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General Problems of Pedagogy
A.A. Alkacheva The qualifying and competence approaches in a system of additional professional training: the comparative characteristic
R.A. Verkhovodova, R.A. Galustov Foreign experience in art pedagogy as a system of integrative application of art elements in educational process
A.R. Galustov Readiness of students for self-educational activity
A.G. Gritsay, V.I. Spirina Physical violence in the family as one of the forms of cruelty to children
L.N. Kubashicheva Educational space of development of the pupil’s image at national rural school
G.V. Kurakova Specificity of pedagogical designing the formation process of key educational competences in students
L.V. Makhaeva, V.I. Spirina Problems related to the formation of key competences in institutions of secondary professional training
A.M. Khupsarokova, F.P. Khakunova Subject and content components of multicultural competence of the teacher
Special Methods and Teaching Technologies
V.Yu. Bogdanova The principle of the problematic nature in modelling of a modern lesson at elementary school
S.V. Darmilova Actual problems of written dialogue training (basing on the material of the French language)
B.M. Dzhandar Linguodidactic aspect of the interconnected Russian and native language training at national school
V.F. Efimov On the humanitarian character of mathematical knowledge
L.Sh. Tlyusten The account of the Adyghe spelling features as the condition of successful mastering Russian spelling skills by the Adyghe pupils
L.Kh. Tsiku Methodical system of work on the interconnected development of Russian and English coherent written speech in 5-7 class pupils at Adyghe national school
L.V. Shelekhova Diagnostic indications of the formation of reflective educational activity
Modern Problems of Psychology
G.A. Gyurdzhyan Formation of strong-willed characteristics of the future experts in health and safety sphere at the early stage of professionalizing
E.V. Erokhina Empirical substantiation of psychological types of emotional intelligence
N.V. Zakharyuta Imagination development as the basis of creative potential of preschool age children at perception of the coherent text
N.V. Kopteva Ontologic confidence and self-actualization
L.S. Motsar Empirical level “indicators” of personal readiness of the higher school graduate to professional work
S.A. Nalichaeva The relation of self-actualization and professional burning out at teachers
A.B. Rogozyan Stress stability in the context of theoretical construct of the person’s psychological resources
G.G. Tanasov Personal conditionality of behaviour of the subject in the situation of negotiations with partners of equal and higher status
G.G. Tanasov, O.A. Sysoeva Manipulation in relations of the woman with the man
A.I. Tashcheva, S.N. Frondzey Informal and official youth families: the psychological portrait
E.V. Kharitonova On factors of productive characteristics of the person
E.V. Kharitonova, B.A. Yasko Interconditionality of the professional demand and individual-psychological features of the person
E.Yu. Shebanets Objective factors of subjective well-being of mother having the child-invalid (with diagnosis of infantile cerebral paralysis)
B.A. Yasko Management psychology in system of public health services: the competence approach
Educational Space of Physical Culture and Sport
V.N. Kurys Biomechanics of the landing in sports
I.B. Fursov, V.A. Makarov Exercises of self-defense without the weapon in the alternately-role mode as means of involving sports-nondirectional schoolchildren in active physical training
S.A. Khazova Technological bases of preparation of competitive experts in physical training and sports
Problems of Human Physiology
Kh.M. Andrukhaev, S.S. Afanasyeva, I.N. Zhukova, V.N. Zamyatin, D.D. Mirzov, V.B. Tlyachev, V.Sh.Tlyusten, G.S. Feklistov, R.D. Khunagov, S.M. Shaova, A.V. Shakhanova, M.M. Shumafov, D.S. Ushkho Mamiy Kazbek Sagidovich (to the 75-year birthday)
V.E. Korotkov The social and cultural arguments of the knowledge and modern transcendentalism
A.R. Ashkhamaf Principles and methods of studying ecological consciousness
A.A. Shaov The theoretical bases of a phenomenon of ideology: the social-philosophical analysis
A.V. Sopov, A.Sh. Buzarov Place and role of Cossacks in the Russian cultural-ethnic processes
Yu.A. Yakhutl New Economic Policy in a domestic historiography
A.V. Dubrovin Self-identification of the Russian officers participating in the Caucasian War (19th century)
T.V. Korot’ko Primary, secondary and secondary special education in Turkey
Zh.V. Kagazezhev Adyghe late- mid-century Kemirgoy (Kremuk) princedom
L.A. Delova Ethnodemographic situation in Adygheya Republic
T.L. Pyatakova Dialectics of quantitative and qualitative approaches in ethnosocial researches
D.V. Karabash Youth in Russian contemporary society: problems of destructive behavior
S.V. Sergienko Preventive measures against destructive behaviour of minors: experience of foreign strategies
E.A. Vereshchagina Social-professional and value orientations of teachers at comprehensive schools in the conditions of modernization of social institute of education (regional aspect)
M.A. Laktionova Gender violence as an interdisciplinary problem
L.V. Klimenko Regional peculiarities of the social feeling of the population in the multiethnic regions of the South of Russia
V.R. Valiullin National and international problems as a result of internal ethnic stratification
Z.N. Vodozhdokova Research activity of post-graduate students and competitors for Candidate degree: disciplinary differentiation
A.A. Bezrukova Gender characteristics of social positions of women in the Adyghe traditional society
I.V. Zhidkikh Detailed elaboration of principles of appointment of punishment in system of softening and aggravating circumstances
E.N. Pshizova Legal basis of protection of workers’ rights in criminal law
M.I. Katbambetov Problems of a legal estimation of weapon application at realization of office and professional work
E.L. Sidorenko The right of self-defense for the person and its logical-structural analysis
R.E. Tovmasyan On clearing settlements: a financial-legal aspect
B.N. Khachak Delay in punishment by criminal - executive legislation: the gender analysis
A.M. Siyukhova Theoretical and methodological preconditions of the analysis of “night” concept in Adyghes’ ethnoculture
B.S. Khotko The “open-air” burial ceremony in space of pagan culture of the Abhazes and Adyghes
S.E. Khokon Cosmic features in symbolics of Adyghe traditional costume
Political Science
E.A. Kasatkina The 1962 Caribbean crisis: new approaches and estimations (based on materials of the U.S. National Safety Archive)
