V.L. Onishchenko, A.O. Lagutin
V.I. Vernadsky noosphere concept as the regulatory paradigm in the context of globalization (based on the materials of V.I.Vernadsky creative heritage)
The paper considers V.I. Vernadsky noosphere theory from the point of view
of its conceptual tendency and regulatory significance in the context of the globalization process.
Common features of globalization and noospherogenesis are identified.
Currently, issues related to globalization are included in the list of the most relevant
philosophical and sociological problems. Alongside with the challenges of globalization, cosmopolitanism, computer communications, ecology, sustainable development, rationalism and
culture, the attention of scientists and philosophers in recent decades was attracted by noosphere
doctrine of V.I. Vernadsky. Under these conditions, the fundamental provisions of the noosphere
teaching can perform regulatory functions, acting primarily as the guiding social programs
of environmental activities, ecological education and training and research work.
P.M. Khakuz, A.Yu. Gura, Z.K. Lakerbay
Question as the execution of questioning
The paper philosophically interprets and gives the meaning of the concepts like
“question”, “questioning”, philosophical questioning and pedagogical questioning and focuses on
the idea that the questioning is existential philosophy role. The authors reveal the relationship
between the concepts: question and questioning, pedagogical questioning and pedagogical question,
demonstrate the similarities and differences of philosophical and pedagogical issues, describe
their specific requirements towards formulation of correct pedagogical questions.
M.A. Abdullaeva
Rituals and festivities associated with the birth of a child in Karachay and Balkars families
The paper deals with rituals and festivities associated with childbirth. Some dishes
that were prepared for children’s ceremonies and celebrations are described. They were served
not only as a food. Some dishes were charm-like (hychiny), they helped to make first steps (loaf),
and were symbolic for children in achieving some success (tisch zhyrna etc.).
G.V. Ananieva
The fire safety issue in Kursk province in the years 1925-1928
The paper deals with the creation of conditions for fire safety in districtlevel
towns of Kursk province from 1925 to 1928: presence of municipal professional fire
brigades, volunteer fire brigades, training teams, their staffing and providing them with
fire-fighting equipment, readiness to fire situation (maintenance and repair, both current
and capital, premises of the fire brigade, fire auxiliary facilities, dormitories of firefighters,
watchtowers). Preventive fire protection measures are being reviewed. The operating results
of the fire department of Kursk province in the mid 1920s are being summed up.
K.G. Achmiz
On the character of Russian-Adyghe trade relations during the Caucasian War
This paper, on extensive actual material reveals the nature of Russian-
Circassian trading in the Northwest Caucasus in the 18th— first half of the 19th century.
E.M. Zimonin
The activities of cultural and educational institutions of the Kuban and Stavropol regions during the period of preparation for the celebration of the 50th anniversary of the Soviet power
The paper deals with issues of cultural and educational institution activities
in the Kuban and Stavropol regions during the period of preparation for the celebration
of the 50th anniversary of Soviet power. Cultural life of Soviet society at different stages
of its existence seems to be one of the most interesting matters of national historiography.
Its regional aspect reflects the specific characteristics of the national reality, associated with
both, the objective laws of social development in modern era and the real diversity of social and
political situations in the various regions of the country. Another estimation of the relevance
of this research is the study of mutual influence of cultural life of Soviet society and inner
political life of the country, their impact on fates of individuals and their relation to power.
N.T. Napso
Caucasian-Turkic military units in German Armed Forces (in the years 1941-1945)
The paper attempts to analyze the problem of the Caucasian -Turkic collaboration
during the Great Patriotic War. Historiography of the problem and the German concept
of military cooperation were studied and the motivation of the Caucasian-Turkic military
collaboration was reviewed and analyzed.
A.V. Osmachkin
Image of I.V. Stalin in socio and political perceptions of Soviet people in the Krasnodar and Stavropol regions in the years 1953-1956
The paper analyzes the attitude of the population of Krasnodar and Stavropol
regions to the personality and activities of I.V. Stalin in March 1953 and then after the
20th Congress of the CPSU. Based on the studied materials, the author concludes that with
the change of policy of the Central Committee of the CPSU, the image of the leader in social
and political views of Soviet society is changing too.
O.V. Tuzova
The development of musical creativity in Astrakhan
The paper studies musical life of Astrakhan in the years 1939-1945 on the basis
of historical-genetic, chronological, systematic, comparative approaches and using theoretical
modeling. The author identifies and analyzes the state of the components of the Astrakhan
regional model: managerial, concert organizational, theatrical, educational, musicological,
creative, amateur, production and technology and information. Factors that influenced its
development during the Second World War are considered too.
N.O. Khagurova
The role of the institute of eldership of “democratic” nations of Cherkessia in the development of trade and economic relations with Russia in the first half of the 19th century
The paper is dedicated to the definition of the role of trade and economic
factor in the history of Russia’s relations with the Circassians of the Northwest Caucasus
in the first half of the 19th century. Forms and methods of implementation of Russia’s trade
policy in the Northwest Caucasus have been considered. The role of the institute of eldership
of “democratic” nations of Cherkessia in the development of trade and economic relations
with Russia was determined.
S.Kh. Khotko
Map legends about the Circassians in the European cartography of the 16th century
The paper deals with a rare type of historical sources — the so-called “legends”
or brief historical and ethnographic explanations fit in the remaining sectors of the maps.
The information in these “legends” is compared with the data of narrative and documentary
A.V. Arakelov, M.F. Alieva
The educational system in the context of globalization
The paper considers modernization of the education system in the context
of globalization. The key elements of globalization of the education system are named. Positive
aspects of modernization and the problems associated with the reform of the education system
are discussed. Special attention is paid to problems of integration of higher education of the
Russian Federation in the world system of higher education within the framework of Russia’s
accession to the Bologna process.
R.S. Balaev
Conflict of values as a factor of risks and threats of existential security of an individual in the information society
The paper deals with the issue of value conflict as a factor in the risks
and threats of existential security of an individual, reinforcing identity crisis and requiring
the formation of a new system of existential values in the context of a dynamic information
M.A. Laktionova
Features of the phenomenon of female terrorism: regional aspect
The paper considers features of the female terrorism in the North Caucasus.
The analysis of the causes of women’s involvement into extremist and terrorist activities
is made. On the basis of empirical data an attempt is made to create a sociological portrait
of a woman involved into crimes of extremist (terrorist) orientation. Some methods are
proposed to minimize the female terrorism.
V.A. Mikhailyuk, A.I. Kuznetsov
Anti-corruption standard of behavioral model of internal affairs officers
This paper considers problems of destructive manifestations in the system
of the Interior Ministry. The author makes an assessment of norms and professional — ethical
standards of anti-corruption behavior of the officials of the Ministry of Internal Affairs,
as well as of scientific approaches to the study of anti-corruption prevention.
A.V. Odintsov
The crisis of multiculturalism and challenges of destructive ideologies in the information society
In this paper an attempt is made to investigate the problem of the crisis
of multiculturalism as a modern ideology of the information society which created conditions
for activation of destructive ideological movements, in particular, religious extremism.
O.Yu. Posukhova
Exclusiveness of social mobility channels under conditions of inequality in Russian society
In this paper an attempt is made to prove that the current channels of social
mobility, which previously were available to the majority of Russians are changing their
status to exclusive as well as new channels, limited for mass use, appear. Exclusivness
of channels is stipulated by both institutional restrictions and the resources possessed
by members of the society in the implementation of their life strategies. The decline of the
intensity of social mobility allows us to speak not only about the stability and stabilization
of the stratification system of Russian society, but also that there is a gradual closing
of some social strata. Selection is based on the artificial restrictions due to unequal access
to resources and effective channels of mobility.
R.A. Khanakhu, T.I. Afasizhev, O.M. Tsvetkov
The Caucasian War in the discourse of sociology
On the basis of sociological opinion polls, we consider the actual problems
associated with the image of the Caucasian War in the mass consciousness of citizens
of the Krasnodar Territory and the Republic of Adyghea.
M.Z. Shogenov, F.Z. Shogenova
Value-regulatory orientation of today’s youth: sociological approach
The paper analyzes actual problems of modern society: expansion of extremist
views among the youth in the form of a specific subculture. This paper is a generalization
of the experience of knowledge about the value orientations of today’s young people in the
applied empirical context, which can serve to further theoretical studies of the problem raised.
