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    Problems of Human Physiology
  • A.D. Tsikunib
    Zoological museum of Adyghe State University: 10 years of educational and scientific activity

    pdf tsikunib2_2012_2.pdf  (521 Kb)

  • S.A. Liaoucheva, A.A. Shaov
    History of evolution of the usurious capital

    The paper discusses the basic stages of history of evolution of the usurious capital in the West European civilization. Rudiments of economic theories in the Western Europe are mainly encountered in compositions of fathers of church, seminary students and jurists - canonists of the 14-16th centuries. Trade in them was admitted only at observance of honesty, justice and conscientiousness and at condemnation of usury (giving money on loan under percent.). The church leaned to a certain degree on samples of the Roman Right. However, primarily the church influenced the debt right and a commercial law as a whole through the doctrine about the fair price. A church nonparticipation in development of market relations in the Middle Ages was in its basis. Medieval patristic didn't regulate economic views in system of independent scientific knowledge. Views and the ideas concerning the economic theory were an integral part of system of moral theology. The ethical aspect of the economic theory appeared to be self-sufficing. And only in the Education epoch the ban for growth was lifted everywhere. Similar changes mean that “the market” manufacturer is focused now on a manufacture economic gain.

    pdf liaoucheva2012_2.pdf  (267 Kb)

  • A.A. Shaov
    Methodological problems of legal system in the Middle Ages

    The paper discusses the basic stages of formation and evolution of the law in West Europe during the Medieval times. Historically, owing to the specificity, the law acts as an effective means of a society governing. Accordingly legal regulation is often considered as an establishment of legal instructions and their ensuring by the state. The secular world of “the economic person” demanded a legal substantiation of occurring changes. Here ontologic, axiological, gnoseological and intrinsic aspects of the law, stages of its formation and development is the law genesis as the progressing evolution of the content, volume, scale and measure of freedom, equality and justice. The research is focused on stages of formation and development of the law in historical measurement when, since an epoch of Medieval Christian Europe, the legal vector has changed the orientation towards secular law comprehension. This was directly related to the Renaissance and Education epochs.

    pdf shaov2012_2.pdf  (224 Kb)

  • L.U. Kurbanova
    Procedural and structural aspects of gender identification

    This paper provides an analysis of a number of theoretical concepts concerning the discourse structure of gender identity. Also it touches upon the procedural parameters of personal self-identification in temporal duration during lifetime. The author arrives at a conclusion that not only socialization leads to certain identification features of a person but also the individualization of the objective reality of a person plays an important role in this process.

    pdf kurbanova2012_2.pdf  (216 Kb)

  • A.O. Sleptsova, N.V. Zhilkina
    Fantasy as a nonmoral field of creative activity

    The paper conceives of fantasy as a tool of creativity which cannot be ethical reflection. Using the examples of scientific and artistic creativity the author proves the presence of such common peculiarity as escapism in both spheres. This allows the author to conclude that the degree of preoccupation of the individual with his own world of desire is so high that all public and personal interests are lost for the creator.

    pdf sleptsova2012_2.pdf  (196 Kb)

  • I.A. Yakovenko
    Tendencies in development of religious consciousness in modern Russia

    On the basis of the analysis of the domestic and foreign literature on the given theme the author investigates tendencies in development of religiousness in modern Russia. The reasons of revival of religiousness and clericalism in Russia nowadays are considered in this paper. The author comes to a conclusion that in sociocultural measurement religion as the tradition is the major mechanism of reproduction and translation of moral standards and cultural wealth without which it is impossible to imagine any culture. The object of research is a condition of modern religious consciousness of Russians.

    pdf yakovenko2012_2.pdf  (271 Kb)

  • Zh.O. Abregova, N.A. Pocheshkhov
    The Soviet historiography of the Civil War in the Kuban region (1917-1921)

    An analysis is made of the Soviet historiography of the period of civil war in the Kuban region. The authors determine the role and significance of the Soviet period in scientific studying the civil war in Russia.

    pdf abregova2012_2.pdf  (291 Kb)

  • E.A. Sheudzhen
    “Memory places”: a fashionable definition or historiography practice?

    An attempt is undertaken to answer a question: in what historiography situation the notions about token places of historical memory have arisen and developed.

    pdf sheudzhen2012_2.pdf  (247 Kb)

  • E.M. Malysheva, E.E. Korchemkina
    Activity of Adygheya authorities on reorganization of a forestry management in the 1920-1940s

    The paper analyzes a historical experience in formation of a regional forestry management system related to the all-Russian development of this process. The basic stages of reorganization of the forestry in Adygheya are discussed.

    pdf malysheva2012_2.pdf  (326 Kb)

  • D.A. Panarin
    Mobilization mechanisms in activity of state farms in the Kuban and Stavropol territory in days of the Great Patriotic War

    The paper shows possibilities of using experience obtained by state farms in days of the Great Patriotic War for the decision of contemporary agriculture problems. The author analyzes mobilization mechanisms in activity of state farms in the Kuban and Stavropol Territory and discusses the basic directions of reorganization of work of state farms in the conditions of war. Influence of mobilization mechanisms on activity of state farms in days of war is examined. As a result of study importance of use of mobilization mechanisms in state-farm manufacture with a view of rational and effective utilization of material and personnel resources is proved.

    pdf panarin2012_2.pdf  (190 Kb)

  • A.B. Alieva
    On history of resettlement movement in the Republic of Daghestan (1924-1966)

    This paper discusses the problematic aspects of the resettlement policy in the Republic of Daghestan during 1924-1966. The author shows the main stages of the mountaineers’ movement to the plain, the value of the land-water reform, which allowed mountaineers to cultivate the land, as well as the difficulties of this process, associated with the natural disasters that occurred in a number of the settlement areas. The positive results of the mountaineers’ resettlement and the role of the Soviet government in this historical process are marked.

    pdf alieva2012_2.pdf  (235 Kb)

  • N.B. Akaeva
    Creativity of Kumyksky theatre in the second half of the 1940-s to the beginning of the 1960-s

    On the basis of diverse and historiographic base the author of this paper analyzes activity of Kumyksky theatre from the second half of the 1940-s to the beginning of the 1960-s. This work examines the performances which have defined a new step of creative growth of Kumyksky theatre. The assessment of work of actors and directors in the certain period of time is given.

    pdf akaeva2012_2.pdf  (227 Kb)

  • M.V. Yanova (Lenkova)
    Problematic aspects of historiography of science development in Kalmykia in the post-Soviet period

    The paper highlights the complex of problems concerning Kalmykia historiography in the post-Soviet period. The author aims at researching the science development in the Kalmyk State University and the contribution of the Kalmyk State University scientists to the Russian science development. The work shows the peculiarities of historiography situation through time.

    pdf yanova2012_2.pdf  (217 Kb)

  • D.Kh. Mekulov
    System of democratic institutes of the power in the North Caucasus: history and features (1918 – 1930s)

    The author investigates the process of formation of democratic institutes of the power in the North Caucasus beginning from 1918 to 1930s. The focus is made on distinction between the regions of the North Caucasus. The author shows the role of revolutionary-military committees, the situation in this or that region and their influence on the formation of authorities in regions.

    pdf mekulov2012_2.pdf  (277 Kb)

  • D.S. Kidirniyazov, A.U. Rabadanova
    Social relations of the people of Daghestan and Chechnya in the second half of the 18th – the beginning of the 19th centuries

    The paper discusses the social relations of the people of Daghestan and Chechnya in the second half of the 18th - the beginning of the 19th century. In many respects, these property legal relations had similar features: a strongly pronounced social inequality and different forms of ownership of land. Daghestan and Chechnya were not uniform and politically and economically complete territory yet. Simultaneously, both Daghestan and Chechnya had the isolated political unities and the unions of rural communities as a special form of a political system.

    pdf kidirniyazov2012_2.pdf  (199 Kb)

  • M.B. Bedzhanov
    Ethnic occurrences and international relations

    This work examines problematic aspects of search for new ways of formation of the international relations, development of their culture and national consciousness of the people in new historical conditions in our country. In the paper, the author pays attention to need of a new approach to existing definitions of the concepts of “the people”, “nation” and “nationality”.

    pdf bedzhanov2012_2.pdf  (176 Kb)

  • S.V. Makeev
    Social modernization of Russia

    The paper provides a comparative analysis of Christian modernization and modernizations of the New and Soviet times. Their ideological and world outlook components are examined. The authors show the basic difference in types of modernizations by a priority of public and individual values. Basic restrictions in modernization development of a civilization with a priority of individual values are considered.

    pdf makeev2012_2.pdf  (186 Kb)

  • V.A. Kotlyarov, A.P. Mikhaylov
    Legal behaviour of youth as a subject of the sociological analysis

    The paper discusses the legitimation of legal behavior in the subculture of modern youth. The authors investigate the determination of deviant behavior of the youth demographic group, as well as features of its sense of justice.

    pdf kotlyarov2012_2.pdf  (232 Kb)

