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  • O.I. Avdeeva
    Structural and grammatical aspects of syntagmatic relations between adjective idioms in Russian

    The paper is devoted to problems of phraseological syntagmatics. The purpose of research is to reveal features of interaction of external and internal syntagmatics of Russian adjective idioms in structural and grammatical aspects. The analysis of external and internal syntagmatic relations of adjective idioms has allowed revealing the strictly certain and mutually conditioned character.

    pdf avdeeva2009_1.pdf  (89 Kb)

  • M.R. Bagomedov
    Oikonyms of the Darghinsky language with a component khyar

    The paper examines an actual problem of modern linguistics - the analysis of oikonyms from Daghestan, one of the unique regions of the world. On the basis of historical works on settlements and the large actual material the author studies the functioning of the Darghinsky component khyar “a top” in Daghestan oikonyms. Its presence is accounted for by an arrangement of settlements at tops of mountains, their site being higher than other geographical objects and settlements.

    pdf bagomedov2009_1.pdf  (78 Kb)

  • Y.V. Baklagova
    On causality and causativity in language system

    The paper examines the acute problem of differentiation of causality and causativity categories in linguistics. Causality is the extensive category reflecting the whole spectrum of connections between events of reality and being realized in language by means of syntactic means. Causativity is the lexical and grammatical category of verbal predicates reflecting cause and effect relations between the subject and object.

    pdf baklagova2009_1.pdf  (56 Kb)

  • A.L. Beglyarova
    A concept of translation uncertainty

    In the work, the concept of translation uncertainty is examined. Special attention is given to uncertain pronouns, nuclear means of expression of the uncertainty meaning in Russian, and to their transfer while translating into the French language. The author makes an analysis of the hypothesis of translation uncertainty put forward by American logic and philosopher W. Quine. This hypothesis has become the first system and consecutive statement of essence of approximativity (approximateness) of translation.

    pdf beglyarova2009_1.pdf  (59 Kb)

  • L.V. Bronnik
    Cognitive lingual synergetics as a new stage in language and thinking science

    A modern science marks setting up of a new transdisciplinary methodology - synergetics. The paper examines an opportunity of applying the synergetic approach to studying language cognition. An attempt is undertaken to plan borders and primary goals of new area of researches. The concept “cognitive lingual synergetics” is introduced for its nomination.

    pdf bronnik2009_1.pdf  (53 Kb)

  • S.N. Dolzhikova
    Comparison in a context of the marketing communication

    The paper examines a linguistic aspect actualization of the use of comparison method in the marketing process from the various points of view. Conclusions made in the paper can be used in practical activities of marketing services.

    pdf dolzhikova2009_1.pdf  (65 Kb)

  • I.A. Il`ina
    Semiotics as a method of research of a virtual reality

    The paper provides a scheme of the semiotic analysis used to investigate simultaneously several semantic layers and to provide interpretation of a mark at qualitatively new level. The semiotics as a method of the analysis of a virtual reality allows revealing specific features of modern hypertext discourse and designating directions in its studying.

    pdf il`ina2009_1.pdf  (57 Kb)

  • O.N. Likhacheva
    Linguistic bases of teaching English-speaking students - foreigners to Russian antonymic lexicon

    The paper investigates linguistic features of Russian and English antonymic lexicon and its use in teaching English-speaking students - foreigners. Lexical and semantic classification of Russian and English antonyms is based on a categorical attribute and on a universality / speciality criterion. This classification can be used to arrange the antonymic dictionary in order and to facilitate mastering Russian antonymic lexicon by students - foreigners.

    pdf likhacheva2009_1.pdf  (53 Kb)

  • S.V. Lyapun
    Newspaper expression in a new cultural - speech situation

    The purpose of the paper is to analyze newspaper expression in close connection with literary norm since the creation of expressiveness and originality is accompanied quite often by infringement of literary canons. And consequently the main research problem is to establish the special character of expressiveness in mass-media which appeared in a new cultural - speech situation.

    pdf lyapun2009_1.pdf  (79 Kb)

  • M.M. Naskurova
    An adjective phraseological - semantic macrogroup “a spiritual condition of the person” in the modern Russian and French languages

