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  • Babich I.L.

    The paper analyzes the political path of one of the major public and political figures of the Western Adygs, Aitek Alievich Namitokov (1885/1892-1963), who found himself in exile in Europe and Turkey. The author conducted research in the archives of France, Germany and Russia, and showed, on the one hand, the complexity of the political path of Aitek Namitokov, on the other, some inconsistency. He had to go through the ways of "ethnicizing" his own political views. The alliance with the Kuban Cossacks, which he supported at the beginning of his emigration, eventually gave way to the complete opposite – he came to the idea of independence of the North Caucasus. The author investigated this process and concluded that A. Namitokov managed to become a prominent political figure in emigration among those mountaineers who defended the independence of the peoples of the North Caucasus. It is noted that the socio-political activity of A. Namitokov affected his personal life, influenced the choice of life strategy after the end of World War II and undoubtedly determined the direction of his research in Turkey, where he moved in 1949.

    doi: 10.53598 / 2410-3691-2022-2-299-15-23

    Release date: 14.07.2022

    pdf 15-23.pdf  (695 Kb)

  • Bagdasaryan S.D., Samsonenko T.A., Grishina T.M.

    The modern Russian state is still going through the processes associated with the economic, spiritual, ideological, political and socio-ethnic factors of the collapse of the Union state - the USSR, which has become a project of unprecedented scale in the historical space of the 20th century in terms of lessons and consequences. Therefore, the study of the collapse of the USSR in the historical and legal projection of the thirty-year milestone is relevant in the new conditions of the geopolitical state of the Russian Federation, its development programs, and consideration of all foreign and domestic political factors that still negatively affect the state of the post-Soviet space. The paper attempts to analyze the process of the collapse of the USSR using a set of methods of comparative historical and legal analysis in order to identify patterns and consequences of the political process, as well as to predict and prevent such destructive factors in the future. In addition, the former republics of the USSR - the newly independent states - form their own concepts of national history, form the historical worldview of citizens, ranging from a critical approach to the Soviet legacy and to disappointment with failed liberal economic and political reforms. In these countries, the contradictions between society and the state are clearly manifested. Decision-making is conditioned by historical experience. Moreover, the Russian Federation, like the USSR, is a multi-ethnic and multi-confessional state. The leaders of Russia, as one of the main directions of foreign policy, proclaimed the reintegration of the post-Soviet space, the strengthening and deepening of economic and political cooperation. The recent historical experience in establishing interethnic relations is very important in the light of the problems being solved by the current Russian state and its determination of national policy. Turning to history will reveal new facts, deepen knowledge about famous events. Therefore, the analysis of the collapse of the USSR is especially relevant today, when the state faces the task of strengthening the Russian Federation and not repeating geopolitical lessons.

    doi: 10.53598 / 2410-3691-2022-2-299-24-34

    Release date: 14.07.2022

    pdf 24-34.pdf  (542 Kb)

  • Ziyanak Bedirhan

    The reforms of Mehmed II (1444-1446 è 1451-1481) and their consequences were key to the formation of the Ottoman Empire in the 15th century. The purpose of this work is to examine how these events were perceived by their immediate contemporary, the famous Russian thinker and statesman Ivan Peresvetov.The latter exhibited Sultan Mehmed as an object of imitation for Ivan IV (1547-1584). The fact remains that, Peresvetov himself did not visit Constantinople, and he formed his opinion about the state system of Mehmed II, relying on the knowledge that he received in his countries of residence, since they knew about it. Peresvetov's work has often been the subject of historical research, but his views on the Ottoman ruler as an ideal sovereign have not been touched upon. As a result of our research, we come to the conclusion that, for Peresvetov, Sultan Mehmed was the creator of the ideal state and, thus, advised the Tsar to manage the state in a similar manner. The author of the legend regarded that the Tsar should use his power to ensure centralized power and justice.

    doi: 10.53598 / 2410-3691-2022-2-299-35-43

    Release date: 14.07.2022

    pdf 35-43.pdf  (637 Kb)

  • Burykina L.V., Fedoseeva L.D.

    The model of the social structure of the Adyghe ethnic group was built on the basis of strict observance of the hierarchy of the social structure, with the indisputable authority of traditions, customs, ethical norms of behavior. The status of a woman is a kind of integral indicator in which many problems of society are focused. The study of women's status and role references is one of the main problems of the gender approach, which involves macro- and micro-levels of analysis of the entire system of power relations: from the state to the family and in the family between specific individuals in their daily lives. The paper examines the characteristic features of the traditional Adyghe society in the first half of the 19th century on the basis of a gender analysis of the original travel reports on the territory of Circassia by two emissaries of the British government, D. Bell and D. Longworth. In all social structures, the power of traditions and generally accepted socio-normatives was limitless. Perhaps that is why the traditional Adyghe society seemed to many people confidential, conservative, and static. Modification processes took place extremely slowly until the second half of the 19th century. Diary entries of D. Bell and D. Longworth give researchers valuable information about the social role and status of the Adyghe woman in the traditional Adyghe society. This information is highly reliable because it is the result of observations and reflections of the authors, who did not need to justify anything or adapt to any ideological or political stereotypes. Therefore, they objectively draw the life of the Adyghe peoples, their advantages and disadvantages. A gender–sensitive study of the works of D. Bell and D. Longworth provides an opportunity to identify the social role of women and its significance in Adyghe society, permeated with customs and traditions that make up Adyghe etiquette, which is an important component of the code of unwritten laws - "Adyge Habze". The authors, based on the analysis of the diary entries of D. Bell and D. Longworth, come to the conclusion that a woman in an androcentric Adyghe society occupied a dependent position, but was not a slave of her husband, she was not "enslaved", her gender status was quite high; she did not perceive the existing prohibitions as discrimination, since, along with numerous duties, she had certain rights and enjoyed great respect and honor in the family.

    doi: 10.53598 / 2410-3691-2022-2-299-44-54

    Release date: 14.07.2022

    pdf 44-54.pdf  (538 Kb)

  • Vdovchenkov E.V., Leonova D.K.

    The purpose of this paper is to investigate the economic aspects of the crisis of the 3rd century AD on the Bosporus, which, being located on the edge of the Ecumene, was under significant influence of the barbarian world and its pressure. The crisis was systemic in nature and was caused by foreign, domestic, economic, and climatic factors. From the 1st to the first half of the 3rd century AD the Pontic world was a rather closed economic system, whose trade relations were tied to the internal mutually beneficial ties of the Northern and Southern Black Sea regions, as well as trade contacts with the barbarian world. By the end of the 2nd – beginning of the 3rd century AD, the territory of the Northern, Western and partly Eastern Pontus had a high level of social and economic development. In the 2nd-3rd centuries AD, the volume of trade in agricultural goods with Greek cities decreased. Bosporus begins to live in new economic conditions. The monetary issue and circulation of coins became an indicator of these economic and political changes. The crisis manifested itself in the reduction of handicraft production, agricultural activity and was aggravated by the political vicissitudes of the 3rd century A.D. The result of the crisis was the naturalization of the economy and the erasure of the boundaries between rural and urban settlements, which became characteristic features of the late antique development of the Bosporan Kingdom.

    doi: 10.53598 / 2410-3691-2022-2-299-55-61

    Release date: 14.07.2022

    pdf 55-61.pdf  (506 Kb)

  • Gizzatov S.M., Nartbaev Sh.Zh., Oteuov N.N.

