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  • Gizzatov S.M., Oteuov N.N., Nartbayev Sh.Zh.

    Despite a number of studies of the 20th – beginning of the 21st century in the field of Kazakh history, the history of the Dzungarian and Kalmyk khanates of modern times (I.Ya. Zlatkin, V.A. Moiseev, S.A. Edilkhanova, M. Tynyshpaev, K.A. Pishchulina and some others) Kazakh-Kalmyk, Kazakh-Dzungarian relations are still insufficiently studied. This is especially true of the specification and details of the foreign policy pursued by the Kazakh rulers in relation to their territorial neighbors. At least, until the 30s of the 18th century this information is scattered across Russian, Central Asian, Chinese and Kalmyk sources. In this regard, documentary information is presented in them from the appropriate angle of view, representing only indirect information concerning the military, diplomatic facts of these relations. It is not always objective. Moreover, this information even has a narrative content in some way. This state of affairs leads to the fact that in a number of modern works, the historical facts available to the authors are distorted, have unjustified speculation (and not objective interpretation) and even mythologization, which, of course, has nothing to do with true scientific knowledge. At the same time, such factual material is of undoubted scientific and historical value, since it is able to expand and deepen the understanding of complex, contradictory processes in the segment of Central Asian history. The proposed article attempts to fill in the existing gap in the study of the period under consideration and the events accompanying it related to the activities of the Kazakh Khan Dzhangir by means of systematization of documentary material.

    doi: 10.53598/2410-3691-2022-4-309-15-24

    Release date: 11.01.2023

    pdf 15-24.pdf  (119 Kb)

  • Kravchenko A.V.

    The article is devoted to the formation of regional branches of All-Union voluntary defense organizations engaged in pre-conscription training of young people for military service in the territory of modern Karachay-Cherkessia. The stages of their development are considered, the main directions of activity are traced. The article notes that, despite the creation of regional Councils of voluntary organizations – the Society of Friends of the Air Fleet, the Military Scientific Society and the Society of Friends of Chemical Defense and Industry, their activities were mainly of an agitation and propaganda nature and were mainly limited to the territory of large settlements. Only the unification of all defense societies in January 1927 into a single organization Osoaviakhim contributed to the optimization of defense work in the region. At the same time, the activities of the Osoaviakhim branches mainly depended on the party leadership of the region, as well as the Komsomol organization. By the end of the 1920s, this organization was acting as a leading center for military training of the population. Its financing is significantly increasing, the material and technical base is expanding, and its social importance is growing noticeably.

    doi: 10.53598/2410-3691-2022-4-309-25-34

    Release date: 11.01.2023

    pdf 25-34.pdf  (139 Kb)

  • Samsonenko T.A., Plyakich M.N.

    The article discusses the evolution of the Russian institute of public assistance and charity, which has special features of assistance, legislative regulation of patronage. The research is based on the main foundations of historical science in the use of various approaches, systems of sources and objective assessments of the development of forms of Russian charity (public charity), which are still relevant for modern Russian society. The authors focus on the problems of registration of charitable activities in Russia before 1917, when there was a transition to the creation of a social security system for needy categories of the population in connection with the registration of a new type of state, the Soviet one. The history of charitable activity can be divided into two main periods. The first is stated from the middle of the 16th century from the legislative definition of aid to 1862. The second period covers the era of state reforms of the second half of the 19th century and continues until the revolutionary changes of 1917. Such a chronological approach is associated with the participation of state institutions in the solution of begging problems, giving alms and the need to regulate charitable activities in the country. The purpose of the study is to consider the problem of organization of charitable activities in the Russian state during the 18th-19th centuries, the creation of forms and methods of providing assistance to the population. The practical significance lies in the application of historical practices of providing assistance to needy categories of the population, combining an organized state and public character.

    doi: 10.53598/2410-3691-2022-4-309-35-47

    Release date: 11.01.2023

    pdf 35-47.pdf  (186 Kb)

  • Saiko A.A.

    The article deals with the issues of the formation of material and financial support of local self-government bodies in mountain settlements in the Upper Kuban region (modern Karachay-Cherkess Republic) in the second half of the 19th century. It is noted that during the period of its emergence in the imperial period, this sphere experienced certain difficulties, and employees of rural authorities did not receive material remuneration for their work at all. However, gradually the system of local self-government of the highlanders began to receive organizational formalization: taxes were introduced for the maintenance of the administrative apparatus, fiscal and law enforcement structures were created to ensure the receipt of fees. It is important to mention that a fairly effective and successful system of self-sufficiency of local authorities was gradually developed, which also took into account the social and property gradation of the population, developed institutions for providing assistance to needy members of society, provided rural-level public institutions, etc. The implementation of the principle of self-financing, along with the relatively broad rights of local authorities in terms of regulation of land and other natural resources, property and other civil relations in the assigned territories, suggests that the system of local self-government of the highlanders by the beginning of the 20th century had developed and was effective.

    doi: 10.53598/2410-3691-2022-4-309-48-55

    Release date: 11.01.2023

    pdf 48-55.pdf  (124 Kb)

  • Shandulin E.V., Shcherbina A.I.

    The article is devoted to understanding the peculiarities of reformation of the educational system of the Russian Empire at the turn of the 19th-20th centuries and is written on the basis of the publications of the Journal of the Ministry of Public Education, as the leading periodical that published materials on the main events in the educational system of the country. The assessments of changes in the structure of management of the secondary school in Russia during the work of such ministers as N.P. Bogolepov and P.S. Vannovsky, which were controversial, are given. The article made some observations on the practical results of the reform, within which classical gymnasiums and specialized schools were preserved, and funding for educational institutions was increased. The assessment of the influence of the emperor's personal position on the reform process is made. The article also focuses on the disagreements between the authorities and society on the issue of educational reform, which concerned the modernization of pedagogical approaches to learning. In the article all-Russian trends in the development of educational reform are supported by the materials of the Taurida province, which reflected all-Russian trends in the development of education in the specified period. The article allows us to see some regularities in the development of the process of the educational system reform of pre-revolutionary Russia.

    doi: 10.53598/2410-3691-2022-4-309-56-66

    Release date: 11.01.2023

    pdf 56-66.pdf  (145 Kb)

  • Autlev A.A.

    The article deals with the issues of digital transformation of the education system and the use of information and communication technologies (ICT) in modern educational institutions. The article analyzes the problems faced by the education system, teachers and students in the course of digital transformation, and ways to solve them. The urgent need to use distance learning technologies in the classroom is studied. The obtained research data made it possible to understand how difficult it is for teachers to interact with modern technologies integrated into the educational process. In this regard, the turning point in the formation of distance learning was identified by the author and the most popular information environment of the educational process was determined. In the research process the need to create an education management system was recognized, studied the statistics of student surveys and their results. It was found out that some teachers experience difficulties in interacting with the new functionality of integrated communication channels and therefore, it is necessary to ensure the improvement of the mechanisms of their functioning and restructuring in the conditions of distance learning. The current situation and the mood of students following the results of the introduction of distance learning were also investigated. It was determined that it is necessary to introduce ICT into the academic process of educational institutions, as well as to improve and develop academic processes in institutions where the technological "migration" of educational processes that help to conduct classes remotely has already been completed.

    doi: 10.53598/2410-3691-2022-4-309-67-73

    Release date: 11.01.2023

    pdf 67-73.pdf  (115 Kb)

  • Viktorova E.V.

    Currently Russia has accumulated some experience in inclusive volunteering. It requires a comprehensive understanding, the results of which, in its turn, will become a theoretical basis for the implementation of this multifaceted activity at a higher level of goal setting. The article presents two interpretations of the concept of "inclusive volunteering" according to the main criterion – the subject of activity. However, it is emphasized that at present, “inclusive volunteering” means, first of all, an activity in which, a subject, i.e. the volunteer is directly a disabled person. Two options for the implementation of such activities and its purpose are described: the solution of socially significant problems, among which the rehabilitation of the disabled people and their full integration into social life come first. At the same time, it is noted that such an understanding can be presented in different ways from the standpoint of various scientific approaches. The main approaches to the study of the phenomenon of inclusive volunteering are outlined: socio-philosophical, structural and functional, sociological, cultural and psychological. From the standpoint of these approaches, both the meaning of inclusive volunteering and its potential are revealed, and in accordance with this, promising directions for its further study are planned.

    doi: 10.53598/2410-3691-2022-4-309-74-82

    Release date: 11.01.2023

    pdf 74-82.pdf  (143 Kb)

  • Ilyinova N.A.

    The difficult path to the formation of identity politics in a polyethnic society requires the efforts of all ethnic groups living in the same territory. The main goal of such a policy is to create a harmonious public space where each nation can preserve its cultural features, but at the same time interact and cooperate with others. At present, the regional identity politics, which includes a set of measures aimed at preservation and development of a special cultural, historical and social identity of the inhabitants of polyethnic regions, is becoming especially relevant. Its tasks include support and protection of traditions, languages, creation of conditions for the development of ethnic cultures and education, help to small ethnic groups, as well as strengthening social stability and interethnic consent in regions. Regional identity politics is one of the key tools for maintaining cultural diversity and social harmony in polyethnic societies. A successful regional policy can contribute to the preservation of cultural diversity and strengthen national identity, which is an important factor in times of instability.

    doi: 10.53598/2410-3691-2022-4-309-83-88

    Release date: 11.01.2023

    pdf 83-88.pdf  (104 Kb)

  • Ilyinova N.A., Lyausheva S.A.