    The paper is devoted to research of semantic structure of adjective phraseological - semantic macrogroups with a meaning “a spiritual condition of the person” in the modern Russian and French languages. Data on phraseological - semantic macrogroups represent the complete systems including a certain set of phraseological - semantic groups. Each group is generated from synonymic – antonymic blocks and contains a core and periphery. The considered phraseological systems show both distinctions and a plenty of analogies.

    pdf naskurova2009_1.pdf  (107 Kb)

  • I.A. Neflyasheva
    The key onym in modern discourse and its word-formative potential

    The analysis is made of word-formative, cognitive and pragmatic characteristics of key word derivatives at a present situation using an example of one anthroponomical word-formative family. The hypothesis is put forward on taking a quantity of key word derivatives in discourse of appropriate time as an objective criterion for key word definition.

    pdf neflyasheva2009_1.pdf  (112 Kb)

  • E.A. Novikova
    Lexical and semantic aspectness of the theory of localness and the factor of realization of subjectivity

    In the paper, localness is regarded as a text-forming category. Aspects of the analysis are realized basing on interaction of lexicon and grammar and on the functional - semantic description of elements of the lexical system of language. The purpose of research is to present localness as semantic space basing on a principle of functionality. This space is created by interaction of diverse factors (development of events, spatial relations, subjective orientation of the statement, etc.), causing spatial prospect of the statement and various ways of a designation of localness and features of functioning in the text.

    pdf novikova2009_1.pdf  (62 Kb)

  • R.V. Patyukova
    Toposes as means of realizing functions of inaugural speeches of the USA presidents in a genre of oral political discourse

    The paper is devoted to a problematics of the inaugural speech of the president as to genre structure of oral political discourse. Four basic functions of the inaugural speech are examined: integrative, inspirative, declarative and performative. One of the characteristics of a genre of an inaugural speech is its focusing on present time.

    pdf patyukova2009_1.pdf  (72 Kb)

  • A.H. Taova
    Some questions of the functional status of Russian borrowings in the Kabardian language

    The paper is devoted to the functional status of Russian borrowings in the Kabardian language. It examines phonetic and semantic changes in the diachronic plan that took place while borrowing Russian words in the Kabardian language. The role of Russian is not only in development of lexicon of the language - recipient, but also in a widening word-formative opportunities of the Kabardian language.

    pdf taova2009_1.pdf  (62 Kb)

  • V.R. Timirkhanov
    Slavic name etymology and lexical-semantic science on roots of words

    The paper offers an original interpretation of approaches to the comparative-historical analysis of a correlative root material from closely related Slavic and remote related Indo-European languages from the point of view of estimations of Russian ontological philosophy of a word (linguistic Slavic name). The author explicits linguistic and philosophical positions of Slavic name in its approaches to etymological procedures and root problematics in language into the selective model of a root lexeme having reliable explanatory opportunities.

    pdf timirkhanov2009_1.pdf  (76 Kb)

  • Z.R. Khachmafova
    Lexical-thematic group “feeling” in a lexicon of modern female prose

    The paper is devoted to studying a lexical-thematic group “feeling” as language representation of the female language person on the basis of a material of modern fiction text language. The basic characteristics of the language person are revealed at three levels of language: verbal - semantic, thesaurus and motivational-pragmatic. The complex analysis of all levels of the language person gives an idea on the writer’s outlook. The linguistic-socionical approach assumes studying the text associative - semantic fields representing a projection of the concept on an individual lexicon. Its structure includes all lexical units making the nearest context of a concept name.

    pdf khachmafova2009_1.pdf  (67 Kb)

  • O.V. Tsepordey
    Irony as a category of the fiction text (on the basis of a material of language of E.M.Remarque’s novels and their translations into Russian)

    In the paper, the irony is investigated as a version of implication and means of its realization in language of German fiction texts and their translations into Russian. The purpose of research is to describe the various means of the implication transmitting latent subjective estimation, as a rule, of negative character. This is one of the basic functions of irony in language. The research is aimed at examining expression of irony with the help of the lexical means related to the expressive-image and emotional - estimated use of language units. The basis of such use is the principle of semantic two-planned character formed with the help of usual and occasional, straight and figurative meanings.