Yu.D. Dalaeva Attributive and functional properties of the information power
New books, monographs, reviews
A.Yu. Chadje Creativity of higher education
The Economic Theory
P.A. Vysotsky Theoretical bases of the public blessings and new state management
A.I. Kozlov Methodological approaches to the formation and estimation of the human capital
V.M. Maximov Self-management of labor groups in commercial organizations of contemporary Russia
Å.S. Suvorova, V.P. Zaykov On the evolution of municipal governance in Russia
E.N. Tkacheva Research of the human capital as an asset of the virtual organizations of Southern Federal District
Financial Markets
B.A. Bobrovich Incomes of households: investments and the object of regulation
Yu.A. Karpenko RETRACTED on September 3, 2019 Perfection of state regulation of household monetary income in Russia
S.V. Larin Development of departmental control as a realization condition of productive budgeting in Russia
F.A. Pukhnaty Criteria for an estimation of a financial and economic solvency of Press-Enterprises
S.A. Roshchektaev Transformation of the institution potential at the local financial market of the Russian megalopolis at present financial crisis
N.A. Chumakova The financial insolvency of household system (based on Krasnodar city data)
Problems Related to Investment Activity
G.V. Kesyan, G.L. Bayanduryan, L.M. Osadchuk Tools to increase investment attractiveness of machine-building complex in regions
Yu.M. Koretsky, V.A. Molodykh Investment strategy of financing high-venture projects
Regional Economy
A.V. Ashcheulov Ranging vertically integrated corporations by financially sustainable classes as the tool of definition of the most favorable strategic partners
E.B. Ermishina Ways of diversification in the North Ossetiya-Alaniya economic system
R.T. Kushu Intraregional social and economic differentiation and the role of small-scale business in its overcoming
A.V. Lebedev Problems of using regional approach in the development of a mechanism of transforming savings into investments of the Chuvash Republic
R.A. Linevich New technologies of forecasting as a tool of providing interaction of subjects of municipal development
E.V. Mayboroda Economic interaction of Krasnodar territory and the Adygheya Republic and its influence on smoothing social and economic distinctions between two regions
A.V. Mortova The potential of corporative business in the modernization of regional economical system
A.K. Nagoeva Re-structuring of regional economic system as a way of an exit from depression
E.M. Petrova Formation of integrated municipal system of planning
N.A. Khilko The corporative factor of modernization of regional economical sistem
T.M. Shovgenov Modernization prospects of the regional finance of the South of Russia in the post-crisis period
The Account, Audit and the Control
A.N. Guseva System of budgeting and estimation of financial results of the service organizations: functions and problems
A.A. Kravchenko The amortization award in agricultural industry as an element of accounting policy for the taxation
I.F. Tausova Identification of reserves of the commercial organization in the conditions of a static and dynamic accounting model
E.V. Toksina Financial accountancy with ecological component for investors
Economy of Agrarian-Industrial Complex
V.V. Teshev The basic determinants of interaction of agricultural commodity producers with the processing organizations on the basis of consumers’ cooperative society principles
Management by Innovations
V.B. Sarkisov, I.P. Kuzmenko Substantiation of selective support of innovative projects
Mathematical Methods in Economy
L.V. Zyuzina Estimation method of interference of elements in complex interconnected subsystems with weak structural problems in solving a distributive problem
A.I. Khlebnikova Cognitive approach to putting a linear programming problem of metal products delivery scheme
M.À. Chefranova Building a cognitive model of crediting and the development of the structural unit of management decisions on its basis
The Theory and Practice of Business
T.G. Gurnovich, L.V. Agarkova, R.A. Kuznetsov, I.Yu. Muradova Rating of entrepreneurial activity at the market of agricultural chemistry production
Service Economy
S.S. Abramov Estimation of quality of services considering a consumer’s view
R.N. Gusev Services of building design: the content and structure
S.V. Lazovskaya The new resources of the evolution of a tourist-recreational sphere
I.A. Nikitina Priority needs in modernization of non-governmental organizations of higher professional education
Ya.S. Tkacheva Methodical bases of an estimation of investment attractiveness of a regional tourist-recreational complex
Social Economy
Z.Kh. Kurmalieva Evolution of concept “social economy”
N.V. Beryoza Process of decision-making on a choice of market strategy and structure of rendered services for subjects of the information market
O.P. Bodyakov, G.L. Bayanduryan Rationale for directions and principles of reconstruction of the institutional environment of enterprise functioning
I.P. Kuzmenko, V.P. Kirpanev Adaptive management as a tool of increasing stability of functioning of managing subjects
General Problems of Pedagogy
S.I. Andryushchenko Pedagogical support of teenagers’ vital self-determination in the conditions of interschool educational complex
S.V. Aranova On visualization methodology of the educational information. The art and logic integration
F.U. Bazaeva The person’s self-realization in pedagogical activity
S.N. Begidova, T.N. Poddubnaya, O.V. Agoshkova Classification of the bachelor’s general cultural competences in specialization 040400.62 “Social work” as the basis of realization of the competence approach in education
N.N. Vertsinskaya, V.N. Zhiltsov Methodological structure of professional work as program orientation of pedagogical researches
A.R. Galustov Bases of designing a model of students’ readiness for self-education
E.Yu. Gofman Methodical system of students’ training to designing electronic educational resources at pedagogical higher school
A.P. Dendeberya Designing the information-didactic environment of pedagogical higher school
D.V. Dorokhov Principle of invariant self-regulation as the methodological basis of the conception of professional self-development of the future expert
O.A. Zhelnova Methodological approaches to shaping professional-communication competence in the future lawyers
N.Yu. Zvyagintseva Shaping readiness for innovative activity in the future teacher in the conditions of module training
G.G. Ibragimov Folklore phenomenology as spiritual culture of the people in musical-aesthetic education
A.V. Kazakevich Pedagogical support of students’ professional self-determination at agrarian higher school
