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  • Ivanov V.A.

    The paper is devoted to the problem of analyzing the material support during the Great Patriotic War of the partisans and underground fighters of the Crimea, which has not been sufficiently studied in Russian historiography. On the basis of unpublished materials from the funds of the State Archives of the Republic of Crimea introduced into scientific circulation, the author examines the reasons that prompted the Council of People’s Commissars of the Crimean Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic and the military command of the North Caucasian Front to organize the help for the “people’s avengers”. The publication discusses the main activities of the Crimean Regional Committee of the All-Union Communist Party of Bolsheviks to provide assistance to the anti-fascist Resistance: the preparation of supply bases, aircraft, flight personnel, the supply of food, the organization of airfields. Attention is focused on the factor of assistance of the Soviet Air Force in the transportation of members of reconnaissance, sabotage and underground organizations from the bases of the North Caucasus to the territory of the occupied Crimea, and in the transfer of classified information to the location of the Soviet command. The author arrives at the conclusion that thanks to the measures carried out by the Soviet leadership, a powerful air bridge was organized between the North Caucasus and the partisan airfields of the Crimea. This made it possible to provide the partisans and underground fighters of the Crimea with the necessary supplies of food, medicines, weapons, ammunition at the turning point of the Great Patriotic War.

    doi: 10.53598 / 2410-3691-2021-3-284-15-24

    pdf 15-24.pdf  (142 Kb)

  • Iskrina A.V.

    The paper examines the features of the social stratification of the Ancient system at an early stage of development, the stages of the emergence of various strata depending on political events from the 10th to the 12th centuries. The subject of this research is the process of the formation of social strata in the ancient European state. The purpose of the publication is to consider the social structure of Ancient Rus, to determine and describe the stratification and interaction of strata with each other, to study this issue, political events that affect these processes. The main research issue was the historical events that influenced the formation of social strata from the 10th to the 12th centuries, the emergence of social strata in a given historical period and the forms of their interaction. Answering this question, the author arrives at the conclusion that the disintegration of the patriarchal-communal system, the formation of a feudal vassalage, the principle of primacy, the princely squad and other internal political events influenced the formation of social strata of the state. In connection with these historical events, it is possible to trace the stages of the origin of social strata of the population, their composition, social functions in society and the state.

    doi: 10.53598 / 2410-3691-2021-3-284-25-29

    pdf 25-29.pdf  (99 Kb)

  • Tkhagapsova G.G.

    The paper is devoted to the history of formation of ethnomedicine of the peoples of the North Caucasus. The task is to clarify the dynamics of the historical process regarding the formation of ethnomedicine of the peoples of the North Caucasus. The research materials of many authors on the history of medicine confirm the high effectiveness of medicinal art in the provision of surgical care, which was noted by many observers during the Caucasian War. Undoubtedly, the experience of medicinal art in the Caucasus has a very ancient history. It accumulated empirically and, passing from father to son, formed dynasties of doctors who had their own experience and their secrets of healing. The mutual influence of the cultures of peoples, in particular Arab medicine, which contributed to the formation of doctors of the traditional Arab school of medicine, is not excluded. Thus, folk healers can be divided into two types: whose treatment contained pre-Islamic and Islamic methods. It is noted that it was people's doctors with pre-Islamic experience who accompanied the troops on campaigns and showed the high effectiveness of their methods, having received a well-deserved assessment of many doctors during the Caucasian war.

    doi: 10.53598 / 2410-3691-2021-3-284-30-36

    pdf 30-36.pdf  (116 Kb)

  • Djabrailov Yu.D.

    The paper deals with the problem of ethnocultural inequality in the scientific literature and in the mass consciousness of the students of the Republic of Dagestan in the context of civil identification. Based on the analysis of a sociological study conducted by the author in 2021, the publication reveals a correlation between the perception of points of view about the violation or maintenance of ethno-religious parity in Russia and the level of civil identification. The author's point of view is that the difficulty for the civil integration of modern Russian society is not the "set of identities" of Russians, but rather their uneven position in the socio-political structure of the Russian state. The author emphasizes the importance of forming a civil nation as a supra-ethnic and supra-religious formation, but emphasizes the prematurity of the success of this process without equality, taking into account the ethno-cultural characteristics of the Russian peoples. In this connection, it is concluded that it is necessary to create a mechanism for coordinating the interests of ethnic and religious communities in the subjects of the Russian Federation in order to increase the civil identity of the population. Since, according to the author, providing conditions for the development of ethno-cultural characteristics of people increases the sense of their civic loyalty, creates prerequisites for openness and tolerance to representatives of other ethno-cultural traditions.

    doi: 10.53598 / 2410-3691-2021-3-284-61-71

    pdf 61-71.pdf  (167 Kb)

  • Sorokin O.V.

    The paper analyses the meanings of attitudes towards the Homeland in the cultural space of Russian youth. Some of the semantic components of the relationship to the Motherland are largely associated with the history of the Russian people and find their expression in the national character in the form of spiritual and moral values. These basic components are reflected in the normative documents governing the upbringing of the younger generation. The role of such values is the fulfillment of moral duty to the Motherland in the form of service to it and readiness to defend it. Another part of the semantic components of attitudes towards the Motherland is formed within the framework of youth subcultures. These meanings are born in the process of young people's reconsideration of their attitude to this phenomenon. The result of this process is a reconstruction of social reality by youth groups according to their symbolic universes. The publication analyzes the data obtained during sociological study on the relationship between mental and modern traits of national character with the deviant meaning of the image of the Motherland in the cultural space of young people. The research shows that contemporary traits are connected with the deviant meaning of forming attitudes towards the Homeland rather than with mental traits.

    doi: 10.53598 / 2410-3691-2021-3-284-110-121

    pdf 110-121.pdf  (163 Kb)

  • Pilipenko A.E., Panteleev V.G.

    The article attempts to analyze the social activity of youth in the context of semantic representations of university students. Based on the materials of a regional empirical study, the meanings of activity are analyzed, as well as those meanings that are significant in the self-regulation of socially directed and individualized activity of students. The research shows that the meaning of social activity in the perception of university youth correlates with the priorities of executive authorities involved in the implementation of youth policy; the dependence between the frequency of students' participation in social activity practices and the willingness to perceive this activity through institutionally organized forms is determined. The dominant ideological attitudes among university youth are analyzed and their connection with the motivation of social activity is described. The contradiction between the semantic idea of social activity and the activity manifested is revealed: the students determine this activity basing on the altruistic values, but in practice, hedonistic and instrumental values are at the heart of the activities of young people.

    doi: 10.53598 / 2410-3691-2021-3-284-84-97

    pdf 84-97.pdf  (182 Kb)

  • Bocharnikova I.S.

    Many interesting topics appear in the modern scientific discourse. They consider the most acute problems of society and one of them is a taboo topic-euthanasia. This problem is of an interdisciplinary nature. Philosophers within the framework of bioethics comprehend the moral aspects. Psychologists "solve" the dilemma of "good/bad", "murder/suicide/humane act of assistance". Lawyers are working on regulatory legal acts to protect the rights of patients/doctors/beneficiaries, which are often difficult to replace. Doctors, facing the "unbearable physical and psychological pain" of patients and close relatives, offer their own solutions to the problem, physicists, chemists, geneticists do not stay away, developing neurotechnologies, regenerative medicine, pharmacology, bio and gene technologies. Politicians also do not stand aside, unfolding broad discussions, arranging political debates, developing dividends. Sociologists considering this social problem measure the "degree of public opinion". Society as a living complex organism relying on its mental programs reacts in different ways: from complete rejection to legalization of this procedure. One of the important problems of the medical professional community is the problem of ensuring a “dignified death” of terminally ill patients and the related problem of euthanasia. The opinion of doctors is polar. Doctor`s understanding of the problems of legalizing euthanasia is influenced by various factors: firstly, values, secondly, experience and place of work (doctors of palliative departments, hospices, oncologists with long work experience are more inclined to legalize euthanasia), thirdly, technical, technological, pharmacological support of a medical institution, and fourthly, the regulatory component

    doi: 10.53598 / 2410-3691-2021-3-284-37-43

    pdf 37-43.pdf  (120 Kb)

  • Vodenko K.V., Susimenko E.V., Nekrasov E.E.

