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  • Kulik S.V.

    The article proposes an analysis of the dynamics of the state ideology of post-Soviet Russia, revealing changes in the vector of its civilizational orientation. Based on a content analysis of official ideological texts, the basis of which is the messages of the President of the Russian Federation, the author concludes that the distinctly Westernized orientation of the 1990s two decades later changed to the opposite. If in the 1990s and 2000s Russia was positioned as part of the West, then in the last decade it has been declared that it has its own civilizational identity, which has a soil (Eurasian) basis, largely opposing the values of Western civilization immersed in a crisis. Particular importance is paid to the search and substantiation of the paradigm of the socio-historical development of Russia, the preservation of its identity and civilizational identity in the context of modern geopolitical transformations. In particular, in the mid-2010s the foreign policy strategy of the Russian state is focused on countering global destructive processes, which is expressed in its active participation in the fight against international terrorism. It is emphasized that in the late 2010s. There is a change in the pro-Western course of Russia to Eurasian, which involves the preservation of equality, mutual respect, national identity and state sovereignty of the participating countries of Eurasian integration.

    doi: 10.53598 / 2410-3691-2021-4-289-15-24

    pdf 15-24.pdf  (146 Kb)

  • Melnikov N.N.

    The paper is devoted to the study of the development of geography of light tank building in the USSR during the Great Patriotic War. In the first months of the war the Soviet leadership decided to dramatically increase the production of light tanks T-60 at various enterprises of the country. The simplicity of the design of this machine allowed this process to develop relatively successfully. In autumn 1941, the light tank building industry, as well as the whole tank industry of the western part of the USSR was evacuated to the east. As a result, in the first half of 1942 there was a system of tank assembly and armored production plants under the control of Commissariats of Tank Industry and Medium Machine Building. But already in the middle of the year capacity of enterprises of People's Commissariat of Tank Industry engaged in light tank building started to be used for increasing production of medium tanks. The process of reorientation during 1943 of all the remaining production facilities for the production of the light self-propelled artillery systems SU-76 was considered separately. However, in summer 1944 the last enterprise in the system of the People's Commissariat of Tank Industry which produced light armored vehicles ceased to operate: Kirov Plant No.38 was transferred to Kharkov to set up the production of new T-44 tanks. The conclusion is drawn that throughout the entire period of the Great Patriotic War there was a process of using the production capacities of the light tank industry to increase the output of medium tanks.

    doi: 10.53598 / 2410-3691-2021-4-289-25-33

    pdf 25-33.pdf  (130 Kb)

  • Nadezhin A.D., Penkovtsev R.V.

    The purpose of the research is to identify problems of cooperation of European states in anti-corruption cooperation, as well as to summarize practical experience in combating corruption in the European Union. In order to achieve the above-mentioned objective of the research, we should solve the following tasks: first, to characterize and analyze the basis for anti-corruption activities in European countries; secondly, to identify the mechanism of international legal regulation of cooperation of European states in combating corruption; thirdly, to identify and reveal the main current policies of the European Union and other European countries in the field of combating corruption. The paper provides an analysis of the activities of European states, their associations, as well as their authorized bodies within the framework of cooperation in preventing, combating and fighting corruption at the regional and international levels. The work examines in a comprehensive manner the political and legal mechanisms of cooperation between European countries in the context of anti-corruption activities. Scientific novelty lies in the study of the peculiarities of international anti-corruption policy using an example of the European region. As a result, it is determined that a key factor of successful international cooperation in the fight against corruption remains the joint work of states within the framework of specialized regional and international organizations

    doi: 10.53598 / 2410-3691-2021-4-289-34-41

    pdf 34-44.pdf  (137 Kb)

  • Khairetdinova O.A.

    This paper is part of a research devoted to the study of the law status and rules of state regulation of the drinking industry in Russia. The author analyzes the formation of the state alcohol monopoly from the 16th century until the beginning of the reforms of Catherine II in the 18th century. The purpose of the retrospective analysis is to characterize changes in the state-legal regulation of drinking trade and to analyze the effectiveness of measures carried out by the Russian state. Since the reign of Ivan IV, the alcohol trade was considered by the state as a source of replenishment of the treasury. But at different stages of Russian history, the alcohol monopoly faced various problems. Among them are the secret sale of alcoholic beverages, unfair treatment of state revenues, the spread of drunkenness and riots due to excessive activity of tax farmers in attempts to collect profits for the drinking tax, competition between "loyal people" and tax farmers for the sale of alcohol, competition of the nobility and merchants for the right to produce alcoholic beverages, problems with collecting income from the sale of alcohol drinks to the treasury, etc. The enumerated list of problems was the reason that Catherine II decided to radically change the procedure for regulating distilling industry, as well as wine trade.

    doi: 10.53598 / 2410-3691-2021-4-289-42-47

    pdf 42-47.pdf  (106 Kb)

  • Zhuikov A.A., Mikhaylov A.P.

    The post-industrial society of the 21st century is seriously dependent on the quality of information, since it is information that forms the basis of many modern phenomena and processes, and therefore predetermines the functioning of social institutions and subsystems. In this regard, a significant problem is that the social system does not have effective mechanisms for countering harmful information. Numerous gaps are actualized in it, potentially or really dysfunctional according to the information criterion. This, in turn, creates informational risks to the social order and stability of society. The publication analyzes factors influencing the decrease in the quality of information. Those are information overload, the activities of aggressive communicators, the spread of self-relayed information in the virtual space, and the dysfunctionality of social institutions and social subsystems in conditions of innovative development. The research shows that the quality of information can influence the construction of social order parameters. It is concluded that the information resources of the traditional and innovative plan require conceptual understanding through empirical sociological research, based on which it is possible to form an effective system for preventing and combating harmful information.

    doi: 10.53598 / 2410-3691-2021-4-289-48-54

    pdf 48-54.pdf  (111 Kb)

  • Lezhebokov A.À., Kursheva F.Kh.

    The non-profit sector is currently an important element of civil society. The developed countries of the world have accumulated quite a lot of experience in the interaction of organizations of the non-profit sector with business and the state. Participation in the activities of non-profit organizations is an extremely common practice of the population, providing opportunities for realizing the potential of an individual and realizing rights and freedoms. In Russia, the non-profit sector is currently at the initial stages of formation, meeting resistance and various obstacles from other participants in the civil dialogue, while the activity of citizens remains extremely low. At the same time, significant economic differentiation of regions is the main reason for the development of territorial organizations of the non-profit sector. In subsidized regions, the performance indicators of non-profit sector organizations are extremely low, which is confirmed by the results of the analysis of statistical information carried out in the Karachay-Cherkess Republic and the results of a sociological survey. To increase the activity of the non-profit sector, it is necessary to increase the overall economic prosperity of the region, expand state support for the relevant organizations. In general, the non-profit sector is able to act as a powerful factor in the process of sociocultural modernization.

    doi: 10.53598 / 2410-3691-2021-4-289-55-63

    pdf 55-63.pdf  (130 Kb)

  • Mashchenko I.V.

    The interaction between people is social in nature. In this connection, public opinion is an integral part of the life of society. Crises and conflicts also cannot be excluded from modern society. In this regard, one of the main tasks of PR is conflict management and their further settlement. PR does not have an unambiguous concept, and the author, citing various approaches to PR definition, associates himself with individual researchers of this problem, who consider the public relations as a tool for influencing social processes. Mass communication in the context of the information society in conflict management uses a wide range of different types, methods, technologies for influencing the consciousness and behavior of a mass audience. Conflicts are the result of a violation of generally accepted norms, a mismatch of values, and therefore components of public opinion. In this regard, the development of the conflict situation is directly related to PR activities: compromise, localization of the conflict and prevention of its growth, or its most undesirable phase - a catastrophe.

    doi: 10.53598 / 2410-3691-2021-4-289-64-69

    pdf 64-69.pdf  (213 Kb)

  • Perednya D.G.