S.V. Kononova Evolution of scientific pedagogical specialities in Russia (1855-2009)
Z.K. Meretukova Readiness of post-graduate students to understand the essence of logic methods of scientific thinking as the issue of post-university education (using an example of concept definition)
S.Sh. Migaleva Conceptual model of shaping the teaching-business culture at the future expert in educational space of classical university
Yu.N. Sinitsyn, N.M.Sazhina The experimental organization of system of school children health promotion
N.V. Sorokina The analysis of the dynamics of national stereotypes in intercultural communication on the basis of the case-study method
O.N. Spirina The basic content of value orientations of the person
D.E. Sherstnev, E.V. Domaev Co-ordination of listeners’ activity at scientific organization to increase efficiency of formation at cadets of professional competences of fire safety propagation
Special Methods and Teaching Technologies
O.O. Aivazyan Typology of errors in Russian coherent written speech of pupils at initial classes
Z.U. Akhmedyanov Reflective-assessing self-developing technology as the system approach in self-management of quality of subject training at school
R.I. Lozovskaya Technology of spiritual education and development of the music teacher during higher school education
A.A. Moskvitin Application of remote educational technology to educational process of higher school
M.R. Tuova System of exercises for the interconnected development of skills of oral Russian and English speech at senior pupils of Adygheyan national school
L.V. Shelekhova Strategy of training to the solution of mathematical problems
M.Kh. Shkhapatseva A complex syntactic whole as a language and speech unit
Modern Problems of Psychology
M.M. Bondarenko Interrelation of the state of uneasiness and style features of self-control over behaviour of the young men doing their military service
A.A. Orel The trend and value-semantic sphere of the person as conditions of his self-realization in the course of professional development
N.V. Popova The motivational-value characteristics of the person in small, middle and large-scale business
E.V. Starkova Influence of a gender and previous social environment (city/village) on student’s views about the purposes of life
Z.I. Tsiku The personal-psychological preconditions of special abilities at the teacher of preschool educational institution of the combined kind
E.A. Shcherbakova Personal features of the military high-class pilot
Educational Space of Physical Training and Sports
I.V. Verzhbitsky Application of pedagogical modelling to sports sphere
T.E. Vilenskaya Organizational-methodical conditions for realization of the continuity principle of the basic components of younger school children physical training
M.Ya. Vilensky, O.Yu. Masalova The culturological bases of the personal-focused physical training at higher school
Zaul Rami M.A. Age differentiation of criteria structure for selection of young sportsmen to specialization in minifootball
I.V. Kulekin The content and organization of independent performance of physical exercises by cadets-navigators in the conditions of long swimming
Yu.M. Skhalyakho Variants of technique of low-amplitude Judo throws in the conditions of rigid kinematic sequence of the sports duel
S.A. Khazova Criteria for development of competitiveness of the person
Literary Criticism
B.M. Zhachemukova, F.B. Beshukova Art specificity of a genre of the historical novel
D.O. Kutsaenko Interpretations of concept of history in the novel “Doctor Zhivago”
E.V. Nickolskiy Cyclization in historical prose of Vsevolod Solovyov
A.A. Fokin, I.Yu. Malygina Anthropological approaches to studying the literature of the North Caucasus
P.A. Yakimov Lexical presentation of Christian artifacts in the poetry of A.A. Akhmatova
Z.Sh. Kidakoeva Journalistic-publicistic activity of socialist revolutionary in the Kuban region in 1918
G.N. Nemets Object of gnosiology in journalism: in search for methods of conceptualization
O.G. Panaetov Founders and ideals of the “Krinitsa” community
V.V. Smeyukha Transformation of functional features of female magazines in a historical context
M.A. Shakhbazyan The church sermon as a paradigm of Russian religious-philosophical publicism
A.Yu. Bedzhanova The comment clause as a component of postmodernist discourse
E.A. Bogdanova On national features of communicative behavior of carriers of the Russian, French and Adyghe languages (as shown by paroemiological units about good and harm)
M.M. Bricheva Word-building fields of the native English adjectives in contemporary English (on the basis of the analysis of Chambers 21st Century Dictionary, 1996)
E.A. Vaganova Composition and structure of the political discourse in printed Mass Media
N.A. Goncharova Directivity in political newspaper communications: the essence of information and language indicators
S.N. Dolzhikova Interrelation of external and internal forms of the marketing text
S.N. Dolzhikova, I.O. Morozova Style-forming signs of PR texts
S.Yu. Zamay Sign as a representative of a word meaning in contexts of fiction texts of V.Woolf (basing on a material of stories “A Haunted House” and “The String Quartet”)
P.M. Zekieva Headline complex in the newspaper as a macrostructure of a title of the article
O.V. Lymar Metanarration as a text-forming principle in space of language and culture
S.V. Lyapun Newspaper publicism in a paradigm of linguistic researches of the 21-st century
N.N. Olomskaya Cognitive aspect in PR discourse study
E.N. Orekhova Use of precedent phenomena as manipulative means in the political communication (based on the articles of British and American Mass Media)
G.A. Osipov Modern tendencies in the discourse theory
L.M. Pelipenko Integral and differential properties of the phraseological units with the component-numeral “one-îäèí” in the English and Russian languages
T.V. Pozdeeva Subject-address relations in political newspaper communication: the essence, correlation and language markers
B.Kh. Pseunova Anthroponyms as national and cultural specificity of à slang bearer’s language consciousness
V.A. Skvortsova Cogitative styles through a prism of language space of communicative strategy
E.V. Smirnova Metaphor as the most productive way of formation of new terms in cardiological lexicon (as shown by the English and Russian languages)
L.V. Tolstikova The cognitive-pragmatic aspect of foreign borrowings in newspaper discourse (as shown by the English and Russian languages)
L.V. Chalabaeva Concept “coming to a decision and decision execution” (a cognitive-discourse aspect)
A.R. Shkhumishkhova Stylistic functions of culinary metaphors in a sports discourse
Study of Arts
K.E. Grigoryan Last hero of the Russian cinematography
