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  • O.S. Karnaukhova
    Citizenship in a multicultural society: from status theory to practice

    During the recent fifteen years the concept of citizenship has been seriously changed from the question of weak interest within its political foundations to the topical problem, resulting from the high flows of transnational migrations and correlated with concepts of security, risk society, social control. Today all industrialized countries deal with applications of migrants willing to acquire a citizen status. In this connection the concept of citizenship is becoming an ideological instrument for regulations of state-person relationships, as well as for formation and maintenance of communities’ network. The network peculiarity of citizenship transforms this concept from the ideology of status to the ideology of practice.

    pdf 1.pdf  (139 Kb)

  • N.A. Popova, A.N. Popelnukhina
    Science and pseudoscience: ethical differences

    The paper is devoted to philosophical reflection of the ethics of science and ethical differences between science and pseudoscience. A dialectical interaction between ethical and scientific values is examined and the types of relationships are pointed out. Particular attention is paid to the responsibility of modern scientists before the whole civilization.

    pdf 2.pdf  (119 Kb)

  • D.L. Ustimenko
    The methodological framework of the scientific ontic world outlook

    The paper discloses that the specific nature of any type of rationality forms the corresponding methods which it reproduces. Methodology imposes not only the form of knowledge, but also forms an implicit direction of contemplation and outlook. Two main types of worldview — ontical and ontological are pointed out. The peculiarities of the three methodologies that are essential for ontic world — syllogistics, dialectics and mathematics are revealed. A phenomenological methodology as an appropriate ontological life orientation can make an alternative to them.

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  • I.B. Chernova
    Spiritual aspects of national security of modern Russia

    The paper discusses comprehension of the spiritual component of national security in contemporary Russia, the conditions necessary for its implementation, as well as existing threats to spiritual security, forces and means of opposition to them.

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  • S.Î. Buranok
    Americans in the USSR: assessments and perception of Kuibyshev of war years

    The peculiarities of formation of the 1941 image of Kuibyshev in the U.S. press are revealed.

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  • A.S. Ivashchenko
    Problems of social and economic development of the new industrialized countries of South East Asia (South Korea, Singapore, Taiwan) from the 1970s to the early 21st century

    The purpose of this paper is to disclose and study the difficulties and obstacles in social and economic development of the new industrialized countries of South East Asia — South Korea, Singapore and Taiwan, in particular, to identify the dependence of economic liberalization on political liberalization of their state regimes.

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  • E.L. Hasanov
    Development of basic craft production in Ganja in the late 19th — early 20th centuries (as shown by ethnographic materials)

    This paper deals with the historical and ethnographic significance of the development of the main branches of traditional crafts in Ganja. For the first time the main features of products of these industries and their importance in the study of arts and crafts traditions during the 19th and 20th centuries were systematically studied.

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  • O.S. Gorkunova
    Mass historical consciousness of Russians at the turn of 20 — 21 centuries

    This paper is devoted to the analysis of the state of mass historical consciousness of Russians, which has undergone some significant changes under the influence of large-scale political, social and economic and also cultural transformations of Russian society at the turn of 20-21 centuries.

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  • A.K.Tabulov
    Abazins in the civilizational context of the North Caucasus

    The paper deals with the specifics of the formation of ethno-cultural status of the Abazins. The author, without questioning the idea of cultural integrity of the region, thinks that it is possible to single out two civilizational zones in the North Caucasus. Within the boundaries of one of them stage-wise formation of modern Abazins is considered and the arguments in support of the special nature of the Abazin etnic society are substantiated, which is caused by stagnation of its development throughout the past three centuries.

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  • F.A. Ashhamafova
    The influence of ethnic and cultural traditions on gender stereotypes

    The article examines a number of gender stereotypes which have significant influence from the ethnic culture. The author examines stereotypes in the mentality of the modern society, which manifest themselves in relation to the woman and are dominated by the formation of their social status.

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  • E.V. Vartanyan, E.N. Karelkin
    Legal socialization and professional identity of students in the process of legal education

    The paper examines the legal issues of mutual socialization of young professionals of the legal scope and the process of establishing their professional identity. The effect of the quality of legal education in the formation of professional identity of young professionals is shown on the basis of theoretical analysis. The necessity of modernization of special education that meets modern standards applying to graduates in today’s social and cultural reality is marked.

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  • M.A. Dakoro
    The problem of the genesis and the specifics of the Russian intelligentsia

    The paper presents the comparative analysis of various concepts of the Russian intelligentsia, explaining the genesis and the specificity of this social group. The main features of the Russian intelligentsia, similarities and differences between this group and the Western intellectuals are highlighted. The author examines the role of the Russian intelligentsia in the formation of the Russian national consciousness.

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  • M.A. Kostenko
    Problems of social support for families with children with congenital disorders of development

    The paper studies the implementation issues of formal social support to families, bringing up children with congenital disorders of development (CDD). Discussion of the results of empirical research shows that the existing system of formal social support for families is inconsistent and the resource of professional assistance to the families with CDD children is fragmentary and unfinished. The everyday experience of parents as direct subjects of the rehabilitation process is analysed. The process of objectification of their role in the state system of social support is explored. The main barriers to the implementation of social assistance as well as professional “target” of further optimization of the structure and content of social services for this population are identified.

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  • S.I. Loshkareva-Imgrunt
    Status of inequality as a factor in the disintegration of Russian society

    In this paper, the author explores the relevant theme of the status inequality in Russian society. The author asserts that a clan-corporate system of status hierarchy was formed in the modern Russia. The social potential of a particular individual here is determined by the political positions taken by him in the society. Factor of status, in author’s opinion, plays an increasingly important role in contemporary Russian society, rather than the possession of material property that is a distinguishing characteristic of Russia’s social system.

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  • I.A. Petrulevich
    Youth drug addiction in the context of cultural and legal approach

    The paper presents the analysis of scientific approaches to the problem of youth drug addiction in Russia. Stating their diversity, the author focuses attention on the social and cultural context of the study of the present phenomenon, considering cultural determinants of problems as most relevant in today’s social space.

    pdf 15.pdf  (116 Kb)

  • N.A. Rakitin
    Competitiveness of Russian business

    Russian business, like the entire economic sphere of Russian society, is characterized by extremely low rates of competitiveness at the global market and by readiness to use other strategies for economic production associated with the development of high-tech and innovative technologies. This paper is devoted to profound analysis of this issue.

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  • Zh.A.Stash, M.F. Aliyeva
    An integrated approach to prevention of youth drug addiction in Adyghea

    The paper deals with the problem of youth drug addiction in Russia today. The author notes that a coordinated system of anti-drug measures of social, economic, medical, legal, psychological and administrative nature can be realized by using an integrated approach, providing preventive measures in a combat against drug aggression.

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  • V.A.Teshev
    Use of the dual form of education in higher educational institutions to prepare practice-oriented specialists

    The paper discusses the elements of dual education in higher educational institution. The specificity and the advantages of the dual training are investigated. Particular attention is paid to the dual system of education in Germany, which took a long historical examination and demonstrates high quality of education. The conclusion is made that despite some shortcomings, the dual system of education is one of the most successful models of cooperative learning and practice. The positive experience can be used in the learning process in higher education of the Russian education system.

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  • F.K. Tuguz
    Social stratification in the Russian society: the specificity of the impact on personality socialization in the educational space of classical university

    The paper examines the actual scientific problem — the specificity of the impact of social stratification on personality socialization in the educational space of classical university in Russian society. Peculiarities of personality socialization in the educational space of classical university in the Russian society, which are formed as a result of this impact, are revealed.

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  • N.V. Khlabystova
    Professional self-determination of the youth in conditions of transformation of the value of higher education in the Russian modern society (as shown by the Kuban State University of Technology

    One of the urgent problems of the Russian modern society is training of highly qualified specialists of different disciplines. Globalization and market relations cause fast rates of growth and development of educational services in the Russian modern society. Dynamic social transformations in the country form new value purposes of young people, as well as life strategies of the youth behavior in the sphere of education. There is a necessity to study interaction of the institute of higher education and its basic consumers (university entrants). Nowadays, on the one hand, the demand for services of the higher professional education is increasing, requirement, prestige and necessity in the receipt of higher education are growing, on the other hand, the role and value of education are changing essentially, the youth is changing its orientations and attitudes to the education. In this paper, an analysis is made of professional self-determination of university entrants and the factors, influencing the choice of higher educational institution and tendencies in training school leavers. Also transformation of the value of higher professional education in Russian modern society is studied. It is important to detect criteria, defining professional self-determination of university entrants, the choice of area of training and educational institution. This paper will help administration of the higher education institution to develop motivational strategies to attract school leavers to the educational institution.

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  • N.S. Pichko
    Social and cultural aspect of modernity

    The paper is devoted to the comprehension of social and cultural aspect of modernity. The content of the concept of “sociocultural level” is disclosed. The author proposes a characteristic of degree of human perfection achieved through education, training and comprehension of social experience. Classification of spiritual and moral values of the individual is given in the context of culture. The paper deals with the traditional means of artistic expression and artistic languages of art. An analysis is made of the crisis of art associated with the systemic crisis of socio-humanitarian knowledge. The role and importance of the mass media in the communicative space of culture is studied.

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  • M.V. Saakyan
    Constitutional and legal status of the Adyghea Republic as a subject of the Russian Federation

    The paper discusses the constitutional and legal status of the Adyghea Republic. The author notes that studying the Constitution of the Adyghea Republic makes it possible to define its place in the process of formation and strengthening of the government system.