    The paper describes the factor model of the formation of the managerial culture of the internal affairs bodies. The purpose of the study is to identify and describe the organizational factors in the formation of the managerial culture of the internal affairs bodies of Russia. The main emphasis is placed on service-professional, group, administrative-organizational and personal factors. The object of research is managerial culture. The subject is the organizational factors in the formation of the managerial culture of the internal affairs bodies. The subgroup of administrative and organizational factors has been given a little more attention, since it takes into account the regional specifics of the life of the internal affairs bodies. The system-centric orientation of managerial interactions in the Russian police is largely due to the currently accepted way of organizing service activities. In the group of personal factors, an important role is played by the preparedness and readiness of employees to perceive the opportunities provided to them by the internal affairs bodies for self-realization. The proportions of management and self-management in the organization depend on this. In conclusion, the article shows that in order to understand the manifestations and intra-organizational conditioning of the managerial culture of the internal affairs bodies, it is important to understand the specifics of the influence of all groups of factors. Understanding organizational factors opens up the possibility of optimizing the managerial culture in the organization.

    doi: 10.53598 / 2410-3691-2021-4-289-70-78

    pdf 70-78.pdf  (246 Kb)

  • Timchenko A.S.

    This article raises the issue of applying additional motivational determinants in regional authorities. Some of the well-known approaches to motivation offered by scientists from various fields of knowledge are presented. On the example of the state civil service, the possibilities of introducing new staff motivation tools that do not contradict the current legislation are determined. The necessity of conducting a cyclical and comprehensive analysis of employee satisfaction with working conditions, a systematic discussion with the team of emerging problems is substantiated. Fixing comments and suggestions made, for example, on the interior component, as well as on compliance with the requirements of hygiene, sanitation and aesthetics, is a complex cyclical work to ensure proper working conditions for employees of the authority. It is noted that motivational factors can be: the initiation of activities aimed at improving corporate culture, the development of physical culture in the team and other mechanisms that have an indirect impact on the development of a healthy psycho-emotional climate. Undoubtedly, the strongest motivational determinants in the public sector are the professional development of a civil servant and timely promotion. However, the use of other tools of non-material incentives for employees can have a positive impact on the activity in the professional activities of an individual civil servant.

    doi: 10.53598 / 2410-3691-2021-4-289-79-84

    pdf 79-84.pdf  (107 Kb)

  • Shadzhe A.Yu.

    The paper deals with the problem of formation, development and methodological orientation of the interdisciplinary scholar school of Adyghe State University. Some features of the scholar school are presented, in particular its openness, methodological dialogue and readiness to cooperate with scientists from different schools and regions. The author carries out a historical tour of the formation of a scholar school, which coincided with the peak of scientific interest in identity in the world, and the development of scientific methods at different stages of the development of the team. Noting the limited research methods of classical and non-classical science, the publication shows the significance/effectiveness of an interdisciplinary approach in the study of the North Caucasus region as a complex self-developing system. Analyzing the scientific results obtained owing to grants from RFFI, RHSF, RNF and international projects, revealing the logic of the development of a scholar school, the possibilities of different methods in the research practice of scientists and graduate students, as well as their significance in Caucasian studies are shown. The research discloses the heuristic possibilities of an interdisciplinary methodology and the need to strengthen it in research practice; application of the principles of convergence of natural science and humanities knowledge/disciplines/scientific teams of the university; the use of qualitative methods in solving evolutionary problems and in nonlinear/mathematical modeling of regional phenomena.

    doi: 10.53598 / 2410-3691-2021-4-289-85-93

    pdf 85-93.pdf  (129 Kb)

  • Shulmin M.P., Gibazov R.R.

    The paper is devoted to the study of inclusion in universities in Tomsk, conducted in March-November 2020. The study is focused on the subjective assessment of the state of the inclusive environment made by the participants of the educational process: students with disabilities and representatives of Tomsk universities. The publication identifies the problems faced by students with disabilities when entering the university and in the learning process. Representatives of universities shared information on how successfully an inclusive environment is created in their educational institutions. The paper also considers regulatory legal acts and relevant literature, contributing to the study of the process of introducing inclusive ideas into the educational environment. Particular attention is paid to conceptualizing the concepts of "social exclusion", "segregation", "integration" and "inclusion". Conclusions are made about the state and prospects of development of inclusive education in Tomsk universities. In general, the respondents assessed positively the created inclusive environment in the universities of Tomsk, although it was initially assumed that the assessment would be negative. The probable way of further development of inclusive higher education in Russia is considered.

    doi: 10.53598 / 2410-3691-2021-4-289-94-104

    pdf 94-104.pdf  (260 Kb)

  • Aliyeva S.A.

    The purpose of this paper is to study the transformation of the world of women in the semiotic space of culture. The study is aimed at identifying the position and disclosing the semiotic features of the female phenomenon at the family institute. To conduct a comprehensive analysis of the status of women in family cultures of different peoples, the author refers to the methodological resource of semiotics. To this end, the methods of comparative and retrospective analysis, as well as inductive and deductive process analysis are used. The publication defines the family as the fact of semiosis, while studying the semiotic characteristics of women in this system. It is argued that modernization processes strengthen the ambivalent status of a woman who inertially retains status-role dependence on men. The novelty of this paper is that the analyses are carried out in the comparative context of Azerbaijani and other world cultures. The research shows that the problem of the semiosis of women's clothing goes through the modernization of women's clothing under the influence of Europeanization, which causes the emasculation and extinction of traditional forms and meanings of authentic culture. An analysis is made of the consequences of the transformation of gender relations, which support gender inequality and demonstrate the transition of women to secondary positions.

    doi: 10.53598 / 2410-3691-2021-4-289-105-113

    pdf 105-113.pdf  (181 Kb)

  • Lyausheva S.A., Nekhay V.N., Samsonenko T.A., Khakunov N.Kh., Khunagov R.D.

    The paper considers the peculiarities of the influence of physical culture on the formation and development of aesthetic values of a person. Basic theoretical approaches to determination of place and role of physical culture in formation of socio-ethical, activity and aesthetic characteristics of personality are analyzed. Aesthetic education has greatly expanded the perfectionist-pragmatic orientation of exercise through the cultivation of aesthetic ideals, aesthetic tastes/needs and the incorporation of aesthetic knowledge into the structure of the training process. The principles of Olympism, which strengthen the motivational resource of physical culture and sports, direct the person to a dialectical understanding of the aesthetics of the body and spirit. Based on the generalization of the results of a sociological study conducted by the All-Russian Center for the Study of Public Opinion in 2021, it is concluded that in modern society the need for the use and further introduction of aesthetic education becomes the basis for inclusion in physical education. Remaining built in the social normative nature of the personality, the system of physical training proclaims the healthy lifestyle (HL) an ethical and vitalistic imperative of social development and translates it as the terminal value of the present.

    doi: 10.53598 / 2410-3691-2021-4-289-114-120

    pdf 114-120.pdf  (217 Kb)

  • Tvanba L.R., Beniya M.À.

    The paper describes the role of etiquette in the Abkhazian society within the framework of folklore sources. The subject of the study is the etiquette, which is an integral part of the traditional Abkhazian society culture. The relevance and novelty of the topic lies in the fact that the role of etiquette in society is considered for the first time through the prism of Abkhazian folklore. In the course of the study, the methods of system and cultural analysis, as well as the method of source analysis were used. It is stated in the conclusion that etiquette, as a system behavioral model, enables Abkhazians to adhere to a certain moral model of behavior, based on its individual elements. Each element serves as a consolidating factor and prevents the separation of society. After examining the folklore sources, we can infer that particular etiquette norms have certainly changed over time, but the basic behavioral model has remained the same.

    doi: 10.53598 / 2410-3691-2021-4-289-121-128

    pdf 121-128.pdf  (147 Kb)

  • Byuller E.A., Tlekhuray-Berzegova L.T., Chinazirovà S.K.