A.N. Sokolova The general Adyghe and local in traditional instrumental culture of the Adyghes
Ch.A. Skhalyakho, N.S. Tuguz Variability of solutions of Emden-Fowler type differential system
A.D. Ushkho Plane polynomial differential systems with the S-type symmetry axis
V.A. Kozlov Construction of ring generating systems K*(G/H) of one series homogeneous spaces G/H
A.Kh. Khokonov, L.A. Khamukova Ionization energy losses and relativistic electron ranges in the macromolecular compounds
N.V. Malay, K.S. Ryazanov, E.R. Shchukin Diffusiophoresis of the large flying centerline heated aerosol particles of the spherical form
Natural Sciences
A.V. Shakhanova, Ya.K. Koblev, T.G. Petrova, A.A. Namitokova Specific features of the functional condition of the central nervous system at sportsmen-judoists
V.L. Drushevskaya, G.D. Aleksanyants Features of «sense of space peculiarities» and vestibular stability in acrobats of different qualifications
O.A. Medvedeva, G.D. Aleksanyants Physiological characteristics of sensorimotor systems in schoolchildren with hearing disorders
S.V. Pushkin, M.I. Shapovalov Fauna and ecology analysis of burying beetles (Coleoptera, Silphidae) in the Adygheya Republic
N.A. Beseda Inheritance of mass of 1000 grains in the system of diallel crossings of the grain sorghum
D.V. Muzhenya, T.M. Ashkanova, K.B. Kalakutok, K.Z. Bzhetsov, A.R.Tuguz, T.A. Ivanenko, E.Kh. Tlish, L.D. Aldonina Association Met235Thr of AGT gene polymorphism and A1166C alleles of a receptor gene of type I angiotenzinogene-2 (AGT2R1) with cardiovascular diseases at inhabitants of the Adygheya Republic
I.G. Volkodav The Eastern Siberian largest subvolcanoes of acid composition and their ore-bearing nature. On distinguishing a subvolcanic class of magma formations
Technical Sciences
E.V. Lutsenko, V.E. Korzhakov The system-cognitive analysis of objects of information security
A.Yu. Amirkhanov Conceptual approaches to the study of spirituality
E.S. Kukva Formation of the Russian national identity: from discursive to social practices
N.A. Khlyzova The idea of “human world” as the image of reality
Yu.G. Gryaznova Conflictogenity of interaction between generations in the culture of Russian modern society
V.A. Zaichenko The interaction of tradition and innovation in conditions of technoevolution
A.M. Leshchenko Multifunctionality of network communications in a modern society
R.Yu. Kortoev The American-Iranian relations during the administration of U.S. President B. Clinton (1993 - 2001)
R.A.Tleptsok Agrarian transformations of the 1860s in the North-West Caucasus
S.A. Kropachev The 1937 – 1938 Soviet propagation about scales of mass political repressions
Yu.D. Anchabadze Rural gathering in system of imperious relations in the Adyghe post-revolutionary aul (1920s)
O.A.Butova Role of the first naibs of Shamil Khadzhi Mohammed and Suleyman Efendi in political consolidation of the Western Circassia (1842-1846)
S.A. Gorokhov Religious factor in the political life of modern India
S.A. Luguev, A.D. Elmurzaeva Mummers in wedding and other ritual practice of peoples of Daghestan in the 19th - early 20th century
M.V. Yanova On the history of reconstruction of the Kalmyk People’ Autonomy: as shown by the documents of Central Archives
L.S. Tsareva Dress in a female costume of the Cossack population of the New Line villages (the last quarter of the 19th century – 1920s)
A.Yu. Chadje The Russian identity in a context of postnonclassical science
Ya.Yu. Moroz Specificity of social-group identity of physically handicapped youth
M.A. Mitrov Culture of a consumer society in Russia during the period of economic crisis: a regional aspect
A.A. Pshishok Youth culture in modern Russia: the functional-specific analysis
I.A. Karataban Motivations and higher education accessibility in modern Russia
A.A. Fedoseyeva Bases of the prevention of youth subculture criminalization: search for the ideological content
R.R. Gomleshko Youth extremism in modern sociocultural space
N.A. Shaozheva Value criteria for modern gender complexes
N.M. Grigorashchenko-Alieva Narcotism in system of behavior deviations at modern
I.A. Ivanov Information culture of local governments
S.T. Chesebieva Physical training as the statement factor of student healthy way of life
R.V.Sokolov Preferences of young townspeople concerning residing areas
A.M. Chadje, A.V. Margiev On the right of Republics as subjects of the Russian Federation to establish the state languages
L.N. Burkova On fiduciary (confidential) character of civil legal relationships
E.V. Khakhaleva Some questions related to determination of judicial defense facilities in administrative rule-making
G.N. Berezin Head’s skills and competencies on development of organizational culture in law-enforcement bodies
R.M. Pshidatok Preventive measures against deviant behavior of minors: the question theory
A.N. Levushkin Deprivation of the parental rights under the legislation of the Baltic States
D.N. Lozovsky Some aspects of criminalistic study of the organized crime grup
B.Yu. Dzhamirze Some problematic aspects of administrative-jurisdiction processing in business
N.S. Pichko Culturological comprehension of modern consciousness
Political Science
V.G. Shustov The basic models of local government
D.S. Kokorkhoeva Institution of Higher Officials of the Republics within the Russian Federation: problems related to political reform
S.A. Kutilin Monitoring of formation of Russian civil identity in a system of security policy of the Russian Federation (basing on materials from Moscow and Krasnodar Territory)
A.I. Deyneka Electoral field of modern Russia as an object of political study
E.V. Amninov Politics and moral consciousness in the historical process
I.I. Miroshnikov The analysis of the basic approaches to definition of personnel policy of the state and municipal service
R.F. Mukhametdinov In search for spiritual and ideological guidelines
New books, monographs, reviews
A.Yu. Chadje Reinterpreting historical memory of ethnos
The Economic Theory
S.A. Borisov, E.Ya. Bratslavskaya The relations between power and property during the modernization of Russian economy
Zh.L. Komkova The capital: economic and accounting aspect
E.V. Korolyuk The vector of economical policy of contemporary Russia
E.V. Korolyuk Economic contradictions of the earth market formation
I.P. Lazareva The human stock in the process of modernization of regional economic systems
E.N. Tkacheva Research on a crisis state of agents of the virtual organization: elaboration of technique
E.A. Yanova On interaction of power and property in the system of economic relations in Russia
Financial Markets
A.A. Boyarko The comparative analysis of activity of the oil companies in the conditions of global financial crisis
I.Yu. Zhidkova Prospects for increasing financial stability of the pension insurance system
