Historical Sciences
L.V. Burykina
Cherkesogais in the Northwest Caucasus in the 19th century.
In the paper, an origin of Cherkesogais and the process of their moving in the Northwest Caucasus in the 19th century are examined.
F.H. Shebzukhova
The problem of a peasant community in internal politics of the imperial government in the second half of the 19th century.
The paper is devoted to a problem of a peasant land community and to peasant-government relations at different stages of a motherland history in the second half of the 19th century.
N.T. Napso
The North Caucasian military formations in the German armed forces (1941-1945).
In this paper, the author investigates the phenomenon of a military collaboration, including its important Caucasian-Turkic component, which is one of the most interesting and difficult for the analysis subjects in an extensive spectrum of a problematics of the Second World War.
E.F. Krinko
A childhood during the War (1941–1945): problems and prospects of study.
The paper is devoted to the Soviet and modern Russian historiography of a problem of conditions of Soviet children during the Great Patriotic War. The complicated and insufficiently studied questions are disclosed and prospects of further studying this problem are revealed.
Y.M. Braga
Peasant (farmer) economy: two approaches to one problem.
In the paper, the author pursues his aim to investigate the setting of peasant-farmer economies at the initial stage of their development. To achieve this purpose the “engineering – elite” and “radical – market” approaches to studying this kind of an economy were analysed.
Sociological and Cultural Studies
A.A. Afashagova
Endoecological principles of the formation of meal culture in students.
An attempt is undertaken to logically substantiate the concepts “endoecological knowledge”, “ecological health”, “endoecological rehabilitation” and the factor of their relation with the concept “culture of a meal”.
S.A. Guchepshokova
From onomastics to linguistic culturology
In the paper, ethnic stereotypes and possible ways of their classification, as well as congruity of the last are discussed.
T.M. Stepanova and F.A. Autleva
International relations and influences as a display of a dialogue of cultures (historiographical problems).
The retrospective review of a history of the world literature concept shows that the unity of literary process does not mark its one quality, moreover, identity of literatures of different regions and the countries. In the world literature, both repeatability of the phenomena and their regional, state and national originality are significant. Deep, intrinsic distinctions between cultures (and, in particular, literatures) of the countries of the West and the East, of these two “superregions”, are axiomatic.
S.I. Khvatova
National in church (about one version of a choir sacred concert in the Russian orthodox church)
In this paper, an attempt is undertaken to discuss a theme “national and sacral” using the examples of the musical – sacred literature from regent practice at the Saint-Voskresensky temple in Maikop.
G.V. Salakhodinova
Politics of the Russian government concerning Muslim clergy in the Kuban area (second half of the 19th – the beginning of the 20th centuries)
The paper discusses the Russian authorities – Muslim clergy relations in the Northwest Caucasus in the after-reform period. The author describes structure of clergy, duties of clerics, procedure of their assignment for a post, as well as experience in settling international and interethnic relations in the region.
Economic Sciences
S.A. Dzybova
Analysis and features of an infrastructure of the regional market.
The paper is devoted to a study of a market infrastructure of agriculture-industrial complex of the Adygheya Republic. The basic laws of its formation are determined. The conjuncture analysis of existing institutes is made and the characteristic is given of a level of their development.
I.G. Panzhenskaya
A technique of the account of transaction costs
The problem of the account of transaction costs and the ways of its solution are examined. It is offered to accumulate them on the account of the same name. Registers for accounting transaction costs have been worked out.
L.A. Sergeeva
The state and prospects of development of investment activity in agrarian and industrial complex
In the paper, the author examines the state and prospects of development of investment activity in agrarian and industrial complex.
Y.Y. Antsyrev and A.S. Khuazheva
Basic theoretical and methodological questions of an estimation of the agricultural ground
The authors consider the basic theoretical and methodological questions of an estimation of the agricultural ground.
Y.I. Tarasov and S.K. Yakhutl
The development of a system of social partnership and its influence on workers’ payment.
In the paper, the authors analyse the basic laws and specificity of formation of organizational – economic and financial mechanisms of employment regulation, as well as the priority directions of development of labour relations in the Adygheya Republic, influencing effective functioning of a regional labour market.
B.I. Khutyz
Specific features of risk management in agriculture.
The paper discusses specific features of risk management in agriculture.