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  • S.G. Khasanova
    Termination of criminal case related to the reconciliation of the parties in the light of development of mediation institute in Russia

    A comprehensive analysis is made of the institute of the termination of a criminal case related to the reconciliation of the parties. Presentation of the material is based on the a priori estimate of reconciliation between the victim and the accused as a mediation model. This approach allowed us to go beyond the traditional analysis of Art. 25 of CPC and identify promising directions for its improvement in terms of expanding the right guarantees of participants of the reconciliation.

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    Political Science
  • Z.Yu. Khuako
    Political parties: the moral and legal dimension

    The paper discusses the moral and legal aspects of the formation and development of political parties. It reveals the theoretical and practical problems of legal and moral regulation of the activity of parties as a structural element of the political system of society.

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  • V.G. Shustov
    Local authorities — from legitimacy to effectiveness

    This paper is devoted to the legitimacy and effectiveness of municipal authorities. The main purpose of this publication is to explore the potential and relationship of legitimacy and effectiveness of municipal government nowadays.

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    Abstracts of Monographs
  • S.P. Markova
    Scientist, medievalist, teacher (toward the 100th anniversary of V.V. Shtokmar)

    This paper is dedicated to the memory of a large Russian medievalist, specialist in the area of Britain researches, Valentina Vladimirovna Shtokmar. The author presents the characteristics of teaching and scientific activities of this talented scientist.

    pdf 26.pdf  (134 Kb)

    The Economic Theory
  • I.K. Abidova, A.V. Sokolovskiy
    Diagnostic tools and regional economy development on public-private partnership ground

    The scientific article investigates the diagnostic tools, the development of regional economy based on public-private partnership at the present stage of development of Russia. It discloses a mechanism of management of regional economies required by public-private partnership relations. The author reveals requirements to the intensification methods of the development of the regional economy adapted to the conditions of stagnation at the meso-level.

    pdf 13-18.pdf  (130 Kb)

    Regional Economy
  • R.N. Berlizev
    New features of regional economic policy conditioned by the neo-industrialization

    The paper studies the functions of regional economic policy at the present stage of development of Russia caused by the process of neo-industrialization. The author assesses the consequences of the destruction of the territorial industry and reveals some new features of regional economic policy. Their occurrence is necessary in the process of neo-industrialization. The scientific article examines possibilities and limitations of the implementation of these functions as well as the requirements to the relevant instruments of regional economic policy in the reconstruction of the territorial industry on a qualitatively new basis.

    pdf 19-23.pdf  (127 Kb)

  • R.N. Berlizev, O.P. Bondarchuk
    Instruments of regional economic policy of Russian development at the present stage

    The scientific article explores the methods of regional economic policy at the present stage of development of Russia needed in a profound transformation taking place in the economic space of the country. The author studies possibilities and limitations of the instruments in the process of modernization and innovative development of the regional economy under the conditions of economic slowdown, territorial industrial complexes recreation.

    pdf 24-29.pdf  (133 Kb)

  • A.A. Bzhasso
    Key objectives of anti-crisis regional economies management

    The paper examines the key tasks of crisis management in the regional economy of modern Russia. The author pays his attention to cognitive tools applying in the process necessary in terms of spatial competition. Cognitive tools are widely used in modern regional studies and have been successfully tested in crisis management. Deployment of the crisis in the conditions of acceleration and post-industrial transformation intertwining processes of global integration and localization of economic relations determines special requirements for crisis management of the regional economy as well as new possibilities of its transformation. The author refers the used means to achieve two interrelated goals implying cognitive methods of crisis management at the meso-level. They are: the achievement of project parameters in overcoming the crisis in the regional economy and the extraction of new knowledge on the state and prospects of development of the regional economy. The scientific article determines possibilities of crisis management in accordance with the conditions at the meso-level of the economy. It reveals cognitive function instruments of crisis management of regional economies.

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  • A.A. Bzhasso, A.A. Belousova
    Cognitive methods suggestion of regional economies crisis management

    The scientific article examines the institutional conditions of cognitive methods suggestion of crisis management process of modern Russia regional economy. The authors draw their attention to the development of a single institutional platform for such methods. They assess the complex of cognitive methods of the regional economy crisis management. The authors imply the transformation trend of existing economic systems in the cognitive economy. This trend expects the expanding of cognitive methods using in modern regional studies as well as the converting them to crisis management problems. The paper studies combination of value creation processes. The extraction of new knowledge in the areas of post-industrial growth at the meso-level gives the opportunity to qualify these specified areas as cognitive economy localization. The paper examines the conceptual representation of the cognitive tools of crisis management at the meso-level. It analyses the methods and systems to ensure implementation of the project objectives to overcome crisis situations at the level and obtain new knowledge about the regional economy elements.

    pdf 36-42.pdf  (138 Kb)

  • O.P. Bondarchuk
    Regional development resources in the Russian economy slowdown

    The paper explores the resources of regional development at the present stage of Russian development necessary in the slowing economic growth conditions. It determines the main meso-level manifestations of an economy slowdown as well as assessment of opportunities and constraints imposed by the process. The author discloses the specific institutional risk of regional development in an economy slowdown. He represents demands to regional devel-opment instruments in the context of economic slowdown in Russia.

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  • A.A. Kerashev, A.A. Mokrushin
    State-private partnership potential in the development of interaction of vertically integrated corporations with Russian regional economic system

    The paper deals with the dominant role of state-private partnership (SPP) in the mechanism of state regulation of the interaction of vertically integrated corporations with regional economic systems. It discloses the main characteristics, the institutional forms and tools of corporate-territorial partnership in Russia. The author developed a new profile functions as part of the SPP mechanism of state regulation of the interaction of the above mentioned meta-systems.

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  • K.N. Kirzhinova, S.R. Chorshanbiev
    Factors and development priorities of the Tajikistan Republic energy infrastructure on the cluster approach basis

    The article considers the advantages of clustering regional energy infrastructure. It identifies the main factors contributing to the formation of cluster structures in energy infrastructure. The application of the SWOT-analysis identifies strengths and weaknesses, possible variants of the clustering process. The author develops a set of measures, the implementation of which contributes to the formation of preconditions of these processes.

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  • A.V. Kovalev
    Industrial parks as economic growth points of the Krasnodar Region

    The scientific article discusses the role of industrial parks in the region's economy. It introduces the definition of the concept of industrial parks as well as characteristics of different types of park structures. The author pays his particular attention to the formation of Brownfield parks. Formation of these parks let to engage large loss-making enterprises in trafficking in need of investment for modernization and competitive products production. It contributes to the growth of industrial production in the region.

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  • S.G. Kosenko
    Inter-budgetary relationship reformation in the Krasnodar Region

    The scientific article discloses the main issues of inter-budgetary relations in the Krasnodar Region. The problem of constructing a model of optimal inter-budgetary relations is one of the most urgent. The paper analyses the current state of intergovernmental fiscal relations at the regional level. It provides the information about the state internal debt of the Krasnodar Region. The author suggests some ways of balancing the budget, such as control of targeted and effective expenditure of funds, the identification of financial abuse in this area, the optimization of budget expenses, etc.

    pdf 68-73.pdf  (134 Kb)

  • A.V. Sokolovskiy
    Regional economy conceptual view of control mechanism on public-private partnership basis

    The paper investigates the mechanism of regional economies management based on public-private partnership in modern Russia needed in a spatial competition development. It defines the principles of its operation, the main features of the territorial management. The author assesses the constraints imposed by the current state of the regional economy. He introduces recommendations to the regional economies management tools on public-private partnership basis.

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  • M.S. Khachaturova
    Controlling application to the regional economic system clusters development

    The scientific article examines the possibility of converting the controlling mechanism for the needs of the clusters development in regional economic system. It specifies and adapts the concept of controlling applied to cluster development. The paper identifies key functions and tasks of the specified cluster controlling and defines the diagram of key functions of cluster controlling. The author represents criteria system of controlling cluster development. He reveals the expediency of cluster controlling mechanism using.

    pdf 79-82.pdf  (196 Kb)

    The Account, Audit and the Control
  • N.A. Antonova
    Due diligence in conditions of actuarial accounting: historical aspects

    This scientific article describes the historical background of the emergence of procedure due diligence. It provides a brief description of the present state of the market of audit and consulting services and market capital. The paper traces the relationship between the existing trends for the future development of the investment climate in Russia. The author draws his attention to aspects of the deal purity expertise with capital considering principles of actuarial ideology accounting. He discusses the topicality of the issue in the article. The paper points to the need to improve the theoretical and methodological basis for improving the quality and effectiveness of professional services in the areas of accounting, analysis and audit.

    pdf 83-90.pdf  (207 Kb)

  • D.A. Bugaev, A.V. Ryabchenko
    Historical aspects of IFRS in Russia

    The article deals with the accounting reform in Russia, the problem of transformation and international reporting requirements as well as the introduction of IFRS in Russian accounting. It also analyzes the main idea and methodological basis of IFRS, its role and structure, order of creation, structure and application. The author reveals IFRS role in economic society, the history of its creation. He points to the need of maintaining IFRS in Russia.

    pdf 91-97.pdf  (140 Kb)

  • D.V. Lugovskiy
    The accounting policies and estimate standards: essence, content, interconnection

    The basis of the accounting policies and estimates is a choice. In the first case it is a choice of accounting method. In the second it is the choice of accounting estimates object. This choice is based on professional judgment. The paper reveals the features and making procedure, additions, alterations and disclosure of accounting policies and estimates. The author represents the estimated value of variable as indicators involved in accounting value calculation of the observation object.