    The article provides an analysis of the possibilities of regional identity politics in the current situation of geopolitical challenges and the deep uncertainty associated with them. The influence of changes in the essential characteristics of the world order on identification markers and identification positions in general is assessed. Particular emphasis is on the concept of "patriotism", patriotic attitudes and values, their semantic content. The data of empirical studies regarding the implementation, functioning and prospects of the regional identity politics, conducted in the Republic of Adygheya in 2021-22 are given. In this context, regional identity is also considered, the opinions of experts belonging to the political elite and the scientific community of the region are given. In this context, regional identity is also considered, the opinions of experts from among the political elite and the scientific community of the region are given. Special attention is paid to those expert positions that propose a strategyfor the development of regional identity policy, in which interaction with the regional scientific community should play an important role.

    doi: 10.53598/2410-3691-2022-4-309-89-95

    Release date: 11.01.2023

    pdf 89-95.pdf  (114 Kb)

  • Lyausheva S.A., Kuskarova O.I., Guchetl Z.Kh.

    Migration issues are an urgent problem in the conditions of Russian reality. This is primarily due to the growth of natural population decline. In most of the subjects of the Russian Federation, which includes Adygheya, there is a systematic excess of the mortality rate over the birth rate, which acts towards reducing the number of its inhabitants. In this situation, the migration movement becomes the most important source of replenishing the natural decline, increasing the population and achieving sustainable development of the country and its regions. The article attempts to analyze the migration situation and current problems of migration processes in the region in the context of identity politics. The object of the study is the population of the Republic of Adygheya at the age of 18 years and older, permanently residing in the region and the subject of the study is modern migration processes. The purpose of the study is to analyze the migration processes of the population of the Republic of Adygheya and their role in maintaining the socio-demographic balance, as well as in the formation of a regional identity policy. The information base of the study is regulatory and legal documents and analytical materials and research on the regulation of migration processes in the Republic of Adygheya. The empirical basis of the study is the materials of the Federal State Statistics Service on the number, natural and migration movement of the population in the Republic of Adygheya. Based on the materials of state statistics, the article shows that the role of migration in the Republic of Adygea in maintaining the socio-demographic balance will only increase. The authors also note that the socio-demographic processes in the Republic of Adygheya show the full range of problems that have arisen and are arising. They require constant improvement of the quality of domestic policy, which, among other things, should be based on the precise definition of problems of concern to the ethnic group and requests for their solution. It is also obvious that migration flows require state regulation, because, in fact, they can lead to complications of the socio-political situation.

    doi: 10.53598/2410-3691-2022-3-304-96-105

    Release date: 11.01.2023

    pdf 96-105.pdf  (141 Kb)

  • Nagorokova Z.A.

    To overcome the uncertainty of the development of modern society in 2015, the UN member states formed the Concept of Sustainable Development, in which a significant block of issues is devoted to gender equality. In Russia, the issue of gender equality is also addressed at the state level, the country's leaders set the task of revaluing the unpaid domestic work of women, ensuring conditions for the real participation of women and developing their leadership at all levels of decision-making in the country, etc. Under conditions of market economy, reduction of the number of the able-bodied population, female activity is a significant factor in the economic development of the state. However, the development of gender equality in a number of Russian regions is limited by the peculiarities of traditional culture, values and stereotypes of thinking and behavior not only of men, but also of women themselves. In this regard, there is a need to transform the gender identity of women. Women of Karachay-Cherkessia define the family as the most significant value. Underpaid domestic work increases gender inequality. There is a need to promote new values that will contribute to the active participation of women in this region in various spheres of society.

    doi: 10.53598/2410-3691-2022-4-309-106-112

    Release date: 11.01.2023

    pdf 106-112.pdf  (116 Kb)

  • Nikulich Yu.V.

    The subject of this article is modern tendencies related to the development of historical science in the context of the “digital turn”. It considers the correlation of such concepts as “quantitative history”, “historical information science”, “digital history”, “public history”. The distinction is made among public scientific and educational projects and Internet resources focused on data digitization, 3D modeling. It is noted that digital history is an area of application of digital technologies focused on the creation of historical resources with subsequent digitization of materials in the funds of historical and cultural heritage objects. On the basis of comparative analysis of the digital turn in socio-humanitarian studies, the criteria differences between historical information science and digital public history are revealed. It is concluded that the development of digital public history is not only a result of IT development, but also a response to the socio-cultural demands of people. Under conditions of real weak social interaction, public online and offline communication tools allow to overcome social atomization. They become the basis and the reason for integration and cooperation. At the same time, the practices of digital public history bring not only new opportunities, but also the dangers of deprofessionalization and pseudoscience.

    doi: 10.53598/2410-3691-2022-4-309-113-120

    Release date: 11.01.2023

    pdf 113-120.pdf  (123 Kb)

  • Rakhmatov N.N., Sakhnovskaya E.G.

    The article analyzes the possibility of using axiological issues in the study of modern educational systems. The philosophical and axiological foundations that determine the specifics of the development of the educational system of Uzbekistan are considered. A comparative analysis of the education systems of Russia and Uzbekistan has been carried out, taking into account the axiological and sociocultural components. The main problems of personnel potential reproduction, which the educational systems of both countries face, are identified and possible ways and means of their solution are analyzed. Particular attention is paid to the epistemological concept of Al-Zarnuji, which formed the basis of the axiological content of the educational system of Uzbekistan. His time management system, as well as the concept of "teacher-student" convergent communication, increased the effectiveness of the educational process and, thus, made it possible to implement a student-centered approach in practice. Along with continuity in the national education system, there is a need to modernize the educational process in accordance with priority areas for improving spiritual and educational work.

    doi: 10.53598/2410-3691-2022-4-309-121-132

    Release date: 11.01.2023

    pdf 121-132.pdf  (182 Kb)

  • Chistyakova O.A.

    The article presents the results of an empirical sociological research "A socio-cultural portrait and problems of adaptation of foreign students in the Republic of Adygheya", conducted among foreign students. Emphasis is made on the specifics of successful adaptation and integration of educational migrants into the host regional community in the context of modern challenges and risks for the system of higher education. The specifics of adaptation and integration of educational migrants into the Russian educational space through the detection of those problems that must be solved for successful involvement into sociocultural environment of both, the university and the region as a whole. Such aspects as the language barrier, mastering/changing habitual behavior and lifestyle, new natural and climatic conditions, conditions and systems of nutrition, lack of familiar products, the main difficulties of adaptation and support of the university, nationality and religion, leisure and work, are indicated. The prior importance of the organization of professional socialization of educational migrants, comprehension of the social significance of the chosen professional sphere, etc. is highlighted. Recommendations are made to solve the main problems of intercultural communication and feedback from various structures of the university for the successful adaptation/integration of foreign students.

    doi: 10.53598/2410-3691-2022-4-309-133-138

    Release date: 11.01.2023

    pdf 133-138.pdf  (105 Kb)

  • Shadzhe A.Yu.

    The article reveals the relevance of the study of identity politics. The characteristics of identity and identity politics at different stages of the development of science are considered. The author notes that the classical methodology sought to describe, explain and characterize the identification features of culture, ethnic mentality, traditions, customs, as well as national/interethnic relations. Non-classical science considered identification features as backbone formations; this contributed to the identification of the value resource of cultures and traditions, justification of the coexistence of different cultures and ethno-cultural identities. In modern science, the methodological situation and the nature of the object of knowledge have changed, which dictated the improvement of the interdisciplinary approach. The features of the interdisciplinary approach, which is a new methodology in the study of identity politics, are shown. It is proved that modern identity politics is carried out in the conditions of turbulence, modern geopolitical challenges and socio-cultural risks. It seems that it should be aimed at: a) construction of a positive model of identity; b) combination of different types of identities: ethnic, regional and national-civil; correct correlation of flexible management with self-organization of the region/society. This will strengthen the unity of the Russian society. In the scientific study of the identified key issues, the management of the interdisciplinary approach seems promising; in politics it is the presence of a complex system / non-linear thinking.

    doi: 10.53598/2410-3691-2022-4-309-139-147

    Release date: 11.01.2023

    pdf 139-147.pdf  (130 Kb)

  • Yusupov I.F.

    The article analyzes the results of the sociological study (interview) conducted in the Baymak district of the Republic of Bashkortostan. In the study, the author proceedes from the thesis that indicators of the status of ethnic groups are such factors as representativeness in government, demographic characteristics, standard of living, etc. Accordingly, the variability of various heterostereotypes in the complex of ethnic stereotypes has a causal relationship both with the history of interethnic relations and with stable current manifestations in the field of ethnic contacts. Within the framework of the stated topic, the case of Tatar-Bashkir relations in their historical and modern dimensions, with appropriate emphasis on them in the course of the work, is the most relevant. The result of this study was to identify the impact of the mono-ethnic Bashkir environment on representatives of another ethnic group, on the possibility of changing ethnic identity to gain higher status positions (prestige) in society. The article studies the problems associated with ethnic stratification and ethnic differentiation in the multiethnic region, analyzes the processes affecting the status of an ethnic group, its prestige. The author comes to the conclusion that local societies are more conservative and various historical memes allow to preserve the memory of their people, passing it from generation to generation, thereby permitting them to reproduce and strengthen their ethnic identity. The historical cultural experience of the villagers formed special autostereotypes through which the Tatar ethnic identity was reproduced, while contributing to the strengthening of the socio-cultural status positions of this local society.

    doi: 10.53598/2410-3691-2022-4-309-148-154

    Release date: 11.01.2023

    pdf 148-154.pdf  (160 Kb)

  • Burykina L.V.

