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  • Baghdasaryan S.D., Samsonenko T.A.
    Stages of the formation of the Soviet resort: the city of Sochi as an example

    The article provides an analysis of the state policy of the USSR in the field of health resort construction. We are considering the accumulated experience of legal regulation, the creation of a management apparatus, a system of training and cultural infrastructure of resort cities. The formation of the model of the Soviet resort in the period 1917-1991 is analyzed using an example of the resort city of Sochi. Emphasis is placed on the historical formation of the model of the Soviet resort, its structure, functional purpose depending on the political and socio-economic tasks of the state. The essence of the Soviet policy of resort business is determined, the experience of which is drawn to the state policy of the Russian Federation when building approaches to the development of the health resort infrastructure of the country. The purpose of this work is to study the positive experience of health resort support for Soviet citizens. The main task of the authors was to demonstrate the evolution of the methods of state health resort policy in the USSR. The study is based on a complex of scientific methods: comparative-historical and statistical. Also, the method of periodization and allocation of chronological links in the development of the state doctrine of health resort policy played a special role in building the model of the Soviet resort. The conclusion is made about the historical achievements and shortcomings of the Soviet resort. It is proposed to consider the question of the continuity of the model of the Soviet resort, its social orientation for the development of social policy in Russia.

    pdf 15-21.pdf  (155 Kb)

  • Batchaeva A.M.
    Transformation of the local government system in the Karachay and Cherkessia mountain settlements during the civil war (March 1918 - November 1920)

    The article is devoted to the process of transforming the system of local government in the mountain settlements of the Upper Kuban (on the territory of modern Karachay-Cherkessia) during the civil war (March 1918 - November 1920). The article considers the main stages of these transformations in the region: the organization of Councils of Workers’ Deputies after the approval of Soviet power (March 1918), the revival by the white administration of imperial management institutions with separate elements introduced during the period of bourgeois democracy (September 1918), the creation of revolutionary committees after the secondary establishment of Soviet power (March 1920), the functioning of local administration during the anti-Soviet uprising (September-October 1920). The problems of law enforcement by local and Soviet authorities in the region, as well as the means of political propaganda used by the White Guard and Soviet administrations in the mountain settlements of Karachay and Cherkessia deserve special attention. It is concluded that the final establishment of Soviet power in the territory of modern Karachay-Cherkessia after the protest events of October-November 1920 took place peacefully and set new socio-political and economic tasks for the region.

    pdf 22-30.pdf  (151 Kb)

  • Bondar V.V.
    "Castle in the Cossack city": the official status and role of the Ekaterinodar fortress in the history of the region

    The article deals with the circumstances of the emergence and existence of the fortress - an earthen fortification erected at the end of the 18th century in the southern part of the built military city of Ekaterinodar - the administrative center of the land of the Black Sea Cossack army. An analysis is made of the fortification qualities of the fortress, its strategic role, military-administrative, economic and other functions in the Black Sea Cossack army. The publication describes the fortress of different periods, battle episodes in which it was calcified; the functional and spatial transformation of the fortress after the end of the Caucasus War and the transformation of Ekaterinodar from a military to a civilian city, up to the destruction of defensive structures and the transfer of fortress buildings to a military hospital. The role of the fortress in the history of Ekaterinodar and the Kuban is evaluated compared to its official status on the scale of the Russian Empire. Information is given on the use of former fortress outbuildings by the military, and then by the regional hospital. The article clarifies the circumstances of the development of the former serf territory, giving its remains the status of an object of cultural heritage (as a monument of history and fortification) and their destruction. The author arrives at a conclusion about the gradual loss of the importance of the territory in the life of the region's troops since the abolition of the fortress and the transfer of administrative institutions from here.

    pdf 31-44.pdf  (241 Kb)

  • Karapetyan L.A., Vinogradov B.V.
    Reflection of the state structure of Russia in leaflets of the North Caucasus Cadet-Octobrist organizations during the First Russian Revolution

    The relevance of the topic is that political parties in Russia at the beginning of the 20th century were important generators of ideas that influenced the choice of the country’s state structure. The object of research is regional organizations of the Cadet and Octobrist Parties. The subject of the article is assessment of the state structure of Russia reflected in the leaflets of the North Caucasus Cadet and Octobrist Organizations (1905 1907). The article discloses specifics of assessment of the real and the desired state structure of Russia in leaflets of the Cadet and Octobrist Party Organizations of the North Caucasus a multiethnic, multi-religious, agricultural region. The publication reveals differences between General Party doctrines and views of party leaders of local organizations on the most important issues. There are differences in the solution of the national question. The authors prove that the cadets in the North Caucasus were in favor of granting regional autonomy to a wider range of territories than the Central Committee of the Cadet Party. The idea of turning the State Duma into a Constitional Assembly was promoted. In the North Caucasus, in comparison with the Zemstvo regions, the social environment for the perception of liberal ideas was much narrower, which has affected the activities of regional party organizations.

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  • Kasyanov V.V., Chuprynnikov S.A.
    Historical memory, social memory: dialectics of interaction

    In this article, the statement that the study of memory as a complex phenomenon of life is associated with the existence of at least two approaches - historical and social - served as the starting methodological prerequisite for the subsequent analysis of research material. The problems of research, aimed at establishing the dialectic of the interaction of historical and social memory, allow us, within the framework of available historical memory as a whole, to differentiate social memory as something special, because historical experience triggers the mechanisms of the functioning of social memory. The article reveals the fundamental nature of memory by sequentially explaining the totality of such processes as: memorizing (selecting information), storing, reproducing and referencing information (erasing certain events from memory, striking out a fact from historical memory). Based on the analysis of the dialectic of the interaction of historical and social memory, it is concluded that there is a close interconnection and complementarity of historical processes reflected in historical and social memory, aimed at understanding the events of the past in order to find and determine value and meaning guidelines in the present.

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  • Melsitov V.V., Sergienko N.L., Chernysheva S.A.
    Nuremberg lessons and modernity

    The Second World War, which claimed 50 million human lives, destroyed thousands of cities, villages and towns, the entire infrastructure of the then world was the worst bloody tragedy in the history of mankind. The logical conclusion of this truly global tragedy was the International Military Tribunal for Nazi Criminals, which went down in history as the Court of Peoples. The International Military Tribunal began its work on November 20, 1945 in Nuremberg and ended on October 1, 1946. The trial of fascist criminals was long, a total of 403 public meetings were held. Passions in Western historiography about who initiated this process still do not abate. However, today, based on the facts, it can be safely argued that the idea of the Court of Peoples belonged to the Soviet Union. Therefore, today, when 75 years have passed since the beginning of the Nuremberg trial, it is very important and necessary to give correct assessments of what was, what did and how the International Tribunal classified German Nazism and its inhuman atrocities. The peoples' court rightly condemned not only the leaders of the Third Reich, but also recognized as criminal the leadership of the Nazi party (NSDAP), the Gestapo (secret police), security units (SS) and the security service (SD). The sentence of the Nuremberg trial was severe, but fair. Twelve main war criminals were sentenced to death by hanging, three were sentenced to life imprisonment, and four to imprisonment for a term of 10 to 20 years. The court worked for almost a year, the verbatim record of the process took 16,000 pages, during the trial the prosecutors presented 2,630 documents, the defense - 2,700. Twenty-seven lawyers represented the defence and were assisted by 54 legal assistants and 67 secretaries. Twenty-seven km of magnetic tape and 7 thousand gramophone disks were required to record the process. Today, when neo-fascists and nationalists again raise their heads in different parts of the world, it is worth recalling the lessons of Nuremberg and the inevitability of punishment from the world community.

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  • Rakachev V.N., Rakacheva Ya.V.
    Dynamics of population size and structure in the regions of Adyghea in the second half of the 20th - early 21st centuries

    The study of demographic phenomena has remained one of the most significant scientific directions over the past decades. While recognizing the important role of regional particularities and the variability in the demographic development of specific territories, researchers are predominantly focused on the global, national and subregional levels. In this article, based on a set of statistical materials, an analysis is carried out of the demographic structures and population size at the level of municipal districts of Adyghea for more than 40 years (1979-2020). This approach makes it possible to identify specific demographic situation, show the effect of local factors that determine it. The analysis concludes that a number of changes observed in the population of the Adyghea regions are of the nature of universal transformations characteristic of most Russian territories. At the same time, the deformation of the sexual structure towards the further superiority of the female population, the processes of aging, the reduction in the proportion of children, the increase in the demographic burden, and the reduction in the absolute number at the level of specific areas are characterized by a significant peculiarity and are due to ethnocultural factors.

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  • Tkhagapsova G.G.
    The formation of Soviet health care in Maykop (1917-1941)

    The article deals with the process of the formation of the Soviet health care system basing on an example of the Maykop Department (with a center in Maykop) of the Kuban-Black Sea region. Based on an analysis of archival materials, the author shows that despite the difficulties of the transition period related to the civil war, the destruction of previous management structures and the lack of stability in the new ones, urban health organizations received a lot of attention. There was a constant search for new rational clear organizational forms of management. Given the fact that doctors worked with great overload, often combining several positions, they tried to provide them with material assistance. The system paid great attention to the protection of motherhood and childhood, preventive, sanitary and epidemic measures, and the fight against "social diseases". Despite the significant socio-economic difficulties caused by the process of the formation of the new Soviet government, the progressive development of urban health care was gaining momentum. By the beginning of World War II, the Maykop health system had achieved significant results in organizing assistance to the population and was ready to withstand impending difficulties.

    pdf 82-86.pdf  (125 Kb)

  • Cheucheva A.K.
    Ancient ports and harbors of the North Caucasus coast of the Black Sea

    The article traces the history of the emergence of ports and harbors on the North Caucasus coast of the Black Sea in ancient times. The sea was a place of contact between the inhabitants of the region and the rest of the world. The author justifies the idea that the development of the Black Sea coast took place by various peoples in several stages. The Greeks made the main contribution to the creation of ports and harbors, creating trade empories at the first stage, then developed the territory, creating apoikia colonies. Greek settlers came to the regions densely populated by various peoples. Therefore, the article suggests that many harbors may not have been founded by the Greeks. As an example, you can point to the Sindh harbor built by the Sindhes. Some researchers place it on the site of Anapa. Analyzing modern material, the author concludes that more than 20 ports and harbors that had important geopolitical and socio-economic significance for the development of trade relations between the Northern Black Sea region and the Mediterranean countries could exist in the studied space in ancient times.

    pdf 87-95.pdf  (380 Kb)

  • Duplenko V.I.,Kasparov A.R.
    The phenomenon of "fakes about coronavirus" in the context of information security of the Russian Federation

    In the 21st century, with the development of information and computer technologies, a number of systemic contradictions related to the macro environment of the global world system have formed, which pose a threat to Russia's information security. The state of information security of the Russian society assumes a balance of several facts related to the political, economic, social and spiritual spheres of Russian society, which is not always feasible in practice. Of particular concern is the virtual environment that the Internet embodies. A decrease in the quality of information, primarily in the global network, periodically leads to negative social consequences. In particular, the quality of information has deteriorated in recent decades, while the scientific and technological component in social communication has increased significantly. This contradiction is reflected in the phenomenon of information overload, when the intensification of mass-communicative impact on the audience leads to effects that are directly opposite to what the Communicator expects. The result of the deterioration in the quality of information was the "Renaissance" of rumors – one of the most ancient forms of communication of mankind, which in the 21st century. once again, has taken a key position in the structure of the means of receiving and transmitting messages. In 2020, in the context of the coronavirus pandemic (COVID-19), against the background of the indicated contradictions in the mass communication system, a significant problem was the dissemination of false information, which can lead to panic, mass phobias, increased social tension, etc., that is why the domestic legislator developed legal acts aimed at countering false information about the coronavirus. However, to optimize the functioning of the management system, it is important to verify the developed models in practice, since along with positive ones, there may also be pronounced negative effects associated with a decrease in information freedom, which corresponds to the classical formula for updating rumors as a response of society to the prohibitive actions of state management structures in the mass communication system.

    pdf 96-103.pdf  (146 Kb)

  • Zhade Z.A., Shadzhe A.Yu., Lyausheva S. A., Ilyinova N.A., Kukva E.S.
    Regional power and society in conditions of uncertainty and risk: (des)integration index as the basis of interaction model

    The article analyzes the problem of interaction between the authorities and society in the regional communities of the Adyghea Republic and the Krasnodar Territory in the context of a global pandemic. Also, the article analyzes the results of a sociological survey conducted in September-October 2020 in these regions using the questionnaire method (N = 1171). Based on empirical data reflecting indicators which were combined into the following blocks: information and communication, competence, readiness for cooperation, trust, and publicity of regional policies, the authors calculated individual, aggregate and integral indices of social (des)integration. The integral index was 103.6 in the Krasnodar Territory and 125.5 in the Adyghea Republic. Based on the analysis of (des)integration indices for each of the regions and taking into account methodological requirements, the authors constructed a descriptive model of interaction between power and society in regional communities in a risk setting. The model makes it possible to predict direct risk management based on a combination with self-organization processes with the lowest expenses for the integrity and consolidation of regional societies. Based on the identified level of interaction between government and society in regional communities of the pandemic, crisis and high risk period, it is concluded that it is necessary to intensify the interaction of horizontal ties ("unifying practices") in society and vertical ties between society and power. To this end, measures are proposed to identify and use the possibilities of risks and hazards, and combine the resource of social capital with the "soft management" of society and the direction of risk.

    pdf 104-121.pdf  (417 Kb)

  • Zueva O.V., Demidov N.N.
    Problems of increasing the prestige of leading police units in the context of improving personnel policy in the internal affairs bodies of the Russian Federation

    The purpose of this study is to analyze the prestige of the service of various police units, taking into account the specifics of their activities and determine ways to increase it in the modern conditions of the development of Russian society. The relevance of the selected issue is due to the need to improve personnel policy in the internal affairs bodies. In recent years, there has been a tendency to increase the shortage of personnel in the leading police services, which is partly due to a decrease in the prestige of service in the internal affairs bodies, both among the population and among current employees. The authors analyze the personnel situation in such units as the criminal investigation, patrol and post service and drug trafficking control units, which seem to be the most problematic in this regard. Empirical evidence shows that there is a mixed situation due to the fact that units with a shortage of personnel, at the same time, according to staff, are the most prestigious in the system of Internal Affairs Department. Based on sociological surveys, the authors show the main factors affecting the prestige of the service, taking into account the specifics of the activities of employees. These include: the size of the allowance, career prospects, normalization of official time and "usefulness of work". The article justifies the most effective areas of management to overcome the problematic situation in the personnel policy of the Internal Affairs Department. This is primarily: improving the system of qualification requirements for posts in the internal affairs bodies with regard to the assignment of special ranks; revision of the system of allowances for certain categories of employees; and improving the social security system. The authors conclude that focusing on increasing the prestige of the service, taking into account the specifics of the activities of individual units, should become a priority area of personnel policy in the Internal Affairs Department.

