Caucasian Federal University, Stavropol
519. Ermolenko Natalya Yuryevna
Post-graduate student of Economy Department, Southern Institute of Management, Krasnodar
520. Ermolova Lyubov Stepanovna
Doctor of Biology, Professor of Botany, Zoology and General Biology Department, North Caucasian Federal University, Stavropol
521. Erokhina Elena Vladimirovna
Senior Lecturer of Andragogics Department at Institute of Retraining and Increasing Qualification of Specialists, the Kuban State University
522. Eroyan Asya Efimovna
Candidate of Economics, Associate Professor of Industrial and Regional Management Department, Kuban State University of Technology, Krasnodar
523. Efimov Vladimir Fedorovich
Doctor of Pedagogy, Assistant Professor, Head of Department of Technique of Teaching Natural Sciences, the Moscow Regional State Humanitarian Institute
524. Efimova Evgeniya Anatolyevna
Post-graduate student of Pedagogical Department, Volgograd State Social-Pedagogical University
525. Efimova Tamara Nikolaevna
Candidate of Biology, Associate Professor of Ecology and Nature Management Department, Forestry and Ecology Faculty, Mariysky State Technical University
526. Efremov Alexander Alexandrovich
Post-graduate student of General Linguistics Department, Adyghe State University (Supervisor of studies – Doctor of Philology, Professor Z.R. Khachmafova)
527. Eshugova Svetlana Kadyrbechevna
Candidate of Economics, Dean of Financial and Economic Faculty, Maikop State University of Technology, Maikop
528. Zhavnerchik Olesya Vyacheslavovna
Lecturer Assistant of Department of Management of Nature Protection Activity, Odessa State Environmental University, Odessa
529. Zhade Zuriet Anzaurovna
Doctor of Political Science, Professor, Head of Department of Theory and History of the State and Law and Political Science, Adyghe State University
531. Zhazhieva Razyet Skhatbievna
Candidate of Philology, Senior Lecturer of Literature and Journalism Department, Adyghe State University
532. Zhane Adam Kerimovich
Candidate of Medical Sciences, chief physician of JSC The Modern Medical Center named after H.M. Sovmen – Clinic of the XXI Century, aul Afipsip
533. Zhankaziev Anzor Khasanbievich
Candidate of Economics, Associate Professor of the Management and Marketing Department of Kabardino-Balkarsky State University named after Kh.M. Berbekov, Nalchik
534. Zhappueva Larisa Khabibullakhovna
Candidate of Pedagogy, employee of Federal State Budgetary Institution Nalchik State Experimental Hunting Farms, Nalchik
535. Zhapuev Zaur Askerbievich
Candidate of Sociology, Doctoral Candidate of Department of Sociology, Political Science and Law, IPPK of the Southern Federal University
536. Zhachemukova Bela Magametovna
Post-graduate student of Journalism History and Communicativistics Department, Kuban State University (supervisor of studies – Doctor of Philology, Professor Luchinsky Yu.V.)
537. Zheldasheva Anna Olegovna
Senior Lecturer, Department of Differential Equations, Kabardino-Balkar State University named after Kh.M. Berbekov
538. Zhelnova Oksana Alexandrovna
Lecturer of Legal Disciplines, the Nonstate Educational Institution of Balashovsky Cooperative Technical School
539. Zhemukhova Lyudmila Zubanilovna
Post-graduate student of Pedagogy and Psychology Department of Kabardin-Balkarian State University (Supervisor of Studies - Doctor of Pedagogy, Professor N.G. Emuzova)
541. Zhivoglyad Marina Vyacheslavovna
Candidate of Pedagogy, Associate Professor of Department of the Theory and History of Pedagogy and Student’s Practical Training, Armavir State Pedagogical Academy
542. Zhigaylova Larisa Valentinovna
Candidate of Pedagogy, Associate Professor of the Department of the Theory and Technique of Gymnastics, the Kuban State University of Physical Training, Sports and Tourism
544. Zhidkikh Irina Vladimirovna
Candidate of Jurisprudence, Associate Professor of Criminal Law Department of Faculty of Law, Adyghe State University
545. Zhidkova Irina Yuryevna
Post-graduate student of Economy and Account Department of North Caucasian State Technical University, Stavropol
546. Zhilkin Vladimir Vladimirovich
Post-graduate student of the laboratory of applied culturology and media culture of the Tambov State University named after G.R. Derzhavin
547. Zhilkina Natalya Vladimirovna
Post-graduate student, Laboratory of Applied Cultural Science and Media Culture of Tambov State University named after G.R. Derzhavin
548. Zhiltsov Vyacheslav Nikolaevich
Lecturer of Department of the Theory and Technique of Aircraft Management, Yeysk Higher Military Aviation College (Military Institute)
549. Zhminko Albina Evgenyevna
Senior Lecturer of Statistics and Applied Mathematics Department, Kuban State Agrarian University, Krasnodar
551. Zhuk Ekaterina Evgenyevna
Lecturer of English Language Department in Professional Sphere, Faculty of Romanic-German Philology, Kuban State University
552. Zhukov Boris Mikhaylovich
Doctor of Economics, Professor, Head of Management, Marketing and Entrepreneurship Department, Southern Institute of Management, Krasnodar
553. Zhukov Viktor Ivanovich
Doctor of Pedagogy, Professor, Head of the Department of Biomechanics and Sports Disciplines, Institute of Physical Training and Judo, Adyghe State University
554. Zhukova Irina Nikolaevna
Candidate of Physics and Mathematics, Assistant Professor of Theoretical Physics Department of Physics Faculty at Adyghe State University
556. Zabolotniy Anatoliy Gennadyevich
Candidate of Pedagogy, Associate Professor of Physical Education Department, Institute of Physical Training and Judo, Director of the «Health» Centre at Adyghe State University, Maikop
557. Zabolotskaya Viktoriya Viktorovna
Candidate of Economics, Associate Professor, Doctoral Candidate of the World Economy and Management Department, the Kuban State University, Krasnodar
558. Zavertkina Evgenia Vasilyevna
Candidate of Philology, Associate Professor of English Language Department, Far East Federal University
559. Zagashtokov Aisa Khusinovich
Doctor of Pedagogy, Professor, Head of the Department of Methodology of Preschool and Elementary Education, Berbekov Kabardian-Balkar State University
561. Zagulyaev Dmitriy Valerievich
A post-graduate student of Physics Department of Siberian State Industrial University, Faculty of Physics, Novokuznetsk, Fax (3843) 465792
562. Zaichenko Vladimir Alexandrovich
Post-graduate student of the Stavropol State University
563. Zayko Vera Vasilyevna
Candidate of Pedagogy, Associate Professor of Department of Natural and Mathematical Disciplines and Technique of Their Teaching in System of Preschool and Primary Education, Adyghe State University
564. Zaykov Vladimir Polievktovich
Doctor of Economics, Professor of Economics Department, Anapa Branch of the Russian State Social University
566. Zaytseva Valentina Yuryevna
Post-graduate student of Linguistics and Foreign Languages Department, Kaluga State University named after K.E. Tsiolkovsky (supervisor of studies - Doctor of Philology, Professor L.G. Vasilyev)
567. Zaitseva Svetlana Sergeevna
Candidate of Economics, Associate Professor of Taxes and Taxation Department of the Russian Economic Academy named after G.V. Plekhanov, Moscow
568. Zakureev Arsen Ruslanovich
Candidate of Economics, employee of Federal State Budgetary Institution Nalchik State ExperimentalHunting Farms, Nalchik
569. Zaloznaya Galina Mikhaylovna
Doctor of Economics, Professor, Head of the Department of Economic Theory and Management, the Orenburg State Agrarian University, Orenburg
570. Zamay Svetlana Yuryevna
Assistant Lecturer of English Philology Department, Post-graduate student of General Linguistics Department, Adyghe State University (supervisor of studies – Doctor of Philology, Professor Akhidzhakova M.P.)
571. Zamalyadinova Oksana Vladislavovna
Competitor for Candidate degree of Pedagogy Department of the Kuban State University (Supervisor of studies - Professor E.A. Degterev)
572. Zamotaylov Aleksandr Sergeevich
Doctor of Biology, Professor of Physiology Department of Natural Science Faculty, Head of Laboratory of Bioecological Monitoring of Invertebrate Animals in Adygheya Republic at Research Institute of Complex Problems of Adyghe State University
575. Zaul Rami M.A.
Post-graduate student of Department of the Theory and Technique of Football and Rugby Football, the Kuban State University of Physical Training, Sports and Tourism
576. Zakharov Stanislav Vadimovich
Post-graduate student of Department of the Personnel Management and Organizational Psychology of the Kuban State University (Supervisor of studies – B.A. Yasko)
577. Zakharova Elena Nikolaevna
Doctor of Economics, Professor of Economy and Management Department of the Economic Faculty, the Adyghe State University
578. Zakharyuta Nina Vasilyevna
Candidate of Psychology, Assistant Professor of Psychology and Special Pedagogy Department, the Armavir State Pedagogical Academy
579. Zakhkieva Roza Sayd-Àkhmedovna
Senior Lecturer of the Department of Physiology and Anatomy of Human and Animals, Chechen State University, Grozny
580. Zvyagintseva Natalya Yuryevna
Senior Lecturer of the General and Social Pedagogy Department, the Kuban State University
581. Zekieva Petimat Masudovna
Post-graduate student of German Philology Department, Pyatigorsky State Linguistic University ((supervisor of studies – Candidate of Philology, Associate Professor – Morozova M.E.)
582. Zelenskaya Olga Alexandrovna
Candidate of Economics, Associate Professor of Finance and Credit Department of Maikop State University of Technology, Maikop
583. Zelenskaya Valentina Vasilyevna
Doctor of Philology, Professor of French Philology
Department, the Kuban State University
584. Zenkina Irina Vladimirovna
Candidate of Economics, Associate Professor of Analysis of Economic Activity and Forecasting Department,Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education “Rostov State University of Economics” (RINH), Rostov-on-Don
585. Zimina Natalya Yuryevna
Lecturer of Russian Language Department, Kuban State University of Technology, Applicant for Candidate degree of Russian Language Department, Kuban State Agrarian University (Supervisor of studies – Doctor of Philology, Associate Professor O.E. Pavlovskaya)
586. Zinchenko Gennadiy Pavlovich
Honored Worker of a Science of the Russian Federation, Doctor of Philosophy, Professor of the Southern Russian Institute – Branch of the Russian Academy of National Economy and Public Service at the President of the Russian Federation
587. Zorin Vitaliy Pavlovich
A post-graduate student, computer programmer of Center of Intellectual Geoinformation Technologies at Adyghe State University
589. Zotov Aleksandr Anatolyevich
Intern Investigator of the Arid Ecology Department of the Institute of Arid Zones of the Southern Scientific Centre, Russian Academy of Sciences, Rostov-on-Don
590. Zubkov Maxim Eduardovich
Post-graduate student of Labour and Environment Protection Department, the Southwestern State University
592. Zueva Mariya Mikhaylovna
Post-graduate student of Economy and Account Department, North-Caucasus State Technical University, Stavropol
593. Zukhba Sergey Ladovich
Doctor of Philology, Professor, Academician of Abkhaziya Academy of Sciences and AMAN, member of the Writers Union of the Russian Federation
594. Zykov Oleg Petrovich
Candidate of Pedagogy, Associate Professor of Journalism Department, St.-Petersburg State University of Service and Economy
595. Zyuzina Larisa Vasilyevna
Senior Lecturer of the Novokubansky Branch, the Kuban State Agricultural University, Armavir
596. Ibragimov Gasan Gasanovich
Candidate of Pedagogy, Professor of Pedagogy and Psychology Department, the Derbent Institute of Arts and Culture
597. Ibragimov Lema Makhmudovich
Senior Scientist of the Academy of Sciences of the Chechen Republic, Competitor for Candidate degree of Literature and Journalism Department of Adyghe State University (Supervisor of studies – Doctor of Philology, Professor T.M. Stepanova)
598. Ivanenko Tatyana Aleksandrovna
Candidate of Agriculture, Associate Professor of Economy and Management Department at Economic Faculty, Adyghe State University
600. Ivanov Ivan Alexandrovich
Applicant for Candidate degree of Department of Sociology and Social Work of the North Caucasian State Technical University, teacher of the Stavropol Cooperative Technical School of Economy, Commerce and the Law, Stavropol
601. Ivanov Igor Anatolyevich
Candidate of Pedagogy, Assistant Professor of General Mathematics Department of the Sochi State University of Tourism and Resort Business
602. Ivanov Sergey Vladimirovich
Candidate of Sociology, Head of Department of North-Caucasus Federal State Territorial Institution of Property Relations
603. Ivanova Zarema Zaurbievna
Assistant Lecturer of Department of Natural-Mathematical Disciplines and a Technique of Their Teaching in System of Preschool and Elementary Education of the Adyghe State University
604. Ivanova Tatyana Sergeevna
Applicant for Candidate degree of Social Linguistic Department, the Institute of Linguistics of the Russian Academy of Science (Supervisor of studies - Doctor of Philology A.N. Bitkeeva)
605. Ivantsov Igor Grigoryevich
Candidate of Historical Sciences, Associate Professor of Management Department of Engineering-Economic Faculty, the Branch of Maikop State University of Technology in the settlement of Yablonovsky
606. Ivancha Nikolay Viktorovich
Post-graduate student of Management Department, North-Caucasus Institute of Engineering and the Humanities, Stavropol
607. Ivashchenko Alexander Stefanovich
Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor, Head of the Department of General History, Faculty of History, Adyghe State University, Maikop
609. Ignatovich Svetlana Sergeyevna
Applicant for a Candidate’s degree of Pedagogy and Psychology Department, the Faculty of Pedagogy, Psychology and Communicativistics, Kuban State University
611. Idrisova Raziyat Niyazbekovna
Candidate of Pedagogy, Senior Lecturer of Department of Theory and Technique of Training to Law at Daghestan State Pedagogical University
612. Izmaylovà Malitkhan Abdrakhmanovna
Candidate of Biology, Senior Lecturer of Biology Department, Ingush State University
614. Ilyina Lyudmila Pavlovna
Candidate of Agricultural Sciences, Leading Scientist of the Arid Ecology Department of the Institute of Arid Zones of the Southern Scientific Centre, Russian Academy of Sciences, Rostov-on-Don
615. Ilyushchenko Nadezhda Andreevna
Lecturer of Economics Department of the Southern Institute of Management, Krasnodar
616. Imeev Vladimir Ochirovich
Candidate of Philology, Associate Professor of the Department of Foreign Languages and Cross-Cultural Communication, Vice Rector of the Kalmytsky State University
617. Indrisov Yusup Magomedovich
Candidate of Historical Sciences, Associate Professor of Historical and Legal Disciplines Department, the North-Caucasian Branch of the Russian Legal Academy
619. Iriolova Alina Dmitrievna
Post-graduate student of English Philology Department, Adyghe State University, teacher of foreign language, Krasnodar Territorial Base Medical College (Supervisor of studies – Doctor of Pedagogy, Professor M.Kh. Shkhapatseva)
620. Isaev Umar Abubakirovich
Applicant for the Candidate degree of the Russian Academy of National Economy and Public Service at the President of the Russian Federation, Moscow
621. Isaeva Lidiya Alekseevna
Doctor of Philology, Professor, Head of Modern Russian Language Department, Kuban State University
622. Isakov Alexey Olegovich
Post-graduate student of Sports Disciplines Department of the Branch of Aliev Karachai-Circassian State University
623. Isakov Oleg Ivanovich
Candidate of Pedagogy, Associate Professor, Director of Kropotkinsky Branch of Karachaevo-Circassian State University
624. Isakova Yuliya Igorevna
Candidate of Jurisprudence, Doctoral Candidate of Sociology, political science and Law, IPPK YuFU, Rostov-on-Don
625. Ismailova Almaz Musaevna
Candidate of Historical Sciences, Associate Professor of the Humanities Department of Daghestan State Institute of National Economy, Makhachkala
626. Isyangulova Alfiya Farvazovna
Lecturer in Bashkir Language and Literature of Salavatsky Pedagogical College, Applicant for Candidate’s degree in Philology of Linguistic Department, Institute of History of Language and Literature, the Ufa Scientific Center of Russian Academy of Sciences (supervisor of studies – Doctor of Philology, Professor F.G. Khisamutdinova)
628. Ishtoyan Kristina Gagikovna
Post-graduate student of Translation and Computer Science Department, Pedagogical Institute of Southern Federal University (Supervisor of studies – Doctor of Philology, Professor M.V. Laskova)
629. Kabanyan Bella Semenovna
Applicant for Candidate’s degree of Department of General and Slavic-Russian Linguistics, Kuban State University (Supervisor of studies – Doctor of Philology, Professor E.N. Luchinskaya)
631. Kabayan Olga Sergeevna
Candidate of Pedagogy, Associate Professor of Botany, Adyghe State University
632. Kagazezhev Zhiraslan Valeryevich
Candidate of Historical Sciences, Scientist of History Department, Kabardian-Balkarian Institute of Humanitarian Researches of the Government of. Kabardian-Balkarian Republic and Kabardian-Balkarian Scientific Centre of RAS
633. Kagazezheva Nuryat Khazertalevna
Candidate of Biology, Associate Professor of Medicobiological Discipline Department of Institute of Physical Training and Judo, Adyghe State University
634. Kaguy Natalya Vasilyevna
Candidate of Pedagogy, Associate Professor of Foreign Languages Department, the Naberezhnye Chelny Institute of Social and Pedagogical Technologies and Resources
635. Kadyrkaev Rashid Abdulkhatovich
Candidate of Pedagogy, Figure Skating Coach in Group of the Deserved Trainer of the USSR A.Mishin (St.-Petersburg)
636. Kadyrov Ilshat Salavatovich
Post-graduate student of the Account, Analysis and Audit Department of Eeconomic Faculty of the Moscow State University, Moscow
637. Kazakevich Anastasiya Vasilyevna
Applicant for Candidate degree of Pedagogy Department of Armavir State Pedagogical Academy
638. Kazakov Khalit Khairbekovich
Applicant for a Candidate’s degree of North Caucasus State Academy of the Humanities and Technology, a serviceman in military unit
640. Kazantseva Anastasiya Alexandrovna
Candidate of Philology, Associate Professor of Russian Language Department of the Moscow Auto-Road Institute (the State Technical University)
641. Kazarina Natalya Borisovna
Senior Lecturer of Russian Language and Literature Department, Kuban State University of Physical Training, Sports and Tourism
642. Kazarina Svetlana Georgievna
Doctor of Philology, Professor, Head of Russian Language and Literature Department, Kuban State University of Physical Training, Sports and Tourism
643. Kazaryan Natalya Alexandrovna
Post-graduate student of Philosophy Department of the Krasnodar State University of Culture and Arts
644. Kayvanov Arsentiy Valeryevich
Post-graduate student of Taxes and Taxation Department, North-Caucasus Federal University, Stavropol
645. Kaydina Marina Sergeevna
Head of Practical Psychology Service, Pedagogical College No. 5, Moscow
646. Kaytmesova Svetlana Ruslanovna
Post-graduate student of Physiology Department of Natural Science Faculty, Adyghe State University
647. Kalabekova Ludmila Tazretovna
Candidate of Philology, Associate Professor, Head of Department of Foreign Languages for Humanitarian Faculties, Center of Language Training, North-Osetiya State University named after K.L. Khetagurov
648. Kalakutok Kazbek Batmizovich
Head Physician of the Adyghe Republican Clinical Hospital
649. Kalashaova Aza Askerovna
Candidate of Philology, Associate Professor of Foreign Language Department, Adyghe State University
650. Kaloshina Galina Evgenyevna
Candidate of Art Criticism, Professor of Music History Department of Rostov State Conservatory named after S.V. Rakhmaninov
651. Kalnitskaya Valentina Efimovna
Candidate of Medicine, Associate Professor, Senior Scintist of Research Institute of Problems of Physical Training and Sports, the Kuban State University of Physical Training, Sports and Tourism
652. Kambachokov Adam Mushtagidovich
Doctor of Philology, Professor, Director of Interbranch Regional Center of Skill Improvement and Professional Training of Heads and Specialists, Kabardino-Balkarsky State University
654. Kamelyanova Flida Fanavievna
Post-graduate student of Department of Philology and Technique of Russian Language and Literature Teaching of Birskaya State Social-Pedagogical Academy (Supervisor of studies – Khasanov R.F., Doctor of Philology, Professor)
655. Kamyzina Anna Vladimirovna
Candidate of Pedagogy, Senior Teacher of Foreign Languages Department at Stavropol State Pedagogical Institute
656. Kanukova Zarina Saadulovna
Post-graduate student of Cultural Science Department of the North Caucasus State Institute of Arts, Editor-in-Chief of the Goryanka newspaper, KBR, Nalchik
657. Kapets Olga Viktorovna
Candidate of Philology, Associate Professor of Literature and Journalism Department, Adyghe State University
658. Kappusheva Tamara Lutovna
Lecturer Assistant of Department of Computer Science and Information Technologies, North-Caucasus State Academy of Technology, Cherkessk
659. Karabash Dmitriy Vasilyevich
Competitor for Candidate degree at Philosophy and Sociology Department of Adyghe State University, Maikop
660. Karamanova Marina Leonidovna
Post-graduate student of Music History Department of Rostov State Conservatory named after S.V. Rakhmaninov (Supervisor of studies – Candidate of Art Criticism, Professor Kaloshina G.E.)
661. Karanashev Anzor Khasanbievich
Candidate of Economics, Associate Professor, Head of Department of Socio-Cultural Service Technology of Kabardino-Balkar State University, Nalchik
662. Karaseva Sayad Akyf Kyzy
Assistant Lecturer of Management Department, Southern Russian State University of Economy and Service (Branch in Stavropol)
663. Karataban Irina Asfarovna
Applicant for Candidate degree of Philosophy and Sociology Department of the Adyghe State University, Maikop
664. Kardava Elena Evgenyevna
Candidate of Economics, Head of Economic Department, Branch of Adyghe State University in Belorechensk
665. Kardovskaya Ekaterina Konstantinovna
Post-graduate student of Department of Social Work, Psychology and Pedagogy of Higher Education, the Kuban State University
666. Karelkin Evgeniy Nikolaevich
Lecturer of Krasnodar University of Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, Krasnodar
667. Karlina Olga Alexandrovna
Head of Methodical Department of Kislovodsk Medical College
668. Karmanov Andrey Vladimirovich
Applicant for a Candidate’s degree of Philosophy and History Department of the Admiral Ushakov Maritime State Academy, teacher of Novorossiysk College of Construction and Economy
669. Karmokov Mukhamed Khusenovich
Post-graduate student of Zoology Department of the Kabardino-Balkarian State University named after Kh.M. Berbekov (Supervisor of studies: N.V. Polukonova, Doctor of Biology, Professor of the General Biology, Pharmacognosy and Botany Department of the Saratov State Medical University named after V.I. Razumovsky.)