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  • U.Yu. Roshchektaeva
    Russian corporate reporting problems and prospects

    The scientific article deals with the problems of modern Russia in the corporate reporting with growing information needs of key users. The author studies the nature and structural integrated reporting elements and considers fundamental concept underlying in the basis of its forming.

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  • R.A. Tkhagapso M. Gomesh
    History and development of accounting in the Republic of Angola

    The development of accounting is connected closely with formation of economic relations in society and plays the main role in the economy. It is very difficult to imagine a rapidly changing world without the financial information formed due to accounting. The paper represents a critical analysis of the accounting development in the Republic of Angola. It marks out the basic stages of development of accounting (the colonial period, the period of independence and the modern stage) and designs the existing problems and directions of re-forming accounting.

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  • E.V. Shmatova
    Identifying of profit recognition point from the sale in accounting

    This paper considers the methodological foundations of choice of the income recognition moment from the sale of products and goods carried in the Russian accounting prior to shipment to the account 41 «Goods» and 43 «Finished goods». It compares and summarizes the provisions of IRFS 18, 9/99, AR project "Income" and the rules of civil law in the regulation of the date of income recognition. The author substantiates that the contemporary economy point of income recognition in accounting can be at three points: shipping, delivery, payment, which may not coincide with the transfer of ownership (as provided by the current AR 9/99).

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    Economy of Agrarian-Industrial Complex
  • S.V. Kesyan
    Organizational and economic aspects of the design vertically integrated corporate structures in agricultural business

    The scientific article deals with the organizational planning of vertically integrated agro-industrial corporations. It reveals the basic competitive advantages and disadvantages of vertically integrated corporations (VIC), operating in the territorial AIC. The author discloses key principles and objectives of the organizational and economic design VIC in agriculture. He pays his particular attention to the issue of restructuring of business entities AIC when entering a vertically integrated business group.

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  • R.I. Klintsevich
    Model variants of institutional innovations in agriculture

    The paper draws the conclusion about the expediency of implement of the institutional model of the generator and the operator of rural development which allows planning and realizing industrial structural and infrastructural and institutional reforms in the agrarian sector in areas with capacity for self-development. Generator of rural development projects is aimed at eliminating the rationale institutional infrastructure deficit in agro-socio-economic sphere with the priorities of agriculture. The operator pays the attention to the implementation of rural development measures in order to repair the institutional deficiencies and dysfunctions in accordance with the priorities of the agribusiness development.

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  • A.A. Mokrushin
    Corporate mechanisms of economic relations regulation in Russian integrated agribusiness

    The scientific article deals with the systematization of corporate governance mechanisms intra-economic relations in integrated agro-industrial formations of Russia. It reveals the characteristic features of the internal commercial calculation underlying the organization of interaction of subjects vertically integrated corporations (VIC). The author highlights the key problems of the organization of distribution relations in agro VIC and specifies the role of financial settlement center in the regulation intra-economic interaction.

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  • A.A. Tamov, M.K.Tamova
    Regional agriculture complex modeling as structural division of regional economy

    The scientific article analyses a number of methodological and methodical aspects related to the development of an econometric model of regional agriculture as a structural unit of the regional economy. The paper considers the revival of interest in the models. It is connected with the transition to strategic management of the regional economy in the last years and it requires a variety of tools. The author pays particular attention to justify the possibility of a model to assess the role of regional agriculture in the functioning of the regional economy.

    pdf 153-157.pdf  (214 Kb)

  • A.A. Tamov, M.K.Tamova
    APC role in the regional interests implementation

    The paper discusses a number of methodological aspects related with the justification of the agricultural sector role in the economy of the region in the implementation of regional economic interests. They imply an objective interest of the local population in a sustainable reproduction and enhancement of the social, natural resource and environmental, de-mographic, economic potential of the region. The author pays his particular attention to the assessment of the functional tasks performed by the AIC, in the implementation of regional interests.

    pdf 158-161.pdf  (134 Kb)

    Service Economy
  • E.N. Zakharova, S.A. Lyausheva, S.M. Kodzhamanyan,
    Main directions in the transformation of economic relations in the tertiarisation development process

    The scientific article discusses the consequences of tertiarisation. It is the characteristic feature of post-industrial economy when the secondary sector is displaced by the tertiary. Tertiarisation involves the formation of a qualitatively new social relations between the producer and the consumer. The consumer begins dictating his demands to the manufacturer and becomes an active participant in the production process. This makes the introduction of customer-oriented approach and the development of the concept of relationship marketing necessary as the basis of economic subjects. The authors pay their special attention to the intellectual capital of the organization and network forms of business organizations.

    pdf 181-188.pdf  (151 Kb)

  • I.N. Tomshinskaya
    I.N. Tomshinskaya

    The development of science and education subsystem is inevitable and necessary in the transition to a new economy based on knowledge. But for the progressive development subsystem it is essential the implement of effective controlling system. This determines the need for the matrix informative tools introduction. New informative tools help to overcome the low efficiency of resource use as well as they direct the high effectiveness of the scientific and educational subsystems.

    pdf 189-196.pdf  (223 Kb)

  • G.L. Bayanduryan, N.A. Melyeshkina
    Conflict of interest of the vertically integrated telecommunications companies and regions and solutions

    Investigation of the relationship processes of regional development and vertically integrated companies telecommunications industry will reveal so-called general «growth points» and develop the tools to balance their interests. The paper analyzes the most significant consequences that have both positive and negative impact on the regional development with a vertically integrated telecommunication company. The authors determine basic directions of growth opportunities for vertically integrated companies in telecommunication industry. They also represent the main problems the company faced during the implementation of its activities in the regions. The scientific article works out methodological recommendations to eliminate obstacles for the strategic development of vertically integrated telecommunications companies in any region.

    pdf 197-200.pdf  (126 Kb)

  • A.R. Pshizova, S.A. Khatukay
    Quality management improving as a factor of enterprises competitiveness in the WTO conditions

    The paper deals with the problems of improving the domestic enterprises competitiveness according to the results of Russia's entry into the WTO in issue of reducing costs without creating value for the customer, based on the governance quality improving. The author indicates possible directions of the business management quality improving based on global trends. He formulates parameters affecting the domestic enterprises competitiveness.

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  • N.Yu. Timchenko
    Optimal alternatives selection of transport-forwarding company «Dalkia» by hierarchies’ analysis method

    Analytic hierarchy method is the most complete and comprehensive method that enables to select the most efficient alternative to the development of a freight forwarding company «Dalkia». This paper considers the algorithm of the analytic hierarchy process. It represents the task structuring in a hierarchical structure with the definition of research objectives, criteria and alternatives. The author suggests the most preferable alternatives of transport-forwarding company «Dalkia» as a result of carried out analysis and calculations.

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  • F.V. Shutilov, E.S. Surovtseva
    Communication potential as the cluster development indicator

    The paper considers the formation of cluster networks as a modern view of the development of industry and the regional economy. It reveals the fact that enterprises integrated into the group are more viable, sustainable and dynamic. The authors examine a lot of systemic effects and communication functions, cluster communication characteristics depending on the stage of the life cycle of the cluster as well as the communication capacity as the phenomenon reflecting the competitiveness and prospects of development of the cluster, and also the order of the strategic analysis of the cluster communications.

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    General Problems of Pedagogy
  • Ts.A. Badmaeva, N.A. Shagaeva

    This paper examines the formation of value orientations which are the content of the spiritual world of a student’s personality. They are inseparable from the process of education, in which the development of the discipline “Ethics and Aesthetics” takes a special place. The author suggests that it is necessary to carry out the work focused on the formation of students’ value orientations purposefully. This particular educational preparation provides the development of personal qualities that extend creative possibilities and ensure compliance of a graduate with modern requirements of education and professional development.

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  • E.V. Demkina

    The paper describes the methodology of creation of educational process in higher education institution on the basis of mental characteristics of Russian modern students. The theoretical model of design of this process is substantiated. In this model, the main methodical, substantial and technical characteristics are reflected in their interrelations and with the indication of an exit to a planned educational result. The author proposes technological tools for the presented model, namely, algorithm of design of the educational process, reflecting sequence of diagnostic, organizational and control - correctional procedures.

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  • O.B. Kotsiubinskij

    The paper analyzes the historical, political, economical and educational background of emergence of new pedagogical trend in Germany in the early twentieth century - reform pedagogy. An analysis is given of the formation of this country as a unified and coherent state in the second half of the nineteenth century. The role of industrial progress for the development of the German statehood in the late nineteenth century is shown. Along with industrial growth, of great importance for the country's development was the reform of land relations, as a result of which the peasants were able to repurchase plots and run their own farm. Association in 1871 by the Prussian Chancellor Otto von Bismarck of 22 German monarchies in a single state has further strengthened the position of Germany in Europe. Traditional German school system could not satisfy all the requirements of a growing economy. As a response to the demands of society in the late nineteenth - early twentieth century, a new pedagogical trend – reform pedagogy – is formed. New goal of education is the development of natural inclinations of each student.

