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  • Babich I.L.

    The article considers the fate of the family of the diplomat, Adyg, Prince Gajemukov, who after the October Revolution was in exile, in France. This made it possible, at the micro-historical level, to formulate the main trends in the process of adapting of North Caucasus emigrants to life in the new country. The paper is based on two types of sources: materials of the private (family) archive of the Gajemukov family, which is stored in Paris by one of the descendants of this family - Sebastian, as well as information received during interviews with Sebastian. Some data were obtained from the Archives of the French Police Department (Paris), as well as from the Nice City Archive. Based on the processing of archival sources and empirical material obtained by the author, life strategies of emigrants, their matrimonial behavior, peculiarities of cultural adaptation to new life conditions were analyzed. One of the most characteristic instruments of cultural adaptation of emigrants was the possibility of using the bicultural resource of Russian and Adyg ethnic groups. The article concludes that the descendants of emigrants, influenced by sociocultural environment of France, gradually began to lose a number of elements of ethnic and religious identity.

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  • Bguasheva A.A.

    Issues of foreign policy cooperation between states attracted special attention of researchers at all times. In studying US-Turkish cooperation, it is particularly valuable to consider the source base that allows the researcher to carry out an objective analysis of the partnership between Washington and Ankara. The article attempts to analyze the basic structure of the formation and documentation of the foreign policy of the United States. Through a source analysis of one of the fundamental American documents "Public Speeches of the Presidents of the United States", a more detailed study of Washington's foreign policy is possible. The article reveals the history of the creation, structuring, and operation of the publication "Public Speeches of the Presidents of the United States” throughout the late 18th century to the present. Reference is also made to the creators of the original editions of the "Public Speeches of the Presidents of the United States". Each edition includes speeches, major regulatory documents, announcements, and proclamations by American presidents concerning domestic and foreign policy. As a detailed study of a major American source, each volume of the "Public Speeches of the Presidents of the United States” is supplemented by a special portfolio of photographs of American presidents during official visits both domestically and externally.

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  • Bezverkhova S.V.

    The problem of revealing the sociocultural content of revolutionary legality is relevant in terms of expanding ideas about the mental features of Russian society, about the content side and the causes of serious social upheavals and cultural transformations of the early XX century. in Russia. The subject of the study is the attitude of society towards legality as part of its mental characteristics. The object of study is the historical process of evolution of the idea of legality in Russian culture at the turn of the XIX – XX centuries. The purpose of the study is to consider the rule of law and its relation to it as the results of the intellectual collective activity of society. The historical process is understood as the growth of social reflection, which contributes to society "making its history, of itself the subject of its reproductive activity" (A.S. Akhiezer). The author’s comparative historical and cultural analysis is based on the structural principle of classification of models of attitude to legality recorded in historical documents and events. The main contribution of the author to the study of the topic is the idea that the sociocultural content of revolutionary legality in the early XX century. advocates a socio-reflective understanding of the rule of law, revealing the mental features of Russian (in the future, Soviet) society. Fundamental changes in attitudes towards legality are caused by the intensification of intercultural integration and the inert resolution of structural tension in an inversion way, which led in 1917–1921. to the braid of inversion.

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  • Korobkin S.V.

    The article discusses the state of agricultural production in the Kuban and the measures taken by the central and regional authorities to intensify it in the second half of the 1960s. Information is provided on the achieved level of agricultural development in the Krasnodar Territory by the mid-1960s. The potential of the collective farms and state farms of the Kuban is revealed, taking into account their provision with material, technical and human resources, the main types and directions of activity are revealed. As a prerequisite for economic reform, it indicates a slowdown in the pace of agricultural development and an aggravation of the food problem due to the mistakes of the party leadership, headed by N.S. Khrushchev. The importance of economic reform in agriculture, developed on the basis of the decisions of the March 1965 plenum of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union, to increase the dynamics of agricultural production in the Krasnodar Territory is emphasized. Attention is drawn to improving the structure of agriculture, which resulted in the Kuban completing the formation of zonal specialization of crops, in accordance with the climatic conditions of different regions of the region. As the most important factors for the implementation of large-scale intensification of agriculture in the Kuban, the widespread introduction of mechanization, electrification and chemicalization of production is considered. In this regard, information is provided on strengthening the material and technical base of collective farms and state farms, improving agricultural machinery in the activities of specialized research institutes, and expanding the repair base. The process implemented in the second half of the 1960s is highlighted. agricultural electrification programs, as well as broad chemicalization, introduced both in crop production and in animal husbandry of the Kuban. The complex of reclamation work carried out at that time and the expansion of the sown areas of grain crops, especially rice plantations, are considered. Along with the positive results of the implementation of economic reform in agriculture of the Kuban, existing problems and difficulties are noted.

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  • Kosyashnikov S.A.

    The article examines issues related to the legal status of such a social group of the South of Russia in the second half of the 19th - early 20th century as non-Cossacks. During the period under review, they become an integral part of the population of the Cossack communities with significant legal restrictions in the field of local self-government, property, economic, fiscal and other relations. In particular, the peculiarities of the functioning and evolution of the system of judicial proceedings in the Cossack villages of Kuban are revealed. After the assassination of Russian Emperor Alexander II, the administrative and legal autonomy of non-Cossacks was significantly limited in the region by their submission to the jurisdiction of the village court. The counter-reformation course of Alexander III led to an increase in economic contradictions between the Cossack and non-Cossack populations in terms of the use of land and natural resources, and the increase in the fiscal burden on non-Cossacks caused the deterioration of their material situation. The author also notes that even with the coming to power of the administration of Nicholas II, which partially alleviated the financial burden on the nontactical population of the region, the contradictions between the Cossacks and non-Cossacks in the Kuban region were not fully resolved. The article is based mainly on the materials from the villages of the Upper-Kuban region.

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  • Suetina N.M., Zaretskaya M.G.

    The article is devoted to the study of the history of the formation and development of the regulatory framework governing relations in the sphere of labor in Russia, namely with regard to labor books from the time of the reign of Peter I to the present. The article considers in detail the provisions of the normative documents of the state authorities of the RSFSR, the USSR and the Russian Federation on labor books. The development of the normative framework concerning labor books is connected with the change in the socio-economic and political conditions of the development of society and the State. The history of the labor book includes periods when it was considered both an identity card and a basic document confirming the labor activity and an employment record. At present a new period has come in the development of Russian labor legislation, which is connected with the development of the digital economy. A new stage of registration of employees’ labor activity - electronic - is coming. The formation of information on the employment of employees will be carried out in electronic form. Information on employment will be recorded on the electronic platform of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation. From January 1, 2021, labor books will not be issued for employees who are hired for the first time.

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  • Khuako M.G.

    This article is devoted to the study of the sociopolitical and cultural life of the Ottoman Empire during the reign of the Young Turkish regime from 1908 to 1918 until the adoption of the 1924 Constitution. It was during this period that the pressure of central power on the social, political and cultural life of society was reduced. As part of Ottoman society, the Circassian diaspora also felt these changes. The weakening of the authoritarian regime has contributed to the emergence of women's movements, societies. The so-called women's magazines have begun to be published, on the pages of which it has become possible to express their active social and political position. During these years, cultural and charitable societies of Circassians, including women's societies, began to be established. One of them was the social organization "Society of Mutual Assistance of Circassian Women". The founders of the society pursued not only a charitable but also an educational goal, including the preservation of the national language and culture. The Circassian diaspora encountered the problem of assimilation processes in the early 20th century. Therefore, it was within this society that the idea of opening a national Circassian school, which had no analogues in its time, appeared.

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  • Bulkin A.N., Zenin K.A., Sypachev S.V.

    This article deals with the issues of scientific organization of consulting in the theory of management and power which is relevant to sociology. The authors justify the prospects of the research and application of sociological consulting in the strategy of management of modern society, including establishing the new content of the concepts "sociological consulting", "administrative consulting", and "strategy of management". The high level of differentiation of forms of sociological consulting in the system of space-time coordinates provides an opportunity to correct diagnostics of social procedure with adjustment for the coefficient of sociological variation. It is emphasized that sociological consulting expands its heuristic potential by using an interdisciplinary approach in the interpretation of social processes. It is of particular importance in explaining the nature and meaning of management mechanisms, in developing epistemological criteria for assessing the effectiveness of promising management decisions. Based on the generalization of parameters and functionality of sociological consulting in the context of building management communications, the authors define its basic principles, which include regulatory principles, structural investing with full powers of management entities and documented forms of reporting and social design. It is concluded that the sociological consulting in the process of building a management strategy is promising and highly-demanded.

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  • Gerasimov A.V.

    The article attempted a social-philosophical analysis of the transformation of the mission, purpose, tasks and functions of modern education as a subsystem of society. Fundamental functions of education are considered. It is noted that they are undergoing substantive changes in the conditions of the information society. By remaining basic, these functions are filled with new meanings so that modern education meets the challenges of time. In a developing information society, the sphere of education is faced with a situation where its purpose, objectives and current mission in an era of transformation of information culture are directly dependent on a number of processes considered in the article. Based on the analysis of functional and dysfunctional deformations of the education system in the context of the information revolution, the author concludes that its humanistic potential has been weakened. In this regard, it is proposed to fill the humanistic mission of education with personality-oriented content, involving a gradual transition from subject-object relations of participants of the educational process to subject-subject. Such a model of the development of an educational space, which is limited to the system of traditional values of education, can make information culture a component of the general culture of man and thus increase the degree of adaptation of the individual to the challenges of modern times.

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  • Grishay V.N., Tischenko A.V., Kostyuk A.V.

    The article considers the peculiarities of the attitude of the population towards law enforcement agencies. It is justified that the effectiveness of law enforcement agencies depends to a large extent on the social perception and image status of the police. The main aspects of the influence of trust in the police on the level of law and order in modern society are considered. In connection with the evaluation, the high importance of social perception of police officers is justified. The article provides a consistent review and analysis of the main factors in the formation of social perception of the police, among which structural and cultural information are distinguished. It is noted that the implementation of constructive measures to improve the attitude towards the police in the public environment should not be limited to individual management decisions and requires a comprehensive set of measures, including both the optimization of the police institution and the formation of an information impact on the population, aimed at transmitting a positive image of the police officer and overcoming negative social expectations. At the same time, it is justified that in modern conditions of development of information technologies there is a shift of the general importance of factors of social perception of official activity of law enforcement officials towards information prerequisites of its formation.