    pdf tsepordey2009_1.pdf  (66 Kb)

  • I.V. Tsikusheva
    Linguistic means of creation of comic effect in fairy tales

    The linguistic-stylistic methods providing achievement of comic effect are analyzed using a material of Russian and English fairy tale. The author examines the typology of language means for creation of comedy. The basic levels and means of creation of comic effect characteristic of fairy tales language are allocated.

    pdf tsikusheva2009_1.pdf  (63 Kb)

  • V.V. Chaly
    Communicative elements of interpersonal manipulation in language structure of A.P. Chekhov’s works

    The paper provides an analysis of distinctive features of communicative process in A.P. Chekhov's prose. The main problem of research is the use in speech of the literary character of the manipulative method promoting change of construction of a plot of the whole work. The author reveals communicative relations inside the author's text and describes specific speech actions of participants of dialogue putting the special pragmatic purpose before them.

    pdf chaly2009_1.pdf  (58 Kb)

  • E.D. Shevatlokhova
    Toponyms of the adjective type of declension

    Each person is interested in a meaning and the origin of the name of his native city, settlement or the nearby river. Hence there is growing interest of linguists to studying toponymics. Therefore the questions related to research of toponyms are always actual and interesting both in the scientific and in the cultural – cognitive plan. The paper examines features of motivation of names of settlements being nouns of the adjective type of declension.

    pdf shevatlokhova2009_1.pdf  (71 Kb)

  • F.B. Beshukova
    Media discourse of modern cultural space

    The paper examines specificity of the organization of media space of a modern information society, in particular in the field of journalism and the literature. Proceeding from definition of media culture as a sign system, the primary goal of which is translation of the information, the author formulates problem zones of language and ways of submission of the information by communication conductors.

    pdf beshukova2009_1.pdf  (77 Kb)

  • Y.V. Bagdadyan
    Conditions of providing competitiveness of printed mass media

    The paper is aimed at defining a place of printed mass media in economic space. The author points to necessity of each printed edition to be competitive and describes the main conditions of providing competitiveness. Those are: the founder, an advertising policy, a format, staff and the equipment. Researches have shown that modern printed mass media can develop using laws of economy, in particular the law on competitiveness.

    pdf bagdadyan2009_1.pdf  (72 Kb)

    Literary Criticism
  • V.Sh. Avidzba
    Features of Caucasian enlightenment in the 19-20th centuries

    The paper examines the history of Caucasian enlightenment of the 19-20th centuries in the comparative plan. In opinion of the author, along with all specific features of each national version it had both common genetic and typological features. The author affirms that early educational books for children contained literary works that have become the first step in a history of the origin and formation of national literatures.

    pdf avidzba2009_1.pdf  (77 Kb)

  • E.A. Beeva
    Spatial - time notions of the Adyghes (as shown by materials of myths)

    The purpose of the given research is an establishment of traditional notions of the Adyghes on space and time and principles of selectivity in a structure of spatial - time continuum. The author reveals features of logic of the carrier of the myth who is not operating abstract categories. In the archaic model of the world there is only the space and time that are covered with mythical action. The space and time form indissoluble unity - khronotop in the Adyghe myths.

    pdf beeva2009_1.pdf  (76 Kb)

  • N.E. Gyulnazaryan
    The idea of the person discrepancy in the historical novel of the end of the 20th century (A.Y. Segen', V.V. Lichutin)

    The paper discusses writers’ interpretation of the person discrepancy in historical prose. Two directions reflecting bases of Christian outlook are analyzed: the idea of a duality of the person, which is overcome by suffering in the way to spiritual transformation; and the idea of the person discrepancy, expressed by a triad “human” – “animal” – “divine” which allows multicomplexity and discrepancy of human soul to be emphasized.

    pdf gyulnazaryan2009_1.pdf  (48 Kb)

  • I.I. Kondrashova
    The problem of an artistic method in setting up and development of new literatures of the Northern Caucasus