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  • L.N. Kubashicheva

    The social and cultural role of rural national school in education of the integral personality in the conditions of the folding the sociocultural sphere of the village is very important. In the course of formation of the personality, underestimating the influence of other sources on the inner world leads to leveling of value orientations. Ability to enrichment of a world outlook of the personality and possibility of use of the "I" image in that degree, in what the person learns and deepens the idea of himself, defines activity of the personality and provides formation of attitudes on processes of self-development and self-actualization.

    pdf 37-42.pdf  (129 Kb)

  • I.V. Lebedeva

    The paper presents the results of the research on the development of technology of the education in culture of competitive interactions at students of the college. The author characterizes in brief the essence and structure of culture of competitive interactions as the purpose of the modelled educational process. Criteria for formation and mechanisms of development of structural components of culture of competitive interactions are shown. Levels, types and forms of culture of competitive interactions, methods and ways of their identification are described. Stages of the technological process focused on the education in culture of competitive interactions at students are given. The sequence of landmark objectives and set of means and training and education methods used for their decision are defined. The leading psychological mechanisms providing primary development of concrete structural components of culture of competitive interactions are noted. Results of experimental approbation of the developed technology are presented.

    pdf 43-49.pdf  (137 Kb)

  • V.A. Petkov, L.P. Reutova

    The paper discloses the conceptual bases of development of universal educational actions of junior schoolchildren in a context of formation of developing training at modern elementary school. An analysis is made of a modern paradigm of education, the principles of development of universal educational actions and methodological approaches to a design of development of universal educational actions of junior schoolchildren and the content change of primary education that provides transition from the education in culture of usefulness to the education in world outlook culture of human dignity.

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  • T.N. Poddubnaya, A.B. Ivashin, A.O. Poddubny

    The paper discloses the concept of "children's ombudsman", its appointment and functions as a subject of social and pedagogical child protection. The authors present the short historical review of introduction of Institute of the Children's Ombudsman in the world and Russia and describe competences and experience of the children’s ombudsman in the Adyghea Republic.

    pdf 57-61.pdf  (126 Kb)

  • G.D. Songdui

    The paper proves that it is necessary to regard conscience education as a subject of an interdisciplinary research. The author examines the philosophical, psychological, social, culure and ethnic aspects of pedagogical researches. Importance of introduction of modern multicultural conscience education of a new level in practice is emphasized, including that due to actualization of intersubject ties and identification of a role and place of conscience education in structure of the pedagogical knowledge.

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  • O.A. Sukhareva

    The paper shows the actual problems of formation of "PR" activity in the Russian educational system. The author analyzes the effective PR-technologies and a system of image creation of a competitive educational institution.

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  • S.I. Khvatova

    Revival of interest to church arts in Post-Soviet time actualizes the need to update the contents of the educational programs on music containing modules of conductor's, choral and vocal training. Need of rapprochement of secular and spiritual models of choral education for Russia is substantiated. Ways of introduction of a regent-singing component in a framework of musical-performance disciplines are analyzed. Equisition of specific knowledge and skills will considerably broaden the sphere of graduates’ professional self-realization.

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  • I.P. Khoutyz

    The paper explores the interconnection between sociocultural understanding of the role of education and cultural value systems; its reflection in modern academic environment is examined.

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    Special Methods and Teaching Technologies
  • H.Z. Bagirokov R.A. Shkhalakhova

    Enrichment of pupils’ lexicon is the most important problem of a school course of the Adyghe language. Need in special work on enrichment of pupils’ lexicon is defined by an extremely important role of the word in language, as well as by need for continuous replenishment of a vocabulary. The need for expansion of pupils’ lexicon is caused by the different reasons. The paper explores the purposes of enrichment of pupils’ lexicon: quantitative increase in words, high-quality improvement of an available vocabulary and the teaching to use the known and newly- acquired words. Sources of enrichment of pupils’ lexicon are described in detail. Also the authors show the linguistic, psychological and didactic preconditions of a technique of enrichment of pupils’ lexicon at lessons of the Adyghe language.

    pdf 86-91.pdf  (131 Kb)

  • D.D. Zhazheva, S.A. Zhazheva, Z.B. Bguasheva

    . The paper explores the formation of communicative and speech skills in learning the phraseological units and features of their functioning in the speech. The accounting of the called difficulties in learning phraseology will promote creation of a system of work concerning formation of communicative and speech skills and introduction of phraseological units of Russian in the pupils’ speech.

    pdf 92-96.pdf  (121 Kb)

  • S.A. Zhazheva

    . The paper discusses the formation and development of communicative competence of school students in the course of learning Russian, development of cognitive abilities of the pupil through enrichment of a lexical stock, ability to correctly combine words, to use them in the speech, to logically and stylistically reasonably use various grammatical means, to coherently state the thoughts, bringing the statement, the text and means of expression under the main idea.

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  • A.Yu. Zhurba

    This paper describes a technological approach and elements of the development of the educational project according to V.M. Monakhov’s educational technology in the form of an Atlas of technological cards in the discipline “Engineering Graphics”, as well as the stages of educational process designing on this technology. Design of educational process based on pedagogical technology covers the whole process of training. The considered pedagogical technology carries out a function of detection of the main laws and the most effective methods of pedagogical activity in educational process.

    pdf 101-106.pdf  (485 Kb)

    Educational Space of Physical Training and Sports
  • V.N. Kurys, V.S. Denisenko

    The paper discusses the dynamics of the functional state of the sports university student’s organism during training on the basis of regular medical dispensary examination. An analysis is made of the indicators showing changes in body weight, cardio-vascular and respiratory systems and in force readiness. Trends in the four-year dynamics of the functional state of the organism are defined. A logical link between the student’s organism functional state, present and future professional health is provided. Expediency of scientifically reasonable development of the contents of continuous, in the course of training, physical training of future bachelor and its organizational and methodical maintenance is stated.

    pdf 107-113.pdf  (177 Kb)

  • S.K. Bagadirova

    This work presents the theoretical analysis and a pilot study of athletes’ gender identity. As a result of the theoretical analysis it has been established that in an elite sport, gender identity of men and women has no distinctions and is defined as a masculine or androgenous type. Results of diagnostics, in which young men and girls judoists and the young men and girls, who are not playing sports, participated, testify to the general tendency of "shifting" to the androgenous type. Therefore, sports, and judo in our case, have no considerable impact on process of gender socialization, but, nevertheless, increase the importance of influence of other institutes of socialization.

    pdf 114-119.pdf  (138 Kb)

    Literary Criticism
  • Akhmetova D.A.
    Reflection of an Era and its value for the art reconstruction of the character of Khan Girey in Iskhak Mashbash’s novel «Khan Girey»

    This paper sheds light on how reflection of an era can play an important role in the reconstruction of an image of the main character. The present research focuses upon innovative approach in art elucidation of the outstanding person of the Adyghe history and culture, emphasizes features of historicism in a representation of the hero and his time in the novel «Khan Girey» and describes the results of research of dramatic vital destiny and the personality of Khan Girey, put down in the historical reflection of an era. It is inferred that for the first time in the Adyghe historical romance philology Iskhak Mashbash created the artistic image of the hero as outstanding personality with various human parameters.

    pdf 133-137.pdf  (327 Kb)

  • Baybatyrova Z.Sh.
    Art comprehension of dialogue of cultures in lyrics of Raisa Akhmatova

    The paper shows the features of art comprehension of dialogue of cultures in Raisa Akhmatova’s lyrics. A characteristic is given of such types of dialogues, as interaction with folklore and literary creativity of other people; with other art forms (sculpture, dance, instrumental performance); with the persons representing other national literatures; and with historical and cultural space of other times and the people in the form of traveling lyrics taking into account gender approach. The author arrives at a conclusion that traditions of the Russian folklore in respect of their spiritual contents and poetics are efficient for the

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  • Bekizova L.A.
    Image of man in ethnic - literary tradition of the Circassians (Adyghes)

    The paper discusses the fundamental literary problem associated with the basic theme - the principles of artistic restore of a man image as a literature hero using the material of the closely related Circassian, Adyghe and Kabardian literatures. In this work we trace literature, ethic and cultural traditions of the Adyghe-Circassians in the artistic image of the person as a representative of the ethnic group. The declared theme is central in the works of ethnographers, folklorists and literary critics.

    pdf 144-149.pdf  (333 Kb)

  • Zaytseva M.S.
    The art concept of the personality in Václav Mikhalsky’s story «Katenka»

    The paper explores the art concept of the personality in V. Mikhalsky’s story «Katenka» through the analysis of the categories of «time eternity», «social time», «house», «family», «love» and oppositions «the ordinary-unusual person». The leading type of the personality expressing the author’s ideal is noted to be the cathedral type embodied in an image of Katenka. It is established that formally not belonging to «rural prose», V. Mikhalsky, in the 1960s, approves ideals, consonant to it, and carries on traditions of the Russian classics.

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  • Kapets O.V.
    Comprehension of the problem of love in M.A. Bulgakov’s creativity

    This paper discusses the theme of love in M.A. Bulgakov’s novels «The White Guard» and «The Master and Margarita» and in stories «Towel with a Rooster» and «The Steel Windpipe». Influence of both Christian views and other sources on understanding of this problem is noted. The theme of love in creativity of the writer is disclosed taking into account the Christian tradition in three aspects: love for God, love for the neighbor and sexual love. However, the Christian model of perception of the world can be considered primary in Bulgakov’s creativity. It undergoes modifications under the influence of various philosophical and religious theories.

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  • Naptsok B.R.
    Specifics of «gothic style» in S. Li’s novel «A Shelter, or the Story of Other Times»

    The paper explores specific features of «Gothic» poetics. Three narrative levels are defined and analyzed: love - sentimental (gallant and dramatic love stories in the spirit of romantic sensitivity of the 18th century), historical (interpretation of events and the characteristic of historical persons) and «Gothic» (a complex of attributes and motives of «Gothic style»). The main thing is the conclusion that Li’s work represents the «Gothic» novel of new cornerstone the heart of which is the historical - sentimental - Gothic narration.