    The relevance of the monograph of the Candidate of Historical Sciences, Leading Researcher at the Department of Slavic-Adyghe Cultural Relations of the Adyghe Republican Institute for Humanitarian Research named after T.M. Kerashev, N.N. Denisova "Cultural Interrelations of the Peoples of the North-Western Caucasus: History and Chronology)" is beyond doubt due to the fact that the problems of interethnic interaction in the modern world are among the most actual and topical both in scientific research and in social and political life. The events and processes taking place today in Russia and abroad are a clear evidence of this. The North Caucasus is one of those Russian regions where interethnic relations have always been and are in the spotlight and are, in fact, the main indicator of the success of the policy pursued by the state, since, one way or another, they are projected onto all aspects of the life of society, giving it stability or, on the contrary, creating a situation that calls into question the full functioning of social systems.

    doi: 10.53598/2410-3691-2022-4-309-155-159

    Release date: 11.01.2023

    pdf 155-159.pdf  (101 Kb)

  • Vartumyan A.A.

    The monograph under review is a collective work of highly qualified scientists of the Adyghe State University under the guidance of Doctor of Political Sciences, Professor Z.A. Zhade. This is an in-depth study of the interaction between government and society during the pandemic, conducted over three years with the financial support of the Russian Foundation for Basic Research and the Expert Institute for Social Research. Comprehending the problematic field of the monographic study, the team of authors identified a super-relevant segment of scientific research related to the interaction between government and society in the process of studying the mechanisms for strengthening and technologies for increasing public confidence in government during the coronavirus period. The monograph expresses the consolidated point of view of scientists of the South of Russia in the study of the socio-political space of Russian regions in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic. The undoubted advantage of scientific work is interdisciplinarity. The article states the fact of the creation in the Republic of Adygheya of a strong sociological and political science school presented by the Doctor of Political Sciences, Professor Z.A. Zhade, Doctors of Philosophical Sciences, Professors A.Yu. Shadzhe, S.A. Lyausheva and N.A. Ilyinova, Candidates of Sociological Sciences, Associate Professors E.S. Kukva and I.V. Kireeva, who are co-authors of the presented monograph. It is concluded that the monograph "The COVID-19 pandemic as a challenge to the authorities and society: a political and sociological view" will make a significant contribution to the development of science and society.

    doi: 10.53598/2410-3691-2022-4-309-160-165

    Release date: 11.01.2023

    pdf 160-165.pdf  (105 Kb)

  • Nekhay V.N., Shaov A.A.

    The article considers the main creative stages and managerial achievements of the Doctor of Sociological Sciences, Professor Rashid Dumalichevich Khunagov. It is noted that managerial qualities, professionalism and systematic vision of development problems, personal participation in the development and implementation of large-scale programs of the university space allowed him to expand the educational and research potential of the Adyghe State University (ASU) in 1996-2019. Particular attention is paid to the history of the formation of science at the university, creation and development of dissertation councils at ASU, building interregional educational and scientific relations with universities in the Southern Federal District and the North Caucasus. A brief review of the changes that have taken place at the ASU Research Institute for Complex Problems since 2019 is given. It is concluded that large-scale transformations at the university, initiated by R.D. Khunagov, had a significant impact on the adaptation of the university to modern educational requirements. The experience of a head, combined with the inquisitive nature of a scientist and the talent of a pedagogue, allowed Rashid Dumalichevich Khunagov to bring the development of ASU to a new height.

    doi: 10.53598 / 2410-3691-2022-4-309-166-171

    Release date: 11.01.2023

    pdf 166-171.pdf  (108 Kb)

  • Balashova I.V.

    In the context of modern integration processes that are actively taking place in the world today, the problem of ensuring social standards and the standard of living of citizens that meet international standards is quite relevant. As a social state in which the human being is recognized as the highest social value, the Russian Federation must ensure social protection and an adequate standard of living for its citizens; This is especially true for those segments of the population who, for one reason or another, do not have the opportunity to independently provide themselves with the means of subsistence in full, that is, the poor. The need to improve the system of providing social assistance to low-income citizens in the Russian Federation is conditioned. An important step towards the successful solution of this problem is a thorough study of the theoretical and legal foundations of state social assistance to low-income citizens and the introduction of proposals for improving the legal regulation of this issue in order to ensure a high standard of living for Russian citizens. Improving the welfare of the population is one of the main goals of any society striving for progress. A state that cares about its citizens must create favorable conditions for a long-term, safe, healthy and prosperous life for people, ensuring economic growth and social stability in society.

    doi: 10.53598 / 2410-3683-2022-4-310-115-120

    Release date: 14.10.2022

    pdf 115-120.pdf  (498 Kb)

  • Ketova N.P.

    The article assesses the possibility of solving the problems of formation and implementation of modern factors and conditions, as well as the principles of environmentally-oriented management in the agricultural sector. They were formed in the conditions of activation of innovative "green" technologies in all sectors of the economy, which confirms the possibility to implement the principles of effective environmentally-oriented management in the modern agro-industrial complex. The purpose of the study consists in the author's substantiation and characterization of the main conditions and factors of formation of ecologically-oriented management, the statement of policy tools of its implementation, activation of the main tools of ecologically-oriented management. The novelty and significance of the study of development possibilities in the market environment of ecologically-oriented management lies in the author's statement and conceptualization of its formation algorithm in the agroindustrial complex, the statement of basic approaches to development management, tendencies of interaction of subjects of ecologically-oriented management, dominance of positive results and benefits of agricultural enterprises implementing its principles.

    doi: 10.53598 / 2410-3683-2022-4-310-121-128

    Release date: 14.10.2022

    pdf 121-128.pdf  (512 Kb)

  • Tereshchenko T.A., Balashova I.V.

    The civil service, according to the legislation of the Russian Federation, is designed to regulate the powers of state authorities. Based on this statement, it can be argued that the functions of public authorities coincide with the functions of the civil service. In Russia, issues of public service are studied in the field of jurisprudence - in administrative and labor law. The social, political and organizational foundations of the public service are considered in such sciences as sociology and political science, as well as with the help of economic sciences. In addition, the public service is studied from different points of view with the help of history, psychology, and pedagogy.

    doi: 10.53598 / 2410-3683-2022-4-310-129-134

    Release date: 14.10.2022

    pdf 129-134.pdf  (503 Kb)

  • Alekseeva S.S.
    Typology of female characters in Kalmyk heroic tales

    This paper discusses the typology of female images in Kalmyk heroic tales. The main attention in the work is paid to the identification of female images in the oral fairy tale prose of the Kalmyks, their description, division into types, influence on the development of the plot of the work. The author divides conditionally the entire set of female types in the Kalmyk heroic tales into characters belonging to the world of the epic hero and characters of another world (both the “upper” - the daughter of deities and luminaries, and the “lower” - the shulmus witches). Those are such types as “bride”, “heroic girl”, “assistant of the protagonist”, and “shulmuska-witch”. Particular attention is paid to the image of a heroic girl, which has become widespread in the epics of many peoples, and the image of an old woman-witch, which has anthropomorphic features.

    doi: 10.53598/2410-3489-2022-4-307-115-121

    Release date: 12.01.2023

    pdf 115-121.pdf  (204 Kb)

  • Gutov A.M.
    Folk epos in the context of reality

    The article examines the basic principles of the artistic reflection of reality in the songs and tales of the Adyghe (Circassian) historical heroic and archaic Nart epic. We consider the problem in theoretical and methodological terms, taking into account the peculiarities of the genre evolution from the stage of its formation to the actual completion of its productive period and func-tions in the context of modern culture. The affected issue was raised at different times by many researchers and solved by them in relation to certain circumstances. The question of the final reso-lution of all issues related to this problem is practically not raised, since any significant changes in public life reveal new facets associated with the relationship between reality and its reflection in the verbal art, in particular – folklore, and in this case – in the genre of folk epic. Special attention is paid to such a generic feature of the heroic epic as its inertia regarding diffusion with non-ethnic cultural phenomena and the resulting ability of this genre to serve as an attributive factor in determining the genesis of the phenomena of traditional folk art.

    doi: 10.53598/2410-3489-2022-4-307-122-129

    Release date: 12.01.2023

    pdf 122-129.pdf  (130 Kb)

  • Kambachokov A.M.
    Some aspects of ethnolinguistic analysis of vocabulary, related to the wedding ceremony rituals of the Adyghes

