General and Social Pedagogy
Z.K. Meretukova
Problem education as means of realization of the unity of didactics and dialectics
The paper is devoted to one of the actual theoretical-methodological problems of a pedagogical science, namely to comprehension of unity of didactics and dialectics. Problem education and its psychological-pedagogical potential are examined as means of realization of such unity. Since the essence of problem education is covered in detail in the psychological-pedagogical literature, the paper examines only those aspects of problem education and those specific features that demand philosophical comprehension. Besides, the author offers the general technology of application of a partial-search method (a method of heuristic conversation) as one of the methods of problem education.
A.M. Doronin and D.A. Romanov
Classification of didactic processes
The didactic process representing a self-controlling system is a substantial basis of education and sports. The teacher or the trainer is a regulator in this system, and learners and their activity represent a controlled system. Authors of the present work offer classification of didactic processes by the following bases: by forms of conducting lessons; by orientation of lessons; by a kind of controlled activity; by a style of communicative interaction of the teacher with trainees; by a style of a pedagogical guidance; by a professional position and a role of the teacher; by a level of efficiency etc.
Z.K. Meretukova and A.R. Chinazirova
On a didactic principle of scientific character and scientific outlook in a context of a post-nonclassical scientific picture of the world
The paper is devoted to one of the actual theoretical-methodological problems of a pedagogical science and philosophy of education, namely to comprehension of a principle of scientific character in education. The authors examine the opportunity and necessity of expanding the frameworks of substantial filling traditional interpretation of a didactic principle of scientific character.
A.M. Doronin and D.A. Romanov
Complex pedagogical systems
The paper discusses conversion of high technologies of preparation of athletes in teaching and educational process in the higher an secondary educational institutions with the purpose of its perfection.
Z.K. Meretukova
The scientific-methodological device of pedagogical researches
The paper is devoted to one of the important problems of improvement of quality of scientific works, in particular dissertational and final qualifying works of students. And this problem is the correct description of the scientific-methodological device of works made. The paper is addressed to post-graduate students, to the students who are carrying out final qualifying works, to young scientists, as well as to beginning supervisors of studies.
M.E. Paatova
Pedagogical rehabilitation of minor offenders in conditions of close institutions
The author considers the process of pedagogical rehabilitation of minor offenders and gives results of experimental work on approbation of conceptual model of the organization of leisure activity of pupils in conditions of close institutions.
À.Ð. Chinazirova
On innovational ideas in I.Y. Lerner's didactic heritage (Dedicated to the 90th anniversary and to memory of the scientist).
The paper examines innovational ideas in didactic works of the outstanding scientist of our country, the academician of Russian Academy of Education Isaak Yakovlevich Lerner. An analysis is made of the features of scientific and pedagogical creativity of the scientist, related to his development of culturological conception of the contents of education, the theories of methods of training, problem education, cognitive tasks, the theory of process of training and its laws, the theory of the textbook, the theory of a lesson etc. The paper presents biographic data of the scientist, collected and systematized basing on materials of the family documents of the scientist investigated by the authors, as well as on results of conversations with his relatives and colleagues and on the investigated memoirs of modern scientists about I.Y. Lerner.
N.A. Orlova
Integration of theory and practice in the field of physical training
The paper is devoted to integration of theory and practice in the field of physical training.
Z.K. Ferkhatova
Chishmay Pshunelov – the high-school student, the teacher, the educator and the publicist (the pre-revolutionary period of life and activity)
The author traces the periods of life and activity of Adyghe educator Chishmay Tokhovich Pshunelov, discloses genesis of setting up of his outlook within youth during study in the Stavropol classical man's high school, as well as during pedagogical, educational and social-publicistic activity.
G.N. Dubogryzova
Problems of musical education in pedagogical works of the 1920s
The paper discloses the basic problems of musical education of preschool children in pedagogical works of the 1920s. The author shows setting up and development of various kinds of musical activity in pedagogy of the first third of the 20th century, when for the first time there appeared a question on necessity of general music education. On this basis a completely new approach was taken to the organization of process of musical education: it was necessary not only to inform children the certain data from area of the musical competence and to form performing skills at them, but also to direct efforts to education of love, interest to music, needs to listen to it, to reproduce and even to compose.
V.P. Shram
Realization of students’ academic freedoms in a system of education
In the paper, the author discloses the concept “academic freedoms of students”, characterizes the problems related to their realization and offers ways of optimization of academic freedoms realization by students.
E.B. Ptushchenko
An adaptive system of formation of professional information-technological competence in a specialist for improvement of the quality of education
The paper discusses experience in using the adaptive model of teaching informatics combining innovational pedagogical techniques and information technologies. An analysis is made of the influence of the adaptive model on improvement of the quality of education and on the formation of professional competence in the future specialists.