Sciences of Law
T.B. Bersirov
Formation of legal consciousness: a historical-juridical aspect.
In the paper, the author describes sources of formation in Russia of legal culture, its philosophical and social bases, since times of the Kiev Russia to the Socialist October Revolution of the 20th century.
I.A. Shcherbovich
On features of formation of a rent in leasing buildings and constructions.
The paper discusses features of formation of a rent in leasing buildings and constructions. The author analyzes the mechanism of formation of a rent for this kind of the contract and elucidates a degree of participation and responsibility of the sides within these legal relations.
Political Sciences
V.N. Diulin
Natural-climatic, demographic and political features of the Unarokovo village formation
In the paper, the author investigates forms and methods of the organization of an agricultural production and a cultural life in the Unarokovo village, makes an analysis of natural-climatic, demographic and political features of the Unarokovo village formation.
H.I. Tuguz
Liquidation and restoration of Kalmyk national statehood: a political-juridical aspect.
In 1943, the national statehood of Kalmyks was liquidated because of attributing of cooperation with fascist invaders of separate persons and groups of the population to the whole nation. Kalmyks were totally deported and dispersed over Siberia, the Far East and Central Asia. The nation was actually on the verge of physical destruction. Even training in the native language was forbidden. In the paper, the author considers the juridical aspect of liquidation and restoration of national statehood of Kalmyks that returned to the native land. The author uses the political-legal and juridical documents of the supreme bodies of the government which were undergone to the all-round analysis in terms of their legitimacy at the moment of their start in a legal field.
Z.A. Zhade
Regional identity from the point of view of geopolitics
Regional identity in a system of the geopolitical analysis is the factor of social and economic development and an element of political power. At the same time it is the important factor of the Russian political process. Regional identity takes a special place among identity types and is connected to the certain territories that define special forms of life practices, pictures of the world and symbolical images. Today regionalization of public consciousness raises in the country which is stimulated by the processes occurring both in the centre and in regions. In transforming states, identity is dynamical and depends on new social relations and the unions, including those at a level of regions.
A.S. Buzarov
On some aspects of specific features of modern Russian ideology: setting up of problems
In the paper, the author discusses some features of modern ideology of a political regime of the country directed towards strict observance of the constitutional requirement, as well as the absence of the public proclaimed state ideology.
Pedagogical Sciences
T.N. Poddubnaya
Social realities of the childhood in Russia: a regional aspect
The paper discloses the modern state of the world of the childhood in the Adygheya Republic. The author gives results of expert questioning of the Republic inhabitants and specialists from the state and regional bodies, institutions of local government and non-state structures directly participating in the decision of a problem of social protection of the childhood. The probable reasons for children distress in the region are explained and recommendations for improvement of the state of children are offered.
L.N. Kubashicheva
Humanistic foundations of the Adyghes national pedagogy
Within the framework of humanistic paradigm the education is considered as the personality-oriented, cultural process directed to the formation of the basis of personal culture. The present stage of development of a pedagogical science is characterized by insufficient attention to a problem of a correlation of development of ethnic culture and the general culture of the person in terms of disclosing his integrity. The necessary conditions of the formation of the integral person are the wealth of his internal culture, intellectual freedom, high moral potential and tolerance in interpersonal and interethnic dialogue.
G.B. Luganskaya
Nonconventional knowledge of essence of the person in curator educational work at higher school
The paper is devoted to a prominent aspect in training by the curator of higher school of the future teacher, namely to the formation of pedagogical culture and cultural orientation of the person as its component. Such element of universal culture as nonconventional knowledge of essence of the person having great gnostic, axiological and educational potential can be included in the curator activities.
L.V. Shelekhova
On a personal paradigm in education
The paper discusses the basic ideas of the most known authors of personality-oriented education (Bondarevskaya E.V., Serikov V.V., Yakimanskaya I.S.) whose concepts have independent integrity. Classification of existing models of personality-oriented pedagogy (social – pedagogical, subject-didactic and psychological) is given.
L.H. Tseeva
A national-regional aspect in education of children of preschool age
The paper is devoted to a national-regional aspect, one of the important problems of the modern system of preschool education. It reflects the contents, features of a national – regional component in education as a whole, and in preschool education, in particular. The brief characteristic of a national – regional aspect is given in the program “Me and my world” for children of preschool age.