670. Karpenko Svetlana Viktorovna
Candidate of Economics, Associate Professor of Account and Finance Department, Adyghe State University, Maikop
671. Karpenko Yuliya Alexandrovna
Competitor for Candidate degree of the Russian Academy of Public Service at the President of the Russian Federation, Moscow
673. Karpova Tatyana Vladislavovna
Post-graduate student of Elementary Education Department of Academy of Postgraduate Pedagogical Education for teachers of Moscow Region, teacher of English, MEI “Aprelevskaya Secondary Education School No. 1”
674. Karsliev Ruslan Georgievich
Specialist, North-Caucasus Bank of OAO “Savings Bank of Russia”, Stavropol
676. Kasabova Elina Ernestovna
Applicant for Candidate degree of Department of History of Journalism and Communicology of the Kuban State University (Supervisor of studies – Doctor of Philology, Professor Yu.V. Luchinsky)
677. Kasatkina Ekaterina Andreevna
Assistant Lecturer of Political Science and Law Department of the Kuban State Polytechnic University, Krasnodar
678. Kasparyan Mikhail Surenovich
Fifth-year student of Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science, Adyghe State University
679. Kasyanova Viktoriya Evgenyevna
Post-graduate student, Kuban Institute of International Business and Management, Krasnodar
680. Katbambetov Murat Izmailovich
Assistant Lecturer of Criminal Law Department of Faculty of Law, Adyghe State University, Maikop
681. Katkov Vadim Valeryevich
Magistracy Student of Mechanical Engineering and Motor Transport Department, Kuban State University of Technology
682. Kakhuzheva (Tkhabisimova) Zamira Gennadyevna
Applicant for Candidate’s degree in Philology of General Linguistic Department of Adyghe State University (supervisor of studies – Doctor of Philology, Professor A.N. Abregov)
685. Kerashev Anzaur Aslanbekovich
Doctor of Economics, Professor, Dean of the Economic Faculty, Adyghe State University, Maikop
687. Kerasheva Fatima Nurbievna
Candidate of Philology, Associate Professor of Literature and Journalism Department, Adyghe State University
689. Kesyan Grant Vladimirovich
Assistant Lecturer of Taxation and Business Infrastructure Department, the Kuban State University of Technology
690. Ketova Natalya Petrovna
The Honored Worker of Science of the Russian Federation, Doctor of Economics, Professor, Head of Department of Marketing and Communications in Business, Southern Federal University, Rostov-on-Don
692. Kidakoyeva Zarema Shikhamovna
Lecturer of Department of History and Legal Regulation of Mass Communications, Kuban State University
693. Kidirniyazov Daniyal Saydakhmedovich
Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor of Institute of History, Archeology and Ethnography of the Daghestan Scientific Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences
694. Kizyanov Aleksandr Fedorovich
Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor of Department of Automated Systems of Processing Information and Control of Engineering-Physics Faculty, Adyghe State University
695. Kirguev Arkadiy Timofeevich
Doctor of Economics, Professor, Head of Accounting and Audit Department, North-Caucasian State Mountain-Metallurgic Institute, Vladikavkaz
697. Kireeva Ludmila Evgenyevna
Post-graduate student of the third year of training of the Person’s Psychology Department, Faculty of Psychology, Southern Federal University
698. Kirzhinova Karina Nurbievna
Post-graduate student of Economic and Management Department of Economic Faculty at Adyghe State University
699. Kirillova Tatyana Georgievna
Candidate of Biology, Associate Professor of Medical and Pedagogical Discipline Department of Physical Training and Sports Faculty, Southern Federal University
700. Kirilov Igor Nikolaevich
Post-graduate student of the World Economy Department, Stavropol State Agrarian University, Stavropol
701. Kirichenko Artem Olegovich
Post-graduate student of the Organization of Manufacture and Innovative Activity Department, the Kuban State Agrarian University, Krasnodar
702. Kirichenko Sergey Nikolaevich
Candidate of Sociology, Associate Professor of Philosophy and Sociology Department, Sochi State University
703. Kirpanev Vadim Petrovich
Post-graduate student of Economy and the Account Department of the North-Caucasian State Technical University, Stavropol
704. Kiryushkin Mikhail Aleksandrovich
Post-graduate student of Theoretical Physics and Computer Technologies Department, Kuban State University
705. Kiselevskiy Mikhail Valentinovich
Doctor of Medicine, Professor, Head of the Cellular Immunity Laboratory of Research Institute of Experimental Diagnostics and Therapy of Tumors, N.N. Blokhin Russian Oncological Research Center of the Russian Academy of Medical Science, Moscow
706. Klimenko Lyudmila Vasilyevna
Candidate of Sociology, Associate Professor, Senior Scientist at Social Communications and Technologies Department of the Pedagogical Institute, Southern Federal University, Rostov-on-Don
707. Klimova Natalya Vladimirovna
Doctor of Economics, Professor, Head of the Economic Analysis and Taxes Department of Academy of Marketing and Social-Information Technologies, Krasnodar
709. Klyukovich Zinaida Aleksandrovna
Doctor of Economics, Professor of the Management Department of the Russian Academy of National Economy and Public Administration, Rostov-on-Don
710. Kobenko Yuriy Viktorovich
Assistant Professor of Foreign Languages Department of Electrotechnical Institute of the Tomsk National Research Polytechnic University
712. Koblev Yakub Kamboletovich
Doctor of Pedagogy, Professor, Rector of Institute of Physical Training and Judo of Adyghe State University
714. Kobleva Roza Batyrbievna
Teacher of Engineering-Economic Faculty of Maikop State Polytechnic University
716. Kovalev Oleg Fedorovich
Doctor of Technic Sciences, Professor, Head of Departent of Electronic Computational Devices, South-Russian State Technical University, Novocherkassk
719. Kovalenko Anna Vladimirovna
Candidate of Economics, Associate Professor of Applied Mathematics Department at Kuban State University
720. Kovalenko Antonina Mikhaylovna
Post-graduate student of General History Department of Faculty of History, Adyghe State University, teacher of the U.Kh. Tkhabisimov College of Arts
721. Kovalenko Viktoriya Alexandrovna
Post-graduate student of the Person Psychology and General Psychology Department of the Management and Psychology Faculty, the Kuban State University
722. Kovalenko Marina Georgievna
Senior Lecturer of Economy and Management Department, Kuban State University of Physical Culture, Sport and Tourism, Krasnodar
723. Koval Natalia Evgen'evna
Graduate of Physical Faculty of the Adyghe State University
724. Koval Peter Grigor'evich
,PostDoc at INRIA, Bordeaux, France (ANR NOSSI)
725. Kovtunenko Inna Viktorovna
Candidate of Philology, Associate Professor of Department of Russian Language and Culture of Speech, Pedagogical Institute of Southern Federal University
726. Kodzheshau Madzhid Khalidovich
Candidate of Pedagogy, Associate Professor of Sports Games Department, Institute of Physical Training and Judo, Adyghe State University
727. Kozhanova Valeriya Yuryevna
Candidate of Philology, Senior Lecturer of Department of Electronic Mass Media and Journalistic Mastery of the Kuban State University
728. Kozlov Alexander Ivanovich
Candidate of Economics, Associate Professor, Head of the Accounting, Analysis and Audit Department of the Nizhniy Novgorod Institute of Management and Business, Nizhniy Novgorod
729. Kozlov Vladimir Anatolyevich
Candidate of Physics and Mathematics, Assistant Professor, Head of Mathematical Analysis Department of the Armavir State Pedagogical University
730. Kozlov Igor Mikhaylovich
Doctor of Pedagogy, Professor of the Department of Biomechanics and Sports Disciplines, Institute of Physical Training and Judo, Adyghe State University
731. Kozlovskaya Marina Andreevna
Applicant for Candidate degree of Pedagogy and Pedagogical Technology Department, Adyghe State University
733. Kokova Bela Dzhamaldinovna
Head of Department of Technique and General Piano Department of the North-Caucasian State Institute of Arts, Assistant Professor
734. Kokorkhoeva Dugurkhan Sultangireevna
Candidate of Historical Sciences, Associate Professor of General History Department of the Ingush State University, Nazran
736. Kolesnik Sergey Ivanovich
Candidate of Sociology, Associate Professor of Department of the Humanities and Natural-Science Disciplines, Essentuksky Institute of Management, Business and Law
737. Kolesnikov Sergey Ilyich
Doctor of Agricultural Sciences, Professor, Head of Ecology and Nature Management Department of Biology-Soil Faculty of Southern Federal University
738. Kolmakov Alexander Petrovich
The first deputy of the Minister of Defence of the Russian Federation
739. Kolodiy Aleksandr Sergeevich
Post-graduate student of Department of Computer Technologies and Information Security, Kuban State University of Technology, Krasnodar
740. Kolomiytseva Angelina Sergeevna
Post-graduate student of the Modern Russian Language Department, the Kuban State University (Supervisor of studies - Doctor of Philology, Professor E.P. Marchenko)
741. Kolomiytseva Valentina Dmitrievna
Post-graduate student of Social and Special Pedagogy and Psychology Department of the Armavir State Pedagogical Academy
742. Kolchina Oksana Alexandrovna
Candidate of Economics, Associate Professor of the State and Municipal Law and Management Department of the Southern Federal University, Rostov-on-Don
743. Kolba Aleksey Ivanovich
Candidate of Political Sciences, Associate Professor, Associate Professor of Department of State Policy and Public Administration, Kuban State University, Krasnodar
746. Komarova Lyudmila Viktorovna
Candidate of Jurisprudence, Associate Professor, Professor of State and Administrative Law Department, the Krasnodar State University of Culture and Arts, Krasnodar
747. Komkova Zhanna Leonidovna
Candidate of Economics, Senior Lecturer of Branch of the Kuban State University in Kropotkin
748. Kondratyeva Anastasiya Mikhaylovna
Post-graduate student of Psychology Department, the Kuban State University of Physical Training, Sports and Tourism
750. Konov Murat Zalimkhanovich
Fifth-year student of Physical Faculty, Kabardin-Balkar State University named after Kh.M. Berbekov
751. Konovalov Sergey Valerievich
Candidate of Technical Sciences, Assistant Professor, working for Doctor’s Degree at Physics Department of Siberian State Industrial University, Faculty of Physics, Novokuznetsk, Fax (3843) 465792
752. Konovalova Galina Mikhaylovna
Doctor of Biology, Professor of Physiology Department of Natural Science Faculty, the Adyghe State University
753. Kononova Svetlana Viktorovna
Candidate of Pedagogy, Associate Professor of Psychology Department, the Nevinnomyssk Institute of Economy, Management and the Law
754. Kononova Yuliya Nikolaevna
Post-graduate student of the Department of Theory and Techniques of Professional Education of the Slavyansky-on-Kuban State Pedagogical Institute (Supervisor of studies - Doctor of Philology, Professor R.Yu. Namitokova)
755. Konstantinidi Khristofor Alexandrovich
Candidate of Economics, Associate Professor of Marketing and Commerce Department, Financial University at the Government of the Russian Federation (Branch in Krasnodar), Krasnodar
756. Kopot Liliya Vladimirovna
Candidate of Philology, Associate Professor of the Russian Language Department, Adyghe State University
757. Kopteva Nataliya Vasilyevna
Candidate of Psychology, Assistant Professor of Practical Psychology Department of Institute of Psychology, the Perm State Pedagogical University
758. Koretsky Yuriy Markovich
Post-graduate student of Economy and the Account Department, the North Caucasian State Technical University, Stavropol
760. Korzhakov Valery Evgen'evich
Candidate of Technical Sciences, Senior Lecturer, Head of Department of Automated Systems of Processing Information and Control at Physical Faculty of Adyghe State University
763. Korobkov Viktor Nikolaevich
Senior Lecturer of Department of Automated Systems of Processing Information and Control at Physical Faculty of Adyghe State University
764. Korobova (Zlobnova) Valentina Vasilyevna
Post-graduate student of Economic, Social, Political and Recreational Geography Department of Geographic Faculty, Kuban State University
765. Koroleva Nadezhda Vartanovna
Candidarte of Economics, Head of Economy and Management Departement, Novorossiysk Branch of Moscow Humanitarian-Economic Institute, Novorossiysk
766. Koroleva Nina Alekseevna
Candidate of Philosophy, Doctoral Candidate of Economy and Management Department, Adyghe State University, Maikop
767. Korolyova Nina Pavlovna
Research worker of the Northern Caucasus Research Institute of Economic and Social Problems of the Southern Federal University, Rostov-on-Don
768. Korolyuk Elena Vladislavovna
Candidate of Economics, Associate Professor, Head of General Humanities, Social-Economic and Natural Disciplines Department of Kuban State University, Krasnodar
769. Korotkov Vadim Evgenyevich
Candidate of Philosophy, Associate Professor of Philosophy Department of Stavropol State University
770. Korotko Tatyana Vladimirovna
Assistant Lecturer of Political Science and Law Department, Kuban State University of Technology
771. Kortava Zhanna Georgievna
Candidate of Pedagogy, Associate Professor of Physical Education Department, Sochi State University
772. Kortoev Ruslan Yusupovich
Post-graduate student of General History Department, the Adyghe State University
773. Korchemkina Elena Evgenyevna
Applicant for Candidate degree of Department of National History, Historiography, Theory and Methodology of History of Adyghe State University
774. Korshunov Aleksey Vladimirovich
Candidate of Sociology, Director of the Center of Social Design of Youth Policy, Moscow Institute of Open Education, Moscow
775. Kosovan Irina Yuryevna
Post-graduate student of Economy and Management Department of the Adyghe State University, Maikop
777. Kotenko Yuliya Valerievna
Post-graduate student of Kuban State University of Technology, Krasnodar
778. Kotlyarov Vladimir Anatolyevich
Deputy Chief of the Krasnodar University of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation (Krasnodar)
780. Kocharyan Yulia Gamletovna
Candidate of Philology, Associate Professor of Foreign Languages Department, Kamchatsky State Technical University
781. Kochenkova Lubov Pavlovna
Candidate of Pedagogy, Associate Professor of Pedagogy and Pedagogical Technology Depatment, Adyghe State University
782. Kochneva Elena Mikhaylovna
Candidate of Psychology, Associate Professor of the Department of Psychology of Professional Development, the Volzhsky State Engineering-Pedagogical University
784. Kravtsov Vladimir Anatolyevich
Post-graduate student of Theoretical Physics and Computer Technologies Department, Kuban State University
785. Kravchenko Alexander Viktorovich
Candidate of Economic Sciences, Doctoral Candidate of the St. Petersburg State University, Associate Professor, Head of the Department of Customs Business of the Stavropol Institute of Economy and Management named after O.V. Kaznacheev (Branch of Pyatigorsky State University of Technology)
786. Kravchenko Alena Andreevna
Senior Lecturer of the Accounting and Audit Department of the North-Caucasian State Technical University Branch in Pyatigorsk
787. Kravchenko Nadezhda Pavlovna
Doctor of Philology, Professor of Periodic Press and Advertising Department, Dean of Journalism Faculty of the Kuban State University
788. Kravchenko Yuliya Vladimirovna
Post-graduate student of Faculty of Social Work, Novocherkassk State Meliorative Academy
789. Kramerenko Natalya Stanislavovna
Candidate of Psychology, Associate Professor of General and Development Psychology Department, the University of the Russian Academy of Education
790. Krasavina Ekaterina Valeryevna
Candidate of Sociology, Associate Professor of Personnel Management Department, Russian State Trade-Economic University, Moscow
794. Krivokora Yuriy Nikolaevich
Candidate of Economics, Associate Professor of Economy and Management Department, Stavropol Institute of Service Technology (Branch) South-Russian State University of Economics and Service, Stavropol
795. Krivopuskov Viktor Vladimirovich
Candidate of Philosophy, Head of sector of South Russian Branch of Establishment of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Institute of Sociology, Rostov-on-Don
797. Kristalenko Elena Romanovna
Undergraduate of Department of Anatomy and Physiology of Children and Teenagers, Faculty of Natural Sciences, Pedagogical Institute of Southern Federal University
798. Kropachev Sergey Alexandrovich
Candidate of Historical Sciences, Associate Professor of the Kuban State University, Krasnodar
799. Kruzhkov Denis Alexandrovich
Candidate of Pedagogy, Associate Professor of Department of Social-Cultural Service and Tourism, the Kuban State University of Physical Training, Sports and Tourism
800. Krush Marina Andreevna
Competitor for Candidate degree of Pedagogy and Psychology Department of the Kuban State University
801. Kryzhanovskaya Olga Alexandrovna
Doctor of Philosophy, Professor, Sochi State University, Sochi
802. Krynina Olga Yuryevna
Candidate of Pedadogy, Head of the Department of Services, Tourism and Public Relations, Maikop State Technological University
803. Kryuchkova Irina Victorovna
Candidate of Pedagogy, Associate Professor of the Department of Pedagogy and Technologies of Preschool and Elementary Education, Armavir State Pedagogical Academy
804. Ktenidu Maria Dimitrios
Post-graduate student of Psychology of the Person and General Psychology Department of the Kuban State University (Supervisor of studies – Professor Z.I. Ryabikina)
805. Kuasheva Dakhamil Ayubovna
Candidate of Pedagogy, Associate Professor of Botany Department of Natural Science Faculty, Adyghe State University, Maikop
806. Kuasheva Elena Ruslanovna
Applicant for a Candidate’s degree of the Personality Psychology and General Psychology Department, Kuban State University
807. Kubashicheva Lyubov Nanuovna
Doctor of Pedagogy, Professor of Pedagogy and Pedagogical Technology Department, Adyghe State University
808. Kubashicheva Safiyat Krymovna
Candidate of Philology, Associate Professor of Foreign Languages Department, Adyghe State University
809. Kubova Fatima Azmedcherievna
Senior Lecturer of Department of Humanitarian and Social-Economic Disciplines of the Branch of Maykop State Polytechnic University in the settlement Yablonovsky, competitor for Candidate degree of Russian Philology Department of Adyghe State University (Supervisor of studies – K.M. Shikov, Doctor of Philology, Professor)
811. Kudaeva Zinaida Zhantemirovna
Doctor of Philology, Professor of Russian Literature Department, Institute of Philology, Kabardino-Balkar State University
812. Kudaeva Svetlana Grigoryevna
Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor, Head of Department of History of the State and the Law, Maikop State University of Technology
813. Kudryashova Yulia Alexandrovna
Candidate of Biology, Senior Lecturer of the Anatomy Department, Kuban State University of Physical Training, Sports and Tourism
815. Kuyek Asfar Sagidovich
Candidate of Philology, Leading Scientist of Adyghe Republican Research Institute of Humanitarian Studies named after T.M. Kerashev
816. Kuzenko Marina Valentinovna
Post-graduate student, Senior Scientist of SNI «Adygheya», Research Institute of Agriculture
817. Kuzin Timophey Alexandrovich
Senior Lecturer of the Kuban State Agrarian University, Krasnodar
818. Ñousinà Nadezhda Aleksandrovna
Senior Lecturer of Economics and Management Department, Institute of Economics, Law and the Humanities, Krasnodar
819. Kuznetsov Roman Alexandrovich
Post-graduate student of the Stavropol State Agrarian University
820. Kuznetsova Liliya Nikolaevna
Candidate of Economic Sciences, Assistant Professor of Audit Department of Rostov State University of Economics (RINKH), Rostov-on-Don
821. Kuznetsova Yulia Sergeevna
Senior Teacher of Foreign Languages Department at Admiral F.F.Ushakov Sea State Academy
822. Kuzoyatova Olga Sergeevna
Post-graduate student of German Philology Department, Institute of German Languages, International Marketing and Innovations, Pyatigorsk State Linguistic University (supervisor of studies – Candidate of Philology, Associate Professor M.E. Morozova)
823. Kuzmenko Vladimir Viktorovich
Doctor of Economics, Professor, Head of Taxes and Taxation Department, North-Caucasus Federal University, Stavropol
824. Kuzmenko Irina Petrovna
Candidate of Economics, Associate Professor of Applied Information Department, Stavropol State Agrarian University, Stavropol
825. Kuzmenko Sofya Alexandrovna
Post-graduate student of the Southern Federal University, Rostov-on-Don
826. Kuzmin Andrey Aleksandrovich
Candidate of Biology, Senior Lecturer of Physiology Department of Natural Science Faculty, Adyghe State University, Maikop
827. Kuzmina Mariya Nikolaevna
Post-graduate student of the Department of Russian Literature of the Faculty of Russian Philology and Culture, the Yaroslavsky State Pedagogical University named after K.D. Ushinsky (Supervisor of studies - Doctor of Philology, Professor G.Yu. Fillipovsky)
828. Kuizheva Saida Kazbekovna
Candidate of Phisics and Mathematics, Head of the Department of Higher Mathematics and System Analysis, Maikop State University of Technology, Maikop
829. Kukva Elena Sergeevna
Candidate of Sociology, Associate Professor of Philosophy and Sociology Department, Adyghe State University, Secretary for Science of Research Institute of Complex Problems, Maikop
832. Kulekin Igor Valeryevich
Post-graduate student of Department of the Theory, History and Technique of Physical Training, the Kuban State University of Physical Training, Sports and Tourism
833. Kulibaba Sergey Ivanovich
Candidate of Art Criticism, Applicant for Candidate degree of Sociology at the Russian Academy of Public Service under the President of the Russian Federation, Director of Regional Centre of Folk Culture, Astrakhan
834. Kulyabtseva Valentina Nikolaevna
Candidate of Political Sciences, Associate Professor of North Caucasus State Academy of the Humanities and Technology
835. Kumankov Arseniy Dmitrievich
Post-graduate student of Department of History of Philosophy, the National Research University “Higher School of Economy”, Mytishchi
836. Kumakhov Vladimir Ismagilovich
Doctor of Agriculture, Professor of Department of Agriculture, Soil Science and Agrochemistry at Kabardino-Balkarian State Agricultural Academy named after V.M. Kokov
837. Kumpilova Bela Anzaurovna
Candidate of Economics, Associate Professor of Economics and Management Department, Adyghe State University, Maikop
838. Kumshaev Egor Nikolaevich
Lecturer of Mathematical Analysis Department of Mathematical Faculty, Armavir State Pedagogical Academy
839. Kunina Mariya Nikolaevna
Candidate of Philology, Associate Professor of Russian and Foreign Languages Department, Krasnodar University of Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation
840. Kunova Mira Dovletovna
Candidate of Philology, Associate Professor of Adyghean Philology Department, Adyghe State University
841. Kuprina Nafset Kirmizovna
Candidate of Pedagogy, Associate Professor of the Department of General Pedagogy, Adyghe State University
Phone: |
ðàá. (8772) 59-39-85 |
842. Kurakova Galina Vladimirovna
Competitor for Candidate degree of Pedagogy and Social Psychology Department, the Adyghe State University
843. Kurapova Irina Aleksandrovna
Post-graduate student of Psychology Department at Kuban State University of Physical Training, Sports and Tourism (Supervisor of Studies - Doctor of Psychology, Professor B.A. Yas'ko)
845. Kurbanova Lidiya Uvaysovna
Candidate of Historical Sciences, Associate Professor of Philosophy Department of the Grozny State Oil Technical University named after M.D. Millionshchikov
846. Kurbatov Vladimir Ivanovich
Doctor of Philosophy, Professor of Department of the Humanities, Rostov - on - Don Branch of the Moscow State University of Technologies and Management
847. Kurmalieva Zarema Khasanbievna
Candidate of Economics, Head of the Economic Theory Department of Adyghe State University, Maikop
848. Kurys Vladimir Nikolaevich
Doctor of Biology, Professor of Gymnastics Department of the Stavropol State University
849. Kuskarova Olga Ivanovna
Applicant for Candidate degree of Philosophy and Sociology Department, Adyghe State University
851. Kuter Mikhail Isaakovich
Doctor of Economics, Honoured Worker of Higher Professional Education of the Russian Federation, Head of Accounting Department, Kuban State University, Krasnodar
Phone: |
(861) 219 95 01 (äîá. 201) |
852. Kutilin Sergey Anatolyevich
Post-graduate student of the Department of Political Science and Political Management, the Kuban State University, Krasnodar
853. Kufanova Dana Ibragimovna
Competitor for Candidate degree of Literature and Journalism Department of Adyghe State University, Editor of Branch FGUP “VGTRK” of State Television and Radio Company “Adygheya”
854. Kufanova Ruzana Nurbievna
Post-graduate student of Philosophy, Sociology and Pedagogy Department of Federal State Budgetary Iinstitution of Higher Education “Maikop State Technological University”, Maikop
855. Kutsaenko Dmitriy Olegovich
Competitor for Candidate degree of Department of Literature and Techniques of its Teaching, AGPA, Pyatigorsk (supervisor of studies – Doctor of Philology, Professor Pavlov Yu.M.)