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  • Zhuykov A.A., Maschenko I.V.

    The modern society, which has been called "information," is naturally based on information as one of the main resources of development. However, information penetrating into all spheres and subsystems of society of the 21st century, determining the appearance of social phenomena and processes, often turns out to be unreliable, poor quality and biased. This trend is related both to the targeted actions of social communication actors in order to achieve certain political, economic and other goals, and to the fluctuations of the communication system itself under the influence of a number of objective and subjective factors. Among these factors, the authors highlight: information overload of the communicative process, malicious actions to reduce the quality of information, dissemination of so-called "harmful information," appearance of cyberbullying, etc. In this regard, there is a need to develop software and methodological tools for sociological diagnostics of dynamic properties of information and communication space, recommendations to management structures to assess the destructive consequences of the decline in the quality of information, and social and management technologies to respond to the cyberinformational challenges of post-industrial society. It is concluded that in the modern sociocommunicative space there is an increase in dysfunctional production of information as the main resource of public administration.

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  • Kosov V.V.

    The presented article is devoted to the study of the problem of youth crime in modern Russian society, as well as to the analysis of the main methods of prevention of this phenomenon. The author attempts to characterize the modern system of preventive response to the threat of criminalization of the youth environment. Taking into account the specific characteristics of members of the youth demographic group subject to criminal influence, their inherent deviations and other characteristics affecting their behaviour, there is a need to intensify preventive measures as an alternative to punitive measures. The author notes that, along with this approach, there are opinions in modern Russian society that it is necessary to strengthen criminal responsibility, intensify leisure activities, form youth associations of constructive ideological content, in order to involve young people in social and political activities. In order to restore this function in the general system of socializing influence, it is necessary to adjust the concept of youth policy of the state aimed at developing modern methods of consistent prevention of deviant qualities of the individual in youth environment. In order to achieve this goal, it is especially necessary to develop a system of preventive measures at an early stage of age development, actively including in this activity not only the most active agents of socialization, such as school and other educational institutions, but also public organizations.

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  • Maschenko I.V.

    The author notes the social importance of the activities of law enforcement agencies in the context of a changing society. The publication considers the place of the police in the structure of law enforcement agencies. The study focuses on the specifics of the activity of the Russian police officer, the need to correlate his behavior and decisions with social expectations and existing norms in society. The need for stereotypical thinking by a police officer in typical, repetitious situations is analyzed. Sociological analysis of such phenomenon as "social stereotype" is carried out. Its positive and negative effects on public opinion are indicated. The structure of the stereotype is presented and its relationship with the traditions and values prevailing in society is observed. The author claims that stereotyping takes place during the socialization process. A characteristic feature of the stereotype is its relation to reality - what is familiar to the person is good, what is unfamiliar is bad. The article notes that the stereotype in the professional activity of the police officer acts not only as his characteristic, but also can be applied in the assessment of his work by the social environment. Analyzing the study carried out by the Public Opinion Foundation in March 2020, the author concludes that with the general positive personal assessment of the work of the Russian police, the stereotype about the work of the police in mass consciousness is negative.

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  • Mitrofanova S.Yu.

    The article discusses the concept of McDonaldization of childhood in the context of the consequences of globalization processes in modern society. The validity of the projection of McDonaldization on the space of childhood is proved based on the idea of G. Ritzer about McDonaldization as a type of rationality that takes place in modern society. It is proved that the McDonaldization of childhood is one of the significant types of rationality that are gaining momentum in the space of childhood. The author's definitions of the concepts are given in the article: McDonaldization of childhood and reflexivity of childhood. The understanding of the trend of childhood globalization is discussed, and the features of McDonaldization of childhood as one of the types of rationality of modern society are characterized. The necessity of analyzing the processes of McDonaldization and their relationship with other manifestations of globalization is substantiated: increasing global stratification and social inequality in childhood, globalizing the risks of childhood and increasing its reflexivity, increasing the role of consumption in childhood, and increasing child mobility. It is proved that the consequences of globalization reflect the specifics and direction of changes in the space of modern childhood. The emphasis is placed on their interdependence and inconsistency. It is shown that the interpretation of the processes of McDonaldization of childhood may partially contradict such a consequence of the processes of globalization as an increase in the risks of childhood. But at that time, it successfully explains such manifestations of globalization as the growth of the sphere of consumption of modern children, and the increase in the mobility of children. The article notes that the discussion of the McDonaldization of childhood and other trends in the globalization of childhood introduces a number of topics to the agenda of the sociology of childhood that are not yet properly reflected in the sociological literature on childhood.

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  • Plotnikov V.V., Kasparov A.R.

    The article consistently addresses the problems of social tension, which includes an analysis of the essence of social tension and the definition of its grounds in society. The starting point of the study is to determine the specificity of human needs specified by culture and society, as well as their relationship to the system of priorities of the individual. The article justifies that the nature of human needs and the measure of their realization are directly related to the level of satisfaction with the social situation. At the same time, the low level of satisfaction with basic needs is considered to be an important condition for the formation of social tension. The authors come from a classical understanding for sociology of the hierarchy of needs. However, it is believed that in the post-modern era it is not uncommon to replace (a kind of sublimation of needs). Unrealized requests sublimated by participants in social practices to achieve non-essential goals lead to a situation of anomaly and also often become the basis of social conflict. The article also draws attention to the fact that social tensions themselves can be the object of interpretation, as a result of which the characteristics of the world view of members of society change. The result of this kind of phenomenon is a spillover of social tension in a certain direction, which carries significant social risks. Conclusions are drawn on the importance of modern information processes as a factor in mainstreaming or reducing social tensions.

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  • Rakhmanin R.A.

    The presented article is devoted to the study of the problem of deviant behavior in modern Russian society, as well as to the consideration of the sociocultural foundations of the modern system of prevention, in the context of various methodological approaches. The paper notes that the increasing trend of social deviations arises as a result of the socialization of the individual in a society with an unstable and ideologically non-regulated system of legal and cultural values and moral norms. The author considers deviant behavior as a socially conditioned, integrative phenomenon, the process of formation of which takes place under the influence of the social environment. Analyzing various theoretical and methodological approaches to the subject under consideration, the author suggests that the complex specificity of the issue leads to an interdisciplinary nature of the study of problems of prevention of deviating behavior. He also notes that in analyzing the sociocultural foundations of modern preventive mechanisms, the role of the cultural component in the process of personal and legal socialization should be determined. In turn, legal socialization, as a form of preventive influence on the person, is conditioned, first of all, by the existence of a system of spiritual and legal values, which represent the legal-cultural aspect of social relations, as well as by the effectiveness of the functioning of socialization institutions that form the social qualities of the individual. The article also notes that the weakening of fundamental values leads to contradictions between the system of cultural values and, of various kinds, subcultural trends, which in turn lead to deviant forms of behavior. Consequently, the development of social deviations results from the socialization of the individual in a society with an unsustainable system of legal values and moral norms.Thus, the formation of deviant practices in modern Russian society is directly related, first of all, to the dysfunctionality of the process of socialization, which includes the preventive work of state institutions, as well as to the legal-cultural transformation in the world view of the individual caused by the abnormal state of the society. In this socio-cultural situation, the necessary condition in modeling the modern system of preventive impact should be an increase in the general level of legal culture, and its content not only as a result of social consensus, but also the cultural need of society.

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  • Chagin V.S.

    The proposed article discusses in detail the main research approaches to studying the problem of suicidal behavior of adolescents and young people. Considering such forms of deviance among young people as the use of narcotic and psychotropic drugs, the participation of young people in illegal armed groups, etc., the author notes that suicide is the most dangerous form of deviant behaviour. It is based on both socio-economic prerequisites and psycho-pedagogical and social factors. The author proves the need to use an integrative approach in the organization of effective systems of preventive activities. On the basis of the analysis of domestic and foreign statistics provided by the World Health Organization, the destructive potential of suicidal behaviour is assessed. The article proposes a generalized social image of a young person taking an interest in suicidal practices. As the main cause of youth suicides, the author identifies the activity of social networks, in particular suicidal games such as "Blue Whale," Momo, "Red Owl" and some others. The article also notes that free access to the Internet space of an overwhelming number of modern youth significantly increases the risk of this information threat, which greatly increases the need for preventive measures by law enforcement, educational and other interested agencies.

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  • Shakhbanova M.M., Murtuzova Z.M., Shikhalieva D.S.

    The results of our research show that ethnic identity of the norm type dominates in mass consciousness of urban people, but ethnic indifference and other negative types of ethnic identity are also available. It is inferred that ethnic identity, as well as other types of social identity is an important factor of social well-being of a man. Furthermore, the research demonstrates that the Republic type of identity dominates in mass consciousness of urban people of Daghestan, the Russian identity holds the second position, the religious identity is at the third place, and the generation identity holds the fourth place. Ethnic and urban identity are unimportant for city people of the Republic, although the authors’ thesis was based on the idea of possible domination of city identity among respondents but it was not found out by the results of social research. Indicators of generating ethnic identity are national language, national traditions, religion, and historical past. Weak positions of city self-identity are obvious through an indicator “life together at the same territory” marked by the one fifth part of the respondents. There are no differences in defining markers of ethnic identity in concrete cities. Further, least of all in mass consciousness of citizens the ethnodeterminant "national clothes, the dwelling, way of life", in comparison with other subgroups, is demanded, the Dargins (the one seventh part) and the Kumyks (every tenth) who designated importance of this sign are allocated. Statistically unimportant part of respondents considers that they have nothing in common with representatives of their ethnic community and among them are the Dargins, Lezgins and Kumyks. Besides, the analysis of empirical material in the cities revealed the existing differences – the importance of national traditions and customs at some downgrade of national language. This position is due to the weakening of ethno-linguistic identity, respectively, linguistic behavior of the urban population of the Republic. The dominance of Russian as a language of inter-ethnic communication has naturally contributed to the decline in the importance and status of the national language.

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  • Konoplyova A.A.

    Traditionally, there is an idea that language has an auxiliary function in relation to culture, acting as a communication tool. However, these days, against the backdrop of the increasing complexity of culture and the expansion of areas of social interactions, its functions are being transformed and often relate to those facets where language becomes the central problem of culture and its preservation directly affects the development of culture. The purpose of this article is to consider the static-dynamic properties of a language in the context of its modern functions. Realization of this goal requires solving the following tasks: to consider the change in the role of language that has occurred in our days; to study the signs of static elements; identify features of the dynamic properties of the language. The object of study is the language as an integral part of culture, the subject is the dialectical relationship of the static and dynamic elements of the language. As a result of the analysis, static and dynamic signs were identified, and it was also established that in the current realities, a purposeful change in language cannot be realized. In turn, the nature of the relevant influence factors shows minor changes, indicating the viability of the language.