M.S. Badlo
Criminal legal protection of the personality during armed conflicts of the international character in the occupation mode
The paper discusses the main aspects of criminal legal protection of the personality
during armed conflicts of the international character in the occupation mode. During the modern
period there is a need to define the problems of criminal legal protection of the personality arising
at the occupation mode during armed conflicts of the international scale. As a result of the
carried-out work the author proposes to solve this problem by introducing an addition in part 1
of article 356 of the Criminal Code of Russian Federation of such type of crimes, as application
of tortures, medical and chemical experiments, murder, mass executions, prosecution of the
population on a racial sign and political convictions during occupation, as well as by stricter
observance of criminal law by the world community, which must be confirmed by all states of the
world by ratification of international treaties by all the countries without exception, as well as by implementation of obligations by all parties of armed conflict in the occupation mode. This is the
basic aspect of humanity of the public in the world.
E.N. Pshizova
The legal liability of employers for violating the labor laws
The paper considers the concept, types and grounds of legal liability of employers
for violating the labor laws and other normative legal acts containing norms of the labor law.
A.Kh. Khuade
Constitutional right to privacy and the mechanism of its provision (foreign experience surveys)
The paper analyzes the international experience in providing the right to privacy,
the content and mechanism to ensure this right. The legislative experience of Germany, Italy,
Greece, Japan, Spain, Switzerland, Albania, Estonia, Croatia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Czech Republic,
Bulgaria, Poland, Australia, Austria, Belgium, Great Britain is studied.
G.V. Golovina, I.A. Savina
International cultural cooperation: aspects of social, cultural and legal regulation
The paper is dedicated to consideration of issues of international and cultural
cooperation, including the participation within the framework of such international
organizations as the UN and UNESCO. International cultural cooperation is based on the
fact that culture is an active conductor of national and transnational political interests.
Regulation of cultural cooperation is a significant component of the international legal
relations. The authors analyze normative and regulatory data base governing the various aspects of international cultural cooperation, both at the international and national level.
Legal policy in the sphere of international cultural cooperation is one of the most important
prerequisites for the preservation and promotion of cultural heritage of different countries
and a comprehensive implementation of the rights of their citizens in the scientific, educational
and cultural spheres of modern society.
S.A. Lyausheva, A.A. Nagoy
Influence cultural policy for cultural identity
In the article analyses the fundamental approaches to the formation
of cultural policy. Proposed definition of cultural policy and on the example of the various
States are evaluated its possible models. Also the article contains an analysis of the influence
of cultural policy on the cultural identity and the cultural identity of Nations.
Abstracts of Monographs
Kapets V.P.
Proceedings of the conference “The unity of the world and cultural diversity in the context of globalization”. Republic of Adyghea, Maikop, November 20, 2014.
The Economic Theory
N.Yu. Ermolenko, A.A. Ermolenko
Higher education intellectual achievement
The scientific article investigates «the main richness» of the higher education
— the intellectual achievement and classical universities are the place of its concentration.
The authors use reproduction approach to a problem of the movement of the intellectual
capital of the higher education and determine the opportunities and restrictions that appear in modern conditions in the higher education organizations in the course of the
capital reproduction. They demonstrate the main types of intellectual reproduction from
positions of the qualitative capital analysis. The paper gives the assessment to a number of
transformational processes in the higher education from the point of view of intellectual
capital reproduction. It formulates the need of use of the special support mechanism of
the intellectual achievement reproduction for the organizations of the higher education
in the conditions of crisis of the existing model of development of the Russian economy.
The authors determine forms of realization of the intellectual achievement in the course of
higher education development. It also offers the intensification reproduction instruments
of the intellectual capital of the higher education adapted for modern conditions of development.
S.A. Lianova
Corporations in the Russian legislation
The paper considers the need of modern economic history studying.
The objective of this research consists in developing offers and recommendations about
increase of efficiency of corporate management. Realization of a goal caused need of the
solution of the following tasks: to specify the nature of corporate management, to reveal its
properties, to define key terms of the theory of corporate management.
The authors received the following results: they specified the nature of corporate management
and revealed its properties, structure and the contents. They carried out structural
classification of corporate associations, problems in management of corporate structures
and systematized approaches to their decision.
B.T. Morgoyev
Market and administrative regionalization problems in Russian economic space
The paper considers the actual problems of market and administrative
regionalization of the Russian economic space directed on regional innovation and adaptability.
Regional Economy
F.M. Albogachieva
Innovation clusters as a tool of the Ingush Republic territorial development
The paper analyzes the state of the economy of the Ingush Republic and
marks the reduction trend of the republican consolidated budget of subsidies due to the increase
in its own revenues. The level of subsidies in the region decreased from 94% in 2009
to 84 % in 2012.The scientific article specifies the purpose and the key parameters of the
Republic Innovation Strategy development, with a perspective direction of development of
the regional innovation system is the formation of innovation clusters in the territory. The
author pays her attention to the entering into the North Caucasus tourism cluster and the
creation of two national clusters associated with the production of energy-efficient building
materials and producing mineral water and soft drinks .
E.B Babalyan
Conceptual bases of small and medium-sized businesses research roles in the problem region sustainable and balanced development
The scientific article considers conceptual aspects of ensuring the problem
regions sustainable and balanced development with use of small and medium business potential.
The paper reveals and systematizes features of this sector that turn into its competitive
in the conditions of the delay of domestic economy which was outlined in recent
years. The author pays her special attention to opportunities of small and medium business
for assistance to the sustainable and balanced development of the problem regions of the
South of Russia which need resource support of the federal centre.
A.A. Kerashev, A.A. Mokrushin
Strategic realization instruments of corporate structures focused integration with Russian regional economic systems
The scientific article considers a problem of instruments development ensuring
realization of strategy of the focused integration of corporate structures with Russian
regional economic systems. The authors present types of instruments of development of
interaction of vertically integrated corporations with regional economic systems of Russia.
The paper pays its special attention to instrument forms providing an innovative way of the
development of domestic corporations aimed at the development of integration processes,
structural modernization of economic space of the Russian Federation.
M.G. Kovalenko, V.V. Shalatov
Development of small and medium business as increase factor of intraregional social and economic uniformity
The scientific article considers a number of the aspects connected with justification
of the increasing role of small and medium business in smoothing of social and economic
distinctions in budgetary and scarce regions of the South of Russia by means of the
advancing development of their peripheral territories with considerable agro-provisions,
tourist and recreational and mineral and raw material resources. The authors pay their
special attention to features of small and medium business. Their effective use is one of key
administrative tasks of specified regions administrations in modern conditions.
O.A. Kolchina, J.A. Pshenichnyh, M.A. Grezina
Interregional convergence decomposition on economy branches of Azov and Black Sea basin countries
The scientific article discloses the assessment issues of social and economic
development unevenness of the sub-region of integration association, definition of a
contribution of various factors to convergence by a decomposition method β-convergence
on branches of economy. The paper investigates models of dependence of growth rates of
GDP on one (person) occupied in branches, effects of shifts and effects of interaction of the
countries from the GDP initial level on one (person) in Azov and Black Sea basin occupied
in the countries during 1990—2012. Decomposition results can be used for a choice of
branches points of economic growth while carrying out policy of smoothing of unevenness
of social and economic development of the Azov and Black Sea basin countries.
Kh.A. Konstantinidi, M.A. Vorobyova, A.G. Rubin
Theoretical aspects of application of marketing of territories in modern conditions
The paper reveals the features of marketing application in territory
management. It defines the place of marketing of territories in the state economic policy.
The authors give the definitions of the subject and object of marketing of territories. They
prove and specify the application of a complex of instruments of marketing at the territorial
level. The scientific article offers the stages of formation of marketing strategy.
A.A. Mokrushin
The structural organization of interaction of vertically integrated corporations with regional economic systems of Russia
The scientific article deals with the structural reorganization of economic
space of Russia based on the activities of vertically integrated corporations (VIC). The
scientific article represents the results of the comparative analysis of the characteristics
of regional economic system and economic system of VIC are represented. The research
algorithm and dominant mode of structural organization of interaction of VIC with regional
economic systems of Russia are revealed. The main forms of interaction of intraeconomic
and regional economic systems of Russia are determined.
M.I. Seredin
Foreign economic activity as instrument of development of the region
The paper considers the essence of foreign economic activity and stages of
formation of development strategy of foreign regional economic activity. Foreign economic
activity is a necessary element of economic activity of the enterprises, regions and countries
in general in the conditions of market economy. The scientific article reveals the problems
interfering development of foreign economic activity of the region. It defines the barriers
interfering the enterprises entry into the world market and offers the main directions of
improvement of foreign economic activity.
