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  • Abregova Zh.O., Kazanchi A.R.
    Revolutionary events: as shown by materials of Istpart on Kuban, Black Sea coastal area and Adyghea

    This article attempts to comprehend the level of informativity of Istpart materials from Kuban, Black Sea coastal area and Adyghea, describing revolutionary events and political processes during the Civil War. The emphasis is made on events witnessed by their contemporaries. Memories are intended for a wide readership and perform a social and educational function. This is reflected in the selection of facts, interpretation of the past, and in the desire to understand the events from a personal point of view. Memories of the specific events of the Revolution and Civil War were most common. Special emphasis in the analysis of memories is placed on the sovereignty of Kuban during the post-revolutionary period. The authors reveal the features of similarity and difference in perception of political processes during the First Russian Revolution and the February events of 1917 in Russia and in the region. Attention is focused on the intensification of revolutionary activities of the RSDLP in the cities of Kuban: Maikop, Armavir and Ekaterinodar. The revolutionary activity in the territory of Kuban, the Black Sea coastal area and Adyghea spread with a temporary delay. By the beginning of 1918, Soviet power had been established in the larger territory of the region and acted as an ideological and political tool to consolidate the Bolsheviks in the fight against the Kuban military government and the Kuban Rada.

    pdf 16-23.pdf  (153 Kb)

  • Zabara A.P., Schneider W.G.
    Change in the number of urban and rural population in the Krasnodar Territory during the 1950s: features and patterns

    The article studies the peculiarities of changing the demographic situation in the Krasnodar Territory during the 1950s. The authors have established that demographic processes depend on the level of socio-economic development of the region. The patterns of change in the ratio of urban to rural population in the province have been analyzed, and the reasons for this process have been identified. The forced industrialization influenced the growth of the number of large and small cities of Kuban. The analysis of the results of the All-Union population censuses conducted in 1939 and 1959 allowed the authors to record a higher rate of urbanization in the Krasnodar Territory compared to the average in the USSR. Despite the stimulation of urban population growth in the region, the share of rural residents in Kuban exceeded the analogous figure in the country. This was due to the agrarian specificity and demand of agricultural products of the Krasnodar Territory. The authors claim that the socio-economic and cultural infrastructure of the village was modernized alongside the development of urban areas. During the period under review, the State policy for the development of the region has contributed to the preservation of the rural population through the creation of jobs and the promotion of rural lifestyles during seasonal agricultural activities. The authors assess the effectiveness of rural and urban development policies in the 1950s in the context of the demographic transformation in Kuban.

    pdf 24-30.pdf  (149 Kb)

  • Kaunova E.V.
    Gorbachev’s dry law as a radical measure to force sobriety on the Soviet man

    The article deals with the dramatic situation in the USSR, which preceded the adoption of the 1985 normative document on the suspension of the development of total drinking and alcoholism. An analysis is made of numerous facts of asocial importance, which were the result of uncontrolled alcoholic products consumption by the population of the country. The author attempts to identify the reasons for the widespread abuse of alcohol, the rampant increase in alcoholism of different age groups, social and gender affiliation. At the same time, the effectiveness of various measures carried out within the framework of the State programme for the rehabilitation of the Soviet people is being assessed. The article provides comparative statistical material to identify the positive and negative results of the anti-alcohol campaign for the economy. Sober endeavours within the framework of cultural, educational and leisure activities are marked as an alternative to alcoholic lifestyle. Based on an analysis of economic, social, mental and other factors, the author arrives at a conclusion that a high degree of radicalism and directness were admitted in solving such an extremely complex, multi-part and delicate problem as alcohol consumption. It is inferred that the implementation of a comprehensive approach involving the use of cultural, educational, political, legal and propaganda resources in the fight against alcoholism of the population will strengthen the effectiveness of the policy of health protection of the nation.

    pdf 31-41.pdf  (222 Kb)

  • Koichuev A.D.
    Contribution of large families of the USSR to the victory during the Great Patriotic War as shown by the Karachay and other peoples

    The article sets the task: based on examples and facts to show what contribution large families of the multinational state - the USSR - made during the Great Patriotic War, having sent up to 10 sons to the front to protect the Motherland. The vast majority of them died defending the Motherland. Their mothers found the strength to understand, to survive these irreparable losses, to continue to work for the benefit of the Fatherland. The present article attempts a scientific reflection of the contribution of families with many children to the Great Victory over fascist Germany. The author describes the socio-historical conditions in which admission to military service became an indicator of moral and ethical condition of conscripts. The article provides information on the number of Karachays dead during the Great Patriotic War. Based on the available archival materials and documents, the fate of the relatives of the dead soldiers is traced. It is concluded that the victory of the USSR in World War II over Hitler's Germany and the ideological doctrine of fascism was won through the consolidation of the efforts of the multinational people of the Soviet Union, and the conscious performance of military duty to the Fatherland by Soviet soldiers.

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  • Kosyashnikov S.A.
    Nonresident settlements in the territory of modern-day Karachay-Cirkassia: emergence, formation and development (the second half of the 19th and the beginning of the 20th century)

    This article describes how the so-called nonresident villages emerged in the territory of mainly Batalpashinsky County (Department) of the Kuban Region (contemporary territory of the Karachay-Circassia). The author discusses the conditions of their initial economic activity, and gives the number of the population in the newly formed settlements. The work mentions both villages based on the Slavic population and numerous villages and farmsteads formed by "foreign" settlers. The publication describes social structure of displaced persons and provides an analysis of socio-economic preferences that were granted to displaced persons in the early 20th century. During the reign of Alexander III the missionary activity of the Russian Orthodox Church in the region is intensified, accompanied by the active construction of monasteries. During the period under review, the internationalization of the present-day territory of Karachay-Circassia accelerated, leading to an increase in the size and change in the ethnic composition of the region. In particular, in the late 19th and early 20th centuries, Armenian, Jewish, Estonian and Greek settlements were founded in the mountain and foothills areas, which made a significant contribution to the development of agriculture in the region. The author concludes that the policy pursued during the period under review to encourage the resettlement of nonresidents has led to economic growth and the emergence of new sectors of the economy in Karachay-Circassia.

    pdf 51-59.pdf  (153 Kb)

  • Tleptsok R.A.
    "Color revolutions": theoretical concept and political experience

    An attempt is undertaken to make a historical analysis of the theoretical concept and the implementation of the "color revolution" scenario in the modern policy. The "color revolution" is a form of struggle for political power. A brief analysis of the technological cycle of the "color revolution" is given. The relevance of the study lies in the nature and results of the current "color revolutions," which lead to the destruction of the political systems of States and often of States themselves. The aim of the study is to identify different approaches in determining the nature and characteristics of the phenomenon under study. The formulation of the definition of "color revolution", which contains universal signs of this phenomenon, will allow researchers to consolidate their positions. "Color revolutions" are a systemic phenomenon involving various "soft power" techniques using information infrastructure, which must be taken into account in describing the phenomenon under study. Technologies for carrying out "color revolutions" are presented and conceptually analyzed in the present work. The author concludes that "color revolutions" have a high destructive potential for the socio-political system of the country, devalue the authority of the political regime and exacerbate the internal problems of the State.

    pdf 60-71.pdf  (200 Kb)

  • Tleptsok R.A., Alkhaov A.A.
    Activities of General N.N. Raevsky on the Black Sea coastline (1838-1841)

    The article is devoted to the activities of General N.N. Raevsky on the East Coast of the Black Sea, which was of great importance for the creation and further functioning of the Black Sea coastline. The article addresses the complex context of events that preceded the foundation of the Black Sea coastline: the participation of N.N. Raevsky in expeditions for the construction of its fortifications, his policy towards the coastal mountain population and the practical results of his military and administrative activities. A detailed analysis is given of the military-political activity of N.N. Raevsky in strengthening the Black Sea coastline. The authors describe the positive trade and economic effect on the development of the Black Sea coast of the North-West Caucasus, obtained as a result of building peaceful relations with the mountain population. Attention is also paid to the circumstances of the forced resignation of N.N. Raevsky from the post of head of the Black Sea coastline. It is concluded that the military-administrative policy of N.N. Raevsky during the period under study was pragmatic for the Russian Empire and allowed strengthening peaceful relations with the Circassian population and improving sanitary and epidemic conditions of life of Russian soldiers in garrisons of coastal fortifications.

    pdf 72-82.pdf  (190 Kb)

  • Tkhagapsova G.G.
    Value and world view foundations of traditional environmental culture of Adygs

    Researchers regularly turn to ethno-ecological traditions in an attempt to understand ways to maintain a balance with the habitat of different peoples. In the context of the current environmental crisis, the relevance of scientific search for a solution of these problems is very high. The article deals with the traditions of the ecological culture of Adygs and describes the complexity of the natural and climatic conditions of the territory, and enormous species diversity, requiring special approaches in building relations with nature. Thousands of years of development of this natural complex allowed the Adyg ethnos to build ecology-protected relations with the environment, reflected in rites and traditions. These include the formation of sacred groves and forest gardens transformed into the sacral space of the Adyg ethnos, special approaches to soil treatment and crop rotation, hunting traditions supporting species diversity and careful attitude to water resources. The author, analyzing the traditions of the environmental culture of Adygs, concludes that the preservation of balance with the natural environment was based on the law of fair exchange. Spiritual ties were built based on the nature worshipping and provided by rituals and rites. It is concluded that the ecological culture of Adygs has formed the optimal model of interaction in the "man-society-nature" system.

    pdf 83-89.pdf  (132 Kb)

  • Khut L.R.
    Towards the 155th anniversary of the end of the Caucasus War: the year of 1864 in the contexts of memory policy and synchronous history

    The article is an author's reflection in connection with the 155th anniversary of the end of the Caucasus War and the accession of the North Caucasus to the Russian Empire. The Caucasus War is the most painful event of Adygs’ (Circassians) historical memory. Its symbolic objects are Krasnaya Polyana (the last hotbed of Circassian resistance at the end of the war) and tragedy of Mahajiranism (mass exodus of the people outside the historical homeland) closely related to the war. The purpose of the article is to analyze the final year of the war - 1864 - in the contexts of the Great History, and to comprehend the Circassian tragedy in the general flow of historical time from the point of view of the policy of memory and synchronous history. Viewing the "long 19th century" from the height of the bird 's fly, bringing its many characteristics existing in the scientific literature, the author gradually narrows the field of view and then focuses attention on the events and processes of one year, thus creating a multilevel and multifaceted panorama of the world of that time. The conclusion is justified that today the Adygs need a reflection of the present, and the preservation of the historical memory of the Circassian tragedy should not necessarily be focused on the problem whether or not it was recognized as an act of genocide by the Russian imperial government.

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  • Khut L.R., Cheucheva A.K.
    Digital history in the Anthropocene Era

    The article attempts to analyze the changes taking place in historical knowledge and historical science in connection with the process of digitization (digitalization) and the emergence in the modern thesaurus of the concept of “Digital History”. In the era of the Anthropocene, replacing the Holocene, the human activity has an increasing impact on the change of the Earth's ecosystem, as well as on all areas of scientific knowledge, including the historical one. The authors justify the idea that in the era of the Anthropocene professional historians have found themselves facing "challenges" that require adequate answers whether or not historical discipline possesses the sought out status of scientificality. One of the most serious "challenges" of this kind is the process of digitization and entry of historical science and education into the digital age. The authors state that the professional community of historians, using a global network infrastructure, integrates successfully into the digital space. Analyzing the historian's researches and educational experience in the contexts of digital history, the authors conclude that the historian's new tool kit associated with the digitalization process does not change the essence of historical research, which can be expressed by the words: "man about man".

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  • Cheucheva A.K.
    The aul of Khakurinokhabl uprising in 1887: one story in the presentation of two contemporaries

    The article is devoted to the poorly studied problem of the the Adyg population’s attitude to administrative and legal ruling by the Tsar’s administration in the first decades after the end of the Caucasus War. In addition, the author draws attention to the fact that the process of adapting Adygs to new realities was complex and ambiguous, which was reflected in the event assessment by contemporaries. The study pays special attention to the assessment of events by contemporaries preserved and recorded in writing. The author emphasizes the position of G.I.Sokolov, the head of the Maikop county, and Brantov Z.-hadzhi, the resident of Pshizov aul. The article makes a comparison in the description of the events and their assessment. The study notes the important role of local history in the creation of a collective biography of local societies, which include the inhabitants of Khakurinokhabl, the small Abadzekh aul. An analysis is made of issues of daily behavior of people and public consciousness, reflecting the mood of the Adyg population and resulting in confrontation and armed clash with representatives of the authorities in the aul. The final part of the article considers the consequences of the unrest influence on the situation of Adygs in the Russian Empire and further methods of the Tsar’s administration for the administrative and territorial transformation of the North Caucasus.

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  • Scheujen E.A., Pocheshkhov N.A.
    A.I. Denikin on the Civil War in the South-East of Russia (1918-1920): problems of mentalities

    This article studies the mental and psychological processes displayed during the Civil War in the South-Eastern Russia. These processes have found reflection in the "Essays of Russian Confusion" of Anton Ivanovich Denikin, one of the leaders of the "White Cause," who offered in his work a systemic vision of the events taking place in the region. In recent decades, the history of the Civil War, genesis, evolution and essence of the concepts of "White Cause" and "White Movement" have attracted the close attention of researchers. Contemporary modernization of historical science has led to an expansion of researches carried out on this problem. Today the Civil War is studied based on historical-sociological, historical-anthropological, and historical-psychological approaches, which allow introducing changes in the sphere of mentalities, social sentiment and opinions into historical research. Research experience shows that the issue of mass consciousness is largely focused on the study of personal documents. The memories of participants and witnesses can become the main source for research into the social sentiment of various groups of the population. The civil war was presented to A.I. Denikin, in fact, by a diversified social process that led to the nature and scope of the joint actions of different groups of the population. In the sphere of its attention, along with strategic, political and economic questions, there were problems connected with moral and psychological state of the Russian society. Without a doubt, changes in the mass consciousness of society represent a unique object of study, reflecting the contradictory experience of social life in the extreme conditions of the Civil War in Russia.

