M.V. Zakovorotnaya
Professional identity as a key aspect of modern social identity
In this paper the author considers various aspects of the formation
of a professional identity as a social identity.The analysis of the meaning of a profession as well
as the analysis of four historical socio-cognitive models of profession understanding in history,
namely, the Catholic, Protestant, Orthodox and liberal is suggested. The problems of formation
of professional identity in the modern globalizing market economies are considered.
In conclusion, new promising problems are put for analysis.
N.A. Ilyinova
Postclassical philosophy on social and humanitarian cognition
The attempt has been made to consider problem of correlation of natural
science and social and humanitarian sciences in the frames of philosophical systems of the end
of the 19th-beginning of the 20th centuries of such scientists as Au.Conte, K.Marx G.Rickert
and W.Dilthey.
S.A. Titarenko, A.A. Nagoy
Uniqueness of existential philosophizing style of Nikolay Berdyaev (Towards the 140th anniversary since birthday)
The paper shows that logic and style of Nikolay Berdyaev’s philosophizing
is justified by specifics of his philosophical position. The authors reconstruct special
logic of sense translation offered by the Russian thinker. Profound esoteric layer of the
thinker’s heritage created under the influence of special vital and ideological circumstances
is described. A special protoform character of thought forms of philosophizing differing from
the traditional is revealed. It is inferred that special thought forms expressed an esoteric
component of Christian outlook of the thinker.
V.E. Chernikova
Conflict of traditional moral values and values of information society
The paper considers content of the conflict between traditional moral values
and values of information society.Considerable place is given to apprehension of moral state
of information society, analysis of value judgements of traditional and information society,
revelation of communication peculiarities and its role in the process of transformation
of moral values. It is underlined that the basis of the conflict is the the expanding of influence
of information technologies on society.
P.E. Yudin
Geopolitical competition and cultural resource
The author analyzes problems generated by the so called œ cultural turnaboutB
in modern geopolitics connected with the questions of protection of national cultural identity
and advancing of national geocultural interests in the international arena.
M.A. Abdullaeva
Traditional drinks used in alternative medicine by Karachay and Balkar people
In this paper, the author examines curative properties of fermented milk
traditional drinks of Karachay and Balkar people # ayran, kephir (gipi ayran), koumiss
(kimiz) and whey (huppegi) on the basis of collected diverse field material. Best representatives
of academic medicine of Russia and then of the Soviet Union studied curative properties
of these drinks and came to the conclusion that they influence positively the man’s health
prolonging his life.
A.V. Balayan
Problems of military strategy of Great Britain in the context of Anglo-American cooperation progress in Afghanistan at the beginning of the 21st century
"Afghan problem" is considered in this paper as one of the main subjects
of Anglo-American cooperation of the beginning of the 21st century affecting the whole
complex of foreign policy decisions accepted by both countries. It is shown that one
of the starting points for reconsidering principles of North Atlantic policy in the East
is the 11th of September, 2001, since from that moment ideas of new contrterrorist policy
in the Middle East and in Afghanistan are being developed both: at the bilateral level and
in the frames of main institutes of the Northern Atlantic Allience based on new military
and political strategy of states. It is proved that at the same time central positions in the
discussion of this question were occupied by British and American concepts as both countries
have considerably big historical experience of implementing its own policy in the region.
L.V. Burykina
Interfaith relations in the North West Caucasus in the 19th - early 20th centuries
The paper considers interfaith peculiarities of the North Caucasus in the
19th - early 20th centuries. Assessment is given of religious factor in the history of the
region. Analysis is made of problems associated with the phenomenon of Islam in the North
Caucasus regional refraction. The author comes to the conclusion that in the early 20th
century the administration of the North-West Caucasus ajusted religious developments
in the region in the wake of Russia’s main religion, in its efforts to strengthen the
Russian state.
Z. Ya. Emtyl
The formation of social national intelligentsia and incorporation of the North Caucasus into Russian geopolitical space at the end of the 19th century - the 1920s: (as in the case of Adyghe people)
This paper gives an analyses of correlation of the process of formation
of national intelligentsia and incorporation of the North Caucasus into Russian geopolitical
space. It is noted that the specific process of formation of social national intelligentsia
consisted in its stimulation mainly by means of outer factors connected with the including
of the North Caucasus into the Russian Empire and later into Soviet Russia. Inspite
of the fact that the main content of public activities of national intelligentsia was the rise
of the civil and political status of the Adyghe people within the system of Russian state,
it played really positive role in the process of incorporation of the North Caucasus into
Russian social and political and cultural space.
E.E. Korchemkina
On the formation of regional branches of Russian Nature Conservancy Society in the 1950s (based on the materials of the Republic of Adyghea)
The paper considers the formation and activity of regional organization
of Russian society of nature conservancy as an integral part of nature protecting policy
of the Soviet state. Analysis is being made of main directions and difficulties of the functioning
of this public ornigazation at the initial stage of its activities, the landmark of which
became the adoption in 1960 of the Law on Nature Conservancy in RSFSR which stimulated
the formation of the new strategic line in nature-protecting policy.
V.M. Nepomnyashchiy
Cooperative housing in the Krasnodar Territory in the 1960s
The relevance of the paper is in the possibilities of using the experience
of cooperative construction in the USSR to solve the housing problem in modern world.
The purpose of the research work is to analyze the process and results of the cooperative
housing development in the Krasnodar Territory in the 1960s and the main tasks are related
to the study of the conditions and factors in the development of this type of construction.
Z.Kh. Soblirova
The activities of the North Caucasus Regional Committee of the Peasant Public Mutual Aid in 1925-1929
The article deals with the most fruitful period of the Committees of Peasants
Public Mutual Aid in the North Caucasus (1925-1929). On the basis of archival sources data
were summarized (CCOV) in various areas of their activities. The role of the North Caucasian
Territorial Committee in establishing rural, district and regional committees is shown.
S.Kh. Khotko
Circassia and the Kremuk Principality on the "World map" (Mappamondo) of Fra Mauro, 1459
The paper considers one of the first cartographic presentations of Circassia
made by outstanding Italian cartographer and geographer Fra Mauro in the middle of the
15th century. Besides indications on the existence of whole ethnic territory in the North-
West Caucasus called Circassia, the master displays, probably for the first time, messages of
Italian merchants and diplomats about the existence of a large Circassian Kremuk principality.
This article analyzes the recent data on Kremuk and justifies the point of view of the full
compliance of the principality to the feudal domain Temirgoy in the late well-known sources.
F.Kh. Shebzukhova
The system of mortgage loans and the role of the nobility and the peasants’ land banks in the development of agrarian capitalism in Russia in the 1880s - beginning of the 20th century
The article is devoted to the history of the appearance and development
of the mortgage loans in Russia, in particular the nobility and peasants Land banks.
The purpose of their creation, types and peculiarities are considered. Also the course
of actions and the nature of bank lending operations are analyzed.
A.V. Arakelov, M.F. Alieva
Information as a means of dual education
In the paper, we give our reading of the problem related to implementation
of the dual education in Russia and ways to solve it. The role of information in the dual
education system is shown.
T.I. Afasizhev, V.A. Teshev
Features of implementation of the dual educational system in conditions of innovative development of higher education
In the present paper examines elements of the dual education system as
innovation needs of higher education, the advantages of dual education system in comparison
with traditional training system, organization of educational process on a new, productive
learning technologies, introduction of innovative technologies. Discusses the dual education
system in Germany, which demonstrates the high quality of education.
L.A. Delova, T.L. Pyatakova
Electoral preferences of residents of the city of Maikop: monitoring studies of elections of Mayor and deputies of the City Council
The features of electoral preferences of citizens of Maikop in elections
of the mayor and members of the City Council are considered. An analysis is made of
the results of two sociological studies conducted in three phases each. The general laws
of preelectoral events and electoral behavior of citizens of Maikop are determined.
Zh.V. Makarova
Problems of formation of creative thinking in Russian todays society
This article is devoted to the analysis of the difficulties that prevent from the
formation of a full-scale creative culture in modern Russia. The author explores the functioning
of the institutional system of society in terms of supporting or denying its creative practices,
studies the public opinion in relation to socio-cultural creative ideas and determines the nature
of the correlation of the creative culture with traditional models of the latter, as well as with the
dominant system of values. The material presented here can be used for the development of the
socio-cultural problems of creativity in the frames of social philosophy and sociology of culture.