  • R.A. Khanakhu, O.M. Tsvetkov
    Islamic community in Adygheya: internal dynamics and evolution prospects (as shown by the results of sociological research)

    The paper discusses the situation in an Islamic community of Adygheya Republic and internal pressure in it. Also this work forecasts the evolution of this community. The basic problem under study is stratification of an Islamic community into supporters of the “traditional Islam” and “pure Islam”, as well as a certain radicalization of a small part of Moslems. An attempt is undertaken for the first time to investigate in detail preconditions of its distribution in republic territory. The reasons and ways of distribution of radical versions of Islam, as well as scales of their influence on local population are analyzed.

    pdf khanakhu2012_2.pdf  (232 Kb)

  • T.I. Afasizhev, V.N. Nekhay
    Globalization in the perception of the Circassian ethnic group: experience in sociological research

    This paper analyzes the features of perception by the Circassian ethnic group of the globalization process, transforming the economic and sociocultural spheres. Based on data of the conducted sociological survey the author reveals the consequences of mondialisation for the mechanisms of social and cultural dynamics of the Circassians.

    pdf afasizhev1_2012_2.pdf  (295 Kb)

  • Yu.Yu. Lomp
    Features of group interaction of youth in traditional culture of the Adyghes

    The paper discusses features of group interaction of youth in regional society. Features of a life and culture of the Adyghes are examined. The basic forms and social essence of interaction of youth in a traditional society are distinguished on the basis of the analysis of historical evidences.

    pdf lomp2012_2.pdf  (213 Kb)

  • D.V. Simon
    Social and economic assessment of the competitive environment in Russia

    The paper deals with the social and economic analysis of competition in Russia. The author considers the macroeconomic factors that influence the dynamics of competitive relations, as well as the results of realization of the state competitive policy. The paper provides a generalized assessment and the problematic aspects of the further development of competitive relations in Russia.

    pdf simon2012_2.pdf  (189 Kb)

  • Yu.Yu. Volkov
    Present conditions and prospects of implementing IT financial management of Rostov region

    The paper discusses the key points of developing financial management of Rostov region. The author underlines the main problems of implementing IT in this sphere and the ways they can be solved.

    pdf volkov2012_2.pdf  (175 Kb)

  • M.E. Zubkov
    The defining conditions of managerial behavior in the field of labor safety at small construction enterprises

    The sociological research was implemented to reveal features of the determination approaches to safety management and labor safety at small construction enterprises. It is inferred that there is a conflict between systems of labor efficiency management and labor safety at small construction enterprises. The cause of conflict is the change of worldview and axiological principles of workers and the low maturity of the management culture.

    pdf zubkov2012_2.pdf  (198 Kb)

  • G.V. Shapovalov
    The basic stages of development of social advertising in Russia

    An analysis is made of the basic stages of development of social advertising in Russia. The author proves that modern social advertising reflects a historical way of its formation and development. This is manifested, first of all, in preservation of the leading positions of the state in regulating and implementing social and promotional activities.

    pdf shapovalov2012_2.pdf  (184 Kb)

  • O.V. Leonova
    The spiritual culture of the region: current situation and trends of changes

    This paper presents a comparative analysis of the estimates and opinions of the population of Astrakhan region about the state, basic tendencies and problems in the sphere of spiritual culture obtained on the basis of the results of sociological researches in 2005 and 2010. There are some changes in the respondents' opinions concerning the Russian spiritual culture, the extent of realization of spiritual demands and the attitude to the activity of the state and regional government in the sphere of culture.

    pdf leonova2012_2.pdf  (254 Kb)

  • M.V. Averyanov
    Corruption as the crisis factor of sociocultural mentality of youth

    This paper addresses the phenomenon of corruption as a crisis factor of sociocultural mentality of youth. The author defines the mechanisms of minimization of its destructive impact and examines the problematics of sociological researches in sphere of counteraction against corruption.

    pdf averyanov2012_2.pdf  (215 Kb)

  • M.E. Grigoryan
    Definition of subject domain of social management and functions of social management of the modern organization

    This paper analyzes the definition of subject domain of social management. The author identifies and analyzes the functions of social management of enterprises. It is inferred that the social form of management is based on the social paradigm of the organization development. The solution of problems concerning application of the categorial apparatus of social management is related to basic elaboration or critical revision of a number of bases and categories of both sociology and management.

    pdf grigoryan2012_2.pdf  (184 Kb)

  • N.S. Lyubavin
    The analysis of the organization of information-analytical maintenance of activity of the law-enforcement bodies of the Russian Federation

    The paper analyzes the organization of information-analytical maintenance of activity of law-enforcement bodies of Russia. Information-analytical maintenance is included organizationally into a control system of law-enforcement body, providing in its activity of achievement of the purposes its creation. The author discloses system properties of the given kind of administrative activity, as well as the characteristic problems to be solved within the limits of maintenance of law-enforcement activity of the state.

    pdf lyubavin2012_2.pdf  (206 Kb)

  • F.R. Azashikova
    Bases of strategy of sustainable social and economic development of the region

    The paper discusses the problematic aspects of sustainable social and economic development of the region, its essence and factors. The author examines transition to a sustainable development of the region and resources required for the solution of its tasks.

    pdf azashikova2012_2.pdf  (256 Kb)

  • A.I. Trakhov
    Features of bringing to criminal liability and punishment of minors at the present stage of development of Russia

    This paper addresses the maintenance of the rights and freedom of minors, as well as features of the modern legislation in the Russian Federation about a criminal liability and punishment of minors. Justice concerning minor offenders means that measures of influence applied to them provided as much as possible an individual approach to research of circumstances of the made act and were commensurable both with features of their person and with circumstances of the made act, promoted the prevention of crimes among minors and provided them resocialization and protection of legitimate interests of victims.

    pdf trakhov2012_2.pdf  (210 Kb)

  • Z.A. Mamisheva
    Legal bases ensuring national security of Russia

    The paper discusses legal and political aspects of ensuring security of the Russian state and society. These aspects provide an opportunity of revealing a number of the factors which influence intensely reserves of the state in the solution of problems of ensuring national interests. The main concepts, including security, national interests, national security, state security, are analyzed.

    pdf mamisheva2012_2.pdf  (209 Kb)

  • Z.Kh. Lovpache
    Interpretation of norms of criminally-procedural law as the necessary precondition and a condition of their correct application

    The paper addresses the problems arising at interpretation of norms of criminally-procedural law. The reasons of “collisions of norms of the law” are investigated. The author develops a vector which is the precondition and a condition of correct application of the norms of criminally-procedural law in practical life. Importance of the question under study which is related, at times, to destiny and well-being of the person is discussed.

    pdf lovpache2012_2.pdf  (233 Kb)

  • A.M. Siyukhova
    Lunar symbols in dreams and mythic-epic creativity of the Adyghes

    The paper provides a list of the most significant symbols of dreams of representatives of the Adyghe ethnos. The dependence of mythology of ethnos on symbolical system of dreams is substantiated. Symbols of the dreams related to the lunar nature are analyzed in detail: ‘water’, ‘snake”, “fish”, “child” and “blood”. The way of realization of the given symbolics in the epos of the Adyghes is investigated. The principle of nonlinear dependence of the archetypical symbolics realized in dreams, epos and in ceremonial practice is marked.

    pdf siyukhova2012_2.pdf  (288 Kb)

  • N.V. Tertyshnik
    The national and international in arts and crafts of Adygheya artists

    The paper discusses principles of interaction of the national and international in arts and crafts of artists of Adygheya. The author considers this theme still urgent, but suggests its study in a plane of sociology and culture psychology. The national and international are correlated as the ethnic-marker, information (style and temporal), esthetic and spiritual signs-codes rather than a form and the content.

    pdf tertyshnik2012_2.pdf  (190 Kb)

  • Z.E. Abdulaeva
    Specificity of regional ethnoculture in anthropological space of the Russian society

    The paper deals with the regional ethnoculture as an integral part of anthropological space of Russian modern culture. Specific features of ethnoculture as an anthropological constant in contemporary Russian society are analyzed.

    pdf abdulaeva2012_2.pdf  (210 Kb)

  • H.M. Mirsoev
    A name as the most important sign means of self-identification

    The paper discloses the essence and social and psychological value of a name. The consciousness of toponymy of his name often sets special purposes and tasks before the person that are altered with his growth. Questions of the theistic plan are discussed. The most important sign means of a name is prefaced with the social and cultural self-determination of the personality. Some rituals which are traditionally chosen by a society in modern real life are revealed.

    pdf mirsoev2012_2.pdf  (265 Kb)

  • B.S. Khotko
    National belief of the Abkhazes: traditions and the present (As shown by a sanctuary of the Ampar family)

    Nowadays there is an active revival of the traditional religion in the Abkhazes environment. Its value grows steadily in life of society during the past years. It is necessary to underline that for a long time the national belief of the Abkhazes has been the object of steadfast attention in the scientific environment. The available data about traditional religion of the Abkhazian people treat a ceremony of sacrifice as means of uniting and strengthening related links between representatives of the given family rather than only as the form of dialogue of members of the family with a deity.