    The article deals with the part of the vocabulary of the Adyghe languages, extracted from various sources, primarily works of oral folk art. Exceptionally rare or infrequently used words in the speech of modern Kabardians, Circassians and Adyghes, related to the wedding ceremony rituals of the Adyghes were restored in this way. In order to track various aspects of the history of the development of the ethnos, its culture, way of life, views and philosophy through its deeds, naming and expressing its actions through words, preserved in various layers of the vocabulary, the article provides an ethnolinguistic, semantic, derivational and etymological analysis of the collected terms, related, first of all, to the marriage rites that accompanied the Adyghes from ancient times to the present day. The work has an interdisciplinary character, written at the junc-tion of philology and ethnology. It is intended to fill certain gaps in the study of the passive layer of the vocabulary of the Adyghe languages. Its results can be used in scientific research devoted to the analysis of the history of the development of the ethnos and the peculiarities of the functioning of the vocabulary of its language.

    doi: 10.53598/2410-3489-2022-4-307- 130-139

    Release date: 12.01.2023

    pdf 130-139.pdf  (184 Kb)

  • Paranuk K.N., Unarokova R.B.
    Mythopoetic image of nature in the stories of the Adyghe writer Nalbiy Kuek "Excellent Horse Bechkan", "Black Mountain", "For-est of Loneliness"

    The paper deals with the features of the image of nature in the stories of N. Kuek "Excel-lent Horse Bechkan", "Black Mountain", and "Forest of Loneliness". The author analyzes the in-fluence of mythopoetics on the features of mythopoetic world modeling. The publication investi-gates the leading mythologems of the earth, fire, forest, and trees in the formation of the image of nature, the degree of mythologization of the image of nature in stories of different years. The au-thor concludes about the mythopoetic nature of the image of nature and its role in the reconstruction of the national picture of the world, about the peculiarities of the creative manner of the au-thor, close to mythoepic sources and at the same time bringing to neomythologism.

    doi: 10.53598/2410-3489-2022-4-307-140-147

    Release date: 12.01.2023

    pdf 140-147.pdf  (126 Kb)

  • Unarokova R.B., Paranuk K.N.
    Narrative songs (otezh oredhair) in Adyghe folklore culture

    The paper deals with folklore texts, traditionally classified as "lyzekyo lykhuzh ored" (a memorial song about a hero), later called "ballad-type song". In order to determine the artistic and style features, we analyzed a series of narrative songs functioning in the West Adyghe local tradition. The separation of songs of a narrative nature, nominated by us as "otezh oredhair" into an independent genre subgroup is legitimate. The results obtained can be used in solving the prob-lems of systematization and classification of works of folk lyrics, as well as in a more detailed study of specific genre formations.

    doi: 10.53598/2410-3489-2022-4-307-148-154

    Release date: 12.01.2023

    pdf 148-154.pdf  (147 Kb)

  • Chekalov P.K.
    A new word in the study of the Adyghe verse

    Release date: 12.01.2023

    pdf 163-164.pdf  (81 Kb)

    Biological Sciences
  • Bibalova L.V., Zaytseva S.A.
    Species composition of riverside vegetation of the smooth terrain in the Adyghea Republic

    The paper discusses the results of a study on the species composition of riverside vegetation of the flat land of the region. We identified 104 species belonging to 23 families. The average num-ber of species on an area of 49 m2 varied from 13 to 20 and averaged 18 species. This indicates that a floral diversity of phytocenoses of the Ulka River Valley is low. During the study, we identified five main associations and indicated all the species that formed plant communities of river-side vegetation.

    doi: 10.53598/2410-3225-2022-4-311-31-37

    Release date: 11.01.2023

    pdf 31-37.pdf  (315 Kb)

  • Bibalova L.V., Zaytsev M.A.
    The impact of vehicle emissions on the environment of the city of Maikop, Adyghea Republic

    The paper discusses the results of a study on the impact of vehicle emissions on the roads of the city of Maikop. The streets most polluted by motor transport are Proletarskaya – 1242 cars, Deputatskaya, Pionerskaya – 1208 cars, and Pervomayskaya – 980 cars, atmospheric air pollution with carbon monoxide reaches 42.0%.

    doi: 10.53598/2410-3225-2022-4-311-38-44

    Release date: 11.01.2023

    pdf 38-44.pdf  (373 Kb)

  • Shumafov M.M., Panesh T.A., Havadja M.A.
    On the stochastic stability in the large of solutions of the nonlinear second-order differential equations perturbed by white noise. V

    This paper is a continuation of the previous paper and presents the fifth part of the authors’ work. In the first four parts of the work, we presented some preliminaries from probability theo-ry, stochastic processes, theory of stochastic differential equations and stability theory of stochastic differential equations. In the work, nonlinear autonomous second-order differential equations under random perturbations are considered. Here, in the paper we give new sufficient conditions for stochastic asymptotic stability of solutions of the nonlinear second-order stochastic differential equations. The probabilistic estimations of the remaining of a random trajectory in a bounded region of the phase plane are given. As an example, harmonic oscillator perturbed by white noise random process is considered.

    doi: 10.53598/2410-3225-2022-3-306-11-30

    Release date: 11.01.2023

    pdf 11-30.pdf  (490 Kb)

  • Nechay Yu.P., Zubova T. G.
    Stylistic and translation analysis of the language of E.M. Remarque's novel "Liebe Deinen Nächsten"

    The article provides a stylistic analysis of the language of the novel by E.M. Remarque "Liebe Deinen Nächsten" and its implementation in Russian translations. It is noted that the trans-lation of E. Nikaev is characterized by a tendency to split complex sentences, which allows you to quickly rethink and simplify the presentation of many events and phenomena. It has been established that in many cases the translator resorts to techniques of omission, holistic reinterpretation, splitting or combining sentences, as well as lexical addition. All the presented techniques are repeatedly used and contribute to the most complete display of the stylistics of the original text. The authors conclude that not all the presented variants can be considered successful, since in some of them there is a decrease or a significant loss of expressiveness and expressiveness that take place in the original text.

    doi: 10.53598/2410-3489-2022-4-307-155-162

    Release date: 12.01.2023

    pdf 155-162.pdf  (197 Kb)

    Technical Sciences
  • Rybanov A.A.
    CRUD model of security as a basic element of data access control management in information systems

    The CRUD model is one of the ways to describe the relationships between data processing and data elements with respect to their creation, reading, updating, and deletion. The article pro-poses expanding the two-dimensional representation of the CRUD model to a three-dimensional CRUD security model by introducing an additional dimension describing the rights and privileges of database users. The implementation of the CRUD model of security based on ROLAP technology is considered. The approach proposed in the article is focused on access control management processes within the framework of database development and protection technologies.

    doi: 10.53598/2410-3225-2022-4-311-45-51

    Release date: 11.01.2023

    pdf 45-51.pdf  (424 Kb)

  • Mikhaylichenko A.A.
    Analytical review of methods for assessing the quality of classification algorithms

    The article discusses the main methods for evaluating and analyzing the effectiveness of various classification algorithms with a description of the features of these methods and examples of their use. The publication provides the definition of the confusion matrix and an extensive set of different metrics basing on the data of the error matrix. The work describes the metrics for the case of binary classification, and then gives an extension of the estimation technique to the case of several classes.

    doi: 10.53598/2410-3225-2022-4-311-52-59

    Release date: 11.01.2023

    pdf 52-59.pdf  (333 Kb)

  • Dovgal V.À.
    Analysis of the implementation of federated learning in boundary computing using the FL protocol

    The purpose of this study is to review and analyze the application of a relatively new machine learning technique in a distributed information collection and processing system – artificially intelligent boundary computing, which has proven itself well for the implementation of a swarm of drones performing independent flight in terms of transmitting collected data and training an artificial intelligence model. Special attention is paid to one of the paradigms of this technique – federated machine learning.

    doi: 10.53598/2410-3225-2022-4-311-60-65

    Release date: 11.01.2023

    pdf 60-65.pdf  (366 Kb)

  • Kumratova A.M., Borlakova M.A., Saykinov V.E., Kogay I.E.
    Using diffusion models to develop applications that generate images based on text queries

    The purpose of this article is to consider diffusion models, as well as to explore the possibilities of using neural network data to develop applications that generate images based on text que-ries, and to compare the diffusion models that exist today. Diffusion models are a subcategory of deep generative models, which consist of stages of forward and reverse diffusion, generate data similar to those they use to train. Different architectures of diffusion neural systems can be used both to generate images based on text queries and to transform existing images. In the perspective of the development of diffusion neural networks, we assume that their use will significantly facilitate the work of designers in production.

    doi: 10.53598/2410-3225-2022-4-311-66-70

    Release date: 11.01.2023

    pdf 66-70.pdf  (496 Kb)

  • Abramova O.F., Semiletov I.D.
    Design of an actual task planning solution based on the Android operating system

    This article discusses the design of a modern mobile application for planning. The relevance of the work lies in the high practical value of mobile applications for planning. By developing their more advanced counterparts, users have more opportunities to carry out planning, and there-fore improve the quality of their lives. The article also reviews existing application functionality and suggests new ones as an improvement. The publication substantiates the choice of certain tools for implementation and provides the design of the application architecture, both the con-nection between the design patterns used and the implemented third-party components. The au-thors describe the design of the program database and the calendar window, both from the point of view of the implementation of the previously laid architecture, and from the interface. Additionally, the article presents a model of the notification generation algorithm, taking into account the selected deadlines for completing the task, its importance and the overall workload of the user. The main research methods are analysis and modeling. We can use the results of the study in the design and implementation of a mobile application for planning.