    The paper discusses the originality of an artistic method in new literatures of the Northern Caucasus. The author gives an original definition of this method (ethnographic realism, or ethno-exotic romanticism) and emphasizes its role in artistic structure of works of mountain writers, poets and playwrights.

    pdf kondrashova2009_1.pdf  (81 Kb)

  • A.G. Nagapetova
    Conflicts and prospects of the development of the post-war “industrial prose”

    The paper examines the form of display of the conflict in the post-war industrial prose. The person in it is considered, first of all, in view of his labour functions. Private life and individual psychology remain outside the field of vision of writers or depart to the last plan. The author analyzes the ways of overcoming the theory of absence of conflict for improvement of a method of socialist realism.

    pdf nagapetova2009_1.pdf  (62 Kb)

  • B.R. Naptsok
    The English “Gothic” novel: on a history and poetics of the genre

    In the paper, a history and poetics of the English “Gothic” novel of the 18th century are investigated. Research problems are as follows: to define specificity of development of the English “Gothic” novel; to establish the character of influence of pre-romanticism aesthetics on “the gothic style”; and to consider separate problems of its poetics and semantics. The English “Gothic” novel has reflected crisis of ideals of Education and contrasted them with “the gothic style” with artistic conditionality and the adventurousness of a narration perceived from tradition of the medieval tale of chivalry - romance.

    pdf naptsok2009_1.pdf  (75 Kb)

  • S.R. Panesh
    Artistic opportunities enrichment in the 1970-1980s lyrical and lyrical - dramatic poems

    The purpose of the paper is studying artistic opportunities of lyrical and lyrical-dramatic poems in the Adyghe literature of the 1970 – 1980s. Introduction of nonconventional methods is typical of national poetry. It is worthy of noting that this kind of poems is characteristic of the development of artistic tendencies, enrichment in new artistic achievements (genre and structural-style features) and strengthening of artistic problematical character. This has resulted in development of lyrical and lyrical-epical poems and in a merge of the lyrical-confessionary plan with objective - narrative.

    pdf panesh2009_1.pdf  (56 Kb)

  • O.V. Rybak
       The person and time in the artistic concept of V. Krupin’ person as shown by material of a story “Thank God for Everything”   

    The purpose of the analysis of a story of V. Krupin “Thank God for Everything” is revealing features of the solution by the author of a problem “the person and time”. For the writer, a connection of an emotional, physical condition of the hero and historical events of epoch, that is personal and common, is logical and natural. This is one of the components of artistic concept of V. Krupin’s person.

    pdf rybak2009_1.pdf  (50 Kb)

  • L.V. Fedotova
    Spiritual - aesthetic searches of English romanticists-lakists

    The paper examines creativity of the first romanticists-lakists, representatives of “Lake school”. Genetic sources of the further development of romanticism in the English literature and poetry are related to ideas of poets – lakists. In their works they preached belief that people are pity, poor and unfortunate because of their own spiritual poverty rather than because of a bad social order. Comprehension of high and lasting values is inferred to be the way of removing spiritual poverty.

    pdf fedotova2009_1.pdf  (51 Kb)

  • I.N. Khatkova
    The originality of a genre of “travel” in the Adyghe literature of the 19th century

    The paper discusses specificity of a genre of “travel” in the literature, its genesis and the basic versions. “The Azhitugay Valley” of Sultan Kazy-Girey and “Travelling notes” of Sultan Krym - Girey (Inatov) are analyzed in an aspect of their structural features as the brightest samples of “travel” in the Adyghe literature of the middle of the 19th century.

    pdf khatkova2009_1.pdf  (84 Kb)

  • M.Y. Chotchaeva
    The theme of deportation in the Northern Caucasus and Kalmykia writers’ creativity: an estimation of literary criticism

    The paper considers the artistic - ontological research of deportation in literatures of the Northern Caucasus and Kalmykia, as well as their scientific overview and estimation by literary critics of the region.

    pdf chotchaeva2009_1.pdf  (86 Kb)

    Study of Arts
  • L.A. Vishnevskaya
    On phenomenon ezhyu in traditional songs of Circassians and Karachaevs