    The need for the development of theory and methodology for managing the motivation system has become more acute in the context of innovative development of the economy. The strategy of economic growth assumes a transition to a higher level of formation of the principles of the firm's life. More and more scientists are studying human capital and its management. In this regard, the individual functions of the personnel management system are analyzed. One of these functions is to motivate and stimulate the employees of the organization, which is responsible for the effective use of human resources throughout the work. Thus, the company is establishing an integrated approach to human capital management. In the modern management system, the importance of motivating and stimulating personnel is great and indisputable.

    doi: 10.53598 / 2410-3683-2021-4-290-68-75

    pdf 68-75.pdf  (508 Kb)

  • Ivanova N.E., Mitchenko V.A.

    The article considers the development of human capital in the innovative economy based on the systemic paradigm of human capital as a research concept and taking into account its characteristics such as the ability to generate new knowledge, transfessional knowledge, education, intelligence, health, agency, active independence, which fully corresponds to the identified content of human activity in the innovative economy. The stated system of views on the development of human capital in an innovative economy is based on the concepts of the essence, content, patterns, factors and conditions of the development of human capital as a process of its formation, accumulation and use. The imperatives of the state policy of human capital development in the innovative economy are determined due to national interests and goals, inertia of external conditions, peculiarities of the state and development of the innovation environment, which are based on the use of stratification and proactive approaches that have determined the directions of solving problems, the mechanism and instruments of state regulation of human capital development in the interests of innovative development. The priority tasks facing the state and regional government bodies in the field of training professional personnel for innovative sectors of the Russian economy through a network of institutions in the public and private sectors, whose activities contribute to the development, dissemination and use of new technologies, have been identified.

    doi: 10.53598 / 2410-3683-2021-4-290-76-82

    pdf 76-82.pdf  (501 Kb)

  • Bakhshaliyeva A.A.
    Theoretical basis of the concept

    This study examines the theoretical foundations of the idea of "concept" in linguistic science. This issue is an important problem for cognitive linguistics, which explains the relevance of this study. It is indicated here that the concept reflects the mental and traditional features of the linguistic thinking of peoples. Basic concepts in multi-system languages have similar and distinctive features. Their difference is formed on the basis of different cultures of peoples.

    doi: 10.53598/2410-3489-2021-4-287-13-19

    pdf 13-19.pdf  (159 Kb)

  • Gorokhova A.V.
    Synesthetic metaphor ‘sound – color’: an attempt at corpus and experimental research

    The present article deals with the cognitive mechanism underlying the generation of synesthetic metaphors according to the ‘sound – color’ model. The study includes quantitative analysis based on data from the National Corpus of the Russian Language aimed at identifying recurrent synesthetic metaphors, as well as a linguistic experiment aimed at determining the key factor of the generation of such metaphors: immediate perception of audial and visual information or its representation through language.

    doi: 10.53598/2410-3489-2021-4-287-20-25

    pdf 20-25.pdf  (156 Kb)

  • Kysylbaikova M.I.
    Linguistic consciousness of the Sakha language speakers through semantic fields

    As part of the study of the core of the Sakha language, the author analyzed the semantic fields "monument", "sculpture", "movie", "healthy lifestyle", "mass media". The respondents were native speakers of the Sakha language, which is the main language of communication for them. Free associative experiment, which served as the main method for obtaining reactions to the studied semantic fields, proved the effectiveness of the method in the study of linguistic consciousness. The results obtained allow us to present an approximate structure of the Sakha language, which consists of a core and periphery. The study of linguistic consciousness by analyzing semantic fields allows us to represent the structure of the entire language.

    doi: 10.53598/2410-3489-2021-4-287-26-32

    pdf 26-32.pdf  (179 Kb)

  • Loova A.D., Mironenko S.A.
    Basic ways to express the denial category in heterogeneous system languages (based on German and Adyghe languages)

    The paper discusses the features of the expression of denial in German and Adyghe. The authors analyze statements with elements of denial. Touching upon the attitude to objective reality, they emphasize the communicative nature of denial, its focus on the communicative activity of man.

    doi: 10.53598/2410-3489-2021-4-287-33-41

    pdf 33-41.pdf  (202 Kb)

  • Ma Jia
    Cultural words contrastive study of the Russian and Chinese languages

    The paper is devoted to the contrastive study of speech situations related to the use of cultural words in Russian and Chinese linguistic cultures. The meaning and peculiarities of the use of cultural words from three categories are characterized: politeness, request, apology in the structure of Chinese and Russian linguistic situations. The analysis shows that most of the cultural words used in Russian and Chinese linguistic situations of communication are of a nationally specific nature and are part of the culturally dependent vocabulary. Cultural words that are used in the Russian and Chinese languages to show politeness can be divided into culturally dependent and culturally independent. The selection and use of cultural words in speech to express a request in Russian and Chinese may differ depending on the situation, context and mood of the interlocutors.

    doi: 10.53598/2410-3489-2021-4-287-42-49

    pdf 42-49.pdf  (161 Kb)

  • Tikhonova A.P.
    A multidimensional study of Hattian texts

    The problem of the analysis of the Hattian monolingual texts with the involvement of the data of the Abkhaz-Adyghe languages and the extra-linguistic, ethnic and cultural factors is considered. The a-priori denial of phylogenetic relationships between the Hattian and Abkhaz-Adyghe languages by some scientists requires a theoretical substantiation and a practical solution to this issue. On the basis of sound correlations, the correspondences of the Hattian and Abkhaz-Adyghe root morphemes are established, which have the same or similar meaning. Criteria for the interpretation of the homonymic component of Hattian texts are identified on the basis of a comparison of repeated words and word forms in different contexts. Confirmation of the commonality of the compared languages is of great importance for both general and Caucasian linguistics. The Abkhaz-Adyghe languages are newly written, and the study of the ways of their historical development is fraught with significant difficulties. Comparison of the Hattian and Abkhaz-Adyghe morphemes will reveal the changes that have occurred in the phonetic, lexical and grammatical systems of the Abkhaz-Adyghe languages.

    doi: 10.53598/2410-3489-2021-4-287-50-57

    pdf 50-57.pdf  (253 Kb)

  • Tkharkakhova N.G.
    Adyghe proverbs and sayings as the reflection of the Adyghes’ axiological worldview

    The paper explores the linguistic and national cultural features of the Adyghe paroemias, which form an axiological worldview of the Adyghes. The publication identifies and groups the concepts and ideas that are most characteristic of the mentality of the people, which are "markers" of the national character and way of life of the Adyghes. The work notes that the paremiological fund of the Adyghe language acts as a mirror of Adyghe folk culture and thereby recreates a picture of the Adyghe life of past times. Most of the available paroemias in the Adyghe language, as in any other, were created for centuries and in certain historical eras. Practical value lies in the possibility of using the main results and conclusions of the paper and subsequent works on this topic in practical classes on the phraseology of the Adyghe language, cultural linguistics and cross-cultural communication, in classes on the practical work related to learning the Adyghe language.

    doi: 10.53598/2410-3489-2021-4-287-58-63

    pdf 58-63.pdf  (106 Kb)

    Literary Criticism
  • Naptsok B.R., Shovgenova T.A.
    National stereotypes and ethnic images in the Adyghe historical novel by Alim Keshokov «Saber for the Emir»

    The paper examines the problems of national stereotypes and ethnic images in the Adyghe historical novel of the 20th century. The work of the national writer Alim Keshokov "Saber for the Emir" was used to identify and analyze cultural models of ethnic self-identification related to national stereotypic ideas and traditional ethnic images.

    doi: 10.53598/2410-3489-2021-4-287-64-71

    pdf 64-71.pdf  (128 Kb)

