General Problems of Pedagogy
E.A. Abadze, V.A. Trusov
Conceptual model of pedagogical projection for the open program of the course: the project «The Electronic Curriculum»
The paper describes the system - dynamic approach to pedagogical designing for the infrastructure of the curriculum of the higher school discipline, which is based on use of Web-technologies and formal dynamic models of educational process control. The author presents the concept and attributes of an openness of the curriculum. On the basis of the Russian legislation the model of a system controlling quality of higher education is formulated.
G.M. Anokhina
The mechanism of learning in personality-oriented technology science education
The book shows the Situation and search engine training, organized by a teacher as a learning process, based on simulations of personal development indeed training, but prepodnesennyh in the form of life situations, the meaning of learning for pupils and thus incorporating it into an independent, requiring strong-willed efforts searching for information for assignments . The mechanism demonstrates the evolution of situations of personal development in a situation of self-identity of the student.
Z.R. Anchokova
Formation of aesthetic culture of the future teacher in general educational system of the state university using an example of the National Philology and Culture Faculty of Adyghe State University
The paper discloses opportunities of forming aesthetic culture in students on the basis of a national - regional component. The author examines concepts «aesthetic education» and «aesthetic culture» and opportunities of forming aesthetic culture, as well as offers results of the questioning and testing used for revealing an initial level of aesthetic culture in students of the National Philology and Culture Faculty.
F.N. Apish
Specific features of motivational projection in education of adult trainees
The paper is devoted to increasing motivation of self-development of adult trainees. The problem of education during the whole life at the present stage of development of a society becomes more important both for a society as a whole and for the person. Therefore in the paper an attempt is undertaken to prove expediency of use of motivational projection in education of adults in a system of continuous education.
N.O. Baranukova
The creative self-development activities as the person-forming aspect
The paper discusses the creative self-development activities directed to formation of the person of pupils at the professional Lyceum. The author presents means of training creative self-development and results of forming experiment.
T.L. Baryshova
Features of designing the educational environment as space of professional - personal development of students at higher school
The purpose and result of training at higher school is formation of the competent professional prepared for inclusion in production and realization of vital functions. For this it is necessary to design the adequate information-educational environment in a higher educational institution. Its intrinsic characteristics are reflected with a set of components: principles according to which environment is created, model of the expert preparation, features of selection and structurization of the contents of education, methods and forms of its development.
M.B. Bogus
Influence of bilingualism on intellectual development of the trainee’s person
The paper discloses positions of scientists of our country and foreign scientists concerning influence of bilingualism on intellectual development of the trainee’s person. An analysis is made of works of scientists about influence of bilingualism on intellectual development of the person related to the «negative», «neutral» and «positive» periods. It is inferred that bilingualism influences positively intellectual development of the trainees if educational process is organized in view of specific features of bilingual children.
E.V. Demkina
The social-cultural educational environment of higher school as a condition of professional forming the person of the future expert
The present-day Russian reality, showing special requirements to social-cultural personal development of mankind, causes necessity of revision of system of vocational training of the future experts where the major condition is the educational environment of higher school. Specificity of a professional orientation on educational activity at higher school is that its purpose is specific professional education a little bit limited to professional tasks and to opportunities of teaching and educational process at higher school rather than the general education of the student. The author examines the process of education as a specially organized way of life of the student, with clearly designated purposes as necessary and obligatory part of vocational training of the future expert.
Z.B. Ishembitova
Foundations of vocational training the future teacher in conditions of a university complex
One of the main tasks of educational institutions is providing quality of education. The author of the paper analyzes changes in the contents of vocational training the modern expert that assume development of professional self-determination and self-development of the person, as well as mastering by him the certain level of professional and personal competences. The purpose of research is to consider features of vocational training the future teachers in conditions of integration of education in a university complex. The author makes an attempt to disclose essence of vocational training on the basis of system, personal-focused, competent, process and marketing approaches; and to show features of vocational training the future teachers in conditions of integration of education in a university complex. As a result the complex of the conditions, methods and means providing continuity of various stages of professional formation of the future teachers was developed. The structurally functional model of vocational training the future teachers in conditions of integration of education in a university complex was designed.
S.V. Kostylev
Formation of moral - patriotic values in cadets at military schools in a multi-ethnic region (setting up a problem)
The urgency of a problem of formation of moral - patriotic values in cadets at military schools is proved. The author defines the purpose, object, a subject, a hypothesis, tasks, methods and theoretical and methodological base of research. The problems of perfection of educational practice and search for optimum ways of formation of morals and patriotism are discussed.