857. Kucher Viktor Alekseevich
Candidate of Technical Sciences, Professor of Institute of Information Technologies and Security, University Complex of the Kuban State University of Technology, Krasnodar
858. Kuchmistov Kirill Sergeevich
Post-graduate student of Psychology Department, Volgograd State University
859. Kuchukov Magomed Musaevich
Doctor of Philosophy, Professor, Head of Department, the Kabardino-Balkarian State Agricultural Academy
Phone: |
89287077584, 8(8662)442056 |
860. Kushu Rustam Teuchezhevich
Post-graduate student of Economy and Management Department of Adyghe State University, Maikop
861. Kushkhova Aksana Muratovna
Lecturer of the State and Municipal Administration Department of the Management Faculty at Maikop State Polytechnic University
Phone: |
8 918 420 73 53, òåë. ðàá. (8772) 52 24 43 |
863. Kuyukov Vadim Vadimovich
Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor of Mechanical Engineering and Motor Transport Department, Kuban State University of Technology
865. Lavrentiev Alexander Vladimirovich
Candidate of Chemistry, Assistant Professor of Physics Department at Faculty of Computer Technologies and Automatic Systems at Kuban State Polytechnic University
866. Lavrova Tatyana Georgievna
Candidate of Economics, Associate Professor of Kuban State University, Krasnodar
867. Lazareva Irina Petrovna
Lecturer of Economic Department of Institute of Economics, Law and Humanities, Krasnodar
868. Lazitsky Sergey Leonidovich
Lecturer of Krasnodar University of Ministry of Internal Affairs, Russian Federation, Krasnodar
869. Lazovskaya Snezhana Vladimirovna
Candidate of Economics, Associate Professor, Vice-Rector, Head of Hotel and Tourist Business Department, Southern Institute of Management, Krasnodar
870. Lakovtsev Alexey Borisovich
Candidate of Physics and Mathematics, Assistant of General and Theoretical Physics Department, Faculty of Mathematics, Physics and Computer Science, Tula State Pedagogical University named after L.N. Tolstoy, Tula
871. Laktionova Marina Anatolyevna
Candidate of Sociology, Assistant Professor of Civil-Law and Criminal-Law Disciplines Department at Maikop State University of Technology, Senior Assistant Administrator of Investigatory Committee at Adygheya Office of Public Prosecutor of the Russian Federation
872. Lapshin Viktor Petrovich,
Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Automatization of Production Processes, Don State Technical University, Rostov-on-Don
873. Larin Sergey Vladimirovich
Competitor for Candidate degree of the Russian Academy of Public Service at the President of the Russian Federation, Moscow
874. Larina Olga Sergeevna
Post-graduate student of the Department of Russian and Technique of its Teaching at Elementary School of the Moscow State Pedagogical University
875. Laskova Marina Vasilyevna
Doctor of Philology, Professor of Translation and Computer Science Department, Pedagogical Institute of Southern Federal University
876. Latysheva Lyudmila Anatolyevna
Candidate of Economics, Associate Professor of the Department of Financing Management and Bank Affair, Stavropol State Agrarian University, Stavropol
877. Lashko Aleksey Vladimirovich
Applicant for Candidate’s degree of Economics Departement, Taganrog Institute of Technology, Southern Federal University in Taganrog
878. Lebedev Alexander Vladimirovich
Post-graduate student of Chuvash State University, Cheboksary
879. Lebedeva Elena Borisovna
Applicant for the Candidate degree of Department of Comparative Political Science, Political Science Faculty, Moscow State Institute of the International Relations of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Russia
880. Levushkin Anatoliy Nikolaevich
Candidate of Jurisprudence, Associate Professor of Civil Law and Process Department of Faculty of Law, the Ulyanovsk State University
881. Ledneva Anastasiya Vladimirovna
Lecturer of the Department of General and Sports Pedagogy, the Sterlitamaksky Institute of Physical Culture
882. Lezhebokov Andrey Alexandrovich
Doctor of Sociology, Associate Professor, Professor of Sociology and Social Work Department of North-Caucasus State Technical University
883. Leonova Olga Viktorovna
Candidate of Sociology, Associate Professor of Sociology Department of Federal state budgetary educational institution of the higher vocational training “Astrakhan State University”
884. Leontyev Pavel Alexandrovich
Candidate of Sociology, Lecturer of Department of Natural-Science Disciplines and the Humanities, Essentuksky Institute of Management, Business and Law
886. Lesev Vadim Nikolaevich
Candidate of Physics and Mathematics, Associate Professor, Head of the Department of Differential Equations, Kabardino-Balkar State University named after Kh.M. Berbekov
887. Letunova Olga Vladimirovna
Candidate of Philosophy, Associate Professor of Philosophy and Social Sciences of the Siberian State Space University named after Academician M.F. Reshetnev, Krasnoyarsk, Doctoral Candidate
888. Leshchenko Alexander Mikhaylovich
Applicant for Candidate degree of Department of History and Science Philosophy, Cherkessk
889. Lidzhiyeva Anna Sergeyevna
Post-graduate student of the Russian Language and General Linguistic Department, Kalmyk State University (Supervisor of studies – Doctor of Philology D.A. Suseyeva)
890. Lieva Lyana Ismailovna
Post-graduate student of Methods of Preschool and Primary Education Department of the Pedagogical Faculty, Kabardino-Balkarian State University named after Kh.M. Berbekov
891. Limanskaya Anna Vasil'evna
Magister of Belgorod State University
892. Linevich Regina Alekseevna
Candidate of Economics, Associate Professor of Economy Department of Adyghe State University Branch in Belorechensk
893. Lipilina Elena Yuryevna
Chief of Educational Department, Stavropol Institute of Service Technology
894. Litvyak Olesya Valeryevna
Post-graduate student of General Linguistics Department, Adyghe State University
896. Lichmanova Tatyana Olegovna
Post-graduate student of the Department of Literature and Techniques of its Teaching, the Armavir State Pedagogical Academy (Supervisor of studies - Candidate of Philology, Associate Professor N.L. Fedchenko)
897. Lichutin Artem Vyacheslavovich
Candidate of Philosophy, Head of Analytical Department of OM-MEDIA Group of Companies, expert of the UNESCO Program “Information for Everybody” in Russia
898. Lobkovskaya Ludmila Petrovna
Candidate of Philology, Associate Professor of Department of Techniques and Practice of Teaching Foreign Language and Cultures, Krasnodar State University of Culture and Arts (Supervisor of studies – Doctor of Philology, Professor M.P. Akhidzhakova)
899. Lovpache Asiyat Nurbievna
Post-graduate student of General Linguistic Department of Adyghe State University (Supervisor of studies – M.P. Akhidzhakova, Doctor of Philology, Professor)
900. Lovpache Zarema Khazretovna
Applicant for Candidate degree of Philosophy Department, the Kuban State University of Technology
901. Lovpache Fatima Guchipsovna
Candidate of Psychology, Associate Professor of Philosophy, Sociology and Pedagogy Department of the New Social Technologies Faculty, the Maikop State University of Technology
902. Loginova Irina Olegovna
Candidate of Psychology, Assistant Professor, Director of Institute of Psychology, Pedagogy and Education Agency of GOU VPO “ V.P. Astaf’ev Krasnoyarsk State Pedagogical University”
903. Lozovoy Ilya Vladimirovich
Post-graduate student of Russian and Foreign Literature Department, Kalmyk State University (supervisor of studies – Doctor of Philology, Professor N.Ts. Bitkeev)
904. Lozovskaya Raisa Ivanovna
Candidate of Pedagogy, Senior Lecturer of Department of Theory, History of Music and Technique of Musical Education at Institute of Arts of Adyghe State University
905. Lozovsky Denis Nikolayevich
Candidate of Juridical Sciences, Major of Militia, Doctoral Candidate of the Saint Petersburg University of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation
906. Lomp Yuliya Yuryevna
Senior Lecturer of Philosophy, Sociology and Pedagogy Department of Maikop State University of Technology, Maikop
907. Loova Asayt Dzhiraslanovna
Candidate of Philology, Associate Professor of German Philology Department, Adyghe State University
909. Luguev Sergey Abdulkhalikovich
Doctor of Historical Sciences, Institute of History, Archeology, and Etnography of Far East Science Center of Russian Academy of Sciences
912. Lukyanenko Ekaterina Stanislavovna
Senior Lecturer of Education Management Department of the Rostov Institute of Improvement of Professional Skill and Retraining Educators
915. Luneva Valentina Vladimirovna
Post-graduate student of English Language Department, the Southern Federal University (Supervisor of studies – Doctor of Philology, Professor M.V. Malashchenko)
917. Lutsenko Eugeny Veniaminovich
Doctor of Economics, Professor of Department of Automated Systems of Processing Information and Control at Physical Faculty of Adyghe State University
918. Luchinskaya Elena Nikolaevna
Doctor of Philology, Professor of the Department of General and Slavic-Russian Linguistics, Kuban State University
919. Luchinsky Yuriy Viktorovich
Doctor of Philology, Professor, Head of Department of History and Legal Regulation of Mass Communications, Kuban State University
920. Lushnikov Roman Leonidovich
Post-graduate student of the Taxation and Business Infrastructure Department of the Kuban State University of Technology, Krasnodar
921. Lymar Olga Viktorovna
Post-graduate student of German Philology Department, Kuban State University (supervisor of studies – Doctor of Philology, Professor Chetyrkina I.V.)
923. Lysenkov Sergey Petrovich
Doctor of Medicine, Professor of Department of Morphological Disciplines, Medical Institute of Maikop State University of Technology
924. Lyubavin Nikolay Sergeevich
Applicant for Candidate degree of Department of Sociology, Political Science and the Law of IPPK YUFU, Rostov-on-Don
925. Lyutova Irina Ivanovna
Doctor of Economics, Professor of Finance Department, National Institute of Business, Moscow
926. Lyamkin Vitaly Aleksandrovich
Student of Physical-Technical Faculty of Tomsk Polytechnic University
927. Lyamova Bela Khamzetovna
Training Expert of Center of Studies of Adyghean Philology Problems, Applicant for Candidate’s degree in Philology of Adyghean Philology Department (supervisor of studies – Doctor of Philology, Professor T.N. Chamokov)
928. Lyapun Svetlana Vladimirovna
Candidate of Philology, Associate Professor of Russian Language Department, Adyghe State University
929. Lyausheva Svetlana Aslanovna
Doctor of Philosophy, Professor of Philosophy and Sociology Department, Adyghe State University, Maikop
930. Lyakhovetsky Aleksey Mikhaylovich
Candidate of Economics, Associate Professor of Statistics and Applied Mathematics Department, Kuban State Agrarian University, Krasnodar
931. Lyashenko Diana Alekseevna
Applicant for Candidate’s degree of the Department of Taxation and Business Infrastructure, Kuban State University of Technology, Krasnodar
932. Mavridi Kirill Pavlovich
Candidate of Economics, Associate Professor of Economy and Management Department, the Russian State Hydrometeorological University (Branch in Tuapse), Tuapse
934. Magomaeva Sayat Paizutdinovna
Methodologist of Magistracy Department at Daghestan State Pedagogical University
935. Magomedov Robert Magomedgalibovich
Senior Lecturer of the Department of Physical Training of Derbent Branch of Dagestan State Technological University
937. Mayboroda Evgeniy Viktorovich
Post-graduate student of Economy and Management Department of Adyghe State University, Maikop
938. Mayer Sergey Viktorovich
Candidate of Economics, Deputy General Director on Sales, JSC “Volzhsky Orgsynthesis”
939. Mayorov Alexander Alekseevich
Lecturer of the Department of Economic Theory and Management, the Orenburg State Agrarian University, Orenburg
940. Mayorova Natalya Viktorovna
Candidate of Cultural Science, Associate Professor, first Vice Rector of the Moscow State University of Food Productions, Moscow
941. Makarenya Tatyana Anatolyevna
Doctor of Economics, Professor of Economics Departement, Taganrog Institute of Technology, Southern Federal University in Taganrog
942. Makarov Vladimir Alexandrovich
Senior Lecturer of the Department of the Theory and Technique of Struggle, Boxing and Weightlifting of the Kuban State University of Physical Training, Sports and Tourism
943. Makarova Elena Lvovna
Applicant for Candidate’s degree of Pedagogy and Pedagogical Technologies Department of Adyghe State University
944. Makarova Inna Olegovna
Applicant for Master degree of the Academy of Methods and Techniques of Governance, St.Petersburg State University of Information Technologies, Mechanics and Optics (supervisor of Master program – Candidate of Technical Sciences, Professor L.B. Levkovets)
945. Makarova Lyudmila Sergeevna
Doctor of Philology, Professor of French Philology Department, the Adyghe State University
946. Makarchouk Natalya Mikhaylovna
Post-graduate student, the Kuban State University of Technology, Krasnodar
947. Makaryan Aleksandr Samvelovich
Post-graduate student of Institute of Information Technologies and Security, University Complex of the Kuban State University of Technology, Krasnodar
949. Makeev Sergey Viktorovich
Doctor of Philosophy, Professor of Philosophy and Sociology Department, Adyghe State University
951. Makoeva Fatima Soslanovna
Senior Lecturer of Department of the Theory and Technique of Teaching Russian of the North Ossetian State Pedagogical Institute
952. Makrushina Inna Vasilyevna
Candidate of Pedagogy, Associate Professor of the Department of Life Safety Basics of the Institute of Physical Training and Judo, Adyghe State University
953. Maksimenko Marina Vyacheslavovna
Lecturer of the Personnel of Special Faculty at Stavropol Branch of Krasnodar University of Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia
954. Maximov Valentin Mikhaylovich
Post-graduate student of Economic Department of Southern Institute of Management, Krasnodar
955. Malay Nikolay Vladimirovich
Doctor of Physics and Mathematics, Professor of Theoretical and Mathematical Physics Department, Belgorod State National Research University
957. Malitsky Valentin Semenovich
Doctor of Philosophy, Professor of Institute for Retraining and Professional Development of Teachers of the Humanities and Social Sciences, Southern Federal University, Rostov-on-Don
959. Malkina Oksana Anatolyevna
Applicant for Candidate’s degree of Department of the Theory and History of State and Law, Kuban State University, Krasnodar
960. Malova Nadezhda Evgenyevna
Lecturer Assistant of the Department of Foreign Languages, Adyghe State University
961. Malygina Inna Yuryevna
Candidate of Philology, Associate Professor of Department of History of New Domestic Literature, Stavropol State University
962. Malysheva Elena Mikhaylovna
Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor, Academician of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences, Adyghe State University, Maikop
963. Maltsev Valeriy Nikolaevich
Candidate of Historical Sciences, Associate Professor of Department of National History, Historiography, Theory and Methodology of History, Adyghe State University
965. Mamazhenko Diana Vladimirovna
Applicant for Candidate’s degree of the Department of State Policy and Governance, the Kuban State University
968. Mamiy Daud Kazbekovich
Candidate of Physics and Mathematics, Associate Professor, Head of Algebra and Geometry Department, Dean of Mathematics and Computer Science Faculty at Adyghe State University
969. Mamiy Ruslan Gilimovich
Doctor of Philology, Professor, Chief Scientist of Adyghean Republican Institute of Humanitarian Researches named after T.M. Kerashev
970. Mamisheva Zara Askarbievna
Candidate of Jurisprudence, Associate Professor of Department of the Theory and History of the State and Law and Political Science, Adyghe State University
971. Mamsirov Nurbiy Ilyasovich
Candidate of Agricultural Sciences, Associate Professor of Agronomics Department of the Faculty of Agrarian Technologies, Maikop State University of Technology, Head of Agriculture Department, Adyghe Research Institute of Agriculture, Russian Academy of Agrarian Sciences
974. Manapova Violetta Eldarovna
Candidate of Philosophy, Senior Lecturer of Department of the Humanities, Daghestan State Institute of National Economy, Makhachkala
975. Mandel Mark Vyacheslavovich
Post-graduate student of Institute of Technology, Southern Federal University, Taganrog
977. Margiev Alan Vladimirovich
Candidate of Jurisprudence, Associate Professor of Adyghe State University
982. Markova Svetlana Petrovna
Candidate of Historical Sciences, Professor of General History Department, Adyghe State University, Maikop
983. Martirosyan Alina Valeryevna
Lecturer of Department of Public Relations of Faculty of Journalism, Kuban State University, Krasnodar
984. Martirosyan Ekaterina Gennadyevna
Candidate of Philology, Associate Professor of Foreign Language Department of Krasnodar Branch of the Russian Trade-Economic University
985. Martynenko Beata Andreevna
Applicant for Candidate degree of Foreign Languages Department for Humanities, the Kuban State University (Supervisor of studies – Doctor of Philology, Professor L.Yu. Buyanova)
986. Martynova Tatyana Alekseevna
Candodate of Economics, Associate Professor of Accounting, Analysis and Audit Department, Kuban State University of Technology, Krasnodar
987. Marchuk Elena Grigoryevna
Post-graduate student of Methodology of Education Department. Faculty of Pedagogy of Primary and Special Education, Chernishevsky Saratov State University
988. Masaev Martin Batyrbievich
Leading engineer of Department of Physics of the Condensed Condition of Physical Faculty, Kabardin-Balkar State University named after Kh.M. Berbekov
989. Masalova Olga Yuryevna
Candidate of Pedagogy, Associate Professor of Department of Pedagogy and Physical Training, Smolensk University of Humanities
990. Masterova Mariya Aleksandrovna
Lecturer Assistant of Higher Mathematics and Mathematical Physics Department of Tomsk National Research Polytechnic University
991. Matyzheva Aminet Kushchukovna
Candidate of Philology, Senior Lecturer of Literature and Journalism Department of Adyghe State University
992. Makhaeva Lyubov Vasilyevna
Director of Chukotsky multidiscipline college, Anadyr
993. Makhmudova Kemsi Zelimkhanovna
Candidate of Historical Sciences, Associate Professor of Chechen State University
995. Mashukov Zaurbi Khamidovich
Director of the Nalchik State Pilot Hunting Farm
997. Medvedeva Olesya Andreevna
Post-graduate student of the Kuban State University of Physical Training, Sports and Tourism
998. Mekulov Dzhabrail Khadzhiberamovich
Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor of Department of History and Culture of the Adyghes, Adyghe State University, Honoured Worker of Science of Adygheya Republic
1000. Melkonyan Natalya Isaakovna
Senior Lecturer of Foreign Languages Department, Adyghe State University
1001. Melnik Liliya Igorevna
Candidate of Philosophy, Assistant Professor of Department of Humanities, Natural Sciences and Mathematical Disciplines of the Branch of ANOO VPO “Institute of Economy and Management in Medicine and Social Sphere”. Belorechensk
1002. Melnikova Tamara Nikolaevna
Candidate of Geography, Associate Professor of Geography Department of Natural Science Faculty, Adyghe State University, Professor of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences, Maikop
1003. Menknasunova Zhanna Viktorovna
Teacher of Biology, MBOU SOSh No.23, Elista
1004. Meretukov Alim Shkhambievich
Post-graduate student of Rostov State Economic University (RINH), Rostov-on-Don
1005. Meretukov Murat Aydamirovich
Candidate of Technical Sciences, Head of Department of Service of Transport and Technological Mashines and Equipment, Maikop State University of Technology
1006. Meretukova Bela Askerbievna
Principal Specialist of Committee for Affairs of Nationalities, Relations with Nationals and Mass Media of Adygheya Republic, competitor for Candidate degree of Literature and Journalism Department of Adyghe State University (Supervisor of studies – Professor Beshukova F.B.)