    The paper analyzes the content and nature of diplomatic relations between Abylai, who later became the all-Kazakh Khan (1771-1781), and the Kalmyks-Oirats, and their political groups in the fifties of the 18th century. The chosen time period is very indicative from the point of view of the personality characteristics of the then Sultan of the Middle Zhuz Abylai as a cautious and far-sighted politician in relations with his allies and opponents and is significant for a holistic understanding of the content of Kazakh-Oirat contacts not only of the period under consideration, but also their consequences in the future. Special attention is paid to the description of the Khan's diplomatic efforts in ensuring the security of his zhuz, the art of negotiating with representatives of the Qing Empire and Russia. It is noted that Khan Abylai influenced the foreign policy strategy of the last Dzhungarian ruler of Amursan, whom, in tandem with the Chinese emperor, the Kazakh Khan helped to seize the entire Kalmyk state. It is concluded that Abylai's political efforts made it possible to strengthen the centralized khan's power, and this, in turn, led to a significant strengthening of the military-political status of the Kazakh Khanate.

    doi: 10.53598 / 2410-3691-2022-2-299-62-71

    Release date: 14.07.2022

    pdf 62-71 (2).pdf  (437 Kb)

  • Golubev L.E.

    The paper is devoted to one episode that happened during the military campaign of the Central Asian conqueror Tamerlane to the North Caucasus in 1395, when one of the detachments, pursuing the Golden Horde Emir Udurku, invaded the Abas area. The localization of this area is an open discussion among researchers of the medieval history of the North Caucasus. In science, different options for the location of the Abas area were proposed: in the Elbrus region, in the region of the Darial Gorge and Mountainous Dagestan. The author of the publication proposes a variant of the localization of the Abas area, which he connects with the Abazins tribe, placing it in the region of the left bank of the Malaya Laba, on the northern slope of the Main Caucasian Range, between the Gubs and Urushten rivers. The paper also suggests possible options for the localization of other localities, regions and possessions, such as the possession of a certain feudal lord named Pulad and the Kabchigay fortress. The possessions listed above were located in the immediate vicinity of the Abas area, which could be located between the Urup and Malaya Laba rivers in the Northwestern Caucasus. Probably, the Kabchigay fortress controlled one of the Transcaucasian caravan routes from the North Caucasus through the Pseashkho pass in Transcaucasia.

    doi: 10.53598 / 2410-3691-2022-2-299-72-79

    Release date: 14.07.2022

    pdf 72-79.pdf  (513 Kb)

  • Såminà G.V., Drach G.V.

    In this paper, the authors have studied the stages of the formation of the Islamic spiritual tradition and its transformation in civilizational dynamics in order to understand the degree of stability of ethnic groups to the challenges of a globalizing world. For the first time, the origins of the religious conflict within one ethnic group have been considered as potentially undermining its resistance to modern processes. The authors analyzed the stages of the formation of the Islamic spiritual tradition in the North Caucasus, identified changes in the religious beliefs of the Balkars in historical development, marked modern transformations in their religious beliefs that occur in the era of globalization. The material gives grounds to conclude that the Islamic spiritual tradition in its civilizational development in the North Caucasus, studied on the example of the Balkars, acquired a syncretic form, having absorbed the traditions of pre-Muslim beliefs. The namely this syncretic form of Islam, formed over the centuries in this region, is the core of its traditional culture. The authors summarize that various innovations are possible in the religious system of ethnic groups, which will subsequently be accepted by the ethnic community and become their tradition, but these transformations of religious beliefs must stand the test of time, confirming the ability to sustaining the ethnic identity, and not to destabilizing the unity of the people in its modern development.

    doi: 10.53598 / 2410-3691-2022-2-299-80-87

    Release date: 14.07.2022

    pdf 80-87.pdf  (512 Kb)

  • Shazzo A.M.

    The author of this work makes a comparative analysis of the image of Orzemedzh, which is given in the legends of the epic of the Circassians (Adygs) as the leader of Khase, the body of the Nart self-government, and one of the main gods of Ancient Egypt, Osiris, who brought agriculture to the Egyptians and ruled both on earth and in the other world. The study suggests seeing the selected characters somewhat different, perhaps more realistic in terms of their social status, the religious worldview of the society in which they are implanted, their ideological aspirations, moral, and, in general, cultural guidelines. The paper was written according to a scheme built from interrelated and mutually conditioned concepts: the Nart God is "Thie", the Nart character is their Habze and the Nart society is their Khase. The monotheistic understanding of the "Thie" by the pra-Circassians, on the one hand, forms their high morality, on the other, generates the corresponding socio-political structure introduced in the territory they have mastered. The author also suggests that paganism with its feuds between the gods does not improve, but worsens the moral climate of society. In line with the above scheme of concepts, it is also evident how noticeable a trace was left by the ancestors in ancient Egypt.

    doi: 10.53598 / 2410-3691-2022-2-299-88-100

    Release date: 14.07.2022

    pdf 88-100.pdf  (676 Kb)

  • Ilyinova N.A.

    The article presents the results of an empirical study of trust in the authorities in the regional communities of Adyghea and Krasnodar Region during the fourth "wave" of the spread of coronavirus. The pandemic demands the consolidation of society and the state in order to overcome the consequences of the spread of Covid-19. The results of the study point to a contradictory situation: against the background of trust in the authorities, the population does not feel safe and accuses the authorities of using the situation with the coronavirus to their advantage. Trust is a necessary condition for the effective operation of the authorities, the power that people do not trust is short-lived. The formation of trust is a long process, the foundation of which is laid by the good faith and honesty of representatives of the authorities. The author considers the creation of a favorable information and communication background and the creation of conditions for external examination of the activities of the authorities to be the mechanisms of trust formation.

    doi: 10.53598 / 2410-3691-2022-2-299-101-108

    Release date: 14.07.2022

    pdf 101-108.pdf  (971 Kb)

  • Nagoi A.A.

    The paper reveals the theoretical foundations of the structural and functional identification of the levels of cultural identity formation. It is argued that the search for a conceptual and methodological basis for the study of cultural identity, taking into account civilizational, personal and sociological approaches, is possible within the framework of an interdisciplinary culturological synthesis of the value-normative concept of cultural policy and the model of the sociocultural process of symbolizing success. In this paper, the author relies on the theoretical model of the Russian scientist G.V. Bakumenko, who considers identity through the prism of structural functionalism, activity and system approaches. This makes it possible to significantly strengthen the heuristic potential of the sociology of culture in explaining its integrative characteristics. The thesis is confirmed that the pragmatic understanding of cultural identity basing on the structural unity of its organizational and institutional levels is closely interfaced with the presence of emotional attributions that find expression in individual, national and interethnic levels of identification. Based on the analysis made, it can be concluded that the separation of the levels of cultural identity formation expands the prognostic possibilities of socio-humanitarianism in explicating the dynamic nature of identification processes in the conditions of cultural convergence and divergence.

    doi: 10.53598 / 2410-3691-2022-2-299-109-119

    Release date: 14.07.2022

    pdf 109-119.pdf  (563 Kb)

  • Sandzhiev Z.N.

    Introduction. The purpose of the paper is to classify approaches to assessing the state of the labor potential of rural youth and to determine the optimal system of criteria and indicators that will make it possible to make managerial decisions. Relevance of the study lies in the fact that currently, regulatory legal acts of the federal and regional levels are aimed at the development of rural areas. According to the Strategy of Sustainable Development of Rural Territories of the Russian Federation for the period up to 2030, the development of rural territories is aimed at creating and improving the quality of life of the rural population to perform national functions, but at the moment the standard of living in rural areas significantly lags behind urban. The problem of the study is what is the optimal system of criteria and indicators that make it possible to make effective managerial decisions. Methods. The research methods included the analysis of scientific literature, regulatory sources and statistical data, the method of deduction and induction. The main ideas of the study, the results obtained and their discussion. Effective managerial decisions for the development of labor and demographic resources can be made only on the basis of a system of criteria and indicators reflecting the state of the labor potential of this contingent. The methods of assessing labor potential used in practice can be divided into administrative, economic and socio-psychological. The assessment of labor potential is based on quantitative and qualitative components. To assess the state of the labor potential of rural youth, it is optimal to apply an integrated approach and evaluate statistical data and data from sociological surveys of young people on the problem of labor potential. The developed system of indicators will allow to more accurately determine the current state of the labor potential of rural youth and develop adequate managerial solutions. Conclusion. The theoretical and practical significance of the results obtained lies in supplement of the theoretical provisions; the results can be used for teaching students. The issue of improving the labor potential of rural youth and solving the problems of introducing modern scientific achievements into their daily lives remains relevant for further study.

    doi: 10.53598 / 2410-3691-2022-2-299-120-128

    Release date: 14.07.2022

    pdf 120-128.pdf  (516 Kb)

  • Khanakhu R.A., Shaov A.A.

