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  • Bagdasaryan S.D., Samsonenko T.A.

    The article presents a comprehensive historical and legal research devoted to the study of the features of the state integration of the North Caucasus into the Russian Empire. In this regard, the problems of finding the optimal administrative-territorial structure and management used by the Russian state during the second half of the 19th – early 20th centuries are investigated, and the relationship between the main stages of colonization and forms of management is shown. The object of the research is the process of entering the North Caucasus and forming its status in the Russian statehood in the period after the Caucasian war and the beginning of the 20th century. The subject of the research is the state policy of Russia in relation to the North Caucasus region. The purpose of the study is to identify the features of Russian state policy in the historical period of the Empire's formation in the North Caucasus, on colonization and integration of the territory into the Russian statehood. In accordance with the purpose of the study, its tasks were also defined: to analyze and systematize the main stages of the annexation of the North Caucasus and the results of Russia's state policy by the end of the 19th century; to show the relationship of the main stages of colonization with wars in the Caucasus involving world and regional powers; to analyze the features of the management system conducted by the Russian government in this region. The methodological basis of the research is based on such General methodological principles of cognition as consistency, historicism, and objectivity. The principle of consistency allowed us to consider the mechanism of state administration and self-government as part of a single process of state-building of the Russian Empire. The principle of historicism contributed to the study of changes in the regional policy of Russia at various stages of development of the state territory. Within the framework of General scientific principles, a set of private scientific methods of cognition is used, such as: comparative-historical, comparative-typological, problem-chronological, system-structural, logical. The use of various methods made it possible to comprehensively study various aspects of the problem under study. The conclusion is made about the historical achievements and shortcomings of the management system in the Russian Empire in the North Caucasus.

    pdf 18-25.pdf  (109 Kb)

  • Bondar V.V.

    The article examines the circumstances of the emergence and existence of an outstanding work of art - the monumental architectural and sculptural composition "Friendship" in Maikop, created upon the project of a prominent Soviet sculptor, master of socialist realism M.G. Manizer and famous architect I.E. Rozhin, with the participation of the sculptor O M. Manizer. The author analyzes the ideological and artistic concept of the monument as a symbol of friendship of peoples, associated with the official myth of the "voluntary entry" of Adyghea into the Russian state - one of the main concepts of the Soviet Union state ideology, and as a manifestation of the state monumental policy. The publication reveals characteristics of a spatial situation and a context of monumental and sculptural composition, a circumstance of creation of Friendship Square and the mini-park and their architectural environment, a role of town-planning accent in space of the settlement of the city of Maikop having the status of historical and in its modern cultural landscape, created by forces of the Adyghe architects and engineers. As conclusions, the fact is stated of transforming the socio-cultural functions of the Friendship monument in terms of ideological purpose and at the same time preserving the artistic and historical value characteristics of the work. The article was prepared as part of state task to the Southern Branch of D.S. Likhachev Russian Research Institute of Cultural and Natural Heritage on the topic "Monumental policy as a tool for preserving cultural memory".

    pdf 26-34.pdf  (111 Kb)

  • Burykina L.V., Fedoseeva L.D.

    There is urgent need to study the experience of implementing the state confessional policy in one of the most multi-ethnic and multi-confessional regions of Russia. And this fact causes the necessity to form a favorable ground for inter-ethnic, inter-confessional and inter-cultural dialogue at all historical stages of the development of Russian society. The paper examines the peculiarities of the missionary activity of the Russian Orthodox Church in the North-Western Caucasus in the 70-s of the 19th century – the beginning of the 20th century. The confessional policy of tsarism, focused on the interpolation of the North Caucasus, inhabited by representatives of various ethno-confessional communities, into a unitary social and economic and social and cultural locum of the Russian Empire, provided for the use, among other things, methods of missionary activity as well. Missionary priests played a significant role in establishing inter-ethnic relations, produced certain mechanisms and forms of interaction with the autochthonous population of the region. The paper reveals that almost all clergymen performed missionary work. The main forms of missionary service were educational, charitable and economic activities. The organization of a home for the elderly and sick retired soldiers, the creation of parish schools, the training of qualified artisans needed in the monastery courtyard, treatment and assistance to the local population - all this and much more the monks considered their direct business. Missionary activity developed in the context of the geopolitical and socio-economic characteristics of the region, taking into account the fact that the presence of Christianity and Islam in this territory had a long established tradition and practice of living together. The authors note that the efficiency and productivity of missionary activity was the higher, the further it shifted from intolerance towards a respectful attitude towards all confessions.

    pdf 35-43.pdf  (113 Kb)

  • Goryushina E.M.

    Based on a long-term study (CTO)of wars and conflicts in the South Russia, the article presents the main demographic losses of the post-Soviet period. Special attention is paid to the demographic cost of the two stages of the Chechen internal armed conflict (1994-1996 and 1999-2000 / 2009, if we consider the completion of the counter-terrorism operation (CTO) removal, then 2009). In the evolution of the CTO, three main periods were recorded: 1) a combined-arms army operation (1999-2001), 2) comprehensive counter-terrorism activities (2002-2005); 3) a set of local CTOs (since 2006). For certain reasons, post-Soviet conflicts do not allow using a wide range of sources, among which archival documents could be key. Therefore, it is proposed to refer to the sources on the anthropology of the conflict, which are not only Russian-language works, but foreign complex studies. Due to the lack of sources and (or) the possible unreliability of the information they contain, researchers often resort to calculated estimates. In particular, the article examines the conclusions of the Swedish Scientist K. Zürcher. It is concluded that it is necessary to study and compare various sources to form a holistic understanding of the conflict in the maximum completeness of its manifestations.

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  • Grevtsova T.E.

    The article deals with fragments of the folk Cossacks picture of the world associated with the military sphere and their expression in the dialect of the Don Cossacks. The formation of the Cossacks as an ethno-social group took place in the conditions of the Wild Field when the military campaigns were not only a need to defend their territory, but also a way of obtaining a livelihood, and later service in the tsarist army became the main occupation of the Cossacks, therefore, ideas about military activity penetrate into different parts of the Cossacks' traditional culture and are reflected in linguistic means. The most significant motives of the Cossacks’ military culture were expressed in their semantics, principles of nomination, and internal form. The transformation of the military sphere, which took place in different periods of the Cossack history, as well as general trends in the evolution of linguistic semantics has caused changes in the lexical-semantic group associated with the military activities of Cossacks. The lexemes, which denote the disappeared realities, have gone out of active use. The development of a number of Cossack words semantics, which originally related to the military sphere, followed the path of expansion: they begin to be used to name the realities of peaceful life, while the “military” meaning often disappears from active existence.

    pdf 52-62.pdf  (178 Kb)

  • Dmitriev V.A.

    The article examines the attitude towards the water in the traditional culture of the North Caucasus peoples and in the culture of a modern modernized society. Relevance of the topic is determined by the problems of changing the tradition by the new condition of culture in society, which are arising in the present and opposing traditions. The object of consideration is the emergence of a modernized state of the culture of the regional community, the object is a kind of antithesis to the cultural and historical heritage, largely rejected as a result of technological progress and the process of developing the comfort of life. The subject of research is the cultural changes that occurred during the modernization of the regional community of the North Caucasus peoples in the use of water substances while maintaining the natural and physical properties of water. As a result of comparing the two types of attitude to this natural substance, a conclusion is drawn about the difference in the approaches of the traditional and modernized regional communities to the spatial structure of the Image of the World. In traditional society, the culture of space formation had the opposition of dwelling zones and zones of water sources, developing this distance by means of sacralizing water resources. The sacred ideas about water and the use of mediator objects in rituals of calling the rain and water carrying did not diminish, but developed this opposition. Water entered the home space as part of the cultivated natural world. Technological modernization, creating water pipelines reaching home space and significantly facilitating the process of water consumption, destroyed the aforementioned opposition of cultural space and ensured the complete desacralization of the water substance.

    pdf 63-73.pdf  (128 Kb)

  • Klychnikov Yu.Yu.

    The article reveals the peculiarities of the Russian administration efforts in the North-West Caucasus, aimed at overcoming the criminal situation in the region and eliminating the consequences of the military-political confrontation of the first half of the 19th century. The publication shows the measures, aimed at combating abreks, of whose actions the entire population suffered, regardless of their ethnic and religious affiliation. The circumstances of building a dialogue between the imperial power and the hakuchi society, which for a long time did not want to leave their inaccessible places of residence and provided asylum to antisocial elements, are examined. The author gives examples of actions by the authorities to seize weapons from the population, which was considered as a mandatory measure to prevent the growth of violence in these places. Evidence is revealed that on many issues the interests of the tsarist government and the highlanders coincided, and they repeatedly resolved the existing problems through joint efforts. Examples of both power and quite peaceful methods of keeping under brigandage and robberies in the Kuban region are demonstrated. The combination of these actions, the flexible approach practiced by the imperial authorities, on the whole made it possible to solve the problem of suppressing criminal manifestations in the region and create the conditions for carrying out reforms related to the abolition of serfdom.

    pdf 74-82.pdf  (117 Kb)

  • Kolosovskaya T.A.

    The article examines one of the episodes in the creative activity of the military geographer and traveller M.I. Venyukov and analyzes his research practices in the North-Western Caucasus in the early 1860s, when, on duty, he was sent to the region to participate in the final operations of the Caucasian War. Dwelling upon the memoirs of a military researcher and the creative heritage left by him, the author shows his contribution to the geographical, ethnographic, and historical study of the territories in the Trans-Kuban region recently annexed to Russia. M.I. Venyukov carried out his researches on his own initiative and in his free time from official duties. At the same time, the higher command not only did not interfere with such activities but in every possible way supported it. Based on his personal observations, documents found in local military archives and a few printed publications M.I. Venyukov managed to prepare a number of articles that summarized information about geography, ethnography, and the recent history of vast spaces stretching between the Kuban and Belaya rivers, as well as to the west from the Belaya river to the Black Sea. As shown in the article, the map of these territories compiled by the researcher was the first experience in creating an ethnographic map of this part of the Caucasus. The author concludes that the research initiatives of M.I. Venyukov was not only of practical importance, helping to organize the settlement of the Trans-Kuban region, but also formed the scientific basis for the further development of Caucasus studies in Russia.

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  • Kratova N.V.

    In the multicultural society of the Karachay-Cherkess Republic, religion is an important element of ethnocultural identification and an effective factor in ethnic consolidation as well as inter-ethnic confrontation. This article shows the features of the Karachay-Cherkessia Orthodox communities’ development in 2011-2020, the system of republic’s Orthodox communities management, the quantitative and qualitative characteristics of the clergy and parishioners corps, the features of religious life, as well as the impact of the pandemic on the activities of Orthodox religious organizations. Field data collected by the author, Internet resources of Orthodox organizations, media materials, and documents from the author's personal archive have become the source base of the research. The article concludes that the consequence of the structural and personnel changes at the level of the diocese and deaneries was the activation of religious life in the region. Meanwhile, the increase in attributed parishes on the territory of the republic made it difficult to form stable intra-parish relations in the newly formed communities.

    pdf 92-102.pdf  (131 Kb)

  • Matveev V.A.

    Russian Islam as a legacy of the past remains largely unexplored to this day. The existence of this integration outcome manifested itself repeatedly with the emergence of external or internal threats. A significant contribution to its formation was also made by the Muslim clergy, among whom, just like among the believers, separatist sentiments were not the ones that prevailed. The patriotic potential of Russian Islam in the North Caucasus also manifested itself during the crisis periods in the history of the homeland. The organization of spiritual administration for the Muslim population of the North Caucasian outskirts also absorbed the general orientation, as well as other integral features of the Russian policy established in the second half of the 19th and in the early 20th century, directed towards the development of the integration process. At the same time, inter-confessional and civilizational convergence was achieved.

    pdf 103-112.pdf  (119 Kb)

  • Matveev O.V.

