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  • N.A. Ilyinova
    Imagination and ideal of intelligence in classical science

    The paper deals with the research on internal contradictions in shaping an ideal of informative intelligence in a classical scientific picture of the world of Modern times. Need of allocating an abstraction of the pure conceiving subject and spatial-temporal object of knowledge has led to impossibility of justification of reliability of such knowledge experience. Pure consciousness closed in itself and absolutely opposite geometrized object annihilated possibility of coming in between general and single as basis to establish the law. Settlement of this contradiction proved to be possible only on the way of widening the borders of consciousness due to revaluation of a role and essence of imagination (in Hume’s philosophy).

    pdf 17-23.pdf  (182 Kb)

  • I.G. Paliy, O.A. Kovalenko
    Modernism and Russian national consciousness in the early 20th century

    The paper explores the phenomenon of a modernism and its influence on universal and Russian thought, as well as on spiritual and cultural space of Europe and Russia.

    pdf 24-28.pdf  (161 Kb)

  • I.B. Chernova
    Conceptual foundations to study identity

    The author of this paper compares the existing methods, develops them and justifies the need for a holistic analysis of the sociocultural and psychological factors of identification of personality. The author elaborates the content of "I-factor," "We-factor" and "They-factor" identity, shows their relationship and offers their own forms of identical gradation depending on person, making the identification matrix and representatives of a group as their "own". It is emphasized that at the first identification stage the most important is affective component, then cognitive and connotative. As a result, the author underlines the humanistic value and the need to ensure freedom of identification choice at the state level.

    pdf 29-39.pdf  (266 Kb)

  • M.S. Goryaev
    The Kalmyk steppe of the Astrakhan province in the 1770-1790s (administration system)

    The paper discusses the policy pursued by the Russian State concerning the Kalmyk Khanate in the last third of the 18th century. On the basis of archival materials, the author shows changes in an administration system of the Kalmyk steppe of the Astrakhan province during the declared period. Control made by special figures at the Kalmyk Khan turns into the harmonously developed system of public administration by the Kalmyk steppe: a district police. Thus, the Russian government strengthened its power and influence by increasing the bureaucratic principles in the subject administering. Involvement of the Kalmyk steppe in social, political and economic space of the Russian Empire is noted. This was promoted by such objective factors as geopolitical broadening of borders of the empire and accession of a number of regions of the North Caucasus and part of the Kazakh hordes, development of new capitalist way of life, the beginning of active development of the southeast part of the country and retraction of the Kalmyk steppe of the Astrakhan province in the Russian market. Transformation of the territory of the Kalmyk camps of nomads into the internal region of Russia promoted removal of military tension and led to the termination of Kalmyk military force mobilization.

    pdf 40-45.pdf  (171 Kb)

  • A.A. Samokhin
    Military intervention as factor of the international relations

    The paper is dedicated to problems of military intervention of the USA and NATO countries in affairs of the sovereign states on the basis of materials of Iraq, the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia, Libya and Syria.

    pdf 46-50.pdf  (180 Kb)

  • L.O. Samsonova
    From history of the "Berlin-Brandenburg" Association of the Russian Germans in Germany (the late 20th century - early 21st century)

    The paper discusses the questions related to the concept "late immigrants" (the Russian Germans who moved to Germany since 1950), their integration into the German society, an association of "the Russian Germans" from Berlin, the help to immigrants, cultural and information exchange between the Russian Germans and the German society.

    pdf 51-54.pdf  (145 Kb)

  • N.Kh. Khamaeva, A.D. Elmurzaeva
    Traditional family and ceremonial poetry of Kumyks and preservation of the native language

    The paper deals with the traditional family and ceremonial poetry as one of the means of preservation of the native language in modern time. During the era of the comprehensive globalization, modernization, urbanization and other processes leading to oblivion of the national and cultural, ethnodifferentiating and ethnocultural from life of the people, first of all of native language, the address to family and ceremonial poetry is needed to preserve and develop ethnic communities, which gradually and steadily lose their national and cultural shape.

    pdf 55-60.pdf  (137 Kb)

  • S.Kh. Khotko
    Geopolitical and ethnocultural reasons for involvement of the Northern Black Sea Coast’s population in the Egyptian Mamluk mobilization system

    The paper clears up the major geographical, political and cultural factors which influenced large population involvement in the Egyptian Mamluk mobilization system. In the middle of the 13th century, as a result of the Mongol gain, emergence of the Mamluk Sultanate and sailing the Black Sea basin by Italians, the main actors of large-scale slave traffic were defined. The Horde ruling elite and the Circassian nobility promoted growth of a slave trade. With coming to power in Cairo of group of the Circassian Mamluks, replenishment of Mamluk army became isolated in "the Circassian circle": as the first sellers were the Circassian princes and the last buyers were representatives of Circassian Mamluk ruling layer in Cairo where the leading role often belonged to representatives of the feudal aristocracy of Circassia.

    pdf 61-67.pdf  (165 Kb)

  • A.N. Sharapov
    Little-known pages of the Great Patriotic War

    The paper describes one of little-known events of the Great Patriotic War of 1941 - 1945, namely operation on destruction of "the Demyansky Copper". The author focuses attention on the territory, formed thanks to break-through of the German troops to "the Demyansky Copper" which received the name "Ramushevsky Corridor", as well as on attempts of the Soviet troops to destroy it during 1942 – January, 1943. In the author’s opinion, leaders of the Soviet troops did not have enough experience because of which a number of tactical mistakes were made which did not allow them to liquidate during the specified period "the Ramushevsky Corridor". Despite that it is possible to note also some progress. In spite of the fact that during fights around "the Ramushevsky Corridor" more than 90 thousand of German and 120 thousand of Soviet soldiers were killed, now this is one of almost forgotten pages of history of the Great Patriotic War.

    pdf 68-74.pdf  (165 Kb)

  • T.I. Afasizhev, K.M. Gozhev
    On destructive activity phenomenon

    The paper presents the reflection about the destructive processes gaining "activity" for various reasons and being transformed to negative phenomena of the social environment.

    pdf 75-82.pdf  (166 Kb)

  • S.A. Berzegova, I.I. Imgrunt
    Legal culture of office employees in the context of legislation changes defining work of public service during the modern period

    The paper discusses the reforming of public service, the difficult, multiaspectal process affecting comprehensive renewal of government. Regulation of public service activity is carried out, first of all, by means of the legal legislation. In this research an attempt is undertaken to trace the dynamics of legal culture of office employees, both by means of empirical researches, and by means of the analysis of recent changes in laws on public service.

    pdf 83-89.pdf  (149 Kb)

  • A.N. Gostev, S.S. Demidova, V.B. Bokareva, S.M. Sakovich,
    Motivation of administrative board of production companies to optimize public management

    Following the results of research on empirical base of five production companies, we justify that the sustainable development of these organizations is impossible without activization of public management. Traditions of the Soviet production which remained in consciousness of the population still motivate it to participate in production management, but this potential is not used in practice. Difficulties in motivation of administrative board to optimize public management are due to: dissociation of administrative system staff; tendency of part of the administration to fast personal enrichment; an insufficient level of development at it of creative competences; complicated interactions and relationships with the personnel; incomplete knowledge of moods and opinions of the personnel, etc. The main ways of motivation of an administrative board to optimize public management are proved to be: creation of regulatory base about a duty of an administrative board to establish business relationship with the personnel in development and implementation of administrative solutions; increase in level of administrative responsibility for preventing activity of public control forces; a standard legal regulation of publicity in acceptance of administrative decisions; and expansion of powers (as the stimulating factor) in control activity of formal (the government organizations) and informal (public organizations, political parties and other institutes of civil society) structures.

    pdf 90-97.pdf  (160 Kb)

  • A.K. Degtyarev
    Management of migratory streams in the USA: policy of decrease of conflictogenic potential

    This paper contains the analysis of migration policy in the United States of America which is divergent. The author draws a conclusion that three models of migration are created in the context of decrease of the conflictogenic potential. Of them any cannot be presented as effective, but at the same time, according to policy of multiculturalism, requirements raise for ethnic groups to participate as informal subjects of migration policy.

    pdf 98-107.pdf  (181 Kb)

  • K.A. Ekundayo
    Educational migration and the problem of "brain drain" in Africa (as shown by Nigeria)

    The paper deals with the character and tendencies in changes of educational migration in Africa, one of the components of which is "brain drain". The reasons and factors influencing making decision on migration are studied. Measures of a state policy focused on the prevention and decrease in scales of emigration of highly qualified experts, scientists, teachers and students are examined on the basis of materials of brain drain at Nigerian universities.

    pdf 108-113.pdf  (166 Kb)

  • D.A. Kartavtsev, A.Yu. Konischev
    Sociocultural characteristics of social competence of law enforcement agencies in modern Russia

    The paper presents the analysis of sociocultural features of perception by citizens of representatives of law enforcement agencies in Russia. Also the authors present researches on influence of illegal behavior of representatives of right security structures on positive perception by society of this system in general.

    pdf 114-119.pdf  (154 Kb)

  • Yu.S. Panfilova
    Intergenerational mobility in Russian modern society: critical analysis of results of sociological researches

    The present paper examines the results of foreign and nationaol sociological researches on intergenerational mobility in Russian modern society. The author allocates the main aspects of this process which have become a subject of cognitive interest of sociologists: conditions, factors, strategy and tendencies in intergenerational mobility (at macro - and micro levels). The author shows that among researchers there are no unambiguous conclusions about specifics of this process in modern Russia, as well as cognitive lacunas are available. This allows creation of a problem field of further sociological researches on this subject.

    pdf 120-126.pdf  (163 Kb)

  • M.Yu. Popov
    Identification processes in Russia and corruption

    This paper explores the influence of corruption and its displays on identification processes. The author demonstrates that corruption in structure of the ethnoconfessional processes has high risk potential not only in social, economic and political life of the state, but also in the spiritual activity of society.

    pdf 127-129.pdf  (106 Kb)

  • S.A. Sorokin
    The Russian army during an era of sociocultural transformations

    The paper explores specifics of influence of market reforms at the late 20th century - early 21st century on transformation of the sociocultural status of the Russian armed forces. The author considers influence of "market" ideology to be one of the main factors of decreasing the role of army in the general structure of civil law understanding.

    pdf 130-134.pdf  (121 Kb)

  • V.V. Khruschev
    Behavior deviations in a sociological research paradigm

    In this paper the author examines specifics of the scientific approaches explaining strengthening the dynamics of development of deviant practices in a sociological research paradigm. The work presents the analysis of scientific experiment on deviation from behavior standards in the context of sociocultural approach.

    pdf 135-138.pdf  (126 Kb)

  • M.Z. Abesalashvili
    Legal regulation of foreign investments in France

    The paper discloses the features of legal regulation of foreign investments in France at the present stage. Three modes of regulation in the French legislation on foreign investments are examined.

    pdf 139-143.pdf  (153 Kb)

  • G.G. Zagaynova
    Importance of the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation as body of the political power

    The paper examines the activity of the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation as the body of the political power. Importance of the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation in the course of decision-making is considered. Disputable aspects of activity of the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation are reflected.

    pdf 144-148.pdf  (133 Kb)

  • M.G. Zaretskaya
    On formation of the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation

    The paper is dedicated to formation of the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation during political and social crises at the beginning of the 1990s. The work uncovers a special place of the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation possessing a number of specific functions and powers.

    pdf 149-152.pdf  (121 Kb)

  • T.A. Zorina
    Problems of the prevention of the crimes committed under conditions of natural disasters and technogenic catastrophes