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    Regional Economy
  • Gorelova G.V., Momot Ì.Î., Rakitina M.S.
    Imitation modeling of the processes of socio-economic development of the region depending on the degree of development of the territory

    The article discusses the features of the development of complex socio-economic systems from the point of view of development of the territory. Cognitive simulation was used to gain new knowledge about the system in conditions of incomplete information and poor structure of its problems. The study provides an understanding that the territory is the basic basis of the life of society; the development of the territory consists in the inclusion in the national economy of new natural territories; development is characterized by the spread of productive forces, which lead to structural changes in the socio-economic-geographical space. When studying the degree of development of the territory, attention was focused not only on the territorial organization of production and infrastructure development of the territory, but also on human capital, human potential, historical, cultural, and other social factors. All this formed the basis for the development of a hierarchical cognitive model that reflects the structure of causal relationships between the objects of the socio-economic system at the regional and national levels. At the stage of developing the hierarchical cognitive model, causal analysis was used. At the stage of the study of the cognitive model, an analysis was made of its structural properties and stability, reflecting the properties of regional socio-economic systems. The results obtained showed that the properties of the cognitive model do not contradict the properties of the real system. The impulse modeling carried out below on the model made it possible to identify several possible scenarios for the development of the system with changes in internal and external factors. All this determined the novelty of the study. The obtained results of cognitive simulation are practically useful in the development and justification of strategies for the development of territories.

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  • Tamov A.A., Getmantsev K.V., Tamova M.K.
    The role of modern agglomerations in development economic space of the region

    The article deals with issues related to assessing the potential of large urban agglomerations to attract economic and other types of resources to the regional economic system and create economic development impulses for the entire region. Using the example of the Krasnodar urban agglomeration, the authors explore the place and role of agglomeration in the modern economic development of a large southern region of the country – the Krasnodar territory. From a practical point of view, the study aimed at identifying new growth points and development resources of regional Economics explains the spatial aspects of regional economic development in the zones of influence of Metropolitan areas, which is extremely important in the ongoing inquiry on the part of regional administrations to find new resources of economic development.

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  • Tretyakova L.A., Azarova N.A., Nebesnaya A.Yu.
    Analysis of trends in employment of human capital in the regional economy

    Due to the fact that forecasting of economic development of the region is directly determined by the employment of human capital, of particular relevance is research into the development of employment of human capital in creating a socially useful product in the regional economy. The subject of the research is the analysis of socio-economic trends that determine the regularities of the process of formation of employment of human capital in the economy of regions. The study identified the reasons for the growth of employment in the economy of regions, which are due to the influence of economic reasons related to the standard of living and its dynamics. The purpose of the research is to provide theoretical justification and systematization of scientific and methodological approaches to analyzing trends in the employment of human capital in the regional economy. The objectives of the study are: trends in the number of employment in the regions, identification of the specific weight of employed population in total population, the real disposable income of population and employment in the economy. Trend analysis of employment of human capital will allow to justify the population dynamics of economically active population and the reasons for the growth of employment in the regional economy and to examine trends in the reduction of real disposable money incomes of the population, what will be the prerequisites for the use of human capital in creating a socially useful product.

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  • Shatalova O.I., Mukhoryanova O.A., Lebedeva E.P., Torishny Î.À.
    Improvement of state regulation of innovation activity in the Stavropol territory

    The article deals with practical aspects of the formation of state innovation policy at the regional level; identifies global trends in innovative development in various countries; considers the prospects for introducing innovations into the industrial cluster of the Russian Federation; studies Federal and regional legal documents regulating economic and innovative development in the Stavropol territory; presents the main opportunities of the region in terms of building innovative potential; prospects and drivers of innovative activity development in the Stavropol territory are defined. The article presents the structure of the new strategy for the development of innovation in the Stavropol territory until 2025; measures have been developed to stimulate the states innovative activity of enterprises in the Stavropol territory, which will create the necessary conditions for increasing the innovative potential of the region by providing the necessary economic, social, legal, technical and organizational conditions.

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  • Kretova A.Yu.
    Administrative approach to assessing the efficiency of the enterprise

    The works of leading domestic and foreign scientists on the issues of evaluating the effectiveness of the enterprise are studied. The well-known methods and methods of evaluating the effectiveness of an enterprise from the perspective of a managerial approach are analyzed. The analysis of existing methods of management approach to assessing the effectiveness of the enterprise showed their diversity and inconsistency. It is revealed that among the analyzed methods of management approach, each has both advantages and disadvantages that affect the degree of their practical application, which does not allow us to consider the effectiveness of the enterprise as a complex category. The proposed development of more sophisticated procedures for evaluating the performance of companies based on a model that takes into account the effectiveness of the current activities (results of activities of the enterprise and its functional components and potential), the balance of interests of groups of actors external and internal environment, the degree of implementation of internal and external capabilities of the enterprise.

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    General Problems of Pedagogy
  • Bessarabova Yu.V., Petkov V.A., Doroshenko V.V., Krutko G.A., Doroshenko V.V.

    The pedagogical potential of the interdisciplinary approach in pedagogical science is used to reflect the development trends and general integrative processes indicative of the modern system of Russian higher education. The article provides the content of recreational activity of the university, which consists in the development and implementation of measures for active recreation and restoration of physical, moral and psychological forces among students, formation of motivation and value attitude at them and stable need for active leisure, health and sports activities. The performed analysis of communication interaction features in the recreational environment of the university makes it possible to determine its multilevel structure, which is formed in the process of functioning in this environment, and to determine effective methods of simulating communication interaction. From the point of view of interdisciplinary approach, we consider the possibility of modeling productive communicative interaction of subjects of recreational environment of the university. The implementation of an interdisciplinary approach to the organization of productive pedagogical interaction implies the use of complexity in the teacher's choice of appropriate forms and methods of educational activities. In this regard, the readiness of the university teacher to organize productive pedagogical interaction in the recreational environment of the university is one of the important factors ensuring the quality of students professional training in the university. Study of theory and practice of organization of recreational activity in universities allowed us to highlight and test pedagogical conditions ensuring productivity of communicative interaction of recreational activity subjects. Analysis of materials of experimental work on model testing makes it possible to conclude that during its implementation significant improvement of communication interaction efficiency, as well as quality of health-improving activity of the university, organization of full restoration of spent physical and mental forces of the student was noted. Thus, the implementation of the pedagogical potential of the interdisciplinary approach in the study of the peculiarities of communicative interaction of recreational actors allows us to highlight trends and promising directions of development of recreational and health-improving activities of the university in conditions of standardization of education.

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  • Vikhor D.A., Begidova S.N., Mednikov A.B.

    The paper discloses how communication competence is formed at future bachelors of tourism. Its importance for professional formation and effective performance of labor functions is justified, namely: promotion of tourist product, formation of loyalty of clients, attraction of new clients, partners, etc. Communicative competence ensures the efficiency of professional activity of the tourist industry specialist, as it contributes to the construction of correct business relations with colleagues, business partners, competitors and other consumers of the tourist product. Productive communication with clients and business partners increases the image of both the tourist company and the specialist himself, providing him with competitive advantages and demand in the labor market. Requirements to the formation of communicative competence are reflected in Federal State Standards of Higher Education, as well as demanded by modern practice. In order to increase the efficiency of communication competence at future bachelors in the direction of training "Tourism" the following technology is offered. The technology is represented by substantive and procedural components and involves step-by-step formation of ability to professional communication. Five stages have been allocated. For each stage, we determined the tasks, content, methods, etc., including theoretical study of peculiarities of communication with different categories of citizens, practical application of acquired knowledge and skills in the process of passing industrial practice in conditions of real interaction with subjects of tourist industry. Solving the tasks of the previous stage creates conditions for possible transition of students to the new stage and solving the tasks of the new stage. The proposed technology allows us to increase efficiency of communication competence in students, future bachelors of tourism.

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  • Dmitriev S.V., Neverkovich S.D., Bystritskaya E.V.

    Based on the analysis of modern studies of the process of training in motor actions, we identified the problem of systemic, holistic improvement of the sphere of self-awareness of the athlete in the structure of the educational space. This problem is expressed in the form of a contradiction between the unitary requirements to the structure of training and the system of professional requirements of coachers, on the one hand, and the sociocultural task of a unique personalized system of competences of the sports coacher, aimed at solving problems of formation of competitiveness of the athlete, on the other. The solution of this problem is hampered by rigid substantive differentiation of the process of sports education. Thus, the purpose of the article is to define structural components of the system of activity on training of motor actions and their functions in relation to the image "I" of the athlete, his activity consciousness, and development of technologies of professional activity of the coacher. The result of the study is the structure of the ontodidactic process of the athlete training, which includes: reproductive performing, adaptation, design performing, criterion assessment levels and level of self-construction of the individual. A number of steps are presented, which allow us to introduce it into the system of university practice. Among them are ensuring integrativeness of spheres of science on the core of research training, joint immersion in educational research, identification of object and anthropic meaning of activity and creation of conditions for bisubject and multisubject interaction. Universal regulators are established, which are at the basis of activity-organized thinking and self-awareness of the athlete. Educational frames are presented, including schemes, perceptions, thinking and activities, which allow us to solve motor problems.

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  • Lobanov I.A.

    The article is devoted to the topical problem of self-development of personal and professional qualities of an officer of the Russian army. The characteristic features and different interpretations of this concept are revealed. There are three stages of self-development: self-affirmation, self-improvement and self-actualization. It is necessary to search for methods of pedagogical stimulation, ways of self-knowledge, and forecasting results. The article analyzes the views of modern researchers on personal internal development as the next stage after the completion of the training process and the most convenient way for a person to improve the personal and professional level. This direction is also supplemented by such activities as self-education, self-knowledge, self-education, and self-government. The author substantiates the idea that each of these activities performs a certain function in the development of personal and professional qualities of an officer. The author defines self-development of personal and professional qualities of an officer as an integral component of his professional activity, including as a mandatory component of modern military education basing on a rational combination of training and self-training in the educational process. Considerable attention is paid to the description of reflexive and normative functions, the functions of goal formation and active interaction, as creating conditions for self-development of personal and professional qualities of an officer. The main types of activities that perform a certain function in the development of personal and professional qualities of an individual are summarized. In conclusion, the author draws attention to the importance and urgency of the issue of introduction of system of self-development of soldiers in the army, changes to existing programs of combat training of arms and services with the goal of creating deeper individual approach to self-development of each serviceman and the disclosure of its internal capacity in military collective.