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  • Ilyinova N.A.
    Activities of the "fourth power" in the face of the global challenge: assessments of the regional community

    In the context of the new coronavirus reality, the interaction of power and society is of great importance. In this regard, public awareness of the new global threat is of particular significance. The ability of the media and social networks to fill the official information vacuum with reliable information in a timely manner is an effective way to combat fakes that are aimed at increasing the emotional background of the predominant part of the country's population, plunging into panic. Russian sociological studies demonstrate a low level of confidence in official statistics on COVID-19, most Russians are confident that information is deliberately distorted. However, Russia is a country of regions, in connection with which the author suggests that the regional community has a different point of view on the activities of the "fourth government" to inform about the spread of coronavirus, about the situation in the country and the world in the new reality. The author's conclusions are based on the results of a sociological study conducted by the scientific team of Adyghe State University in the Krasnodar Territory and the Adyghea Republic.

    pdf 132-137.pdf  (655 Kb)

  • Kasparov A.R., Savina S.V.
    Contemporary methods of studying public opinion about the police activities

    The article analyzes the results of monitoring studies of public opinion on the activities of the police by various sociological services. This is due to the content and structure of the tasks assigned to the internal affairs bodies, consistent with the expectations of the authorities and citizens in maintaining the necessary level of personal and collective security, the protection of the population from various threats of a criminal nature, as well as the development of directions for improving technologies to strengthen the level of trust and respect of society for the police. The creation of a positive image, as a rule, increases the prestige and, therefore, respect for the authority and influence of law enforcement agencies. The positive image of an employee of the internal affairs bodies is an important factor in the high rating of the police among other state institutions of power, which is very important in the modern information space of public life. The assessment of public opinion also affects the high image of the police officer, where his activities are carried out in the context of the transformation processes taking place in the police. The effective form and task of monitoring is to obtain sociological information that allows assessing the problem at the federal and regional levels. It is concluded that the main criterion for any monitoring is the acquisition of sociological information to assess the factors, conditions, state and prospects of victimization, the nature of citizens' confidence in the police in matters of ensuring their property and personal security. An effective method in the scientific and methodological improvement of the study of public opinion about the police is the placement of information and analytical materials on an ongoing basis in departmental media and on the official website of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia on the Internet. Some studies provide information and analysis for the formal assessment of law enforcement.

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  • Netrebko E.N., Hlabystova N.V.
    Distance learning during pandemic COVID-2019: from materials of empirical research

    Distance learning has long been seen as advanced technologies that enhance the competitiveness of an educational institution in the service market. However, it is necessary to study whether this is the case when implementing this form of providing educational services. In the article, the authors analyze the formation and development of distance learning in Russia, as well as the merits and shortcomings of distance learning for students. The merits of distance learning are as follows: distance learning allows higher education in-service, reduces material costs and saves time for education, makes higher education more accessible to people with disabilities, students can independently organize the educational process, and for an educational institution a remote form of education makes it possible to increase the contingent while reducing the costs of the educational process. Shortcomings include the lack of "live communication" of the student - teacher, student - student, student - university administration, a number of areas of training suggest only a traditional form of training, for example, technical or technological, in which the curricula provide laboratory work, as well as the training of doctors and medical workers; not all students are capable of organizing the educational process themselves; universal competencies of students in the learning process are not fully developed; and such form of training makes it impossible to control the independence of students to perform tasks, and also will not allow teachers to control the assimilation of material. Based on the conducted sociological study, the authors assess the real advantages and disadvantages of distance learning, as well as the degree of satisfaction of distance learning students. The authors rightly emphasize that the distance form of education does not affect the degree of satisfaction of students with education only by correspondence, and elements of this form of education need to be developed and improved in higher educational institutions for correspondence students as a competitive advantage of an educational institution in the market of educational services. Also in the article, the authors conduct a secondary analysis of the results of sociological studies of the All-Russian Center for the Study of Public Opinion and St. Petersburg State Economic University.

    pdf 146-151.pdf  (123 Kb)

  • Oleynichenko N.Ya.
    The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on increasing social inequality among young people

    In this article, the author proposes to consider the pandemic of a new coronavirus infection COVID-19 as a risk that plunged the entire world community into a state of "uncertainty”. The founders of riskology point to the need to adapt society to any risk, the author transfers this idea to the coronavirus pandemic. There is an ambiguous influence of COVID-19 on all spheres of life of society, which many researchers classify as a crisis. The author focuses attention on the issue of social inequality of young people and traces the factors manifested in the conditions of the coronavirus pandemic and exacerbating the social inequality of this socio-demographic group. The urgent digitalization of Russian society, the transition to remote forms of work of all educational organizations, the introduction of a remote form of work, which negatively affected the number of jobs – this is the main list of reasons indicated by the author as provoking the growth of social inequality of youth. As a result, the author notes that the State needs to develop a set of measures aimed at reducing the negative impact of the COVID-19 reality on increasing social inequality among young people.

    pdf 152-156.pdf  (183 Kb)

  • Ptuschenko E.B., Khurum R.Yu., Megrikyan I.G.
    Digital literacy as a tool for socializing the "third age" generation

    Digital technologies have created an innovative, technocratic, information technology, and civilized reality in society. The use of these technologies makes it possible to successfully adapt and socialize older people in the modern world. The aim of this study is to conduct an analytical review of the use of new information technologies and effective methods for generating digital literacy for people of the third age category. A number of specialized Federal programs, general and special technologies are considered to provide the older generation of people with opportunities for their social adaptation in the information society. The main competencies and indicators forming them are identified. The main feature of many electronic information resources, their complete openness, is shown. Modern interactive information technologies of digital literacy formation are presented. Their positive opportunities are in increasing the interest of the older generation in the assimilation and application of information technologies in everyday life. It has been revealed that these training programs and courses form social beliefs and attitudes about the forms of behavior and communication necessary in a digital society. As a result, it is stated that digital literacy implements a new information reality of socialization and adaptation of people of the "third" age category and is expressed in their comfortable existence in an information and digital society.

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  • Rakhmanin R.A.
    Alternative theories of developing deviant behavior of young people in Russian contemporary society

    The article examines the problems of deviant behavior of representatives of the younger generation in the conditions of transformation and modernization of the social structure of Russian contemporary society. In the context of this study, young people are characterized as a specific socio-demographic layer of the population of the Russian Federation, belonging to the age group from 14 to 30 years. According to the author, the youth socio-demographic group is at risk of developing deviant behavior. This fact is due to the fact that it is this age group that has a particularly acute reaction, both on various social conflicts and on the process of social transformation and modernization, which, in turn, is directly related to high social attitudes of the individual, dissatisfaction with which leads to social apathy and, as a result, to deviations. The article reveals the relationship between the concepts of "deviant behavior," "social norm," and "social pathology". The author makes a detailed analysis of the integrative interdisciplinary nature of the study of deviant behavior, as well as considers key scientific and theoretical approaches to the study of deviations. In particular, the work analyzes the main theories that most accurately characterize the causes of deviations, such as biological, anthropological, behavioral, cultural and sociological. The author pays special attention to the sociological theory of the emergence of deviations, the main components of which are multifactorial driving models. The author focuses on major theories on deviance within the framework of the sociological concept, including the anomie theories of E. Durkheim, R. Merton, and the differential association theory of E.G. Sutherland. The work analyzes the main reasons fostering deviations in the youth environment in the conditions of Russian modern reality. As the main factors of the emergence of deviant behavior of youth, the author identifies: a pronounced social stratification of Russian society, problems of an economic nature and difficulties associated with socially acceptable self-expression and self-realization. The article also presents official statistics on the problems of deviant behavior of youth from 2015 to 2019.

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  • Tyun A.P.
    Culture of departmental education as a factor of effective interaction between police officers and the civilian population

    In modern society, there are serious prerequisites for violating the effectiveness of law enforcement agencies, associated with the negative attitude of the civilian population towards the police. The article proves that distrust of the police and its rejection in the public environment entails an increase in the prerequisites for the development of crime, as well as hinders the implementation of law enforcement activities. The analysis of the reasons for the negative attitude towards the police and possible ways to rectify the situation proves that the personal qualities of police officers, their professionalism, level of cultural development, and value orientations have the potential to overcome existing negative trends. The view is justified that departmental educational institutions in which future law enforcement officials are trained have a high potential to influence the current situation. The development of the humane aspect of police education is proposed as one of the key measures to regulate police-civilian relations. The author concludes that the level of public confidence in law enforcement agencies depends not only on the level of professionalism and competence of police officers, but also on their cultural and communicative qualities.

    pdf 173-179.pdf  (129 Kb)

  • Hlabystova N.V., Tereschenko I.A.
    Assessment of full-time distance learning by students during the COVID-2019 pandemic (the case study of Kuban State University of Technology)

    In the article, distance learning is considered as a form of learning that does not require a single physical presence in one audience of the instructor and trainee, organized mainly on the Internet and using modern means of communication - audio, video and satellite communication channels [1]. With the wide spread of radio and television, a remote form of education begins its history of formation and development. The desire to gain knowledge of the media caused interest among many. However, training by television and radio had a significant drawback - trainees (listeners) did not have the opportunity to interact with teachers and receive feedback from them. In 1969, the world's first distance learning university was opened in the UK. The goal of creating the first remote educational institution was to make higher education accessible to all the population (low tuition fees). The widespread use of personal computers in the late 1980s simplified distance learning in the world. In Russia, since 1997, this form of training begins to develop (Order No. 1050 of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation). With the mass development of distance education in the world, it becomes the object of study of sciences such as pedagogy, psychology, and sociology. Distance learning has long been seen as advanced technologies that enhance the competitiveness of an educational institution in the service market. However, it is necessary to study how full-time students evaluate the distance form of study during the pandemic, and how much universities were ready to switch to this format. On the basis of the conducted sociological study, the authors assess the real advantages and disadvantages of the distance form of study, as well as the degree of satisfaction of the full-time student with the distance form of study. The authors rightly emphasize that despite the significant contribution to the development of distance learning, experience shows that the use of this format is suitable not for all students. It may be necessary for full-time students to use distance learning elements so that if the epidemiological situation worsens, they have experience using the educational process of this format. Also, in the article, the authors conduct a secondary analysis of the results of sociological studies of the Higher School of Economics.