    The presented paper implements the authors' attempt to understand, on the basis of an activist approach, the design of the future in the educational strategies of Russian youth. Based on a conceptual socio-empirical analysis, the authors of the publication conclude that most young Russians share the positions of adaptability, actualism as a choice of educational strategy. This is determined by factors of an objective and subjective nature, where the objectification of social conditions acts as an influence on the subjective choice of youth. Noting the importance of social and territorial differentiation, the authors of the paper substantiate the provision on the design of the future, on the formation of lifestyles and a set of life goals of Russian youth as an opportunity to escape the limited pragmatic turn in education. As a final judgment, the relationship between the orientation to skilled activities and the configuration of responses to changes in the educational system is determined. It is concluded that in domestic social science and humanities there is a need to understand the educational strategies of Russian youth as the ability of Russian youth to design the image of the future, taking into account the growing influence of social innovations.

    doi: 10.53598 / 2410-3691-2021-3-284-44-53

    pdf 44-53.pdf  (198 Kb)

  • Delova L.A., Kalashaova D.A.

    The work examines the results of the author's sociological study conducted in May 2021. The survey was conducted among students learning at the Medical Institute of the Maykop State University of Technology in order to study the attitude of students to the need to comply with measures to prevent coronavirus infection, as well as to vaccinate the population and the attitude of medical students to them during the lockdown period and after it. The results of the study showed a high degree of responsibility of students - future medical experts for their health and that of others. At the same time, some respondents demonstrated nihilism towards COVID-19 prevention measures during this period. At the same time, the survey participants showed a high level of tolerance towards students - citizens of other states studying with them. The answers of medical students to the questions of the questionnaire show an understanding of the parameters, meaning and content of the restrictions introduced during the pandemic, and the need for residents of the region to comply with the measures recommended by Rospotrebnadzor for the prevention and non-proliferation of coronavirus infection.

    doi: 10.53598 / 2410-3691-2021-3-284-54-60

    pdf 54-60.pdf  (159 Kb)

  • Kireeva I.V.

    The paper presents the structure of the mechanism for strengthening the trust of the authorities. The study of the mechanism of strengthening the trust of the authorities is relevant, since in the conditions of the spread of coronavirus infection, there is a decrease in public confidence in the main social institutions, including political ones. The relevance of the issue under consideration is related to the importance of identifying information, organizational, legal and managerial technologies for building trust that can be implemented by regional authorities. The work defines the main elements of the mechanism: subject, object, basic norms of interaction, environmental conditions, interaction, planned and real result. Basing on a theoretical study, we conclude that strengthening the trust of the authorities involves interaction between the subjects of socio-political processes, represented by management groups, the media, public associations and groups, citizens, which results in the harmonization of relations between social structures and authorities.

    doi: 10.53598 / 2410-3691-2021-3-284-72-77

    pdf 72-77.pdf  (107 Kb)

  • Petrulevich I.A.

    The paper discusses the specifics of youth culture in the new social reality, determined by the consequences of the pandemic of a new coronavirus infection and accelerating the pace of change in social processes. The author focuses on the difficulties of adapting the social system to new global challenges and risks in conditions of uncertainty and on the difficulties of building life strategies for young people as the most vulnerable part of society. The publication points to the pronounced relevance of scientific research on the processes taking place in the youth environment against the background of the pandemic in the field of rethinking the mutual influence of culture and various socio-demographic groups. Special attention is paid to the attitude of young people to the values and social experience of the older generation. The author notes the role of youth culture in shaping the self-expression and worldview of the young generation in accordance with social realities, as well as the specifics of virtual communication and the desire for social activity of young people.

    doi: 10.53598 / 2410-3691-2021-3-284-78-83

    pdf 78-83.pdf  (110 Kb)

  • Saidov A.A.

    The paper is devoted to the study of the degree of compliance of the modern policy of the Russian state in the field of education, the processes taking place in regional universities with the political and legal foundations of the multinational Russian Federation, laid down in the Constitution, and other important documents that determine the principles of its state-territorial structure. These foundations officially guarantee the Russian peoples and regions comprehensive socio-cultural, educational, scientific and technological development. The purpose of the work is a comprehensive analysis of the miscalculations of the activities of the Russian state in the educational sphere in the post-Soviet period, which led to problems that do not allow regional universities today to solve the functions assigned to them by society, as well as the search for ways to solve them. The process of implementing this goal defined the following tasks: to analyze the degree of compliance of the post-Soviet policy of the Russian state in the educational sphere with the proclaimed political and legal foundations of the state structure of the Russian Federation, guarantees of the socio-cultural development of Russian peoples; to identify the relationship of the results of modern reforms in the higher education system with the objective functions of regional universities of the Russian Federation; to unleash the positive potential of regional universities in solving the socio-economic, sociocultural problems of the regions and peoples of the Russian Federation, preserving and strengthening its Eurasian civilizational essence; investigate the negative consequences of post-Soviet reforms on the state of affairs in regional universities, outline ways to solve emerging problems; show the importance of taking into account the ethnocultural component in the education system of the multinational Russian Federation, which determines the personal and professional qualities of younger generations, which contributes to the achievement of interethnic harmony and stability in Russian society.

    doi: 10.53598 / 2410-3691-2021-3-284-98-109

    pdf 98-109.pdf  (172 Kb)

  • Tyun A.P.

    The paper examines the principles of the formation and transformation of public opinion about the police in the civilian environment, associated with the participation of law enforcement officers in measures aimed at preventing the negative consequences of emergencies. The publication considers the risks associated with the incorrect interpretation of the official actions of law enforcement officials by representatives of the civilian sphere in the context of limiting their capabilities in order to minimize damage from an emergency. The author evaluates the prospects related to improving the social perception of the police through highlighting the disregard of self and high personal qualities of police officers at risk to life and health of those involved in combating the consequences of an emergency and rescuing the civilian population. It is concluded that the media should be used as an instrument for the formation of public opinion in order to objectively reflect the professional activities of law enforcement officials in the public consciousness of Russians.

    doi: 10.53598 / 2410-3691-2021-3-284-122-128

    pdf 122-128.pdf  (116 Kb)

  • Cheremisin V.V., Tomilin V.F.

    The paper presents the results of field sociological research on the problems of assessing urban planning problems and urban environment in Tambov in 2008 and 2020. The research shows that the quantitative composition of Tambov inhabitants in the last 30 years remains stable, but the housing stock during this time increased from 14.1 m2 to 29.6 m2 per inhabitant. Tambov is ranked 36th out of 75 cities in Russia in terms of quality of life according to the opinions of Tambov residents. The relevance of the publication is due to the scientific interest in the sphere of interaction of citizens with the environment and comfortable urban environment formation. The purpose of the paper is to analyze the subjective opinion of residents about urban planning problems and the conditions of optimal living environment formation. Based on the results of the polls the main negative factors of the urban environment were identified, in particular, poor ecology, lack of landscaping. Preferred and undesirable areas of the city for living have been named. Based on the respondents' answers, a “social order” was formed to optimize the urban environment and solve urban planning problems. The authors suggest that involving the citizens in solving urban problems increases their social responsibility for creating a comfortable living environment. The empirical research allows us to think that in order to create a favorable urban environment, urban planning consciousness and culture with a human dimension must appear among townspeople. In this article according to sociological surveys, we have broadly subjectively revealed and assessed the quality of life of respondents in the non-production fixed assets of social consumption in Tambov.

    doi: 10.53598 / 2410-3691-2021-3-284-129-138

    pdf 129-138.pdf  (153 Kb)

  • Akieva Kh.M.