  • Panesh U.M., Ashinova Yu.A.
    On the evolution of genre forms of the novel of 1960 – 1980s (based on Adyghe literature)

    The paper examines various genre forms of the novel formed in the Adyghe literature of the 1960-1980s. Features of the work of A. Keshokov, A. Shortanov, A. Evtykh, D. Kostanov, I. Mashbash are identified: strengthening problematical character, deepening the concept of personality, using different poetic means that determined effective genre searches in the context of the development of Russian prose. The publication specifies modifications of the multifaceted epic, synthesized novel-biography, socio-psychological novel of characters and accented problems. The study contributes to the history and theory of the formation of the domestic art of words and can be used in the development of the history of literature.

    doi: 10.53598/2410-3489-2021-4-287-72-78

    pdf 72-78.pdf  (114 Kb)

  • Kudaeva Z.Zh.
    The cycle of legends about Bor Mighty ("Borézh")

    The paper is devoted to the analysis of the historical legend cycle about Bor the Mighty ("Borézh") in the aspect of displaying one of the most significant worldview principles that formed the basis of the spiritual aspects of the Adyghe traditional culture formed over a long historical development. The main task of the study of the legends about Bor the Mighty is to identify the worldview information that makes up the content of these works of folk historical prose, to reflect the moral and ethical canons inherent in traditional ethnic culture. This determines the relevance and scientific novelty of the research undertaken by us. An analysis of the main problems, as well as the motives and images of the legends about Bor the Mighty made it possible to arrive at the conclusion that in a number of plots inherent in this cycle the principle of stoicism is represented and affirmed as one of the main moral and ethical norms characteristic of the Adyghe traditional culture. The study of the legends about Bor the Mighty in terms of their genre also made it possible to conclude that this cycle is presented by historical ("Kalmykydze" – "Army of Kalmyks") and ethical legends ("Bore and khybar" – "The Legend of Bor the Mighty ", etc.), which are a special specific genre variety of the Adyghe folk historical prose.

    doi: 10.53598/2410-3489-2021-4-287-86-93

    pdf 79-85.pdf  (272 Kb)

    Study of Arts
  • Shapovalova S.N.
    The image of the first ancestor in the shape of mythological creature "Tao-te". The Bronze Age. China

    Despite the considerable interest of researchers in the problem of identifying the mythological creature of the ancient Chinese art “Tao-tie” (饕餮), its image, as well as the symbolism of the decorative elements of artifacts of the Bronze Age of China, remain poorly studied and unsolved to this day. The purpose of the paper is to consider issues related to the structure of the “Tao-tie” image, the heterogeneous appearance of the image in the Xia, Shang-Yin and Zhou eras, the problem of the lost name and the identification of the icon-stylistic character of the metal era. The analysis of literary sources of the late period containing a description of the divine first ancestors set forth in the results of the dissertation research points to the relationship of the image with the divine first ancestor “Kui” or” Di-Ku” (喾), zoomorphic figures of a co-named creature (dragon “Kui”) form the mask of “Tao-tie”. The conclusions of the work give an idea of the religious worldview encoded in the inlay of art and ritual objects of ancient Chinese states and can be useful in studying the history, culture and art of ancient China.

    doi: 10.53598/2410-3489-2021-4-287-79-85

    pdf 86-93.pdf  (193 Kb)

    Biological Sciences
  • Chitao S.I., Chernyavskaya I.V., Panesh O.A., Khagur M.N.
    Physiological features of introduced species of the genus Grindelia in the foothills of Adyghea

    We present the results of studies of introduced species of the genus Grindelia: G. integrifolia DC., G. robusta and G. squarrosa (Pursh) Duna in the foothills of Adyghea. For the first time, the physiological characteristics of these species have been studied and the indicators of the water regime, photosynthesis and respiration have been determined using generally accepted research methods. Their comparative characteristics have been given, which makes it possible to assess their prospects. The studied species are defined as drought-resistant and decorative, and are of interest in the creation of collection sites for medicinal and essential oil plants.

    doi: 10.53598/2410-3225-2021-4-291-46-51

    pdf 46-51.pdf  (320 Kb)

  • Shumafov M.M., Panesh T.A., Khavadzha M.A.
    On the stochastic stability in the large of solutions of the nonlinear second-order differential equations perturbed by white noise. I

    In the work nonlinear autonomous second-order differential equations with right-hand side random processes are considered. Sufficient conditions for stochastic asymptotic stability in the large of solutions of the equations are obtained. The probabilistic estimations of the remaining of a random trajectory in a bounded region of the phase plane are given. As an example harmonic oscillator perturbed by random process is considered.

    doi: 10.53598/2410-3225-2021-4-291-11-23

    pdf 11-23.pdf  (501 Kb)

  • Roytenberg V.Sh.
       On structurally stable continuous piecewise-smooth dynamical systems on the plane   

    We show, that a continuous piecewise-smooth vector field in the plane, which has only hyperbolic singular points, that do not lie on the switching lines, only hyperbolic closed trajectories transverse to the switching lines, and does not have trajectories going from saddle to saddle, is structurally stable. The set of such fields is open and everywhere dense in the space of all continuous piecewise smooth vector fields.

    doi: 10.53598/2410-3225-2021-4-291-24-29

    pdf 24-29.pdf  (333 Kb)

  • Ushkho A.D.
    Some applications of index theory in qualitative theory of autonomous polynomial differential systems on the plane (Part I)

    The work considers application of index theory in qualitative theory of polynomial differential systems on plane. For example, we show that a cubic differential system cannot have three four-separatrix saddles at the equator of the Poincaré sphere. In addition, the sum of the indices of all infinitely distant equilibrium states of this system belongs to the number segment [–2, 4]. We give examples of specific systems.

    doi: 10.53598/2410-3225-2021-4-291-30-45

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    Technical Sciences
  • Cherkasov A.N., Volnyankin E.E.
    Development of a system for ensuring the safety of image recognition from malicious influences based on a neural network

    The paper presents the results of a study of the harmful effects on images and proposes a protection algorithm for computer vision systems. An intelligent protection and pattern recognition system, based on two types of neural networks: an autoencoder and a convolutional neural network, is proposed.

    doi: 10.53598 / 2410-3225-2021-4-291-52-57

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  • Samoylov A.N., Sergeev N.E., Voloshin A.V., Kozlovsky A.V.
    Method of photogrammetric measurement of geometric parameters of objects invariant to photo-recording devices

    The relevance of the tasks of digitalization of the activities of enterprises is increasing along with the expansion of the capabilities of computer processing of information and intelligent technologies. In the field of the timber and pipe industry, an important task of digitalization is to automate the measurement of the geometric parameters of objects, which makes it possible to speed up the processes of information exchange during the implementation of warehouse or trade operations. For a long time, the automation of the measurement of geometric parameters was carried out by deploying complex software and hardware systems, the operation of which required the involvement of personnel of appropriate qualifications. As a result, the benefits from the acceleration of information exchange and a decrease in the proportion of errors caused by the human factor were offset by the increased cost of performing business processes. Thanks to the development of computer vision technologies, photogrammetry methods, cloud technologies and mobile computing, it became possible to reduce the requirements for the complexity of the software and hardware of measuring systems and the personnel operating these systems. This paper presents the results of fundamental research devoted to the development of theoretical foundations for the construction of photogrammetric measurement systems that are invariant to photo-recording devices. The results obtained in the course of the study include a methodology for preparing input data for measurement, a methodology for the dynamic distribution of tasks across mobile and cloud subsystems, a method for calculating values based on CBR.

    doi: 10.53598 / 2410-3225-2021-4-291-58-69

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  • Chetyrbok P.V., Shostak M.A.
    Modular neural network training for multitasking artificial intelligence