N.A. Poltorak
Communicative competence as one of components of students’ professional culture
The communicative competence is considered as priority quality in formation
of the modern expert. Attention was paid to such components of the communicative competence
as: linguistic, socio-linguistic, pragmatic, sociocultural and social. Also this work focuses
upon professional socialization and social resource as necessary factors to receive a qualitative
L.E. Kiselevskaya, A.N. Khochansky
The role of medical assessment in determining the capacity of elderly and senile people
The paper covers debating questions relating to the medical aspects of the
definition of incapacitation in elderly and senile age. The purpose of the work is to highlight
the existing problem in the definition of disability for this category of persons.
The Economic Theory
S.A. Nesterenko
Development theory aspects of Russian fuel and energy complex
The paper provides a definition of Russian fuel and energy complex, its main
characteristics, the structure of the complex, as well as its inter-industry connections.
It considers the direction of the fuel and energy complex of the scientific community
in different periods of historical development of Russia, from the beginning of the
industrialization of the domestic economy to the current stage of development of the national
economy. The author substantiates the role and importance of the fuel and energy complex in
the overall structure of the Russian economy. He specifies the basic problems of the industry,
the factors constraining the development of the fuel and energy industry today. The scientific
article examines the need of further scientific study of this problem, including its regional
component direction.
M.A. Sorokin
State and business structures competitiveness: content , objectives, methods of providing
The paper reveals objectives differences, subjects, instruments
for competitiveness, methods of evaluation and the consequences of declining competitiveness
on the analysis basis of enterprise structures competitiveness and state competitiveness
slices. The author formulates theoretical problems preventing the solution of business
structures competitiveness ensuring and increasing state competitiveness. The scientific
article represents the principles of unification tool for competitiveness.
A.D. Khachirov
Capital accumulation and reproduction probl ems: fixed industrial assets state
The scientific article considers the issues and problems of capital accumulation
and reproduction. The author examines the dynamics of change in industrial fixed assets,
the problem of lack of competitiveness of Russian industry. The paper analyzes the
reproductive structure of investments. It also contains a valuation analysis of the main
factors constraining the companies and organizations development. The author studies trends
and investment performance of various industries. It is one of the keys to understanding the
current problems that have accumulated in the Russian manufacturing sector.
Financial Markets
A.Yu. Rodnina
The Russian Federation credit system and economic development current challenges: conformity problems
This paper studies modern challenges of the Russian Federation formed
by globalizing economy (national economy), state, regions, enterprises and organizations,
connected with credit and credit system of the country. It determines the requirements of the
economy to credit. The author draws a conclusion that the credit system of the Russian Federation,
being effective in a number of market criteria, is unable to response wholly the challenges
of the Russian economy and globalized world. The scientific article highlights the fact that credit
system of the Russian Federation should work closely with the state and look for new ways
to interact with the state for an adequate response to the requests of the economy.
A.Yu. Rodnina, E.E. Nikolaeva
Postulates of credit theory relations VS the Russian Federation credit system
The scientific article investigates the Russian Federation credit system
in terms of its compliance with the basic principles and laws of credit relations development
(credit theory postulates). While reaching this correspondence the credit system is able
to respond adequately to the challenges economy produces. The authors draw a conclusion
that modern Russian credit and finance system does not provide the realization of most of
the principles of credit relations. It does not act in accordance with requirements of high
level theoretical thought. It is necessary to unite the efforts of the credit sector and the state
as the task needs the support of the state.
Problems Related to Investment Activity
A.V. Turuntaevà
Investment strategy as an instrument of investment policy (based on the Krasnodar Territory)
The scientific article highlights the category of «investment strategy
in the region». It considers the process of its formation and direct impact on the investment
attractiveness of the region on the example of the Krasnodar Territory. The author focuses on
the fact of application of this category as an effective tool for the implementation of regional
economic policy. The author pays her particular attention to the activities of a number
of strategic areas of innovation and investment development, which are implemented at the
moment. The paper represents recommendations and the directions of attracting investments
into the economy of the region through the creation of competitive clusters.
Regional Economy
I.K. Abidova
Constitutive characteristic and mode of regional economic systems development of depressive type
The scientific article investigates the constitutive features of regional economic
systems of depressive type, widely represented in the economic space of modern Russia.
The author focuses on the main objectives of these systems. He reveals the core
of the mechanism of inhibition of their development. The paper concludes that the method
of development of regional economic systems of depressive type is caused by the process
of capitalization of their institutional status. The increment of institutional status forms
the basis for the extraction of specific rents. The paper reveals requirements to enhance the
development of instruments of regional economic systems depressive type, adapted to modern
conditions of stagnation in the Russian economy. It clarifies the resource support problems
of Kabardino-Balkaria — one of the typical regional economies of depressive type.
S.V. Aluyan, F.V. Shutilov
Strategic planning as a regional social and economic system control mechanism
The article deals with the theoretical approach to the strategic planning
of regional development. Strategic planning is a very important and necessary part of the
development of regions of Russia. The development of a strategic plan is one of the most
important and difficult tasks facing the state. The article defines the characteristics and the
basic steps for the implementation of the strategic plan of social and economic development
of regions. The authors identify targets and activities in solving social problems.
A.A. Bzhasso, Ò.À. Martynova
Cognitive tools applying necessity in crisis manag ement at the meso-level
The scientific article reveals the necessity of cognitive tools application in crisis
management of modern Russian regional economy. The authors focus on the conditionality
of this application by the way of combination of the new economy beginnings and stagnation
manifestations at the meso-level. They propose new types of cognitive tools of crisis
management of the regional economy.
O.P. Bondarchuk, D.S. Pashtova
Regional economy development in the crisis of the previous growth model
The scientific article investigates the resources and the main development
directions of the regional economy of modern Russian development, when we observe the signs of
the previous growth model crisis in the terms of protracted stagnation. Opportunities exhaustion
for further growth of regional economic systems sets the task of finding qualitatively new
opportunities before the regional economy theory and the development of promising directions
of the evolutionary process at this level, demanded in the terms of slowing economic growth.
The authors reveal the fact that the protracted stagnation activates a special institutional
trap for regional development. Intensifying budget constraints require qualitatively new tools
for enhancing territorial entities of business. They offer progressive tool to promote regional
economic systems. The paper substantiates respective directions of development according to the
conditions of the South of Russia, dominated by territorial localization of depressive type.
Y.I. Gromov
Socio-ecological-economic evaluation and projection methodology of sustainable development of agricultural-oriented areas
The scientific article substantiates the urgency and the contents of the
author’s approach to the systems parameters of sustainable development at the regional level
in the context of the three components (environmental, economic and social). It represents
the specificity of the North-Caucasus Federal Territory economy according to which a system
of performance indicators has developed. The paper gives the brief characteristic of the
current stage of development of the region taking into account current trends. The author
proposes a method of multi-criteria spatial-temporal evaluation SEEA of agro-industrial
type. It is based on the indication of general indicators within the allocated areas with high
accuracy to identify the current model of sustainable development.
L.N. Drobyshevskaya, K.M. Isakov
Theoretical and methodological approaches formation to the innovation activity study of meso-economic systems
The present paper considers the possibility of enterprises innovation activity
analysis, taking into account the advantages and disadvantages of statistical research base.
The authors formulate the concept of innovation research organizations. The scientific article
reveals methodological shortcomings and methodological limitations of information and
analytical sources.
M.G. Kovalenko, V.V. Shalatov, N.A. Kusina
Sub-clusters role in inter-municipal socio-economic differences smoothing
The scientific article discloses a number of aspects related to the rationale
for the use of sub-clusters in overcoming of inter-municipal socio-economic heterogeneity
in the budget-deficit regions of Southern Russia, which has steadily increased. The paper
examines the possibility of a cluster tool to smooth inter-municipal differences on the example of one of these regions — the Adyghe Republic. The authors pay their particular attention
to the assessment of preconditions for the creation of clusters and agro-tourist-recreational
type in the Adyghe Republic.
Kh.A. Konstantinidi
Regional competitiveness improvement mechanisms: marketing areas
The paper clarifies the concept of competitiveness of the regional economic
system. It defines the role of marketing areas in the process of increasing the competitiveness
of the region. The author represents an analysis of the use of marketing tools territories in
the Krasnodar Territory. The scientific article reveals the mechanism of the implementation
of marketing tools territories to the control system of regional social and economic
A.A. Mokrushin
Potential cluster structures in the development of vertically integrated corporations’ interaction with regional economic systems of Southern Russia
The scientific article discloses prospects for the formation and development
of cluster structures in the economic sphere of Southern Russia as a form of interaction
between vertically integrated corporations (VIC) with regional economic systems. The author
highlights the basic group of regional clusters forming during the interaction VIC different
types and levels of development in the regional economies of the South of Russia. The paper
reveals principles and functions of management of territorial clusters, key constraints
clustering process of economic space in southern Russia.