O.B. Ugurchiev, R.O. Ugurchieva
Program value and target approach in unevenness decrease of regional development
The paper analyses the problem of unevenness of regional development. Unevenness
of regional development complicates regional policy carrying out of economic
transformations. The state needs to strengthen impact on regional economies reforming by
means of various forms of regulation, including program goals management. It can resolve
issues of the integrated and balanced approach on resources of the solution of social and
economic regional problems. It considers the various factors of environment influencing
process of regional development and provides long-term nature of the carried-out program
actions and stable growth of the main macroeconomic indicators and eventually — radical
improvement of economic and social regional situation.
A.B. Khodzinskaya
Regional economic system adaptation to the external and internal environment functioning changing factors
The paper considers the process of regional economic system adaptation
and its elements to external and internal environment factors of change of functioning
on the basis of the conducted author’s researches. It offers the new directions of regional
development adaptation to the developed conditions. The author draws a conclusion that
ability to adaptation is based on the level of accuracy of definition of negative tendencies
and shows the efficiency of administrative decisions for elimination of these phenomena.
The earlier negative tendencies in the region are revealed, the more effectively the region
economy will function. It is possible to call system adapted if it is able to reveal and react
in due time to external calls, quickly to make changes to management at early stages. The
higher the adaptability level is, the more effective is regional development as well as the
opportunities for realization of the available potential.
O.V. Shurupova
State , problems and directions of development of the industry Rostov region
The scientific analyzes the current state of industrial sector of economy of
the Rostov region. Industry is a basis of a development of the region, creating favorable
conditions for the population life. The author reveals the main problems constraining development
of the industry of the Rostov region. She works out the priority directions of
development of an industrial complex of the region. The main loading on development of
industrial branch lays down on state authorities. The state acts as the catalyst of development
of the industry both of separate regions and the country in general.
The Account, Audit and the Control
T.G. Belozerova, D.V. Lugovsky, R.A. Tkhagapso
Intellectual activity results recognition in the Russian and international registration practice
The scientific article presents the scheme of the intangible assets receipt
and creation accounting. It gives the comparison of the Russian and international rules
of the accounting of scientific researches and experimental design projects. The paper
shows the inadmissibility of scientific researches cost capitalization. The authors reveal
some peculiarities of granting accounting and non-exclusive rights usage of intellectual
activity results.
I.N. Kostyukova, D.V. Lugovsky, R.A. Tkhagapso
Registration and legal aspects of procurement operation and stock ac quisitions
The scientific article considers standard situations of receipt (production) of
materials and peculiarities of their documentary registration and registration reflection. It
shows distinctions in civil and registration interpretation of the concept «goods». The paper
reveals features of accounting policies in the accounting of transport and procuring expenses,
the unbilled deliveries and deviations in the materials cost. The authors compare requirements
both of Russian and international standards in the accounting of preparation of materials.
A.V. Ozeran, R.S. Korshykova
Providing future expenses and payments display in financial statements: comparative characteristic requirements of MSBU 37 and the Ukraine normative base
Integration of economy of the Ukraine into the world economic relations
reveals the problem of financial information incomparability prepared on the basis of
national provisions (standards) of accounting (P(S)BU) with that which is required
according to IFRS. It makes impossible to carry out a reliable assessment of risks and
complicates adoption of reasonable administrative decisions by investors. The paper considers the need of improvement of domestic system of preparation of financial
The authors draw a conclusion about the need of further improvement of P(S)BU of the
Ukraine in the context of their harmonization with IFRS for the purpose of formation of a
uniform conceptual and algorithmic field for the originator and users of the reporting for
ensuring sufficient level of transparency of reporting data.
The Theory and Practice of Business
T.A. Tuaeva
Small business development factors and meso -logistics system interpretation
The paper discusses the possibilities of meso-logistic system to research the
small business sphere of regional economy. The author reveals the main powers of the subject
of small business, the factors making impact on development of this sphere. She gives
the assessment of a number of often used elements business of strategy of subjects of small
business. The scientific article considers the content of the concepts «corporate the mesologistics
». It examines «meso-logistics system of infrastructure of small business» in relation
to regional researches. It draws a conclusion that the cluster environment is most
susceptible to the available opportunities meso-logistics that assumes formation of the corresponding
component of regional economic policy
Service Economy
N.P. Ketova
Russian universities educational services: development trends , the principles of quality management , assessment , improvement areas
The paper reflects the main trends and institutional conditions for the education
market development in Russia. The author characterizes approaches to the interpretation
of their efficiency. The scientific article presents international competitiveness evaluation
system of universities from the point of view of their effectiveness.
N.V. Ryabtcev, K.A. Yurkhanyan
Intellectual services as key category of «economy of kno wledge » elements system
The paper considers various approaches to the concept «intellectual services
» and specifies a number of the signs identifying intellectual services is specified. It gives
the structure and the making elements of the intellectual capital of the organization and
the comparative characteristic of processes of producing intellectual and virtual services.
It shows that, along with rationalization and consumption standardization, there is a new
tendency — customizations. That is a comprehensive embodiment in the provided service
of requirements of the specific consumer. Ensuring of services quality and satisfaction of
the customer act as the key moments which are a subject of special attention of producers
of intellectual services. The authors reveal that the producer of intellectual service gains
the additional income of a special order caused by existence at this service of exclusive value for the consumer distinguishing this service from similar proposals of other producers
— so-called «an intellectual rent» in the conditions of advanced economy.
I.N. Tomshinskaya
St. Petersburg scientific and educational subsystem efficiency main indicators
It is necessary to study the factors of macro-sphere in the market of the educational
services that make an influence on operating conditions of higher education institution
in system of training skilled staff. The paper carries out the analysis of political factors,
dynamics and an orientation of development of economy, social and cultural factors
and technological innovations In economic practice.
Social Economy
S.N. Kashayev, G.L. Bayanduryan
Sports comple x structuralism as element of social regional infrastructure
The scientific article considers a sports complex as an element of social regional
infrastructure. It studies the structure of the sports complex including objects and
subjects. The authors reveal aspects. They pay their attention to importance of social factors
and social infrastructure in development of national economy in general and of certain
regions owing to transition to innovative type of economic growth and modernization on
this basis of all elements of economy.
Z.G. Ausheva
Personnel policy as the basis of social and labor relationship
The relevance of this paper is that the personnel policy is an integral part
of the overall management and industrial policies of the organization. Its main goal is to
create a personnel management system based mainly not on administrative methods but
on economic incentives and social guarantees aimed at convergence of interests employees
with the interests of the organization to achieve high productivity. The aim of this scientific
article is to study the theoretical foundations of the personnel policy as the direction
of social and labor relations in the organization of the social sphere. The author reveals the
conceptual bases of formation and implementation of personnel policy through the management
of human resources. To achieve this goal the author considers theoretical aspects of personnel policy as the
basis of social and labor relations and explores the theoretical foundations of the management
of state personnel policy.
S.V. Zhukov, Ye.A. Kartysh
Factors analysis and systematization of organizational structures formation principles of the industrial enterprises
The scientific article considers the system analysis of the general and specific
factors which define the directions of formation and modernization of organizational
structures of the industrial enterprises. It shows the need of a strategic orientation of
structures. The authors systemize the set of the principles providing efficiency of the administrative
relations, including the author’s principle of existential limitation of existence
of structure that reflects current trends of influence of non-economic factors on firm
A.D. Khachirov
Integration processes analysis at branch enterprises in the Russian Federation
The scientific article considers a role of the Russian industrial enterprise in
a technological chain. It examines the vital issues containing economic increase in production.
The author investigates problems of low energy efficiency and transformation of the
world markets of hi-tech production. The paper presents types of participation of the Russian
enterprises in technological chains and instruments of overcoming of technological
backwardness of the Russian industry.
L.Kh. Yandieva
Business management peculiarities in modern conditions
Evolution of a control system is directed on formation of the polycentric system
which is based on functioning in a national economy of the structures capable to selfgovernment
and self-development. Increase of overall performance of the enterprise considerably
is defined by organization of the control system depending on accurate structure
of the enterprise and its environment in the direction of the chosen purpose.
The operating methodology of an economic reform has no evidential theoretical base
and one of its main shortcomings is weak methodical providing. It is followed by problems
of development of production, decrease in growth rates of labor productivity, introduction
of achievements of scientific and technical progress, parity of the prices, differentiations
of the income of the population, etc.
The paper considers business management problems in modern conditions. The author
analyzes the integrative property emphasizing the functional purpose of institutional system
opening prospects for management efficiency increase.
General Problems of Pedagogy
O.V. Agoshkova, F.R. Khatit
The paper examines the state of development of students-bachelors’ culture
of cognitive activity in system of vocational training. The concept «culture of cognitive activity» is specified. Opinions of different authors are analyzed. This work is aimed
at studying the state of development of students-bachelors’ culture of cognitive activity.