    pdf khotko2012_2.pdf  (209 Kb)

    Political Science
  • V.G. Shustov
    The first municipal reform as an object of political study

    This paper discusses the primary period of municipal reform in the period of 1989-1991. Separately the first municipal reform was distinguished and studied. The author gives a definition of the municipal reform, defines its objectives and components. A political and legal analysis of legislation of municipal reform is undertaken. The main purpose of this publication is a study of the role and place of the local authorities in the political process in conditions of transformation of the entire political system.

    pdf shustov2012_2.pdf  (270 Kb)

  • T.A. Shalyugina
    Imitation phenomenon in the Soviet social reality

    The paper reveals how a variety of imitation strategies were imposed on the new social reality in the conditions of totalitarianism formation: “installing style” of life, symbolic engineering, mythologization and primitivization and ideological indoctrination. The basic components of the imitation are: social action as the introduction of the principles of “vision” in the mass consciousness, a departure from rationality, which includes the distortion or even destruction of the fixeed sense of the social reality in a communicative dialogue and social perception, factor of the engineering of the symbolic reality, pragmatism of imitation as a practice.

    pdf shalyugina2012_2.pdf  (208 Kb)

  • E.B. Lebedeva
    Experience in associating subjects in the Russian Federation: problems and preliminary results

    The paper analyzes five cases of association of subjects in the Russian Federation in the 2000s and identifies the key features and the main consequences of the reforms in the administrative-territorial division. The study demonstrates the low interest of the population and regional elites in the unification processes, the high relevance of issues related to national identity and very contradictory effects of the reforms.

    pdf lebedeva2012_2.pdf  (326 Kb)

    The Economic Theory
  • Yu.V. Chub
    Scientific and methodical aspects of a cost assessment of the human capital

    The paper discusses approaches to estimation of the human capital cost. The basic components of this estimate are the educational level of the individual, an investment in health, investments into information support of the worker, expenses for improvement of professional skill or training for a new profession, provided there is a change of technics and work content in a workplace, and expenses for mobility at structural changes of employment.

    pdf chub2012_2.pdf  (1 Mb)

    Financial Markets
  • S.A. Roshchektaev
    Integrated approach to the formation of the local financial market of the Russian modern megalopolis

    The paper substantiates the application of integrated approach to the formation of the local financial market of the modern Russian megalopolis. From this approach the market under study is a product of market integration interaction of the subjects of financial relations, interlacing in the economic space of megalopolis as an integrated entity, producing intensively the new knowledge. It is shown that an integrator of this market is the megalopolis itself as a system subject of the local financial market.

    pdf roshchektaev2012_2.pdf  (687 Kb)

    Problems Related to Investment Activity
  • Zh.D. Darmilova
    The choice of investment strategy for an enterprise working in competing emvironment

    The paper describes scientific methods of strategic management in investment activity of enterprises. The author determines its investment substrategies, the main stages of the process of formation of investment strategy, levels of accepting strategic solutions and the more optimal investment strategies in post-crisis conditions.

    pdf darmilova2012_2.pdf  (497 Kb)

  • O.A. Okorokova
    Foreign experience in investment activity of the insurance companies

    The paper examines state regulation and practical aspects of investment activity of the insurance companies abroad. The author determines the directions of development of their investment activity and the basic tools of investment.

    pdf okorokova2012_2.pdf  (954 Kb)

    Regional Economy
  • À.À. Dzharimov
    Some thoughts on the federation and federal relations. 20 years later

    The present research focuses upon the formation and development of the federal relations underlying a state system of Russia. The condition of the federal relations in a political sphere influences an economic component of the relations of the federal center and subjects of Federation. Federalism principles and the main restrictions of their realization in modern Russia are disclosed. Special attention is given to a diversity of status of subjects of the Russian Federation underlying an asymmetric nature of federation and structural disorganization of economic space. The author provides an assessment of expediency of federal district allocation, cancellations of direct elections of heads of Russian regions and the electoral system which has developed in the country. Need of conducting elections in regions and in subjects of the Russian Federation in accordance with the majority system is proved.

    pdf dzharimov2012_2.pdf  (573 Kb)

  • E.B. Ermishina
    Principles and tools to diversify the mining industry of the Republic of North Ossetia-Alania

    This work discusses principles of a diversification and tools of its realization. The efficiency of a diversification of mining branch is estimated. It is inferred that the directions of mountain branch diversification in the Republic of North Ossetia-Alania should rest upon the use of secondary resources and capacities.

    pdf ermishina2012_2.pdf  (436 Kb)

  • E.N. Zakharova, T.G. Gurnovich, M.M. Dolgiyev
    Conceptual bases of ensuring power safety of the region in the conditions of formation of innovative economy

    This paper reports upon various approaches to concepts of security and power safety. The authors discuss the main problematic aspects of development of technical base in power engineering; describe key principles of ensuring power safety in the conditions of innovative development and the complex of actions providing implementation of the concept of sustainable power , as well as propose the control system of power safety of the region.

    pdf zakharova1_2012_2.pdf  (733 Kb)

  • À.V. Kravchenko
    Relationship of structural elements in the monitoring system of foreign economic sector of the region

    The basic structural elements necessary for the efficient functioning of foreign trade complex in the region are defined on the basis of a systematic approach to the construction of its monitoring. The basic methodological requirements for its construction are formulated.

    pdf kravchenko2012_2.pdf  (552 Kb)

  • T.A. Kuzin
    Competitiveness and competitive advantages of regions of Southern Russia

    This paper discusses some aspects related to the study on the relationship of competitiveness and competitive advantages of regions, as well as to the methodological problems related to rating assessment of the competitiveness in regions of Southern Russia with application of complex socio-economic indicators.

    pdf kuzin2012_2.pdf  (149 Kb)

  • N.M. Makarchouk
    Structural transformation of the internal environment in the economic system of the region

    The process of structural transformation during the past years has become a priority component of regional economic policy of Russia. Problems, which regions experience under the influence of the factors of global competition, are negatively reflected on parameters of their evolution. The present paper discovers essential issues of structural transformation and gives recommendations for their solution.

    pdf makarchouk2012_2.pdf  (400 Kb)

  • R.A. Popov, À.À. Dzharimov
    Prospects for increasing competitiveness of industrial sector of Russia in the conditions of development of globalization and economy regionalization processes

    The current state of industrial sector of Russia is characterized by considerable unevenness of development in both branch and territorial aspects. On the one hand, the producing enterprises of a petroleum and gas complex which have developed in the past decades provided the main proceeds in budget revenues, dampening expenses of market reforms. On the other hand, they created a situation when development of processing enterprises has become ineffective. The paper provides the assessment of the modern processes in industrial sector of Russia and substantiates proposals on giving innovative character to the process of its development.

    pdf popov2012_2.pdf  (1 Mb)

  • L.T. Tlekhuray-Berzegova, T.G. Gurnovich
    Contemporary integration managing subjects and functions of interaction of regional systems

    The essence of integration of managing subjects is defined as steady and developing cooperation of managing subjects consistently approaching and binding their reproduction processes. Proceeding from a correspondence principle between requirements and functions of regional systems, it is possible to define the functional content of their integration interaction. A study of process of integration interaction of regions in contemporary Russia allows distinguishing a number of specific needs and functions of integration interaction of regional systems.

    pdf tlekhuray-berzegova2012_2.pdf  (481 Kb)

  • R.D. Khunagov, R.A. Popov
    Clusters as a form of the organization and construction technology in the conditions of volatility: a regional aspect

    In the conditions of requirements to increase volumes and rates of industrial and cultural - domestic construction, a system of territorial construction clusters can act as one of the effective forms of contract activity in regions. Flexible forms of the organization, immanent to cluster structures, allow uniting technology-collocated construction organizations on a commercial basis and reaching as a result a synergetic effect in high-quality measurements and a cumulative effect in construction technology. The paper describes promising forms of a territorial and production association of separate construction organizations and the building industry enterprises with a view of increasing the efficiency of construction processes and developing a personnel component of this branch on a new organizational basis.

    pdf khunagov1_2012_2.pdf  (583 Kb)

  • R.D. Khunagov, I.V. Sugaipova
    Tools of debureaucratization and overcoming a corruption component in regional social and economic policy

    The paper examines problematic aspects of corruption on the basis of materials of the Krasnodar Territory and the work of the Audit Chamber, one of the most effective bodies of fight against corruption, which has effective tools of tracking and prevention of this negative phenomenon. The optimum ways of fight against corruption are presented.

    pdf khunagov2_2012_2.pdf  (461 Kb)

  • R.D. Khunagov, I.V. Sugaipova
    Development of the relations of a corporate property in the internal environment of regional economic systems

    The paper describes the levels of the organization of a corporate property. The authors distinguish two aspects of social participation of the performing personnel in profit of corporation and two types of structure – object and subject.

    pdf khunagov3_2012_2.pdf  (567 Kb)

    Economy of Agrarian-Industrial Complex
  • A.A. Kerashev, M.M. Shekultirova
    Promising forms of interaction between small-scale agrarian business and corporate structures in regional agricultural sector

