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    Historical Sciences
  • A.D.Panesh
    Geopolitical position of Cherkesiya during the 1806-1812 Russian-Turkish War

    The paper examines the character of mutual relations of Adyghes with Turkey and Russia during the 1806-1812 War. The basic attention is paid to geopolitical position of Western Cherkesiya during the military-political interaction of Russia with Ottoman empire.

    pdf panesh_2006_3.pdf  (141 Kb)

  • G.G.Davitlidze and I.Y.Kutsenko
    Perfection of a school affair in Russia and in the Kuban region in the after-reform period

    The paper discusses perfection of a school affair in Russia and in the Kuban region in the after-reform period.

    pdf davitlidze2006_3.pdf  (343 Kb)

  • F.H.Shebzukhova
    The Russian legislation: a problem of duration of a working day (the end of the 19th – the beginning of the 20th century)

    The author examines a working question at the end of the 19th – the beginning of the 20th century in the Russian legislation. In this connection the components of the concept “a working question”, measures of the govern-ment on settlement of duration of a working day, in particular the Law of June 24, 1897, are defined.

    pdf shebzuhova2006_3.pdf  (111 Kb)

  • E.I. Kashirina
    White Guard armed forces of the South of Russia

    In the beginning of 1919 White Guards create powerful armed forces. The organizational - staff structure of armies is constantly improved and depends on deliveries of engineering and arms from Antanta, on features of the carried out tasks and on conditions of mobilization. The most efficient are the Don and Voluntary armies. How-ever at conducting operations in other regions the cossacks making a basis of the army will not be able to come off Don and Kuban. The skeleton of the armed forces is the Voluntary army.

    pdf kashirina2006_3.pdf  (130 Kb)

  • N.A.Babchuk
    Valour and glory of the Kuban cos-sacks (Heroes of the 4-th Guards Kuban Cossack Cavalry corps)

    Cossacks of the 4-th Guards Kuban Cossack Cavalry corps were carriers of the best, deeply patriotic qualities of national character of Russian people, true and skilful defenders of the native land. Cossacks have entered their own striking page in the annals of the Great Patriotic War.

    pdf babchuk2006_3.pdf  (275 Kb)

  • K.G. Achmiz
    A heroic deed of the people – the winner in the Great Patriotic War (Polemic notes)

    On the basis of the analysis of recent scientific and publicistic literatures the author makes a conclusion that the Soviet Union has brought in a decisive contribution to achievement of a victory above fascism within the Second World War.

    pdf achmiz2006_3.pdf  (205 Kb)

    Historical Source Study
  • F.F.Mukhametov
    A general characteristic of sources of the Mongolian period

    A general characteristic of sources of the Mongolian period is presented in the paper.

    pdf muhametov2006_3.pdf  (160 Kb)

    Sociological and Cultural Studies
  • T.I. Afasizhev and I.B. Tkhagapsova
    The analysis of the dominant tendencies in transformation of ethnic identity of the Karachaevo - Cherkesiya population

    An attempt is undertaken to make an analysis of the dominant tendencies in transformation of ethnic and cultural identity of representatives from some ethnic groups of Karachaevo - Cherkesiya.

    pdf afasizhev2006_3.pdf  (120 Kb)

  • V.N. Nekhay
    Specific features of interethnic communication in a context of internationalization of spiritual life in Adygheya

    The paper discusses the problems of interethnic interaction of peoples of the Adygheya Republic and development of the uniform national concept of a tolerant society.

    pdf nehai2006_3.pdf  (101 Kb)

  • S.N. Potapov
    A functional structure of administrative interaction: the sociological analysis

    The paper is devoted to the organization of administering the behaviour of workers in conditions of a modern Russian society. The author gives the sociological analysis of functional - role structure of administrative interaction in worker bodies and investigates the role status of participants of the organization of management and the application of effective social technologies in administering.

    pdf potapov2006_3.pdf  (122 Kb)

  • A.P. Mikhailov and I.G. Gavrilova
    A social-cultural specificity of socialization of juveniles with attributes of deviant behaviour

