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  • Azarova V.V.
    On influence of the ethnic factor on development of social and economic infrastructure of Central Kuban (mid 19th and early 20th centuries)

    The paper explores the problems of living of various ethnic groups in Central Kuban in local economic realities and needs to develop social and economic infrastructure of the region in the second half of the 19th and early 20th centuries, their influence on development of the region, its capitalist development, creation of the industry, development of agricultural industry, civil engineering, and emergence of new shopping centers.

    pdf 15-20.pdf  (158 Kb)

  • Babich I.L.
    Adyghes in emigration: between the Homeland and France

    In 1917 – 1919, in France, not only the Russian diaspora which left the Homeland after the October Revolution of 1917, but also Caucasian diaspora was gradually created. In France each refugee who was more senior than 15 years could receive the Nansen passport from the French authorities in the Ministry of Internal Affairs of France. In this work, on the basis of the new archival materials, we obtained from Archive of Police of Prefecture of France, the attitude of Adyghe emigrants to obtaining the French nationality and the French passport - that is in general - to France, is analyzed.

    pdf 21-28.pdf  (283 Kb)

  • Burykina L.V., Fedoseeva L.D.
    Formation of a social self-consciousness in a discourse of the Russian historical education

    The paper analyzes the development of the Russian historical education, which experiences a considerable transformation in the conditions of globalization. This is related to policy of imposing the values of the western society positioned as universal values. The authors come to a conclusion that in the modern conditions Russia is capable to develop characteristic globalization strategy which is carrying out the ideas of sense of historical process created in a social self-consciousness based on unique axiological basis.

    pdf 29-37.pdf  (245 Kb)

  • Karnaushenko L.V.
    The state sovereignty in the conditions of globalization of society and development of information and computer technologies

    This paper discusses the process of transformation of the state sovereignty in the conditions of globalization and the development of information and communication technologies. At the same time it is noted that social changes represent a contradictory process where along with positive aspects various threats and risks are determined. A number of negative social changes are directly related to the state sovereignty.

    pdf 38-43.pdf  (226 Kb)

  • Sambur B.N.
    Wartime daily life of teenagers in social memory of contemporaries (as shown by Stavropol Region)

    The paper discusses the dynamics of development of research interest in teenagers’ problem in days of the Great Patriotic War in the Soviet and Russian historiography. A valid conclusion about need to actively use historical memory of teenagers and about teenagers of wartime in patriotic education of modern youth is proved. In addition, the scientific comprehension of this subject will expand parameters of event history of the Great Patriotic War.

    pdf 44-52.pdf  (245 Kb)

  • Shebzukhova F.Kh.
    Resettlement policy of Tsarism in the 1880-1890s: the goal and results

    The 1880-1890s in Russia are known as the period of transition of the government to conservative reactionary course which was expressed along with others in an aggravation of a resettlement question. The paper discusses attempts of the government on introduction of the resettlement movement to "the necessary course". In this regard an analysis is made of strengthening of the unauthorized resettlement movement of peasants by the end of the 1870s, its main reasons, and participation of territorial institutions in the problem solution. Also activity of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Ministry of State-Owned Properties of settlement of a resettlement question is investigated, drafts of laws of 1881 and 1889 on resettlement are compared, and a conclusion about discrepancy of government policy on the problem solution is proved.

    pdf 53-59.pdf  (237 Kb)

  • Shienkao M.B.
    Contribution of women and children of the Circassian autonomous region in a victory in the Great Patriotic War

    Materials of this paper supplement a historiography of Karachay-Cherkessia with the data reflecting, first, withdrawal pains of traditional tenor of life of the people of the Circassian autonomous region, labor feats of women and children in the first and postoccupational years of the Great Patriotic War, their participation in mobilization, resistance to fascists; and secondly, preservation and realization of traditional institute of hospitality. The paper focuses on the fact that from the beginning of war these layers of the population, which were earlier carrying out "supporting parts" in social life traditionally not participating in heavy agricultural and industrial production, became the main labor resource of the area.

    pdf 60-68.pdf  (246 Kb)

  • Bolgareva K.R.
    Features of evolution of social advertising in a historical retrospective

    This paper describes the specificity of formation of social advertising in a cultural and historical retrospective of Russia. The author allocates stages of development of social advertising and on this basis defines interrelation of advertising and changes taking place in society and in the state.

    pdf 69-74.pdf  (235 Kb)

  • Vartanyan E.V., Podolsky V.V.
    Sociocultural factors of deformation of sense of justice of youth: bases of theoretical comprehension

    The present paper deals with the theoretical analysis of deformation of legal consciousness of the younger generation of Russians, examines a perspective of influence on sociocultural models of its behavior and factors of both subjective, and objective character. Also the paper discusses theoretical approaches of modern Russian writers to research of deviant practices as consequences of development of nigilistic forms of youth’s outlook.

    pdf 75-79.pdf  (221 Kb)

  • Kukushkina A.A.
    Socionormative system of culture of Adyghes as factor of formation of legal culture of the Adyghe ethnos

    The paper discusses the basics of socionormative system of culture of Adyghes as factor of formation of legal culture of the Adyghe ethnos. From the point of view of the author, the legal culture of the Adyghe ethnos combines in itself the Adat, Muslim and European legal values.

    pdf 80-83.pdf  (147 Kb)

  • Lazitsky S.L.
    Sociocultural conditions of formation of positive perception of law-enforcement agencies by modern civil society

    This paper examines the degree of trust of civil society to law-enforcement system in modern Russian reality. The author makes the theoretical analysis of influence of image of representatives of law-enforcement agencies on efficiency of their interaction with the population of Russia.

    pdf 84-87.pdf  (218 Kb)

  • Markina E.V.
    Tendencies in development of the leisure sphere of physically disabled people during the post-Olympic period (as shown by Sochi 2014)

    This paper is intended to illustrate how the infrastructure of the city, favorable for handicapped national groups, created in Sochi, provided the maximum possibility of free movement for physically disabled people. Authors make an attempt to find out how representatives of this target group could diversify the leisure now, thanks to those changes which happened in social and cultural objects of the resort.

    pdf 88-92.pdf  (222 Kb)

  • Popov M.Yu.
    Correctional sociology and its place in research of mechanisms of the personality’s social justification

    This paper analyzes the social deviations resulting from "failures" in activity of agents and institutes of socialization and impact on it of asocial or criminal elements at various stages of socialization of the personality, as well as makes a search for the most effective ways to socially justify the personality who has undergone this influence. According to the author, there is a need to use the term "correction" in modern sociology as more relevant one in comparison to "resocialization" when we speak about an incomplete cycle of socialization of the personality or when there is no need for radical change of system of values and vital strategy of the personality.

    pdf 93-97.pdf  (220 Kb)

  • Pukhno P.S.
    Features of formation of students’ professional identity at higher education institutions of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia

    This paper discusses the questions of interrelation of professional identity and professional adaptation. On its basis the author shows the general and private between two phenomena, and direct dependence of professional adaptation on professional identity of students of educational institutions of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, as well as negative factors of each of psychological phenomena which can become a source and the activator of professional deformation of staff of law-enforcement agencies.

    pdf 98-101.pdf  (215 Kb)

  • Khlabystova N.V., Khokhlov D.S.
    Social influence: conformism and conformality of the personality

    In the paper, the essence of conformism and conformality are studied. The authors provide classifications of these concepts and examine the factors influencing conformism and conformal behavior of the personality. Motivational submission of the personality to social influence is described.

    pdf 102-107.pdf  (229 Kb)

  • Churinov I.D.
    Mechanisms of formation of social consciousness in the context of ecological safety

    The author shows that the social consciousness represents result of communication of carriers of various outlook principles. The paper studies the mechanisms and factors of formation of social consciousness in the context of problems of ecological safety. The positive and negative role of modern information space, and information products in actualization of ecological problems are analyzed. Problems of reflection of ecological subject at the level of social consciousness are revealed and analyzed.

    pdf 108-113.pdf  (259 Kb)

  • Novikova E.G.
    Specific features of the Canadian impressionism in painting of the 21st century in the context of ethnoculture

    The Canadian impressionism is the unusual phenomenon. At the beginning of the 21st century it became one of the main directions of the modern fine arts of Canada and at the same time one of the uniting factors of the civil nation of Canadians in the context of ethnoculture. However this subject, being important line of the Canadian multiculturalism, was not clarified in a domestic and foreign Canada-related studies. The Canadian impressionism today has specific features in subject and technology of genre and landscape painting that distinguish it from the European impressionism of the beginning of the 20th century.

    pdf 114-120.pdf  (234 Kb)

  • Poluden E.G.
    The August Channel: problems and prospects of development

    This paper is dedicated to the August Channel as the hydraulic engineering construction, its reconstruction and components. The place of the August Channel in river system of area is defined; natural features of the August Channel and monuments of architecture are analyzed; the characteristic of modern infrastructure of the channel is given in detail; and further prospects of development of the August Channel are described.

    pdf 121-126.pdf  (229 Kb)

  • Sineoky O.V.
    Some features of system of a sound recording of rock music in the USSR and countries of Eastern Europe in a historical communication retrospective

    In the paper, the communication history in the sphere of a musical sound recording in the USSR and countries of Eastern Europe is presented in the form of a certain conditional system which is disclosed in the context of development of national rock music in each of former socialist countries in the second half of the 20th century. Object of this publication is the system of a sound recording of rock music, the subject of paper is made by features of organizational and creative interaction of a sound recording and rock music in the USSR, Czechoslovakia, GDR, Yugoslavia, Poland, Bulgaria and Romania. Theoretical core around which methodological bases of research are grouped is the theory of communication with broad attraction of knowledge from cultural science and the intellectual law. All methodological approaches to the analysis of the social phenomena act as priorities: specific historical and descriptive methods, comparative and legal, dialectic system, and structurally functional analyses. Models of the organization of a gramophone recording are retrospectively analyzed, consistent patterns of development and features of functioning of sound recording establishments are determined. Using an example of release of some "sign" phonograph records with record of the western rock groups, we show the non-standard character of the musical management working in those conditions, and first of all at the choice of phonographic repertoire for the purpose of the official publication for mass consumption, in particular according to the scheme: "from anonymous advance – to anonymous musical material". Similarities and distinctions are defined in the organization of systems of a sound recording of rock music in the abovementioned countries. Finally we offer the understanding of an institution of a sound recording of rock music in the USSR and countries of Eastern Europe as complex cluster of communications where steady rules were created and the specific principles worked.

    pdf 127-136.pdf  (254 Kb)

  • Ekzekova L.I.
    Tolerance as the principle of the international relations in multiethnic Karachay-Cherkessia

    The paper explores the specific features of formation of the tolerant relations between the people and cultures of Karachay-Cherkessia in multiethnic society, as well as prospects of preservation of their originality. Of great significance in it is mentality of the contacting people. Tolerant relations are being developed for centuries, especially at the ethnic and national levels.

    pdf 137-141.pdf  (224 Kb)

    Political Science
  • Makarov V.G.
    Evolution of concepts of nuclear control

    This paper explores the evolution of policy of nuclear control. The author examines nuclear doctrines of the states and various concepts, put forward by scientists and politicians. On the basis of the studied material the conclusion is drawn that at the beginning of the history the nuclear weapon was perceived as the acceptable means of warfare. However during an aggravation of ideological opposition during Cold War, in an international and political discourse, the nuclear weapon was considered as means of military-political control. Special attention in research is paid to studying a role and a place of new nuclear powers in policy of nuclear control.

    pdf 142-151.pdf  (256 Kb)


  • pdf 205-206.pdf  (62 Kb)

    The Economic Theory
  • E.N. Zakharova
    Organizational and economic peculiarities of polyclustering production systems formation

    At present both the search for new priorities of effective forming and development of economic relations and the direction of their structural transformation are very sharp and in demand in the post-industrial society. The paper shows that the characteristic feature of polyclustering production systems is a reorientation of the scope of their activities to traditional industrial segments towards innovation oriented business that entails the formation of a fundamentally different institutional organization and management of production systems. The author notes the choice of forms of intercluster interaction value that makes it possible the effective functioning of polyclustering production system. One of the most prom-ising forms of such sites in modern conditions are technology platforms — voluntary, self-managed, self-financed association of businesses, research organizations and universities that share key goals and objectives of the platform and contribute to their achievement.