    The paper discusses traditional methods for the production of natural dyes, the features of the technology of correct dyeing. The anthropology of color in the culture of the Ingush was based on a two-level basis: on the one hand, it was associated with the natural environmental conditions, and on the other hand, it was formed under the influence of historical practice and life. The technological costs that arise in the production of natural dyes at home are considered. The research shows that by the beginning of the twentieth century in the North Caucasus there is a gradual transition from the use of natural dyes to cheaper and less laborious factory analogues. The author presents a systematized list of local dyeing plants and trees, provides information on the dyeing properties of minerals and the technology of their use in the handicraft production of the Ingush in the 19th - 20th centuries in the process of dyeing wool. Based on the analysis, the author concludes that in modern conditions there is a loss of traditional experience in the production of natural dyes and wool dyeing among the Ingush.

    doi: 10.53598 / 2410-3691-2021-3-284-139-148

    pdf 139-148.pdf  (143 Kb)

  • Akoeva N.B., Chen Lilong

    The Hakka World Ancestor Ceremony is one of the most influential ancestor worship ceremonies in China. In 2011, this event was included in the National List of Intangible Cultural Heritage. Due to the fusion and coexistence of several interaction models in the "ancestor worship ceremony" and an accurate understanding of the intentions of multimodal interaction, the representation of multi-channel perception (visual, sound and sensory) is synchronized. Based on Node.js and Three.js technologies, the authors implemented a digital system for the "ancestor worship ceremony". The digital model represents actions in two halls: Huaizu, where you can express your feelings of memory and pray for your families, and Yuping, where you can perform interactive operations, such as offering candles, offering incense, etc. Tests show that the system achieves a balance between performance and user-friendliness, which provides a real solution for digitizing intangible cultural heritage of the "ritual" type. The digital content of the ceremony is not limited in time and space, does not require the use of third-party plug-ins and has rapid availability, which can contribute to the rapid spread and development of the "Ceremony of the Ancestors of the Hakka World".

    doi: 10.53598 / 2410-3691-2021-3-284-149-156

    pdf 149-159.pdf  (455 Kb)

    Regional Economy
  • Bakhova A.P., Tlekhuray-Berzegova L.T., Byuller E.A.

    . Attention to higher education as a driving force of territorial development is due to the fact that since the middle of the twentieth century, state policy has been focused on the development of human capital as the basis for long-term economic success. In recent years, advanced economies have steadily increased spending on higher education. The new requirements for Russian higher educational institutions and the quality of education are quite high and tough, due to the fact that universities have a huge impact on the development of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation and, consequently, the entire state in general. The contribution of universities to the development of regions is expressed in the creation of innovative entrepreneurship, in an increase in human capital, labor productivity due to an increase in the education of workers. Modern relations between regions and universities should be based on partnerships, which are of mutual interest, since they contribute to solving problems of a socio-economic nature.

    doi: 10.53598 / 2410-3683-2021-3-285-13-19

    pdf 13-19.pdf  (615 Kb)

  • Gerasimov A.N., Kasaeva T.V., Skripnichenko

    An assessment is made of the impact of existing territorial resources on the formation of the gross regional product (GRP). The analysis of the GRP per capita indicator is carried out as an indicator of the level of well-being of the inhabitants of the corresponding region. The dynamics of GRP per capita is studied, the leading ones are singled out and lagging regions, causal relationships are assessed. Data of the North Caucasus Federal District, as the district with the largest number of outsider regions in terms of gross regional product per capita. A detailed description of the state of the resource base and the resource potential of the regions of the district, where more attention is paid to the Stavropol Territory. A study of the structure of the GRP of the region is being carried out, agriculture is separately noted, a comparison is made with the indicators for the North Caucasus Federal District and the Russian Federation (4.15% in GRP structure for 2019). The period under study covers 2000-2019. Based on the results of the study, the need for the development of agro-industrial production in the Russian Federation is noted, as well as an integrated approach to assessing the socio-economic development of regions and the level of well-being of the population, which will include an analysis of the resources and resource potential of the territory.

    doi: 10.53598 / 2410-3683-2021-3-285-20-28

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  • Myasnikova T.A., Lobanova S.A., Kovalenko M.G.

    The article discusses the features of the modern methodology of strategic planning of the socio-economic development of municipalities. It is emphasized that local community stakeholders are involved in planning, rather than all target groups, which can lead to resistance to strategic change by local communities. The author describes the reasons for resistance to change: economic, social, personal, political and proposes a change management project as a tool to overcome resistance to change in the municipality. The technology for developing a change management project was developed by the author based on the model of Kurt Levin and the technology for strategic planning of the Kuban School for the Development of Local Communities.

    doi: 10.53598 / 2410-3683-2021-3-285-29-34

    pdf 29-34.pdf  (484 Kb)

    Economy of Agrarian-Industrial Complex
  • Kumratova A.M.

    The issues of increasing the productivity of grain production are interdisciplinary, requiring knowledge in the fields of: economics of the agro-industrial complex, breeding, meteorology, agriculture, crop production, soil science, agronomy and so on. In scientific terms, the following concepts are most often used in matters of grain production: yield, productivity, productivity, efficiency. The article is devoted to the theoretical aspects of the basic concepts of productivity of grain production in Russia. Climatic factors affecting grain production in Russia play an important role, their assessment and accounting in the economy are necessary. There is a practical need to consider and investigate the productivity of grain production, taking into account the influence of meteorological factors on it, which have risk-extreme values and the property of nonlinearity. In order to predict the impact of climatic factors on the productivity of grain production, it is necessary to use combined.

    doi: 10.53598 / 2410-3683-2021-3-285-35-42

    pdf 35-42.pdf  (754 Kb)

  • Mokrushin A.A., Prokhorova V.V., Rychkovskaya D.N.

    The article is devoted to the study of regional aspects of state regulation of the regional agro-industrial complex on the basis of project approach. The role of program-target planning based on the principles of project management in ensuring the socio-economic development of the territorial agro-industrial complex is revealed. The territorial and sectoral features of the agro-industrial complex of the Republic of Adygea, which determine the measures of state regulation of economic processes, are disclosed. The analysis of the results of the implementation of regional projects «Export of agricultural products in the Republic of Adygea» and «Creation of a system of support for farmers and development of rural cooperation in the Republic of Adygea» aimed at increasing the competitiveness of agro-industrial production in the depressed region. The strategic directions of modernization of the agro-industrial complex of the Republic of Adygea, effective instruments of state regulation of reproductive processes are presented. The main problems and directions of development of project management of socio-economic processes in the agro-industrial complex of the depressed region are revealed.

    doi: 10.53598 / 2410-3683-2021-3-285-43-54

    pdf 43-54.pdf  (806 Kb)

    General Problems of Pedagogy
  • Begidova S.N., Begidov V.S.

    Social work is marked by constant contact with the client, which requires a certain level of formation of communicative competence of the specialist. Communicative skills for a specialist in the social sphere are both professionally significant components of their professional training, as well as supraprofessional skills that are in demand today in all areas of professional activity. The formation of communicative skills in the process of professional training of future bachelors of social work is ensured by the implementation of an integrative approach, which involves the conjugation of general vocational and professional disciplines, practices, the organization of mentoring and volunteering as components of professional communicative training, as well as street communication practices within practical classes. In the disciplines of the general vocational block, students learn the basic concepts and knowledge of communication. In the disciplines of the professional block, the educational process is aimed at consolidating the obtained theoretical knowledge, mastering communicative skills in practical exercises that model communicative situations, and communication techniques with various categories of citizens. An important aspect of training is the ability to build the process of communication taking into account individual, personal, gender, age and other characteristics of clients. In the process of the externship, students work out the acquired knowledge and skills in the conditions of real practical activity under the guidance of a methodologist. Mentoring involves the formation of the experience of communicative competence under the guidance of the mentor. Mentoring is bilateral in nature and is based on the interaction of mentor and student, professionally enriching and developing both. The inclusion of students in volunteer activities makes it possible to consolidate communication skills with various categories of citizens, build communication basing on moral principles. The practice of "street communication" as a special type of communication enables gaining communication experience in situations of spontaneous communication. The ability to position the interlocutor, gain his trust requires the communicator to form communicative skills, especially moral communicative skills, makes it possible to evaluate his level of communication in real communication. This approach ensures the effectiveness of the formation of communicative competence in the process of studying at a university.

    doi: 10.53598/2410-3004-2021-3-283-13-19

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  • Bulah K.V., Burtseva E.T., Zhukova N.N., Petkov V.A.