In order to achieve a goal the following problems are solved: we determined the level
of students’ motivation in educational activity, the features of students’ self-assessment
of culture of cognitive activity in the course of training, and needs of students for the
differentiated approach to the organization of their cognitive activity. We developed and
offered indicators and criteria for students-bachelors’ culture of cognitive activity in the
context of the differentiated approach.
Yu.V. Bessarabova, V.A. Petkov
The present research focuses upon the formation of readiness to activity
in students with disabilities in the recreational environment of higher education institution.
We try to disclose the structure and potential opportunities of the recreational environment
of higher education institution in vocational training of students with disabilities,
to define the bases of creation of this process, and to substitute the directions of design of the
recreational environment of higher education institution. The data on long-term experimental
work confirming efficiency of our concept are provided in the paper.
N.Sh. Blyagoz, N.K. Kuprina
The paper justifies relevance of health-creation function in preschool
institutions in Russia. Its realization is considered by means of physical training of children.
The authors show the constituents of the concept of “health-saving”, proceeding from essence
of the child, integrity of the concept «health», being represented as immanent quality
of complete pedagogical process, and disclose the importance of a holistic approach in its
E.S. Varetsa
The basis of moral education is the habit of positive motivation of children’s
behavior. An indicator of formation of the moral qualities of the person is the presence
of internal control. The best way to transfer knowledge of the world to preschoolers
is a fairy tale. It develops the child’s ability to reflect on the circumstances. A moral lesson
is put in each tale, and teachers and psychologists need to use this in their work. Tale must
be comprehended by a child, and this is facilitated by the joint analysis of the tale. Adults
help the child to find hidden values and life lessons inherent in the tale.
A. Yu. Zhurba
The present paper deals with the theoretical analysis of the terms «competence»
and «competency» stated in works of the leading experts studying problems of competencebased
approach in education. These concepts form the system of personal qualities being carried
out during educational training of future expert which expand his creative opportunities,
provide compliance of the graduate to modern requirements of the educational system
and professional formation.
G.B. Luganskaya, A.V. Lysenko
The music-instrumental training of music teacher is considered in this paper
from the perspective of implementing interdisciplinary connections (ICS) as a didactic form of
general system principle. The authors, marking the developmental effect of ICS, distinguish
them by types, methods and degree of implementation in the musical-instrumental training,
believing that the learning process can be optimized by combining and coordinating efforts of
all the teachers on the basis of common approaches in meaningful interaction of disciplines.
In particular, this concerns the method of working on a piece of music, containing ICS,
relevant and effective in musical performance training.
Z.K. Meretukova, A.R. Chinazirova
The paper substantiates relevance of a suggestopedian culture and uncovers
the essence of the concept «suggestia», «suggestopedianness», and «suggestopedian culture»,
as well as value characteristics of the last concept. Since the suggestopedian culture
is interfaced with the culture of the organization and management of discussion, the paper
also considers the logical and psychological basics of efficiency of educational dialogues
— discussions. The teacher has to master them: types of dispute, laws of logic, rules
of the proof, denial and argument.
I.V. Morozova, S.N. Begidova
The paper defines the influence of financial literacy on development of social
and economic roles by pupils of orphanage. The authors describe the problems of orphan
children in interaction with finance of the outside world, definitions of financial literacy
and financial culture, the structure of financial literacy as competence and levels of formation
of financial literacy.
R.K. Simbuletova
The paper discusses the problems related to the transition to the Bologna system
of education. A characteristic is given of transformations in higher education, undertaken
in accordance with the principles of the Bologna Declaration in Russia and Germany.
L.V. Fedina, E.A. Solovjeva, G.V. Kukhterina
RELATIONSHIP BETWEE N self -actualization and professional orientation of the future teacher
Professional development of future teachers in modern education is in a state
of open search. Science and practice need specific recommendation and researches, allowing
the use of various educational resources. Psychological researches on modern students enable
us to justify the choice of methods, approaches and techniques of teaching, aimed at the
development of the personality of the future specialist and disclosure of his abilities and
talents. Of great interest is the identification of linkages of intrapersonal characteristics
of students. In this paper, a proposition is made on the possible determinants of personal
development and self-actualization of the future teacher by his professional worldview.
Practical study examines the peculiarities of manifestation of relationships between
professional orientation and self-actualization of students learning the profession of physical
culture teacher. Established relationships are varied. The findings give reason to carefully
identify the priorities in the formation of personality of the future teacher.
L.A. Kharaeva, B.M. Dzhandar
The paper deals with the problem of regional education which is supposed to
play an important role in further humanization of education. One of the most significant items
of the general problem is the functioning of national languages in the regional education.
On the basis of functional characteristics of the language at each stage of development
of the person and conditions of the education, the authors put forward different forms
of involvement of the native and Russian languages into the system of bilingual education.
K.D. Chermit, A.N. Autleva, K.I. Buzarov
This paper deals with the problem of environmental socialization of the
personality in system of space — time continuum as a determinant of formation of a new
paradigm of the person’s relationship to nature. The author analyzes the social, psychological,
environmental and multicultural concepts, disclosing the problems of environmental
socialization from the standpoint of disciplinary methodologies.
K.D. Chermit, A.B. Bguashev, K.I. Buzarov, B.M. Bersirov
Development of pedagogical science changes properties, functions and other
characteristics of the principles of training. This paper examines conditions of transformation
of the principle of presentation into the principle of visualization.
M.Kh. Shkhapatseva
The paper contains a statement of an essence of competence-based approach
to the modern teacher training in line with complex studying the lingual-didactic processes
in the Russian educational space based on modern state standards.
Special Methods and Teaching Technologies
S.S. Grushevskiy
The paper presents the principles of organization of the rapid training
of teachers and students to use and create training materials with the use of models
and procedures of innovative computer didactics. These principles are implemented
by a procedure based on the cyclic model of the educational process, reflecting the collective
creativity of the trainees. During training, every participant performs consistently the role
of the learner and teacher.
V.S. Dudkina, N.Yu. Zhukova
The paper deals with the non-traditional description of the Russian language
and suggests ways to introduce alternative grammar to the Russian language teachers.
Such grammar is based on understanding of the Russian language functions. The authors
show the sequence of introduction of the linguistic material in alternative grammar format
to the students.
L.S. Makarova
The paper addresses questions concerning teaching Russian as a foreign
language. This study makes it clear that the scientific speech development has important
implications for improvement of both learning efficiency and research work of foreign
students. The author proposes the integration of abstracting and annotating types of activities
with the Russian research papers on topics relevant to specialization. The thesis is developed
that it is important to rely on knowledge of the structure of the scientific text, formed within
the native language. Examples are provided for learning typical speech clichés on the bases
of their manifold repetition in application to the body of the used text material.
E.I. Sharova, E.V. Demkina
The paper discusses the ways and principles of the organization of independent
work of the trainees in the conditions of remote technologies of training. The authors describe
the types of independent work, the criteria and types of control of quality of the independent
work organization and propose versions of individual educational routes.
Educational Space of Physical Training and Sports
V.I. Zhukov, A.R. Mamiy, I.N. Manko, T.A. Filimonova
The paper presents the results of studying the technique of performance
of pressing a bench bar by athletes of various qualifications and the recommendations for its
V.A. Petkov, E.E. Kochkarov, E.A. Kubekov
Improvement of municipal system of physical culture and sport is connected
with scientific justification and approbation of the promising trends towards increasing
efficiency of functioning of the mechanism of sport management in the city. The paper
presents the analysis of statistical data on development of physical culture and sport
in the Armavir municipality. The authors disclose their conceptual approach for optimization
of physical culture and sport management at the municipal level using an example of the city of Armavir, and show the dynamics of branch development in accordance with
the allocated criteria.
K.D. Chermit, S.N. Begidova, A.B. Bguashev, E.G. Verzhbitskaya, A.G. Zabolotniy
Development of pedagogical science changes properties, functions and other
characteristics of the principles of training. This paper examines changes in didactic
laws and related transformations of the principles of physical fitness and sports training
of children and youth.
Modern Problems of Psychology
L.S. Engibaryan
This paper presents the analysis and interpretation of results of experimental
study aimed at identifying the specifics of integral individuality structures of the infocommunication
subject (girls) with a high level of involvement in the Internet communication.
Abakarova M.A.
Linguocultural peculiarities of concept adolescent in the English and Lak languages
A comparative analysis is made of English and Lak lexemes actualizing the concept
‘adolescent’. The given concept forms a part of the macroconcept ‘man’, one of the basic
concepts for every linguoculture as it most distinctly illustrates the picture of the world
inherent in the examined linguocultural entities. The comparative analysis of the concept
‘adolescent’ in the languages under study has revealed a much greater number of lexemes
constituting this concept in the English language in comparison with Lak, but, in distinction
from the latter, they do not bear any gender differences.