Problems Related to Investment Activity
L.V. Komarova Investments as a tool for modernization of the Russian economy
I.I. Romanets The methodical approach to the analysis of investment attractiveness of municipalities (as shown by Krasnodar territory)
Regional Economy
E.B. Ermishina The analysis of conditions of a diversification in mining complex of the Republic of North Ossetiya-Alaniya
N.A. Ilyushchenko Problems and prospects of special economic zones as a form of public-private partnership
A.A. Mokrushin The strategic aspects of interaction of vertically integrated corporations with the regional economic system
T.A. Chermit Specific features of development of depressive regional economic system
The Account, Audit and the Control
I.S. Kadyrov Problems of drawing up the report on monetary movement in the commercial organizations
L.N. Kuznetsova Benchmarking as the tool of improving quality of the registration-analytical information
M.N. Pilipenko A study of the modern technique of the expense account in auxiliary manufactures
F.T. Khot Some aspects of reflection of production wastes in accounting
S.A. Tsey The analysis of Russian practice of company social responsibility and revealing information in the report
E.A. Sharovatova Relationship between internal control instruments and management accounting
Economy of Agrarian-Industrial Complex
A.A. Tamov, B.A. Khakhuk Changes in the structure of reproduction of basic assets as a factor of the effectiveness of agricultural production (as shown by the economy of Krasnodar Territory)
V.V. Teshev, V.A. Teshev Basic directions of increasing efficiency of use of small holding resource potential developed on the basis of the principles of the Consumers Cooperative Society
O.I. Tolmachyovà, S.A. Filatova Viticulture and wine-making in the Kuban region: condition and development prospects
Mathematical Methods in Economy
I.G. Vintizenko, A.A. Novakov Natural terminators of the prediction interfering exact forecasting contemporary economy
E.D. Streltsova, M.O. Yablonskaya, O.F. Kovalev A complex of economic-mathematical models of evaluation of quality of informational resource control
Service Economy
S.V. Lazovskaya Competition policy of service sector at the present stage
I.A. Nikitina Resource support of priority tasks implementation in modernization of higher education
D.V. Ryazantseva The position of institutions of secondary professional education in the economic system of the Krasnodar Territory
O.A. Sinichenko Segment features of professional education graduates in different aspects
V.V. Stetsunov The employment of the graduates of the professional education system in the conditions of crisis: problems and prospects
L.T. Tlekhuray-Berzegova Features of innovation processes in modern sphere of services
P.L. Avdeev System design of business administration re-engineering for corporation development
O.A. Zelenskaya Development of manufacture and stakeholders’ interests in the conditions of formation of competitive industry clusters
V.M. Maximov Self-management functions in the Russian modern organizations
V.V. Rokotyanskaya, M.V. Rossinskaya The analysis of influence of anthropogenic factors of industrial production on environment (using light industry materials)
V.E. Shibanov Organizational-administrative modeling of control system of material-technical support at industrial enterprises
General Problems of Pedagogy
S.I. Andryushchenko Personal - professional self-determination of senior pupils at the interschool educational complex
M.A. Grinko Designing individual trajectories of teaching a foreign language to students of pedagogical higher schools
A.G. Gritsay A model of formation of professional social teacher competences in preventing child abuse in the family
M.Sh. Daurova Innovative tendencies in the development of the education system of Russia during the postindustrial period
E.V. Demkina Contemporary approaches to professional education of the future expert in the conditions of education process
A.A. Kazantseva The role of information technologies in helping foreign pupils to adapt at the higher school of Russia
V.D. Kolomiytseva Voluntary activity in preparation of children-orphans to pass on to replacing family
E.M. Kochneva, L.Yu. Pakhomova Conditions for optimization of development of students’ motivational readiness to professional work
L.V. Makhaeva Mechanism of formation of the information competence at students of secondary professional education institutions
D.M. Nazarov Pedagogical essence of hermeneutic technology of remote training
A.A. Polyakova Axiological potential of the person: intrinsic features and pedagogical functions
S.A. Rezinkova Procedural component of educational model of formation of senior pupils’ readiness to professional self-determination by means of expert system
D.A. Rozanov Modern socialization of pedagogically neglected children by means of subject interaction of educational institution and the family
O.A. Samovik A model of the teacher of initial additional music education: ideal and real
Yu.N. Sinitsyn, N.M. Sazhina Pedagogical technology for motivating pupils to preserve health
T.Yu. Shkolnitskaya The innovative approach to formation of creative abilities at younger pupils
Special Methods and Teaching Technologies
M.B. Bogus Development of mental faculties at younger pupils in the conditions of Adyghe-Russian bilingualism
E.V. Guseva Profile elective courses of intersubject character as the continuity implementer between school and higher school (as shown by the course of mathematics)
O.S. Larina Features of work on compositions about the childhood at lessons of literature reading at elementary school
Yu.P. Nevmerzhitskaya The foreign language as the tool of knowledge in the field of traditional spiritual culture
N.Yu. Ozhgibesova Introduction of educational (problematic, heuristic) situations as the necessary condition of formation of intellectual motives for students to study
L.Sh. Tlyusten The morphological and phonemic principles of Russian spelling
Modern Problems of Psychology
L.M. Dodova Features of formation of the psychosocial maturity in teenagers – pupils at military schools
M.I. Dubentsov Features of students’ educational-professional work in the condition of the person’s professional uncertainty
V.S. Egorova Features of social-psychological adaptation and responsibility at students of various specialties
V.A. Kovalenko Genesis of the person’s self-appraisal as a psychological category
E.R. Kuasheva Stead-fastness and value-semantic preferences of the person: the coordination and contradictions (as shown by the material of law-enforcement body employees)
F.G. Lovpache Vital prospects as the basic indicator of personal development at youthful age