    In the paper, an analysis is made of the prevention of the crimes committed in the conditions of natural disasters and technogenic catastrophes. General social and special criminological measures of the prevention of crimes, their difference and problems are disclosed.

    pdf 153-156.pdf  (136 Kb)

  • A.E. Kolieva
    Specification of the concept of fiducial legal relationships in basic branches of the law

    This paper discloses specification of the concept of fiducial legal relationships in basic branches of the law. Against studying the fiducial legal relationships, various branches of the law (corporate law; family law; and labor law) are implemented in civil law.

    pdf 157-164.pdf  (158 Kb)

  • E.V. Lukki
    Concept of imaginary defense in the Russian criminal law

    In this paper, an interpretation is given of a concept of imaginary defense in the Russian criminal law. Correlations of the concepts of "imaginary defense" and "necessary defense", as well as “a deliberate crime” and “a careless crime” categories are investigated.

    pdf 165-167.pdf  (133 Kb)

  • E.A. Parasyuk, I.K. Shaov
    Social partnership as a principle of interaction of civil society and state

    The paper discusses the questions of process of an institutionalization and coordination of civil society and state through institute of social partnership which becomes an integral part of modern Russian reality. The conclusion is drawn that now in Russia the positions of civil society are strengthening. New subjects of the public and state partnership appear.

    pdf 168-173.pdf  (153 Kb)

  • O.N. Solovyeva
    Correlation of possessory protection and proprietary ways of the rights protection

    The paper deals with correlation of possessory protection and proprietary ways of protection of the rights. The author underlines that possessory protection of the actual possession cannot be applied as a way of proprietary protection and proposes to fix provisions on possession forms – direct and indirect – in standards of the civil legislation.

    pdf 174-178.pdf  (131 Kb)

  • A.K. Tlekhatuk
    On enforcing the judgements of the Constitutional (Authorized) Courts of the Russian Federation subjects

    The paper deals with the problems of enforcing the judgements of the Constitutional (Authorized) Courts of subjects of the Russian Federation. The author emphasizes urgency of these problems and considers criteria for efficiency of enforcement of these judgements. The conclusion is drawn that in order to optimize activity of the Constitutional (Authorized) Courts of subjects of the Russian Federation it is necessary to create in a legislative order the mechanism on control of observance of an execution of requirements and decisions of the Constitutional (Authorized) Court by government bodies and other legal entities.

    pdf 179-184.pdf  (142 Kb)

  • I.B. Khakonova
    Specific features of adoption in the legislation of Japan and China

    In the paper, an analysis is made of specific features of adoption in the legislation of Japan and China. Ways of adoption in Japan are disclosed. Restrictions and features of procedure of adoption in China are examined.

    pdf 185-190.pdf  (141 Kb)

  • S.G. Khasanova
    On concept and importance of the principles of criminal legal proceedings

    In the paper, an analysis is made of some principles of criminal legal proceedings. The author discloses the importance of the principles of criminal legal proceedings, specifies their degree at various production phases and displays a place of each specified principle in criminal legal proceedings.

    pdf 191-194.pdf  (129 Kb)

  • R.I. Khayali
    Political and legal concept of cultural and national autonomy of "the 1905 generation"

    In the paper, the author analyzes and reconstructs the process of origin of the "1905 generation" movement. The close attention is paid to conceptual political and legal autonomic ideas and implementation of the movement of a cultural and national autonomy in the Crimea at the end of the 19th - beginning of the 20th centuries.

    pdf 195-204.pdf  (194 Kb)

    Abstracts of Monographs
  • I.Yu. Vasilyev
    Review of the monograph “Kurds of Adyghea” /Editor-in-Chief and Head of the scientific project A.N. Sokolova; Eds. A.Yu. Shadzhe, Z.A. Zhade. – Maikop: Kachestvo Publisher, 2015. – 204 pp.

    The monograph "Kurds of Adyghea" written by a group of authors under the leadership of the famous Maikop ethnologist A.N. Sokolova including Professor A.Yu. Shadzhe, Professor Z.A. Zhade, Associate Professor M.A. Eshev, A.N Shapovalenko, etc. is the complex description of the main manifestations of social life and culture of the Kurds, who are compactly living in the Krasnogvardeisky district of the Republic of Adyghea, in the context of their relations with the old residents.

    pdf 205-208.pdf  (128 Kb)

    The Economic Theory
  • A.G. Trubilin , B.M. Zhukov, Z.Kh. Kurmalieva
    Macroinstitutional environment of intellectual and service activities : regional aspect

    The paper analyzes the administration institutions and intellectual service activities state that shape an innovative system at all levels of economic development. It shows that the basis of classification of institutional environment lie in functions differences. These institutions perform the function of regulating and market-service product stimulating.

    pdf 15-25.pdf  (203 Kb)

  • Yu.S. Kolesnikov, Zh.D. Darmilova
    The traditional economic practices of the North -Caucasian peoples and the present

    The paper considers traditional economic practices of the North-Caucasian peoples as part of the economic structure of a peripheral region. It shows their inseparable ties with the peculiarities of natural conditions and forms of organization of social life. The authors examine typical organizational and legal forms of business practices of the mountainous and foothill areas of the North Caucasus population. They make the components segment of ethnoeconomics (farmer (peasant) farms, private farms, private commercial farms, individual entrepreneurship and small business). The scientific article reveals a basic role of economic practices in the population reproduction in resource regional economy (on the example of the Karachay-Cherkess Republic). It justifies and represents the statement of the high marketability level of ethnoeconomics economic structures, their inclusion in the system of market relations by means of statistics and sociological research. The authoes draw a conclusion that thnoeconomics resources can be a source of additional resources for economic growth in Russia under certain institutional conditions.

    pdf 26-39.pdf  (138 Kb)

  • A.A. Mirokhina
    Synthesis of perspective directions of spatial policy on the basis of scientific heritage generalization of historical concepts

    The paper considers prospective directions of spatial policy on the basis of the economic interpretation of scientific heritage generalization of historical concepts. It systematizes the basic concepts of regional economy as well as regional and spatial economy. The author reveals key points and highlights its contribution to the development of spatial economics theory.

    pdf 40-50.pdf  (212 Kb)

  • L.T. Tlekhuraj-Berzegova
    Economic integration interconnection and economic relations globalization in Russia

    The paper analyses the interaction of global processing of economic relations and economic integration that leads to the presence of two types of intergrational formations adequate to the conditions in modern economics. Each of them is orientated on its own operating and progressing environment. The globalization has expanded the possibilities of economic integration objectively. The economic integration passes different zones of economic development. As a result it demonstrates interaction between the integration character and the depth of globalization effect to the approachment and natural attraction of reproduced processing.

    pdf 51-54.pdf  (74 Kb)

    Financial Markets
  • E.A. Mazhukhovsky
    Confessional mutual insurance

    The scientific article considers the main types of «confessional» mutual insurance existing in the global insurance market: Christian organizations cost-sharing for health care, the Christian association, Christian mutual insurers, takaful, Jewish insurance. The author pays his special attention to the types of insurance that are still almost unknown in Russia, but can be claimed in the future. «Confessional» mutual insurance is considered on the example of the United States, where it is developed at the moment. The paper presents the necessary background and statistical data.

    pdf 281-284.pdf  (73 Kb)

    Problems Related to Investment Activity
  • Å.À. Milovanova
    Regional institutional environment improving in system of business structures investment activity increasing

    The paper deals with modern problems of interaction between public authorities and business as a way to build relationships of public and private parties. It presents a model that provides synchronous increasing of mutual relations processes of economic agents in terms of business income growth and socio-economic territorial development improving at a relative equality of utilities. The author reveals the possibilities of designing efficient business environment with constraints imposed by the institutional configuration.

    pdf 253-258.pdf  (173 Kb)

    Regional Economy
  • E.B Babalian
    Social and economic development trends of the Adyghe Republic and small businesses role in sustainability improving

    The scientific article deals with the problem of regional social and economic systems stability in the modern crisis. The author pays his particular attention to the need of ensuring sustainable fiscal-deficient regions of Southern Russia by means of improving their competitiveness. The paper determines main indicators of economy competitiveness of the Adyghe Republic. It presents the characteristics of small business of the republic as well as evaluates the role of this sector in the sustainable balanced development of the region.

    pdf 83-88.pdf  (104 Kb)

  • M.I. Golubova, D.S. Pashtova
    Areas of structural transformation of the regional economy in the conditions of the gro wth model changing

    The paper studies the perspective directions of the structural changes in the regional economy at the present stage of development of Russia. They are peculiar to the processes of exhausting of the possibilities of the previous growth model. The recession, the availability of external constraints, the competitive advantages of previous impairment confronts the task of developing a qualitatively new structural organization, further actualized in dynamic and profound technological changes in the global economy before the regional economy theory. The authors substantiate that structural changes suggest the correct ordering of elements of the regional economy structure. Increasing budget constraints form the need for the development and application of qualitatively new restructuring tools adapted to the needs and opportunities of the territorial subjects of business. The scientific article reveals perspective directions of structural transformation of regional economies in southern Russia.

    pdf 89-95.pdf  (86 Kb)

  • N.P. Ketova, V.N. Ovchinnikov
    Large corporations ’role in the formation of the regional innovation system

    The paper reflects the value of large corporate structures for the development of the innovation system of the Russian regions. It presents the results of the exploration corporate influence on innovation-oriented cooperation in business. The authors reveal their influence on the development of infrastructure, business, IT-technology, generation of scientific and technological innovations based on a number of large corporate structures of the South of Russia.

    pdf 96-103.pdf  (91 Kb)

  • A.T. Kirguev, A.A. Adamenko
    Small businesses in terms of disintegration in the meso -level

    The paper studies the specific characteristics of small businesses in conditions of regional economies disintegration. The authors pay their special attention on depressive type systems. They are widely represented in the south of Russia. The authors reveal the main tasks of small businesses in terms of disintegration and the resources they can bring to the development of the regional economy. The scientific article draws a conclusion that the process of development of small businesses and regional economy development are inseparable. It presents methods to support small businesses adapted to conditions of disintegration and prolonged stagnation in the Russian economy. The authors give practi cal recommendations to improve the participation of small businesses in shaping the priorities of assets of the regional economy.

    pdf 104-108.pdf  (80 Kb)

  • N.A. Kostanyan
    State regulation mechanism of regional social and economic development

    This scientific article considers the mechanism of state regulation of regional social and economic development. The author reveals the tools of this mechanism. He pays his considerable attention to one of the new instruments of improving the mechanism of social and economic processes — state marketing. State marketing refers to a set of measures in the public administration, which is being implemented at both the state and the individual regions, aimed at identifying and shaping the needs of society, the creation of appropriate conditions and the implementation of specific actions and measures for their integrated response. The paper draws conclusions that the state marketing is the most effective mechanism for the regional social and economic programs development and implementation.

    pdf 109-112.pdf  (216 Kb)

  • A.A. Mokrushin, R.A. Tkhagapso
    State regulation problems of the vertically integrated corporations and regional economic Russian systems interaction

    The paper considers the problems and development prospects of state regulation system of vertically integrated corporations (VIC) interaction with the regional economic system of Russia. The authors reveal peculiarities of corporate business state regulation in the territorial economy and the factors determining the choice of forms and mechanisms of government regulation. The scientific article discloses the basic elements of the institutional mechanism of state regulation interaction between vertically integrated corporations and regional economic system of Russia. It determines the role of public-private partnership (PPP) in the development of this process.

    pdf 113-121.pdf  (236 Kb)

  • V.N. Ovchinnikov, N.P. Ketova
    The economic imperatives of the reproduction process in regional nature -managing system

