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    General Problems of Pedagogy
  • A.A. Alkacheva
    The qualifying and competence approaches in a system of additional professional training: the comparative characteristic

    The paper discusses the comparative characteristic of the qualifying and competence approaches which are used in system of additional professional training. The analysis is made basing on the research of these approaches with regard to executives in the sphere of art education. Basing on the undertaken analysis, the competences required to the head of art educational institution for realization of administrative activity, are offered to be a basis of the content of additional professional training.

    pdf alkacheva2011_1.pdf  (98 Kb)

  • R.A. Verkhovodova, R.A. Galustov
    Foreign experience in art pedagogy as a system of integrative application of art elements in educational process

    On the basis of the analysis of foreign experience, definition of art pedagogy is made, and its role is revealed in formation of harmonically developed person of the pupil.

    pdf verkhovodova2011_1.pdf  (93 Kb)

  • A.R. Galustov
    Readiness of students for self-educational activity

    The paper discusses questions related to technology of designing a self-educational activity and a system of methods of its realization. The author defines professional competences of the graduate student of the higher school on preparation for schoolchildren training, the organization of self-educational activity: social, informative and professional competences. Results of ascertaining experiment which have defined initial level of readiness of students for self-educational activity are presented. The following levels of professional readiness of the future teachers are defined: base, professional-adaptive, professional-prolonged, professional-research and professional-creative.

    pdf galustov2011_1.pdf  (156 Kb)

  • A.G. Gritsay, V.I. Spirina
    Physical violence in the family as one of the forms of cruelty to children

    The paper discusses the cruel treatment of children in a family. The urgency of research of this problem is confirmed by the statistical data and by results of scientific investigations. Intrinsic characteristics of concepts “cruel treatment”, “cruelty”, “violence” and also forms of cruel treatment of children in a family are analysed. The characteristic of one of the widespread forms of cruel treatment - physical violence is given.

    pdf gritsay2011_1.pdf  (108 Kb)

  • L.N. Kubashicheva
    Educational space of development of the pupil’s image at national rural school

    The paper discusses the development of the pupil’s image in educational space of national rural school and expansion of valuable base of education as an opened sociocultural process. The author gives a pedagogical concept of development of the pupil’s image as an aspect of disclosing internal resources and subject activity of pupils. The process of development of educational space by pupils should be based on a free choice and on the personal requirements focused on humanistic values.

    pdf kubashicheva2011_1.pdf  (109 Kb)

  • G.V. Kurakova
    Specificity of pedagogical designing the formation process of key educational competences in students

    The paper discusses the strategy and directions of pedagogical designing the formation process of key educational competences in students, contains an author's view at the organization of educational activity of students on mastering a set of competences in a context of competently focused educational activity.

    pdf kurakova2011_1.pdf  (161 Kb)

  • L.V. Makhaeva, V.I. Spirina
    Problems related to the formation of key competences in institutions of secondary professional training

    The purpose of this paper is to study the problems which have arisen as a result of transition to the new educational standard: interrelation of educational levels, a minimum of components of key competences and the organization of their formation.

    pdf makhaeva2011_1.pdf  (90 Kb)

  • A.M. Khupsarokova, F.P. Khakunova
    Subject and content components of multicultural competence of the teacher

    In the paper, the concept of multicultural competence is analyzed. The authors define multicultural competence of the teacher as a socially and professionally significant personal quality. The structure and the content of the teacher’s multicultural competence are characterized and criteria for its formation are given.

    pdf khupsarokova2011_1.pdf  (159 Kb)

    Special Methods and Teaching Technologies
  • V.Yu. Bogdanova
    The principle of the problematic nature in modelling of a modern lesson at elementary school

    The paper discusses the essence of a principle of the problematic nature, features of a problem lesson and its structure. Recommendations to realization of the principle of the problematic nature in lesson modelling in initial classes are given.

    pdf bogdanova2011_1.pdf  (109 Kb)