    The paper discusses the features of the evolution of the ethical and normative system of the Adygs. The emphasis is on substantiating the viability and relevance of traditional ethical imperatives in the modern ethnocultural space of the Adyghe society. The role of practical philosophy in the process of reproduction of the ethnocultural world of the ethnos, the influence of the cultural landscape on the formation of the ideological principles of the Adygs is analyzed. They are represented through the harmonization of the ethical and aesthetic content of traditional culture, which ensures the continuity of social patterns in the ethnic space of the Adygs. It is noted that the fundamental socionormative system of the Adygs correlates with the cultural mechanisms of the regulation of consciousness, basing the ways and mechanisms of self-identification of the ethnos in the conditions of erosion of the axiological core. Of particular importance in the reproduction of the sociocultural space of the Adygs is the language, which, by structuring the ontological and epistemological meanings of the spiritual world of the ethnos, regulates the perception of the relationship of a person with society and the environment, thereby giving them a rational character and contributing to the preservation of the moral personality as a basic socioanthropological type. It is concluded that ethnic solidarity in a transforming society is conditioned by loyalty and trust as the basic socio-ethical principles of the Adyghe society.

    doi: 10.53598 / 2410-3691-2022-2-299-129-137

    Release date: 14.07.2022

    pdf 129-137.pdf  (526 Kb)

  • Semenova E.M., Volkov D.D., Zhuravleva T.A.

    In the article, the author develops an urgent problem of the development of a client-oriented approach and customer service. It is noted that in a market economy, service as a set of measures for working with a client (consumer) is the most important factor determining the competitiveness of a company. Customer service synthesizes the provisions of marketing strategy, brand management, quality. At the same time, digitalization, which has affected all spheres of society, has not only created new opportunities, but also provoked new risks for entrepreneurship. The pandemic situation has given impetus to the rapid development of digital services and online commerce. At the same time, the growth of competition has accelerated certain processes of digitalization of the economy, which affected both producers and sellers, as well as consumers. When studying the problem of developing a client-oriented approach, it was revealed that the latter received new features, which, according to the results of the study, are regularly improved, approaching the real conditions of management. The obtained theoretical results of the study can be used as methodological support for the formation of a customer-oriented service policy of business structures.

    doi: 10.53598/2410-3683-2022-2-300-63-72

    Release date: 19.07.2022

    pdf 63-72.pdf  (129 Kb)

  • Atazhakhova S.T.
    Synonymous reduplications in the Adyghe language (from the material of lexicographic publications)

    The paper deals with synonymous reduplications in complex lexemes of the Adyghe lan-guage. The author gives an assessment of the role of reduplicates from the standpoint of their participation in the process of word formation and semantic formation within the framework of the fiction text. This is the scientific novelty of research. The study of this phenomenon and its specific features, as well as models of the formation of synonyms-reduplicates, is an urgent problem. The reduplicates of the Adyghe language, extracted from lexicographic dictionaries and fiction text became the material of this study. In the process of analysis, various techniques were used to determine the stylistic role of reduplicates in this language. In theoretical and practical terms, the results obtained can serve as a contribution to the development of the general theory of Adyghe word formation, complementing and developing the insufficient knowledge of reduplicates, as well as in compiling dictionaries of various types.

    doi: 10.53598/2410-3489-2022-2-297-15-22

    Release date: 15.07.2022

    pdf 15-22.pdf  (131 Kb)

  • Baranova A.Yu., Rubtsova D.A.
    Conceptualization of freedom and specificity of representation of the concept in Russian linguoculture

    Methods of representation of the concept as the main unit of linguoculturology are identified and analyzed; detailed structuring of the mentally significant concept of "freedom" is carried out with the involvement of diachronic and synchronous research methods. Fiction and journalistic discourses served the material of study. As a result, it has been revealed that during the de-velopment of society, the concept of "freedom" underwent complex changes, the concept is verbalized not only by lexemes, but also by phraseological combinations, sentences, texts and their combination, and easily enters into paradigmatic and syntagmatic relations. Using the methods of contextual, structurally semantic and discursive analysis, the authors determined the main ways of representing the concept under study and their specificity. The results obtained, based on the study of authoritative sources and dictionary data, can be useful for further study of national-cultural values, issues of cognitive semantics and discursology, as well as in lecture courses on linguoculturology.

    doi: 10.53598/2410-3489-2022-2-297- 23-33

    Release date: 15.07.2022

    pdf 23-33.pdf  (142 Kb)

  • Vorozhbitova A.A., Autleva F.A.
    Comparative study of the Russian-language political Discourse of the Russian Federation and the CIS countries: theory and methodology of the Sochi Linguistic - Rhetorical School

    The paper presents a general algorithm for a comparative study of the modern Russian-language political discourse of the Russian Federation and the CIS countries in the aspect of the theory and methodology of the Sochi Linguistic - Rhetorical School by giving an example of the political discourse of the media of the Republic of Armenia at the boundary of 2010-2020. The purpose and sequence of research activities, the general research program, expected results, their scientific value and practical significance of the study are characterized. All of the above can serve as a certain theoretical and methodological guideline for organizing and conducting research of this type in the continuum of CIS countries that have historically shared polyethnic sociocultural & educational space. With this approach, political discourse is positioned as a tool for forming the mentality of a collective linguistic personality of one ethnic society in its relationship with others, historically close, developing within the borders of the CIS in the context of the functioning of the Russian language as a language of interethnic communication.

    doi: 10.53598/2410-3489-2022-2-297-34-42

    Release date: 15.07.2022

    pdf 34-42.pdf  (132 Kb)

  • Zdanovskaya L.B.
    Oppositeness of conceptualizations of the notion "Language": aspect "creation/destruction"

    The paper examines the features of the implementation of the intra-semantic opposition of the concept “Language” at the lexical and cognitive levels in Russian linguistic culture. The scientific novelty of the work lies in the attempt made by the author to analyze the reasons for the actualization of semiotic oppositions in modern linguistics in the aspect of considering the concepts of creation. This aspect is also supplemented by a detailed description of the opposition of the concept under study in order to correlate it with the classical basic conceptual opposition ”Own ‒ Alien”. Based on study of theoretical material which is a generalization of the views of leading researchers in the field of linguoculturology, cognitive linguistics and axiological linguistics the author characterizes the dichotomy of the concept ”Language” presented as one of the means for organizing and ordering the modern world order reflected in the linguistic worldview.

    doi: 10.53598/2410-3489-2022-2-297- 43-50

    Release date: 15.07.2022

    pdf 43-50.pdf  (223 Kb)

  • Karnas A.A.
    The main areas of research on the terminology of the tourism industry in the light of the cognitive-discursive approach

    The paper discusses the main theoretical provisions and ideas, which formed the basis for the study of the English terminology of the tourism industry in the light of a cognitive-discursive approach. The author justifies the use of methods and techniques of cognitive analysis and the construction of cognitive models for an effective analysis of the processes of formation of terminology in the tourism industry. The publication highlights and describes the characteristic features of conceptual and frame analysis of terms that make it possible to build a conceptual model of certain terminology. This provides great opportunities for the terminology of the tourism industry with its extensive system of concepts.

    doi: 10.53598/2410-3489-2022-2-297-51-56

    Release date: 15.07.2022

    pdf 51-56.pdf  (122 Kb)

  • Kopot L.V.
    Actualization of ethnogender value characteristics of the concept of "masculinity" in Russian gluttonic discourse