    pdf 13-19.pdf  (221 Kb)

  • Miroshnichenko M.B.
    Structural changes at the meso-level from the perspective of the growth model crisis

    The paper studies the relationship of structural transformation of regional term growth of the economy and the process of model analysis of the crisis in focus — territorial localization, resulting in the internal environment and territories with considerable competitiveness potential. The author proceeds from the fact that the vectors and the specific forms of structural change at the meso-level of economy of modern Russia set the trends of modern structural changes in the global economy and especially economic growth model crisis. The conceptual idea is the using of the latent possibilities of public-private partnership in the process of structural changes at the meso-level that are in great demand in times of model growth crisis. The resources of development process strategy for the development of regional economy are necessary to realize these opportunities.

    pdf 20-24.pdf  (80 Kb)

  • Ovchinnikov V.N., Ketova N.P.
    Ethnocultural component of consumer behaviour of the North-Caucasian population

    The paper presents an analysis of the impact of ethnic and cultural environment on consumer behavior of the regional markets customers of the North Caucasus. It considers the impact of cultural traditions and ethnic dominantes on value orientation and consumer activity of the North-Caucasian population. The authors reflect the essential characteristics and feat peculiarities of different cultures on the behavior of certain groups of consumers. They draw a conclusion that the national cultures interact and there are a lot of possibilities to save ethnic identity in the context of globalization.

    pdf 25-34.pdf  (147 Kb)

  • Popov R.A.
    Resources integration of productive forces in the conditions of economic tensions and volatility of environment

    High variability of a world economic field, the need of import substitution of goods exacerbates the need of of productive forces improvement of Russia and fuller use of regional resources. The transition from raw economy to the innovative and industrial leads to formation of new structure of productive forces. It assumes essential correction of the rela-tions of subjects of regional economy through public-private partnership on a trajectory of innovative development. Historical practice testifies to impracticality of administrative insti-tutes of subjects of the Federation to the solution of this task that appeals to need of search of new organizational forms of territorial economy, including profound economic integration of regions. The paper substantiates that the lag in development of productive forces of the Russian economy, the aggravated need of import substitution of production of manufacturing industry at the aggravated differentiation of social and economic level of subjects of Federation aggra-vates the need for updating of a control system of regional economy, economic motivation of territorial systems to development and placement of productive forces. The author presents domestic and foreign experience. It testifies that creation of economically motivated large territorial and production complexes in the form of the «economic macroregions» allocated with the corresponding reproduction functions can act as effective version of the solution of this task.

    pdf 35-46.pdf  (119 Kb)

    Regional Economy
  • Adamenko A.A.
    Analysis of conditions of an institutional trap emergence of resource participation of small and medium businesses subjects in regional economy development

    The paper presents the analysis of the conditions of the entrepreneur activities in Russia. It determines the basic prerequisites for the development of shadow types of economic activity in several regions of the Southern macro-region: dominating of ethnic rights over individual rights; clannishness and corruption; weak civil society institutions; low level of information development of these areas. All of these conditions contribute to the formation of institutional traps of resource involvement of the business community agents, constraining the use of these specified resources in the regional economy.

    pdf 66-70.pdf  (172 Kb)

  • Barkenkhoeva R.A.
    The basic paradigms realization of import substitution policy at the regional level

    The paper considers various approaches to the economic substance of import, its positive aspects. It presents three developments of its implementation that are different in specifics of objects control. The scientific article formulates basic dominants of import substitution policies realization at the macro- and meso-levels. It is a mechanism for the implementation of this policy at the regional level. The author studies specific experience with import substitution policy on the example of the Inguish Republic, ranking the seventh position ac-cording to the media rating of the import substitution program realization in the Russian re-gions, compiled by «Medialogia». The country developed a plan to promote import substitu-tion in its industrial complex, providing the organization of the institutional conditions of im-port substitution in the industrial complex of the Inguish Republic. It provides information support for the implementation of this process, as well as work on the implementation of spe-cific investment projects import substitution pattern in the Republican economy.

    pdf 71-77.pdf  (193 Kb)

  • Kovaleva M.K.
    «Olympic legacy» as a compound element of the regional tourist product

    The paper examines the concept of «Olympic legacy», that is the long-term consequences for cities or regions in the result of their athlete's mega competitions. It highlights objects of tangible and intangible property as elements of the Olympic legacy. The author considers the Olympic infrastructure as material heritage of the Olympic Games. It gives the opportunity to create a specific competitive advantage for the region in the post-Olympic period. The scientific article also discloses the process of transformation of the «Olympic product» into a regional tourist product as well as presents the options of the Olympic heritage management strategy.

    pdf 78-84.pdf  (159 Kb)

  • Konstantinidi Kh.A.
    Transformed shapes arising in the strategy creating process

    The paper considers the converted forms of relations arising in the process of strategy development due to the transformation of perspective purposes as well as the results of their implementation, strategy development mechanism and the development of meso-level institutions. The author pays his special attention to the the impact of the bureaucratization of public administration processes at the meso-level and associated with these consequences of insecurity of property relations that create the foundation for the emergence of adverse ef-fects. The author denotes the development of a complex mask patterns of ownership and or-ganizational mechanisms of primitive and hidden from external observation forms of organi-zation of economic processes and modes of appropriation of the results to these effects. The scientific article discloses the peculiarities of transformed forms in the process of strategy de-velopment of regional economic systems at the present stage of development.

    pdf 85-88.pdf  (75 Kb)

  • Kuryanov N.À.
       Implementation support of the «growing points» concept in the economy of the Rostov Region   

    This paper discusses a number of aspects connected with the implementation of regional policy aimed at stimulating of the «growing points» development in the regional economy. The author presents the main directions of this policy in the context of the organization of the establishment and functioning of support areas of advanced development, industrial parks and technology clusters on the example of the Rostov Region.

    pdf 89-93.pdf  (118 Kb)

    The Account, Audit and the Control
  • Olomskaya E.V., Shulga A.A., Bagova S.A.
    New approaches to the leased property in the company accounting

    The present paper considers the procedure for accounting of leasing transactions in the lessor and lessee in different variants of the account of the leased asset. It studies the existing approaches and methodological aspects of the formation of information about the leasing relationship in accounting. The purpose of the study is to select the most reliable way to reflect the leased assets and liabilities of the lessor and lessee accounting and reasoning of the decision. The authoes analyze all existing methods of accounting of leased assets from the standpoint of compliance with basic accounting principles, international and Russian law.

    pdf 94-101.pdf  (100 Kb)

  • Ryabchenko A.V., Shmatova E.V., Tkhagapso R.A.
    Comparison of Russian and international accounting standards of financial instruments

    The article discusses approaches to the recognition of derivative financial instruments accounting according to Russian accounting rules and to the International Financial Reporting Standards. The relevance of the topic stems from the fact that more and more companies begin to use derivative financial instruments to minimize market risks in a situation of extreme instability of the financial markets, significant currency fluctuations. However, the methodology of their accounting, valuation and reporting for Russian companies (except credit institutions) at the moment does not reflect the realities of the modern economy.

    pdf 102-107.pdf  (88 Kb)

    Economy of Agrarian-Industrial Complex
  • Bolotina E.A.
    Prospects of foreign taxation agricultural experience adaptation

    The implementation of the Food Security Doctrine makes it necessary to search for effective solutions of stimulatation agricultural production expansion. The paper deals with the taxation system of agricultural production in developed and developing countries where the development of agricultural and industrial complex is a national priority. The study of the variety of models and systems, gives Russia the opportunity to adapt the experience with maximum efficiency.

    pdf 108-115.pdf  (252 Kb)

  • Prokhorova V.V., Kerashev A.A., Kolomyts O.N., Shalatov V.V.
    Investment activity in the agrarian and food complex of the Krasnodar Region: the strategic objectives and development priorities

    The investment is a necessary condition for effective and sustainable development of any industry. In the agrarian and food complex with the specifications arising from the specific organization of the reproduction process, the influence of the natural, economic, and biological factors on the results of agricultural production, the problem of increasing the level of industry investment and its economic efficiency is becoming increasingly important.

    pdf 116-121.pdf  (235 Kb)

  • Shelekhova L.V., Nagoev A.V., Áóëãàêîâà À.À.
    Farm economy in the agricultural production of the Krasnodar Region

    This paper discloses the role and importance of farming enterprises (households) in the regional agricultural economy (the Russian Federation), as well as the importance of investment in agriculture. The authors present the value of investments in small businesses agrarian orientation on the example of Krasnodar Region. They reveal the characteristic of farming enterprises (households) as a stable and dynamic forms of management in agri-culture. The scientific article highlights the fact that their economic activity is of great de-mand for effective operation of the qualitative changes, which is impossible without state regulation.

    pdf 122-128.pdf  (315 Kb)

    Management by Innovations
  • Surzhikov M.A.
    Enterprise innovative strategies creating

    The scientific article describes the process of formation of innovative strategy of the enterprise as the main vector to achieve their goals through the formation and changes in policy and basic resources using. This problem is particularly relevant in connection with the need of economic management restructuring during the period of economic sanctions. It determines the necessity of mastering the practice of strategic management, the formation of innovative strategies of enterprises. The paper draws a conclusion that the development of an optimal innovation strategy is the key to its successful development and competitiveness in the promotion of goods on the market, stability in an unstable environment.

    pdf 191-196.pdf  (157 Kb)

  • Shatalova O.I., Beletskaya E.G., Vorobyeva E.A., Gladilin A.V.
    Analysis of organizational management by innovation processes in the national economy

    Despite the study of the problem of innovation system effectiveness creation all known forms and methods of state regulation of innovative processes need to be improved. The paper reveals the specifics of the national innovation system, the revitalization of the innovation and production companies in the field of reverse engineering. Its success depends on the ongoing organizational forms of interaction. The authors analyze the organizational management of species characteristics of innovation activity participants in the national innovation system.

    pdf 197-204.pdf  (180 Kb)

    The Theory and Practice of Business
  • Abesalashvili M.Z., Zakharova E.N., Kerashev A.A., Mokrushin A.A., Tkhagapso R.A.
    State regulation methods of innovative entrepreneurship in Western Europe

    The paper reveals the strategies and mechanisms of state regulation of innovative business in Western Europe. Practice shows that individual countries use their own mechanisms and instruments at the national level to stimulate innovative entrepreneurship, and their effectiveness varies greatly. The authors pay their special attention to studying the state regulation of innovative models of business in Switzerland, Finland and Sweden which are leaders in innovation among the leading countries of the world. The scientific article ex-amines the main results of the various aspects of the state innovation policy. It draws a con-clusions about their applicability to the development of Russian innovation business.

    pdf 184-190.pdf  (88 Kb)

    Service Economy
  • Karanashev A.Kh., Prichina D.Yu.
    Dynamic modeling of management system of modern high school organizational culture

    The paper considers the basic factors of dynamic simulation of cognitive control system modeling to develop the organizational culture of the modern university with the help of the mathematical apparatus of pulse processes. The authors reveal the use of cognitive dynamic modeling in the design issue of semi-structured systems. It includes a complex institution of organizational culture of the university and allows the decision maker to receive development scenarios for each static alternatives taking into account the impact of the external environment.

    pdf 138-155.pdf  (2 Mb)

  • Ketova N.P.
    Specifics of modern media services, tendencies of development of their market in Russia

    The paper reveals the essence, features and factors of development of media-services, specifics of forming of content, possibility of its use by consumers. The author presents branches of media services, traditional and «new» media, their value and a demand in the market.

    pdf 156-163.pdf  (128 Kb)

  • Kobets E.A., Masych M.A., Kapkyuk E.V.
    RETRACTED on September 3, 2019 The contract system of hiring in educational sphere of foreign countries

    Retraction of this publication is due to the discovered plagiarism – The source: Improvement of social and labor relations in modern conditions: monograph / M.N. Korsakov, M.A. Masych, E.A. Kobets, M.V. Panichkina, E.K. Zaschitina, E.V. Kaplyuk, A.O. Mukhaeva, N.M. Annenko, M.N. Ganina, T. A. Devyatkova, A.A. Rogozhenko, M.A. Talalay, L.S. Filatova; Eds. M.N. Korsakova, M.A. Masych. - Rostov-on-Don: YuFU Publishing House, 2014. - 172 p. This paper considers the current employment system in educational institutions of foreign countries: the United States, India, Germany, the UK and France. It reveals own traditions, peculiarities and possibilities in the educational sector of each country. The authors analyze their advantages and disadvantages as well as the possibility of adapting certain provisions for the implementation in the Russian practice of stimulating employees of educational institutions.