1007. Meretukova Zara Kadyrovna
Doctor of Pedagogy, Professor of General Pedagogy Department, Adyghe State University
1008. Meretukova Marieta Muratovna
Competitor for Candidate degree of Literature and Journalism Department of Adyghe State University, (Supervisor of studies – B.R. Naptsok, Candidate of Philology, Assistant Professor)
1009. Metov Azamat Olegovich
Post-graduate student of the Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation, Moscow
1011. Migaleva Saida Shumafovna
Candidate of Pedagogy, Associate Professor of the Fine Arts Department of Institute of Arts, the Adyghe State University
1012. Mingazova Lyailya Ikhsanovna
Candidate of Philology, Associate Professor of the Department of Tatar Literature and Technique of its Teaching, the Tatar State Pedagogical University of Humanities
1013. Minigulova Gulnur Zinurovna
Post-graduate student of Russian Language Department of M. Akmulla Bashkirsky State Pedagogical University (Supervisor of studies – R.Kh. Khayrullina, Doctor of Philology, Professor)
1014. Mirzov Jumaldin Dautovich
Candidate of Physics and Mathematics, Professor of the Department of Mathematical Analysis and Technique of Teaching Mathematics, the Adyghe State University, Maikop
1015. Mirzoev Gasan Mamedalievich
Candidate of Culture Science, Professor of Derbentsky Institute of Arts and Culture, Derbent
1017. Mironova Nadezhda Nikolaevna
Post-graduate student of Faculty of Theoretical and Mathematical Physics at Belgorod State University
1018. Miroshnikov Ivan Ivanovich
Associate Professor of the State and Municipal Management Department, the Stavropol Institute of Management
1019. Mitin Anatoly Evgenyevich
Candidate of Pedagogy, Associate Professor of the Depatment of Health-improving Physical Training, Herzen Russian State Pedagogical University
1020. Mitrov Maxim Alexandrovich
Post-graduate student of Maikop State University of Technology
1022. Mityazhin Roman Valeryevich
Teacher of Informatics and Information Computer Technologies of secondary comprehensive school No. 12, Armavir
1023. Mikhaylenko Alina Valeryevna
Post-graduate student of Art Criticism and Culture Science, Saint-Petersburg State Art-Industrial Academy named after A.L. Shtiglits
1026. Mikhailov Andrey Pavlovich
Doctor of Sociology, Professor of Philosophy and Sociology Department at Adyghe State University
1027. Mikhaylov Nikolay Grigoryevich
Candidate of Pedagogy, Associate Professor of Department of the Theory and Technique of Physical Training and Sports, the Moscow State Pedagogical University
1028. Mikhaylov Sergey Alekseevich
Lecturer of the Economic Theory, Economy and Management Department, Institute of Economics, Law and Humanities, Krasnodar
1029. Mikhnyuk Anastasiya Nikolaevna
Post-graduate student of the third year of training, Southern Federal University, Faculty of Philosophy and Culturology
1030. Mishenin Aleksey Yuryevich
Post-graduate student of Physiology Department, Kuban State University Physical Education, Sport and Tourism
1031. Mishulin Georgiy Markovich
Candidate of Economics, Associate Professor of Advertising and Marketing Department, Kuban State University of Technology, Krasnodar
1032. Mozgot Valery Georgyevich
Doctor of Pedagogy, Professor of the Department of Theory, History of Music and Methods of Musical Education, Institute of Arts, Adyghe State University
1033. Mozgot Svetlana Anatolyevna
Candidate of Art Criticism, Associate Professor, Head of the Theory, History of Music and Technique of Musical Education Department, Institute of Arts of the Adyghe State University
1036. Mokrushin Alexander Alexandrovich
Doctor of Economics, Associate Professor of Economics and Management Department, Adyghe State University, Maikop
1037. Molodykh Vladimir Anatolyevich
Candidate of Economics, Associate Professor of Economy and the Account Department, the North Caucasian State Technical University, Stavropol
1038. Momotova Oksana Nikolaevna
Candidate of Economics, Associate Professor of Management Department of the North-Caucasus State Technical University, Stavropol
1039. Moroz Yana Yuryevna
Post-graduate student of Social Communications and Technologies Department, the Pedagogical Institute of Southern Federal University
1040. Morozova Irina Olegovna
Candidate of Philology, Associate Professor of Foreign Languages Department, Russian Trade-Economic University
1041. Morozova Natalya Aleksandrovna
Lecturer of General Psychology Department of the Sochi State University of Tourism and Resort Business
1042. Mortova Anna Vladimirovna
The post-graduate student, Kuban Institute of International Business and Management, Krasnodar
1043. Moskalenko Fedor Viktorovich
Senior Lecturer of Physics Department at Kuban State University of Technology
1044. Moskvitin Aleksey Alekseevich
Candidate of Philosophy, Associate Professor, Director of Armavir Mechanical Iinstitute of Technology, Branch of the Kuban State University of Technology
1045. Motorin Aleksey Aleksandrovich
Environmental Expert of Laboratory of Bio-Ecological Monitoring of Invertebrate Animals in Adygheya Republic at Research Institute of Complex Problems, Adyghe State University, Maikop
1046. Motsar Larisa Stepanovna
Competitor for Candidate degree of the Person’s Psychology and General Psychology Department of the Kuban State University
1048. Mudrakova Olga Alexandrovna
Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Social and Pedagogical Informatics, Chernyshevsky Russian State Social University
1049. Mudrova Natalya Petrovna
Post-graduate student of National History Department, Adyghe State University, Maikop
1050. Muzhenya Dmitriy Vitalyevich
Post-graduate student of Botany Department of Natural Science Faculty, Adyghe State University, Maikop
1052. Mulyar Alla-Liana Yuryevna
Candidate of Sociology, Assistant Researcher of the Department of Slavic-Adyghe Cultural Contact, the Adyghe Republican Institute of Humanitarian Researches named after T.M. Kerashev
1053. Muradova Irina Yuryevna
Post-graduate student of the Stavropol State Agrarian University
1054. Muratov Temur Tashkabaevich
Applicant for Candidate’s degree of Department of Physics Teaching Technique, Tashkent State Pedagogical University named after Nizami, Tashkent, Uzbekistan
1055. Murtazina Gulfiya Raisovna
Post-graduate student of Social-Cultural Activity Department of the Kazan State University of Culture and the Arts (Supervisor of studies – Professor Z.M. Yavgildina)
1057. Mukhametdinov Rafael Fardievich
Senior Scientist, Candidate of Historical Sciences, Sh. Mardzhani Institute of History of the Tatarstan Academy of Sciences
1058. Mukhametzyanova Liliya Khatipovna
Candidate of Philology, Associate Professor, Senior Scientist of Folk Creativity Department, Institute of Language, Literature and Art named after G. Ibragimov, Academy of Sciences of Tatarstan Republic
1060. Mukhina Elena Alexandrovna
Applicant for Candidate’s degree of Philosophy and Sociology Department of Adyghe State University
1061. Muchkaeva Svetlana Sangadzhievna
Senior Teacher of Technique, Computer Science and Didactics at Natural Institute of Kalmyk State University
1063. Myakotnykh Vladimir Vasilyevich
Candidate of Pedagogy, Professor of Recreation and Sports Tourism Department, Sochi State University
1066. Nagoeva Anzhelika Kimovna
Post-graduate student of Maikop State University of Technology, Maikop
1067. Nagralyan Anton Alexandrovich
Candidate of Sociology, Doctoral Candidate at Institute of Teachers’ Retraining and Qualification Improving, Sothern Federal University
1070. Nazarov Dmitriy Mikhaylovich
Candidate of Economics, Associate Professor of Business of Computer Science Department of the Ural State Economic University
1071. Naydenov Dmitriy Vladimirovich
Grandmaster of Management, Kuban State University, Krasnodar
1072. Nalichaeva Sofiya Alexandrovna
Lecturer of Psychology Department of the M.V. Lomonosov Moscow State University Branch in Sevastopol
1073. Namitokova Aida Aydamirovna
Post-graduate student of Physiology Department of Natural Science Faculty of Adyghe State University
1074. Namitokova Roza Yusufovna
Doctor of Philology, Professor of Russian Language Department of Adyghe State University
1077. Naptsok Bella Radislavovna
Candidate of Philology, Associate Professor of Literature and Journalism Department, Adyghe State University
1078. Naptsok Maret Radislavovna
Candidate of Philology, Associate Professor of General Linguistics Department, the Adyghe State University
1080. Natkho Inver Yusufovich
Post-graduate student of Economy and Management Department, the Adyghe State University, Maikop
1081. Naumenko Aleksey Viktorovich
Senior Lecturer of Southern Institute of Management, Krasnodar
1083. Nash Abrek Ramazanovich
Senior Lecturer of Maikop State Polytechnic University Branch in the settlement of Yablonovskoe
1084. Nevmerzhitskaya Yuliya Petrovna
Senior Lecturer of Foreign Language Department of the Sochi Institute (Branch) of the Russian University of Friendship of the People
1085. Nemets Georgiy Nikolaevich
Candidate of Philology, Associate Professor of Press and Advertisement Department, Kuban State University
1086. Nemtsev Oleg Borisovich
Doctor of Pedagogy, Professor of Track and Field Athletics Departrment of Institute of Physical Training and Judo, Adyghe State University
1087. Nesterenko Tamara Vladimirovna
Teacher of Humanitarian College of the Kuban State University of Physical Training, Sports and Tourism
1090. Nekhay Vyacheslav Nurbievich
Candidate of Sociology, Associate Professor of Philosophy and Sociology Department of the Adyghe State University, Maikop
Phone: |
(8772)593984, 89183557446 |
1092. Nekhay Tamara Rashidovna
Associate Professor of the Department of Music-Performing Disciplines of the Institute of Arts, the Adyghe State University
1093. Nechaev Andrey Vasilyevich
Post-graduate student of Economy and Management Department, Adyghe State University, Maikop
1094. Nechaev Vasiliy Ivanovich
Doctor of Economics, Professor, Honoured Science Worker of the Russian Federation, Director of the Science-Technological Policy and Education Department of Ministry of Agriculture of the Russian Federation, Moscow
1095. Nechaeva Evgeniya Nikolaevna
Candidate of Medicine, Associate Professor, Leading Scientist of Institute of Hygiene, Professional Pathology and Ecology of the Person, the Federal Medical and Biologic Agency of the Russian Federation, St.-Petersburg
1096. Nechay Yuriy Petrovich
Doctor of Philology, Professor of the Department of General and Slavic-Russian Linguistics, the Kuban State University
1098. Nikandrova Inna Andreevna
Post-graduate student of Russian Language Department of Moscow State Regional Social-Humanitarian Institute (Supervisor of studies – L.A. Chernova, Doctor of Philology, Professor)
1099. Nikanenkova Viktoriya Viktorovna
Post-graduate student of Finance and Credit Department of the North Caucasian State Technical University
1100. Nikitenko Nikolay Sergeevich
Post-graduate student of Department of Accounting, Audit and Automated Data Processing, Kuban State University, Krasnodar
1101. Nikitina Irina Alekseevna
Post-graduate student of Economic Department of Southern Institute of Management, Krasnodar
1102. Nikiforova Natalya Vyacheslavovna
Applicant for a Candidate’s degree of Pedagogy and Psychology Department, Shadrinsk State Pedagogical Institute
1103. Nikiforova Svetlana Anatolyevna
Candidate of Philology, Associate Professor of Foreign Languages Department, National Research University of Higher School of Economy, St. Petersburg
1104. Nikolaeva Elena Valentinovna
Candidate of Culturology, Associate Professor of Culturology Department, Moscow State University of Design and Technology, Moscow
1105. Nickolskiy Evgeniy Vladimirovich
Candidate of Philology, Associate Professor of Department of National History and Culture of Moscow State University of Geodesy and Cartography
1106. Nikhay Mira Mossovna
Head of Pulmonic Department of the Adyghe Republican Clinical Hospital, Maikop
1107. Novak (Nedogarko) Marina Vladimirovna
Candidate of Philology, Associate Professor of the Theory of Journalism Department, Southern Federal University
1108. Novak Lyubov Gennadyevna
Applicant for Candidate degree of French Philology Department, the Kuban State University (Supervisor of studies – Doctor of Philology, Professor V.V. Zelenskaya)
1109. Novakov Aleksey Andreevich
Applicant for Candidate degree of Kislovodsk Institute of Economics and Justice
1110. Novikov Vladimir Sergeevich
Candidate of Economics, Associate Professor of Management, Marketing and Entrepreneurship Department, Southern Institute of Management, Krasnodar
1112. Nosaev Denis Alexandrovich
Senior Lecturer of Press, Advertisement and Media-Technologies Department, Kuban State University, Technical Editor of newspaper “Kuban University”
1113. Nurguleev Damir Abdulganovich
Candidate of Physics and Mathematics, Assistant Lecturer of General and Theoretical Physics Department, Faculty of Mathematics, Physics and Computer Science, Tula State Pedagogical University named after L.N. Tolstoy
1115. Ovchinnikov Viktor Nikolaevich
Honoured Scientist of the Russian Federation, Doctor of Economics, Professor-Consultant of the Department of Theory and Practice of Government Regulation of Economics of the Southern Federal University, Rostov-on-Don
1116. Oganesyan Levon Levonovich
Candidate of Economics, Associate Professor of Management, Marketing and Enterprise Department of the Southern Institute of Management, Krasnodar
1117. Ozhgibesova Nina Yuryevna
Senior Lecturer of Foreign Language Department of the Surgut State University
1119. Ozheva Raziet Shumafovna
Candidate of Medicine, Associate Professor of Department of Therapeutic Disciplines, Medical Institute of Maikop State University of Technology
1120. Ozerov Aleksey Alekseevich
Doctor of Political Science, Professor of Southern Federal University
1121. Okorokova Olga Alekseyevna
Assistant Lecturer at the Finance Department, the Kuban State Agrarian University, Krasnodar
1122. Olefir Svetlana Stepanovna
Applicant for Candidate degree of Russian Language Department, the Moscow State Regional Social Humanities Institute (Supervisor of studies – Doctor of Philology, Professor L.A. Chernova)
1123. Olifirenko Ekaterina Pavlovna
Head of a youth circle, a post-graduate student of the Political Science and History Department of the North Caucasian State Academy of Humanities and Technology, Cherkessk
1124. Olomskaya Ekaterina Vladimirovna
Candidate of Economics, Associate Professor of Àccounting, Auditing and Automatic Data Processing Department, the Kuban State University, Krasnodar
1125. Olomskaya Natalya Nikolaevna
Candidate of Philology, Associate Professor of English Philology Department, Kuban State University
1126. Omelnitskaya Irina Mikhaylovna
Competitor fpr Candidate degree of Department of Russian and Technique of Elementary Education of the Taganrog State Pedagogical Institute
1127. Omelchenko Ekaterina Vladimirovna
Applicant for Candidate’s degree of the North-Caucasian Federal University, Stavropol
1128. Oparnikova Irina Veniaminovna
Senior Lecturer of Department of Languages and Speech Culture, Kuban Medicine Institute, Applicant for Candidate’s degree in Philology of Contemporary Language Department, Kuban State University
1129. Ordynskaya Marina Evgenyevna
Candidate of Economics, Associate Professor of Accounting and Finance Department, Adyghe State University, Maikop
1130. Orel Alevtina Andreevna
Applicant for Candidate degree of Department of Psychology of the Person and the General Psychology, the Kuban State University
1131. Orekhova Ekaterina Nikolaevna
Post-graduate student of Department of General Linguistics, Adyghe State University (supervisor of studies – Doctor of Philology, Professor Makarova L.S.)
1132. Orekhova Natalya Nikolaevna
Doctor of Philology, Professor of English Philology Department, V.G. Korolenko Glazovsky State Pedagogical Institute
1133. Orekhovskaya Nadezhda Evgenyevna
Applicant for Candidate degree of Institute for Retraining and Professional Development of Teachers of the Humanities and Social Sciences, Southern Federal University, Rostov-on-Don
1135. Orlyuk Natalya Yuryevna
Assistant Lecturer of Accounting and Audit Department, North-Caucasus State Technical University, Branch in Pyatigorsk, Pyatigorsk
1137. Osadchuk Lyudmila Mikhaylovna
Candidate of Economics, Associate Professor of Taxation and Business Infrastructure Department, the Kuban State University of Technology, Krasnodar
1138. Oseledchik Mikhail Borisovich
Candidate of Philosophy, Associate Professor of Philosophy Department, Moscow State University of the Press, Moscow
1139. Oserskaya Emma Vladimirovna
Post-graduate student of the Adyghe State University. Maikop, a teacher of history of Lyceum No.8
1140. Osin Aleksey Alexandrovich
Post-graduate student of Department of Management of the Organization, Kuban Institute of the International Business and Management, Krasnodar
1141. Osipov Georgiy Anatolyevich
Post-graduate student of General Linguistics Department, Adyghe State University, teacher of English, MGGTK AGU (supervisor of studies – Candidate of Philology, Associate Professor Makerova S.R.)
1142. Osipov Roman Sergeevich
Applicant for Candidate degree of the Department of Anglistics Studies and Cross-Cultural Communication, Moscow Pedagogical University of Humanities (Supervisor of studies - Doctor of Philology, Professor L.G. Popova)
1143. Oskolkov Vasiliy Aleksandrovich
Candidate of Pedagogy, Assistant Professor, Head of Department of the Theory and Technique of Boxing and Weightlifting of the Volgograd State Academy of Physical Training
1144. Osmanov Ruslan Zamanovich
Senior Lecturer of the Department of Theoretical Bases of Physical Training, the Institute “Yuzhdag”
1145. Ostrovskaya Viktoriya Nikolaevna
Doctor of Economics, Professor of Economy and Management Department, Stavropol State University
1146. Ostrovskaya Tatyana Alexandrovna
Candidate of Philology, Associate Professor of English Philology Department, Adyghe State University
1147. Otkidach Nadezhda Andreevna
Senior Lecturer of Russian Language and Literature Department of Stavropol State Pedagogical Institute, Essentuki Branch, competitor for Candidate degree of Russian and Foreign Literature Department of Stavropol State Pedagogical Institute (Supervisor of studies – P.K. Chekalov, Doctor of Philology
1149. Paatova Mariya Eduardovna
Candidate of Pedagogy, Associate Professor of Pedagogy and Social Psychology Department, Adyghe State University
1150. Pavlov Sergey Sergeevich
Post-graduate student of Department of Physical Material Science and Laser Technology, Amur State University
1151. Pavlovskaya Olga Evgenyevna
Doctor of Philology, Associate Professor, Head of Russian Language Department, Kuban State Agrarian University
1152. Pazderova Viktoriya Yuryevna
Candidate of Economics, Associate Professor of Accounting, Auditing, and Automated Data Processing Department, the Kuban State University, Krasnodar
1154. Palandzhyants Levon Zhirayrovich
Candidate of Physics and Mathematics, Associate Professor of Mathematics and System Analysis Department of Maikop State University of Technology
1155. Panarin Andrey Anatolyevich
Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor of Department of History of Russia, Armavir State Pedagogical Academy
1156. Panarin Dmitry Andreevich
Post-graduate student of Armavir State Pedagogical Academy
1157. Panaetov Oleg Grigoryevich
Candidate of Philology, Associate Professor of Journalism History and Communicativistics Department of Journalism Faculty, Kuban State University
1158. Panesh Adam Khazretovich
Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Applied Mathematics and Information Technology, Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science, Adyghe State University
1159. Panesh Azamat Aslanovich
Post-graduate student of Department of the Mathematical Analysis and Technique of Teaching Mathematics, Adyghe State University
1161. Panesh Bela Khamzetovna
Candidate of Pedagogy, Associate Professor of Department of Natural and Mathematical Disciplines and Technique of Their Teaching in System of Preschool and Primary Education, Adyghe State University
1162. Panesh Kaplan Mugdinovich
Post-graduate student of Economics and Management Department, Adyghe State University, Maikop
1164. Panesh Susanna Ramazanovna
Candidate of Philology, Associate Professor of Literature and Journalism Department, Adyghe State University
1165. Panesh Uchuzhuk Maskhudovich
Doctor of Philology, Professor of Literature and Journalism Department, Dean of Faculty of Philology, Adyghe State University
1167. Panin Vladimir Alekseevich
Doctor of Physics and Mathematics, Professor, Rector of the Tula State Pedagogical University named after L.N. Tolstoy, Tula
1169. Pankin Alexander Alexandrovich
Applicant for Candidate’s degree of the State and Municipal Governance Department of the Stavropol Institute of Governance
1170. Panteleyeva Tatyana Yuryevna
Associate Professor of Department of Humanities, Social-Economic and Information-Legal Disciplines, Novorossiysk Branch of Krasnodar University of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, Doctoral Candidate of General Linguistics Department, Adyghe State University
1172. Pankin Arkadiy Borisovich
Doctor of Pedagogy, Professord of Pedagogy Department, Kalmyk State University
1173. Papakhchyan Inna Aramovna
Competitor for Candidate’s degree of the Public and Municipal Administration Department, Kuban State Agrarian University, Krasnodar
1174. Paramonova Marianna Gennadyevna
Post-graduate student of English Language Department, Kuban State University of Technology (Supervisor of studies – Doctor of Philology, Professor E.V. Pinchuk)
1175. Paranuk Vyacheslav Ismailovich
Candidate of Physics and Mathematics, Professor of Algebra and Geometry Department of Mathematics and Computer Science Faculty, Adyghe State University
1176. Paranuk Kutas Nukhovna
Doctor of Philology, Professor of Literature and Journalism Department, the Adyghe State University
1178. Parkhomenko Elena Vladimirovna
Senior Lecturer of Philosophy Department of the Kuban State University of Technology
1180. Pakhomova Lyubov Yuryevna
Lecturer of Psychology Department of the Academy of Improvement of Educator’s Professional Skill and Professional Retraining
1181. Pashkova Nataliya Viktorovna
Senior Lecturer of Philosophy Department, the Kuban State University of Technology
1182. Pashtova Madina Mikhaylovna
Candidate of Philology, Senior Scientist of Adyghe Science Center, Research Institute of Complex Problems of the Adyghe State University
1183. Pedchenko Vladimir Anatolyevich
Post-graduate student of the Department of Russian Literature and Technique of its Teaching, the Armavir State Pedagogical Academy (Supervisor of studies - Doctor of Philology, Professor Yu.M. Pavlov)
1184. Pelipenko Lyubov Mikhailovna
Post-graduate student of English Philology Department, Kuban State University (supervisor of studies – Candidate of Philology, Professor Sidorova L.I.)