    doi: 10.53598/2410-3225-2022-4-311-71-80

    Release date: 11.01.2023

    pdf 71-80.pdf  (1 Mb)

  • Chastikova V.A., Gulyay V.G., Zherlitsyn S.A.
    The approach to solving the problem of quality control in the service sector based on the construction of a data mining system

    This article discusses a new approach to quality control in the service sector by implementing software based on intelligent systems, including, first of all, methods of processing and analyzing natural language using data regularization. The article also presents the results of a comparative analysis of several, the most commonly used, neural networks-transformers: BERT, GPT and XLNet. In the course of the study, we have revealed that the BERT algorithm, thanks to bidirectional learning, is more suitable for processing input information; the GPT model, due to autoregression, for generating system responses; the XLNet method, thanks to the PLM mechanism, for language modeling. The research shows that each of the considered algorithms has its advantages and disadvantages, therefore, in order to achieve optimal results, we should use software complexes based on several transformer algorithms.

    doi: 10.53598/2410-3225-2022-4-311-81-89

    Release date: 11.01.2023

    pdf 81-89.pdf  (509 Kb)

  • Buchatskaya V.V., Buchatsky P.Yu., Shopin A.V., Teploukhov S.V.
    SIMANKOV VLADIMIR SERGEEVICH (on the occasion of the 75th anniversary of birth)

    Release date: 11.01.2023

    pdf 90-91.pdf  (148 Kb)

  • Blyagoz N.Sh., Shekhmirzova A.M., Apish M.N., Bzhetseva N.R., Dzhamirze N.K.

    The paper presents a description of the modern world and an analysis of the Federal State Standard, and on their basis justifies the relevance of the research problem. The authors give definitions of the main categories of research (spirituality, morality, spiritual and moral foundations, environmental education, ethnic tradition, ecological culture) and disclose their essence in the context of the study problem under consideration. The spiritual and moral foundations of the ethnic traditions of the Adyghe people are presented as a means of educating environmental culture - the goal of environmental education of students of a general educational institution. The debatable question of the spiritual and moral attitude towards nature in the scientific world is shown, and the author's position is indicated. The methodology and methods of the study are presented, and their choice is justified. Spiritual and moral attitude to nature is considered as a product of ecological consciousness, as the first form of consciousness of a person who originated spontaneously. Presented is a model of ecological education of students basing on the use of the spiritual and moral potential of ethnoecological traditions of the Adyghe people and its components, which are given a brief description. The publication defines and substantiates the pedagogical conditions for the effective implementation of the model, diagnostic methods and evaluation criteria obtained during the implementation of its results. The main results of the study are described. Based on the results of the pedagogical experiment, it is argued that the problem of the environmental crisis, which is global, planetary in nature, can be solved by an ecologically cultural, mainly spiritual and moral personality, building its attitude to nature on the principles of the unity of man and nature, equality of man and nature, partnership, the implementation of spiritual and moral consolidation with it. This corresponds to the philosophy of ethnic traditions of the attitude of the Adyghe people to nature and the purpose of environmental education within the framework of this work. The results of the study, expressed in increasing the levels of development of all components of environmental culture, students as the goal of environmental education, prove the effectiveness of the model of environmental education proposed by the authors based on the spiritual and moral basis of ethnic traditions of the attitude of the Adyghe people to nature and indicate the realization of the purpose of the study.

    doi: 10.53598/2410-3004-2022-4-308-15-31

    Release date: 16.01.2023

    pdf 15-31.pdf  (248 Kb)

  • Davydova L.N., Firsov K.N., Tolstykh O.S.

    The article deals with an urgent problem, the solution of which is connected with the search for an answer to the question: what psychological and pedagogical determinants can increase the effectiveness of the formation of safe behavior of younger students? The authors substantiate the complex of psychological and pedagogical determinants, taking into account the psychophysiological characteristics of children of primary school age, the analysis of the causes of children's school injuries, the resources of classroom and extracurricular activities, and the possibilities of team-playing activities. The purpose of the study was to test the effectiveness of the identified complex of psychological and pedagogical conditions for the formation of safe behavior in younger schoolchildren. A statement of its effectiveness is presented based on the results of a pedagogical experiment. A comparative analysis of the levels of formation of safe behavior of representatives in the control and experimental groups and mathematical processing based on the percentage coefficient formula have led to the conclusion that the provision of the identified complex of psychological and pedagogical determinants effectively improves the effectiveness of the formation of safe behavior in younger schoolchildren.

    doi: 10.53598/2410-3004-2022-4-308-32-39

    Release date: 16.01.2023

    pdf 32-39.pdf  (360 Kb)

  • Kurochkina V.E.

    This article presents the results of theoretical and empirical research of pedagogical prevention of selfie addiction of teenagers. The phenomenon of “selfies” and extreme selfies is analyzed, statistical data on their prevalence in the adolescent environment are considered. Special attention is paid to the research of experts in the field of studying selfie addiction, propensity to extreme selfies. The features of teenagers as a sensitive period for the manifestation of selfie addiction and extreme selfies are considered. A tendency to risk-taking and self-destructive behavior when photographing oneself among teenagers has been identified and substantiated. The content and methods of psychological and pedagogical prevention of selfie addiction of teenagers, including extreme selfies, are considered. The empirical research is aimed at, first, to identify the relationship of selfie addiction of teenagers, including extreme selfies, with a propensity to risk, self-destructive and self-harming behavior; second, to test the effectiveness of the developed program of psychological and pedagogical prevention of selfie addiction of teenagers. It is revealed that the higher the propensity of teenagers to take risks, seek new experiences, the higher the probability of tendency to extreme selfies, the higher the tendency of teenagers to self-destructive and self-harming behavior, the higher in general self-addiction and a penchant for extreme selfies. The implementation of the developed prevention program involves the formation of a conscious attitude of teenagers to the process of creating selfies, skills of responsible behavior in situations involving risk to life and health; reducing the risk propensity, forming the value of life; using active methods of psychological and pedagogical work. In the course of implementing the program, a positive trend has been identified in the direction of reducing the indicators of teenagers’ selfie addiction, including extreme selfies, the propensity of adolescents to risk and self-destructive, self-harming behavior.

    doi: 10.53598/2410-3004-2022-4-308-40-47

    Release date: 16.01.2023

    pdf 40-47.pdf  (155 Kb)

  • Khut S.E.

    The analysis is made of modern psychological and pedagogical studies on professional self-determination of adolescents in general education institutions, those who find themselves in a difficult life situation, who are in special educational institutions of various types, as well as adolescents serving sentences in places of deprivation of liberty. The analysis shows that the process of professional self-determination under consideration represents the modernization of the traditional career guidance work of a mass secondary school. The effectiveness of this pedagogical process is limited by traditional methodological approaches. In our study, as a methodological basis, we chose the modern concept of socio-pedagogical rehabilitation of adolescents with deviant behavior in special educational institutions of a closed type, aimed at the formation of social and personal viability in adolescents with deviant behavior. Based on the basic theoretical and methodological provisions of this concept, the professional self-determination of adolescents with deviant behavior in special closed educational institutions is a purposeful specially organized pedagogical process. It is focused on the formation of personal self-knowledge in professional fields (activities), which is designed in the logic of socio-pedagogical rehabilitation of adolescents with deviant behavior and makes a positive contribution to formation of social and personal viability of a teenager. The article discusses the principles and functions of the formation of readiness for professional self-determination of adolescents with deviant behavior in special educational institutions of a closed type.

    doi: 10.53598/2410-3004-2022-4-308-48-54

    Release date: 16.01.2023

    pdf 48-54.pdf  (133 Kb)

  • Yazykov E.Yu.

    In the dynamically changing socioeconomic conditions of Russia, of transcendent importance is the formation in the younger generation of such personality traits that will allow them to become an active, conscious, useful member of society, to participate in national processes, while maintaining their own individuality, inner freedom, etc. In modern terminology, this may mean the education of a person who is able to function effectively in a state of law as a representative of civil society. Among the internal personal determinants of the upbringing of such a person, it is legitimate to name civil law culture. The formation of a civil law culture of Russian citizens is justified today as the most important direction of state social and educational policy, brought to life by the peculiarities of modern world political processes. The solution of this state task, in addition to the need for a clear idea of the essence of the quality being formed, requires a certain modeling of pedagogical processes. This article discusses and analyzes scientific research on the formation, development, education of civic qualities of a person (civil culture, civic consciousness, civic position, civic competence), personality qualities associated with the development of the legal foundations of life (legal culture, legal consciousness, legal competence), integrated civil-legal qualities and various characteristics of personal culture. The generalization of the analysis data made it possible to determine the opinions of scientists regarding the relevant pedagogical, sociopedagogical and other conditions necessary to achieve the tasks set for the formation of the required level of civil law culture of students, as well as to substantiate theoretically the organizational and pedagogical conditions for the formation of the required qualities.

    doi: 10.53598/2410-3004-2022-4-308-55-63

    Release date: 16.01.2023

    pdf 55-63.pdf  (158 Kb)

  • Begidova S.N., Zhukov V.I., Bersirova S.A.