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  • Schneider W.G., Koichuev A.D.
    The Lutheran community of Armavir in 1880-1930

    The article deals with the history of the Lutheran community, which arose in Armavir of the Kuban region in 1880. The authors consider the most important features of the spiritual life of the Lutherans, including the specifics of the rites, the interaction of various Protestant denominations within the framework of the same city. The article focuses on the analysis of the causes why religious activities by the Lutherans faded in Armavir during the Soviet period, and considers the specific measures of local authorities that led to its complete cessation. The vast majority of the community members were Germans who moved to Kuban during the last third of the 19th century. The authors emphasize that the persecutions, to which the Lutherans were subjected, were not ethnically oriented. They were conducted due to the anti-religious policy of the Soviet state of the 1920’s and 1930’s. The article pays special attention to the fate of the Lutheran prayer house, which was an important factor in the ethnocultural and confessional community of Germans who lived in Armavir in the period under study. It is concluded that after the Decree of the Council of People's Commissars of 1918 on the Separation of the Church from the State entered into force, the process of gradual secularization of the Lutheran community of the city began in Armavir.

    pdf 132-138.pdf  (127 Kb)

  • Shkhachemukov R.M.
    International forums of historians-caucasiologists: the tradition birth

    One of the important indicators of the development of science, including historical, is the existence of a system of stable information and communication contacts, providing operational information on the nature of affairs in science, and on the interaction of participants in scientific activities. In many ways, the state of scientific communications is reflected in the level of efficiency of scientific research, and is a necessary condition for the formation of a creative environment, institutionalization of research work. By the end of the 20th and the beginning of the 21st centuries, there has been a need to constantly exchange the achieved research results, including at the regional level, within the framework of the intensively developing Russian historical science. In particular, several formats of the conferences have been formed in the North Caucasus to discuss the results achieved and prospects for the development of historical knowledge. Along with traditional meeting formats, such as scientific conferences, congresses, symposia, round tables, there appeared the International Forums of Historians-Caucasus Scientists, the purpose of which was to develop a strategy for studying the most pressing problems of Caucasus science. The initiative to hold forums belonged to the Black Sea-Caspian Regional Information and Analysis Center together with the Southern Federal University. Rostov-on-Don became the place of their holding. The article attempts to trace the process of building up the tradition of holding forums of Caucasus scientists as a platform for discussing the most topical issues of theory and methodology of Caucasus science. Thus, it has become possible to expand the range of research topics concerned, to establish a dialogue between Caucasus scientists, and to form an active and constructive exchange of views on many problems of history and culture of the Greater Caucasus.

    pdf 139-144.pdf  (150 Kb)

  • Abdrakhimov E.F., Yusupov I.F.
    Ethnic diversity in public authorities as an indicator of ethnos prestige

    The article examines problems related to ethnic stratification and ethnic differentiation in the multi-ethnic region, and analyzes the processes affecting the status of the ethnic group and its prestige. The authors reveal trends in the representation of ethnic groups in State bodies in the late 20th and early 21st centuries, and provide rotation of the representation of ethnic groups in different sectors of production. The publication emphasizes that indigenous peoples, despite their quantitative and other characteristics, continue to be the main actors in the socio-political life of the country. The article highlights also that in contemporary society ethnic identity in its pure form does not act as an indicator of social status. However, it was in the post-Soviet period of our country that ethnic identity acquired independent importance, updated as belonging to the title people of post-Soviet States and national territorial subjects of the Russian Federation (higher status) or to national minorities (lower status). Attention is also focused on the fact that the most important indicator of the status and prestige of ethnic groups is their representation in the bodies of state power, and in its management structures and processes.

    pdf 145-150.pdf  (117 Kb)

  • Zhade Z.A., Kumpilov T.M.
    The politicization of Islam in the contemporary world (from the materials of Adyghea Republic)

    The article analyzes the peculiarities of politicization of the Islamic factor in the Republic of Adyghea. In today's world, Islam is being actively politicized, becoming a real political force that has a decisive impact on mass consciousness and all spheres of public life, and determining the nature of both the regional and global political process. The authors draw attention to the fact that in recent years Russian scientists have made considerable efforts to understand the politicization of Islam in Russia and its regions. The peculiarity of Islam in Adyghea is that it has become a political and ethnocultural product of migration movements. One of the characteristics of the development of interfaith relations in the region over the past two decades has been the steady increase in the role of religion in society, which has led to a significant quantitative and qualitative growth of religious institutions. The authors substantiate that in the Republic of Adyghea Islam as a political factor is used in the interests of consolidation of the people and maintenance of internal stability in the region. Islam, directly or indirectly, affects all processes taking place in the Republic and the region as a whole. And gradually it is becoming a factor in the development of civil society. It is inferred that Islam is being actively politicized in the contemporary world, and this has become a real political force that affects the mass consciousness of believers, sociocultural, moral and ethical, socio-economic and political phenomena, determining the nature of both the regional and global political process.

    pdf 151-159.pdf  (177 Kb)

  • Ilyinova N.A., Batmitova R.R.
    The impact of Muslim migrants on the transformation of Islam in Adyghea: based on empirical research

    The presented publication is devoted to the study of the transformation of Islam in such a region of the Russian Federation as the Republic of Adyghea. Islam in Adyghea is quite specific, is a synthesis with the folk culture of Adygs. The migration processes, the strengthening of which is linked to the intensification of globalization, have also affected Adyghea. The sociological survey has found that the sources of Islam in Adygs and migrant Muslims were quite different. The residents of Adyghea interviewed were rather wary of migrants, despite the fact that they were their co-religionists. The ways of showing faith in Adygs and Muslim migrants are different, the former classify themselves as believers, but the majority do not attend the mosque, do not read the Quran, while for the majority of Muslim migrants interviewed, these actions are mandatory. Thus, Muslim migrants who came to the region under study from various countries of the world, in the process of integration into the Adyg community, also have a certain impact on the Islam of Adygs. It is difficult today to clearly classify this impact, which is due to the lack of formation of the views of the Adygs themselves on the extent of the impact of Muslim migrants on the transformation of Islam in Adyghea, as well as the relatively small number of scientific studies on this subject.

    pdf 160-168.pdf  (567 Kb)

  • Ilyinova N.A., Sokolov T.V., Tuguz F.K.
    Public opinion of the region about the critical situation with Samshit Kolhidi: from the materials of sociological research

    In this article, the authors view public opinion as a way of mainstreaming certain social problems and a means of influencing the adoption of certain socio-political decisions. The work is based on the author's sociological study carried out through online questionnaire. The purpose of this questionnaire was to find out whether the residents of Adyghea Republic and other subjects of the Russian Federation are aware about the situation with Samshit Kolchidi and dolmen, their importance, ways of their protection and preservation. The researchers also aimed not only to find out the opinion on the problem, but also to inform respondents about all the aspects of the problem. The results of the empirical study demonstrate that the majority of residents of different regions of Russia do not know about the situation with Samshit Kolchidi and dolmens. Information about the activities of the volunteer movement "Let’s Keep Roots" among respondents who took part in the survey is minimal. The participants of the survey agree that the media should pay close attention to the issue of Samshit Kolhidi and dolmens. The authors conclude that public opinion about Samshit Kolhidi and dolmens has not been formed yet, which should become the object of activity of the leadership and public of Adyghea Republic.

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  • Kuznetsova A.V., Petrulevich I.A.
    Urban mentality in the cultural space: socio- and linguocultural aspects

    The article considers urban mentality from the point of view of sociology and linguoculturology, the unity of methodology of which is provided primarily by the most complex object of research. The methodological basis of the study was the linguosemiotic and intertextual methods of analysis of urban mentality. The description of the social situation, the understanding of the motivation of its participants, and the analysis of their daily aspirations, the system of norms and values makes it possible to argue that the category of urban mentality, despite its unclear theoretical content, applies to the description of the specifics of a particular city, its mental structures and everyday life. Urban mentality is also studied from the point of view of provinciality as one of the fundamental phenomena of pragmatism and axiology of urban lifestyle, norms and life guidelines of citizens. One of the main characteristics of urban mentality is provinciality, integrating the peculiarities of group perceptions of people about their residence in a space-time continuum. Authors draw a conclusion that the research of city mentality by means of the socio- and linguocultural analysis provides means for revealing a qualitative originality, specifics of urban lifestyle and features of cultural daily occurrence of the concrete city, taking into account historical memory of citizens.

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  • Kukva E.S., Ashinova D.A.
    Islam in Adyghea: the state and trends of change by the early 20th century

    The article analyzes the main directions in development of the realm of religion in the Republic of Adyghea. The emphasis is placed on the peculiarities of religious identification processes among Muslims. The publication presents the results of the empirical study of Muslims of Adyghea, carried out in October-November 2019. Based on the obtained data, dominant trends in the change of religion of Muslims have been determined, one of which demonstrates the strengthening importance of such a function of religion as compensatorily analytical. Religious identity has also been found to retain previous positions, inferior to ethnic identity in the identification structure of Adyghea Muslims. Muslim identity in a situation of choice is almost three times inferior to ethnic identity. This trend is sustainable and has continued for a long time. The study identifies and analyzes the main lines of interaction between Islam and Orthodoxy in the Republic, which in general is conflict-free. It is considered as interaction of faiths at the official, formal level, and with extrapolation to interpersonal relations of Muslims and Orthodox Christians, but is not assessed as tense. The data of 2001 and 2019 mass surveys in Adyghea are compared. The authors conclude that there are no fundamental transformations in the functioning of Islam, which could affect the state of religious identity of Muslims.

    pdf 189-197.pdf  (265 Kb)

  • Nekhay V.N., Nurakhmedova A.A., Teuchezh F.D.
    Islamic community in the context of sociocultural transformation of the region

    Based on the conducted sociological study, the authors disclose the peculiarities of perception of religious principles of Islam in the regional community of Adyghea. The Republic of Adyghea retains a moderate level of religious identity, which blend seamlessly in the structure of ethnoidentification processes. The results of the study show that traditional institutions act as a tool to maintain religious values, paternalize ethnoreligious values and contribute to the increasing importance of religion in the spiritual life of the Islamic community of the region. Of particular importance in incorporating the fundamental principles of Islam is the social environment of the believer. Based on the analysis of the attitude of the inhabitants of the Republic of Adyghea towards the basic values of Islam, the authors conclude that the role of rituals in the process of strengthening the religious identity of Muslims is increasing. At the same time, the study shows the stability of elements of secularism in the traditional culture of Adygs. It is also confirmed that the conceptual principles of Islam contribute to the weakening of the destructive influence of religious radicalism and have the creative potential to strengthen interfaith harmony in the region. It is inferred that in the Republic of Adyghea, the Muslim community has managed to incorporate religious, ethnocultural and civic values into the structure of daily life in its axiological system and behavior.

    pdf 198-207.pdf  (239 Kb)

  • Ten Yu.P.
    Symbolism of the FIFA World Cup mascot as one of the directions of the national branding a country

    The relevance of the study lies in the theoretical and practical need to understand the results of the 2018 World Cup in Russia, which brought not only economic profit, but also had a favorable impact on the domestic national image of the country. One element of national branding is the creation of an official mascot (maskot) of sports events. The mascot is seen as an iconic-symbolic element of the country's overall symbolic branding model. The author addresses the analysis of the history of mascots, in particular, the symbolic-value analysis of the mascot of the 1988 World Cup in France - Footix, as well as the mascot of 2018 FIFA World Cup in Russia - Zabivaki. The key conclusion is that if the official mascot as a symbolic design reflects deep historical and cultural strata of the values and meanings of the nation, this symbol will have much greater branding value in the minds of respondents in the context of cross-cultural communications between countries. When choosing a mascot in the context of cross-cultural marketing communications, it is necessary to take into account the factor of cultural distance between representatives of different countries in terms of "reading" the values and meanings of this symbolic design. Marketers should develop a strategy for positioning the selected mascot, taking into account both external and internal marketing environment factors.

    pdf 208-214.pdf  (134 Kb)

  • Tyurikov A.G., Ten Yu.P.
    Features of the formation of the national brand of the country in the context of increasing competition in the era of globalization (a case of France)

    The relevance of the study is due to the need for scientific and theoretical analysis of the problem of "equality" of national brands in conditions of intensification of competition between countries in economy, investment and business. It is justified that thanks to the foundations of their national identity, brands of countries have more extensive cultural resources than any other type of brand. A national brand is defined as a sign-symbolic design, interpretation of values and meanings of which by a consumer influences behavior in terms of preference and evaluation of products of a given country. We have chosen the France's national brand as the subject of the study. The work analyzes macro indicators showing the achievements of the national economy of the French Republic. We also consider the history of solving the problem of strengthening the national brand through government measures aimed at attracting investments in the national economy. The experience of France in designing a national brand shows that the effect of investing in national brands and increasing the value of the country's brand is negative in the short term but positive in the long term with regard to the growth of the economic performance of countries. Analysis of this experience can become the basis for modeling of the brand of Russia in the context of the strategy of promotion to the international market.

    pdf 215-222.pdf  (175 Kb)

  • Hlabystova N.V., Netrebko E.N.
    Institute of higher education as a factor in maintaining social inequality

    The article analyzes theoretical approaches by P. Bourdieu, S. Bowles, H. Gintis, J.C. Passeron and B. Bernstein explaining the mechanisms of preservation of social inequality by the institute of education. Reproduction theory by P. Bourdieu, S. Bowles, H. Gintis and J.C. Passeron considers the development of different universal personality traits in the process of learning from representatives of different classes. Thus, representatives of the upper class in the process of training shape such personal features as independent work and creativity, develop skills to make decisions, that is, all those skills that are necessary to take a place in the higher layers at the top of the social hierarchy. While pupils from working families are taught to humility, obedience and observing external rules. In this article, the authors analyze data of Federal State Statistics Service, the report on results of selection committee of the national research university Higher School of Economics, statistics of admission in 2018 of the Kuban State University of Technology, as well as the results of sociological researches: questioning and interviewing "Applicant of the Kuban State University of Technology”. Based on this analysis, the authors conclude that despite open access to higher education, in modern Russia, there are a number of factors for all sectors of society that limit access to higher education by young people. The main factors include the social status of the family, material well-being and place of residence. Thus, higher education can be considered as a social institution that preserves and reproduces the class structure of society.

