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    Problems of Human Physiology
  • K.D. Chermit, E.K. Aganyants, A.V. Shakhanova
    Prognostic opportunities of burst values (Ger. Wurf)

    Conformity of form – function ratios to Wurf value is examined for the case study concerning the optimum organization and necessity of maintenance of effective functioning of an organism of the person. The study has proved the great significance of the abstract symmetry parameter for an estimation of a physical state, calculated as a double ratio of the Golden Section components.

    pdf chermit2005_2.pdf  (341 Kb)

    Problems of the Quality of Training Process at Higher School
  • N.V. Kabayan
    Generalization of experience in realization of a system of the methodical training of students - the future biology teachers in conditions of the modernization of education

    The paper generalizes experience in realization of the usual system of the methodical training of students - the future biology teachers, including lectures and laboratory studies on the methods of biology teaching, independent work, field and pedagogical practice and also special courses.

    pdf kabayan1_2005_2.pdf  (167 Kb)

  • N.M. Temzokova
    General microbiology: a technique and experience

    The methods of conducting practical lessons in the course of “General Microbiology” have been elaborated.

    pdf temzokova2005_2.pdf  (135 Kb)

    Problems of the Theory and Practice in Tourism Organization
  • N.V. Kabayan
    Imitating modelling of a recreational zone

    The dynamic model of a recreational zone regarded as a complex system is presented in the paper.

    pdf kabayan2_2005_2.pdf  (180 Kb)

    Historical and political Sciences
  • A.Sh. Buzarov, S.A. Nadyukov
    Christianity in Shapsugiya: historical aspect

    The paper describes the Caucasus as one of the ancient centres of Christianity where the doctrine of the Christ began to penetrate in the same centuries as in the Roman Empire. The Northwest Caucasus has gone through two waves of Christianization. The first wave – Orthodox – dates back to 7th-13th centuries. It is associated with the influence of the Byzantian Empire. The second wave – Catholic – is related to occurrence in the region in the 1260s – 1270s of a plenty of Genoeses and other natives from the Apennines. This period lasted till 1470s and has resulted in distribution of Catholicisms in Zikhiya-Circassia. And though there have already been two episcopal faculties in Zikhiya in the middle of the 14th century, the Christian religion has not received deep penetration and Circassians perceived only an external basically ceremonial system the elements of which were densely bound with a fabric of Adyghe Paganism.

    pdf buzarov2005_2.pdf  (273 Kb)

  • H.I. Tuguz
       F.A. Shcherbina as a historian and chronicler of the Russian-Circassian War   

    The paper is a narrative of life and activities of F.A. Shcherbina – a historian and chronicler of the Russian-Circassian War.

    pdf tuguz2005_2.pdf  (280 Kb)

  • S.A. Shcherbinin
    Power and the population of the North Caucasus during the revolution and the First World War (1917-1920)

    The paper reveals the attitude of the population in the North Caucasus to the new government generated after October, 1917. The paper gives an analysis of the recognition of the Soviet authority by the population of the region, specific features of its responses to various actions of the government in the region and realization of a political line of the Bolshevik regime in relation to various layers of the North Caucasian society.

    pdf cherbinin2005_2.pdf  (172 Kb)

  • A.Sh. Buzarov
    On the major steps undertaken by the government of the USSR in the area of international activity on prevention of unleashing of the Second World War and aggression of the German fascism against the Soviet state

    In the paper the author reveals complexity of an international situation on the eve and during the Second World War, positions of forces of the world community, steps undertaken by the Soviet state on bridling fascist aggression and barring from unleashing the Second World War and discusses the results of the Second World War.

    pdf buzarov2_2005_2.pdf  (356 Kb)

    Sociological and Cultural Studies
  • A. Mikhailov
    The phenomenon of deviation: theoretical-methodological foundations

    In the present research the author discloses the theoretical-methodological foundations of such a complicated social phenomenon as deviation of behaviour and its role in etiology of criminality. The problem of deviating behaviour assumes to result from easing of normative regulation of behaviour of the individual, as well as disorganization of public relations and structures in the social-normative model of the juvenile politics of the state. Such concepts as a social control, the sanction, norm etc. are used. The author comes to a conclusion that the scientific substantiation of the phenomenon of deviation of behaviour in the youth environment has defined occurrence of some theoretical-methodological approaches to the present problems.