    The author investigates a social-cultural specificity of the process of internalization by the individuality of symbolical universe generated by a specific society. This process is examined in a context of deviant and delinquent practices dynamically developing in modern Russia and an increasing nihilistic attitude in juveniles to norms of the law and morals.

    pdf mihailov2006_3.pdf  (145 Kb)

    Economic Sciences
  • A.A. Kerashev, O.L. Starodub and A.V. Bolov
    The essence of a social and economic policy of the region in conditions of going out from transformational crisis

    This study discusses the essence of a social and economic policy of the region in conditions of going out from transformational crisis, discloses specificity of setting up of a social and economic policy of the regions - subjects of the Russian Federation. The process of regionalization of economic life superimposes here the process of market transformation of a national economy of the country as a whole.

    pdf kerashev2006_3.pdf  (224 Kb)

  • I.V. Sugaipova
    The technique of realization of the corporate property audit

    Development of methodology of audit of the corporate property within the framework of formation of a new branch of auditor activity lies in a channel of the modern synergetic paradigm of the economic science supposing active interdisciplinary interaction of various directions of scientific researches and a combination of resource opportunities they have. Audit concerns all phases of reproduction of the corporate property and realizes integrating function of provision of necessary trust between subjects of the process of reproduction.

    pdf sugaipova2006_3.pdf  (99 Kb)

  • Y.Y. Antsyrev and A.S. Khuazheva
    Foreign experience in developing market ground relations, the basic problems of estimation of cost of agricultural ground in Russia

    This study presents foreign experience in developing market ground relations. The basic problems of estimation of cost of agricultural ground in Russia are considered.

    pdf ancirev2006_3.pdf  (139 Kb)

  • T.V. Zhukova
    Diversification of activity of economic systems in the competitive environment

    The paper considers the process of diversification as one of the modern tools of development of manufacture. Preconditions and motives of diversification of activity of economic systems in conditions of the competitive environment and ways of successful economic development of activity both on micro-, and macrolevel are revealed.

    pdf zhukova2006_3.pdf  (103 Kb)

  • L.À. Sergeeva
    Some features of formation and development of investment processes in the agrarian and industrial complex: a theoretical-methodological aspect

    A theoretical-methodological aspect and some features of formation and development of investment processes in the agrarian and industrial complex are investigated in the paper.

    pdf sergeeva2006_3.pdf  (186 Kb)

  • Y.I. Tarasov and M.V. Ivashchishina
    The essence of economic categories “a labour potential” and “employment”, their interrelation with labour resources

    This study examines the problems of an estimation of the human capital among which “a labour potential” and its correlation with the concept “employment” occupy the important place. The authors investigate employment and unemployment as mutually conditioned social and economic categories integrally connected with a labour market without real functioning of which the structural reorganization of the Russian economy is impossible.

    pdf tarasov2006_3.pdf  (188 Kb)

  • I.F. Bereshpolova
    The problems of the organization of the accounting and tax account of reserves of forthcoming expenditure using as an example a reserve for repair of the basic means

    The paper is devoted to researches of reflection in the accounting and tax account of reserves of forthcoming expenditure. Basic principles of the account of the given category of reserves are investigated. Discrepancies and problem questions concerning the organization of the account of a reserve intended to repair the basic means both with a view of book keeping and tax account are revealed. Also the mechanism of optimization of a reserve is offered.

    pdf bereshpolova2006_3.pdf  (127 Kb)

  • N.Y. Mugu
    Stages of formation and development of the regional system of rural credit cooperation

    This study considers the stages of formation of regional rural consumer credit cooperation, creation of the Adyghe republican credit cooperative society of the third level at active financial participation of inter-regional agricultural credit cooperation “The National Credit” with the probable change of the organizational-legal form in the future, with its further transformation to the Central Cooperative Bank of Russia. The model of formation of a national level of complete hierarchical system of rural credit cooperation, mechanisms of its integration in credit and financial system of the country are worked out. Criteria of an estimation of efficiency of functioning of the regional system of rural credit cooperation are formulated.

    pdf mugu2006_3.pdf  (218 Kb)