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  • Chistyakova O.A.
    Migration processes in Russian modern society and their assessment by Russians

    This work deals with migration as an inevitable phenomenon of the world community of the twenty-first century. In order to study thoroughly the essence of migration processes, the author considers the evolution of the term "migration" in Russian modern sociological science. The essential characteristics of the migration movement are also clarified, which is achieved by comparing such types of population movement as natural and migratory. The author notes that migration has a significant impact on the processes taking place in all spheres of society, which is due to the wide range of functions performed by migration. Based on the studies carried out at different periods by such authoritative organizations as the Public Opinion Foundation, Levada-Center, and the All-Russian Center for Public Opinion Study, the author traces the attitude towards the migration of Russians. The author shows that Russians point out a number of spheres of life of the Russian society in which, in their opinion, migrants should not be present. Also, they call a number of social spheres to the presence of migrants in which Russians are more loyal. It is concluded that Russians are not opposed to the entry into the country of Russian-speaking, young and educated migrants, while the entry of other categories of citizens of foreign countries, in their opinion, should be restricted.

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  • Vertiyevets O.A.
    Neoarchetypes in contemporary culture

    The article discusses the evolution of archetypes in the context of dialectically interconnected processes of uneven development of social systems - globalization and localization and adaptation of local to global in the form of glocalization. Multivariance of sociocultural processes allows people to preserve multiculturalism of sociocultural space as one of sociocultural resources of progressive development. The progressive movement takes place both in the form of advanced development basing on innovative processes and in the form of throwbacks to archaic forms filled with updated and symbolized content. The author considers the transformation of archetypes against the background of the dynamics of modern sociocultural development and their transformation into neoarchetypes under the influence of changes in the axiological sphere of culture as a result of morphogenesis processes. Neoarchetypes are a way to adapt archetypal matrices to new sociocultural conditions, new symbolic filling with meanings correlated with the contemporary state of society and vectors of its sociocultural development. Archetypes, which retain their importance in modern society because they reflect perennial models of human relationships, adapt to modern cultural normative and value regulators. They are complemented by neoarchetypes, the content and symbolic significance of which are aimed at updating traditional normative and value models of sociocultural practices in modern life.

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  • Omelchenko A.S.
    "Medical Landing" as a cultural form of social medical volunteering

    The article investigates the process of forming the value foundations of the personal culture of medical students during their participation in volunteer activities. The author describes the concept of "medical volunteerism" and its directions. The experience of the student social action "Medical Landing" is analyzed from the cultural position. The article contains the results of a study in which the respondents are students of the Pacific State Medical University of the Ministry of Health of Russia. This study is aimed at identifying the role of volunteerism in the formation of the personal culture of future doctors. The author notes that the special direction of volunteerism in our country is activities in the field of health care. Medical volunteering includes various ways to help and support patients of medical institutions, as well as measures to provide vocational guidance to schoolchildren in the medical sphere. For development and promoting voluntary (volunteer) activity, very promising is the medical cultural and educational space where socially important lines of the personality of future medical specialist are formed. The author states that the education of universal spiritual values at students of medical university is quite a pressing problem, the way of solving which passes through the inclusion of students in medical volunteerism. At the same time, the author argues that the phenomenon of medical volunteerism has a sociocultural essence and exerts a positive influence on the volunteer medical student in the formation of spiritual national values. Almost 50% of the students who took part in the study noted the direct relationship between participation in the student social action "Medical Landing" and the acquisition of positive qualities (traits) of character (change in views on the surrounding world). They are ready in the future to be consciously included in volunteer activities, which makes it possible to form effectively and consistently the value foundations of the personal culture of future doctors.

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  • Arutyunov S.A.
    Today and yesterday. About A.K. Shaparova's book "Political Repression of Circassians in the North Caucasus (1918-1940)", Nalchik, 2017 - 822 pp.

    This deeply meaningful and perfectly designed book was published two years ago, unfortunately with an announced circulation of only 300 copies. The book is somewhat unusual in its structure. The author's text in it is relatively small. The vast majority of the texts are memories of people who have been subjected to repression - arrests, many years of camps, exile or forced to flee and hide from them, people whose parents and relatives were innocent and killed or tortured both directly by their guardians, and by hunger, diseases, unsustainable work and inhuman living conditions. But there are many lines in these same memories about how the ones who managed to survive in this monstrous butcher of Bolshevism and Stalinism, have found strength for decent and noble work, often under changed names and far from their places of origin for great achievements in their work and for universal respect in society. They have found strength for feats while defending great homeland from the threat of foreign enslavement, and for realization of their spiritual nobility and the best human qualities so highly standing in the Circassian mentality and vision of the world and man in it. The book is written in Russian, but some sections and documents are given also in the Adyg (Kabardino-Circassian) original and in English translation.

    pdf 253-256.pdf  (96 Kb)

    Regional Economy
  • Babalyan E.B.
    Influence of institutional factors on regional economic development

    Based on the analysis of the main theories of representatives of institutionalism about the sphere of activity of institutions, the article defines the role and importance of institutional factors in the development of the region's economy. The functions associated with the action of these factors are formulated, and the goals and objectives of the region's economic development determined by institutional factors are identified. In accordance with the interests of the subjects, the expected effects are identified depending on the institutional nature of the subject, that is, for various types of business, private households, and state and municipal authorities. The systematization of the effects of institutional factors allows us to determine the direction and boundaries of indicators of economic development in the region. The obtained quantitative and qualitative characteristics will provide an opportunity to determine the degree of influence of institutional factors on the development of the economic system of the region as a whole.

    pdf 17-24.pdf  (141 Kb)

  • Bostanova P.I., Yandarbaeva L.A., Molamusov Z.Kh.
    Structural elements and factors of the formation of the socio-economic potential of the region

    A characteristic feature of social development in the twenty-first century is the tendency to gradually move away from the factor concept of economic growth to a more advanced concept of its development with the emphasis on the role of man (as an exclusive subject of economic activity) with its social goals. Experts note that the tools used for economic diagnostics of development factors no longer meet the modern requirements of sustainable socio-ecological and economic development and slow down the use of effective applied socio-economic research. In the special literature, the processes of regional development and forecasting of the regional economic system are quite actively studied, including those related to socialization and humanization of social development, which is reflected in the concepts of “human capital” and “Schumpeterian” economic growth. At the same time, one can also note the presence of many diverse interpretations of the very concept and factors of social development, problems of their comprehensive diagnosis, etc. In the current realities, the problem of developing the organizational and economic mechanism for managing the socio-economic potential of the region aimed at reducing unemployment in depressed republics of the North Caucasus, to identify imbalances, etc.

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  • Bruzhukova O.V., Shmygaleva P.V., Shatalova O.I., Mukhoryanova O.A.
    Improving tools for stimulating the development of social entrepreneurship in certain sectors of the regional economy

    The article analyzes the theoretical aspects of the formation of the role of social entrepreneurship in the socio-economic development of the region; the essence of social entrepreneurship is defined as a tool for solving social problems; explored the basic elements of social entrepreneurship; The main advantages of social entrepreneurship are identified, which are manifested in the possibility of using new, unique tools that provide a solution to problems at the expense of their own income until there is a need for it. It is proved that it is the regional authorities that play a key role in building a stable and effective connection between business and society in solving the social problems of the territory on the principles of voluntariness and mutual benefit. The article studies the features of intra-industry and inter-industry integration as a tool for the development of social entrepreneurship; proposals have been formulated to improve instruments for stimulating the development of agricultural cooperation as an instrument of social entrepreneurship in the Stavropol Territory.

    pdf 32-40.pdf  (158 Kb)

  • Mokrushin A.A., Prokhorova V.V., Shalatov V.V.
    Strategic priorities and instruments for implementing the investment policy of the problem region

    The article reveals the organizational and economic aspects of implementing the investment policy of the problem region of modern Russia. The key problems of the implementation of investment policy, as well as factors to improve the efficiency of investment processes in the Republic of Adygea are identified. The strategic directions and tasks of improving the investment policy of the Republic of Adygea are disclosed. The key tools for implementing the investment policy of the Republic of Adygea are substantiated, which contribute to increasing entrepreneurial activity, increasing the competitiveness of the region.

    pdf 41-52.pdf  (478 Kb)

  • Stepanova E.O.
    Calculation of the investment multiplier for the subjects of the Central Federal District

    The dynamics of GRP as the main macroeconomic indicator characterizing the volume of production volumes in a local territory is influenced by many factors, one of which is the amount of investment in fixed assets. The growth of investment in fixed assets leads to an increase in GRP, and the dynamics of GRP, in return, has an impact on investment flows at the regional level. The problem is that official statistics are often late, reflecting data on the dynamics of GRP with significant lags, and the multiplier and accelerator of investments are outside the sphere of Rosstat's interests. The purpose of the article is to assess the impact of investments on the dynamics of GRP using the case of the Central Federal District. The author proceeds from the existence of a direct statistically significant relationship between the growth rate of investment in fixed assets and the dynamics of GRP. Determine the change in the level of GRP for the subjects of the Central Federal District in the long time interval, putting them on the dynamics of investment in fixed assets, it is possible, therefore, to establish the presence (absence) of the correlation between the studied parameters. At the second stage of the study, the value of the investment multiplier for individual regions of the Central Federal District is calculated. As a result of the study, it was found that in most subjects of the Central Federal District there is a (statistically significant) direct relationship between the value of investments in fixed assets and GRP, and the investment multiplier for the respective regions is calculated.

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  • Tamov A.A., Rodin A.V., Babichev K.N.
    Krasnodar agglomeration: problems of integration and connectedness, taking into account the peculiarities of the territorial-administrative zoning of the Krasnodar Territory and the Republic of Adygea

    The attempt to assess the level of connectedness and integration within the Krasnodar city agglomeration settlements, as well as to identify trends of the territory socio-economic development in key sectors of the economy and social sphere was made. The study of the Krasnodar agglomeration development degree was based on a general scientific methodology, that includes the use of quantitative and qualitative assessment methods, the application of the rates method based on the allocation of normative values and the comparison of the results with the normative ones. The study of the Krasnodar agglomeration integration degree and the identification of key problems of its functioning allow us to determine strategic priorities of the territory development in the future and can be used in the process of the Krasnodar agglomeration socio-economic development Strategy formulation.

    pdf 60-68.pdf  (397 Kb)

  • Tkhamitlokova Yu.O., Malkanduev Yu.A., Kardanova I.A., Khandokhova Z.A.
    Analysis of the main directions of regional state support for innovative entrepreneurship as a factor in the effective development of the Kabardino-Balkarian Republic

    The article considers the state of small business in the Kabardino-Balkarian Republic. The increase in business activity of small and medium-sized businesses was revealed. The main obstacles to the development of small business in the region are: difficulty in accessing external financing; outdated equipment and technologies or their lack of productivity; inadequate training of specialists and lack of qualified personnel. The main directions of innovative entrepreneurship in the region, promising state programs for the development of small businesses in the KBR, for example, such as: the development of a network of support infrastructure of SMEs aimed at the formation of a service model of SME support; the creation and operation of a single management body of SME support infrastructure organizations; information support for entrepreneurs and promotion of entrepreneurship; the development of youth entrepreneurship; expansion of financial support for SMEs; expansion of educational support for SMEs, etc.And also the article shows the amount of funding to support small innovative entrepreneurship.

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  • Shadova Z.H., Malkanduev Yu.A., Tokmakova R.A., Abu Baker Salim
    SWOT-analysis as the basis for developing a strategy for innovative development of the region (on the example of the Kabardino-Balkarian Republic)

    The article notes that a well-designed innovation and investment development strategy is currently the main factor ensuring the progress of the country and its individual regions. According to the authors, in order to develop a well-thought-out and well-grounded regional development strategy, it is necessary to analyze the strengths and weaknesses of the region's economic development. For this purpose, the article conducts a SWOT-analysis of the Kabardino-Balkarian Republic, as a result of which factors are identified that must be taken into account when forming the KBR development strategy. It is concluded that the region has a sufficiently large potential for realizing its capabilities and preventing threats. Strengths such as: rich natural resources, unique natural and recreational potential; good ecology; the presence of favorable soil and climatic conditions that contribute to the creation of modern agricultural production with deep processing of its products, etc. The region has a fairly developed transport infrastructure, a developed telecommunication multiservice network. According to the authors, when forming the development strategy of the KBR, it is necessary to take into account the influence of these factors. It is necessary to focus on the development of recreational resources, agriculture and industry by attracting investment in the economy of the region and increasing the income level of the population. It is also necessary to upgrade fixed assets, etc. The article proposes the structure of the strategy of innovative development of the region. The tasks of operational and strategic planning are outlined.