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  • Ozheva S.B., Shebanets E.Yu., Demkina E.V., Paatova M.E.

    The article explores the problems of an inclusive approach to the organization of tourism and local history activities for children with autism spectrum disorder as one of the methods of including children with disabilities in the social environment in order to create optimal conditions for rest, development, and interaction with peers. Children 's inclusive tourism as a new developing area in tourism, which is currently being conceived in the Russian Federation, makes it possible to create a universal barrier-free environment for children with special features of development, including children with developmental disabilities, in particular children with autism spectrum disorder, It provides opportunities for social adaptation and full inclusion of children with disabilities in society, thus realizing the equal rights guaranteed by the Constitution of the Russian Federation for all citizens, regardless of their state of health. An inclusive approach to the organization of tourism and local history activities for children with autism spectrum disorder contributes not only to recreation and health improvement, but also to the fulfilment of the key tasks of education and upbringing of children with autism spectrum disorder - the development of cognitive activities, training and inclusion in the social environment as a freeman of society. The article addresses the problems of development of children's inclusive recreation in the territory of Russia and the Republic of Adyghea. The experience is presented of designing the model of inclusive tourist and local history route for children with autism spectrum disorder, developed on the basis of the assessment of tourist and recreational potential of the Republic of Adyghea and taking into account individual psycho-pedagogical, medical and social maps of children participating in the project.

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  • Plaxin V.A.

    Full-fledged economic (as well as any other) education in the modern world cannot be completely universal without a sufficient level of foreign language proficiency (primarily English). This task makes it necessary to develop and implement new types of educational programs in the pedagogical system, which are aimed at training professionals capable of effective communication in the conditions of modern cultural and professional interaction. The most important direction of the process of reforming the education sector in recent years has been the intensive introduction of the system of additional professional education. However, in the process of preparing translators in professional communications Program, its organization and methods there are a number of obvious problems and issues: the lack of a unified science-based approach to program implementation, lack of scientific and methodological support of teaching process, unification of requirements to the contents and objectives of training, the forms of final control, training time and many others. Teaching experience of students of economic specialties for a number of years in the course of additional professional educational program "Translator in professional communications" in the Krasnodar branch of the Finance University under the Government of the Russian Federation allows us to consider some features of the organizational system of this training course, to analyze its content, to propose a number of steps in improving teaching methods, promoting formation of professional foreign language communicative competences, as well as to see the dynamics of increase of level of knowledge of the studied foreign language, its competent use in the respective professional field, and therefore to confirm the effectiveness of the developed Program.

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  • Romanyuk S.N., Demkina E.V.

    The problem of study and creation of conditions for correction of infantile personality qualities and development of mature personality qualities is analyzed, and a comprehensive philosophical, social, psychological and pedagogical understanding of these phenomena and their factors is carried out. In recent decades, research has been updated to find ways and means to overcome the social infantilism of the younger generation of Russians. In this connection, the article justifies the special importance of studying and solving problems of prevention and overcoming social infantilism of certain, special categories of population to which cadets belong. Theoretical analysis of philosophical, psychological, sociological, and pedagogical literature is presented, showing that, for now, a general idea has been formed about the structural components of social infantilism, about its essence as a subtype of personal (psychological, personal-psychological, etc.) infantilism, about external (social) and internal (psychological) reasons for its occurrence, about the most general or, on the contrary, private conditions of overcoming, as well as about the trend to change the current situation. The authors define the procedural and methodological characteristics of pedagogical prevention of social infantilism of cadets, presented in the form of technological stages of activity, at each of which practical tasks are set and methods and means of their solution are proposed.

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  • Savin P.P.

    In accordance with the general patterns of development of sports, and strengthening of its social and economic importance in the world and in Russia, the appearance of the industry, the appearance of sports and the system of relations of people in sports have changed significantly. This circumstance, as well as the Law on Physical Culture and Sports of December 4, 2007, No. 329-FZ [1], which allows financial remuneration for participation in sports competitions, change of the labor code and inclusion of athletes in professions led to sharp updating of the problem of formation of economic culture components in athletes. However, the degree of study of the components of this pedagogical process is not sufficient. The article presents the opinion of athletes on the expediency of including economic education in the system of their training, on possibilities of interaction of school and the system of sports training in this direction, on the stage of a multi-year cycle of sports training at which the problem of economic training of athletes and justification of content of the process of formation of the basic economic culture of athletes, on the basis of results of a questionnaire survey of 460 respondents of different level of preparation, is updated. Fundamental, in the opinion of athletes, components of organization of the system of economic preparation at stages of sports training are revealed.

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  • Sizhazheva Î.À.

    The aim of this research is to study the problems of the formation of a musical education system in Kabardino-Balkaria (KBR), which has raised prominent figures in culture and art, some of which have received worldwide recognition. The relevance of the stated theme is that the musical education of the KBR has reached a high level of evolution and continues its rapid development as part of the musical culture of the republic and the country as a whole. However, to date, its origins and the main trends of its formation and development have not been investigated. The scientific novelty of the article lies in the fact that the role of preprofessional musical educational institutions (music schools and art schools) in the formation of the musical education of the region under consideration is studied here for the first time. The study was made by using the historical, comparative and cultural methods that allowed us to consider music education, on the one hand, as an integrated system, reflecting the successive historical stages of its development, and on the other hand, as a system formed by musicians-educators, musicologists, and music teachers whose coordinated educational, research and pedagogical activity contributed not only to the formation, but also to the rapid evolution of the studied field of education - music education. The results of the study can be used in compiling special courses on the history of music (musical culture, musical art, musical education) or on the history of culture of Kabardino-Balkaria. Conclusions of the work can serve as the basic theses of special seminars on the history of the region as a whole, the life and traditions of the peoples living in it.

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  • Yatskovskaya I.F., Begidova S.N.

    The article presents the author's position on solving the problem of prevention of emotional burnout at students of technical university - future engineers. Emotional burnout is a consequence of high intellectual, physical, and mental loads that have a cumulative effect at students of technical universities. The formed ability to manage their emotional state, control and regulate mental and physical activity, to be able to switch over to new recreational activities at the appropriate times contributes to the preservation of physical and mental health. In this regard, it is necessary to carry out work on prevention of emotional burnout among students of technical universities. One of the effective directions of prevention of emotional burnout is art, in our case choreographic, namely: modern dance. Modern dance is a new direction in contemporary choreography. Modern dance classes do not require special choreographic training and are therefore available to students. A characteristic feature of this type of choreographic art is its focus on the inner world of man, high emotional intensity, the possibility to convey feelings, experiences, and emotions by movements, which contributes to the reduction of emotional tension and is an effective means of prevention of emotional burnout. The effectiveness of prevention of emotional burnout at students of technical university at classes of modern dance is provided by creation of special psycho-pedagogical conditions. The following psychological and pedagogical conditions are identified and justified: reliance on an individual-personal approach taking into account the abilities and potentials of the student; gender approach; emotional state of charge; creative atmosphere in the collective; improvisation; consideration of individual-psychological personality types (extroversion/introversion); emotional preferences of engaged; and the teacher's willingness to work with different personality psychotypes.

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  • Abregov A.N.
    The Adyghe word khalyghu "bread" and its single-root derivatives: word-formation and etymological aspect

    The paper explores the lexeme of khalyghu "bread" and its stem words. The study material is represented by data from lexicographic sources. The aim of this paper is to determine the etymology of the above lexeme and the word-forming structure of single-root derivatives. The objective is to identify the origin of this lexeme and analyze ways to form single-root derivatives of lexemes. In order to solve the task, a comparative-historical method was used, as well as a structural-semantic and word-formation analysis of words was carried out. The theoretical significance of the study is that the analysis will be a certain contribution to the theory of etymology, lexicology and word formation of Adyg languages. The practical significance is that the results of the work can be used in reading lecture courses in modern Adyg languages, as well as in lexicographic practice in creating etymological and word-forming dictionaries of Adyghe and Kabardian-Circassian languages. The carried-out word-formation analysis of words has shown that the component of khaly / khely with meanings of "round cracknel", "circlet", "loaf" ← "circlet" appears in all words.

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  • Bagirokov Kh.Z.
    Bilingueme as a tool to study bilingualism in the text

    The terminological instrumentation of bilingualism is analyzed, which is an urgent need for modern linguistics. Typology and bilingueme function in the Adyg language texts performing intercommunication is the goal of the work. Scientific and theoretical significance lies in the implementation of a complex verbal-semantic and linguoculturological analysis of texts of bilingual language personality, which makes it possible to use the method of contextual and semantic analysis in the representation of ways to update bilinguemes of the author’s language personality in bilingual literary text. The conclusions show that bilingual realities, bilingual culturemes and bilingual mythemes contribute to the formation of a society with a positive intercommunicative orientation, perceiving the foreign-language culture with an interest. The practical value of the work lies in representing the linguocultural potential of the Adygs in conditions of Adyghe-foreign natural and artificial language contacts.

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  • Golyev A.A.
    Anthropogenic impact on the paremiological fund of Estonian Language (case study of proverbs and sayings about hunting and fishing)

    The relevance of this work lies in the fact that it examines linguaculturologically some Estonian proverbs and sayings in terms of how human impacts on the environment are reflected in the language. The main goal of the work is to show how human activity contributes to the appearance of certain proverbs and sayings. The paper deals with Estonian proverbs and sayings dedicated to the national Estonian crafts. Some of the sayings dedicated to agriculture, hunting or fishing are compared among each other. It is claimed that environmental changes caused by human activity contribute to the appearance of such proverbs and sayings in which fishing is praised and the value of hunting on the contrary is belittled. Such an analysis of the paremiological fund of Estonian language by using an example of some paroemias about hunting and fishing in the linguocultural aspect is carried out for the first time. A theoretical significance of this material is that it can be used to deepen knowledge in phraseology and to further develop the theory of language. The practical value of this material lies in a possibility of its application in higher school lecture courses on cultural linguistics.

