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    Historical Sciences
  • L.D Fedoseeva
    Georgiy Arsenievich Emanuel, the commander of the Caucasian line and Black Sea region (1826-1831)

    The paper discusses the activity of the commander of the Caucasian line G.A. Emanuel as a militarian, a diplomat and a strategist who managed to swear in many mountain peoples both with the help of the weapon and by making peace with them.

    pdf fedoseeva2007_1.pdf  (113 Kb)

  • L.V. Burykina
    Care of colonel A.V. Pistolkors about an improvement of living conditions of immigrants

    The activity of the commander of the26th horse regiment A.V.Pistolkors on settling and an accomplishment of villages of the Kuban Cossack army is examined.

    pdf burykina2007_1.pdf  (121 Kb)

  • F.H. Shebzukhova
    A problem of a peasant community in the internal policy of the imperial government in the second half of the 19th century

    The paper is devoted to a problem of a peasant land community, to the attitude to it of the government at different stages of a Russian history of the second half of the 19th century.

    pdf shebzukhova1_2007_1.pdf  (108 Kb)

  • A.D. Panesh
    A geopolitical situation and internal social and economic conditions in Cherkesiya in the first third of the 19th century

    In the paper, the author considers specific features of a geopolitical situation in Cherkesiya in the first third of the 19th century and reveals the influence of foreign policy on social and economic conditions in the region.

    pdf panesh2007_1.pdf  (241 Kb)

    Ethnography, Ethnology and Historical Anthropology
  • A.V. Sopov
    An economy, culture and life of Cossacks as ethnic determinants

    An analysis is made of specific features of the economic-cultural type of Cossacks, material, spiritual and household culture of Cossacks. The culture is considered as the complicated element of the ethnic system having qualities of an ethnic determinant. The paper contains the analysis of the typical features of the Cossack settlements, forms of dwellings as well as appearance and clothes of Cossacks and their food preferences. As for the questions of spiritual culture of Cossacks the author analyzes, first of all, their religiousness as well as folklore as one of the major factors describing features of this or that ethnic (ethnographic) group. The special place is given to the Cossack weapon and military manuals. Basing on well-known sources, the type of an economy of various groups of Cossacks is analyzed.

    pdf sopov2007_1.pdf  (765 Kb)

  • K.K. Khutyz and E.A. Shebzukhova
       Adyg hunting from ethnographic and folklore materials   

    The Adyg hunting and its ways are analyzed basing on ethnographic and folklore materials. The Nart epos, which is of great historical value, gives trade animals and their places of habitat. The authors describe stages and methods of hunting of heroes of the epos as well as protection of wild animals by the God of a wood and hunting Mezytkhe. According to folklore data examples are given showing how people cared of preservation of natural balance of game in a nature from the old times.

    pdf khutyz2007_1.pdf  (284 Kb)

    Philosophical Sciences
  • O.I. Kuskarova
    Rationality as a way of the attitude of the person to the world. Structure and typology of rationality

    The paper discusses the essence of the rational source in human consciousness, its importance and correlation with other forms of the attitude of the person to the world. The author discloses the structure of rationality and reveals criteria for its typologization. The urgency of the topic is caused, first of all, by features of development of scientific and technical civilization.

    pdf kuskarova2007_1.pdf  (184 Kb)

    Sociological Sciences
  • S.A. Nadyukov
    Secularization in a Turkish way (Mustafa Kemal Atatyurk’s reforms)

    One of the major questions of internal policy of the countries in the Muslim East is realization of interaction of the state and religion. In Turkey these relations developed in a channel of laicism, that is a universal division of functions of a secular society and an Islam. Reforms of the first President of the Turkish Republic have transformed it from the theocratic state into secular and it has become the first country of the East where the Islam was officially separated from the state. Revolutionary changes in the 1920s-1930-s have allowed Turkey to turn into economically and politically safe country. But as a whole, laicismic transformations had superficial character and have not affected mental structures of multi-million masses of simple Turks, first of all, in a countryside. This circumstance explains the sudden appearance of parties of Islamic sense in a political arena in Turkey in the 1990s and in the beginning of the 21st century and their impressing success in parliamentary elections. In view of new realities the destiny of Turkish laicism, most likely, will be solved during the future intercivilizational opposition the symptoms of which are displayed in intensification of Islamic fundamentalism in internal and foreign policy of the Muslim countries.