    pdf 164-170.pdf  (95 Kb)

  • Shmygaleva P.V., ShatalovaO.I., Mukhoryanova O.A., Kostina O.N.
    Quality evaluation of state (municipal) services: methodological and integrated approach

    In spite of rather large number of the offered techniques of an assessment of quality of rendering the state (municipal) services, problems are still present at carrying out procedure and determination of efficiency of an assessment. The paper examines methodological bases of quality evaluation of the state (municipal) services and formation of its improvement. The authors reveal the approaches to an assessment of quality of the public and municipal administration. The assessment of the effects is expressed in quantitative and quality indicators. They also offer to increase the efficiency of carrying out an assessment of quality of rendering the state (municipal) services, level of satisfaction of citizens with quality of the rendered services act as research problems the analysis of essence of model of management of results in system state (municipal management). In scientific article considers the possibility of application of an integrated approach to the state (municipal) services rendering. It offers actions to increase the efficiency of rendering services due to integration of several techniques of an assessment and receiving as a result of this synergetic effect.

    pdf 171-177.pdf  (89 Kb)

  • Yarushkina E.À., Chumakova N.A., Bugaenko V.E.
    Network form of education as a factor of competitiveness improving of the educational organization in modern Russian economy

    The paper studies the network form of educational services realization. The authors determine main advantages, instruments and forms of educational programs both abroad and in Russia. They identify the most progressive forms of development, which can be used by domestic educational organizations.

    pdf 178-183.pdf  (84 Kb)

    General Problems of Pedagogy
  • Begidova S.N., Khazova S.A., Morozova I.V., Akhtaov R.A.

    The theoretical aspects of modernization of educational system of orphanage are presented in this paper. The reasons are shown why social experience at orphan children and children without parental support is insufficiently shaped. This leads to difficulties in their adaptation during the post-hostel period. It is noted that the educational system of orphanage has to be constructed in accordance with the family type, including children in the uneven-age mosaic groups founded on their interests and creating conditions for creative personal development. Such approach reduces risk of desocialization of the child, providing it painless adaptation in society in the future.

    pdf 15-25.pdf  (321 Kb)

  • Kubashicheva L.N.

    Cultural values of Adyghes and educational system of rural national school are inseparable in formation of quality of humanity, "adygage" at the growing person. The objective to change the development of the person and fill his essence by sociocultural value sense lies in the content, purport and procedure of educational system of rural school. Value guiding lines are necessary not only to form the younger generation, but also to preserve the growing person’s own ethnic culture.

    pdf 26-35.pdf  (181 Kb)

  • Meretukova Z.K.

    The paper substantiates the need to form at postgraduate students of knowledge, skills and experience in the correct critical analysis of the studied sources of information, in particular, the scientific text. The publication offers the technique of formation of such readiness and parameters (structural components) by which quality of the studied information source is estimated.

    pdf 36-42.pdf  (175 Kb)

  • Khakunova F.P., ReutovaL.P.

    The communication multiaspectuality is substantiated as one of blocks of universal learning actions meeting the key purpose of the general education. Types of communication are analyzed: the interaction, cooperation, an interiorization and a reflection which defined structure of communicative universal learning actions, abilities and competence of pupils of the main school. The paper allocates the most productive moments of the organization of formation of communicative universal learning actions: the concept "universal learning actions of pupils" is specified; effective conditions of the organization of formation of the universal learning actions at the main school are listed; conceptual provisions of formation of universal learning actions of pupils are formulated. Materials of this paper will help teachers to modify the program of formation of universal learning actions of pupils.

    pdf 43-50.pdf  (208 Kb)

  • Sharova E.I.

    High-quality changes of educational space, new ways of obtaining and processing information, transfer of education to virtual environment - this is not the full list of "innovations" which the teacher of higher education institution faces today. The social portrait of the modern student also changed. The aim of this paper is to explore inducements of students in uneven-age groups, and to identify the capacity of uneven-age groups as a basis to organize the effective educational process.

    pdf 51-55.pdf  (151 Kb)

  • Elgaitarova L.P., Elgaitarov A.A.

    One of the directions of a humanization of the Russian higher education is formation of professional health at students. It acts as an indicator and result of activity of higher education institution, determining the level and quality of specialist’s vocational training. This paper discloses the basic aspects of the organization of formation of professional health at students including the concept development, the model creation, and designing the contents and ways of diagnostics. Also it shows the mechanisms of their logical transformation into processes of professional self-organization and self-development of the student. Positive dynamics of change in professional health of students testifies to high efficiency of the developed approach to formation of professional health of the student.

    pdf 56-61.pdf  (157 Kb)

    Special Methods and Teaching Technologies
  • Vasilishina N.V.

    The paper reveals the specifics of using computer models, compared to other means of learning mathematics. The use of information technology in education provides subject-a vivid picture of the objects involved in the problem and is a special means of symbolization in scientific-theoretical thinking. Computer modeling is not private means of learning, but one of the general methods of knowledge used in various fields. With increasing development of computer technologies, mathematical modeling emerged as an independent and quite important field of computer application. In the study of mathematics in high school more than half of teaching time is given to solving word problems. A sequence of mathematical models is being built during the problem-solving process. Management simulation occurs in the form of a dialogue between man and computer, or rather, a particular computer program. The paper provides an example of solving problems in geometry. Stages of the problem solution in building a computer mathematical model are shown.

    pdf 62-67.pdf  (330 Kb)

  • Tambieva L.A.

    In this paper, need to organize independent work of undergraduates in the field of training 44.04.01 "Pedagogical Education" is actualized in learning a business foreign language. Terms of successful organization of independent work of students are offered: creation of the information and communication environment to learn foreign languages; use of interactive technologies of training; formation of research activity of students when studying a business foreign language. Materials of paper prove high efficiency of innovative technologies and interactive forms of education as a basis of personal development and formation of competences of the undergraduate.

    pdf 68-74.pdf  (165 Kb)

  • ZhazhevaD.D., Zhazheva S.A.

    Development of coherent oral and written speech of students is the main task of teaching Russian language in national schools. Mastering other academic subjects also depends on extent of their speech development. To date, a complete system for the development of coherent Russian speech of students has not been developed yet and many aspects are insufficiently studied that determined the purpose and content of this research. In the course of training in the second language one of the most important points is the development of speech and formation of lexical skills. Practice shows that the development of speech and mastering the vocabulary are the weakest link in the course of teaching non-Russian students to the Russian language. The large number of the lexical mistakes made by them in the Russian speech testifies to it.

    pdf 75-78.pdf  (109 Kb)

    Modern Problems of Psychology
  • Ershova V.V., Popova M.R.

    The paper discusses one of the most effective methods of rehabilitation of deaf children, cochlear implantation. The main features of psychological adaptation of children with a hearing disorder after cochlear implantation are defined.

    pdf 79-84.pdf  (157 Kb)

  • Petrosyan S.N.

    The paper is devoted to analysis of the critical state of personality as a psychological phenomenon. The tasks of the article include: analysis of the terms “crisis” and “critical state” as understood by Russian and international authors; review of age-related crises as personality development stages; analysis of age-related and personality crises within the categories of post-non-classical rationality; and substantiation of method for overcoming age-related crisis as a factor of characterological personality features formation. Conclusion is made that the critical state necessarily contains an opportunity of passing over to the new level of personality organization, due to the dialectical nature of emotional behavioral reaction in a critical situation as the one connected with threat.

    pdf 85-94.pdf  (180 Kb)

  • Petrosyan S.N., Ryabikina Z.I.

    The paper presents the analysis of the evolution of approaches to the personality problem, current trends in studying and understanding of personality, and the subject-existential approach as one of the promising trends in personality research. Conclusion is drawn that examination of the categorical unity of “personality and its existence” as a subject domain of psychology allows us to enlarge the problematic area of psychological researches, to combine a number of personality investigation trends, and to continue the study of personality phenomenon in the full multiaspectuality of its manifestations.

    pdf 95-102.pdf  (169 Kb)

    Educational Space of Physical Training and Sports
  • Arishin A.V., Pogrebnoy A.I.

    The paper provides the results of comparison of the main kinematic characteristics of a stroke at swimmers of various skills. The revealed distinctions in kinematics of a stroke explain the reason of smaller efficiency of a stroke at the studied swimmers in comparison with the elite ones.

    pdf 103-108.pdf  (399 Kb)

  • Vasiliadi A.G.

    High-quality use of heritage of the 22nd Olympic and 11th Paralympic Winter Games of 2014 in Sochi is an important national objective for Russia. Such non-material heritage is the volunteer movement in the student's environment which is of essential importance from the point of view of formation of the personality and vocational training of experts in the sphere of physical culture. This paper discloses technological experience in volunteer training of students of the Kuban State University of Physical Culture, Sport and Tourism. Also the paper shows the stages of training of volunteers, problems of management and vocational education, as well as pedagogical tools. Positive influence of the developed technology on formation of interests of students in the field of physical culture and on mastering the competences necessary for understanding and acceptance of values of future profession is proved during experiment.

    pdf 109-117.pdf  (438 Kb)

  • Ioakimidi Yu.A., Korokhova N.A.

    This paper discusses the formation of pedagogical attitude as a competence of a professionally pedagogical orientation of the specialist in physical culture and sport, and discloses its structure.

    pdf 118-124.pdf  (165 Kb)

  • Lavrentyeva D.A.

    This scientific article explores features of results of competitions of 10-12 year-old swimmers with different profiles of motor asymmetry. Also this publication examines features of results of the carried-out manual and foot tepping-test to define the type of the profile of motor asymmetry which is indirectly reflecting lability of nervous processes.

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  • Ovchinnikov Yu.D., Dzyuba N.Yu.

    The paper describes the biomechanics of the movement in exercises of training process of young karatekas (age group of 6-12 years), engaged in karate section at secondary comprehensive school No. 45 in Krasnodar. The authors coined the term "staging biomechanical tasks" when performing exercises with the goal of building a system of motions in biomechanics of motor activity in the exercises (a specialized sport of karate). Feature of the analysis of training process is that the second coach is the student of a full-time department studying the subject "Biomechanics of Motor Activity" who uses the knowledge gained in the classroom in work with children. Such approach gives the chance to consider the mechanism of implementation of professional competences of the subject in various directions.

    pdf 133-138.pdf  (174 Kb)

  • Shapovalov A.V., Khazova S.A., Klimenko A.A., Dzhamirze N.K.

    Deterioration in health of the population and, first of all, younger generation, is a serious problem of the Russian reality. Its decision is a relevant public national objective. Considerable part of means, ways and methods of a health care of children and teenagers belong to the field of education, namely: to health care pedagogy. The author's view of the content of the health care pedagogical activity based on wide use of means of physical training is presented in this paper.

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  • Elgaitarov A.A., Elgaitarova L.P., Dzhaubaev Yu.A., Petkov V.A., Romanov D.A.

    The paper substantiates a many-kilometer walking as means to improve and recreate activity and as the tool to monitor physical activity of students. The author's technique of an assessment of health and working capacity on the basis of health improving walking is described. Formulas to calculate indicators of efficiency of the author's technique and the analysis of results of students’ testing are given. Research results show that this type of motor activity is an effective means of the student’s sport and health improving activity and it is expedient to apply it within independent occupations by health improving physical culture.

    pdf 147-154.pdf  (420 Kb)

  • Abubakarova A.Kh., Bagirokov Kh.Z.
    Bilingueme and ways of its representation in Vainakh language space

    The paper explores availability of bilinguemes of Vainakh language space in texts of the language personality which creates effect of intercultural communication. The art bilingualism in Vainakh society represents processes of cultural globalization on the basis of general, national and individual experiences of authors-bilinguals. This publication proposes the innovative approach to studying intercommunicative function of bilinguemes, developing the existing points of view on language contacts in bilingualism. The syncretity of language consciousness of the bilingual language personality from a position of interaction of languages and lingual cultures gives an idea of influence of the previous experience of the writer when he writes works in the different national language. Linguistic methods of the analysis find application in lingual culturological aspect of research of a bilingualism of Vainakh language space. Consideration of literary texts of the bilingual personality represents variety of bilinguemes, promoting language and cultural interaction in the conditions of the Vainakh-Russian art bilingualism. The analysis of bilinguemes in literary texts of Vainakh writers promotes dialogue of cultures in modern Russian society.