V.P. Shram
Academic freedoms in a system of specialist training at higher school
The paper discusses academic freedoms of students in educational space and contradictions of their realization.
N.N. Kraft
Independent work as the means of self-development of students
Independent work is the means of the organization and management of independent activity of students. Its correct organization is resulted in formation of independence, independent study skills and ability to self-development in students.
L.I. Tereshchenko and Z.I. Shorova
On experience in teaching natural sciences at high school with the use of modern pedagogical technologies
The authors describe approbation of modern technologies of training during teaching an experimental course “Natural Sciences” at the 10th – 11 th classes in Lyceum No. 19.
N.V. Kabayan and N.P. Edygova
Generalization of experience in organizing and conducting practices at the Faculty of Natural Sciences
The paper generalizes a many-year experience in organizing and conducting educational-field, industrial, pedagogical and pre-qualifying practices.
Psychological Sciences
S.Y. Kobleva and R.M. Koblev
Psychological linguistics and valuable orientations of the person
The paper discusses intercultural communications within the framework of cultural study in psychological linguistics. The intercultural communication is a dialogue among representatives of different peoples, consisting in an exchange of valuable preferences and orientations.
Philological Sciences: Linguistics, Literature and Literary Criticism
B.M. Bersirov and H.Z. Bagirokov
Linguistic bases of studying Russian as the means of interethnic dialogue
The requirements of intellectual and cultural life in the Adygheya Republic have put forward a problem of Russian speech culture of Adyghes – bilinguists in line with the major and most urgent theoretical and practical problems of the Adyghe linguistics. Modern conditions of social and economic life of the Adygheya Republic population have caused necessity of mastering the norms of the Russian literary language by all categories of the population. Now there is a language situation when demand for non-Russian representatives of the Russian Federation really having a good command of Russian in real social and economic conditions begins to considerably outstrip the offer. It was prepared (1) by discredited practice of teaching Russian in a national audience without taking into account the native language of pupils; (2) by studying a system of Russian mainly as sets of grammatical rules and forms, without necessary attention to studying Russian speech; (3) by absence of scientifically proved theory on studying Russian as the means of interethnic communication in modern conditions. Studying Russian as the means of interethnic dialogue of peoples of the Russian Federation puts a number of theoretical and applied problems before the Russian linguistics the decision of which is connected with the basic foundations of teaching Russian in a national audience. This has theoretical significance for other regions of the Russian Federation as well. Only the careful analysis of the bilinguist second language speech can highlight specific theoretical questions. Having investigated the mechanism and conditions of generation of Russian speech by non-Russians, it is possible to give a theoretical substantiation to Russian as to the means of interethnic dialogue to help methodologists practice in teaching Russian.
S.R. Makerova
The problem of “discrete” speech in the register of fiction
The urgency of expressive syntax as a unit of the doctrine on syntax is emphasized by many linguists, especially the nuances of meanings transmitted by syntactic constructions. These constructions include parenthetic insertions realizing expressive-syntactic functions in the text. The author gives a brief review of forms and functions of commenting sentences as a version of a parenthesis, as well as specificity of use of these constructions within the framework of a work of art.
Y.B. Achapovskaya
Causative verbs in the French language (using verbs faire and laisser as an example)
The paper discusses the expression of causativeness in the French language using verbs faire and laisser as an example. The author discloses the relation between the subject and object in causative constructions and the action of causative verbs as categorematic and syncategorematic. The author enumerates ways by which causativeness can be expressed in the French and Russian languages. Equivalents of constructions with verbs faire and laisser are also given, since they can change meaning depending on a situation and on lexical meanings of an infinitive, and also of the subject and object.
O.I. Avdeeva
A concept as a basis of teaching the nonnative language (using phraseological verbalization of concepts in Russian as an example)
Successful teaching pupils of national school Russian phraseology will take place if the teacher considers features of thinking of pupils, human mentality and memories. Their essence is that the information in a brain of the person is stored as a system of the certain blocks of complicated structure with the concepts as the key formations. Besides, the nature of a phraseological material assumes use of the onomasiological approach: from meaning to the form. It allows the process of teaching pupils-bilinguists a phraseological material as the means of verbalization of Russian concepts to be, on the one hand, the most effective, and, on the other hand, the easiest.