    The scientific article analyses the imperatives of the reproduction process regional nature-managing system from the standpoint of ensuring the sustainability of its ecosystem. The authors consider the reproduction process in three aspects: unity of its four components; the consistent change of the cycle reproduction phases; in the reproduction process mode variations.

    pdf 122-129.pdf  (93 Kb)

  • B.A. Tamova
    Inter -regional economic cooperation as a factor of regional strategic development

    The paper discloses a number of unexplored aspects of economical interaction between regions in modern conditions. The author pays her particular attention to the strategic management of inter-regional economic cooperation. It promotes not only social and economic development of each of the interacting regions, but also prevents from the deepening of regional differences in the conditions of uncertainty of an environment of growth-functioning development of regional social and economic systems.

    pdf 130-133.pdf  (74 Kb)

    The Account, Audit and the Control
  • M. Gomesh
    Economy providing of accounting staff in Republic of Angola

    The paper considers problems of providing national accounting staff as well as training and education of accountancy and auditing in the Republic of Angola. The job of an accountant is considered the most prestigious and well-paid. The main causes of insecurity by accounting personnel is the limited training held by the national institutions of higher education. Besides, few students, future accountants, study overseas. The main base for the training of the Republic of Angola is the Kuban State University.

    pdf 134-137.pdf  (72 Kb)

  • E.N. Dombrovskaya
    Status and development prospects of non-financial reporting in Russia (information of the largest state companies )

    The scientific article describes the current state of sustainability reporting in the Russian Federation. It considers the stages of development of the public non-financial reporting, given the characteristics of its various forms. The paper companies reveals the main problems of its formation, the most important of which are the systemic nature, the lack of clear regulations and low culture with the reporting of information among members based on the analysis of the content of non-financial reporting of large Russian state companies. The author presents the prospects of development of non-financial reporting. They are based on standardization, certification, filing requirements for reporting information and the integration of users’ interests.

    pdf 138-146.pdf  (98 Kb)

  • I.N. Kostyukova, D.V. Lugovsky, R.A. Tkhagapso
    Accounting for inventories derecognition: recording

    The paper presents and analyzes the inventories derecognition causes in the context of their basic classification groups. It discloses methods and specificity of the cancellation of raw materials accounting, semifinished articles, goods and other inventory items. The scientific article presents correspondence to write-off inventories as well as the use of different valuation methods. The authors pay particular attention to the disclosure of the procedure, documenting and accounting methods of inventories based on the results of inventory.

    pdf 147-157.pdf  (107 Kb)

  • E.M. Evstafieva
    Historical preconditions to the modern approaches formation of the accounting ob jects assessment

    Evaluation is one of the most important elements of the accounting method. The paper considers the main stages of approaches to the assessment of the accounting objects. It studies various conceptual approaches to the assessment of accounting objects. They lie in the fact of selecting the method of valuation of assets and liabilities or in combinations within the accounting and analytical systems. The author draws a conclusion on the basis of study and offers financial and economic evaluation of the accounting objects. Concept choice (financial or economic) to evaluate different objects depends on the purpose of evaluation and economic interests pursued by the various governmental users of financial statements.

    pdf 158-164.pdf  (228 Kb)

  • S.B. Furtseva
    Accounting operations of electricity future -trading in «day -ahead» market sector

    Electricity future-trading in is a promising alternative to traditional electricity trading system in the «day-ahead» wholesale market. However, it is necessary to carry out serious work on reforming the accounting organization trading on the power deviation. The paper considers issues of the traditional accounting system transformation on the wholesale market. It deals with the main points of the account operations with future contracts registered in the wholesale energy and capacity market. The author presents general scheme of accounting records on accounts with margin accounts of players operating in the framework of CFS.

    pdf 165-172.pdf  (220 Kb)

    Economy of Agrarian-Industrial Complex
  • A.A. Kerashev, A.A. Mokrushin, V.V.Prokhorova
    Problems and prospects of inter –sectoral exchange development in the territorial agricultural sector based on the corporate integration mechanisms

    The paper discloses the potential mechanisms of corporate integration in the development of relations of an inter-branch exchange in agribusiness regions of Russia. It presents corporate mechanisms of vertically integrated agro-industrial formations creation. The authors reveal the characteristics of the integration-governmental transformations in the agro-industrial complex of Russia. They study functional content of management process, exchange and distribution of internal corporate relations in the agro-industrial vertically integrated corporations. The scientific article determines the role of financial settlement center in the economic interaction regulation of agricultural, processing and service organizations.

    pdf 173-181.pdf  (98 Kb)

    The Theory and Practice of Business
  • N.V. Ivancha, L.M. Navoychick, E.V. Khokhlova
    Regional specificity of financial stimulus of small and medium -sized businesses economic activity

    The paper deals with the introduction and improvement of the financial mechanisms aimed at economic activity stimulating of small and medium-sized businesses. It is based on the separation of powers in selecting regional priorities for the development of investment processes. The authors present a model of organizational infrastructure of extra-budgetary financing of socially significant investment projects in the framework of public-private partnership to optimize the redistribution of cash flows in conditions of severe budgetary constraints and minimize credit risks.

    pdf 248-252.pdf  (176 Kb)

    Service Economy
  • V.V. Antoshkina, A.A. Koshutina
    RETRACTED on September 3, 2019 Tourist flow dynamics as the main development indicator of tourist and recreational complex of the Krasnodar Territory

    Retraction of this publication is due to the discovered identical article in another journal – The source: T.L. Ogannesyan, E.V. Fomenko, V.V. Antoshkina MODERN STATE, PROBLEMS AND PROSPECTS OF DEVELOPMENT OF TOURIST AND RECREATIONAL COMPLEX OF KRASNODAR TERRITORY // Scientific Journal of Belgorod State University. Series: Economics. Informatics. Issue No. 19 (216) / Vol. 36 / 2015 The paper analyzes the tourist flow of the Krasnodar Territory. According to the guidelines of social and economic development of the Krasnodar Territory, tourism relates to one of the priority sectors. The authors reveal main tendencies as well as new ways of the development of tourist and recreational complex in the course of the study of the current state of the Krasnodar Territory.

    pdf 201-208.pdf  (252 Kb)

  • O.S. Vasileva
    Adaptive potential evaluation of higher education market services

    The paper discloses the peculiarities of adaptive model of educational institutions. They provide universities to react quickly to environment changes. The assessment of the adaptive capacity degree is the initial stage of the implementation of such educational institution model. The author presents the information based on Stavropol Affiliate of Russian Academy of National Economy and Public Administration under the President of the Russian Federation.

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  • V.Yu. Kalachev
    Staff training systemic problems in Russia: graduates and employers

    This paper deals with the problem of employment of graduates of Russian universities. It gives quality applicants asessment. It examines the needs of employers on the level of professional education and generalizes experience of interaction between the employers and higher educational institutions. The author presents ways which help an employer in further college graduates training. The scientific article substantiates that this kind of training has less impact on the cost of large, small and medium-sized businesses. It reveals purposes of modern higher education in Russia.

    pdf 215-220.pdf  (84 Kb)

  • V.Yu. Kalachev, T.M. Kalacheva
    Staff training systemic problems in Russia: higher education purposes and a national economy model

    This scientific article considers the problems of personnel potential training in the structure of the Russian economy. The authors reveal the relationship between the objectives of vocational training and economic models. The paper presents a historical analysis describing the relationship between the model of the economy and the share of students mastering technical specialties. It discloses Russian economy peculiarities — incorporating elements of the two circuits of reproduction. The authors examine economic transformations of the last twenty years in the form of the Bologna process.

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  • A.E. Materikina
    Ensuring customer value services monitoring in pre -school education

    The paper examines the formation of a monitoring system to ensure customer value services of preschool education. It reveals peculiarities of pre-school education services monitoring, its place in the establishment of a control system of pre-school education, basic principles and monitoring capabilities. The author offers monitoring scheme of the effectiveness of organizational-economic mechanism providing of customer value of services of pre-school education.

    pdf 228-233.pdf  (329 Kb)

  • N.V. Ryabtcev
    Municipal services role in the process of urban education sustainable development

    The paper examines the role of the sector of municipal services as a factor of sustainable development of the territory. It proposes a dualistic approach to the interpretation of the essence of the concept of «municipal services». They are presented as a symbiosis of the process and the result of the activities of the municipal administration and economic entities. The author presents economic nature of the municipality in the form of a quasicorporation, the main products of the activities of which are municipal services.

    pdf 234-238.pdf  (120 Kb)

  • A.G. Trubilin, B.M. Zhukov
    Client -oriented model implementation of intellectual services

    The scientific article discloses the process of consumption of intellectuallyservicing product. It discusses its characteristics. The authors reveal the tendency of clientoriented services production that enhances self-sustaining innovative mechanism.

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  • T.V. Ignatova, A.M. Slinkov
    Implementation of methodological potencial of socio -labor sphere definition in development of personnel management monitoring functions

    The authors made an attempt to complement the theoretical and methodological basis for the study of the essential characteristics of the labor sphere as well as to describe the priorities of different approaches to it. The paper draws its special attention to the author’s distinction between broad and narrow definitions of the socio-labor sphere, the dialectical opposition of the functions of the socio-labor relationship to promote employment in macroeconomy, which is the basis for developing of recommendations for strengthening personnel management. The paper reveals the results of an analytical overview of the different approaches to the definition of «socio-labor sphere» and «socio-labor relationship». It discloses authors’ definition of social-labor sphere. The scientific article identifies the place and role of sociallabor relations in the social-labor sphere.

    pdf 267-273.pdf  (187 Kb)

  • B.Z. Tutarishev, R.A. Popov
    Capital construction in the ne w economic situation : problems and prospects

    The functioning of construction organizations are in a difficult position in conditions of high volatility of the economic environment and strong vibrations on the real estate market, which is connected with the need for economic balance and innovative productive capacity as the basis of competitiveness. This sharpens the need of strengthening the strategic principles in building management, to the training of qualified personnel, construction workers and qualitative improvement of construction technology. The Krasnodar Territory has formed sufficiently powerful building complex, able to solve problems facing them. The paper reveals negative elements in the economy at the macro and meso level. They make it necessary to insert some adjustments to its strategy.

    pdf 274-280.pdf  (91 Kb)

    Taxes and the Taxation
  • T.A. Silina, S.V. Karpenko, S.A. Tkhakushinova
    Validity problem of the tax burden under presumptive taxation

    The problem of the interests balancing of public entities and businesses, the combination of fiscal and economic function of taxes exist the entire history of taxation and in crisis becomes more acute. The paper considers the combination of municipalities’ fiscal interests and the need to support and stimulate the development of small businesses through a single tax on imputed income. The authors point out at insufficient validity of the value of the correction-coefficient K2 used for the calculation of imputed income. In a number of municipal-pal formations it led to a mismatch of actual tax burden profitability. The scientific article reveals the necessity in creation of multi-factor model K2. It identifies factors that are important in using forms of presumptive taxation with regard to restaurants activities.

    pdf 259-266.pdf  (232 Kb)

    General Problems of Pedagogy
  • A.Yu. Gorbenko, E.V. Demkina

    The paper discloses genesis and essence of the concepts "mentality" and "social mentality" in the context of various scientific justifications. The authors allocate the general and specific to these definitions and provide classification of national and foreign scientists’ definitions. Materials of this paper propose interpretations of the terms "mentality" and "social mentality" in a historical retrospective.