    The article, on the basis of field data collected in the Krasnogvardeysky, Shovgenovsky, Koshehablsky districts of the Republic of Adyghea and Uspenskiy and Novokubansky districts of Krasnodar territory, explores folk historical beliefs of the Russian-Adyghe borderland. The author concludes that folk ideas about the past solve not only the most important cognitive and educational tasks, but also through the transmission of traditional values, they serve as a powerful means of mutual recognition in the ethno-cultural space of the Russian-Adyghe borderland, and perform integrative functions. A characteristic feature of traditional history is also the tendency to balance different assessments of the past. Awareness of a certain historical and cultural unity, the common fate of our peoples, the need to overcome traces of historical grievances and prejudices are inherent in the majority of border region residents, who continue to hope to remain good countryman and neighbors.

    pdf 113-126.pdf  (113 Kb)

  • Stepanenko N.S.

    The article is concerned with the role of fugitive soldiers of the Imperial Russian Army, associates in the ranks of the Imam Shamil’s third Naib in the North-West Caucasus Magomet-Amin. In this publication, the author examines the causes and circumstances of the flight of soldiers and the Cossacks outside the Kuban, their social status among the mountaineers, as well as the deserter’s role they played in the detachment of Magomet-Amin. The military personnel fled to territories beyond the control of the Russian authorities for a variety of reasons: difficult conditions of service, epidemics, and interpersonal conflicts. The article pays individual attention to the fate of deserters who found themselves in the mountains. Trying to find salvation from ills of life there, many of them became slaves among the Adyghes. This phenomenon was mentioned not only by deserters in their testimony but also by foreigners who visited the North-West Caucasus in the middle of the 19th century. Magomet-Amin offered to Russian deserters freedom in exchange for service. Those who fell into the Naib group became his personal bodyguards, guards in the prisons where the unwanted mountaineers were kept, as well as executioners of the political opponents of chief Mouridism preacher in the region. The article concludes that Adyghes were distrustful to Russian warriors of Magomet-Amin. When an opportunity arose, they handed them over to the tsar's authorities, and after Naib left the mountains outside the Kuban, his detachment was completely destroyed.

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  • Suschiy S.Ya.

    The article analyzes the features of the demographic dynamics of the urban centers of the Kuban Black Sea region, changes in the national and gender structure of their population. The study shows that the rapid demographic growth of seaside centers has remained a steady trend over the past 120-150 years. This trend was interrupted only during periods of wars directly affecting the territory of the subregion. The urban centers of the eastern Black Sea region were initially formed as multiethnic communities. But the quantitative dominant of Russians, which was present in them from the first stages of development, remained such throughout the analyzed period, and significantly increased after the assimilation of a significant part of the large Ukrainian population in the 1930s. The main factors of socio-demographic growth in individual Black Sea centers can be industry, transport and trade functions, recreation and resort business. But it was resort specialization that, since the second half of the twentieth century, has allowed coastal cities to achieve the highest and most stable rates of population growth. The evolution of the national structure of the population of the Black Sea regional urban system was significantly influenced by wars and periods of crisis, which changed the main ethno-demographic trends and thereby determined the main stages of this evolutionary process. During the period from 1926 to 2020, the part of the Kuban population concentrated in the cities of the Black Sea region increased from 3.7% to 20.5%. If this trend continues in the medium term, then by 2040–2045 more than a quarter of the region's inhabitants will live there.

    pdf 135-146.pdf  (163 Kb)

  • Tkachenko D.S.

    The article is devoted to the research of problems, concerning development by the Russian Caucasian corps commandment of the projects for researching the Trans-Kuban and the Black Sea coast territories, which seemed to be strategically important for the implementation of military-political measures in the region. The purpose of the article is to analyze the problems of the Caucasus territories early research, and the tasks are to study the methods of conducting military intelligence in the region. Its subject was Caucasian studies, and its object was the intelligence operations of the military authorities. Based on archival materials, as well as a number of published sources, the author shows not only the evolution of the St. Petersburg authorities and the Caucasian command theoretical approaches to the development of research projects for the Trans-Kuban region but also the practice of implementing the developed projects on the ground. The article focuses on the fact that approaches to the study of the region have changed as more accurate information about both its topography and the peoples living there was obtained. Starting with openly adventurous plans based only on knowledge gleaned from the works of ancient authors, the Russian authorities gradually came to the idea of the necessity to use trained naval and military department officers to conduct reconnaissance in the strategically important territories of the North-Western Caucasus.

    pdf 147-155.pdf  (117 Kb)

  • Tkhamokova I.H.

    The purpose of this article is to analyze perceptions of the Shapsugs in books and articles published in Russia in the 19th century. Special works on the history and ethnography of the Shapsugs were not written at that time, but in many books and articles, they were considered as an integral part of the Adygs or the population of the Caucasian Black Sea coast. In most publications, one and the same stereotypes can be identified that applied not only to the Shapsugs but almost all the peoples of the North Caucasus. They were considered primitive or barbarian tribes, their social system was characterized as anarchy, as "wild unlimited freedom", they were accused of addiction to theft and predation and lack of inclination to peaceful agricultural labor. Among their virtues, the mentioned courage noted such patriarchal customs as hospitality or respect for elders. At the same time, some 19th-century authors studied the lifestyle and culture of the Shapsugs in greater depth and made conclusions that went far beyond the stereotypes mentioned. They described features of the Shapsug’s socio-political structure (familial associations, communities, people’s assemblies), their common law (court of mediators, the coexistence of adat and sharia norms) and their religious beliefs, and (after the Caucasian War) Shapsug’s agriculture.

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  • Shtybin V.V.

    A distinctive feature of the Black Sea Adyg-Shapsugs settlements from the second half of the 19th - to the middle of the 20th century was the closedness of society from extraneous foreign ethnic ties. However, there are exceptions, some of which are a family of immigrants from Dagestan. Beginning at the end of the 19th century, and significantly intensified at the beginning of the 20th century, migrations of migrant workers from mountainous Dagestan brought jewelers and gunsmiths from the Makaevs and Kadievs clan lines to the auls of the Black Sea Adyg-Shapsugs, where they were married local women. The process of their rapid assimilation is of particular interest for research. The Makaevs and Kadievs, already in the first generation, learned how to make products mixed in style with local cultural and pictorial features and acquired the status of respected residents of the Black Sea Adygs-Shapsugs auls, but at the same time retained a dual ethnic identity. The Makaevs also switched to the Circassian language in everyday communication.

    pdf 169-175.pdf  (103 Kb)

  • Baranov A.V.

    The research is relevant for monitoring and regulating inter-ethnic interactions in the youth communities. The purpose of the article is to determine the state and trends in the development of interethnic interactions of young people in the Krasnodar territory. The tasks of the work are to justify the choice of indicators for evaluating interethnic and interfaith interactions, and to make sense of the results of questionnaire surveys in 2017 2019. A fairly high level of inter-group tolerance has been revealed, which is the result of effective social and economic development of the region, as well as state national policy. At the same time, the asymmetry of interethnic and inter-confessional distances and latent conflict in the attitudes of some of youth strata remain. The concentration of risks in interethnic interactions in areas with high density of communication networks (Krasnodar, major cities of the region, the Black Sea coast) is noted. Proposals are formulated to improve the national policy in relation to the region’s youth.

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  • Zhade Z.A.

    The paper analyzes the impact of direct global risk (coronavirus pandemic COVID-19) on integration and disintegration processes in a multiethnic society. (Dis)Integration means a measure of the integration of heterogeneous active elements in society (institutions, groups, individuals) into a single integrity, a system that arises on the basis of coincidence of goals and interests and contributes to the development of society. An example of the Republic of Adyghea is used to examine the features of a "risk policy" under conditions of a pandemic carried out by regional authorities. The main blocks of integration and disintegration processes are identified, forming their course in direct risk conditions: Information and Communication, Competence and Trust. The need for analysis is due to the extremity of the prevailing socio-political and socio-cultural situation, in which the main threat entails a multiplicity of threats and risks transgressed into most areas of society, which have a kind of multiplicative effect in regional society. The need for analysis is also substantiated by the high level of uncertainty in the economy, education, demographics and health care, in which the regional authority must manage risk in the face of increasing expectations from society and, at the same time, the opening horizon of new opportunities that can, with high confidence, strengthen integration; as well as by the high integration potential, which traditionally has in Russian society the phenomenon of "common trouble".

    pdf 185-190.pdf  (94 Kb)

  • Ilyinova N.A., Khachetsukov Z.M.

    Within the framework of the issues of the II All-Russian Scientific and Practical Forum "Peoples of the Kuban and Adyghea: traditional experience, modern state, and prospects for spiritual integration", the authors examine good-neighborly relations through the prism of confessional affiliation. Throughout the history of mankind, religion has been of great importance in the life of man and society, acting as a spiritual integrator and regulator of social interaction. In modern times, the attitude towards religion has changed significantly. Considering themselves believers, religious people, modern Russians for the most part do not consider it mandatory to systematically perform religious (ritual) practices. This circumstance, according to the authors, contributes to the favorable construction of interfaith interaction. The authors note the historically established dialogue between the ethno-confessional interaction of the Orthodox inhabitants of the Kuban and the Muslim population of Adyghea, which positively affects the building of good-neighborly relations between the peoples of the regions under consideration. The authors believe that the harmonization of social interaction in conditions of ethno-confessional pluralism can be considered a condition for overcoming the crisis of humanity characteristic of the 21st century and increasing the level of national security.

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  • Kukva E.S., Khachetsukov Z.M.

    The article analyzes some aspects of interfaith interaction in the Republic of Adyghea, identified on the basis of a sociological survey of Muslims of the Republic, conducted in November-December 2019. The interpretation of interfaith interaction in the region was carried out by representing the representations of the Muslim population. The authors argue that the negative past experience of communication with members of other religions has an impact on the emergence of a stable intolerance against them on the basis of religious affiliation. This applies to the scanty so-called "intolerant wing" with a categorical hostile position (5.3%). Nevertheless, in general, in the massif we should talk about the predominance of tolerance towards "non-believers". The article states that interfaith interaction in Adyghea is manifested in the fact that religious intolerance is poorly expressed, denominations coexist peacefully, and this is due to the established practices of peaceful interfaith interaction, the absence of acute social contradictions in the region, as well as the fact that religiosity is not dominant in regional public consciousness (this dominant is occupied by ethnic identity and the prisms of perception formed on its basis).

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  • Kumpilov T.M.

    The article analyzes the experience of the Republic of Adyghea in constructing the image of the region. In recent years, social networks have become one of the tools for constructing the image of the region, which allow us, on the one hand, to invent and scale new means and methods of positivizing the image of Adyghea. On the other hand, the risks grow in number of spreading negative communication flows through social media. With the development of information and communication technologies, the task of forming and maintaining a positive image of the Republic of Adyghea acquires new content and instrumental features and problems. Mediatization of social relations transforms the configuration of sources and mechanisms for the formation of image characteristics of regions in the collective representations of the population. The discursive nature of the territorial image in modern society shifts research emphasis towards social media, which produces multidirectional (directed/spontaneous), focused on different target audiences (external and internal) and content-variable (negative/positive) communication flows. It is concluded that the active penetration of information and communication technologies in all spheres of modern society has significantly increased the importance of social media in the construction of the region image. Features of the territorial image, purposefully formed and spontaneously formed assessments and opinions, suggest increased attention to information and communication mechanisms for constructing the image of the region.

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  • Tarasova T.T.