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  • Chagin V.S.
    Social factors of suicidal risks in the youth environment of contemporary Russia

    This article studies the main conditions and factors contributing to the development of suicidal risks in the youth environment of Russian contemporary society, as well as the main methods of preventive impact, which can have a significant influence on the process of overcoming this negative trend. The author notes that along with the main traditional factors that can form suicidal tendencies in the consciousness of a young individual, such as the transformation of the value – sense-bearing structure of society and youth in particular, the social maladaptation of the person, the problems of family and domestic relations, the influence of the socio-cultural environment, etc., it is necessary to distinguish new factors of modern society. This is the Internet system, the media and the works of cinema. According to the author, it is under their influence that young people are exposed to the greatest risks of transforming value consciousness and moral and ethical standards. Along with issues related to the study of the main causes of suicidal risks in the youth environment of modern Russia, the issue of developing basic measures to prevent suicidal behavior is analyzed in the work. The work identifies priority areas in the field of prevention of suicidal risks, these include: - Organizing measures to prevent suicidal risks and various forms of violence against young people; - The formation of specialized response services, in which specialists of various profiles should perform their functions; - Blocking of destructive groups and sites promoting suicidal acts; - Introduction of specialized education programmes for professionals working with young people to prevent suicide. According to the author, the juvenile policy of state bodies aimed at preventing suicidal risks in the youth environment of modern society could be one of the most effective measures to achieve results in the studied problem. On the basis of the above stated, the author concludes that the conditions and factors analyzed are fundamental in the process of shaping the suicidal behavior of young people.

    pdf 186-191.pdf  (119 Kb)

  • Shevchenko O.P.
    Entrepreneurial culture in the sociocultural space of Russian society

    The article discusses the relationship between entrepreneurial culture and mentality in Russian contemporary society. An attempt is made to analyze the mechanisms of the influence of the Russian mentality on entrepreneurial culture, especially in the aspect of social mood, emotional and sensual perception by entrepreneurs of the surrounding socio-economic reality. Attention is drawn to the social contradiction, which consists, on the one hand, in rationalizing business strategies, and on the other hand, in a certain irrationality of socio-cultural attitudes related to the Russian mentality. Characteristic features of the mentality of Russian society have been identified influencing the development of entrepreneurial culture, including: mentality as an instrument for translating the historical memory of previous generations; mentality as a system of aggravated emotional and sensory response to the surrounding reality; the mentality of Russian society as a space for accumulating a specific perception of the state and law in the coordinates "justice - injustice". Based on the analysis of the entrepreneurial culture of modern Russians, the author concludes that its deterministic mental attitudes are symbiosis of rational-logical and emotionally-sensual constructs that actualize irrational elements of consciousness and behavior in the professional environment.

    pdf 192-197.pdf  (167 Kb)

  • Yakovenko M.L., Ozarkiv O.M.
    Intercultural collaboration among seafarers

    The article considers the specifics of intercultural collaboration of a professional group of Russian sailors of the civil fleet in conditions of inclusion in multicultural contexts of professional activity. Based on a secondary analysis of a number of empirical studies carried out by the authors, some aspects of the national-cultural presentation of Russian sailors in the professional environment of international navigation are clarified. The functional interconnectedness of seafarers, the commonality of goals and administrative tasks determine the formation of a single maritime professional community that remains stable in conditions of permanent intercultural communications. At the same time, the data of the study show that ethno-national stereotypes are a significant conflict factor in the socially isolated professional environment of modern navigators. It is argued that stereotypes of the behavior of Russian sailors, due to the influence of the traditions and values of Russian maritime culture, determine their professional identity, linguistic competence, reaction to the level of conflict in the team, and the specifics of attitude to governing structures. It is concluded that the organizational and corporate culture of seafarers of international navigation is dependent on the nature of intercultural collaboration representing the basic elements of ethno-social structures in the professional community.

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  • Yakovleva T.N., Leonova O.V.
    Features of leisure activities of modern young people in rural areas

    The relevance of the chosen topic is due to the fact that at present the socio-cultural situation in rural areas is characterized by a number of negative processes that have emerged in the field of spiritual life in the conditions of market relations. On the one hand, in modern society there is a loss of spiritual and moral guidelines, alienation from the culture and art of children, youth and adults, and, on the other hand, by inertia, since the early 1990s, the residual principle of financing cultural institutions remains. To identify the conditions for leisure of rural youth, the authors conducted a sociological study among the youth of one of the villages of the Astrakhan region. Value orientations of rural youth, preferences in spending free time, new forms of cultural and leisure activities, as well as reasons for dissatisfaction with leisure activities are analyzed. Based on the results of the study, the authors conclude that young people are dissatisfied with leisure activities in their village. On the one hand, young people attribute this to material opportunities (high payment for entertainment services), and, on the other, the passivity of young people themselves (it should be "someone," and not themselves).

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    Regional Economy
  • Varivoda V.S.

    The article examines the features of the regions of the Russian Federation's spatial development about the issue of promising economic specializations of the respective territories. As a promising economic specialization at the present stage of economic development, tourism is a highly relevant topic for research and discussion. It is also of scientific interest for specialists in the field of regional economics and spatial development of territories. Diverse conceptual apparatus and methodological approaches complicate the process of systematization of the studied problem. The general theory of spatial development of tourism has not yet been developed. The article proposes the author's essence of the concept of «Tourist and recreational center», «Spatial organization of tourism». In recent years, there has been a significant potential for the growth of tourism's role in the socio-economic development of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation. Tourism, as an alternative form of income for the population, is able to ensure the sustainable development of the territory.

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  • Ledovskaya A.V.

    The article deals with the issues of the current state of relations between all participants of fiscal relations in the process of forming the revenue part of budgets of various levels, which are characterized as insufficiently effective. The dynamics of the implementation of the budget of the Stavropol Territory on tax revenues for the period from 2017 is analyzed and its forecast estimate for the period up to 2023 is given. The paper suggests measures aimed at increasing the financial independence of regional and local authorities by increasing the share of tax revenues. The objective necessity of forming more effective forecasts of tax revenues to the budgets of various levels in order to balance the entire budget and tax policy is justified. A set of measures to optimize the structure of tax revenues in terms of increasing the share of regional and local budgets is presented.

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  • Tamov A.A., Kovalenko M.G.

    On the example of the Republic of Adygea and the Krasnodar Territory, the article examines little-studied aspects of mutually beneficial economic cooperation between small budget-deficit and large budget-secured regions of the South of Russia. Criteria and strategic goals and objectives of economic cooperation of the regions of these types are identified and systematized, which determine the increased interest in it of small budget-deficit regions. On the example of the Republic of Adygea, as a small region, the results of long-term effective interregional cooperation with the economically developed Krasnodar Territory are considered, expressed both in the advanced socio-economic development of Adygea, and in the dynamic development of its individual territories. Particular attention is paid to the factors limiting the potential for cooperation between small and large regions of the South of Russia, as well as strategic management tools, the systematic use of which will successfully remove these restrictions.

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    The Account, Audit and the Control
  • Lugovsky D.V., Meshlok E.A.

    The article analyzes the statements of Russian accounting standards for depreciable property and compares them with the requirements of IFRS, which allowed us to identify some contradictions and suggest ways to solve them. In particular, the classification of long-term assets in relation to their participation in depreciation processes is presented. It’s aimed at forming an interrelated and consistent methodology for assets accounting and financial reporting, including investment property, non-current assets for sale, impairment of long-term non-financial assets, investments in financial leases, and others. The error of recognition of the equipment repair costs as independent item is justified. The inadmissibility of recognition the depreciation method as accounting estimate is shown. The scheme of accounting records for non-current assets impairment is recommended.

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    Economy of Agrarian-Industrial Complex
  • Mokrushin A.A., Rychkovskaya D.N.

    The article is devoted to the issues of state regulation of the development of the dairy subcomplex in the depressed region. Territorial and sectoral features of the dairy subcomplex of the Republic of Adygea, as well as the structure of state support for dairy farming in the region, are revealed. On the basis of correlation and regression analysis, the degree of influence of industry factors on the development of dairy farming in the Republic of Adygea is revealed. The problems and priority areas of state support for the development of this industry are highlighted. The specifics of state regulation of economic processes in the agro-industrial complex of the Republic of Adygea are revealed. It is proved that structural imbalances in the development of the dairy subcomplex of the Republic of Adygea are caused by the results of the transformation of property relations and existing contradictions in the system of state regulation of the subcomplex. Strategic directions and tasks of economic development of the dairy subcomplex of the Republic of Adygea in accordance with the priorities of the Strategy of socio-economic Development of the Republic of Adygea until 2030 are revealed. Priority areas for improving the system of state regulation of the dairy subcomplex of the Republic of Adygea are highlighted.

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  • Mokrushin A.A., Panesh K.M., Shalatov V.V.

    The article is devoted to the study of institutional and economic conditions for the development of vertical integration processes in the agro-industrial complex (AIC) of the problem region of Russia. The typical features of integration processes developing in the modern domestic agro-industrial complex are highlighted and summarized. The article reveals the transformational potential of vertically integrated structures in the socio-economic development of the territorial agro-industrial complex. The key factors that promote and hinder the development of integration processes in the agro-industrial complex of the Republic of Adygea in the context of implementing the import substitution policy, ensuring the diversity of the economy are highlighted. Special attention is paid to the analysis of the compliance of integration projects with the priorities of the development of agro-industrial production, presented in the Strategy of Socio-Economic Development of the Republic of Adygea until 2030. The basic scenarios of the structural reorganization of the agro-industrial complex of the Republic of Adygea on the basis of vertical integration mechanisms, specified in relation to the institutional and economic conditions of the agro-industrial complex, are presented. The potential of implementing the cluster model in the development of integration processes in the agro-industrial complex of the Republic of Adygea is revealed.

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  • Popova L.V., DuginaT.A., Lata M.S., Melikhov P.A.

    The article reflects state support for the development of agriculture of the SFO and Volgograd region, the size of which is not stable and sufficient for the development of innovation. The effectiveness of financial support programs for agricultural development in the region has been assessed. The reasons for the slow pace of innovation processes in the agricultural segment of the region's economy, consisting mainly of budgetary support only technical modernization, have been determined, the contradictions of the prevailing economic conditions and the declaration of the priority of agriculture have been revealed. The problems of small business development in Volgograd region, which produces a significant part of food for the population of the region and the country, have been noted, and modern forms and directions of state support for peasant farms have been defined. It is concluded that in order to achieve the goals of accelerated development, proportionate real financing is needed, based on its strategic importance for the country and the region.

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  • Shcherbatova T.A., Shcherbatov I.V.

    The article examines modern trends in the development of the process of land consolidation in agriculture, which consist in the formation of agro-industrial formations of the holding type. The essence of agricultural holdings and the peculiarities of their creation are revealed. This allowed us to conclude that agricultural holdings are not a legal form of a legal entity, but represent a way of organizing a business. The organizational-territorial and socio-economic conditions for conducting agricultural production in the region are analyzed. The positive and negative aspects of land use in agricultural holdings are revealed. Proposals for optimizing the size of land use and rational use of agricultural land for the future have been substantiated. Attention is focused on the fact that the further development of agricultural holdings should be focused on the implementation of functions related to the coordination of the interests of society, land owners and users, the development of rural areas and the use of land by business entities of all categories.

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    The Theory and Practice of Business
  • Karakaeva E.U., Semenova F.A.

    In the modern world, the role of small and medium-sized businesses in the economies of developed countries is very important. In Russia, small and medium-sized businesses produce about 20% of the gross domestic product. In 2020, this figure was supposed to reach 23.5%, but the pandemic has made its own adjustments. Some experts believe that this situation may lead to negative scenarios in the Russian economy, which will be caused by a partial destruction of foreign economic relations, a fall in world oil prices, an increase in capital outflow to offshore companies, the introduction of restrictive measures, and a decrease in business confidence in the authorities. Economists predict a 2-3% drop in the global economy, with the exception of the economy of the People's Republic of China, which is forecast to grow by one percent. The government of the Russian Federation is taking a number of measures to support not only citizens of countries, but also small and medium-sized enterprises. The article also discusses some measures of economic support for SMEs in developed countries of Europe, the United States of America, China. Many countries are actively using various types of subsidies, tax holidays, exemption of subsidies from taxation and other measures.

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    General Problems of Pedagogy
  • Dautova O.B.

    The article justifies the necessity of developing neoclassical didactics as a response to changes in the educational situation; shows the reasons for the development of neoclassical didactics as a methodological basis for modern school education and the rationale as the methodological foundations of modern school education; the principles, objectives and new procedures; the definition of neoclassical didactics, educational activities, understanding, reflection, educational communications, educational design from the perspective of neoclassical didactics; the substantiation of change in the status of the teacher and student, the roles of the teacher – organizer, designer of educational environments, designer of educational materials, navigator and tutor. The article describes the educational result of the main school – an open cognitive position. The parameters of an open cognitive position are shown: openness to knowledge, cognitive interest as the main motivating and meaning-forming motive, the ability to set goals, the ability to carry out design of educational and cognitive activities, individual educational route, education in general; the ability to solve: educational problems and tasks with a choice of content, instrumental, technological and communicative means; the ability to reflect and self-government. The article reveals the essence of the principles of education: openness, continuity, multiculturalism, innovation. Goals are considered at both the teacher (development of human integrity and identity) and student levels (implementation of educational needs, self-determination). New procedures for organizing educational and cognitive activities include: educational design, educational communication, reflection, and understanding. The article actualizes the idea of the need to build a modern theory of education, which requires the consolidation of efforts of teachers from different scientific schools and different countries, because the challenges to education are complicatedneo and unpredictable and require solving the problem of human capital development by means of education.

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  • Ignatovich V.K., Bondarev P.B., Kurochkina V.E., Ignatovich S.S.

    The article discusses the methodology and pedagogical technology of designing students’ individual educational results in the system of additional education. The student is considered as the subject of building his individual educational trajectory. Individual educational results (IER) are presented as steps of his advancement along the individual educational trajectory. The design of the IER is described in the context of the continuity of this trajectory, the continuity of the goals of educational advancement of the student at different stages of his socialization and social situation of development. The principles of individualization, dialogue and productivity of education are justified as the leading theoretical and methodological foundations of interaction between teachers and students in the design of individual educational results. The publication defines the purpose, tasks and exemplary forms of designing individual educational results of students in the system of additional education. The purpose of the design of the IER is the formation of students as subjects of conscious construction of an individual educational trajectory, leading them to achieve the immediate and promising goals of personal and professional self-determination. The article describes the pedagogical technology of designing individual educational results of students in the system of additional education, which involves the following stages: studying the educational situation of the student, joint targeting, building an individual educational route, and evaluating individual educational results. It is theoretically justified that the effectiveness of the described pedagogical technology is primarily determined by the possibility of achieving a qualitatively new level of subjectness of children, manifested in their readiness to meaningfully build their individual educational trajectory. Its use in the system of additional education will make it possible to achieve educational results in the context of the formation of the individuality of each child, corresponding to the dynamics of his personal educational situation and bringing him to the limits of new creative opportunities.

