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  • I.V. Marichev, E.G. Malinochka
       Essence of concept “educational space”   

    In the paper, an analysis is made of approaches to disclosing concept “space”. It is established that its basic attributes are initially formulated taking into account subject domains of natural sciences, especially physics and mathematics. This complicates development of the theory of space in subject domains of other sciences. In the paper, an attempt is undertaken to transfer the usual formulations of the basic properties of space to general scientific bases to facilitate understanding of essence of its nature by representatives of all sciences. Then, from these positions, transition is carried out to a subject of pedagogy and the general essence of educational space is described.

    pdf marichev2008_3.pdf  (113 Kb)

  • O.V. Agoshkova
    A differentiated approach in a context of person oriented education

    The paper is devoted to the theoretical analysis of definition “a differentiated approach” in a pedagogical scientific thinking. It contains an author's sight on the reasons of hampering the use of a differentiated approach to training students in the higher school and discloses directions of application of the differentiated approach in higher school in a context of person oriented education of the humanistic type.

    pdf agoshkova2008_3.pdf  (121 Kb)

  • A.A. Afashagova
    Formation of children’s health culture as a social - pedagogical problem

    In the paper, on the basis of the analysis of ideas of different experts (philosophers, teachers, medical workers, psychologists etc.), the author examines one of the actual problems of the present – preservation and strengthening health. The problem of formation of health culture and the valuable attitude to it in children of preschool age is proved to be pedagogical.

    pdf afashagova2008_3.pdf  (104 Kb)

  • S.N. Begidova, S.A. Khazova
    The acmeological approach in vocational training the future experts

    The paper discusses the questions related to realization of the acmeological approach in vocational training the future experts. The authors substantiate psychological and pedagogical conditions of realization of the acmeological approach focused on formation of the acmeological orientation of the person of students, characterize the structure and the contents of the acmeological orientation of the person of the teacher and present specific experimental data proving efficiency of realization of this approach in vocational training the future experts.

    pdf begidova2008_3.pdf  (141 Kb)

  • N.V. Bekuzarova
    Professional portfolio as an alternative method for estimating readiness of graduates for professional – pedagogical activity

    The paper discusses the opportunity of using professional portfolio of the graduate of pedagogical higher school within the framework of final certification.

    pdf bekuzarova2008_3.pdf  (85 Kb)

  • E.A. Buzarova, T.N. Chetyz
    On forms of the organization of educational-cognitive activity of children of preschool and younger school age

    The purpose of research is to prove theoretically and to approve experimentally the developed technique of the organization of educational-cognitive activity of children of preschool and younger school age, to reveal and disclose their readiness for training at school which successfully allows the child to seize new knowledge, as well as to check up efficiency of an offered technique.

    pdf buzarova2008_3.pdf  (213 Kb)

  • E.A. Bishtova
    Development of cognitive interest to a pedagogical science during research activity

    The paper reveals effective conditions, forms and methods of work of the higher school related to development of cognitive interest of the future teachers to a pedagogical science during research activity.

    pdf bishtova2008_3.pdf  (108 Kb)

  • T.N. Poddubnaya
    The humanistic approach to a problem of social protection of the childhood in a pedagogical science

    The paper is devoted to application of the humanistic approach to a problem of social protection of the childhood in a pedagogical science. The author substantiates the conceptual approaches existing in pedagogy to a problem of pedagogical support and protection of the childhood in terms of humanization of modern education. The paper contains an author's sight on a category “social protection of the childhood” in a context of a humanistic paradigm of education.

    pdf poddubnaya2008_3.pdf  (119 Kb)

  • Z.K. Meretukova, A.R. Chinazirova
    Problem training as the factor of creating the health care educational environment

    The paper examines the essence of concepts “health” and “the pedagogical environment”. The authors give a definition of concept “the health care educational environment” and reveal specific features of problem training as the factor of creating such educational environment and its intrinsic health care characteristics.

    pdf meretukova2008_3.pdf  (116 Kb)

  • M.E. Paatova
    Spare time activity as a means of pedagogical support of teenagers with a deviation from typical behavior