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  • Anchek S.Kh.
    Originality of language of the Adyghe epic work «A Song of Auls»

    The paper deals with the lexical picture of epic work of Adyghes of the 19th century «A Song of Auls». The purpose of this paper is the analysis of different types of onyms and composites to describe the language of the song. The scientific importance is represented by comonyms, potamonyms, helonyms, drymonyms, zoonyms, phytonyms and composites revealed within this scientific research based on studying numerous domestic and foreign sources and the reviewed journals on this problem. The analysis and the translation of the revealed units facilitate perception of text material of the song. It is established that metaphoricalness is the main feature of language of the song. Allegoricalness of a statement discloses a set of meanings and different comprehensions that supports multisemantic feature of language of the song. Methods of genre stylistic, textual and descriptive research of work are used. Theoretical and practical value is seen in a possibility of use of results of research in drawing up dictionaries of the onomastic terms of the Adyghe language, as well as in special courses on historical heroic epos of Adyghes.

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  • Blipashaova M.D.
    Structural semantic analysis of anthroponyms of the Adyghe language (as shown by material of Shovgenovsky Region anthroponymy)

    The paper deals with the structure and semantics of the Adyghe anthroponyms in the Shovgenovsky region of the Republic of Adyghea designating surnames, personal names and nicknames. The methods of the linguistic analysis, namely: observation, description, identification and differentiation are used to analyze the Adyghe anthroponyms to detect specific features of their word formation, semantics and etymology. The variety of underived and derivative words – anthroponyms is described. Need to study them is related to the fact that in the Adyghe linguistics the Adyghe anthroponyms of the specific region are insufficiently studied therefore an attempt is made to contribute to further development of the matter. It is inferred that time, a way of life of Adyghes and interference of cultures of the neighbor people left a mark on modern anthroponyms of the Adyghe language. Anthroponyms in the Adyghe language represent a rich layer of lexicon with diverse semantics and various methods of word formation of derivative lexemes. Results of research can be used in drawing up the dictionary of anthroponyms, as well as in studying history of the Adyghe language.

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  • Blipashaova M.D., Shkhalakhova R.A.
    The place of word formation in works of the Adyghe linguists Gushchy1egjepsynym iupch1e ch1yp1eu bzesh1enygjem ùèóáûòðýì epljyk1eu fyrya1ekher

    The paper investigates views of Adyghe scientists on the place of word formation and its problems as the section of the Adyghe linguistics. Special literature on theoretical problems of word formation of the Adyghe language is analyzed and on its basis expression of a lexical meaning by means of word formation is considered, as well as the place of word formation in structure of the Adyghe language is defined. Works of the Adyghe linguists on this problem are used as an example to analyze and generalize problematic issues of the relation of word formation to morphology and lexicology. By means of comparison it is inferred that still there is no consensus in the Adyghe linguistics about the place of word formation in grammatical system of the Adyghe language. Materials and conclusions of research can be used in drawing up manuals on the Adyghe language. Also they make a certain contribution to development of the Adyghe linguistics.

    pdf 33-38.pdf  (299 Kb)

  • Velichko M.A.
    Cohesion and coherence: specifics of differentiation and definition of the terms

    The aim of this article is to analyze the definition of «cohesion» and «coherence» in modern linguistics and describe their role in the text analysis, as well as correlate these terms with the notion of connectedness. The paper analyzes approaches to determining these terms used in text linguistics and in discourse analysis. We point out that the interpretation of these terms in various linguistic theories differs. However, having examined the research in the field of text coherence, we conclude that cohesion and coherence are the main categories of textual connectedness; coherence affects the choice of various cohesion means that provide the linearity of the transmitted information. On the one hand, the methodology of the article is expressed in basis of the offered views relying on the extensive framework provided by the works of both Russian (Halperin 2004; Makarov 1998; Milevskaya 2003 etc.) and foreign linguists (Cutting 2002). On the other hand, the article reinterpreted a number of aspects of linguistics, expanding them and establishing new links. The novelty of the present study is that the notion of the connectedness as an essential communicative category comes up with a complex background. The analysis has identified and systematized relationship categories of connectedness and ways of expressing them relating to lexical means; linear communication means of discourse components have been systematized. The findings of the integrated and comprehensive study of connectedness of discourse and text can be used in theoretical grammar, pragmalinguistics, text linguistics, functional linguistics and theory of intercultural communication.

    pdf 39-43.pdf  (297 Kb)

  • Golyev A.A.
    Universal and national traits in the Russian and Estonian phraseological system (as shown by translations of The Good Soldier Švejk and His Fortunes in the World War by J. Gašek)

    While studying the phraseological system of two or more languages in terms of cultural linguistics one can found cross-cultural similarities and differences between either sister languages or remotely related ones (e.g. Russian and Estonian). It makes possible to show the European lifestyle and historical, cultural and economic relations between Russia and Estonia reflected in their languages and in a more narrow view of their phraseology. The article’s actuality consists mostly in the fact that universal human values and national specifics of the phraseological system of Estonian language (which is very poorly studied in Russian linguistics’ linguocultural researches) are the subject of the analysis. Completed lexical analysis of the full and partial phraseological equivalents that were found by the gapless selection method in translations of J. Gašek’s novel The Good Soldier Švejk and His Fortunes in the World War into Russian and Estonian languages allowed us to show that there are some universal human features in phraseological systems of compared languages because of the similar lexicon that is often used by both peoples based upon historical, religious and cultural reasons. Such analysis of the writing will be a good endowment into comparative-typological linguistics.

    pdf 44-48.pdf  (301 Kb)

  • Goncharova E.N.
    The concept óñïåõ/success in russian and american lingual culture: historicaland etimological aspects

    The paper gives comparative analysis of the concept óñïåõ/success in the context of its historical development. The author describes the etymology of both notions and draws the conclusion about the differences between Russian and American understanding of this concept. The components of the concept are shown in their semantic evolution. The examples were taken from the dictionary of proverbs, sayings and aphorisms and etymological dictionaries. The author uses methods of comparison, continuous sampling, classification and taxonomy of linguistic material, as well as definitional and component analysis. Research of this concept is very promising both for linguistics and for sciences adjacent to it, such as philosophy, sociology and cultural science. The study identifies that this concept is a result of a long cultural and historical evolution that brought out the cultural discord between Russian and American people. The study of the main concept of Russian and American cultures (ÓÑÏÅÕ/SUCCESS) allows us to analyze the peculiarities of these nations and makes a major contribution to the study of a conceptosphere, lexicology, and theory of cross-cultural communication.

    pdf 49-53.pdf  (297 Kb)

  • Dobryakova Maria Viktorovna, Kuznetsova Tatyana Igorevna, Kuznetsov Igor Aleksandrovich
    On the issue of grammatical agreement of participe passé in complex tenses in French

    The problem of participe passé agreement in complex tenses in French has been considered in the article involved. All alternatives of either participe passé agreement or its disagreement in complex or analytical tenses have been presented and examined with the passé compose tense as an example. The authors have tabulated every one of the alternatives of participe passé agreement or its disagreement. The problem of possibility to minimize the number of rules for participe passé agreement in verb structures has been considered. As a result of the studies the authors have gotten the conclusion that the problem involved can be solved by sharing a number of modern functional grammar books containing detailed description of subject-object relationship and voice concept extension. When tesniere syntax per se does not explain the cause of participe passé agreement or its disagreement categories between syntax and semantics can help to solve the problem.

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  • Zavrumov Z.A.
    Pragmatical structure of irony in aspect of language game: intentionality and estimation

    The aim of the article is to study the irony in the coordinates of the language game. The research methodology is based on a synthesis of cognitive-semantic and pragmatic approaches that reveals the fundamental nature of intentionality and evaluation in the pragmatic structure of irony. The author points out that the new occasional meanings generated in the semantic space coordinates of a literary text are able to produce a comic effect. Language game marks the genre and the production specifics of individual style that becomes a condition to identify the game nature of irony as their main indicator. The special status of irony in the semantic space of a literary text is due to the imagery of language games and a variety of stylistic techniques by which it is implemented. The irony is a member of the sublimated estimates, being emotion and assessment categories needed to demonstrate spiritual world of language person, first of all, with respect to the ideal. Pragmatic irony structure is oriented in the coordinates of intentionality and evaluation to the implicit representation of the ideal and harmony. The significance of this work lies in using its results in the study of irony, especially in the literary text as a discursive space in modern linguistic paradigm in cognitive pragmatic aspect.

    pdf 63-68.pdf  (286 Kb)

  • Kopot L.V., Shevatlokhova E.D.
    Communicative failure as a result of violation of an ethical standard in language of newspaper headings

    In the center of attention is the transformed expressional newspaper headings created with violation of ethical standards. As a result of research, incorrect examples of language game in texts of modern mass media are revealed and analyzed. Scientific interest in studying newspaper heading doesn’t weaken at all. It is caused by the fact that emergence of examples of language game is a continuous process which demands continuous studying. New publicistic texts need the versatile description that, certainly, characterizes them as scientifically promising object since there is an expansion of semantic structure of the available words, development of new meanings and formation of polysemanticism. Formation of new, expanded or narrowed, units is caused by objective reality and occurs under influence of intralinguistic and extralinguistic factors. The practical importance of this paper consists in formation of an elite information field of the Russian mass media and moral culture of younger generation. We used the supervision method allowing finding the speech facts which have appeared in periodicals, the method of system research including the synchronous analysis of collected material, and the comparison method giving a chance to establish similarity and distinction of objects and phenomena of reality. The conclusion is drawn about the increasing substandard «game» tendency promoting emergence of the communicative failures of the journalist in a pursuit of an unusual form, an expression, and grotesque which finally are negatively influencing the addressee.

    pdf 69-72.pdf  (292 Kb)

  • Kopylova Yu.V.
    Discourse-forming factors of professional activity of journalists-analysts

    This paper describes a system of the factors providing formation of a sports analytical media discourse to explore the process of speech activity of sports journalists and its products – media texts. Methods of discourse–analysis and of the cognitive, intentsional and stylistic analysis were used to define the discourse-forming parameters characterizing the above-named object of research: the category of mass media, the category of the author-analyst, and the intension of conviction which is implemented through interpretation of reality and its assessment, as well as the sports subject corresponding to analytical genres of mass media. The data obtained as a result of research of media discourse space within which the media texts reflecting specifics of professional speech activity of sports journalists-analysts are produced, will promote further studying the discourse-forming and discourse-differentiating parameters of institutional types of a discourse. Results of research can be used in development of the relevant directions of domestic and foreign linguistics at the beginning of the 21st century - media stylistics, media linguistics and discoursology. The obtained data can be of interest to the communicatively focused linguistics in general which has put forward in the center of attention of researchers the problems, devoted to studying speech activity and its products – media texts.

    pdf 73-77.pdf  (297 Kb)

  • Kuyek F.A., Khabekirova Z.S.
    Specific features of the language of mass communication

    The paper identifies and analyzes the language as a way of forming linguocultural space in the mass media, as well as affecting the entire structure of human thinking, the style of perception of the world, and the type of culture today. The data obtained in the framework of this scientific research based on the study of numerous domestic and foreign authoritative sources and peer-reviewed periodicals devoted to the problems of the language affecting the human being as a direct participant of the mass media contribute to the enrichment and further development of the language itself. The results of this research have theoretical significance, which consists in the elaboration of the system of linguistic phenomena of linguocultural space and the ability to understand the use of language as a way to influence the psycho-emotional perception of information in the mass media. The practical significance of the results of this study lies in the possibility of using the identified language features for creating a single information space by using the mass media information. This information space is formed when the mass media help members of the society to communicate and interact with each other to participate in various kinds of social activity.

    pdf 78-82.pdf  (296 Kb)

  • Kuznetsova T. I., Kuznetsov I. A.
    Question-answering dialogue, linguistic form and communicative content