    pdf nadyukov2007_1.pdf  (172 Kb)

  • A.A. Muzalev
    The territorial organization of an infrastructure of religious geosystems in the Adygheya Republic

    In the paper, results of research of a religious infrastructure and its territorial organization in the Adygheya Republic are presented. The maps made on the basis of the obtained results are published for the first time.

    pdf muzalev1_2007_1.pdf  (952 Kb)

    Economic Sciences
  • M.P. Khagurova
    The priority directions of development of the agrarian and industrial complex in the Adygheya Republic

    The paper discusses the branch structure of an agricultural production, total gathering and productivity of agricultural crops by categories of economy, manufacture of the basic kinds of production of animal industries by categories of economy and investments in a fixed capital by branches. The results of the analysis permitted the author to reveal the priority directions of development of the agrarian and industrial complex in the Adygheya Republic: direct financing of actions and projects from federal and republican budgets (capital investments and miscellaneous costs); stimulation of development of the leasing activity directed to modernizing and updating of the industrial equipment and agricultural machinery; granting of the state guarantees for capitals involved for financing investment projects within the framework of the republican budget; assistance in creation of agricultural holdings and financial and industrial groups for increase of investment activity; distribution of the information on the most effective and actual investment projects; stimulation of development of a system of crediting of the organizations in the agrarian and industrial complex regarding granting the commodity credit; assistance in the organization of exchange activity for regulation of grain trade etc.

    pdf khagurova2007_1.pdf  (180 Kb)

  • T.I. Afasizhev and V.A. Teshev
    Mechanisms of financing researches at higher schools (based on experience of foreign universities)

    The paper discusses mechanisms of financing researches at higher schools using experience of foreign universities.

    pdf afasizhev2007_1.pdf  (172 Kb)

  • A.A. Kerashev and V.V. Teshev
    Classification of laws of development of commodity markets of consumers' cooperative society

    In the paper, according to the results of analysis, the authors choose the basic market laws, effective for use at the enterprises of consumers' cooperative society and create a classification of laws and consumers' cooperative society markets by various attributes.

    pdf kerashev1_2007_1.pdf  (170 Kb)

  • A.S. Buzarov and M.V. Kuteeva
    Social problems of the population against a background of reform of local self-management

    An analysis is made of real reforms of local self-management and a social politics of municipal formation using an example of the Adygheya Republic.

    pdf buzarov2007_1.pdf  (176 Kb)

  • V.V. Teshev
    Strategy of increase in efficiency of activity for the consumers' cooperative society enterprises

    Definition of necessary target criteria and factors for formation of effective strategic planning for the enterprises of consumers' cooperative society is a pledge of increase in efficiency of activity of these enterprises.

    pdf teshev2007_1.pdf  (142 Kb)

  • A.A. Kerashev and R.A. Baibekova
    Organizational and economic aspects of creation and effective functioning of vertically - integrated formations in the agrarian and industrial complex

    The paper presents an organizational-economic substantiation of creation and functioning of vertically - integrated agrarian and industrial formations. The authors discuss the main principles of ensuring efficiency of the integrated structures in the agrarian and industrial complex and the basic stages of the process of organizational designing.

    pdf kerashev2_2007_1.pdf  (105 Kb)

  • M.V. Kuteeva
    Prospects of realization of economic potential of municipal formation “The City of Maikop” (in conditions of reform of local self-management)

    The paper discusses prospects of realization of economic potential of municipal formation “The City of Maikop” in conditions of reform of local self-management.