Aleksandrova M.I.
Mechanisms of conceptual integration in the fiction text: self-identification of the storyteller
An analysis is undertaken to reveal functioning of the mechanisms of conceptual
integration in the fiction text as a way of self-identification of the storyteller. A role of conceptual
integration in construction and interpretation of the fiction text is defined, particularly in firstperson’s
narration. The availability of correlations of text and mental spaces, as well as the
points of view of the author of the text and the author-narrator are found.
Alentyeva M.A.
Perception and assimilation of foreign art heritage in Russia at a turn of the 19th and 20th centuries
The paper discusses the traditions of perception and assimilation of foreign literature
by other national cultures. The main difficulties in formation and development of the domestic
translation are investigated. An important milestone in formation of domestic translation
school is V.A.Zhukovsky’s creativity. It is inferred that the translated text as the data carrier
reflects not only the author’s subjective vision of the world, but also bears the imprint of
perception of reality, an individual picture of the world of the translator.
Akhidzhakova M.P., Blyagoz Z.U.
Conceptual space of a concept “art” in the fiction text
The paper examines the conceptual space of a concept “art” to explicit mental
representation of the language personality of the author. The art is shown to be the “artificial”
language, and a work of art is the „text“ in which the author conveys the coded meaning.
The concept „art“ is noted to be a constant of the culture and significant cross-cultural unit
possessing high esthetic informational content. It is inferred that the concept „art“ occupies
one of the key places in J. Fowles‘s creativity since all his works put the questions of art and
its need for human existence.
Gorobets A.F.
Functions of Simile in the Texts of Novels by W.S. Maugham
The paper examines similes in the fiction texts of novels by W.S. Maugham as
the important tropes in the writer’s idiostyle. A number of functions of simile are defined.
The simile as an artistic technique is directed to fuller bringing an author’s intention to
the recipient. The author’s individual simile reflects an individual image of the world and
features of figurative thinking of the author. It is inferred that the similes used by the author
implement text-forming and figurative functions.
Grigoryeva N.O.
Multifunctional syntactic word “that”: a communicative-pragmatic potential
The paper describes a communicative-pragmatic potential of sentences with
multifunctional syntactic word “that” and specificity of representation of this word in one of
the types of complicated complex sentence. It is obviously possible to tell about existence
of obligatory correlations of a communicative-pragmatic potential of the multifunctional
syntactic words and syntactic constructions including such units.
Doleva R.N.
Functional reanimation of obsolete words in microlexicon of “Adyghe Khabze”
The paper deals with the outdated lexicon presented in the textbook “Adyghe
Khabze” for the 5th class. As a result of the analysis of microlexicon, archaisms and
historicism which characterize life of the people during a certain era have been revealed.
The vocabulary of language is constantly changed. The lexicon of the person changes with
the change of his activity. It is inferred that in the textbook many obsolete words, that are
close to disappearance, are reanimated.
Kakhuzheva Z.K.
Word order in a simple sentence of the Russian and Adyghe languages
The paper presents the comparative analysis of a word order in a simple sentence
in the Russian and Adyghe languages. The author shows the composite nature of the
concept itself which dictates need of its consideration from various points of view: logical
partitioning (a sentence as a means of formation and expression of thought); syntactic
partitioning (a sentence as a grammatical unit) and actual division (a sentence as a means
of communication). It is inferred that a word order in the sentence is multiaspectual,
implementing various functions. It is possible to speak only about the usual and unusual
word order which is not complicated by other factors.
Malova N.E., Akhidzhakova M.P.
Ethnocultural specifics of a concept of «art» in fiction works of J. Fowles
The paper examines the culture of society as the universal form of conceptualization
of the world and rationalization of human experience presented by the concepts possessing
the ethnomarked features. The concept is shown to be part of a picture of the world, bearing
the imprint of that cultural system within which it was created. The ethnocultural concept
directly reflects specifics of a national picture of the world. It is established that the concept
of «art» represents the multidimensional mental unit reflecting the facts and events which
influenced formation of this concept in author’s consciousness.
Nechay Yu.P., Kondratyeva T.S.
Formation of economic terminology in lexical system of the Russian modern language
This paper discusses the reasons of the emergence of a large number of English
words in the Russian economic thesaurus. Most of these words are used as loan translation.
It is impractical and hinders the development of our economic terminology. This study also
discusses their features, advantages and disadvantages. Along with a significant portion
of neologisms, a lot of words become things of the past and other are reinterpreted and
experience semantic and stylistic shifts.
Ostrovskaya T.A.
Standard English and its role in elite discourse semiotics
An attempt is undertaken to examine a role of standard English as means of actualizing
social practices of British modern elite. The author explores modifications of the discourse
practices through realization of verbal signs of elite. Markers of belonging of the discourse
personality to a certain social class are revealed. The role of language as necessary condition
for achievement of the high social status is described.
Solomatina A.O.
Ideological component of strategy of praise and discredit in political newspaper communication
The paper presents the ideological component of strategy of praise and discredit.
Language material in newspaper political texts is shown to be the tool to disclose the
mechanism of coding and decoding of ideological information. It is inferred that any language
phenomenon in hands of a communicator can become effective means of ideological fight
and a powerful mechanism of impact on audience.
Tikhonova A.P.
Theonyms in the Hattian language: comparative-historical and typological aspects
By comparing Abkhaz-Adyghe root morphemes we carried out word-formative analysis
of Hattian god’s names. Noun word-formative models in the Hattian language were
revealed. Like in Abkhaz-Adyghe languages, they turned out to be formed by adding two
or more words, thus producing composites, which confirms close relationship of Abkhaz-
Adyghe languages on the morphological and word-building level.
Umanskaya O.G.
Linguistic mechanisms of creation of secondary integrity of a short story cycle as a multitext
The paper explores specifics of link organization of fiction text units in the multitext
of a short story cycle by I.A. Bunin «Dark Avenues». The author allocates the key linguistic
parameters of a prosaic cycle against the basic category of unity organizing «secondary
integrity». It is inferred that the numerous generalizing components of cyclic unity expressed
both explicitly and implicitly, in many respects depend on the author’s intention.
Shakhnazaryan N.O.
The scenario of Rodion Raskolnikov’s suffering (from the material of F.M. Dostoyevsky’s novel «Crime and Punishment»)
In the paper, the author makes an attempt to create a scenario of negative emotions
using the material of literary text. The scenario is created through the notion «suffering», the
key concept in the mental world picture of Dostoyevsky. The goal of the paper is to show the
interaction of literary criticism and linguistics and to reveal the relation of the fiction language
to the language system as a whole. A general tendency toward linguistics anthropologization
forces us to make an emphasis on a personality factor; semantic peculiarities of units in
speech are studied in the aspect of author’s purposes.
Shiryaeva O.V., Khachmafova Z.R.
Concept «project» in a business picture of the world (from materials of a discourse of business mass media)
The paper deals with the questions of formation of the Russian business press as
translator of a business picture of the world in media discourse space. The authors analyze
the lexical and semantic features of realization of a concept «project» in a discourse of
business mass media in aspects of a diachrony and synchronism. It is established that the
concept «project» verbalizes semantic aspect of a business picture of the world in which
semes of an initiative, intention, enterprise and forecasting are significant.
Yablonskaya L.V.
System of code transitions in image interpretation of the personality of the character in the fiction text
The paper gives the characteristic of code transitions in image interpretation of the
personality of the hero in the literary work. Five code transitions are allocated and described.
The difference between them in art communication is shown. It is established that coding
in art communication gets a special form of existence and expression, allowing us to reveal
participation of each character of the text in implementation of the general target program of
a discourse of this or that literary work.
Literary Criticism
Avidzba R.L.
«Memoirs of the Caucasian Officer» by F.F. Tornau as a literary monument in its historical context
The paper deals with the most important pages of the historical past of the Caucasus
which reflect an era of the 1830s. When east coast of the Black Sea passed under protection
of Russia, shortage of data on the region was found. Therefore the work of the Russian
special-service agent baron Fedor Fedorovich Tornau is at the same time the historical
document and a literary monument. It is inferred that the data provided in this work are a
source of unique materials on history, ethnography, geography and culture of the Caucasian
people of this region.
Zhazhieva R.S., Delok R.A.