  • S.V. Darmilova
    Actual problems of written dialogue training (basing on the material of the French language)

    The paper examines training to written dialogue taking into account the psycholinguistic aspects, the equence of grade levels and system of exercises. The author analyzes various forms of written speech, specificity of the SMS language and dialogue in the Internet.

    pdf darmilova2011_1.pdf  (96 Kb)

  • B.M. Dzhandar
    Linguodidactic aspect of the interconnected Russian and native language training at national school

    The paper discusses problems of intersubject relations in Russian and native language training at national school.

    pdf dzhandar2011_1.pdf  (73 Kb)

  • V.F. Efimov
    On the humanitarian character of mathematical knowledge

    In the paper, an analysis is made of gnoseological aspects of concept of knowledge, including mathematical, and of its components, namely the information and humanitarian character. Various kinds of knowledge and informative situations are distinguished. The author offers to expand understanding of mathematics as a science and as a subject.

    pdf efimov2011_1.pdf  (133 Kb)

  • L.Sh. Tlyusten
    The account of the Adyghe spelling features as the condition of successful mastering Russian spelling skills by the Adyghe pupils

    The paper discusses the questions related to formation and development of the Adyghe spelling and the comparative characteristic of the Russian and Adyghe language spelling. Similarities and distinctions revealed in spelling of two languages should become a basis for working out a technique of training pupils of Adyghe elementary school to Russian spelling and promote essential increase in their spelling literacy.

    pdf tlyusten2011_1.pdf  (129 Kb)

  • L.Kh. Tsiku
    Methodical system of work on the interconnected development of Russian and English coherent written speech in 5-7 class pupils at Adyghe national school

    The paper examines the methodical system of the training providing the solution of problems of interconnected development of Russian and English coherent written speech in 5-7 class pupils at Adyghe national school.

    pdf tsiku2011_1.pdf  (117 Kb)

  • L.V. Shelekhova
    Diagnostic indications of the formation of reflective educational activity

    The paper describes the criterion device of the individual-typological styles of educational activity of the trainees, based on the diagnostic indications of the reflection showing the structural and processing sides of this activity.

    pdf shelekhova2011_1.pdf  (174 Kb)

    Modern Problems of Psychology
  • G.A. Gyurdzhyan
    Formation of strong-willed characteristics of the future experts in health and safety sphere at the early stage of professionalizing

    The paper provides the treatment of will as a universal subject characteristic and as a necessary condition of realization of labor activity of the person. Strong-willed qualities are regarded as a basis of professional subjectness of the expert in sphere of health and safety which is formed at an early stage of professionalizing, in the course of training at higher school. An analysis is made of the dynamics of separate strong-willed characteristics of the future experts in sphere of health and safety in the course of training a speciality. The author assumes and acknowledges empirically interrelation of strong-willed characteristics of students and the professional-role position they have chosen in the course of training.

    pdf gyurdzhyan2011_1.pdf  (221 Kb)

  • E.V. Erokhina
    Empirical substantiation of psychological types of emotional intelligence

    The paper presents the results of the analysis of the diagnostic data obtained on representative sample according to the concept of emotional intelligence (EI) formulated previously. These results allow the author to put forward a hypothesis on existence of population distinctions in expressiveness of both separate psychological components of EI and its integrated characteristics. Six kinds of EI “profiles” are substantiated. Three of them have the expressed accented configuration and three are characterized as profiles of the “smoothed” kind. It is inferred that the further empirical substantiations of EI research from positions of the typological approach in psychology of the person are required.

    pdf erokhina2011_1.pdf  (281 Kb)

  • N.V. Zakharyuta
    Imagination development as the basis of creative potential of preschool age children at perception of the coherent text