R.A. Magomadova
Formation of social orientation of the future teacher in the educational environment of higher school
The paper is devoted to a problem of social orientation of students – graduates of high schools in the Chechen Republic. The author discloses the concept of social orientation as a pedagogical problem, describes specific features of a contingent of the Chechen pupils and their requirements to the contents of activity of teachers of higher schools, directed on the decision of tasks of returning of the future teachers in the Russian space.
Z.R. Anchokova
Formation of aesthetic culture of the future teacher in educational system of the State University (using the Faculty of National Philology and Culture of the Adyghe State University as an example)
The paper discloses opportunities of formation of aesthetic culture of students on the basis of a national - regional component. The author examines the concepts “aesthetic education”, “aesthetic culture”, as well as opportunities of formation of aesthetic culture and offers results of the questioning and testing used for revealing an initial level of aesthetic culture of students from the Faculty of National Philology and Culture.
F.I. Blieva
Structure of professional subjective position of the future expert
The paper examines the essence of a category “a professional subjective position” of a personality of the expert, theoretical aspects of its setting up during studying at higher school and substantiates the structure of a professional subjective position of the person. The author offers the criteria for each component, allowing a control of the setting up of a personal subjective position of the future expert.
N.O. Baranukova
Theoretical aspects of creative self-development of the person
In the social and spiritual respect, the growing up person should be able to be oriented and operate in constantly varying world of manufacture, political life and communication. At the same time the person needs not to lose the originality, the moral principles, respect for himself and for other people, capability for self-knowledge and self-development. One of the actual problems of education is the possibility of transferring of substantial – target dominants of education from objective space to subjective space where a profound internal work of the person over himself can proceed under the most adverse external conditions.
Z.T. Pshikanokova
Social – legal protection of the childhood
Problems of the childhood are examined from positions of philosophical, pedagogical and psychological approaches. The author defines principal propositions of the concept of the childhood and priority directions of a social - legal protection of the childhood at the present stage.
O.D. Lukyanenko
Providing an effective feedback in didactic information interaction between the teacher and the child aged 6-7 years
The paper discloses the essence of a feedback (concept, types, functions, means) during didactic information interaction, reveals the basic models and types of a feedback and presents the binary psychological-pedagogical classification of means of an external feedback developed by the author. On the basis of the analysis of experience in realization of a feedback in teaching children aged 6-7 years in modern pedagogical practice of tutors and teachers of Armavir elementary classes, the author substantiates pedagogical conditions of realization of an effective feedback in didactic information interaction of the teacher and children.
A.P. Zaitseva
Continuous vocational training of teachers for institutions of additional education
The paper examines theoretical bases of continuous vocational training of the future teachers for institutions of additional education and specificity of their training. The author gives a description of the model of three-chain system of vocational training (school – college – university) and substantiates theoretical approaches for development of such system of training.
S.M. Khachetlov
Control for quality of education of pupils in conditions of rural social-cultural complex
The author substantiates the expediency of formation of uniform educational social-cultural space in rural areas, creating optimum conditions for the organization of teaching and educational process of pupils and for their involving in active creative activity. Conceptual approaches and mechanisms of control for quality of education of pupils in conditions of rural social-cultural complex are presented.
Z.G. Abubakarov
Optimization of civil socialization of students in educational system of higher school
The paper discusses principal propositions of the pedagogy and sociology related to a problem of civil socialization and civil education of youth. The author presents the model of space of civil socialization of the Chechen students and describes activity of the system of civil education at higher school.
O.I. Uzdinova
Conception of school risk factors as a theoretical-methodological basis of innovational transformations in modern system of school education (valeological and pedagogical aspects)
The paper gives a developed valeological and pedagogical analysis of a modern condition of reforming the Russian system of school education from the point of view of the conception of school risk factors. Leading experts in the field of age physiology, psychology, pedagogical valeology consider this problem as a theoretical-methodological basis of innovational transformations of modern system of school education in a direction of formation of valeological culture at all participants of educational process.
A.F. Penno
Formation of extreme abilities of cadets – pilots during parachute-saving training
An analysis is made of the essence and the meaning of concept “extreme abilities”. The author substantiates the importance of their formation for efficiency of professional work of pilots and describes the experimental program of optimization of moral and psychological training of pilots for actions in an extreme situation.
L.N. Kotrutsa
Formation of patriotic consciousness of pupils in conditions of modern school
In the paper, the author gives a characteristic of structure and contents of patriotic consciousness of the person, substantiates tasks of school educational system in patriotic education of pupils and pedagogical conditions of their solution and presents the processing-substantial model of school system of patriotic education.