Iskhak Mashbash: a literary look into the historical past
The paper elucidates the place of a historical subject in works of the Adyghe writer Iskhak
Mashbash in the context of development of the world literature. Experience of the world literature
shows the predominating role of a genre of the historical novel in development of a historical
subject. The mature view of the writer on history of the Adyghe people is defined by that “a work
source and its basis were the stories about moving of Adyghes to Turkey which he heard in the
childhood”. An analysis is made of the following Iskhak Mashbash’s works: poem «Clouds Are
Condensed», novels «Tracks From Night» and «Goshevnay», dilogy «Rolls of a Far Thunder»
and «Millstone» and historical novel «Khan – Girey».
Kukueva A.A.
«Oblomov’s dream» – the Eurasian “swan song” of the Russian literature
The aim of the present paper is to interpret «Oblomov’s Dream», the novel by I.A.
Goncharov, proceeding from the latest literary critic works. The objective of the study is to
identify the ideological, artistic and aesthetic features of «Oblomov’s Dream». The author
arrives at a conclusion that the analyzed text reflects the motives of the Eurasian doctrine
on the symphonic personality as the conceptual foundation of the aesthetic theory of the
Kuchmenko M.A.
Principle of a rhizome as structure-forming factor of post-modernist text
The paper discusses the origin of the term of «rhizomorphic structures». The principle
of a rhizome is regarded as a structure-forming factor of artistic practice of a postmodernism.
Possibility of a solution of the problem of «death of the author» through construction of
the rhizomorphic structures is analyzed. The conclusion is drawn about a positive role of a
rhizome as a way of realization of art pluralism.
Pshimakhova B.B.
Concurrency of conflict typology in the Adyghe and Russian prose from the Middle Ages to the 20th century
The paper studies community of conflict typology, the subjects and challenges issued in
prosaic works in the Adyghe and Russian literatures through a prism of the comparative analysis.
In order to identify a typological community of literatures, the intra personal, interpersonal, gender,
moral, ethical, social and political conflicts, as well as the conflicts of micro and macrolevel are
examined. It is established that the art conflicts shed light on the most important problems of life
in the Adyghe and Russian literatures: status and role distinctions in social structure of society and
certain vital directions. The conflicts brought to a proscenium by the Adyghe and Russian writers,
presented mentality and spiritual culture of their people from a wide-angle view.
Stepanova T.M.
Folklore in the art world and structure of “The Alhambra” cycle by W. Irving
The place and features of folklore in the art world and structure of «The Alhambra»
cycle by W. Irving are examined in terms of comprehension of national character. The
author shows how the writer comprehends the East-West challenges in the context of the
romantic concept. Forms of expression of national images of the world and ethnic mentality
are analyzed. It is inferred that the genre of travel is important for W. Irving’s creativity in
respect of dialogue of cultures implementation.
Tlevtsezheva M.A.
Hoffmann E.T.A.: relationship with experience of the people
The paper deals with the questions and features of relationship of the German
romantics and experience of national poetic creativity. The literary activity of E.T.A Hoffmann
related to folklore esthetics is highlighted. An attempt is undertaken to find purely folklore
and poetic elements in works of E.T.A. Hoffmann in order to show the profoundly creative
comprehension by the writer of experience of national creativity rather than the imitating
one. The author seeks to find out a strong thread connection between various periods of
development of romanticism in the German literature.
Yakhyaeva Z.I.
Forms of expression of the author’s concept of nature in M. Akhmadov’s story «Mountain Erection on the Earth»
The paper discusses the artistic and philosophical comprehension of the nature in
Musa Akhmadov’s story «Mountain Erection on the Earth». Innovative approach in forms
and ways of expression of the author’s concept of the personality and culture is shown.
Characteristic features of a landscape and a portrait used to depict the hero and his time are
emphasized. The conclusion is drawn that the concept of nature is of great importance for
creating the psychological characteristic of positive characters of the story.
Kuyek A.S.
Bghezh in the Nart epos of Adyghes
A study is made on bghezh (eagle), one of the mythical beings of the “Nartkher”
heroic epos of Adyghes. The paper shows that the eagle has more positive characteristic in
the Adyghe folklore in comparison to the Nart epos where it becomes one of formidable
opponents of Narts. Functions of this mythical image are noted to be “more grounded”,
though they are not deprived of mythological attributes as well. It is inferred that in the
context of an ethno-mental worldview, ideas of epic bghezh are of essential value in studying
a mythological image of an eagle in the Adyghe folklore.
Zhazhieva R.S., Shishkina A.V.
Newspaper heading: advertising aspect
This paper discusses influence of advertising aspects on structure of the publicistic
text, as well as the main tendencies in the course of the nomination of headings in printing
mass media. The authors consider the address to the case text as to a phenomenon of national,
linguistic and cultural communities.
Ishchenko D.S.
Specificity of socially conditioned evaluation in the analytical text
The paper examines the correlation between objective and subjective bases in
the analytical text, determines the nature of subjective modality, identifies and describes
patterns of its implementation. The study shows that the analytical text has a special type of
subjective modality, namely: a socially conditioned evaluation, which is characterized by
the use of traditional subjective assessment tools without performing their primary function.
The author’s position is displayed by the presence in the text of the author’s consciousness.
Saraeva K.I.
Architectonics of the announcement: illustration as graphic and design element to draw attention of the addressee of the text
The paper examines the composition and architectonics of the secondary text of the
«announcement» type, considering two of its aspects: externally – composite and graphic
– design. The illustration is represented as the most important element of architectonics of
the announcement drawing attention of the addressee of the text. Ways of its arrangement
concerning the text are revealed. The integral components of the text of the announcement,
inherent illustrations and ways of their presentation are established.
Sokolova G.V., Panesh S.R.
Factuality and estimation as integrative phenomenon of the media text
The factuality and estimation are examined as the main intentions, the system row
position and categorial stability of which allow explanation for correlation of the fact and
assessment within journalistic work with the growing need of mass media for integrative
phenomena. Efficiency in this process of an onym is noted. It is established that as a result of
language transformation of the facts into opinion the semantic field of information receives,
as a rule, an implicit form of speech implementation. Indirect meanings «draw in detail» the
object of criticism ambiguously, hinting at the conceptual content of a naive picture of the world of object, rather than inform about it.
Biological Sciences
Shebzukhova E.A., Ednich E.M.
The 5th Russian Conference with the international participation «Mountain Ecosystems and Their Components», devoted to the 20th anniversary of Institute of Ecology of Mountain Territories named after A.K. Tembotov of the Kabardino-Balkarian Scientific Cen
The 5th Russian Conference with the international participation «Mountain Ecosystems and
Their Components» addressed the following issues: a biodiversity in mountain conditions (the laws of its formation,
specific and population variety, dynamics in time and space), ecology and evolution of organisms and
communities in the conditions of mountainous territories, ecological bases of rational development and protection
of natural resources of mountains.
Kononenko E.P., Tembotova F.A.
Use of the odontological characteristics to assess the ecological sphere divergence in closely-related rodents within the sympatry zone
The new index which is the indicator of the nutrition type for omnivorous rodents is proposed
on the basis of analysis of odontological characteristics of the Apodemus (A. uralensis Pallas, 1811 and A. ponticus
Sviridenko, 1936) from the North Caucasus. The use of the occlusion index has confirmed the hypotheses
for divergence of two closely-related rodents in the sympatry zone under nutrition preferences.
Amshokova A.Kh., Tembotova F.A.
Phenetical analysis of craniological characters in two cryptic species of common field mice from Sylvaemus subgenus in the sympatry zone of the Western Caucasus
The phenetical analysis of the cranium nonmetric characters in two genetically identified and
symbiotopical species A. uralensis and A. ponticus of the Western Caucasus, has been performed to reveal the
level of morphological differentiation. Phenetical distances between the species 15 times exceed the level of sex
differences and make up MMD=0.3185 between the males, and MMD=0.443 between the females. All in all,
under comparison of A. uralensis and A. ponticus without considering sex, the distance is MMD=0.389 that corresponds
only to the level of subspecies differences (Vasilyev, 1984; Vasilyev et al., 2000) [1, 2]. Nevertheless,
the level of phenetical isolation between A. uralensis and A. ponticus is high if to consider that the compared
species inhabit under similar landscape-biotopical and climatic conditions, and as we suggest, that serves to
development of phenotypical similarity, and thus explains the lesser value of differences.
Tembotova E.Zh., Emkuzheva M.M., Tembotova F.A.