    The paper discusses the process of pedagogical support of teenagers with a deviation from typical behavior by means of spare time activity. The author presents results of experimental work on approbation of the author's conceptual model for the organization of spare time activity of pupils from close-type institutions.

    pdf paatova2008_3.pdf  (93 Kb)

  • E.V. Demkina
    Ideological aspects in pedagogical and educational activity of higher school in preparing the expert

    The paper discloses the conceptual bases of unity of pedagogical and educational processes. They are focused on preparation of not only the qualified expert, to the detriment of other aspects of the person’s life, but also to setting up of the complete person ready to live in new public conditions on the basis of advanced outlook, which is a core, a structure-forming principle of the formation and activity of the person.

    pdf demkina2008_3.pdf  (67 Kb)

  • N.I. Roslyakova
    Individual style of pedagogical activity as the factor of development of professional individuality of the future teacher

    The paper examines the actual problem of modern education: the development of professional individuality during vocational training students in higher school. The author makes a comparative analysis of diagnostics results of individual style of student pedagogical activity and describes intrinsic characteristics of each of the styles.

    pdf roslyakova1_2008_3.pdf  (94 Kb)

  • N.V. Lukyanova
    On the basic criteria for setting up the ecological culture of the future expert at polytechnic higher school

    The paper provides the results of the experimental research on definition of motivation-valuation orientation of the future experts in terms of the problem under study. The basic criteria for definition of a level of ecological culture of the future expert are disclosed.

    pdf lukyanova2008_3.pdf  (77 Kb)

  • M.L. Spirina
    Experience of patronage education in our country as a form of social-pedagogical assistance to orphans

    The aim of the paper is to describe the experience of patronage education as a form of social-pedagogical assistance to orphans in our country. The author gives a brief description of the main stages of orphans’ patronage development in the educational practice of our country, reveals the reasons of the social pedagogical lack of substantiation of the available forms of patronage and draws a conclusion about the necessity of their development on the basis of the home experience of patronage education.

    pdf spirina1_2008_3.pdf  (94 Kb)

  • L.H. Tseeva
    On a social-legal protecting the childhood (theoretical aspect)

    The paper examines philosophical, psychological-pedagogical approaches to a phenomenon of the childhood. A brief analysis of theoretical aspects of childhood is a basis for designating the most important theoretical and methodological problems of a social – legal protection of the childhood.

    pdf tseeva2008_3.pdf  (95 Kb)

  • M.L. Spirina
    Social-pedagogical protection of orphans in Russia

    The aim of the paper is to disclose the ways and priorities of the social protection of children in Russia. In the paper, the concept of social pedagogical orphans’ protection is defined; the main legislative acts, normative documents and the program measures guaranteeing the ways of the solution of the problem are given. The author comes to the conclusion about the necessity of improvement and further development the legislative basis of social pedagogical orphans’ protection.

    pdf spirina2_2008_3.pdf  (93 Kb)

  • A.G. Ivanov
    Actual problems related to development of vocational training system in Adygheya Republic

    The paper provides an analysis of the dynamics of development of vocational training system in Adygheya Republic for the last five years. The author examines the problems existing today in the Russian vocational training as a whole and especially in the region and marks directions of perfecting efficiency of vocational training in the republic proceeding from perspectives of regionalization of educational policies.

    pdf ivanov2008_3.pdf  (143 Kb)

  • S.A. Khazova
    Concept and characteristics of the competitive educational environment of higher school

    The paper discusses the concept of the competitive educational environment of higher school, its characteristics and major factors of development of competitiveness at the future experts. The conditions of the competitive influence of the educational environment of higher school on students are substantiated.

    pdf khazova2008_3.pdf  (112 Kb)

  • A.S. Sharudilova
    The contents of teenager socialization model in a person-focused education system

    The paper deals with the problems related to teenager person socialization in modern general educational institution. Necessity of creating the conditions favorably influencing success of teenager socialization in the education system is proved.

    pdf sharudilova2008_3.pdf  (97 Kb)

  • B.H. Khamukova
    Ethnic-pedagogical culture of the teacher as one of the conditions of increasing efficiency of educational activity (theoretical aspect)