E.V. Mandzhieva
Suggestive control in a system of pedagogical activity of the teacher
Psychological-pedagogical research was carried out at Idzhilskaya high school of the Kalmykia Republic and at Elista high school No. 4. The purpose of research was studying a degree of suggestibility of children for the further adequate choice of forms and methods of influence. The analysis of results of experiment has shown that use of suggestive control at school makes it possible to better study persons of separate pupils and to create an atmosphere of goodwill.
I.G. Megrikyan
The analysis of mathematical education of students of humanitarian specialities
In the paper, an analysis is made of mathematical preparation of students of humanitarian specialities. The author discloses ways of its perfection in line with modern educational technologies.
A.C. Mutirova
The snccession of the formationof students’ professional purposefulness
The summary: This article deals with the problem of the succession of students’ professional orientation. The research work is done at Kalmyk State University. The above mentioned problem is very actual nowdays in the content, principles and functions of the professional orientation at today ’s multileveled higher educational establishments.
O.E. Permyakov
Methodological bases of creating of hierarchical classificftion model of social-professional competence of the student
The evolutionary stage of transition of system education to paradigm competence produce problems of searching of methodological approaches to modeling requirements to results of students education. The hierarchical model of social - professional competence of the graduate of college or university developed with positions of psychology, the system analysis and the competence approach, can be used as a methodological basis for creating models of planned individual educational achievements of students in a context of definition of requirements to results of education.
M.V. Romankova, S.N. Begidova
Improvement of quality of cognitive processes in students at the initial stage of vocational training the future engineers
The paper is devoted to improvement of quality of training the engineering staff. The factors lowering efficiency of quality of training first-year students are revealed. The authors show negative influence of an interference of school stereotypes of educational work on mastering new methods of cognitive activity by students. The experimental data are provided to describe readiness of students to effective learning the higher school program. Ways of improvement of quality of cognitive processes in students are offered.
L.F. Selmidis
A set of pedagogical objectives as a component of the person’s pedagogical orientation of the future social teacher
In the paper, the author discloses the contents of the essence of a pedagogical orientation from positions of various authors, examines a set of pedagogical objectives and components in structure of the person of the future social teacher, and determines levels of empathy and readiness for self-development. The data of ascertaining experiment on formation of a set of pedagogical objectives in students, the future social teachers are given as an illustration.
A.S. Semenova
On woman bringing up in traditional pedagogical culture of peoples of North-West Caucasus
The paper is devoted to studying experience in woman bringing up in traditional pedagogical culture of peoples of Northwest Caucasus. The author studies and analyses the contents, means and methods of woman bringing up and defines its significance for modernization of modern education and bringing up at the Russian school. Great assistance in realization of modern sociocultural purposes and tasks of woman bringing up at national school and family can be rendered by traditions of woman bringing up which are not only the important historical property of peoples, but also one of the means of preservation of ethnic originality and a reserve of updating the bringing up and educational technologies.
P.A. Sergeeva
Folk-song folklore in art education as the factor of formation in pupils of the emotional - axiological attitude to the world
The paper discusses opportunities of transforming the culturalogical concept of the contents of education into a technique of musical education and, in particular, into a process of training choral singing of folk songs. Basing on this the contents of art education is specified. Approaches of various authors to formation in pupils of the emotional - axiological attitude to the world are disclosed. The author reveals and formulates the bringing up potential of folk-song folklore and offers the model of formation of the emotional - axiological attitude of pupils to the world.
E.R. Slonevskaya
Civil-patriotic education of students in educational space of higher school
The paper discusses priority directions and pedagogical conditions of activity in civil-patriotic education of students. The author discloses factors influencing formation of civilization of students, as well as principles of the organization of educational process in multi-cultural educational space of higher school.
A.B. Khuranov
On the development of educational standards of new generation
The paper discusses the development of educational standards of the third generation according to principles of the Bologna declaration. The author gives the review of the normative documentation on the development of standards of new generation and discloses the basic approaches to the formation of the provisional list of directions of preparation of the higher vocational training and the list of specialities to be realized in the multilevel system. The paper describes the main principles of formation of directions of training and prospects of development of standards of the higher vocational training.