F.K. Urakova
Problems of the interconnected development of native and Russian speech in pupils of national school in conditions of Adyghe-Russian bilingual education
In the paper, the author examines problems of the interconnected development of native and Russian speech in pupils of national school, questions of interaction of contacting languages in the teaching and educational process in conditions of Adyghe-Russian bilingual education.
M.P. Akhidzhakova
A conceptual system: structure and the mental status
The author examines language as the means of revealing a structure of a thought of the native speaker which “gives a key” to consciousness reconstruction. Language provides a transition to a level of operating with forms of a thought that are revealed in semantics of verbal forms. The thinking exists in forms of a thought and is realized in specific verbal means of expression revealing these forms of a thought.
O.Y. Kushcheva
The anthropocentric paradigm in modern linguistics
The paper discusses the idea of anthropocentricity of a language, interrelationship of language and culture and a linguistic-cultural study as a product of the anthropocentric paradigm in modern linguistics and the concepts making a basis of the categorical apparatus of this scientific discipline: the language person and a concept.
Z.R. Devterova
New information technologies in teaching foreign languages at higher school
The use of the Internet in teaching foreign language is examined. Both the scheme of transfer of knowledge, and the model of teaching process sharply varies with the approaching of the information epoch that demands perfection of vocational training from a position of intensification of cognitive processes.
F.B. Beshukova
A problematic field of post-modernistic literary criticism
The paper discusses acute questions of modern literary criticism: a problem of an art method in post-modernistic cultural space, discussions about interdisciplinary as the main principle of a modern science. The author shows specificity of a display of a postmodernism in Russia compared to the western model.
Problems of Computer Science and Computer Facilities
Z.U. Blyagoz and A.Y. Popova
Making the decision in conditions of risk and uncertainty
In the paper, the authors describe the mathematical model of a game, when there is a necessity of making the decision in conditions of probable uncertainty. Seven criteria for arriving at the optimum decision are considered in detail. Using an example the authors illustrate application of these criteria and a technique of reaching the optimum decision at presence of risk.
E.V. Lutsenko and V.E. Korzhakov
Quantitative measures of a level of systematization and a degree of determinancy within the framework of STI
For the first time the paper offers theoretically proved quantitative measures arising from the system theory of information (STI). These measures permit one to quantitatively estimate the influence of factors on systems of a various nature by using a degree of increase or reduction of its emergence (a level of systematization) and a degree of determinancy rather than the force and the direction of change of the system state.
M.S. Aslanyan
Organization of a safety policy in the Laboratory of the Faculty “The Account and Financing”
In the study, the author describes organization of a safe work policy of a local network in the Laboratory “Book keeping, the analysis and audit”, theoretical bases of the question, as well as principles and methods of their realization: the administrative and hardware-software means.
A.V. Nagoev and N.P. Orlyanskaya
Optimization of inquiries to a database in information system of the account of motor transport work by means of relational algebra
The authors offer a technique of optimization of inquiries to a database of information system of the motor transport account by means of relational algebra.
N.P. Orlyanskaya and A.V. Nagoev
Specific features of introduction of applied program packages in the educational process
The paper discusses specific features of introduction of applied task packages in the educational process. The authors enumerate problems of introduction and suggest ways of overcoming these problems.
Biomechanics and Sport
K.D. Chermit, B.A. Mkhtse and M.M. Ebzeev
Factors of differentiating educational influence in the field of physical training in conditions of personality-oriented education
In the paper, the factors of differentiating educational influence in the field of physical training in conditions of personality-oriented education are examined.
O.I. Uzdinova
Frequency of occurrence of blood group phenotypes (ABO) in populations of athletes as a possible criterion for an estimation of their potential movement abilities
The author gives results of intra-populational and inter-populational estimations of the distribution (frequency of occurrence) of blood group phenotypes determined according to a system of erythrocytic antigens (ÀÂÎ) among people engaged and disengaged with sports, taking into account regional ecologic-geographical features of the surveyed populations of people, as well as traditionally developed kinds of sports.
K.I. Buzarov
Educational-cognitive potential of the Adyghe proverbs and sayings (The next ethnopedagogical work of Professor I.A. Shorov)
In the review, the author presents the next Professor I.A. Shorov's ethnopedagogical work on the great educational-cognitive potential of the Adyghe proverbs and sayings.
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