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    Problems of Human Physiology
  • N.M. Temzokova
    Health, the most important thing in life

    Milk takes one of the first places among food stuffs because it contains well-assimilating fats, fibers, dairy sugar, mineral substances, vitamins and microelements. Only milk does contain dairy fat, dairy fiber and dairy sugar.

    pdf temzokova2005_3.pdf  (90 Kb)

  • E.N. Pshizova
    Labour for the person and society as the determining form of ability to live

    The paper examines labour in philosophical, psychological, social and legal value, a role of work in life of each person and a society as a whole, legal guarantees of labour rights of citizens and the legal means providing realization of these rights and establishing the responsibility for their infringement.

    pdf pshizova2005_3.pdf  (192 Kb)

  • A.M. Doronin, D.A. Romanov
    The brain activity culture and its development

    The paper presents some aspects of mind activity and mathematical models of brain informational processes.

    pdf doronin2005_3.pdf  (359 Kb)

  • L.N. Kubashicheva
    The worthy son of his people

    Kim Ibraghimovich Buzarov, the outstanding Adyghe teacher, Professor, Academician of the Adyghe International Academy of Sciences and Academy of Pedagogical and Social Sciences, the Honoured teacher of school of the Russian Federation, one of respected and authoritative scientists not only of Adygheya but also of the North Caucasian region, is 75 years of age.

    pdf kubashicheva2_2005_3.pdf  (154 Kb)

    Ecological Sciences
  • A.N. Autleva
    Essence of ecological consciousness

    The main function of ecological consciousness is considered to be regulation of behaviour. Strategic function of ecological consciousness has social character; it comes to optimization of mutual relations in system «the person – a nature – a society» that demands new ecological ideology and reorientation of human outlook

    pdf autleva2005_3.pdf  (168 Kb)

  • S.I. Chitao, I.V. Russkikh
    Specific features of the mixed woods flora in the vicinity of the settlement of Mezmai in the Apsheronsky area of the Krasnodar region

    The paper gives the results of research of flora in the vicinity of the settlement of Mezmai in the Apsheronsky area of the Krasnodar region. The mixed wood is subdivided into types (the gradation of types of the mixed wood is given for the first time). Flora was found to contain rare, endemic, relic species, herbs and the new, yet not determined species. Inventory of species was carried out and the synopsis of flora on some families and genera was made.

    pdf chitao2005_3.pdf  (169 Kb)

    Historical and political Sciences
  • A.D. Fedoseeva
    Barter with the mountaineers on the east coast of the Black Sea in the first half of the 19th century

    The paper shows the development of trade, economic and cultural relations of Adyghes with Russian population on the east coast of the Black Sea in the first half of the 19th century. The meanings of both a barter form of trade and such new forms as fair, market, farming etc are disclosed.

    pdf fedoseeva2005_3.pdf  (191 Kb)

  • L.V. Burykina
    The German colonies of the Northwest Caucasus in the second half of the 19th century: historiographic aspect

    The paper gives a historiographic review of the formation of German settlements in the Northwest Caucasus in the second half of the 19th century. Achievements of a domestic historiography and the problems of studying related to creation of a generalizing picture of social and economic, political and ethno-cultural processes in German settlements are examined.

    pdf burykina2005_3.pdf  (167 Kb)

  • V.V. Kulakov
    General A.I.Denikin, the leader of the White South

    The analysis is given of A.I.Denikin’s activity as the Commander-in-chief of the Armed Forces in the South of Russia.

    pdf kulakov2005_3.pdf  (132 Kb)

  • V.V. Kulakov
    The state system of White Russia

    The paper is devoted to the organization of the State authority in the South of Russia after the Voluntary army has occupied the Black Sea and Stavropol provinces, with the centre in Ekaterinodar.

    pdf kulakov2_2005_3.pdf  (167 Kb)

  • V.V. Kulakov
    The White’s movement in the South of Russia

    The paper is devoted to ideology of the White’s movement in the South of Russia.