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  • Pavlov Yu.M.
    The personality and creativity of A. Chekhov in I. Ilyin, S. Bulgakov and I. Bunin’s works

    The paper examines publications of Ivan Ilyin, Sergey Bulgakov and Ivan Bunin about Chekhov. These works show some prepotent lines of the personality and creativity of the writer. A. Chekhov is noted to follow the national tradition of Christocentrism in life and works of different genres. It is inferred that Russianness and religiousness, according to Ilyin, Bulgakov and Bunin, are the main distinctive features of Chekhov, the person and literary artist.

    pdf 170-175.pdf  (332 Kb)

  • Pshimakhova B.B.
    On typological relations of the conflicts in the Adyghe, West European and Arabic literatures

    An analysis is made of literature of the Adyghe people, the people of Western Europe and the Arab East to compare the conflicts. The problem of the art conflict in prosaic works of these people is considered in a context of social, economic and socio-political changes that occurred in the North Caucasus, in Europe and in the East in the 20th century. The author shows that dialogue of cultures promoted their interaction and interference that is brightly displayed in the course of development of literary process in each of the countries.

    pdf 176-180.pdf  (324 Kb)

  • Pshimakhova B.B., Panesh U.M.
    On interrelation of macro - and microconflicts in works of the Adyghe writers of the 20th century about the war

    The paper discusses the socio-political, moral and ethical conflicts depicted in the Adyghe prose and in the drama about the war of the 20th century. An analysis is made of the motivation of macro - and microconflicts. Character of the conflict in prosaic works and in the drama is compared. Types of the conflicts and ways of an embodiment of contradictions of the real world in works of the Kabardian and Circassian authors come to light. The conclusion is drawn that the macroconflicts define the art features of the Adyghe literatures reflecting in turn typological lines of national prose and drama of the 20th century.

    pdf 181-184.pdf  (317 Kb)

  • Semenova R.E.
    Ethnopoetics of the story «A Rockfall» by A.A. Malyshev

    Motives and images of the nature and landscape sketches are examined to analyze their functional role in the story and to investigate the ethnopoetics. The author describes the principles of depicting the pictures of the nature, related to the world of the hero. It is inferred that landscapes carry the national character, figurativeness, folklore and ethnographic elements.

    pdf 185-189.pdf  (324 Kb)

  • Siyukhov S.N.
    On an originality of the conflict in a dilogy of A. Evtykh«The Street Extended to Entire Length» and «The Door Was Flung Open»

    The paper discusses the features of the conflict in a dilogy, showing that the wellknown and usual collisions are peculiar to works of A. Evtykh but nature of their elucidation and art depicting considerably changes. As a result of the analysis, the author fixes lines of new style, an originality of the concept of the personality and arrangement of characters in the novels, which have reflected typological features of the national literature of the 1960s.The conclusion is drawn that in the 1960s there are works in the Adyghe national literature where the usual conflict is built round the character far from nomenclature sublime ideals. The hero, a complicated, inconsistent and doubting person, movable by desire to lead natural life, comes under the spotlight of the author, defining a plot and conflict knots of novels.

    pdf 190-193.pdf  (315 Kb)

  • Surkhayeva A.A.
    Reconstruction of universal lines and ethnonational character in the story «A Rockfall» by A. Malyshev

    The paper explores the universal lines and national features of heroes. The author provides the ethnological facts, the ethnomarked names, greetings, elements of household culture, etc. It is inferred that the national color, being one of the components of an artistic image, is important for a reconstruction of a certain historical era and for a profound disclosure of national character.

    pdf 194-198.pdf  (323 Kb)

  • Surkhayeva A.A.,Chankayeva T.A.
    Problems of freedom and unfreedom of the person in the story «A Rockfall» by A. Malyshev: historical realities, universal and national lines

    The theme of freedom and unfreedom of the Karachay people is examined within a traditional perspective. The story «A Rockfall» for the first time becomes a subject of the scientific analysis. The authors identify the art specifics of the defined subjects and concepts and trace strengthening the dramatic nature of a plot of the story and accuracy of descriptions, placing the emphasis on difficult situations in life of heroes. It is established that the story about the war and deportation could express the main typological tendencies in art searches of writers and publicists of the region.

    pdf 199-206.pdf  (342 Kb)

  • Farkhetdinova F.F.
    Madness phenomenon as philosophical basis of «Idiot» and «Master and Margarita» novels rapprochement

    The comparative analysis of «Idiot» and «Master and Margarita» novels is made from a position of a madness theme common for them. The author shows that in F. Dostoyevsky’s novel the main character prince Myshkin is recognized with official medicine as the patient, but the ideals professed by him, testify to his spiritual purity and health. In the novel by M. Bulgakov madness partly is a condition of metaphysical enlightenment of heroes. It is inferred that the appeal of writers to a phenomenon of madness becomes a sign of crisis attitude and way of search for an exit from the moral deadlock.

    pdf 207-212.pdf  (309 Kb)

  • Chamokov T.N., Adzhiba Z.I.
    On an originality of an art worldview in new mountain poetry of the second half of the 20th century (R. Gamzatov, A. Keshokov and K. Kuliyev)

    This paper deals with the national sources of sublime - romantic style in works of leading masters of new mountain poetry of the 20th century – Rasoul Gamzatov, Alim Keshokov and Kaysyn Kuliyev in relationship with experience of the Russian and world poetry. It is established that the originality of their romantic art style and reconstruction of a national picture of the world is based on reconsideration of the traditional images receiving in their creativity the new, humanistic contents.

    pdf 213-216.pdf  (298 Kb)

  • Chekalov P.K.
    The lyric poetry of Kerim Mkhtse in an orbit of creative interrelations

    The paper examines creative relations of the Abazin poet K. Mkhtse with national and foreign writers of different eras. The author reveals the plots, images, motives and ideas, which have found the place in poetic heritage of the national author, in the works of Shakespeare, Petrarca, Hamsun, Antoine de Saint-Exupéry, Blok, Rozhdestvensky, Evtushenko, Vysotsky and Kuliyev. It is established that ability of the Abazin poet to interpret and organically use the literary facts in the creative practice enriched an art palette of the national author, formed his esthetic preferences, and built his poetry in the course of traditions of the Russian and world literatures.

    pdf 217-223.pdf  (314 Kb)

  • Shishkhova N.M.
    The West / East typological opposition in a context of late poems of M.Yu. Lermontov

    The paper explores the character which has become the key for romantic thinking, the West / East typological opposition, in late poems of M.Yu. Lermontov. Dynamics of development of this opposition, originality of its decision in different works of the poet clears up features of the Russian romanticism and creative individuality of the poet. The conclusion is drawn about an obvious community of the poem «The Song About the Merchant Kalashnikov …» and «Demon» in statement and realization of the problem under study.

    pdf 224-229.pdf  (308 Kb)

  • Kuyek A.S.
    Inyzh as an image of «the cultural hero» and an epic being in «Nartkher» epos

    This paper examines the mythological image of an inyzh (giant) as a «cultural hero» and a mythical being of the Nart epos. The inyzh is shown to refer to the mythical beings having steady appearance. In mythology and in the Nart heroic epos of Adyghes there are motives indicating that the inyzhes are perceived as the first settlers of the territory subsequently inhabited by Narts, and then by Adyghes. It is established that giants have become material to create «cultural heroes» in myth-poetic creativity of Adyghes. They are also the first owners of some subjects of culture.

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  • Khunagova B.D.
    Image of the father in the young literatures

    The paper deals with the folklore motives and methods of creation of an image of the father which entered art poetic works of writers of the North Caucasus. The author shows that in the young literatures there is a particular image of the father, elder, having prototype in real life. Just he is the founder of a family, the keeper of traditions and the assistant to the main hero of epic work in physical and spiritual development. Similar to mountain folklore, each of the heroes of the literary work is inherent in the high feeling of a filial duty before the father, and it becomes traditional reality for the reader.

    pdf 236-240.pdf  (303 Kb)

  • Khunagova B.D.,Tsey B.A.
    National style of the North Caucasus literatures

    The paper describes the national style and national specifics of the North Caucasus literatures. Poets and writers are shown to consider mentality of the people in most cases that causes special structure of each of their works. Folklore of the young literatures is shown to be distinguished by esthetic ponderability and syncreticity in respect of association of epic, lyrical and drama ways of depicting reality which form real display of national features of life of the North Caucasus people in the reader’s consciousness.

    pdf 241-246.pdf  (312 Kb)

  • Zolina G.D.
    The region as a social community in media communicative measurement

    The paper examines the phenomenon of a social community within synergetic approach to the analysis of process of its formation and development – from entropy (chaos) to a negentropy (order). The author defines the leading metacharacteristics of a social community of the region – identity and image, as well as the harmonized synthesis of development formed by them – identoimage. The conclusion is drawn that the information policy based on the law of mental identity is necessary to create the effective working module of the region imaging.

    pdf 247-251.pdf  (301 Kb)

  • Kravchenko N.P., Shuvalov S.S.
    Convergence as element of formation, strengthening and development of promising commercial model of Russian modern regional mass media

    The interrelation of processes of commercialization and convergence in the Russian modern media system is studied to detect the general laws, as well as the ways of the most productive interaction within the most promising model of the modern regional mass media. Nature of interaction of these processes is defined within «the media institute – the media market» system. The studies make it clear that the communicative commercial model of regional mass media within the framework of interaction of convergence and commercialization is prospective.

    pdf 252-256.pdf  (300 Kb)

  • Zhang Shuang
    Role of social networks in formation of China’s image

    This paper sheds light of how social networks can influence public opinion. This must be considered at a choice of channels to impact and advance the image of the state. Positive and negative sides of the Internet and results of perception of China by external audience are analyzed. It is inferred that information opportunities of the Internet are more effective in formation of the international image of the state, including China.