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  • Kubashicheva S.K.
    Problem of interlanguage matching of Russian phrases and their English equivalents

    The paper provides an analytical review of the design possibilities of Russian and English verbs, determines their structure, functions, and range of their lexical combination, showing discrepancies in the semantic volume of lexical units. The study of free phrases is aimed at identifying significant typological discrepancies in the languages of different systems. Comparative analysis of the relationship between vocabulary and syntax of Russian verbs and semantics of English equivalents are determining factors in solving problems of translation of non-predicative collocations. As a result of the comparison, it is inferred that various forms in structure in English correspond to uniform Russian phrases. The prospects of translation practice make the study of practical significance and provide the possibility of further research in the field of linguistics, theory and translation practice.

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  • Levchenko T.L.
    Slang representing the concept of “beauty” in modern English: gender aspect

    The article deals with the slang names of female and male persons, describing their beauty in English linguoculture. The aim of the research is to study and characterize the ways how gender-labeled slang units are formed. The research is based on lexical units selected from lexicographic sources by the continuous sampling method. The analysis has revealed that the same vocabulary replenishment methods are typical for slang and for the literary language, regardless of gender. This conclusion indicates that slang is a whole layer of language, and it cannot be regarded as separate lexical units outside the literary norm. The studied lexical units belong to the periphery of the concept of “beauty” and make it possible to give a characteristic of the image of a handsome man and beautiful woman within a certain social group. The theoretical significance lies in expanding the understanding of the conceptual and linguistic picture of the world of native English speakers. The practical significance lies in the possibility of its use in the compilation of dictionaries of English slang, at lectures and practical classes in lexicology and linguistics.

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  • Lei Zheng
    Research of background processes happening under cultural interaction and relationship between Russia and China

    For the first time, the article discusses the background processes of Russia and China in the context of the impact on intercultural interaction. The purpose of the work is to determine the role and importance of background knowledge in the activities of modern specialists engaged in professionally-oriented foreign language communication. The research technique is based on a comparative analysis of background processes taking place in Russian and Chinese society. The author's definition of the phenomenon of modernity – “interculture” – is proposed. The structure of background knowledge is analyzed. The analysis shows that background knowledge is multi-structural, its composition is represented by national-cultural knowledge and universal knowledge. Therefore, in order to master them in whole by representatives of foreign-language cultures, their structure and semantic content should be taken into account, since it is the semantic content that determines the specific conditions for the use of background knowledge in the process of communication. A number of methods have been proposed that will maximize the effectiveness of generating knowledge about background processes among foreign students and specialists. According to the results of the study, it is concluded that the presence of background knowledge and the correct interpretation of background processes are of particular importance for any modern person, since they contribute to a better understanding of a foreign-speaking people, provide more effective intercultural interaction and, on the whole, make it possible to transfer to the level of universal knowledge of mankind.

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  • Naptsok M.R.
    Suffixal adjectives in V. Nabokov's prose: meaning and structure

    The paper explores the suffixal adjectives presented in prosaic works of one of the brightest writers of the Russian abroad V.V. Nabokov. The purpose of the publication is to analyze the nature of formation and structure, as well as peculiarities of the meaning and functioning of suffixal adjectives in Nabokov’s prose in the Russian language. The scientific significance of the study lies in the further development of issues of vocabulary and classification of author’s neologisms. The analysis of the presented linguistic material is based on lexical-semantic, structural and word-forming methods of research and makes it possible to conclude that suffixal adjectives stand in productivity in the second place among the author 's neologisms of V. Nabokov after adjective derivatives created by addition. Suffixal adjectives are characterized by a variety of formants involved in word formation, but the most active in the writer 's prose are suffixes -n-, -sk- and -ov-, which correspond to the tradition of Russian word formation. Thus, it can be concluded that the literary word formation of V.V. Nabokov reflects the general trend characteristic of the Russian language, namely: high productivity of adjective formations, among which suffixal adjectives occupy an important place along with complex adjectives.

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  • Rashidova A.G., Bizhitueva M.P.
    Verbs with spatial meaning in the English language in comparison with Lak and Russian languages

    In the vocabulary of comparable languages, spatial relations are expressed through various parts of speech, including nouns, adjectives, verbs, adverbs of place and indicative pronouns. The article deals with English verbs with spatial meaning and their correspondence in Lak and Russian. The reason for the detailed development of the system of cases in Dagestan languages by many researchers of Iberian-Caucasus languages was the complexity of the case system in the mountain languages of Dagestan. We conclude that spatiality is one of the basic categories of thought and language, characteristic of almost all language pictures of the world.The results of the conducted research allow us to use the obtained results as an auxiliary teaching material for the Lak school teachers who teach English, Russian and Lak languages, also, the results can serve as a basis for comparative and typological study of morphology of Lak and other related Dagestan languages, English and some other foreign languages, which are studied in secondary and higher schools of the Republic of Dagestan.

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  • Tadzhibova Z.T.
    Semantic analysis of Russian and English paroemias expressing the concept of “learning, knowledge”

    Proverbs and sayings reflecting the concept of “learning, knowledge” in Russian and English linguistic cultures are identified and analyzed. The material of the study was the paroemia of multi-structural languages. The choice of proverbs and sayings as the material for the study is due to the insufficient study of the paroemias of the studied languages from the point of view of identifying the semantics of the lexical components, expressive-evaluative and expressive means, as well as the figurative basis of these units. The aim of the study is to identify common and different components of the concept of “learning, knowledge” in Russian and English linguistic cultures. The research methodology is based on comparative contrastive semantic analysis, continuous sampling method and linguo-cultural analysis. Paroemias of learning, knowledge occupy a special place in linguistic studies of languages. As a result of the analysis, it has been revealed that the implementation of this concept has both positive and negative connotations. Common to the Russian and English people is a comparison of knowledge with wealth, strength and modesty. In both cultures, a desire to learn all life is welcomed and warnings are given against small / insufficient knowledge. Distinctive features are a different attitude to the methods of obtaining knowledge, difficulties in the way of students. Nonequivalent paroemias were also discovered that reflected the realities of a particular culture. In the course of the study, we can conclude that the presence of correspondences in Russian and English paroemias in terms of content, but not in terms of expression, speaks of different perceptions of the surrounding reality. At the same time, the figurative basis of paroemias coincides, since all people, regardless of nationality, think in universal categories.

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  • Khachmafova Z.R., Sereda L.M.
    Gender picture of the world in women's prose discourse

    The paper explores the women's language consciousness, actualized in the literary discourse of a female author and through a female character. Women's linguistic personality is analyzed as an object of linguocognitive interaction of the main participants of communication at psychological and gender levels, implemented in discursive practices of women's literary discourse. Gender, as the basis of social stratification, is verbalized in the discourse of women's literary prose in the form of the realization of gender characteristics and stereotypes. Discourse is considered as an individual means of self-expression of a woman (author and hero), as well as a generic means of gender identification, having a specific gender code. The conceptual analysis of literary text and modelling methods, which represent the content of the concept in the form of a field structure, were used to establish that women's literary discourse is an independent discourse, with special specificity of the world view, as well as gender-relevant concepts. The theoretical significance and practical value of the study lies in establishing the status of the gender approach in the study of the discourse of female prose, as well as in the possibility of using the results of the study in university courses in the theory of gender linguistics, cognitive linguistics and psycholinguistics.

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  • Khachmafova Z.R., Shkhumishkhova A.R.
    Main models of term-derivation in subject area "Computer technologies" (German language materials)

    The purpose of this paper is to identify and describe the most productive morphological, morphological-syntactic and syntactic derivational models of terms in subject domain "Computer technologies" in German. The research methodology is based on derivation and structural analysis to determine the word-forming structure of computer terms and establish derivation models. The study has found that computer terms differ in systemic character at semantic, morphological, and word-building levels. The authors prove that derivation mechanisms for the formation of terms of the subject area "Computer technologies" are diverse and specific, the terms are created by the following methods of derivation: suffixation, prefixation, word addition, lexical-semantic term formation, abbreviation, syntactic term formation and borrowing. The theoretical significance of the research lies in the study of the mechanisms of term-derivation as one of the most important means of systemic structuring and systematization of terminological vocabulary, as well as in the deepening of general theoretic ideas about formal-structural peculiarities of terms of this subject area.

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  • Khlopova A.I.
    Comparative analysis of the content of the basic value of “work” in the linguoculture of the Russians and the German-speaking Swiss

    In the article the author tries to establish the content of the basic value of Arbeit (work) in the Swiss linguoculture, which is compared with the content of the basic value of ðàáîòà (work) in the Russian linguoculture. A free associative experiment is used as the main method of researching the content of the basic value. It is the most effective way to detect the deep associative links of a word and therefore it can be used in different methods of word analysis. Nuclear reactions of the Swiss indicate how relevant the lexeme and the basic value of Arbeit (work) itself are for the respondents. The Swiss mention a big amount of work, pleasure taken from it and financial reward. The most frequent reactions of Russian respondents are the reactions of salary and money. It is important that not only the core of the associative field is different, but also the periphery of it, which reflects the potential capabilities of the word. Therefore, the periphery of the associative field shows how and how often the word is used in speech. Thus, it can predict the further development of the meaning of the word.

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  • Chale Z.I., Belokopytova I.A.
    The traditions of oral and written culture on the German TV

    This article analyzes the key features of the oral and written forms of language on the German TV. These forms of language existed constantly. The character of this correlation can be direct or indirect. In our Age of television and other media communications it is of special interest. The purpose of this work is to identify and demonstrate the existence of constant interaction between these two forms of language on the German TV. The practical importance and scientific novelty of this work lie in determination of parameters of culture in the Age of television, which are reflected in language of this society at this cultural and historical stage. The methodology of research is based on a comparative analysis of the oral and written forms of language on the German TV. The authors conclude that the correlation between these two forms of language is conditioned by the social environment of the historical Age, in which humanity now lives. The theoretical findings of this research represent some contribution to the study of the modern state and development of language.

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  • Yarmolinets L.G., Terpelets Zh.A.
    The functional stratification of sports megadiscourse

    Due to the fact that sports discourse holds a prominent place in any national picture of the world, the problem of its typology and functioning in a modern multicultural society is becoming extremely topical today. For the first time, sports discourse is considered in the aspect of functional stratification. Our methods of research are the theoretical analysis of scientific sources on studied problems, a method of contextual and complex analysis to define the discursive characteristics of the text. They show that sport is a multi - dimensional structure that includes a variety of areas of human activity involved in various communication situations. The purpose of the study is to analyze the discourses of various spheres of sports communication that are included in the sports megadiscourse in the cognitive-pragmatic aspect. It is considered that specialties of linguistic identity of participants and their genre characteristics need to be studied. The results of the research have theoretical and practical values and lie in the fact that at present consideration of sport communication from the standpoint of ethnoculture is urgent as many types of sport activity and thereafter sport communication suppose interaction between different linguistic cultures. The conclusion is made that interdisciplinary sport discourse consideration is possible in the context of integral and competence approach combining cognitive, pragmatic, ethnocultural and psycholinguistic aspects.