I.V. Sugaipova, E.N. Zelepukhina
Main industrial structure-types economic activity analysis of Krasnodar Territory to identify their potential for clustering
This paper presents the method of analysis of industrial structure-and longterm
economic activities of the Krasnodar Territory in order to identify their potential
for clustering. It considers the prospect of the creation and development of metallurgical
cluster in the Krasnodar region on the base of companies «Novorosmetall» and «Abinsky
electro-metallurgical work».
O.B. Ugurchiev, R.O. Ugurchieva
FTPs as of social and economic development mechanisms of territories
This scientific article analyzes the problems of regional development.
Program-target method of economic and territorial management is an important means
of active influence of the state on the socio-economic complex problem regions. Nowadays
targeted programs are mechanisms that help regional authorities to overcome the existing
problems and to reach a new level of regional control. While working on the preparation and
implementation of long-term programs targeted regional executives, managers acquire the skills
of a systematic approach to the regional problems. In modern conditions it is obligatory to
present scientifically developed strategies for social and economic development of territories.
Federal authorities are taking consistent steps to coordinate the various programs of regional
social and economic development.
O.B. Ugurchiev, R.O. Ugurchieva, D.O. Ugurchiev
Basic federal targeted programs financing analysis of regional development during 2011—2013 period
This scientific article analyzes the financing of federal targeted programs
for regional development. The authors use the data of State Programs Department and investments of Economic Development Ministry for the period of 2011—2013. They
unite the data in the table on following quantitative and qualitative indicators: federal
program name, financing sources, as well as planned and actual amounts of funding during
2011—2013. The paper draws some conclusions. Generally speaking federal program funding
in the Russian Federation in the period from 2011 to 2013 is uniform, increasing from year
to year. Funding levels for the target programs vary considerably depending on the programs
priority. Federal-target programs fulfill its main task in the post-crises period as budget
investments enliven industry economic and social areas.
The Account, Audit and the Control
N.A. Antonova
Due diligence in terms of actuarial accounting : procedure method
The paper describes the general methodology principles of a professional service
due diligence gaining popularity in Russia now. It gives the details of transaction expertise
application. The scientific article represents illustrations to provide a common understanding
of the elements due diligence, as well as tables detailing the procedures for each direction.
The author reveals his own approach to the description of the stages of deal and capital
examination. He determines the need to develop methodological support of capital transactions
for the Russian professional practice (in the field of accounting, auditing, taxation, finance
and law) as part of the actuarial principles of accounting concepts.
T.G. Belozerova, D.V. Lugovsky, R.A. Tkhagapso
Intangible assets: identification, evaluation and classification problems
The scientific article presents the definition of immaterial assets, intellectual
property and intellectual property. It also demonstrates their similarities, differences and relationship. The authors reveal economic and legal differences in the composition
of objects recognized as immaterial assets in the Russian and international practice. The paper
denotes legal definition of immaterial assets as a set of property rights to the intellectual
activity results and individualization means. It considers the essence of immaterial assets
classification according to the nature of the rights of intellectual property, duration, value
maturity, sources of income and the possibility of alienation. The authors give the technique
of immaterial assets revaluation and impairment.
J.V. Klimova
Financial instruments accounting : transition to IFRS 9
The scientific article provides an outline of the final version of IFRS (IFRS)
9 «Financial Instruments», published by the IASB Council in July 2014. It investigates
its impact on increasing information content and reliability of the financial statements
of companies in a volatile economic environment. The author pays her particular attention
to the provisions relating with classification and measurement, impairment and hedging
accounting, which fundamentally changes compared with the current standard governing the
accounting of financial instruments — IAS (IAS) 39 «Financial instruments: recognition and
I.N. Kostyukova, D.V. Lugovsky, R.A. Tkhagapso
Identification and evaluation of in accordance with Russian and international standard
The paper presents the definition of inventories as a collective term to
name the short-term non-monetary material assets. It specifies criteria for the recognition of the stocks in the useful life and the ability to bring economic benefit. The authors highlight
the differences between the components of inventory — materials, goods and finished
products. They discuss the necessity of normative regulation of accounting work in progress
as reserves component. They give classification of reserves functional role in the production
process. The scientific article reveals possibilities of accounting policies during the initial and
subsequent measurement of inventories.
Economy of Agrarian-Industrial Complex
I.V. Gagay
Land quality and farmland valuation methods
The scientific article examines the theoretical aspects of qualitative and economic
evaluation of agricultural lands. It considers the concept of land appraisal and its indicators
application in the land economic evaluation. The paper represents the fundamental differences
between the two methods of cadastral valuation of agricultural land. The author determines the
main indicators of agricultural organizations efficiency, according to the land quality.
S.V. Kesyan
Cluster approach to integration cooperation of APC enterprises at meso-level
The scientific article deals with the implementation of the cluster approach
to the organization of integration relations of economic entities of territorial agricultural
complexes. It reveals the possibilities of cluster structures in ensuring agro-industrial complex
competitiveness at meso-level. The paper presents the results of a comparative analysis
of vertically integrated corporate and cluster structures. The author highlights the key
factors that promote and prevent the formation of agro-industrial clusters in Russia.
The Theory and Practice of Business
E.N. Zakharova, V.V.Prokhorova, V.A. Tkachenko
Innovative development paradigm modern business
This paper considers the tendency of formation of an innovative economy
in which business profits are created by the excess flow of innovations. A key figure
in this economy is an entrepreneur. Business aim is the constant focus on the search for new
combinations of economic resources. The authors represent several variants for innovative
development strategy in Russia. They reveal the role of innovation infrastructure as a basic
ingredient of innovation.
Social Economy
O.V. Torchinova, R.A. Barkenkhoeva
Interim liability accounts as an evaluation tool of social responsibility of integrated economic relations participants
The scientific article considers the tasks that contribute to the formation
and development of tools for social responsibility of integrated participants. It discloses
the contents of one of the tools — the integration of the accounts interim responsibility of integrated participants in the system of national accounts and the system of regional
accounts. This solution provides an adequate level of social responsibility of governments,
large corporations, non-governmental organizations with significant investment potential and
capable of generating significant risks and threats associated with the results of its impact on
the development of spatial economic systems (national economy, regional economy, the local
Kh.F. Nalgieva
Leadership in the control system
The paper reveals the theme of leadership which has always been, is and will
be one of the most burning themes occupying the minds of a lot of generations of all ages —
practitioners and theorists. It was interesting at all times; it has not lost its importance today.
The leadership theme is connected with its place in society, political and social and economic
processes, as well as the fact that leadership is a form of social and interpersonal interaction.
The author gives the definition of effective leadership and examines the main features
of leadership. The scientific article reveals the essence of leadership, studies theoretical
and practical characteristics of a leader and finds a direct connection between leadership
and management.
Taxes and the Taxation
E.E. S mirnova
Analysis of the current practice of tax control completeness reflection of individuals’ income and its efficiency improvement
The scientific article considers the question of evaluation of tax administration
efficiency on individuals’ income in the Russian Federation. It highlights the problems
arising in the implementation of tax control as well as analyzes the methods of assessing the
effectiveness of tax control. The author examines the experience of tax control in Moscow
with the collection of qualitative evidence base in order to avoid unreasonable additional
charges. The paper presents the feasibility of using tax control measures to improve the
efficiency of tax control.
E.S. Struchkova
Production tax administration increasing in the economy modernization
The paper discloses the main tasks of state regulation of the economy
in the post-crisis period. It highlights the need to improve tax administration in the Russian
Federation oriented on the production development stimulation, high technology products
increasing in exports and customs procedures simplifying and other administrative restrictions
on exports. It pays its attention to development of information security and improving
coherence administering bodies. The author substantiates the necessity of tariff protection
for inexpensive domestic manufactured goods that are produced in sufficient quantities
by Russian enterprises and provide domestic demand. Rates for more expensive goods must
be kept low and this will preserve the imports volume and provide certain competitive
conditions. The scientific article draws a conclusion that the tax system reforming is essential.
It includes issues related to a decrease in payments to the state budget funds.
Abstracts of Monographs
N.A. Pocheshkhov, R.D. Khunagov
Materials of the conference: "The Caucasian War: problems of typology of sources and methods of analysis." Republic of Adyghea, Maikop, May14, 2014
General Problems of Pedagogy
S.N. Begidova, I.V. Makrushina
The paper discloses the basic concepts characterizing ecological consciousness. The authors single out and justify the essence and the structure of ecological consciousness presented by anthropocentric and ecocentric types of ecological consciousness, by individual and collective and by ordinary and scientific ecological consciousness. Characteristics are given of four typical forms of ecological consciousness: consciousness of denial, consciousness of a hyperbolization, egoistical consciousness and adequate ecological consciousness.