    The paper discusses the topical problem of development of small-scale business in agricultural sector in terms of capital concentration and economic subject consolidation. Great attention is paid to prospects of effective regulation of interaction between small-scale agrarian business and large corporate structures in agricultural sector of modern Russia. The key forms of development of interaction between small-scale business and corporate business groups, that dominate in agricultural sector of regions of modern Russia, are presented.

    pdf kerashev2012_2.pdf  (758 Kb)

  • A.A. Mokrushin, A.I. Suslov
    Corporative potential of structural modernization of regional agro-industrial systems of contemporary Russia

    The paper is devoted to identifying the corporative potential of structural modernization and innovative transformation in regional agro-industrial system. The possibilities and restrictions of vertically integrated corporations (VIC) in structural transformation of economic connections and relations of subjects of regional agro-industrial systems have been established. The dominant mode of structural organization of interaction between VIC and agro-industrial systems of contemporary Russia has been revealed. The possibilities of the PPP in the development of regional agro-industrial systems (with the participation of VIC) have been specified. The promising strategy of interaction between VIC and agro-industrial systems of contemporary Russia has been revealed.

    pdf mokrushin2012_2.pdf  (902 Kb)

  • A.Z. Rysmyatov, S.A. Dyakov, A.O. Kirichenko
    Theoretical bases of economy and the organization of reproduction processes in fruit growing

    The paper discusses the problems of theoretical and practical character characterizing reproduction processes in industrial fruit growing. An analysis is made of the modern determinants defining efficiency of reproduction processes in this branch.

    pdf rysmyatov2012_2.pdf  (459 Kb)

  • I.V. Sugaipova, I.N. Voblaya
    Formation of innovative and investment policy of the regional agrarian and industrial complex

    The paper discusses the problematic aspects of reduction of investments into the agrarian sphere, as well as the questions of intensification of regional investment policy on the basis of development of its innovative component.

    pdf sugaipova2012_2.pdf  (484 Kb)

  • A.A. Tamov, A.A. Apishev
    Methodological aspects of proving strategic priorities for the development of agro-industrial complex in the problem region in post-crisis conditions

    This paper discusses a number of unexplored methodological aspects related to the justification of the priorities of development of regional agro-industrial complex, taking into account peculiarities of the problem region.

    pdf tamov2012_2.pdf  (481 Kb)

  • M.M. Shekultirova
    The system of corporative management of integrating interaction between economic subjects of regional agricultural sector

    The paper discusses the major problems of corporative management of integrating interaction between subjects of regional agricultural sector. The author examines the structural elements of executive system of interaction between economic subjects of agricultural sector on the basis of corporate integration, as well as the prospects of its development.

    pdf shekultirova2012_2.pdf  (562 Kb)

    Mathematical Methods in Economy
  • V.D. Selyutin
    Mathematical models of economic risk management based on the conception of risk as a resource

    This work proposes the models of risk management based on the use of the risk conception as a resource. It is pointed out that if risk is resource-similar, then taking a cost-benefit criterion into account, its management will be related to the reduction of its level to optimal value.

    pdf selyutin2012_2.pdf  (560 Kb)

    Innovative Technologies in Marketing
  • N.P. Ketova
    Regional marketing in system of tools and principles of management of territorial development

    The paper discloses the essence, features, functions and principles of regional marketing. The structure of the markets and companies in the South of Russia is presented. The author formulates methodical approaches to stimulation and regulation of their activity by methods of regional marketing and shows advantages of this tool in the general control system of territorial development.

    pdf ketova2012_2.pdf  (814 Kb)

  • V.N. Ostrovskaya, S.V. Mayer
    Constructive approach to marketing management at the petrochemical enterprise

    In this paper, we propose a new approach to the marketing management in petrochemical companies, based on the use of the principles of constructivism. The authors describe the features of this approach, as well as its relationship to other approaches. A role of the constructive approach in improvement of strategic marketing management is determined.

    pdf ostrovskaya2012_2.pdf  (649 Kb)

    Service Economy
  • T.I. Afasizhev, B.M. Zhukov, V.S. Novikov
    The virtual relations in a service sector: factors and prospects of globalization

    At present, we understand that the virtual economy comes up to take the “real” economy’s place. Of particular note is the service sector, which in its philosophical sense has all the characteristics and components of the virtual economy. The article is devoted to the formation and development of the theoretical foundations of service virtualization.

    pdf afasizhev2_2012_2.pdf  (991 Kb)

  • T.I. Afasizhev, A.S. Tyutyunnikov
    Directions of modernization of the Russian hotel business aimed at increasing its competitiveness

    This work substantiates the main directions of modernization of the Russian hotel business aimed at increasing its competitiveness on the basis of researches carried out by the author. The authors define the interrelation of modernization of hotel business organizations with increase of their competitiveness through ensuring strategic sustainability as ability to create, develop and keep for a long time the competitive advantages in the market of hotel services in the conditions of environment changes.

    pdf afasizhev3_2012_2.pdf  (467 Kb)

  • S.A. Baranova, Yu.M. Belyaev
    Consulting services in the sphere of innovations

    This paper describes trends, types and functions of a number of consulting firms that must belong to a single infrastructure necessary for continuous sustainable innovative development. Attention is given to the need for Russia to create new types of consulting services in the sphere of innovations to provide venture capital for banks and funds, as well as the safety and protection of intellectual property.

    pdf baranova2012_2.pdf  (613 Kb)

  • Yu.M. Belyayev, E.M. Chernenko
    Organizational-economic provision of modern standards of medical services in foreign countries

    This article contains a model of medical services in foreign countries, a comparative socio-economic analysis, which allows you to choose the most appropriate model for use in domestic practice.

    pdf belyayev1_2012_2.pdf  (662 Kb)

  • Yu.M. Belyaev, E.Ì. Chernenko
    Increases in effectiveness and quality of medical services on the basis of the organizational-economic guarantee of observance of the contemporary standards

    The paper examines the methods of management of the quality of medical services, ensuring the social protection of population in the sphere of health protection. An assessment is made of basic indices characterizing the quality of medical services. The basic directions of the solution of the problems related to the quality of the medical services are determined.

    pdf belyaev2_2012_2.pdf  (733 Kb)

  • N.A. Breslavtseva
    Tendencies and problematic aspects of management in service sphere

    At present the economic system undergoes considerable changes related to both structural shifts and various social factors. Therefore, the major area of public life is the sphere of services which makes appreciable impact on all sides of our activity. This paper deals with the creation of new management methods in sphere of services.

    pdf breslavtseva2012_2.pdf  (649 Kb)

  • L.V. Vermennikova, A.S.Tyutyunnikov
    System of the estimation of enterprise competitiveness in the recreation-tourist sphere in the adaptivity context

    This paper proposes a system of the estimation of enterprise competitiveness in the recreation-tourist sphere in the adaptivity context made on the basis of the researches conducted by the author. This system includes two-level indicators (at level of the enterprise and external environment), consisting of both financial and non-financial indicators. This approach provides the balanced estimation of efficiency of functioning and the level of the enterprise competitiveness against the background of the changes occurring in an outer environment.

    pdf vermennikova2012_2.pdf  (701 Kb)

  • À.À. Ermolenko, S.V. Lazovskaya
    Mechanisms of formation of competing advantages in the service sphere

    An analysis is made of the main group of competitiveness factors. The principal directions of formation of competing advantages in the sphere of tourist services are determined.

    pdf ermolenko2012_2.pdf  (520 Kb)

  • A.Kh. Zhankaziev
    Strategic priorities for financing higher education

    The paper discusses the primary goals of reforming an education system, namely: the search for additional financial resources. Specific attention is given to the analysis of possibilities and consumer priorities of the population. The author substantiates the expediency of expansion of the use of population’s money within the limits of socially-private co-financing.

    pdf zhankaziev2012_2.pdf  (356 Kb)

  • B.M. Zhukov, O.V. Belitskaya
    Perfection of development of the transport-information infrastructure in recreational territories

    An analysis is made of the current condition of a transport-information infrastructure of Krasnodar territory as one of the key factors of development of the recreation and tourism industry. The authors examine problematic aspects and prospects of its development and define modernization ways of its perfection in the period of preparation for Olympic Games of 2014 in Sochi.

    pdf zhukov1_2012_2.pdf  (630 Kb)

  • B.M. Zhukov, S.A. Lyausheva
    Modernization of the enterprises of hotel sphere on the basis of flexible management

    The paper discusses the concept of modernization of a hotel economy developed on the basis of formation of system of the flexible management. This concept is used to provide dynamical development of the service enterprises in the conditions of unstable external and internal environment. The authors define the modernization ways of development of hotel business and propose a modernization toolkit of flexible management in hotel service (business communications, flexible budgeting, competitiveness monitoring).

    pdf zhukov2_2012_2.pdf  (740 Kb)

  • E.N. Zakharova, T.I. Afasizhev, S.A. Lyausheva
    The analysis of a state of domestic trade in the conditions of intensive development of a service sector