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  • Shatalova O.I., Mukhoryanova O.A., Vorobyovà E.A., Velichenko E.A.
    Regional aspects of improving the process of state property management

    The article considers the theoretical aspects of state regulation of state property management, the main problems and risks of using instruments of state regulation of state property management. The main forms and methods of managing state property are analyzed. The main goals of managing state property are defined: the formation of a system of interconnection of state property with other forms of ownership regarding the use of management mechanisms; use of the project approach to state property management; ensuring the effective impact of state ownership on objects of other forms of ownership; the formation of sustainable prerequisites for the activation of regional production and economic development. The article studies the features of state property management in the Stavropol Territory, identifies areas for improving the tools of state regulation of state property management in the region and develops proposals to improve the efficiency of using state regulation tools for managing state property in the Stavropol Territory.

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  • Shmygaleva P.V., Bogdànov D.S., Lebedeva E.P., Bruzhukova O.V.
    Improving the mechanism for the provision of state and municipal services at the regional level

    The article discusses the most significant areas of increasing the efficiency of multifunctional centers, manifested in the creation of legal, economic and methodological support for the provision of state and municipal services; Studied the main indicators of efficiency and effectiveness in assessing the activities of multifunctional centers, studied the problems of improving the quality of services provided in a multifunctional center at the regional level, developed a mechanism for managing the center, which helps to improve the quality of services and optimize the activities of multifunctional centers (MFC). As part of the study, a survey was conducted among employees of MFC, which made it possible to identify the most important criteria when performing state or municipal services. During the analysis of activities to provide state and municipal services, the article identified the main areas that need to be adjusted and changed; groups of factors are identified that directly affect the efficiency and quality of the services provided and are conditionally divided into external and internal.

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    Economy of Agrarian-Industrial Complex
  • Agirova S.Kh., Atabieva A.Kh., Bischekova F.R., Tkhamitlokova Yu.O.
    Features of strategic management of innovation and investment activities in the agro-industrial complex

    It is obvious that another economic crisis and the sanctions of the Western powers against Russia have a negative impact on the sustainable development of the agricultural sector. In this context, the importance of innovation and investment activities of economic entities of the agro-industrial complex increases. Implementation of innovative projects allows mobilizing all resources to deal with the problem of import substitution of basic food products, to increase the competitiveness of enterprises and ensure increased demand for innovative products. All this, undoubtedly, indicates the necessity to adjust the innovation and investment policy, its consonance with the trends and dynamics of the components of both internal and external environment. Definitly, the developed mechanism of strategic management of innovative processes should involve a set of tools of the innovation system, and, first of all, a set of interrelated components focused on the creation, implementation and consumption of innovative products and should be commercially profitable. The article analyzes the main interconnected tools of the organizational and economic mechanism for the strategic management of innovation and investment activities of the agro-industrial complex of the republics of the North-Caucasian Federal District. These tools contribute to the implementation of various functions of management entities in the development and informed adoption of effective management decisions to promote an innovative product, taking into account the characteristics of agricultural production. It is concluded that the skillful use of the features of the strategic management system for innovation and investment activities of diversified agricultural enterprises will allow them to quickly adapt to new management requirements, improve the quality of management decisions aimed at solving import substitution problems and providing the domestic market with competitive and affordable food products.

  • Mokrushin A.A.
    Problems of improving the program and target regulation of the agro-industrial complex of the region

    The article reveals the organizational and economic aspects of the program-targeted regulation of the agro-industrial complex of the problem region of Russia. The contents and specifics of targeted, departmental programs of state support for the agro-industrial complex of the Republic of Adygea are revealed in the context of the implementation of the policy of import substitution and the development of export-oriented industries in the region. Particular attention is paid to the composition of the state program of the Republic of Adygea “Development of agriculture and regulation of agricultural products, raw materials and food markets for 2013-2020”, the assessment of the achievement of the planned values of the summary indicators of the program. The main problems of program-targeted regulation of the development of the agro-industrial complex of the Republic of Adygea are identified, which reduce the level of its effectiveness and strategic orientation. Key directions, organizational and economic measures to improve the system of program-targeted regulation of the agro-industrial complex of the Republic of Adygea are disclosed.

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  • Shadova Z.H., Tokmakova R.A., Bischekova F.R., Zakhokhova M.R.
    System-functional approach to the organization of strategic management of innovation and investment processes

    The systemic updating of the agro-industrial complex is the basis for ensuring the sustainability of economic growth, a key factor in shaping the country's food security. All this, of course, requires shifting the emphasis of the ongoing transformations to the field of constructing favorable conditions for creating optimal institutional and innovative structures. The article notes that in order to organize strategic management of innovation and investment processes, it is necessary to develop a rational model based on a set of interrelated elements and subsystems, a systematic approach to management functions from the position of obtaining a commercial effect from the implementation of an investment project. As a fundamental approach to planning management of innovation and investment processes in the agro-industrial complex, the authors consider a system-functional approach that allows you to determine a strategy for its development at all hierarchical levels, based on given goals and objectives. The authors note that skillful strategic planning allows you to increase the competitive advantages of the enterprise through the timely and rational allocation of resources, determining production capabilities and their cost, forecasting cash flows, identifying internal reserves, etc.

    pdf 128-133.pdf  (119 Kb)

    The Theory and Practice of Business
  • Karakayeva E.U., Khasarokova L.A.
    Small and medium-sized businesses: dynamics of development and tools of state support

    Against the background of the ongoing crisis, there is a need to create favorable conditions for the development of small and medium-sized enterprises. This article discusses the tools of state regulation and support for small and medium-sized businesses, formulates suggestions to improve the conditions for the development of this sector, provides the dynamics of small and medium-sized enterprises. Criteria are given for classifying enterprises as small and medium-sized businesses in the Russian Federation and OECD countries, and statistics on the number of SMEs per 100 people in Russia and abroad are presented. The share of small and medium enterprises in the gross domestic product of various countries, including the Russian Federation, is analyzed. The performance indicators of small and medium enterprises for the period from 2016 to 2018 are investigated.

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  • Guseva T.G.
    Theoretical foundations of the leader’s interaction with the team and their organizational design

    At the beginning of the XXI century, leadership acquires a number of fundamentally new qualities and approaches that distinguish it from the traditional ones that have developed in management practice during the previous period. It is more characterized by such progressive features as reducing the value of the official position, demonstrating empathy and openness in organizational and managerial communications, forming highly productive teams, cooperation and partnership, and addressing the humanistic component of organizational relations. This article describes the basics of interaction between the leader and the team: five main stages of team development are identified (“storm”, normalization, performance and dissolution), while describing the optimal behavior of the leader at each stage, as well as ways to prevent conflicts. Transformational leadership is described as a form of leadership focused on changing or correcting the views and behavior of followers.

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  • Guseva T.G., Sadofiev A.A.
    Image and charisma as the most important tools of a leader

    The increased attention to the problem of leadership is currently determined by the increasing role of the human factor in management, the complexity of the management process and its dependence on personal factors and values, both of the leader himself and the entire group headed by him, which determines the scientific and practical interest in the personal qualities of the leader , his image and charisma. This article discusses various approaches to the concept of a leader’s image: the structure of the components that form the leader’s image is given; Key leadership archetypes are highlighted. It is shown that the most important element in forming the image of a leader is his charisma as a set of special talents and qualities that emphasize the exceptional personality of the leader, evoke admiration and respect from others and provide a special attitude to its owner.

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    General Problems of Pedagogy
  • Baykina E.A.

    The entry into force of the Federal State Educational Standards of Higher Education marked the final transition to a new ideology of designing the educational process at the university, which consists in replacing the organization’s traditional disciplinary approach with a modular architecture for building the university’s educational process. The implementation of this goal is based on a number of organizational and methodological measures on the part of the academic community of universities. In the first turn, this is the design of modular basic professional educational programs (OPOP). Specific features of this complex, multifunctional and multi-purpose document are as follows: the construction of a curriculum structured by modules; the creation of interdisciplinary links between the structural elements of each module; abandonment of the linear educational trajectory of development of OPOP; the presence of a well-developed fund of assessment tools, containing interdisciplinary competency-oriented tasks, which in the right proportions reflect the contribution of each discipline to the formation of the declared competencies. In the conditions of the modular design of educational programs, one of the problem areas is the designing funds of assessment tools (FOS) of the main professional educational programs of the university. It should be solved in terms of the creation of a holistic system, which provides the possibility to carry out interdisciplinary, comprehensive assessment of the results of education, the process of development of competences and the levels of their formation in students at various stages of the OPOP development. Modernization of the procedural and substantive part of the control and evaluation activity of the university entails changes in the functional and organizational structure of its elements. Within the framework of this article, we will consider the specific characteristics and structure of the FOS in the conditions of modular construction of the OPOP of the university.

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  • Grinko M.A., Gridasova A.V., Khandzhyan D.D.

    The paper presents the results of the analysis of the established approaches to the definition of target guidelines in the theory and practice of training of a foreign language teacher, focusing subjects of educational activity on the development of experience of educational activities and corresponding competencies. The authors show that the strategic goal of the professional training of the future foreign language teacher is to implement a competency-based approach. This approach ensures the formation of a holistic personality and indicates ways of transition from a "knowledge-centric" paradigm in the organization of the educational process to a humanistic-oriented, defining trajectory of productive development and self-realization of essential forces, abilities and gifts of the student.

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  • Damadaeva A.S., Ibragimova Kh.Sh.

    The paper deals with the definitions of the subject of study, which constitute the categorical apparatus of sports psychology. The presented theoretical review of literary sources allowed to substantiate the necessity of development of applied branches of gender psychology, one of the actual directions of which is – gender psychology of sports activity and its support. The need for such support is dictated not only by the division of sports into male and female sports, but also by the violation of the post-professional period, depending on the specialization – masculine or feminine sports. In this context, the problems of formation and development of the personality of professional athletes in the process of professional sports activities are actualized. To implement the chosen perspective of the study, sports activities were divided into masculine and feminine sports. This study aimed to determine the Abstractpeculiarity of the gender differentiation of the personality of male and female athletes in accordance with the chosen specialization. To confirm the hypothesis, an experimental study of various aspects of the formation of the personality of athletes, such as gender, gender identity, gender stereotypes, gender role, was conducted. The obtained statistically reliable indicators at 95% -99% level proved that under the influence of a particular type of sports activity there are changes in the gender structure of the personality-masculinization of women, necessary to achieve high sports results, but deforming gender identification. In the process of sports activities, such masculinization is necessary for women to achieve high results in sports, but in the post-sports period it violates the mechanisms of gender socialization.

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  • Enokaeva S.S., Dzhaubaev Yu.A., Khatuaev T.A. - A., Uzdenova F.M., Petkov V.A.

    The paper discloses the content of pedagogical potential of recreational technologies in shaping the foundations of healthy lifestyle of schoolchildren, implemented on the basis of complex use of means of pedagogy, valeology, physical culture and sociocultural activity. The authors reveal the essence, content, functions and pedagogical potential of recreational technologies implemented in the conditions of comprehensive secondary school. Classification of recreational technologies has been made. During the study, the authors identified methods, principles and organizational and pedagogical conditions for the successful implementation of recreational technologies, which together serve as a guide for improving the health-promoting activities of modern school.

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  • Korneva I.P.

    This work discusses the history of the formation of higher physical education at the Kaliningrad State Pedagogical Institute in the first years after its creation (from 1948 to 1953). In 1967, the Kaliningrad State Pedagogical Institute was transformed into the Kaliningrad State University. Currently, the university is a modern regional university - the Immanuel Kant Baltic Federal University. The university is a unique educational institution in the westernmost region of Russia. The publication shows the role of the teaching staff of the Physics Department in the organization of the educational process in a young pedagogical university. The training of diploma specialists for the Kaliningrad region in the post-war years was a strategic task. This task was successfully solved, thanks to the selfless work of university teachers.

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  • Meretukova Z.K., Chinazirova A.R.

    The relevance and continuing importance of the problem of health protection is justified. The authors define the concept of “education system” as the target to solve the problem set out in this work. The essence of psychosomatic, ecological and moral-spiritual foundations of health protection and necessity of their unity in educational process are revealed. The necessity of the priority of moral and spiritual foundations in this unity is justified. In this connection, the authors give the definition of the concept of “moral and spiritual educatedness”.

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  • Romanyuk S.N., Demkina E.V., Kubashicheva L.N., Khakunov N.Kh.

    The paper shows that the social infantilism of young people, which constitutes a global pedagogical problem of our time, poses a serious danger to the individual and society as a whole. Its overcoming, and much more prevention, is associated by most scientists with the preventive (or corrective) shaping qualities of a socially mature personality in the younger generation. At the same time, almost all structural and meaningful components of social infantilism are described in binary opposition with qualities of social maturity. Social maturity and social infantilism are often mutually defined through each other. According to most researchers, it is very difficult to determine effective pedagogical means and methods of solving the above-mentioned problem without comparing the qualities of social infantilism and social maturity. In this connection, the purpose of this study is to present these qualities in the form of binary opposition in substantive and structural aspects.