Technique and Technologies of Teaching
M.H. Shkhapatseva
Intersubject and interlevel relations in linguistic-methodical training of the teacher of primary classes
The paper discusses problems of interlevel and intersubject relations in linguistic-methodical training of the teacher of primary classes. Language is uniform functioning system, with levels being closely interrelated and interacting. Intersubject relations are established not only between subjects of a linguistic-methodical cycle but also among all subject matters of the primary stage of training that finds a substantiation in the paper.
B.M. Dzhandar
Specific features of teaching the grammar of the English oral speech of pupils at national (Adyghe) school
The purpose of this paper is disclosing features of formation of grammar skill in pupils of national school.
I.M. Kozlov, M.H. Kodzheshau
Estimation of specific features of biomechanical structure of football player movements
The paper is devoted to specific features of biomechanical structure (a motility and mentality relations) of specific activity of the person in game kinds of sports (using football as an example).
R.R. Magomedov
The elementary biomechanical analysis of professionally-guided movement plastics of students – choreographers
The trade of the choreographer lays claims to the specialist in the field of choreography. In this connection, there is a necessity of profiling the process of physical training. Application of special exercises develops plastics, mobility of joints of a body and influences effectively choreographic movements. Understanding complexity of processes of mechanical movement, we make an analysis of biomechanical professionally - guided physical exercises in order the student could master rational techniques of performance of exercises and understand its medical-physical essence.
G.B. Luganskaya and A.V. Lysenko
Estimation of the student concert performance in an instrumental class as a means of optimization of educational process in higher school
With a view of perfection and optimization of educational process, the authors worked out estimation criteria for the student concert performance. They present a logically thought over and methodically substantiated algorithm proving legitimacy of a given estimation and providing a full picture of creative process of the teacher and student training to concert performance. The brief algorithm allowing an estimation of the student concert performance in an instrumental class includes (1) a general impression; (2) performance by the student of musical-artistic tasks of the composition; (3) the specific performing analysis of the work; 4) the methodical analysis of the performed composition.
L.S. Tlyusten
Phonetic-graphic foundations of teaching Russian spelling to pupils in Adyghe primary schools
The paper discusses the questions related to teaching Russian spelling to pupils in national, in particular Adyghe school. This is a many-sided problem. In this case the attention is given to influence of divergences in phonetic-graphic system of Russian and Adyghe languages on process of teaching Russian spelling to pupils in Adyghe primary school.
L.M. Pazova
Concept of various language levels as a condition of studying polysemy by younger pupils
The basic place in the paper is devoted to disclosing of the meaning of a word, to comparison of polysemantic and monosemantic words, to polysemy and homonymy; to synonyms and antonyms as to means of differentiation of lexical-semantic variants of a polysemantic word. The use of polysemantic words in a word-combination and in a sentence is examined.
F.K. Urakova
Trough and basic concepts promoting teaching construction of the text
The paper discusses the basic linguistic through concepts promoting development of connected speech of pupils and formation of their base communicative skills.
D.D. Zhazheva
Specific difficulties in mastering the Russian phraseology caused by a correlation of phraseological system of Russian and native languages
The paper is devoted to difficulties of mastering grammatic structure of phraseological units and specific features of their functioning in speech. The consideration of the named difficulties in mastering phraseology at Adyghe school will promote creation of a system of work on introduction of phraseological units of the Russian language in speech of pupils.
I.V. Makrushina
Pedagogical conditions of formation of ecological consciousness at the future teachers of safety of life and activity
The paper examines pedagogical conditions and a number of modern pedagogical approaches in a context of formation of ecological consciousness at the future teachers of safety of life and activity.
S.A. Khazova
Formation of bases of professional experience at the future specialists in physical training and sports by means of application of game methods of training
In the paper, the author substantiates efficiency of application of game methods of training for formation of bases of experience in professional work at students and gives classification of business games and examples of problem situations in their organization. Their contents correspond to essence of professional work of specialists in physical training and sports.
Y.A. Ioakimidi
Components of a professional orientation of the future specialist in physical training and sports and their development
The paper is devoted to formation of a professional orientation of the future experts in physical training and sports. The low social status of a pedagogical trade, in particular of teachers of physical training and the trainer, does not stimulate development of a professional orientation at students that defines the contents of activity of the teacher of sports higher school.
A.R. Mamiy
Influence on the movement program at performance of a standing jump
The paper discusses influence on biomechanical characteristics of movement by changing an external force impact. The author offers control by parameters of movement with the help of external information signals.