L.Ya. Bukreeva, Yu.V. Sirenko
The paper, on the basis of the retrospective analysis, examines features of professional and labor training of pupils living in orphanages for orphans and children without parental support in the Ufa province of the pre-revolutionary period to use experience of social and pedagogical protection of orphans at the present time. The paper is based on materials of funds of the Central Historical Archive of the Republic of Bashkortostan.
L.Ya. Bukreeva, Yu.V. Sirenko
The goal of the paper is to present historical experience of orphan living arrangement in the pre-revolutionary Ufa province. The paper demonstrates the main stages and features of development of the orphan care and education system in the Ufa province in the context of development of children's charity in Russia till 1917. The authors describe the leading tendencies in development of orphan care in the specified period, types of charitable institutions for orphans, features of teaching and educational process in them and the positive moments important for improvement of modern social protection of the childhood.
Ch.R. Gromova
The paper presents the results of a comparative study of the structure of personal identity of first and third year teacher students. Personal identity is examined as a dynamic education. It provides individuality, sameness of the person and the relationship with other members of society. The structure of identity includes a presentation about the person, the social roles, values and attitudes. Relevance of research is determined by insufficient knowledge of age characteristics of identity and the dynamics of identification characteristics. As a result of empirical study differences in the structure of identification characteristics in students from different courses are detected. This study has revealed a number of contradictions in the structure of identity of the modern student to be considered in the organization of the educational process.
R.M. Islemisova
This paper sheds light on the educational policy of the state in the management system of the Tatar education in Russia in the 19th century, using an example of the Astrakhan province. A purposeful policy of Russification was absent: a foreign education throughout the nineteenth century was governed by the Ministry of Internal Affairs and by the Ministry of National Education. The peculiarities of the Tatar education in the Astrakhan province in the 19th century are disclosed on the basis of works of contemporaries and archive data. The author describes the reasons why the government paid no attention to the Astrakhan Tatars. Also a historiographic analysis is given showing the necessity of studying this problem.
Yu.S. Kuznetsova, V.F. Tenishcheva, E.N. Tsyganko
Integrative contextual approach was used to investigate problems related to marine specialist training to professional activity. Modular creation of a course in foreign-language communication at which computer technologies act as a simular of professional activity is proved. The results of cadets’ professional training to the activities requiring foreign language communication skills at the Admiral F.F. Ushakov State Maritime University are given.
T.V. Kurganskaya, V.A. Petkov
Strategic objective of pedagogical activity of modern rural school is creation of conditions for education of the viable personality who has been comprehensively prepared for independent life. In this regard the value of health of pupils is actualized as one of the priority directions of its humanization, being basis of physical, mental and social wellbeing, a condition and basis of full development of the personality. The author offers an approach to design formation of bases of a healthy lifestyle in pupils of elementary classes of rural school.
E.V. Malaja
The paper discusses opportunities and justifies need of use of student's university mass media (student's television, the official site of higher education institution, faculty newspapers, etc.) as additional resources to form and increase level of speech culture of future specialists of education. Features and forms of trainee’s participation in the high school mass media activity are described. Educational potential of university mass media is illustrated with concrete examples of trainee’s practical activities, and its results are given.
S.N. Maslieva
The present research focuses upon the concept of "the integrated personality", a scientific definition of which is provided in this paper. From a position of this paradigm the author charcterizes possibilities of the school student with deviations in health to enter the general education environment and to become the personality integrated in it. Psychological and pedagogical conditions of ensuring this integration are disclosed.
Z.K. Meretukova, A.R. Chinazirova
The paper discloses the essence of the concept "potential", the specific content of pedagogical activity potential and the continuatively related suggestopedian culture. The key concepts and ideas of synergetics which are displayed in educational process are allocated, and possibility of their purposeful extrapolation on pedagogical activity is justified. An essence of the synergetic thesis "the order from chaos" and situations of its manifestation in activity of subjects of educational process are described in detail.
T.N. Poddubnaya
The paper discloses the author's view of childhood protection and support in aspect of a humanistic paradigm of education. It contains theoretical justification of a humanization of system of the childhood social protection, need of the childhood protection and support, improvement of situation in society by means of education in the context of the general strategy of improvement of the childhood social security.
V.A. Filonenko, V.A. Petkov
Modern requirements to professionalism assume implementation by the future teacher of effective self-organization of educational professional activity and self-sufficient designing the course of life. This actualizes the development of self-processes among which the special place belongs to professional self-organization of the personality which is a significant factor of professional development. This paper discloses basic provisions of author's approach to modeling the formation process of professional self-organization skills at students of teacher training college. A method of modeling was used to show all stages of multilevel pedagogical education through a prism of subject self-implementation, self-affirmation and self-realization. The model reflects driving factors of development of all structural components, considering a role of external influences, environment influences and intra personal mechanisms of self-movement. The data on the experimental work confirming efficiency of the developed model are provided.
L.Kh. Tseeva, B.Kh. Panesh
The paper discusses the modern understanding of the content of project activity in the course of professional training of future preschool teachers. An analysis is made of approaches to this technology. The authors provide the structural model of a method of the projects, adapted for teaching practice in higher education institution.
Special Methods and Teaching Technologies
Z.K. Kakhuzheva
The present research focuses upon the present stage of development of educational process, which is marked by the aspiration to reproduce the culture saved up by society in the content of education; by disclosure of the humanistic ideas, general elements and traditions in learned languages and cultures; and by familiarizing with processes of globalization, interdependence of the countries and the people in modern conditions. The author examines the development of an education system which would not simply correspond to dynamically changing requirements of society, but also worked with an advancing.
L.Kh. Tseeva, R.K. Simbuletova
The paper explains the concept of project-based training as a basis for practice-oriented professional students training in learning a foreign language. Structural components (target, substantial, operational, productive) of a method of project-based learning are defined.
Modern Problems of Psychology
L.A. Sizova
The paper presents an analysis of interrelation of perfectionism and social adaptation as personal psychological markers of professional subjectivity of nurses of clinical and management kinds of activity. The author substantiates empirically the hypothesis that social adaptability of the personality corresponds to adequate manifestation of perfectionism which is the average level of its expressiveness. The increased general level of perfectionism reflecting the high standards claimed by the personality to himself and to another is shown to be connected with the reduced level of social adaptation. The activity demanding high degree of a personal responsibility of the subject for the final result causes certain personal and psychological traits. At clinical nurses those are the high level of the general perfectionism and perfectionism focused on themselves, blocking a process of social and psychological adaptation. Medical nurse managers have a specific combination of high standards in relation to another and the medium (optimum) level of standards in relation to themselves and society. Such combination promotes achievement by the senior nurses of social and psychological adaptation which, unlike the clinical nurses directed by them, is much higher and is in limits of medium-to-high indicators.
Educational Space of Physical Training and Sports
S.K. Bagadirova
paper examines the concept of the system genesis of V.D. Shadrikov’s professional activity as a basis to construct the concept of the psychological structure of sports activity.
V.N. Kurys, R.V. Gziryan
The paper deals with the essence, inclusiveness and uniqueness of the notion of music, its origin, role, impact and application in various fields. Examples of various music styles are given. Particular attention is paid to the impact of music, its different rhythms, melodies and harmonies on the person's emotional state. Indicators showing the change of cardio - vascular, respiratory and nervous system are analyzed. The paper outlines a range of views on the variety of music and its influence on human psychophysical state. Its urgent expediency during rhythmic gymnastics training as a condition for the development and maintenance of various body systems of student at the lessons is justified.
S.A. Khazova, N.Kh. Khakunov, N.V. Karyagina, L.F. Selmidis
The paper justifies need to implement special, the competence-based focused educational practical activities of students as conditions of formation of their competitiveness. The concept and the contents of social and professional competence of experts in the sphere of physical culture and sports are characterized. The content of educational and practical work of students – future bachelors of physical culture is described. In this context, business and role-playing games, debates, situational and problem tasks and projects are descrined. The main attention is paid to problem educational and practical tasks of the functional and role contents. These tasks are developed on the basis of integration of basic provisions and the main ideas of the theory of role training, functional, situational and problem approaches to professional training. Value of the projected activity for formation of social and professional competence of trainees is noted.
Kuyek A.S., Setova S.A.
Paco in mythopoetics of Adyghes
The paper examines one of the cosmogonic images of the «Nartkher» heroic epos
of Adyghes, Paco. This is an evil deity, having a peculiar influence on Narts that are forced
to make gifts to him. It is noted that the functions of each cosmogonic deity in the Adyghe
mythology are clearly defined. However, it is not about Paco. Nart legends suggest the
possibility that Paco is a patron of atmospheric phenomena. It is established that in the
context of ethno-mental worldview, perceptions of «godlike» Paco, the saint patron of the
forces of nature, are of great importance in Nart studies and Adyghe mythology.