A.D. Solomko Development of emotional-affective sphere of the child with the autistic spectrum disorder by special means of physical training
G.G. Tanasov The person and dialogue interconditionality in a system of modern psychological knowledge of the person
E.V. Kharitonova Behavioural-productive types of the person with different levels of the professional demand
T.P. Kharkova I-image and strategy of behaviour of the person in difficult reality situations
I.B. Shuvanov Prospects of the subject approach to the analysis of element base of psychological model for safety of the subject of life
B.A. Yasko, E.V. Kharitonova The personal-typological “profiles” of the professional demand
Educational Space of Physical Training and Sports
R.Z. Osmanov A joint control of physical training at comprehensive school
Yu.B. Tkhakumacheva Physical improving health training in the postnatal rehabilitation period
Literary Criticism
A.P. Burnusuzyan Northcaucasian world and Russia: semiotics of self-recognition
B.R. Naptsok “Supernatural” images in W. Shakespeare's tragedy of “Macbeth”
G.N. Nemets Conceptualization of time in V.V. Nabokov’s essays: problems of reception
M.M. Pashtova On description of local folklore traditions
E.A. Churilova The figurative world of the novel by Kanta Ibragimov “The children's world”
E.E. Kasabova Karl Marx's journalistic activity in the newspaper “New York Tribune”
V.Yu. Kozhanova The receptive aspect of shaping a media text
B.A. Martynenko Transformation of lexical system of the publicistic style of language under the influence of social processes
E.I. Prikhodko L.N. Klevtsova's editorial activity in the newspaper “By the way of Ilyich”
O.E. Rudakova “Misters Obmanovy” by Alexander Amfiteatrov: history and publication consequences
M.A. Shakhbazyan The review in Russian religious-philosophical publicism as sermon imitation
A.A. Baragamyan, V.V. Zelenskaya Reflection of a “farewell” speech genre in T. Capote's novel “Breakfast at Tiffany’s”
A.L. Beglyarova Indefinite pronoun as a component of figurative structure of the fiction text
Z.K. Bedanokova, S.Kh. Kumuk Poetic and rhythmic features of advertising as a result of language game
M.G. Vodneva Conceptualization of notion “city” in the author's individual and national pictures of Yu.V. Trifonov’s world (on the basis of a material of Yu.V. Trifonov’s city and Moscow stories)
N.V. Vozmishcheva, N.N. Orekhova Features of religious outlook of the person of the late Middle Ages as shown by allegories of “The Noble Story of Sancgreal” by Thomas Malory
S.N. Dolzhikova Interrelation of external and internal forms of the marketing text
V.V. Luneva The pragmatic content of speech etiquette
M.R. Naptsok The Russian literary person in the conditions of emigration: V.Nabokov's language phenomenon
L.G. Novak Concept “traveler” in the French language picture of the world
S.S. Olefir Review of theoretical research in the field of linguistic modality
E.N. Orekhova Contextual Implication of Meaning by Means of Precedent Phenomena in the Political Communication (as shown by the material of the English language)
A.A. Rybakova A genre-stylistic use of expressive and estimated lexicon in Russian epigrams of the 19th century
L.A. Sinko Referential and discursive properties of indefinite pronouns
E.V. Smirnova Efficiency of morphological ways of word formation in cardiological terminology of the English language
L.V. Tolstikova Features of foreign borrowings caused by their use in newspaper discourse
Z.S. Khabekirova Discredit strategy and ways of its realization in a political discourse of democratic opposition
E.A. Shimko The comparative characteristic of consanguinity nominations through the female line in the German and Russian languages in terms of ethnolinguistics
Study of Arts
M.Ch. Anzarokova Pkhembgu in sociocultural space of Adyghe diaspora in Turkey
S.A. Mozgot Concepts of space and time in N.A. Rimsky-Korsakov’s opera “A fairy tale on Tsar Saltan …”
Syui Bo Chinese “piano boom” in early 19th century
S.I. Khvatova Tradition of singing in voice in Russian Orthodox Church of the newest period
A.Kh. Stash Asymptotic properties of solutions to linear differential systems
A.V. Reznikov Recognition of prefractal graphs with a primer satisfying the Ore condition, provided that a contiguity of «old» edges in a path of the prefractal graph remains
A.Kh. Khokonov, L.A. Khamukova Two-phase emission detector for direct detection of neutrino flows and for the search for dark matter particles
M.Kh. Khokonov, I.Z. Bekulova Nonlinear effects in the field of intense laser wave and relativistic electron radiation
Natural Sciences
A.A. Vays Laws of connection between diameters of trees of the Siberian Larch (Larix sibirica) at breast and stub heights in the conditions of Middle and Southern Siberia
M.V. Kuzenko, G.N. Gudkova Dynamics of leaves dying off in plants of winter triticale
E.A. Shebzukhova, L.S. Babich Avifauna of a forest-steppe belt of Adygheya Republic
I.I. Efendieva, N.D. Dzhimova, A.V. Yakimov, M.I. Shapovalov Trematodes of fish in the Kabardin-Balkar Republic
G.M. Konovalova, G.A. Sevryukova Adaptation of contemporary youth to the conditions of education in higher school: a physiological aspect
N.Yu. Anisimova, V.A. Davankov, M.I. Budnik, F.V. Donenko, A.R. Tuguz, M.V. Kiselevskiy Prospects of the use of nanoporous sorbent Stirosorb 514 for extracorporeal detoxification at system inflammatory reaction and sepsis
A.F. Beryukh, E.N. Nechaeva Ecological and hygienic characteristic of aquatic environment in the Belorechensk region of the Krasnodar territory
F.V. Tuguz Structural evolution of a network of settlements in the territory of Adygheya
R.K. Tatlok, S.I. Kolesnikov Change in biological properties of the Adygheya subalpine soils as a result of pollution from oil, black oil, gasoline and solar oil
Technical Sciences
Z.A. Khuako Theoretical basis for the effectiveness of combining motions of three units
K.G. Achmiz In memory of Khasantal Zacherievich Ustok
A.N. Mikhnyuk Analytical tradition: searches for perfect language
I.A. Yakovenko Correlation of religious and scientific knowledge
A.P. Fedorovsky Historical consciousness: features of formation and objectivation
Z.Kh. Lovpache Legal hermeneutics as a science division on understanding
E.V. Parkhomenko Argot as a text version
N.V. Pashkova Freedom as the necessary form of existence (M.K. Mamardashvili’s philosophy)
A.Yu. Ryashentseva Pedagogical question: from rules to art
N.A. Sigida Military virtue in theoretical wars
O.V. Letunova The economic projects adequate to metaphysical type of economic thinking
S.P. Markova On history of the English trading company of Merchant Adventurers