Z.Z. Mamysheva
On cognitive and pedagogical functions of proverbs and sayings in the process of formation of the younger pupil’s person
The educational function of language and other public phenomena is weakened during democratization of public life for the different reasons. Proverbs and sayings, being a product of oral national creativity and reflection of culture, life, traditions of peoples in content, serve as the important means, the tool of moral education. In the paper, the question is considered as to how small genres can be used in educational work.
A.A. Daurov
Application of new information technologies to teaching and educational process at secondary school providing general education
The paper is devoted to a problem of introduction of new information technologies in the process of training pupils. Informatization of an education system, in particular schools is carried out due to use of new information technologies that makes special demands of the organization of the teaching and educational process in this organization.
S.B. Elipkhanov
Training of young men at judo lessons for service at the call of the Armed Forces
The paper discusses questions of urgency, structure and the content of pre-conscription training of young men and the potential of their training at judo lessons. The author substantiates pedagogical conditions of optimization of process of young men pre-conscription training for service at the call of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation.
A.A. Ovsova
Formation of pedagogical skill at specialists in physical training and sports at gymnastics lessons
The paper discusses ways of increasing efficiency of vocational training of the future specialists in physical training and sports on the basis of perfection of a program material and the organization of educational process in “Gymnastics” discipline.
G.I. Polshina
Children motivation to engage in sports at a stage of initial sports training
The author substantiates the significance of formation of steady children motivation to engage in sports at the initial stage of sports training, gives the revealed structure of motivation and the reasons of the beginning of regular sports occupations and characterizes the behaviour and activity of the trainer as the important factors of maintaining desire at children to continue to go in for sports.
G.V. Berezhnoy
Development of physical qualities in 14-16 years-old pupils, with the use of means and methods of training according to A.A. Kadochnikov’s system (“Russian style” of hand-to-hand fight)
The paper presents results of researches on development and substantiation of efficiency of a technique for development of physical qualities in 14-16 years-old pupils, with the use of means and methods of training according to A.A. Kadochnikov’s system (“Russian style” of hand-to-hand fight) during physical training at comprehensive school.
A.G. Moiseeva
From professional-applied physical training to formation of professional-applied physical culture
The paper examines principal propositions of the theory of physical training and sports, the pedagogy of sports related to transition from professional - applied physical training of the specialist to formation of his professional-applied physical culture. The author singles out and substantiates components of professional-applied physical culture and defines levels of their formation.
H.S. Uzhbanokov
Use of conditions of middle mountain topography in training sportsmen – orientators
The paper examines use of conditions of middle mountain topography for increasing physical and mental capacity for work of sportsmen-orientators. Trainings in middle mountains result in significant changes of the physical and psychological status of the sportsman and can lead to negative consequences at methodically wrong organization of occupations.
A.A. Yurina
Methodological and theoretical aspects of investigating a scientist’s professional mentality
The paper is devoted to an actual problem of the methodological and theoretical analysis of an interdisciplinary category of mentality. The author gives the existing typology of definitions of mentality, considers the method of bases for the analysis of mentality and points to the reasons of change of the scientist’s mentality in a modern Russian society.
N.V. Petrova
Psychological and pedagogical essence of research culture of the person
The author presents various treatments of concept of research culture and the characteristic of this phenomenon in psychological and pedagogical aspects. The author's formulation of concept of research culture is offered.
I.V. Detkova
The attitude of accentuated teenagers to educational activity
The paper presents motives of educational activity of accentuated teenagers before and after the correctional work. Motives of educational activity, characteristic of accentuated teenagers, are frequently an obstacle for formation of the positive attitude to school subjects and as a whole to educational activity. The training of personal growth as the method promotes change of motivation, improvement of quality of educational activity and, hence, forms the positive attitude to educational activity.
S.K. Bagadirova
Specific features of studying steadiness to stresses in sportsmen-judoists
The paper examines the problem of studying specific features of behaviour of sportsmen - judoists in stressful conditions.
E.Y. Shchebanets
Correlation of psychological support and psychological escort during the psychological help rendered to parents and to children with deviations in development
In the paper, the author investigates a psychological substantiation of concepts “the psychological help”, “the psychological support”, “the psychological escort”.
A.A. Fedoseeva
Social-pedagogical correction of criminal subculture
The paper examines theoretical methodological approaches to studying such social phenomenon as deviated behaviour and discusses determinants of criminal subculture within the framework of sociological theories of deviation. The author discloses the essence of subcultural traditions and a degree of their influence on modern social stereotypes of behaviour of youth. Necessity of intensifying researches in this field is caused by negative dynamics of developments of deviated and delinquentic practices in a modern Russian society.
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