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    Literary Criticism
  • Autleva F.A., Simbuletova R.K.
    Features of translations of A.T. Tvardovsky’s works in English-speaking countries

    The main features and peculiarities of translations of A.T. Tvardovsky’s works into English are analyzed in order to consider the main forms and stages of professional interest in his creativity in English-speaking countries. The place of translation texts of the poet is determined in anthologies of Russian and Soviet poetry, published abroad since the mid-1950s. The material for this study was obtained from the publications of translations indicating the chronology and characteristics of publishers. The comparative characteristic makes it possible to evaluate different versions of translation of the same poetry text belonging to different translators. The present work shows difficulties in translating spoken, dialect and colloquialism vocabulary into English. The obtained data of the conducted text study allow determining the main parameters of successful work of translators. The results of the analysis are relevant for further research of principles and methods of literary translation created basing on science, aesthetic and spiritual value, and mental equivalence. The results can be used to improve this process by selecting the most adequate linguistic-stylistic forms and means designed to deepen the meaningful and spiritual-expressive influence of the translated text on the foreign reader. The results can also be used in the theory and practice of literary translation.

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  • Kirimov T.N.
    National color in Amdi Giraibay’s love lyrics

    In order to assess the reliability of sources about the fate and creative path of Amdi Giraibay – the Crimean Tatar literary figure of the first third of the 20th century, we consider the general issues of biography, textual study, and the psychology of literary thinking of the author. The individual characteristics of the poetics of the verses from the cycle of love dedications written by him in the 1917-1921 are thoroughly analyzed. The living types of Crimean Tatar youth striving for enlightenment, the poet’s mother, as well as the faces of pretty girls arise before readers’ eyes. At the same time, the work explores the ways and methods of understanding the psychological nature of the poet, his writing skills, problems of disclosure of national characteristics of literary traditions in the Crimea. Attention is also paid to the development of poetry in the Crimean Tatar literature of this historical period, such as a sonnet and fable. The relevance and scientific novelty of the topic are due to the poor level of prior study of the poet's creative heritage. This article aims at identifying the author's image, the national ideological and aesthetic value of Giraibay's poems. Semiotic, textual, biographical, historical and typological methods of the analysis allowed us to identify features of his writing skill. We have identified that Giraibay's love lyrics are a reflection of ancient linguistic and literary traditions of Crimean Tatars. The poet through simple vocabulary expresses complex moral and psychological feelings and, reflecting on the meaning of love, tends to self-destruction. We see similar phenomena in the work of his contemporaries. We emphasize that sentimental optimism determines the poet’s creativity, and the eidetic vision of the world in Giraibay’s poetry compels the reader to perceive the feelings experienced by the author. For the poet, death is associated with knowing the truth of being, reuniting with a lover. The high pathetic and graceful style, variety of themes and images define Giraibay's identity.

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  • Panesh U.M., Sokolova G.V.
    Novels "The Mountain Peaks Do Not Sleep" by A. Keshokov, and "The Family of Shogemokovs" by H. Teunov in the context of historical-revolutionary prose of Adyg literatures of the 1960s-1980s

    The paper discusses the peculiarities of the "contemporary" stage of development of Adyg literatures, which influenced the evolution of historical-revolutionary prose, namely: strengthening the concept of personality, movement to problem-analytical display and variety of poetry means. The specificity of the problems, the evolution of the conflict and genre forms of the novels "The Mountain Peaks Do Not Sleep” by A. Keshokov and "The Family of Shogemokovs" by H. Teunov are analyzed to define the ideological-thematic and structural-style peculiarities of these works, which are connected both with the traditions of the panoramic, multiaspectual novel and new trends. Reliance on a relatively typological method allows us for the first time to draw conclusions that these works reflected the complex dynamics of the development of historical and revolutionary prose, its movement from descriptive to literary problems and variety of literary forms. The findings contribute to the definition of various genre forms in national literature. Practical significance lies in that the conclusions can be used to create the history of the peoples of the North Caucasus and to compile textbooks and manuals for teaching.

    pdf 122-128.pdf  (118 Kb)

  • Paranuk K.N.
    Dialogue of cultures in the novels "The Story of Iron Wolf" and "Mercy of the Black Mountains, or Death the Other Side of the Black River" by Adyghean writer Yunus Chuyako

    For the first time, an attempt is undertaken to explore the creativity of the Adyghean writer Yu.Chuyako in line with the interaction of national literatures. The aim of the study is to identify the peculiarities of literary thinking of the topic "Russia – the Caucasus", and the specifics of the dialogue of cultures. The problems of novels are analyzed in line with dialogism; their genre-style peculiarities are revealed. The novel "The Story of Iron Wolf" became the first experience in Adyghean literature of a new, creative interaction with mythic-folklore material within the framework of neomythologism. The literary analysis of the dialogue of cultures, spiritual and moral paradigms of the era in this novel is carried out in historical, social sections against the background of the broadest panorama of life of people in Russia and Adyghea. The analysis of the novel "Mercy of the Black Mountains, or Death the Other Side of the Black River" emphasizes Pushkin's role in the interaction and convergence of national literatures. The comparative-historical, typological methods of research, as well as diachronic and synchronous methods are used to establish the multiaspectual disclosure of the topic in historical, social, cultural, spiritual and moral perspectives, its spiritual and moral content. The work contributes to solving theoretical problems of studying the dialogue of cultures in line with comparativistics. The practical significance of the work lies in the possibility to be used in the creation of special courses on the problems of dialogue of cultures.

    pdf 129-136.pdf  (129 Kb)

  • Setova T.S.
    Ideological and literary searches of the general 1960s and 1980s Adyg prose about the War and I. Mashbash's novel "A Hundred and First Pass"

    The article explores the genre and structural-style features of I. Mashbash's novel "A Hundred and First Pass" in the context of prose about the war of Adyg literatures of the 1960s and 1970s. Evolution of the concept of personality, strengthening of problems in the works of Circassian, Kabardinian and Adyghean writers are considered. The author analyzes the modification of conflict, synthesis of epic narrative and lyrical aspect, which determine the formation of a small social and psychological novel of emphasized problems. Historical-literary and comparative-typological methods make it possible to draw conclusions that the novel of I. Mashbash on the military theme reflected ideological-literary searches of the national literature at a new stage of its development. The importance of the article lies in the solution of problems of genre and style development in the new written prose, as well as in the possibility of its application in the study of the history of literature, and in the development of university textbooks and teaching manuals.

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  • Stepanova T.M., Autleva F.A.
    Problems of metapoetics of literary translation in K.I. Chukovsky correspondence of the 1960s

    The paper identifies and analyzes the main features of metapoetics as one of the forms of author's reflection and self-analysis, determining the place of its elements in articles, studies, essayistics, memoirs and epistolary heritage of K.I.Chukovsky, the Soviet writer, literary scholar, one of the outstanding representatives of the domestic translation school of the 20th century, its theorist and practical worker. Problems of metapoetics of literary translation are considered based on the material of correspondence of the writer of the 1960s with English and American specialists in Slavic studies and Russian Philology, "Sovietologists” – Sydney Thomas, Ernest G. Simmons and Mirra Ginsburg. The data obtained during the study of intensive correspondence of K.I.Chukovsky with Western colleagues, contribute to the identification of the basic principles of effective translation activity, which lead to the achievement of a high level of equivalents of original literary texts of Russian writers in English. The results of the study update further developments of basic concepts of literary translation. They draw on the principles of scientific, literary and mental adequacy of translation and are intent on optimizing this process, basing on selection of the equivalent linguistic-stylistic forms and means, which can enhance the information-aesthetic and emotional-psychological impact of the translated text on the foreign reader. The obtained data can be successfully applied in theory and practice of literary translation.

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  • Chukueva Z.N., Dzhambekova T.Â.
    Modern methodology for analyzing the role and functions of fact/document in event-chronical prose of the 20th and 21st centuries

    The problem of the relationship between fact (document) and fiction, their role and significance of the literary text by the very definition and nature of the creative act is one of the fundamental areas of literary science. This issue is of particular relevance at the present time, when the documents are increasingly penetrating into works of fiction in different forms, embodying various author's goals and strategies. The aim of this study is to identify and analyze the structural-semantic role and functional load of factographic material in the domestic and North Caucasus event-chronical prose. Literary interpretation of the problem is carried out based on contemporary theory about acquisition by documentary fragments included in the literary text of signs of artistic image. Attention is also drawn to the possibility of interpreting the document as an intertext. As a result, it has been established that the author's multivarious application of factographic material is dictated by the genre and style specificity of the text. In the realistic literature that is the subject of our study, the document becomes a factor emphasizing the validity of the described, and a way of reflecting the author 's position.

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  • Shishkhova N.M., Ankudinov K.N.
    Features of the manifestation of romantic worldview in the lyrics of Alexander Blok (1904-1912)

    For the first time, an attempt is made to broaden the range of problems and aspects of historical and literary study of Blok’s creativity. The belief in the organicity and inner integrity of the poet's creative path makes it possible to talk about the special cult of romanticism in his poetry world, the fruitful analysis of its manifestations in different chronological segments of its development. The goal is to find associative processes of the relationship between reality existing and created by the artist. Romanticism is our past, one of such phenomena that shaped our consciousness, and, as the study has shown, a way to bring romanticism closer to our time. It determines the need to pay attention to the origins of Blok poetry, its ideological and artistic development closely related to romantic worldview in both West European and Russian literature. Analysis of the features of romantic thinking of A. Blok is a very important component for understanding his artistic world, creative consciousness of the era as a whole and complex ideas of contemporary poetry. The presented work contributes to the understanding of the dynamics of the development of Russian literature of the 20th century.