K.D. Chermit, E.I. Sharova
Organization of studies and research activity of foreign entrants
The paper examines the problem of perfection of pre-university training foreign entrants on the basis of inclusion in it of studies and research activity. As a result it will be possible to provide effective development of academic-cognitive and creative activity, to increase quality of preparation of entrants and to optimize the process of their adaptation to new pedagogical system and to socio-cultural environment.
L.V. Chesnokova
Theoretical aspects of cognitive activity of primary school pupils
The paper discusses the development of cognitive activity of primary school pupils by means of integration of subjects on the content basis, as well as the results of experiment on realization of its model.
Special Methods and Teaching Technologies
V.S. Anokhina
Speech aspects of the family conflict
The paper is devoted to research of speech specificity of disputatious communication in small social group (family). The author examines the occasions conducting to the beginning of the family conflict, speech aggression as the form of speech behaviour and speech means of expression of disputatious dialogue. It is inferred that revealing speech features and forms of display of disputed behaviour in family expands an opportunity of searching for ways of harmonization of communication in family.
Z.U. Blyagoz, N.I. Kesebezheva
Basic methods and technologies of teaching Russian-speaking pupils to a pronunciation of sounds-phonemes and combinations of the Adyghian language
The paper acquaints the reader with the basic methods and technologies of teaching pupils to a pronunciation of sounds - phonemes and their combinations. The authors recommend how to use these methods during learning the Adyghian language by Russian-speaking pupils. It is marked that one of the primary goals of teaching the Adyghian pronunciation is development of skills of hearing, distinction, correct perception and reproduction of sounds by ear.
L.V. Gazaeva
The text as a basis of teaching pedagogical higher school students to a word combination and to a simple sentence under conditions of bilingualism
The paper examines specific features of teaching at pedagogical higher school to a word combination and to a simple sentence on the text basis under conditions of bilingualism.
A.A. Dadova
Teaching children of senior pre-school age to Russian coherent speech under conditions of national Russian bilingualism
The paper discloses some questions of the concept «billingual education». Typical components of process of teaching pre-school children to Russian are considered. Skills playing the basic role during training are specified. It has been revealed that two directions can be distinguished in the work on development of oral coherent speech in children of the senior pre-school age in billingual groups: teaching children to language as to the complex system consisting of independent components (phonetics, lexicon, etc.) and the work on coherent speech.
S.P. Grushevskiy, N.Y. Dobrovolskaya, Y.V. Koltsov
Organization of educational process on the basis of neuronetwork computer training system
Application of new information technologies, in particular use of computer training systems including artificial neuronetworks makes it possible to individualize the process of education and to construct a trajectory of teaching unique for each pupil. The paper offers a scheme of the organization of process of education with application of neuronetwork computer training system and gives a description of functioning of this system. The core of this training system influencing a construction of a trajectory of training is the person-focused model of the trainee. Introduction in structure of computer training system of a model of the trainee which includes personal and professional qualities of the pupil, as well as neuronetworks classifying the trainees and defining the next stage of the trajectory of training, allow the teacher to individualize and differentiate the process of training.
T.A. Zorina
The basic directions of speech development in primary school pupils during study of a noun and an adjective
The paper is devoted to consideration of the basic directions of speech development of primary school pupils during the interrelated studying a noun and an adjective. Special attention is paid to kinds of speech, stage-by-stage development of speech in initial classes and to necessity of comprehension by pupils of dependence of an adjective upon a noun in development of communicative skills of junior pupils. Special attention is paid to kinds of exercises on the development of speech.
N.I. Kesebezheva
Typical mistakes in a pronunciation of vowels and diphthongs of the Adyghian language in speech of Russian-speaking pupils of initial classes
The paper is devoted to an acute problem of studying the Adyghian language by Russian-speaking pupils of initial classes, namely to the difficulties in a pronunciation of vowels and diphthongs and to the reasons of their emergence. For this purpose the author investigates phonetic features of compared languages and reveals their similarities and distinction. Typical mistakes in a pronunciation of vowels and diphthongs of the Adyghian language by Russian pupils are related to phonetic features and articulation-acoustic attributes of nonnative language.
A.A. Rubaeva
Functional orientation of studying the predicative basis of the sentence at school
The paper is devoted to functional orientation of studying the predicative basis of the sentence at school. Attention is focused on the active character of teaching and on work with the text.