    For the Russian Federation and most of its regions, to which Adyghea belongs, an imbalance between fertility and mortality is characteristic, namely, a systematic excess of the mortality rate over the birth rate, which acts towards reducing the number of its inhabitants. The only source of population replenishment and achievement of socio-demographic balance is migration movement, the relevance and significance of study of which are increasing. The object of the research is the population of the Republic of Adyghea, and the subject is modern migration processes. The purpose of the study is to analyze the migration movement of the population of Adyghea as a factor in the transformation of socio-demographic equilibrium. The article implements such tasks as analyzing the dynamics of the migration movement of the republic and determining the main trends of their development, the specifics of manifestation in urban and rural areas, identifying the impact on the demographic development and socio-demographic balance of the region. On the basis of materials from state statistics, the article shows that a stable trend of migration growth has developed in the republic, which not only compensates for the natural losses of the population but also exceeds them. As a result, at present, the Republic of Adygea is one of the few Russian regions with stable population growth, both in urban and rural areas. The trend towards an increase in natural decline that has emerged in recent years gives grounds to assume that the role of migration in maintaining the socio-demographic balance of the republic will increase.

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  • Shadzhe A.Yu.

    The paper examines the peculiarities of the historically established cooperation between the peoples of the Krasnodar Territory and the Republic of Adyghea in the presence of risk. Positive experience in formation of civil consent in conditions of development of statehood in the Republic of Adyghea on the basis of dialogue interaction of society and power is presented. The author uses qualitative sociological methods (free interview and observation) to determine the attitude of peoples to a new global risk – pandemic – and to identify life values in conditions of uncertainty. It is concluded that also in the future, global risk will affect the transformation of forms of cooperation between peoples. Therefore, the paper raises the question of managing global risk in the context of a changed reality.

    pdf 215-223.pdf  (134 Kb)

  • Shaov A.A., Nekhay V.N.

    The article reveals the features of the deconstruction of the value world of the Muslim community under conditions of globalization. The intensification of globalization trends that cause the entropy of ethnocultural values, funds the growing trends of forced secularization of traditional society. In this regard, there is a need for a theoretical interpretation of the processes of transformation of the gnoseological and socionormative principles of Islamic society. Based on the generalization of the sociological research conducted by the staff of the Department of Philosophy and Sociology of Adyghea State University in 2019, the thesis on the viability of ethnic and religious values in the spiritual space of the Muslim community of Adyghea is confirmed. The survey shows that the majority of respondents holistically build their identification matrix, which is based on the fundamental interdependence of ethnocultural and confessional grounds. Nevertheless, the Adyghe population, to a greater extent than representatives of other peoples of the region professing Islam, demonstrates the primacy of ethno-traditional values over religious principles through an articulated representation of the traditional ethical and regulatory system of "adygage". It is concluded that the Muslim community of the region perceives globalization as a challenge to identity and focuses on the preservation of a cultural core based on ethno-religious values.

    pdf 224-233.pdf  (190 Kb)

  • Gorlova I.I., Kovalenko T.V., Naumenko V.E.

    The problem of ethnocultural branding is considered as one of the priority areas of regional cultural policy. Based on the analysis of the potential historical and cultural heritage of the Republic of Adyghea as the basis for ethnocultural branding, which contributes to improving the image of the territory, economic and social attractiveness and preserving cultural identity, identifies the conceptual basis for the formation of an umbrella brand territory. Authentic ethnocultural brands “Adyghe cheese” and “Adyghe salt”, which are part of the material culture of the ethnic group, are considered as examples. Having accumulated the key achievements of domestic theorists and practitioners in the field of cultural policy, the problems of preserving cultural heritage and tourism, cultural marketing, and branding, the authors have developed a conceptual scheme for the formation of an umbrella brand “Adyghea without Borders”.

    pdf 234-244.pdf  (262 Kb)

  • Kuek Zh.Kh., Suleymanova F.Kh.

    The article attempts to identify and analyze the problem of understanding and reflecting ethnocultural identity in the works of the Circassian diaspora artists in Turkey. It is shown that it is formed on the basis of the intersection of the socio-cultural, national-historical, political-cultural, and other spheres. Currently, in the context of the globalization process, that leads to the unification of cultures, the issue of cultural memory preservation and inheritance of ethnical groups in the context of the diaspora is relevant on the following reasons: the works of Turkey artists, that show the sustainable interest towards the presentation of the cultural identity of the Circassians, are the keepers of knowledge about the values, traditions, moral ideals of folk culture; through their perception, the young generation of the Circassian diaspora forms their ideas about the world, society and about themselves. This is a complicated process in multicultural space of Turkey’s art, as its basis is interaction and interpenetration of different cultures. Much attention is paid to the analysis of the reasons and factors contributing to the crisis of national identity topic in the work of the Circassian artists of Turkey. It is concluded that the collective ethnocultural identity is the artistic basis in the contemporary visual arts of the diaspora artists.

    pdf 245-255.pdf  (417 Kb)

    Regional Economy
  • Vodozhdokova Z.A., Kurmalieva Z.Kh., Gisheva S.Sh.
    Development of bioeconomy within the framework of strategic cluster initiatives in the timber industry complex of the region

    The world tendencies in bioeconomy dominated by renewable energy sources are considered, the Russian tendencies of biofuel production are investigated and the main significant positive and negative factors are identified. A theoretical assessment and economic substantiation of the feasibility of the production of wood pellets as the most promising way of processing forest waste in the region are given. Possible conceptual proposals for improving the efficient production of pellets have been developed. The concept of increasing the efficiency of companies' activity on the basis of a set of measures to modernize production and improve technology, quality management system was recommended; optimization of the accounting and analytical system, controlling; financial monitoring, analysis of external risks; improving the facilitating institutions of regional governance; development of the forestry cluster as a component of the regional cluster system. Based on the results of the study, the prospects and efficiency of pellet production were substantiated only under the condition of an integrated approach, using the proposed conceptual directions. The possibilities of effective use of secondary resources of the forest complex of the Republic of Adygea substantiate the priority of the energy and environmental vector of the strategic development of the forest potential of the region within the framework of cluster initiatives.

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  • Tausova I.F., Divina L.E., Ponokova D.I.
    Dynamics of changes in the amount of borrowed capital and its role in assessing the investment attractiveness of the country and region (on the example of the Republic of Adygea)

    In the modern world, a situation of lack of funds is quite common, and it is investments that help to attract additional resources. The basic criteria for determining the investment attractiveness of a country, region or organization are sources of funding. The article reveals interesting patterns in the dynamics of changes in the amount of borrowed capital and the investment attractiveness of the Republic of Adygea as a constituent entity of the Russian Federation for the period from 2015-2019. The general analysis showed the high importance of borrowed resources for the real sector of the region. Of particular interest is the considered indicator of the ratio of interest paid on loans and borrowings to the net profit of enterprises, which emphasizes the economic injustice of the lending model. Remaining a subsidized region, the Republic of Adygea continues to increase the share of budgetary funds in the structure of invested capital, which indicates the presence of serious problems and imbalances. However, the article defines possible directions in ensuring the self-sufficiency of the region and the implementation of the basic scenario of the socio-economic development of the republic.

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  • Tlekhuray-Berzegova L.T., Byuller E.A.
    Current problems of creating a comprehensive system for planning the region's needs for HR specialists (on the example of the Republic of Adygea)

    Currently, in all regions of Russia, there is a problem of the quality of the labor force, as well as optimal provision of the economy with young highly qualified specialists. This is due to the fact that during the long transition to a market system of management and the creation of a corresponding labor market, global changes have occurred in the structure of employment and in the demand for certain categories of workers. Today in Russia there is an acute problem of training qualified managers who are able to work effectively with the staff. This article is devoted to the study of the structure of demand for HR specialists in the Republic of Adygea. As a research method, content analysis was used, which is an effective tool for quantitative analysis of information about a phenomenon or process contained in documents. Regional periodicals and Internet resources were selected as the basis of the research. Based on the results of the analytical study, we can make a reasonable conclusion that the data obtained indicate the need to use various methods, including content analysis, when studying the structure of demand for certain types of activities, which can be used in the future to adjust educational and state programs.

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    Economy of Agrarian-Industrial Complex
  • Isaenko A.P.
    Evaluation of the development of vine and wine growing in Russia

    This article assesses the current state of domestic viticulture and winemaking, analyzes changes in the area of grape plantations in Russia in dynamics for 2013-2018, which characterizes the functioning of the viticulture and wine subcomplex in Russia and abroad. The relevance of science's participation in the formation of state policy in the field of management of the viticultural subcomplex of the agro-industrial complex is shown. The article presents the competitive dynamics of viticulture in the world and domestic markets. The yield of grapes in Russia is analyzed, which indicates a good level of agricultural technology and plant protection.

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  • Mokrushin A.A., Rychkovskaya D.N.
    Strategic priorities of state regulation for the agro-industrial complex of the depressed region

    The article reveals the essence and specificity of state regulation of the agro-industrial complex of the region of the depressive type. The strategic priorities of the socio-economic development of the agro-industrial complex of the Republic of Adygea, which is one of the regions of the depressive type in the South of Russia, are presented. The tasks and organizational and economic measures for the implementation of key directions for the development of the agro-industrial complex of the Republic of Adygea (in accordance with the Strategy for the socio-economic development of the Republic of Adygea until 2030) are highlighted. The territorial and sectoral specifics and problems of state regulation of the agro-industrial complex of the Republic of Adygea are revealed. Particular attention is paid to the composition of measures of the state program of the Republic of Adygea “Development of agriculture and regulation of markets for agricultural products, raw materials and food for 2013-2020”, assessment of the achievement of planned values of the summary indicators of the program. The potential of regional projects, cluster structures in the socio-economic development of the agro-industrial complex of the region of the depressive type is revealed. The key directions of improving the system of state regulation of the agro-industrial complex of the Republic of Adygea in the conditions of the region's budget deficit and the current food embargo are highlighted.

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  • Popova L.V., Dugina T.A., Karpova A.A., Dosova A.G.
    Logistical management problems in agro-industrial complex

    In the course of the study, the article considers the role, place and significance of logistics management in agriculture, identifies the features of agricultural logistics and logistics management in the activities of modern enterprises of the agro-industrial complex. Based on theoretical generalizations and research on the practical experience of the functioning of agricultural enterprises in Russia and the Volgograd region, the main problems of the widespread introduction of logistics principles into the activities of agricultural producers are identified, ways of increasing the efficiency of agricultural production based on the interaction of the main logistic components of material flow management are considered.

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  • Anisimova S.V.
    Optimization of the system structure of gas distribution organizations: internal analysis

    The mechanism for managing gas distribution organizations in the Russian Federation is developing and becoming more complex as the gas industry develops. The characteristic features of the domestic economy are a certain disproportion between the real and financial segments of the economy, the disproportion in the levels of income of the population and the socio-economic development of the regions. The multilevel imbalance of the Russian economy influences the existing mechanisms of managing gas distribution organizations. These organizations supply gas to enterprises and the population of the country. Most of such organizations in Russia are subjects of natural monopolies. Important aspects of the economic activity of resource-supplying organizations are inter-period, territorial and sectoral imbalance of internal and external subsystems, the lack of sustainable development in the long term, state regulation of activities. The article studies the influence of the socio-economic development of regions on the formation of an organization management mechanism. The article deals with the problems of optimizing the system structure of in-house subsystems by identifying imbalances on the example of gas distribution organizations. The article presents proposals for improving the management mechanism of gas distribution organizations based on the criterion of balancing the system structure.

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    General Problems of Pedagogy
  • Apanasenko O.M., Kossolapova L.A.

    The article examines the concept of cultural meanings as a main important axiological trait of a tolerant and thinking person. This trait is important in the context of the paradigm of multicultural education. The importance of communication skills in the format of a dialogue of cultures on the student's personality is substantiated. The dialogue of cultures is the basis of intercultural communication. Also it acts as an important pedagogical resource that allows you to effectively form positive multicultural personality values. Today, this concept is relevant not only in education and organically fits into the canvas of world culture. Understanding the variety of texts with which it is necessary to enter into communication in one way or another makes it possible to develop and educate a more successful person. Particular attention is paid to the formation of cultural meanings in the classroom. Approaches to this term from different sciences are considered. The concept of "meaning" is analyzed in the context of modern realities. Meaning here acts as a structural component of a multicultural, tolerant worldview. The semantic codes of culture must be involved in the actor. Only in this case will there be positive effective communication, which allows the formation of new meanings. An attempt is made to prove that the dialogue of cultures is an effective way to form postmodern values. These include tolerance, self-expression, responsibility, etc. The article clarifies the features of the conceptual ideas of the dialogue of cultures in education. The main pedagogical techniques are described that allow creating communication and forming multicultural values. Examples of possible variants of meaning formation with the help of a dialogue of cultures in the classroom are given and the conditions necessary for this process are described.