    The paper discusses tendencies in development of the domestic trading sphere. The authors examine the structure of a turn of retail distribution networks and a tendency of formation of new store formats. It has been established that a turn of retail trade decreased in connection with financial crisis and that a share of foodstuff increased. The wholesale trade in Russia and its specificity are characterized. Special attention is given to the development of electronic trade in the country.

    pdf zakharova2_2012_2.pdf  (770 Kb)

  • E.N. Zakharova, S.A. Lyausheva
    Evolution of the economic nature of trade in “the economy based on knowledge”

    This work discusses the principle features of “the economy based on knowledge” and various approaches to the content and essence of the concept “trade”. The authors examine the most important aspect of information revolution – the electronic business – and the basic principles of electronic trade regulation.

    pdf zakharova3_2012_2.pdf  (664 Kb)

  • S.V. Lazovskaya, N.Yu. Ermolenko
    Key competences of human factor as a core of integration mechanism in the service sphere

    The paper examines the main preconditions of creating the centre of formation of key competences the purpose of which is increasing quality of services presented to consumer on the basis of integration of education and presented services.

    pdf lazovskaya2012_2.pdf  (584 Kb)

  • S.A. Mikhaylov
    Modernization of hotel service management as a tool of sustainable development of resort hotel complex

    The aggravation of competitions between the producers of hotel services has led to the necessity of modernization and sustainable development of the hotel business in conditions of decreasing population’s solvent demand. It has also been confirmed that in the market conditions the leading role is given to the economic units which meet the requirements and upgrade the quality of service most effectively.

    pdf mikhaylov2012_2.pdf  (2 Mb)

  • I.A. Nikitina, N.Yu. Ermolenko
    Scientific-educational center as a promising form of innovational development of higher professional school

    The paper examines institutional conditions and preconditions of creation of scientific-educational centers in system of higher school, which will play the role of a form of innovative development of a market of educational services adequate to the main tasks of modernization. Functions and structural organization of a scientific-educational center are defined.

    pdf nikitina2012_2.pdf  (681 Kb)

  • V.N. Ovchinnikov, N.P. Korolyova
    Employers in the structure of subjects of the educational service market

    The paper considers the functional role of the employers in the structure of the demand subjects on the educational service market, generalizes the experience of their cooperation with the institutions of manpower development system in the process of formation of the competent specialist model and of the social order on their graduation from the educational institutions of the professional educational system.

    pdf ovchinnikov1_2012_2.pdf  (880 Kb)

  • A.A. Tatuev, A.Kh. Zhankaziev
    The main directions of increasing expenditure efficiency for higher education

    Households from the economic point of view consistently turn to the main consumer of educational services. In this context, the need for new organizational and economic tools, including cost, allowing more responsible consumers and increasing their financial capacities.

    pdf tatuev2012_2.pdf  (1 Mb)

  • O.A. Zelenskaya, S.K. Eshugova
    Cluster initiatives in the Russian modern industry

    The paper describes examples of cooperation of the enterprises and business groups with competitors that is a distinctive feature of a cluster. Despite the competition for factors of production and end products in the market, the company finds possibilities for the mutually advantageous cooperation increasing efficiency of all participants of the relations – co-competition.

    pdf zelenskaya2012_2.pdf  (950 Kb)

  • T.A. Martynova, N.O. Sisel
    Review of the state and problems of wine-making industry in the Krasnodar Territory

    Wine-making industry is currently evolving. At the same time, the production of wine in the country is a risky business. Enterprises of this branch are faced with many problems in their work. In this regard, this paper provides an overview of the state of the industry, identifying strong and weak points and substantiates the necessity of risk assessments of wineries and taking into account them in the development of strategic plans.

    pdf martynova2012_2.pdf  (779 Kb)

  • Z.M. Khasheva
    Management of key competences of interorganizational network participants

    Now there is an expansion of a spectrum of organizational alternatives, first of all at the expense of intensive development of various forms of network interaction of economic agents. The paper examines concepts of “an interorganizational network” and “the key competence”, stages of managerial process of key competences in interorganizational networks are elaborated.

    pdf khasheva2012_2.pdf  (667 Kb)

    Taxes and the Taxation
  • V.N. Ovchinnikov, Z.A. Klyukovich
    Development of the tax theory as the reflection of the taxation system evolution

    The paper considers the origin of the conceptions and tax theory development in the context of practice and tax system evolution in the retrospective historical aspect. Theory development phases are singled out and principles of the optimum tax system construction in Russia are determined.

    pdf ovchinnikov2_2012_2.pdf  (848 Kb)

    General Problems of Pedagogy
  • A.V. Babayan
    The concept of moral education of Ì.I Demkov

    The paper analyzes the concept of moral education of a prominent national educator, Demkov Mikhail Ivanovich (1859-1939) who made a contribution to the actual problems of moral education. His views on the purpose, problems, the maintenance and the basic directions of moral education of rising generation are revealed here. The paper is of interest to university professors, teachers, post-graduate students and the students studying the theory and the history of pedagogical thought and education.

    pdf babayan2012_2.pdf  (251 Kb)

  • S.N. Begidova
    Acmeology determinants of professional formation of the personality

    The paper considers acmeology determinants of professional formation of the identity of the expert. The main acmeology determinant is the created acmeology culture which contents make humanistic outlook, spiritual and moral perfection, innovation, vocational guidance on creative self-development, professional competence, professional mentality. The formation of the allocated components provides professional development and formation of the personality.

    pdf begidova2012_2.pdf  (251 Kb)

  • V.G. Bazhenov
    Psychological and pedagogical conditions of complex work with the family and child from «a group of risk»

    The paper establishes the main lines of activities of persons in prevention of children's neglect and psychological and pedagogical conditions of their interaction in complex work with a family and child from «a group of risk».

    pdf bazhenov2012_2.pdf  (190 Kb)

  • K.I. Buzarov
    Development of national education in Adygheya (The 2-nd half of the XVIII century – The 1-st half of the XX century)

    The paper analyzes problems of genesis and development of educational system in Adygheya from the XVIII century up to the second half of the XX century. This stage of development of the education system is the most significant in the history of development of Adygheya (Circassia) since the known historical events occurring in this region during this period could not but affect not only the national education system both positively and negatively but also all culture of the Adyghe people.

    pdf buzarov2012_2.pdf  (227 Kb)

  • R.A. Galustov
    Formation of design culture of a future teacher of technology and business

    The paper considers questions of shaping design culture of a future teacher of technology and business. Pedagogical conditions, substantial and procedural making technologies of formation of design culture including three basic forms are defined. Separate components of design culture of the identity of a future teacher of technology and business are presented.

    pdf galustov2012_2.pdf  (192 Kb)

  • M.V. Dikalova, V.I. Spirina
    Possibility of the remote-controlled teaching of children with limited possibilities of health

    The paper defines the contents of the remote-controlled teaching on the whole and outlines its possibilities as means of rehabilitation of children with violations of development, the model of organization of remote-controlled teaching is suggested.

    pdf dikalova2012_2.pdf  (201 Kb)

  • E.N. Zakharova
    Competence approach to quality management of educational services

    The paper considers requirements of economics based on knowledge to an education system; concepts «quality of training» and «quality of education», "competences" and "competency" are defined; the strategic map of key competences of the graduate is given; the necessary element of a competence approach to quality management of educational services is defined.

    pdf zakharova4_2012_2.pdf  (223 Kb)

  • I.V. Kryuchkova
    Educational environment as condition of development of self-reliance and personal self-determination of a school student

    The paper specifies the educational environment of innovative private educational institution of high comprehensive school "Razvitiye" in the town of Armavir where the author of the paper is the director. For 10 years the school works successfully on the system of developing education by D.B. Elkonin - V.V. Davidov. The main objective of school is formation of self-reliance of a pupil as major quality and condition for successful training and preparation for personality socialization.

    pdf kryuchkova1_2012_2.pdf  (226 Kb)

  • I.V. Kryuchkova, K.I. Buzarov
    Peculiarities of the organization of educational process at private innovative secondary comprehensive school «Razvitiye»

    The paper shows peculiarities of structure of educational process at innovative school "Razvitiye", defines educational stages and development of universal educational actions of pupils at each stage, establishes the urgency of realization of innovative technologies in educational practice.

    pdf kryuchkova2_2012_2.pdf  (211 Kb)

  • E.G. Marchuk
    Increase of intellectual competence of the schoolboy as condition of his self-development

    The paper presents the results of the experimental research of the process of formation of intellectual competence of schoolboys in educational process. It is established by the author that formation of intellectual competence of pupils depends on consecutive formation of the components of the process. The purpose of the paper is to draw attention of the pedagogical public to the necessity of use of the intellectual-focused tasks, pedagogical approaches, the principles defining the forms, methods of forming intellectual competence of schoolboys in educational process.

    pdf marchuk2012_2.pdf  (233 Kb)

  • Z.K. Meretukova
    Didactic questioning in lectures and seminars as a means of developing potential of problem training in the course of preparation of the expert