O.N. Khovanskaya
Interrogative nonsegmented sentences in speech of pupils of a primary school
In the paper, on the basis of the quantitative - qualitative analysis, the author reveals specificity of functioning of interrogative nonsegmented sentences in speech of primary school pupils and compares it with their functioning in speech of adult native speakers. It has been established that in speech of primary school children interrogative nonsegmented sentences are basically used to inquire the new information while in speech of adults they are used to confirm the new information. This is rather essential for the effective organization of work on development of speech of pupils of a primary school.
L.V. Shelekhova
Statistical verification of simple hypotheses in pedagogical researches
The paper provides statistical verification of simple hypotheses as procedure of the proved comparison of the stated hypothesis with the available sample implemented by means of this or that statistical criterion. The author gives classification of objectives of pedagogical research and nonparametric methods of their solution. It has been established that a statistical hypothesis: (à) appears simultaneously with the main idea of research and is defined by it; (b) emerges on the basis of known knowledge, but leaves for their limits; (c) allows systematization of assumptions of the researcher and their presentation in a precise and compressed style; (d) allows connection of known with new knowledge which is demanding a substantiation; (e) is checked experimentally and in practice.
L.V. Shelekhova
Heuristic inversion as a way of the organization of creative cogitative activity of students to solve subject tasks
The paper substantiates necessity of development in students of inversion thinking. The inversion method is examined for solution of subject tasks as one of the heuristic methods of the creative activity directed to: (1) search for non-standard ways of the solution of a subject task; (2) reducing of an initial subject task by rephrasing its text to an auxiliary task the solution of which is more accessible and allows coming back to the successful and conscious search for the solution of an initial subject task; (3) creation of new subject tasks by change of a sequence of elements, relations or their replacement down to opposite.
Problems of General Psychology
S.A. Bobinkin
Psychological aspects of administrative activity of linear managers in social - professional conditions
Questions of optimization of administrative activity of linear managers are examined taking into account socially - psychological abilities to administrative activity. In this connection the author's methodical toolkit of an estimation and selection of linear managers capable to disclose the administrative potential in certain socially professional conditions is formulated and approved.
R.I. Stetsishin
The person’s orientation and firmness to life: a psychological research
The paper examines dinomenology of firmness to life in interrelationship with an orientation of the person. Using an example of professional genesis of the person of the doctor - clinical physician the author has shown that the most significant personal component of firmness to life is «Contro». In a group of a therapeutic structure the orientation to solve a task cooperates closely with a high parameter of firmness to life, with its component «Control». The orientation to himself in this group has a positive correlation with a scale of «Acceptance of risk». In a group of a surgical structure two kinds of an orientation are prevailing: to a task and to interaction. An orientation to a task has close correlation with scales «Acceptance of risk» and «Control».
E.V. Kharitonova
Psychology of professional demand for a person at the late stages of ontogenesis
The paper examines psychological problems of nondemand for a person at the late stages of ontogenesis. The author substantiates the concept «a demand for a person» as a multilevel and dynamic system of subjective relations of the person to himself as to «A significant person for others». A professional demand is regarded as the precondition to achieving by the person of social adaptation and subjectness.
G.Y. Fomenko, E.R. Kuasheva
Contradictions of the axiological self-definition of employees on a patrol-sentry duty
The paper is devoted to a more precise definition of specificity of extreme modus of life in terms of the axiological-semantic positioning of the person. The object of research is the axiological self-definition of employees on a patrol-sentry duty. The subject of research is contradictions of the axiological self-definition of employees on a patrol-sentry duty. During researches the authors revealed the contradictions caused by features of a configuration of the axiological preferences at a level of normative ideals and individual priorities of employees on a patrol-sentry duty. It has been established that in the given professional group the aspiration to a self-eminence in a combination with the motivational purpose in safety is in the foreground at a level of normative ideals and preferences. At the same time the need for a self-eminence is not counterbalanced by socially - stabilizing types of values.
T.A. Tsergoy
Influence of conditions of a professional choice on the formation of a syndrome of emotional burning out in teachers of a system of vocational technical education
The paper gives the characteristic of a syndrome of emotional burning out (SEB) as a condition of professional disadaptation of the person. The author presents the results of research of influence of conditions of a choice of work on formation of SEB in teachers of a system of high vocational technical education.