    The paper considers the formalization of algorithms for multitasking artificial intelligence using a vector criterion. The work shows problems that arise when compiling training algorithms for multitasking artificial intelligence. Methods of solving problems are presented, including constructing self-learning neural modules, using special types of neural networks based on a vector criterion and formalizing algorithms for processing large data using a vector criterion.

    doi: 10.53598 / 2410-3225-2021-4-291-70-74

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  • Cherkasov A.N., Gribko I.I.
    Development of a natural language recognition system for voice identification

    The paper analyzes the problems of protecting voice biometric data. A mechanism for registration and verification of a person in a biometric system using voice data has been devel-oped. An algorithm for the functioning of the human and synthesized voice recognition system is proposed. An intelligent system has been developed that confirms the relevance of ongoing research in this area.

    doi: 10.53598 / 2410-3225-2021-4-291-75-81

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  • Dovgal V.À.
    Application of deep learning to create and detect fake images synthesized using artificial intelligence

    Deep learning is successfully used to solve various complex tasks, ranging from big data analysis to computer vision and providing information for decision makers. However, advances in deep learning can also be used to create software that poses threats to privacy and security. An example of such a recently appeared application based on deep learning is deepfake. The algorithms implemented in the application can create fake images and videos that are almost impossible to distinguish from genuine ones. In this regard, the development of technologies that can automatically detect and evaluate the integrity of digital visual media is relevant. The article provides an overview of the algorithms used to create fake images synthesized using artificial intelligence, and, more importantly, the methods proposed in the literature for detecting these images to date. We present extensive discussions on issues, research trends and trends related to deepfake technologies. Based on the analysis of the background and modern approaches to detecting fakes, the article provides an overview of the methods used to create fake images, which contributes to the development of new and more reliable means to combat them.

    doi: 10.53598 / 2410-3225-2021-4-291-82-94

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  • Chastikova V.A., Kozachek K.V., Gulyay V.G.
    Methods of natural language processing in solving problems of detecting social engineering attacks

    The purpose of this work is to conduct a comparative analysis of various methods of natural language processing to identify the most effective mechanisms for detecting the vector of social engineering attacks. The study shows that the use of the simplest language models, such as bag of words and TF-IDF, does not fully meet the requirements of the task. The use of the most commonly used word embedding models at the moment (Word2Vec, GloVe, fast Text) can give good results, but only when using a large training sample. It was also revealed that convolutional and recurrent neural networks can show good results, which can be used as a basis for the implementation of the Attention mechanism. However, the most productive will be the use of modern natural language processing methods based on the transformer architecture, especially the BERT and XLNet models.

    doi: 10.53598/2410-3225-2021-4-291-95-108

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  • Meretukova S.K., Dovgal V.A., Meretukov Sh.T.
    Analysis of transformations and future directions of development of unified information system in the field of state and municipal procurement

    Digitalization in the field of state and municipal procurement and the active introduction of electronic tools are due to the constant increase in the potential of electronic procurement (e-procurement). Special attention is paid to the unified information system (UIS) – a digital platform that provides information interaction between the subjects of this sphere. The paper examines the international experience in the digitization of the public procurement system, analyzes the functionality of the UIS for compliance with the features of the state digital platform.

    doi: 10.53598 / 2410-3225-2021-4-291-109-117

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  • Kodzheshau M.A., Kandelyants N.P.
    Customer service social network: design and communication

    Based on the analysis of existing modern social networks, the paper discusses the stages of developing the client side of the user interface of the prototype of the new online platform “NaSozvone”, which implements such social network functions as messaging, communication, dating, creating social relationships between people who have common interests related to work, music, video.

    doi: 10.53598 / 2410-3225-2021-4-291-118-124

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  • Plisenko O.A., Varshanina T.P.
    Digital relief model based calculation of basic geomorphological parameters of elementary relief surfaces in digital platform of Adyghea precision agriculture

    The paper deals with the development of algorithmic provision of digital support of ecologically balanced precision agriculture in the Republic of Adyghea. The publication describes basic techniques for calculating geomorphological parameters and insolation of a virtual field model. The authors develop the algorithms for calculating slope, exposure and insolation for elementary surfaces - structural elements of the model.

    doi: 10.53598 / 2410-3225-2021-4-291-125-134

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  • Meretukov Sh.T., Polyakova S.V., Meretukova S.K.
    Some questions of studying electrical characteristics of thermoelectric elements using Arduino hardware and software platform

    The paper discusses the automation of measuring the electrical characteristics of a thermoelectric converter, Peltier element, based on the Arduino hardware and software platform. The authors describe the emerging difficulties associated with the physical features of the Peltier element and the Arduino potentialities.

    doi: 10.53598 / 2410-3225-2021-4-291-135-146

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  • Levon Zhirayrovich Palandzhyants(1952 – 2021)

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  • Bulat R.E., Baichorova Kh.S., Bulatova S.A., StrotskayaE.E.

    The paper presents the results of study how full-time students on a paid basis perceived information on necessity of vaccination against COVID-19. The authors have revealed that in the effectiveness of the vaccination campaign, psychological features of the population's attitude to the administrative measures taken by the state, regional authorities and specific leaders, including the leaders of educational organizations, came to the fore. The presence of restrictions determined in people various reactions: from acceptance and support to non-acceptance, opposition and indignation as a result of the resistance phenomenon. The study was aimed at identifying the attitude of young people (full-time students on a paid basis at the age of 18-21) to the coercive nature of compulsory vaccination in late July - early August 2021 (i.e., at the time of receiving information about possible restrictions and the need for vaccination by the beginning of the school year to attend full-time training sessions). As a result, the study hypothesis was tested, which was based on the assumption of an association between the attitude of young people (18-21 years old) to the coercive nature of compulsory vaccination and the presence (absence) of antibodies in them. In general, the results of the study, implemented under the conditions of administrative measures, showed that if, from January 2021, awareness-raising work had been carried out with students about the pros and cons of Gam-KOVID-Va”, anti-inoculative stereotypes would have been refuted and vaccination measures were more effective and systematic.

    doi: 10.53598/2410-3004-2021-4-288-15-27

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  • Ignatovich V.K., Grebennikova V.M., Kurochkina V.E., Ignatovich S.S.

    The paper substantiates that the socio-pedagogical support of the family is a highly organized educational practice, the formation of which is carried out in the logic of a social project. The family acts in a new capacity as the subject of designing the child's individual educational trajectory. Modern families regard the gaining quality education by children as a problem, the solution of which largely depends on the family itself. At the same time, the capabilities of the family as a subject of designing the child's individual educational trajectory depend on the quality of its interaction with external educational institutions, among which a special role is given to additional education. It is the needs associated with the development of the educational potential of the family that set the prospects for the formation of the institute of pedagogical support for the family as a social project and highly organized innovative educational practice. A new look at the mission of a teacher of additional education as a leader of a social project aimed at supporting the family acting as a subject of education and educational policy has been substantiated. The novelty of the presented results lies in the development of scientific ideas of the social and pedagogical support of the family in the process of subject-subject dialogue with external social and educational institutions, as well as pedagogical leadership based on the synthesis of the positions of the teacher of additional education and the organizer of teaching parents to the art of family education and management processes of development of its subjectness.

    doi: 10.53598/2410-3004-2021-4-288-28-36

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  • Kapitanova E.V., Drozdova I.I.