Unarokova R.B., Shkhabatseva M.A.
Objectification of ideal hero in lullabies of Adyghes
The paper examines genre features and ritual context of the Adyghe lullabies. The
artistic and stylistic specificity of texts is analyzed. The plot-formation and poetics of lullabies
are studied. Principles of image formation of ideal hero are identified. The main conclusion
is drawn that lullabies of the Adyghes forecast the model of the future life of the child.
Chamokova M.R.
Folklorisms in poetry of Khussen Khamkhokov
The paper explores the artistic and stylistic specificity of poetry of Khussen
Khamkhokov, one of the brightest representatives of poets Effendi. Folklorisms and the
objective world of his poetry point to interlacing folk and literary traditions. The conclusion
is drawn that Khussen Khamkhokov’s poetry should be considered in the context of oral
literature, a special type of artistic creation, formed in nations with new literature in Russia
in the late 19th - early 20th century.
Kikova T.M.
Theoretical foundations of postmodern advertising
The paper examines postmodern techniques in modern advertising. The creative,
game and multi-sense nature of contemporary advertising discourse corresponding to the
theoretical concepts of postmodernism is marked. The author presents and analyzes examples
of postmodern advertising. Conclusions are drawn on the effectiveness and popularity of non-
traditional advertising content, as well as on its understanding and acceptance by modern
user if the quality of its execution is high.
Novak M.V., Beshukova F.B.
Typological characteristics of the Russian religious print in the USA in the 19th and 20th centuries: category of «function and purpose» of edition
A typological analysis is made of functions performed by confessional press of
Russian emigration in the USA in the period of its origin, formation and development. It
is revealed that the objectives and functions of this unit of the Russian diaspora press are
consistent with the classic functions of journalism, which are performed by the rest of the
media. It is concluded that the most important feature of the publications aimed at maintaining
the position of the Russian Orthodox Church in the conditions of foreign countries, is a multifunctional activity and the universalization of the content.
Shishkhova N.M.
«Encyclopedic Dictionary, compiled by Russian scientists and writers» and its place in the typology of the 1860s printing
An analysis is made of the history of the creation and functioning of the «Encyclopedic
Dictionary», published under the editorship of P. Lavrov in St. Petersburg at the beginning of
1861. Dictionary is regarded as an organ of the opposition journalism, as experience with the
use of the publication of this kind to promote certain ideas and also as a stage in the search
for publication for secondary society layers, drawn away from serious «thick» magazines for
objective reasons. The address to its articles shows that it continued the best traditions of the
notorious «Pocket Dictionary of foreign words that are included in the Russian language»
by M.V. Petrashevskiy.
Study of Arts
Baste A.K., Mitus I.V.
The concert activity of “Ashchemez” folk group as a new wave in recreating the Adyghe folk singing tradition
The paper shows that the Adyghe folk singing tradition is fading away in post-Soviet
time and deformations of the mechanism of oral transfer of folk singing skills between generations take place. Goals of the folk group teaching are to develop creativity and make
people fully aware of their ethnic culture. Artificial recreation of folk singing tradition is typical of a concert performance as part of organized leisure activity of schoolstudents. A
parallel existence of different folklore forms, including the concert one, is emphasized making an example of “Ashchemez” children’s folklore ensemble.
Budkeev S.M.
Organ culture of Ancient Greece, Rome and Byzantium: a historic-genetic aspect
The paper discusses the features of development of organ culture, formed in Ancient
Greece, Rome, and Byzantium. Organ creation is shown to be preceded by active development
of science, technology and arts in Classical Greece, Hellenistic States, and Rome Empire.
In this connection the organ is interpreted as a multi-artistic phenomenon, possessing the
specific means such as engineering, acoustic and theological. In Byzantium period the organ
culture was developed as secular culture. Owing to high engineering excellence of those
times, exotic organ-like instruments and automatic music machines have been designed.
Egorova A.A.
Japanese ceramics decor: the symbolic and imagery structure of a literary text
The paper discusses the features of symbolic language and structure of the artistic and
symbolic text in the Japanese traditional ceramics decor. Those are a close relationship of the
decor with the hieroglyphic writing of the Far East, a literary tradition, syncretic religious
cults, and aesthetic and ethical doctrines of Japan. Understanding the symbolic - imagery
construction and the structure of a literary text in Japanese ceramics allows us not only to bring
the product into correlation with a particular cultural tradition in Japan, but also, in some cases,
to establish date, due to the history of export production in the workshops of the country.
Reva G.V.
Features of perception of music by S.V. Rachmaninov
The paper examines the features of perception of music opuses of S.V. Rachmaninov.
The perception is characterized by reflection in listener’s consciousness of sound structures
by means of which a comprehension and understanding of art sense of works as a special
form of reflection of reality occurs. Symbols are noted to have an impact on perception of a
piece of music, and on its sense. It is established that all the variety of the signals, transferred
to the listener, is processed and turns into signs which can evolve subsequently in symbols.
Biological Sciences
Popov I.B., Shapovalov M.I.
Sozological characteristic of hymenopterous insects (Insecta, Hymenoptera) of special economic zone of the Maikop region, Adyghea Republic
The analysis is provided of fauna structure of hymenopterous insects (Hymenoptera) and its
short sozological characteristic within Lagonaki Upland, the special economic zone of the Maikop region of the
Adyghea Republic (RA). Within the considered area, 139 species of the hymenopterous insects belonging to 12
families are noted. Six species of them are included in the Red Lists of Krasnodar Region and Adyghea Republic.
The major menacing factors are revealed and recommendations are given for preservation of sozologically significant
objects of an entomofauna within a recreational zone.
Chermit K.D., Shakhanova A.V., Zabolotniy A.G.
On the essence of a sports lateral stress (a scientific hypothesis)
We base the theory of a lateral stress on the methodological principles of a dominanñe of selfdevelopment
and self-organization, unity and fight of symmetry and asymmetry as the conditions for the existence
and adaptation of a human body. A need to account this phenomenon at creation of system of sports training
is proved.
Kalnaya E.V., Shakhanova A.V., Skhakumidov T.A., Meretukova A.R.
Effect of physical activity on the sports regulatory and adaptive abilities of students with different physical activity
Determined the effect of systematic sports physical activity on the functional state of the cardiovascular
system of students with different physical activity, shows that college-volleyball players do not reach an
adequate training effect of the cardiovascular system, while at the students, basketball players have improved
regulatory-adaptive status of female students not involved in sports, have lower regulatory and adaptive status
of all the examinees in the group dynamics of the school year there is a significant deterioration of the regulatory
and adaptive mechanisms.
Ilchenko G.N., Tatlok R.K., Berezkin N.G.
Intraspecific typification of the eugenol-containing species of a basil (OcimumL.)
This paper presents the results of studying a collection of the eugenol-containing species of basil
for the purpose of identifying sources and donors of economically valuable features for selection of the eugenol
basil. Typification of OcimumgratissimumL by the content of the main component in essential oil is proposed.
Khasanova N.N., Agirov A.Kh., Silantyev M.N., Filimonova T.A.
Adaptation variability of nervous system of first-year students during the work on the computer in the conditions of carrying out preventive actions
The paper explores the adaptation variability of nervous system of first-year students during
their work on the computer in Informatics classes. It has been revealed that long work of students on the computer
causes deterioration of adaptation opportunities of nervous system by the end of occupations, development
of considerable exhaustion and decrease in intellectual working capacity. Introduction of preventive actions in
these occupations is followed by more favorable adaptation.
Spasovskiy Yu.N.
Phenological and rhythm structure of phytocenoses of a northern macroslope of the Caucasus Biosphere Reserve
This paper discusses the results of studying the phenological and rhythm features of forest and
meadow phytocenoses of a northern macroslope of the Caucasus Biosphere Reserve. The qualitative and quanti-
tative phenological and rhythm structure of plants and their correlation in the main phytocenoses of the pheno-
logical profile «Guzeripl – the Tybga Mountain» is defined.
Guchetl A.A., Chermit K.D., Shakhanova A.V., Zabolotniy A.G.
Influence of a way of vising on changing parameters of the bioelectric activity of muscles of a hand at children aged 5-6 years catching the falling subject
The paper examines the bioelectric activity of muscles of a shoulder and forearm when catching
the falling subject. The electromyogram of a deltoid muscle represents an interferential curve, showing a sharp
shot-like surge in bioelectric activity. The electromyogram of a biceps of a shoulder is an interferential curve
with intensive increase and decrease in bioelectric activity, and the electromyogram of muscles of a forearm
represents an interferential curve with smooth increase and gradual decrease in bioelectric activity.