    pdf kulakov3_2005_3.pdf  (160 Kb)

  • A.A. Semenov
    Professional work of city workers during the Civil War: social liberation of the epoch of economic decline

    The paper is devoted to various aspects of work of city workers in force majeure of system crisis of the Russian society and the State which have struck the country during the revolutionary shocks and Civil War of 1917 – 1921. Also an influence of various political, social, economic and ideological factors on work of city workers during the Civil War was examined. A study was also made on the character of the changes that have taken place among the workers and in the sphere of professional work of city workers.

    pdf semenov2005_3.pdf  (221 Kb)

  • T.R. Meshlok
    Social and political activity of the legal Muslim organizations in France and Germany

    This study is devoted to coexistence of representatives of various faiths within the framework of uniform political, economic and cultural space. The experience of some European countries related to a protection of the significant Muslim population from the influence of radical currents in Islam is suggested for justification of complicated interethnic and interconfessional problems in the modern Russian Federation.

    pdf meshlok2005_3.pdf  (256 Kb)

  • O.V. Petrovskaya
    A system of youth selection for higher educational institutions of Bulgaria and Poland: socialist experience (1948-1989)

    The paper is devoted to evolution of a policy of formation of a student's contingent in Bulgaria and Poland. The basic attention is given to the comparative analysis of principles and criteria of selection of youth in higher schools, such as success in the certificate about secondary education, results of entrance examinations, the experience of work, a social origin, a territorial belonging, age and a state of health. Studying of experience of youth selection in higher schools will remain acute until there is a limited access to a system of higher education.

    pdf petrovskaya2005_3.pdf  (266 Kb)

    Philological Sciences: Linguistics
  • K.N. Paranuk
    Neomythology of the novel of D.Koshubaev “Abrag”

    The paper examines specific features of mythological creative work of young Adyghe writer D.Koshubaev, variants and types of mythologizing and innovative art methods and mythological-poetic devices used in the novel.

    pdf paranuk2005_3.pdf  (169 Kb)

  • A.S. Rubtsov
    The union of the literature and cinema

    The paper deals with audiovisual means (cinema and TV), providing connection of the scientific information with art, that start to play the greater role in education, especially at studying the literature. Filming of works of art of Russian and foreign classics creates original products of another kind of art, namely cinema which helps the teacher to educate the active reader and the spectator. From the very beginning of the occurrence the cinematography undertook attempts to screen the best classical products. Having such arsenal of art values, school teachers of the literature and lecturers of higher educational institutions can use them for educational purposes, achieving interaction of the book and a film.

    pdf rubcov2005_3.pdf  (139 Kb)

    Economic Sciences and Problems of Financing
  • A.A. Kerashev
    Integration institutions: their essence and significance

    In the paper, the integration institutions, their essence and significance are examined. The essence of modern integration institutions can be defined as the formation of qualitatively new economic integrity (a system of economic relations) by connection and combinations within the framework of the expanded form of the organization of economic space of elements of objective structure and types of economic subjects.

    pdf kerashev2005_3.pdf  (182 Kb)

  • A.A. Kerashev
    Development of approaches to globalization of economic relations

    The paper discusses the development of approaches to globalization of economic relations. Based on the results of the analysis of the approaches to research and theoretical treatments of globalization of economic relations a steady set of essential attributes of the specified process can be allocated.

    pdf kerashev2_2005_3.pdf  (179 Kb)

  • E.K. Pryadchenko
    Specific features of socialization of market economy in Russia

    The paper discusses discrepancy of an economic and social policy of the government in the Russian Federation and necessity of public control over use of means of the Stabilization Foundation. Low social efficiency of the governmental policy is accounted for by the following: it is based on virtual market economy, on presence of mythical middle class and does not reflect interests of the majority of the population having a low standard of living.

    pdf pryadchenko2005_3.pdf  (87 Kb)

  • N.I. Pshikanokova
    Structural reforms of regional economy: essence, transformation of farm patterns, shifts in the main groups of branches