    pdf kuteeva2007_1.pdf  (164 Kb)

    Political Sciences
  • A.D. Basniev
    The Adyghe parliamentarianism at the beginning of the 20th century (the sociological-political analysis)

    The author investigates the setting up of parliamentarianism of mountain peoples and a role in it of the Kuban Duma.

    pdf basniev2007_1.pdf  (114 Kb)

    Pedagogical Sciences
  • E.G. Malinochka
    A situational - functional nature of educational mutual activity

    The structure of a situation of educational process (a lesson, educational action etc.) and the structure of its functional system are offered. Their unity and a correlation “the subject - objective connections” are shown. The analysis and construction of the process according to this scheme can be used in student teaching and in science for construction of structure of scheduled and carried out educational action and its research.

    pdf malinochka2007_1.pdf  (164 Kb)

  • T.N. Poddubnaya
    Components of social protection of the childhood in a region: the conceptual approach (using an example of the Adygheya Republic)

    In the paper, the author offers a concept of a regional model of social protection of the childhood in the Adygheya Republic, criteria and parameters of definition of social security of children in the region and the complex of organizational-pedagogical conditions for effective realization of the regional model of minors social protection.

    pdf poddubnaya1_2007_1.pdf  (400 Kb)

  • E.A. Buzarova and T.N. Chetyz
    Psychological and pedagogical characteristics of children of the senior preschool and younger school age

    The authors investigate the process of intensive intellectual development at younger school age, development of intelligence, intellectualization of all aspects of mental development, their comprehension and randomness and the development of memory.

    pdf buzarova2007_1.pdf  (285 Kb)

  • N.V. Kabayan and N.N Valueva
    The modern state of a system of additional education in the Adygheya Republic

    The paper presents some results of research of the modern state of additional ecological education in the Adygheya Republic. The authors disclose municipal and republican levels of the organization of additional ecological education. Conclusions are given basing on the results of questionnaire among teachers of the Republican Ecological-Biological Centre.

    pdf kabayan2007_1.pdf  (192 Kb)

  • T.N. Poddubnaya
    Training of experts in social protection of the childhood in conditions of higher school: experience and results

    The paper is devoted to a substantiation of the author's program of vocational training of experts - social teachers and social workers - to activities in social protection of the childhood in conditions of higher school. The paper contains results of approbation of the program obtained on the basis of the distinguished criteria and parameters of professional readiness of experts to activities in social protection of the childhood.

    pdf poddubnaya2_2007_1.pdf  (332 Kb)

    Psychological Sciences
  • S.V. Bedenko
    The analysis of a phenomenon of manipulation from a position of the valuable – semantic approach

    The paper discusses the importance of studying the influence of valuable-semantic relations of the person on his dialogue with other people. Works of Russian and foreign researchers are analyzed.

    pdf bedenko2007_1.pdf  (145 Kb)

    Philological Sciences
  • Ò.Ò. Neshcheretova
    On semantic motivation of a category of gender

    The author confirms that the distribution by genders for carriers of the languages having a category of gender is motivated, which is proved by personification of names on the basis of a sex. Revealing a correlation of a gender and a sex is one of the aspects of the decision of semantic motivation of a category of gender.

    pdf nesheretova2007_1.pdf  (125 Kb)

  • A.A. Khatkhe
    Names of grassy plants with structure of a word and a word-combination in the Adyghe and English languages

    The author examines the structure of words and word-combinations that serve for a nomination of grassy plants in the Adyghe and English languages. The analysis of a material shows that in a system of names of grassy plants the significant place is occupied with the words formed by word composing that is typical of the Adyghe and English languages.

    pdf khatkhe2007_1.pdf  (120 Kb)

    Geographical Sciences
  • T.P. Varshanina
    A system of monitoring of modern tectonic and seismic processes in the Northwest Caucasus

    The author offers the technology of monitoring of the modern tectonic and seismic processes, providing objective allocation of tectonic elements, a correctness of statistical processing of the accumulated data and a detailed division into districts of the territory by the character of seismic danger.