    This study addresses the actual problem of pedagogical and age psychology – the development of imagination, which is recognized by scientists as a basis of creative potential of the person and the new central psychological growth of the preschool stable period of development. The paper examines the laws, conditions and ways of development of imagination in preschool age children in the course of formation of arbitrary cultural memory. The paper provides the author’s innovative psychological-pedagogical technology of development of imagination in preschool children in the course of formation of one of the complicated mnemotechnical methods – semantic grouping of the coherent text, i.e. composing a schedule. The materials of the paper have a strongly pronounced practical orientation.

    pdf zakharyuta2011_1.pdf  (155 Kb)

  • N.V. Kopteva
    Ontologic confidence and self-actualization

    In order to study author’s theoretical and empirical construct of ontological security (based on the conception by the British psychologist R. Laing) with relation to psychological health, it is compared to the empirical construct of self-actualization, one of the generally admitted positive models of psychological health.

    pdf kopteva2011_1.pdf  (182 Kb)

  • L.S. Motsar
    Empirical level “indicators” of personal readiness of the higher school graduate to professional work

    Level indicators of readiness of the higher school graduate to professional work are analyzed: a readiness self-appraisal; sensibleness of possession of professional knowledge and skills and research activity. Comparison of data from empirical characteristics of the students trained on specialities with various systems of interaction “the subject – object of work” is carried out. Proceeding from entity and correlation of the distinguished parameters, three levels of readiness of the higher school graduate to the future professional work are described: “the shown readiness”; “quasireadiness” and “pseudo-readiness”. It is assumed that readiness of the future expert to professional work is a psychological phenomenon by means of which the description of tendencies of professional self-realization of the person at a grade level in higher school is possible.

    pdf motsar2011_1.pdf  (150 Kb)

  • S.A. Nalichaeva
    The relation of self-actualization and professional burning out at teachers

    An analysis is made of the empirical data on interrelation of self-actualization with professional burning out at teachers. The integrated level of self-actualization is negatively connected with level of burning out at teachers. Teachers with high level of self-actualization are more resistent to burning out compared to teachers with low level of self-actualization.

    pdf nalichaeva2011_1.pdf  (125 Kb)

  • A.B. Rogozyan
    Stress stability in the context of theoretical construct of the person’s psychological resources

    In the paper, various researches in the field of stress stability are analyzed. The psychology of controlled behavior is regarded to be an indispensable component for successful adaptation of the person to a constantly changing social environment. Examples are given of various classifications of the person’s individual psychological resources and strategies of behavior that are the defining factors in the course of overcoming stress. Efficiency of use of psychological resources depending on specific features of the person and occurrence conditions of stress situations is separately examined.

    pdf rogozyan2011_1.pdf  (121 Kb)

  • G.G. Tanasov
    Personal conditionality of behaviour of the subject in the situation of negotiations with partners of equal and higher status

    The paper examines the problem related to adequacy of personal identity to existing talk situations with equal- and higher- status partners. An analysis is made of the following personal characteristics of a partner: personal identity, makiavellizm and specific features of reflexivity. Essential distinctions are revealed in experiences and in estimation of talk situations by the person depending on the status of the partner in negotiations.

    pdf tanasov1_2011_1.pdf  (139 Kb)

  • G.G. Tanasov, O.A. Sysoeva
    Manipulation in relations of the woman with the man

    The paper examines the direction of manipulation in human relations in the Russian modern society. The authors show heterogeneity of this characteristic at women: dependence of the relation on manipulation and readiness for a manipulation in behavior depending on whom the woman cooperates with. Comparison of manipulative tactics of married and unmarried women is carried out. The essential difference in sights at manipulation and in used manipulation methods at women depending on their marital status is revealed. Positive link is established between marriage satisfaction and propensity to use manipulative methods in dialogue with the spouse.

    pdf tanasov2_2011_1.pdf  (150 Kb)

  • A.I. Tashcheva, S.N. Frondzey
    Informal and official youth families: the psychological portrait

    The authors compare social-demographic, social-psychological and personal characteristics of the spouses being in informal and official youth marriages. It is established that the spouses being in informal marriage, in comparison to the official spouses, have smaller term of premarital courting, live in common with the partner inconsistently and are to a lesser degree focused on themselves. They are less satisfied in marriage as a whole and in almost all its spheres.