    The paper discusses the actualization of ethnogender value characteristics of one of the nuclear concepts in the Russian gluttonic discourse, using the material of paroemias, including ethnocultural representations and sociocultural values, reflecting gender differentiation. Paremiological discourse is considered as a sign system formed by specific verbal signs translating in-formation about the concept. A cluster of gluttonym signs representing the concept of "masculinity" is identified; axiological characteristics of the concept under consideration are described by means of gluttonyms exhibiting masculinity in Russian linguoculture. An analysis is given of the list of signs of masculine gastronomy, the presence of which contributes to national self-identification and translates the culture of ethnos into the world ethnocultural space.

    doi: 10.53598/2410-3489-2022-2-297-57-65

    Release date: 15.07.2022

    pdf 57-65.pdf  (152 Kb)

  • Kotik O.V. , Tolstikova L.V.
    Syntax expressive means in the informative-motivational form of a scientific text (based on the material from English scientific articles)

    The description of informative-motivational text stylistic features is supplemented by new constructions characterizing a scientific text. The authors propose a classification of genre and stylistic features of informative-motivational text presented in the form of the most common syntactic constructions: inversion without changing the word order, the use of the auxiliary verb “do”, comparative construction with the lexeme “more”. As a result of informative-motivational text analysis a category of expressive means such as intensifiers has been singled out. The following types of intensifiers have been identified: nominative, attributive, verbal, adverbial. Due to syntactic stylistic means and intensifiers the expressiveness of informative-motivational text is achieved.

    doi: 10.53598/2410-3489-2022-2-297-66-72

    Release date: 15.07.2022

    pdf 66-72.pdf  (152 Kb)

  • Loova A.D., Khachetsukova Z.K.
    The problem of the lexicogrammatical organization of the phrase in German and Adyghe languages in comparative terms

    The paper deals with the types of syntactic relation of words in the phrase in German and Adyghe languages. By virtue of the fact, that syntactic organization of words in coherent speech acts as a specifier of each national language, its development and formation can be traced in a wide variety of directions and aspects of any modern language. A necessary condition when es-tablishing the order of the relation of words in the phrase is to consider the relationship of the verb as the main word with dependent words. In view of the significance of the verb in the com-patibility of words, the publication analyzes in detail the verb government and emphasizes the structural-semantic aspect of the phrase. Research shows that the verb in the languages under study has various syntactic capabilities in forming the connection and relationship between the verb word and other words. Depending on the meaning and stylistic possibilities of verb govern-ment, the dependent word changes its form. It has been shown that to create a basis for studying the compatibility of words in different languages, it is advisable to distinguish a phrase as a low-er-level unit and consider it in grammatical, functional, structural - semantic, and paradigmatic aspects. It has been established that the study of the compatibility of words makes it possible to reveal the internal laws of the relationship between the components of a phrase and to understand the laws of speech construction more deeply.

    doi: 10.53598/2410-3489-2022-2-297-73-82

    Release date: 15.07.2022

    pdf 73-82.pdf  (210 Kb)

  • Ptushchenko E.B., Khurum R.Yu.
    Information technologies as a factor in the process of digitalization and digital transformation in linguistics

    The paper discusses the issues of digitalization and educational convergence and their role in linguistics. The authors note that information and computer technologies are taking on an in-creasing amount of information - technology communication in the transformation of theoretical, applied and comparative linguistics. The use of these technologies in the linguistic field of Rus-sian society suggests the possibility of adapting the system of knowledge acquisition and the formation of linguistic competencies in a different way than the classical one. The publication shows the role of basic linguistic resources of information technologies, including the Internet, in the process of formation of digital linguistic competencies. Insomuch as the linguistic resources of the Internet are one of the main sources of information for a linguist, the paper proposes an overview of some web resources that are designed to solve a number of linguistic tasks in a significant amount, a key feature of electronic digital information resources for applied linguistics.

    doi: 10.53598/2410-3489-2022-2-297-83-92

    Release date: 15.07.2022

    pdf 83-92.pdf  (141 Kb)

  • Sitimova S.S.
    The role of Daud Ashkhamaf in the study of Adyghe language phonetics and its dialects

    The paper considers the views of scientists on the phonetic processes of the dialects of the Adyghe language. The purpose and order of research actions, the general research program, expected results, their scientific value and practical significance of the research are characterized. The phonetic features of the Adyghe language are analyzed in order to clarify the relationship between the dialects of the Adyghe language. Phonetic varieties of correlative dialect words are revealed and described. The originality of the dialects of the Adyghe language is substantiated. The specificity of the aspirated consonants of the Western dialects of the Adyghe language is reflected.

    doi: 10.53598/2410-3489-2022-2-297- 93-98

    Release date: 15.07.2022

    pdf 93-98.pdf  (117 Kb)

  • Spasova M.V., Lopatina N.R.
    Metaphorics of Colour in Phraseological Units with Coloronym «White» in the English Language

    The article is devoted to the metaphorical reimagining of concept “white” in the English Language of metaphorical character. The goal of the article is the analysis of metaphorical reimagining coloronym “white” in phraseological units. The authors analyze the processes of metaphorization of this coloronym, systematize phraseological units in question according to the theory of linguistic fields, analyze the processes, underlying in the process of formation integra-tive fields, define the conceptual metaphor within which these phraseological units function. The authors come to the conclusion that phraseological units with coloronym white are formed on the basis of both universal cognitive processes and socio-political and cultural realia of English-speaking communities.

    doi: 10.53598/2410-3489-2022-2-297-99-106

    Release date: 15.07.2022

    pdf 99-106.pdf  (235 Kb)

  • Tsaturyan M.M., Matevosyan A.P.
    Features of the functioning of the virtual communication language in the social network "VKontakte"

    The paper discusses the language of virtual communication in the social network "VKontakte". The relevance of the proposed topic is due to the study of virtual communication, which arose owing to the rapid development of the social network "VKontakte", against the background of the imposition of sanctions on foreign social networks. Currently, the social network "VKontakte" is perhaps the main way of virtual communication. The forms of language realization – oral and written – are actively converging, their boundaries are blurred, and a special type of speech appears – oral speech in written fixation.

    doi: 10.53598/2410-3489-2022-2-297-107-115

    Release date: 15.07.2022

    pdf 107-115.pdf  (147 Kb)

  • Shkhumishkhova A.R., S.aida K. Sapieva2
    The concept of "food" and the characterization of lexicothematic group of “nutrition”

    The paper discusses the concept of "food" and analyzes the thematic group of "nutrition". Various examples, statements and assessments are given. Special attention is paid to the etymological aspect of the study. The Russian language picture of the world is mosaic in nature, given the significant number of borrowings from different languages. But considering a separate frag-ment of this picture formed by the names of nutrition, it should be noted that its building elements form a harmonious whole, determining the true richness and diversity of Russian cuisine.

    doi: 10.53598/2410-3489-2022-2-297-116-121

    Release date: 15.07.2022

    pdf 116-121.pdf  (111 Kb)

    Literary Criticism
  • Akhmadova L.K.
    Literary implementation of the fate of a private person and war in the novel by Kanta Ibragimov "Past Wars"

    Based on the analysis of the structural and semantic features of the novel - K. Ibragimov's epic "Past Wars," the research shows that the literary implementation of the fate of a private per-son and war goes through a multi-linear concentric plot, through which the author shows military events in retrospect. Owing to synthesis of realistic and naturalistic techniques K. Ibragimov achieves the validity and realism of the reproduction of historical events. The publication reveals the ideological points of support for the text, concentrated by the author in the personality of the main character, in his national consciousness. The novelty of the method of K. Ibragimov is visible in discursive practices that are not traditional for a national novel, in the extreme nudity of the hitherto hidden aspects of the life of an ethnic group, in the naked physiology and naturalism of individual scenes.

    doi: 10.53598/2410-3489-2022-2-297-122-129

    Release date: 15.07.2022

    pdf 122-129.pdf  (124 Kb)