    The paper discloses the essence of the concept "didactic questioning", the author of the paper offers its definition and substantial filling; difference between this concept and the concept «question statement» is revealed; the paper substantiates the interrelation of culture of didactic questioning and realization of the developing potential of problem training, thereby the author offers the definition of the concept «problem training», establishes its substantial characteristics and correlation of methods of problem training and questioning in terms of « purpose – value – creative thinking».

    pdf meretukova2012_2.pdf  (312 Kb)

  • V.G. Mozgot
    Problems of music education of student’s youth in the polyethnic region

    In the paper problems of music education of students in the polyethnic region of the North Caucasus are considered. One of the main problems lies in divergence of the requirements to the theory and practice of musical and pedagogical activity and readiness of students to it. In the conditions of national originality of the region it is necessary to develop receptions and ways of introduction in educational process of concrete samples of folklore and the works of professional music reflecting national and ethnic originality of musical culture.

    pdf mozgot2012_2.pdf  (223 Kb)

  • O.A. Mudrakova
    Problems of development of IKT- competence of computer science teachers by use of electronic resources for educational purposes in improvement of professional skills

    The paper considers the questions connected with the analysis of the concept the [IKT]-competence of the teacher of information theory and the ways of raising the level of this competence.

    pdf mudrakova2012_2.pdf  (215 Kb)

  • M.E. Paatova, S.N. Begidova, N.Kh. Khakunov
    Theoretical-Methodical analysis of social and pedagogical phenomena «deviant behaviour of teenagers», «delinquent behaviour of teenagers»

    The paper is devoted to theoretical-methodological analysis of the concepts «deviant behavior» and «delinquent behavior» of teenagers in the context of a personal approach and bringing to light reasons for emergence of these social and pedagogical phenomena, substantiating the author's view on this problem.

    pdf paatova2012_2.pdf  (280 Kb)

  • V.A. Petkov, S.I. Andryushchenko
    Organization of the innovative environment of the educational establishments

    The paper is devoted to consideration of bases of the organization of the innovative environment in educational institution. The author opens essence of the environment approach and typology of innovative processes, technology of their design, ways of diagnostics and forms of the effective organization of the innovative environment. The material is of interest for students, teachers and teachers of secondary and higher educational institutions.

    pdf petkov2012_2.pdf  (191 Kb)

  • T.N. Poddubnaya, O.Yu. Krynina
    Innovative Competence Model of the Graduate of the Higher School (on the example of the Bachelor)

    The paper considers specifics of the development and maintenance of competence model of the graduate bachelor in specialization «Tourism»; discloses groups of competences (common cultural and professional) meeting the requirements of the academic and professional readiness of the bachelor of tourism.

    pdf poddubnaya2012_2.pdf  (282 Kb)

  • E.T. Rubtsova
    On the issue of technological culture in higher pedagogical education

    Modern education implies high quality of teachers’ training which includes technological culture. To master technological culture is important for a teacher of any speciality. Technological culture in education is closely connected with pedagogical culture; it includes the ability to use pedagogical technologies, definite knowledge and skills, process of thinking, worldview and active professional pedagogical position.

    pdf rubtsova2012_2.pdf  (255 Kb)

  • N.M. Sazhina, M.S. Golub
    Prevention of pedagogical risks of victimization of the teenager

    The paper reveals main approaches to the concept «the victimization of personality»; phases of the investigation are displayed; some ways of preventing pedagogical risks in victimization of the teenager in modern conditions are suggested.

    pdf sazhina2012_2.pdf  (217 Kb)

  • T.D. Skudnova
    Acmeology approach in psychological-pedagogical education

    The paper presents acmeology system of training specialists in psychological- pedagogical education. It reveals the role of courses of «Social designing», «Pedagogical acmeology» in the formation of acmeology culture of specialists of social sphere in conditions of psychological-pedagogical education.

    pdf skudnova2012_2.pdf  (186 Kb)

  • A.P. Stukanov
    Realities of synergetic management of additional professional education

    The paper deals with the methodological bases of efficiency of a synergetic approach to management of additional professional perfection of pedagogical staff.

    pdf stukanov2012_2.pdf  (208 Kb)

  • M.H. Tuguz, L.N. Kubashicheva
    Dialogic activities as a communicative disposition of pedagogical cooperation in a rural national school

    The paper discusses dialogic activities as a communicative disposition of pedagogical cooperation in a rural national school which ensures readiness of pupils for life in polyethnic and multicultural society.

    pdf tuguz_m_2012_2.pdf  (182 Kb)

  • À.À. Ushakov
    Professionalism of the teacher as a determinant of improvement of the quality of educational services in the conditions of competitiveness of the system of secondary vocational training

    The paper considers the interrelation of the problem of maintenance of quality of average vocational training and professionalism of the teacher. The result of the research made it possible to prove value of professionally important qualities of the teacher in improvement of quality of educational services in the conditions of competitiveness of system of vocational training.

    pdf ushakov2012_2.pdf  (269 Kb)

  • F.P. Khakunova
    The problem of organization of independent work of school and university students at the present stage of education

    The author of the paper discloses an urgency of the organization of independent work of subjects of educational process, characterizes levels and types of independent work and peculiarities of independent work of school and university students, classifies them according to types, proceeding from the private and didactic purposes, informative tasks and specifics of educational and informative activity.

    pdf khakunova2012_2.pdf  (211 Kb)

  • K.D. Chermit, G.Z. Kharkovskaya, N.K. Kuprina
    Organizational and pedagogical conditions of use of the resourse of parents for development of the municipal education system

    The analysis of structure of addresses of citizens of Krasnodar Territory and the city of Krasnodar to various municipal and regional bodies concerning development of the general education, questionnaire of parents and experts in the field of education (more than 1400 respondents at 42 schools) made it possible to substantiate organizational and pedagogical conditions, realization of which will allow to use the resource of parents for development of the municipal education system.

    pdf chermit1_2012_2.pdf  (300 Kb)

  • K.M. Shikov, E.I. Dvornikova
    Formation of the professional ideal of the teacher of Russian at the turn of XIX-XX centuries

    The paper studies the ideal image of the teacher of Russian at the turn of XIX - XX centuries and specificity of vocational training through a prism of priorities of language education of the school student and axsiological categories of pedagogical activity of the teacher of language and literature.

    pdf shikov1_2012_2.pdf  (277 Kb)

  • D.E. Em
    Foreign language as a tool for formation of communicative competence of students, future managers of hotel industry

    This paper raises a very important and actual for Russia problem that managers of hotel industry - graduates of higher education do not meet modern requirements of the industry of hospitality. On an example of the town-resort Anapa of Krasnodar territory the concept of the communicative competence is disclosed. Groups of background knowledge are singled out, the concept of the foreign language competence is specified and its structure is described.The paper underlines that it is necessary for the modern manager of a hotel industry to study a foreign language during training in a higher educational institution.

    pdf em2012_2.pdf  (215 Kb)

    Special Methods and Teaching Technologies
  • T.P. Avanesova
    Educational module computer support

    The paper describes possibilities of computer support in the course of modular training.

    pdf avanesova2012_2.pdf  (369 Kb)

  • Kh.Z. Bagirokov
    Bilingual thinking and the process of teaching a native language

    Bilingual and polilingual situation in the Adyghe language space affected formation of the Adyghe language picture of the world in the Russian Federation, caused strengthening of communicative interactions and led to a community of basic knowledge about the world with Adyghe-Russian lingual- cultural core.

    pdf bagirokov1_2012_2.pdf  (155 Kb)

  • Z.U. Blyagoz, A.N. Blyagoz
    Stylistic mistakes in Russian Speech of Adyghes and work on them

    In the paper stylistic mistakes in speech of pupils – Adyghes are considered. Main of them are the outcome of influence of structure and system of the native language on Russian speech of Adyghes and weak knowledge of laws and rules of lexical, grammatical word compabinality, their stylistic use.

    pdf blyagoz2012_2.pdf  (170 Kb)

  • B.M. Dzhandar
    Text as the basis for formation of oral coherent speech

    The paper considers the problem of formation of foreign communicative competence on the basis of the text. A support on data of modern linguistics concerning the text allows to define the contents of system of work on development of coherent foreign speech.

    pdf dzhandar2012_2.pdf  (233 Kb)

  • A.Kh. Zagashtokov
    Questions of comparative analysis of languages for lingua didactic purposes

    The comparative method is widely used not only in the theory of language but also in practical studies. The aims and tasks of teaching a non- native language determine the comparative analysis of languages for linguadidactic purposes. Therefore the linguadidactic appendix of results of comparative description of the Russian and Kabardian-Circassian languages is disclosed in the paper, as well as the main concepts of linguadidactic typology, elaborated by the author, are stated.

    pdf zagashtokov2012_2.pdf  (191 Kb)

  • F.K. Urakova
    Comparative typological description of basic units of the text in the Russian and Adyghe languages with teaching aims