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  • Savvin P.P., Khakunov N.Kh.

    The paper presents the concept of scientific research aimed at search for ways of formation of basic economic culture of athletes in structure of their many-year training. The relevance of the study is justified, and the place and main issues related to the construction of the process of formation of economic culture of athletes are identified. This allowed us to substantiate the working hypothesis and the resolved contradiction, to determine the purpose and tasks of the study, as well as to assume the knowledge obtained in the study, which can become the basis of protected provisions. The work presents a version of the integration interaction between the process of basic school economic education and economic education in the system of sports training, defines the fundamental approaches to the construction of the system of economic education in conditions of holistic development of the person, which include competency, personality-oriented, contextual and activity approaches.

    pdf 69-75.pdf  (128 Kb)

  • Trubachev I.V., Demkina E.V.

    The paper discusses the problem of finding grounds for optimization of the educational process in military universities in order to increase efficiency of educational adaptation of female cadets. The relevance of the problem is justified by the importance of effective adaptation for the quality of education, by the specificity of educational conditions in military universities, as well as by the fact that girls are included in cadets relatively recently. In this aspect, the leading theoretical provisions characterizing the essence of pedagogical optimization and criteria of optimality are given. At the same time, a number of criteria, which have been identified from theoretical analysis of scientific literature, have been added to the scope of traditional and basic criteria of optimality. As a result, the so-called restrictive criteria of optimality, in the authors’ representation, included indicators characterizing the internal state of motivational, value, emotional and other spheres of personality. These indicators are brought into correlation with personal factors of effective adaptation of the person to educational conditions. Indicators and conditions of adaptation, in particular, educational adaptation are disclosed. The effectiveness of educational adaptation is theoretically justified as a possible goal of optimizing the educational process. In this context, indicators are identified that show the degree of effectiveness of educational adaptation: external (educational performance and behavior) and internal (psychological and physical well-being of students, including their activity and mood). In addition, personal factors ensuring effective adaptation to the educational process are given: educational motivation, professional orientation, motivation of professional choice, value orientation; satisfaction with educational activity, choice of profession, and emotional comfort (absence of stress). Methods and results of diagnostics of mentioned indicators and factors are described. Based on the results obtained, the target areas of optimization of the educational process at the military university, which ensures the effectiveness of educational adaptation of female cadets, have been determined.

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  • Ushkho Yu.D., Zabolotniy A.G., Zolottseva E.V., Mirza M.Yu., Elnikova O.O.

    The article deals with the peculiarities of the professional activity of the coach, his authority, pedagogical skills, culture of behavior and communication. The authors compare and analyze the adequacy of the revealed significant qualities of the personality of the coach necessary for effective construction of authoritative relations from the point of view of the coaches and athletes who are at various stages of sports training. Pedagogical conditions of shaping the coach’s authority in the course of training in higher school are proved. To achieve this goal, the authors revealed the idea of young athletes, coaches and future specialists in physical culture and sports about the ideal image of the coach and pedagogical conditions for the formation of the coach's authority in the process of professional training. For this purpose, the authors determined the preferred personal qualities of the coach, applied to the assessment of authoritative relations; compared and analyzed the adequacy of the identified significant qualities of the personality of the coach needed for the formation of the authoritative relations, and defined the professionally significant personal qualities of the coach related to the formation of authoritative relations in terms of coaches and athletes at various stages of sports training. In order to shape the authority, the coach needs not only to know the priority of personal qualities at different stages of sports training, but also to be able to analyze and evaluate their importance from the side of the processes of training, education and socialization of the individual. Analyzing the results obtained, there are significant differences between the expected image of the coach in the groups of athletes and the expected significant qualities of building authoritative relationships from the position of the coaches themselves. Thus, the publication states that at different stages of sports training, athletes have different requirements for the personal qualities of the coach, which, in turn, differ from the opinion of the coaches themselves.

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  • Firsov K.N.

    The article is devoted to the substantiation of a complex of psychological and pedagogical determinants that contribute to the formation of skills in adolescents in the field of self-control of aggressive behavior. The author draws attention to the pedagogical potential of extracurricular activities, with the use of which it is advisable to develop anticipation. Anticipation is defined as the universal ability of the personality, which is one of the factors in the formation of self-control skills of aggressive behavior. As part of extracurricular activities, it is envisaged to use a number of educational technologies (exponential training, pedagogical facilitation, debriefing) in the format of the activity of a comprehensive school. This publication presents the results of a study in which the psychological and pedagogical determinants of the formation of self-control skills of aggressive behavior at adolescents are theoretically identified and psychologically-pedagogically determined. Those include the following: using the potential of extracurricular activities within the framework of a comprehensive school; organization of team-game activities of adolescents; the development of anticipation as the universal ability of a person to predict the development of various events, phenomena, results of actions, behavior; the use of educational technologies of pedagogical facilitation, experimental training, debriefing. To prove the effectiveness of psychological and pedagogical measures of influence on the process of formation of self-control skills of aggressive behavior of adolescents, a pedagogical experiment was conducted in secondary schools of the Astrakhan region. The sample of the pedagogical experiment was 130 teenage students, of which 65 were the experimental group and 65 were the control group. Based on the mathematical processing of data according to the percentage coefficient formula, as a result of a comparative analysis of the levels of formation of self-control skills of aggressive behavior at adolescents, it is revealed that a reasonable set of psychological and pedagogical conditions is effective in the process of formation of self-control skills of aggressive behavior at adolescents.

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  • Khazova S.A., Verzhbitskaya E.G., Verzhbitsky I.V., Vodolazsky A.V., Kubashicheva L.N.

    The paper substantiates the importance of pedagogical interaction for solving problems of education and socialization of the younger generation. This is argued by the content of the targets of Russian education, including the adoption of family values, citizenship, communicative qualities, etc. The lack of scientific knowledge in the field of modern methods and forms of pedagogical interaction, which meet the new conditions of teaching and education, is stressed. This is defined as one of the factors of insufficient efficiency of organization of pedagogical interaction. The key tasks of different subjects of pedagogical interaction are given, the composition of which determines the appropriate forms and methods of organization of this process. On this basis, two groups of methods and forms - common to all and specific to different actors of interaction - are identified. Specific, in turn, are divided into pedagogical, social-psychological and managerial. General forms and methods are intended for mastering the ways of carrying out pedagogical interaction, encouraging subjects to participate in pedagogical interaction, increasing the efficiency of pedagogical interaction. Management methods (organizational-stabilizing, administrative, disciplinary) are defined as the leading methods of activity of the administration of the educational institution aimed at managing pedagogical interaction in the educational organization. Socio-psychological (methods of social management and methods of psychological influence) are intended to accompany interaction by social teachers and psychologists, and pedagogical - for the work of teachers on training and stimulation of other participants of pedagogical interaction, as well as directly on organization and support of pedagogical interaction.

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  • Tsepordey O.V.

    The use of the computer technology in the teaching of foreign languages began more than fifty years ago. However, not so many professionals discussed this topic. The situation changed only recently, when the information era in the society developed and the Internet appeared. Since then the teachers of foreign languages understood the need and effectiveness of integrating information and computer technologies into the educational process. This article is dedicated to the influence of computer technologies on the formation of communication competence in the process of learning English by students of the maritime university. The author of the article concludes that computer technologies and Internet resources help to develop all the types of the speech activity quickly and efficiently. And, if such lessons are organized in the form of a role play the communication competence will be formed quicker and more successfully. However, nowadays the didactic and methodological aspects of the computer technology while forming communication competence have not been sufficiently developed. This indicates the relevance of the topic of this article.

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  • Shidov A.Z.

    The article analyzes the problems associated with the upbringing of military personnel serving under the contract on the posts of soldiers and sergeants of a socio-psychological and motivational nature. The relevance of the topic is due to modern reforms related to the transition of the army to a contractual basis and a significant increase in the share of military personnel serving under the contract on the posts of soldiers and sergeants in military collectives. Intensive military-combat activity, the complexity of the tasks facing the army, the need for the constant development of the latest types of weapons and military equipment lead to a decrease in the moral and psychological readiness of a contract soldier for military service and, as a result, to dismissal from the Armed Forces. According to the author, the main cause of the problems is the insufficient level of spiritual and moral development of this category of military personnel. In order to solve these problems, the author conducts a study of the conditions in which military contract soldiers carry out military service activities. The concept of “army environment” is introduced, which combines professional training and spiritual and moral education of contract servicemen into a single educational space. The author identifies and reveals a number of pedagogical conditions that contribute to the development of the spiritual and moral sphere of contract servicemen. These conditions are: education in the process of military service activities, education through the unity of the army environment, cultural education in the army environment, education through the observance of traditions in the army environment, education through the promotion of family values in the army environment. The conclusions made by the author allow us to develop new recommendations for improving the work of the officials of the unit on the education of contracted military personnel.

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    Literary Criticism
  • Paranuk K.N.
    Role and functions of the house and city chronotopes in the gender space of the novels of D.Rubina "On the Sunny Side of the Street" and L. Ulitskaya "Medea and Her Children"

    The work deals with the gender picture of the world in novels of bright representatives of modern female prose D.Rubina and L Ulitskaya. The author analyzes and investigates the gender space of these novels, the specifics of chronotope in them, and the role and functions of the house and city chronotopes in the gender field of novels. The comparative analysis carried out makes it possible to reveal the conceptual significance of these chronotopes in novels for the gender content of semantics and the structure of novels. The use of gender and comparative methods of research determines the theoretical significance of studies related to systemic analysis in a new direction of modern literature such as genderology. In practice the results of this study can be used in classes on modern national literature in schools and universities.

    pdf 91-97.pdf  (154 Kb)

  • Khatkova I.N.
    The main features of the novel in A.P. Chekhov 's work "Drama During a Hunt"

    The article studies little-learned aspects in the work of the famous Russian writer A.P.Chekhov. The authors explore some features of A.P. Chekhov 's "Drama During a Hunt" as a work of the novel genre. The study updates the problems associated with identifying the peculiarity of the novel. The publication deals with the nature of the conflict, free and engaging organization of the plot, peculiarities of the system of images, composition of the work and its ending. The methodology of the study is based on the identification of the novelistic pattern in A.P.Chekhov 's work "Drama During a Hunt". It is concluded that the work is an attempt to appeal to the novel genre. The scientific and practical significance of this article is related to textual and typological analysis of the work, which reveals elements of the novel genre. The relevance is determined by the factor that the problem of the novel in Chekhov 's early work is least studied and covered in literature studies, and that the presence of elements of the novel in Chekhov's stories is only mentioned in some monographs. Thus, the novelty of this study is underlined by the lack of a full scientific research on the topic.

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  • Khuazheva N.Kh., Pshizova A.K.
    Philosophical aspect of the perception of the world in the lyrics of Muliet Emizh Dunuim yehyl1egye gupshyseheu Emyj Mul1et ilirke kyumate1yhair

    This study discusses the works of the famous Adyghe poetess Muliet Emizh, which reflect the spiritual life of man at the end of the 20th century and the beginning of the new century. The study of the poet 's lyrics is relevant in modern times, since it refers to eternal, enduring spiritual values in human life: love, loyalty to duty, honor, dignity, and adherence to the traditions of ancestors. Emphasis has been placed on stylistic specificity, and peculiarities of artistic skill of the poet. Language peculiarities of works are highlighted. Historical-literary, textual, and cultural analysis made it possible to conclude that the poetess in her work was able to show in detail the internal life and philosophy of the contemporary of the late 20th century and the beginning of the 21st century. The results of this research can be used in the study of the Adyghe lyrics of recent decades.

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  • Chekalov P.K.
    Principle of content and form preserving in K.L. Mkhtse's translation book "Coming Back"

    Translations of poems by Abazin poet Kerim Mkhtse into Russian, made by Moscow poet Andrei Galamaga, are being investigated to clarify the question of the conformity of the form and content of the original and the translation. The scientific significance of the article lies in the level of the carried out prosody analysis, which reveals various nuances of convergence and deviations of Abazin and Russian texts. The comparative method used makes it possible to determine the adequacy of formal features of verse such as stanza, rhyming, size, principles (figurative parallelism), means (lexical ring), etc. In the content-related plan, this publication deals with the identity of poetry images and their meaningful content. The practical significance of the work lies in that that the Russian-speaking reader will receive a qualified idea of the correlation of translation to original, and subsequent translators of K. Mkhtse 's works will be able to take into account their success and shortcomings in their creative activities noted during the study. The analysis of five representative works leads to the conclusion that, regardless of individual deviations from the original, the translation work of A. Galamaga is based on the principle of preserving the form and content of the works to be translated.