    The paper deals with the problem of Internet-addicted behavior, its spread among adolescents. Internet-dependent behavior is studied as the impossibility of adolescents' exercise of “subjective control” in the process of using the Internet, accompanied by the negative impact of this use on various aspects of their life. The formation of the personality of modern children and adolescents takes place under the influence of the Internet environment, which, on the one hand, following the trend of transformation of the usual way of life of modern people, creates new opportunities for communication, education, accessibility of information arrays, and on the other hand, entails negative consequences for the physical, mental and psychological health of children and adolescents due to the restriction of physical activity, “reality substitution”, the presence of possible online risks such as cyberbullying and all kinds of inappropriate content. The paper presents the results of an empirical study, which tested the hypothesis about the relationship between the severity of Internet-addicted behavior of adolescents and their ideas about parental attitudes towards them. The data were obtained that, in the perceptions of adolescents, their mothers often exercise power in relation to them, make them obey. At the same time, there is an alternation of pressure and concessions, trust and suspicion. The research shows that in the perceptions of adolescents with signs of Internet-addicted behavior, mothers more often show hostility towards them, which manifests itself in aggression, excessive severity, they are often inconsistent in their prohibitions, declaring responsibility for the fate of a teenager, and are guided to a greater extent to themselves. In conclusion, the need to focus on work with the family in the process of preventing Internet addiction is noted.

    doi: 10.53598/2410-3004-2021-4-288-37-45

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  • Paatova M.E.

    The paper presents the results of monitoring the assessment of the quality of educational activities of a general education organization. Based on the results of previous research and analysis of existing pedagogical experience, the author conducted an experimental analysis of psycho-pedagogical conditions that ensure the quality of educational activities of a general education organization. As a guideline for assessing the quality of educational activity, the level of formation of social and personal viability of students is considered. Social and personal viability is considered by us as an integrative personal quality that characterizes an individual's readiness for self-determination (moral, personal, social, professional) according to his own life scenario, as well as readiness to manage this scenario and be responsible for the results of decisions on life self-determination. Social and personal viability can be formed at the following levels: the level of negative attitude to socio-cultural rules and norms of life; the level of neutral adaptive attitude to socio-cultural rules and norms of life; the level of incomplete (partial) acceptance of socio-cultural norms and rules of life; and the level of acceptance of socio-cultural norms and rules of life. The publication presents statistical data characterizing the quality of educational activities in a general education organization for the formation of social and personal viability of students, analyzes the results obtained and compares them with the results of obligatory annual self-examination by a general education organization. The presented materials will be of interest, first of all, to the heads of education management bodies and heads of general education organizations, because they can become an objective basis for making managerial decisions to improve the quality of educational activities of a general education organization. The presented materials can also become the basis for conducting a more in-depth and detailed study of the theory of pedagogical monitoring of the quality of general education.

    doi: 10.53598/2410-3004-2021-4-288-46-55

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  • Yarikov V.G., Yarikova M.V.

    The paper describes a model for monitoring the educational process at a university by using the LMS “Practice”, taking into account the experience gained during the operation of the previously created LMS at the Volgograd State Socio-Pedagogical University, as well as analyzing the digital footprint of students' work. There is a description of the LMS system "Courses" at the Volgograd State Socio-Pedagogical University, which is widely used by university teachers. This system is free for them, but its capabilities and technical characteristics are not inferior to commercial LMS. The publication discloses the importance of pedagogical industrial practice in the system of training personnel for undergraduate programs, since it is an integral component of professional training for future work activities in educational organizations. These activities include teaching academic disciplines, organizing educational and extracurricular activities of children, skills for practical educational work, the formation of students' ability to design and implement the educational and correctional-developmental process, taking into account the peculiarities of the development of children, the development of the methodology of research activities in the field of general and special (defectological) education, the specific features of the methodology of psychological and pedagogical research. The authors disclose the possibilities of LMS when creating an information system for supporting the internship of students of pedagogical universities; creating conditions for active interaction and communication in the educational information space of participants of the educational process in on-line and off-line modes; placement in the closed part of the information system of reports on the passage of practice, which may contain personal data of children; monitoring the process of passing practice by students; availability of information from any workplace; and formation of reporting documentation. The advantages of LMS "Courses" are considered, including cross-platform, i.e., students have the opportunity to use various gadgets in the process of passing the practice. If necessary, the developer has the opportunity to correct or supplement the unified internal base of practice materials, inform students about the deadlines. LMS allows you to track the following elements of the internship based on the analysis of the student's digital footprint in the system: how often the student logged into the system; mastering the individual-thematic plan of the student's activities during the period of internship; which mistakes he made in the control and measuring materials.

    doi: 10.53598/2410-3004-2021-4-288-56-64

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  • Dzhandar B.M., Loova A.D.

    Issues of the level of study and proficiency in foreign languages in higher education do not lose their relevance. New times put forward absolutely new requirements for the process of language training of students. This problem is especially relevant for the education of foreign students. Over the past decade, there has been a significant influx of foreign students to Adyghea, among which students from Turkmenistan occupy a significant place. Foreign languages of Turkmen students are taught in trilingualism. In this regard, foreign language training is associated with the theory of language contacts and with the comparative typological characteristic of the contacting languages (Turkmen, Russian and English). As you know, the conceptual side of grammatical phenomena should be mastered adequately, fully, and not in simplified form. Therefore, we consider it advisable to realize the grammatical phenomena of the third language using the means of the mother tongue (Turkmen) in cases where the Russian language will have only interfering influence. To determine the nature of the difficulties in shaping the skills of constructing English sentences, we considered them in comparative terms with the analogical phenomena of the Russian and Turkmen languages. Differences in the languages in contact are the cause of numerous errors caused by interference between the native and Russian languages. The basis for the development of a methodology for teaching the structure of an English simple sentence is an ethnolinguodidactic approach, which allows you to prevent linguistic difficulties due to the peculiarities of the languages in contact. The effectiveness of teaching methodology of the English language structure depends on the technologies, means, forms, exercises and teaching techniques that should be aimed at neutralizing the interfering influence of Turkmen and Russian languages.

    doi: 10.53598/2410-3004-2021-4-288-65-72

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  • Meretukova Z.K., Chinazirova A.R., Blyagoz N.Sh., Kuprina N.K.

    The problem of the correctness of the typology of lessons proposed in modern private didactics is posed, in connection with which the concept of "general post-classical didactics" is introduced, such a need is justified. A short excursion is made into the history of the emergence of a typology of lessons in classical didactics, its formation and various modifications are considered. To justify the relevance of the problem, a campaign unfolded around a competent approach is described, in reality "producing" incompetence, and in this regard the thesis about the incorrectly proposed "new" typologies of lessons is justified. A thesis is put forward and substantiated on the superiority of the concepts of general post-classical didactics in the formation of competencies and the interpretation of the essence of the traditional typology of lessons over the proposed new types of lessons in private didactics. The essence of the fundamental theories of general post-classical didactics, which are the basis of a qualitative lesson and are necessary for the formation of not only competencies, but also other values, is revealed. Scientific and methodological (rhetorical) questions are put forward to the authors of new types of lessons, caused by the logic of discourses aimed at justifying the incorrectness of such a typology. The authors consider briefly the peculiarities of the interpretation of the essence of market relations in Russia by scientists, which gave rise to a competence approach, and in the light of this, the vision of the specifics of the relationship between the goals of learning and the problem of values in general post-classical didactics, the role of traditional types of lessons in solving goals-values in the interpretation of post-classical didactics. A number of examples from the practice of learning are given, testifying to the prevailing possibility of a traditional typology of a lesson in the formation of not only competencies, but also other values, its effectiveness is proved, and the conditions of this effectiveness put forward in general post-classical didactics are emphasized.

    doi: 10.53598/2410-3004-2021-4-288-73-96

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  • Semkina E.N., Kononova S.V., Bulakh K.V., Balyk A.S., Petkov V.A.