    The paper discusses the contents, specific features of a reform as the object of the regional management and dominants of an economic reform. The role of an infrastructure in management of the social and economic complex of the region has been revealed. Being an average control link, the infrastructure in character and state causes a level, the contents of efficiency and, as a whole, formation in the region of forms of managing adequate to a reality.

    pdf pshikanokova2005_3.pdf  (238 Kb)

  • A.Sh. Buzarov, M.V. Kuteeva
    Ways of increase in efficiency of a social policy in the region (as is shown in the Republic of Adygheya)

    Research of structure of incomes and charges of individual farms was carried out, maps of poverty and maps of social and economic position of the areas in the Republic of Adygheya were constructed. Maps of poverty were constructed on the basis of the following parameters: a summary index of poverty, indexes of depth and an acuteness of poverty. These indexes were calculated on the basis of a complex of the parameters reflecting social and economic life of the republic. In addition to statistical researches, a standard of living of the population was investigated. The results have shown an adverse position as a whole in the republic and especiallyin the city of Maikop.

    pdf buzarov2005_3.pdf  (426 Kb)

  • M.V. Kuteeva
    Problems of innovational management in Russia at a transitional stage

    Russia now is at a transitional stage of the development, when citizens of Russia must change both the foundations of the life and the principles of manufacture. Still more recently the USSR was the country with a totalitarian mode and command – administrative economy. Therefore the main problem of our country at the current stage is to get rid of that ideological directive which was given us with the command – administrative economy and go over to a way of market mutual relations.

    pdf kuteeva2005_3.pdf  (156 Kb)

  • Yu.I. Tarasov, N.A. Tumasyan, E.A. Khachemizova
    Ìethodological approaches to an estimation of economic efficiency of labour market functioning

    The paper deals with the problem of employment and its components that nowadays get new sounding in theoretical and practical aspects, which is of great importance for Russia entering a way of market transformations.

    pdf tarasov2005_3.pdf  (187 Kb)

    Sciences of Law
  • A.M. Shadge
    Legislation as one of the sources of the right

    The paper is devoted to investigation of legislation, one of the most important sources of the right at the present stage. Speaking about a correlation of the right and the legislation, the author proves that the legislation is one of the forms of the right.

    pdf shadje2005_3.pdf  (188 Kb)

  • S.G. Dzybova
    The role of the Constitution in formation of legal systems of the countries - members of the CIS

    The paper examines the role of the Constitution as the center of legal systems. Constitutions of the countries – members of the CIS define the main principles of formation of legal systems, create strong normative base of the constitutional changes, legally provide their necessity and stimulate processes of reforming in the countries of the CIS.

    pdf dzybova2005_3.pdf  (174 Kb)

  • V.A. Shcherbovich
    Legal bases of protection of honour and dignity of the person of military men (the Military Commissariat of the Republic of Adygheya)

    The paper examines the legal order of protection of honour and dignity of the person of military men in a society, the order of a refutation of slanderous statements and measures of administrative and a civil liability to offenders.

    pdf scherbovich2005_3.pdf  (162 Kb)

  • S.K. Shazzo
    Reasons and the conditions promoting perpetration of robbery

    The basic determinants of self-interest – violent criminality, in particular robbery are considered.

    pdf shazzo2005_3.pdf  (140 Kb)

  • N.A. Petrovsky
    Analogies in jurisprudence and in right-applying practice

    The paper deals with one of the most acute problems of methodology of a modern legal science. Continuing to study heuristic opportunities of a method of analogy, the author offers an original classification of analogies with reference to jurisprudence and right-applying practice. Of special interest is such analysis of analogies as isomorphism and homomorphism.

    pdf petrovskij2005_3.pdf  (194 Kb)

    Psychological and Pedagogical Sciences and Problems of Training the Pedagogical Staff
  • L.N. Kubashicheva
    Scientific bases of the development of a problem of unconscious