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  • Kataev K.A., Botasheva M.Kh., Kubekov E.A., Khubiev Kh.A.

    The current approach in our country's universities to the organization of the physical education process and independent work on physical improvement in the structure of practical training of students is recognized by many leading scientists as one of the weak links in the professional education system. The purpose of our research is scientific substantiation and testing of the technology of pedagogical stimulation of motivation of students to physical improvement. The main task of the study is to develop the concept of organizing a phased process of stimulating the motivation of the student's physical self-development and pilot testing them in practice. The experimental work organized and carried out at the Karachay-Cherkess University was attended by 227 students conditionally assigned to two groups - experimental and control, and as experts were 10 teachers of physical education. The study revealed the motives for the physical self-development of students and an understanding of the significance of physical improvement in the professional formation of the personality, and the patterns of development of the student's motivational sphere. The following methods were used in experimental work: pedagogical observation of students in the process of academic and extracurricular activities; a survey of teachers and students; diagnostics of indicators of the level of development of motivation for the process of physical improvement; designing the educational process, etc. The technology of pedagogical stimulation of undergraduate students for physical improvement, developed by us, included the following interconnected stages: physical self-knowledge, physical and sports self-determination, self-realization and self-improvement, self-control and correction. Each preceding step was preparatory for the transition to a subsequent one. Each stage included four levels of motivation for physical self-development, characterized by specific qualitative and quantitative criterion assessments. The first level was fragmented motivation, the second level was segmental motives, the third level was sustainable motivation, the fourth level was systemic motivation. As a result of the implementation of the developed technology, we obtained data on the direction of motivation of students of experimental and control groups. In the process of experimental work in both groups there were positive changes in the direction of motivational guidelines of students regarding the process of physical improvement, but the most positive changes occurred in the experimental groups.

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  • Kononova S.V., Semkina E.N., Sorokina E.N., Glushenko I.A., Dushina T.V.

    The processes of globalization, informatization and digitalization of the world community actualize the problem of introducing distance learning technologies into the education system. The relevance of the study lies in the insufficient development of methodological, technical and organizational issues of the use of remote educational technologies for training in the basics of life safety (BLS) in the system of secondary vocational education. The aim of the study is to identify ways to effectively organize distance learning technologies for BLS in college in pandemic conditions. The following research methods were applied in the work: analysis of regulatory documents, theoretical analysis and synthesis; questionnaire and survey, and pedagogical testing. A group (25 people) of students of the College of Nevinnomyssk State Institute of Humanities and Technology in the specialty of secondary vocational education 08.02.01 Construction and operation of buildings and structures, the level of education - basic general education - was chosen as an experimental group. The mechanism of access and work on the educational platforms Zoom, YouTube and using webinar rooms was worked out with the students of the experimental group. During quarantine prevention activities, classes were presented in a more detailed form through online platforms so that students and their parents would understand the learning process. Also, as additional resources, students were offered to watch educational television channels. The study has shown that the use of remote forms of education in the context of the spread of coronavirus infection provided the opportunity to educate not only children with disabilities, but also all students who did not experience such difficulties. The results of the study made it possible to conclude that the organization and use of distance education technologies for BLS learning in the secondary vocational education system make it possible to achieve the necessary quality of professional training for students not only through the widespread use of electronic educational resources, but also provided that they are combined with traditional forms and methods of education.

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  • Kononova S.V., Balyk A.S., Semkina E.N., Sorokina E.N., Lundina G.A.

    The processes of informatization and digitalization of the education system in the Russian Federation are integral elements of the innovation activities of institutions of continuing education. The article deals with the problems of carrying out educational activities of the university in the conditions of digital transformation of the education system and the introduction of distance learning. The publication discusses new challenges of modern reality, demanding the actualization of innovation activity of university teachers in students professional training. The authors analyze factors contributing to the introduction of information and distance educational technologies in the educational process of the university. The article identifies socio-economic prerequisites for the introduction, advantages and disadvantages of distance education in higher educational institution. The publication provides data on analysis of results of anonymous questionnaire of first-fourth-year students and faculty from Nevinnomyssk State Institute of Humanities and Technology, which make it possible to identify the reasons of difficulties in the process of professional activity of teachers and educational activities of students in conditions of distance learning. The study shows that the transition of higher education to the digital environment entails a revision of the general didactic system of the university, its methods and teaching techniques. It has been established that the creation of a digital educational environment will allow the student to fully realize his own personal potential, focusing not on social status, but on general cultural and digital competencies formed during his studies at the university. As a result, prerequisites are created for effective forecasting fundamental changes in the mentality of students, which will be reflected in approaches to assessing the meaning and objectivity of educational results. It is concluded that the innovative orientation of the digital transformation of the educational activity of the university is not separate phenomena, but a system that determines the vector of development of the educational space of higher education.

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  • Kraft N.N., Dzhabatyrova B.K., Redkova M.D.

    The article discusses the organization of research work in the higher education system and the need for theoretical and practical readiness of students for the implementation of research activities. The publication explores issues of the motivational component of students' activities in the implementation of research work and identification of the subject area of research work. The results of the study made it possible to build a model for the formation of research skills of students in the higher educational organization in the field of physical culture and sports. This model includes pedagogical conditions for organizing the educational process, the implementation of which is possible when developing a complex of educational and methodological support for disciplines that contributes to the formation of research competence of students. This is the creation of a teaching and developing research environment through their participation in scientific and practical conferences, competitions, in the work of creative laboratories, in the development of projects, their inclusion in various types of creative research activities; ensuring the active independent research activities of students with the leading role of a scientific leader; target component (formation of student research skills), content component (selection of the content of the academic discipline "Scientific and methodological activity" in order to form student research skills); procedural component (implementation of research projects, the use of partially search and research methods of training in the process of organizing individual, group, and frontal forms of activity of students); evaluation and performance component related to identification of levels of formation of research skills in students.

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  • Lantsova T.I., Burakova I.S., Perepyolkina N.A., Ivanchenko I.V., Petkov V.A.

    The article presents the results of theoretical and practical research on the prevention and correction of computer addiction in schoolchildren. To solve this problem, in the course of organizing and conducting an experimental study, the author's technology for preventing and correcting computer addiction of high school students was tested. For this the personality qualities of high school students were diagnosed, the level of development of structural components of computer addiction of schoolchildren was assessed, pedagogical conditions were identified and confirmed, ensuring the effectiveness of this process. The purpose of this study is to study the peculiarities of organizing the prevention and correction of computer addiction of high school students in a general education school. The implementation of the indicated goal involved solving the following main problems: to investigate the level of development of the problem, the features of the manifestation of computer addiction in high school students, the content of prevention and correction of computer addiction in schoolchildren, the feasibility of choosing and ways to implement pedagogical conditions for organizing the prevention and correction of computer addiction in schoolchildren, experimental testing of the author's pedagogical technology of prevention and correction of computer addiction in high school students. Our study of the pedagogical potential of the technology for preventing and correcting computer addiction in high school students made it possible to establish that its use opens up wider opportunities for schoolchildren, teachers and parents to know and learn how to effectively use means of preventing computer and Internet addiction to improve physical, mental health and social well-being. In order to determine the effectiveness of experimental work, we have developed the following criteria for the manifestation of computer addiction in high school students: cognitive (informational); emotional (emotional-evaluation) and behavioral. They served as the basis for identifying the level characteristics of computer addiction in schoolchildren. The positive dynamics of the change in the level characteristics of computer addiction in high school students, recorded during the experiment, allows us to conclude about the effectiveness of the developed pedagogical technology.

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  • Martynov M.L.

    The article discusses the purpose and objectives of the State program on patriotic education of the younger generation of the Russian Federation, as well as the target guidelines and the content of the current strategy of education in the Russian Federation. The activity of the All-Russian children and youth military-patriotic social movement "Yunarmiya" is analyzed in the context of the state strategy in this direction, reflecting the military-applied aspects of educational work. Currently, Yunarmiya is one of the most important elements of the state program to revive patriotic values and educate the younger generation with a mission to form positively significant ideas about the Motherland, expressing an emotional attitude to the Fatherland and the culture of the native land. This movement involves the active participation of the military-pedagogical community in the implementation of educational tasks facing modern national education. The author analyzes the history of the formation of patriotism, which was laid back in Ancient Russia, received the greatest development in the Soviet period and ceased to exist after the collapse of the Soviet Union. The article considers modern threats caused by socio-political transformations in the country and facing the ideology of the development of the Russian Federation today. The publication analyzes measures taken by the State to address these issues. The article also discusses the Strategy for the development of education in the Russian Federation for the period up to 2025 and the state program "Patriotic education of citizens of the Russian Federation for 2016-2020". Presented are the tasks in the education of youth, which should be solved by the Young Army Cadets National Movement.

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  • Miroshnichenko A.N., Khazova S.A., Lyapin V.M.

    General trends in the deterioration of public health, the "rejuvenation" of many diseases, the growth of stressful factors, both natural and social, led to the need for special organization of health-protection activities with young categories of the population, including 25-30 year-old girls. It is not practical and not always effective to solve existing problems and prevent their exacerbation exclusively by medical means. It is necessary to preventively take care of the formation of a healthy lifestyle for girls, to include recreational physical education in the day mode. Today, there are various programs that are most relevant not only to maintaining and strengthening health, improving appearance, normalizing the psychoemotional state, but also to modern needs and interests of young people. These include fitness programs built on the use of gym devices. The use of simulators during fitness activities can ensure the maintenance of optimal physical condition and health. Such devices are especially effective for normalizing the work of the cardiovascular and respiratory system, musculoskeletal system, nervous system, etc. For 25-30 year-old girls, simulators are interesting, first of all, with their positive impact on anthropometric indicators, as well as the possibility of introducing elements of novelty into the content of traditional recreational physical education classes. Novelty and entertainment of classes, in turn, contribute to the normalization of mood and the emergence of positive emotions. In this regard, the goal of the study was to determine the general - objective and subjective - requirements for organizing recreational physical education with 25-30 year-old girls based on the use of gym devices.

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  • Nikitina Ya.A., Zaitseva E.F., Gonezhuk A.G.

    In the system of measures to prevent violations of the state of health of different groups of the population, special attention is paid to means of recreational physical education, the principles and methods of their effective use when organizing classes with different age, gender, professional, etc., groups of people. Different recreational and physical education programmes are required for different categories of the population. Their content, as well as the volume and intensity of loads, the periodicity of activities, etc., depend on typical gender and age-related risks of health deterioration. For women aged 25-30, such risks include a high probability of impairment of the functional state of the lower limbs. The analysis of methodological literature in the field of physical education and recreational technologies revealed a shortage of practical developments aimed at solving the above problem. In this regard, a comprehensive program of fitness training for 25-30 year-old women was developed, aimed at preventing violations of the functional state of the lower limbs. This article presents the content of this program, which includes a complex of recreational physical culture, a complex of aquaerobics, a complex of exercises for self-performance (at the workplace, in vehicles, at home), as well as recommendations on the sequence of physical exercises. Specially selected exercises of all three complexes are aimed at activating the muscles of the lower limbs, which do not work separately in everyday life, to ensure a positive effect on the muscle structures of the lower limbs. In this regard, it is believed that the introduction of the developed program into the system of physical education and health activities of 25-30 year-old women will effectively ensure the prevention of violations of the functional state of the lower extremities of those involved.

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  • Popova A.V., Khazova S.A., Nikitina Ya.A.

    The issue of maintaining and improving women's health is now recognized as particularly relevant in view of the special role of women in the development of the nation and the health of the entire population. An important part of the working-age population is women aged 40-50, whose state of health is of particular concern to specialists. On the one hand, at this age, the initiated involutionary processes in the body are not yet pronounced clearly and do not cause special anxiety. On the other hand, this period is a period of social maturity, high labor activity, a career movement to which many contemporary women are committed. At the same time, family concerns or, in the absence of families, psychological problems associated with this create an additional burden. As a result, most women aged 40-50 are exposed to a range of socio-economic, environmental and physical factors that negatively affect health, but do not yet feel pronounced negative effects. Theoretically, various fitness technologies are gradually gaining popularity among contemporary women, but in practice their recreational potential is still not fully used for many reasons. This is the lack of systematic work to attract 40-50 year-old women to organized recreational fitness classes, and the incomplete compliance of the offered fitness programs with the objective needs and subjective interests of women, etc. In this regard, it is especially relevant to clarify the specific potential of fitness technologies in maintaining the health of 40-50 year-old women in order to further develop a program for its targeted use on this basis.

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  • Sadilova O.P., Bzegezheva Z.Z., Ignatieva O.V., Nubaryan K.M.