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  • Kapranova I.P., Korobchak V.N.
    The author's conceptosphere of Oscar Wilde's fictional discourse

    The article analyzes the individual author's concept, that is, the conceptualization of the author's world, in particular, in the linguistic development of the linguistic personality. The purpose of the article is to investigate the system of concepts, and to show the features of verbal representation of the author's concepts in the literary text. In this regard, the conceptosphere of the elite linguistic personality, realizing the axiological views of the era, is of interest. The relevance of the article lies in the fact that the phenomenon of fictional discourse is attracting increasing attention in the framework of anthropocentric studies. Individual author's concept is the conceptualization of the author's world, manifested in his individual style, imagery of the text. The article considers the fictional discourse of Oscar Wilde, in particular, the author's fairy tale within the anthropocentric paradigm of scientific thinking, in which the potential of language units of different levels is realized. The novelty of this study lies in the consideration of the author's fairy tale not only from the point of view of anthropological linguistics and cognitive science in order to study the conceptual information of fictional discourse, but also within the framework of germaneutics. It has been found that the author's fiction concepts and conceptions are realized not by direct nominations, but by figurative language means. Therefore, cognitive understanding is insufficient, and in order to understand fictional discourse (fictional concept), a desobjectified understanding is necessary.

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    Biological Sciences
  • Vodolazhskaya M.G., Vodolazhsky G.I.
    Age dynamics of electroencephalographic parameters of healthy persons with a different levels of aggression

    In order to test the stability and preservation of the background ontogenetic trend towards the amplitude regression of EEG oscillations, ñhanges in 272 EEG parameters were studied in 678 man with different aggressive nature during the period of life from age 8 years to age 82 years with a step of one month after modeling of aggressive emotions. Correlation and approximation analysis showed more progressive age-related decreases in the amplitude and power of β, α, θ and δ oscillations in more aggressive subjects in response to the modeling aggression, particularly in the right leads. In persons with less aggression of character, which constitute a numerical minority, an increase in the amplitude and in the power of the majority of EEG oscillations that do not depend on the age index are recorded. Thus, the general background ontogenetic tendency to nonlinear decreases in the amplitude and power of EEG rhythms with age was seen in people of single more aggressive group.

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  • Ushkho D.S., Tlyachev V.B., Ushkho A.D.
    On the number of invariant straight lines of a n-st order vector field

    We study the problem of estimating the number of invariant lines of a polynomial vector field on a plane. The introduction of new concepts of different types knot and off-knot points for equilibrium states allows, in particular, to judge about of the even-numbered of the order of polynomials in the right parts of the differential system. In addition, it is shown that the presence of an invariant straight polynomial differential system passing through non-knot points makes it possible to construct the systems with certain properties and judge about of the qualitative picture of solutions.

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  • Shishkin A.B.
    On axiomatic definition of trigonometric functions

    We give axiomatic definition of trigonometric cosine and sinus based on their addition theorem. The definition includes minimized initial conditions that ensure the existence and singularity of the defined functions. The evidence of existence and unity theories has a natural specificity associated with limitations on the use of properties of yet-to-be-defined elementary functions. They essentially rely on irrationality of number of π .

    pdf 21-33.pdf  (431 Kb)

  • Bukhurova M.M.
    Reflection of the Caucasian war in Adyghe lullabies

    The purpose of the research is to study Adyghe lullabies containing elements of the historical memory of the people. The relevance of the topic is dictated by the need to fill in the gap in the Adyghe literary criticism on the study of the genre of a lullaby in general and lullabies that reflect a specific historical era, in particular. For the first time, a comprehensive analysis of the texts of lullabies about the Caucasian War and eviction is carried out taking into account the main functions of this kind of songs (lulling, edifying, educating, prophesying, etc.). The study uses the method of structural analysis to determine the genre-style and compositional characteristics of lullabies. When studying the texts of lullabies, the hermeneutic method is used to identify the main motive lines sung in lullabies. The results obtained in the article indicate that history was reflected in all genres of literature and folklore: the theme of the Caucasian War and eviction, which has not lost its relevance for a century and a half, is also embodied in the genre of a lullaby. The results of the presented study can be useful in studying Adyghe folklore and literature, in developing special courses in national literature by teachers, as well as in writing diploma and other types of qualification works by students and post-graduate students.

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    Study of Arts
  • Li Bin
    Categories of space and movement in creation of electronic music

    The article presents the categories of space and movement in the form of philosophical universals that help the perception of new content and expressive means of electronic music. Musical art is constantly updated and developed, and each era changes the standards of its predecessors. Using the methods of deconstruction and reconstruction, modern composers of electronic music not only express certain ways of thinking and technology for creating electronic music, but also form new connections with the environment and sound space. Differences in the artistic expression and creative language of the methods of deconstruction and reconstruction in electronic music create new expressive opportunities that cannot be immediately "read" and interpreted by the listener. In this regard, the aim of the article is to analyze the universal components of music, which help the listener to adapt to and understand new semantic and artistic possibilities of electronic musical works. The methods of hermeneutics, comparative studies, holistic and musicological analysis are used to reveal the basic concepts, as well as various forms and types of sound expression of electronic music. The author concludes that the methods of deconstruction and reconstruction reflect not only new types of thinking, but also new ways of the relationship between man and world, man and society.

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  • Li Yang
    National tendencies in the vocal music of the modern composers of China

    The article presents an analysis of the main trends in the development of contemporary composer creativity in China. Following the development of the Chinese economy and culture, with its important component - musical culture, China becomes more and more open to the world. In Chinese folk songs - a symbol of Chinese culture, as in China itself, a lot of innovations is gradually appearing. At the beginning of the period of the policy of reforms and openness, Western musical works flooded China, and some of the free-thinking musicians began to adopt and apply Western modern compositional methods to create Chinese musical works. In the 1990s, two names dominated in Chinese vocal art - Tang Dun and Hu Tinjiang, composers working by applying Western compositional methods to the processing of national musical material. From the point of view of composition, their works combine modern structure and means of musical expressiveness with the ability to excite the listeners' feelings. The purpose of the article is to identify the features of creating national vocal music based on the example of the works of Hu Tinjiang of the beginning of the 21st century. Research methods include an integrated approach, musicology analysis, hermeneutics and comparative studies. An analysis of vocal compositions has shown that the most promising for synthesis are the genres of a song and Chinese modern opera, in which national traditions continue to exist as the intonation basis of modern music, and the use of timbres of national instruments, Chinese social stories and typical characters of modern life. Western influences are associated with the use of instruments of the Western European Symphony Orchestra, certain principles of shaping, and the belcanto technique. This unusual synthesis creates the unique beauty of China's contemporary musical art.

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  • Martirosov A.V., Kucherenko M.S.
    Visual-graphic and spiritual heritage of plastic traditions of the Scythian Animal Style in the Kuban region as an example of oecumenical ancient culture of the Northern Black Sea coastal area and the Caucasus

    The article is devoted to the problem of the contextual interpretation of the ethno-cultural renaissance, the revival of the artistic identity of the Kuban and the North Caucasus region, some aspects of the historical self-identification of the Circumpontian traditional area of civilization of ancient Europeans and the influence of archetypal samples of their traditional art on subsequent cultures of Eurasia. A detailed interpretation of the artistic phenomenon known as the Scythian Animal Style (SAS) introduces a new element in the refinement of its socio-cultural nature, which arose as the well-known antithesis of “calmness” and “poise” of classical antique iconography. The moment of direct relationship between the long-term conservation of the SAS in the Kuban region and its connection with the late Alanian codification of the Nartes epic are considered. The text is an attempt to modernly assess the SAS, its significance in the process of cultural revival of the Kuban region (Kubhan), understood in the traditional antique sense, as a territory of active interaction between the European and Caucasian cultural tradition.

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  • Putecheva O.A.
    Trends in the development of Eastern principles in the creative work of A. Bakshi

    The article is devoted to the study of the peculiarities of the embodiment of Orientalism in the works of the Russian modern composer A. Bakshi. The purpose of the article is to identify and characterize, basing on the example of A. Bakshi's work, the modern principles of the development of Oriental musical material in avant-garde and experimental music. In the course of consideration of a number of works of the composer, and correlation of models of refraction of Orientalism in them with the works of other authors, it is suggested that Orientalist trends are not only one of the most important layers in the music of A. Bakshi, but also are the basis of avant-garde searches in the art of music. The main content of this research is the study of the evolution of Eastern principles in the works of A. Bakshi from the model of the "conditional East" to the use of leitmotifs, images and timbres in a more "authentic" manifestation of the Oriental elements; from the creation of the "Oriental" concept – to the "immersion in the system" of music and construction of the principles of Eastern music. The article summarizes the new material on the topic under study; introduces the concept of "Eastern principles of composer's creativity"; includes in the scientific circulation one of the "Eastern principles" of modern composition – the principle of "immersion in the system", and based on the example of A. Bakshi's works, shows the embodiment of multi-level models of work with Eastern material. As a result of the analysis, which consisted in considering the evolution of the use of Oriental material in the works of A. Bakshi, the author arrives at the conclusion about the presence of a tendency to strengthen the flow of the musical culture of the East and the increasing role of the "Eastern artistic principles" not only in the development of innovative foundations of the works of A. Bakshi, but in general, in the works of modern composers of avant-garde.

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  • Sadykova N.V.
    The formation of composer school on Sakhalin: problems and prospects

    Òhe article examines the issue of the existence of composer creativity in one of the most poorly studied regions of the country in the field of musical art – the Sakhalin Region. The degree of maturity of the composer's school in the region, and the representation of the genres of academic music are estimated. For the first time, the names of composers of the region, the ideological and thematic content of their work, the genre range and musical poetics are introduced into scientific use. The author’s hypothesis about the initial stage of the creation of the composer tradition of the Sakhalin Region is substantiated, the reasons for its rather late emergence and non-intensive development are revealed. The work of six leading composers of the region is disclosed - L.A. Nikchemny, V.N. Naumov, A.P. Baz, A.M. Zhuk, E.A. Zaitseva and I.A. Aldakov spiritually and technologically connected with the twentieth century. It is suggested that the fragmentation of the presentation of the genres of academic music by local authors in the musical culture of Sakhalin is partly due to the fact that composition is not the main way of professional self-realization of musicians: as a rule, these are high-level professionals engaged in pedagogical or performing activities. Based on archival and source study work (collection, processing, systematization of information), and generalization of publications about composers in the media, television programs, conversations and interviews, an attempt is made to recreate the creative image of composers, as well as their inclusion in Sakhalin’s modern musical life.