1186. Penno Anatoliy Filippovich
Chief of Search and Rescue and Paraborne Service of Educational Aviation Centre of the Krasnodar Military Aviation Institute
1188. Pesina Svetlana Andreevna
Doctor of Philology, Professor, Dean of Linguistics and Translation Faculty of Magnitogorsky State University, Doctoral Candidate of Ontology and Theory of Cognition Department of Philosophy and Political Science Faculty, Saint-Petersburgh State University, Saint-Petersburgh
1189. Petrenko Nina Aleksandrovna
Head of Departement of Technology, Krasnodar College of Management, Technics and Technology, Krasnodar
1190. Petrievsky Ilya Viktorovich
Post-graduate student of Management Department, the North Caucasian Humanitarian Technical Institute, Stavropol
1191. Petrova Elena Mikhaylovna
Candidate of Economics, Associate Professor of Stavropol State Agrarian University
1192. Petrova Irina Anatolievna
Post-graduate student of Social Psychology Department of Faculty of Management at Kuban State University (Supervisor of Studies - Doctor of Psychology, Professor A.N. Demin)
1194. Petrova Svetlana Vladislavovna
Candidate of Political Sciences, Associate Professor, Sochi State University, Sochi
1195. Petrova Tatyana Gennadyevna
Post-graduate student of Physiology Department of Natural Science Faculty of Adyghe State University
1198. Petrushova Elena Vadimovna
Post-graduate student of English Philology Department of the Kuban State University, Lecturer of Foreign Languages Department for Natural Specialties of the Kuban State University
1199. Petkov Valeriy Anatolyevich
Doctor of Pedagogy, Professor of the Department of Pedagogy and Technologies of Preschool and Elementary Education, Armavir State Pedagogical Academy
1201. Pilipenko Mariya Nikolaevna
Post-graduate student of Audit Department of Audit Department of Rostov State University of Economics (RINKH), Rostov-on-Don
1202. Pilyuk Nikolay Nikolaevich
Doctor of Pedagogy, Professor, Head of the Department of the Theory and Technique of Gymnastics, the Kuban State University of Physical Training, Sports and Tourism
1203. Pinchuk Zoya Evgenyevna
Operator of Electronic set and Imposition, State Unitary Enterprise of Krasnodar Territory “Hotel Complex”, Applicant for Candidate’s degree of Publishing, Advertisement and Media-Technologies Department, Kuban State University (Supervisor of studies – Candidate of Philology, Associate Professor G.N. Nemets)
1206. Pichko Natalya Sergeevna
Candidate of Culturology, Associate Professor of History and Culture Department of the Ukhtinsky State Technical University Branch in Usinsk
1207. Plieva Mariya Gimzerovna
Post-graduate student of Economic Theory Department, North-Caucasus Mining-Metallurgic Institute, (State University of Technology), Cherkessk
1208. Plisenko Olga Anatol’evna
A post-graduate student of the Institute of Applied Computer Science of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Senior Teacher of Department of Automated Systems of Information Processing and Control at Physical Faculty of Adyghe State University, Deputy Head of Center of Intellectual Geoinformation Technologies at Adyghe State University
1210. Pogrebnoy Anatoliy Ivanovich
Doctor of Pedagogy, Professor, Director of Research Institute of Problems of Physical Training and Sport, the Kuban State University of Physical Training, Sports and Tourism
1211. Podgornov Vyacheslav Valentinovich
Post-graduate student of Economy and Production Organization Department, Ulyanovsk State University, Ulyanovsk
1212. Poddubnaya Tatyana Nikolaevna
Doctor of Pedagogy, Professor of Pedagogy and Social Psychology Department, Adyghe State University
1213. Poddubny Alexander Alexandrovich
Principal specialist of OOO “Antegra Consulting”, Moscow
1214. Pozhidaev Ruslan Anatolyevich
Post-graduate student of Russian Language Department of M. Akmulla Bashkirsky State Pedagogical University (Supervisor of studies – R.Kh. Khayrullina, Doctor of Philology, Professor, Vice-Rector)
1215. Pozdeeva Tatyana Viktorovna
Senior Lecturer of Foreign Languages Department of Krasnodar Branch of Russian State Trade-Economic University, applicant for Candidate degree of French Philology Department, Kuban State University (supervisor of studies – Doctor of Philology, Professor E.P. Marchenko)
1217. Poleva Marina Alexandrovna
Applicant for Candidate degree of the Department of General and Slavic-Russian Linguistics, Kuban State University (Supervisor of studies – Doctor of Philology, Professor E.N. Luchinskaya)
1219. Polovodov Yuri Aleksandrovich
Head of Technical Specialities Department at Private Educational Institution of Secondary Professional Training “College of Law, Economy and Management”, Krasnodar
1220. Polukonova Natalya Vladimirovna
Doctor of Biology, Professor of the General Biology, Pharmacognosy and Botany Department of the Saratov State Medical University named after V.I. Razumovsky
1222. Polyakova Alexandra Alexandrovna
Doctor of Pedagogy, Professor of Foreign Languages Department, the Sochi Institute of the Russian University of Friendship of the People (Branch)
1226. Ponomarev Sergey Sergeevich
Six-year student of Mathematical Faculty, Voronezh State Pedagogical University, Voronezh
1228. Popkova Elena Borisovna
Competitor of Social Communications and Technologies Department, YuFU, Associate Professor of Department of the Russian Language and Standard of Speech, Russian Southern State Technical University (Novocherkassk Polytechnic Institute), Novocherkassk
1229. Popov Aleksandr Vasilyevich
Doctor of Sociology, Professor, Head of Department of Theoretical and Applied Regionalistics, Institute for Retraining and Professional Development of Teachers of the Humanities and Social Sciences, Southern Federal University
1230. Popov Rinad Alexandrovich
Doctor of Economic Sciences, Professor of Economy and Management Department, Adyghe State University, Maikop
1231. Popova Anna Petrovna
Post-graduate student of Department of Literature and Technique of Teaching, Armavir State Pedagogical Academy (supervisor of studies – Candidate of Philology, Associate Professor N.I. Krizhanovsky)
1233. Popova Valeriya Borisovna
Candidate of Philology, Associate Professor of Foreign Philology Department, Academy of Marketing and Social-Information Technologies
1234. Popova Larisa Vitalyevna
Doctor of Economics, Professor, Head of the Finance and Analysis Department of Volgograd State Agricultural Academy, Volgograd
1235. Popova Larisa Georgievna
Doctor of Philology, Professor of the Department of German Philology and Technique, Moscow Pedagogical University of Humanities
1236. Popova Natalya Vladimirovna
Senior Lecturer of Marketing and Management Department of Institute of Agrobusiness
1238. Potapova Albina Nikolaevna
Lecturer of Volgograd Branch of Moscow Finance-Juridical University, Volgograd
1239. Potashev Aleksandr Fedorovich
Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor of Department of Humanities and Social - Economic Disciplines, Rostov Institute of Protection of the Businessman
1240. Pocheshkhov Nurbiy Aslanovich
Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor of Department of National History, Historiography, Theory and Methodology of History, Adyghe State University
1242. Prikhodko Elena Ivanovna
Applicant for Candidate degree of Department of History of Journalism and Communicology of the Kuban State University (Supervisor of studies – Doctor of Philology, Professor Yu.V. Luchinsky)
1243. Prokopenko Tatyana Alexandrovna
Applicant for the Candidate’s degree at Institute of Teachers’ Retraining and Qualification Improving, Sothern Federal University
1244. Prokopyev Semen Gennadyevich
Post-graduate student of the Chuvash State University, Cheboksary
1245. Prokhorova Viktoriya Vladimirovna
Doctor of Economics, Professor of Production and Regional Management Department, Kuban State University of Technology, Krasnodar
1246. Pryadkina Lyudmila Alexandrovna
Post-graduate student of Tourism Department of Kavminvodsky Institute of Service (Branch) of Southern Russian State University of Economy and Service
1249. Pseunova Bela Khalidovna
Post-graduate student of Institute of Linguistics, Russian Academy of Sciences (supervisor of studies – Senior Scientist of Institute of Linguistics of Russian Academy of Sciences Balyasnikova O.V.)
1250. Pseunok Aminet Askerovna
Doctor of Biology, Professor of Physiology Department at Natural Science Faculty of Adyghe State University
1252. Pugacheva Natalya Georgievna
Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor of Department of History and Legal Regulation of Mass Communications, Kuban State University
1253. Pukhnaty Filipp Anatolyevich
Applicant for Candidate’s degree of Institute of Economy and Anti-Crisis Management, Moscow
1254. Pushkin Sergey Viktoroich
Candidate of Biology, Assistant Professor of Zoology Department of Stavropol State University
1256. Pshidatok Ruslan Mukhtarovich
Applicant for Candidate degree of Criminology Department of the Krasnodar Juridical University of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation, Krasnodar
1258. Pshizova Asyat Karalbievna
Candidate of Philology, Associate Professor of Russian Philology Department, Adyghe State University
1259. Pshizova Elena Nasurdinovna
Candidate of Jurisprudence, Associate Professor of Adyghe State University
1261. Pshikanokova Nuriet Ibragimovna
Candidate of Economics, Professor of the Economic Theory Department, Adyghe State University, Maikop
1262. Pshishok Adam Aslanovich
Post-graduate student of Sociology Department of the Kuban State University
1263. Pykhtina Yuliana Grigoryevna
Candidate of Pedagogy, Associate Professor of Department of Russian Philology and Technique of Russian Language Training, Orenburg State University, Doctoral Candidate of the Russian University of People’s Friendship (tutor in science – Doctor of Philology, Professor A.G. Kovalenko)
1264. Pyatakova Tatyana Leonidovna
Scientist of Philosophy and Sociology Department of T.M. Kerashev Adyghe Republican Institute of Humanitarian Researches
1265. Rabadanova Albina Umalatovna
Lecturer of Department of Humanities of the Daghestan State Institute of National Economy
1266. Ragimov Farkhad Idrisovich
Doctor of Economics, Professor of Economy and Management Department of Adyghe State University, Maikop
1267. Razvadovskaya Yuliya Viktorovna
Applicant for Candidate’s degree of Economy Department of Taganrog Institute of Technology, Southern Federal University, Taganrog
1268. Rakitina Marya Sergeevna
Senior Lecturer of the Department of State and Municipal Law and Administration, Southern Federal University, Rostov-on-Don
1269. Raspopova Anna Sergeevna
Post-graduate student of Psychology Department, Kuban State University of Physical Training, Sports and Tourism
1270. Ratseev Sergey Mikhaylovich
Candidate of Physics and Mathematics, Associate Professor of Department of Information Security and Control Theory at Faculty of Mathematics and Information Technologies of Ulyanovsk State University, Ulyanovsk
1272. Rezaev Roman Olegovich
Candidate of Physics and Mathematics, Senior Lecturer of Higher Mathematics and Mathematical Physics Department of Natural Sciences and Mathematics Faculty at Tomsk Polytechnic University
1273. Rezinkova Sofya Alexandrovna
Senior Lecturer of Theoretical Physics Department of Physical Faculty, the Adyghe State University
1274. Reznikov Andrey Vladimirovich
Senior Lecturer of Department of Applied Mathematics and Information Technologies of the Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Sciences, the Adyghe State University
1275. Reznikova Elena Vadimovna
Post-graduate student of Translation and Computer Science Department of Pedagogical Institute, Southern Federal University (supervisor of studies – Doctor of Philology, Professor M.V. Laskova)
1277. Reps Valentina Fedorovna
Doctor of Biology, Head of Tourism Department of Kavminvodsky Institute of Service (Branch of Southern Russian State University of Economy and Service)
1278. Reps Kirill Grigoryevich
Senior Lecturer of Tourism Department of Kavminvodsky Institute of Service (Branch of the Southern Russian State University of Economy and Service)
1279. Reshetnyak Tatyana Alexandrovna
Post-graduate student of the Department of Organization and Planning Local Development, Kuban State University. Krasnodar
1280. Robskaya Svetlana Anatolyevna
Post-graduate student of Politology and Political Management Department, Kuban State University, Krasnodar
1281. Rogozyan Alexey Borisovich
Post-graduate student of the Department of Human Resource Management and Organizational Psychology of the Kuban State University
1282. Rozanov Dmitriy Anatolyevich
Lecturer of the Theory and Technique of Professional Training Department of the Armavir State Pedagogical Academy
1283. Roin Oleg Alexandrovich
Candidate of Sociology, Senior Lecturer of Department of Essentuksky Institute of Management, Business and Law
1284. Rokotyanskaya Violetta Valeryevna
Post-graduate student of the Department of the Organization of Manufacture and Management of South-Russian State University of Economics and Service, Shakhty
1285. Romanenko Nataliya Ivanovna
Senior Lecturer of Department of Physical Training and Health Improving Technologies of the Kuban State University of Physical Training, Sports and Tourism
1286. Romanets Irina Igorevna
Post-graduate student of Taxation and Business Infrastructure Department of Kuban State University of Technology, Krasnodar
1290. Romantsev Gennadiy Mikhaylovich
Doctor of Pedagogy, Professor, Rector of the Russian State Professional Pedagogical University
1292. Rossinskaya Marina Vasilyevna
Doctor of Economics, Professor of Department of Organization of Manufacture and Management of South-Russian State University of Economics and Service, Shakhty
1293. Roshchektaev Sergey Alexandrovich
Candidate of Economics, Associate Professor of the Finance Department, Institute of Economics, Law and Humanities, Krasnodar
1295. Rubanov Egor Vladimirovich
Post-graduate student of National History Department of Adyghe State University
1296. Rubanova Anastasiya Nikolaevna
Post-graduate student of General History Department, Adyghe State University; Registrar of Open Joint Stock Company of KUBANBANK Joint-Stock Bank, Adygheya Republic, Maikop Region, the settlement of Tulsky
1298. Rubtsova Elena Pavlovna
Principal Specialist in Social Problems of the Branch of the ANOO VPO “Institute of Economy and Management in Medicine and Social Sphere”. Belorechensk
1299. Rubtsova Elena Tarasovna
Candidate of Pedagogy, Associate Professor of the Department of Theory, History of Pedagogy and Educational Practice, Armavir State Pedagogical Academy
1300. Rudakova Galina Iosifovna
Associate Professor of Criminal Law and Criminology Department, Adyghe State University, Maikop
1301. Rudakova Irina Alekseevna
Doctor of Pedagogy, Professor of Pedagogy and Psychology Department at Kuban State University
1302. Rudakova Olga Evgenyevna
Leading Specialist of Operational Information Sector (Press Service), Department for Relations with the Public of Administration of Krasnodar Municipality, applicant for Candidate degree of Department of History of Journalism and Communicology of the Kuban State University (Supervisor of studies – Doctor of Philology, Professor Yu.V. Luchinsky)
1303. Rudenko Kseniya Andreevna
Post-graduate student of Botany Department of Natural Science Faculty, Adyghe State University, Maikop
1304. Rudichenko Tatyana Semenovna
Doctor of Art Criticism, Professor of Music History Department, Rostov State Conservatory (Academy) named after S.V. Rakhmaninov
1305. Rusanova Anna Alekseevna
Candidate of Pedagogy, Associate Professor of Sociology Department of Zabaikalsky State University, Chita
1308. Rybakova Anna Alexandrovna
Candidate of Philology, Senior Lecturer of Department of Pedagogy and Technologies of Preschool and Primary Education, the Armavir State Pedagogical Academy
1309. Rybachuk Pavel Yurievich
Post-graduate student of Theoretical Bases of Physical Training Department at Institute of Physical Training and Judo of Adyghe State University
1310. Rysmyatov Alexander Zakirovich
Doctor of Economics, Professor of Department of Production Organization and Innovation Activity, Kuban State Agrarian University, Krasnodar
1312. Ryabokon Sergey Valeryevich
Post-graduate student of Accounting and Audit Department, the South Russian State University of Economy and Service, Shakhty
1313. Ryabchenko Anastasiya Valeryevna
Candidate of Economics, Associate Professor of Àccounting, Auditing and Automatic Data Processing Department, Kuban State University, Krasnodar
1315. Ryazanov Konstantin Sergeevich
Post-graduate student of Theoretical and Mathematical Physics Department of Belgorod State University
1316. Ryazantseva Darya Viktorovna
Applicant for Candidate’s degree of Southern Institute of Management, Krasnodar
1317. Ryashentseva Alena Yuryevna
Lecturer Assistant of Philosophy Department, the Kuban State University of Technology
1318. Saakyan Margarita Vanikovna
Candidate of Sociology, Senior Lecturer of Civil Law Department of Adyghe State University
1319. Saakyan Tatevik Gagikovna
Post-graduate student of Rostov State Economic University (RINH), Rostov-on-Don
1320. Savinov Andrey Mikhaylovich
Candidate of Pedagogy, Dean of Design Faculty, Kirov Branch of Moscow Humanitarian-Economic Institute
1321. Savchenko Sabina Mikhaylovna
Applicant for Candidate degree of Institute for Retraining and Professional Development of Teachers of the Humanities and Social Sciences, Southern Federal University
1322. Sagitova Aysylu Syntimerovna
Lecturer of Ufa State Art Academy named after Z. Ismagilov, Applicant for Candidate degree of the Russian University of Theatre Art
1323. Sadovskaya Galina Sergeevna
Post-graduate student of Pedagogy and Pedagogical Technologies Department at Adyghe State University (Supervisor of Studies - Doctor of Pedagogy, Professor F.P. Khakunova)
1324. Sazhina Natalya Mikhailovna
Doctor of Pedagogy, Professor, Deputy Dean for Scientific Work of Faculty of Pedagogy, Psychology and Communicativistics, the Kuban State University
1325. Saitova Meri Yuryevna
Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor of Finance and Credit Department of the Krasnodar Branch of the Russian State Trade and Economic University, Krasnodar
1327. Salgiriev Ali Ruslanovich
Assistant Lecturer of Department of the Theory and History of Social Work, Chechen State University, Applicant for Candidate degree
1330. Salogub Anzhela Mikhaylovna
Candidate of Sociology, Associate Professor of Department of Creative and Innovative Law Management, Pyatigorsk State Linguistic University, Adviser, Teacher of Business school
1331. Salnikova Ekaterina Viktorovna
Candidate of Art Criticism, Senior Scientist of the State Institute of Art Researches, Moscow
1332. Samarina Nadezhda Viktorovna
Post-graduate student of German Philology and Techniques Department, Moscow Humanitarian Pedagogical Institute (supervisor of studies – Doctor of Philology, Professor L.G. Popova)
1333. Samarskaya Tatyana Bogdanovna
Candidate of Philology, Associate Professor, Head of Foreign Language Department, Krasnodar Branch of the Russian Trade-Economic University
1334. Samedov Dzhalil Samedovich
Doctor of Philology, Head of Russian Language Department, Daghestan State University
1335. Samovik Olga Alexandrovna
Applicant for Candidate’s degree of Department of the Theory and History of Music and Techniques of Musical Education, Institute of Arts, Adyghe State University
1336. Samuseyko Vitaly Yurievich
student of medical-prophylactic faculty of St. Petersburg Medical Academy
1337. Sapieva Saida Kazbekovna
Post-graduate student of Russian Language Department of Adyghe State University (Supervisor of studies – R.Yu. Namitokova, Doctor of Philology, Professor)
1338. Saprykina Ekaterina Vladimirovna
Post-graduate student, Assistant Lecturer of Economic Theory and Sociology Department, Don State Agrarian University
1339. Saprykina Natalya Venidiktovna
Doctor of Economics, Professor, Head of Economic Theory and Sociology Department, Don State Agrarian University
1340. Sarkisov Vadim Borisovich
Post-graduate student of Management Department of the North Caucasus Institute of Humanities and Technical Sciences, Stavropol
1342. Safina Liliana Mikhaylovna
Post-graduate student of the Department of Russian Literature and Journalism of the 20-21 centuries. Moscow Pedagogical State University (Supervisor of studies - Doctor of Philology, Professor R.Z. Khayrullin)
1343. Sevryukova Galina Aleksandrovna
Doctoral Candidate of Physiology Department of Natural Science Faculty, the Adyghe State University
1344. Sedinkin Maxim Anatolyevich
Postgraduate student of the Tyumen State Oil and Gas University
1347. Sekisov Alexander Nikolaevich
Candidate of Economics, Associate Professor of Advertisement and Marketing Department, Kuban State University of Technology, Krasnodar
1348. Selmidis Lubov Filippovna
Senior Teacher of Pedagogy and Social Psychology Department at Adyghe State University
1349. Selyutin Vladimir Dmitrievich
Doctor of Pedagogy, Professor, Head of Department of Algebra and Mathematical Methods in Economy, Orlovsky State University, Orel
1353. Sergeev Alexey Nikolaevich
Candidate of Pedagogy, Senior Lecturer of Algebra, Geometry and Computer Science Department, Head of the Educational Computer Centre at Volgograd State Pedagogical University
1354. Sergeev Anatoliy Anatolyevich
Candidate of Pedagogy, Associate Professor of Psychology Department, Volgograd State University
1355. Sergeev Rodion Valentinovich
Director of Donskoy State College of Economy, Building and Business, Novocherkassk
1357. Sergeyeva Olga Viktorovna
Lecturer of Department of Foreign Languages in the Professional Sphere, Applicant for Candidate’s degree of English Philology Department, Kuban State University (Supervisor of studies – Doctor of Philology, Professor A.L. Faktorovich)
1359. Sergienko Sergey Viktorovich
Competitor for Candidate degree at Philosophy and Sociology Department of Adyghe State University, Maikop
1360. Sergodeev Vasiliy Andreevich
Post-graduate student of General Political Science and Sociology Department, North Caucasus Federal University, Stavropol
1361. Sergodeeva Elena Alexandrovna
Doctor of Philosophy, Professor of Philosophy Department, Humanity Institute of North Caucasus Federal University, Stavropol
1362. Serdyuk Anastasiya Alexandrovna
Post-graduate student of Department of Literature and Technique of its Teaching, Armavir State Pedagogical Academy (Supervisor of studies – Candidate of Philology, Associate Professor N.I. Krizhanovsky)
1363. Serebryakov Anatoliy Alekseevich
Doctor of Philology, Professor, Dean of Faculty for Pholology and Jounalism, Stavropol State University
1364. Serebryakova Svetlana Vasilyevna
Doctor of Philology, Professor of Department of Translation Theory and Practice, Stavropol State University
1365. Serebryakova Tatyana Aleksandrovna
Candidate of Psychology, Senior Lecturer of Pedagogy Department at Volzhsky State Engineering - Pedagogical University
1366. Sigida Nikolay Aleksandrovich
Ñandidate of Philosophy, Associate Professor of Philosophy and Social Sciences Department, Siberian State Space University, Krasnoyarsk
1367. Sidakov Aslan Muradovich
Lecturer of Department of Criminally-Legal Disciplines, the Circassian Branch of the Moscow Academy of the Law and Management (Institute)
1368. Sidiropulo Olga Alexandrovna
Post-graduate student of the Accounting, Audit and Automated Data Processing Department, the Kuban State University, Krasnodar
1369. Sidorenko Olga Olegovna
Post-graduate student of Department of State Policy and State Governing, the Kuban State University, Krasnodar
1370. Sidorenko Elina Leonidovna
Candidate of Jurisprudence, Associate Professor of Criminal Law and Criminology Department of the Russian Legal Academy of Ministry of Justice, Russia, Moscow
1371. Sidorova Irina Gennadievna
Post-graduate student of General and Theoretical Physics Department, Faculty of Mathematics, Physics and Computer Science, Tula State Lev Tolstoy Pedagogical University, Tula
1372. Sizova Larisa Alexandrovna
Post-graduate student of Department of Psychological and Pedagogical Sciences, K.V. Rosinsky Institute of International Law, Economy, Humanities and Management
1376. Silina Tatyana Alexandrovna
Candidate of Economics, Associate Professor of Accounting and Finance Department, Adyghe State University, Maikop
1377. Silvanyuk Natalya Ivanovna
Assistant Lecturer of History and Social Communication Department, Kuban State University of Technology, Krasnodar
1378. Simankov Vladimir Sergeevich
Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor, Director of Institute of Information Technologies and Safety of University Complex, Kuban State University of Technology, Krasnodar
1379. Simon Diana Vadimovna
Post-graduate student of IPPK YUFU, Rostov-on-Don
1380. Sinitsyn Yuriy Nikolaevich
Candidate of Pedagogy, Associate Professor, Head of Technology and Business Department of Faculty of Pedagogy, Psychology and Communicativistics, the Kuban State University
1381. Sinichenko Olesya Andreevna
Post-graduate student of Economics Department of Taganrog Institute of Technology, Southern Federal University, Taganrog
1382. Sinko Lyubov Alexandrovna
Candidate of Philology, Associate Professor, Head of Post- Graduate and Doctoral Candidacy Department, the Armavir State Pedagogical Academy
1383. Sirotyuk Emiliya Aysovna
Doctor of Biology, Professor of Department of Ecology and Protection of Environment, Ecological Faculty, Maikop State University of Technology
1384. Sisel Ninel Olegovna
Postgraduate student of Accounting, Analysis and Audit Department, Kuban State University of Technology, Krasnodar
1385. Siyukhova Aminet Magametovna
Candidate of Culturology, Associate Professor, Head of Philosophy, Sociology and Pedagogy Department of Maikop State University of Technology
1386. Skvortsova Viktoriya Alekseevna
Lecturer of French Philology Department, the Kuban State University
1387. Skidanova Yuliya Vitalyevna
Post-graduate student of Department of the Taxation and Business Infrastructure, Kuban State University of Technology, Krasnodar
1389. Skudnova Tatyana Dmitryevna
Doctor of Philosophy, Professor of Social Pedagogy and Psychology Department, Chekhov Taganrog State Teahers’ Training Institute
1390. Skulches Denis Vladimirovich
Applicant for Candidates degree of Economy and Management Department, Adyghe State University, Maikop
1392. Slatvinskaya Ekaterina Alekseevna
Post-graduate student of the Social Technologies Department, Southern Russian State University of Economy and Service; junior scientist of scientific-organizational department, Pyatigorsk State Research Institute of Balneology of Federal Medical Biological Agency, Pyatigorsk
1393. Sleptsova Anna Olegovna
Post-graduate student of Philosophy Department of Academy of Humanitarian and Social Education, Tambov State University named after G.R. Derzhavin
1395. Smeyukha Viktoriya Vyacheslavovna
Candidate of Philology, Senior Lecturer of Mass Media Communication Department of Southern Federal University
1396. Smirnova Ekaterina Vladimirovna
Post-graduate student of Department of Foreign Languages and Linguistics, Ivanovsky State University of Chemical Technology (supervisor of studies – Candidate of Philology, Professor Ivanova N.K.)