    The article considers the peculiarities of organizing extracurricular activities with junior students on the basis of a bilingual approach taking into account the requirements of the Federal State Education Standards of Primary Basic General Education (FSES PBGE), which contains the personal characteristics of the graduate: the ability to listen and hear, compliance with speech etiquette, the ability to express one's opinion, analyze and compile texts, conduct a dialogue with adults and peers, formulate questions and answers, and resolve conflicts. In modern primary school practice, there is a contradiction between the requirements of the FSES PBGE and the lack of a holistic system, including temporary, educational, technological, and cultural resources. Practical teachers, methodologists, and psychologists note the unwillingness of junior schoolchildren to demonstrate communicative potential in connection with their passion for virtual communication. Also, in modern socio-economic and cultural-psychological realities, there is a tendency to expand the differentiation of children by levels of readiness for school, which exacerbates the contradiction of the problem under study. The authors formulate the conclusions of the experimental study on the testing of the authors’ program, which includes a series of thematic educational and training situations, and theatrical games containing linguoculturological educational units of Russian and English vocabulary with a national-cultural component. To increase the effectiveness of the implementation of the author's program, the following psychological and pedagogical conditions were determined: the creation of a motivating communicative environment; inclusion of trainees in practical communication activities; organization of interactive interaction in Russian and English languages, ensuring gradual development of structural elements of communicative competence. The diagnostic experiment conducted confirmed the effectiveness of the developed extracurricular program in the conditions of modern primary school and a developing language environment. As evaluation tools, a set of methods was used to determine the level of development of communicative competence of younger students.

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  • Sukhotchenko Ya.A., Khazova S.A., Verzhbitskaya E.G.

    In modern preschool educational institutions, the organization of effective physical education and recreational work with children of older preschool age becomes increasingly important. This is due to several aspects. Firstly, the promotion of children's health is recognized as one of the most important medical and pedagogical tasks in modern Russia, which is determined by negative trends in the state of health of the child population, and specific physiological, physical and psychological features of older preschool age. It is in the context of organized physical education, implemented by teachers of a preschool educational institution, that favorable conditions can be created for preventing the deterioration of children's health not by medication, but by pedagogical means, in particular, by means of health-improving physical culture. Secondly, physical and psychological preparation for school education is relevant for the study contingent of children. In this context, it is especially important to strengthen the immunity of children, increase the level of general performance, as well as the formation of a positive, interested attitude to motor activity as the basis for the formation of personal physical culture. In order to solve the whole variety of problems related to maintaining and improving the health of older preschool children, various means of health physical education can be used, among which recreational gymnastics is quite effective. Its potential positive impact on the physical and psychoemotional health of children is related to the emotional positivity of occupations, the innovativeness of their content, the possibility of constructing classes according to the game principle, etc.). However, the effective use of the potential of recreational gymnastics to organize physical education with older preschool children is constrained by a lack of knowledge about the content and organization of such activities. In this regard, the goal of our research was to determine the effective content and features of organizing recreational gymnastics with children of older preschool age.

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  • Urakova F.K., Scherbashina I.V., Phanaeva S.N.

    The transition of Russian education from a knowledge-functional to an activity paradigm requires a review of the organization of the educational process. One of the current trends is the formation at students of ideas about folklore as a system of moral values. The question of the fundamental role of the formation of spiritual and moral values, the development, and formation of personality and education was recognized and raised from the very beginning of the development of pedagogy as a science. Folklore plays an important role in the preservation and transfer to new generations of moral knowledge and progressive experience of traditional folk education. The formation and development of the personality, based on the material of Russian folklore, allow us to preserve the continuity of generations through the transfer to them of moral knowledge and experience of education. Close attention in article is paid to children's folklore (lullabies, pestushka, a nursery rhyme, a humourous catchphrase, the counting rhyme, a teaser, a tongue twister, a riddle, a proverb and a saying, fairy tale, etc.). The purpose of this study is to determine the level of knowledge of ideas about folklore as a system of moral values among younger schoolchildren. As a result of the study, the authors presented the following provisions: folklore, being one of the forms of knowledge of the world, gives the child rich ground for mental activity, prompts him to observe, analyze, reason and fantasize.

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  • Khazova S.A., Vakhovsky V.A., Lyakh G.V.

    One of the private problems associated with negative trends in the state of health of Russian citizens is the problem of the physical and moral and psychological readiness of young men to serve in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation. One of the important aspects of solving this problem is the introduction of physical education and recreation technologies in the process of physical education of pre-conscription boys - high school students. In turn, the effectiveness of the use of health-improving physical culture in preparing young men for military service requires clarifying methodological grounds and developing adequate substantive and methodological tools. This article presents the theoretical, methodological, substantive and methodological foundations of organizing recreational physical education with young men of pre-conscription age. They are developed on the basis of the results of theoretical analysis and empirical research. Theoretically isolated and empirically confirmed problems of physical and moral-psychological readiness of high school students to serve in the army determined a range of priority problems for the solution of which means of recreational physical education can be used. Theoretical analysis of the scientific literature made it possible to clarify the potential of physical education and recreation technologies in solving the identified problems. As a result, a methodology has been developed for organizing recreational physical education with young men of pre-conscription age, focused on increasing their physical and moral and psychological readiness to serve in the army. The methodology reflects the stages of training organization as a sequence of actions on diagnostics, planning, organization, selection of the content of classes, implementation of this content and monitoring of results. The key content of classes is determined on the basis of the results of the ascertaining study of indicators of physical fitness, physical development and health of young men. Leading requirements for the organization of classes are formulated.

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  • Khazova S.A., Zenovieva A.A., Mamadiev A.Kh.

    In the range of problems that are studied and solved by sports science, issues related to tasks, content, means and methods of vocational physical culture occupy a special place. The continuing relevance of the related research is due to the diversity of professional activities, their constant increase, changes in content, the emergence of new health risks, etc. The last of these circumstances is associated with an increase in the relevance of the problem of building vocational physical education classes of a health-improving orientation with different categories of specialists. Its solution is especially important for professions in which negative effects on both physical health and the psychoemotional condition of workers are pronounced. Such types of work include the work of flight attendants, the specifics of which negatively affect the functioning of almost all systems of the body. At the same time, the success of the flight, the comfort of passengers, their satisfaction with the services provided and ultimately the competitiveness of airlines depend largely on the normal physical condition and psychological well-being of flight attendants. It was therefore in the interest of corporations to ensure the health of their employees, including female flight attendants. In this aspect, corporate fitness can become effective: fitness classes organized by the company for its employees both on the territory of their own sports base and by buying subscriptions to fitness centers. The effectiveness of this form of health care is determined by a number of factors, among which one of the most important is the possibility of implementing professionally oriented fitness programs. In this regard, it seems important to determine the requirements for the general content of such fitness programs, the implementation of which will make it possible to reasonably build a methodology for corporate fitness with female flight attendants

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  • Tseeva L.Kh., Panesh B.K., Simbuletova R.K.

    The formation of the value orientation of the individual is an important task facing our state and the education system; it is a preliminary standard for the transmission of value attitudes to the younger generation, and they, in turn, underlie the vitality of the ethnic group and are expressed in the socionormative culture of the people. It includes the attitude of the nation to the various values of society, reflects the process of its historical development, past achievements and challenges facing future generations. The implementation of attitudes in the field of education directly depends on the preparation of the teacher in this direction. It is on his personality, his general culture, knowledge of the progressive educational potential of traditional folk pedagogy, the ability to integrate it into modern education to a large extent determine the solution of the above tasks. Ethno-cultural preparation of a teacher for effective activity in a multicultural educational environment is an urgent problem of the modern education system. The teacher, in the process of communicating with people of different nationalities in a multinational team, must be able to listen and express his point of view, participating in the discussion of national and ethical problems, to show tact in assessing historical events, rituals, traditions of other peoples, to know well the historical and cultural heritage of the peoples living in the region, as well as master the basic methods and forms of work in a multi-ethnic educational environment. In the article the authors reveal the potential of the disciplines of psycho-pedagogical cycle programmes of the faculty of pedagogy and psychology, the development of which contributes to the formation of ethnocultural values in the future teacher.

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  • Scherbakova T.N., Khakunova F.P., Khakunov N.Kh., Bersirova A.K.

    The article discusses the determinants, mechanisms and technologies of formation of psychological readiness for modern professional requirements of the future teacher as a subject of successful pedagogical interaction that preserves self-identity in a multicultural environment. In this regard, the purpose of the study is to study the features of modern teachers' ideas about the components of psychological readiness to carry out productive interaction with students in a multicultural environment. The respondents were teachers of Rostov-on-don and Maykop who were undergoing advanced training. The study of the corresponding representations of teachers was carried out using the questionnaire method, using the author's questionnaire "Teacher as a subject of interaction". Based on the analysis of the data obtained as a result of the study, a number of conclusions can be drawn. The subjective views of modern teachers on the possibility of developing readiness for effective interaction in a multicultural context are rather curtailed. This is a certain professional risk and requires modeling the continuous professional and personal growth of a teacher as a modern subject of multicultural interaction, updating the motivation of competence, developing curiosity and interest in representatives of other cultures. The data obtained indicate that teachers do not sufficiently analyze the features of the multicultural educational environment, focusing on the problems that lie on the surface. It can be noted that there is insufficient knowledge of their own resources and risks as a subject of professional interaction. Based on the results of the study, recommendations are formulated for psychologists working in a multicultural educational environment on psychological support for professional and personal development of teachers as subjects of interaction with an emphasis on the advantages of training technologies.

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    Study of Arts
  • Evtykh S.Sh., Pozdnyakova T.S.
    Features of the development of photography in the context of graphic design in the early 20th century

    Photographs play a significant role in the formation of modern visual reality. Such factors as open access, mass use of mobile phones, the Internet, and the variety and availability of photographic equipment contributed to the final approval of photography as a sociocultural phenomenon. The ubiquity of the use and diversity of photography allow conditional classification of photos, depending on purpose and area of application: in art (art photography), in the branches of science (scientific photography), in technology (printing, reprographics), and at home. In this regard, it is of scientific interest to study photography as an artistic means of reflecting reality in the context of the historical development of graphic design. The purpose of the article is to analyze the features of the use of photography in creating design objects of the early 20th century, to identify the relationship between technical techniques and emerging artistic effects for expressing ideas. The method is based on art criticism and sociocultural analysis of objects of fine art and design. The research reviewed works on the theory of photography and special research in the field of graphic design. The interaction of photography and visual art design was revealed, in particular, the inclusion of photography in the process of creating graphic design objects. It is emphasized that in the 20th century the steady influence of photography on the world of visual images of people is being formed, and the theoretical and practical foundations of graphic design are being laid.

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  • Maltseva O.I.
    The problem of preserving traditions in the visual arts as shown by schools of Russian lacquer miniature

    The paper analyzes the main trends of development of related directions of fine art and preservation of traditions basing on the example of Russian lacquer miniature painting. The scientific significance of the study lies in the theoretical justification and identification of laws in the system of formation of traditions of art crafts: school-production-tradition. The aim of the study is to identify the line of continuity of traditions in the work and training of artists and the possibility of reviving traditional art on this basis. The work used experimental and theoretical methods of research, which made it possible to conduct logical studies of the collected facts, test, systematize them, and identify non-random dependencies. Modern decorative and applied art is a complex sociocultural phenomenon for which the preservation and development of traditional schools is relevant. Many of them have gained worldwide fame and recognition as the great achievement of the traditional folk culture of Russia. Based on the analysis of literary sources and practical experience, we come to the conclusion that training in the art of lacquer miniature painting of teacher artists contributes to the preservation and development of traditions in the visual arts.

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    Biological Sciences
  • Panesh O.A., Chitao S.I., Chernyavskaya I.V.
    Physiobiological features of local and introduced species of milfoil in the Botanical garden of Adyghe State University

    The results of determining the main indicators of metabolism: the intensity of photosynthesis and respiration, showed that these processes were most actively carried out in introduced plants of fern-leaf yarrow. Plants of the local yarrow species were noticeably inferior in growth rate to the introducent. High yield is always correlated with the most intensive processes of metabolism, which is confirmed by high rates of respiration and photosynthesis in the fern-leaf yarrow. The study of water exchange showed that the lower intensity of the water regime was observed in the fern-leaf yarrow. The studied species are identified as drought-resistant, interesting in terms of yield and promising as medicinal plants.

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  • Panesh O.A., Chitao S.I., Chernyavskaya I.V.
    Influence of music on plant growth and development

    In studies conducted in the last century in Russia and abroad, the ability of a number of higher plant species to respond to external stimuli by generating electrical impulses (electrical signals) has been proven. There are three types of them: action potentials, variable, and microrhythms. Electrical signals in plants occur due to depolarization of the cell membrane, which occurs in the same way as when generating an electrical signal in a nerve, only instead of sodium ions, chlorine ions act as a depolarizing ion in higher plants. Studies on the influence of music on the growth and development of vegetable peppers have confirmed the ability of higher plants to rearrange vital functions depending on the frequency of sound.

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  • Shumafov M.M.
    Second order stochastic differential equations: Stability, dissipativity, periodicity. II. – A survey

    This paper is a continuation of the previous paper and presents the second part of the author’s work. The paper reviews results concerning qualitative properties of second-order stochastic differential equations and systems. In the first part we gave a short overview on stability of solutions of the second-order stochastic differential equations and systems by Lyapunov functions techniques and introduced some mathematical preliminaries from probability theory and stochastic processes. In the second part the construction of Ito’s and Stratonovich’s stochastic integrals are giv-en, and their main properties are presented.

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  • Roytenberg V.Sh.
    Rough differential equations with symmetry defined on a two-dimensional torus

    Differential equations of the first order dx/dt=a(t,x), the right-hand sides of which are continuous doubly 2ï-periodic functions with continuous derivatives up to the r-th order inclusively with respect to the second argument (r=1,2,...), are considered as equations on a two-dimensional torus. Let Er(q) be the normed linear space of such equations, invariant under the group of translations along the x-axis by 2ïp/q (p=0,1,…,q-1). We prove that the set of equations that are rough with respect to the space Er(q) consists of equations for which all closed trajectories are hyperbolic. This set is open and everywhere dense in Er(q).