Tkhakumacheva Yu. B., Isakov A.O., Mirza M.Yu., Sidorov V. I.
Influence of a social deprivation on manifestation of the nervous system types in 14-15 year-old pupils of boarding school
The paper discusses the importance of research on the nervous system type for the organization of activity of the orphan children who are brought up at boarding schools. Mobility of nervous processes in
14-15 year-old children of boarding school is studied on the basis of «tepping-test» technique. Manifestation of
types of nervous system is established. Comparison of the obtained data with data on research of the children
who are playing sports and brought up in the conditions of a family is carried out.
Chermit K.D., Zabolotniy A.G., Elnikova O.O., Sidorov V.I.
Bioelectric activity of muscles in the course of realization of penalty shot in basketball
The method of the interferential superficial electromyogram was used to study the bioelectric
activity of manual actions of basketball players aged 17-18 years in the course of realization of a penalty shot. It
is established that 69% of unsuccessful attempts are connected with reduction of the maximum amplitude of signal realization of the forearm muscles electromyogram. Instability of the temporary periods of activity of muscular groups is found in final part of a penalty shot. Sexual distinctions of parameters of bioelectric activity of
young men and girls are defined.
Kagazezheva N.Kh., Kolomiytseva N.S., Doronina N.V.
Dynamics of morpho-functional indicators of pupils of the senior classes depending on accommodation conditions in the mountain district and on attitude to addictions
The paper examines the influence of accommodation conditions in mountainous areas of the
Republics of Adyghea and Kabardino-Balkaria on morpho-functional parameters of an organism of seniors, as
well as on their predilection for addictions. Studying extent of distribution of smokers among youth in various
conditions of a residence will allow us to reveal the hidden reserves influencing change of number of the young
people subject to tobacco smoking. In our opinion, the conducted research will allow more successful prevention
of development of this addiction among different age groups.
Shebzukhova E.A.
Modern registration data on the number of reptiles in the Adyghea Republic
This paper describes the long-term field researches on registration data of reptiles carried out
in all altitudinal belts of the Adyhgea Republic. The account was carried out from 2011 to 2014. Routes got out
so that they passed on the most typical biotopes. Lizards and snakes are considered.
Tuguz F.V.
Historical and geographical investigation of settling (Adyghea Republic case study)
The paper discusses the principles and methods of the description and mapping of evolution of
settling in the territory of modern Adyghea since the end of the Caucasus War up to now (the 2nd half of the
19th-20th centuries). Examples are given of typology of settlements and their systems defining logic of historical
and geographical investigation of settling, as well as the list of maps which can be a basis of the sections related
to the population and settlements in scientific atlases intended for different purposes.
Melnikova T.N.
Maximum drain of a spring river high water in the Northwest Caucasus
The paper generalizes the results of researches on the maximum drain of a river high water in
the Northwest Caucasus and discloses the conditions of its generation within the region. The author shows its
spatial-temporal variability and makes an analysis of calculation methods of the maximum drain of a high water. As a result, the dependences of the maximum drain of thawed snow on the average height of reservoirs, and
a dependence of coefficients of a variation of the maximum drain of thawed snow on the average height of river
reservoirs have been obtained. The conducted researches expand theoretical and applied aspects of regional
hydrological researches.
Pshikanokova N.I., Pshikanokova S.D., Pshikanokova N.D.
Scientific and methodological bases of the territorial organization in the conditions of a glocalization of regions in Russia
This work proves a need for the country to reconsider scientific and methodological bases of
the territorial organization. Processes of globalization and glocalisation under the influence of crisis of world
financial and economic system actualize the solution of tasks of the organization and strategic planning of territories. At present ability to self-organization of territorial production, technological, social and economic subsystems in spatial and evolutionary aspect is especially demanded. In this context the system and synergetic
paradigm plays a special role in development of conceptual and methodological approach to the organization of
process of strategic management of regional economic systems.
Goretskaya E.O.
The state cadastral assessment of lands in the Adyghea Republic
The paper substantiates the importance of the state assessment of lands in the territory of Adyghea Republic. The author analyzes the results of the state cadastral estimation of cost of one square meter of
lands in the Republic on the whole and in a section of each municipality.
Teuchezh F.D., Shadzhe A.I., Khamerzokova R.Yu.
The role of ecological tourism in economy of Adyghea Republic
This paper considers the role of ecological tourism in economy of Adyghea Republic. Ecological tourism, being one of the directions of tourist industry as the most dynamic branch of economy, can promote
the intensive growth of recreation-tourist sector of the region with rational use of specially protected natural
Panesh O.A., Lapteva L.O.
Mikhail Danilovich Altukhov – a Scientist, Teacher and the Person
The description of life, scientific and pedagogical activity of the well-known geobotanist, florist,
Doctor of Biology, professor, a researcher of flora and vegetation of the Alpine, subalpine mountain meadows of
the Northwest Caucasus is provided. The complete list of the scientific works of Mikhail Danilovich Altukhov,
written by him personally or in a co-authorship is presented for the first time. The present publication will help
researchers of flora of the Caucasus both with the theory and in practice.
Guchetl A.A., Chermit K.D., Zabolotniy A.G.
The effect of lateralization of sight on the manifestation of bioelectric activity of the postural muscles of children of senior preschool age when holding the balance
This paper examines the bioelectric activity of the muscles of the back, hips and legs while
holding the pose of Flamingo. Violation of stable operation of the postural muscles when holding the pose of
Flamingo in terms of visual derivation specifies the key value of sight in the implementation of postural stability.
In this regard, it is interesting to study postural stability in the conditions of realization of sight with the dominant
and subdominant eye.
Shumafov M.M.
Stabilization of two-dimensional linear controllable systems by Pyragas’ delay feedback
In the paper the problem of stabilization of two-dimensional linear time-invariant controllable
systems by means of Pyragas’ static time-invariant delayed output feedback is considered. Necessary and/or
sufficient conditions of stabilizability of two-dimensional systems are given. The potential of Pyragas’ delayed
feedback is shown for stabilization of two-dimensional systems. The obtained results are compared with necessary
and sufficient stabilization conditions given by feedback without delay.
Ushkho A.D., Feklistov G.S.
On straight-line isoclines and singular points of the flat polynomial vector fields in special cases
The new proofs of the early known data on straight-line isoclines of planar cubic vector fields
are presented. These proofs are based on the introduction of a specific property (a). The set M has the property
(a) if its elements are parallel to each other straight-line isoclines of polynomial differential system and there
are no two lines in it, which induced the same direction. It is shown that if a polynomial vector field of the npower
has the n-element set M1 of the straight-line isoclines with the (a) property and the n-element set M2 of
parallel straight-line isoclines, then the M2 also has the (a) property. We prove that the vector field of the npower
has n(n–1) singular points, and they are all simple, if the set of its straight-line isoclines contains two nelement
subset of the (a) property.
Stash A.Kh.
On essential values of frequencies of solutions of the third order linear differential periodic equation
The third order linear differential equation with periodic coefficients is given for any beforehand
set natural number N. The set of its full (vector) frequencies of uncommon solutions consists of not less
than N various essential numbers.
Malay N.V., Limanskaya A.V., Shchukin E.R., Stukalov A.A.
Thermophoresis of heated large aerosol spherical particles
The stationary motion of large solid aerosol spherical particle in an external field of a
temperature gradient is described theoretically in the Stokes approximation. By consideration of the motion it
was assumed that average particle surface temperature differs from the temperature of gaseous medium
significantly. A power-law dependence of the coefficients of molecular transfer (viscosity, thermal conductivity)
and density of gaseous environment on temperature is considered when solving the equations of gas dynamics.
Numerical estimates showed non-linear thermophoresis strength and speed dependence upon the average
temperature of its surface.
Shchukin E.R., Malay N.V., Shulimanova Z.L.
The influence of heterogeneity of the thermal properties of the nucleus on steady thermophoretic movement of two-layer cylindrical aerosol particle
The problem of single moderately large solid two-layer cylindrical aerosol particle thermophoresis
in inhomogeneous temperature monatomic gas is solved. Formulas found for the particle thermophoresis
velocity allow estimation of its value taking into account dependence of the nucleus thermal conductivity coefficient
on radial coordinate. The analysis has shown that the surface gaskinetic effects have growing influence on
a particle thermo physical motion with increasing the Knudsen number, while the influence of non-uniformity of
the thermophysical properties of particle decreases.