  • I.G. Panzhenskaya
    A technique of the account of transaction costs

    The paper discusses the problem of the account of transaction costs and ways of its solution. The author offers to accumulate them on the same account, as well as develops registers to account transaction costs.

    pdf panzhenskaia2006_3.pdf  (104 Kb)

    Problems of Jurisprudence
  • I.G. Gavrilova
    The role of legal education in formation of a person keeping the Law

    This study defines the purposes and specific features of legal education in a context of formation of the position of the person keeping the Law in daily legal relations, as well as understanding of personal legal and moral duties. Also the author investigates individual deviant features of the person, the dynamics of escalation of legal nihilism in the youth environment, the principal causes and the conditions which have defined deviations from a socially – approved model of behaviour.

    pdf gavrilova2006_3.pdf  (113 Kb)

    Political Sciences
  • A.S. Buzarov
    Some historical-political views on the questions which have caused falling of the Russian empire and disintegration of the USSR in the 20th century: setting up of a problem

    This study establishes the principal causes which have caused falling of the Russian empire and disinte-gration of the USSR, a role in it of the western states, various political forces, newly-appeared reformers and “democrats”.

    pdf buzarov2006_3.pdf  (157 Kb)

  • Z.A. Zhade
    An ethnic space as the factor of geopolitics

    The modern geopolitical theory is related to intro-duction in its conceptual toolkit of concepts that characterize the dynamics of new sociopolitical processes. Among them is such a concept as “an ethnic space” which is obviously important in the analysis of the social, political and ethnic problems assisting in elucidation of both ethnicity, identity, and the place of ethnoses in a geopolitical picture of the world. The geopolitical scale of consideration of ethnos as integrity assumes revealing of its special order of existence.

    pdf zhade2006_3.pdf  (225 Kb)

  • Z.K. Stash
    Democratic and authoritative foundations of a modern political regime in Russia

    Various treatments of the political regime existing in the Russian Federation at present are analyzed, the author makes a forecast of the further development of a political regime in our country. A conclusion is made on the necessity of construction of the certain formula unit-ing elements of political regimes of various types.

    pdf stash2006_3.pdf  (111 Kb)

    Pedagogical Sciences
  • R.A. Kirgueva
    Idea of integrated approach during training, education and development as a methodological reference point in a creative heritage of Professor, Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Academician V.E.Gurin

    The paper discusses the material of the scientific analysis of separate works of Professor V.E.Gurin in a context of idea of the complex approach to integrated pedagogical process.

    pdf kirgueva2006_3.pdf  (117 Kb)

  • M.Z. Kremenko
    An information model of the pupil

    The paper presents principal propositions of the monitoring constituting an information model of the pupil.

    pdf kremenko2006_3.pdf  (107 Kb)

  • Z.K. Bguasheva
    On a problem of familiarizing of preschool children to national culture

    The paper examines theoretical bases of familiarizing of preschool children to national culture. Pedagogical conditions of the formation of ethics of interethnic communication, knowledge and attitude to the native language, traditions, folklore and history are discussed.

    pdf bguasheva1_2006_3.pdf  (120 Kb)

  • A.A. Khuako
    A modern line of social protection of children-orphans and children who have stayed without care of parents in the Adygheya Republic

    The paper discusses problems of care of orphans in the Adygheya Republic, specificity of rendering social, psychological and pedagogical help to children who have stayed without care of parents and the international adoption as the form of getting settled for children who have stayed without care of parents.

    pdf huako2006_3.pdf  (118 Kb)

  • Z.K. Bguasheva and M.A. Aslanova
    Experience in designing and modelling of regional education systems in the Russian Federation

    This study examines existing concepts and approaches to designing ethnic-cultural-oriented education systems in the Russian Federation.

    pdf bguasheva2_2006_3.pdf  (159 Kb)

  • L.V. Shelekhova
    On professional developing of the future teacher as a subject of personality-oriented education

    The author considers directions of realization of personality-oriented education and substructure of professional developing of the future teacher within the framework of a personal paradigm (cognitive, affective, behavioural).

    pdf shelehova2006_3.pdf  (115 Kb)