1397. Smolkov Ivan Vladimirovich
Student of Natural Science Faculty, Adyghe State University
1399. Sozaevà Tanzilya Khakimovna
Candidate of Economics, Associate Professor of Financial Management and Investment Department, Kabardino-Balkarian State Agricultural Academy named after V.M. Kokov, Nalchik
1400. Sokolov Roman Vasilyevich
Senior Lecturer of the Volzhsky Polytechnical Institute, Branch of the Volgograd State Technical University, Volzhsky, the Volgograd region
1401. Sokolova Alla Nikolaevna
Doctor of Art Criticism, Professor of Department of the Theory and History of Music and Technique of Musical Education of the Institute of Arts of Adyghe State University
1402. Sokolova Galina Viktorovna
Candidate of Philology, Associate Professor of Literature and Journalism Department, Adyghe State University
1403. Sokolova Olga Valentinovna
Student of Natural Science Faculty, Adyghe State University
1404. Sokolova Tatyana Aleksandrovna
Junior Scientist of the Arid Ecology Department of the Institute of Arid Zones of the Southern Scientific Centre, Russian Academy of Sciences, Rostov-on-Don
1405. Sokurova Saida Nurbievna
Candidate of Philology, Assistant Professor, Head of French Philology Department of Adyghe State University
1406. Soldatova Svetlana Alexandrovna
Senior Lecturer of Economic Cybernetics Department, Taurian National University named after V.I. Vernadsky, Autonomous Republic of the Crimea, Simferopol, Ukraine
1407. Solovyev Georgiy Matveevich
Doctor of Philology, Professor of Department of Electronic Mass Media and Journalist Skill of Journalism Faculty of the Kuban State University
1408. Solodovnik Lyubov Vladimirovna
Candidate of Sociology, Chief of Information and Analytical Management of the Office of Legislative Assembly of the Rostov Region
1409. Solodukhin Alexander Aleksandrovich
A post-graduate student, computer programmer of Center of Intellectual Geoinformation Technologies at Adyghe State University
1410. Solomko Alla Dmitrievna
Post-graduate student of Psychology Department of the Kuban State Uiversity of Physical Training, Sports and Tourism
1411. Somova Elena Georgievna
Doctor of Philology, Professor of ESMI and New Media Department, Kuban State University
1412. Sopov Alexander Valentinovich
Candidate of Historical Sciences, Associate Professor of the Maikop State University of Technology, Maikop
1413. Sopova Anna Sergeevna
Post-graduate student of Contemporary Russian Language Department, Kuban State University (supervisor of studies – Doctor of Philology, Professor of Contemporary Russian Language Department E.P. Marchenko)
1414. Sorokina Natalya Valeryevna
Candidate of Pedagogy, Associate Professor of German and French Philology and Linguadidactics Department, Doctoral Candidate of Department of the Theory and History of Pedagogy, the N.G. Chernyshevsky Transbaikalian State University of Humanities and Pedagogy
1415. Sosnovsky Vladimir Timofeevich
Doctor of Philology, Professor of Department of Literature and Technique of its Teaching, Armavir State Pedagogical Academy
1416. Spirina Valentina Ivanovna
Doctor of Pedagogy, Professor of Social, Special Pedagogy and Psychology Department, Armavir State Pedagogical Academy
1418. Spirina Olga Nikolaevna
Applicant for Candidate degree of the Department of Social, Special Pedagogy and Psychology, the Armavir State Pedagogical Academy
1420. Starikovsky Vladimir Sergeevich
Post-graduate student of Economics and Finance Management Department, Kuban State University of Technology, Krasnodar
1421. Starkova Evgeniya Vitalyevna
Applicant for Candidate degree of Department of Psychology of the Person and the General Psychology, the Kuban State University
1422. Starkova Nadezhda Olegovna
Candidate of Economics, Associate Professor of the World Economy and Management Department, the Kuban State University, Krasnodar
1425. Stakheev Valeriy Vladimirovich
Candidate of Biology, Head of the Arid Ecology Department of the Institute of Arid Zones of the Southern Scientific Centre, Russian Academy of Sciences, Rostov-on-Don
1426. Stash Aydamir Khazretovich
Senior Lecturer of Department of Mathematical Analysis and Methodology of Teaching Mathematics at Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Sciences of Adyghe State University
1429. Stepanenko Aleksey Sergeevich
Doctor of Philosophy, Professor of the East Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Justice
1430. Stepanova Tatyana Maratovna
Doctor of Philology, Professor of Literature and Journalism Department, Adyghe State University
1431. Stepin Sergey Nikolaevich
Candidate of Philology, Associate Professor of the Department of Literature and Technique of Teaching Literature, the Mordovsky State Pedagogical Institute named after M.E. Evseev
1433. Stetsunov Vladimir Vasilyevich
Applicant for Candidate degree of Economic Department of Taganrog Institute of Technology, Southern Federal University, Taganrog
1434. Stetsura Yuriy Anatolyevich
Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor of Department of History of Russia, Armavir State Pedagogical Academy
1435. Streltsova Elena Dmitrievna
Doctor of Economics, Professor of Departent of Electronic Computational Devices, South-Russian State Technical University, Novocherkassk
1437. Stukanov Alexander Petrovich
Doctor of Pedagogy, Professor of the Department of Refresher Training of Top-level Officials, Krasnodar Territorial Institute of Additional Professional Pedagogical Education
1438. Stupina Olga Anatolievna
Post-graduate student of Psychological and Pedagogical Sciences Department of K.V. Rossiisky Institute of International Law, Economy, the Humanities and Management (Supervisor of Studies - Doctor of Psychology, Professor B.A. Yas'ko)
1440. Suvorova Viktoriya Valeryevna
Post-graduate student of General History Department, Adyghe State University
1441. Suvorova Elena Sergeevna
Senior Lecturer, Competitor for Candidate degree of the Southern Federal University Branch in Gelendzhik
1442. Sugaipova Irina Vladimirovna
Doctor of Economics, Professor, Professor of Accounting and Finance Department of Adyghe State University, Maikop
1443. Sukiasyan Artur Khachaturovich
Ñandidate of Sociology, Associate Professor of the Volgograd Branch of the Russian State Trade - Economic University, Volgograd
1444. Sunduy Galina Dongakovna
Candidate of Pedagogy, Head of Laboratory of Ethnopedagogical Researches, Institute of Development of National School
1445. Suslov Alexander Ivanovich
Candidate of Economics, Scientific Secretary of the Russian Scientific Research Institute of Agricultural Economy
1447. Sukhina Nadezhda Yuryevna
Candidate of Economics, Professor, Head of Economics and Finance Management Department, Kuban State University of Technology, Krasnodar
1448. Sushko Kirill Sergeevich
Intern Investigator of the Arid Ecology Department of the Institute of Arid Zones of the Southern Scientific Centre, Russian Academy of Sciences, Rostov-on-Don
1450. Skhakumidova Mariet Setovna
Candidate of Philology, Associate Professor of Modern Russian Language Department, Adyghe State University
1451. Skhalyakho Abu Adyshesovich
Doctor of Philology, Professor, Principal Scientist of Adyghe Republican Research Institute of Humanitarian Studies named after T.M. Kerashev
1452. Skhalyakho Dariko Saferovna
Candidate of Philology, Leading Scientist of Literature Department, Adyghe Republican Research Institute of Humanitarian Studies named after T.M. Kerashev
1453. Skhalyakho Cherim Ayubovich
Candidate of Physics and Mathematics, Associate Professor of Mathematics and Physics Department, Krasnodar Military Higher Institution (Military Institute) named after S.M. Shtemenko
1454. Skhalyakho Yusuf Mezbechevich
Candidate of Pedagogy, Associate Professor, Head of Department of the Theory and Technique of Wrestling, Boxing and Weightlifting, the Kuban State University of Physical Culture, Sports and Tourism
1455. Sysoeva Olga Anatolyevna
Master of the Person’s Psychology of the Management Faculty, the Kuban State University
1456. Syui Bo
Post-graduate student of Department of the Theory of Music and Composition, S.V. Rakhmaninov Rostov State Conservatory (Supervisor of Studies – Candidate of Art Criticism, Professor G.R. Taraeva)
1457. Tadzhieva Bella Magametovna
Candidate of Philology, Head of Department of Foreign State Insurance Committee, Adygheya Republic
1458. Takakho Oksana Jumaldinovna
Senior Lecturer of Department of the Higher Mathematics and System Analysis, Maikop State University of Technology, Maikop
1459. Tamov Aslan Alievich
Doctor of Economics, Professor of Human Resource Management Department of Adyghe State University, Maykop
1460. Tamova Mariet Kadyrbechevna
Candidate of Economics, Associate Professor of Personnel Management Departement, Adyghe State University, Maikop
1461. Tanasov Georgiy Georgievich
Candidate of Psychology, Doctoral Candidate of the Person’s Psychology and General Psychology Department of the Kuban State University
1463. Taranova Irina Viktorovna
Doctor of Economics, Professor of World Economy Department, Stavropol State Agrarian University, Stavropol
1464. Taranukhin Dmitriy Sergeevich
Post-graduate student of Advertising and Marketing Department, Kuban State University of Technology, Krasnodar
1465. Tarasenko Vladislav Valeryevich
Candidate of Philosophy, Senior Scientist of Sector of Philosophical Problems of Scientific-Technical Development, the Institute of Philosophy, the Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow
1466. Tarasenko Elena Valentinovna
Candidate of Philology, Associate Professor of Department of the Russian Language, Culture and Speech Correction, the Faculty of Pedagogy and Techniques of Initial Education, Taganrog State Pedagogical Institute named after A.P. Chekhov
1468. Tarasenko Larisa Viktorovna
Doctor of Sociology, Professor of Southern Federal University
1471. Tatarinov Dmitri Anatolyevich
Teacher of Complementary Education of Physical and Mathematical School, Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky
1472. Tatlok Ruslan Kimovich
Applicant for Candidate degree of Land Management Department of Faculty of Agrarian Technologies, the Maikop State University of Technology
1473. Tatuev Arsen Azidovich
Doctor of Economics, Professor, Professor of Marketing and Advertizing Department of the South Russian state university of Economy and Service, Shakhty
1474. Tausova Irina Fyodorovna
Candidate of Economics, Associate Professor of the Account and Financing Department of Adyghe State University, Maikop
1475. Tashcheva Anna Ivanovna
Candidate of Psychology, Associate Professor of the Person’s Psychology Department, Faculty of Psychology, Southern Federal University
1476. Telmanova Elena Dmitrievna
Candidate of Pedagogy, Associate Professor of the Automated Systems of Power Supply, Institute of Power Industry and Informatics of the Russian State Professional Pedagogical University
1477. Tembotov Rustam Khasanbievich
Researcher of the Laboratory of Soil and Ecological Researches, Institute of Ecology of Mountain Territories KBSC RAS, KBR
1480. Ter-Nikogosyan Elena Nikolaevna
Post-graduate student of Philosophy and Sociology Department of Adyghe State University
1482. Tereshchenko Yuriy Grigoryevich
Post-graduate student of Economics and Management Department of the Adyghe State University
1483. Tertyshnik Nadezhda Vladimirovna
Teacher of Department “Painting” of the Adyghean Republican College of Arts named after U.Kh. Tkhabisimov
1484. Teryukha Roman Viktorovich
Candidate of Pedagogy, Associate Professor of Physics Department at Kuban State University of Technology
1485. Teunova Dana Nurbievna
Attending Physician of Health Care Center
1487. Teuchezh Fatima Dautovna
Candidate of Geography, Associate Professor, Head of Geography Department of Natural Science Faculty, Adyghe State University
1488. Teshev Valeriy Aslanovich
Candidate of Physics and Mathematics, Deputy Dean of Economic Faculty of Adyghe State University, Maykop
1489. Teshev Vitaliy Vasilyevich
Candidate of Economics, Engineer-Laboratorian of Department of Mathematical Methods and Information Technology of Adyghe State University, Maykop
1492. Timofeeva Irina Vladimirovna
Candidate of Psychology, Associate Professor, Head of Department of Physical Rehabilitation of the Ural State University of Physical Training, the Ekaterinburg Branch
1493. Timchenko Elena Yuryevna
Candidate of Economics, Lecturer of the Market Theory Department of the Southern Federal University, Rostov-on-Don
1494. Tikhomirova Lyudmila Ivanovna
Candidate of Biology, Altai State University, Head of Plant Biotechnology Department of the Southern Siberian Botanical Garden, Barnaul
1495. Tikhonova Aza Petrovna
Candidate of Philology, Associate Professor of English Philology Department, Adyghe State University
1496. Tishin Nikolay Viktorovich
Post-graduate student of Department of Russian Language and Technique of Teaching, Adyghe State University (Supervisor of studies – Doctor of Pedagogy, Professor M.Kh. Shkhapatseva)
1498. Tkacheva Elena Nikolaevna
Associate Professor of Economy Department, Southern Institute of Management, Krasnodar
1499. Tkacheva Yana Sergeevna
Candidate of Economics, Associate Professor of Economics and Enterprise Management Department, Maikop State University of Technology, Maikop
1500. Tkachenko Evgeniya Alexandrovna
Lecturer in Music-Theoretical Disciplines, Donskoy Pedagogical College, Applicant for Candidate’s degree of Music History Department of Rostov State Conservatory (Academy) named after S.V. Rakhmaninov (supervisor of studies – Doctor of Art Criticism, Professor A.M. Tsuker)
1501. Tlebzu Asya Daudovna
Assistant of Constitutional Law Department at Adyghe State University
Phone: |
8 028 663 86 04, ðàá. òåë. 593 961 |
1502. Tleptsok Ruslan Aslanovich
Candidate of Historical Sciences, Associate Professor of General History Department of Historical Faculty, the Adyghe State University
1503. Tlekhas Yuriy Chesebievich
Head of Traffic Police Department of Ministry of Internal Affairs in the Adygheya Republic
Phone: |
53 42 20, ìîá. òåë. 8 918 460 77 77 |
1505. Tlekhuray-Berzegova Larisa Talibovna
Doctor of Economics, Head of Human Resource Management Department of Adyghe State University, Maykop
1506. Tlekhuch Saida Aslanovna
Doctor-ophthalmologist of the Diabetes Care Center of Adyghean Republican Clinical Hospital
1507. Tlish Emma Khamedovna
Candidate of Medicine, Doctor-Resident of the Adyghe Republican Clinical Oncological Hospital
1508. Tlupova Yuliya Mukhamedovna
Candidate of Technical Sciences, Scientist of Laboratorty of Geobotanic Researches, Institute of Ecology of Mountain Territories, Kabardino-Balkarian Scientific Center, Russian Academy of Sciences
1510. Tlyusten Lyudmila Shekhamboletovna
Candidate of Pedagogy, Assistant Professor of the Department of Russian and Technique of Its Teaching, the Adyghe State University
Phone: |
8-906-438-52-78 ð.ò. 8 (8772) 59-81-07 |
1511. Tlyusten Fatima Kimovna
Applicant for Candidate degree of Philosophy and Ssociology Department of Adyghe State University
1512. Tlyachev Vyacheslav Beslanovich
Doctor of Physics and Mathematics, Professor, Head of Theoretical Physics Department of Engineering-Physics Faculty, Adyghe State University
1513. Tovmasyan Regina Eduardovna
Candidate of Jurisprudence, Associate Professor of Constitutional Law Department, Deputy Dean for Scientific Work of Faculty of Law
Phone: |
(8772)593761, 593961 |
1515. Tokova Sonya Magometovna
Post-graduate student of Pedagogy and Pedagogical Technologies Department at U.D.Aliev Karachaev-Circassian State University (Supervisor of Studies - Candidate of Pedagogy, Senior Lecturer A.A. Uzdenova)
1516. Toksina Ekaterina Valeryevna
Applicant for Candidate degree of the Department of Theory and Technology of Management, Economic Faculty, Southern Federal University , Rostov-on-Don
1517. Tolkachev Demid Maksimovich
Post-graduate student of Department of Computer Technologies and Information Security, Kuban State University of Technology, Krasnodar
1518. Tolmachyovà Olga Innokentyevna
Candidate of Economics, Associate Professor of Accounting, Analysis and Audit Department, the Kuban State University of Technology, Krasnodar
1519. Tolstikova Lyubov Vladimirovna
Assistant Lecturer of English Philology Department, Adyghe State University, Competitor for Candidate degree of Department of General and Slavic-Russian Linguistics, Kuban State University (supervisor of studies – Doctor of Philology, Professor Luchinskaya E.N.)