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  • Baeva T.E., Kraft N.N., Dzhabatyrova B.K.

    The article discusses the essence and the formation of research competence among students and analyzes the results of the study on the formation of research competence. Pedagogical conditions for the formation of research competence among students are formulated: (1) the formation of a complex of educational and methodological support for educational disciplines, which contributes to the formation of research competence of students; (2) creating a teaching and developing research environment that contributes to the formation of research competence among students; (3) ensuring the active independent research activities of students with the leading role of an academic adviser.

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  • Baltykov A.Ê.

    The author raises the topic of the need for active continuous education in a situation of high pace of changes in productive resources. This work is aimed at stimulating students' self-education by developing their cognitive skills. This objective is relevant in view of the increasing need to restructure the training system. The author's idea of cognitive activity was influenced by the works of S.L. Rubinstein, A.N. Leontyev and A.M. Matyushkin. The object of the study, as well as the object of transformation, was the procedure for conducting a study session. An analysis of the distribution and provision of material for technical specialties was carried out, which made it possible to determine the main shortcomings. The presented alternative scheme simulates the process of cognitive activity, takes into account the characteristics of the duration of attention and motivation. The basis for this scheme was the division of all the educational material provided into components coincident with the processes of cognitive activity. The tables and diagram given in the article facilitate the process of perceiving the alternative procedure for conducting the lesson. Positive aspects of this work, in which scientific novelty is present, include: artificial creation of the state of information hunger, taking into account an extensive number of physiological and motivational features of students in one scheme, a significant decrease in the share of the teacher when presenting material without losing the efficiency of transmitting information, increasing the visibility of cognition processes by involving separated stages in the work, as well as using a combination of obtaining and transmitting information to students to consolidate and systematize their knowledge. As a result of the initial testing, positive results were obtained.

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  • Bulakh K.V., Andryuschenko M.I.,

    The paper examines the feasibility of using the case study method in developing a personal model in competency training of a future specialist in the secondary vocational education institution (SVE). The authors emphasize that many employers consider personal features as a key point in the competency training of future middle-echelon specialists, which, on the one hand, can compensate for the insufficient level of development of the necessary knowledge and skills and, on the other hand, can be a factor in the processes of behavioral and disciplinary adaptation to the requirements of their work and working conditions, while their absence does not allow us to talk about the formation of competency in general. Comparing the personal qualities and competencies identified by employers with the competencies laid down in the updated SVE Federal State Standards allows us to distinguish only a number of correspondences and conclude that the requirements for the training of a specialist laid down in the Standards only partially correspond to the totality of the requirements of modern employers. The authors propose procedures for constructing invariative personal models in conditions of competency training of specialists on the basis of expert assessment, which make it possible to identify a list of personal features of future professionals who are competitive in the labor market. This list served as the basis for the development of a diagnostic complex, which includes procedures for diagnosing and evaluating the development of personal and professionally important qualities of the future specialist. During the study, we applied expert evaluation and retesting procedures: each characteristic was diagnosed at respondents first using one of the valid test methods, and then its severity was related to the degree of severity according to the results of the case method. As a result of this work, cases were selected, which were included in the final version of the questionnaire, which became the basis of the scenario of the program for evaluating the personal component of general competencies. The experimental work carried out demonstrated the significant advantages of the case study method compared to other diagnostic tools.

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  • Bulakh K.V., Demchenko N.Yu., Semkina E.N., Gluschenko I.A., Petkov V.A.

    The social and political reality of our day demonstrates the spread of manifestations of the ideology and practice of extremism and terrorism throughout the world. The digitalization and informatization of the modern globalizing society, in addition to obvious advantages, has serious destructive consequences for the formation of the personality of the younger generation, including the dissemination of the ideas of extremism and terrorism. In these circumstances, it is important to build the anti-extremist and anti-terrorist consciousness of young people in the process of socialization, one of whose institutions is the education system. In this regard, in order to solve the problem of pedagogical prevention of extremism and terrorism manifestations among students in the educational environment of the university, we disclose the directions for the implementation of measures to counter the ideology and practice of modern extremism and terrorism in educational institutions that ensure the sustainability of the development of the personality of youth. The purpose of the study is to theoretically substantiate and test the effectiveness of the conceptual foundations related to the organization of pedagogical prevention of extremism and terrorism manifestations among students in the educational environment of the university. The object of the study is the system of higher professional education. The subject of the study is the identification of pedagogical conditions for the pedagogical prevention of extremism and terrorism manifestations among students in the educational environment of the university. The main method used was a sociological survey in the form of questionnaires of full-time students of different courses. As a result of the experiment, we arrived at the following conclusions: the educational space of the university integrates teaching and educational processes, therefore, in order to achieve the effective formation of an anti-extremist and anti-terrorist consciousness of young people, as well as preventing manifestations of the ideology and practice of modern extremism and terrorism, it is advisable to organize pedagogical prevention in universities, including not only pedagogical work, but also educational through the introduction of educational discipline into the educational process, forming the entire necessary range of knowledge and skills on a given issue.

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  • Vityutnev E.E.

    The article is devoted to the problems of educating physical qualities of cadets and students of educational organizations of the system of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia within the framework of the disciplines "Personal Safety of Internal Affairs Officers" and "Physical Training". In the course of the study, a questionnaire was conducted of the faculty of the Department of Tactical and Special Training at the Krasnodar University of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia in order to identify problematic issues in working out individual group actions to protect public order and ensure public safety in practical classes on the subject “Personal Safety of Internal Affairs Officers”. The result was the identification of a low level of motor dexterity of students, significantly complicating the successful learning program material. A questionnaire was also carried out of various departments of internal affairs bodies, in order to determine the leading physical qualities, to a greater extent, according to the current police officers, causing the success of service and combat tasks. In order to identify the causes of the low level of development of motor dexterity among cadets and students of the university, the working program documentation for the discipline “Special physical training” was subjected to a detailed analysis. As a result, it was found that in practical classes in this discipline in the process of educating physical qualities, the main emphasis is placed on the development of speed-strength abilities and endurance, while the minimum number of classroom hours is given to the targeted development of dexterity. In the process of analyzing the special literature on this issue, the authors identified a consolidation of scientists' opinions about the dependence of the effectiveness of teaching individual and group actions on the detention of offenders on the level of development of motor dexterity of students. The outcome of the discussion of problematic issues of motor dexterity among cadets and students of educational institutions of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia in the framework of classes in the above discipline was to determine the most likely ways to solve them.

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  • Zhukova N.N., Bulakh K.V., Chumak T.G.

    The article is devoted to the study of the current problems of digital transformation of the system of domestic vocational education. The authors consider the emergence and development of the practice of placing educational materials of leading universities in the world on the Internet in free access. The publication analyzes the pedagogical possibilities of such a training format, which is gaining increasing popularity around the world, as mass open online courses (MOOC). A study of the statistics provided by Harvard University and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology on certain aspects of their mass open online courses determined their pedagogical potential and the contribution of these educational organizations to the formation and development of this form of knowledge, as well as to assess the scale and effectiveness of their use by students of various categories for educational purposes. An analysis of the activities of foreign sites hosting MOOC revealed the effectiveness of the most actively developing and popular foreign educational resources (Coursera, Open edX, KxanAcadey, MIT Open Courseware, Udacity, FutureLearn, etc.). The materials obtained made it possible to determine the most relevant areas of study at the moment, as well as to highlight innovative areas for the development of online training (online undergraduate or online master's degree). The presented data on the analysis of regulatory and legal documentation regulating the activities of Russian educational organizations in the field of the use of remote educational technologies and e-learning, federal projects within the framework of the national project "Education" demonstrate the active course of the state towards the digitalization of the educational sector. One of its significant results was the creation of the largest domestic information resource, which is an aggregator of online courses of various information platforms of leading Russian and foreign universities. The implementation of the main directions of the national project "Education" demonstrates the active course of the state towards the digitalization of the domestic system of continuing education, which should stimulate its further development, help educational organizations overcome the existing problems of digitalization, ensure its accessibility and effectiveness.

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  • Kodzheshau M.A.

    The article discusses the urgent problems of the formation and the possibility of creation of the efficient educational environment in a modern university in the context of significant changes and modernization of education, consisting in the active introduction of new educational technologies, information technologies and distance learning. A number of contradictions arising in connection with the current state of education have been identified, which, due to changing requirements for employees in all fields of activity, must be resolved purposefully and systematically, including by improving the educational environment. The combination of all kinds of elements of existing experience and knowledge in the field of education allows us to form creative elements of the learning process. The process of formal transfer of finished knowledge, the accumulation of a certain amount of ascertaining information cannot underlie the formation of a creatively active graduate of a modern university. It is necessary to find ways and go beyond the traditional understanding of learning. The possibility of a partial or complete transition to distance education leads to the formation of new problems and contradictions that arise against the background of the transformation of the technology of interaction between the teacher and the students. Therefore, the article also analyzes the contradictions that arise during the implementation of creative processes in the field of distance learning, and considers the main parameters of creativity, without which it is impossible to model a creative educational environment. For the successful implementation of the goals and objectives of education in such conditions, it is necessary to study the criteria for teacher readiness to develop students' creative thinking with the effective use of information and telecommunication technologies, the capabilities and effectiveness of which should act as the communicative component of the creative educational environment.

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  • Kossolapova L.A., Suleymanova S., Petrova M.A.

    The article actualizes the problem of maintaining the young generation of national identity in modern life, when folk songs, dances, and applied art are not an element of everyday life. The hypothesis is verified that the mission of preservation and development of folk culture is realized by institutions of additional education. An analysis of the practice of additional education (the city of Perm is taken as an example) shows that programs related to the study and development of folk cultures make up from 3-6% up to 17% of the total number of programs implemented by an educational organization. About a third of the analyzed proposals are programs of folklore ensembles and dance groups, often there are programs on decorative and applied arts. The child learns the values, norms, and basic skills more easily by participating in game programs, which are also represented in institutions of additional education; Museum pedagogy, as well as the implementation of research projects related to local history, have great potential. The authors prove that the educational opportunities of additional educational programs can be increased due to the purposeful formation of the components of the value attitude of children to folk culture: information-cognitive, emotional-value, experimental activity. The influence on the informational and cognitive component included the study of the characteristics of the traditional folk culture through the integrated use of musical, artistic, speech, visual and applied activities of children and their parents. The emotional-value component developed in the course of acquaintance with the samples of folk art, thanks to the creative reflection by students of ethnocultural characteristics, the development of the valuable spiritual and moral qualities of the individual, to which the folk culture is oriented. The experimental-activity component of the value attitude of children to folk culture was ensured by the development of practices of participation in folk games, in calendar holidays, in concert activities. The performed diagnostic section confirmed the role of a systemically organized process of introducing children of primary school age to folk culture for the formation of moral values in them, in particular, a value attitude to folklife culture.

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  • Lantsova T.I., Ivanchenko I.V., Petkov V.A.