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  • Shevtsov K.V.
    Solzhenitsyn as an ideologue: the problem statement

    The aim of this study is to identify and analyze textually different variants of paradoxical synthesis of differently directed attitudes in Solzhenitsyn’s works. The tasks of the work focus on understanding the ideological views of the writer, which have an ambiguous interpretation in the domestic literature. Throughout almost all his life, A. Solzhenitsyn combined Orthodox faith with love for the revolution, being a true Christian and at the same time a fiery revolutionary. This paradox was most pronounced in the book "The Gulag Archipelago", where the religious idea of self-judgement and self-cleansing works with the incongruous singing of revolutionary violence. Solzhenitsyn's search was manifested in the fact that, along with advice to the reader to abandon the search for external enemies and fight personal moral defects, he fiercely calls for an armed fight against the hated regime. Another example of Solzhenitsyn's paradoxical duplicity is the combination of rational-logical and religious-mystical attitudes. The author of “The Gulag Archipelago” is both a born mathematician, used to thinking rationally, and a mystic fatalist, who has no doubt that the Lord himself uses him as a tool for the realization of the highest will. As a result, we have revealed that Solzhenitsyn as an ideologue was always distinguished by categoricalness in judgment and assessments, he clearly gravitated to an authoritarian-preaching word. Despite this, however, the writer's works have a pronounced polyphonic nature, combining opposite conceptual-sense principles. The reason may be that the complex, multifaceted personality of the great ideologist writer combined fundamentally different things.

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  • Abazov, A.Ch., Astezheva, A.M.
    The song “Night Attack of Kabardians” in the creative heritage of the writer of Circassian abroad Shaban Kubov

    Comprehension of the theme of Russian-Kabardian relations in historical heroic songs is a priority task of modern Adyg literary science. In this respect, the problem of studying the songs of nameless improvisators about the Russian-Caucasian war in the recording (in musical treatment) occupies a special place. In particular, the records of the Circassian writer Shaban Kubov are of particular interest. We are talking about a version of the historical heroic song “Night Attack of the Kabardians” little-known among Russian folklorists. Created by couplets, which is inherent in elegy - one of the genre forms of lyrics, this song is about the struggle of the Adygs for their independence and selfless love for their native land. The words of the song call for stoicism and courage, for the highest moral and ethical standards of behavior of the Adyg. Studying the creative heritage of Shaban Kubov will give us the opportunity to take a fresh look at real events and facts; to understand the author's position on the depicted events; to establish the fate of real heroes and their prototypes, etc. The study is based on the method of research from text to fact proposed by the Adyg folklorist R.Unarokova, as well as on the method of comparative-typological analysis of folklore text.

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  • Gutov A.M.
    Song of the ballad type in the Adyg historical heroic epic

    For the first time in the Adyg folklore, the task is set to establish the fact of existence in the Adyg folklore of works of ballad type and to determine their main typological and distinctive features. For this, one of the songs of lyric-epic character is taken as an example. The small lyric-epic form is one of the unexplored areas of song folk culture of the Adygs. The state of study of the problem on this ethno-linguistic material is characterized and the reasons why the subject under consideration did not attract the attention of researchers before are established. All known records of the song are involved in the analysis, which allows the author to establish the range of variation at the level of content, stability of poetry text and geography of existence. Attention is drawn to such common features of the ballad genre as the presence of a detailed narrative, single-hero and single-event, dramatic nature of the situation and others. As a result, it is concluded that the ballad or song of the ballad type did not receive independent genre status in the Adyg song tradition. However, it occupies its important place in the context of the general poetry and musical culture of the people. Further research in this field has a favorable perspective for establishing the sociocultural and artistic significance of the ballad in the Adyg folklore.

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  • Kudaeva Z.Zh.
    Legends: on definition and classification of genres of the Adyg non-fairy-tale prose

    This work studies the genre characteristics of the legend, as one of the least studied genres of the Adyg folk non-fairy-tale prose. The study of the genre of the Adyg legend, namely: the identification of its features, differentiating features, the main components of its plot-thematic groups and the most productive plot-forming motives contributes to the clarification of ideas about one of the constituent elements of the Adyg non-fairy-tale prose and the creation of a complete and exhaustive system of genres of Adyg folklore. The methodological basis of the work was the principles of comparative-historical, and historical-typological methods of research, which involve a comprehensive, systemic study of folklore in its relation to historical reality. The genre differentiation of the legend is based on the principles of historicism, the historical conditionality of the concept of “reliability”, the perception of the “miraculous” and the dominant nature of the aesthetic function associated with it. Genre varieties of toponymic and religious legends are identified and characterized as part of the genre.

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  • Pashtova M.M.
    Stereotypical oral texts on property relations in the local folklore tradition

    The material of stereotypical texts of one of the major Circassian enclaves of Turkey (Uzun Yayla) is used to study oral explications of the culture of economic relations - texts about property in folklore discourse, actualizing material values (money, gold, livestock, land, etc.) as a resource of power, a marker of social (in some cases - ethnocultural) identity, as an ethical and socio-regulatory tool. The folklore of the Circassian diaspora in the claimed aspects is considered for the first time. The material is collected by deep interview and included observation in the enclave of Uzun Yayla (Central Anatolia), consisting of 67 Circassian villages. The author identifies stereotypical perceptions of money and property and key mainstreaming strategies of their actualization, analyzes the socio-communicative conditions and mechanisms of transformation of these perceptions in a particular local tradition, and defines pragmatic functions of studied texts. The analysis made it possible to draw a conclusion that stereotypical oral texts about money and property, on the one hand, represent the traditional (feudal-chivalry), commerce-denying attitude, and, on the other, the texts form an understanding of the need to master the culture of money for success in today's urbanized society. Also important is the conclusion that the studied texts (in particular, memorates about the crisis events of the last century), actualize a number of traditional ethnocultural values in collective memory.

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  • Unarokova R.B., Khakunova E.Kh.
    Adyghe modern wedding: from reconstruction experience

    At the present stage in the world there is an intensive revival of festive rite forms of folk culture. A comparative analysis of traditional and new forms of the wedding rite functioning is carried out to solve in practice the problems of determining the security and transmission functions of the wedding rite. Based on this analysis, a script of a modern Adyghe wedding has been developed. Sources for writing the script are scientific works of Adyghe ethnographers and folklorists, in particular, the monograph "Folklore of Adyghe Wedding" (in Adyghe language) and a collection of Adyg health and well-being wishes. Field materials on the wedding rite stored in the Central Archives of Adyghe State University and Adyghe Republican Research Institute of Humanities are also widely used.

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  • Beshukova F.B., Khazhgerieva A.A.
    Technology of mythologization of modern advertising: communicative aspect

    The paper focuses on identification of conceptual principles of postmodern aesthetics relevant for modern advertising. The objectives of the study focus on advertising technologies of lifestyle formation, image, and style through addressing myths, cultural codes, and simulacra. The analysis is based on media and postmodern methodologies. Postmodern stylistics becomes quite popular and effective in modern mass culture. This is due to the general trend of culture and mass consciousness development. The authors show that advertising fundamentally changes its orientation, moving from direct proposals to hidden impact on psychological structures of consciousness and behavior of the consumer. Among characteristic features of modern advertising are imagery, desire for developing stories, active attraction of media persons and cult figures from the sphere of show business, science, politics, etc. The selection of the person of the advertising campaign takes into account the specifics of the target audience. As a result, conclusions are drawn on the effectiveness of mass communication technologies identified and described in the publication.

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  • Lyapun S.V., Sokolova G.V.
    Sports journalism development in the digital age

    Taking into account the genre-thematic component, the authors describe trends that are inherent in the development of sports journalism of the digital age, which has become one of the popular trends of the global infocommunicative space. A systemic approach study using observation and comparison techniques has found that sports journalism is a very large area, since modern sports interact closely with other spheres of public life. The new media environment creates objective prerequisites for intensive development of professional activity of sports journalists, using effectively information technologies. Sports journalism develops intensely in two main genre directions: news and media analytics. The authors draw a conclusion that sports media texts demonstrate markedly two sides of activity of modern author-journalist - creative and technological. The results of the study are of interest for mass communication theory and medialinguistics.

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  • Novak M.V.
    Directory "Atlas of Russian Orthodox Publications of the USA of the 19th and 20th Centuries" as experience in factual data systematization

    The aim of this article is to summarize one more way of presenting the results of the work on systematization and presentation of the basic factual data necessary to ensure full overview familiarity with the wide range of Russian Orthodox periodicals published in the territory of the United States of America in the 19th and 20th centuries. Studying the history of any complex social, political or cultural phenomena (in particular, the history of Russian journalism abroad) in order to adequately understand their essence and significance requires a visual, easy-to-perceive representation of the entire panorama of events and facts that accompanied their genesis and functioning, as well as active political forces, popular ideas and active personalities. An adequate understanding of the historical and cultural significance of the US Orthodox Press system requires, first of all, a visual representation of all elements of this system, as well as a brief description of the personalities of its main organizers and publishers, ideological encouragers. The Atlas - Directory consists of sections providing the most substantial information about each Russian publication. The amount of information provided about any of the units that made up the Russian printing system of the studied period ranged from a few lines to several pages - according to the trace, left by this publication and its employees in the history of Russian journalism of America and the whole Russian abroad. The results of the work are the first experience in publishing a reference atlas on this subject.

    Study of Arts
  • Galina G.S.
    Typology of artistic images in the Bashkir national opera

    The article deals with the system of artistic images in the Bashkir national opera, the formation of which occurred during the period of Soviet cultural construction. Since the musical and stylistic standard of this period was the Russian classic opera for all young national schools of composers in the country, the system of artistic images was borrowed just from it. In the context of the Bashkir national opera, many theoretical questions, including its artistic and substantive plan, remain undeveloped to this day, and this article, the relevance of which is indicated in the light of the above, is the first attempt to comprehend this problem in opera. In the process of consistent consideration on the basis of existing classifications in Russian musicology, the main goal of the work is achieved – the creation of a system of artistic images in the Bashkir national opera. Their names are also borrowed from the practice of Russian musicology, in some cases precisely, in some-modified. The author notes the changes in the characters and ways of their implementation that occurred in the process of adaptation of the European genre. It is pointed out that this is due to the peculiarities of the national mentality, which corrects not only the images, but also all the structural components of the opera.

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  • Sokolova A.N.
    The Caucasus pre-revolutionary sound recordings as a scientific research object

    This study presents some of the materials obtained as a result of many-year collection work in the archives of Russia and Great Britain: lists of Ossetian musical folklore recorded on vinyl pre-revolutionary discs. The aim of this study is to declare the need for scientific research of pre-revolutionary sound recordings, which allow us to reconstruct the musical aura of a century ago, to have starting sources for observation and understanding of evolutionary processes in the development of traditional culture, including musical and verbal texts. The study of ancient records is also important from the point of view of regional history, local history, cultural anthropology, sociology of culture, folklore and ethnomusicology. Published archival sources will open to science new names of performers, forgotten musical genres, interesting topics and stories.

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    Biological Sciences
  • Kazachko S.V., Tuguz A.R., Shapovalov M.I.
       Atmospheric air pollutants as a risk factor for the development of cardiovascular diseases among the population of the Republic of Adyghea   

    Growth of cardiovascular diseases at inhabitants of the Republic of Adyghea from 2015 to 2018 correlates with the content in atmospheric air of toxic chemical compounds (pollutants) – nitrogen dioxide IV (NÎ2) (r=0,925) and sulphur dioxide (SO2) (r=1,000), and carbon oxide II (CO) (r=0,919). Most common are cardiovascular diseases developing under the influence of gaseous substances that contaminate the atmospheric air of the Republic of Adyghea for many years: arterial hypertension, myocardial infarction, ischemic heart disease, cerebrovascular pathologies (ischemic brain stroke, etc.), diseases of veins, lymphatic vessels and lymph nodes.

    pdf 47-55.pdf  (1 Mb)

  • Botasheva T.L., Rudova O.I., Vasilyeva V.V., Zheleznyakova E.V., Zavodnov O.P., Elzhorukaeva Zh.A., Babayan K.T.
    The relationship of hemodynamic processes in the uteroplacental complex and blood flow in the venous system of the lower extremities during pregnancy

    The purpose of this work is to study the nature of venous blood flow in the lower extremities in relation to hemodynamics in the uteroplacental complex in case of placental dysfunction and uncomplicated pregnancy. Materials and methods: using dopplerometry we determined blood flow parameters in the venous system of the lower extremities, maternal and fetal vessels in 115 pregnant women with uncomplicated pregnancy and in 109 women with placental dysfunction. Results: while progressing the gestational age, there is a decrease in speed indicators in superficially femoral veins both on the right and left legs, however, the degree of explicitity of vein dilatation is more pronounced in case of placental dysfunction. In the same group, a more pronounced asymmetry of venous blood flow was recorded, with maximum of blood flow velocity in the left leg. Valvular dysfunction prevailed in the venous vessel in the right leg. Conclusion: as gestation progresses, regardless of the nature of its course, increasing vasodilation of the superficial veins of the lower extremities is gradually formed, prevailing on the right side and leading to a decrease in venous blood flow velocity. As the term of labor approaches, due to the increased pressure in the pelvis, the load on the valvular apparatus increases, especially on the right side, which is more pronounced in case of placental dysfunction. Changes in the veins of both lower limbs are more pronounced in case of complicated pregnancy. The detected gestational patterns of venous blood flow are associated with the likelihood of hemodynamic deviations in the maternal and fetal vessels in more than half of the cases studied.

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  • Kuzenko M.V.
    Selection value of the world collection of VIR oats in conditions of North-West Caucasus South Foothills Zone

    The paper studies the samples of oat of different ecological-geographical origin. The author gives an assessment of resistance to unfavourable conditions of autumn-winter period, standing ability, main diseases, grain yield and weight of 1000 grains. Samples are isolated according to the complex of household-valuable characteristic, and recommended as the initial material for selection of new varieties.