    Comparative analysis of syntactic units of Russian and Adyghe languages showed likeness and distinction of these two languages on the syntactic level. It gives the opportunity to develop connected speech of the pupils of national schools and overcome difficulties of interference. It also creates the opportunities for supporting at the elements of transposition, for using all skills and experience of the pupils at the lessons of the Russian language and for developing Russian speech.

    pdf urakova1_2012_2.pdf  (242 Kb)

  • F.K. Urakova, Z.R. Khachmafova
    Formation of the language personality in the conditions of school modernization: problems and prospects

    The paper discloses the main problems of modern language education, the prospects of its development directed at the solution of the most urgent problems of philological education, allowing to mobilize all resources for increase of productivity of teaching the languages, meeting modern national and international requirements.

    pdf urakova2_2012_2.pdf  (227 Kb)

  • Z.R. Khachmafova
    Formation of Lingua cultural competence of foreign students when teaching Russian as a foreign language on the basis of the concept «woman»

    The main objective is creation of a technique of formation of lingua cultural competence of foreign students studying Russian at the initial stage of training on the basis of lexical representation of the concept "woman", rendering a key fragment of national concept sphere. The training model of the organization of the corresponding nominative field is developed.

    pdf khachmafova2012_2.pdf  (216 Kb)

    Modern Problems of Psychology
  • A.B. Rogozyan
    Properties of social adaptivity in the structure of individual style of stress-resistence of the person

    The paper discloses the interrelation of psychodinamic properties of a person and specific display of sense of stress. Presumption is made that a person possesses social adaptivity in the individual style of stress resistance (ISSR). Irrespective of psychodinamic properties of a person, in difficult life situations constructive ISSR includes adaptiveness-conformity, an invariant of productive ISSR. Persons with good adaptivity are capable of establishing new rules of interaction in a group. Persons with weak neuropsychic stability get stress resistance by including adaptivity-lability in the complex of psychological components of ISSR, which in the first place prevents perception of the factors of organizational stress.

    pdf rogozyan2012_2.pdf  (421 Kb)

  • Z.I. Tsiku
    Orientation in the system of psychological factors of professionalism of the teacher of preschool educational establishment of the combined type

    The paper studies the empirical data characterizing manifestations of a personal orientation of the teacher of preschool educational institution of the combined type at different stages of a professional cycle. It is proved that it has invariant (typological) and specific components. To invariant components the author refers a personal orientation to business (a production task) and socially focused professional preferences which are closely interconnected. Specific components are defined as quality indicators of motives of the pedagogical activity, expressed at certain stages of a professional cycle. For beginning teachers specific components are an orientation on themselves and on creative types of work. Teachers with long experience have an orientation to communication, collective activity, desire and ability to work in a profession of subsidiary type. For the teacher-master the most important is an orientation to business, aspiration to see direct results of socially focused work.

    pdf tsiku2012_2.pdf  (265 Kb)

    Educational Space of Physical Training and Sports
  • R.M. Magomedov, I.V. Makrushina
    System of socially oriented sports and sports work in the city of Derbent

    The paper produces the characteristic of the author's system of socially oriented sports and sports activity directed at the solution of actual social and pedagogical problems of the youth of Dagestan; it describes effective, subject, methodological and rich in content aspects of socially oriented sports and sports activity and its results.

    pdf magomedov2012_2.pdf  (346 Kb)

  • A.E. Mitin, A.B. Bguashev
    Research of the problem of regulation by the teacher of behaviour engaged in physical education and sports in Russia and abroad

    The paper analyzes the researches devoted to the problem of formation of motivation of doing some physical activity and sports at various groups of the population. It considers possibility of regulation of students’ behavior by the teacher taking into consideration their interests, requirements and motives. The attention is focused on the necessity of formation of teacher’s abilities of constructive interaction with the students, which provides increase of efficiency of physical-sports activity. Special attention is paid to the results of investigation of this problem presented in foreign publications.

    pdf mitin2012_2.pdf  (283 Kb)

  • Chan Nayn Dik, G.D. Aleksanyants, Yu.A. Kudryashova
    The analysis of variability of the heart rhythm of athletes – badminton players in the transition period of a year training cycle

    Cardiovascular system is the indicator of adaptive reactions in reply to physical activity. Optimization of its functioning is a necessary condition for achievement of high sports results. The author carried out the comparative analysis of variability of a heart rhythm of athletes-badminton players and persons of the same age who do not do sports. 59 athletes were examined (first-rank sportsmen, candidates for the master and masters of sports) at the age of 17-21 years at the beginning and at the end of a transition period of a year training cycle and 35 young men from the control group. The athletes who are engaged in badminton, show reduction of tension of the central type of regulation and increase in activity of a contour of regulation of heart activity, with prevalence of a parasympathetic component.

    pdf chan_nayn_dik2012_2.pdf  (274 Kb)

  • K.D. Chermit, A.O. Isakov, S.N. Begidova
    Subject role-playing games as means of physical training and minimization of influence of deprivation on orphan children of the advanced preschool age

    The paper considers the reasons and conditions the performance of which provides positive influence of subject role-playing games on physical condition of orphan children of the advanced preschool age; the bases of a technique of their application for physical training and socialization of this group of children are defined. The procedural model of application of subject role-playing games is developed to minimize the influence of a deprivation on development of children, which was positively estimated by experts.

    pdf chermit2_2012_2.pdf  (346 Kb)

    Literary Criticism
  • D.A. Akhmetova
    Spiritual and intellectual range of representation of national life in N. Kuyok’s novel «Wine of Dead»

    The paper discusses spiritual and moral sides in representation of national life. The author shows that philosophization in the novel “Wine of Dead” is strengthened, which can be considered as manifestation of a tendency of the epic concept transformation which affected the genre and style parameters of work. Consequences of innovative aspects of interaction with folklore and the myth were the polyphonic nature, the historic-philosophical contents, art elucidation of the historical past in a planetary context, updating of the ideological and moral contents and novelty of development of characters.

    pdf akhmetova2012_2.pdf  (297 Kb)

  • F.B. Beshukova, B.M. Tadzhiyeva
    The art concept of the central image-character in I. Mashbash’s novel «Aisse Countess»

    The paper discusses literary correlations of an image of the heroine of Aisse in I. Mashbash’s novel with female images in sentimental, educational and romantic novels. The moral problems caused by mentality of the heroine, in particular, solution variants of a choice between “a duty and feeling” become the main aspect of consideration.

    pdf beshukova2012_2.pdf  (310 Kb)

  • T.Kh. Gorchkhanova
    Art originality of stories by Shamil Akhushkov

    The figure of Shamil Zaurbekovich Akhushkov’s (1907-1944) is famous in a pleiad of the Ingush writers of the 1920 - 1930s who have made an essential contribution to development of specific and genre diversity of national literature. The versatile, gifted person, he entered the history of the Ingush culture as the large prose writer, one of the original authors in a genre of the short story, as well as the film expert, the film critic and the cinematographer. He had a good command of the Russian, French and Ukrainian languages in addition to his native Ingush language.

    pdf gorchkhanova2012_2.pdf  (354 Kb)

  • A.M. Gutov
    Research of the Narts’ epos at the present stage

    The paper discusses the accumulation of a phenomenon of traditional national culture in the conditions of a modern civilization and sums up the history of studying the heroic epos of the people of the Caucasus. Ethnocentric tendencies within several decades take down the Nart epos studies to low-perspective disputes on genesis and ethnolanguage belonging of the main core of the epos. Attention is paid to development of methods of the complex, centralized studying the epos in all national versions.

    pdf gutov2012_2.pdf  (334 Kb)

  • Z.Zh. Kudaeva
    The bee in the mythoepic views of the Adyghes

    The folklore texts were analyzed to study mythopoetic views of the Adyghes, in particular, how insects show the code character. The author demonstrates how the bee is allocated with prognostic functions and how it is related to life revival, to a rain and to fertility.

    pdf kudaeva2012_2.pdf  (257 Kb)

  • A.S. Kuek
    Cult of Mountain and Stone

    Globalization sweeps off most bases of nationalities, their notion about good and evil and their world outlook. That is why keeping all meaningful values of nationality is of great importance. This article takes into consideration one of the cults in the Adyghean mythology - the cult of mountain and stone. It’s remarkable that the object of research is “ispyun”, which is thousands of years old and exists nowadays. It testifies to high level of nationality culture. Unique historical monuments are neglected and unprotected, and this shouldn’t be so.

    pdf kuek2012_2.pdf  (316 Kb)

  • I.V. Lozovoy
    Beginnings as «common places» (loci communes) of Russian bylinas

    The paper examines the beginnings of Russian bylinas and their functional role in texts. Three groups of beginnings as “common places” are defined: geographical, chronological and subject, their similarities, distinctions, contents and change of structure in different schools of epic singers. Comparison is carried out of beginnings at representatives of two different epic schools.

    pdf lozovoy2012_2.pdf  (291 Kb)

  • R.G. Mamiy
    Typology and esthetics of the Adyghean novelistics (genres of small prose)