    pdf mihajlov2005_2.pdf  (219 Kb)

    Philological Sciences: Linguistics
  • L.S. Makarova
    Poetic discourse and translation

    The paper is devoted to the emotional aspects of poetic translation. The paper focuses on the effective means of reproducing the expressiveness of the original text in the translation version.

    pdf makarova2005_2.pdf  (220 Kb)

    Economic Sciences and Problems of Financing
  • T.I. Afasizhev, V.A. Teshev
    The higher schools in conditions of reduction of the state financial support (from experience of foreign countries)

    The paper discusses the principles and mechanisms of financing of the systems of higher education in foreign countries.

    pdf afasijev2005_2.pdf  (182 Kb)

  • N.I. Pshikanokova
    Budgetary federalism and a transfer system as the tools of regional policy

    The basic attention is given to theoretical aspects of functioning of regional economy, namely: to an estimation of its financial potential, principles of budgetary federalism in Russia, development of regional administrative decisions and to their supply with information. The mechanism of functioning of regional economic system (financial aspects) is considered basing on the materials of the Adygheya Republic. The ways of its perfection are formulated.

    pdf pshikanokova2005_2.pdf  (344 Kb)

  • S.K. Chinazirova
    Development of the agrarian enterprises in conditions of innovative transformations of the agro-industrial complex

    Reorganization of the mechanism of managing in the agro-industrial complex assumes perfection of organizational structure, forms of the organization of manufacture promoting increase in efficiency of grain production; the analysis of the balanced maintenance and dynamical growth of economy on the basis of an intensification of grain manufacture; an increase in efficiency of the use of economic levers and stimulus of influence on manufacture and on workers in the integrated enterprises; a combination of structure and methods of management, etc.

    pdf chinazirova2005_2.pdf  (191 Kb)

  • V.V. Kolodyazhny, A.I. Kuev
    Planning of the agricultural enterprise production on the basis of the marketing activity in conditions of reproduction

    The paper examines the questions of planning of production at the agricultural enterprise in conditions of reproduction. Advantages of the use of equiponderant models are shown.

    pdf kolodyajnij2005_2.pdf  (144 Kb)

  • Yu.I. Tarasov, N.A Tumasyan
    Basic features of the “Labour” goods in new conditions of managing

    The basic features of the “Labour” goods in new conditions of managing are briefly reviewed.

    pdf tarasov2005_2.pdf  (190 Kb)

  • Yu.I. Tarasov, N.A Tumasyan
    Evolution of labour market, its typology and structure

    The paper discusses the evolution of a labour market, its typology and structure.

    pdf tarasov2_2005_2.pdf  (200 Kb)

    Sciences of Law
  • A.M. Shadzhe
    Jurisprudence and the problems of perfection of the legislation

    The activity of the Russian legislators should be based on scientific legal concepts. The main problem of scientists in the field of the legislation is the development of concepts of the future legal acts designed both for the current execution and for the long-term prospect.

    pdf shadje2005_2.pdf  (145 Kb)

  • V.I. Margiev
    Powers of republics as the subjects of the Russian Federation in the field of international relations (as shown by the Adygheya Republic)

    In the paper the analysis is made of various concepts in a science of the international law concerning participation of the subjects of federation in the international relations and their international legal status. On the basis of such analysis the author comes to a conclusion that the members of federation can be subjects of international law. This takes place if, first, such an opportunity is stipulated in the federal constitution, and, second, such opportunity is supposed by the international community or, at least it silently recognizes the right of the subjects of federation to participate in the international relations.

    pdf margiev2005_2.pdf  (211 Kb)

  • A.V. Polienko
    Implementation of public prosecutions on affairs about the murders accomplished by socially dangerous way

    The usual criminal situation points to growth of the crimes accomplished by socially dangerous way (with application of explosives). The paper discloses implementation of public prosecutions on investigation of these crimes by the Office of Public Prosecutor.