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  • Mayorova A.N., Mitsay A.Yu.
    Approximate integration of cosmological equations of the Universe

    Using the perturbation theory method, we obtain corrections to the solutions of the system of cosmo-logical equations describing the dynamic behavior of the Universe. At the same time, we choose a specific kind of potential energy of the inflaton, which most simply explains the observed dynamics of the Universe. Next, we propose an approximate integration of a system of cosmological equations in the vicinity of the minimum point and the point of maximum potential energy of the inflaton.

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    Literary Criticism
  • Bakova M.M.
    Unpublished dramatic works of Kh.T. Shekikhachev: topics and problems

    The problem of filling gaps in the study of poorly explored or practically unexplored issues of national literature of different eras is of great current interest. For the first time, the dramatic heritage of the Kabardian writer and playwright Kh.T. Shekikhachev is explored. The data presented as part of the scientific research were obtained during the study of materials from the personal archive of Kh.T. Shekikhachev, transferred to the State Archive of the KBR. An attempt was made to analyze the successes and failures of Kh.T. Shekikhachev in writing dramatic works. The main attention is aimed at identifying the features of the themes and problems of unpublished dramatic works of the writer, their role and significance in the overall process of development of national drama. In this article, attention is paid to the reasons for the oblivion of the dramatic works of Khamishi Shekikhachev. The obtained data can be applied in studying the history of Kabardino-Circassian drama.

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  • Kapets O.V., Beshukova F.B.
    Postmodern trends in Russian literature of the 20th century

    The works of M.A. Bulgakov, A.V. Sokolov and V.O. Pelevin are analyzed in order to identify Post-Modernist features in it and establish a more accurate chronological framework of Post-Modernism in national literature. For a deep understanding of the work of writers, hermeneutic, comparative, intertextual methods are used. As a result of the analysis, characteristic features of the literature of national post-modernity are revealed, which, in turn, allows us to establish more accurate chronological boundaries of Post-Modernism in Russian culture. The results of the study not only contribute to a deep understanding of the work of writers as representatives of national post-modernity, but also help to comprehend their works in the context of the world literary and cultural process of the twentieth century, to find common ground between Russian and foreign literatures. The results can be used in the study of the history of Russian literature of the twentieth century and in the development of various teaching aids related to this period in the development of Russian literature.

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  • Kapets O.V., Kapets V.P.
    The ideological and artistic originality of the genre of letter writing in the poetry of I.A. Brodsky

    On the basis of hermeneutic, compositional, intertextual and biographical methods, the paper reveals such features of the genre of letter writing in Brodsky's work as thematic diversity, the belonging of one poetic text to different groups distinguished by the essence of "poetic statement", the place of "lyrical self", fragmentation, collage, "pastiche" – Post-Modernist irony, and intertextuality. In the works in the genre of letter writing, features related to Modernism and Post-Modernism were established. The results of the study contribute to a more complete understanding of the works of I.A. Brodsky and can be used in the study of Russian literature of the twentieth century, as well as in the writing of various textbooks.

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  • Naptsok B.R., Meretukova M.M.
    The motives of the fairy tale "Cinderella" by Ch. Perrault in the works of Ch. Dickens

    The works are analyzed, which include plot and figurative motives from the fairy tale "Cinderella" by Ch. Perrault. The relevance and scientific novelty of the topic lie in the little knowledge of the motives of this fairy tale in the works of Ch. Dickens. A comparative typological analysis of literary texts allows us to argue that in many works of the English writer there are plot and figurative motives of a fairy tale that help him reveal an extensive range of artistic meanings, rethink famous fairy images in a new way and create original images. Analysis of the writer's works makes it possible to conclude that his appeal to French fairy tales in particular to the fairy tale "Cinderella" by Ch. Perrault allowed him to push the boundaries of artistic and journalistic texts using semantic analogies, direct or fragmented quotes, intra-text inclusions, allusions and reminiscences, which were indirect references to the reasons for this fairy tale of the French writer. The practical significance of the study is the use of its results in studying the topical problems of the history of English literature.

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  • Serebryakova Z.A.
    The conflict in the novel by the Buryat writer D. Erdyneev "The Great Bloodline"

    The paper discusses the main conflict in the novel by the Buryat writer D. Erdyneev "The Great Bloodline". Unlike the designation of conflict in Soviet literary criticism as a struggle between patriarchal and socialist principles, it is considered as a clash of two opposite types of personality, based either on the morality of survival or on a combination of personal and common interests. The latter is presented in two modifications: a hero who limits his needs for the common good, and a character that harmoniously combines self-realization with the interests of society. These groups of characters are constants that reflect the typology of people at different stages of the development of society. Despite the important role of family values for all characters, the writer shows the different approaches to them of the sides of the main conflict. The historical, sociological and comparative typological methods used allow us to study the novel in the context of philosophical, worldview and moral problems of the development of society and formulate conclusions about the essence of its main conflict and types of characters. The obtained results contribute to solving the problems of novelism, and can be applied in the study of national literature and in the development of textbooks.

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  • Dzhambekov O.A., Khazueva B.A.
    On the main trends in the development and correlation of prose and poetry in Chechen literature of the twentieth century

    The paper discusses the main features and leading trends in the development of epic and lyrical bases in Chechen literature of the twentieth century, the genre, thematic, figurative and worldview origins of the predominance of poetic genres in folk oral poetry and the transformation of these processes in national professional literature in terms of the dominance of prose genres. The authors demonstrate the peculiarity of the evolution of the correlation of lyrics and epic, prose and poetry in the national literature of the twentieth century at different stages of its development, taking into account the evolution of the historical process, the main events of the socio-political and sociocultural existence of the ethnic group. The goal of the publication is to consider the place of the greatest Chechen poets of the second half of the 20th - early 21st centuries Shaikha Arsanukaev and Shaid Rashidov in the history of national literature and the spiritual and moral sphere of society. The authors arrive at a conclusion about the depth and relevance of the problems and artistic searches of these poets for lyrical expression and ethnic and universal consciousness in their work and national literature in general.

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  • Khatkova I.N., Donets A.A.
    Intertexts of Russian classics of the 19th century (Pushkin, Chernyshevsky) in V. Nabokov's novel "Gift"

    The paper discusses the characteristic features of intertextual prose using an example of V.Nabokov's novel "Gift". The study updated the problems associated with identifying the peculiarity of the writer's creative method, an integral part of which is intertextuality. The analysis shows that the novel "Gift" presents various types of intertextual connections with classical texts, primarily the works of A.S. Pushkin and N.G. Chernyshevsky. In a certain way, such techniques of intertextuality as interpretation, stylization and allusion form the meaning and content of V. Nabokov's novel "Gift". It has been established that the aesthetic concept of V. Nabokov's novel "Gift" has a polemic orientation. Scientific and practical significance, as well as the relevance of the study, are associated with intertextual analysis of the work.

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  • Chukueva Z.N.
    Evolution of major epic genre forms: synthesis of document and artistic fiction

    The goal of the paper is to analyze the main trends in the development of genre forms of event-chronicle prose of the late 20th century in Russian and North Caucasus literatures in the context of their typological ties. The research tasks are concentrated around the problems of historicism and documentation, which are actively manifested in modern epics. The comparativistic and comparative-typological methodology for analyzing the literary text revealed obvious typological convergence in terms of interpreting historical material, inclusion of the document in the artistic text. The main thematic complex is considered - works about the Great Patriotic War. The following main trends are noted: fixation on genre and style syncretism, the use of creative instrumentation of journalistic genres – essay and sketch, erasing the boundaries between the literary-artistic and scientific-historical context and strengthening the role of the documentary baseline.

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  • Chukueva Z.N., Panesh U.M.
    Synthesis of artistic and journalistic methods and techniques in North Caucasus event-chronicle prose of the 20th century

    The paper analyzes the typological links of new written literature with Russian prose of the 20th century and ideological-thematic and problematic space of literature of the studied period. The goal is to consider a system of artistic and journalistic methods and techniques in North Caucasus event-chronicle prose of the 20th century. The dominance of journalistic genres during the formation of North Caucasus literature is noted. It is revealed that in the process of development, the new written literature mastered the methods of artistic creativity, which in synthesis with journalistic functioned in the original manner in the North Caucasus event-chronicle prose of the 20th century. The main methods of analysis are comparative typological and comparativistic. Conclusions are drawn about the need and productivity of the synthesis of artistic and documentary material for optimal reproduction of the theme of the historical past in event-chronicle literature.

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  • Ershtein M.O.
    Continuing the traditions of studying the works by W.G. Simms in Russia: toward the 150th anniversary of the writer's memory day

    The article examines the traditions of Russian Simmsiniana, laid down in the middle of the 19th century in pre-revolutionary Russian journals, and analyzes the latest achievements of Russian literary scholars in this area. The material for this study is scientific publications issued over the past five years (2015–2020) in Russian and foreign publications and devoted to the problems of studying the life and work of William Gilmore Simms, one of the key figures in American romantic literature. The purpose of the article is to analyze the complex of already solved problems and to identify promising directions and methods for further research. In the course of the analysis, it was found that in modern research on various aspects of the work of W.G. Simms, biographical, historical, typological and comparative methods of literary studies are used. The results of the work have theoretical significance, which consists in the systematization of approaches to the study of the creative heritage of W.G. Simms. The practical significance and value of the article lies in the fact that this is the only, at the moment, research that analyzes the traditions of studying the creative heritage of the American romantic writer in Russia, accumulates scientific information on these issues and outlines the prospects for further research.

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  • Beshukova F.B., Khazhgerieva A.A.
    Role and place of print media in the regional media system of the Republic of Adyghea: main development trends

    The paper analyzes the role of newspaper periodicals in the regional media system and the main problems, trends and prospects for their development. The authors examine features of the functioning of the main print publications presented in the local media market of the region (Mayak newspaper (Maykop district, Tulsky village), Sovetskaya Adyghea newspaper (Maykop), Maykop News socio-political newspaper (Maykop) etc.). Based on a comprehensive analysis of media, the publication reveals the main communication technologies for increasing the popularity of media in the regional media space. Also it analyzes audience of the studied print publications. The short history of the publication policy of a number of popular newspapers makes it possible to draw conclusions about the main trends in their development and the factors that led to popularity among the target audience. The paper points to the factors that affect the choice of the modern reader when choosing the media, in particular, it is noted that the ability to reach audiences of all ages is provided by an expansion of formats - from print to electronic, among which the promotion of content in social networks is quite effective.

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  • Nagarokov K.R.
    Performer in the modern folklore field: features of the repertoire

    The article deals with the problems of organization and carrying out search operations on a single territory. Characteristic features of the modern folklore field are revealed. In order to describe the local folklore tradition, the author analyzes materials collected over the past 5-6 years in the aul of Dzherokay (partially Khakurinokhabl) of the Shovgenov district in the Adyghea Republic, where such Adyghe subethnoses as Abadzekhs and Temirgoevts live compactly. The study used comparative typological and descriptive methods. The method of included observation made it possible to establish that narratives, folk songs and stories about them, learned by them in childhood, prevail in the repertoire of modern carriers of Adyghe folklore. Repeated recordings from the same informants, made over the course of 2 years, made it possible to detect unique, previously unrecorded folklore texts. These include a laughing song about Goshegag, the daughter of Mach Nagarokov, a famous folk flutist in the past - kamylyapsh; stories about Pshigut Khabaruko, a courageous rider from the aul of Dzherokay, a defender of justice. The recorded scattered fragments of the history of the "Song of Auls" shed light on the reasons for the appearance of variants for the characteristics of individual auls, in particular, the aul of Dzherokay. It is concluded that the modern folklore field remains quite productive. A special place in it is occupied by local folklore, in which previously unknown unique texts function. A new type of folklore carrier has been formed, in the passive memory of which fragments of traditional folklore texts, as well as songs and narratives from the local repertoire, are stored. The introduction of the material collected by us into scientific circulation will serve as the basis for further research of local centers of Adyghe folklore culture.

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  • Atazhakhova S.T.
    Functional characteristics of the conjunction yki "and" and conjunctional affix and in the Adyghe language

    For the first time, the coordinating conjunction and is examined as an actualizer of identity relations at the level of minimal contexts in order to identify the conditions for the functioning of conjunctions and and yki in the Adyghe language as coordinating and enumerating in homogeneous series. The author determines the dependence of values expressed by conjunctions on context, expands the ideas about the functions of external conjunctions in the text and thereby contribute to a more detailed description of their system. Sentences from the literary text, including the above conjunctions, were subjected to the study. The scientific novelty and theoretical significance of the study is that the work clarifies the semantic spectrum of the conjunction under consideration. To achieve the goal, the following methods of a research were used: continuous sampling, comparative and stylistic analyses. The provisions of this study contribute to further scientific research in the field of morphology and syntax of the Adyghe language. Thus, it should be noted that in the literary text, repeating conjunctions participate in organizing the structural and semantic correlation of sentences, pointing to a strong and reliable connection between them.