1520. Tolstikova Tatyana Nikolaevna
Associate Professor of Botany Department of Natural Science Faculty, Director of Botanical Garden, Adyghe State University
1521. Tomshinskaya Irina Nikolaevna
Candidate of Economics, Associate Professor of Accounting Department, St.-Petersburg State Trade-Economic University, Saint-Petersburg. Doctoral Candidate of Economy and Management Department, Adyghe State University, Maikop
1522. Toncodubova Oksana Ivanovna
Master of Psychology, Head of Psychology Department, Volgograd Social Pedagogical College
1523. Torogeldiyeva Zukhra Nurmatovna
Candidate of Philology, Associate Professor of the North Caucasus State Institute of Arts, KBR, Nalchik
1525. Torchinova Oksana Vladimirovna
Candidate of Economics, Associate Professor of Accounting and Auditing Department, North-Caucasus Mining-Metallurgic Institute (State University of Technology), Cherkessk
1526. Tochieva Zaira Savarbekovna
Post-graduate student of General Linguistic Department, Chechen State University (supervisor of studies – Doctor of Art Criticism, Professor M.R. Ovkhadov)
1527. Trakhov Aslan Izmaylovich
Chairman of the Supreme Court of the Adygheya Republic, Doctor of Jurisprudence, Professor, Head of Criminal Law Department of Law Faculty, Adyghe State University, Deserved Lawyer of Russia and Adygheya Republic
1528. Trifonov Andrey Yur'evich
Doctor of Physics and Mathematics, Professor of Higher Mathematics and Mathematical Physics Department of Natural Sciences and Mathematics Faculty at Tomsk Polytechnic University
1529. Tropnikova Nina Pavlovna
Candidate of Pedagogy, Associate Professor of Department of Professional Training, History and Philosophy of the Ural State Academy of Veterinary Medicine
1530. Trokhimchuk Lyudmila Fedorovna
Doctor of Biology, Professor of Department of Anatomy and Physiology of Children and Teenagers, Pedagogical Institute of Southern Federal University
1531. Troshchenko Viktor Vladimirovich
Candidate of Geology and Mineralogy, Senior Scientist of Department of Regional Geology, Institute of Arid Zones of Southern Scientific Center, Russian Academy of Sciences
1533. Tuguz Fatima Vyachåslavovna
Candidate of Geography, Associate Professor of Geography Department of Natural Science Faculty, the Adyghe State University
1534. Tuguz Aminat Ramazanovna
Doctor of Biology, Professor of Botany Department of Natural Science Faculty, Head of Immunogenetic Laboratory of Research Institute of Complex Problems, Adyghe State University, Maikop
1535. Tuguz Zaira Yunusovna
Post-graduate student, Senior Lecturer of the Department of the Constitutional Building and the State and Municipal Governance of the Maikop State University of Technology
1536. Tuguz Mariet Khasinovna
Applicant for Candidate degree of Pedagogy and Pedagogical Technologies Department, Adyghe State University
1537. Tuguz Nalbiy Salikhovich
Candidate of Pedagogy, Assistant Professor of General Mathematic and Natural Science Disciplines Department of Branch of Maikop State Polytechnic University in the settlement of Yablonovsky
1538. Tuguz Saida Baizetovna
Senior Teacher of History and Law Department at Maikop State Polytechnic University
1539. Tuguz Fatima Kazbekovna
Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Senior Lecturer of Theoretical Physics Department at Adyghe State University
1541. Tuguz Emma Izmaylovna
Head of Laboratory of Ergonomic Biomechanics, «Health» Center of Adyghe State University, Maikop
1542. Tuov Azamat Ruslanovich
Post-graduate student of Economy and Management Department of Adyghe State University, Maikop
1543. Tuova Bella Ruslanovna
Candidate of Economics, Associate Professor of Accounting and Financing Department of Economics Faculty, Adyghe State University
1544. Tuova Marina Ruslanovna
Assistant Lecturer of Department of the Arab Language and Second Foreign Languages, Adyghe State University
1545. Tuova Tamara Gissovna
Candidate of Geography, Associate Professor of Geography Department of Natural Science Faculty, Adyghe State University
1546. Tupikova Oksana Andreevna
Lecturer Assistant of Economy and Management Department, Armavir State Pedagogical Academy, Armavir
1547. Turkin Ilya Andreevich
Post-graduate student of the Department of Automatization of Production Processes, Don State Technical University, Rostov-on-Don
1548. Turkina Olga Valentinovna
Senior Lecturer of Economy and Management Department of Novorossiysk Branch of the Moscow Humanities-Economic Institute, Novorossiysk
1549. Turkova Aneta Aslanovna
Senior Lecturer of Department of Humanities and Natural Science Disciplines, Branch of Adyghe State University, Applicant for Candidate’s degree of Literature and Journalism Department, Branch of Adyghe State University (Supervisor of studies – Doctor of Philology, Professor K.G. Shazzo)
1550. Tutarishcheva Svetlana Meratovna
Candidate of Psychology, Senior Lecturer of Civil Law Department at Adyghe State University
1552. Tkhagalizhokova Lyubov Vladimirovna
Lecturer of Staff Management and Organizational Psychology Department, Kuban State University
1554. Tkhakumacheva Yuliya Borisovna
Applicant for Candidate degree of the Department of Theoretical Bases of Physical Training, the Institute of Physical Training and Judo of Adyghe State University
1556. Tkharkakhova Aida Shumafovna
Senior Lecturer of Foreign Languages Department, Adyghe State University
1557. Tyupakov Konstantin Eduardovich
Candidate of Economics, Associate Professor of Department of Economy and External Economic Activity, Kuban State Agrarian University, Krasnodar
1558. Tyutyunnikov Andrey Sergeevich
Post-graduate student of the Organization Management Department, Kuban Institute of the International Business and Management, Krasnodar
1559. Tyagaenko Igor Yuryevich
Post-graduate student of Department of Social Disciplines and the Humanities of Non-State Educational Institution of Higher Education “The North-Caucasus Social Institute”
1560. Udzhukhu Susanna Mossovna
Senior Lecturer of the Department of the Theory of State, Law and Political Science, Adyghe State University
1565. Uligova Tatyana Sakhatgerievna
Senior Scientist of the Laboratory of Soil and Ecological Researches, Institute of Ecology of Mountain Territories KBSC RAS, KBR
1566. Ulybina Lyubov Konstantinovna
Candidate of Economics, Professor of Finance Department, Kuban State Agrarian University, Krasnodar
1567. Unarokova Goshnag Shabanovna
Post-graduate student of General Linguistics Department, Adyghe State University (Supervisor of studies – Doctor of Philology, Associate Professor Z.R. Khachmafova)
1568. Unarokova Raisa Batmirzovna
Doctor of Philology, Professor, Head of Department of History and Culture of the Adyghes, Adyghe State University
1569. Urakova Tamara Yuryevna
Doctor of Medicine, Professor of Department of Therapeutic Disciplines, Medical Institute of Maikop State University of Technology, Deputy Chief Doctor for Therapeutic Treatment of Health Care Center
1570. Urakova Fatima Kaplanovna
Doctor of Pedagogy, Associate Professor, Head of Department of Russian Language and Technique of Teaching, Adyghe State University
1571. Urgacheva Tatyana Grigoryevna
Applicant for a Candidate’s degree of Social, Special Pedagogy and Psychology Department, Armavir State Pedagogical Academy
1572. Urtenov Makhamet Ali Huseevich
Doctor of Physics and Mathematics, Professor, Head of Applied Mathematics Department at Kuban State University, Krasnodar
1574. Urusova Natalya Vadimovna
Senior Lecturer of English Language Department of Lipetsk State Pedagogical University
1575. Usova Ljubov Viktorovna
Applicant for Candidate degree of Philosophy and Sociology Department of Adyghe State University
1576. Ustieva Irina Sergeevna
Post-graduate student of Russian Language and Literature Department of Kalmyk State University, (Supervisor of studies – N.Ts. Bitkeev, Doctor of Philology, Professor)
1577. Utegalieva Saule Iskhakovna
Candidate of Art Criticism, Assistant Professor of Musicology Department of Kurmangazy Kazakh National Conservatory
1580. Ushakov Alexey Antonidovich
Candidate of Pedagogy, Applicant for Doctor’s Degree of Pedagogy and Social Psychology Department, Adyghe State University
1581. Ushkho Adam Damirovich
Candidate of Physics and Mathematics, Senior Lecturer of Theoretical Physics Department of Engineering-Physics Faculty, Adyghe State University
1583. Ushkho Damir Salikhovich
Candidate of Physics and Mathematics, Associate Professor, Head of Informatics and Computer Equipment Department of Mathematics and Computer Science Faculty, Adyghe State University
1584. Foerster Dietrich
Professor, Centre de Physique Moleculaire Optique et Hertzienne (CPMOH), University of Bordeaux 1 351 Cours de la Liberation, 33405, Talence, France
1585. Fanyan Nelli Yuryevna
Doctor of Philology, Professor of French Philology Department, Kuban State University
1586. Fedorenko Angelina Borisovna
Post-graduate student of Psychology Department at Kuban State University of Physical Training, Sports and Tourism (Supervisor of Studies - Doctor of Psychology, Professor G.B. Gorskaya)
1587. Fedorovsky Alexander Petrovich
Doctor of Philosophy, Professor, Vice Rector for science and public relations, Nonstate Educational Institution of Higher Professional Training “Social Institute of the North Caucasus”
1588. Fedoseev Andrey Pavlovich
Head of the Maikop Internal Affairs Department
1589. Fedoseeva Anzhelika Andreevna
Post-graduate student of the Russian University of the People Friendship
1590. Fedoseeva Anzhelika Andreevna
Applicant for Candidate degree of Philosophy and Sociology Department of the Adyghe State University, Maikop
1591. Fedoseyeva Larisa Dmitrievna
Deputy Dean for study of Historical Faculty of Adyghe State University
1592. Fedotova Diana Viktorovna
Post-graduate student of the Criminal Trial Department, the Krasnodar University of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, Senior Lieutenant of Justice
1594. Fedchenko Elena Alexandrovna
Candidate of Economics, Associate Professor of the Accounting, Audit and Automated Data Processing Department, the Kuban State University, Krasnodar
1595. Fedchin Vladimir Sergeevich
Doctor of Philosophy, Professor, Head of the Department of Culturology and Social Process Management, Irkutsk State University, Irkutsk
1596. Fedyakin Alexander Alexandrovich
Doctor of Pedagogy, Professor of Physical Training Department, Sochi State University
1597. Fedyakina Lidiya Konstantinovna
Candidate of Pedagogy, Associate Professor, Head of Physical Education Department, Sochi State University
1599. Fetyukov Alexander Borisovich
Post-graduate student of Russian History Department of the Social Science Faculty, the Russian State Pedagogical University named after A.I. Gertzen
1600. Filatova Svetlana Alexandrovna
Post-graduate student of Accounting, Analysis and Audit Department, the Kuban State University of Technology, Krasnodar
1601. Filimonova Tatyana Antonovna
Doctor of Biology, Head of Department of Health and Life Safety, Institute of Physical Training and Judo, Adyghe State University, Maikop
1602. Filyushkina Diana Vladimirovna
Candidate of Sociology, Doctoral Candidate at Institute of Teachers’ Retraining and Qualification Improving, Sothern Federal University
1603. Firsova Alisa Valeryevna
Post-graduate student of Sociology, Political Science and Law, Institute for Retraining and Professional Development of Teachers of the Humanities and Social Sciences, Southern Federal University
1604. Fokin Alexander Alekseevich
Doctor of Philology, Professor of Department of History of New Domestic Literature, Stavropol State University
1605. Fomenko Galina Yuryevna
Doctor of Psychology, Professor of the Personality Psychology and General Psychology Department, Kuban State University
1606. Fomina Marina Fedorovna
Post-graduate student of Pedagogy and Pedagogical Technologies Department at Adyghe State University (Supervisor of Studies - Doctor of Pedagogy, Professor F.P. Khakunova)
1608. Frondzey Svetlana Nikolaevna
Candidate of Psychology, Senior Lecturer of the Department of social work and humanities of Novoshakhtinsk Branch, the Rostov region, of Southern Federal University
1609. Fursov Igor Bondovich
Competitor for Candidate degree of the Department of the Theory and Technique of Struggle, Boxing and Weightlifting of the Kuban State University of Physical Training, Sports and Tourism
1610. Khabekirova Zarema Skhatbievna
Candidate of Philology, Associate Professor of Foreign Languages Department, the Adyghe State University
1611. Khavdok Asiet Nurbievna
Post-graduate student of General Linguistic Department, the Adyghe State University (Supervisor of studies - Doctor of Philology, Professor M.P. Akhidzhakova)
1612. Khagundokova Saida Dovletbievna
Applicant for Candidate’s degree of Literature and Journalism Department, Adyghe State University, Librarian of the Scientific Library, Adyghe State University (Supervisor of studies – Doctor of Philology, Professor T.M. Stepanova)
1614. Khadzhieva Leyla Lechevna
Lecturer of the Department of Literature and Technique of its Teaching, the Chechen State Pedagogical University, applicant for Candidate degree of Literature and Journalism Department, the Adyghe State University (Supervisor of studies - Doctor of Philology, Professor T.M. Stepanova)
1615. Khadzhimuradova Makka Akhmedovna
Applicant for Candidate’s degree of Ethnography Department, Institute of History, Archeology and Ethnography, Daghestan Scientific Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences
1617. Khazova Snezhana Aleksandrovna
Candidate of Pedagogy, Associate Professor of Department of Theoretical Foundations of Physical Education, Institute of Physical Training and Judo, Adyghe State University
1618. Khairullina Raisa Khanifovna
Doctor of Philology, Professor, Vice-Rector for Social and Educational Work at the Bashkirsky State Pedagogical University named after M. Akmulla
1619. Khakonova Irina Baizetovna
Senior Lecturer of Department of the Theory and History of the State and the Law and Political Studies at Adyghe State University
1620. Khakuasheva Madina Andreevna
Doctor of Philology, Leading Scientist of the Adyghean Philology Department, Institute of Humanitarian Researches, the Government of Kabardino-Balkar Republic and Kabardino-Balkar Center of Russian Academy of Sciences
1621. Khakuz Pshimaf Muratovich
Doctor of Philosophy, Professor, Kuban State University of Technology, Krasnodar
1622. Khakunov Nurbiy Khasanbievich
Doctor of Pedagogy, Professor of the Department of Theoretical Bases of Physical Training of the Institute of Physical Training and Judo, Adyghe State University
1623. Khakunova Mira Medzhidovna
Candidate of Pedagogy, Associate Professor, Deputy Head of Laboratory of Monitoring of a State of Health, the Scientific and Practical Center “Health”, Adyghe State University
1624. Khakunova Fatimet Pshchimafovna
Doctor of Pedagogy, Professor of Pedagogy and Pedagogical Technology Department, Adyghe State University
1625. Khalina Mariya Vasilyevna
Post-graduate student of Institute of Friendship of the People of the Caucasus, Stavropol
1627. Khamerzokova Ruzana Yuryevna
Senior Lecturer of Geography Department of Natural Science Faculty, Adyghe State University, Maikop
1628. Khamitova Nafisa Radikovna
Post-graduate student of Bashkir Language Department, Sterlitamak State Pedagogical Academy named after Zaynab Biisheva (supervisor of studies – Doctor of Philology, Professor K.G. Ishbaev)
1630. Khamukova Lyana Arsenovna
Assistant Lecturer of the Department of Physics of Condensed State at Physics Faculty of Kh.M. Berbekov Kabardian-Balkar State University
1631. Khanakhu Ruslan Askhadovich
Doctor of Philosophy, Professor, Head of Philosophy and Sociology Department, Adyghean Republican Institute of Humanitarian Researches
1634. Kharanutova Darima Shagdurovna
Candidate of Philology, Associate Professor of Russian Language Department, Institute of Mongolia, Buddhism and Tibet Studies, Siberian Department of Russian Academy of Sciences
1635. Kharisov Faris Fakhrazovich
Doctor of Pedagogy, Professor, Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Education, Chairman of the Russian Society of Health Promotion in the Education System
1636. Kharisova Ludmila Alekseevna
Doctor of Pedagogy, Professor, Head of Laboratory of Institute of Innovative Activity in Education, the Russian Academy of Education
1637. Kharitonova Evgeniya Vladimirovna
Candidate of Biology, Assistant Professor of Pedagogy and Psychology Department of the Kuban State University
1638. Kharkova Tatyana Petrovna
Post-graduate student of the Person’s Psychology and General Psychology Department of the Kuban State University
1639. Kharkovskaya Galina Zakharovna
Senior Lecturer of Department of General Educational Disciplines, the Kuban Agrarian University, Applicant for Candidate’s degree of General Pedagogy Department, Adyghe State University
1641. Khasanova Nina Nikolaevna
Candidate of Biology, Associate Professor of Physiology Department of Natural Science Faculty, Adyghe State University, Maikop
1643. Khatkova Irina Nalbievna
Candidate of Philology, Associate Professor of Literature and Journalism Department, Adyghe State University
1644. Khatukay Saida Aslanovna
Candidate of Economics, Associate Professor of Economy and Management Department, Adyghe State University, Maikop
1645. Khatuova Asiyat Alievna
Post-graduate student of Department of History and Culture of the Adyghes, Adyghe State University (Supervisor of studies – Doctor of Philology, Professor R.B. Unarokova)
1646. Khatkhe Asiet Aslanbechevna
Candidate of Philology, Associate Professor of Foreign Languages Department, Adyghe State University
1647. Khakhaleva Elena Vladimirovna
Candidate of Jurisprudence, Associate Professor of State-Legal Disciplines Department of North Caucasian Branch of Russian Academy of Justice, Krasnodar
1648. Khakhonova Natalya Nikolaevna
Doctor of Economics, Professor of Accounting Department of the Rostov State Economic University, Rostov-on-Don
1649. Khakhuk Bela Adamovna
Senior Lecturer of the Cadastre and Geoengineering Department of the Faculty of Auto-Road and Cadastral Systems, the Kuban State University of Technology, Krasnodar
1650. Khatsats Anzhela Askerovna
Post-graduate student of Philosophy and Sociology Department, Adyghe State University, Maikop
1651. Khachak Bella Muratovna
Post-graduate student of General Linguistics Department, Adyghe State University (Supervisor of studies – Doctor of Philology, Professor M.P. Akhidzhakova)
1652. Khachak Bela Nalbievna
Senior Lecturer of Criminal Law Department of Faculty of Law, Adyghe State University
1653. Khachemizova Mira Nukhovna
Doctor of Philology, Professor of Adyghean Philology Department, Adyghe State University
1656. Khachmafova Zaineta Ruslanovna
Doctor of Philology, Associate Professor of the Department of German Philology, Adyghe State University
1657. Khasheva Zarema Muratovna
Doctor of Economics, Professor of Economy Department, Southern Institute of Management, Krasnodar
1658. Khashir Bella Olegovna
Doctor of Economics, Professor of Economy and Financial Management Department, the Kuban State University of Technology, Krasnodar
1659. Khvatova Svetlana Ivanovna
Doctor of Art Criticism, Associate Professor of Department of the Theory and History of Music and Musical Education, Adyghe State University
1660. Khezheva Fatima Vladimirovna
Candidate of Chemistry, Senior Scientist of the Laboratory of Soil and Ecological Researches, Institute of Ecology of Mountain Territories KBSC RAS, KBR
1662. Khekert Evgeniy Vladimirovich
Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor, Vice Rector for Study Work, Head of Rector’s Personnel, Admiral F.F. Ushakov State Maritime University
1663. Khilko Nina Alexandrovna
Candidate of Economics, Associate Professor of Russian State Social University (Department in Anapa)
1664. Khimicheva Viktoriya Sergeyevna
Post-graduate student of the Southern Federal University, Rostov-on-Don
1667. Khlebnikova Anna Igorevna
Senior Lecturer, Department of Management, Taganrog Institute of Technology – Federal State-Owned Educational Establishment of Higher Vocational Education “Southern Federal University”. Taganrog
1668. Khlopova Tatyana Pavlovna
Candidate of Pedagogy, Associate Professor of Physics Department at Kuban State University of Technology
1669. Khlyzova Natalya Andreevna
Post-graduate student of Philosophy and Humanities Department of Siberian Federal University, Krasnoyarsk
1672. Khozyainova Tatyana Konstantinovna
Candidate of Psychology, Associate Professor of Department of Psychology of the Person and the General Psychology, the Kuban State University
1673. Khokon Saida Inverovna
Deputy Chief of Educational-Methodical Department of Maikop State University of Technology, Senior Lecturer of Philosophy, Sociology and Pedagogy Department of Maikop State University of Technology
1674. Khokonov Murat Khazretalievich
Doctor of Physics and Mathematics, Professor, Head of Theoretical Physics Department of Physical Faculty, Kh.M. Berbekov Kabardin-Balkar State University
1675. Khokonov Azamat Khazretalievich
Doctor of Physics and Mathematics, Professor of the Department of Physics of Condensed State at Physics Faculty, Head of Astrophysics and Physics of Neutrino Laboratory of Kh.M. Berbekov Kabardian-Balkar State University
1676. Kholodnaya Larisa Alexandrovna
Applicant for Candidate’s degree of General Pedagogy Department of Adyghe State University
1677. Khot Fatima Teuchezhevna
Candidate of Economics, Associate Professor of Accounting and Audit Department, the Kuban State University, Krasnodar
1678. Khot Zara Zaurovna
Candidate of Sociology, Senior Inspector of OFMS of Russian Federation in Adygheya Republic, Department of Federal Migration Service of Russian Federation in Adygheya Republic, Maikop
1679. Khot Zaur Tsikuzievich
Professor of Department of Music Performing Disciplines, Institute of Arts, Adyghe State University
1680. Khot Kazbek Pshimafovich
Candidate of Economics, Associate Professor of Economy and Financial Management Department, the Kuban State University of Technology, Krasnodar
1681. Khotko Bella Stanislavovna
Junior Scientist of Adyghean Republican Institute of Humanitarian Researches
1682. Khromykh Anna Aleksandrovna
Senior Lecturer of Applied Mathematics Department, Kuban State University of Technology
1684. Khuazhev Oleg Zacherievich
Doctor of Economics, Professor of Economy and Financial Management Department of the Kuban State University of Technology, Krasnodar
1685. Khuazhev Samir Aslanovich
Student of Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Motor-Car Repair Service, Kuban State University of Technology
1686. Khuazheva Aminat Shumafovna
Doctor of Eeconomics, Professor, Head of the Accounting and Finance Department of Adyghe State University, Maikop
1687. Khuazheva Naryat Khazretovna
Candidate of Philology, Associate Professor of Adyghean Philology Department, Adyghe State University
1688. Khuako Zaur Aslanovich
Chief Technologist of OAO «Maikop Machine-Building Factory»
1690. Khuako Zaur Yusufovich
Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor of the Department of the Theory, State and Law History and Political Science of Adyghe State University
1691. Khuako Fatimet Nalbievna
äîêòîð ôèëîëîãè÷åñêèõ íàóê, ïðîôåññîð êàôåäðû ñåðâèñà, òóðèçìà è ñâÿçåé ñ îáùåñòâåííîñòüþ Ìàéêîïñêîãî ãîñóäàðñòâåííîãî òåõíîëîãè÷åñêîãî óíèâåðñèòåòà
1693. Khunagov Rashid Dumalichevich
Doctor of Sociology, Professor, Rector of the Adyghe State University
1694. Khunagova Asiet Ruslanovna
Assistant Lecturer of Department of the Arabic and Second Foreign Languages, Post-graduate student of General Linguistics Department (Supervisor of studies – Doctor of Philology, Professor Makarova L.S.)