    The linguistic form and communicative content of the question-answering dialogue has been considered in the article involved. The authors emphasize that the teaching should primarily be based on the students’ ability to deal with the communication situation itself as well as on their task success in solving communication problems arising in learning foreign languages. As it has been emphasized in the article a person does not speak for speaking itself but for solving the out-of-speech problem resulted from the aim of communicating itself. The most important thing in the process is the ability to get the necessary information and, at the same time, to give some information to the interlocutor in return. The criterion of search and data mining in terms of linguistics primarily related to the ability of asking and answering quite various questions plays the most important part in that respect. The classifications of question-answering situations represented in the article involved do not claim to be exhaustive at all. However they can be quite interesting because of allowing us to go beyond the scope of aiming at linguistic form and drilling linguistic structures, it traditionally has been prior in teaching a foreign language. Besides, it allows involving psycholinguistic aspect of speech origination mainly based on communicative intentions. They are that activate the dialogue communication engine. Keywords: question-answering dialogue, linguistic form, communicative content, classifications of question-answering situations.

    pdf 83-91.pdf  (325 Kb)

  • Maygur (Dikun, Dorofeeva) N.V., Kupavskaya A.A.
    Conceptual field «chastity»: reconstruction of a denotative layer on the basis of a synonymic row

    The present work is performed within the teolinguistic and anthropocosmocentric paradigms and is aimed at exploring the spiritual sphere of the person. The conceptual structure of the moral and religious concept «chastity» acts as the object of research. The purpose of the paper is to study the semantic content of a synonymic row with a dominant «chastity» and its implementation as a part of speech. The method of the field used by the authors has allowed gaining a system impression of lexical units of the corresponding general semantic space. This work develops basic provisions of a teolinguistics, a lingual culturology and the theory of the field in relation to the concept «chastity» both in Russian and in the European languages. The authors consider the studied concept as two-layer structure, allocating a denotative and derivative metaphorical layer, having concentrated the main attention on the first of them. As a result of research of the corresponding synonymic row, reconstruction of nine sectors formed by language units which reflect various aspects of core concept is made. The carried-out analysis confirms multiple associative symbolical communications that opens broad prospects for their further lingual culturologic interpretation. Results of research can be used for drawing up the dictionary of religious and moral terms.

    pdf 92-98.pdf  (317 Kb)

  • Ostrovskaya T.A., Khachmafova Z.R.
    The main directions of research of a discourse in modern linguistics

    Various approaches to research of a phenomenon of a discourse presented in domestic and foreign linguistic science are analyzed. Research of a discourse in general and a sociocultural discourse in particular is in focus of attention of domestic and foreign linguistic science because the science about language closely interacts with other, allied fields of knowledge – sociology, philosophy, psychology and cultural science. Disciplinary semantics and semantics of interdisciplinarity in the discoursive researches make the general action field. An opinion is stated in detail of concept of a discourse which is the way to see the world fixed in language and to regulate reality implemented in various discoursive and social practices. Modernization is carried out of the interpretative approach to consider the concept «discourse». The theoretical importance lies in deepening the theory of a discourse and in further development of the theory of language. The practical value of the stated material consists in a possibility of its application in higher school lecture courses on the theory of language, linguistics of the text and theory of a discourse.

    pdf 99-105.pdf  (309 Kb)

  • Rozmakhov M.Yu.
    The main lines of modern Korean in the light of the theory of alternativeness

    Research is conducted of features of alternativeness in homogeneous mononational language where modern Korean is presented in the Republic of Korea and Democratic People’s Republic of Korea as two components of the Korean literary language. Reliability of results of research is provided with methods of the comparative analysis of parallel identical texts, the lexicographic analysis of sources, and the contextual analysis of material of original works. Relevance is mainly that the language of the Korean peninsula is of special interest for further development of the theory of national language and studying alternativeness in ethnic language both in respect of synchronism, and in a diachrony. Unlike language situations when several nations use single in structure language as the state and national one, in a case with the Korean literary language the principle «one language - one nation» is realized. It is possible to believe that currently the modern literary language in Korea is implemented and functions in the form of two separate variants – northern and southern. Both variants have the maximum volume of functions and possess the codified norms. The practical and scientific importance is that materials and conclusions of research can be used to draw up the educational and lexicographic manuals devoted to the description of features of relationship between the literary language and its variants. Further development of the theory of national language as shown by modern Korean will become a certain contribution to comparative and typological linguistics, and to a technique of teaching Korean.

    pdf 106-110.pdf  (351 Kb)

  • Rubtsov I.N.
    Peculiarities of relationship representation in the lexical system of African-American social ethnic dialect

    At the present stage of society development, intercultural communication is of great importance. This creates a need to study not only national languages, but also their constituent ethnic, regional and social dialects. This article investigates the peculiarities of representation of relationship in the lexical system of African-American social ethnic dialect. The aim of the article is to describe the semantic features of the elements making up the lexical semantic group “Nomination of individuals according to the relationships within a family and with other persons”. The lexemes constituting the mentioned group are united with integral seme «relationship». The practical and scientific significance of the article consists in the fact that the designed approach enables a more detailed study of the lexical semantic level of African-American social ethnic dialects, and the obtained results can be used in intercultural communication courses as well as in teaching English. To analyze the linguistic data the following methods are used: descriptive, field, definitional, and component analysis, as well as quantitative methods. We can conclude that the lexical semantic group “Nomination of individuals according to the relationships within a family and with other persons” is represented by three subclasses: friendship, family relationships, and love relationships. Persons who are on friendly terms are nominated to a greater extent. The results of the research make a contribution to the cultural linguistics, cognitive linguistics, and sociolinguistics.

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  • Sokur E.A., Shevatlokhova E.D.
    Features of implementation of a strategy to create an image of the enemy in the texts which are under consideration when carrying out linguistic examination of extremist cases

    The paper deals with the features of implementation of communicative strategy to create an image of the enemy in texts of an extremist orientation. Materials of research are the texts submitted for linguistic examination on extremism cases. The authors show the ways and possibilities of creation of an image of the enemy by means of strategis the aim of which is impact on the recipient up to transformation of reader’s model in the desirable direction. The method of a scientific observation with the discoursive analysis and the analysis of speech behavior are used. The scientific and practical importance and relevance of work are defined by considerable number of the texts of an extremist orientation submitted for linguistic examination. The undertaken analysis of features of implementation of the strategy and tactics related to creation of an image of the enemy makes a certain contribution to the theory and practice of linguistic examination and sociolinguistics. As a result it is established that communicative tactics is represented as set of practical ways to implement communicative intention in real process of speech interaction. In particular, the strategy of creation of an image of the enemy is realized by means of implementation of tactics, namely: the negative nomination, active use of metaphors of slavery and a colonialism, and creation of a circle of «strangers» by means of realization in the text of semantic opposition «own» - «stranger». The presented ways of the nomination of the enemy in extremist texts are effective means of generation of racial, national or religious discord.

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  • Tikhonova A.P.
    Problems of gender and number in the Hattian and Abkhaz-Adyghe languages

    This study is an attempt to prove the genetic relationship of the Hattian and the Abkhaz-Adyghe languages. The objective of the study is the comparison of Hattian and Abkhaz-Adyghe ways and means of expressing gender and number. Thereby we proceed from the premise that in order to establish the relationship of two or more languages (ancient as well as modern) it is possible to compare not only words but the root lexical morphemes given the pace of renovation of the basic vocabulary, as well as structural and phonological and grammatical differences in related languages, depending on the external and internal factors of the evolution of language. When selecting words for comparison we take into account legitimate sound correspondences of vowels and also consonants in the Abkhaz-Adyghe languages: voiced – voiceless, palatal – hard, etc. Hattian words or parts of words and their Abkhaz-Adyghe conformity are considered related if their graphic writing and the value taken from a Hattian bilingual match. At concurrence of writing and no transfer value a Hattian word or its components were restored through Abkhaz-Adyghe languages. Hattian words are given in Latin, their Abkhaz-Adyghe match – in the Cyrillic alphabet. The materials of the study were bilingual texts contained in the works of E. Forrer, A. Kammenhuber and G.S Shuster. The analysis of ways and means of expressing gender and number in the Hattian language and Abkhaz-Adyghe matches has confirmed the relationship of these languages on the morphological and word-formative level. The results may be used to create the history of the Abkhaz-Adyghe languages.

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  • Tlekhatuk S.R.
    The scientific worldview as a gnosiological basis of domain knowledge

    The paper examines the scientific worldview in the aspect of its relationship with the subject area, describes its most important properties and functions and outlines the conceptual and semiotic features of formation of scientific worldview. The main purpose of the work can be defined as the identification of the relationship between scientific and the economic worldview, and the interaction and mutual penetration of these two concepts. Practical and scientific significance of the work is determined by observation of different theoretical points of view on this phenomena, and by definition of scientific and economic worldview, and through it we can underline the relevance of the chosen topic. Different methods of linguistic analysis are used: observation, description, differentiation, and the contextual method. The author presents the conclusion about peculiarities of usage, perception and definitions of scientific and economic worldview as concepts. The sources of the study were points of view on the subject under discussion of various linguists, philologists and other researchers. In turn, this contributes to a comparative and topological research in general. It is established that the concept of the scientific worldview is defined as a special form of knowledge systematization and knowledge evolution. The study of this aspect can help in consideration of more specific concepts, such as economic picture of the world.

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  • Tuova R.Kh.
    Genre strategies of a detective discourse as precedent markers in B. Akunin’s novels about Erast Fandorin

    The goal of this work is to explore the genre strategies of a detective discourse realized in B. Akunin’s novels about Erast Fandorin. The methodology of research is based on synthesis of cognitive and lingual culturological approaches that allows revealing case nature of the studied strategies. The author of this work specifies that genre strategies of a detective discourse are characterized by a number of the functions determined by absence / availability of game modification of various components of genre strategies. In the first case their invariance allows creation of associative communications at implementation of literary text interpretation, in the second, the change in their cognitive and semantic structure causes activization of cognitive activity and specifies lingual cultural identification of the recipient. Identification and the description of genre strategies as markers of precedents allow us to claim that the cognitive pragmatical potential of the detective in creativity of B. Akunin undergoes certain quality changes. The reader is concentrated not only on development of a plot of the detective, but also on specifics of realization of the literary «masks» of the author necessary for him in specific texts and in the sphere of the laws of literary process, individual style of the specific writer and style markers of a historical and cultural era created on the basis of professional knowledge of B. Akunin. The importance of this work lies in using its results in studying the literary text in a modern linguistic paradigm in cognitive, pragmatical and linguocultural aspects.

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  • Eldarova R.A.
    Paradigm of cognitive structures of «person - nature» linguocultural space

    The paper reveals and analyzes the tendencies in interpretation of language and speech phenomena in «person - nature» linguocultural space from the point of view of an anthropocentric paradigm of modern linguistics. The data obtained within the presented scientific research are based on studying the domestic authoritative sources devoted to formation of «person - nature» linguocultural space. They promote determination of laws in the description of the word images of the natural phenomena and images of the inner life of the person in their stereotypic and individual associative relations fixed by specific lingual culture. Conclusions of this scientific research promote systematization of the analysis of the complete world of the studied space characterized by interrelation of the person and the nature as the cultural values demonstrating also the importance for the national literature and language of ethnos. Results of research can be used in studying linguoculturally marked conceptual rows, semantic fields and concepts which are produced as a result of the description of the inner life of the person which is carried out in each national literature in compliance with the developed traditions and individual author’s world vision. In general, the obtained data can be of special interest in the analysis of linguocultural space of the literary texts represented by author bilinguals in Russian since they find mutual «imposing» of a national picture of the world and the Russian language picture of the world.