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  • Yan Yuan
    Processing, arrangement, transcription, composition and their semantic functions in works by F. Busoni

    The article presents an analysis of the main techniques of F. Busoni's work with musical material. The purpose of the study is to illustrate the difference between processing, arrangement, transcription and composition by using a number of works by F. Busoni as an example. The use of a complex of methods of scientific research - comparative studies, hermeneutics, and musicology analysis made it possible to establish a direct connection between the aesthetic principles recorded by the composer in the work “Sketch of a New Aesthetics of Musical Art” and the work of the Master. The scientific and practical significance of this study lies in summarizing the views of F. Busoni on composer creativity and analysis of specific techniques of composition, relevant both for the practice of composition and for music science. The work shows that, in contrast to processing, the arrangement has a relatively independent artistic value. The value of processing is not the original text itself, but its talented alteration. The embodiment of the author’s intention in a musical text of any genre is already its arrangement, whereas transcription in the composer's understanding is the creation of original works based on borrowed material. Based on the example of the compositions of I.Bach - F. Busoni “Fantasy and Fugue in D Minor”, “Prelude, Fugue and Allegro in E-Flat Major”, and “Ten Choral Preludes”, it is proved that the composition by Busoni is a statement by the composer about an aesthetic musical problem he is interested in, often with the use of fragments of the original work.

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    Technical Sciences
  • Varshanina T.P., Bzhetseva A.B., Plisenko O.A.
    Basic digital platform methodology for knowledge-based precision farming of the Adyghea Republic

    The article contains the results of a study devoted to the search for optimal solutions to the problem of land management rationalization. In essence, the use of a modern high-precision farming system that integrates the most advanced agricultural production technologies is possible only in the conditions of adaptation of agrotechnics to existing natural conditions, taking into account the use of geoinformation technologies, both in the process of data collection and in their automated analysis, monitoring of rational and economically viable land use, as well as providing conditions for the use of remote sensing data. Precisely, these are tasks of the developed geoinformation platform for automated certification of agricultural polygons based on adaptive landscape mesozoning, automated classification of natural and ecological morphotypes of the relief surface, microclimatic assessment and localization of representative points of agrochemical monitoring for the purpose of rational and cost-effective land management and reproduction of soil fertility.

    pdf 43-53.pdf  (4 Mb)

  • Kashin Ya.M., Belov A.À., Shkoda V.V., Sidorenko V.S., Bordiyan R.N.
    Generalized algorithm for the selection of the power units for the telecommunication objects

    The description of the developed generalized algorithm for the selection of the power units for the telecommunication objects is presented. In its composition algorithm comprises two threshold values of the total number of ports and the threshold value of the total power consumption of the complete process equipment of telecommunication object.

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  • Tukmakov D.A., Tukmakova N.A., Akhunov A. Ay.
    Numerical study of the propagation of an acoustic pulse from a homogeneous gas into an electrically charged dusty medium

    This work considers the interaction of an acoustic disturbance generated by a moving electrically charged dusty medium with an acoustic disturbance propagating from a pure gas. It has been revealed that under the action of a counter propagating acoustic pulse, an increase in pressure occurs in an acoustic disturbance moving from an electrically charged gas suspension.

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  • Korzhakov A.V., Korzhakova S.A.
    Results of experimental studies of the effectiveness of the process of acoustic-magnetic treatment of liquid using the crystal-optical method

    The paper presents the results of experimental studies to determine the performance of liquid treatment with an acoustic-magnetic field. Data on efficiency of liquid treatment are used to build mathematical models, design new acoustic-magnetic devices and make it possible to optimize them. As a treatment effectiveness parameter an indicator of scale formation is used. There are some ways to determine this indicator. Previously, the weight and volume me-thods were used to determine it. In this paper, we consider a crystal-optical method for determination of the performance of the device. In order to conduct experiments, a specially created laboratory stand is used, which allows us to save the necessary parameters of the experiment and vary their values. Experiments on the treatment of geothermal water were conducted. To determine the performance of liquid treatment with an acoustic-magnetic field, the average size of the crystallization centers was recorded. For this purpose, microscopes with different zoom were used: 300, 600 and 1000 times. As a result, the average value of the resulting attribute is calculated, which is close to the results obtained using the weight and volume methods. And this means that the performance of the acoustic-magnetic treatment of liquid is high.

    pdf 69-74.pdf  (606 Kb)

  • Kashin Ya.M., Kopelevich L.E., Samorodov A.V., Golovanov A.A., Feofanova A.S.
    Direct drive technology for centrifugal separation plants

    The paper analyzes the technical solutions in the field of technology of direct drive of technological machines. The authors propose a separator unit with direct drive with the possibility of liquid cooling of the stator with the simulta-neous recuperation of heat loss.

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  • IN MEMORY OF Aleksey Borisovich Shabat

    pdf 80-82.pdf  (216 Kb)

  • IN MEMORY OF Oleg Vasilyevich Verkhodanov

    pdf 83-84.pdf  (181 Kb)

  • Rodin A.V., Tamov A.A., Babichev K.N.
       Digital the value of a digital product as a resource for sustainable economic development   

    The article examines the currently active digitalization of economic and social sectors, assesses the state and prospects of digital transformation in Russia and the world, and examines approaches to defining the concept of digital value in the digital economy. Identification of digital value generation factors that provide competitive advantages is proposed, and a methodological approach to determining the digital value creation chain is justified. The need to determine not only the share of the digital economy in the gross domestic product of the country based on the added value of data only digital products of IT subjects, but also to assess the value of the digital value of a digital product in the implementation of competitive advantages formed in the process of digital transformation of economic and social sectors, as well as to obtain additional added value from the implementation of digital value generation factors along all the chains of its creation.

    pdf 75-83.pdf  (384 Kb)

  • Teshev V.A., Tesheva M.M., Shalatov V.V., Khasinova T.G.
    “Smart” city: basic concepts and development prospects

    The digitalization of the economy has become the most important trend in world development. The share of the digital economy in leading countries has recently grown to 10% of GDP and continues to grow. Such a benchmark is also outlined in Russia by 2024. Digitalization can and should become the basis for the modernization of the Russian economy, an important component of economic growth and development. One of the key areas of this process is the digitalization of the urban economy. The article discusses the development and implementation of the basic concepts and prospects for the development of a “smart” city in Russia, developed countries of Europe, Asia, America, as well as the use of accumulated experience to create a qualitatively new standard of living of the population with adequate improvement of approaches to municipal management.

    pdf 84-89.pdf  (127 Kb)

  • Teshev V.A., Shalatov V.V., Khasinova T.G.
    Features of building the digital economy in the Russian Federation: problems and ways to solve them

    The need to digitalize the economy is actively supported by the domestic and international business community, state and municipal authorities, and ordinary members of society. In the Russian Federation adopted and implemented the Strategy of information society development in the Russian Federation for 2017-2030, the Program of the “Digital economy of the Russian Federation”, which allocated five basic directions of development of the digital economy and other documents, and one can hardly deny the need of achievements of scientific-technical progress and the advantages of the digital economy. The article discusses the main directions of development of the digital economy in the Russian Federation and the opportunities that it can provide for implementation. The positive and negative consequences of the process of digitalization of the economy are highlighted.

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  • Khuazheva A.Sh., Ryabtsev N.V.
    The systemic nature of municipalities and its practical implementation in local government models

    The article is devoted to the disclosure of the essence of the municipality as an integral socio-economic system, the analysis of its subsystems, the most important characteristics, resource potential, basic principles of functioning. A comparative characteristic is given to the models of endowing municipal authorities with management functions used in world practice, as well as in the practice of organizing local government in the Russian Federation.

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    Recreation and Tourism
  • Abibulaeva N.S.
    Transport infrastructure as a strategic component of tourist-recreational clusters of the Republic of Crimea

    The article is devoted to the characteristics of the transport infrastructure of the Republic of Crimea as a component of its tourist and recreational clusters. Various types of transport are considered: road, air, rail and water. Their current state has been studied. The problems accompanying the development of the transport infrastructure of the region are analyzed. Ways to optimize the transport infrastructure of the Republic of Crimea are proposed in order to meet the needs of the Crimean economy and ensure the transportation of tourists to the main tourist regions. In addition, the attraction of various types of transport in the field of tourist services will effectively develop various types of tourist business, diversify the range of tourist services provided. The distribution of tourists by regions of the peninsula, namely in the zone of tourist and recreational clusters, has been investigated. The directions for improving the general policy in the field of transport are determined, contributing to the strengthening of the tourist potential of the Crimean region and interaction between the peninsula and the mainland of the Russian Federation.

    pdf 96-101.pdf  (210 Kb)

  • Khatit F.R., Poddubnaya T.N.
    Phototourism as a perspective direction of youth tourism and a factor of socio-economic development of the region (on the example of Krasnodar territory)

    The article reveals the problem of the social and economic development of the Krasnodar territory y using phototourism using the example of organizing a youth photo tour in the Apsheronsk district. Purpose of the study: to substantiate the possibilities of phototourism as a promising area of youth tourism and a factor in the development of socio-economic attractiveness of the Krasnodar territory. Research the study: to characterize phototourism and present a portrait of its potential consumer; to substantiate the prospects of using the natural and historical and cultural potential of the Krasnodar territory to develop a youth photo tour; offer an author's youth photo tour around the Apsheronsk district; to identify economic ways to promote youth phototourism as a factor in the development of the socio-economic attractiveness of the region. Research methods: analysis, design, computational and mathematical, forecasting. The results of the study: disclosed the essence of the photo tour, the categories of its consumers and the reasons for popularity among young people; developed project of youth photo tour “ApsheronskPhoto”; modern methods of promoting youth phototourism in the regional market are proposed; the possibility of phototourism as a promising area of youth tourism for the development of the socio-economic attractiveness of the region is substantiated. Key findings: photo tour is a special type of travel, in which amateur photographers in the company of like-minded people get to know new places, increasing the level of photographic skill and replenishing their personal portfolio with pictures; a potential portrait of a consumer of photo tours is presented by novice amateur and professional photographers; natural and historical-cultural sights of the Krasnodar territory have the potential to develop a youth photo tour, objects of interest for which can be a rich range of natural landscapes (forests, meadows, rivers and lakes, seas, mountains, natural monuments) and historical buildings, excavations, unique objects modern architecture; transport services, a master class in photo art, photo tours; effective ways to promote phototourism for young people in the regional market are advertising, fairs, exhibitions, public relations and non-advertising methods (personal selling through an agent, direct mailing of information to customers), as well as creating a Youtube channel, video content for the brand, developing a photo tourism blog.

    pdf 102-109.pdf  (138 Kb)

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