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  • E.V. Demko

    In the paper, the author demonstrates the new approach to evaluating the efficiency of pedagogical activities in prevention and correction of children's aggression. The work discloses the content of criteria for pedagogical activities in prevention and correction of children's aggression as a set of the objective and subjective indicators giving the qualitative characteristic of its state. Dwelling upon these indicators its essential properties and a measure of efficiency of this activity are revealed. On the basis of the theory of joint activity and study of experience in interaction of specialists of preschool educational institution and school, teachers and parents, the author allocates the levels characterizing efficiency of their interaction in prevention and correction of children’s aggressive behavior. Basic points in system creation to evaluate an efficiency of pedagogical prevention of children’s aggression are uncovered.

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  • G.A. Kyarova

    Insufficient attention in the system of school education is paid to the questions of rational nature management, whereas they should become the key ones in the present context. At schools of Kabardino-Balkaria, ecology is taught as a component part of biology. The questions of rational environmental management are not paid due attention. Ecological illiteracy of future generation can lead to irreversible consequences. It is necessary to form complete idea of the biosphere at the school students.

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  • K.B. Komarov, S.A. Khazova

    The paper presents the results of the theoretical analysis of the researches dedicated to management of the educational institutions. The work describes the current problems and objectives of personnel administration as factor to increase competitiveness of the educational institution. Resource opportunities of subjects of education are shown in the context of competitiveness of the educational institution. The resource conditions of the educational institution providing transformation of human potentials in human resources are specified. At the conclusion of the paper, the theoretical organizational and pedagogical conditions providing quality improvement of human resource management at the educational institution are given.

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  • L.N. Kubashicheva

    In the paper, an attempt is undertaken to actualize historical and pedagogical experience of the Adyghes in the conditions of crisis socialization. The Adyghe educational system actualizes, at the substantial level, the experience in the person’s training for activity necessary for overcoming difficulties of human life.

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  • I.A. Mushkina, N.V. Borodina, O.P. Sadilova

    The paper deals with theoretical and applied aspects of giving students of the psychological and pedagogical trends the vocational value guidance in the course of continuous teaching practice on the basis of the Center for Children and Young People. The authors show the experience in development of system of additional education for children in the conditions of the children's educational center of Social-Pedagogical Faculty at the Sochi State University; historical aspects of development of additional education of children of preschool and younger school age; and the characteristic and features of the organization of students’ teaching practice in the conditions of the children's center.

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  • O.O. Panteleeva

    The paper deals with research activity of entrants as one of the significant innovative methods in pre-university education. The definition of vocational guidance is given and the search for innovative forms and methods of training and education is proved. The research activity of entrants is defined as a promising form from the point of view of pupil training for professional and subsequent continuous education.

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  • N.V. Papernaya, E.P. Kovalevich, K.V. Davydova, V.A. Filonenko

    The paper defines the essence of pedagogical monitoring and its importance for formation of foreign-language competence in students of higher education institution. Conditions of its effective implementation in the course of learning a foreign language are disclosed. The authors show that the monitoring is of high significance as a factor of the successful organization of the educational and vocational activity realized by means of active training technologies. It is inferred that in the course of formation of the future expert’s personality the use of monitoring technology has a positive impact on development of his personal qualities making a basis of common cultural and vocational competences.

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  • T.N. Shabanova, I.À. Rudakova

    The integration opportunities and conditions of the curricular and extracurricular activities of students in the process of passing their individual educational trajectory are analyzed in the paper. The features of integration of forms, methods and aspects of extracurricular activities in conjunction with the curricular are defined. The focus is made on the modern concept of independence and the integrity of the processes of training and education and interdependence of their components.

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  • E.I. Sharova, M.R. Kudaynetov

    The paper explores the modern approaches to the quality assessment of vocational activity of teachers of higher education institution, the purposes of estimation procedures and criteria for quality of activity. During monitoring of quality of education, we propose to use the teacher's electronic portfolio as the effective tool of expert-estimation technologies.

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  • Yu.A. Dzhaubaev, R.V. Balba, G.A. Lundina, V.A. Petkov

    The paper describes the authors' approach to development of technology of design of recreational and health improving activity in educational institution. The recreational and health improving technology of the organization of teaching and educational process is classified as the design and creative one, providing implementation of the purposes and tasks at all stages of its design. The main directions and algorithms of innovative activity of pedagogical staff of educational institution for design and implementation of recreational and health improving technologies are disclosed. The organizational and pedagogical conditions providing efficiency of the developed technology are shown.

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    Educational Space of Physical Training and Sports
  • L.S. Dvorkin

    The paper shows the results of experimental researches implemented to clear up biomechanical features of shock actions of karatekas of various qualifications and sexes within 18 weeks. To increase efficiency of karatekas’ shock actions, special exercise machines and power exercises were used to train hands and legs’ protractors. Researches show that with growing sports qualification of both boys and girls, biomechanical structure of their shock actions changes. Registration of a final effort of a leg kick at boys demonstrates the highest rating at an absolute speed of the movement, and at girls of the same age and qualification, at a maximum of explosive effort. At boys – karatekas of high sports qualification, owners of a black belt, the maximum final effort of a hand kick is achieved with more significant manifestation of explosive effort, and at girls, of absolute speed of movement.

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  • Yu.A. Dzhaubaev, N.G. Sarkisova, V.A. Petkov

    The paper presents the authors’ approach to a solution of the problem of formation of sociocultural competence in students. The recreation potential has powerful resources for pedagogical impact on development of the personality and formation on this basis of social competence. The publication gives data showing the students’ attitude to a physical recreation as to a factor of formation of sociocultural competence. The authors disclose the essence and significance of a physical recreation in development of students’ sociocultural competence, bases of creation of structurally functional model of development of students’ sociocultural competence on the basis of a physical recreation and technologies of its implementation. The data of experimental work confirming efficiency of authors’ approach are provided.

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  • A.B. Trembach

    This paper describes the laws of formation of pose stability at the first childhood girls with motor activity of various coordination complicacies obtained on the basis of biomechanical characteristics of an orthograde pose.

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    Modern Problems of Psychology
  • F.G. Lovpache, Z.Z. Mamysheva

    This paper examines the emotional sphere of teenagers and young men with deviant behavior. The goal of the paper is to reveal features of the emotional sphere of teenagers with deviant behavior. The objectives are to carry out the analysis of psychological literature and to identify features of the emotional sphere at teenagers with deviant behavior. The significant factor of the teenager formation is considered to be development in his emotional sphere of self-understanding and requirement to realize him as the personality.

    pdf 100-106.pdf  (215 Kb)

  • E.A. Makarova, E.L. Makarova, E.A. Makhrina

    The paper examines the theoretical aspects of studying the value - semantic attitude to money. The structural components and characteristics of value-semantic attitude to money are revealed.

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  • F.R. Khatit, E.Yu. Shebanets, L.F. Selmidis

    The present paper discusses the correction of teenager’s lie in the social teacher’s activity, the lie problem at teenager’s age, and the developed technology of social and pedagogical diagnostics of teenager’s lie intended for use both in the group and individual modes.

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  • E.Yu. Shebanets, F.R. Khatit

    This paper deals with disabled children as the burdening factor of mother’s position in the family. The work examines the psychological and pedagogical problems of mothers who are bringing up the disabled child.

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  • Abdelhameed Said Ahmed
    Phrasemes with a somatic component in an autochthonic language picture of the world

    The comparative analysis is made of the world picture objectivation by means of a somatic phrasemics in such genetically and typologically various lingual systems, as the Russian and Arabic languages. The phrasemes of the Russian and Arabic languages containing word-somatisms in the component structure have become the object of research. The goal of this work is to reveal specifcs of the semantic content of concepts of an autochthonic picture of the world, verbalized by the Russian and Arabic phrasemes with a somatic component heart. To achieve this goal, the comparative method in conjunction with the author’s developed technique of the cognitive and culturological analysis is used. This allows expansion of possibilities of typological research on idiomatics of the languages with different structure. Topical in the undertaken research is search for ways to defne the value - semantic autochthony of the Russian and Arabic lingual culture and original formation of a system of moral, ethical and esthetic preferences of this or that nation, as well as features of its mentality. Results of research of a somatic phrasemics of the Russian and Arabic languages develop idea of integration of a cognitive culturological component in typological research of an ethnic language picture of the world.

    pdf 15-20.pdf  (563 Kb)

  • Bedanokova Z.K.
    Evoñativeness as property and genre of implicative communication

    The paper discusses the genesis of implicit sense as a result of the interaction between the expression plane and content plane of a language symbol. Methodological base is identifcation of the mechanism of interpretation of the «implicit» content having the cognitive - logical and cognitive - semiotic nature that is of universal, typological character. As a result, two sides of the implicit content are singled out: the formal, called in work as evocative form, and the communicative or affecting one, called as the implicative form. The author sheds a new light on evocativeness as a property of a certain type of a discourse or speech which is based on intentional coding (implication) and leads to creation of a special evocative form aimed at the evocation of implicit content in linguistic form. The practical importance assumes detection of correlation of evocativeness with such language / speech categories as an implicitness and indirection. Also, evocativeness as function of a form, sending to the implicit content, is regarded as a genre-forming category.

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  • Dzhandar B.M., Loova A.D.
    On lacunarity manifestation and methods of lacuna elimination in the different system languages

    The paper examines lacunarity phenomenon, its nature and typology in terms of cognitive linguistics. The authors focus on the lacunary units refecting social processes, cultural traditions of the people and ethnic features. The goal of this work is to make a comparative analysis of the language and culturological properties of lacunas in cross-cultural communication on the basis of materials of the Russian, German and Adyghe languages. Relevance of the lacuna analysis in the different system languages and cultures does not raise doubts because in the modern world there is an active development of informatization and globalization, strengthening of cross-cultural communication and related mutual understanding problems. Dialogue of cultures is often complicated owing to existence of the gaps in communication caused by a large number of the sociocultural lacunas having the different character and reasons of emergence and demanding different ways of their flling. Special attention is paid to the ways of elimination of lacunas arising in the course of cross-cultural communication in the languages under study. The comparative typological method is applied. The scientifc and practical importance of this work is defned by nature of identifcation of concept of a lacuna, fxing national and cultural specifcs of the compared languages and cultures. The conclusion is drawn that specifcs of ethnic consciousness fnd its expression in language and in cultural lacunas which possess independent value and bear considerable part of semantic loading of the message.