  • Bakov Kh.I.
    Circassian poetry in the flow of time

    For the first time, the paper examines the evolution of Circassian poetry over several decades, analyzes the work of poets of various generations who have made a significant contribution to the development of genres, to the elimination of imbalance in their system. Within the frame-work of the historical and chronological method, the works of A. Okhtov, Kh. Gashokov, A. Khanfenov are studied; their achievements and shortcomings, motivated by the influence of the Bolshevik ideology of the period, are noted. This generation is distinguished by a high level of education, which was reflected in their work. In the context of the Adyg literature, the author studies the work of the generation of the 1960s-1970s of Circassian poetry, represented by bright individuals, which raised the artistic level of the literary process as a whole, as well as issues of skill and innovation. The research shows that it is in poetry, especially in lyrics, that the poet's personality, his intellect, and a special vision of the "world of things" matter.

    doi: 10.53598/2410-3489-2022-2-297-130-136

    Release date: 15.07.2022

    pdf 130-136.pdf  (120 Kb)

  • Guan Lin, Sun Qiuhua
    Features of the characters in the novel "Doctor Zhivago" as an aesthetic value

    The paper examines the features of the three characters, Zhivago, Lara, and Tonya in the novel Doctor Zhivago, in a particular environment and plot, and determines the aesthetic value of the characters in the tragedy. Through the various fates of the main character Zhivago, his family and friends before and after the October Revolution, the novel presents the love and hatred, grief and happiness of the people of the Soviet Union in the great era. The sublime aesthetic qualities of the humanitarian Zhivago, Lara with a rebellious spirit and virtuous Tonya in a turbulent period are explored, it is noted that their character traits determine the development of the plot.

    doi: 10.53598/2410-3489-2022-2-297-137-143

    Release date: 15.07.2022

    pdf 137-143.pdf  (113 Kb)

  • Panesh U.M., Klimina A.A.
    Suggestivity: term, concept, suggestivity as an aesthetic phenomenon

    The paper deals with theoretical issues related to the phenomenon of suggestivity. The authors specify the content of the term, the history of its origin and existence, and determine various options for applying the concept. Special attention is paid to the peculiarities of suggestivity as an aesthetic phenomenon, which are manifested in the activation of creative thinking, exacerbation of the emotional figurative perception of reality. The study can be used in the development of general methodological provisions of literary theory.

    doi: 10.53598/2410-3489-2022-2-297-144 -149

    Release date: 15.07.2022

    pdf 144-149.pdf  (113 Kb)

  • Panesh U.M., Sokolova G.V.
    Strengthening the lyrical principle and evolution of genres in literature of the 1960s -1980s (based on the Adyg literatures)

    The paper examines the evolution of genres in the prose of Adyg literatures of the 1960s - 1970s under the influence of lyrical prose. The publication deals with the strengthening of the problems associated with the intensification of attention to an individual, and structural and style searches in the works of T. Kerashev, A. Evtykh, A. Keshokov, Kh. Teunov, A. Shortanov, A. Tuarshev, I. Mashbash, Kh. Ashinov, Ts. Kokhov and others caused by such changes. The authors determine the features of the new stage of the literary process, which are caused by the invasion of lyrical literature - strengthening the intellectual element, deepening psychological analysis, and moving towards a variety of poetic means.

    doi: 10.53598/2410-3489-2022-2-297-150-157

    Release date: 15.07.2022

    pdf 150-157.pdf  (124 Kb)

  • Gutov A.M.
    Adyghe (Circassian) folk lyrics: on genesis and evolution

    The paper attempts to establish the process of distinguishing lyrics as a kind of verbal art when it was still at the stage of initial syncretism. Both the peculiarities of ethnic verbal culture and the general patterns of evolution of genera, types and genres of folklore and literature are established. The material considered suggests that the division into drama and epic was the initial one, and at a relatively later stage, the formation of lyrics as a phenomenon that draws specific material from epic and dramatic works took place. An important source is also the situational context, rich in sources that stimulate the emotional sphere. The catalyst of the process is the evo-lution of social consciousness, which leads to the search for harmony between the interests of the individual and the ethnic community. A characteristic feature is that the appeal to the inner world of a person does not destroy the collective consciousness, but, on the contrary, arouses interest in the spiritual side of each person from the collective.

    doi: 10.53598/2410-3489-2022-2-297-179-185

    Release date: 15.07.2022

    pdf 179-185.pdf  (207 Kb)

    Study of Arts
  • Liu Yung
    Features of the interpretation of heroic female characters in the opera "Sister Jiang"

    The paper is devoted to the analysis of the features of the embodiment of heroic female images in Chinese opera of the 1960s. The relationships of opera concepts with Chinese literature and theater of that period are examined, the connections with the Soviet "red drama" and the ideological orientation of the authors to the political order of the ruling party are revealed, the pro-cess of introducing the method of "socialist realism" in Chinese opera is considered.

    doi: 10.53598/2410-3489-2022-2-297-158-164

    Release date: 15.07.2022

    pdf 158-164.pdf  (243 Kb)

  • Chen Zizhan
    Music as a space for the dialogue of Russia and China: on the “Chinese trail” in the works of composer Klimenty Korchmarev

    The paper examines the presence of the Chinese theme in the work of the Russian com-poser K.A. Korchmarev, who was a student of V.O. Malishevsky, a member of the “Belyaevsky circle” and who mastered the composer's craft under the guidance of N.A. Rimsky-Korsakov and A.K. Glazunov. The idea is substantiated that Korchmarev, developing the theme of the East in his own way, acts as a continuer of the traditions laid down in Russian musical culture by his predecessors. Along with the first Turkmen ballet “The Merry Deceiver”, the author draws attention to such creative achievements of the composer as creating music for the cartoon “The Liu Brothers”, based on a Chinese folk tale, music for the play “The Gray-Haired Girl”, staged in the E. Vakhtangov Theater, the opera “Child of Joy”, which absorbed the music for the play, the suite “Free China” to the verses of M. Matusovsky. Particular attention is paid to the considera-tion of Korchmarev's arrangements of Chinese songs.

    doi: 10.53598/2410-3489-2022-2-297-165-171

    Release date: 15.07.2022

    pdf 165-171.pdf  (117 Kb)

  • Yang Zongbao
    Zhao Yuanren's vocal work “Teach me how not to miss him”

    The paper deals with the vocal work “Teach me how not to miss him”. A brief introduction to the biography of the poet who wrote the poems and the composer of this song is given. Attention is focused on the history of the creation of the song sample and the specific features of the poetic text of the vocal work, and an art critical analysis of its musical form is offered. The results of the observations can be useful both for art historians who study the artistic samples of vocal music, and for teachers-mentors who hone vocal technique with their wards.

    doi: 10.53598/2410-3489-2022-2-297-172-178

    Release date: 15.07.2022

    pdf 172-178.pdf  (234 Kb)

    Biological Sciences
  • Botasheva T.L., Shakhanova A.V., Kapustyan E.G., Zavodnov O.P., Zheleznyakova E.V., Gayda O.V., Shubitidze M.G.
    Influence of morphofunctional asymmetries of the “mother-placenta-fetus” system on the indicators of autonomic regulation of the heart rate in women in the postpartum period

    The paper presents the results of a study of the features of autonomic regulation of heart rate (statistical and spectral) in women in postpartum period depending on morpho-functional asymmetries. It has been established that in the case of the coincidence of the vector of asymmetries of the lateral phenotype and placental lateralization that occurs in women during pregnancy (with left-handed profile of asymmetries and left-handed placenta) the most stable indicators of autonomic regulation of cardiac rhythm both during functional rest and active orthostasis were detected in 80% of cases. The most unfavorable indicators of autonomic regulation of heart rate were detected at the coincidence of the nature of the initial and gestational asymmetries in ambidexters with ambilateral location of the placenta in the largest number of cases (90%), as well as in case of opposite direction of initial and gestational asymmetries in right-handers with left-sided placentation (75%).

    doi: 10.53598/2410-3225-2022-2-301-49-58

    Release date: 13.07.2022

    pdf 49-58.pdf  (370 Kb)