B.A. Yasko
Stereotypes of ethnic behaviour as the factor of socio-cultural space of the North Caucasian region
The paper examines modern interpretations of concepts: «stereotypes of ethnic behaviour»; «ethnic stereotypes»; «axiological ideas»; «interethnic tolerance»; «xenophobia». The author substantiates the interrelation of a phenomenon of «double moral» and the market economy basing on relations of a competition, influencing perniciously mental health and development of the person. It is marked that in realities of a market society axiological ideas of individual and group subjects undergo specific transformation. Moreover, not only the values formed in person-genesis and profession-genesis of the person in process of accumulation and semantic processing of life experience but also universal, mental, national-ethnic values go through radical changes. Using an example of research of the dynamics of tolerant sets in participants of club teams the author shows a positive resource of joint creative activity in overcoming «conflicting realities» of interpersonal dialogue of representatives of various national - ethnic groups, stereotypes of ethnic behaviour being preserved and mutually accepted.
Educational Space of Physical Culture and Sport
S.K. Bagadirova
The dynamics of strong-willed mechanisms of self-control of athletes — judoists during developing trainings
The work discusses results of the theoretical analysis of different approaches to understanding structure and general characteristics of will, as well as empirical studying and development of strong-willed qualities of athletes — judoists. The male team of
judoists from the Institute of Physical Culture and Judo of the Adyghe State University serves as an empirical base of research.
O.Y. Davydov
Influence of lessons of athletic gymnastics on parameters of students intellectual efficiency
A tendency to lowering of movement activities and to increasing psycho-emotional intensity is observed during study of modern student's youth. The purpose of research is to develop and scientifically prove a system of complex adaptation of fourth-year students to physical and intellectual loadings at a higher technical institution. The object of research is the process of sports - focused physical training of students at a technical institution. The subject of research includes parameters of intellectual efficiency of students during examinations. Lessons of athletic gymnastics allow the teacher to considerably speed up the process of adaptation of the former schoolboy to new social - pedagogical and psychological changes in higher school life and to reduce negative influence of intellectual and physical loadings on an organism of students.
A.N. Zagitov
Planning training lessons of the Greek-Roman struggle at comprehensive school of a health improving orientation
Existing programs on physical training of pupils are not oriented to purposeful use of health-forming technologies. There are no well-reasoned scientific materials on wide application of various kinds of martial arts as health-forming technologies in conditions of educational and training lessons for children and teenagers. The purpose of research is to increase efficiency of educational and training lessons of pupils on the basis of use of health-forming technologies of the Greek-Roman struggle. The author investigates the process of physical training of pupils and offers innovational planning educational and training lessons of pupils using the Greek-Roman struggle. It has been established that motivated lessons of the Greek-Roman struggle for preservation of pupils’ own health raise a level of the conscious attitude to educational and training lessons. This in its turn influences positively the process of planning physical and technical-tactical readiness of pupils.
R.O. Naumov
Specific features of technical readiness of young 6- to 8-year-old tennis players
The paper is devoted to the estimation and analysis of specific features of technical readiness of young 6- to 8-year-old tennis players in groups of initial preparation at Children and Youth Sports School in order to minimize criteria for the entrance control and determinancy by factors of development of physical qualities.
A.D. Solomko
Adaptive physical training as a method of correction of aggressive behaviour of autistic children
The paper examines the aggressive behaviour of autistic children. The author presents the results of the forming experiment directed to correction of aggressive behaviour of the autistic child by means of adaptive physical training.
V.B. Uruymagov
Factor structure of speed-force training highly skilled Greek-Roman style wrestlers
The important direction of scientific researches is revealing laws in interrelation of training loadings and condition of nervous - muscular system of athletes. The approaches providing this way of research include revealing the factors determining a level of special speed-force training high qualification wrestlers. The purpose of research is to reveal factors of speed-force training in view of modern requirements to competitive activity of high qualification Greek-Roman style wrestlers. The object of research is the process of sports preparation of highly skilled wrestlers. The subject of research is structure of special speed-force training highly skilled wrestlers of the Greek-Roman style during a year cycle. It is inferred that the factor structure of display of speed-force abilities has close connection with qualification of wrestlers.
S.A. Khazova
The competence approach to professional physical training – health-improving education
The paper discloses the concept of professional competence. The author offers the structure and contents of professional competence of the expert in physical training and sports, gives general characteristics of the competence approach to vocational training and defines their connection with the contents of professional competence of experts in physical training and sports. Suppositions of the competence approach are extrapolated to a sphere of professional physical training - sports education.
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