  • A.N.Blyagoz
    Specific features of development of speech of pupils with general underdeveloped speech

    The growing public alarm for destinies of children of risk, comprehension of necessity of strengthening a role of school and teachers in protection of their physical, mental and moral health and provision with highgrade education have resulted in the formation of a new direction in school practice, namely a correctional-developing education.

    pdf bliagoz2006_3.pdf  (105 Kb)

  • M.M. Agerzhanokova
    Theoretical foundations of technology of module education

    The paper considers the theory of construction of algorithm and structure of modules for independent creation and application in instructing pupils of elementary school.

    pdf agerzhanokova2006_3.pdf  (169 Kb)

  • L.M. Shovgenova
    Ceremonies and traditions in family education

    This study discusses ceremonies and traditions used in the family personality-oriented education.

    pdf shovgenova2006_3.pdf  (119 Kb)

  • L.A. Domracheva and V.A. Bogus
    Algorithmization of teaching as one of the methods of realization of intra-subject connections in studying mathematics

    The paper is devoted to one of the sections of a technique of teaching mathematics in high school, namely algorithmization of training in mathematics. The teacher achieves purposeful work on realization of flexible system of consecutive steps for transition from ignorance to knowledge through algorithmization of training. Examples are given of the formation of algorithms of work on the contents, search for the decision of a geometrical problem which begin at the first lessons of geometry in form 7, proceed in forms 8 and 9 and at studying stereometry in the senior forms. Thus an intra-subject connection is carried out. An example is given of algorithm of search for the decision of planimetrical task.

    pdf domracheva2006_3.pdf  (257 Kb)

  • S.Y. Kobleva and A.Y. Kobleva
    Individualization in teaching foreign language as a condition of improvement of quality of education

    Improvement of quality of education, including subject education, is the essential problem facing a modern Russian society. The individualization of educational process is one of the major factors promoting the decision of the given problem.

    pdf kobleva2006_3.pdf  (104 Kb)

  • T.N. Poddubnaya
    Social protection of the childhood: a correlation of concepts

    The paper examines the contents and essence of social protection of the childhood, correlation of the basic categories concerning a problem of social protection of the childhood.

    pdf poddubnaia2006_3.pdf  (116 Kb)

    Problems of Psychology
  • A.S. Sharudilova
    Socialization of teenagers in conditions of a personality-oriented education system

    The work considers the problems of socialization of teenagers in conditions of a personality-oriented education system. Necessity of creation in a modern education system of the conditions favorably influencing success in socialization of teenagers is proved.

    pdf sharudilova2006_3.pdf  (106 Kb)

  • E.N. Panchenko
    A system of profession-oriented work in the Department “Social Pedagogy”

    The paper is devoted to specificity of professional work and preparation of the future social teachers and to the organization in this connection of a system of professional orientation.

    pdf panchenko2006_3.pdf  (97 Kb)

  • A.V. Leontieva and A.S. Sharudilova
    Empirical research of psychological difficulties in teenagers

    The paper gives the results of empirical research of teenagers experiencing psychological difficulties. The reasons of these difficulties are revealed. It is underlined that the teenagers experiencing psychological difficulties require special attention of social teachers, psycholo-gists, teachers and parents.

    pdf leonteva2006_3.pdf  (121 Kb)

    Philological Sciences: Linguistics, Literature and Literary Criticism
  • Pseunova B.N.
    Specific features of language consciousness of the Adyghes, Russians and Englishmen

    The object of research is the language consciousness of the Russians, Adyghes and Englishmen. National-cultural specificity of language consciousness of the Adyghes, Russians and Englishmen is the subject of research.

    pdf pseunova2006_3.pdf  (139 Kb)

  • T.T. Neshcheretova
    Typology of word formation of neuter gender noun names in the German and Russian languages

    The paper is devoted to a problem of expression of a grammatical gender in languages with different systems, namely in Russian and in German. All three grammatical genders are unequally productive and occupy different positions in grammatical structure of both the Russian and German languages. The interest to a neuter gender is caused here by significant difference of its functioning and expression in the Russian and German languages. An attempt is undertaken to reveal specific features of construction and expression of neuter gender noun names in the German language in comparison to Russian.