A.S. Ivashchenko The purposes, principles and system of training professionals with higher education in the countries with the developed market economy
E.V. Oserskaya The reasons of deportation of Armenians by the Young Turk regime in days of the First World War
A.B. Fetyukov Artistic intelligentsia in the Khrushchev period: structure and social position (based on Leningrad data)
L.N. Galimova Activity of provincial merchants of the Volga region belonging to zemstvo institutions in the middle of the 19th – beginning of the 20th century
I.G. Ivantsov On history of mutual relations between the party-state control bodies of All-Union Communist Party of Bolsheviks and the law and order bodies in the late 1920s through the beginning of 1930s
L.D. Fedoseyeva Development of capitalist relations in agriculture in the Northwest Caucasus (the late 1860s – 1890s)
L.V. Burykina Features of the foundation and social and economic development of villages of Maikop Department in the Kuban region
T.V. Korotko The development of modern theatre arts in Turkey
A.V. Dubrovin “An image of the enemy” in memoirs of Russian officers, participating in the Caucasian War of the 19th century
T.I. Afasizhev, M.A. Shenkao Sociocultural imperatives of Adyghe-Abkhazian and Abasin table etiquette
O.I. Kuskarova Sociocultural process: a condition, features and interaction factors
A.V. Shcherbakova Factors and the reasons of migratory process in the Stavropol Territory
S.T. Chesebieva Culture of health in system of a healthy way of life at students with the weakened health
Z.Yu.Tuguz Ethnogender features of family-marriage relations in Adygheya Republic
F.K. Tlyusten Intellectual property in sociocultural space of an information society: problems and prospects
A.-L.YU. Mulyar Cultural-identification processes of ethnic minorities in the multiethnic region
S.I. Kulibaba A self-reflexion of organizational culture (a sociological case-study)
R.A. Berechetova Cognitive measurement of legal consciousness in generational cohorts of the Adygheya Republic inhabitants
S.Z. Bzhetseva The childhood status in a modern research paradigm
V.V. Tarasenko The sociological definition of territorial clusters
M.V. Averyanov Methodological approaches in research of a phenomenon of corruption: a sociocultural aspect
M.V. Saakyan Ways of increasing legal culture of the Russian society
A.M. Shchukin Legal culture of youth as an object of sociological research
L.U. Kurbanova Role of stereotypes in designing and functioning of gender identity: theoretical aspect
L.V. Usova Sociocultural adaptation of children with the limited possibilities
A.A. Abregova The state contract in Russia: problems related to the institute development
S.M. Gozgesheva The phenomenon of traditional law (adat) and Mohammedan law (shariath) in the North Caucasus
I.N. Gaydareva Topical problems of counteraction to corruption in public service system
G.V. Dosta The different elements of criminal characteristics of crimes against health of the population and the public morals, made by the persons having mental frustration, not excluding insanity
D.V. Fedotova Problems of formation and application of institute of the pre-judicial cooperation agreement in the Russian Federation
N.Yu. Bouriak Culture-forming potential and the sociocultural nature of language: the peculiarities of ethnosemantical interpretation
Political Science
Z.Yu. Khuako Sociopolitical factors of journalism functioning in a political system of society
Z.A. Zhade Geopolitical construction of a modern world order
M.A. Sedinkin Opportunities of using a foreign experience in formation of e-government in Russia
E.P. Olifirenko The reasons and forms of display of youth extremism on the national basis
Financial Markets
V.V. Zabolotskaya System of crediting small business enterprises
N.V. Klimovà Competitive advantages and strategy of transnational banks
O.A. Okorokova Financial strategy of the insurance company
Regional Economy
R.R. Avanesova, F.I. Ragimov The role of regional specificities in development of agro-industrial sector of economy in the Adygheya Republic
I.A. Dyachenko Rural development: a view from the future into the present
A.A. Ermolenko, S.A. Chernyavskaya The method of formation of regional food subsystem
B.M. Zhukov, O.V. Bulatova Approaches to improve the system of financial support of territorial administration locality
U.A. Isaev Perfection of mechanisms for increasing efficiency of real sector in the regional sustainable innovative development of economy of Russia
A.A. Kerashev, A.A. Mokrushin The strategic management of interaction between vertically integrated corporations and regional economic systems of the South of Russia
K.N. Kirzhinova Theoretical aspects of the region energy strategy in terms of energy deficit: the goals, objectives and principles
I.Yu. Kosovan The resources and instruments of reproduction of human capital at the meso level
I.P. Lazareva, I.V. Belomestnova Human capital in the process of renovation of regional economic systems of Russia
A.A. Mokrushin Functional content and structure of interaction between vertically integrated corporations and regional economic systems of the South of Russia
I.Yu. Natkho, N.M. Makarchouk A subregional component of modernization of the regional economic system
L.L. Oganesyan Formation of centralized resources of region development in modern conditions
R.A. Popov Imperatives of territorial managment in the conditions of globalization
S.G. Prokopyev Overcoming interbudgetary imbalance and fiscal subsidizing the subjects of the Privolzhsky federal district of the Russian Federation
The Account, Audit and the Control
N.N. Khakhonova, I.N. Emelyanova A role of strategic audit in a system of audit of commercial organizations
Economy of Agrarian-Industrial Complex
R.R. Avanesova Instrumental support strategic priorities of agro-industrial sector economy of the region
L.I. Brovkina Problems of financial maintenance of development of agrarian and industrial complex and ways of their solution at regional level
E.N. Zakharova, L.I. Brovkina Formation of agro-clusters as a promising instrument of the investment development of regional agro-industrial complex (as shown by the Rostov region)
À.Z. Rysmyatov, I.A. Chayka Development of land tenure and land management institution with a view to enhance sustainability and liquidity of farm enterprises
A.R. Tuov Integration potential of structural modernization of intersectoral interaction between subjects of regional agrarian-industrial complex at the meso level
A.Sh. Khuazheva, Z.A. Dzharimova Substantiation of economic efficiency of implementation of outsourcing relations in agroindustrial complex
Management by Innovations
N.O. Starkova, V.V. Zabolotskaya A system of intellectual asset management of small innovative company implementing outsourcing