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  • Ahmetova D.A., Khuazheva N.Kh.
    Shchesh1e Kazbek iocherkham uryssybzek1e yazedzek1yn shygefedegye zehok1ynyghehem (transformation) yakyohehyn gepsyk1eher Specifics of choosing transformations in Kazbek Shazzo's essays translated from Adyghe to Russian

    Lexical-grammatical transformations of the text are analyzed using an example of the translation of Kazbek Shazzo's essays "America, kao, syd Uischyak?" from Adyghe to Russian. The reviewed language material demonstrates lexical and grammatical transformations caused by interlingual and intercultural differences in the stylistic potential of the original language and the translation language. The most frequent methods of translation are transcription, calquing, generalization, descriptive translation, omissions, additions, compensation, and interchanges. The study methodology is based on comparative, quantitative, discursive analysis by comparing the translation text with the original. The theoretical and practical significance of the study lies in identifying the features of translation transformations, as well as in applying the results of the analysis in translation practice.

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  • Bezrukova O.G., Boktaeva V.L.
    Concepts of the Russian language consecutives and their representation in English

    The article examines the consecutives in Russian and English, using a comparative method, studies their meaning, identifies the features of their use, and considers the mechanism of their translation, taking into account anaphoric and cataphoric properties. In the course of the study, the authors have found that the corpus of consecutive markers of the Russian language has fewer markers than the corresponding corpus of the English language. The results obtained within the framework of the study of works of art by English and Russian authors for the use of consecutives indicate that the consecutive markers can be represented in the form of a semantic-pragmatic field, the core of which are conjunctions because / therefore, so. In accordance with the semantic-cognitive structure of the Russian language consecutives are subdivided into anaphoric and cataphoric. Taking into account the polysemantic nature of the English vocabulary, it was concluded that the most frequent conjunctions are therefore / because, so that. They express not only anaphoric, but also cataphoric relations with the predominance of anaphoric ones. The theoretical target value of the work implies an attempt to make the comparison between the consecutive corpus of the two languages. In practical terms, this study opens up opportunities for further systematization of consecutives in both languages, as well as improving the quality of their translation from one language into another one.

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  • Dzhabrailova M.M., Israilova L.Yu.
    Ethnocultural stereotypes of the British about their homeland and patriotism

    The article deals with the ethnocultural stereotypes of the British about their national character by revealing the internal and external forms and figurative meaning of phrasemic signs. Patterns of the English phraseological units are used to describe the stereotypical ideas of the English people about their Homeland, home, and foreigners, which result in the formation of such a stereotypical portrait profile of the English character as patriotism. The goal of the research is to carry out a symbolic and motivational reconstruction of the archetypes of the national character of the British people, which are the basis of the ethnocultural stereotypical ideas of this people about patriotism. The analysis of the ethnocultural symbolic meanings and sources of formation of the English national character allows us to state that their motivational basis are social, cultural, historical and religious factors that influenced the mentalization and stereotyping of English ideas about the Motherland and Patriotism. The results of the research can be used in the process of the pedagogical activity in the educational courses of the cognitive linguistics, linguoconceptology, ethnolinguistics, stylistics, etc.

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  • Doleva R.N., Urakova F.K.
    Conjugation models of intransitive verbs in the Adyghe language (for Turkic-speaking audience)

    For the first time, an attempt is made to distinguish and describe models of conjugation of intransitive verbs of the Adyghe language for a Turkic-speaking audience. The need is caused by the fact that the teaching of the Adyghe language as a foreign language at the University of Duzce (Turkey), is a new phenomenon, therefore there are no worked out rules for teaching. Both teachers and students face difficulties in learning any foreign language. The problem of explaining the differences in conjugation of the Adyghe verb is throughout learning. The study methodology is based on a comparative description of the verb systems of the Adyghe and Turkish languages. Scientific significance is the development of conjugation modules for different groups of verbs, which allows you to clearly demonstrate the specifics of this grammatical material to a foreign-language audience. These are the differences between transient and intransitive verbs, between static and dynamic verbs, between prefix verbs and prefix-free verbs, between different forms and between different times. The description of the specifics of conjugation of intransitive static and dynamic verbs of the Adyghe language, the identification of phonetic laws in different groups of verbs and the derivation of conjugation modules of intransitive verbs allow you to achieve the confident and competent use of verbs in speech, the rapid and successful development of related topics (formation of imperative form, partial and involved forms). The results obtained can be used during language analysis in Adyghe language classes for Turkic-speaking audiences.

    pdf 43-48.pdf  (1 Mb)

  • Israilova L.Yu., Israilova L.Yu.
    Ways to overcome the negative impact of cross-language interference

    The article examines a linguistic approach to solving the problem of cross-language interference in the context of bilingualism. The goal of the article is to identify the most significant causes of cross-language interference. The task is to identify ways to overcome the negative impact of cross-language interference in the influence of the native language on lexical borrowings. The theoretical significance of the research is that the analysis will make a certain contribution to the theory of the Chechen language stylistics. The practical significance lies in the fact that the results of the work can be used for courses of lectures on lexicology and stylistics of the Chechen language. Disregard of the consequences of cross language interference leads to numerous phonetic, semantic, lexical, and stylistic violations in oral communication, and also has the negative spelling, grammatical, morphological, and syntactic consequences in written translation.

    pdf 49-53.pdf  (143 Kb)

  • Karabulatova I.S., Erjola Shehi
    The influence of proper names on public sentiment and the transformation of archetypal ideas about coronavirus in the modern mythologized worldview: based on the Russian and Albanian electronic news discourse

    This article is devoted to the analysis of public attitudes in publications about coronavirus in public political discourse. The authors consider proper names as markers of mood formation among readers of news streams about coronavirus. News about the new coronavirus acts as a source of information about the pandemic and includes discourse functions that mediate the process of transforming real social events. News texts containing social, communicative, cultural, cognitive, and psychological parameters influence the formation of public opinion. Hypothesis: proper names in news reports about the coronavirus in modern socio-political discourse in conditions of quarantine and self-isolation serve as linguistic bonds that unite different layers of society, creating a hologram of a single mental space. The very problem of coronavirus is potentially dangerous for society due to the increased attention of all representatives of society to the problem of health. The relevance is due to the increasing role of the digital space and the problems of attribution of texts in the news socio-political discourse since it has a priority impact on the transformation of public consciousness. The methodology of the proposed analysis is standard, it includes structural and semantic analysis, evaluation, motivational and target analysis, etc. The study helps to understand language universals in the transmission of psychoemotional moods in a situation of stress in a pandemic situation.

    pdf 54-61.pdf  (122 Kb)

  • Kisel I.F.
    Metaphorical representation of the concept of "coronavirus" in the media discourse (based on Russian and German)

    The goal of this study is to describe the features of the metaphorization of the concept of "coronavirus" in the media discourse and to identify the most productive metaphorical models. As an object, we examine metaphorical phrases representing the concept of "coronavirus" in a media discourse. The subject is a metaphorical modeling of the concept of "coronavirus" in the media discourse. The material of the study was represented by the texts of socio-political, informational, and analytical publications issued in periodic print or electronic publications in Russian and German. The use of contextual analysis and metaphorical modeling methods made it possible to identify productive types of conceptual metaphors of the concept of "coronavirus" in the media discourse. The scientific novelty consists in establishing the role of the metaphor in the process of nominating a new phenomenon of reality, the concept of "coronavirus," in the modern media discourse. Theoretical significance is determined by the contribution to further understanding the process of metaphorization as a way to form the linguistic picture of the world. Metaphor is a mechanism for representing a new actual reality and a way to form neologisms and occasionalisms.

    pdf 62-67.pdf  (196 Kb)

  • Lekareva O.V.
    On fantastic reality and fantastic realities: formation of terminology for research on the fantasy fiction language

    The article is the first to critically analyze the term units that are used in research of the vocabulary of fantasy works. The purpose of the article is to evaluate the features of the emerging term apparatus for describing lexical units-markers of texts of this genre. The purpose of the article is to evaluate the peculiarities of the emerging terminology used in the study of fantasy language by Russian linguists. The two problems are to describe the system connections of concepts and to analyze the functional properties of highly specialized terms used by researchers of the fantasy language. Using the method of oppositions, the General and differential components of the concepts "secondary world", "fantastic reality", "fantasy world" and others are identified, which function as synonymous with each other, but in fact are in the relations of hierarchy, and the terms denoting them are in the relations of "hyperonym – hyponym". The theoretical significance of the results of the analysis includes the identification of implicit semantics of a number of terms, which allows us to clarify their definitions. Practical significance includes recommendations on the use of terms-neologisms and usual terms as tools for further research of the language of fantasy texts. It is suggested to use the adjective fantasy as a more specialized one. The differentiation of author's neologisms and occasional words at the stages of creating a text or translating it into another language is justified. The analysis of terms with the "quasi" component was made concerning their research and derivation potential. The term quasi-knowledge is introduced and the extended use of the term exoticism is justified for different classes of vocabulary that mark fantasy as a genre.

    pdf 68-73.pdf  (277 Kb)

  • Minakova V.Yu., Unarokova R.B.
    Principles of "translanguaging" and minority language teaching using an example of the Adyghe language: problem statement

    The article explores the concept of “translanguaging” that has recently gained prominence in western sociolinguistics. The theoretical principles of translanguaging are discussed in relation to language education, including minority language teaching. Drawing on interviews with Adyghe language instructors and classroom observations, the authors consider the possibility of using the principles of translanguaging in Adyghe language teaching. The study is timely given the recent efforts to promote the use and development of Adyghe, with significant attention paid to new approaches to its teaching in schools. The article is an important attempt to bring together theoretical and pedagogical advances of the Anglo-American academia and the pressing problem of indigenous language maintenance, and to critically evaluate the applicability of these developments to Adyghe language teaching.

    pdf 74-81.pdf  (135 Kb)

  • Pugacheva E.V.
    Neofeminitives in Internet communication: formation, functioning

    The goal is to identify and describe expressively, functionally and stylistically colored online feminitives, to get an answer to the question of their difference from neofeminitives created in other discourses in line with Internet derivatology. Neofeminitives, the forming basis for which were agentives on the –log, were chosen for the study. To achieve the goal, we used methods of semantic and pragmatic interpretation, the method of component analysis, the method of comparative description, with the help of which the features of semantics and morphemic design of online neofeminitives were revealed. As a result, we have established that in informal Internet communication, more noticeably than in other discourses, restrictive tendencies are removed when combining "one's own" and "someone else's". In this case, expression clearly defeats the standard, an explosion of word-making is noted, and the intentions of Internet users are expressed in the creation of perlocutionary neofeminitives. The foreign-language character of the formant should, at first glance, become an obstacle to connection with female suffixes, which are mainly marked in nature - colloquial, stylistic reduced color. The results have theoretical significance, which lies in expanding the idea of derivation processes taking place in informal Internet communication, the results contribute to the study of the category of evaluation and means of its expression in discourses of various types. Research materials can be used in neology, neography and pragmastilistics.

    pdf 82-90.pdf  (147 Kb)

  • Sapieva S.K.
    Verbalization of ethnic identity in literary - artistic discourse

    The article discusses the problem of verbalization of Caucasus ethnic identity in literary-artistic discourse. The publication examines factors influencing the denotative component of Caucasianism, as well as gives the definition of culturally marked vocabulary as the main representative of ethnic identity in literary texts. The author carries out the diachronic analysis of the texts of Russian literature of the 19th and 21st centuries in order to determine the methods of verbalization of Caucasus ethnic identity and possible transformational shifts in its substantive plan. It is concluded that the system-forming components that represent the ethnic identity of the highlanders are not only culturally marked vocabulary, but also the special rhythm and tonality of the narrative, which in their totality also reflect the assessment and attitude of Russian writers to the surrounding reality in a certain chronotope. Deepening and understanding the problem of preserving ethnic identity makes a significant contribution to the further study of Caucasian and to expanding ideas about the ways of verbalizing this phenomenon in literary and artistic discourse.

    pdf 91-97.pdf  (131 Kb)

  • Skhalyakho E.N.
    Thematic stratification of subject area terminology "Interior Design" (based on Russian and English)

    The peculiarities of the formation and development of the subject area "Interior Design" and its terminological apparatus in Russian and English are studied, which seems relevant and scientifically significant, since this area is dynamically developing and requires a comprehensive linguistic study. The purpose of the paper is to identify and describe the conceptual and thematic blocks of the subject area "Interior Design". For the first time, on the material of Russian and English terms of the subject area "Interior Design", conceptual-thematic blocks are investigated and parameterized and the general principles of the formation of design terminology are revealed. Theoretically significant is the study of the process of forming the subject area "Interior Design"; defining criteria for classifying design terms into thematic groups and describing their paradigmatic relationships. The practical significance is that the study material and the results of the study can be used in university courses in lexicology, terminology, lexicography. The study methodology is based on generalization, semantic identification methods; contextual and definitional analysis, conceptual and categorical classification and systematization of material.

    pdf 98-102.pdf  (119 Kb)

  • Tadzhibova Z.T.
    Implementation of the concept "learning, knowledge" in linguistic world view (based on Russian, English and German paroemias)

    Proverbs and sayings reflecting the concept of “learning, knowledge” in Russian, English and German linguistic cultures are identified and analyzed. The material of the study was the paroemias of different structural languages. The choice of proverbs and sayings as the material for the study is due to the insufficient study of the paroemias of the studied languages from the point of view of identifying the semantics of the lexical components, expressive-evaluative and expressive means, as well as the figurative basis of these units. The aim of the study is to identify common and different components of the concept of “learning, knowledge” in Russian, English and German linguistic cultures. The research methodology is based on comparative semantic analysis, continuous sampling method and linguo-cultural analysis. A special place in linguistic studies of languages is occupied by paroemias of learning, knowledge. As a result of the analysis, it was revealed that the implementation of this concept had both positive and negative connotations. Common to the Russian, English and German people is a comparison of knowledge with wealth, strength and modesty. In studied cultures, a desire to learn during life is welcomed and warnings are given against small / insufficient knowledge. Distinctive features are a different attitude to the methods of obtaining knowledge, and difficulties in the way of students. Equivalent paroemias were also discovered that reflected the realities of a particular culture. As a result of the study, we can conclude that the presence of correspondences in Russian, English and German paroemias in terms of content, but not in terms of expression, speaks of different perceptions of the surrounding reality. At the same time, the figurative basis of paroemias coincides, since all people, regardless of nationality, think in universal categories.