    The teacher's health-saving competence is a significant indicator of his readiness to implement the function of preserving the physical and mental health of schoolchildren. Physical culture in this aspect has a leading role. The introduction of the child to the values of physical culture, the formation of the need for motor activity create conditions for healthy development. In this regard, of importance is the process of forming the value attitude of schoolchildren to physical culture as the basis of motor activity, which later becomes a vital need. The solution to this problem is possible only if the teacher has a health-saving competence, which ensures the teacher's ability to carry out activities to preserve the physical and psychological health of the subjects of the educational process. The teacher, being the central figure for schoolchildren, acts as a moral model, carrier and translator of the values of society, and it is who plays the main role in the formation and education of the person. Health-preserving competence in interconnection with competence in the field of physical culture is able to effectively perform the function of health-saving. The health-saving competence of the teacher is represented by the following structural components: cognitive-information, motivation-value, body-conditioned, practical-activity, reflexive-assessment. The personal attitude of the teacher to physical culture as a component of health-saving competence becomes a condition for the formation of the value attitude of students to physical culture. Health-preserving competence allows the teacher to competently organize the educational process, take into account the individual features of the student's development, and manage his performance through an optimal combination of mental and physical activity. The health-saving competence of the teacher today is an important component of his professional competence, which allows him to correctly apply health-saving technologies in the educational process, to form a value attitude towards physical culture among schoolchildren as the basis for preserving the children’s health.

    doi: 10.53598/2410-3004-2022-4-308-64-72

    Release date: 16.01.2023

    pdf 64-72.pdf  (152 Kb)

  • Bonkalo T.I., Grebennikova V.M.

    The article is devoted to the problem of increasing the success of professional training of students with disabilities in the university. The purpose of the study is to identify the level of development of the ability to self-education, self-organization and the educational motivation of students with disabilities studying in different conditions: in conditions of full integration with students without disabilities and in the conditions of organizing specialized psychological and pedagogical assistance and support focused only on them at the university. The study consisted in a comparative analysis of the above indicators. Research shows that there are statistically significant differences between educational motivation, the level of formation of self-organization and the ability for self-development in students with disabilities who study in compliance with the principle of inclusion (non-separation) and segregation (singling them into special groups). Based on the results of the study, the conclusion is made about the inadmissibility of segregation processes in inclusive universities, about the inadvisability of separating persons with disabilities and limited health options into separate groups even for providing them with special psychological assistance and pedagogical support. Excessive attention to such students leads to an unexpected back effect, which consists in the weakening of the processes of self-development and the decrease in the professionally oriented motivation of educational activity.

    doi: 10.53598/2410-3004-2022-4-308-73-81

    Release date: 16.01.2023

    pdf 73-81.pdf  (260 Kb)

  • Zakieva R.R.

    This study examines the education quality management based on the assessment of the professional development of students in the field of study 11.03.04 "Electronics and Nanoelectronics". Any content can be learned only by means of a method adequate to it. Effective pedagogical technology is nothing more than a tool for creating favorable conditions for the development of students. At each stage of development, there is always a central neoformation, as it were, leading to the entire development process and characterizing the restructuring of the entire personality as a whole on a new basis (L.V. Vygotsky). It is the experience that acts as the “building material” of personal properties (S.L. Rubinshtein). What has been done and experienced form the so-called experience of the individual - the quintessence of his inner world (V.V. Serikov). The integrity of the pedagogical process is due to the unity of its substantive (criteria, indicators, methods, technologies, tools, etc.) and procedural (professional readiness assessment procedures) sides. It is impossible to design the formation of the quality of education in a student without knowing how and under what conditions this quality develops, what psychological mechanisms of its development need to be updated with the help of appropriate pedagogical means. To solve this problem, it is necessary to go beyond pure pedagogy and turn to the psychology of development, the sociology of educational environments, the patterns of functioning of the network personality in the modern information space, and so on. The purpose of the study is to substantiate the technology for assessing the level of competence formation of a graduate of a technical university. The study identified criteria and indicators that require evaluation. As a result of preparation and participation in intrauniversity events, students of the experimental group (assessed according to motivational-semantic, cognitive, activity-practical and professional-reflexive criteria) showed higher results of development and self-development compared to students who were evaluated only by cognitive criteria provided for by the educational plan, which is confirmed by statistically significant differences.

    doi: 10.53598/2410-3004-2022-4-308-82-89

    Release date: 16.01.2023

    pdf 82-89.pdf  (446 Kb)

  • Minakova P.S., Kleshcheva A.A.

    This paper examines the role of meta-subject ties in education, studies the differences between meta-subject and interdisciplinary ties. Meta-subject is considered as a target, semantic and value system, while interdisciplinary relationships are transferring methods, approaches from other subjects, or considering issues at the interdisciplinary approach. The article investigates meta-subject ties in the study of mathematics, in particular, probability theory, and shows the ties with different disciplines. The study analyzes examples of meta-subject ties in various disciplines at higher and secondary education. Forming the motivational component of students with both humanitarian and technical minds, they will contribute to understanding the uniqueness and variability of real phenomena, to the vision of random, unreliable observation results, to the formation of ideas about phenomena with pronounced randomness, and also about phenomena where the random nature is not obvious, and thus, to the formation of meta-subject connections in the learning process. The authors give examples of forming ties and prove the importance of studying stochastic phenomena, which allow students to form the ability to highlight the main information, to see features and trends in studying the tables, diagrams and graphs, to acquire skills in analyzing tabular data and graphs, to understand the patterns of phenomena.

    doi: 10.53598/2410-3004-2022-4-308-90-98

    Release date: 16.01.2023

    pdf 90-98.pdf  (171 Kb)

  • Khazova S.A.

    The paper analyzes the issues of determining the demand for a specialist, his competitiveness by the moral qualities of a person, standing above the requirements of the profession. Proceeding from the psychological, pedagogical and socio-economic positions, basing on theoretical analysis and generalization of scientific data, and the results of empirical research, the legitimacy of the statement is substantiated and the achievement of the research goal is ensured, namely: to determine the range of moral qualities that act as determinants of the demand for specialists, and to reveal the reason for the specified deterministic value of these qualities. The main result presented in the work is a statement of the scientific fact that moral qualities can be legitimately considered as a strategic and prolonged competitive advantage of a specialist, which largely determines his demand in the labor market and in the process of professional activity. It is these qualities that determine the integrity of competition, and mutual trust in teams. They are practically at all times and in almost all societies, actually or nominally, are recognized as positive, they are socially approved and, probably, correspond to the mental characteristics of Russians, who are still inclined to evaluate a person, first by his general human qualities, and only then by professional ones.

    doi: 10.53598/2410-3004-2022-4-308-99-109

    Release date: 16.01.2023

    pdf 99-109.pdf  (183 Kb)

  • Antsyferova O.Yu., Petrova L.M.

    The article considers the expediency and necessity of consulting on the development of production and economic problems of small and medium-sized businesses in agriculture. It is shown that global changes in modern reality require the introduction of information and communication, digital technologies in agricultural small and medium-sized businesses, including the transition of managerial competencies to a remote basis, the rapid development of artificial intelligence, the emergence of breakthrough innovations, the introduction of basic income concepts, as a result, a significant increase in the profitability of SMEs is expected. The authors substantiate the need for consulting small and medium-sized agricultural businesses on information and communication, digital technologies as a basis for achieving effective results of agricultural production.

    doi: 10.53598 / 2410-3683-2022-4-310-15-20

    Release date: 14.10.2022

    pdf 15-20.pdf  (533 Kb)

  • Atamas E.V.

    The article deals with the implementation of the state policy to improve the quality of life of the population of the region. Attention is focused on the fact that indicators of the quality of life of the population are the basis for the differentiation of the state socio-economic policy. The results of the study make it possible to use existing approaches to understanding the possibilities of qualitative diagnostics of the standard of living in the region as an instrument of state policy to improve the level and quality of life of the population. The paper substantiates the need to use the possibilities of analyzing the socio-economic development of the region in terms of assessing the well-being of the population. At the same time, it is necessary to take into account the peculiarities of Russian legislation in this area.

    doi: 10.53598 / 2410-3683-2022-4-310-21-26

    Release date: 14.10.2022

    pdf 21-26.pdf  (778 Kb)

  • Blinder M.O.

    The article considers issues with the formation of integral systems for assessing the quality of life of the population of the region and municipalities. From a practical point of view, the study is aimed at creating a methodology for assessing the quality of life of the population, which allows the study to be carried out both in the region as a whole and in the context of its constituent municipalities. In the future, the use of such assessment methods can form the necessary information and methodological basis for the development of regional social policy and its differentiation in the context of the territories of the region.

    doi: 10.53598 / 2410-3683-2022-4-310-27-36

    Release date: 14.10.2022

    pdf 27-36.pdf  (792 Kb)

  • Bykovskaya N.V., Zasyadko S.M., Gusevà T.A.