    Over the past decade, the processes of informatization and technologization have made it necessary to modernize the Russian education system, offering the introduction of remote technologies as one of the promising means of education, contributing to increasing the education accessibility to all segments of the population and reducing the cost of educational services. The COVID-19 pandemic updated the search for ways to introduce distance education technologies into the higher education system. The authors of the paper reveal a number of problems characteristic of the Russian higher education system, investigated in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic, and suggest ways to solve them. Among the problems studied are: insufficient development of methodological, technical and organizational aspects of the use of distance educational technologies for teaching students; the problem of students adapting to online learning using distance learning technologies; the problem of improving the quality of training of university teachers for the use of distance educational technologies through the development of their information and communication competencies. The aim of the study was to identify effective ways to organize student education in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic based on remote educational technologies. The basis of the study was the Faculty of Humanities at the Nevinnomyssk State Institute of Humanities and Technology. Experiments, organized and conducted during February-June 2021, were attended by 120 students training in programs of Pedagogical Education (44.03.01) and 22 teachers of the Faculty of Humanities. During the experiment, the authors used the following research methods: analysis of regulatory documents, theoretical analysis, study and synthesis of existing experience; questionnaire and survey, pedagogical observation, testing. During the experimental work, two main groups of difficulties in the development of remote educational technologies were identified by students and teachers: (a) of a technical nature, related to the lack of technical means of teaching; b) psychological, related to isolation, motivation, self-organization, self-discipline. Based on the analysis of the experience and results of the experimental work carried out, methods of organizing training and teaching based on remote technologies are proposed. Thus, today's realities show that, regardless of the epidemiological situation in the country and the obvious negative factors that reduce the level of vocational training, distance learning technologies are the only alternative to lockdown in higher education.

    doi: 10.53598/2410-3004-2021-4-288-97-107

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  • Magdich E.A., Khazova S.A., Lyapin V.M.

    Physical culture and active leisure is an important indicator of a healthy lifestyle, an effective way to maintain and strengthen health. It ensures the maintenance of good physical and socio-psychological well-being, primarily due to the optimization of the motor regime. The organization of physical culture and recreational activity of the individual, thus, is a factor of health preservation of the population. However, since this activity is carried out in free time, it must be voluntary and determined by personal needs. For this, the content, organizational characteristics of physical culture and recreational activities must meet the interests of a particular person, correspond to his expectations, preferences, etc. This article presents the results of an empirical study devoted to determining the expectations and preferences of adolescents involved in sports as the basis for building a system for organizing physical culture and recreational activities of this group of students. Among the characteristics of this system are: target guidelines for recreational physical education (maintaining a sports form, indicators of physical development and physical fitness; rich, motor-active rest; entertainment, pleasure from spectacles and own activity; communication with friends, expanding the sphere of communication; full-fledged rest, etc.); forms of health-improving and recreational physical education (health tourism; sports games; outdoor games and games on the ground; mass physical culture and sports events, etc.); organizational foundations of recreational activities (joint rest during the study period, one day a week and on Sundays; during the holidays, once every three days; the composition of the recreational group is 10-15 people, familiar with each other, etc.); substantive foundations of recreational activities (the inclusion of elements of games and competitions, relay races, demonstration performances, etc.; joint content planning to take into account individual wishes; the availability of tasks in terms of complexity and amount of physical activity).

    doi: 10.53598/2410-3004-2021-4-288-108-115

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  • Svirid A.A., Khazova S.A., Zaitsev A.A.

    The paper discloses the results of an empirical study devoted to the definition of the demanded directions of a coach's activity, aimed at the formation and maintenance of sports motivation of pupils. For this purpose, the ascertaining element was carried out, including questionnaires, conversations, pedagogical observation; the number of respondents included children and adolescents who go in for sports (at different stages of sports training) and who have stopped playing sports. The factors that induce children and adolescents to engage in sports activities and to stop playing sports were empirically determined. The authors studied the characteristics of the educational-training process, extra-training factors, the characteristics of the coach's personality, the peculiarities of communication with him, etc., which are attractive for young athletes or, on the contrary, acting as the reasons for the termination of a sports career. The publication identified three leading directions of the coach’s activities related to the support of the process of formation of stable motivation in children and adolescents to go in for sports. As a result of the analysis of empirical data, it is concluded that for the effective organization of the process of forming a stable motivation in children and adolescents to go in for sports, it is important, firstly, the coach's use of his own personality as an educational (motivational) means, secondly, the competent construction of the educational-training process, and thirdly, the organization of the work of a sports teacher with parents in order to fully use the positive and prevent the manifestation of a negative impact on the motivation of children. This makes it important for coaches to have motivational, theoretical and practical readiness to form and maintain motivation in their pupils to go in for sports and to form appropriate knowledge, skills, and desire among the parents of young athletes.

    doi: 10.53598/2410-3004-2021-4-288-116-124

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  • Bulakh K.V., Zhukova N.N., Chumak T.G., Petkov V.A.

    Issues relevant at the current stage of development of the system of secondary vocational education are revealed to check the level of formation of professional competencies of students in accordance with WorldSkills Standards. The authors have made an attempt to study comprehensively the problem of introducing a new form of certification - a demonstrational exam in accordance with WorldSkills Standards. The work analyzes various aspects (advantages, disadvantages, risks and opportunities) of the introduction of WorldSkills technologies in the form of a demonstrational exam in the educational practice of secondary vocational education organizations. In conducting the study, the authors relied on the SWOT analysis method. This method, based on the identification of advantages, disadvantages, emerging risks and opportunities for further development, made it possible to identify issues that need to be addressed as a matter of priority, as well as formulate a general strategy for the further development (with minimization of weaknesses and prevention of possible risks) of the practice of conducting certification tests in the format of a demonstrational exam in accordance with WorldSkills Standards. To this end, at the initial stage of the study, the scientific materials currently available on the problem under consideration were analyzed, various factors of the process of introducing certification tests in professional educational organizations in the format of a demonstrational exam in accordance with WorldSkills Standards were identified and systematized, on the basis of which questionnaires for conducting a survey on the problem of research were developed. The next phase of the study involved conducting a questionnaire using the expert survey method. The respondents were teachers of secondary vocational education organizations of the Stavropol Territory, including certified WorldSkills experts, WorldSkills experts-masters, experts with the right to hold WorldSkills championships, experts with the right to participate in the evaluation of the demonstrational exam. The results of the questionnaire made it possible to analyze various aspects of the performance tests in the format of a demonstrational exam in order to identify strategic directions for its development.

    doi: 10.53598/2410-3004-2021-4-288-125-135

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  • Burkova L.L., Panesh B.Kh., Bagova L.L.

    The relevance of the research is determined by the fact that electronic educational resources (EER) are a new means of teaching at school. It is important for graduate students - future teachers to know the didactic possibilities of EER and the methodology for using them in the context of the digitalization of education. Research problem: the place and importance of electronic educational resources in the system of professional training of master students at Adyghe State University. Purpose of the study: identifying the possibilities of information technology for the design of the main educational programs of training courses by future teachers. Research methods: analysis, synthesis, abstraction, generalization. Results of the research: the publication discloses the methodological foundations of the formation of skills in the use of EER among master students of the direction of training "Pedagogical Education" in the study of disciplines of the natural and mathematical cycle under the master's program "Modern educational technologies in primary school". As part of the fund of assessment tools for the current certification of master students, tasks of a creative nature are considered, aimed at the practical use of EER (electronic textbooks, electronic reference books, EBS catalogs; multimedia presentations, website builders). The organization of independent work with EER in the conditions of distance learning for master students at the Adyghe State University is carried out on the platform of the MOODLE SDO. The results of experimental approbation of the methodology of using EER in the study of the disciplines of the natural-mathematical cycle by master students of Adyghe State University are presented. Conclusions of the research: the use of electronic educational resources in the professional training of future teachers contributes to the development of subject-pedagogical and general pedagogical ICT competences. For the effective use of EER, it is necessary to focus on the organizational and methodological aspects: modernization of the curriculum, structuring of educational material, the use of interactive forms of work.

    doi: 10.53598/2410-3004-2021-4-288-136-144

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  • Mukhametshin A.T.