    The paper presents the results of theoretical and practical research on the organization of labor education of junior schoolchildren by means of project activity. To solve this problem, during the experimental study, the author's design technology was tested to form the readiness of younger students for labor training and education. The authors diagnosed the personal qualities of a younger student, assessed the level of development of structural components of this type of readiness, and identified and confirmed pedagogical conditions to ensure the effectiveness of this process. It was established that in order to solve the indicated problem, a teacher working in an elementary school should understand not only the psychological and physiological characteristics of junior schoolchildren, but also to master the technique of project training in labor activity. The purpose of this work is to study the peculiarities of the organization of labor education for junior schoolchildren by means of design training. The implementation of the indicated goal involved solving the following main tasks: to investigate the conceptual and categorical apparatus on this problem, the content and essence of labor education and upbringing, labor education in primary school, the feasibility of choosing pedagogical conditions for organizing labor education in primary school by means of design training, experimental testing of pedagogical technology to form the readiness of younger schoolchildren for labor education and upbringing. During the study, it was established that in the process of project training, positive personality changes occur due to the development of such important qualities among the student as responsibility, accuracy, initiative, independence, hard work, and expanding the range of their interests. The positive dynamics of the development of motivational, cognitive and behavioral components of readiness for labor training and education in younger schoolchildren, recorded during the experiment, allows us to conclude about the effectiveness of the developed project technology for the formation of readiness of younger schoolchildren for labor training and education.

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  • Makarova E.A., Mishchenko V.I.

    Currently, more and more attention is being paid to diverse preventive work with adolescents and young people, and the number of psychological studies on the prevention of victim behavior has increased. However, along with this, it should be recognized that the forms and methods of prevention do not always meet the conditions of the modern social situation: they are often conducted without taking into account the individual psychological characteristics of the subjects of preventive actions, their actual needs and the information environment in which they exist. For example, the full potential of Internet resources (social networks) for obtaining information about potential subjects with whom preventive work is supposed to be carried out is still not used. In this paper, the authors attempt to systematize the factors, principles and methods that will help to organize measures to prevent victim behavior in accordance with the needs of the subjects of the educational process of the school and the requirements of the time. A review of research by other authors on the problems of the functional potential of the psychological service of the school and the organization of psychological prevention is made. Various approaches to the prevention of the described phenomenon are analyzed. The article also describes the authors ' experience in organizing and conducting preventive measures. Based on our work with students (diagnostics and prevention), we have come to the conclusion that in the preparation of a preventive program for the prevention of victim behavior in modern adolescents, a greater effect can be achieved by reducing the number of participants in the training group, observing the homogeneous composition of the group, and using combinatorial active training methods with information technologies.

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  • Mamadiev A.Kh., Vodolazsky A.V.

    The paper presents the results of the theoretical study on refining and specifying the composition of human resources for the development of the system of physical culture and sports as the basis for promising pedagogical design of training and retraining of personnel. The need for this study is determined by the significance of the development of the sphere of physical culture, the key importance of the personnel resources of the industry in this aspect, and the specificity of the composition and factors of improving development resources relative to the resources of the functioning of systems (which are more developed in science). The general characteristics of the resources of the physical culture industry in terms of their adequacy for the full use of the potential of human resources are justified. The authors describe the state and problems of the effective use of personnel, information and methodological, moral and ethical resources. A well-founded assumption was made about the need to study and take into account the regional specifics of the human resources of the industry as the basis for effective resource provision for the development of physical culture. The conceptual significance of the principles of culture and regional orientation in the design of the system of personnel management and resource support of physical culture has been theoretically proved.

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  • Meretukova Z.K., Chinazirova A.R., Kuprina N.K.

    The paper presents a comparative analysis of the definitions of the concept of "truth" and its interpretations in modern philosophy and examines the essence of scientific and parascientific approaches to the problem of truth. The thesis is substantiated about the historical connection of science and parascience. The authors provide points of view about the genesis of parascientific knowledge, the main laws of Cosmos, Earth and human evolution in their parascientific interpretation, as well as scientific facts common to modern science and parascience, indicating that they were well-known even in the oldest esoteric doctrine. The publication argues about the need to include fundamental parascientific knowledge, as well as scientific and parascientific interpretations of the category "truth" in the content of education. The authors disclose the theses that the tragedy of all centuries, and especially of the 20th and 21st, lies in the separation of the intellectual baggage of a technologically oriented humanity from the fundamental parascientific knowledge of natural processes, in the thoughtless arrangement of priorities by power, and in the correlation of material and moral and spiritual well-being. The paper shows that it is not possible to prevent the real danger of moral and spiritual degradation of mankind and material catastrophe without an appropriate strategic educational policy of states aimed at realizing the highest moral and spiritual values, the true meaning of human life, and comprehending the Truth.

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  • Morozova A.R.

    Education reform involves requirements for improving the quality of educational services, which, in turn, requires not only a revision of educational programs, approaches to organizing the educational process, but also new approaches to managing the educational organization itself. The article analyzes the substantive and methodological foundations of educational organization management on the basis of synergy. Management methods aimed at improving the quality and accessibility of educational services are described. It is emphasized that currently management from a synergetic approach is considered by many authors. An analysis of the work of scientists makes it possible to state the feasibility of its application in the educational system. An educational organization is a complex open self-organizing system, the management of which requires the introduction of new approaches. The synergetic approach best meets these requirements. Theoretically, the effectiveness of a synergetic approach is justified in improving the quality of educational process management in the professional education system, creating conditions for the creative self-development of participants in the educational process, building cooperation, and self-organizing their activities. It is noted that the practice of introducing a synergetic approach in an educational institution requires an understanding of the content and essence of the functioning of existing social systems. It is concluded that the application of a synergetic approach along with new modern forms of organizing the educational process does not deny traditional ones.

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  • Khazova S.A., Vityutnev E.E., Golubok G.G.

    Modern young people are often characterized by selfishness, insufficient respect for the interests and opinions of others. This is especially dangerous when it comes to future representatives of military professions. In this regard, it is necessary to ensure the effective formation of multicultural tolerance of cadets in the process of training. In organizing this process, it is important to use the educational potential of all educational subjects. In this aspect, in modern pedagogical theory and practice, the importance of physical education is underestimated. In particular, there is no systematic knowledge about the pedagogical conditions for the development of multicultural tolerance of cadets in the process of physical education. The determination of such conditions was the purpose of the study. The revealed conditions were tested in experimental work, and their effectiveness was empirically confirmed.

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  • Khazova S.A., Mikhailyuk V.A., Trunov N.N.

    In modern society, specialists who are ready to carry out scientific research in the professional sphere are in demand for almost any type of social practice. Such specialists should be characterized not only by the ability to qualitatively perform professional functions, but also by creatively transforming professional reality. Important characteristics of modern specialists are also their ability to predict the development of the profession and society, to design methods of activity in promising conditions. Currently, these requirements are updated for representatives of military professions. This is due to the dynamism of changes taking place in the political situation, on the one hand, and in the field of technology (military, information, etc.), on the other hand. The research component of military training should therefore be strengthened. The result of such training may be the readiness of cadets for vocational-oriented research activities. The theoretical justification of the pedagogical conditions for the formation of this personal quality was the goal of the study, the results of which are presented in the article.

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  • Khalamliev M.I., Dzhaubaev Yu.A., Botasheva M.Kh., Uzdenova F.M., Petkov V.A.

    The paper discusses the peculiarities of the organization of recreational and leisure activities of university students as a means of effective recovery of spent forces, and ensuring the full development of the personality. The analysis of special literature made it possible to determine the most effective and socially significant types of recreational and leisure activities of students (leisure recreation, active recreation, tourism, physical recreation); their essence, content and forms are considered. The study revealed the existing contradiction between the student's need for rational use of physical recreation and the lack of a developed infrastructure for this type of leisure, as well as scientific and methodological developments for the implementation of various types of physical and leisure recreation. The leisure and recreational activity of the student is considered as a voluntarily selected and implemented activity in his or her free time, providing a restorative, cultural, developmental and recreational effect. It has been established that this type of activity has significant potential for the manifestation and development of personal activity depending on age characteristics, interests, physical and sports abilities and individual preferences and is aimed at improving the culture of educational work, active recreation and the formation of the foundations of a healthy lifestyle. Experimental work was carried out in 2018-2020 at the Faculty of Physical Culture and Tourism of Karachay-Cherkess State University. During the implementation of the stating part of the study, it was established that most students have a low level of awareness of the significance and direct inclusion in the recreational and leisure activities of the university, which served as a prerequisite for organizing targeted pedagogical work in this area. To achieve the goal and solve the set tasks, a technological model for organizing recreational and leisure activities of university students was developed and tested. The model includes a set of interconnected components: target, functional, forms and methods, content and means; procedural-technological and evaluation-corrective. As a result of the testing of the developed technological model and the pedagogical conditions for organizing recreational and leisure activities of students, a positive dynamics of basic personal qualities, which are indicators of the effectiveness of experimental work, was revealed.

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  • Adzinova A.A., Sokur E.A.
    Islamic vocabulary in modern Russian

    The study examines the features of the process of borrowing Islamic vocabulary in Russian. The Corpus of Islamic vocabulary functioning in Contemporary Russian and different types of systemic semasiological relations of such words are analyzed. Based on the analysis of the semantic, word-forming and sociolinguistic aspects of these (investigated) units, certain conclusions can be made about the features of the composition and structure of this lexical group as part of the Contemporary Russian language. It has been revealed that the most characteristic phenomenon of these group of units is synonymy, as well as that Islamisms, fully mastered by the language, are also active in word formation. The results of this study have theoretical significance in terms of a comprehensive study of language borrowing. The obtained data can be used in studying the processes of borrowing and adapting this body of words in Russian.

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  • Baranova A.Yu., Arkhipova I.V.
    Reflection of national features of speech behavior in Russian phraseology

    The study identifies and analyzes phraseological units of the Russian language characterizing the manner of communication in terms of reflecting the mental features of communication. The research is based on the study of authoritative sources and refereed periodicals on intercultural communication, mentality and phraseology. The material was represented by phraseological units characterizing the manner of communication. They were extracted by a continuous sampling from phraseological dictionaries of the Russian language. Analysis of semantic features reflecting conceptual and evaluation components makes it possible to assert that the analyzed units are an effective tool in solving communicative problems and in reflecting the national-cultural values of the Russian people. The obtained data can be successfully applied for the theoretical development of cognitive semantics, as well as for the identification of linguistic and cultural characteristics of communication in the picture of the world. The practical significance of the work is that the results can be used in reading special courses in cognitive linguistics and in lecture courses in linguoculturology.

    pdf 23-29.pdf  (146 Kb)

  • Bedanokova S.K.
    Separate complex nominal combinations in Contemporary French

    This study examines complex combinations created according to the model: "attribute + determinant" in Contemporary French. In this grammatical structure, the semantics of relations between their components takes on special significance as the main differential feature. Due to the fact that the second component can be expressed by nominal phrases of various syntactic structures, this feature can be used as the basis for the classification of complex combinations. The objective of the study is to identify the nature of this linguistic structure: to reveal the principles of classification of this model, and to determine possible areas of its use. The performed analysis, which is based on the structural and semantic principle, makes it possible to define these complex combinations as lexicalized collocations that are not included in the dictionary of the national French language.

    pdf 30-33.pdf  (262 Kb)

  • Dedukhina A.G.
    Thematic classification of English borrowings of the semantic field “fashion” (based on the material of advertising texts)

    This article is devoted to the thematic classification of English borrowings of the semantic field “fashion”, which nominate goods, names of items of clothing, shoes, accessories, fabrics and styles. The material for the study has been the advertising texts of Russian glossy female magazines. The purpose of the article is to describe and highlight classification thematic groups of English borrowings of the semantic field “fashion”, based on the material of advertising texts. The analysis of the thematic classification of English borrowings made it possible to single out 6 groups of the semantic field “fashion”. It has been established that the modern Russian language very quickly and flexibly adapts to such rapid changes in the world, adopting and adapting foreign language vocabulary in its lexical and grammatical system. The research results can be used in the compilation of reference and educational materials.

    pdf 34-38.pdf  (159 Kb)

  • Dedukhin A.A., Dedukhina A.G.
    Actualization and popularization of the English borrowings in the contemporary Russian language