Mathematical Methods in Economy
F.B. Botasheva New results of phase representation of the Russian macroeconomic dynamics
Innovative Technologies in Marketing
N.P. Ketova, E.Yu. Timchenko Ethnoterritorial specificity of the consumer behaviour of the population in the South of Russia as the factor of choice of the marketing strategy of companies in the local market
The Theory and Practice of Business
S.A. Kuzmenko, V.S. Khimicheva Entrepreneurship as the phenomenon of the market economy: economic essence, subject determinacy and adaptation properties
Service Economy
M.V. Rossinskaya, M.V. Bugaeva Regional features of development of service sphere in the Southern Federal District
Yu.G. Tereshchenko The concept of service sphere development in non-wood forest management
O.V. Aluyan, L.M. Osadchuk Macroeconomic preconditions of increasing efficiency of foreign economic activity at industrial enterprises
A.N. Gritsenko, O.I. Tolmachyovà The terms and preconditions of the embedding a controlling system at sugar enterprises of the Krasnodar territory
R.L. Lushnikov, G.L. Bayanduryan Substantiation of ways to improve the mechanism of resource protection in terms of economic modernization
L.V. Popova, A.E. Bogdanova The diagnostics of counterparty internal risks on the basis of financial risk controlling model
Literary Criticism
A.M. Dautova Artistic elucidation of philosophical lyrics by Nalbiy Kuek
M.N. Kuzmina Traditions of F. Tyutchev in the philosophical lyric of the Yaroslavl poet K. Vasilyev
T.O. Lichmanova The image of death in “Steppe Book” by Oleg Pavlov
L.I. Mingazova The evolution of the Tatar children’s poetry of the 1920-1960s
E.V. Nikolsky The comic peculiarity in late creativity
K.N. Paranuk Spatial-temporal coordinates of a model of the world in the Adyghe modern novel
V.A. Pedchenko Category of home in the artistic conception of the person in Russian prose at the boundary of the 20-21st centuries
L.M. Safina Features of personification of an ideal of the man in R. Kharis's poetry
S.N. Stepin The person and the nature in the modern lyric poetry of Mordovia (as shown by creativity of Victor Gadaev)
R.B. Unarokova, M.M. Pashtova Prospects of studying the Adyghe folklore
L.L. Khadzhieva Reconsideration of romantic stereotypes of folklorism in P.Merimee's book “Guzla”
B.D. Khunagova Folklore heritage of the peiple as the basic principle of the north caucasian literatures
N.M. Shishkhova Concept of death in L.N. Tolstoy's great story “Ivan Ilich's Death”
G.S. Belolipskaya Self-determination of the provincial press (as shown by a publicistic material of the 1860-1880th Astrakhan newspapers)
N.A. Goncharova Incentive character of information field in the political newspaper text: modeling and components
S.V. Lyapun Change of priorities in genre system of periodicals of the Post-Soviet period
M.V. Nedogarko, F.B. Beshukova National structure and political orientation of the first editions of «Russian press» of the USA
M.À. Antoshintseva Educational-scientific speech as interaction area of scientific and educational discourses in the conditions of changing speech standards
V.P. Balakhova Communicative-pragmatic aspect of studing polipredicative composite sentenses in publicistic texts
R.A. Volkova, Yu.P. Nechay Features of stylization of German informal conversation in E.M. Remarque’s art prose
A.G. Dedukhina A notional essence of borrowings from the English language in advertising text
A.G. Dedukhina, T.M. Grushevskaya Definitional concept of information essence of borrowings from the English language
T.S. Ivanova Language behavior of Internet communication
V.O. Imeev The role of sound semantics in formation of dictionary meanings in the kalmyk linguistic culture (as shown by sound [a:])
A.S. Kolomiytseva Methods of realization of communicative-pragmatical tasks of polypredicative compound sentences-paragraphs in the scientific speech style
Yu.N. Kononova Children’s occasional word as a unit of neology
A.V. Ledneva A concept of a “child” in proverbial fund (as shown by material of the Russian and German proverbs and sayings)
L.S. Makarova A rhymed translation and a translation by using a free verse
N.E. Malova Realization of aesthenic function in text of art
T.V. Pozdeeva The plan of authorization of the political newspaper text in terms of the mechanism of the semantic organization of a text material
L.G. Popova, R.S. Osipov The semantic characteristic of synonymic core lexemes of «der Mut/courage», expressing a concept of «courage» in the German and English languages
V.A. Skvortsova Text space of interview: a model of its organization
A.N. Khavdok System of values as reflection of the mechanism of the mental organization in the Adyghe’s language
R.Kh. Khayrullina, Aychichek Musap, Boztash Abdullakh Universal cultural concepts in a context of cross-cultural communication
O.Yu. Shchibrya Semantic and structualfunctional specifity of the author’s modelling of the world in space of the text of art
Study of Arts
Yu.V. Verevkina The academic music in non-academic performance: some features of «middle culture»
S.I. Khvatova Compliance with rites in modern divine service: stable and mobile elements
J.D. Mirzov About a strange error of V.G. Belinsky
V.A. Kozlov, L.Zh. Palandzhyants Multiplicative integrals of matrix functions generated by the representation of Lie algebras A1
A.Kh. Khokonov, M.B. Masaev, M.Z. Konov Results of two-year exposition of emulsion chamber of Elbrus high-mountainous spectrometer
Yu.F. Golovnev, I.G. Sidorova, A.B. Lakovtsev Triplet excitons in nanodimensional superlattices EuO – SrO
Natural Sciences
G.N. Gudkova, V.S. Druzhinina Morphological and anatomic structure of funicles of showered and non-showered pea varieties
Z.Kh. Mashukov, A.V. Yakimov Current state of populations of a chamois (Rupicapra Rupicapra (Linnaeus, 1758)) in the hunting farms of the Kabardin-Balkariya (the Central Caucasus)
F.D. Teuchezh Landscape distinctions in economic development and management of soils in Adygheya Republic
A.Yu. Mishenin, E.M. Berdichevskaya Peculiarities of functional interhemispheric asymmetry in Top-Level wrestlers of Greek-Roman style
A.R. Tuguz, R.Sh. Ozheva, D.V. Muzhenya, S.P. Lysenkov, A.Kh. Agirov, T.M. Ashkanova, T.A. Ivanenko, E.N. Anokhina Ecological and genetic factors of predisposition of the population of Adygheya Republic to cardiovascular diseases: frequencies of the angiotensinogen genes Met235Thr and Thr174Met polymorphisms and A1166C alleles of angiotensinogen-2 receptor I (AGT2R1)
V.V. Troshchenko Model of accumulation of primary material of fossil coals and coal-bearing formations: modern view
Technical Sciences
E.V. Lutsenko, V.E. Korzhakov Some problematic aspects of the classical cluster analysis