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  • Shuvalov S.S.
    The main commercialization models in a printing segment of the Russian mass media

    Commercialization models of mass media existing in a printing segment in the national media market are studied in order to transfer in the future the majority of modern regional editions from state into a private property. The characteristic is given of the factors forming basic features of processes taking place within the second wave of commercialization. The main models of commercialization developed by media enterprises in the period of the 1990s privatization are considered in detail and described. The most optimum model of commercial strategy of the media enterprise in the conditions of the second wave of commercialization is proposed.

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  • Abdullaeva Z.R.
    Meusishin dialect of the Dargwa language in scientific elucidation

    This paper focuses on scientific study and research of the Meusishin talk belonging to the Muirin dialect of the Dargwa language which is used in the settlement of Meusish of the Republic of Daghestan. This talk can be regarded as unique because it is presented on a joint of territories of three dialects of the Dargwa language: Akushin, Muirin and Urakhin. The carried-out analysis of scientific works on dialects of the Dargwa language shows that the Meusishin dialect has not become object of complex monographic research so far, and data on it have fragmentary character.

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  • Akhidzhak B.N., Akhidzhakova M.P.
    Paradigms of language consciousness in cross-cultural communication

    This paper explores the concept of language consciousness. The consciousness is shown to be not only cognition, but also the attitude of the person to the world in the development of which the big role is played by emotions. The cross-cultural communication is the communication of the language persons belonging to various linguocultural communities. It represents interaction of “speaking consciousnesses”. The authors state that the cross-cultural communication is a communication of carriers of the different cultures whose consciousness is formed by the mental images and notions of their own culture.

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  • Akhidzhak B.N.
    Concept of culture as subject of scientific research

    This paper discusses the concept of culture and the main meanings of this term.The culture is shown to be a specific way of human activity, the storeroom of collective knowledge of people. The culture is a way of fixing and transfer of the gained experience to subsequent generations. It is inferred that the culture is related to consciousness and on the basis of culture of the traditional type the communication model is developed.

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  • Bedanokova S.K., Bedanokova Z.K.
    Type of speech as a stylistic factor in prose by F.Moriak

    The paper examines the diverse forms of represented speech as the main stylistic factor in psychological prose by F.Moriak. The identified non-canonical ways of contamination of the author and his character are caused by the phenomena of convergence and interference of different levels of language means. The originality of an art manner of the writer is caused by creation of psychological underlying theme by means of a variation of heroes’ internal speeches and an author’s context within small space of the text.

    pdf 31-38.pdf  (348 Kb)

  • Germasheva T.M.
    The virtual language personality in blog-discourse space

    The paper examines the main problems of the virtual language personality. The language personality in a virtual discourse is shown to possess multi-identity, dynamism and freedom of self-realization. It is established that self-characterization and influence are basic components of self-presentation of the virtual language personality.

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  • Dzyuba E.V.
    Categorization of FRUIT in scientific, trade, culinary and household world pictures

    Names of fruit are used as an example to identify distinctive features of a categorization of reality in scientific, trade, culinary and household spheres which demonstrates a proposition that there occur indistinct borders of category FRUIT in the Russian language picture of the world. In addition to consideration of scientific descriptions of fruit and trade documentation, an analysis of associative experiment data is proposed to identify the best and worst examples of this category. The FRUIT category structure in consciousness of Russian native speakers is presented as a scheme.

    pdf 44-51.pdf  (695 Kb)

  • Dukhu Z.Z.
    Mentality as object of study in language space

    Fiction is studied in terms of reflection of national character in the word. Such way of language research gives the chance to comprehend a substantial and conceptual core of the work in a new way, to get into an author’s plan more deeply and to understand the artistic idea. It is inferred that the word of language is filled with a substantial form, and the concept is mentality detection in categories and forms of the native language.

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  • Kopot L.V.
    Phytonyms, undergoing univerbation: diachronic aspect

    This paper explores the phytonymic nominations recorded by etymological dictionaries of Russian language. The present research focuses upon phytonyms, undergoing univerbation, the structure and semantics of which are not always «on the surface» of language. The analysis of similar lexemes is carried out in diachronic aspect, i.e. with attraction of data on history of language. The obtained results indicate that there is an intermediate link in structural and semantic development of the word.

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  • Kubashicheva S.K.
    Euphemistical tendencies in modern English

    This paper addresses a social and communicative nature of English euphemisms in advertising and business language. Euphemisms are shown to be the phenomenon of a social order. They are widely used where it is necessary to veil or soften this or that word or expression. The author emphasizes that it is important to know features of the use of euphemisms to correctly estimate a role of underlying theme, especially at the translation of mass media texts. It is established that euphemisms represent the complicated and inconsistent phenomenon in language: in some cases their use is quite lawful. On the other hand, many expressions become unclear for native speakers.

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  • Makarova L.S.
    Repetition as a sign of poetry of Jacques Prevert and peculiarities of its transfer in translation

    Repetitions in poetic language are considered as a sign of the poet’s idiolect. The specificity of repetition in the poems by French poet Jacques Prevert is shown to be associated with the use of extended regulatory lexical and syntactic chains structuring a verse and promoting the mainstreaming of certain poetic meanings. The article analyzes the transfer of different types of repetition and determines their diverse transformations in translation. It is established that repetition participates in creation of the rhythmic-rhyme features of a verse, in promotion of the main senses on the foreground and in the organization of reader’s perception.

    pdf 65-69.pdf  (350 Kb)

  • Ostrovskaya T.A.
    Concept of «the intelligent person» in the «elite» discourse

    The article deals with the comparative study of an elite discourse personality and a personality of “an intelligent”. An attempt is undertaken to describe semantic differentiation between such lexemes as intelligentsia, intellectual and intelligence, alongside with verbal characteristics of the concept of intellectual personality within the elite discourse. The evidence is from I.Kostolevsky’s portrayal. It turns out that in restricted sense the concept of “intelligent person” unlike “intelligentsia” càn be viewed as synonyms.

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  • Solomatina A.O.
    Assessment as basic element of strategy of praise and discredit in political newspaper communication

    The paper gives a characteristic of strategies of praise and discredit used most frequently in political newspaper communication. Also an assessment component of these strategies is described. The author shows interchangeability of these strategies and their semantic uniformity, as well as the language means of the assessment component of each of the described strategies. It is inferred that the principle of social assessment of language of political journalism is displayed not only in the preference, a primary choice of language means of assessment coloring, but also in that the intrastyle development of publicistic language leads to acquisition of social-assessment qualities by many language units.

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  • Tikhonova A.P.
    Sound correlations of consonants and vowels in Hattian and Abkhaz-Adyghe languages

    The genetic relationship of Hattian and Abkhaz-Adyghe languages is proved at phonetic and lexical levels. The author reveals sound compliances of consonants and vowels in the languages under study and their dialects by sonority – dullness, softness – hardness and force – weakness (aspirate - unaspirated). An alternation of vowels and falling away of final vowels depending on a phrase accent are described.

    pdf 81-86.pdf  (359 Kb)

  • Unarokova G.Sh.
    The lexico-semantic organization of a concept «HAPPINESS» in the Russian and English languages

    This paper describes the lexico-semantic field of concept «happiness» in the Russian and English languages. Its high relevance is shown. Semes, common for both languages, are identified: «a positive symptomatic character», «destiny», «success» and «a condition of satisfaction by life». Correlative couples are established in synonymic lines of core lexemes. A conclusion is drawn that the meaning of a concept «happiness» in the Russian and English languages partially coincides.

    pdf 87-91.pdf  (322 Kb)

  • Khabekirova Z.S., Adzinova F.S.
    The real and virtual world in the language of consumer advertising

    This paper describes the features of a virtual picture of the world of the consumption, causing a positive emotional response from the addressee. It is noted that in the center of the advertisement image, taking a central place in this irrational world, there are qualities and properties associated with advertised goods. The advertising lexicon directed to transformation of reality, taking into account requirements of target audience, plays a large role in formation of a virtual image of goods or service. The conclusion is drawn that the verbal means creating suggestive effect of influence, promote successful realization of magic function of consumer advertising language.

    pdf 92-96.pdf  (324 Kb)

  • Hassan K.T.
    Circassian educator Kemal Muhammad Khuazhev

    The paper sheads light on the unique author’s edition “Circassian Alphabet” of Khuazhev Kemal which was published in 1910 in Cairo in the Arabic language and has reached us in the single copy. The author not simply translated this archival material into the Adyghe language for the first time, but also carefully studied and analyzed its contents, having paid special attention to structure and graphic features of the Khuazhev’s alphabet.

    pdf 97-101.pdf  (408 Kb)

  • Khachetsukova Z.K.
    Advertising on the Internet: cognitive and pragmatical aspect

    The paper examines a cognitive and pragmatical aspect of Internet advertising which has a multicode character. The author describes an implementation of pragmatical installation of advertising in the Network, which is based on the appeal to a world picture of the addressee. The use of an anthropomorphous metaphor makes active emotional perception in the conditions of the computer mediated communication. The conclusion is drawn that advertising in the Network, carrying out its tasks, seeks to correspond to the main principles of Internet communication.

    pdf 102-106.pdf  (325 Kb)