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  • Panesh O.A.
    Adventive plants of the Republic of Adygea

    The “aliens”, alien (adventive) species and native (autochthonous) species simultaneously inhabit in the flora of the Republic of Adyghea. Their introduction into the flora of the Republic took place at different times. This was falicitated by a number of reasons, one of which was the absence of phytophages and parasites in the new territory. Morphological features and physiological properties of adventive species are diverse and allow them to successfully break in cultivated crops and natural communities.

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  • Shumafov M.M.
    Second order stochastic differential equations: stability, dissipativity, periodicity. I.

    This paper reviews results concerning qualitative properties of second order stochastic differential equations and systems. The properties, which we address, are stochastic stability, stochastic dissipativity and existence of stationary and periodic solutions. Two types of perturbed random processes, white noise and process with bounded mathematical expection, are considered. The work consists of two parts. In the first part we give a short overview on stability of solutions of second order stochastic differential equations by Lyapunov functions techniques. Here we present some mathematical prelimanaries from probability theory and stochastic processes. In the second part we will define the notion of stochastic integrals in Ito and Stratonovich forms. Then we define stochastic differential equations in the Ito and in the Stratonovich sense. Sufficient conditions of stability on probability, exponential stability in mean square of solutions of second order differential equations and systems will be given. Also, sufficient conditions of dissipativity of the second order stochastic systems are rendered. Sufficient conditions for existence of stationary and periodic solutions of systems considered are provided. A comparation between stability conditions for the stochastic equations interpreted in the Ito and in the Stratonovich sense is made. As an example a harmonic oscillator perturbed by random process of the type of white noise and a process with bounded mathematical expectation is considered.

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  • Tlyachev V.B., Ushkho D.S., Ushkho A.D.
    On the absence of limit cycles by systems of differential equations involving analytic functions

    We consider the question of the absence of periodic trajectories in a dynamic system, the right part of which is analytical. The conditions imposed on the right side of the system under which there are no limit cycles are formu-lated.

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  • Roytenberg V.S.
    On bifurcations of a closed trajectory, tangent to a surface of discontinuity of a vector field

    The paper considers a piecewise smooth vector field depending on a parameter. We describe bifurcations of a hyperbolic closed trajectory of a field after it touched the surface of discontinuity when the parameter changes.

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  • Ushkho D.S., Tlyachev V.B., Ushkho A.D.
    On straight lines assigned to trajectories of a plane cubic differential system

    Based on the concept of straight lines assigned to the trajectories of a plane cubic differential system, we present a new proof of the well-known theorem of Yu.S. Ilyashenko that the closed trajectory of a cubic system is an S-finite star, where 0 is less than or equal to S is less than or equal to 4.

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  • Abregov A.N.
    On the etymology of several dendronyms in Adyg languages

    The etymology of several dendronyms in Adyg languages is proposed using a comparative-historical method of studying the corresponding lexemes. Linguistics has established the view that in agglutinative languages the boundaries between morphemes are transparent. However, words do not always break down into original morphemes. This usually occurs when words undergo phonetic changes of different order, whereby the inner form of the word is obliterated. Only etymological analysis is necessary to restore the original sounding of such words. The results of this study allow us to deeply penetrate the history of the word and expand the scope of etymological works, which is important for both general and Caucasus linguistics. The material can be used in reading courses in lexicology and semasiology, etymology and word formation, in developing special courses and special seminars, as well as in lexicographic practice in making an etymological dictionary of Adyghe language.

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  • Bguasheva Z.B., Pshizova A.K.
    The concept of "good" in Adyg sayings and proverbs

    The authors explore one of the most significant cultural concepts of the Adyghe language consciousness "good". Attention is focused on the manifestation of national-cultural specificity, the conceptual characteristic of this concept is considered. An attempt is undertaken to provide, using an example of the group, a proverb corps of the Adyghe language with the concept of "good". In modern linguistics, the linguoculturological approach is updated to study language units, among which sayings and proverbs occupy a special place as cultural values of centuries-old experience of an ethnic group, because each language in its own way reflects reality in accordance with the historical experience of the people, their culture and living conditions. The topic under consideration is relevant: paroemias are a dictionary-shaped knowledge, a reflection of the social reality of the Adyghe people. The results of the study can be applied in the development of the problem of paroemias in the Adyghe linguistics, in university courses on lexicology and in lexicographic practice.

    pdf 19-23.pdf  (93 Kb)

  • Bedanokova Z.K., Gavrilova B.A.
    Sitcom as a discourse of the degradation of spiritual values (evocative analysis of television situation comedies)

    A study of cognitive-semantic features of texts of mass culture is undertaken in order to identify conceptually determined units and their functional and aesthetic potential. The material of the study was the verbal component of situation comedies as an intensely developing segment of modern telecommunication in the form of dialogues and remarks characterized by indirect speech, ambiguity. The methodology of studying complex semantic forms is based on narrative and evocative analysis, during which a number of stereotypes, actively functioning in sitcoms, are considered. Also the conceptuality of antonymical concepts "education - ignorance", culture - rudeness, platitude" is justified through dialogues with contaminated meaning in situation comedies. The results of the study have theoretical significance, lying in identification of opposed vectors of meaning generation and representation of complex semantic forms of invocation and profanation. The obtained data have led to the conclusion that the conceptual field of dishonorable attitudes contrasts not only with the form of expression, but also with the anomalous form of content, which is excessive even for the genre of mass culture. The practical value of the study lies in developing a typology of stereotypes represented in sitcoms perceived by the TV viewer and contributing ultimately to the degradation of spiritual values, whatever reality they broadcast. As a result, the intellectual and cultural message of the author of the sitcom text is transformed into a template and stereotype in the consciousness of the modern resident, which certainly creates conditions for the degradation of spirituality and language.

    pdf 24-29.pdf  (227 Kb)

  • Bedanokova S.K.
    On the peculiarities of color namings in structurally various languages

    An attempt is undertaken to systematize color namings in French, Russian and Adyghe, basing on the identification of indicative discrepancies and similarities in the perception of color space as a linguistic-color component of the language picture of the world. The author considers and compares "color namings", which are realized by separate lexemes, phrases, idiomatic expressions and other verbal means first using dictionary materials of Russian, French and Adyghe languages. The practical value of the study lies in the formation of a system of color namings in the Adyghe language, using texts of artistic works of Adyghe writers I.Mashbash and N. Kuyek as an example, which is of an applied nature. The results of the study are of theoretical importance due to the identification of the most stable trends that determine the specificity of color namings in the Adyghe language, which are related to other languages. Major and intermediate color namings are transmitted to varying degrees by reference to the prototype color. In conclusion, it can be said that the linguistic-color picture of the world leads to new knowledge, to understanding the characteristics of an ethnos.

    pdf 30-37.pdf  (225 Kb)

  • Vinnik Yu.V.
    Specificity of irony in political communication

    This work discusses irony as one of the most frequent humorous techniques in the text material of a newspaper. Various definitions of irony are given. Irony has erased the boundaries of genre differences not only in the press, but also in any communication. The language methods of expressing irony are analyzed. The publication notes that irony as a stylistic device that creates a comic effect due to a hidden mockery expressing censure, disapproval, rejection, comes from a subjective idea of the object and has no clear structure. Numerous functions of irony are confirmed. It is concluded that the main function of taking irony is aesthetic, i.e. the transmission of the opposite meaning, in which paradoxy and emotional-value attitude of the speaker are combined. The essence of aggressive and non-aggressive irony functions is specified. It is proved that humor, in its narrow sense, is one of the ways to express an attitude to a particular problem and, in addition to its main function - information, it performs the function of relieving tension, pushing the authorities towards reflection, drawing its attention to problems of concern to society: corruption, red tape, education, finance issues, etc.

    pdf 38-42.pdf  (171 Kb)

  • Grushevskaya T.M., Solomon Yu.A.
    Verbalization of the concept of "personal qualities" in the works of Françouase Sagan

    The article discusses the concept of "personal qualities of a person". The classification of groups of personal qualities is given. Examples of physical qualities based on the works of the famous French writer Francoise Sagan are presented in detail. The aim of the study is to identify heroes who are soul mates in relation to each other, having common physical personal qualities. The search for such heroes takes place by analyzing the lexical units used by the author of the works. The research methodology is based on a comparative analysis of two or more heroes with similar physical qualities of a person. Comparison of heroes is carried out by analyzing the appearance of the heroes, voice data and physical characteristics. The data obtained within the framework of the presented scientific research indicate that not only the heroes of the novels can be soul mates among themselves, but the writer herself has common physical personality qualities with her characters. The results of the study are of theoretical significance, since the analysis allowed the authors to systematize the general qualities of the characters and writer based on the analysis of lexical units.

    pdf 43-47.pdf  (119 Kb)

  • Kapranova I.P., Korobchak V.N.
    Oscar Wilde's concepts of fictional discourse

    The article is devoted to the individual author's concept, i.e., the conceptualization of the author's world, in particular, in the linguistic development of the linguistic personality. The purpose of the article is to investigate the system of concepts to show the features of verbal representation of the author's concepts in the literary text. In this regard, the concept sphere of the elite linguistic personality, realizing the axiological views of the era, is of interest. The relevance of the article lies in the fact that the phenomenon of fictional discourse is attracting increasing attention in the framework of anthropocentric studies. Individual author's concept is the conceptualization of the author's world, manifested in his individual style, imagery of the text. The article considers the fictional discourse of Oscar Wilde, in particular, the author's fairy tale within the anthropocentric paradigm of scientific thinking, in which the potential of language units of different levels is realized. The novelty of this study lies in the consideration of the author's fairy tale not only from the point of view of anthropological linguistics and cognitive science in order to study the conceptual information of artistic discourse, but also within the framework of hermeneutics. In conclusion, we come to the point that the author's fiction concepts are realized not by direct nominations, but by figurative language means. Therefore, cognitive understanding is not sufficient, and in order to understand fictional discourse (fictional concept), a desobjectified understanding is necessary.

    pdf 48-55.pdf  (110 Kb)

  • Kopot L.V.
    Names of Russian ancient trades as a means of verbalization of category of ethnicity

    The study is devoted to the category of ethnicity reflected in the semantics of names of Russian ancient trades and positions. The relevance of this work lies in actively developing ethnogender direction, which covers the issues of stratification of the category of femininity/masculinity in Russian linguoculture through mentality represented in the seme composition of the national vocabulary. We analyzed the material extracted by the method of solid sampling from the "Dictionary of Ancient Russian Language of the 11th through 17th centuries". Scientific novelty is related to the attempt to identify together the manifestation of ethnic and gender characteristics in Russian linguoculture. As a result, the lexical-thematic group (LTG) of "names of trades and positions" was studied, lexical-semantic groups (LSG) were distinguished, the gender lexical-grammatical specificity of nomination of persons by trade was described, and markers relevant for determining the gender and ethnicity of the language speaker have been identified. Basically, a descriptive method is used, partly a method of component analysis based on lexicographic sources of the ancient Russian language. The results of the study can be used in reading special courses on linguoculturology, ethnology, genderology, and sociolinguistics.

    pdf 56-60.pdf  (96 Kb)

  • Korobchak V.N., Pyakina I.V.
    Structural - semantic organization of the concept "writer" in S. Maugham's fictional discourse

    The article is devoted to the individual author's concept, that is, the conceptualization of the author's world. The purpose of the article is to show the features of the structural and semantic organization of the concept "writer" in the fictional discourse of S.Maugham. The relevance of the article lies in the fact that researchers of the text show an increased interest in language units of different levels, and concepts within the framework of anthropocentric studies. In this regard, it is important to take into account the fact that the fictional worldview of S. Maugham is a complex structural and semantic formation based on a system of concepts that are formed based on individual author's meanings and represent the main axiological guidelines of the author. The novelty of this study lies in the consideration of the structural and semantic organization of the concept "writer" in the fictional discourse of S.Maugham within the framework of hermeneutics. We have arrived at the conclusion that the extralinguistic factor plays an important role in the formation of a certain image in the fictional discourse, and the unusual writer’s worldview is formed as a result of a certain way of life.

    pdf 61-67.pdf  (98 Kb)

  • Loova A.D., Dzhandar B.M.
    On correlation of valence and government (from German language material)

    This work deals with syntax organization of words in coherent speech. Semantic valence theory as one of the most important directions of modern syntax makes a certain contribution to the study of word combination and sentence structure. The goal of this work is to study the valence characteristics of some German verbs and to highlight certain syntax structures that shape the given verbs in sentences. The lexical units of a given stratum are analyzed using a structural-semantic method to identify the effect of verb valence on sentence structure in German. The analysis of lexical material strongly demonstrates that syntax and lexical combinability, explained by lexical-semantic processes in language, allows us to master the laws of speech construction, and to know internal regularities of relations between components of a phrase. It is concluded that the combination of a word with grammatically dependent words is multiaspectual. The theoretical and practical significance of the studied material lies in the possibility of its inclusion in university lecture courses when considering the theory of phrase and sentence.

    pdf 68-74.pdf  (220 Kb)

  • Omarova Z.S.
    Language symbolism as a means of updating the concept of "Love" in the poetry of Rasul Gamzatov