    The paper discusses the ethnic-pedagogical culture of the teacher as one of the conditions of increasing efficiency of educational activity. The author gives an analysis of definitions of the pedagogical culture, allowing its basic attributes to be identified.

    pdf khamukova2008_3.pdf  (83 Kb)

  • O.G. Kolarkova, F.V. Povshednaya
    Adaptability aspect of foreign students’ professional self-determination in conditions of pedagogical higher school

    The paper provides the results of the experiment concerning foreign students’ professional self-determination in the conditions of their adaptation towards new educational system, new culture and traditions of the country. Research has shown that many students – foreigners experience difficulties not only with educational process, but also in conditions of adaptation to time space, residing in a hostel and to the language environment.

    pdf kolarkova2008_3.pdf  (108 Kb)

  • N.I. Roslyakova
    Reflection as a component of professional individuality of the future expert

    The paper is devoted to an actual problem of the modern pedagogical theory and practice. It deals with a role and a place of a reflection in structure of professional individuality of the future expert. A comparative analysis of results of researches on reflexivity is carried out. The author presents quantitative and qualitative interpretation of the data obtained on manifestation of reflexivity in the student's environment within the framework of vocational training in higher school.

    pdf roslyakova2_2008_3.pdf  (97 Kb)

  • V.P. Shram
    Pedagogical abilities of the expert in physical training and sports

    Professional work of the expert in physical training and sports is inextricably related to processes of training and education of rising generation. Hence, efficiency of realization by him of professional problems will depend in many respects on the pedagogical abilities formed in him providing sensitivity of the teacher to objects, means and conditions of pedagogical activity and promoting its mastering.

    pdf shram1_2008_3.pdf  (77 Kb)

  • A.A. Ushakov
    Development of research competence in profile school pupils as personal-intelligent experience in realizing educational and research activity

    The paper examines development of research competence in pupils in conditions of profile training. As a result of research the “research competence” concept is specified and concretized. Psychological-pedagogical conditions under which the system of development of research competence of pupils in conditions of profile training is most effective are revealed.

    pdf ushakov2008_3.pdf  (100 Kb)

  • V.P. Shram, A.G. Moiseeva
    Professional – applied physical culture of student person in economic higher schools

    The paper presents an analysis of professional work of the expert in economics in terms of its influence on physical health of the person. The authors substantiate necessity of purposeful formation in the expert of the professional – applied physical culture providing a sufficient level of knowledge and skills in the sphere of physical culture and sports and promoting their active use.

    pdf shram2_2008_3.pdf  (102 Kb)

  • I.I. Makashina, E.G. Malinochka
    Factors of development of professionalism in future shipping managers and their reflection in the content of education

    The paper examines factors of development of professionalism in the future shipping managers. The urgency of development of a system of their training at present caused by demands of marine branch is disclosed. Necessity of their multi-profile preparation is shown.

    pdf makashina2008_3.pdf  (121 Kb)

    Technique and Technologies of Teaching
  • L.S. Tlyusten
    Theoretical bases for using algorithms in a system of training pupils of Adyghe primary school in Russian spelling

    The paper examines, at a theoretical level, the questions related to the algorithmization of learning and instruction of pupils of Adyghe primary school in Russian spelling. The author discloses the essence of algorithms, their role in formation of logic thinking of pupils and the advantage of algorithmized training compared to the traditional one and substantiates necessity and efficiency of application of algorithms at national school. It is emphasized that specific conditions of mastering the second language, while using algorithms in training Adyghe pupils in Russian spelling, should be taken into account.

    pdf tlyusten1_2008_3.pdf  (150 Kb)

  • V.V. Zaiko
    Realization of continuity in studying natural numbers and fractions at initial and basic steps of training

    The paper discusses questions, investigated in the methodical literature in mathematics, related to the complex approach to the characteristic of continuity concept in the training, reflecting interrelation of “natural numbers” and “ordinary fractions” concepts. The author offers a technique of performance of separate sections of a program material in mathematics in the first through the sixth classes. Recommendations are given for performance of practical tasks for the through sections reflecting a material of ordinary fractions and natural numbers. All this is developed in a channel of the methodical concept of N.B. Istomina aimed at development of pupils and the basic directions of realization of continuity in studying numbers at primary and basic school.