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  • Donskova E.Yu.
    The author’s image and «point of view» in the aspect of the literary text modality

    The aim of the paper is to explore the author’s image in the coordinates of the literary text modality, as well as its correlative relationships and functionality in the production of semantic space of a literary text. This study establishes the relationship of the author’s image and the «point of view» from the position of their transformation at the level of modal plans. The main methods used in this research are a cognitive-semantic analysis and the linguistic interpretation. The research methodology allows identifying features of literary text modality as a determinant of artistic communication. The author as a producer of a literary text and the subject of speech (narrator / storyteller) correlates hard at different levels of the texts. This generates both direct and indirect representation of the author’s modality. The results of this research can help in comprehension of the specifcs of the text modality as a synthesis of reference and subjective evaluative modality.

    pdf 35-39.pdf  (263 Kb)

  • Kalashaova A.A.
    Communicative techniques in newspaper political interview

    The paper deals with the communicative aspect of political interview which is considered one of the most popular genres of modern newspaper journalism. The aim of this work is to describe communicative techniques, or the actions of the journalist interviewer focused not only on disclosure of the personality of the interlocutor, but also on rendering pragmatic impact on reader’s audience. In political interview, the specifying and initiating techniques are widespread. Among the initiating techniques prevalent are affrmative statements, emergence of which in the dialogical speech is caused by personifcation of journalistic activity. The initiating techniques, which often contain an assessment, can have an ironical form. Methods of a discourse analysis, the contextual and comparative analysis are used. A study of communicative techniques in interview is of scientifc and practical importance because it makes a contribution to research of the communicative and pragmatic aspect of the modern newspaper speech which is among the relevant directions of mass communication. The conclusion is drawn that the use of communicative techniques promotes increasing effect of pragmatic infuence.

    pdf 40-44.pdf  (260 Kb)

  • Kopot L.V., Nekhay S.M.
    Functional importance of healing songs in «chapsch» ceremony

    The paper focuses on the “chapsch” ancient mythic ritual ceremony. The functional feld of the “chapsch” songs is investigated. As a result of the analysis, functions of the frst row - magic, healing, and carnival - and of the second row – esthetic, communicative, emotional, pragmatic, entertaining and euphemistic - are revealed and characterized. This work is of scientifc and practical importance due to its innovative character related to detection of multifunctionality of the healing songs of the “chapsch” ancient folklore ceremony and classifcation expansion of the bewitching songs. Methods of historical literary, comparative typological and culturological research of works of folklore are used. The conclusion is drawn about variety of a semiotic feld of the «chapsch» ceremonial songs which are characterized as the multifunctional symbols promoting interest both to multicultural space of the people of the Russian Federation, and to culture of its own people.

    pdf 45-50.pdf  (287 Kb)

  • Makarova L.S.
    Interaction of cultures and problem of intertextuality in a literary translation

    We propose to interpret the translation as a sphere of a materialization of cross-cultural divergences and actualization of the potential of lingual cultural interaction. The problems related to taking into account features of a literary translation and specifcs of the initial and accepting cultures are examined. Questions of homogeneity and heterogeneity of a cultural component of verbal artistic information from translation position are disclosed. Special attention is paid to an intertextuality phenomenon, one of the manifestations of which is the use by the translator, on conscious (or subconscious) basis, of case texts of the accepting culture at a choice of the translation decision. Effciency of the concept «translation space» is substantiated. The translation is treated as the transitional («transit») zone uniting languages and cultures. Specifc examples of culturally caused discrepancies of the content of artistic images in the original work and in the translation connected with implicit aspect of information and connotations are shown. The technique of the comparative translation analysis of texts of the original and translation is used. It is proved that transformations of the text in a literary translation are connected not only with inevitable interlingual and cultural divergences, but also with orientation of the translator to case texts of the accepting culture. The conclusion, important for practice of a literary translation, is drawn that the reconstruction by the translator of deep lines of poetics of the original work depends also on his competence in the sphere of culture and on profound knowledge of native literature.

    pdf 51-55.pdf  (267 Kb)

  • Panteleeva T.Yu., Akhidzhakova M.P.
    Function-forming aspect of primacy and secondariness of the text in a discourse of the law and law application

    The paper examines specifcs of interrelation and interaction of language of functions of regulatory formulas as production of legal thinking for pragmatic approach through a prism of primary and secondary texts. The object of research is the law discourse and the law application discourse which fx priorities of human rights, as well as legal, social, structural and functional felds of language space. This work is aimed at describing one of the most important aspects of a legal framework, namely: protection of fundamental legal values. In the conditions of formation of legal discourse space this aspect gains additional traits therefore demands separate consideration. Analytical, synthetic, synchronous and structural methods are used. A study of the law and law application discourse through a prism of functions of primacy/secondariness of the text promotes acquisition of qualitative potential for research of «human factor» manifestations in language space, which is a relevant and new approach. This approach introduces knowledge in development process, determining activity to a certain degree that allows one to go beyond standard and empirical limits, connecting among themselves knowledge of primacy of functions of the law discourse and cognitive resources to use functions of law application discourse. Under modern conditions of legal reform the functions of the law and law application discourse have powerful potential in a legal framework due to interrelation, interaction and interpenetration of primary and secondary text structures which act as the forming aspect for establishment of qualitative precepts of law and their realization in language space.

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  • Sokur E.A.
    Some aspects of the language personality of the investigator

    The paper discusses the communication features caused by an institutional situation, in particular, an interrogation to analyze speech behavior of the investigator and to reveal separate aspects of his language personality. The material of research comprises videos of the interrogations carried out by investigators of the Investigative Committee of the Republic of Adyghea. The language personality of the investigator is referred to as the assembly of people generalizing characteristics of speech behavior of group of the people who are carrying out identical social function. Possibilities are shown to create an abstract model of the language personality by means of synthesis of the characteristics of speech behavior which are the general for investigators whose speech behavior was recorded on video and was analyzed. A method of scientifc supervision, the discourse analysis and analysis of speech behavior are used. This work is of scientifc and practical importance and relevance due to lack of comprehensive investigation of such kind of institutional communication as interrogation. The undertaken analysis of features of speech behavior of the investigator under conditions of interrogation makes a certain contribution to linguistic pragmatics in an aspect of the language personality concept and his speech behavior and to sociolinguistics. The conclusion is drawn about a variety of forms of demonstration of various aspects of the language personality of the investigator during interrogation.

    pdf 63-66.pdf  (257 Kb)

  • Tuova R.Kh.
    Intertextuality in the detective text of a postmodern: a lingual cultural aspect

    The aim of this work is to study key parameters of implementation of intertextuality in the detective text. The methodology of research is based on synthesis of lingual, cultural, cognitive and literary approaches that allow adequate estimation of the role of intertextuality in formation of semantic space of the detective text in a postmodern. Defning in the organization of intertextuality is a heading, citing, hints and reminiscences allowing the author to play with the reader thereby specifying and deepening implication of the literary text. Disclosure of mechanisms of intertextuality corroborates that the text prototype gains new qualities in other context, thereby demonstrating the principle of «double optics». The literary text is characterized by complex system of the intertextual relations enabling us to perceive it as unity of substantial and formal levels. The intertextuality includes this text in culture space, retransmitting cultural meanings of various eras. The intertextual character of the text is defned by its heading either as hints or as direct citing. The major factor defning impact of the citation on the recipient of the text is to what extent it is known to people, otherwise interpretation of the literary text is complicated or impossible on the whole. This work is of importance because its results can be used in studying the literary text in a modern linguistic paradigm in cognitive pragmatic and lingual cultural aspects.

    pdf 67-72.pdf  (270 Kb)

  • Kharaeva L.Kh., Pshibieva M.A.
    The analysis of etymological meaning of the numerological phraseological units (from material of different-structure languages)

    The paper deals with the problem of correlation of etymological meaning and inner form of idioms containing numerological component within motivational and comparative analysis. The research covers the study of the internal form of numerological phraseological units of four different-system languages: Russian, Kabardino-Circassian, English and French. Identifcation and characterization of the etymological meaning of numerical components in idioms are relevant in terms of content and further development of the semantics. The material of study includes phraseological units containing a numerical component which were extracted by the sampling method from idiom dictionaries of Russian, Kabardino- Circassian, English and French. The analysis of the factual material shows that internal form of numerological phraseological units refects national cultural peculiarity of linguistic picture of the world.

    pdf 73-77.pdf  (283 Kb)

  • Khartikova A.I., Akhidzhakova M.P.
    Specifcs of representation of concept Time in detective texts

    The paper deals with art time of the imagined world which is created by means of the author’s imagination, is determined by his outlook and axiological system and is caused by esthetic tasks. The object of research is art time acting as sequence in the description of events and simultaneously – time of a narration and time of an event. Therefore it is exposed to natural transformation. In the literary text time can be used in two plans: the long periods can fy imperceptibly, and moments extend or entirely stop, especially in the description of key events in life of characters. The aim of this paper is to describe specifcs of function- ing of a concept Time in the detective text. Analytical synthetic and interpretative methods are used. Much attention is paid, frst of all, to detective discourse space which is built as a number of micro subjects having a cognitive model as a psycholinguistic correlate. We see in it relevance of this research because cognitive models in the detective text explicitate in the form of frames, scenarios, schemes, plans, situational models and concepts, capable to act as an initial postulate of invariant signs of the texts referred to the concrete reference sphere. The detective text, therefore, incorporates the meaningful concepts forming a con- cept sphere, semiosis in this system being refected specifcally.

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  • Chamokov T.N.
    On sources of ethnonyms «Adyghe» and «Circassian»

    The paper discusses different sources explaining an origin of ethnonyms «Adyghe» and «Circassian». The word «Adyghe» is considered to be the self-name of the Adyghe people, and the second – «Circassian» – an introduced name. Objects of research are statements of both the national and foreign authors who were engaged in studying ethnic history and language of the people related to the Adyghes. Also oral and poetic national sources are attracted. The goal of this research is to establish the original historical sequence of emergence and functioning of the word names «Adyghe» and «Circassian». Recognizing a national (Adyghe) origin, we note that the term «Adyghe» has more ancient origin (about more than two thousand years), than the word «Circassian», which formed in the Meotic environment (approximately in the 8th-7th centuries BC) during a Cimmerian era – the period of formation of a core of the Nart heroic epos. Comparative historical, comparative and typological methods of research are used. Legitimacy of existence of different versions on this point is admitted. It is inferred that a profound study on this problem taking into account all existing sources, both historical and modern, is needed to establish genesis and further functioning of the word names «Adyghe» and «Circassian». This is of undoubted practical interest.

    pdf 83-86.pdf  (259 Kb)

  • Shkhumishkhova A.R.
    Lingual culturological aspect of culinary essays of Alexander Genis

    This paper examines a genre of the culinary essay, new to the Russian mass communication, to describe the lingual culturological features of culinary travels of the writer and publicist A. Genis. His concept is related to representation of ethnic cuisine as an element of historical and cultural traditions. It is noted that culinary travels have not only culturological, but ethnoimagological prospect since in texts of this genre not only an image of the author, but also an image of Another is present. Methods of the stylistic, contextual and culturological analyses are used. The conclusion is drawn that the unity of spiritual and material, shown in the essay of A. Genis, refects close connection between national character and national food. The practical importance consists in complex research of one of the most popular genres of the literature promoting increasing interest in food as to a culture artifact. Research makes a contribution to the actual directions of modern linguistics: a lingual culturology, ethnolinguistics and media stylistics.

    pdf 87-91.pdf  (265 Kb)

    Literary Criticism
  • Bauaev K.K.
    Sensitive images of Balkar poetry and their typology

    The paper deals with the problems of apperception specifcs of Balkar poetry, in particular, sensitive fullness of shaped national perceptions. The object of study is the verses of Balkar poets, which include the ontological symbolism, being genetically traced back to the folk worldview and German romanticism. The goal of this article is to examine how the national artistic thinking builds a new type of materialized view in Balkar poetry. A historical typological method is used. Much attention is paid, frst of all, to the sensitivity of ethnically marked shaped units and aesthetic thinking. Putting a question in this way allowed the author to build up a tonal range of evolutionary types of shaped structures with a marked «physical» content and to show that they in their artistic, aesthetic form prove to be a major component of consciousness and outlook of the Balkarian people, ensuring preservation of specifcity and national identity of ethnic verbal tradition.

    pdf 92-97.pdf  (271 Kb)

  • Kapets O.V., Kapets V.P.
    Problem of metamorphoses in I.A. Brodsky’s poetry

    The subject of transformations in I.A. Brodsky’s poetry is brought to the forefront of this research. The object of research is poetic works, comprising three levels: comparisons, identifcation transformations and metamorphoses. The goal of research is to analyze the central question of poetry: metamorphoses in the context of mythological, folklore and literary traditions. The motive analysis, dialectic and hermeneutic methods are used. The scientifc and practical importance and relevance of this study are caused by innovative character of a perspective, its poor-studied character and lack of researches on its poetic heritage related to folklore, myths, ancient art and the world literature. The main conclusion is that the most ancient problem of metamorphoses tracing the roots back to myths, fairy tales, bylinas and literary works can be called one of the fundamental in poetry of the author and can be analyzed, according to our hypothesis, as one of three levels.