  • Khoroltseva V.S.
    Anglicisms in the Russian and Czech languages: penetration spheres and ways of adaptation

    An analysis is made of the reasons of mass borrowing of Anglicisms and Americanisms. The paper shows the increase in quantity of the borrowed lexicon from English in the Russian and Czech languages. The author defines and describes the main groups of borrowings from English. As is established in the course of the analysis of examples, influence of English system not only on lexicon and word formation, but also on grammar of the Russian and Czech languages is inevitable. Ways of partial and full adaptation of Anglicisms have a multi-aspect classification.

    pdf 107-112.pdf  (333 Kb)

  • Cherkesova Z.V., Gabunia Z.M.
    Gender emotive distinctions in the Kabardino-Circassian language

    This paper examines gender differences in the Kabardino-Circassian language on the basis of emotive power of words. Lexical and phraseological units which embody different emotions are taken as an illustration. Emphasis is made on emotive expression through interjections and onomatopoeic words (onomatops). It is established that the speech of women is characterized by the most frequent use of the lexical and phraseological units expressing emotions, as well as interjections and onomatops that are used only in the female speech.

    pdf 113-117.pdf  (349 Kb)

  • Shakhbanova P.A.
    Prohibition through motivation to the action, incompatible with this action, in the Dargwa language

    The paper examines the implicit ways of implementation of the speech act of a ban in the Dargwa language, in particular prohibition through motivation to action which is incompatible with this action. It is inferred that the speech act of a ban in the Dargwa language can be expressed implicitly: through motivation to action which is incompatible with this action, as well as with constuctions having a positive or negative assessment of the action.

    pdf 118-122.pdf  (327 Kb)

  • Shkhumishkhova A.R.
    Language situation and language policy in modern multicultural society

    The paper describes the language situation and language policy which are of great significance in multicultural society since they provide not only favorable language and political climate, but also create conditions for effective cross-cultural and interpersonal communication. In the developed language situation, relevance of communicative and political aspects of language policy considerably increases. The conclusion is drawn that during globalization the constructive language policy is to be considered as the policy of the cultural and language tolerance promoting a unity of the people and preservation of their languages and cultures.

    pdf 123-127.pdf  (302 Kb)

  • Yablonskaya L.V.
    Universal subject code as a representation of intrinsic life of personality of the text character

    The paper gives a characteristic of a universal subject code by means of which information is transferred from the author of the text to the reader’s audience. Real and fantasy portraits of character personality of the fiction text are allocated and described. The difference is shown between the fiction and a conjecture in art communication. It is inferred that in a substantial context portrait images possess two obvious charcteristics: peculiar and organic types of hero and unity of the wole literary work.

    pdf 128-132.pdf  (321 Kb)

    Study of Arts
  • Abakumova E.V.
    Felt art in Adyghea: traditions and modernity

    The paper reveals the traditional methods of artistic wool processing in the Adyghea Republic, revival and adaptation of this art form to modernity. The author identifies and outlines the key stages in the production of felt cloth with scenic qualities from material preparation and preliminary processing to work of art reflecting the ethnic characteristics of the region. It is noted that revival of traditions of decorative and applied art of Adyghea promotes international understanding of culture of the different people living in the territory of the Adyghea Republic.

    pdf 266-271.pdf  (834 Kb)

  • Dabaeva I.P.
    On formation of models of spiritual concerts in the Russian culture of the 19th century and early 20th century

    The paper deals with the organization of spiritual concerts in pre-revolutionary and modern Russia. The author points out that there are negative tendencies in their carrying out now. It is noted that the problem related to the organization of spiritual concerts can be solved, having used the experience which has been saved up at a boundary of the 19th and 20th centuries when the phenomenon under study was demanded in society and was in a culmination point of the development. It is established that in pre-revolutionary Russia there were certain models of spiritual concerts, and the typological principles were in the basis for their systematization.

    pdf 272-277.pdf  (309 Kb)

  • Kolesnikov A.G
    ¸F. Lehar’s operettas in a context of national musical and theatrical art

    An analysis is made of aspects of interpretation and scenic esthetics of the classic of the Neovienna operetta Franz Lehar on a domestic scene. The dominant position of Lehar’s compositions in domestic repertoire throughout the twentieth century is noted. Forms of the state influence on the status and contents of operettas come to light. Lehar’s production style of the second half of the 20th century is characterized within collective Neovienna style. Reliance on a melodramatic basis, a prevalence of an external showiness, the average conflictness and exact delimitation of characters by role features are characteristic of it.

    pdf 278-284.pdf  (338 Kb)

  • Kuyek M.G.
    Art metal of the Maikop culture from Oshad barrow

    The paper addresses problematic aspects of an origin of the Maikop archaeological culture. Stylistic features of images of art metal from Oshad barrow are shown. The comparative analysis of techniques and the graphic means applied in production of unique works from gold, silver and arsenic-nickel bronze which do not have analogs in cultures of the Middle East and Forward Asia, points to an autonomous origin of the Maikop culture.

    pdf 285-290.pdf  (329 Kb)

  • Mozgot S.A.
    Personal space in music: concept “I-You” in romances - “greetings”

    An analysis of romances -»greetings» in music of the 17th-19th centuries is used to show two models of personal space: the typical and mixed. The typical model is formed under the influence of semantic determinant of movement from the objective to the subjective content, due to the change of description positions: the hero-the «narrator» – the interlocutor-the hero. The author describes compositional methods of marking personal space of interlocutor and intonation techniques of his personification. In a mixed model of romances - «greetings», typical features of the model are altered under the influence of semantic synthesis coming from models of romances -»dedications» and romances -»recognitions».

    pdf 291-296.pdf  (380 Kb)

  • Sokolova A.N.
    Circum Pontiac Lezginka

    Lezginka dance is regarded as a kind of artistic activities of the various peoples living in the Circum Pontiac area. It has been found that several dozen dances with the common and specific characteristics function under the name of Lezginka. On the basis of the music and lyrics of plastic, as well as taking into account the conditions of dance existence, the author provides classification of the Lezginka and the characteristic of the Lezginka individual dances. Lezginka is proved to have universal musical texts that are widespread and are popular far beyond the Circum Pontiac region.

    pdf 297-304.pdf  (719 Kb)

    Biological Sciences
  • Ponomarev A.V., Shapovalov M.I., Ivliev P.P.
    New data on fauna of spiders (Aranei) in the South of the European part of Russia

    The annotated list of spiders including 51 species from 18 families from Krasnodar Region, Adyghea Republic and Rostov region is provided. The species of Monaeses israeliensis and Singa semiatra are first noted for fauna of Russia and the Caucasus, correspondingly. Twenty-three species are new for fauna of the Adyghea Republic and 3 species for fauna of Rostov region.

    pdf 54-60.pdf  (153 Kb)

  • Gozhko A.A., Esipenko L.P., Gozhko D.I.
    The reproductive performance of Ciconiiformes in Western Ciscaucasia

    The paper presents original data on the size of clutches and the quality indices of the eggs of 6 species of Ciconiiformes birds within the Western Ciscaucasia. Comparison is made of the obtained data with the data of other authors of the adjacent territories. The coefficient of the egg quality indice variation is identified.

    pdf 61-70.pdf  (284 Kb)

  • Avakova A.G., Lotnikova D.Yu., Bondarevskaya E.V.
    Features of bioconversion of microelements in eggs and hen meat at bioresonant influence

    Attention is paid to features of bioconversion of nutrients and microelements in meat of broilers and eggs of laying hens at impact of a range of electromagnetic frequencies of «Junior» biologically active supplement on objects of poultry breeding.

    pdf 71-74.pdf  (169 Kb)

  • Mamedova V.R.
    Fauna of day Lepidoptera of Low Daghestan

    The review of fauna and the analysis of features of butterflies of various biotopes in Low Daghestan are carried out. Here 48 species from 6 families are noted. Specific sketches include the ecological-zoogeographical characteristic, established periods of summer of the imago, preferred biotopes on the territory of Low Daghestan, as well as fodder plants of caterpillars.

    pdf 75-81.pdf  (165 Kb)

  • Kolomiytseva N.S., Kagazezheva N.Kh., Doronina N.V.
    The uses of the elements of respiratory exercises as prevention of morbidity in preschool age children

    The technique with the use of elements of rhythmic gymnastics and respiratory exercises was introduced in preschool educational institutions of Adyghea Republic in the conditions of realization of health improving technologies. In order to study its efficiency a selection of children’s information was made and the morbidity analysis was carried out within a year. Observations show that children of experimental group get sick less often and are ill less long in comparison with contemporaries of control group.

    pdf 82-85.pdf  (250 Kb)

  • Sidorova D.V., Filobok A.A., Prikhodko A.V.
    Regional specifics of the investment policy in the tourist-recreational complex of the South of Russia

    This work discusses the necessity of attraction of investments in tourist-recreational complex of the South of Russia, since this is one of the key sectors in socio-economic development of the region. The article presents the basic tools of Federal and regional investment policy in the tourist-recreational complex of this macro-region.

    pdf 86-91.pdf  (281 Kb)

  • Tuova T.G., Tuguz F.V.
    Monitoring of quality of anthropogenic soils of the agricultural purpose in the Adyghea Republic

    This work discusses the results of the analysis of anthropogenic soils in Adyghea Republic, a condition of fertility of various kinds of soils in the Republic and their dynamics. Monitoring of lands of agricultural purpose is given. The main indicators of fertility of soils include the content of humus, mobile forms of phosphorus and exchange potassium, as well as the acidity degree. The dynamics of these indicators is revealed.