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    Literary Criticism
  • Ankudinov K.N.
    Metaphysical plot of the ballad in modern neo-romantic poetry

    Transformation of a subject component in the ballad genre typical of romantic poetry is analyzed. «The new romanticism» reinterprets a ballad genre, making essential changes in character of a plot of the ballad. If the plot of the traditional romantic ballad is specific, then the neo-romantic ballad often is built on a metaphysical plot for which the nonconventional, «multilayered» chronotope is characteristic. Action of such a ballad proceeds in various spatial-temporal points, and the plot of the ballad text can be connected with interactions of these points and their inhabitants. Character of a plot of the neo-romantic ballad is considered using an example of the poem of the young Maykop poet Evgeny Lyubitsky «Fall of Demetra». In this poem the plot is dynamically developed in different chronotopes at the same time. Complexity of research is connected with changes in methodology of studying romantic texts. The orthodox philology limited romanticism to a specific historical framework. The author develops methodology of the «romanticism without coast» generated by timeless romantic outlook. Basic feature of romantic outlook is the conflict between two concepts – «Me» and «Not Me». In the traditional romantic ballad this conflict was embodied in specific realities, in ballad heroes and their deeds. In the neo-romantic ballad, it is difficult to reveal the romantic conflict between «Me» and “Not Me”, which is manifested in interactions of the characters and processes staying in various spatial-temporal points and representing different modes, including not always identical in «reality-virtuality». Research of these aspects of the conflict in neo-romantic poetry has the practical importance both at direct studying modern poetry, and in the scientific methodical sphere. Author’s practices can be used in drawing up textbooks and manuals.

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  • Ashinova Yu.A. (Yakhutl), Sosnovsky V.T.
    On features of new, revolutionary model of enlightenment in the Adyghe literature of the 1920 – 1930s.

    Lines of new model of enlightenment in the Adyghe literature of post-revolutionary decades are considered. The formation of new type of the hero educator connecting cultural and educational work with revolutionary construction is investigated. The publication reveals the art features of creativity of T. Kerashev, M. Paranuk, I. Tsey, B. Koble, A. Evtykh, etc., who experienced influence of a revolutionary change, on the one hand, and enlightenment esthetics, on the another. The comparative and typological method, used by the author, promotes definition of literary communications and complex consideration of literary process. The description of a new image of the hero educator and detection of lines of enlightenment in art of the word of 1920-1930s helps us to reveal the new tendencies in development of art - esthetic process. It is inferred that a qualitatively new enlightenment type is formed in the Adyghe literature of post-revolutionary decades.

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  • Burnusova A.P., Sosnovsky V.T.
    Cosmopolitism and national heroic idea in a historical-literary context

    Today the theory of global reconstruction has fluttered out on pages of our literary press. According to this theory, borders of the national allegedly were already erased and more universal and large-scale concepts, completely canceling category of national distinction have to take the place of national identity. This research has the goal to prove that cosmopolitism and universal values are not equal to each other and that any person inevitably stays in captivity of national idea, or otherwise – his feelings. This feeling, the perception of the world united often by concept of mentality is formed by natural existence from the birth in a certain national environment and, as a result, is reflected in art creativity. Two theories of development of the nations are considered by means of a comparative-historical method. Insolvency is emphasized of the cosmopolitan theory of development of national literatures which leads to dismissal from national traditions, from national consciousness and from national roots. Cosmopolitism is spatially wider than the national, but it is deprived of specific, vital contents. This concept is social, public. National heroic idea as idea of art is the concept which is not studied yet, despite the ineradicable presence at literature and art. It is inferred that «the national idea» plays in many respects the predetermining role in art creativity that is important in studying works of writers of the people of the Caucasus and in the analysis of their works.

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  • Kapets O.V., Kapets V.P., Panesh S.R.
    Traditions and innovation during the era of Modern times (as shown by material of works of I.S. Turgenev and I.A Bunin)

    Subjects, images and plots in I.S. Turgenev and I.A. Bunin’s creativity are considered. Object of research includes works of these writers of different years. The goal of this paper is to reveal traditions and innovation in the Russian literature of the era of Modernity taking an example of I.S. Turgenev and I.A. Bunin’s creativity. The historical typological method is used. Much attention is paid to the principles of realism traced in compositions of the called authors. In it we see relevance of this research helping to comprehend an originality of realistic works of the second half of the 19th century and a turn of the 19th-20th centuries. Such an analysis of works of writers makes a certain contribution to comparative – typological literary criticism. The conclusion is drawn about repeatability and transformation of subjects, images and plots in literature of Modern times, which is supported by material of compositions of I.S. Turgenev and I.A. Bunin.

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  • Mamiy R.G., Chankayeva T.À.
    From the analysis to historical generalization

    Questions of critical and literary activity of the famous scientist A.A. Skhalyakho are considered. The task is set to reflect formation of esthetic views, development of methodology and different stages of activity of the scientist. The purpose, thus, is to investigate the creativity of the famous figure of literature and to present his finished creative portrait. Features of formation of research skill of A. Skhalyakho, his movement from a descriptive manner to analytical style and theoretical generalization are revealed. Such major line of creativity is established as aspiration to enter various creative specialists into national literature and to unite it in a single art and esthetic process. On the basis of comparative-historical and comparative-typological methods of research the author comes to a conclusion that creative activity of A.A. Skhalyakho promotes reflection of features of formation and development of national traits of the Adyghe literatures considered in the context of domestic art of the word.

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  • Naptsok B.R.
    Specific features of a chronotope in the «Gothic» fairy tale of W. Beckford «Vathek»

    Specific features of a chronotope in «Gothic» work of W. Beckford are considered. The model of space and time, the mechanism of interaction of key «Gothic» toposes and art time, relationship of spatial-temporal levels and an image of the main character are analyzed. Methods of historic-literary, textual, and culturological research of literary works are used. The scientific and practical importance and relevance of work are defined by low-study of a chronotope in the «Gothic» text. Main are conclusions that the chronotope in the «Gothic» fairy tale is that art basis which has defined unity of work and synthesized in itself three of his universals – an image of the person, time and space. The art space is concentrated around the image of the «Gothic» hero and is presented by three vertical levels: «top» is the world of the Sky, divine life, «middle» is the terrestrial world, and «bottom» is the underground (hell) world. «Gothic» topos is connected with art space at the actual, perceptual and conceptual levels.

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  • Panesh U.M., Siyukhov S.N.
    Features of the conflict in the dilogy of A. Evtykh «Street throughout its length», «A door is wide open» and the solution of a problem of identification of the self-sufficient personality

    The paper examines the features of the conflict and the concepts of character in A. Evtykh’s dilogy «Street throughout its length» and «A door is wide open». We show the evolution of the conflict in creativity of various writers of the 1960 – 1970s and analyze problems of identification of the personality and arrangement of characters in the mentioned novels. Also we shed light on the structural and style features of the genre determined by conflict strengthening, by deepening of art problematical character, and by the solution of hot topics: the person and the surrounding society, the hero and national values, the personality and family lifestyle. The lines of a new hallmark caused by ideological and esthetic searches of time are defined: the movement to multifaceted character, to the ambivalent personality, and to composite style of a statement. Conclusions are drawn about image system of the writer which reflects art searches of domestic literature of the 1960 – 1970s.

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  • Panesh U.M., Chankayeva T.À.
    T. Kerashev’s story «Arc» in the context of ideological and art searches of the Adyghe literatures of the 1920 – 1930s

    The paper examines the story «Arc» of T. Kerashev in the context of ideological and esthetic searches of the Adyghe literatures of the 1920 – 1930s. An analysis is undertaken to disclose the art lines of prose and poetry of masters of the word in the era of a revolutionary divide – I. Tsey, I. Ashkan, A. Shogentsukov, Kh. Teunov, T. Borukaev, Kh. Abukov, M. Dyshekov, etc. The publication shows the role and place of T. Kerashev in development of the new art concept of the personality, and describes the genre, structural and style features of the story «Arc». The problems and an originality of a solution of the problem of character in small prose of the Adyghe literatures of the 1920s are defined. Similar in character ideological and esthetic searches of writers of modern times are formulated. The ideological and art specifics of the story «Arc» by T. Kerashev related to the development of the principles of an esthetics of revolutionary realism are designated. Conclusions are drawn about importance of the analyzed work in formation of traditions of art of modern times.

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  • Paranuk K.N., Shazzo Sh.E.
    Features of art structure of the North Caucasian modern novel myth

    Art features of the North Caucasian modern novel myth are investigated. The goal of work is to reveal impact of a mythic poetics on art structure of the novel myth. The following problems are solved for this: detection of art features of a mythologism of novels myths of N. Dzhusoyta, M. Bulkata, Kh.Beshtokov, Yu.Chuyako, N. Kuyek, and D. Koshubaev; the analysis of an image building and modeling of world of the considered novels; and research of specifics of a mythic poetic chronotope. To study a problem of a neomythologism in the North Caucasian novel, we use the principles of comparative and typological, structural and semiotic approaches. The mythic poetic model of the world with its tripartite structure (the top, middle and lower worlds) is the cornerstone of the modeling of world of the considered novels. Existence in novels myths of the composite art structure, forming the mythic poetic chronotopes, is stated. The theoretical importance of this work lies in determination of genre features of the North Caucasian modern novel myth and specific components of this genre modification. The practical importance is related to a possibility of its application in practice of higher school teaching, in special courses on history of North Caucasian literature, and on a genre of the North Caucasian novel myth.

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  • Stepanova T.M., Kandor S.A.
    Philosophical ontological bases of the concept of the nature in prose of S. Khan-Girey

    The paper deals with the features of the attitude of the classic of the Adyghe (Circassian) literature, the founder of national enlightenment Sultan Khan Girey to the nature reflected in his literary texts as the most important part of his world vision and world outlook. We put the goal to analyze the methods that were used by the writer to disclose his system of ideas of the world uniting both the ethnic mental views of the nature and views which have already developed by this period in the Russian and European philosophical, literary and esthetic system. The latter is connected, first of all, with the concept of Education and romanticism, reflecting also the global processes associated with the nature - civilization dichotomy. The concept of the nature is realized through two main complementary approaches - a way of development of these problems: on the one hand – scientific, rational, and on the other – art, emotional, figurative. The attention of the writer to the nature is estimated as the most important factor of formation of both the individual human person and people in general, its way of life and mentality and creative art potential. An analysis is made of the features of semantics of the use of the concept «nature», which is found in his literary texts more than three tens times, as well as the variety of functions of motives and images of the nature in the art world of the writer. Besides, the extra subject elements of the text are estimated as an important source of data on the author’s concept of the nature. The conclusion is drawn about relevance of this work in terms of the analysis of objective balance of the nature and the person as two complementary phenomena and factors for system of outlook of the writer, functioning of the concept «nature» in literary prose in the context of system of value, axiological structure of the art world of his works.

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  • Khuako F.N.
    Historical character in the Adyghe prose of last and new centuries

    The paper examines the historical component of the modern layer of the Adyghe literature. An attempt is undertaken to make a possible classification of modern historicism in the Adyghe literature. It works well already in initial paragraphs of the paper - several points of the classification made by the author and their interpretation are available. Such an analysis is necessary to prepare the ground to access previously unstudied texts constituting the layer of the Adyghe modern prose. Making an analysis of chronicle category for two last centuries, historic facts are mentioned in relation to development of civilizations (Russian, Adyghe) in the multinational Russian Federation. Examination is made by using historical comparison and description concerning historicism in specific texts: Alexander Nazhzhar living abroad, and Asfar Kuyek and Inal Chatao, living in Russia (Republic of Adyghea), being the Adyghe writers, concern a military component in their works. Such comparison and parallel correlation cover a considerable number of previously hidden facets of these phenomena. Having addressed their texts, the author comes to a conclusion about the activity of this subject today in the Adyghe literature.

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  • Sokolova A.N.
    Folklore and post-folklore in practice of a modern life of the Adyghe shychepschyn (stringed chordophone)

    The Adyghe traditional musical instrument shychepschyn is considered as object of the past and present, traditional and modern cultures. The paper shows the post-folklore characteristics of the shychepschyn which include conditions of revival of the instrument (the city, the regional centers, on the basis of educational institutions, clubs, and public associations). Gadgets and widgets, and various technical sound carriers remain the main channels of mastering the instrument. The contact way of training «from hands» passes into the background. Using methods of the involved observation, and having carried out the analysis of the big case of shychepschyns (more than sixty), the author distinguishes four classes of instruments on the basis of their external qualities. Shychepschyns can be decorated with the use of anthropomorphous, zoomorphous, abstract and specific subject (symbolical) motives. Two elements of a chordophone – a head and F-holes – are most adapted and relevant to the embodiment of design imaginations of master manufacturers. In conclusions the author emphasizes the post-folklore essence of the revived shychepschyn, its orientation to ethnic identity and marking. Development of the instrument and performance on it is predicted in the folkloristic and academic directions and estimated as more productive and promising. There is every reason to predict revival of traditional performance on the shychepschyn through channels of professional performance and system of folklore education in institutions of culture and arts. A possibility of using factual material of paper in training courses on the Adyghe artistic culture and an assessment of performance fortune on the shychepschyn in Adyghea make the practical value of research. The cognitive component of the offered material can become the basis for carrying out the comparative analysis of performance on stringed chordophones in an area of the North Caucasus.