    pdf nesheretova2006_3.pdf  (133 Kb)

  • A.A. Agapitova
    The reviewer’s subject and the statements correlated with a concrete situation

    In a channel of last works on functional grammar the present paper discusses the reviewer’s subject as one of the ways of expression of the meaning of time localization or non-localization. As a result of application of a complex technique of semantic interpretation of the text conditionality of the meaning of time localization or non-localization by the meaning of the reviewer’s and uncertain – reviewer’s subject is proved.

    pdf agapitova2006_3.pdf  (129 Kb)

  • E.A. Buzarova and N.H. Zhenetl
    Multi-semanticity of language means of expression of spatial relations (as shown by examples from English and Russian languages)

    The idea about significance of extra spatial and timeless relations is the basis of the problem under consideration. These relations are compared to the designated reality and the nature of lexical meaning of prepositions is defined.

    pdf buzarova1_2006_3.pdf  (132 Kb)

  • E.A. Buzarova and S.A. Sasina
    Metaphorization of professional phrases as a special case of a secondary nomination

    The paper examines phraseologization of professional steady combinations in modern English caused by a general language tendency to use them in the rethought metaphorical meaning. The metaphor represents a special case of a secondary indirect nomination during which a new meaning of phraseological unit is created on the basis of a name already existing in language. Presence of semantic two-planned character in consciousness of speaker and listener forms the basis for creation of a new image. Professionalisms in new metaphorical meaning pass from special sphere into the general language use and make speech expressive and dynamical.

    pdf buzarova2_2006_3.pdf  (123 Kb)

  • M.D. Kunova
    Kabardinizms in T.Kerashev's historical works

    The paper discusses the lexical fund of T.Kerashev's historical works. The author points to the presence of the Adyghe-Kabardian interferential phenomena in them.

    pdf kunova1_2006_3.pdf  (131 Kb)

  • M.D. Kunova
    Adjectives, designating colour, and their functions in the T.Kerashev's novel “Lonely horsemen”

    In clause the qualitative adjectives in the T.Kerashev's novel, serving for a designation of colours and colour shades are considered a language environment and functions, which they carry out in art product.

    pdf kunova2_2006_3.pdf  (162 Kb)

  • M.O. Volkova
    Diaphonic correlations of vowels in the Russian and Adyghe languages

    The paper is devoted to setting up of Russian-Adyghe bilinguism and to revealing typical interferential deviations in the field of vowel phonemes in the Adyghe speech of the Russians.

    pdf volkova2006_3.pdf  (122 Kb)

    Biomechanics and Sport
  • A.M. Doronin, D.A. Romanov and M.L. Romanova
    Mathematical models of the mental anti-entropy of society

    The paper presents the mathematical models of the mental anti-entropy of society

    pdf doronin2006_3.pdf  (171 Kb)

  • O.Y. Antiptsev
    On some tendencies in developing sports of the maximum achievements and Olympic movement in modern social and economic conditions (as shown in the Krasnodar region)

    A steady tendency of system developing a physical training and sports in general and sports of the maximum achievements and Olympic movement in particular is marked in the Krasnodar region. The basic reference points here still remain: availability of training occupations, quality of training process, an individual approach to engaged, introduction of innovations and use of experience in all directions of development of such a social phenomenon as a branch of physical training and sports.

    pdf antipcev2006_3.pdf  (128 Kb)

  • A.S. Buzarov
    A generation of the 1940s. The new book

    Some days ago the scientific monograph “A generation of the 1940s” was issued. Its author is K.G. Achmiz, the well-known historian, the Candidate of the Historical Sciences, the Honoured Teacher of the Kuban, the Honoured Worker of National Education of the Adygheya Republic, Director of the Adyghe H. Andrukhaev Pedagogical College. The monograph is devoted to a labour feat of rural youth of the Northwest Caucasus during the Great Patriotic War.

    pdf buzarov2_2006_3.pdf  (86 Kb)

  • Number downloads:
  • rar vestnik3_2006.rar  (504 Kb)