    pdf 92-95.pdf  (167 Kb)

  • Teuchezh F.D.
    Historical and geographical aspects of agriculture development in Adyghea

    The paper sheds new light on historical stages of agriculture development in the territory of contemporary Adyghea. Formation of the agrarian relations during the different historical periods is analysed. The analysis of scientific literature on the matter is carried out.

    pdf 96-101.pdf  (174 Kb)

  • Khoroshkin Yu.N., Filobok A.A.
    Tourism and recreation complex of Israel: current condition and prospects of development of cross-tourism between Israel and Russia

    Tourist industry of Israel, despite a short period of development, is very important to the country's economy. But at the present time the further development of this sector of economy will depend on the measures taken by the Israel's Government, for example, such as cancellation of a visa regime between Russia and Israel.

    pdf 102-106.pdf  (162 Kb)

  • Melnikova T.N.
    Hydrological and ecological-geographical zoning of the Kuban river basin

    The paper discloses implementation of hydrological and ecological-geographical zoning of the Kuban river basin in order to plan ecological stability and rational environmental management in the region. The conducted researches expand theoretical and applied aspects of regional hydrological researches.

    pdf 107-112.pdf  (2 Mb)

  • Tyurin V.N., Nudnoy A.P., Sidorov A.A., Vivchar A.D.
    Balance and sustainability of territorial systems (as shown by the Krasnodar Territory)

    The paper gives the characteristic of territorial socioeconomic system as an object of a balanced and sustainable development. The basic subsystems are distinguished: the natural resource and manu-facturing ones.

    pdf 113-119.pdf  (180 Kb)

  • Kuizheva S.K., Palandzhyants L.Zh.
    Bäcklund transformation and integrable potentials

    This paper discusses the Bäcklund transformation for the Korteweg-de Vries equation. We introduce the concept of a multiplicative integral and establish a connection between the Bäcklund transformation and integrable potentials. The meaning of Bäcklund transformation for differential equations is that there are substitutions that allow us to build more complex solutions from the more simple ones.

    pdf 11-16.pdf  (255 Kb)

  • Shaova S.M., Shumafov M.M.
    On necessary stabilizability condition of unstable equilibria of linear systems by extended Pyragas’ delayed feedback

    In this paper a necessary effective stabilizability condition of unstable equilibria of linear controllable systems by extended Pyragas’ time-delayed feedback is obtained. It follows from this condition that if the number of positive eigenvalues of original matrix is odd, then the system can never be stabilized by generalized Pyragas’ delayed feedback. The condition obtained can be used in solving stabilization problem of unstable linear controllable systems by Pyragas’ delayed feedback and its extended form, as well as for local analysis of nonlinear control systems with chaotic behavior in the neighborhood of unstable equilibria.

    pdf 17-22.pdf  (214 Kb)

  • Stash A.Kh.
    About calculating ranges of full and vector frequencies of the linear two-dimensional differential system

    Existence of linear two-dimensional nonautonomous differential system with a calculating set of essential (both metric and topological) values of full and vector frequencies is proved.

    pdf 23-32.pdf  (296 Kb)

  • Starodumov I.O.
    The kinematic Saint-Venant equation. The solution method

    The paper examines one-dimensional differential Saint-Venant model represented with diffusion and kinematic approximation, describing free water dynamic in open bed. For the kinematic approximation, which is a quasi-linear equation of the first order, there is a general analytical solution in stationary case. For the non-stationary case we developed a numerical algorithm. In the paper, the solution results are presented.

    pdf 33-39.pdf  (378 Kb)

  • Golovnev Yu.F., Somova N.Yu., Nurguleev D.A.
    Magnetic polarons effect in the exciton spectrum of nanoscale heterosystems EuO-SrO

    The model analyzes the interwell exciton magnetic properties of double quantum well in nanoscale heterosystem based on EuO-SrO. The formation of exciton magnetic polaron is explaining broadening and red shift of the exciton spectrum of heterosystem at temperatures below the Curie point.

    pdf 40-45.pdf  (257 Kb)

  • Zhukova I.N., Malykh V.S.
    On linear polarization of charge radiation in the field of flat electromagnetic wave

    The extent to which global radiation of a charge is linearly polarized in the field of elliptically polarized electromagnetic wave is studied as function of intensity of an external wave and its polarization for a case when the vector of polarization is focused along intensity of electric field of an external wave.

    pdf 46-49.pdf  (270 Kb)

  • Malykh V.S., Feklistov G.S.
    Adequacy of Newton’s laws for problems of the dynamics of systems with holonomic constraints

    U. Stadler's proof about insufficiency of Newton’s laws for examination of a rigid double pendulum movement is analyzed. The authors suggest that a conclusion about violation of centrality of internal forces is incorrect. Completeness of axiomatics of classical mechanics for the solution of problems of the dynamics of material point systems with holonomic constraints is confirmed.

    pdf 50-53.pdf  (173 Kb)

    Technical Sciences
  • Panesh A.Kh.
    Contents and prospects of technologies of Software Defined Networks and Network Functions Virtualization

    The review of new network technologies is provided: program configured networks (Software Defined Networks) and Network Functions Virtualization which promptly develop now. Restrictions of the traditional network architecture, not allowing us to satisfy requirements of business, are shown. The analysis of structure of program configured networks realized by means of the OpenFlow standard is carried out. The scheme of advance of packages between network devices is explained when using OpenFlow. The place of virtualization of network functions in structure of program configured networks is shown. The fast involvement of the Russian IT specialists in development of the specified technologies is substantiated.

    pdf 120-127.pdf  (467 Kb)

  • Telnov G.V.
    Mathematical justification of criteria for an assessment of the competence-based levels of learning a curriculum material on the basis of binary logic of indicator variable thematic test tasks

    The paper discusses the techniques of synthesis of mathematical criteria for an assessment of competence-based levels of learning a curriculum material. Analytical expressions of private and general criteria have been obtained in the form of Boolean functions on the basis of indicator binary logical variables. Realization of the obtained expressions by program or hardware way will allow us to expand the interface of data output devices about levels of learning a curriculum material to make the relevant administrative decisions on formation of professionally focused competences of trainees.

    pdf 128-134.pdf  (328 Kb)

  • Mylnikov V.V.
    Questions of design and creation of exercise machines and mechanisms

    The theoretical-methodological foundation of this article is the bases of design of the software, the system analysis, modeling of systems and creation of systems of training with the use of 3D graphics. Nowadays there is a significant amount of exercise machines and simulators in aircraft and astronautics. Such designs have to be in mechanical engineering and in construction, as well as for construction mashines and mechanisms. The purpose of this work is creation of the 3D exercise machine of the truck crane to train crane operators and to control their knowledge.

    pdf 135-146.pdf  (418 Kb)

  • Yu.M. Belyaev
    Mechanisms and structures of venture credit and investment services formation

    The paper presents the organizational and economic mechanisms of innovation infrastructure on the basis of control system and extensive, full-scale network venture service. The basic components of the latter should be the structure of the venture capital credit and investment services, including venture capital, banks with special consulting firms, insurance companies, venture, venture capital funds, business-angels and their unions. The author underlines the fact that the best form of structure is integration into the cluster: a venture capital financial institution (bank or trust) with consulting and insurance firms, which creates a unified field of responsibility and increases the effectiveness of investment innovation projects.

    pdf 162-165.pdf  (125 Kb)

  • G.V. Goryelova, E.N. Zakharova, T.V. Martyshina, N.D. Pankratova
    Cognitive process modeling of sustainable regional development

    This paper considers the problem of sustainable development of socio-ecological-economic system. The authors propose to use the cognitive approach as a research tool for unstable environment and modeling semi-structured systems. Instrumentation cognitive analysis gives the opportunity to use data both qualitative and quantitative in the modeling process. They believe that the using of the methodology is promising a balanced scorecard (BSC) for the characteristics of the economic, social and environmental sustainability at the regional level. The scientific article represents optimistic and pessimistic variants of the regional socio-ecological-economic system of the Republic of Adyghea with the help of a software system of cognitive modeling (PSKM) that help to model possible scenarios of a complex system.

    pdf 166-174.pdf  (292 Kb)

  • I.I. Lyutova
    Acceptable risk level modeling of information security

    Fast dynamics of information society development is accompanied by an increase in risk due to the vulnerability of resources. The paper considers the traditional approaches to the risk magnitude estimating. The author determines their deficiency in inadequate protection and, consequently, an increase in funding for the provision of business information security. The paper studies iterative process model of risk management of information assets.

    pdf 175-180.pdf  (315 Kb)

  • G.M. Mishulin, A.A. Kolvakh
    Marketing and legal aspects of overcoming auto insurance problems in Russia (on example of CTP)

    The paper represents the factual material about the state of the insurance market. It introduces a classification of the factors contributing to the development of auto insurance as one of the largest segments of the insurance market. The authors analyzed problems.

    pdf 220-230.pdf  (219 Kb)

  • G.M. Mishulin, D.Y. Serikov
    Theoretical and methodological approach to the urgent models develop-ment in marketing management

    The scientific article represents different definitions of the concept of «marketing management» in a systematic form. It identifies their essential features, analyzes the existing models of marketing management. The paper formulates a refined definition of the concept of «marketing management» and the principles of the current model of marketing management, taking into account the functioning of modern economies and market interaction of the subjects in the face of increasing competition. The authors show a new approach to marketing management model in the new economic paradigm.

    pdf 231-239.pdf  (148 Kb)

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