    pdf varshanina2007_1.pdf  (104 Kb)

  • À.À. Muzalev
    On geography of religions and on a concept “a religious geosystem” in geographical researches

    Necessity of expansion of complex researches on geography of religions is examined. The author gives a substantiation of concepts “a religious geosystem” and “a religious infrastructure” and determines their basic elements. It is offered to consider a concept “a religious geosystem” as an object of research of geography of religions.

    pdf muzalev2_2007_1.pdf  (147 Kb)

    Biological Sciences
  • A.A. Pseunok
    Mechanisms of adaptation

    The paper discloses the adaptable activity of an organism. It is shown that the functional system of regulation of blood circulation represents the multi-outlined, hierarchically organized system in which the dominant role of separate parts is defined by the current needs of an organism.

    pdf pseunok2007_1.pdf  (90 Kb)

  • E.A. Shebzukhova and K.K. Tarasenko
    New findings Trionyx khosatzkyi from the Middle Sarmatian sediments in the Belaya river

    The authors describe new findings Trionyx khosatzkyi from the Middle Sarmatian sediments in the Belaya river in the vicinity of Maikop. The description is based on 18 fragments of bone plates of carapace, plastron and a belt of forward finitenesses. The data obtained differ from typical species Trionyx khosatzkyi in size and comb-shaped ripples slightly expressed on carapace plates.

    pdf shebzukhova1_2007_1.pdf  (106 Kb)

    Mathematical Sciences
  • D.S. Ushkho and O.A. Ponomareva
    Special points of cubic differential system on the equator of the Puankare sphere

    The authors investigate all possible types of special points of cubic system on infinity in a case when their number is equal to four. S.R. Sharipov's earlier obtained result was established to be only a special case of the results obtained in the present paper.

    pdf ushkho2007_1.pdf  (172 Kb)

    Information Technologies
  • R.D. Khunagov, T.P. Varshanina, O.A. Plisenko, I.V. Starodub, S.F. Pikin, A.F. Kizyanov and A.V. Almaeva
    The information-analytical system of the Bureau of Technical Inventory (“IAS BTI”)

    The full-function information-analytical system is worked out for the Bureau of Technical Inventory of the Russian Federation providing support for a database and realizing opportunities of GIS-technologies.

    pdf khunagov2007_1.pdf  (256 Kb)

  • E.V. Lutsenko and V.E. Korzhakov
    Forecasting a level of subject knowledge of students by the SK-analysis of data on their social status

    A creation of intellectual technology of synthesis of typical models for determination of levels of subject knowledge of students providing forecasting and support in acceptance of decisions to improve quality of preparation of experts is proved to be necessary and possible.

    pdf lutsenko2007_1.pdf  (564 Kb)

  • V.S. Tlyusten
    On some parallels of formation and organization of internal structure in artificial and natural languages

    The paper discusses general aspects of formation of internal structure and semantic filling of artificial and natural languages. The hypothesis for historical-linguistic recreation (HLR-hypothesis) supposing presence of connection between the formal structure of natural languages and sources of the historical process of their origin is put forward.

    pdf tlyusten2007_1.pdf  (161 Kb)

    Biomechanics and Sport
  • K.D. Chermit, A.H. Anaev and M.M. Ebzeev
    Development in the future experts in physical training and sports of competences to form a social state of pupils health

    Basing on a principle of profiling of a process of vocational training the paper discloses the basic competences, methocompetences and directions of preparation of the future experts in physical training to provide the optimum social state of pupils health.

    pdf chermit2007_1.pdf  (124 Kb)

  • M.D. Ashibokov and O.F. Ryukhina
    Formation of a healthy way of life at volleyball lessons

    The paper shows the influence of volleyball on an organism of the person and formation of a healthy way of life at volleyball lessons.

    pdf ashibokov2007_1.pdf  (140 Kb)