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  • Beshukova F. B.
    Communication problem in the modern postmodernist text

    The goal of this work is to explore features of literal implementation of one of the most important problems of modern society – a problem of interpersonal communication. Here we analyze the modern postmodernist text in terms of the theory of the text. The basic thesis of research about need to use an interdisciplinary approach to the analysis of a problem of communication is based on works of modern domestic and foreign scientists in the field of the theory of the text, linguistics, psycholinguistics, etc. Objectives of this work are formulated according to relevance of a problem of communication and center around identification of text illustrations to show communicative failures of characters of the modern postmodernist text. The methodology of research is based on the theory of a postmodernism, on communicative pragmatic approach to the analysis of the text and on interdisciplinary researches of the laws of communication process. Fragments of the novel «The soulless. The story about the bad person» by S. Minaev, being representative in the context of the studied problem, are used as illustrative text material. As a result, an undoubted relationship between pragmatics of the text and its communicative component is identified. Also it is established that the problem of interpersonal communication becomes one of topical problematic issues of modern fiction.

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  • Novak M.V.
    Group portrait of reader’s audience of the orthodox press of the Russian emigration in the USA in the 19th-20th centuries

    The aim of this work is to make an analytical research of history of the orthodox and orthodox focused press of the Russian emigration in the USA in the context of specifics of its audience. This research is implemented against a background of the comparative-historical description of a typological picture of printing editions of Russian Orthodox Church in America. Their features related to target attitudes and classroom factor are analyzed. Objectives of work are focused on identification of all typological components of church editions against a background of an overall picture of activity of Russian Orthodox Church of America. Special attention is paid to a classroom factor. Within comparison and by using the general and special scientific techniques, in particular, the comparative typological method, the content analysis, and the sociohistorical approach, the leading tendencies in editorial policy of various editions of the Russian emigration are identified, including the Carpathian-Russian press caused generally by their religious and political orientation. Special territorial and hierarchical principle of creation of printing system of the confessional press caused by a territorial factor and by the place of the publishing organization in church hierarchy is revealed. The conclusion is drawn that the studied editions are in compliance with the main classroom groups of readers which have historically developed in the Russian diaspora.

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  • Shishkhova N.M.
    The Vpered! newspaper as new type of the uncensored edition

    Typological features of the Vpered! populist newspaper under P.L. Lavrov’s editorship as illegal periodical are analyzed and commented. On the basis of studying its two-year numerous numbers, features of views of publishers on the press functioning, the fundamental principles of formation of departments and original correspondence, and the systematization of basic tendencies in materials from the Western European social and political life, the author shows the role and influence of the newspaper in formation of public opinion in Russia. Results of this scientific research have the theoretical importance for historians of the Russian press and scientists who are interested in a sociohistorical situation in Russia during the second half of the 19th century and in problems of modern mass media. Materials on the newspaper can be useful in various areas for theorists and historians of Russian and foreign literature, and a number of publications in this sphere is of esthetic, artistic and scientific interest. Of practical importance are basic provisions of P.L. Lavrov’s reflections on specifics of his newspaper where he has accurately formulated an essential difference which was between the uncensored emigrant press and the legal press, underlining considerable advantages of the last. This has allowed him to disclose peculiar typical features of the periodic uncensored press. In his opinion it has to consider what is complementary to «legal» and does not serve as its substitute at all. This was how he has explained a limited circle of the questions which are in the center of attention of his newspaper. Thus, some problems have inevitably to be left in the basket of the illegal foreign press. Restriction of subjects is inferred as a typological line of the foreign press.

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    Study of Arts
  • Voitleva N.A., Luganskaya G.B., Lysenko A.V.
    Implementation of a national and regional component in musical educational space of the Republic of Adyghea

    The paper deals with the problem related to education regionalization. Revival of culture by means of educational systems takes on the greater significance in formation of the personality of the contemporary person seeking to keep originality, and uniqueness of the culture, which is relevant. The goal of this study is to analyze experience in realizing a national and regional component in musical educational space of the Adyghea Republic. The theoretical and practical importance of this work lies in studying and synthesis of the saved-up experience of institutions of the education and culture in the Republic of Adyghea. These data make it possible to define strategic and tactical tasks which need to be solved within the specified problem. The short review of works of composers from Adyghea and Kuban gives an idea of importance of their music in cultural and educational activity of the region. Education on the basis of regional musical material promotes spiritual moral development of pupils, as well as the development of their musical culture and love to the native land through studying cultural traditions and expansion of a musical outlook and performing culture. The address to this subject opens prospects for further studying and adaptation in musical educational space of the instrumental music created on a folklore basis.

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  • Vybyvanets E.V.
    «Pierrot Lunaire» by A. Schoenberg through the prism of artistic tradition

    In this paper, the most famous opus “Pierrot Lunaire” of A. Schoenberg is defined as being based on traditions of the past and appealing to the historical thinking of recipient. The following groups of texts are used to support this idea: those by P.I. Tchaikovsky, of German romantic literature and music, as well as the texts, which possess the same stylistic features found in the later works of composer. The main purpose of establishing these intertextual relations is to seek out and identify hidden sources of the work’s idea, deep layers of figurative content, and the author’s intention, which intertwines with artistic traditions of the past and the future development of the European music. The following methods are used: textual study of musical and poetic works in sheet music or graphical and musical or sound forms of existence; intertextual analysis; some particular techniques of historical-aesthetic, stylistic, comparative cultural and typological analysis, and comparisons of different kinds of art (music and literature).The scientific importance and relevance of this work are defined by its innovative character, which is connected with acquiring new information about Schoenberg’s masterpiece, which points to the direct influence of traditions on Schoenberg despite his denial. The practical significance is proven by the fact, that despite the complicated nature of Schoenberg’s music, it is aimed at the listener, because first the listener perceives the familiar parts (intertextual additions), which then lead him to the perception of new and unfamiliar, thus creating new meanings.

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  • Kazakova N.Yu.
    Basic principles of the development of characters’ visuals, in-game behavior and customization within game design

    The present paper reveals, structures and analyzes the main stages of character development from the standpoint of the selection of artistic expressive means and various technological limitations imposed by the digital environment, in which a game project exists, as well as characteristic features, conditioned by a certain visual style of a project. The data, obtained as a result of studying numerous Russian and foreign well-established sources and peer-reviewed periodicals devoted to various aspects of game design, ludology and digital technologies, make it possible to specify the regularities underlying the principles of character development based on their in-game behavior, visuals and psychological types, as well as to correlate these parameters to the user’s perception of various types of characters and their customization. The findings of the present study have theoretical importance based on the attempt to systematize artistic expressive means used in the process of character development, that are able to increase the level of empathy perceived by a user towards a character and the aesthetic value of the project on the whole. The practical importance of the procured data lies in the possibility to use the present best practices for optimization and maximum simplification of the artistic means selection during the stage of visuals development.

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  • Mozgot S.A.
    Phenomenon of public space in music: concept «We»

    This research paper deals with various models of reflection of public space in music of the 19-20th centuries and aims at revealing the contents and means of musical expressiveness of a concept «We». This research was conducted using the method of the musicological analysis, method of a hermeneutics and comparative method. Anthems of the different countries intended for public space and large-scale performing forces – choral and orchestral performance, are used as an example to show the distinction in organization of meanings and musical material within one symbol of musical unity. Also this paper explores the mechanism of emergence of complementary musical contexts and meanings of anthems from folklore and religious background up to real musical practice and socially caused factors. It is proved that the anthem acts as the musical symbol stereotype expressing the collective unconscious, providing virtual integrity of the people, both during historical evolution, and in spatial-temporal «breaks» – migratory processes, wars and other global transformations. It is inferred that modeling of public space of the anthem in music comes taking into account all stages of its evolution – from religious, lyrical to civic-minded and patriotic anthems that is expressed by the choice of certain means of musical expressiveness.

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  • Nekhay T.R., Khvatova S.I.
    On genre parallelism of glorifying songs in the Adyghe and Russian traditions

    The comparative analysis is made of the glorifying songs in the Adyghe and Russian oral tradition. The paper is aimed at detection of typological similarity of musical poetics of related genres. Special attention is paid to a ceremonial context of the existence of genres, similarity of the place, procedural actions, mission, and signs of magic of similarity. The authors propose a new approach to studying ethnic cultures of the people living in the common territory – the principle of genre parallelism allowing revealing both similarity, and fundamental differences of genres. Ritual actions and contents of the songs accompanying them are noted to be similar for the folk singing traditions of the Adyghes and Slavs. The method of the comparative intonation analysis is used. The scientific and practical importance and relevance of this study are defined by its innovative character related to introduction to scientific use of the new musical text. The authors define its genre and put the problem of relevance of research of a sacral layer of the Adyghes’ folk singing art. Such an analysis of work makes a certain contribution to an ethnic musicology and, partially, to liturgical musicology. Ways of research of the related genres of folklore connected with the general context of life are designated. The authors come to a conclusion that the community of means of musical expressiveness is predetermined by the identical content of the genre, as well as make a hypothesis that the age of the songs dates back to the period of existence of pantheistical views of the people.

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    Biological Sciences
  • Pogodina S.V.
    Age and adaptive changes in glucocorticoid activity of suprarenal cortex in the body of highly skilled male athletes

    The severity of age-appropriate adaptive features of glucocorticoid activity in an organism of highly skilled athletes is shown in the character of the glucocorticoid response and in the size range of the glucocorticoid response.

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  • Pshukova R.Z., Shaov M.T., Pshikova O.V.
    Remote control of the functions of cardiovascular system with the help of an imprinting technology (“Kardioton”)

    As a result of an analysis of the physiological parameters of the body through noninvasive electrocardiography, electrophysiology and pulse oximetry donor signals of synchronized action were selected. Electroacoustic heart signals “Kardioton” were transferred to recipients, located at great distances. The action of “Kardioton” on physiological indicators of cardiovascular system was analyzed: oxygen saturation, photoplethysmogram and Kerdo vegetative index. Under the influence of this technology there occurs a significant pressure decrease (P<0,05) and normalization of oxygen saturation against a background of regulation of vegetative index of the body in the sympathicotonia, as well as reducing the amplitude of photoplethysmogram. The findings may have practical significance for health care systems, sports and recreational facilities, as well as in the field of bioinformatic technologies. The data obtained confirm the theory of remote control of physiological functions and adaptation of an organism.

    pdf 78-82.pdf  (313 Kb)

  • Vasilyeva V.V., Palieva N.V., Botasheva T.L., Linde V.A., Gudz E.B.
    Features of spectral electroencephalographic characteristics in pregnant women with normal and disturbed metabolism depending on stereoisomerism of the utero-placental complex

    Two hundred and thirty five pregnant women were involved in the spectral analysis of the brain bioelectric activity in the dynamics of gestation with normal and disturbed metabolism. It is established that during pregnancy the qualitatively new intercentral and interhemispheric relations of electrical processes of different areas of the neocortex are formed which are associated with the formation and functioning of a gestational dominant. The left-side EEG activation of temporal-central areas of the brain is a prognostically favorable sign of gestation development, and its lack is typical of pregnant women with various kinds of metabolic disorders.

    pdf 83-91.pdf  (352 Kb)

  • Nagoeva M.A., Shaov M.T., Pshikova O.V., Batyrova F.M., Bizhoeva A.A.
    Change of adaptive capacity and level of sugar in the body under the influence of high altitude impulse hypoxia and “Sfigmoton”

    The adaptation of an organism to natural, industrial and social conditions is a universal phenomenon. Since the baby’s birth its organism suddenly gets in absolutely new conditions and is forced to adapt the activities of all its organs and systems to them. In this regard, this work studies the integrated effect of high-altitude hypoxia and “Sfigmoton” technology whose activities are aimed at improving adaptive capabilities of the organism. The blood pressure is determined by the method of Korotkov and the adaptive capacity is defined according to Baevsky’s formula. Throughout the study the value of adaptive capacity changed in an oscillatory mode, tending to be stabilized compared to the background.