    The paper discusses the formation of professional and personal competencies on WorldSkills standards at students from professional educational organizations. This subject is relevant for the current stage of development of the Russian system of professional education. The success of the modern expert’s activity in the professional sphere depends on the level of formation of these competencies. This paper presents the authors’ approach to designing a model for the formation of professional competencies when preparing and conducting a demonstration exam on WorldSkills standards, taking into account the personal component of the college student. The content of the main structural components of the model is disclosed: coordination-methodological, educational, motivating, procedural, and resulting. The coordination-methodological component of the model includes a description of the process of coordination, preparation and methodological support of the educational process and the conduct of a demonstration exam on WorldSkills standards. The educational component of the model discloses the content of the organizing advanced training of pedagogical workers of a professional educational organization and employers' representatives in the conditions of WorldSkills standards. The motivating component explains the mechanism for the growth of students and the possibilities for motivating further professional education and the trajectory of orientation towards obtaining an appropriate level of professional qualifications. When describing the procedural component of the model, the possibilities of using modular-competent educational technology for its implementation were demonstrated. The resulting component of the model includes criteria and diagnostic methods for assessing the level of formation of professional and personal competencies that ensure the professional and social success of students. The obtained results of research will contribute to the effective organization of the practical activities of students as employees of the enterprise to the formation of their practical experience in activities, and to their recognition as specialists held and demanded by the employer in the labor market.

    doi: 10.53598/2410-3004-2021-3-283-20-29

    pdf 20-29.pdf  (173 Kb)

  • Meretukova Z.K., Chinazirova A.R., Blyagoz N.Sh. , Kuprina N.K.

    The paper puts forward and validates a proposition about the incorrect attribution of the concept of "study" to methods of scientific research. The authors disclose the relationship between the concepts of "cognition," "research," and "study" and compare the definitions of these concepts existing in literary sources. They also put forward and validate a proposition about the synonymity and syncretism of these concepts, compare the discourses of different authors about the essence of study and reveal contradictions that refute the statement that study is a method of research. The publication examines different classifications of scientific research methods both at the general scientific and scientific-pedagogical levels, as well as reveals methodological confusion in some approaches. As a fundamental aspect of the problem posed in the paper, the authors consider the following question: "If study can be ranked among the methods of scientific research, then among which – empirical, theoretical or general for empirical and theoretical levels of research?” In connection with this aspect of the problem, they carry out a comparative analysis of different approaches and argue the illegality and incorrectness of some of them. The incorrect attribution of such methods of scientific research as analysis, synthesis, abstraction, modeling, etc., only to theoretical methods is justified, and situations are given in which these methods "become" either empirical or theoretical. The paper explores the debate of scientists on the issue of correctness or incorrectness of the approach, which denies the need to take into account the distinctive nature of the specific scientific level of the methodology and, in particular, the methodology of pedagogical research and which confirms that the methodology ends at the level of a general scientific methodology.

    doi: 10.53598/2410-3004-2021-3-283-30-45

    pdf 30-45.pdf  (242 Kb)

  • Paatova M.E.

    The Federal State Educational Standards of General Education define the strategic goal of general education in relation to children – the personal development of students, the formation of their systemic knowledge about various aspects of the development of Russia and the world. One of the results of the implementation of the Tentative Program for Education developed by the Institute of Educational Development Strategy of the Russian Academy of Education will be the introduction of students to Russian traditional spiritual values, rules and norms of behavior in Russian society. The program is designed to ensure that students achieve the personal results specified in the Federal State Educational Standards: the formation of the basics of Russian identity among students; the readiness of students for self-determination; the formation of value attitudes and socially significant personality qualities. Achieving the set tasks involves the formation of vital competencies of students. In relation to children with deviant behavior, these tasks acquire additional social significance, since life self-determination is a necessary condition for their successful socio-pedagogical rehabilitation, regardless of what specific organizational forms of education and training they are included in. At the same time, the adopted Federal State Educational Standards lack an expanded and accurate list of these competencies and a clear description of the psychological and pedagogical mechanisms of their formation, which creates certain technological and methodological problems for their formation. We consider the socio-pedagogical rehabilitation of pupils of special educational institutions as a specially organized educational process of forming their social and personal viability. The paper presents the structure of the socio-personal viability of adolescents, which can serve as a methodological basis for designing psychological and pedagogical mechanisms for the formation of vital competencies of pupils of special educational institutions. As a practical application of the author's theoretical ideas, this publication presents a program of spiritual and moral development, education and socialization of pupils of special educational institutions, developed in accordance with the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standards.

    doi: 10.53598/2410-3004-2021-3-283-46-54

    pdf 46-54.pdf  (162 Kb)

  • Paatova M.E., Khashkhova D.Z., Sazhina N.M., Shebanets E.Yu.

    One of the most important and socially significant tasks of the state is the legal and social support of persons released from institutions of confinement. These persons need the help of specialists in various fields, including social ones. Each of them has lost socially significant connections, has chronic diseases, psychological barriers, etc. In this regard, specialists in the social sphere need to organize a comprehensive work on adaptation in society of this category of citizens. Of all the problems faced by former convicts, the most significant is the problem associated with their employment after release. This category of citizens is not prepared to start working in an open society, and the majority of them have no motivation for finding employment. The purpose of this study is to theoretically substantiate and develop the technology of social work for the formation of readiness for employment of persons released from prison. The paper presents the results of ascertaining experiment at the initial stage of experimental work. The respondents were unemployed citizens with a criminal record. The study involved 10 male respondents aged 35 to 55 years. In the course of the research, the technology of social work was theoretically justified and developed to form the readiness for employment of persons released from prison. The technology is represented by substantive and procedural components and involves the gradual formation of readiness for employment of persons released from prison. Tasks, content and methods are defined for each stage. Solving the tasks of the previous stage creates conditions for the possibility of moving to a new stage.

    doi: 10.53598/2410-3004-2021-3-283-55-61

    pdf 55-61.pdf  (147 Kb)

  • Yazykov E.Yu.

    The defense capabilities of the state directly depend on the level of scientific support for the needs of the army, which implies the need for active research in a number of areas: from the development of strategic and tactical schemes to technical developments aimed at improving modern weapons systems. In this context, the question of the effectiveness of institutions providing directly scientific activities in the defense sphere, as well as the training of promising scientists, becomes more urgent. The paper examines the specifics of the organization of scientific activity in military universities, which includes both the analysis of research developments carried out within the framework of higher educational institutions, and the conditions for the training of promising scientific personnel. The authors explore mechanisms for involving students and teachers in scientific activity and analyze key motives of scientific activity at the level of teaching staff of military universities. Problems and prospects for the development of scientific activity within the framework of military educational institutions are considered. The specificity of the proposed approach implies a comparison of the essential components of the activity laid down in the content of the institute of the army and education. Scientific and educational activity, therefore, is precisely the component that allows the armed forces to develop, improve in the direction of training high-level specialists, and improve the effectiveness of the military personnel. At the same time, the identified methodologically systematic approach allows us to identify the institutional inclusion of the interaction of the army and education. The presented paper is focused on the essential analysis of factors of increasing the effectiveness of military scientific thought. The theoretical and methodological basis of the publication is classical structural functionalism.

    doi: 10.53598/2410-3004-2021-3-283-62-68

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  • Yatskovskaya I.F.