    pdf zaiko2008_3.pdf  (165 Kb)

  • L.S. Tlyusten
    Spelling vigilance and its role in formation of Russian spelling skill in pupils of Adyghe primary school

    The paper examines the essence of spelling vigilance and its role in training pupils of Adyghe primary school in Russian spelling. The reason of numerous mistakes in written works of non-Russian pupils is significant divergence in spelling systems of Russian and Adyghe languages. Therefore training of Adyghe pupils in Russian spelling should be made on the basis of the comparative analysis of learned and native languages. From the very beginning it is necessary to form skill to find out morphemes in a word.

    pdf tlyusten2_2008_3.pdf  (129 Kb)

  • N.V. Vakhrusheva
    Principles of selection of the profile course contents on financial calculations for general educational institutions

    In conditions of humanization of education one of the directions of searching optimum forms and methods of training is definition of principles of development of the contents of new training courses for profile training and ways of perfection of the organization of educational process. The author offers principles of selection of the contents of profile courses in mathematics for senior pupils on the basis of the personal-activity approach, realizing functions of socialization and individual development of pupils.

    pdf vakhrusheva2008_3.pdf  (116 Kb)

  • R.I. Lozovskaya
    Definition of methodological approaches for construction of the theory of development of spirituality of the teacher – musician in the educational process of higher school

    In the paper, the author substantiates logic of selection of methodological approaches to pedagogical research using a problem of development of spirituality of the teacher – musician in educational process of higher school as an example. The analysis of character of interrelations of various approaches is offered. The significance of each of them for research of this problem is examined.

    pdf lozovskaya2008_3.pdf  (113 Kb)

  • K.D. Chermit, E.B. Ptushchenko, I.P. Subbotina
    The innovational approach to training computer science as a basis for formation of professional information-technological competence of the expert

    The paper examines the typology of innovational approaches to training in computer science, promoting formation of professional information-technological competence in the future experts. A computer practical work as a component of adaptive model of training in computer science solves a problem of formation and development of information-technological competence and promotes increase of a level of professional competence of the expert.

    pdf chermit2008_3.pdf  (101 Kb)

  • R.Y. Khurum
    Theoretical aspects of formation of computer-science competence in senior pupils at comprehensive school with profile training

    The paper examines questions of formation of computer-science competence in senior pupils at comprehensive school with profile training, the condition of preparation of pupils in the field of computer-science technologies, criteria and estimations of a level of development of computer-science competence in pupils from profile classes.

    pdf r.khurum2008_3.pdf  (106 Kb)

  • M.V. Vakulenkova
    Analysis of tendencies in studying computer science in a system of school education

    In order to orientate freely in an information stream the person should have an information culture as one of the components of general culture. Therefore it is necessary to give special attention to informatization of education in the informatization program as to a direction related to acquisition and development of information culture of the person.

    pdf vakulenkova2008_3.pdf  (110 Kb)

  • A.M. Doronin, D.A. Romanov, A.V. Polyansky, E.Y. Lukianenko
    Scientific and methodical support of preparation of experts in physical training

    The purpose of work is to develop a model of scientific – methodical support of pedagogical activity of the Department responsible for preparation of experts in physical training. The Physical Training Faculty at the Slavyansk-on-Kuban Pedagogical Institute served a base for investigation.

    pdf doronin1_2008_3.pdf  (156 Kb)

  • S.V. Darmilova
    On optimization of teaching foreign languages and culture by using visual methods

    The paper examines didactic opportunities of teaching spoken language with the help of comics that raise motivation of studying the French language and culture, promotes development of lexical and grammatical skills, as well as allows the process of mastering a foreign language to be individualized.

    pdf darmilova2008_3.pdf  (78 Kb)

  • A.V. Kamyzina
    Scientific bases of teaching foreign languages in Russia in the second half of the 19th century

    The paper discusses scientific bases of teaching foreign languages in Russia in the second half of the 19th century, which is expressed in development of such adjacent sciences to a technique as linguistics and psychology. The author gives determinants causing the origin, development and need for speaking another language preparation in the period under consideration. Parallels are carried out between the historical events happened in Russia in the 19th century that influenced development of a linguistic science as a whole and teaching foreign languages in particular.