    pdf 92-98.pdf  (395 Kb)

  • Doeva A.N., Gagieva Z.A.
    Assessment of the hemodynamic parameters at wrestlers

    The paper examines new approaches to the assessment of the functional state of the wrestlers. It is established that hemodynamic parameters of wrestlers at rest, after exercise and during the recovery period point to a high level of fitness.

    pdf 99-102.pdf  (294 Kb)

  • Pshikova O.V., Shaov M.T., Sharibova A.Z., Tatarova O.P., Balkarova M.M.
    Dynamics of heart rate and Kerdo index under the influence of “Sfigmoton” imprinting technology and high-altitude short-term hypoxia

    One of the leading problems of modern biology and medicine is the study of the laws of adaptation processes and homeostasis when the body is exposed to various perturbing factors of external environment. These problems are closely related to each other, because the basis of adaptation is a constant interaction of homeostatic and adaptive mechanisms of regulation. And if the first of them transfer the vital functions of the body to a new level of functioning, the latter stabilize the reached condition. Adaptation of the organism to various stimuli of the environment is due to the expenditure of functional reserves, which allow preservation of a vital homeostasis. In this regard, in this study it was decided to establish an effective way of adapting with the help of “Sfigmoton” technology, and high-altitude short-term hypoxia on the cardiovascular system. It is inferred that the action of “Sfigmoton” model and high-altitude impulse hypoxia are of a sta-bilizing nature. Data obtained as a result of experiments can promote further search for new and effective modes of “Sfig-moton” work with the aim of improving the regulatory adaptive mechanisms.

    pdf 103-107.pdf  (325 Kb)

  • Palieva N.V., Botasheva T.L., Linde V.A., Kapustyan E.G., Shubitidze M.G.
    Influence of morphofunctional asymmetries of the “mother-placenta-fetus” system on hemodynamic processes in the utero-placental complex depending on the nature of metabolism in a female organism

    Research of the blood flow in vessels of the utero-placental-fetus complex was conducted in women in the course of trimester I, II and III of pregnancy depending on the nature of metabolism and the location of placenta. It was established that women with metabolic disorders in the course of pregnancy had an increase of SDR values in vessels of the utero-placental-fetus complex as compared with the group of normal metabolism. The increase of SDR values in case of metabolic disorders prevails in women with left-side and ambilateral locations of placenta, since in case of the left-side placental laterality we observe a summation of the anatomically caused hemodynamic deficit of left uterine segments with the endothelial dysfunction in case of metabolic disorders, which contributes to intensification of the spasm of minute vessels of the placenta.

    pdf 108-114.pdf  (326 Kb)

  • Khasanova N.N., Silantyev M.N., Chelyshkova T.V.
    The functional state of nervous system and visual analyzer at students of pedagogical college working on a computer in Informatics classes

    The paper discusses the influence of computers on the functional state of students’ organisms. It has been revealed that the students of college working on a computer show a substandard intellectual performance by the end of occupations; the number of students with the expressed fatigue and an aggravation of symptoms of the visual analyzer increase that testifies to tension of the functional condition of the central nervous system. Dependence of intellectual performance and degree of fatigue at students of college after work on the computer is established.

    pdf 115-120.pdf  (307 Kb)

  • Kazenov E.A.
    Geographical specialities of Russian Internet market

    This paper shows geographical properties of Internet market in Russia. The main categories of products are allocated and devided by segments. The development of regional Internet markets is analyzed. The factors influencing the development of Internet market in Russia are uncovered. Extent of penetration of the Internet in Russia is defined and geographical features of Internet trade are revealed.

    pdf 121-124.pdf  (369 Kb)

  • Shumafov M.M.
    Stabilization of unstable steady states of dynamical systems Part 2. Stationary and nonstationary stabilization, pole assignment

    In this work, the output feedback stabilization and pole assignment problems in the control of linear time-invariant systems are reviewed, and corresponding results are presented along with a literature review. The main results on solving the Brockett’s problem on stabilization of linear controllable systems by nonstationary feedback control are presented. The theorems on low- and high frequency stabilization of linear systems are formulated. In particular, necessary and sufficient conditions for stabilization of unstable steady states of two- and three-dimensional dynamical systems in terms of the system parameters are given. These conditions show that an introduction in the system a nonsta-tionary feedback, in general, extends the possibilities of stabilization by ordinary stationary feedback control. The results delivered can be applicable to the analysis and design of linear control systems, and also to the stability analysis of nonlinear control systems in the neighborhood of unstable equilibrium points.

    pdf 11-33.pdf  (957 Kb)

  • Roytenberg V.Sh.
    On the generation of a periodic trajectory out of a point of intersection of lines of discontinuity of a vector field

    The paper examine piecewise smooth planar vector fields in a neighborhood of singular point on the intersection of their lines of discontinuity. We describe a bifurcation of generation of periodic orbits.

    pdf 34-38.pdf  (385 Kb)

  • Stash A.Kh.
    Properties of the main complete and vector frequencies of rigorous signs of the linear homogeneous third order differential equations

    The paper examines the continuity in terms of the uniform topology of the main complete (vector) frequencies of rigorous changes of signs on a set of the simple homogeneous differential equations of the third order with restricted coefficients. Existence of points in which each of these functionals is not invariant respectively infinitesimal indignations is established.

    pdf 39-47.pdf  (391 Kb)

  • Rustanov A.R., Kharitonova S.V.
    Class R1 NC10 variety

    The paper shows that quite integrable NC10 structure is most precisely cosymplectic. The identity of Riemannian curvature of almost contact metric varieties of NC10 class called the first complementary identity of curvature of NC10 variety has been obtained. On its basis the class of NC10 varieties, the tensor of Riemannian curvature of which meets condition R(ξ , Ô2 Õ)ξ=0 , , is allocated. The paper proves that the allocated class of varieties coincides with a class of most precisely cosymplectic varieties. The local characterization of this class of varieties has been obtained.

    pdf 48-54.pdf  (349 Kb)

  • Ikonnikova E.V.
    On the second theorem of N.N. Bogolyubov-N.M. Krylov on averaging principle for functional differential inclusions of neutral type

    The aim of this paper is to examine the existence of periodic solutions for abstract functional-differential inclusions of neutral type having the standard form for averaging method's problems, where a small positive parameter is contained as a multiplier in the right-hand side of inclusion. The solution of the problem reduces to construction of an integral operator the fixed points of which are solutions of the functional-differential inclusion. This operator is condensing relative special measure of noncompactness that allows us to apply topological degree theory for condensing operators. This result is analog of the classical averaging principle of N.N. Bogolyubov-N.M. Krylov.

    pdf 55-62.pdf  (435 Kb)

  • Stash A.Kh., Ushkho A.D., Esin A.D.
    On discontinuity of younger frequencies of weak signs and hyper roots on a set of the simple homogeneous third order differential equations

    The continuity is studied in terms of the uniform topology of younger complete and vector frequencies of weak signs and hyper roots on a set of the simple homogeneous differential equations of the third order with restricted coefficients. Existence of points in which each of these functionals is not invariant respectively infinitesimal indignations is established.

    pdf 63-69.pdf  (364 Kb)

    Technical Sciences
  • Kizdermishov A.A., Kizdermishova S.Kh.
    The functions carried out by a control and management system to access the fire at socially important objects

    We consider the joint application of management and access control systems and means of fire alarm systems. Recommendations are given on the choice of technical equipment for the access control and management systems.

    pdf 125-130.pdf  (306 Kb)

  • Boltovskiy D.V.
    Analysis of variance of indicators of the educational monitoring at higher school

    An analysis is made of variance of dynamics of outcomes of the first semester on higher mathematics of students of a full-time course of study at Power Institute of Tomsk Polytechnic University. Reviewing is made in system of 3 indicators: EC – outcomes of test entering control on the mathematics; CERT – outcomes of current certification for higher mathematics; EX – outcome of classical examination. Within the limits of a parametrical analysis of variance of repeated measurements, the dynamics of progress at institute level is estimated and the conclusion is drawn on highly significant distinction (a significance level ð<0,0005) between EC and EX, and also between EC and CERT. Thus distinction between EX and CERT is strongly significant (0,0005<ð<0,005). Application of a non-parametric (rank) analysis of variance of Friedman with repeated measurements has confirmed outcomes of a parametrical analysis of variance of repeated measurements. On the basis of an analysis of variance for independent samples, the conclusion is drawn on strongly significant heterogeneity of CERT and on weak-statistically significant heterogeneity (ð≈0.05) of EC and EX on a population of groups. Homogeneous (insignificantly differing) clusters of group averages for each indicator are defined. Non-parametric alternatives of one-way analysis of variance for independent statistical samples (the Kruskal-Wallis criterion and the median test) confirm the conclusion drawn on the basis of F-criterion about a significance level of CERT heterogeneity and soften the importance of EC and EX heterogeneity to weak (0,05<ð<0,10). On the basis of results of educational monitoring, proposals on improvement of quality of students’ progress are formulated. Outcomes of the carried out statistical analysis can be considered within the limits of passing reform of higher education.

    pdf 131-137.pdf  (445 Kb)

    Economics history
  • Gurskaya M.M.
    Genesis of accounting education

    The scientific article presents the results of the book research of Benedetto Cotrugli B. (1458). It was the first book of the double record describing rules of conducting financial accounting using a method. The paper also presents one of its copies of the book of Benedetto Cotrugli which has been added with the abstract dated 1475. It describes in details not only features of conducting financial accounting at that time is also studied, but also allows to study economic and social situation of medieval Europe in general.

    pdf 47-55.pdf  (203 Kb)

  • Kuter M.I., Musaelyan A.M.
    Accounting books of Alberti del Giudice Company: scientists’ alternative views on the system of accounts

    The scientists of the Kuban State University of are making attempts to prove the identity of the algorithm of formation of financial results in different companies of the Middle Ages, as well as the recommendations of the greatest lawyer and trade organizer J.-P. Savary. The available information about the company Alberti is rather poor. The purpose of the first publication of a series devoted to little known companies is to provide alternative views of various domestic and foreign scholars on the system of accounts. The paper shows the limited information in the works of Soviet and Russian scientists, as well as the inaccuracy of allegations F. Melis of the full-scale system of double-entry bookkeeping. The authors suppose to carry out both a detailed study of the Secret book of the main saved company reg-ister (1302—1329) and of other books as early as 1360 in further publications.

    pdf 56-65.pdf  (115 Kb)

  • Kukva E.S.
    Review of materials of the 56th annual conference of Student's Scientific Society of Adyghe State University (Maikop, 2016)

    On April 20, 2016 at the Adyghe State University there was held the 56th annual conference of Students' Scientific Society. The scientific works were presented practically by all students of higher education institution from first-year students to magistrands. Performances of students took place at all faculties and departments of university. A holiday of student's science was held also at the Department of Philosophy and Sociology where three thematic sections: "Sociology", "Philosophy" and "Cultural Science" traditionally worked. Students of Adyghe State University showed a particular interest in philosophical sciences and as result, the greatest number of scientific works was presented on the section "Philosophy". Within several hours students actively discussed social and philosophical problems, topical issues of cultural development and moral education of youth. The majority of the presented works caused true interest not only at students, but also at postgraduate students who noted a high level of research training of speakers. Following the results of work of three sections, the Editorial Board of this journal decided to publish on its pages the extracts from the best works, the authors of which gained Diplomas of the Ist category.

    pdf 152-160.pdf  (281 Kb)

    Cognitive Ecoomy
  • Karanashev A.Kh., Karasheva A.G.
    Cognitive modeling investment climate of Kabardino-Balkarian republic

    The article deals with the cognitive tools investment climate modeling territorial control of the economic system on the example of the Kabardino-Balkarian Republic. The authors present a cognitive map depending on the implemented economic policy with the use of these tools in order to reduce uncertainty in the investment climate regulation as well as identify problems preventing from investment cooperation in the Kabardino-Balkarian Republic. The modeling of the complex economic system of the Kabardino-Balkarian republic is conducted using «IGLA», a decision support system.

    pdf 129-137.pdf  (369 Kb)

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