    In the process of studying at a university, under the influence of large mental, physical, and psychic loads, students experience emotional exhaustion, a decrease in interest in studying, as well as a deterioration in their health. Statistics show that approximately 50% of university students are exposed to emotional burnout. Students of engineering specialties are no exception, large mental loads, design work performance that requires intellectual and mental tension lead to emotional burnout, reduced interest in study, depression, and deterioration of general health. This problem has required resolution. To prevent emotional burnout in students of engineering specialties, the means of artpedagogy were used: music, choreography, and dance. The most popular and interesting for students was the Art Nouveau dance as, according to many researchers, the most effective, modern and interesting direction of modern choreography. To assess the effectiveness of experimental work on the prevention of emotional burnout, the criteria presented by physical, emotional, intellectual and social indicators were determined in students in engineering specialties. The results obtained at the beginning of the pedagogical experiment showed that students had initial signs of emotional burnout according to the indicators studied. The students were subdivided into control and experimental groups. The pedagogical experiment took place during the school year, including vacation time: the frequency of classes - 3 times a week. At the end of the pedagogical experiment, a repeated study of the emotional state of the students according to the selected criteria was carried out. The indicators of students from the experimental group improved significantly in all the indicators studied: physical performance and social activity increased, there was a desire to study, interest in educational activities increased. The results of the pedagogical experiment proved the need for targeted work with students of engineering specialties in the prevention of emotional burnout. The most effective tool for this prevention is the inclusion of students in creative activities with a pronounced emotional orientation, to which Art Nouveau dance belongs.

    doi: 10.53598/2410-3004-2021-3-283-69-75

    pdf 69-75.pdf  (186 Kb)
    pdf Pedagogy and Psychology ¹3 2021.pdf  (981 Kb)

  • Abregov A.N., Eldarova R.A.
    Word-formation and etymological analysis of the Adyghe names of the mat and plants intended for its manufacture

    The paper examines the lexical units nominating the mat in the Adyghe languages and naming the plants that are used in its weaving. The research material encompasses data from lexicographic sources and field information collected in expeditions by the authors of this work. In linguistics, the opinion has been confirmed that in agglutinative languages, which include the Adyghe languages, the internal form of the word is always transparent: the constituent morphemes are easily isolated. Indeed, in this case, the lexico-semantic and word-formation structure of a word can be determined synchronously without much effort. However, in some cases, words undergo semantic and phonetic transformations that make it difficult to explain the origin of the word, which can be established only in the diachronic aspect. The purpose of the study is to determine the lexico-semantic and word-formation structure of derived words and to give an etymological analysis of lexemes that have lost the internal form of a word or function with a darkened internal form. To solve this problem, comparative historical and comparative research methods are used. The theoretical significance of the research lies in the fact that the results of the work can be used in the development of courses of lectures on lexicology, semasiology and word formation, as well as in lectures on various sections of modern Adyghe languages and in lexicographic practice.

    doi: 10.53598/2410-3489-2021-3-282-15-20

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  • Anishchenko A.V., Khlopova A.I.
    On the transformation of the emotional concept of Freude / Joy

    Language is an iconic system, so it can reflect a person's feelings and emotions. The object of the study is the emotional concept Freude (joy) in German linguistic culture. The subject is changes in the content of the emotional concept identified during linguistic analysis. The aim of the study is to establish such meaningful shifts. The authors believe that the emotional concept is subject to transformation caused by sociocultural factors, which can be attributed along with changes in value orientations and changes in the communication system. The emotional concept as knowledge of the sociocultural deterministic emotional sphere has a complex multilevel field structure and can be reconstructed through the analysis of its constituents. Therefore, the semantic fields method and the free associative experiment method are used as the main research methods. As a result, the lexic-semantic field Freude (joy) is mapped to the associative field. The scientific significance of the work is the possibility of experimental establishment of the content of emotional concepts. The results obtained showed that the nucleus of the lexic-semantic field Freude (joy) and the associative field of the word partially coincide. However, the configuration of the field changes: nuclear constituents move to the periphery and vice versa. The transformation of the concept manifests itself in changing the connotation of the word Freude (joy). The practical value of the study lies in the possibility of applying the developed methodology in the practice of the university teaching of intercultural communication, linguoculturology etc.

    doi: 10.53598/2410-3489-2021-3-282-21-28

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  • Amrakhova L.G.
    On the archaisms gopuz and yeletme in the Epic of Kitabi-Dede Korkut

    The paper examines the issues related to the etymology of the words gopuz and yeletme in the historical and linguistic aspect. These words were taken from the ancient Turkic epic of Kitabi Dede Korkut. In the process of research, a special place is given to the analysis of the origin of these words in historical coverage. In the course of the research, the historically descriptive and historically comparative methods of linguistics were used. At the end of the publication, the findings of the study are provided in separate paragraphs.

    doi: 10.53598/2410-3489-2021-3-282-29-33

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  • Basenko I.M. , Ponomarenko V.A.
    English phraseologisms in legal discourse

    This paper examines the peculiarities of phraseologisms in legal discourse. The authors define the concept of “discourse”, identify the features of legal discourse, analyze the functioning of phraseological units in legal English, their stability and variability.

    doi: 10.53598/2410-3489-2021-3-282-34-39

    pdf 34-39.pdf  (116 Kb)

  • Gadimaliyeva A.F.
    Phonetic parallelism in the Azerbaijan-Turkish system (based on the linguistic material of the 15th century)

    This paper examines the sound parallels and their graphic variants in the ancient written monuments of the Azerbaijani and Turkish languages. In the language of one monument, there are different versions of the same lexical units, or in different monuments of the same era, the same lexical unit is used in different versions. The purpose of this article is to identify phonetic parallels in the Azerbaijani language in the historical aspect based on the linguistic materials of the 15th century. The novelty of this research is that these issues are investigating for the first time within the framework of this publication, which is very relevant for Turkology and linguistics in general. Summing up, it is noted that in the literary language of the 15th century, the parallelism of sounds and sound forms was widespread, as a result of which the formation of the modern literary language went through a complex evolutionary process.

    doi: 10.53598/2410-3489-2021-3-282-40-46

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  • Doleva R.N., Urakova F.K.
    Some observations on the lexicon of the legend "How the Nart Sausyryko got the fire for the Narts"

    An attempt is made to study the legend "How the Nart Sausyryko got the fire for the Narts", which in the linguistic aspect is an example of folk speech, which includes all the wealth and variety of lexical, semantic, phraseological and grammatical features of the Adyghe languages. The linguistic originality of folklore in general, including the Nart epic, has repeatedly become the center of various linguistic studies. Nevertheless, folklore remains one of the richest sources of study of the ethnolinguistic features of the Adyghe languages and their dialects, since folklore texts pose many questions to researchers. Each folklore text is a microsystem in which verbal forms of different generations are fixed, they can become the object of studying different directions of linguo-folkloristics. A comparative analysis of the legend lexicon helped to distinguish lexical parallels, correspondences found in them.

    doi: 10.53598/2410-3489-2021-3-282- 47-54

    pdf 47-54.pdf  (132 Kb)

  • Lomteva T.N., Patrusheva E.V.
    Linguistic and cultural peculiarities of interethnic dialogue in the text of an animated television series

    The paper focuses on considering linguistic and cultural aspects of interethnic dialogue functioning in the text of an animated television series from theoretical standpoint. The empiric data is based on the American animated comedy musical television series “Animaniacs”. We make an attempt at defining wordplay as an essential component of different cultures and advocate its role in structuring interethnic communication. The wordplay functional peculiarities are specified as contributing to the achievement of the author’s intention.

    doi: 10.53598/2410-3489-2021-3-282-55-67

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  • Loova A.J., Dzhandar B.M.
    On the role of non-verbal means of communication in German and Adyghe fiction texts

    The paper discusses the meaning of non-verbal communication in the language of fiction texts. An analysis is made of the means of non-verbal communication, their place and role in the culture of communication. The authors reveal the peculiarities of the functioning of silence as an element of non-verbal communication in German and Adyghe languages basing on the material of fiction works. The significant role of silence in the communicative process of the languages under consideration is determined.

    doi: 10.53598/2410-3489-2021-3-282- 68-76

    pdf 68-76.pdf  (256 Kb)