    This article examines actual and fashionable words, represented by the English borrowings in the Russian language, reflecting the social aspect of time, nominating notions and events and being important for the society in this period. Mainly, the material of the Russian printed advertising texts has been used for the research. The purpose of this article is the revealing of actual and popular English borrowings, their analysis, and the exposure of the reasons of borrowings. The scientific and practical importance and relevance of the work are defined by the method of linguistic analysis of borrowed lexemes in the Russian language. A method of scientific observation with linguo-semantic analysis helped to come to the conclusion that activation of the process of borrowing is typical and important for the modern period of the Russian language development, where foreign words play an essential role in the receiving language. The practical novelty is the opportunity of reference and research usage of obtained data on the English borrowings in the Russian language.

    pdf 39-43.pdf  (130 Kb)

  • Dzhabrailova M.M.
    The concept “Motherland” in the poetry of Raisa Akhmatova

    The article deals with the place and significance of the concept "Motherland" in the poetry of Raisa Akhmatova. The author highlights and studies the main components of this concept. The goal of the article is to determine the linguistic and cultural nature of the concept "Motherland" as one of the important ethnic symbols of the Chechen ethnic culture, implemented in the works of poets. The relevance of the research lies in the lack of a systematic analysis of the concept “Motherland” in the Chechen poetry. In this paper, the experience of studying the concept of the Motherland as a socio-cultural phenomenon is systematized, and the main approaches to the interpretation of the concept of the Motherland are compared. The concept “Motherland” in Chechen linguoculture is considered through the prism of national identity, which is the key in the study of the origin of the national idea. The analysis of practical material has shown that the objectification of the concept “Motherland” in the poetry of R. Akhmatova certifies the individual author's embodiment of the corresponding image. Having studied the concept “Motherland” in the poetry of Raisa Akhmatova, we were able to show the national specifics of the concept under consideration as a component of the language and national picture of the world.

    pdf 44-50.pdf  (269 Kb)

  • Kopot L.V.
    The concept of Russianness in the literary discourse of E.G. Vodolazkin

    The goal of this study is to trace the implementation of the concept of Russianness in the literary works of E. Vodolazkin. The relevance of this work lies in the close attention of domestic and foreign researchers to the problem of the cultural code of the Russian people, its values, and national character. The object of the study is the literary discourse of E. Vodolazkin, Doctor of Philology, specialist in ancient Russian literature, author of such bestsellers as Laurus, The Aviator, Brisbane, Solovyov and Larionov. The novelty of the study is that an attempt was made to reveal the semantic scope, to determine the semantic structure of the concept of Russianness using an example of new material in a literary discourse. Paradigmatic, synthagmatic and word-forming connections of the concept of Russianness are revealed. The methods of context and contextual analysis and a descriptive method were used. The practical significance of the study is that the results can be introduced into university courses teaching the contemporary Russian language, into special seminars in linguoculturology and cognitive linguistics.

    pdf 51-56.pdf  (181 Kb)

  • Kubashicheva S.K.
    The creative potential of merging in the English language space

    The issues of the new linguistic direction "neology" are considered. The significance of the study lies in the extratextual factors of the intensive development of the lexical system of the English language. This is a subject of scientific interest aimed at structural-semantic analysis of the word-forming model and stylistic features of neologisms that are not recorded in bilingual dictionaries. Using an analytical review, it is possible to establish an extensive group of English neologisms formed by a productive method of blending, as well as to determine the main features of neologisms - connotative components. It has been established that the method of scientific observation expands ideas about the intensity of the development of word formation and enrichment of the English language culture as a whole. The practical significance of the work is the possibility of using contextual systematization of material on lexicology and lexicography in the compilation of dictionaries.

    pdf 57-60.pdf  (209 Kb)

  • Malyutina S.A.
    Sochi School of Linguistic Rhetoric: thesaurus matrix of excursion discourse

    Using an example of the “Sochi Olympic” macroconcept, the article provides the results of creation of the thesaurus model of the excursion discourse (ED), a subtype of a tourism discourse, which, in turn, is a type of institutional discourse. The study material includes methodological developments and individual texts of Sochi tour guides, which serve as the basis for their oral public speaking (27 texts, a total volume of more than 800 pages). The study considers excursion discourse and professional language personality (LP) of a tour guide with regard to the concept of lingual rhetoric (LR) paradigm of Sochi School. This provided the idea of an excursion discourse as the process and the product of a guide’s speech and thought activity, a special type of professional LP, an active subject of relevant discourse processes in Russian multiethnic and cultural educational space, a Russian native speaker, advocate and promoter of the Russian language, Russian history and culture. Under the LR approach to the study of the excursion discourse, a macroconcept “Sochi Olympic” was analyzed as the first concretization level of an abstract macroconcept “Sight”. The second level includes 12 mesoconcepts: “Climate”, “Nature”, “History”, “Myths / Legends”, “Ethnography”, “Architecture”, “Culture”, “Politics”, “Sport”, “Economy”, “Cuisines of the Caucasus”, within which 38 cataconcepts are singled out. The study of the process and the product of a guide’s speech and thought activity within a system of the universal LR parameters and mechanisms of LR competence fulfilment in a professional LP formulates conceptually significant provisions and conclusions that are relevant, including for improving the level of practical recommendations in the field of guides professional training and improving their speech and thought culture.

    pdf 61-68.pdf  (156 Kb)

  • Orekhova E.S.
    Military honor (experience in etymological analysis)

    The article considers one of the main concepts of Russian military culture – the concept of honor. The purpose of the study is to identify the features of the Russian military concept sphere. At present, deepening into the national specifics, which is contained in the language, is becoming one of the factors for establishing interethnic relations, which determines the practical significance of the work. Using the method of analyzing dictionary definitions, the author builds a model of the lexical meaning of the word honor, and then defines the conceptual core of the concept "military honor". It is contained in internal moral principles that allow us to serve for the benefit of society. A study of the near-core space of the concept, which includes synonymous lexemes - conscience, dignity, honesty, decency - is being conducted. The author reveals the near and far periphery of the honor lexeme, which indicates the most important quality of a Russian serviceman – the ability to sacrifice his interests for the benefit of the state and society. The author consistently proves the opinion of M.K. Mamardashvili, who puts an equal sign between the lexemes of honor, dignity and love. The publication discusses the historically formed ideas about military honor and duty, which, in addition to internal moral qualities - dignity, valor, honesty, nobility of soul and a clear conscience - include the concept of sacrificial love for the Motherland and his affair.

    pdf 69-74.pdf  (228 Kb)

  • Ryabko O.P.
    Frame analysis of motivated-nominative quality-item “nature locative” in language worldview (from the materials of the English language)

    The scientific aspect of the article is the anthropocentric direction in linguistics. Anthropocentrism promotes the study of a person's cognitive capabilities, his mental activity, presented in language forms. The article defines the role of cognitive processes in the study of lexical-nominative fields (specifically the floranimic field) within the language worldview. The purpose of the article is to describe the motivational space in the names of complex structured floranims with the discourse-logical frame-forming quality-item "natural locative". The publication notes the importance of using methods of definition description and frame classification in the study of factual material, as well as the significance of the frame structure of the quality-item under consideration. It presents the orientation and address activities of nominators of the plants’ world. The results of analyzing the frame semantics of the motivational quality-item "natural locative" allowed us to identify three topical subframes. The obtained data characterize the variety of places where native English speakers have settled, their imaginative and spatial logical thinking. The article concludes about the significance of the hierarchical field structure of the cognitive-discourse frame "natural locative" in the transfer of naive knowledge to emerging scientific knowledge, using empirical and experimental material. From the nominative point of view, the considered quality-item is represented by a frame-forming type of direct nomination, where the modifier directly indicates the natural locations of the plant. The direct nomination potential is relevant for the three topical subframes. The frame-defined form of the nomination - a complex structured unit - provides information about the long, historical linear development of this form of nomination. The obtained conclusions and research results have made specific theoretical additions to the theory of cognitive-frame floranimic nomination, and to the general theory of frame nomination.

    pdf 75-81.pdf  (130 Kb)

  • Skhalyakho E.N.
    The integrative aspect of terminology formation of the “Interior Design» subject area

    The article is aimed at considering integrative aspect as a system-forming characteristic of terminology of the "Interior Design" subject area. The object of the research is terminology of the "Interior Design" subject area in the Russian and English languages. The subject of the research is the logical-conceptual and categorical-thematic aspects of its study. During the studying process such methods as observation, comparison, synthesis and generalization, conceptual-categorical classification and systematization were applied. It was established that the terms of the "Interior Design" subject area are formed due to the process of conceptual integration, which involves considering background information as well as the new area of special knowledge. The theoretical value of the research lies in revealing the process of integration as a cognitive-pragmatic mechanism of the terminology formation of the "Interior Design" subject area and in a certain contribution to the development of professional terminology. The practical value lies in the possibility of using the results of the article in special courses in terminology, and intercultural professional communication.

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  • Tikhonova A.P.
    Ethno-cultural Community of the Hattian and the Abkhaz-Adyghe Languages

    In our research we proceed on the assumption of the indissoluble connection of language and culture. For the first time we treat such a quality of culture as stability, which helps to preserve the basic vocabulary throughout millenniums. The material of the investigation includes composite and derivative words of the Hattian and Abkhaz-Adyghe languages containing the components of the words that preserve traces of more ancient state of the language. In the research the combinatorial method of investigation is used that is based on the study of Hattian texts, on the comparison of repeated combinations of words and grammatical forms. As supporting points of the investigation we take into consideration the purpose of the text (ritual, prayers, incantations) and bilingual inscriptions (Hattian-Hittite bilinguals). The use of the identical components in composites and derivatives in the Hattian and modern Abkhaz-Adyghe languages confirms their ethno-cultural community. The confirmation of the ethno-cultural community of the compared languages is essential for the history of the Abkhaz-Adyghe languages, which have no written tradition, and the study of the ways of their historical development presents considerable difficulties.

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  • Fomenko L.N., Miroshnichenko L.N.
    Functional significance of headlines in newspapers in Greek when articles are used or omitted

    This article describes the functions of newspaper headlines, paying attention to lacunar structures such as "noun + article", where by all grammatical rules there should be an article. Our carefully studied observations in publicist speech show the most interesting phenomena of spontaneous character such as the play of words in translation, abbreviations, omissions, which undoubtedly also depend on the mentality of the reader. The novelty of the work is due not only to the minimum number of works in the journalistic style, namely Greek newspapers, but also to the small amount of information on the grammar of the New Greek language. In addition, the prepositions of the New Greek language are graded, which are used mainly in the genitive and accusative case, both with and without the articles. Depending on the use or omission of the articles, different functions are distinguished, which are implemented at different stages of perception of the text.

    pdf 95-101.pdf  (347 Kb)

    Literary Criticism
  • Nemets G.N.
    Linguo-cognitive specificity of essaying of Yu.N. Tynyanov`s literary portrait: experience of discourse reconstruction

    The linguo-cognitive specificity of essaying a literary portrait is analyzed using an example of memoirs-biographical texts about Yuri Tynyanov. This discourse is characterized by anthropocentricity, associativity, analyticity, and subjectivation of the narrative. The scientific problematization of the research is emphasized by the background knowledge about the nature of the literary portrait as a speech genre presented in the memoirs and biographical discourse. Separate essayed fragments as elements of discourse are able to build a whole of the created image. The aim of the work is to identify the linguo-cognitive specifics of essaying a literary portrait as a personal discourse. The main objective of the research is to analyze the main features of Yu.N. Tynyanov's speech portrait, using an example of multi-genre memoirs and biographical texts. Using the methods of narrative and linguo-discursive analysis in the work, the author analyzes the structures of memoirs-biographical texts containing certain features of essaying portrait descriptions. The theoretical significance of the work lies in the fact that an essayed literary portrait as a linguistic phenomenon is a tool for reconstructing a personality, its individual psychological characteristics. The practical significance of the work is characterized by the fact that the obtained data contribute to the determination that essaying in the system of a semiotic whole exists as a linguistic phenomenon that reveals the psychological abilities of a person according to the data of memoirs and biographical discourse. It is concluded that essayed portrait descriptions can act not only as fragments of memoirs and biographical texts, but also as elements of essayed discourse of a literary portrait. At the same time, the essayed portrait descriptions analyzed in the work are diverse in terms of genre and species structure (portrait-snapshot, portrait-silhouette, portrait-plot, portrait-memory, etc.).