Literary Criticism
Akavov Z.N.
New horizons for the study of literature (on the origin of the Eurasian literary criticism)
The paper discusses one of the most topical problems of today, namely: Russian
literature genesis and methodology of its scientific comprehension. We are talking about such
fundamental issue as the cultural and historical conditioning of literature. A new approach
is formulated which takes into account cultural and historical «stories» that did not attract
attention of researchers previously. A conclusion is drawn about the Eurasian identity of the
Russian multiethnic and multicultural symbiosis.
Galieva M.A.
«Formula of space fence» in the poem «Pugachev» by S.A. Esenin
The paper discusses the Esenin’s poem «Pugachev» in terms of the folk tradition.
Much attention is paid to the image of Pugachev and his connection with the motif of a
«space fence». Parallels to the Russian riddle, folk drama «Boat» and to the burial ritual
are provided. The author raises the question of the relationship between myth, folklore and
literature. Finally, a conclusion is drawn that the appeal to historical poetics and to internal
forms of folklorism allows the reader to understand Esenin’s works differently.
Efremova G.O.
Analysis of mystical novel «The Handwriting of Leonardo» by Dina Rubina
An analysis is undertaken of the novel «The Handwriting of Leonardo» by D. Rubina,
(2008). The paper introduces and describes a complex structural composition of the novel
and multifaceted image of the protagonist. The author shows certain facets of attitude of the
writer. It is inferred that in terms of the implemented analysis, the novel is a genre fusion of
a psychological drama, fiction, detective and family saga.
Kuchmenko M.A.
Intertextuality as the embodiment of the idea of «Death of the Author» in the literature of postmodernism
The paper discusses the relationship of the concept of intertextuality and the theory
of «Death of the Author». The author gives examples of different kinds of intertextual links
and existing points of view on the mechanisms of interaction between the texts. A conclusion
is drawn that intertextuality forms a complex mechanism of transfer of extra-textual reality
into the text.
Meretukova M.M.
On the origin of the genre of the Christmas story in Russian literature
The paper discusses the emergence of the Christmas genre in Russia, the development
of which is connected with the name of Nikolai Gogol. The Christmas genre is shown to exist
in Russian literature before the appearance of the «Christmas Stories» by Charles Dickens,
but in a slightly different form. The first sample of the Christmas story in Russian literature
was the story of N.V. Gogol «The Night before Christmas». This story has paved the way
for the rapid reception and, in the future, partial reconsideration of the Western European
tradition of celebrating Christmas.
Panesh U.M., Sokolova G.V.
On typological relations of the Adyghe general story about the War to Russian literature
The paper examines typological features of stories of the War years in the Adyghe
literature. The moral content of this topic was so large and bulky, that it gave a powerful
impetus to the literature, having formed a characteristic structural-typological layer in
it. These changes, common for the Russian literature, had a special significance for new
literatures. It is inferred that the importance of the Adyghe literature of this period is that it
has developed such problem-stylistic and structural features that have played a significant role in the formation of a new phase of national literatures.
Pyzhova E.I.
The archetypal image of the Hiding Place in the novel of Thornton Wilder “The Eighth Day”
The paper is devoted to one of the features of the novel of Thornton Wilder “The
Eighth Day”: the nascent state and the further development of the archetypal image of the
Hiding Place in the novel. The Hiding Place is shown to be a symbolic element of cultural
space. The connection of the archetypal and psychological makes the image of the Hiding
Place inseparable with the internal state of the family: its life and destruction.
Shikhveledova I.A. (Abdulgalimova)
Spiritual and moral content of the poem «Conversation with My Son» by Alirza Saidov
The spiritual and moral concepts of Lezghian poet Alirza Saidov are examined
based on the material of the poem «Conversation with My Son». The relationship of history,
literature, culture and folklore, traced with its comprehension, is identified. It is inferred
that the principles of morality and moral education of the younger generation are closely
connected with the history of the people, their culture and art.
Avakova L.A., Goncharova V.A.
The comparative analysis of new words with the anti- element in Russian and English languages
The paper examines neologisms and nonce words functioning in the contemporary
mass-media. The authors analyze neologisms and nonce words with the anti- element from
the point of view of their productivity in the word-formation models of the Russian and the
English languages. As a result of researches a conclusion is drawn that these linguistic units
are created predominantly according to standard and partially-standard models. However,
the English language has more non-standard new words than Russian.
Gitinova I.K.
Text fragment of personality: semantic component
A political newspaper text is examined as a collection of text fragments of the author
(TFA), who created the text and text fragments of the person (TFL), to which the author appeals
for the reliability of the above-said. The semantics of TFL is analyzed. Five types of semantic
component of TFL are identified. It is inferred that the semantics of TFL aims to uncover the
depth of the meaning of the problem embedded by the author in text material information.
Kalashaova A.A.
Linguopragmatic features of advertising in higher education
The paper describes the specifics of educational services, the advertising of which
is due to the process of marketization in the field of science and education. It is noted that
advertising in this field is built to meet the needs of the target audience, which considers
quality education as a social guarantee in the future. Factor of addressee determines the
destination address to the rational arguments passed to objective information. To implement
pragmatic installation of education advertising, different language tools are widely used,
in particular proper names - anthroponomies. The conclusion is drawn that intellectual
influence dominates in educational service advertising, during which an attractive image of
higher education is created.
Kakhuzheva Z.K.
The main functions of word order in a simple sentence
The paper explores the main laws and functions of Russian word order, the interaction
of structure levels in a simple sentence and the complex nature of the concept itself. Word
order is considered from the point of view of logical, syntactic and relevant division. It
is established that in order to distinguish three levels of structure during the analysis of a
particular sentence and in accordance with this to isolate the components of each of these
levels, we need to find out correlation of units of different levels.
Lyapun S.V., Saifutdinov R.A.
The online versions of the print media in terms of medialinguistics
The paper describes the online versions of the periodicals, representing a new media
environment, in terms of one of the most important areas of media research in the 21st
century. It is noted that medialinguistics provides a comprehensive system analysis not only
of printed editions, but also online versions created in accordance with the requirements of
Internet communication. The conclusion is drawn that the online versions of periodicals, the main feature of which is interactive communicative relationship with the addressee, have
great prospects for research in terms of processing, coding and transmission of information
intended for a wide audience - Internet users.
Mazanaev Sh.A., Gasanova M.A.
Religious and magical culture codes in the Tabasaran paremiological picture of the world
The representation of religious and magical culture codes is studied using the
material of Tabasaran proverbs and sayings. Key concepts realized in the Tabasaran
language picture of the world are examined through mythological, religious, magical and
ritual performances. It is inferred that a certain group of paremiological units is the result
of the synthesis of ancient pagan beliefs and moral and ethical norms of Islam. Similarly
in Russian culture, for example, there is also an interaction of pagan beliefs and Christian
attitudes about life and death.
Nechay Yu.P., Tsepordey O.V.
Modality in fiction texts of E.M. Remarque’s novels and ways of its transfer in Russian translations
A material of fiction prose by E.M. Remarque is used to examine semantic-functional
specificity of metaphorical structures and comparisons that perform an image-characterizing
function in the original language and their translations into Russian by transferring attributes
of one object (phenomenon) to another object (phenomenon). This enables the writer to convey the idea and subjective positive or negative attitude towards the depicted with greater
efficiency and emotional and expressive believability.
Nurutdinova E.A.
On ways of expressing taxis relations in the Lezghin, Russian and English languages
This paper discusses the differences in ways of transfer and description of taxis
relations in modern Lezghin, Russian and English languages. An attempt is undertaken
to define reasons of such differences in action transfer in these languages. The results of
the research - some of them are presented in this paper - can be of both theoretical and
practical interest for the typology of grammatical categories in the above-mentioned and
other Daghestani languages.
Pozdeyeva T. V., Redko G. V.
Conceptual picture of the world as a discourse: the features of the content and structure
The paper examines the political newspaper communication by analyzing the
conceptual picture of the world of the author and the recipient. Two types of activity are
distinguished and analyzed: the mental and the language activity. The work shows the
interaction of the information system of the author of the text and that of the recipient. It is
established that in order to extract the semantic content of language activity in the political
newspaper communication it is necessary to recreate a conceptual picture of information, i.e.
a semantic model meeting the intention of the author.
Samarskaya T.B., Martirosyan E.G.
A concept and concept sphere in a literary work: relations between the concepts
The paper examines the concept as semantic dominant of literary work. Parameters that
allow isolation of the concept as a substantial minimum of text space are distinguished and analyzed.
Correlation between the concept and concept sphere is shown. It is inferred that the concept and
concept sphere are thinking entities of the work and can enter into the system relationships basing
on similarities, differences and the primacy of one relative to the other.