  • Shumafov M.M., Panesh T.A., Havadja M.A.
    On the stochastic stability in the large of solutions of the nonlinear second-order differential equations perturbed by white noise. III

    This paper is a continuation of the previous paper and presents the third part of the authors’ work. In the work nonlinear autonomous second-order differential equations with random right-hand sides of the type of white noise are considered. In the first parts of the work we present some mathematical preliminaries from probability theory, stochastic processes and stability of stochastic differential equations. Here, in the third part, we give definitions of stochastic differentials by Ito and Stratonovich, stochastic differential equations in the form of Ito and in the form of Stratonovich, solution of stochastic differential equation, the existence and uniqueness theorem is formulated, Ito’s formula for differentiation of composite function is given, stochastic analog of classical Newton-Leibnitz formula is presented. In the work sufficient conditions for stochastic asymptotic stability in the large of solutions of the nonlinear second-order Ito’s stochastic differential equations are obtained. The probabilistic estimations of the remaining of a random trajectory in a bounded region of the phase plane are given. As an example harmonic oscillator perturbed by white noise random process is considered.

    doi: 10.53598/2410-3225-2022-2-301-11-38

    Release date: 13.07.2022

    pdf 11-38.pdf  (794 Kb)

  • Tlyachev V.B., Ushkho D.S.
    Straight line isoclines and questions of the absence of closed trajectories of polynomial vector fields

    Some theorems on straight line isoclines of polynomial vector fields of general form are proved. For example, it is shown that if a straight line passes through n equilibrium states of a system, then it is an isocline of this system. Using the properties of straight line isoclines for quadratic and cubic differential systems, coefficient conditions are indicated under which they do not have closed trajectories, in particular, limit cycles surrounding the equilibrium state (or focus) (0,0). Examples of such systems are given.

    doi: 10.53598/2410-3225-2022-2-301-39-48

    Release date: 13.07.2022

    pdf 39-48.pdf  (342 Kb)

    Technical Sciences
  • Rybanov A.A., Aysin D.V.
    Software and information system for training in operation with an optical scope

    The organization of the process of learning to use optical scopes is a time-consuming and costly process. It includes a set of actions that can be transferred to a virtual environment without harming the quality of training. Processes such as learning theoretical information and visiting shooting range for training the aiming skill and handling weapons are most suitable for trans-ferring to a virtual environment. To solve the described problems, it is advisable to develop a software information system for teaching how to work with optical sights. The article discusses software tools for the implementation of the proposed system, and also describes the reason for choosing Unreal Engine 4 as a development tool. A brief analysis of potential analogues for the system under consideration is also given and the reasons for their unsuitability for use in order to solve the described problems are given. In addition, the article provides a mathematical description of the physical formulas applicable to calculate the projectile trajectory in the system is being developed.

    doi: 10.53598/2410-3225-2022-2-301-59-66

    Release date: 13.07.2022

    pdf 59-66.pdf  (619 Kb)

  • Dovgal V.À., Sheredko D.I.
    Ensuring the information security of the website in the conditions of import substitution

    The paper discusses the threats to which websites are exposed and ways to neutralize them. The protection of websites is now often carried out using solutions developed abroad. The presence of risks associated with the disabling of Internet resources of critical infrastructure facilities in Russia requires the organization of systematic work to eliminate these information attacks. Due to the need to ensure the smooth operation of government websites, mass media, financial institutions, socially significant mass portals and networks, it is necessary to ensure the replacement of foreign means of information protection with domestic ones. The paper offers options for replacing foreign software used in the country, with the domestic one similar to it in terms of the implemented functions within the framework of the import substitution trend.

    doi: 10.53598/2410-3225-2022-2-301-67-77

    Release date: 13.07.2022

    pdf 67-77.pdf  (497 Kb)

  • Teploukhov S.V., Kuzmin K.A., Sedoy K.V.
    Features of the implementation of an autonomous weather station based on the ESP32 microcontroller

    Often, in order to obtain up-to-date weather data, the user decides to use his own meteoro-logical installation. However, this requires taking into account several important features: the need for wireless transmission of obtained data, remote access to information, and the autonomy of the weather station used in terms of power supply. In this regard, the paper considers the features of the implementation of such an autonomous weather station based on the ESP32 microcontroller, which will allow us to evaluate the feasibility and efficiency of using such a solution.

    doi: 10.53598/2410-3225-2022-2-301-78-83

    Release date: 13.07.2022

    pdf 78-83.pdf  (439 Kb)

  • Chastikova V.A., Pseush A.G.
    Application of swarm intelligence algorithms in the process of building individual educational trajectories

    The rapidly developing education system demanding a special approach in current conditions requires the qualitative, personalized professional training at all educational levels. The given requirement generates necessity of transition from the classical technologies of training, repre-senting, in most cases, a translation of knowledge, towards the use of the educational technologies, making possible to personalize a process of students training. These technologies will give a chance to universities to organize the process of training in such a way that trainees in future could not only reproduce the mastered kind of activity, but also could correct norms depending on changes of a current situation. One of the educational technologies allowing us to reach this is a personification of training by means of application in educational process of the individual educational trajectories promoting obtaining a competence, distinct from the basic track of training. The abundance of courses, modules, and directions of specialization demands the use of algorithms of the intellectual analysis of data at construction of individual educational technologies. The paper presents possible approaches to construction of individual trajectories of training with the use of swarm intelligence algorithms.

    doi: 10.53598/2410-3225-2022-2-301-84-90

    Release date: 13.07.2022

    pdf 84-90.pdf  (322 Kb)

  • Brekhov O.M., Kasatikov N.N., Fadeeva A.D.
    Assessment of relevance and concept of smart city development based on artificial intelligence technology

    The development of information technologies makes a significant contribution to the solution of professional and everyday problems in modern human life. An issue of using artificial in-telligence technology and machine learning in solving various applied problems is becoming particularly relevant. The main purpose of the presented work is to study the aspects of the relevance of the development of a smart urban environment based on artificial intelligence technology, as well as to present our own proposal for the use of artificial intelligence systems as a tool in the smart city system. We analyze the main advantages of developing the concept of a smart city at the expense of intellectual means, as well as make an analysis of the concept as a whole. The paper uses theoretical, statistical and empirical research methods. In order to obtain the most relevant and objective information, we used scientific materials of domestic and foreign authorship. The predominant part of the paper is devoted specifically to the issue of the development of a smart city based on artificial intelligence technology.

    doi: 10.53598/2410-3225-2022-2-301-91-98

    Release date: 13.07.2022

    pdf 91-98.pdf  (429 Kb)

  • Skudnova T.D.
    THE HUMANISTIC COMMANDMENTS OF CARL ROGERS (On the 120th Anniversary of Birth)

    The paper reveals the fundamental ideas of the person-centered theory of Carl Rogers, the relevance of the humanistic commandments of which increases in the conditions of a deep anthropological crisis of the modern world. Based on the theoretical analysis of the creative heritage of the outstanding philosopher, psychologist and teacher, the publication shows the relevance of the person-centered paradigm of psychological and pedagogical activity. The trends and prospects of the anthropo-oriented system of modern education are associated, in the first turn, with the implementation of the fundamental humanistic principles developed within the framework of the person-centered approach, which includes the belief that each person possesses inherent worth, need and aptitude for self-actualizing, self-control and self-development. The presented analysis of articles and books by C. Rogers allows us to conclude that the phenomenological theory of personality developed by him is not only a psychotechnics, but a way of interaction, co-existence, creating facilitating conditions for the self-development of an integral person. It is concluded that the scientific developments of the philosopher, psychologist and teacher C. Rogers went beyond psychotherapy and took shape of a human-centered approach, which was implemented initially in the field of psychological and pedagogical anthropology, and then in the field of social and political psychology. Originated in the field of individual psychotherapy and psychological counseling, the approach evolved into a person-centered education, and then embodied in a human-centered policy.

    doi: 10.53598/2410-3004-2022-2-298-73-80

    Release date: 13.07.2022

    pdf 73-80.pdf  (154 Kb)

  • Begidova S.N., Khabakhu Sh.A.