    pdf 98-103.pdf  (278 Kb)

  • Naptsok B.R.
    Specifcs of an image of the «Gothic» villain in the novel «Monk» by M.G. Lewis

    The paper focuses on specifc features of an image of the «Gothic» villain in work of M.G. Lewis «Monk». An analysis is made of portrait and psychological characteristics of the main hero of «Monk», and the main problems of the good and evil, a crime and punishment, belief and religion, loneliness and freedom, love and passion. A study is made of the system of «Gothic» motives: secrets of an origin of the hero, irresistible fate, an incest, prosecution and communication with a devil. Methods of historical literary, textual and culturological research of literary works are used. The scientifc and practical importance and relevance of work are defned by poor study of system of images of «Gothic» work. The main are conclusions that Lewis provides the «Gothic» villain with the dialectics of soul which is expressed in infnite fght of mixed feelings. The author does not portray the traditional «Gothic», but refexing, passionate and contradictory villain, in soul and thoughts of whom there is a fght of the Good and Evil. As a result, the hero comes to irresolvable confict which is by all means connected with the victims, death of these or those indisputable humanistic values and his moral falling.

    pdf 104-110.pdf  (262 Kb)

  • Panesh U.M., Panesh S.R.
    On features of the Adyghe common literary and publicistic prose of the 1920s – 1930s and its relationship to the Russian literature

    An analysis is made of typological laws of national literature of the 1920s – 1930s. The goal of this paper is to study features of the Adyghe literary and publisictic prose of this period and its relationships with Russian literature. Objectives of the presented work are the analysis and synthesis of the problematic thematic contents and art features of documentary prose of the Adyghe, Kabardian and Circassian writers, identifcation of genre versions of an essay, article and the feuilleton and the characteristic of typological and contact relationships with the Soviet, frst of all, Russian literature. Abundance of small operational genres of literary and publicistic prose at the initial stage of development of newly created literatures related to social and historical changes of reality is demonstrated. The subject and features of a form of an essay, article and the feuilleton in creativity of initiators of national literatures are defned. Similar ideological and esthetic searches in the Russian prose caused by common conditions of development are formulated. Various relationships of young newly created literatures and the Russian literature with a wide experience and rich traditions are designated. It is inferred that the literary and publicistic prose is of great importance for formation of original national cultures. The character and a role of contact and typological relationships, sources and the nature of bilingual creativity are disclosed.

    pdf 111-117.pdf  (274 Kb)

  • Shovgenova T.A.
       Formation of a genre of the story in Khazret Ashinov’s creativity in the 1960s   

    The place of a genre of the story in works of the Adyghe writer Kh.Ashinov is identifed. The object of research is stories of Kh. Ashinov, the prose writer of the 1960s. The goal of this research is to analyze works of a «small» genre. Having focused on a story genre at the beginning of the literary activity, and then having continued this work in the 1960s, the writer approved a new type of the story in the Adyghe literature, having brought the skill of the story- teller to perfection. Research of features of the writer’s stories in the context of development of the whole literary process makes this work relevant. Comparative typological and textual methods of research are used. The scientifc and practical importance of this work lies in showing the evolution of the genre in the writer’s creativity, determination of art and thematic features and the use of these results in the study of the writer’s prose and in drawing up training courses on the Adyghe literature. The conclusion is drawn that the genre of the story occupies the dominant place in prose of Kh. Ashinov and that features of one of the prominent stages of renewal and development of national literature are refected in these stories.

    pdf 118-122.pdf  (265 Kb)

  • Yuryev D.Yu.
    The pseudo-documentary aspect in the collection of stories «Box of Bricks» by Mikhail Elizarov

    Specifcity of the works of Mikhail Elizarov in the collection «Box of Bricks» is examined for the purpose of identifying the artistic techniques which are relevant for understanding of ideological level of concrete texts and creativity of the writer in general. Various approaches to the philological analysis are applied. Within system approach we used structural, historical and literary methods and techniques of literary and critical interpretation of texts. Aspiration to a factual account and the maximum reliability in showing reality shapes special structure of Elizarov’s stories imitating the human document: the protocol of interrogation, the criminal chronicle, the reporting, the autobiography, the report or testimony. The pseudo-documentary principle of these works is needed to implement the author’s strategy: refusal of direct didacticism as attempt «to wake» contemporary’s consciousness. It is proved that formation of a reader’s assessment is promoted by the «ophthalmologic code» of the book defning philosophical implication of works. The importance of a heading complex is directly connected with this: the author rejects the idea of game and manipulation with human consciousness not only at household, but also at the ideological and state levels. The scientifc importance and relevance of the present work are defned by its innovative character since Mikhail Elizarov’s prose has not received an objective assessment in modern literary criticism yet. Independent work on the analysis of art material is carried out and its critical evaluations are summarized. The practical importance of research lies in possibility of using its results in drawing up the training courses dedicated to history of Russian modern literature and further studying creativity of Mikhail Elizarov.

    pdf 123-127.pdf  (251 Kb)

  • Osipova E.A.
    Communicative space of modern society: scientifc approaches to the understanding and actual problems of the functioning

    The paper is devoted to the philosophical, sociological, linguistic and other approaches to understanding the communicative space as a socio-cultural phenomenon. The author analyzes the views of researchers on the correlation between communicative, media and cultural spaces. The analysis of a wide range of sources allows the author to identify the main characteristics of the modern communicative space. Those are the multidimensionality and variability. The major problem of functioning is interaction in a situation of spatial «gaps», and the understanding, which is related to value aspects of the communicative space. According to the author, «building the physical and cultural bridges» is connected with the expansion of axiological dimensions of global communicative space, since both the interaction and understanding are primarily faced with value differences and conficts. The author considers the values of culture, dialogue and the pairing values to be the key to resolve the problems.

    pdf 128-136.pdf  (290 Kb)

  • Sokolova G.V.
    Social regulatory aspect of a role of mass media in formation of mass consciousness

    An attempt is undertaken to examine the importance of manipulative actions of mass media in formation of public opinion in order to analyze its information and communicative role in this process. There are a lot of subjects organizing information stream in mass media and each of them has its own interests and, which is the most important, the right to uphold its position to give an assessment to events. We see relevance of research in this. In the course of the analysis, as we know, information is not only transferred from a communicator to the recipient, it is still shaped, specifed and develops, therefore it is necessary to consider specifcs of information exchange process, in particular, increasing role of the so- called subjective factor in a modern situation. There is no journalism in pure form as the objective informing on the facts of reality that is connected with psychological features of the person. The theoretical and practical importance of research is that it makes a certain contribution to the theory of journalistic creativity. The journalism from its origin was urged to infuence minds and it continues to do this now, actively forming public opinion. To achieve communicative success, various techniques are used, therefore it is important for the journalist to master the techniques and methods of creation of the text in journalism.

    pdf 137-141.pdf  (263 Kb)

    Biological Sciences
  • Vodolazhskiy G.I., Vodolazhskaya M.G.
    Brain meteosensitivity of healthy adults. Gender aspect

    In physiological conditions, sensitivity of the REG and EEG components to ordinary weatherfactors (the wind mode, atmospheric pressure, relative humidity and temperature) has sexual distinctions: is more expressed at men. The normal meteosensitivity of a brain at persons of both sexes is not subjectively felt, but objectively is registered in the form of correlations and approximations between REG and EEG values and unextreme geophysical changes. Relationships between parameters of EEG rhythms and meteofactorsamplify in process of increase of cerebral rhythmics among “the delta – a theta – an alpha – a beta”. Reactivityof female REG and EEG parameters depends on a stage of an ovarian-menstrual cycle. The majority ofcases of brain meteoreactivity of women are registered after an ovulation when neurodynamic parameterschange “similarly man's type”.

    pdf 41-46.pdf  (403 Kb)

  • Nagoeva M.A., Shaov M.T., Pshikova O.V.
    Sfigmoton as a way to regulate physiological parameters of the cardiovascular system of the person

    We have studied the influence of Sfigmoton imprinting technology, the mode of functioning of which was copied from the “voice” of the pulse of the person adapted to impulse hypoxia and modulated with the help of computer technology for the dynamics of the tension index, the adaptive capacity of the body and the heart rate. Tension index and adaptive capacity were determined according to Baevsky’s techniques and heart rate, according to the duration of R-R interval on the cardiogram. Exposure time of influence of the “voice” of pulse on the participants of the study group was 5 minutes daily for 10 days. At the same time there was a stabilization of the tension index, pointing to positive changes in the functional reserves of the cardiovascular system and in the adaptive capacity of the whole organism. Throughout the study, the value of the adaptive capacity changed in the vibrational mode and tended to normalize the test indicator compared to the background, indicating that adaptive reactions of the organism increased. As a result of the test factors on the organism, decrease in heart rate and the normalization of the index of tension were observed and there was a restoration of vegetative balance. Data of these experiments can promote further search for new efficient modes of Sfigmoton for the purpose of improvement of regulatory and adaptive mechanisms.

    pdf 47-52.pdf  (359 Kb)

  • Morgul E.V., Kolmakova T.S.
    The formation of adrenergic mediation at children with allergic diseases

    The allergic diseases come to the front of noninfectious diseases of children. Incidence rate of allergic diseases and risk of transition in a severe incapacitating forme – bronchial asthma – necessitate the examination of pathogenetic components of regulation of the immune response. In the scientific discussion the role of catecholamine’s neurotransmitters in the formation of allergic response of children at the age of 1-8 years, which are suffering from urticaria and bronchial asthma, is observed. It is a well known fact, that all allergic reactions of organisms of children at the age of 1-3 years are accompanied by high secretion of dopamine. The differences of adrenergic mediation of acute urticaria and bronchial asthma are defined in the organisms of children at the age of 3-8 years. Children at the age of 3-8 years, which are suffering from bronchial asthma, have high level of secretion of noradrenaline, which can cause the development of bronchial spasm.

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  • Zavodnov O.P., Botasheva T.L., Linde V.A., Avrutskaya V.V., Aleksandrova E.M., Marchenko A.V.
    Correction of dysfunctional disorders in perimenopausal syndrome by partial light deprivation

    The paper provides data on preventive and medical effect of a light deprivation at women with climacteric disorders in the perimenopausal period. Thanks to light-protective lenses used in light months of year at women with a neuro and vegetative form of a climacteric syndrome, melatonin synthesis increases, level of the honadothrophic hormones is normalized, and the psycho-emotional status improves. On the basis of the implemented researches the authors offer an easily reproducible economically low-cost non-drug method of correction of climacteric disorders.

    pdf 58-65.pdf  (350 Kb)

  • Yakimov A.V., Shapovalov M.I., Efimova T.N., Makhova I.Kh.
    On nutrition of a North Caucasian long-whisker gudgeon Romanogobio ciscaucasicus (Berg) in the Terek river basin (Central Ciscaucasia)

    This paper presents original data on nutrition and food activity of one of endemic species of fish in the Terek River basin – a North Caucasian long-whisker gudgeon (Romanogobio ciscaucasicus (Berg)). Within a day the greatest food activity is observed in twilight and night time. A basis of food supply of a long-whisker gudgeon is made of larvae of secondary water insects – hironomidas, green drakes, and more rarely vesnyankas and caddis flies. During the summer period, because of impoverishment of natural food supply of the rivers owing to floods, land invertebrates play the noticeable role in food of the gudgeon.