  • Mammadova S.J.
    Lexical units shaman and kam in common Turkic mythology

    This article provides an etymological analysis of the lexical units “shaman” and “kam”, widely used in shamanism. In the course of the research, all kinds of variants and semantic doublets of these lexical units in the Turkic languages are analyzed, the etymological history and the area of use of these words are studied. The linguistic facts about the relationship of the lexical units “shaman” and “kam” in the Turkic languages are stated. It is noted that shamanism is not a religion. According to the author, shamanism is in fact a special worldview system of ancient peoples. Within the framework of the article, historical-comparative, comparative-typological methods of linguistics were used. The presented materials within the framework of this article can be useful for Turkic and etymological, including Nostratic, studies.

    doi: 10.53598/2410-3489-2021-3-282-77-82

    pdf 77-82.pdf  (253 Kb)

  • Tadzhibova Z.T.
    Axiological coloring of anthropological paremias with the component “beauty” in languages of different systems

    Proverbs and sayings reflecting the concept of “beauty” in Russian, English, German and Lezghin linguocultures are identified and analyzed. The research material included paroemias of languages of different structures. The choice of proverbs and sayings as a material for research is due to insufficient knowledge of the paroemias of the studied languages in terms of identifying the semantics of lexical components, expressive-evaluative and expressive means, as well as the figurative basis of these units. The aim of the study is to identify common and different components of the concept of "beauty" in Russian, English, German and Lezghin linguistic cultures. The research methodology is based on comparative semantic analysis, continuous sampling and linguocultural analysis. The research shows that the studied cultures have the same idea of beauty as something bright, striking; about the transience of beauty; about the importance of other human qualities (hard work, decency, intelligence). In all the studied linguocultures, beauty and mind are opposed. Also, Russians note that beauty is a rare phenomenon and often equate it with youth. The desire of the British for neatness, cleanliness is reflected in the linguistic picture of the world and resonates with the theme of beauty. In the view of Lezghins, beauty entails misfortune, and Lezgins also do not pursue external beauty. The Germans believe that beauty can be a source of pride and importance for women, and they also believe that beauty does not guarantee a happy life.

    doi: 10.53598/2410-3489-2021-3-282-83-88

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  • Khachmafova Z.R., Tatsenko M.S.
    Actualization of the concepts of "femininity" and "masculinity" in the art picture of the world: cognitive frame approach

    The goal is to study the cognitive frame modeling of gender concepts "Feminininity" and "Masculinity" in the art picture of the world. The subject of the study is their frame structure in the fiction text. The material was the texts of classical and modern prose in Russian and German. To achieve this goal, the following methods were applied: continuous context sampling, contextual analysis, and frame analysis of the concept. The scientific novelty of the study is due to an appeal to the method of cognitive frame modeling of gender identity in the fiction text. The theoretical significance lies in the refinement of the algorithm for the study of gender concepts "Feminininity" and "Masculinity" in the framework of frame-slot analysis, which contributes to the characterization of stereotypes that update socio-cultural ideas about women and men. The practical value is that the material of the study can be used in special courses in genderology and cognitive linguistics.

    doi: 10.53598/2410-3489-2021-3-282-89-96

    pdf 89-96.pdf  (256 Kb)

    Literary Criticism
  • Abazov A.Ch., Unatlokova L.S.
    On the issue of studying business and collegial-friendly letters of repressed writer J. Naloev

    This article examines the business and collegial – friendly letters of Jansokh Naloev in order to determine their roles in the formation of national literatures of the peoples of Kabardino-Balkaria. The author carries out a comprehensive, objective, and systemic analysis of the role and place of collegial and friendly letters not only in the critical legacy of the writer, but also in the history of the formation of Kabardian and Balkar literature as a whole.

    doi: 10.53598/2410-3489-2021-3-282- 97-105

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  • Akhmadova L.K., Dzhambekova T.B.
    Features of the creative method of Kanta Kh. Ibragimov (from the material of the novel "Children's World")

    The paper presents a review of the literary and critical publications of the Chechen prose writer K. Ibragimov, whose work at the present stage has not received a full scientific understanding, which seems quite relevant for Chechen literary criticism. To substantiate scientifically the specifics of the creative method, the hypothesis of the dominance of the realistic method combined with naturalistic and symbolist trends is first proposed. To confirm the hypothesis, the features of the structure of the text, the construction of the character system and the individual style of the writer, as well as ways to implement the main idea of novel "Children's World" are considered.

    doi: 10.53598/2410-3489-2021-3-282- 106-113

    pdf 106-113.pdf  (206 Kb)

  • Mamiy R.G., Envtrovna K.R.
    On general problems of bilingualism

    The paper examines the conditions for the emergence of Adyghe-Russian bilingualism in the 19th century, its role in the dissemination of knowledge and the formation of the work of writers-enlighteners. The development of bilingualism in the twentieth century is studied, the significance of its various forms in the birth of Adyghe national literature is established. Reliance on the comparative typological method of research helps to clarify the fundamental provisions on the connection of bilingualism with the development of national culture, which contributes to the deepening of theoretical knowledge of philology. The purpose of the work is to outline the common problems associated with bilingualism and bilingual creativity and to determine the tasks of studying the origin, the nature of these phenomena, the nature of their formation and development.

    doi: 10.53598/2410-3489-2021-3-282- 114-119

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  • Monakhov A.A.
    Narrative strategies in the poetics of fiction prose by Ya.V. Abramov

    The paper is devoted to the study of narrative strategies and functions in the artistic embodiment of the author's consciousness in the works of the outstanding Russian publicist, philosopher and prose writer Ya.V. Abramov. Its purpose is to analyze the author's approach to objectifying the subject, as a result of which a special discursive relationship “author-hero-reader” is achieved. This complex narrative optics of the writer provides a correlation between the subjective levels of the author and the primary carrier of speech (narrator). The synthesis of narrative technologies, eventfulness in works as an interaction between the addressee and the addressant, adherence to the principle of “the hero as the value In the artistic world of author’s works the reader forms a value view of the nature and essence of man and himself.

    doi: 10.53598/2410-3489-2021-3-282-120-128

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  • Naptsok B.R., Shovgenova T.A.
    History as a fact and fiction in the Adyghe historical novel of the 20th century

    The paper deals with the problems of representing history in Adyghe art prose of the 20th century. Using the material of the novel by the Adyghe writer A. Keshokov, the authors identify models of the display of history that reveal the idea of a historical and revolutionary work - "history as fact" and "history as fiction".

    doi: 10.53598/2410-3489-2021-3-282-129-136

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  • Khakuasheva M.A., Uzdenova Z.A.
    The epic genre in the works of A. Shogentsukov

    The paper examines the epic works of Ali Shogentsukov, relating to the period of the 1930s: the poems “Yesterday's Days of Tembot”, “Partisan Zhambot”, “Young Warrior”. The authors define the genre system of epic works, characterize their structure, and identify the folk folklore basis. An analysis is made of the features of the idiostyle, the dynamics of the formation of the social novel, and the evolution of the transition from the lyrical to the epic genre.

    doi: 10.53598/2410-3489-2021-3-282-137-141

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  • Khuazheva N.Kh., Khatkhe A.A.
    Lyrico-epic fundamentals in the poetry of Akhmed Khatkov

    The paper examines the content, themes and artistic features of the poetic works of Akhmed Khatkov, the lyrical and epic fundamentals in his work, which is related to the post-revolutionary era in our country. The origins of creativity, the connection of poetry with Adyghe folklore, with the traditions of Russian classical literature are revealed. The stages of Khatkov's artistic creativity are distinguished (the first - the 1920s; second - 1930s) and their features. The poetic works of the first stage are the beginning of the written poetry of the Adyghes, they are devoted to nature, facts from everyday life, small pictures of reality. The poet does not seek to show the lyrical experiences of the heroes, a wide epic understanding of the facts of life. It is noted that the second stage is a mature period of creativity, the subject is expanding, many works with lyrical and epic components appear, new stylistic techniques, the experiences and thoughts of the lyrical hero deepen, literary genres of the ode and lyrico-epic poem began to take shape. Particular attention is paid to the issues of the poet's skill in the works of the 1930s, the analysis of expressive and pictorial means used in lyrics.