    Presently a social and cultural situation, namely: falling of morals, criminality, interethnic conflicts, terrorism, unemployment etc. promotes exacerbation of neurosises and occurrence of the obvious and latent mental disorder which as a matter of fact are ignored by parents, teachers and doctors. Because of an overstrain there is a conflict in soul of the child between the still weak consciousness and energetic unconscious inclinations. Against this background there are failures, phobias, complexes etc.

    pdf kubashicheva2005_3.pdf  (186 Kb)

  • E.A. Buzarova
    Psychology of personal and professional development, self-breeding and self-education

    The paper deals with the acute problems of personal and professional development of pupils and students. The author reveals principles of interrelation and interaction of moral consciousness and behaviour and various levels and types of moral – strong-willed activity of the person; the author discloses the complex of technologies of solving a problem.

    pdf buzarova2005_3.pdf  (230 Kb)

  • Z.K. Meretukova
    On the scientific – methodological device of pedagogical researches

    The paper is devoted to one of the important problems of improvement of the quality of scientific works as a whole of both dissertational and final qualifying works of students. This is the correct description of the scientific – methodological device of the works to be performed.

    pdf meretukova2005_3.pdf  (204 Kb)

  • A.M. Shekhmirzova
    Independent work of students in conditions of multilevel preparation of experts

    The paper discusses one of the central problems of higher school didactics, namely: the independent work of students. Specific features of its functioning in conditions of multilevel system of higher education are considered. Special attention is paid to the necessity of the account of multilevel character of cognitive activity of students during independent work.

    pdf shehmizova2005_3.pdf  (159 Kb)

  • L.V. Shelekhova
    On a methodological system of training

    The paper examines the basic concepts of the theory of systems: various approaches to definition of “a system”, parameters of the object investigated as “a system”, some system classifications and research of systems by levels (macroscopic, microscopic, morphological, functional and information). Penetration of methodology of the system approach into theoretical and practical researches on pedagogy and a technique in the scientific – educational literature has caused plurality of approaches and interpretations of a concept of “methodological system of training” which, depending on inclusion of the purpose, is used in two classes. A specified concept of “the methodological system of training to a discipline” has been compiled on the basis of the conducted research with the application of the general system approach.

    pdf shelehova2005_3.pdf  (263 Kb)

  • A.P. Mikhailov
    Some features of social adaptation of convicts under age in educational colonies

    In the paper, the author offers a theoretical analysis of adaptation of the person to new social and cultural conditions of the environment complicated with the presence of a significant spectrum of forms of deviational behaviour and the transformed system of dominant social values. The author offers a classification of models of adaptable strategy of the person in penitentiary institutions and the characteristic of the factors influencing a choice of this or that adaptable form, chosen as the initial stage in the general system of correctional influence.

    pdf mihajlov2005_3.pdf  (142 Kb)

  • T.N. Chetyz
    Realization of a principle of continuity between preschool education and an elementary school

    The paper investigates the important problems of school education, namely: maintenance of scientifically proved continuity at all steps of training.

    pdf chetyz2005_3.pdf  (199 Kb)

    Geographical Sciences
  • F.V. Tlekhurai
    Evolution of systems of moving in Adygheya

    Evolution of moving is an evolution of its systems. The pulse of evolution of moving can be produced both “from above” (for example, change of administrative borders or transfer of the central functions from one settlement to another) and “from below”, for example, with depopulation or, on the contrary, with an increase of some settlements in the system, changing the intrasystem connections. Historical-geographical studying of the evolution of systems of moving have become a basis of this paper.

    pdf tleruhaj2005_3.pdf  (280 Kb)

  • Z.K. Kakhuzheva
    Gift of the linguist and the teacher (Review of the book of Professor M.H. Shkhapatseva “Linguistics and Linguodidactics”)

    Issue of the book of M.H.Shkhapatseva “Linguistics and Linguodidactics” is a significant event. It consists of two parts containing papers on problems of linguistics, modern Russian and technique of training to Russian at Russian and Adyghe schools. This is a peculiar report on the long-term activity of the scientist.

    pdf kahujeva2005_3.pdf  (118 Kb)

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