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  • Melnikova T.N.
    Methods of an annual runoff assessment for unstudied rivers in the Northwest Caucasus

    The paper gives recommendations of standard editions how to assess the norm and many-year variability of an annual runoff of the unstudied rivers in the Northwest Caucasus. The alternative technique to assess the annual runoff of unstudied rivers of the region under study is presented. It is based on a relationship betweern the norm of the annual river runoff and the average altitude of their reservoirs and on a dependence of variation coefficient of the annual river runoff upon the average altitude of a reservoir. The conducted researches expand theoretical and applied aspects of regional hydrological investigations.

    pdf 71-78.pdf  (624 Kb)

  • Chernyavskaya I.V., Tolstikova T.N., Ednich E.M.
    Members of Juniperus L. genus in the Botanical Garden of the Adyghe State University

    The paper gives the results of introduction testing of cultivars of Juniperus L. genus in the Botanical Garden of Adyghe State University. The estimation is given of the prospects of using the exotic plants for greenery planting. We studied the basic parameters of water regime of various cultivars of the genus Juniperus in the seasonal dynamics: the content of total water in the shoots, intensity of transpiration, water-holding capacity and water deficit.

    pdf 79-86.pdf  (415 Kb)

  • Tuova T.G.
    Environmental problems of the Krasnodar artificial reservoir

    The paper presents the generalized results of environmental researches of the Krasnodar artificial reservoir and ways of problem solution. The work reflects the ecologically negative influence of the reservoir on surrounding environment and health of the population of municipalities in the Adyghea Republic. Theconducted researches on the analysis and assessment of environmental problems of the Krasnodar reservoir expand theoretical aspects of regional ecological researches.

    pdf 87-94.pdf  (441 Kb)

  • Botasheva T.L., Gurbanova L.R., Kirillova T.G., Chernositov A.V., Zavodnov O.P., Aleksandrova E.M.
    Stereofunctional aspects of heart rate regulation under conditions of orthostatic test in women during menopause

    The paper presents data on features of vegetative regulation of a heart rate of women in the climacteric period. The obtained results point to tension of heart rate variability regulation mechanisms in the pre- and post-menopausal periods. The research shows that central regulation contours are typical for women with the right and left lateral behavioral profile of asymmetries, and autonomous, for ambidexters. During orthostatic test, we established the differences in the nature and orientation of the various components of changes in the amplitude of heart rate, which are statistically significantly determined by the vector of asymmetries. Women with the right and left lateral profile of asymmetry show predominance of the high-frequency component in structure of total power of a range. This testifies to respiratory typology of regulation. The egalitarian type of regulation of a heart rate was noted at ambidexters of both orientations. In the post-enopauzal period the discoordination of heart rate regulation is registered more often at lefthanders which consists in domination of an autonomous contour at the expressed representation of the central mechanisms of regulation.

    pdf 95-101.pdf  (349 Kb)

  • Bagaeva N.E., Tuguz F.V.
    Role of migrations in formation and evolution of system of settling in territories of North Ossetia and Adyghea Republic

    The paper shows the role of migrations in formation and evolution of system of settling in the territory of North Ossetia from the middle of the 18th century to now. The events which defined the most important stages of evolution of settling in North Ossetia and Adyghea Republic are compared.

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  • Khashkhozheva D.A., Shaov M.T., Pshikova O.V.
    Effect of the single and combined model neuroacoustic frequencies on the cardiovascular system of the person

    All objects of nature, both living and non-living, strictly obey certain rhythms. In a human body there are many kinds of processes, which are subject to rhythmic changes. In the different states the so-called dominant frequencies appear. The paper discusses the effect of modulation of the adapted neuron frequencies on the cardiovascular system. Simultaneously a comparison is made between the effect of the single and combined frequencies. It is shown that the effect of the combination of frequencies has the total normalizing character, while single frequencies can stabilize only a few parameters.

    pdf 108-113.pdf  (460 Kb)

  • Kairov V.R., Tsugkieva V.B., Utizhev A.Z., Gulueva D.T., Eremeev N.A., Khagur M.N.
    Increase in productivity and digestive metabolism of growing pigs fattened by optimizing feeding conditions

    The aim of the two experiments was to study the productivity, digestibility and assimilability of nutrients of diets of young fattening pigs when feeding them yakon tubers and an adsorbent for heavy metal detoxification. It was found that to increase productivity and to improve digestion and nutrient digestibility of forages in the diets of young pigs for fattening we should include tubers of yakon in conjunction with the addition of the enzyme preparation protosubtilin G3x at a dose rate of 0,03% of the dry matter. In addition, in the technogenic area of North Ossetia-Alania, to increase weight gain and to improve the digestive processes of metabolism, we should include the preparation of the adsorbent karbitoks in amounts of 2,0 kg/t of concentrate in the diets with increased heavy metal background to fatten young pigs.

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  • Botasheva T.L., Kirillova T.G., Chernositov A.V., Gurbanova L.R., Zavodnov O.P., Barinova V.V.
    Effect of physical activity on the autonomic regulation of the heart rate in women in pre- and postmenopausal periods depending on the lateral behavioral profile of asymmetries

    Based on cardiointervalography, features of heart rate vegetative regulation were studied in 275 women in the reproductive, pre- and postmenopausal periods depending on the nature of their lateral constitution. We defined adaptation of women to various types of physical activity depending on the type of heart rate regulation. It has been found that the type of heart rate regulation changes from the optimum to disregulatory if exercise exceeded the functionality of the body of women with different types of lateral behavioral profile of asymmetries. Based on individual typological features of vegetative regulation of heart rate depending on the nature of the lateral behavioral profile of asymmetries we identified approaches to the selection of individual programs of physical activity to prevent menopausal disorders and to improve the quality of life of women.

    pdf 120-128.pdf  (359 Kb)

  • Bochkareva I.I., Dyakova I.N., Artemyeva V.V.
    Phytochemical analysis Geum urbanum L.

    The paper provides the results of a phytochemical analysis of dried leaves and flowers of Geum Urbanum (wood avens) showing the presence of free proteinogenic amino acids, vitamin C, carotenoids, flavonoid combinations and tannins in the extracts.

    pdf 129-132.pdf  (354 Kb)

  • Shumafov M.M.
    Stabilization of unstable steady states of dynamical systems. Part 1

    In the paper a problem of stabilization of unstable steady states (unstable equilibria) of controllable dynamical systems by feedback control is considered. The work consists of three parts. In the first part a short survey on the feedback control stabilization of unstable steady states of dynamical systems is presented. Different types of output (state) feedback control are used: stationary and nonstationary ones; classical and Pyragas' time-delayed ones. The problems of stabilization of unstable steady states of dynamical systems by the mentioned above types of feedback control are formulated. These problems have originated in a variety of control theory applications, and are stated by the famous scholars. In the second and third parts main results are presented along with a brief literature review. Effective necessary and/or sufficient conditions for stabilization of unstable steady states of two-and three-dimensional dynamical systems in terms of the system parameters are given. These conditions show that an introduction in the system considered nonstationary feedback control or time-delayed feedback one, in general, extends the possibilities of the ordinary stationary stabilization. The results can be used for stability analysis of nonlinear control systems in the neighborhood of an unstable equilibrium point, and also for stabilization of unstable steady states embedded in chaotic attractors of nonlinear dynamical systems.

    pdf 13-21.pdf  (779 Kb)

  • Roytenberg V.Sh.
    On connected components of the set of polynomial vector fields, structurally stable in a neighborhood of the equator of the Poincare sphere

    The paper examines connected components and classes of topological equivalence of the set of planar polynomial vector fields of degree  n , which are structurally stable in a neighborhood of the equator of the Poincare sphere.

    pdf 22-29.pdf  (417 Kb)

  • Stash A.Kh.
    Properties of full and vector frequencies of solutions of linear nonhomogeneous autonomous differential equations

    Sets of values of characteristics of solution variability of the linear nonhomogeneous equation with constant coefficients are completely studied. Full and vector frequencies of strict sign changes of solutions of the nonhomogeneous equation prove to accept only zero values, and for any solution its full and vector frequencies of mild changes of signs, zeros, roots and the hypercrate roots coincide among themselves. It is established that ranges of full and vector frequencies of mild changes of signs, zeros, roots and hypercrate roots of the nonhomogeneous equation consist of a set of the regularized frequencies.

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  • Boychenko S.E., Tlyachev V.B.
    The angular distribution of the radiation of an electron moving along the arc of a circle

    We consider the results of numerical analysis of the angular distribution of the radiation of an electron moving along the arc of a circle of a definite angular opening depending on velocity and angle of opening.

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  • Unarokova R.B.
    Incantations in traditional culture of the Adyghes

    The incantation texts related to magic notions and beliefs of the Adyghes are explored to defne their art specifcs. The incantation complex comprising the text, ritual action and subjects is the object of research. Availability of developed microlexicon indicates that the incantation tradition of the Adyghes is widely represented both in the historical territory and in diaspora. Nevertheless, this subject remains poor-studied in the Adyghe modern science. Of scientifc interest is the determination of specifcs of magic images and subject motives, as well as the degree of interrelation and interconditionality of the verbal text and a ritual context of incantations. That is why this research seems to be relevant. Structural functional and comparative typological approaches cleared variability level of the incantation texts. Use of such feld methods as the included supervision and conversation interview allowed the author to reveal not only data carriers, but also the expert healers capable to remove a malefce and to treat for stings of a snake and spider. The author comes to a conclusion that the art originality of the Adyghe incantations is defned by originality of poetic diction, and by the structure consisting of a poetic introduction, the description of ritual action, the address to the wrecker with a request or damnations, a clip and an enumerative row with a prayerful ending. Tens of incantation texts introduced into scientifc circulation allow enlarging a research feld of ceremonial culture, thereby defning the scientifc and practical importance of work.

    pdf 142-147.pdf  (249 Kb)

    Study of Arts
  • Abakumova E.V.
    Color as means of expression in painting and music

    Color is examined as the physical phenomenon capable to cause certain psychoemotional conditions of the person. The purpose of this paper is to uncover impact of color on the emotional feelings of the person. Special attention is focused on disclosure of ideological concept of artistic or music work by means of a color system. Formation of color associations and parallels is studied both in painting and music. Synesthesia is considered as the color hearing peculiar both to musicians and artists. The analysis of experiments of color feelings of a sound is carried out both among musicians and artists. The method of culturological, comparative and typological research of works of music and art is used. The scientifc and practical importance and relevance are defned by the innovative character connected with synthesis of arts in the context of use of color as means of expression of an emotional state of the person. The conclusion is drawn that synthesis of arts is a powerful tool to express an ideological intention in the course of creation of a picturesque work and a piece of music, and that the integrative training in the fne arts and music is of great importance.

    pdf 148-154.pdf  (258 Kb)

  • Zernina A.V.
    Features of text and tune coordination in religious chants of the Doukhobors from the Rostov region

    The paper deals with the features of musical poetic composition of the poor-studied genres of the Doukhobors’ singing tradition. The object of study is correlation of the text and tune in the Doukhobors’ spiritual chants, and its subject includes the principles of coordination of these components in a «psalm», one of the genres of a religious circle. The goal of this study is to detect laws in the Doukhobors’ singing the poetic text. To reach this goal, the structure of the poetic text and melo-stanzas of a tune are explored, and the character of their correlation and degree of interconditionality are established. The scientifc and practical importance and relevance are defned by the innovative character connected with application of the structural analysis in studying singing genres of the Doukhobors’ tradition. As a result of the undertaken analysis it is established that partitioning of a verse of the «psalm» is variable. Thanks to this we have come to a conclusion that the structure of the poetic text is subjected to the tune: division into three constructions is standard for structure of a melo-stanza in all psalms, basic are initial and fnal constructions in bringing the text; in median construction its partitioning and singing varies freely. We believe that graphic shaping of the text in hand-written notebooks refects a syntactic autonomy of a tune and the verbal text.