    The problem of school bullying is acute for the public today. Society is worried about the increase in aggressiveness in children and youth. And the most pronounced aggression manifests itself among children in school, which should be a safe environment for students. However, it becomes a place where cases of bullying become almost commonplace. Statistics show that both girls and boys are bullied at any age. Bulling is dangerous because it has far-reaching consequences. Children who have been harassed, physically or mentally abused have serious problems in the aftermath, which can lead to tragic consequences, and unfortunately such facts take place. Today, experts are trying to find ways to solve this problem, to create a safe protecting school environment for children. Solving this problem requires an integrated approach, involving a number of specialists. A special role belongs primarily to the teacher, his abilities to create a favorable, comfortable environment in the classroom, the ability to build relationships with both children and parents. Prevention of school bullying should be recognized by teachers as a target attitude implemented through the strategy of activities of all subjects of the educational process. The implementation of preventive work requires the development of an appropriate technology. The technology for the prevention of bullying in the school environment represents a phased organization of assistance aimed at eliminating barriers to interpersonal communication, developing communication skills, increasing the group cohesion of the school team and reducing the factors for the emergence of the bullying situation. The content of the technology includes individual work with potential victims and shooters. As a result of the pedagogical experiment on the prevention of bullying in the school environment, results were obtained indicating that in the experimental class there was a positive trend towards interpersonal interaction, improving the psychological climate, and the level of aggressiveness decreased. The results obtained make it possible to state that the situation in the classroom should be constantly monitored, and preventive work should become an integral part of the school's activities today.

    doi: 10.53598/2410-3004-2022-2-298-13-23

    Release date: 07.07.2022

    pdf 13-23.pdf  (201 Kb)

  • Kuprina N.K., Kuchubin R.O., Afanasyev M.A.

    The paper determines the level of interiorization of values of lifelong learning by older people in the Republic of Adyghea. The need for a lifelong learning system is due to the progress of science and technology, the widespread use of innovative technologies in all areas of activity, and therefore, it is a global trend. Lifelong study and interiorization (understanding, acceptance and realization of the value) of lifelong learning by older persons ensures the adaptation of their own work and activity to the dynamically changing requirements of life in accordance with the needs of the individual and society, using a system of state and public institutions. The socially active part of it, which has sufficient income and free time, has a desire to realize itself in new areas of labor activity and new areas of creative activity. That is, there are new opportunities to increase the social activity of the population, which are poorly used today. Based on the survey conducted, the authors reveal the values of learning, factors characterizing their own attitude to the values of lifelong learning and the attitude of the immediate environment to the system of lifelong learning, to the participation of close people, as well as the intentions and degree of participation of respondents in value appropriation. The paper deals with the issues related to the training of older persons after the completion of their employment in the specialty and the desire to realize themselves in new current and demanded activities, which will allow persons of this category to actively engage in new relationships and effectively use their residual potential for work. Training conditions are defined: training together with young people; independent choice of educational institution and training time; choosing the content of the training in accordance with the requests of the student himself, etc. The grounds for further substantiation of the content of studies throughout the lifelong learning are identified.

    doi: 10.53598/2410-3004-2022-2-298-24-29

    Release date: 07.07.2022

    pdf 24-29.pdf  (158 Kb)

  • Trubachev I.V., Demkina E.V., Khazova S.A.

    The paper discloses the theoretically developed and empirically proven methods of optimizing the life of female cadets as a factor in improving the quality of education. The relevance of the problems of the study is determined based on the results of scientific and theoretical analysis and systematization of educational practice data. To solve the problem of optimizing the life of female cadets at the university, the directions of pedagogical activity are determined. Their separation is based on the elements of the life environment traditionally adopted in science, as well as varieties of life activity, the most traditional for students of universities. The result of a theoretical study in the field of the essence and methodology of pedagogical optimization, the provisions of the adaptation theory and the theory of health care of subjects of the educational process, etc., is a developed model that reveals the methodological, meaningful, and technological aspects of the process of pedagogical optimization of the life of female cadets. Organizational pedagogical conditions for optimizing vital activity are determined using a set of methodological principles corresponding to these approaches and setting the value-target orientation of optimizing the vital activity of female cadets, the basis of the content and technological filling of the process of optimizing the vital activity of female cadets. The paper presents the information on experimental testing of the developed model, methods of optimizing the life of female cadets in the areas corresponding to the types of activities: educational, service, economic, leisure, social, independent work; and forms of activity: communicative, spiritual, cognitive, physical and practical. The publication provides the results of the initial and final diagnosis of female cadets according to internal personal criteria (adaptation, health, professional-acmeological orientation, internal integral level of life optimality), indicating the effectiveness of the experimental process.

    doi: 10.53598/2410-3004-2022-2-298-30-44

    Release date: 07.07.2022

    pdf 30-44.pdf  (424 Kb)

  • Ptushchenko E.B., Tarasenko V.D., Ivanova N.V., Megrikyan I.G., Saakova K.R.

    The paper deals with the problem of introducing information technologies and digital educational resources as a possible alternative or supplement to classical education. Innovative digital competence is becoming a priority in all areas and directions, including pedagogy. An essential problem for optimizing the functioning of the education system during various unforeseen situations is the innovative learning process. Information and computer technologies are becoming increasingly important for information and communication technologies in the form of the introduction of distance learning methods. The use of these technologies in the education of the Russian society implies the possibility of adapting the system of obtaining knowledge and forming it in a different way than the classical one. Based on the analysis conducted by the Laboratory of Media Communications in Eeducation of the Higher School of Economics, and the results of the introduction of distance learning methods into the educational process, this new type of training was revealed to be acceptable in combination with the classical form of education. In the process of transition from classical to online learning format, many teachers and students face a variety of technical problems. The advantages and disadvantages of learning with the help of information technologies and digital educational resources are identified. The results of an empirical study, in which the hypothesis of the lack of self-discipline in the process of distance learning was tested, are presented. The key feature of electronic information resources is shown. The conclusion is made about the importance of the classical method of obtaining knowledge and the disadvantage of the distance learning method.

    doi: 10.53598/2410-3004-2022-2-298-45-53

    Release date: 07.07.2022

    pdf 45-53.pdf  (162 Kb)

  • Begidova S.N., Begidov V.S.

    The problem of professional burnout occupies now a significant place in the system of professional destruction of teachers. Emotional tension, high responsibility, work in situations of constant uncertainty, etc., lead to a deterioration in physical and mental health. There are various approaches to solving the problem of professional burnout among teachers, but they do not always turn to the potential of physical culture, but this is where they can find the most effective solution to this problem. Motor activity makes it possible to relieve emotional stress, restore physical and intellectual conditions, improving mood, increasinge activity and well-being. Motor exercises should be selected taking into account age, physical fitness, as well as personal preferences of teachers. The introduction of teachers to regular physical exercises allows them to replenish their motor deficit, increase performance, reduce stress levels, and maintain the health of the teacher. To solve this problem, complexes of physical exercises were developed that did not require special physical training and were aimed at strengthening the muscles of the back, press, arms, legs, relieving tension from the cervical and thoracic spine, stretching and coordinating. During the experiment, teachers performed the exercises at a convenient time, mainly at home. They kept a diary of self-assessment of their well-being, mood, performance, as well as the regularity of performing exercise complexes. The experimental work made it possible to conclude that for this target group of teachers it is the short-time complexes of physical exercises, as well as the free mode of their performance, that are the most effective form of introduction to motor activity. Initially irregular classes went to regular for many teachers, which made it possible to learn how to effectively and rationally organize their leisure activities, increase performance, and reduce stress levels, and signs of professional burnout, which is especially important for each teacher.

    doi: 10.53598/2410-3004-2022-2-298-54-62

    Release date: 07.07.2022

    pdf 54-62.pdf  (178 Kb)

  • Dzhabatyrova B.K., Begidova S.N.