    pdf tashcheva2011_1.pdf  (168 Kb)

  • E.V. Kharitonova
    On factors of productive characteristics of the person

    The paper provides the results of empirical research of a professional demand as the factor of the person’s productive characteristics. It is shown that since youthful age, the professional demand acts as the reason for joint variability of such productive characteristics of the person as the controlling behavior and self-control, and in the middle age, as adaptable possibilities.

    pdf kharitonova1_2011_1.pdf  (123 Kb)

  • E.V. Kharitonova, B.A. Yasko
    Interconditionality of the professional demand and individual-psychological features of the person

    The paper provides the results of empirical research of interconditionality of individual-psychological features and parameters of a professional demand of the person. It is shown that a professional demand, being built in a system of initiative-pretentious and productive characteristics of the person, reaches the maximum coordination with them in the second period of middle age, providing safety of personal characteristics at advanced age.

    pdf kharitonova2_2011_1.pdf  (138 Kb)

  • E.Yu. Shebanets
    Objective factors of subjective well-being of mother having the child-invalid (with diagnosis of infantile cerebral paralysis)

    The paper examines the objective factors of subjective well-being of mothers having the child-invalid (with ICP diagnosis). Results have shown that essential objective factors of subjective well-being of mother include completeness of a family, labor employment, professional training and wish to have a child.

    pdf shebanets2011_1.pdf  (144 Kb)

  • B.A. Yasko
    Management psychology in system of public health services: the competence approach

    The paper is dedicated to the analysis of one of the aspects of organizational psychology of public health services: the power, management and its subject - the person of the doctor-head. The author examines the essence of the competence approach in modern HR-management and emotional intelligence as an organizational-psychological category; analyzes results of psychodiagnostic measurement of neurodynamic characteristics, emotional intelligence and administrative styles of doctors-heads in linear and top management. The psychological block of base administrative competences is defined. It is shown that they have components invariant and specific of the levels of administration of public health services institution.

    pdf yasko2011_1.pdf  (336 Kb)

    Educational Space of Physical Culture and Sport
  • V.N. Kurys
    Biomechanics of the landing in sports

    The paper consists of two interconnected parts. The first part describes general-theoretical biomechanical features of a landing as a finishing phase of jump-character exercises. The landing is considered in two aspects: from formally biomechanical point of view, as the moment of contact of the sportsman with a support after a flight part of exercise and as biomechanical set of a part of the jump, consisting of amortization, an equilibration of a body and preservation of its stability. The second part of work is devoted to system-structural knowledge of a landing as to an exercise portion basing on the gymnastics model. On the basis of application of a complex of biomechanical methods the phase structure of landings with introduction of new concepts is specified. Qualitative pedagogical and biomechanical features of movements in the course of a landing are given on the basis of the qualitative biomechanical analysis. Results of research of kinematic and dynamic structure of a landing in competitive and proposed preparatory exercises are presented.

    pdf kurys2011_1.pdf  (344 Kb)

  • I.B. Fursov, V.A. Makarov
    Exercises of self-defense without the weapon in the alternately-role mode as means of involving sports-nondirectional schoolchildren in active physical training

    Traditional physical training of children and teenagers with the use of exercises of overcoming character in a test mode becomes unpopular because of technogenic and information influence. In these conditions it is expedient to correct the content and organizational forms of physical training by introducing socially attractive and versatile kinds of the physical exercises realized in an individual-competitive mode of activity.

    pdf fursov2011_1.pdf  (138 Kb)

  • S.A. Khazova
    Technological bases of preparation of competitive experts in physical training and sports

    The paper provides the theoretical description of the developed formation technology of competitiveness in the future experts in physical training and sports, as well as the content and results of its experimental approbation.

    pdf khazova2011_1.pdf  (132 Kb)

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