Seasonal dynamics of house mouse (Mammalia, Rodentia) blood parameters under mountain conditions of the Central Caucasus
Seasonal dynamics of the blood parameters of the house mouse (Mus musculus L.) throughout
the year in the mountains of the Central Caucasus (1800 m a.s.l.) was studied. The pronounced seasonal dynamics
of the blood parameters was revealed in the favorable condition (man buildings) in comparison with the
wildlife small rodents, in the context of two periods: the cold period (spring, winter, autumn) and the warm one
(summer). The greatest expenditure of energy in the species is winter that is demonstrated by the increase of
blood respiratory function. Thus, the maximum increase of oxygen capacity is followed by peripheralization of
high number of erythrocytes, the sizes of which are significantly smaller than those from summer data that ensures
increasing of the total absorbing surface for oxygen.
Rapoport I.B.
Fauna, structure of communities and vertical and zonal distribution of the earthworms (Oligochaeta, Lumbricidae) in the central part of the Kuban variant of vertical zonation (North-Western Caucasus, Republic of Adyghea)
Relying on our own studies and analysis of the literary evidence, we summarize for the first time
data on fauna, ecology and vertical and zonal distribution of the earthworms within the Republic of Adyghea. We
recorded 21 species in the territory under survey, including 11 species first discovered in the region. Contrary to
the Lumbricidae fauna of the Elbrusskiy and Terskiy variants of vertical zonation, the fauna of the Kuban variant is
more «Mediterranean» – 33% of this fauna make up the species which are widely spread within the Mediterranean
area of Holarctica. The Mediterranean group of the earthworms is both more abundant in species, and also plays a
significant role in the communities. The Crimean-Caucasian subendemics Dendrobaena schmidti (Mich.) and
Dendrobaena mariupolienis mariupolienis (Wyss.), and Dendrobaena tellermanica Perel, the species of the Caucasian
origin, and the Mediterranean Aporrectodea jassyensis (Mich.) are dominant in the most of biotopes. As in
most regions of the North Caucasus, the morpho-ecological group of proper soil earthworms is more multitudinous.
The total number of the earthworm species increases in hypsometric profile from the steppe zone to the belt of
broad-leaved forests where 15 species are recorded, and it decreases towards the Alpine belt.
Tembotov R.Kh.
Biochemical characters of hydromorphic soils in the Central Caucasus (within the Terskiy variant of vertical zonation in Kabardino-Balkaria)
The studies and comparative analysis are conducted to define biochemical characters, including
soil respiration, humus contents, enzymatic activity – catalase, dehydrogenase, invertase, phosphotase and
urease, of hydromorphic soils in agrocenoses and natural biogeocenoses of plains within the Terskiy variant of
vertical zonation in Kabardino-Balkaria. The differences of the studied parameters between the soils of agrocenoses
and biogeocenoses are revealed. The studied characteristics are pooled to form the overall integral parameter
of biological state of soil (IPBSS). A 39-40% reduction of IPBSS points to disturbance of physicochemical,
biological and total functions of the studied soils.
Vinokurov N.B.
Cuckoo wasps (Hymenoptera, Chrysididae) of the forest biocenoses within the interfluve of the Malaya Laba and Bolshaya Laba rivers and peculiarities of their distribution in altitudinal belts (Western Caucasus)
For the first time data are presented on 24 species of cuckoo wasps (Hymenoptera, Chrysididae)
of the forest biocenoses within the interfluve of the Malaya Laba and Bolshaya Laba rivers,.including 11
species that are new for the Western Caucasus. The peculiarities of distribution of these insects in altitudinal
belts are considered. The complex of xylobionts which make up 91.7% of the total number of the species prevails
among cuckoo wasps.
Karmokov M.Kh., Polukonova N.V.
Fauna, karyotypes and ecology of non-biting midges from genus Chironomus Meigen, 1803 (Diptera, Chironomidae) of the Yew-and-Boxwood Tree Grove (North-West Caucasus)
This paper presents data on peculiarities of fauna, karyotypes and ecology of non-biting midges
from genus Chironomus Meigen, 1803 (Diptera, Chironomidae) of the Yew-and-Boxwood Tree Grove (North-
West Caucasus). The presence of Chironomus luridus is revealed, which was first found in the North-West Caucasus.
The karyotype in studied populations is characterized by significantly low level of inversion polymorphism.
The populations of the Yew-and-Boxwood Tree Grove in spectrum and frequencies of banding sequences
are more close to the early studied populations in the northern macroslope of the Central Caucasus.
Zhashuev A.Zh., Potemkin A.D.
Comparative analysis of liverworts in the Central Caucasus through variants of vertical zonation (within Kabardino-Balkaria)
The results of the comparative analysis for the species diversity of liverworts in the Kabardino-
Balkaria Republic are given. Most of the species are confined to riverside forests of the Baksan river gorge,
birch-pine forests of the Adyl-Su and Adyr-Su river gorges, and wet rock exposures in the subalpine and Alpine
Aiydov A.A.
On the fauna of rove beetles (Coleoptera: Staphylinidae) in the Teberda river gorge
Data are given on the fauna and ecology of rove beetles (Coleoptera, Staphylinidae) in the Teberda
river gorge. All in all, 48 species from 24 genera and 7 subfamilies are registered. Herpetobionts (16 species)
and coprophilous species (13 species) are dominant among the presented species. The dominance of palaearctic
species is revealed. Fifteen rove beetle species which were not recorded for this territory earlier are
Khanov Z.M., Pshegusov R.Kh.
On lichenometric studies in the high-mountain territories of the Central Caucasus
The paper considers the prospects for application of the bioindicative method of the age determination
in glacial moraines – liñhenometry based on the use of epilithic lichen growth data. This method can
be efficiently applied in monitoring of natural processes occurring in the high-mountain territories of the Central
Yusupov Z.M.
On the fauna of ants (Hymenoptera, Formicidae) in Teberda State Natural Biospheric Reserve
The preliminary data are given on the fauna and biotopic distribution of ants (Hymenoptera,
Formicidae) in the Teberda State Natural Biospheric Reserve. As for now, 31 species of ants referring to 10 genera
and 3 subfamilies (Dolichoderinae, Formicinae and Myrmicinae) are known for the reserve. The most species
are abundant in the genera Formica L., Myrmica Latr., and Lasius F. The majority of the species belongs to
the subfamily Myrmicinae (16 species). Zoogeography of the presented species is considered.
Shebzukhova E.A.
The 25th anniversary of research school of Professor, Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Sciences A.K. Tembotov
The research school of Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Sciences A.K. Tembotov,
created in the early 1980s, gained the official recognition in the Decision of VAK Board at Council of Ministers
of the USSR and Presidium of Council of the North Caucasian Scientific Center of the Higher School No. 6/154
of 14.07.1989. The school successfully develops now which is testified by grants of the President of the Russian
Federation given to this school as the leading research school of Russia. More than 40 pupils of A.K. Tembotov are
Doctors and Candidates of Science who successfully work in science and education. This paper discusses the main
scientific directions of the research school. Much attention is paid to integration of biological science and education.
The main scientific achievements and development of the research school of Corresponding Member of the
Russian Academy of Sciences A.K. Tembotov are described.
Kumakhov V.I., Shibzukhov N.Kh., Eziev M.I.
Physical and chemical characteristics and multifactor correlative regressive interrelation between humus and physical clay in the southern black soils
The paper discusses the distribution of the southern black soils in the North Caucases, the methods
of investigation, physical and chemical properties of the southern black soils (contents of nitrogen, phosphorus,
calcium, magnesium, natrium, pH and CaCO3), group and fractional composition of humus and physical
properties of the southern black soils, multifactor correlative regressive interrelation between humus and physical
clay is investigated in the southern black soils.
Tuguz F.V.
Spatial evolution of a network of settlements in the territory of the Republic of Adyghea
Spatial evolution of a network of settlements of the administrative regions of modern Adyghea is
considered. Based on comparison of features of settling evolution and quantity of population of the Adyghea
subregions, we make some generalizations.
Teuchezh F.D., Shadzhe A.I., Khamerzokova R.Yu.
Innovative potential of tourist sector in economy of Adyghea Republic
The tourist sector of economy is one of the priority directions of economic development in the
Republic of Adyghea. It promotes the active innovative growth of recreational and tourist capacity of the region.
Roytenberg V.Sh.
On generic polynomial vector fields on a plane
The set of polynomial vector fields, which are structurally stable on the Poincare cycle or
on the projective plane, is open and everywhere is dense in the space of planar polynomial vector fields of
degree ≤ n .
Tlyachev V.B., Ushkho A.D., Ushkho D.S.
Invariant sets of the n-th order polynomial vector field
A quantitative relationship is determined between the invariant sets consisting of mutually parallel
invariant lines with some slope and invariant lines of the polynomial vector field of the n -th order. Examples
are given of possible configurations of invariant lines. It is proved that systems are available with nine invariant
lines in the set of polynomial systems with n = 4 , having certain invariant sets.
Andrukhaev Kh.M.