    The paper presents the description of the technology of formation of organizational and professional competence of the student in the process of realization of higher university education. Approaches and basic grounds of development of organizational and professional competence from the standpoint of modern requirements in the perspective of integration of theory and practice of education as the basis of preparation of graduates for professional future are disclosed. The content of the teacher's organizational activity is presented, which is considered as a system of an interconnected set of actions, including setting goals and specifying tasks; creating conditions for understanding and acceptance of the tasks of the group and each participant; selection of ways, forms and means of interaction between the actors of the event and verification of effective conditions of its effective course; the use of techniques to stimulate student activity; methods of constant feedback and actual adjustment of the educational process. In addition, the publication justifies the fundamentally significant stages and possibilities of modeling the technology of organizational and professional competence, taking into account the creation of an environment in which students would be immersed in events that enrich the life of a student group, diverse and rich in terms of professionalization, and at the same time contribute to the achievement of educational goals. The author separately focuses on the possibility of participation of students in the process of intensifying intensive thought activity and value-oriented activity on the created technology, as well as developing skills in interpersonal relations of interaction and providing feedback. Structural technology is presented in the totality of pedagogical tools that ensure increasing the level of competence of future teachers, which included blocks and components of targeted interaction between teachers and students.

    doi: 10.53598/2410-3004-2021-4-288-145-152

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  • Neverkovich S.D., Tsakaev S.Sh.

    The paper examines the relationship between attribution and communication as the most important psycho-pedagogical foundations of cognitive activity of a person. Mandatory conditions for the development of cognitive activity of a person are initiative, the ability to find the necessary information in a short time to solve educational problems. Given the collective nature of the educational process, effective communication and social perception play a special role in solving the problems of cognitive activity. Attribution as the process of attributing the causes of behavior to others and communication as interaction and dialogue are connected by one common denominator as activity and motivation of the individual. A comparative analysis of research on the problems of attribution and communication allowed us to determine the following patterns, namely: the dependence of attribution and communication on the psycho-pedagogical characteristics of a person and need of a person to explain social interaction; correlation of external and internal attribution factors with the mental and socially-oriented nature of communication; implementation of productive communication through optimal attribution. Effective implementation of the relationship and interdependence of attribution and communication as the psycho-pedagogical foundations of cognitive activity makes it possible to launch the mechanism of self-learning, self-education and self-development of the individual.

    doi: 10.53598/2410-3004-2021-4-288-153-159

    pdf 153-159.pdf  (147 Kb)

  • Zakharova E.N., Polinko A.V., Shitukhina N.S.

    The article analyzes the existing approaches to the interpretation of the content of the concept of "neo-economics". Transformational changes – economic, social, technological, environmental and managerial – are presented within the framework of economic systems in the conditions of the formation of the foundations of neo-economics. The changes in the implementation of approaches to managing the development of the region under the influence of factors of transformation of socio-economic systems are indicated. The increasing role of regions in the framework of neo-economics is noted, which manifests itself in the framework of not only economic, but also political transformations. The consequence of this circumstance is the large-scale development of the processes and phenomena of regionalism and regionalization. It is shown that in the conditions of the formation of the foundations of neo-economics at the regional level, the organization of effective management of new knowledge and technologies is crucial. The conditions of effective functioning of the regional mechanism of absorption and generation of new knowledge and technologies for their transformation into competitive advantages of the region are analyzed.

    doi: 10.53598 / 2410-3683-2021-4-290-13-20

    pdf 13-20.pdf  (1 Mb)

  • Popova L.V., Lata M.S., Melikhov P.A.

    The paper presents the results of a scientific and practical analysis of the problems of innovative development of small agricultural formations of the Volgograd region, caused by the scientific, technical and technological transformation of world and Russian agriculture within the framework of agro-industrial complex 4.0. The research is based on the author's concept of the interdependence of the lability of entrepreneurial subjects of small agricultural production on the intensity of the process of introducing innovations into their economic activities. The authors attempted to build a model of sustainable development of small agro-formations taking into account the rapidly changing conditions of agro-industrial production, the introduction of digital, cognitive, nano- and biotechnologies, changes in the agri-food market and the emergence of new preferences among consumers of agricultural products.

    doi: 10.53598 / 2410-3683-2021-4-290-21-32

    pdf 21-32.pdf  (820 Kb)

  • Rodin A.V., Tamov A.A., Mokrushin A.A.

    The subject of the research presented in the article is the possibilities of developing sustainable tourism in accordance with the development goals defined by the UN Agenda for the period up to 2030. The article evaluates the dynamics of the main indicators of the tourism sector in the world, in Russia and in certain regions of the country, including in the conditions of the COVID-19 pandemic. The factors hindering the development of sustainable tourism are analyzed, negative trends are highlighted, and the losses of the tourism industry and the economy as a whole from the decline in economic growth are estimated. The main directions of achieving the goal of sustainable tourism development until 2030 are considered.

    doi: 10.53598 / 2410-3683-2021-4-290-33-41

    pdf 33-41.pdf  (697 Kb)

  • Saifetdinov A.R., Avanesyan D.N., Dmitrieva A.Ya.

    The results of the analysis of the general state of dairy cattle breeding in agricultural organizations in Russia and the Krasnodar Territory, including the number of cows, milk production volumes, productivity and profitability in the sub-industry are presented. The factors that determine the efficiency of milk production have been identified and systematized, among which the organization of animal feeding takes an important place. It is proved that the basis of the development of dairy cattle breeding in the region is made up of large agricultural organizations, while in enterprises with a small number of cows, the performance indicators of the sub-industry remain relatively low. The analysis of the directions and strength of the relationship between productivity, cost and profitability in dairy farming in the region is carried out. Calculations of the structure and cost of optimal feed rations, which ensure the need of cows for nutrients and vitamins at different productivity, have been carried out. The indicators of the payback of the products of the transition from one optimal feed ration to another with a high content of energy and nutrients, and thereby ensuring a higher milk productivity of animals, have been calculated.

    doi: 10.53598 / 2410-3683-2021-4-290-42-51

    pdf 42-51.pdf  (617 Kb)

  • Chorshanbiev S.R., Bekirova K.N.

    The significant role of energy in ensuring the socio-economic development of any country imposes high requirements for the effective functioning and systematic development of the energy sector, the improvement of which in the current conditions must be paid extremely close attention. The article examines the current problems of the development of energy of the Republic of Tajikistan, considers the existing restrictions that impede the realization of the country's energy potential and the further development of the industry, and also proposes ways to increase the investment attractiveness of the energy sector in order to ensure the country's energy security.

    doi: 10.53598 / 2410-3683-2021-4-290-52-60

    pdf 52-60.pdf  (670 Kb)

  • Shcherbatova T.A., Shcherbatov I.V.

    The article discusses the main methodological provisions and the procedure for conducting land survey. In the course of the research, the legal and economic foundations of the land management examination were studied, an organizational scheme for the implementation of the examination was presented, tested on real examples. The actual calculation of the cost estimate for the land survey was carried out using the example of the division of the land plot. The potential economic benefit of the work of expert institutions has been determined. The scientific significance of the article lies in the generalization of the current state of the issue of the methodology of land management expertise, the practical significance is in the possibility of establishing the economic feasibility of performing work by various expert institutions.

    doi: 10.53598 / 2410-3683-2021-4-290-61-67

    pdf 61-67.pdf  (504 Kb)

  • Number downloads:
  • pdf Pedagogy and Psychology ¹4 2021.pdf  (2 Mb)
    pdf Economics ¹ 4 (290). 2021.pdf  (2 Mb)
    pdf Region Studie ¹4-2021.pdf  (1 Mb)
    pdf Natural-Mathematical and Technical Sciences ¹4(291)_2021.pdf  (4 Mb)
    pdf Philolog. ¹4_2021.pdf  (1 Mb)