    In modern conditions of the development of society, caring for the elderly citizens of the country is one of the important social problems. It is precisely ensuring their comfortable life, inclusion in various types of socially useful activities, maintaining their health and vital activity that is the guarantor of the country's social stability. Life, professional and social experience is valuable wealth that should be passed on to future generations. The social demand of older people in the education and formation of the younger generation is invaluable and allows us to carry out continuity between generations, preserve moral traditions, culture and spiritual values of society. But, in order for older citizens to perform these functions, they must be viable, physically and socially healthy and prosperous. Unfortunately, older people often, for various reasons, find themselves removed from social life, experience feelings of unnecessariness, loneliness, a lack of communication, attention from both relatives and friends, and society as a whole. Therefore, it is very important to fill these gaps, create conditions for social communication, and increase the standard of living of the elderly. One such means is adaptive physical education. The involvement of medical professionals in the organization of adaptive physical culture classes increases the sense of safety, reliability and security in the elderly, which, in turn, contributes to the regularity of visits to classes. New acquaintances, common interests expand the range of their social contacts, fill the shortage of communication. The conducted pedagogical experiment confirmed the effectiveness of this approach. The elderly included in adaptive physical education activities note an increase in activity, mood, desire for intensive activity, a decrease in dissatisfaction with life circumstances, an increase in social ties, opportunities for communication and joint pastime, as well as an improvement in physical and mental well-being. Thus, the organization of group classes with adaptive physical culture allows older people to expand social ties, create conditions for social communication, increases personal and social activity.

    doi: 10.53598/2410-3004-2022-2-298-63-72

    Release date: 07.07.2022

    pdf 63-72.pdf  (175 Kb)

  • Arutyunova A.E., Chaikov N.A.

    Despite the humanitarian nature of physical culture and sports in terms of the implementation of the sphere of work at the state and municipal level (education of generations, development of able-bodied qualities in people, etc.), there is an accurate idea that managerial influences, the development of sports infrastructure, the number of people involved can and should be evaluated. Only in this case it is possible to analyze the resources spent by management functions. The study analyzes the existing methodological approaches to assessing the effectiveness of the functioning of the system of physical culture and sports in the regions. Tasks solved within the framework of the work: a selection of existing research projects on this topic was carried out; an analysis of the practices of the effectiveness of the system of physical culture and sports in the region was implemented; an author's set of indicators of the effectiveness of the sphere of physical culture and sports was developed.

    doi: 10.53598/2410-3683-2022-2-300-13-21

    Release date: 19.07.2022

    pdf 13-21.pdf  (202 Kb)

  • Zelinskaya M.V., Novikov V.S.

    The study of the issues of integrated development of rural territories acquires new importance in the context of sanctions restrictions. The authors of the article give their own definition of the category of "integrated development of territories", based on the understanding of the meaning of a person and his requirements for comfortable living, not only in the sense of physical objects of civil infrastructure, but also in the possibilities of intellectual and professional development. In the materials of the article, the tasks of complex development of territories in the conditions of instability of socio-economic transformations are formulated. The authors propose a classification of the factors of integrated rural development for the work of state and municipal authorities; the characteristics of the factors make it possible to offer high-quality methodological materials for managing socio-economic transformations in rural areas.

    doi: 10.53598/2410-3683-2022-2-300-22-30

    Release date: 19.07.2022

    pdf 22-30.pdf  (170 Kb)

  • Mokeeva E.Yu.

    The article presents the experience of applying the project approach to solving the problems of youth employment, including persons with special needs, in the region (on the example of the Orel region). The necessity of drawing the attention of all parties involved in the educational process to the imbalance of expectations and reality about the labor market due to the conditions of insufficient awareness of students with disabilities about employment opportunities in the region is substantiated.

    doi: 10.53598/2410-3683-2022-2-300-31-37

    Release date: 19.07.2022

    pdf 31-37.pdf  (175 Kb)

  • Nikitin D.A., Kvashina O.N.

    Small forms of management in foreign practice are serious competition to the largest sharks of agribusiness. The formation of peasant (farm) farms in Russia takes place has a century-old history. In this article, we have identified the principles of functioning and development of small business entities, their features, as well as the importance of state support for the systematic development of those sectors of the national economy that create a final product that is competitive not only for domestic use, but also capable of occupying a segment of the international market. The market economy requires a more rapid response, both by the state and by the peasant owner reproducing the final product that preserves the national security of the state. The main distinguishing feature of small and medium-sized enterprises in agricultural production is that they are more motivated to obtain the final product, use available resources more efficiently: land, technical, material resources. It should also be noted that the quality of the products produced by farmers is higher, it is grown in more environmentally friendly conditions, manual labor is used to a greater extent, less fertilizers are applied, fewer additives are used to stimulate the growth of products of both plant and animal origin. At the state level, fairly clear goals have been set for the development of agriculture. According to the Strategy of Sustainable Development of Rural Territories of the Russian Federation for the period up to 2030, the share of peasant (farmer) farms and individual entrepreneurs in the production of agricultural products by 2020 should be on average 13.4% in the country, by 2030 – 20%. However, for regions with less favorable weather conditions, it is necessary to more carefully promote the specialization of those branches of agriculture that will bring profit and contribute to the sustainable development of rural areas.

    doi: 10.53598/2410-3683-2022-2-300-38-47

    Release date: 19.07.2022

    pdf 38-47.pdf  (276 Kb)

  • Pototskaya L.N.

    The study identifies promising directions for the digital development of the mechanism of agricultural land use taking into account the Strategy for the Development of the Information Society in the Russian Federation and the Strategy for the Digital Transformation of Agriculture for 2020-2030. Tools for digitalization of the industry have been named (Internet of Things, precision farming, monitoring the use of agricultural machinery, the use of "smart" technical navigation devices). As the planned results, the macroeconomic and social effect is determined, providing an increase in revenues to the state and municipal budgets, the agricultural tax base, reduction in inefficient subsidies, material and labor costs in the field of agricultural land use. Formation of the unified federal information system on agricultural lands (EFIS ZSN) is noted, the filling of which is currently insufficient. Cadastral works subsidized by the federal budget, accumulation of information on the location, boundaries and organizational and legal characteristics of agricultural land plots continue. EFIS ZSN provides data collection and aggregation within the boundaries of each field, municipal subject, subject of the Russian Federation, takes into account industry-verified, geo-linked information about agricultural lands at the federal level. Digital services are being actively formed in the regions ("My real estate objects", "The use of spatial data in control and supervisory activities", "Land simply", "Integrated development of the territory", "Smart Cadastre", etc.). The conclusion is made on the definition of priority measures for digitalization of agricultural land use, creation of a universal information field, the need for support state subsidization of cadastral works and full implementation of the state program "National Spatial Data System" designed for implementation until 2030.

    doi: 10.53598/2410-3683-2022-2-300-48-55

    Release date: 19.07.2022

    pdf 48-55.pdf  (182 Kb)

  • Ukolova N.V., Dudnikova E.B., Fomin D.I.

    The article discusses the use of innovative technologies in agriculture. It is indicated that digital technologies provide significant assistance to farmers and agronomists. The authors present a logical model for the use of digital technologies in grain production: investments in digital solutions and their testing; reduction of production costs; increase in productivity and gross harvest; profit growth; increase in part of equity capital invested in innovative products. The article states that the development of digital technologies in agriculture should take place in three stages, these are: starting, intermediate and final. Attention is drawn to the fact that the subsequent stages of digitalization of grain production and their transition to a new technological order will require the involvement of new resources. This can only be achieved through the joint efforts of representatives of agribusiness, public authorities, scientific and academic organizations and financial institutions. The organizational mechanism proposed by the authors for the innovative development of grain production in the context of the digitalization of agriculture will affect the growth of economic efficiency indicators and accelerate the transition to a new sixth technological mode.

    doi: 10.53598/2410-3683-2022-2-300-56-62

    Release date: 19.07.2022

    pdf 56-62.pdf  (287 Kb)

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