Probabilistic approach to studying the laws of distribution of prime numbers and simple twin numbers in a natural row up to x =1040000000
The paper presents all prime numbers and simple twin numbers obtained in an initial piece of a
natural row up to 1040000000 (pbotdo.bas program). In tables, twins are allocated with hyphens between them.
In each file, the quantity of prime numbers and twins, as well as the corresponding relative frequencies are
counted. Using the obtained tabular data and probability-theoretic methods, the approximate formula is derived
for the average density of simple twin numbers in an interval from 1 to 1040000000.
Golovnev Yu.F., Somova N.Yu., Nurguleev D.A.
Interwell tunneling of excitons in semiconductor heterostructures with ferromagnetic layers
An expression was obtained for the tunneling probability of the electron to form a magnetic
interwell exciton in a double quantum well based on EuO-SrO. The conductivity of the heterostructure was
Technical Sciences
Buchatskiy P.Yu., Buchatskaya V.V.
Tools of geographic information systems for information support of stages of the system analysis
A study of composite systems by means of the system analysis needs application of complex
software products. Representatives of this class of the software are the geographic information systems (GIS).
In this connection, here we examine the GIS structure and functions, as well as make an analysis of GIS application
at research of composite systems (taking power systems with the nonconventional renewables (NR)
as an example).
Mozgunov O.M., Shekoyan A.A., Shekoyan L.A.
An efficient face verification algorithm
This paper presents an algorithm without training for an arbitrary database for verification of
approximately identically posed faces. The classifier is Euclidean distance with Pearson’s correlation coefficients
as parameters. The performance of the algorithm is tested on publicly available databases Color FERET
and Face94 Directory by Dr. Libor Spacek.
Mamiy A.R., Polyakov S.V.
Elastic and viscous properties of weight-lifter bar system
The paper describes the mathematical model of the biomechanical system consisting of the
weight-lifter and a bar. A system of the differential equations modeling lifting of a bar from a breast is presented
which considers elastic and viscous properties of the musculoskeletal device of the weight-lifter and a bar. Some
solutions are provided confirming operability of the system.
Dovgal V.À.
Methods of safety increase in the sphere of «cloud» technologies
The paper discusses the methods of threats prevention at data transmission between the provider
of «cloud» services and the customer. An analysis is made of threats to information processed by means of
«cloud» technologies, as well as of solutions to eliminate the specified problems. The complex of actions is proposed
to prevent threats to security in private «clouds» and to ensure the necessary level of information safety.
Korobkov V.N.
Analysis algorithm of a vector field in relation to fields of tectonic tension in the crust
The algorithm of the automated analysis of a vector field is given. The paper presents the results
of operation of the software product applying this algorithm to allocate the foci of tectonic tension concentration
in the crust.
Golovan K.R., Pogorelov A.V.
Temporal structure of cellular service consumption in the Krasnodar territory from data of MTS operator
In this paper, for the first time, we analyze the temporal structure of consumption of basic cellular
services in the Krasnodar territory at MTS networks of second and third generations. As a result we have
defined the features of the variability and cyclicity in traffic consumption with different temporal resolution
(year, month, week, day), as well as the extremes of consumption of voice traffic during the holidays. The structure
of the traffic in the most demonstrative days of the week is described.
Feklistov G.S., Malykh V.S., Buchatskiy P.Yu.
Use of a solar thermal collector as an element of system of heat supply
Features of energy consumption in construction are considered. The author's model of solar
water-heating system as an element of system of heat supply is offered.
Tlyusten V.Sh.
Variant of peeper head Turing mashine
The variant of Turing Machine (TM) is suggested, which is called in this paper Peeper Head
Turing Machine (phTM). Such machines differ from classical TM by having an additional eye which can see the
content of left nearby cell at the moment of current cell processing. In the paper, one internal state phTMs are
considered. Any command of such a machine looks like , where Si and Sj are two symbols observed
by peeper head at the same time, Sk is a new symbol, replacing current symbol Sj, and D is direction of the following
head shift (L, to the left, or R, to the right). It is proved in the paper that the set of one state phTMs is
functionally full. In particular, it means that in the class of phTM with one internal state, a halting problem is
unsolvable and a universal machine exists.
Plisenko O.A.
Development of the integrated expert system for recognition of structural lines of a relief
The paper presents the short review on technology of development of the expert system integrated
with a geographic information system (GIS) for subject domain of the geomorphological analysis. The
semistructured problem related to recognition of characteristic structural lines of the relief surface is considered.
To solve this problem we propose to use a method of full integration and a design of system basing on the
UML diagrams. Application of the described technology is substantiated; and features of implementation of expert
system integration with GIS are considered. Examples are given of creation of the UML diagrams, spaces of
problem states and implementation of expert rules in the CLIPS language.
Varshanina T.P., Khunagov R.D.
GIS of scientific researches of processes of geosystems variability
The concept, structural principles and methodology of the intrinsic and logical (ontologic)
model in GIS of scientific researches of existential variability of geosystems are developed.
A.V. Babikova, N.N. Lyabakh, A.Y. Fedotova, I.K. Shevchenko, A.V. Khanina
Relations system modeling : state and state corporation on the basis of contracts theory
The scientific article studies topical issues of functioning in hi-tech sector of
the industrial state corporations carrying out large-scale projects of economy modernization.
The lack of the formalized procedures of interaction of the state corporations, the states,
and other participants of the market relations can interfere with realization of considerable
scientific and production-technological potential possessed by the state corporations. The
paper considers possibility of relation modeling between the state and the state corporations
on the basis of procedures of active systems theory that allows offering adequate model of
agents’ interaction in system taking into account uncertainty factors. The mathematical
interaction model of the state and the state corporations offered on the basis of the contracts
theory allows to increase control efficiency of interaction of the state and the state corporations
on the basis of introduction of formal procedures due to removal of a number of the
restrictions that present at the solution of interaction optimization problems.
A.Kh. Karanashev, L.A. Tselykh, A.G. Karasheva
Methodological aspects of innovative potential corporate culture diagnostics of the Kabardino -Balkar Republic recreational sphere enterprises : comparative cognitive modeling analytical tools
The scientific article discloses analytical opportunities of modeling results
of innovative potential of Kabardino-Balkaria recreational sphere enterprises corporate
culture on the basis of influence factors in a section of structural decomposition of its basic
elements taking into account the Russian mentality aspects and specifics of external and
internal mechanisms of corporate construction.
G.M. Mishulin, A.Y. Biryukov
Design algorithm and integrated marketing information and communication system introduction
The paper presents the algorithm of design and introduction of the integrated
marketing information and communication system (IMICS) of the commercial organization.
The authors developed compliance of algorithm blocks to the full list of aspects of an
integrated approach to formation of IMIKS and its inclusion in a business environment of
the enterprise.
Economics history
M.I. Kuter, M.M. Gurskaya, D.N. Alenikov
Negation of the negation is the path of scientific development or a new look at the first synthetic balance (conclusion)
The scientific article offers the new view on formation early analytical and
the synthetic (squeezed) balances and on the registration system accepted in the French
Avignon at the beginning of the XV century. It considers the operating option of maintaining
the combined account (partially by method of periodic inventory, partially by method of
double record on dual accounts, with in parallel the located debit and the credit). The paper
specifies technique of creation of analytical balance and the mechanism of compression of
indicators in synthetic balance. It was established that in registration system there were
no nominal accounts of formation of financial result and the account «Losses and profits».
The authors reveal that financial result identification in the form of an increment or capital
«consumption» was the main objective of analytical and synthetic balances creation.
They didn’t use the control function of balance.
M.I. Kuter, M.M. Gurskaya, A.M. Musaelyan
Amatino Manuchchi , Giovanni Farolfi partner in Provence heritage : historical lessons of double-entry bookkeeping (conclusion)
The scientific article deals with the practice of the early registration system
conducted according to the rules of double entry. It pays particular attention to a trial cash
balance. The authors create the accounting model of the first detected Ledger nowadays on
the basis of historical data by accounting and analytical modeling. This model allows making
conclusions about the period used in the techniques and methods of accounting.
The result of the study leads to the conclusion that the account, conducted in Farolfi Company,
was on way of its development and it went back to the banking account. The authors
suppose that the Ledger examined was formed according to the rules of conducting banking
books taken in Florence at that time. It is worth noting that the basic ideas of management
accounting, which originated in the XIII century, were gathered and fully consolidated in
the information model, which we know as the double entry. Generally speaking «Giovanni
Farolfi and Co.» books are recognized as one of the major monuments of the early history of
accounting. Amatino Manuchchi is considered to be one of the fathers of our profession.
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