Statsenko A.S.
Orthodox discourse: problem statement
The main scientific approaches to researches of religious (Orthodox) Internet discourse and opportunities connected with its studies from the point of view of linguistics are
analyzed. The main directions of this and further researches of Orthodox discourse by the
author are demonstrated. The results of this study can be used to obtain more profound, generalized knowledge on church-religious style.
Khunagova A.R.
Representation of the ‘fashion’ concept in the Adyghe literary text
The paper deals with English literary texts as ways of reflection of collective
conception of a linguistic society as well as specific character of functioning of a fashion
phenomenon in the Adyghe literary texts. Lexical units verbalizing cognitive features
of concept and influencing the linguistic consciousness of the Adyghe native speakers
are viewed in the paper. A number of cognitive features forming valuable component of
‘fashion’ concept have been found out. Fashion regularities are concluded to be important in
the studied literary discourse. However, specific features of the Adyghe culture are ecstatic
celebrations and careful attitude towards national clothes.
Sheozheva B.A.
Expression of connotation in Russian and Adyghe languages
This paper examines the unexplored problem in grammar of Circassian languages:
features of expression of connotation in the Adyghe language due to national mentality. The author
identifies the most productive means of expression of connotation: associative - image-bearing
component in the structure of the word, compound words, characterized by high repeatability of
anaphoras with emotive-evaluative component, as well as suffixes of subjective evaluation. As a
result, it is inferred that the Adyghe language is not included in the number of languages with a rich
expressive word formation, it should be classified as one of the «moderate» languages.
Shkhumishkhova A.R.
Linguistic markers of healthy consumption ideology in food advertising
The paper describes the linguistic units of food advertising that act as markers of
healthy consumption ideology, the significance of which is now increasing. The linguistic
markers of healthy consumption being keywords of food advertising are included in the
semantic field of taste. The conclusion is drawn that food advertising successfully implements
a strategy of persuasion with the help of verbal elements, positioning healthy products.
Technical Sciences
Aliev M.V., Shovgenov Dz.A.
Human face detection by defined primitive
Hybrid algorithm of face recognition on image is provided. Efficiency of work of hybrid algorithm is shown. An algorithm of search of the human face by defined primitive in the image is provided.
Vlasenko À.V., Dzoban P.I.
Development of algorithms and programs to choose the optimal set of components of actual threat neutralization on the basis of model description and their integration in Web appendix
Algorithms and programs are developed to choose the optimal set of components of actual
threat neutralization and to process widespread vulnerabilities of Web appendixes. The appendixes are organized in the structured list, consisting of six classes: authentification, authorizing, attacks on clients, code implementation, information disclosure and logical attacks. Also the resource is developed to meet the requirements
of safety, that a customer / proprietor of Web-site declares frequently, and to be within the framework of the law,
correspondingly. Or otherwise an already present Web-site is brought over to these requirements, resorting to
the analysis of used and potentially dangerous vulnerabilities.
Sagdatullin A.M.
Development of a stand to model the process of transport automation and oil preparation
This work focuses on automation of technological process of system of collecting, transport and
preparation of oil for the purpose of energy savings and increase of power efficiency in these technological
processes [1]. To solve this task, a study is made on the developed symbolic circuit and the operating SCADA
system of a simulator of automation of transport and preparation of oil on the basis of the operating Centum CS
3000 controler and the laboratory YOKOGAWA Electric complex including capacities, networks of the interconnected pipelines, the measuring and controlling equipment. This allows us to investigate such modes as
pumping, maintenance of level, delivery regulation and comparison of expenses.
Kizdermishov A.A.
The analysis of the possibility to use the freeware network scanners
The paper discusses the problem related to the application of open-source network scanners to
provide a «minimum level» of protection of user information resources to prevent attacks based on the collection
of baseline data on the subject of protection by the «black box» method.
Z.K. Avdeeva, E.N. Zakharova, S.V. Kovriga
Security threats analysis method of a megacity based on cognitive maps (based on Moscow): the situation structuring knowledge
The paper considers the analysis method of security threats for a metropolis
based on cognitive maps construction and analysis. The scientific article is presented in two
parts. The first part deals with the most difficult stage of the analysis of the situation,
namely the structuring of knowledge about the situation in the «language» of cognitive
maps. In the second part the authors examine formalization of the primary map and analyze
the situation. They build methodology according to the latest theoretical research models
and methods for analyzing situations on the basis cognitive cards held both by their research
group and with regard to research other applied researches.
A.Kh. Karanashev, L.A. Tselykh, A.G. Karasheva
Methodological aspects of diagnostic innovation potential of corporate culture of Kabardino-Balkaria recreational sector enterprises: comparative cognitive modeling
The paper deals with innovation potential modeling of enterprises’ corporate
culture in Kabardino-Balkarian recreational sector on the basis of influence of its basic
elements. It takes into account aspects of Russian mentality and specificity of internal
and external mechanisms of corporate development. The authors use the method of successive
extensions of the domain by constructing cognitive maps for the three models to identify
factors, concepts, reflecting specific industry areas (tourism sector), the national aspect
(Kabardino-Balkaria) and strategic direction of the analysis. They carried out a comparative
analysis of the dominant factors of corporate culture based on indicators of cognitive maps
and identified the main group of vector effects in the relevant models that form the thrust
of its innovative development.
Economics history
R.A. Bagdasarian
Structure, content and purpose of early balance sheets
Numerous researchers of Pacioli treatise continue to argue about the structure
and content of the balance sheet described in it over a hundred years. In the records
of the company Kuban State University scientists have found Datini company’s unique version
of the early balances application a century before Pacioli treatise. They built two balances
at the same time in one accounting period: both are cash balance. One was in the General
ledger (trial), the second was on separate sheets, booklet (financial report). The paper aims
to identify similar examples in other companies.
M.M. Gurskaya
Professor M.I. Kutercontribution in Russian theory and practic of accounting development
The paper studies Professor M.I. Kyter’s researches. The accounting community
will celebrate his 70th birthday in the near future. The results of the research in the history
of accounting play an important role in the proper understanding of the accounting genesis.
The author pays his particular attention to the medieval period. It was that time when full
double-entry bookkeeping system used in the modern world had come into being.
A.V. Kuznetsov
Italian double entry bookkeeping : the Pacioli Code
The scientific article is confined to the 520-year anniversary of the treatise
«On the accounts and records» and the 570-year anniversary of its author — Luca Pacioli.
The author suggests hypothesis of some mysteries’ discovering of the treatise. It represents
an accounting goods model according to the examples of the text. The paper makes an attempt
to distinguish the fundamental principle Pacioli took into consideration in accounting
procedures. This principle reveals peculiarities of entries in the accounts ledger. The paper
examines a real interpretation of the concept of duality used in the treatise.
M.I. Kuter, M.M. Gurskaya, D.N. Alenikov
Negation of the negation is the path of scientific development or a new look at the first synthetic balance
This paper discloses a new attitude to the formation of the earliest analytic
and synthetic (compressed) balances and the accounting system adopted in the French Avignon
at the beginning of the XV century. It considers the acting option of conducting combined
accounting (partly by periodic inventory, partly by double-entry method on dual accounts,
with a parallel arrangement of the debit and credit). The authors clarify the analytical balance
technique of constructing and the compression engine performance in synthetic balance. They
reveal the fact that there is no nominee accounts of the financial results and the account itself
«Losses and profits» in the accounting system. The main purpose of constructing analytical
and synthetic balances was to identify the financial result in an increment or «eating away»
capital. They didn’t use balance control function.
M.I. Kuter, M.M. Gurskaya, A.M. Musaelyan
Amatino Manuchchi , Giovanni Farolfi partner in Provence heritage: historical lessons of double-entry bookkeeping
The scientific article deals with the practice of the early registration system
conducted according to the rules of double entry. It pays particular attention to a trial cash
balance. The authors create the accounting model of the first detected Ledger nowadays
on the basis of historical data by accounting and analytical modeling. This model allows
making conclusions about the period used in the techniques and methods of accounting.
The result of the study leads to the conclusion that the account, conducted in Farolfi
Company, was on way of its development and it went back to the banking account. The authors
suppose that the Ledger examined was formed according to the rules of conducting banking
books taken in Florence at that time. It is worth noting that the basic ideas of management
accounting, which originated in the XIII century, were gathered and fully consolidated
in the information model, which we know as the double entry. Generally speaking «Giovanni
Farolfi and Co.» books are recognized as one of the major monuments of the early history
of accounting. Amatino Manuchchi is considered to be one of the fathers of our profession.
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