    The article analyzes the linguistic symbols of the actualization of the concept “Love” in the poetry of Rasul Gamzatov: their metaphorical and individual author's specifics are determined; language character models are described; the features of the use of symbols of Avar folklore are considered; culturally significant content of symbols is identified; the role of symbolism and determinative components accompanying language symbols in the actualization of the denotative and connotative content of poetic discourse is determined; and some features of linguistic symbols associated with the conceptual specifics of the poetic works of Rasul Gamzatov in various genres are considered. It has been established that the language symbols used in the lovingly lyric poetry of Rasul Gamzatov are predominantly metaphorical in nature. Key symbols correlate with different culture codes - with zoomorphic, natural, subject, plant, somatic, and religious, forming the language symbolism characteristic of the poetry of Rasul Gamzatov. The analysis of the poetic material made it possible to formulate a number of conclusions about the role of linguistic symbolism in the actualization of the concept “Love” in the works of Rasul Gamzatov: linguistic symbolism has an expressive, evaluative and individual author's character; to actualize the theme of love, comparative symbols associated with the different culture codes are used; the significance of love is emphasized by the use of definitive components of an evaluative and symbolic character; the language symbolism in the lyric poetry of Rasul Gamzatov also actualizes its vulnerability, and therefore one of the key components in such discourses is the verb ö1óíèçå “preserve, save”.

    pdf 75-81.pdf  (173 Kb)

  • Sokur E.A., Arkhipova I.V.
    Features of the cultural linguistic concept of "clothing" in Russian language

    This work discusses the cultural linguistic features of the concept of "clothing" in Russian language. The material of the study was based on the paremiological units reflecting the concept in question. The authors show that there are cognitive classifiers in the field of clothing, which organize the semantic space of the language as a whole. The method of scientific observation with discursive analysis, a component analysis, and a contextual analysis are used. The scientific and practical significance and relevance of the article are determined by the relevance of the comprehensive study of the sphere of concepts in the Russian language. The undertaken analysis of cultural linguistic features of the concept of "clothing" makes a certain contribution to linguistic semantics. It is concluded that clothing reflects, embodies certain stereotypes, communicative attitudes, rules and norms of behavior.

    pdf 82-85.pdf  (80 Kb)

    Technical Sciences
  • Gura D.A., Dubenko Yu.V., Buchatsky P.Yu., Markovsky I.G., Khusht N.I.
    Monitoring of complex infrastructure facilities

    Timely monitoring and diagnosis of the condition are an integral part of the operation of civilian infrastructure. This issue is especially relevant for complex engineering structures: bridges, tunnels, multilevel transport interchanges. Currently, monitoring of such objects mainly comes down to their periodic visual and instrumental examination, where the human factor plays an important role. In addition, this method of monitoring the condition of the above objects does not allow you to quickly detect the problem and take appropriate measures to eliminate it and prevent possible further damage to the entire structure. One of the effective ways to solve this problem is to use computer vision technology for continuous automatic monitoring of complex objects of civilian infrastructure. The aim of the study is to analyze the latest advances in computer vision in order to find the most suitable algorithms for creating a stationary automated system for monitoring the state of infrastructure. As a result of the work, the modern achievements of foreign scientific teams in the field of computer vision were reviewed and described. The main types of algorithms for detecting deformations of engineering structures through the use of photo and video data are structured and presented in a table with a description of their main advantages and disadvantages. Recommendations on the appropriateness of using one or another of the analyzed algorithms in the aspect of monitoring civilian infrastructure are made. The block diagram of the optimal version of a stationary automated system for monitoring the state of infrastructure facilities is given. The operation process of such a scheme is described with the specification of the basic functions performed by each of its links, the data are analyzed, on the basis of which recommendations on appropriate techniques are proposed. They will be applied in the subsequent development of a video surveillance system for the state of infrastructure facilities.

    pdf 74-80.pdf  (346 Kb)

  • Dovgal V.À., Dovgal D.V.
    A survey of the integration possibilities of cloud computing and Internet of things

    Cloud computing is an important and widely used technology that allows users to access a shared pool of network resources. In addition, the Internet of things (IoT) has emerged as a new technology that allows multiple network objects to communicate with each other over wired or wireless networks. This article discusses the reference architectures and definitions of these two technologies proposed by the National Standard, as well as their security concerns and proposed solutions. The article discusses the latest trends in cloud computing and IoT research.

    pdf 81-86.pdf  (324 Kb)

  • Rybanov A.A.
    Diversity metrics of data types for physical schema of data base MySQL

    When designing information system databases, one important step is to correctly select the field data types in the tables. The following dominance measures are used to estimate the diversity of data types in the physical database schema: Simpson's diversity index, Shannon diversity index, Simpson's evenness index, Pielou evenness index. Comparison of applicability of the diversity indices used in ecology to assess the distribution of data types for physical schemes of databases is carried out. A comparative analysis of diversity indices of data types for physical database schemes has shown that the values of some indices are subject to certain rules. It is offered to use diversity indices for quality assessment of physical schemes of databases. The indices discussed in the paper can also be used to build new database complexity assessment models.

    pdf 87-90.pdf  (316 Kb)

  • Gaytov B.Kh., Kashin Ya.M., Kopelevich L.E., Samorodov A.V., Khristoforov M.S.
    Analysis of the issues of electric power supply of agro-industrial enterprises using an example of the federal state-owned enterprise Armavir Biofactory

    An analysis of the problems of electricity supply to agricultural enterprises is given based on the example of the Armavir Biofactory. To solve the problems of uninterrupted power supply, it is proposed to use hybrid wind-solar generator sets as additional power for electric consumers.

    pdf 91-96.pdf  (364 Kb)

  • Kizdermishov A.A., Kizdermishova S.Kh.
    Installing CMS Joomla 3.9.12 on the Ubuntu 18.04 LTS operating system

    The article deals with issues related to the installation of content management systems as part of the task of developing corporate portals. A detailed description of the installation of CMS Joomla 3.9.12 on the Ubuntu 18.04 LTS operating system is proposed.

    pdf 97-102.pdf  (301 Kb)

  • Buchatsky P.Yu., Teploukhov S.V., Onishchenko S.V., Platonov A.S., Avdzhiyan A.A., Avdeev V.E.
    Implementation of the power assessment appliance for renewable energy sources

    The work deals with the approach to the creation of a software and hardware complex for obtaining meteorological data. A device for obtaining data on wind speed is implemented, software for their processing is considered. Based on the results obtained, it is possible to draw up recommendations for the selection of the best energy supply system using renewable energy sources.

    pdf 103-108.pdf  (609 Kb)

  • Meretukova S.K., Shishkhova S.K.
    Globally distributed data processing in models of information interaction of subjects of digital economy

    The article discusses the latest technologies in the field of the digital economy, which allow optimizing the production process and creating competitive advantages in the context of globalization of the world economy, the prospects and problems of their use.

    pdf 109-117.pdf  (358 Kb)

  • Malykhina M.P., Chastikova V.A., Dinmukhametov T.G., Petrov V.Ya.
    Method of detecting malware based on convolutional neural networks

    The article is devoted to the study of the application of convolutional neural networks of deep learning to the task of malware detection. The main features of convolutional neural networks are affected. An algorithm for preliminary processing of input data for analysis by a neural network is considered, based on the creation of images of executable files in a black and white color palette. In this algorithm, each image point is assigned a color corresponding to the value of a specific byte of the executable file. The proposed algorithm was implemented using the Python pro-gramming language. As a result of its application, a set of images was obtained for training and testing a neural net-work. To analyze the obtained images, the convolutional neural network architecture based on the Keras open neural network library was designed and implemented.

    pdf 118-124.pdf  (580 Kb)

  • Kudaev R.H., Kashin Ya.M., Kopelevich L.E., Samorodov A.V.
    Analysis of methods for processing biomaterials with an electromagnetic field

    The article provides the analysis of the influence of the electromagnetic field of extremely low frequencies on various biomaterials, the analysis of methods and technical solutions in this field.

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  • Osennyaya A.V., Ashinov Yu.N., Gribkova I.S., Khakhuk B.A.
    Development of information system for real estate market monitoring with application of GIS technologies for the purpose of determining the cadastral and market value

    The article considers the problem of the lack of a sufficient amount of reliable data for conducting a qualitative analysis of the real estate market in determining the cadastral and market value. The issues of relevance of market data and the need for its constant monitoring using information systems are raised. Estimated zoning of the territory of the city of Krasnodar has been carried out, an analysis of the real estate market for the proposed zones has been carried out, and pricing factors have been identified that affect the cadastral and market value of real estate in the educated territories: the presence of various types of educational institutions, trade facilities, healthcare, certain types of public transport and the number available routes. In order to improve the quality of the analysis, it is proposed to create an information system for monitoring the real estate market, based on the estimated zoning of the territory, using GIS technologies.

    pdf 177-184.pdf  (407 Kb)

    World Economy
  • Materikina A.E.
    European experience in implementing the strategy of socio-economic development in the aspect of incentives and barriers to sustainability on the example of the transport system

    The article is devoted to the implementation of the strategy of sustainable social and economic development at the national and supranational levels of the European Union in terms of a combination of factors affecting these processes. These factors are represented by a multilevel system of different in strength and direction of action of its elements. For example, the development of the transport system takes place under the conditions of a certain economic and geographical location of the territory, in combination with factors of state and corporate governance, creates conditions for economic, social and environmental sustainability. Reflected applied mechanisms and individual tools to use the potential of existing incentives and overcome barriers. The main difficulties of such development and ways to overcome them are revealed using the example of the transport system. Reflected applied mechanisms and individual tools to use the potential of existing incentives and overcome barriers. The main vectors of sustainable development in this area are the development of a unified transport network, the transition from personal to public transport, the redistribution of freight and passenger flows to more environmentally friendly modes of transport. A major role in solving these problems is played by the implementation of an intersectoral approach to strategic management. At the same time, a number of difficulties faced by the European Union are being overcome in formulating tariff policies, reducing the administrative burden, creating infrastructure, applying modern digital technologies, and harmonizing pan-European and national legislation.

    pdf 199-205.pdf  (155 Kb)

  • Gorelova G.V., Tyushnyakov V.N.
    Application of digital technologies in state and municipal management

    The article considers the use of digital technologies in state and municipal government to improve the level and quality of life of the population. The results of a study of the impact of changes in socio-economic factors determining the quality of life of the population are presented. It is proposed to conduct a study using digital technologies of cognitive modeling, allowing to obtain new knowledge about the structure and behavior of a complex socio-economic system at any level. The main stages of cognitive modeling, illustrated by the results of a computational experiment, are presented. A cognitive map has been developed as a system of relations between social, economic, environmental and other factors affecting the quality of life of the city’s population. A model study and scenario modeling of the development of situations in the complex system under study were carried out to scientifically predict the possibilities for improving the quality of life of the population, as well as to justify the necessary management decisions.

    pdf 134-145.pdf  (854 Kb)

  • Gavrish E.S.
    Conceptual bases of effective use of labor potential on the basis of competence approach

    The article considers the process of effective use and development of labor potential as a system of competencies. The basic methods of scientific cognition: dialectical logic, methods of scientific abstraction, as well as a systematic approach to the studied phenomena served as the basis of the research. Defined the relationship of the concepts of qualification and competence. In accordance with International quality standards, the priority competencies of the personnel of the hotel industry organizations are allocated. The author proposes a process model for the efficient use and development of labor potential as a system of competence consisting of the steps. Assessment of the labor potential of the company's personnel is not an end in itself, but is a necessity for further determining the degree of compliance of the existing labor potential, in size and structure, with the requirements of the enterprise. That is, whether it is optimal for these conditions of operation of the enterprise, or requires more efficient use. At the heart of the process of bridging the competence gap is the process of effective use of the labor potential of employees and the enterprise as a whole. Currently, there is a need for continuous education, that is, constant updating and deepening of knowledge throughout the period of professional activity for continuous improvement of the competence system, which will allow for the stable development of the labor potential of the personnel of the hotel industry in order to increase the competitiveness of the industry and the efficiency of its activities.

    pdf 168-176.pdf  (413 Kb)

  • Derkacheva E.A., Belova E.O., Sheludko E.B.
    Development trends and transformational features of the confectionery market of the Russian Federation

    For investors and manufacturers, the aspect of understanding, consumer preferences, and awareness of the state of the confectionery market, its shares, among the leading manufacturers of confectionery products, both domestic and foreign, is very important. The possession of such information will contribute to a promising direction for the successful functioning and development of the production of confectionery products among various participants in the Russian market. The authors conducted an analysis of the confectionery market of the Russian Federation in the period from 2012-2017. It was concluded that the relatively stable post-crisis economic situation in the confectionery market, as well as the favorable condition of the raw material base, form the prerequisites for further growth in domestic production of confectionery.

    pdf 100-108.pdf  (345 Kb)

    Recreation and Tourism
  • Tamov A.A., Khatukay S.A., Tamov K.A.
    Regional features of the tourism industry as a factor of its development in the South of Russia

    Currently, tourism is one of the most important and rapidly developing industries in the economies of the regions of the South of Russia, capable of satisfying the needs of people and increasing the quality of their lives. At the same time, the regional characteristics of this industry have a growing influence on the dynamics of tourism development in these regions. Their identification and systematization for the subsequent development of guidelines for effective use in the management of the tourism industry is an important scientific and practical task.

    pdf 185-190.pdf  (212 Kb)

  • Khatukay S.A., Podkolzina I.M.
    Digital transformation: convertings in the tourism industry

    The global, including Russian, tourism market is growing rapidly, due to the introduction of digital technologies in this area. Digital technologies are also becoming the main focus of the strategy for the development of culture and tourism in the cities of the future, contributing to the integration of tourists into the urban environment and allowing them to plan their own travel. The article analyzes the data that characterize the development of digital technologies in the tourism sector, and highlights the trends in this direction. The introduction of technologies contributes to the development of independent tourism, which is becoming more and more popular every year.

    pdf 191-198.pdf  (340 Kb)

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