    The paper is devoted to some theoretical aspects of studying an ensemble bourdon part ezhyu in traditional song polyphony of Circassians and Karachaevs. Stability of phenomenon ezhyu in singing and, more widely, in musical culture of peoples is accounted for by its genetic connection with material - household traditions of the life finding a phonetic implementation in different spheres of national creativity. The paper discloses phonologic properties of ezhyu in a context of typology and semantic contents of bourdon.

    pdf vishnevskaya2009_1.pdf  (61 Kb)

  • E.L. Gogina
    Problems of studying choral music of Adygheya composers

    The paper discusses problems of studying creativity of Adygheya composers on the basis of research of choral music. Choral music is considered to be the most indicative music in a sphere of composer’s creativity, study of which is necessary to provide in a wide social and cultural context.

    pdf gogina2009_1.pdf  (45 Kb)

  • I. Dabaeva
    Spiritual concert in creativity of Russian composers in the second half of the 19th through the beginning of the 20th century

    An analysis is made of the development of a genre of a spiritual concert from the end of the 19th to the beginning of the 20th centuries through a prism of all European and traditionally Russian style and genre tendencies. In the basis is the analysis of compositions of A. Arkhangelsky, A. Lvov, A.Grechaninov, A.Nikolsky, P.Chesnokovy and V.Kalinnikov. The author describes also secularization of a genre and its appearance on a concert platform.

    pdf dabaeva2009_1.pdf  (65 Kb)

  • J.M. Jordania
    On the theory of formation of vocal polyphony

    In the paper, the original concept of an origin of choral polyphony and its connection with language and speech is put forward. The purpose of work is revealing ways of setting up of choral singing in a wide context of development of the Person reasonable. The paper original is written in English. Translation into Russian and preparation of this work for the edition were carried out by A.N. Sokolova.

    pdf jordania2009_1.pdf  (65 Kb)

  • T.V. Kartashova
    On periodization of evolutionary development of the North-Indian vocal genre thumri

    The paper gives periodization of style changes in the North-Indian vocal genre thumri, covering four conditional stages: the 1770-1870-s, 1870-1920-s, 1920-1970-s and from the 1970-s till now. The author describes also prominent features of each period, the major performing thumri schools and their most outstanding representatives.

    pdf kartashova2009_1.pdf  (56 Kb)

  • T.A. Mazurina
    The artistic image of a modern trade mark in a context of a cultural - ecological orientation

    The paper discloses principles of a cultural - ecological direction in designing modern domestic trade marks. This direction makes it possible to raise a level of stylistic and symbolical artistic-image culture of trade marks, to expand a spectrum of artistic means of design and to keep national and cultural traditions of the visual environment of the person in the technical-information era.

    pdf mazurina2009_1.pdf  (51 Kb)

  • A.S. Molchanov
    Repetition in an aspect of musical categorization

    The paper examines repetition in a context of action of various musical categorization components. Such components of categorization as a stereotype, a code, the sensor image - standard are allocated and described. Features of their realization from a position of musical perception and creativity are marked. It is inferred that the character of display of allocated categorization units is a result of logical-constructive and semantic action of repetition.

    pdf molchanov2009_1.pdf  (60 Kb)

  • A.N. Sokolova
    Dances and instrumental music of the Kosovan Adyghes

    The analysis of a musical - cultural situation related to dances and instrumental music of Adyghe repatriates from Kosovo has shown that even the part of culture kept in “fragmental” variant allows us to trace the ways of ethnic self-preservation and to reconstruct separate elements of the destroyed system.

    pdf sokolova2009_1.pdf  (258 Kb)

  • S.I. Khvatova
    Divine service singing in modern Russia: in search for “the ideal model”

    The paper discusses variety of divine service song singing in modern Russia. The author distinguishes several styles of choral performance: cathedral, parish, monastic and folklorized. Music of the composers creating for church is focused on two style models: of the pre-note period (the 11-17th centuries) and of the period practicing partes singing of later origin (the 17-20th centuries). The tendency to their approaching today is obvious.

    pdf khvatova2009_1.pdf  (69 Kb)

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