1695. Khunagova Bella Davletukovna
Candidate of Philology, Associate Professor of Russian Philology Department, the Adyghe State University
1696. Khunagova Ruzana Aslanovna
Post-graduate student of Economics and Management Department of the Adyghe State University, Maikop
1697. Khupsarokova Aminat Morevna
Competitor for Candidate degree of Pedagogy and Pedagogical Technology Department, the Adyghe State University
1705. Khutyz Kim Kansaovich
Doctor of History, Professor of History Department of Adyghe State University, Academician of Small Academy of Higher School, Leading scientist of Department of Ecological-Biological Education at Kabardin-Balkarian Science Center of Russian Academy of Sciences
1706. Tsarakhova Natalya Viktorovna
Scientist of Research Department of the Krasnodar University of Russian Federation Ministry of Internal Affairs, Krasnodar, Applicant for Candidate’s degree of Philosophy and Sociology Department of the Adyghe State University
1707. Tsareva Luiza Sergeevna
Senior Lecturer of the Kuban State University, Faculty of Architecture and Design, Department of Costume Design
1708. Tsvetkov Oleg Mikhaylovich
Candidate of Philosophy, Senior Scientist of Political Science and Sociology Department, Southern Research Centre of the Russian Academy of Sciences
1709. Tsvirinko Irina Anatolyevna
Doctor of Economics, Professor, Vice Rector for Study of the North- Caucasus State Technical University, Stavropol
1710. Tseeva Lidiya Khuseynovna
Candidate of Pedagogy, Professor of Pedagogy and Pedagogical Technology Depatment, Adyghe State University
1712. Tsey Saida Aslanbievna
Post-graduate student of Accounting Department, the Financial University at the Government of the Russian Federation
1713. Tsey Bella Adamovna
Candidate of Philology, Associate Professor of Adyghean Philology Department, Adyghe State University
1714. Tsey Radgep
A post-graduate student of Adyghe State University (Supervisor of studies: Professor of Department of Mathematical Analysis and Technique of Mathematics Teaching at Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Sciences of Adyghe State University, tel.: (8772) 593-905. E-mail: magomet_sh@mail.ru)
1717. Tsiku Bela Khalidovna
Candidate of Economics, Associate Professor of Finance and Credit Department, Southern Institute of Management, Krasnodar
1718. Tsiku Zara Ibragimovna
Post-graduate student of Psychology Department, the Kuban State University of Physical Training, Sports and Tourism
1719. Tsiku Larisa Khamidovna
Competitor for Candidate degree of the Department of Russian and Technique of Its Teaching, the Adyghe State University
1720. Tsikunib Aminet Dzhakhfarovna
Doctor of Biology, Professor of Chemistry Department of Natural Science Faculty, Adyghe State University
1722. Tsipinov Idar Arsenovich
Post-graduate student of Adyghean Folklore Sector, Research Institute of Humanities of the Government of the Kabardino-Balkarian Republic and Kabardino-Balkarian Scientific Center of Russian Academy of Sciences (supervisor of studies – Doctor of Philology, Professor A.M. Gutov)
1723. Tsitsishvili Yuliya Grigoryevna
Assistant Vice-Rector for Art-Creative Work, Applicant for Candidate degree of Music Media Technologies Department, Krasnodar State University of Culture and Arts (Supervisor of studies – Doctor of Art Criticism, Associate Professor T.F. Shak)
1724. Chayka Irina Alexandrovna
Senior Lecturer of Finance and Credit Department of the Institute of Economics and Management in Medicine and Social Sphere, Krasnodar
1725. Chalabaeva Lyudmila Vladimirovna
Candidate of Philology, Associate Professor of Department of Linguistics, Russian State Social University
1727. Chamokov Turkubiy Nukhovich
Doctor of Philology, Professor of Russian Philology Department, Adyghe State University
1728. Chamokova Marziyat Ramazanovna
Post-graduate student of Department of History and Culture of the Adyghes, Adyghe State University (Supervisor of studies – Doctor of Philology, Professor R.B. Unarokova)
1730. Chan Nyan Dyk
Post-graduate Student of the Anatomy Department, Kuban State University of Physical Training, Sports and Tourism
1731. Chekalov Pyotr Konstantinovich
Doctor of Philology, Professor of the Humanities Department, Stavropol Regional Institute of Increasing Teachers’ Qualification
1734. Cherevatenko Olga Ivanovna
Candidate of Physics and Mathematics, Associate Professor of Department of Higher Mathematics at Faculty of Physics and Mathematics of Ulyanovsk State Pedagogical University named after I.N. Ulyanov, Ulyanovsk
1735. Chermit Kazbek Dovletmizovich
Honoured Worker of Science of the Russian Federation, Doctor of Pedagogy, Doctor of Biology, Professor, Vice-Rector for Educational Work, Head of General Pedagogy Department, Adyghe State University
1736. Chermit Timur Asfarovich
Post-graduate student of Economy and Management Department of Adyghe State University, Maykop
1737. Chernega Lyudmila Vladimirovna
Candidate of Philology, Assistant Professor of Department of Russian Language and Technique of Elementary Teaching of Taganrog State Pedagogical Institute
1738. Chernenko Eleonora Mikhaylovna
Senior lecturer in economics at the Institute of Economics and management in medicine and the social sphere, Krasnodar
1739. Chernetskaya Nadezhda Igorevna
Candidate of Psychology, Senior Lecturer, Head of Psychology Department at the Branch of Irkutsk State University in Angarsk
1740. Chernova Irina Borisovna
Candidate of Philosophy, Associate Professor of Philosophy and Sociology Department, Adyghe State University
1741. Chernykh Ekaterina Aleksandrovna
Post-graduate student of Sociology, Political Science and Law, Institute for Retraining and Professional Development of Teachers of the Humanities and Social Sciences, Southern Federal University
1743. Chernyshenko Konstantin Yuryevich
Post-graduate student of Preschool Education Department of Kuban State University of Physical Education, Sport and Tourism
1744. Chernyshenko Yuri Konstantinovich
Doctor of Pedagogy, Professor, Head of the Department of Preschool Education, the Kuban State University of Physical Training, Sports and Tourism
1745. Chernyshov Pavel Gennadyevich
Post-graduate student of Economics and Finance Department, North Caucasus Humanities-Technical Institute, Stavropol
1746. Chernyavskaya Svetlana Alexandrovna
Candidate of Economics, Doctoral Candidate of Economy and Management Department, Adyghe State University, Maikop
1747. Chernyavsky Ruslan Gennadyevich
Post-graduate student of Sociology and Social Work Department of North Caucasus State Technical University
1748. Chesebieva Susanna Temirovna
Post-graduate student of Maikop State University of Technology, Methodologist of Department of Technology of Machines and Equipment of Food Manufactures, Maikop State University of Technology, Maikop
1753. Cheucheva Anzhela Kaplanovna
Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor of General History Department, Adyghe State University
1754. Chefranova Marina Alexandrovna
Applicant for Candidate degree of Taganrog Institute of Technology, Southern Federal University, Taganrog
1755. Chechelnitskaya Serafima Moiseevna
Doctor of Medicine, Director of the Scientifically-Methodical Center “Diagnostics. Adaptation. Development” named after L.S. Vygotsky
1756. Chechin Andrey Vladimirovich
Senior Lecturer of Track and Field Athletics Department at Institute of Physical Training and Judo of the Adyghe State University
1757. Chzhan Shuan
Post-graduate student of Department of Publishing Affair, Advertising, and Media Technologies, Kuban State University (supervisor of studies – Doctor of Philology, Professor N.P. Kravchenko)
1758. Chizhikov Vladimir Ivanovich
Doctor of Physics and Mathematics, Professor, Head of Theoretical Physics and Computer Technologies Department, Kuban State University
1759. Chizhova Inga Nikolaevna
Leading Expert of Minors Affairs Department of Municipal Union Administration of the city-resort of Gelendzhik, Competitor for Candidate degree of Psychology and Pedagogy Department of the Krasnodar University of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia
1760. Chinazirova Aida Ramazanovna
Candidate of Pedagogy, Senior Lecturer of Musical Instruments Department at Institute of Arts of Adyghe State University
1762. Chirg Askhad Yusufovich
Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor, Dean of Faculty of Adyghean Philology and Culture, Adyghe State University
1765. Chistova Marina Valeryevna
Candidate of Economics, Senior Lecturer of Department of Creative-Innovation Management and Law, Pyatigorsk State Linguistic University, Pyatigorsk State Linguistic University, Pyatigorsk
1766. Chitao Irina Aytechevna
Candidate of Pedagogy, Associate Professor of Foreign Languages Department, Adyghe State University
1770. Chub Yuliya Valeryevna
Applicant for the Candidate degree of Economy and Applied Mathematics Department, Pedagogical Institute of the Southern Federal University, Rostov-on-Don
1771. Chumakova Natalya Anatolyevna
Senior Lecturer of Accounting, Analysis and Audit Department, Southern Institute of Management, Krasnodar
1772. Chuprynnikov Sergey Alekseevich
Professor of Political Science and Law Department at the Kuban State Polytechnic University
1774. Churilova Elena Alexandrovna
Post-graduate student of Department of History of Recent Domestic Literature, the Stavropol State University (Supervisor of studies – Doctor of Philology, Professor A.A. Fokin)
1775. Chursinov Vyacheslav Evstafyevich
Doctor of Pedagogy, Professor of the Department of Biomechanics and Sports Disciplines, Institute of Physical Training and Judo, Adyghe State University
1776. Chuyako Elena Borisovna
Senior Teacher of Higher Mathematics and System Analysis Department at Maikop State Polytechnic University
1778. Shagako Dmitriy Sergeevich
Post-graduate student of Philosophy Department of Voronezh State Technical University
1779. Shagdarov Lubsan Dorzhievich
Doctor of Philology, Professor, Principal Scientist of Institute of Mongolia, Buddhism and Tibet Studies, Siberian Department of Russian Academy of Sciences
1780. Chadje Azamat Mukhamcherievich
Doctor of Jurisprudence, Professor, Dean of Faculty of Law of Adyghe State University
1781. Chadje Asiet Yusufovna
Doctor of Philosophy, Professor of Philosophy and Sociology Department, the Adyghe State University
1784. Shazzo Albina Askhadovna
Candidate of Philology, Associate Professor of Department of Russian as the Foreign Language, Maikop State University of Technology
1785. Shazzo Kazbek Gissovich
Doctor of Philology, Professor of Literature and Journalism Department, Adyghe State University
1787. Shazzo Shamset Eristemovna
Doctor of Philology, Professor, Head of Literature Department, Adyghe Republican Research Institute of Humanitarian Studies named after T.M. Kerashev
1788. Shakalov Ilya Igorevich
Candidate of Sociology, Associate Professor of Department of Links with the Public, Kuban State University
1789. Shalyugina Tatyana Alexandrovna
Applicant for Candidate degree of Department of Sociology, Political Science and the Law of IPPK YUFU, Rostov-on-Don
1790. Shamugiya Ludmila Grigoryevna
Candidate of Philology, Associate Professor of Department of Arabic Language and the Second Foreign Languages, Adyghe State University
1791. Shaov Asfar Askerovich
Candidate of Philosophy, Associate Professor of Philosophy and Sociology Department of Adyghe State University, Maikop
Phone: |
(8772)593984, 89284740112 |
1792. Shaozheva Natalya Anatolyevna
Candidate of Historical Sciences, Senior Scientist of Department of Ethnopolitical Researches at the Kabardian-Balkarian Scientific Center, the Russian Academy of Sciences
1794. Shapovalov Alexander Vasil'evich
Doctor of Physics and Mathematics, Head of Theoretical Physics Fculty at Tomsk State University
1795. Shapovalov Georgiy Vladimirovich
Post-graduate student of IPPK YUFU, Rostov-on-Don
1796. Shapovalov Dmitriy Valeryevich
Post-graduate student of Sociology and Social Work Department of the North Caucasian State Technical University
1797. Shapovalov Maksim Igorevich
Candidate of Biology, Associate Professor of Physiology Department of Natural Science Faculty, Environmental Expert of Laboratory of Bio-Ecological Monitoring of Invertebrate Animals in Adygheya Republic at Research Institute of Complex Problems, Adyghe State University, Maikop
1798. Shapovalova Polina Stanislavovna
Competitor for Candidate’s degree of Economics, the Department of Taxation and Business Infrastructure, Kuban State University of Technology, Krasnodar
1799. Sharaurov Igor Vasilyevich
Applicant for Candidate’s degree of Sociology, Political Science and Social Science Education Department, Southern Federal University, Rostov-on-Don, Assistant to the Deputy of Legislative Assembly of the Rostov region
1800. Sharipova Nelli Gabidinovna
Candidate of Medicine, Assistant Professor of Pathological Physiology Department at Adyghe Branch of Kuban State Medical University
1802. Sharovatova Elena Alexandrovna
Candidate of Economical Science, Assistant Professor of Accounting Department of Rostov State University of Economics (RINKH), Rostov-on-Don
1804. Shakhanova Angelina Vladimirovna
Doctor of Biology, Professor, Head of Physiology Department of Natural Science Faculty, Vice-Rector for Scientific Work at Adyghe State University, Maikop
1805. Shakhbazyan Marina Anatolyevna
Candidate of Philology, Associate Professor of Journalism History and Communicativistics Department, Kuban State University
1806. Shakhbanovna Khadizhat Magomedovna
Lecturer of Criminal Law Department of the Daghestan State Institute of National Economy, Makhachkala
1807. Shebanets Elena Yuryevna
Assistant Lecturer of Pedagogy and Social Psychology Department of Adyghe State University
1808. Shebzukhova Fatima Khadzhipagovna
Candidate of Historical Sciences, Professor, Head of National History Department, Adyghe State University
1809. Shebzukhova Emma Adamovna
Candidate of Biology, Professor of Physiology Department of Natural Science Faculty, Adyghe State University, Academician of AMAN, Head of Department of Ecologica and Biological Education of IEGT KBNTS, Russian Academy of Sciences
1812. Shekikhachev Khasanbi Khamatsevich
Director of FGBU «Kabbalkvodresursy»
Phone: |
òåë./ôàêñ (8662) 40-50-27 |
1813. Shekultirov Batyrbiy Ilyasovich
Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor of the Department of the Theory and History of State and Law and Political Science, the Adyghe State University
1814. Shekultirova Marina Mossovna
Post - graduate student of Economy and Management Department, Adyghe State University, Maikop
1815. Shelekhova Lyudmila Valerievna
Candidate of Pedagogy, Assistant Professor of the Department of Natural-Mathematical Sciences and Technique of Their Teaching, the Adyghe State University
1816. Shenkao Makhmud Alievich
Doctor of Philosophy, Professor of Karachaevo-Circassian State Academy of Technology
1817. Sher Marina Leonidovna
Candidate of Economics, Associate Professor of Economic Theory Department, Institute of Economics, Law and the Humanities, Krasnodar
1818. Sheremet Vitaliy Viktorovich
Applicant for Candidate degree of Department of Publishing Business, Advertising and Media Technologies, Kuban State University (supervisor of studies – Doctor of Philology, Professor N.P. Kravchenko)
1819. Sherstnev Denis Evgenyevich
Lecturer of Special Disciplines Department of the Siberian Branch of the St.-Petersburg State Fire Service University, the Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Russian Federation, Zheleznogorsk
1820. Shestakov Mikhail Mikhaylovich
Doctor of Pedagogy, Professor, Head of the Department of the Theory, History and Technique of Physical Training, the Kuban State University of Physical Training, Sports and Tourism
1821. Sheudjen Emiliya Ayubovna
Honoured Worker of Science of the Russian Federation, Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor of Department of National History, Historiography, Theory and Methodology of History, Adyghe State University
1823. Shibanov Vladimir Evgenyevich
Applicant for Candidate degree of Economics Department of Taganrog Institute of Technology, Southern Federal University, Taganrog
1824. Shikov Koshmazuk Mussovich
Doctor of Philology, Professor of Russian Philology Department, Adyghe State University
1825. Shikova Rasita Yur’evna
Assistant of Department of the State, Law and Political Studies at Adyghe State University
1826. Shilo Natalia Anatolievna
Senior Teacher of Psychology Department at Moscow Humanitarian-Economic Institute (Branch in Novorossiisk)
1827. Shimko Elena Alekseevna
Candidate of Philology, Senior Lecturer of Philology and Pedagogy Department, the Michurinsky State Agrarian University
1828. Shimko Sergey Vasilyevich
Applicant for Candidate degree of Institute for Retraining and Professional Development of Teachers of the Humanities and Social Sciences, Southern Federal University
1829. Shinkarenko Aleksandr Andreevich
Engineer, Teacher of Labinsk Agrarian College
1830. Shishkin Andrey Borisovich
Doctor of Physics and Mathematics, Professor of Department of Mathematics, Informatics and Techniques of Their Teaching, Faculty of Mathematics, Informatics and Technology, Slavyansk-on-Kuban State Pedagogical Institute
1831. Shishkina Anastasia Vladislavovna
Press-Secretary of the Office of Judicial Department in the Adygheya Republic, Applicant for Candidate’s degree of Literature and Journalism Department, Adyghe State University (Supervisor of studies – Doctor of Philology, Professor F.B. Beshukova)
1832. Shishkina Evgeniya Valeryevna
Leading specialist-expert of Department of Organizational, Legal Work and Personnel of Federal Service for Supervision in the Sphere of Telecom, Information Technologies and Mass Communications in the Southern Federal District, Krasnodar, post-graduate student of Philosophy and Sociology Department, Adyghe State University. Maikop
1833. Shishkhova Nelli Magometovna
Candidate of History, Associate Professor of Literature and Journalism Department, Adyghe State University
1834. Shkatova Valeriya Valeryevna
Post-graduate student of Department of German Philology and Tech-niques, Moscow Humanities Pedagogical Institute (Supervisor of studies – Doctor of Philology, Professor L.G. Popova)
1835. Shkvirina Olga Ivanovna
Candidate of Biology, Associate Professor of Department of Anatomy and Physiology of Children and Teenagers, Faculty of Natural Sciences, Pedagogical Institute of Southern Federal University
1836. Shkolnitskaya Tatyana Yuryevna
Senior Lecturer of the Sochi Institute (Branch) of the Russian University of Friendship of the People
1837. Shkuratova Natalya Alexandrovna
Post-graduate student of Economy and Management Department, Adyghe State University, Maikop
1838. Shkuropiy Konstantin Viktorovich
Candidate of Pedagogy, Associate Professor of the Theory, History of Pedagogics and Educational Practice Department, Armavir State Pedagogical Academy
1839. Shmatova Elena Vladimirovna
Candidate of Economics, Associate Professor of Àccounting, Auditing and Automatic Data Processing Department, Kuban State University, Krasnodar
1840. Schnaider Vladimir Gennadievich
Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor of Department of History of Russia, Armavir State Pedagogical Academy, Vice Rector for Research and Innovative Activity, Armavir
1841. Shovgenov Tembot Muratovich
Candidate of Economics, Senior Lecturer of Account and Financing Department of Adyghe State University, Maikop
1843. Shopin Andrey Viktorovich
Director of Ñomputer Ñenter of the Adyghe State University, Maikop
1846. Shokhin Igor Vladimirovich
Candidate of Biology, Senior Scientist of Department of Lithology, Zoobentos and Palaeogeography, Institute of Arid Zones of Southern Scientific Center, Russian Academy of Sciences
1849. Shtelmakh Elena Petrovna
A post-graduate student, computer programmer of Center of Intellectual Geoinformation Technologies at Adyghe State University, Maikop
1850. Shtefanenko Irina Ivanovna
Post-graduate student of Psychology Department, Kuban State University of Physical Training, Sports and Tourism
1851. Shuvanov Igor Borisovich
Candidate of Psychology, Associate Professor, Head of the General Psychology and Social Communication Department of the Social-Pedagogical Faculty,the Sochi State University of Tourism and Resort Business
1852. Shulenkova Sofya Borisovna
Post-graduate student of St. Petersburg State University, St. Petersburg
1853. Shulimanova Zinaida Leonidovna
Doctor of Physics and Mathematics, Professor, Head of Physics and Chemistry Department, Russian Open Academy of Transport, Moscow State University of Ways of Communication
1854. Shumafov Magomet Mishaustovich
Candidate of Physics and Mathematics, Professor, Head of Department of Mathematical Analysis and Methodology of Teaching Mathematics of Mathematics and Computer Science Faculty, Adyghe State University
1855. Shumilov Dmitriy Sergeevich
Student of Natural Science Faculty, Adyghe State University
1856. Shurdumova Elmira Musabievna
Deputy Dean of SPO Faculty at Nalchik Branch of Belgorod University of Consumers' Cooperative Society
1857. Shurygin Kirill Sergeevich
A post-graduate student of Mathematics and Informatics Department at Faculty of International Relations, Economics and Governing of N.A. Dobrolyubov Nizhniy Novgorod State Linguistic University. (Supervisor of studies: Savchenko Vladimir Vasilievich, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor, Head of Mathematics and Informatics Department at Faculty of International Relations, Economics and Governing of N.A. Dobrolyubov Nizhniy Novgorod State Linguistic University. E-mail: svv@lunn.ru)
1858. Shustov Vladimir Gennadyevich
Candidate of Political Sciences, Business-Manager of Council of People's Deputies of Municipality “City of Maikop”, Maikop
1859. Shukhart Adam Sergeevich
Post-graduate student of Economy and Management Department, Adyghe State University, Maikop
1861. Shkhalakhova Susana Gisovna
Candidate of Philology, Associate Professor of Adyghean Philology Department, Adyghe State University
1862. Shkhapatseva Mina Khadzhebievna
Doctor of Pedagogy, Professor of Department of the Russian Language and Techniques of Teaching, Adyghe State University
1863. Shkhumishkhova Asiyat Ruslanovna
Assistant Lecturer of Foreign Languages Department, Adyghe State University
1864. Shcherbakova Alena Vladimirovna
Post-graduate student of Department of the Theory, History and Methodology of Sociology, Russian State Social University
1865. Shcherbakova Elena Alekseevna
Applicant for Candidate degree of Department of Psychology of the Person and the General Psychology, the Kuban State University
1866. Tsherbakova Lidiya Ilinichna
Doctor of Sociology, Professor, Head of Sociology and Psychology Department, Russian Southern State Technical University (NPI)
1867. Shcherbakova Tatyana Viktorovna
Post-graduate student of Contemporary Russian Language Department of Kuban State University (supervisor of studies – Doctor of Philology, Professor of Contemporary Russian Language Department E.P. Marchenko)
1868. Shcherbina Sergey Timofeevich
Assistant Lecturer of Physical Training Department of Adyghe State University
1872. Shchibrya Oksana Yuryevna
Candidate of Philology, Associate Professor of German Philology Department, the Kuban State University
1873. Shchukin Alexander Medzhidovich
Assistant Lecturer of the Department of Civil Law and the Process, the Branch of the Russian State Social University in Maikop, Adygheya Republic
1874. Shchukin Eugeny Romanovich
Doctor of Physics and Mathematics, Professor, the Leading Scientist of Joint Institute for High Temperatures of the Russian Academy of Science
1876. Edieva Aza Kazbekovna
Competitor of Economics of Production Department, North-Caucasian State Academy of Art and Technology, Cherkessk
1877. Elipkhanov Salman Baysultanovich
Candidate of Pedagogy, Associate Professor of Wrestling Department of Institute of Physical Training and Judo, Adyghe State University
1878. Elmurzayeva Aminat Dzhamalutdinovna
Candidate of Historical Sciences, Lecturer of Department of the Humanities, Daghestan State Institute of National Economy
1879. Em Darya Evgenyevna
Post-graduate student of Social and Family Pedagogy Department, Russian State Social University
1880. Efendieva Irina Igorevna
Post-graduate student of Zoology Department, Engineer of Museum of Animated Nature, Kh.M. Berbekov Kabardin-Balkar State University (Supervisor of studies: A.M. Khatukhov, Candidate of Biology, Associate Professor of Zoology Department, Kh.M. Berbekov Kabardin-Balkar State University State)
1881. Yudina Tatyana Alexandrovna
Doctor of Sociology, Professor, Vice Rector of Sochi State University
1884. Yurkhanyan Karina Alexandrovna
Post-graduate student of Economy and Management Department of Adyghe State University, Maikop
1885. Yurchenko Anna Andreevna
Post-graduate student of Department of Social-Cultural Service and Tourism of the Kuban State University of Physical Training, Sports and Tourism
1886. Yurchenko Maxim Yuryevich
Post-graduate student of Accountancy and Audit Department at Don State Agrarian University, Rostov-on-Don
1887. Yurchenko Mikhail Viktorovich
Candidate of Political Sciences, Deputy Head, Associate Professor of Political Science and Political Management Department, the Kuban State University, Krasnodar
1888. Yurchenko Natalya Nikolaevna
Candidate of Political Sciences, Associate Professor of Politology and Political Governance Department, Kuban State University
1889. Yablonskaya Marina Olegovna
Asistant Lecturer of Departent of Electronic Computational Devices, South-Russian State Technical University, Novocherkassk
1890. Yablonski Natalia Evgenievna
Post-graduate student of Psychology Department at Kuban State University of Physical Training, Sports and Tourism (Supervisor of Studies - Doctor of Psychology, Professor B.A. Yas'ko)
1891. Yakimov Àndrey Vladimirovich
Candidate of Biology, State Inspector on protection of wild animals, Nalchik
1892. Yakimov Petr Anatolyevich
Candidate of Pedagogy, Associate Professor of Department of Russian Philology and Techniques of Russian Language Teaching, Orengurgsky State University
1893. Yakovenko Irina Alexandrovna
Lecturer of the Kuban College of Economy and Real Estate, Krasnodar
1894. Yakovlev Ivan Ivanovich
Post-graduate student of the Stavropol State University
1895. Yanova Elena Alekseevna
Candidate of Economics, Associate Professor of Economic Theory and Business Department of St. Petersburg State University of Information Technologies, Mechanics and Optics, St. Petersburg
1896. Yanova Marina Vladimirovna
Lecturer of Department of Psychology and the Humanities, Nevinnomyssk Institute of Economy, Management and Law, Nevinnomyssk
1897. Yants Yuliya Gennadievna
Post-graduate student of Theoretical Physics Department of Tomsk State Pedagogical University
1899. Yarushkina Elena Anatolyevna
Candidate of Economics, Associate Professor of Accounting, Analysis and Audit Department, Southern Institute of Management, Krasnodar
1900. Yartseva Olga Alexandrovna
Scientist of Foreign Arts Department of Research Institute of Theory and History of Vision Arts of the Russian Academy of Arts
1901. Yasko Bela Aslanovna
Doctor of Psychology, Professor of Psychology Department of the Kuban State University
1902. Yakhutl (Kumuk) Svetlana Khamzetovna
Post-graduate student of General Linguistics Department, Adyghe State University (Supervisor of studies – Doctor of Philology, Professor A.N. Abregov)
1904. Yakhutl Yuliya Arambievna
Post-graduate student of Literature and Journalism Department, Adyghe State University (Supervisor of studies – Doctor of Philology, Professor U.M. Panesh)
1905. Yakhutl Yuriy Aslanbievich
Candidate of Historical Sciences, Deputy Head of Takhtamukaisky Area Administration of Adygheya Republic
1906. Yakhyaev Turpak Lomelyevich
Senior Lecturer of Sociology and Social Work Department of the North-Caucasian Social Institute
Dear authors, if you don't find your name in the list above, please contact us.