    The article considers the issues of competitiveness of agricultural enterprises. The competitiveness of an agricultural enterprise is a set of qualitative and quantitative parameters characterizing the factors of production, the interaction of which can bring economic benefits to their owner. The quantitative indicators of Dmitrov Vegetables LLC were analyzed on the basis of accounting (financial) statements for 2021. The indicators of the financial position and results of activities that have unsatisfactory values are analyzed, critical indicators of the financial position of the enterprise's activities are also analyzed. The final rating assessment of the financial condition of Dmitrov Vegetables LLC was rated B – satisfactory. This assessment is typical for enterprises where most of the indicators fit into the normative values (or are close to them). The company can be considered as a partner and in general can be considered competitive.

    doi: 10.53598 / 2410-3683-2022-4-310-37-44

    Release date: 14.10.2022

    pdf 37-44.pdf  (525 Kb)

  • Bykovskaya N.V., Poddubnaya Z.V., Rodin P.N.

    A feature of the modern period of development of all branches and spheres of the agro-industrial complex is the acceleration of scientific and technological progress based on innovative processes. The development of the agro-industrial complex is aimed at increasing scientific and technical potential in order to gradually reduce dependence on imports of technologies, technical means and other resources. The state of modern agribusiness is very unstable, which is primarily due to high risk and high capital intensity, which generates low economic accessibility to innovative products. Often, the elementary lack of funds does not allow farmers to increase innovation. In agriculture, innovations cover all aspects of the production cycle along the entire value chain: from crop cultivation to interaction with end users. The most common innovations in agricultural production are: technological, marketing and organizational (more efficient organization of all management processes, organization of workplaces, etc.). It is established that technological innovations occupy the largest share in agriculture, organizational innovations take the second place, marketing innovations take the third place.

    doi: 10.53598 / 2410-3683-2022-4-310-45-54

    Release date: 14.10.2022

    pdf 45-54.pdf  (1 Mb)

  • Goncharova N.Z., Terentyev S.E., Vorobyova E.S.

    The article presents the results of the analysis of the main patterns in the development of grain and flour production in the world and Russia. Based on the study of statistical materials for a long period, the authors found that the domestic market of grain raw materials and flour has tendencies similar to the world market: a significant increase in gross fees with a slight increase in the area of crops, i.e. due to the intensification of grain production. The undisputed leaders in the global grain market are China, the USA and India, which produce more than half of the gross grain harvest on the planet only due to high grain yields – 1.4-2.3 times higher than the top five. In the current century, structural shifts are taking place in all grain-producing countries of the world - wheat, corn, rice crops are expanding and rye and oat crops, which play a leading role in the grain balance of the EU and Belarus, are declining. In the countries leading in terms of gross grain harvests, the area of grain crops is practically unchanged, while in the post-Soviet space there is a tendency to reduce grain crops, which threatens their food security for a strategic product - grain. In the Russian Federation, the regional grain specialization that developed during the Soviet period of development is clearly expressed. The leaders in gross grain collections are the Central, Southern and Volga Federal Districts, the leading grain crop is wheat, which occupies almost 36% in crops, and over 67% in gross collections, which brought Russia to the first place in the world in wheat exports. At the same time, the share of Russian flour in the world market is less than two percent, although its quality mainly exceeds foreign flour. The largest number of flour producers is concentrated in the Siberian and Volga Federal Districts. Russia's raw material potential makes it possible to provide flour not only to its own bakery industry and the population, but also to export it abroad. The authors note that Russia has a reserve of areas for expanding grain production, so the inevitable growth in global demand for food will lead the country to the leaders in grain and flour exports.

    doi: 10.53598 / 2410-3683-2022-4-310-55-64

    Release date: 14.10.2022

    pdf 55-64.pdf  (526 Kb)

  • Evgrafova L.V., Nazar M.M., Yapparova I.V.

    The rural tourism industry in Russia remains one of the priority sectors, while being a dynamically developing branch of foreign economic activity. Tourism in rural areas, organized on the basis of small forms of management, can be described as an activity that provides an opportunity to get acquainted with the village life, local culture, customs and customs of rural residents, spiritual and religious values of the country and its people (traditional agriculture). The relevance of the research topic lies in the fact that solving the problems of developing rural tourism will allow tourists to get high-quality and inexpensive holidays, and rural residents - an additional source of income. The purpose of the study is to create a rural entrepreneurial ecosystem in the Moscow Region and create a multi-purpose cultural, leisure, technological hub with its own production of crop and livestock products. Research objectives: • identify the factors hindering the development of rural tourism in the Moscow region; • develop practical recommendations for improving the development of rural tourism in the Moscow region; • justify the creation of a technological hub for obtaining hard skills and soft skills in rural tourism. The development of small businesses in rural tourism in rural areas will significantly increase their profitability, improve the infrastructure of the territories, and create an ecosystem of rural tourism.

    doi: 10.53598 / 2410-3683-2022-4-310-65-71

    Release date: 14.10.2022

    pdf 65-71.pdf  (700 Kb)

  • Nyukhnya I.V.

    The article examines the history of the development of industrial parks, the formation of the legal framework for functioning, the mechanism of investment in the real sector of the economy (industrial parks), a comparative analysis of the regions in which industrial parks are actively developing, and regions that have just begun to develop these areas to attract investment, and also formed proposals to improve the investment climate in regions.

    doi: 10.53598 / 2410-3683-2022-4-310-72-81

    Release date: 14.10.2022

    pdf 72-81.pdf  (526 Kb)

  • Ovchinnikov V.N.

    The article deals with the problems of accounting and opportunities to include environmental assets in the form of natural resources and environmental benefits in the production and value chain of the reproduction of natural ecosystems associated with the identification and personification of the subject-object determination of relations of production and economic use of nature and justification of subject status of nature as a partner of man - a participant in bioindustrial production in the sphere of environmental activity. The concept of ecosystem services as a source of natural resources and ecosystem services in the temporal-temporal continuum. Particular attention is paid to the definition of the value assessment of ecosystem services from the position of taking into account the necessary costs for the full reproduction of the potential of their source and carrier - the ecosystem of nature and the justification of the conceptual idea of the unit value of natural resources to the unit value of the environmental good (in the commercial form of ecosystem services), due to their relative interchangeability and the possibility of changing the status. Giving both types of natural assets a monetary value is a tool for integrating them into the value chain of the reproduction process.

    doi: 10.53598 / 2410-3683-2022-4-310-82-88

    Release date: 14.10.2022

    pdf 82-88.pdf  (507 Kb)

  • Rodnina N.V.

    The article discusses the problems of the regions in managing the issue of ensuring the sustainability of agricultural production. The food security of the country and regions depends on the state of agriculture and the agro-industrial complex as a whole and its effective functioning. Today, there are quite a few problems that prevent increasing production and increasing the level of food self-sufficiency. Despite positive changes in the development indicators of the agricultural industry as a whole in Russia, quite a few regions are experiencing difficulties in resolving the issue of not only increasing production volumes, but also its stabilization, especially located in the North-Arctic part of the country. This necessitates synchronized approaches to address agricultural production and rural development from the perspective of regional policy revision and government regulation.

    doi: 10.53598 / 2410-3683-2022-4-310-89-96

    Release date: 14.10.2022

    pdf 89-96.pdf  (793 Kb)

  • Skaranik S.S., Verna V.V., Soroka A.V.

    The article is devoted to the definition of strategic guidelines for the development of tourism in the Republic of Crimea. The main problems of the development of the tourism industry of the Crimea at the present stage of socio-economic development are analyzed. The dynamics of the main parameters of the development of the tourism industry of the Crimea for the period after its joining the Russian Federation is characterized. The interrelation of priority directions of tourism development in the Republic of Crimea and their complex impact on solving the problems of the tourism industry of the region is substantiated. Attention is paid to the role of information support for tourism development in Crimea.

    doi: 10.53598 / 2410-3683-2022-4-310-97-106

    Release date: 14.10.2022

    pdf 97-106.pdf  (830 Kb)

  • Fetisova A.V., Batrakova S.I., Ruschitskaya O.E.

    The article discusses the theoretical aspects and approaches to the formation of modern market strategies, including enterprises in the innovation sphere, as a guarantee of the success of their development and gaining leadership positions in the market. The purpose of the article is to reveal the theoretical features of modern market strategies and to identify the features of introducing innovative products and services to the Russian market, taking into account the degree of competitiveness of the enterprise, highlighting its unique advantages, scientific and technical state, forecast for the introduction of innovations, etc. Consideration of these problems is especially relevant in the current economic conditions. The theoretical basis of the article was the research of Russian and foreign scientists devoted to the definition of the market strategy of the enterprise, its development and promotion of its innovative product. The results of the study made it possible to identify factors that determine the effectiveness of this process, such as technical / technological and marketing in the form of promotion methods that take into account the criteria for choosing products or services by consumers. The significance of the study lies in the fact that the introduction of innovative products and services to the market requires special innovative tools, such as promotion through geoservices, video hosting, the use of applications and contextual advertising, etc. What is the basis for creating, maintaining and increasing the competitive advantages of the enterprise itself, through satisfaction the ever-increasing innovative needs of society in the context of modern scientific, technical, digital development of the economy.

    doi: 10.53598 / 2410-3683-2022-4-310-107-114

    Release date: 14.10.2022

    pdf 107-114.pdf  (513 Kb)

  • Agenosov V.V.
    Beauty and everyday life in the last novel by V. Makanin

    In V. Makanin's last novel "Two Sisters and Kandinsky", written in the style of new real-ism, the author raises a philosophical problem of the possibility of coexistence of beauty and the modern world. Reducing the plot of Chekhov's play and transferring it to the 1990s, the author shows that only love and beauty are the true values of being. However, the development of events in the novel shows that Makanin’s Olga and Inna, like the Chekhov characters of the same name, when faced with the “half-hearted people of perestroika”, a careerist political figure and an egoist musician, experience disappointment and an understanding that the present time has not yet come and its arrival is not close.