    pdf 102-108.pdf  (130 Kb)

  • Panesh U.M., Mamiy R.G.
    Literature of the post-war decade: the influence of traditions and ideological and aesthetic searches (based on Adyghe prose and poetry)

    The paper discusses the features of the development of Adyghe prose and poetry of the 1940s - early 1950s in the context of domestic literature. Topics, peculiarity of conflict and genre features of works of T.Kerashev, D. Kostanov, M. Paranuk, A. Gadagatl and others are analyzed. Literary searches of writers are revealed under the conditions of the dominance of the theory of conflict-free and dogmatic attitudes of socialist realism, as well as attempts to increase problematic, meaningful fundamentals of works through the use of diverse poetic means. Historical, literary and comparative typological methods help formulate conclusions about the features of a new, intermediate stage in the development of national literature, which reflects the typological features of the domestic art of the word. The work contributes to solving problems related to the evolution of genres, styles and individual skill of the writer. The importance of the conclusions is also related to the possibility of their application in the study of the history of domestic literature, the development of textbooks and teaching manuals.

    pdf 109-115.pdf  (193 Kb)

  • Khakuasheva M.A.
    Scientific and journalistic aspects of the work of Ali Shogentsukov (towards the 120th anniversary of the poet's birth)

    The article is the first to consider some of the critical and literary works of the classic of Kabardian literature Ali Askhadovich Shogentsukov. The purpose of the study is to make a scientific analysis of new aspects of the poet's work that had not been previously studied. In particular, they are devoted to individual literary works of representatives of the national literature of the initial period. These works are a resonance for this or that event or phenomenon in the literary life of Kabardian and Balkarian writers, in the general literary process, thus allowing us to determine the general position of the poet, his view of certain aspects of literature and culture in general. We use the method of a comparative analysis to examine the works of the Kabardian poet and the works of the authors of the period from 1920s to 1940s. The practical and scientific significance of the study of A.Shogentsukov's articles devoted to national literature makes it possible to trace the peculiarities of his attitude towards most of its aspects, in particular, they clarify the ideological platform of A. Shogentsukov, which was based on the principles of cultural and literary consolidation, internationalism, systematic study of fraternal literatures of the North Caucasus, classic Russian literature. The article "Bekmurza Pachev" was used as an example to show that there is a keen deep interest in the history of Kabardian literature, the study of which A. Shogentsukov understands primarily from the standpoint of the continuity of the folk artistic tradition. Along with this, the poet worried about the problems of children's literature, children's and youthful creativity. Among the young researchers he names the "Kabardian poet and translator" A. Keshokov, the talented young Balkarian poet K. Kuliev and others. Continuing the ideological orientation of J. Naloev, A. Shogentsukov considered integration with world and mainly Russian literature as one of the main ways of developing national literature. The article shows that one of the talented writers of the early period, J. Naloev, highly appreciated the literary work of the young Kabardian poet A. Shogentsukov. The results of our study can be an additional contribution for a more complete understanding of A. Shogentsukov’s creative heritage.

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  • Khot S.Kh.
    Historical revolutionary novel in Adyghe prose of the 1960s-1980s: typological community and national identity

    An attempt is made to typologically study the general and national in the artistic development of the historical revolutionary novel in Adyghe prose of the 1960s-1980s in a comparative aspect. Based on the comparative typological method, the processes of evolution, ideological and thematic commonality and national identity of the novel in Adyghe literature are analyzed. The specifics of the genre and poetics of the works of writers about the revolutionary past are determined. The Adyghe historical and revolutionary novel, focusing on the experience of multinational Soviet literature, went its own way of development. The results obtained in the framework of scientific research presented in the historical and literary context allow us to conclude that the heyday of such a genre in national literature of the second half of the last century is explained by the desire for a conceptual depiction of the person and people in the revolution, as well as the mainstreaming of this issue from the point of view of a new reading of the "modern" historical and revolutionary novel. The practical significance of scientific work is associated with the possibility of successful applying the findings in a typological study of the history of literature in the North Caucasus.

    pdf 122-127.pdf  (121 Kb)

  • Gutov A.M.
    Idealization in circassian epic tales and songs

    The formation and transformation of epic images are associated with the evolution of the consciousness of the entire society. The purpose of this article is to establish aesthetically motivated patterns of reflection of this evolution using the analysis of typologically different epic heroes as an example. Such a task is intended to establish a number of important laws in the formation of an artistic image in verbal art. Within the framework of the historical-comparative method, using the techniques of genetic and typological analysis, as a result of the study of texts, it is possible to establish the main stages of the transformation of artistic consciousness and the role of narration in creating images of specific characters. This allows us to determine the main stereotypes of the characters, their connection with the evolution of the world perception of the bearers of the epic tradition, to substantiate the logical motivation for the emergence of heroes of one type or another depending on the evolution of consciousness, to highlight constant and changing components of the narrative, to determine the dominant functions at certain stages, their connection with development stages of consciousness and artistic reflection of reality. The study was carried out based on the theoretical and methodological principles of domestic and world philology on the material of authentic records of the Adyg epic and folklore of other peoples. The results obtained are of great practical importance for establishing the peculiarities of the history of ethnic artistic culture and for clarifying some aspects of the general theory of the development of aesthetic consciousness from syncretic narratives, where the system of representations does not separate fiction from reality, to samples of conscious artistic creativity, including the author's.

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  • Novak M.V.
    Media coverage of racial minorities in the United States of America in the context of cross-cultural communications

    The aim of this work is to address the problematic issues of race relations in the United States of America over the past century and a half. The rationale for the relevance of the study is the fact that when studying cross-cultural communications in order to adequately understand the features and prospects of their development in a country, the experience of the media in the U.S. is very indicative. Despite the fact that issues of assimilation of immigrants from various countries of the world have long been on the agenda of the American authorities, human rights defenders and academics, first and foremost, representatives of the media cover cross-cultural conflicts and their resonance in public life. As a result of the study, it can be concluded that American journalism in this problematic space not only developed its own experience of cross-cultural communications, but also paid for systemic errors of the period of open discrimination against racial and ethnic minorities. After the country had adopted a policy of equality and tol-erance in all spheres of public life, the media had proved that the incomplete readiness of one of the most influential social institutions of society to new cross-cultural relations had adversely affected the lives of the participants in those relations.

    pdf 134-139.pdf  (175 Kb)

    Study of Arts
  • Yu Yan
    "The Queen of Spades" by A.S. Pushkin - P.I. Tchaikovsky in cinema space: on inter-textuality

    The article is devoted to the intertextual connections of “The Queen of Spades” by A.S. Pushkin-P.I. Tchaikovsky, actualized in the space of cinema. We are talking about the adaptation of A.S. Pushkin’s “The Queen of Spades” by Sergei Orlov in the film “These ... three correct cards ... ” (USSR, 1988) and by Pavel Lungin in the film “The Queen of Spades” (Russia, 2016). The author focuses his research interest on the musical dominants of the designated screen ver-sions of the class samples in Norma's cavatina from Vincenzo Bellini's opera “Norma”, “Casta diva”, and in Dalila's aria from K. Saint-Saens's opera “Samson and Delilah”. In the first case, we are talking about Norma's cavatina from Vincenzo Bellini's opera “Norma” “Casta diva”. In the second – about Delilah's aria from the opera “Samson and Delilah” by C. Saint-Saens. The inclusion of opera fragments of foreign composers by domestic directors in the cinema space, which creates a precedent for “text in text”, seems justified for a number of reasons. Firstly, the story “The Queen of Spades” is marked with a similar technique, where the story of Anna Fedo-tovna's victory, told by Tomsky, turns out to be woven into the story about Hermann, whose au-thorship belongs to Pushkin. Secondly, in the opera of the same name by P.I. Tchaikovsky, the function of “text in text” is performed by the interlude “The Sincerity of the Shepherd”. In addi-tion, in the same way as in the sideshows the relationship that develops between the main charac-ters of the opera with a finale different from the pastoral is played out, Delilah's aria and Norma's cavatina act as the quintessence of the meaning of the relationship between Hermann and Lisa (film by Sergei Orlov “These ... three correct cards ... ”) and Andrey – the performer of the part of Hermann, and Sophia Mayer – the prima, shining in the part of the Countess (Pavel Lungin's film “The Queen of Spades”). Finally, thirdly, the fact that both film adaptations pass under the sign of the masterpieces of the opera classics can be considered as a recognition of the equal face of the works of V. Bellini, C. Saint-Saens and P.I. Tchaikovsky, included in the golden fund of world musical culture.

    pdf 140-145.pdf  (201 Kb)

  • Ushkho A.D.
    Proof of a Lemma on invariant lines of a polynomial vector field

    The questions of qualitative behavior of polynomial vector fields with invariant lines are considered. In particular, we prove that if a polynomial system has an invariant set $M_s^k$ consisting of $s$ and only $s$ parallel invariant lines with an angular coefficient $k$, then $s\leqslant 3$. Moreover, if a polynomial system has invariant sets $M_{n-1}^{k_1},M_{n-1}^{k_2}$ and $M_s^{k_3}$, $(k_1-k_2)(k_1-k_3)(k_2-k_3)\neq 0,$ then for even (odd) $n$ the number of invariant lines of this system does not exceed $2n+1$ ($2n+2$).

    pdf 11-15.pdf  (355 Kb)

    Technical Sciences
  • Simankov V.S., Teploukhov S.V.
    Analytical study of methods and algorithms of artificial intelligence

    The paper presents an analytical review of the methods and algorithms of artificial intelligence. A brief comparative characteristic of the methods has been formed, which allows taking into account their peculiarities and determining the main areas of their application. Comparison of the features of the human brain and artificial intelligence allows us to distinguish two main types of artificial intelligence: strong and weak. This classification makes it possible to analyze the main directions and areas of application of artificial intelligence methods. The paper also discusses the main trends in the development of artificial intelligence and machine learning.

    pdf 16-25.pdf  (416 Kb)

  • Kashin Ya.M., Kopelevich L.E., Samorodov A.V., Marakhovsky E.A.
    Wind power plant model

    The article presents a computer model developed by the authors of a wind power plant with a synchronous generator with permanent magnets on a rotor, which makes it possible to evaluate transient processes in various modes when operating on a changing load.