    pdf kamyzina2008_3.pdf  (84 Kb)

  • Y.N. Sinitsyn
    Activities providing health of pupils: methodological problems and the valuation bases

    The paper gives the author's sight on a phenomenon of the pedagogically organized process providing health of pupils as the educational theory. The author makes an analysis of methodological problems of pedagogical interpretation of values related to pupils health in a context of a humanistic paradigm of education, reveals the existing contradictions and designates specific measures for their solution.

    pdf sinitsyn2008_3.pdf  (90 Kb)

  • A.M. Doronin, A.R. Mamiy, A.V.Kovalenko
    Optimization of special force physical training of athletes with the help of variable burdening

    The paper defines external conditions, allowing the athlete to provide a mode of constant loading big buttock muscles at performance of knee-bends, jerks and traction exercises. The authors calculated parameters of the used loading device, allowing the athlete to compensate change of a shoulder of force at performance of exercise.

    pdf doronin2_2008_3.pdf  (173 Kb)

  • A.M. Doronin, D.A. Romanov, S.B. Polyanskaya
    The technique of physical quality measurement using a linear scale

    The paper offers a technique of measurement of physical qualities of the person on a linear scale of logits.

    pdf doronin3_2008_3.pdf  (153 Kb)

  • N.V. Petrova
    On definition of architectonics of the person’s research culture

    The author substantiates the urgency of studying architectonics of research culture in a context of philosophical, culturalogical, psychological and pedagogical ideas and determines “the contour points” of research culture of the person.

    pdf petrova2008_3.pdf  (112 Kb)

  • R.A. Kirgueva
    V.E. Gurin on the formation of strong-willed qualities in senior pupils

    The paper presents the results of the scientific analysis of Professor V.E. Gurin’s separate works related to formation of will in senior pupils. V.E. Gurin considers that formation of strong-willed qualities of the creator in senior pupils is possible on various bases, including the material of fiction. The fiction comprises numerous examples of various strong-willed features of characters. Therefore it has a great opportunity for education and self-education of strong-willed qualities in senior pupils.

    pdf kirgueva2008_3.pdf  (80 Kb)

  • S.H. Khurum
    Formation of achievement motivation in teenagers

    Considering features of display and development of motivation of learning in teenagers, it is necessary to mention the questions related to formation of achievement motivation in them. In the paper, the author examines features of achievement motivation in teenagers and ways of influence during formation of achievement motivation in teenagers.

    pdf s.khurum2008_3 .pdf  (82 Kb)

  • S.A. Korzhakova, S.A. Rezin'kova
    Review of psychological-pedagogical aspects related to a subject domain of the expert monitoring system of professional motivation

    The purpose of research of the expert monitoring system of professional motivation is to reveal structure of space of conditions and to substantiate a choice of methods of processing information in this space. Results of the analysis of a subject domain are a definition of the base of revealing typology of professional motivation.

    pdf korzhakova2008_3.pdf  (88 Kb)

  • L.S. Aseykina
    Pedagogical projecting and methodology of organizational pedagogical activity on formation of tolerant behaviour in foreign students at a stage of pre-university training

    The paper examines the matrix of objects of pedagogical projecting and principles of organizational pedagogical activity on formation of the tolerance competence in subjects providing successful adaptation of foreign students and the solution of problems of pre-university training.

    pdf aseykina1_2008_3.pdf  (99 Kb)

  • L.S. Aseykina
    Organizational pedagogical model of providing tolerant pedagogical interaction in pre-university training foreign students

    The paper discusses pedagogical conditions of the organization of tolerant interaction of subjects of education process during pre-university training foreign students. It is shown that realization of the offered organizational – pedagogical model provides efficiency of interaction and performance of problems related to pre-university training.

    pdf aseykina2_2008_3.pdf  (76 Kb)

  • S.V. Bakaldin
    Emotional features of feeling loneliness

    The paper discusses emotional features of feeling loneliness in “lonely” and “not lonely” respondents, as well as features of emotional experience of loneliness in men and women. The author distinguishes four groups of the emotions related to loneliness.

    pdf bakaldin2008_3.pdf  (101 Kb)

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