    doi: 10.53598/2410-3489-2021-3-282- 142-150

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  • Shishkhova N.M., Ankudinov K.N.
    A. Blok and D. Prigov: Angels and Demons

    The article analyzes the integration of A. Blok's artistic practice into the postmodern tradition, in particular, the work of D. Prigov, where this practice becomes a way of motivating a poetic sign. The authors discuss a problem relevant to the history of Russian literature: what has become with postmodern as the language of description of the era in the 21st century, how it is associated with previous poetry. The specifics of demonology and its solutions make it possible to contextualize models of expressiveness and highlight the main paradigms in the poems of the two named poets. Special attention is paid to the opposition pair of "angels and demons", its place in the verse space of A. Blok and an innovative attitude to the problem under consideration of D. Prigov.

    doi: 10.53598/2410-3489-2021-3-282- 151-159

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  • Atazhakhova S.T.
    Counting-out and teasing rhymes as an element of children's folklore (based on the Adyghe language materials)

    The small genres of Adyghe children's folklore have been sufficiently explored, but some of them have not been subject to special scientific analysis until our time. The subject of consideration are Adyghe counting-out and teasing rhymes as the oldest genre of verbal art. During the study, the main emphasis was placed on genre-stylistic, textual and descriptive methods. The work can be used for similar studies in other languages, for which the importance of such tasks is also obvious. The results of the analysis can be useful in the creation of paroemiological collections, as well as in educational and cultural educational work.

    doi: 10.53598/2410-3489-2021-3-282- 187-192

    pdf 187-192.pdf  (127 Kb)

  • Kudaeva Z.Zh.
    On the problem of the genre composition of folk prose about Zhabagi Kazanoko

    This work addresses one of the complex and topical theoretical problems of modern national folklore studies – the study of one of the specific layers of the Adyghe folk prose and the determination of the differentiating genre features of a number of works included in it. The article examines a cycle of narratives associated with the name of the people's sage and public and political figure of Kabarda Zhabagi Kazanoko (presumably 1686-1750), which is represented by works of folklore that are diverse in their genre, themes and problems. The purpose of the article is to identify and study new genre forms of folk non-fairytale prose that have arisen within the framework of this cycle. The study is based on theoretical and methodological guidelines developed in the works of Russian folklorists, defining the principles of identifying a genre, motive, the relationship of various genres of folklore to reality. The use of cultural-historical and comparative-historical methods of researching the works of the Adyghe oral folk prose made it possible to identify new trends in the field of genre education, caused by socio-historical conditions, occurring in the Adyghe oral folk art. As a result of the study, for the first time, moral-ethical and ethical-legal legends were revealed in the Kazanokov cycle, which are special genre varieties of the Adyghe folk historical prose. The presented article can be considered as one of the stages of development and reconstruction of the system of genres of Adyghe folk non-fairytale prose, the results of which can be used in further theoretical research, as well as for compiling a collection of Adyghe prose folklore.

    doi: 10.53598/2410-3489-2021-3-282-193-200

    pdf 193-200.pdf  (189 Kb)

    Study of Arts
  • Liyang U.
    The opera “Turandot” by G. Puccini and its Chinese versions: on intercultural communication

    The article examines the experience of intercultural communication, realized using G. Puccini's opera and its Chinese versions as an example. Focusing on the “Chinese footprint” in this artistic sample, the author arrives at the conclusion that it was this last opera by the Italian master that became the starting point in the intercultural communication of the West and East. This opera completed a series of works by the composer, in which the appeal to traditions different from Italian culture enriched the world artistic heritage. Focusing his scientific interest on the Sichuan opera “Princess Turandot” (1993) by Liao Zhongrong (libretto by Wei Minglun) and the opera “Turandot” (2008) directed by Chen Xinyi, the finale of which was written by the composer Hao Wei, the author reveals the general and the special in the experience of intercultural communication as a reconciliation of contradictions immanently inherent in Western and Eastern cultural traditions.

    doi: 10.53598/2410-3489-2021-3-282- 160-169

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  • Sokolova A.N.
       International Festival of Adyghe (Circassian) culture in a sociocultural context   

    The paper considers the history of Adyghe culture festivals, which arose at the stage of formation of Adyghe statehood, and analyzes their goals and tasks in comparison with typologically similar events of Russia and the world. The publication shows achievements and positive results of the festivals of Adyghe culture and reveals internal and external problems, leading to a loss of wide interest in them from the host community and guests. Some proposals have been submitted for discussion that contribute to the "rehabilitation" of festivals of Adyghe (Circassian) culture in the context of modern social practices.

    doi: 10.53598/2410-3489-2021-3-282- 170-177

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  • Suleymanova F.Kh.
    Problems of cultural identification of Circassians through the prism of fine art of Karachay-Cherkesia

    The paper discusses the features of cultural and identification processes in the fine art of Circassian artists in the multicultural space of Karachay-Cherkessia. The art of modern Circassian artists of Karachay-Cherkessia is interpreted as an indicator of ideas, themes, images, spiritual aspirations that characterize not only the artistic elite, but also the entire society of the republic. A change in the paradigm of artistic development in the republic in the post-Soviet era is noted and the reasons for this change are analyzed, a comparative analysis of Circassian fine art in other regions is carried out. Currently, in the art of Karachay-Cherkessia, there is a leveling of the national Circassian identity, the dominance of the theme of nature as a sign of a decrease in the social activity of brush masters, a departure into the field of mass art and design, a lack of collective cohesion, and a certain creative apathy. The materials of the study were obtained as a result of an expedition to the Karachay-Cherkess Republic conducted by a scientific group of the North Caucasus Branch of the State Museum of the East in the spring of 2021 as part of the work on the RFFI grant "Cultural diffusion of Circassians of Russia and Turkey: socio-cultural and art-historical analysis".

    doi: 10.53598/2410-3489-2021-3-282- 178-186

    pdf 178-186.pdf  (156 Kb)

  • Lyausheva S.A., Nekhay V.N.
    Review of the monograph by V.Kh. Akaev "Sufism in the Context of Arab-Muslim Culture. Monograph. Grozny: State Unitary Enterprise "Book Publishing House", 2020. 523 pp."

    The monographic study of V.Kh. Akaev is an independent author's research on the problems of genesis and the evolution of Sufism in the global and regional dimension. Having formed in the bosom of Arab-Muslim culture, Sufism as a religious-mystical phenomenon penetrated the spiritual space of the peoples of the North Caucasus. Its distinctive feature in the region under consideration was that Sufi fraternities managed to integrate into the structure of traditional ethnosocial institutions of a number of North Caucasian peoples. However, the deformation of the socio-political life of the North Caucasus in the early 1990s led to the activation of the activities of radicalists and extremists in Chechnya and Dagestan. The peer-reviewed monograph makes sense of the destructive potential of religious radicalism, which was actively promoted by Wahhabism ideologists who operated on the concepts of Shahidism. Fundamental differences between Wahhabism and Sufism in the interpretation of the theological doctrine of Islam were determined. The author's description of the socio-political portrait of asocial actors of radicalism deserves special attention. The research shows that the most effective tool for preventing religious radicalism is the dialogue of cultures aimed at mitigating cultural conflicts and ensuring their active exchange while preserving cultural and historical identity.

    doi: 10.53598 / 2410-3691-2021-3-284-157-161

    pdf 157-161.pdf  (95 Kb)

  • Shumafov M.M.
    Second-order stochastic differential equations: stability, dissipativity, periodicity. V. – A survey

    This paper is a continuation of the previous papers and presents the fifth final part of the author’s work. The paper surveys the results concerning stability, dissipativity and periodicity properties of the second-order stochastic differential equations and systems. Some new de-velopments in the theory of stability of stochastic differential equations based on the use of the modifying Lyapunov’s second method are presented. The work consists of five parts. In the first two parts we have introduced mathematical preliminaries from probability theory and stochastic processes including the construction of Ito and Stratonovich stochastic integrals. In the third part, some facts from the theory of stochastic differential equations are presented. The existence and uniqueness theorems for stochastic systems are formulated. In the fourth part, definitions are provided and basic facts from the theory of stability of stochastic differential equations are given. The basic general Lyapunov-like theorems on stochastic stability, dissipativity and periodicity for solutions of systems considered are formulated in the terms of the existence of Lyapunov functions. Here in the present fifth part, effective sufficient conditions of stability in probability, exponential stability in mean square for the second-order stochastic differential equations and systems are given. Also we give sufficient conditions for dissipativity and periodicity of random processes defined by nonlinear second-order differential equations with random right-hand sides. As an example the harmonic oscillator disturbed by white noise is considered. In the final section of the present paper, we briefly review some new publications related to stochastic stability that characterizes the state - of - the - art of the theory.