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  • Tikhonova A.P.
    Hattian-Hittite bilinguals as a sacred text

    The protoculture of the speakers of the Hattian language is considered: it is not so much the language itself that is reconstructed, but the extra-linguistic world reflected in the linguistic data. The research material consists of bilingual and monolingual ritual texts in the Hattian language (myths, prayers, spells). The task of the study is to reconstruct fragments of the material and spiritual culture of the Hatts. To solve this problem, a comparative historical method is used. Comparison of the materially corresponding words (roots of words) of the Hattian and modern Abkhaz-Adyghe languages made it possible to reconstruct the original lexical archetypes of the Hattian language and establish that the basis of the Hattian religion – the religion of cattle-breeders and tillers – is the worship of Gods of Fertility and their propitiation in the form of sacrifice. Comparative study of the Hattian and Abkhaz-Adyghe languages and cultures has an exclusive significance for ethnic prehistory of Asia Minor and the North Caucasus.

    pdf 109-115.pdf  (298 Kb)

  • Khachmafova Z.R., Bazalina E.N.
    Categorial-thematic modeling of engineering biology terminology (based on Russian and German)

    In the paper, we examine the peculiarities of logical-conceptual structuring of the engineering biology terminology basing on material of Russian and German languages. During the use of contextual and definitional analysis methods, the following thematic fields are highlighted: "Scope", "Object of Activity", "Means of Activity", "Products of Activity", and "Process". It is concluded that this scientific field is integrative, which is objectified through terminological and special vocabulary. The scientific novelty of the study is that we revealed extralinguistic factors of the formation of the engineering biology terminology. Theoretical significance lies in the contribution to the development of economic branch term studies, and in the definition of criteria for systematizing the terms of engineering biology by thematic fields.

    pdf 116-123.pdf  (315 Kb)

    Technical Sciences
  • Buchatskaya V.V., Buchatsky P.Yu., Lobanov V.E.
    Analysis of forecasting algorithms

    The article analyzes the most commonly used time-series forecasting algorithms. The out-of-sample forecasting data of different models is provided. The list of metrics characterizing performance of models is summarized in the table.

    pdf 49-52.pdf  (416 Kb)

  • Rybanov A.A., Sviridova O.V., Filippova E.M., Aleksandrina A.Yu., Abramova O.F.
    Mathematical model of growth dynamics for relational database

    Data growth management reduces costs and improves application performance. Database growth monitoring is a key factor in server resource planning. Monitoring database size and growth is one of the main tasks for capacity planning. The article discusses a mathematical model of the growth dynamics of the relational database, focused on proactively solving problems associated with the database growth, and a software implementation of the process of obtaining model parameters. A formula is proposed for calculating the growth factor of the size of the relational database.

    pdf 53-59.pdf  (333 Kb)

  • Simankov V.S., Teploukhov S.V.
    Intellectualization of the situational center through the selection of methods and algorithms of artificial intelligence, taking into account the uncertainty of the initial information

    The paper proposes an approach to the automated selection of intelligent methods and algorithms in the framework of the functioning of the subsystems of the situational center based on taking into account the features of the initial information about the system. For the input sample, a number of criteria are calculated that characterize the uncertainty of the system. Then, based on the fuzzy membership function of the description of the type of uncertainty and the projected knowledge base, the selection of mathematical methods for describing the system is made. This approach allows for an automatic process of selecting methods and algorithms applicable in the context of a specific problem, initial data and subject area.

    pdf 60-69.pdf  (401 Kb)

  • Buchatskaya V.V., Buchatsky P.Yu., Lobanov V.E.
    Web-app for time-series forecasting

    The article describes the structure of web-app for time-series forecasting. The application includes such methods as autoregression, autoregression with moving average, gradient boosting on decision trees. The solution combines flexible parameter tuning and straightforward interface for user demands.

    pdf 70-74.pdf  (455 Kb)

  • Taran V.N., Shcherbina I.O.
    Test automation and implementation technologies in the process of creating game applications

    Software testing technologies are considered using an example of game application development. The paper describes methods of reducing labour intensity through the use of automation tools, which increase the speed of test cases execution, reduce the influence of the human factor in the process of their execution, minimize the cost of multiple test cases execution, perform test cases that are not acceptable to a person due to complexity, speed and other reasons, as well as collect, store and process large volumes of data. A diagram is developed to show the process of making changes during the direct development of the software solution. The publication considers static and dynamic testing and their variants: local and server testing. Three problems in this approach are identified: mandatory installation of hooks, “extra” errors and execution time. Ways to resolve these problems are discussed. Proposed is a diagram of the process of checking hook operation. The following methods of dynamic program analysis are considered: partial coating tests or “smoke tests”, performance tests, game-specific automated tests and emulation of user actions. Technical characteristics of static-tests are given. The test resource dependency scheme was obtained. A core was developed to run automated static testing, which made it possible to test on early software development sites.

    pdf 75-86.pdf  (655 Kb)

  • Dovgal V.À., Dovgal D.V.
    Analysis of communication interaction systems for drones performing a search mission as part of a group

    Over the past decades, unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) have achieved outstanding results in military, commercial and civilian applications. To increase the effectiveness of the use of UAVs, they are increasingly arranged into a group called a swarm (or flock). In this case, communication between pack members plays an important role in management and coordination. The communication architecture defines how information is exchanged between drones or between a swarm of UAVs and a central control point. This review article discusses four communication architectures in detail, including their advantages and disadvantages. Applicable scenarios are also discussed. The proposed topic is important for the construction of effective cloud-fog structures of UAVs.

    pdf 87-94.pdf  (426 Kb)

  • Gorovenko L.A., Aleksanyan G.A., Rovenskaya O.P.
    Creation of an information educational environment based on the Google Classroom platform and the Miro virtual whiteboard

    This article offers a method for creating and considering the possibilities of using the information educational environment through the Google Classroom platform and the Miro virtual whiteboard, as well as shows the implementation of automation of the educational process on a specific example.

    pdf 95-101.pdf  (988 Kb)

  • Korobkov V.N., Varshanina T.P., Plisenko O.A.
    Features of land monitoring database design for agricultural purposes using an example of the Adyghea Republic

    The paper considers the issues of development of geographic information system dataware for support of ecologically balanced accurate agriculture in the Republic of Adyghea. The stages of agricultural land database design are presented. The choice of software tools for implementing the system is justified.

    pdf 102-108.pdf  (984 Kb)

  • Mandrik T.A., Polenov M.Yu.
    High-level models' translation tools for FPGA design

    The purpose of the work is to compare high-level tools used to develop modern FPGAs: HDL coder from Mathworks, HLS Compiler from Intel, and HLS from Xilinx. To achieve this goal, the main functionality of these packages was considered. As a result of the study, it is shown that the HLS Compiler, manufactured by Intel, is currently the most effective tools of a high-level system for FPGA development. As an additional tool, it is also proposed to use the author’s own development – the multilanguage compilation environment – the Multitranslator.

    pdf 109-114.pdf  (334 Kb)

  • Meretukova S.K.
    Some problems of development of regional computer networks as an important element of building a digital economy

    The paper discusses the questions of development of the digital economy at the regional level related to the construction and filling of Metropolitan Area Network (MAN). Despite the good technical equipment, the main problems associated with the development of MAN are noted – the concentration of the main network information resources and services at the Federal level, insufficient financial security of regional Informatization programs, the lack of a unified concept for building and filling MAN. Solutions to these problems are proposed.

    pdf 115-121.pdf  (864 Kb)

  • Krymshokalova D.A., Shogenova Z.A., Temukueva L.M.

    The article is devoted to a modern problem – the development of marketing in the context of the digitalization of the economy. The analysis showed that digitalization of marketing has become possible, including thanks to a large-scale systemic program for the development of the economy of a new technological generation, the so-called digital economy. The use of digital marketing tools allows you to significantly reduce transaction costs associated with the search, exchange and storage of information, optimize the processes associated with the creation of goods and services, and also allows you to provide constant feedback and the development of individual offers, increase consumer interest in marketing programs and reduce the number of contacts with consumers, which radically improves marketing results, increases business profitability and is very relevant during a pandemic. However, the transition to digital rails is impossible without increasing the level of digital literacy of the population, eliminating the lack of modern technologies and equipment, developing e-commerce platforms, modernizing information security standards at the state level and introducing control over their implementation. Therefore, the further development of the era of digital marketing involves the development of digitalization of the economy as a whole, and then the improvement of marketing tools.

    pdf 87-95.pdf  (233 Kb)

  • Khunagov R.D., Nekhay V.N.
    Overview of the All-Russian Scientific Conference "Youth in a Transforming Society: Present and the Future". Maykop, December 8-10, 2020

    The problem of analyzing the process of socialization, the formation of life strategies and value orientations of young people in the context of a socio-cultural transition has undeniable relevance. In the modern world, the mechanisms of social positioning are constantly being updated, and therefore the task of successfully integrating young people into the system of status-role dispositions is much more complicated. For this reason, there is a need to find relevant ways to diagnose the current problems of Russian youth, as well as an effective methodological tool for determining the prospects for its development in a transforming society. For the purpose of sociological understanding of the indicated topics, the work of the All-Russian Conference "Youth in a Transforming Society: Present and the Future" was organized at the Adyghe State University. The event included a plenary session and two breakout sessions where a wide range of issues were discussed. Particular attention of scientists was focused on analysis of dynamics of sociocultural (traditional, modern and post-modern) challenges and risks to the younger generation, peculiarities of transformation of value orientations of modern youth in conditions of distribution of network communications, prospects of modernization of the higher education system in the context of post-traditional reality. Based on the results of the conference, practical recommendations were made to the authorities and educational institutions aimed at improving the youth policy in the field of education at the federal, regional and municipal levels.

    pdf 215-220.pdf  (119 Kb)

  • Mamyralieva À.Ò., Shalatov V.V., Teshev V.A.

    In the article, on the basis of the proposed methodology and research methodology, an econometric model of the analysis and forecasting of the labor resources of the Kyrgyz Republic for the future has been developed. The obtained equations have characteristics indicating a high level of alignment accuracy, although a significant proportion of autocorrelation is characteristic of the equation of the number of people employed in the national economy. The analysis of the deviations of the calculated values of the variable under consideration from the real parameters demonstrates that the latter do not exceed modulo 1% and reliable forecast estimates can be obtained based on the above ratios.

    pdf 136-143.pdf  (258 Kb)

    Labour Economics
  • Peskova O.S., Mogharbel N.O., Pekisheva A.D.

    In the modern socio-economic reality, such problems as unemployment and employment of the population have become relevant. Unemployment cannot be viewed exclusively from the economic phenomenon, it is also important to take into account its social aspects. There are such types of unemployment as frictional, structural, seasonal, and cyclical. The dynamics of the unemployment rate in Russia is atypical for the global economy; it has its own characteristics. Russian unemployment is characterized by a large gap between registered unemployment and general unemployment. It is advisable to divide the consequences of unemployment into the national level and the level of a particular person. However, it is not necessary to evaluate the consequences of unemployment only from the negative side; unemployment is also one of the conditions for the uninterrupted function of the economy, serves as the formation of a reserve of labor, which is an important factor in the development of the economy.

    pdf 104-111.pdf  (144 Kb)

  • Kalyugina S.N., Shatalova O.I., Mukhoryanova O.A.

    The article presents a comparative analysis of the interpretations of various authors of such concepts as "personnel potential", "human resources", personnel development", "personnel policy", presents the key directions of modern state personnel policy, analyzes the regulatory and methodological support of personnel development issues, examines the essence and provisions of the Personnel Standard of industrial (economic) growth, on the example of which recommendations on the formation of personnel standards of other spheres of the economy are further presented, which also take into account global and general trends in personnel management, such as personal career path planning, help-management, systematic work on the brand of the employer company, increasing the diversity and quality of employee training, flexibility in the organization of personnel management, revision of internal corporate standards for personnel, stimulating creativity on the part of employees, etc., as well as the impact of the coronavirus pandemic on these changes.

    pdf 78-86.pdf  (160 Kb)

    Recreation and Tourism
  • Duadyun I.A., Kosobutskaya A.Yu.

    The article shows the interconnected development of transport infrastructure and tourism and recreational cluster of the region, defines the main requirements for the development of external and internal transport infrastructure of the tourism cluster and its service part - the service infrastructure of the region's road transport (SIRRT). Implementation of these requirements provides conditions for the prospective growth of tourism and recreational cluster facilities in the region. In accordance with the stated requirements the analysis of sufficiency of development of transport infrastructure of the main tourist and recreational complexes of the North-Caucasian Federal District was performed. The conceptual requirements for the development of transport infrastructure in the regions, summarized by the authors, ensure its proportional or advanced development, which is necessary for the effective functioning of tourist and recreational cluster facilities in the region.

    pdf 112-120.pdf  (175 Kb)

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