    pdf polienko2005_2.pdf  (163 Kb)

  • A.V. Margiev
    On the right of republics to exit from the structure of the Russian Federation

    The paper is devoted to one of the most controversial problems in a science of the constitutional law - the right of subjects to exit from the structure of a federative state. The author proves that the subjects of federation can put a question as to their exit from the federation only if such right is provided by the federal constitution. In absence of such clause this question can be raised only by subjects of the federation representing the form of self-determination of the nations and peoples.

    pdf margiev2_2005_2.pdf  (232 Kb)

    Political Sciences and Social Movements
  • Z.A. Zhade
    National interests and safety of Russia in context of geopolitics

    The geopolitics is closely connected with national safety of the state. It examines models of construction of the World Order, determines the basic concepts of global safety and safety of separate regions. Transformation of geopolitical thinking makes a great impact on the formation of new approaches to national safety. Factors of national safety are realized in geopolitical space.

    pdf jade2005_2.pdf  (197 Kb)

  • H.I. Tuguz
    Ethnic policy: the theory and practice

    In the paper the author raises the questions of ethnic policy. Theoretical and practical problems are considered.

    pdf tuguz2_2005_2.pdf  (324 Kb)

  • G.B. Luganskaya
    The training of music teachers in higher schools: cultural science aspects

    In the paper the substantiation is given for a cultural approach as a methodological basis of person- focused education in higher schools and a source of developing the person of the future teacher, his professional skills. A cultural orientation of the person of music teacher is regarded as a component of the general and pedagogical culture. The concept is presented on nonconventional knowledge of the person essence as a component of pedagogical culture and its axiological and educational potential in the training of music teacher in higher schools.

    pdf luganskaya2005_2.pdf  (160 Kb)

    Psychological and Pedagogical Sciences and Problems of Training the Pedagogical Staff
  • A.V. Polienko
    Psychological aspects of the activity of public prosecutors

    The activity of the public prosecutor represents a special kind of activity and public service conditioned by functions of the Office of Public Prosecutor, by selection and professional training of personnel, by regulation of the responsibility and by the order of service. The paper discusses some psychological aspects of the activity of the public prosecutor, such streaks of character as will, intelligence, moral principles, conscientiousness and others.

    pdf polienko2_2005_2.pdf  (170 Kb)

  • L.M. Dolgopolova
    Integration of teaching and educational direction in the training of students for work with part-time groups of children

    The paper explains the necessity of integration of teaching and educational direction in the training of students who will work with part-time groups of children.

    pdf dolgopolova2005_2.pdf  (128 Kb)

  • Yu.Yu. Udichak, G.T. Shparyova
    The education of gifted children in national school

    The article touches the problems of the gifted children in the national school and takes on special significance to their education. It presents leading role of the teacher to prepare national elite.

    pdf udychak2005_2.pdf  (141 Kb)

    Geographical Sciences
  • F.V. Tlekhurai
    Periodicity of the evolution of re-settling in the territory of Adygheya

    A scheme showing periodicity of the evolution of re-settling in the territory of Adygheya developed by the author is presented in the paper. Seven stages in the development of settlements have been distinguished that have differences in territorial dynamics of re-settling and in changes of structure.

    pdf tleruhaj2005_2.pdf  (177 Kb)

  • F.V. Tlekhurai
    Types of settlements in the territory of Adygheya

    An attempt is made to describe and explain typological features of the settlements existing now in the territory of Adygheya. Typology of settlements is presented based on their genesis, site and proposed forms.

    pdf tleruhaj2_2005_2.pdf  (214 Kb)

    Biological Sciences
  • N.D. Dzhimova, E.A Goncharova
    An influence of harmful substances on water invertebrate

    The state of reservoirs was investigated as regards their impurity. The specific structure of water invertebrate (the most important and numerous) was revealed. An influence of toxic substances and various natural factors on the state of alive organisms living in water was examined.

    pdf djimova2005_2.pdf  (188 Kb)

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  • rar vestnik2_2005.rar  (428 Kb)