    doi: 10.53598/2410-3225-2021-3-286-11-31

    pdf 11-31.pdf  (412 Kb)

  • Ushkho A.D., Tlyachev V.B., Ushkho D.S.
    The acyclicity of a quadratic differential system

    We now give a brief overview of some of the main publications devoted to the study of the question of limit cycles and separatrices of quadratic differential systems. In this paper, we con-sider the existence of closed trajectories for a certain class of autonomous quadratic systems on the plane. The proof is based on the application of the theory of straight line isoclines, Dulac and Bendixon criteria of the qualitative theory of differential equations. The proposed proof covers the results of the well-known work of L.A. Cherkas and L.S. Zhilevich.

    pdf 32-41.pdf  (346 Kb)

    Technical Sciences
  • Simankov1 V.S., Buchatskiy P.Yu.
    Methodological foundations of innovative solutions in renewable energy engineering

    We deal with the approach that makes it possible to investigate the energy system with renewable energy sources (RES) by methods of system analysis. We propose to use multi-criterion optimization, analysis and decision-making techniques in the development of a system of input and potential models for renewable energy sources that took into account the characteristics of energy conversion technology.

    doi: 10.53598 / 2410-3225-2021-3-286-42-54

    pdf 42-54.pdf  (927 Kb)

  • Kostyuk A.I., Korobeynikova N.M.
    Methods for building a high-performance fault-tolerant distributed database for the task of perimeter security

    The paper discusses the methods for constructing a high-performance fault-tolerant distributed database for the perimeter security problem. The architecture of the fault tolerance subsystem, the architecture of the backup subsystem, and approaches to achieving the specified key indica-tors are described. The study of the system performance was carried out, the values of the key performance indicators achieved by the fault tolerance subsystem were determined.

    doi: 10.53598/2410-3225-2021-3-286-55-62

    pdf 55-62.pdf  (528 Kb)

  • Simankov V.S., Sharay V.A.
    Software and hardware subsystems of intelligent situational center

    The paper discusses hardware and software for creating a unified software and hardware platform for a situation center as a heterogeneous environment – an environment whose computing nodes are controlled by incompatible software that supports the possibility of organizing interaction. The method of organizing the interaction of the subsystems of the situation center through a universal list of requests is also considered.

    doi: 10.53598/2410-3225-2021-3-286-63-72

    pdf 63-72.pdf  (698 Kb)

  • Lipko Yu.Yu., Krymshokalova D.A., Shogenova Z.A., Ligidov D.A.
    On the question of a method for researching user requirements for software

    The User Story methods (user stories) increasingly are used as the basis of requirements design artifacts in software development. In practice, it is proved that the User Story method is more effective for describing the main goals of the system. But continuous management of software operation can be particularly time-consuming and error-prone, especially when evaluating the quality or volume of user stories and observing the overall picture of the system. On the other hand, these models were recognized as effective tools for communication and goal analysis. Within the framework of this work, methods for identifying and presenting requirements for software development are considered and analyzed. In the article, we propose a generative approach for creating reliability diagrams based on automated analysis of user stories. Stories are converted into diagrams, which allow requirements developers and users to check the basic concepts and functional stages underlying the stories, and detect distorted or redundant stories. Such models also open the door for automated systematic analysis.

    doi: 10.53598/2410-3225-2021-3-286-73-79

    pdf 73-79.pdf  (391 Kb)

  • Cherkasov A.N., Sivenko A.V.
    Model of the functioning of the active security system of a social network user account

    The analysis of the development of neural network algorithms in social networks is carried out. The algorithm of functioning of the system for ensuring the active security of the user account is presented. The software has been developed to assess the reliability and propose recommendations for protecting a user's account on the «ÂÊîíòàêòå» (“In Contact”) social network.

    doi: 10.53598/2410-3225-2021-3-286-80-87

    pdf 80-87.pdf  (640 Kb)

  • Kozlova N.Sh., Dovgal V.À.
    Cybersecurity and information security: similarities and differences

    The concepts of “cybersecurity” and “information security” are analyzed, the differences between them are explained, their evolution is described, important areas of overlap are considered, and various theoretical justifications – concepts and possible uses – are given. Assessing the current state of these concepts and matching them with world trends, the main directions of the necessary changes are determined in the terms considered.

    doi: 10.53598/2410-3225-2021-3-286-88-97

    pdf 88-97.pdf  (311 Kb)

  • Chastikova V.A., Kozachek K.V.
    Overview of topical issues in basic spam filtering methods and analysis of their effectiveness

    An analysis of the main problems of filtering mail spam, modern methods of filtering unwanted letters and methods of bypassing security systems is presented. The concept of “legitimate spam” is being introduced – a new problem that email users face. Methods of text presentation are considered: bag-of-words and Embedding-space, as well as classification methods: artificial neural networks, the method of reference vectors, naive Bayesian classifier. The work identifies effective methods based on text analysis, for solving the problems of detecting various types of spam: a typical (known to system), compiled using methods of bypassing spam detection systems, and legitimate.

    doi: 10.53598/2410-3225-2021-3-286-98-106

    pdf 98-106.pdf  (355 Kb)

  • Buchatskiy P.Yu.
    On International Scientific Conferences

    Information on international scientific conferences of PUTS-2021 (On Management Problems in Technical Systems, St. Petersburg) and “Remote Educational Technologies” (Yalta) is presented, in which co-employees of the Department of Automated Information Processing and Management Systems of Adyghe State University participated.

    doi: 10.53598/2410-3225-2021-3-286-107-111

    pdf 107-111.pdf  (367 Kb)

  • Lapshin V.Yu., Stepanycheva E.V., Zemtsova E.Yu.

    The goal of any company is to ensure stable development and search for opportunities for further growth. Using various tools, companies develop appropriate business development strategies. In the field of brand management, such a strategy is based on the development of measures aimed at ensuring stable inflows of profits from investments in the brand. At the same time, the emphasis on certain managerial influences may shift depending on the approaches to assessing brand capital, in the results of which employees, owners and consumers may be interested. The article analyzes the main approaches to the assessment of brand capital, identifies the targets of various approaches, justifies the need for an integrated approach to the formation of brand capital in the practice of brand management, clarifies the indicators of brand capital assessment.

    doi: 10.53598 / 2410-3683-2021-3-285-63-69

    pdf 63-69.pdf  (504 Kb)

  • Byuller E.A., Tlekhuray-Berzegova L.T., Chinazirovà S.K.

    The success of any organization, regardless of the organizational and legal form, depends on the employees working in it, and the ability to rationally organize and manage human resources. The need for the development of theory and methodology for managing the system of professional development has become more acute in the context of innovative development of the economy. The strategy of economic growth assumes a transition to a higher level of formation of the principles of the firm's life. More and more scientists are studying human capital and its management. In this regard, the individual functions of the personnel management system are analyzed. One of these functions is the professional development of the organization's employees, which is responsible for the effective use of human resources throughout the work. From the first day of an employee's presence in the organization, it is necessary to build the trajectory of his work activity. Recruitment, introduction to the position, adaptation - the formation of a new employee, his consolidation. Further, with the help of various methods for assessing his abilities and analyzing his desires and capabilities, it is possible to ensure the construction of development paths, effective career moves, and the creation of a personnel reserve. Thus, the company is establishing an integrated approach to human capital management.

    doi: 10.53598 / 2410-3683-2021-3-285-55-62

    pdf 55-62.pdf  (571 Kb)

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