    pdf 155-160.pdf  (284 Kb)

  • Mozgot S.A.
    Personal space in music: the «I-You» concept in the “order” communicative model

    An analysis of chamber vocal lyrics of the 16th-19th centuries was used as an example to put forward a hypothesis that presence of the interlocutor is the leading trait of a concept «the personal space» in music. The goal of this work is to show techniques of personifcation of the interlocutor’s image, as well as to identify ways of marking personal space of the interlocutor in music. The objective of this research is to fnd out, which models of negative states are of interest to composers of the 16th-19th centuries and how is the personal space of the hero and his interlocutor modeled in them. Essential is an opportunity of disclosing spatial semantics of archetypic intonations by showing the change of intonation importance caused by changing direction of the melodic movement in it. We intend to reveal and theoretically prove the varieties of formal models of social interaction existing in music. During research methods of proxemics, hermeneutics and the intonation analysis of music are used. This study shows that presence of the interlocutor in a piece of music can be designated by genre, tonality, harmony, intonation, thematic and texture contrast in relation to an image of the main hero, as well as by marking one’s own spatial position that proves to be the dominating feature of a concept «personal space» of the personality in music. This is confrmed by demonstrating the genesis and fxing negative semantics of intonation of the order in music. The practical value of work is defned by identifcation of variations of personifcation techniques and ways of marking personal space depending on the character of interaction refected in music.

    pdf 161-166.pdf  (273 Kb)

  • Reva G.V.
    Psychological antipodes in music: questions of interpretation (as shown by F. Chopin and F. Liszt’s creativity)

    The paper explores the infuence of psychological properties of the personality on his musical creativity (F. Chopin and F. Liszt’s music was taken as an example). The goal of this paper is to compare psychological antipodes of two composers. As a result, style features, the ideological contents, a fgurative system and composers’ handwriting are distinctly established. The knowledge of these features allows a competent interpretation of works and the creation of that image which is put by the composer. Relevance lies in that the psychological and autobiographical aspects dominate in art of composers of the romantic direction. These aspects are related to self-disclosure of the author the understanding of which allows the performer to competently interpret the performed work. Exact defnition of a correlation of work with its author and writing time, as well as the consideration of all style lines in the course of work, directly depend on the traditions which developed in this culture. It is inferred that penetration of the personal principles of the creator into an art feld of work becomes the main source of its contents and shaping.

    pdf 167-172.pdf  (271 Kb)

  • Rudichenko T.S.
    Chants in religious rituals of the Doukhobors and Molokans in the Rostov region: current state

    This work explores the historical dynamics of spiritual chants of the Doukhobors and Molokans using an example of one of the territorial variants of confessional cultures. The goal is the comparative analysis and an assessment of state of singing component of religious rituals at the present stage of existence. The practical importance of research is defned by identifcation of the factors promoting preservation or the accelerated tradition retardation that allows using the obtained results in studies of other cultures. The scientifc importance of work is connected with establishment of basic possibility of shaping various scenarios of development of transformational processes in related oral traditions. Interdisciplinary approach and methods of feld and comparative research and the theory of historical dynamics are used. Smaller liability to modernization is characteristic of the singing tradition of the Molokans guided by written initial texts of the Bible: the developed repertoire, the mixed structure of choruses, features of structure of a singsong and the melodic-polyphonic feature of psalms are kept. A renewal was expressed in use of texts in Russian translation. In religious practice of the Doukhobors there is a tendency to reduce a share of the sung texts and increase the readable ones. The women participants defne the repertoire «lyricalization» due to replacement of psalms by verses and spiritual songs; the folklorization of a singing manner is observed. Research allowed identifcation of the distinctions in the course of adaptation of culture to modern conditions determined by features of social history and confession of belief. The general universal tendencies in transformation of tradition are found: informatization, change in the mechanism of transmission and age cyclicity of spiritual chants. Experience in comparative studying their functioning in religious rituals of the Doukhobors and Molokans in national science is undertaken now for the frst time.

    pdf 173-179.pdf  (278 Kb)

  • Sineoky O.V.
    Bootlegs and unoffcial releases in the illegal rock music recording

    Academic musicology increasingly expands its borders, involving new and little explored, but potentially rich areas, dictated by modern society, into research interests, one of which is the rock music recording. This paper explores one of the most important musical legal issues of rock music recording – bootlegging – as a countercultural social phenomenon. In the world of music there is an array of multi-level information on a bootleg, which requires a scientifc analysis and classifcation. This is the main purpose of this publication. Historical-genetic and terminological methods are used to analyze the origin and various meanings of concept «bootleg». The musicological method is used to fnd out the subgenre boundaries of the unoffcial releases in the illegal recording. The classifcation method is used to propose typology of bootlegs. In addition, the characteristic features of bootlegs are identifed. Similarities and differences with other types of informal phonographic products are defned. The meaning of terms “offcial bootleg” and “unoffcial bootleg” is disclosed. Legal assessment of bootleg releases with rock music recordings is provided. The main conclusion is that the “bootlegging” is one of the specifc types of “music piracy”, which has its own communication features. The relevance of the publication is that the structure of the music recording contains a special bootlegging sector, which is a system problem, the best solution of which has not been found yet. The novelty of the research is related to establishment of a communication system elements of rock, since the origins of the universality of this musical direction is rooted in the music industry and in the phenomena of a wide public plan.

    pdf 180-185.pdf  (271 Kb)

    Technical Sciences
  • Simankov V.S., Cherkasov A.N.
    Methodological aspects of functioning of decision-making support system within the intelligent system of situational center

    The paper deals with the methodological aspects of the decision-making support system (DSS) within the intelligent system of situational center for solving the problems of the different subject areas. The stages of decision-making support, providing a full cycle of the DSS operation are analyzed. The sequence of stages of the DSS operation within the system of situational center is described.

    pdf 133-138.pdf  (563 Kb)

  • Kizdermishov A.A.
    Protection of personal information at its processing by means of the Internet telecommunication network

    The paper discusses the situation which developed in connection with the measures undertaken by the Russian Federation for protection of personal information during its processing by means of the Internet telecommunication network, application of the order of processing personal information established by the regulator in telecommunication networks, taking measures to access restriction to information processed with a violation of the law of the Russian Federation in the field of personal information and rendering telematic communication services.

    pdf 139-143.pdf  (343 Kb)

  • Vlasenko À.V., Dzoban P.I., Timchenko M.V.
    Development of algorithms, tools and methods for user authentication in the Web-applications using hash functions

    Development of algorithms, tools, and methods for user authentication in the Web-applications using hash functions is necessary for both active and passive protection of data identifying and authenticating users of the developed Web-based applications. Even in the case of loss of authorization data by the user, the attacker will not have enough time resource to convert them into original form for future use because a developer can adjust the aging time Cookie.

    pdf 144-150.pdf  (599 Kb)

  • G.V. Goryelova, E.N. Zakharova, N.D. Pankratova
    Connitive and simulation modeling as one of the means of development and analysis strategies of territories development

    The paper deals with the methodological groundwork of territories, regions, and other complex systems development. Analysis of existing strategies of Russian regions development has shown that all these documents are insufficient. More than 30 years experience of regional strategies and programs development and implementation shows that most of the problems in the effectiveness of the development and the use of development strategies have not disappeared. New problems appear, including geopolitical. An important cause of non-effectiveness of strategies is insufficient theoretical and methodological study of design, implementation and monitoring of the strategic plans. The paper presents strategy development methods. The authors propose to use a synthesis methodologies worked out by cognitive modeling of complex systems, system dynamics and scientific prediction for the design and analysis of development strategies atthe stage of pre-project research. They give the description of the simulation of cognitive modeling technology of complex systems. The experience of the application of the developed methodology shows that the tools help greatly in the process of designing of territorial development strategies of regions, territorial complexes and other complex systems. The tools visualize the complicated structure of the system in accordance with the purpose of the study and see the whole system with all details. They give an opportunity to explore the structural properties of the system, its stability, as well as to simulate a large number of situations of options (much more than experts can present) in the system for various controlling changes at the vertices of the cognitive model.

    pdf 182-195.pdf  (332 Kb)

  • À.S. Losev
    Selection algorithm statistically sound management decisions under uncertainty

    This paper considers a selection algorithm of statistically reasonable administrative decision in the conditions of uncertainty of cases when there are a lot of possible situations. The author carries out a comparative analysis of the developed algorithm with known methods of decision-making and results of numerical experiment.

    pdf 196-200.pdf  (126 Kb)

    Economics history
  • M.I. Kuter, M.M. Gurskaya, A.M. Musaelyan
    Cash inflo ws and outflo ws first book (Entrata e Uscita ) in Francesco Datini Company

    The paper presents one of the earliest books, intended for keeping a record of cash movements (Entrata e Uscita) in Francesco di Marco Datini’s company, dated by 1367-1368. The book consists of two parts: inflows and outflows are taken into account separately. They summarize the divisions periodically. The outcome Uscita is transferred to Entrata and recorded under the outcome of the first section. They use the displayed balance not only for verification with cash balances. It also serves as the first entry of section Entrata of new accounting period. The accounting of cash outflow in Uscita begins with a clean slate. The peculiarity of outflows accounting is considered to be a crucial moment. In Uscita records are maintained by name, for each economic fact. In Entrata they record the whole day and sometimes several days.

    pdf 55-65.pdf  (551 Kb)

  • A.M. Musaelyan
    The earliest analytical balance — Avignon 1366

    The paper considers the earliest analytical balance, built by Francesco Datini in 1366. The peculiarity of this balance was that they conducted it in a combined way. They formed most of the balance sheet items by means of goods inventory. Only calculations with debtors and creditors were made by abacus in the paragraph in the general ledger. The main aim of the analytical balance was the conclusion of the financial results of the comparison of all that “we have to give” with all that they “must have”from us, but not in the control function, aimed at establishing the identity between property, equity and debt. This latter figure includes the amount of debt, invested capital and reinvested.

    pdf 66-82.pdf  (602 Kb)

  • Bobylev Y.V., Panin V.A., Romanov R.V., Borisov V.V.
    Study of self-excited oscillations in the course of General Physics in the Pedagogical University

    The paper provides guidelines for the theoretical study of self-excited oscillations in the course of General Physics in the Pedagogical University. The authors explore the simplest mechanical systems and make an analytical analysis of the self-oscillatory processes which clearly illustrate the results of computer simulation.

    pdf 151-160.pdf  (417 Kb)

  • Panesh O.A., Chitao S.I., Kabayan N.V.
    Alkaloid- and glycoside-bearing plants of Adyghea and their learning at school

    A biodiversity as well as a global environmental problem of its preservation have to enter the content of biological education. The elective courses urged to supplement, on the one hand, the content of profile disciplines or to provide development of the contents of basic courses can become one of the variants of inclusion of material on a biodiversity, and, on the other hand, to satisfy various cognitive interests of the trainees. The elective course “Alkaloid- and Glycoside-Bearing Plants of Adyghea” is intended to deepen and expand knowledge of pupils on botany, to involve school students in vigorous practical activities on studying the nature of the native land and to teach students to distinguish medicinal and poisonous plants.

    pdf 161-166.pdf  (337 Kb)

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