    doi: 10.53598/2410-3489-2022-4-307-15-21

    Release date: 12.01.2023

    pdf 15-21.pdf  (120 Kb)

  • Ankudinov K.N.
    M.Yu. Lermontov’s poem “Leaf”: romantic conflict in robes of civilization conflict

    The article analyzes the conflict in the poem by M. Yu. Lermontov "Leaf" (1841). The novelty of this article is that researchers interpreted the conflict in the poet's text as civilizational or as individual, while this article combines these two methodologies. The characters of the poem by M.Yu. Lermontov simultaneously turn out to be emblems of different civilizations (the Leaflet is the emblem of European civilization; the Chinar is the emblem of North Caucasus civilization) and carriers of a romantic conflict between "I" and "Non-I". The basic meaning in the text is given to the problem of the impossibility of verbal contact in the romantic paradigm. This shows the poet's transition from "canonical romanticism", standing on plot stereotypes, to "reflective romant-cism," exploring itself.

    doi: 10.53598/2410-3489-2022-4-307-22-31

    Release date: 12.01.2023

    pdf 22-31.pdf  (162 Kb)

  • Bakov Kh.I.
    Traditions and innovation in the work of Mukhamed Dobagov

    The article deals with the work of Dobagov Mukhamed Kalabekovich (1941–2009), who made a significant contribution to the development of Circassian literature. Mostly newspaper and magazine articles have been published about him, with a complete lack of academic research. The purpose of the article is to fill this gap in national literary criticism. The introductory part says that his merits are most obvious in dramaturgy, although he published stories, essays, novels; pop-ular songs on the words of the poet. The study is mainly based on the materials of dramas, come-dies created on modern topics. The article is based on the method of revealing the ways of enrich-ing traditions by the playwright with new compositional, plot, figurative-expressive and stage means. Within the framework of the stated problem, the writer's prose (some stories and the story "Autumn of Psinadakh" about the children of Leningrad, rescued in the Circassian village during the Great Patriotic War), as well as his translation activities, are also considered. At the end of the article, the results of the observation of the multifaceted work of the writer are summed up and some recommendations are offered on the most complete introduction of the works of M. Dobagov into the practice of schools and universities where Adyghe literature is taught. The place of M. Dobagov in the Adyghe literary process is determined.

    doi: 10.53598/2410-3489-2022-4-307-32-37

    Release date: 12.01.2023

    pdf 32-37.pdf  (106 Kb)

  • Bessonova L.P.
    Reflection of 1917 revolutionary events in the works of S.A. Yesenin (literary and historical aspect)

    This article discusses the formation of views of the famous Russian Soviet poet of the 20th century S.A. Yesenin on the events of the revolution of 1917 and the Civil War, their reflection in his poetic work. The article examines literary-critical, historical and autobiographical material concerning the creation of Yesenin's works written during this period, as well as the perception of the poet by his contemporaries. The reasons for such an understanding and depiction of reality in his poetic world are established.

    doi: 10.53598/2410-3489-2022-4-307-38-44

    Release date: 12.01.2023

    pdf 38-44.pdf  (114 Kb)

  • Gereikhanova K.F., Sherchalova E.V.
    Intertemporal dialogue in the late works of V. Pelevin

    The article studies the intertext in the domestic postmodernist work in order to clarify the nature of the phenomenon and determine its role in the late works by V. Pelevin. The publication investigates the ways of including reminiscences of both domestic and foreign texts in the au-thor's text, and reveals the features of postmodernist game of the author with literary tradition and with reader's perception. analyze the late works of V. Pelevin. The authors have revealed that the inclusion of intertext is for the author a tool that allows not only to build intertemporal and intercultural dialogue, but also to include the reader in the semiotic game, and give an additional characteristic to the character.

    doi: 10.53598/2410-3489-2022-4-307-45-51

    Release date: 12.01.2023

    pdf 45-51.pdf  (171 Kb)

  • Golovko V.M.
    Philosophical mode of literary and artistic work as a problem of theoretical poetics

    The paper discusses the functional role of the philosophical mode in a literary work. The author proves that this mode determines the “depth of the text” and the specificity of ontological poetics as a meaningful form of existence of artistic meaning. The author differentiates the concepts of “philosophical mode” and “artistic mode”, simustaneously arguing the position, accord-ing to which the presence of a philosophical mode is one of the conditions for the compliance of a literary work with the criteria of artistry. In the paradigm of the philosophy of literature, the work analyzes the eidos of modus as “appearance”, “material reality” of artistic knowledge, which provides the specifics of non-theoretical philosophizing in artistic images.

    doi: 10.53598/2410-3489-2022-4-307-52-62

    Release date: 12.01.2023

    pdf 52-62.pdf  (159 Kb)

  • Panesh U.M., Ashinova Yu.A.
    The evolution of enlightenment and the peculiarities of the formation of its revolutionary model in national literature

    The paper analyzes the theoretical issues of the formation of the educational movement in different countries, and examines its evolution in the Russian cultural and historical reality of different eras. The publication reveals the formation of a revolutionary model of Enlightenment in Russian multinational literature of the post-revolutionary decades of the twentieth century. The paper determines the features of the new version of enlightenment that manifested themselves in the Adyg literatures and reflected the typological features of the general artistic and aesthetic process.

    doi: 10.53598/2410-3489-2022-4-307-63-70

    Release date: 12.01.2023

    pdf 63-70.pdf  (129 Kb)

  • Panesh U.M., Sokolova G.V.
    The role of literature in shaping national identity

    The paper examines the development of the literary process in its connection with the for-mation of various types of national identity. The work deals with the features of ethnic, regional, and all-Russian identity. The authors determine and characterize different levels of artistic and aesthetic unities - zonal, regional, and all-Russian, and reveal the principles of their formation and peculiarities of interaction with national identity. The system-dynamic approach, used in the study, makes it possible to formulate theoretically substantiated conclusions about the artistic consciousness of the literary era of the twentieth century and its influence on the creative process.

    doi: 10.53598/2410-3489-2022-4-307-71-78

    Release date: 12.01.2023

    pdf 71-78.pdf  (128 Kb)

  • Hakuasheva M.A.
    The problem of literary artistic creativity in Alan Cherchesov's novel “Villa Belle Letre”

    The article deals with the complex problem of literary artistic creativity in the novel of the modern Russian-speaking Ossetian prose writer Alan Cherchesov. For the first time in the history of modern Russian literature, the author determines so widely and multivariably the aspects of literary creativity that are evaluated by character writers, and clarifies the essence and significance of the phenomenon of literature itself, literary talent, which are partly solved in the context of postmodernism.

    doi: 10.53598/2410-3489-2022-4-307-79-88

    Release date: 12.01.2023

    pdf 79-88.pdf  (143 Kb)

  • Khatkova I.N., Beshukova F.B.
    Ways to model the artistic world of dystopia in V. Sorokin's novel "Manaraga"

    The article is devoted to a comprehensive study of the features characteristic of the genre of dystopia in the novel by V. Sorokin "Manaraga". Particular attention is paid to the considera-tion of the peculiarities of the structure of the text, the construction of the character system and the individual style of the writer, as well as ways to implement the main idea of the novel "Manaraga". The study is based on textual analysis and comparative-typological methodology. The scientific and practical significance of the article lies in the literary identification of the gen-re specifics of V. Sorokin's novel. The main results and conclusions of this work are related to the definition and description of individual features of both the writer's novel and his work.

    doi: 10.53598/2410-3489-2022-4-307-89-96

    Release date: 12.01.2023

    pdf 89-96.pdf  (129 Kb)

  • Shovgenova T.A.
    Representation of the national world and interpretation of the historical event in the story of Nalbiy Kuyek "Khanakh"

    The article is devoted to the study of the representation of the national world and interpretation of history in Adyghe historical prose of the 20th century. Based on the material of the story "Khanakh" by the national writer Nalbiy Kuyek, the author identifies and analyzes a representative model of the Circassian world associated with the national character and stereotypical ideas, as well as examines the features of the interpretation of the October Revolution as a historical event.

    doi: 10.53598/2410-3489-2022-4-307-97-103

    Release date: 12.01.2023

    pdf 97-103.pdf  (131 Kb)

  • Yudakhin A.A.
    "War is not always a scourge, sometimes salvation": F.M. Dostoevsky's Philosophy of War

    The article is devoted to the study of F.M. Dostoevsky's views on war as a theological, ethical, socio-cultural and historiosophical phenomenon. Sporadically presented throughout Dostoevsky's post-penal servitude works, military themes receive a special sound in notebooks and articles of the Writer's Diary on the eve and during the Russian-Turkish War of 1877-1878. The conceptual analysis of the author's epistolary and journalistic heritage makes it possible to deter-mine the genesis, characteristic features and place of Dostoevsky's pro-war views in the general system of the writer's worldview.

    doi: 10.53598/2410-3489-2022-4-307-104-114

    Release date: 12.01.2023

    pdf 104-114.pdf  (165 Kb)

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