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  • Sergeev N.E., Samoylov A.N., Polovko I.Yu.
    Ontological presentation of photogrammetric methods for solving the problems of determining the geometric parameters of objects from pre-processed digital images

    The basis for constructing systems operating on the principles of image analysis is made up of specific processing methods and their combinations, whose effectiveness has been proven in solving a variety of applied problems. Given the frequency of change and variability of the conditions under which photography is performed, as well as the constant replenishment of the pool of methods available for use, the problem arises of choosing such methods based on the experience of development and application. It is obvious that the components that solve such a selection problem must be based on intelligent technologies. This follows from the fact that descriptions of methods and their application are often not formalized and cannot be processed by classical methods. To solve the problem of choosing the optimal method or a set of methods, the authors solved the problem of compiling a single model based on ontologies, which allows performing tasks such as search, selection and extraction. The proposed ontology contains knowledge about the applicability of methods and their combinations for individual tasks. The ontology is described in the OWL language and is hosted in the cloud, which ensures its continuous availability.

    pdf 34-39.pdf  (348 Kb)

  • Chastikova V.A., Abbasov T.O., Abbasova S.S.
    Methods for recognizing hidden information in images based on steganography algorithms

    The article discusses the basic concepts of steganography. The most common methods for hiding data using steganographic algorithms are described. The problem of stability of steganographic systems is described. A technique for detecting information in images is proposed based on the simultaneous use of two methods: signature and statistical. The role of the signature method is to check for possible empty containers in the image and their fullness. If the response is positive, the image is scanned using the chi-square method. A software implementation of detecting embedded information in graphic data is presented. The analysis of various known steganoanalytical methods was carried out and the percentage of hidden information detection in the image was revealed by each algorithm separately. Comparison of the effectiveness of the methods is presented in the form of histograms obtained on the basis of the experiments. Based on the comparison of steganalysis algorithms, the effectiveness of using the combined technique for detecting data in images is substantiated.

    pdf 40-45.pdf  (400 Kb)

  • Vlasenko À.V., Kashirina E.I.
    Analysis of modern methods of processing information in electronic form

    The article analyzes the current state of management information support and reflects current issues of transition to paperless technology. Special attention is paid to the state policy in the field of information technology development. The specificity of systems for collecting, processing and storing information in the information field of higher education institutions is considered. The dependence of the efficiency of the electronic document management system is established depending on the depth and systematic analysis of the composition and structure of information data flows in the organization. The necessity of implementing an electronic document management system, its advantages, opportunities, and prospects is justified. The model, stages and results of implementation of the electronic document management system in the institution are described.

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  • Kashin Ya.M., Kirillov G.A., Sidorenko V.St. Gaydamashko A.I.
    A promising method for improving accuracy of determining the damage location in cable transmission lines and a device for its implementation

    The current issues of determining failure points in power cable lines and imprecisions that arise when using it are considered. The authors propose a method of improving accuracy of cable damage location due to consideration of its strands twisting and device for its implementation.

    pdf 52-58.pdf  (330 Kb)

  • Taran V.N.
    Using a Bayesian trust network to analyze risks of intensified complex natural processes with catastrophic consequences

    An analysis had been made of the factors on which the intensification of complex natural processes with catastrophic consequences depended. A model for predicting catastrophic consequences of natural processes using a Bayesian belief network is proposed. The peaks of the Bayesian network were highlighted, an expert assessment of the possible values of the indicators was presented and the Bayesian network was trained on the basis of the obtained expert estimates. The “Investment” factor was proposed as a management impact on the network. Modeling and forecasting of possible scenarios for the development of complex natural processes and their catastrophic consequences were implemented. It is proposed to use Bayesian trust networks when building a decision support system for forecasting and assessing risks from damage in the event of catastrophic consequences resulting from the intensification of hazardous natural processes.

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  • Dovgal V.À., Dovgal D.V.
    Analysis of vulnerabilities and security threats in a swarm of Wi-Fi-enabled drones that resist malicious attacks

    This article examines the vulnerabilities and security threats of a swarm of drones that work together to complete a certain mission. The coordinated actions of a flock of unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) can be used to deliver goods and merchandise, serve as mobile hotspots for broadband wireless access, and support surveillance and security of smart cities. The widespread use of drones is also of interest to attackers who are interested in intercepting swarm control and using it to their advantage. The purpose of this review article is to examine possible attacks by attackers – the direction of the attack, possible examples of applications and devices that can be used to carry out the attacks in question.

    pdf 67-73.pdf  (333 Kb)

  • Vlasenko À.V., Kashirina E.I.
    Current issues of data management in the context of digital transformation

    The article reflects the current state of the documentation support of technological processes management of educational institutions, and considers topical issues of transition to paperless technology. The necessity of implementing the digital integrated service “Admission to higher education online”, its advantages, opportunities, prospects, and systems for collecting information about issued documents by educational institutions and accumulating this information in the Federal database is justified. Special attention is paid to the state policy in the field of digital technologies development. The article describes modern solutions of all stages of admission to higher education institutions.

    pdf 74-79.pdf  (549 Kb)

  • Kostyuk A.I., Bespalov D.A., Voloshin A.V.
    The principles of creating a distributed database architecture for the task of perimeter protection

    The paper describes the architectural principles of creating a distributed database for the task of perimeter security with high requirements for scalability and fault tolerance. A diagram of the modernized architecture is shown, approaches to achieving the specified key indicators are described, and an approach to migration is developed. A study of the system performance was carried out, and the values of key performance indicators achieved by the fault tolerance subsystem were determined.

    pdf 80-86.pdf  (575 Kb)

  • Chetyrbok P.V., Shostak M.A.
    Hospitality industry training in South Region (Russia) in conditions of Covid-19 pandemic using information technology

    The paper presents recommendations on the use of information (remote) technologies in the process of specialists training in the hospitality industry in the context of the Covid-19 pandemic in the southern region of the Russian Federation. The capabilities of the Moodle 3+ platform to train hospitality professionals are explored. In the context of remote work in the hospitality industry, particular attention is paid to the productivity of specialists. The possi-bilities of using intelligent services on the Moodle 3+ platform are discussed.

    pdf 87-91.pdf  (298 Kb)

  • Chastikova V.A., Malykhina M.P., Zotina Yu.S.
    Approaches to integrating machine learning methods and blockchain technology

    This article discusses the possibilities of using blockchain technology to increase the efficiency of machine learning methods. An analysis of trends in the practical application of neural networks and blockchain technology was also carried out. One of the main problems in the development of neural networks is the formation of training samples. Features of data processing by blockchain platforms provide an opportunity to solve this problem. A practical basis for constructing training samples of neural networks can be information used in blockchain chains. The specificity of data collection by distributed systems avoids a number of typical difficulties encountered in the creation of training samples. Features of the combined technologies impose some restrictions on possible integration methods. Neverthe-less, the discrepancies between the architectures of blockchain series and neural networks can be resolved by dividing the final solution into separate semantic parts.

    pdf 92-98.pdf  (445 Kb)

  • Myasnikova T.A., Ivanova O.D., Tamova M.K.
    Investors as a key factor in the development of the housing market

    The article is devoted to the role of investors as a key factor influencing the functioning and development of the housing market, the ways of their influence on local housing markets are shown. The result of this research is an analysis of the advantages of investors in shaping the local economy and the housing market as a whole. The study of the theoretical and methodological foundations of the housing market made it possible to comprehensively consider the interaction of the most important economic agents that ensure the consistent development of this market. The study of investment processes in the development of the housing market, the features of its structure and infrastructure allowed us to note that the housing market in Russia is developing in conditions of a serious shortage of the necessary legal, institutional and economic conditions for its civilized formation. Compared to other markets, this sector has developed to a certain extent partly in semi-legal forms. The use of new financial institutions and instruments in the housing market will contribute to more effective regulation of its development processes.

    pdf 101-107.pdf  (163 Kb)

  • Pshikanokova N.I., Kuyek Z.N., Pshikanokova N.D.
    Local government collisions in a situation of economic instability

    The paper explores the role of municipalities in achieving sustainable socio-economic development goals in problem regions. The mechanism of achieving set objectives is complicated by the current situation with the COVID-19 pandemic. This circumstance necessitates clear coordination of corrective actions of the entire structure of state authorities and society as a whole. The article notes the negative impact of the pandemic on the development of regions and their territorial entities due to quarantine measures and, as a consequence, aggravation of collisions of the management system at the meso level. Problem regions with mono-profile and low resource potential, with a high degree of uncertainty, need to develop specific measures aimed at sustainable subregional development.

    pdf 65-70.pdf  (120 Kb)

  • Khatukay S.A., Babalyan E.B., Tamov K.A.
    Program-target approach to solving problems of socio-economic development of the municipality

    The article considers the essence of the program-target approach as one of the main tools for implementing qualitative changes in the socio-economic situation at the state, regional and municipal levels. The main economic results of using the program-target approach in the management of socio-economic development of municipalities are determined. To assess the effectiveness of the program-target approach in solving problems of socio-economic development of the municipality “Maikop district” an analysis of the current municipal programs, the degree of achievement of planned activities from these programs, determine the level of effectiveness of their implementation. The conclusion is made about the importance of this tool in ensuring the growth of the competitiveness of the municipality and its sustainable socio-economic development.

    pdf 71-82.pdf  (420 Kb)

    Recreation and Tourism
  • Tamov A.A., Ilyasova E.V., Krylova E.M.
    Development of rural tourism in the context of quarantine measures

    The article deals with issues related to the development of rural tourism in the context of the coronavirus pandemic. Rural tourism is seen as a driver of rural development, stimulating the development of private farms, increasing the demand for natural agricultural products, contributing to the creation of new jobs, as well as influencing the preservation and development of folk crafts, culture and identity, which, in turn, leads to the solution of many socio-economic problems of rural residents. The article highlights trends that will contribute to the development of rural tourism in the context of the coronavirus pandemic, as well as options for developing tourism in rural areas, the project approach is highlighted as a priority. The main stages and mechanisms of rural tourism development in the region are highlighted, which are based on the joint active work of entrepreneurs, government and non-profit organizations.

    pdf 119-124.pdf  (123 Kb)

  • Tamov A.A., Khatukay S.A., Babalyan E.B.
    Problems of development of the tourism industry in the context of the spread of a new coronavirus infection

    In 2020, the tourism industry in almost all countries, including Russia, was severely hit by the spread of the new coronavirus infection (COVID-19). The Russian tourism industry has not experienced such a severe crisis since the 40s of the 20th century, which at that time was caused by the outbreak of World War II. The rapid spread of the new coronavirus infection, the closure of borders, the introduction of restrictive measures and a self-isolation regime throughout the country-all this had a serious impact on the state and further development of the tourism business. This article examines the current state of the tourism industry in Russia, identifies its contribution to the socio-economic development of the country. The problems of the development of the tourism industry in the context of the spread of a new coronavirus infection and the main measures of state support for tourism aimed at overcoming the consequences of the pandemic are identified.

    pdf 125-132.pdf  (373 Kb)

  • Vodozhdokova Z.A., Khuazheva A.Sh., Shaldokhina S.Yu.
    Conceptual approach to managing financial stability and ensuring financial security of road transport organizations

    The article discusses the theoretical aspects of the essence of the financial stability of road transport organizations in conditions of economic instability, the importance of managing financial stability and ensuring financial security. The main trends in the development of the industry, factors and problems of the main industry features of the financial condition of motor transport organizations have been studied. As part of the strategic directions for the development of the transport industry, the need was identified to develop methodological provisions, tools and clarifications of the existing methods for diagnosing the financial condition, allowing to prevent the crisis state of transport organizations when the first signs appear, and to prevent the economic bankruptcy of organizations in this industry in modern conditions. The necessity of improving methods of managing financial stability and ensuring financial security of motor transport organizations, taking into account the conceptual approach, in dynamic economic conditions has been substantiated. An effective concept for managing the financial stability of road transport organizations has been developed to prevent crisis conditions and successful development, including assessment of the market and external risks, monitoring and assessment of fixed assets, monitoring and assessment of the financial condition, internal financial control, and a mechanism for ensuring the financial security of road transport organizations in modern crisis conditions.

    pdf 108-118.pdf  (461 Kb)

  • Shcherbatova T.A., Shcherbatov I.V., Tamova M.K.
    On the issue of involving unused agricultural land in the turnover

    On the basis of a retrospective analysis of the reform of land relations, trends in the change in the areas of agricultural land in the Russian Federation, Krasnodar Territory and the Republic of Adygea, as well as factors of irrational use of productive lands, are revealed. This made it possible to conclude that it is necessary to improve land management measures when unused, irrationally used or used agricultural land is not used for its intended purpose. An algorithm for their implementation with the specification of parameters and standard characteristics at each stage is presented. The special importance of economic indicators of involvement in economic circulation of land plots is emphasized, which is confirmed by calculations on the example of LLC “Adyghe Scientific and Technical Center for Rice”.

    pdf 94-100.pdf  (181 Kb)

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