    The paper describes the formation and development of small genres in the Adyghean prose. An analysis is made of features of the short story, its parallels and crossings, distinctions and similarities with the story and the great story. An attempt is undertaken to answer a question whether a short story, unlike the story, is an independent genre. The author proposes to introduce such genre forms as «the novelistic story» and «the novelistic great story».

    pdf mamiy2012_2.pdf  (337 Kb)

  • L.Kh. Mukhametzyanova
    Book dastans (stories) of the Volga region Tatars: «boundaries» of genre names in national creativity

    For the first time heterogeneity of the genre name of epic works of the Volga region Tatars is specially investigated. The author examines functioning and evolution of the terms of “dastan”, “khikayat”, “kyssa” and “kitab” in national creativity. Areas of the use of each term are studied and their compliance with the semantic meaning is revealed.

    pdf mukhametzyanova2012_2.pdf  (317 Kb)

  • B.R. Naptsok
    References and reminiscences in S. Li’s «Gothic» novel «A Shelter or the Story of Other Times»

    References and reminiscences in S. Li’s “Gothic” novel “A shelter or the story of other times” are investigated. On the basis of the analysis of epigraphs, quotes and reminiscences from works of English and French writers - W. Shakespeare, S. Richardson, A. Prevost d’Exiles, F.-T. Marie de Baculard d’Arnaud, Jean-Jacques Rousseau - their literary influence on S. Li’s novel is established. The place and value of references in subject development, in a philosophical perspective and in a system of images of the “Gothic” work under investigation are defined.

    pdf naptsok2012_2.pdf  (351 Kb)

  • E.V. Nikolsky
    Semantic role of motive of a native home in novels - family chronicles

    The paper discusses the role of motive of a native home in a novelistic subgenre of the family chronicle. The author uses creativity of writers, whose heritage is not connected with each other (Vsevolod Solovyev (1849-1903) and Joyce Carol Oates (1938) to show that the native home is an external display of internal state of a family. Such motives are characteristic of the Russian and foreign literatures. At the end of the paper, further prospects of researches are designated.

    pdf nikolsky2012_2.pdf  (308 Kb)

  • U.M. Panesh, S.R. Panesh
    Structural and style features of poems of I. Mashbash («A thunder in mountains» and «Memory»)

    The present research focuses upon a new art interpretation of a subject of war by the Adyghean poets within a traditional socio-historical problematics in poems on a military subject. The authors show strengthening of art problematical character and psychologism of a plot of poems, a withdrawal from heroic-epic intonation, accuracy of descriptions, aspiration to open critical situations, the truth of the heroic act and difficult situations in life of heroes. The main thing is a conclusion that the Adyghean poetry about the war could express the main typological directions in art searches of the Adyghean writers.

    pdf panesh1_2012_2.pdf  (301 Kb)

  • U.M. Panesh, V.T. Sosnovsky
    On significance of traditions and new approaches to studying literature of the 20th century

    The paper discusses a traditional concept of the history of national literature of the 20th century which leans on “a historicism principle”. The authors show the new approaches, including formalistic, when studying art creativity. A periodization and structural and typological classification of national literature are considered.

    pdf panesh2_2012_2.pdf  (268 Kb)

  • K.N. Paranuk
    Mythic-poetic context of great stories of Adyghean writer Nalbiy Kuyek «Bechkan’s excellent horse» and «Loneliness Wood»

    The paper shows how mythic poetics influences an art basis of stories of N. Kuyek “Bechkan’s excellent horse” and “The Loneliness Wood”. The author reveals features of a space-time continuum of the great story, temporal plans and degree of a mythologization of images. During the analysis, the conceptual character of leading mythologemes – the wood and loneliness – are defined in narrative. Results of research testify to considerable influence of poetics and myth ontology on semantics and art structure of great stories of N. Kuyek.

    pdf paranuk2012_2.pdf  (300 Kb)

  • V.T. Sosnovsky
    Ideological and art originality of N. Zinovyev’s poetry

    This paper examines the poetic creativity of Nikolay Zinovyev, the author of 12 poetic collections, the winner of the Great literary award of Russia and of the international competition of poetry “Gold Feather”, Secretary of Board of the Union of writers of Russia. Analyzing N. Zinovyev’s verses, the author marks their high civil pathos, high art advantages, the urgent problematics, simplicity and the lapidarity of style. Addressing the past and reproducing familiar pictures of modern life, N. Zinovyev stands up for careful attitude to the morally high that there was at various times, believing that only fidelity to centure-old traditions will help people to overcome the evil which has taken roots in our society and to deduce Russia from the dangerous social and moral bog.

    pdf sosnovsky2012_2.pdf  (297 Kb)

  • T.M. Stepanova, S.L. Zukhba
    D.S. Likhachev about the folklore model of the world in the Old Russian literature

    The paper examines the leading tendencies in Academician D.S. Likhachev’s analysis of features of the folklore model of the world using a material of works of the Old Russian literature in a context of an ethno-mental and historical world outlook. The folklore elements of structure and poetics of a number of monuments of the Old Russian literature are analyzed. The authors come to a conclusion about efficiency of interaction of literature and folklore in this period.

    pdf stepanova2012_2.pdf  (222 Kb)

  • A.A. Skhalyakho, R.G. Mamiy
    Interpenetration of national and non-national as a dialectic way of development of literature

    The paper examines the interpenetration and interconversion of the national and universal as the only right dialectic way of development of literature. The authors show how the innovative phenomena, incorporating to the national experience, become traditional and the non-national becomes national, gaining new qualities.

    pdf skhalyakho1_2012_2.pdf  (325 Kb)

  • A.A. Skhalyakho
    About features of creativity of Bitlostan Koble

    The literary heritage and the tragic biography of Bitlostan Hadzhiretovich Koble, the known poet, the playwright and the public figure of the 1920-1930s are examined.

    pdf skhalyakho2_2012_2.pdf  (303 Kb)

  • R.B. Unarokova, R.S. Daurova
    Folklore of the Adyghes of Turkey: from experience of creation of an electronic database

    The paper addresses the questions related to development of principles of an archiving and storage of folklore texts, in particular, to creation of multilevel information system – an electronic database on the basis of folklore of the Adyghes of Turkey. The Center of Adyghe Studies at Adyghe State University carried out theoretical and technological support of an electronic resource and elaborated the form of the unified description of a storage unit that will allow the solution of both educational and research tasks.

    pdf unarokova1_2012_2.pdf  (309 Kb)

  • R.B. Unarokova
    Zefeuse (poetic debate) in the Adyghe folklore

    The paper examines the poor-studied problems of poetics zefeuse – one of the unique ancient genres of the Adyghe folklore. An analysis is made of the features of composition and the sound organization of a verse, as well as of typology of the cliche formulas used in the texts of debate.

    pdf unarokova2_2012_2.pdf  (347 Kb)

  • M.A. Khakuasheva
    Post-Soviet Kabardian-Circassian great story

    The paper provides the general characteristic of a genre of the Kabardian-Circassian great story of the last three decades. The response to social and cultural crisis or reaction becomes the main task of a part of modern works. Similar motives, having a clear folklore basis, at the same time are inconceivable without the composite process of a symbolization and semiosis. The plot fragmentariness and strengthening pre-apocalyptic motives are specific features of the Adyghean modern literature. The new, profoundly drama vision of the historical past and future of the people, a personality role in the new world, a new scale of ethical and esthetic values and considerable strengthening the existential perception are more often is defined in this genre.

    pdf khakuasheva2012_2.pdf  (301 Kb)

  • M.N. Khachemizova
    Features of folklore of the Circassian diaspora abroad in a context of the Adyghean general culture (on the basis of a material of expedition to Jordan and Syria)

    The paper examines the folklore of the Adyghean diaspora living in Jordan and Syria. The author demonstrates the texts expressing ethno-mental bases of the Adyghean people, testifying to a continuity of mythic-epic traditions at the present time. It is proved that the folklore of the Circassian diaspora abroad is the major component of humanitarian (intellectual and esthetic) history of the whole ethnos.

    pdf khachemizova2012_2.pdf  (292 Kb)

  • F.N. Khuako, T.B. Djambekova
    On philosophical implication of prose of A.A. Khagurov

    The paper deals with the style and composition specifics of art prose of A.A. Khagurov, the Adyghean modern writer, whose last collection of works was issued in 2011. On the basis of the analysis of prose the author of this paper arrives at a conclusion that the modern national prose as a whole is specific.

    pdf khuako2012_2.pdf  (299 Kb)

  • T.N. Chamokov, M.N. Khachemizova
    Tembot Kerashev and folklore of the Adyghes

    The paper discusses the role of the Adyghean folklore in creativity of Tembot Kerashev, who addressed constantly the national sources to reproduce the historical time, typical images, national features and psychology of heroes. Transformation of folklore traditions to the course of realistic style, as a steady esthetic law, occurs in all genres of prose of the writer. It is inferred that creative reconsideration of folklore promotes development of socio-historical and esthetic experience of the people by T. Kerashev.

    pdf chamokov1_2012_2.pdf  (337 Kb)

  • T.N. Chamokov
    On some features of poetics of the Adyghean Nart epos

    This research focuses upon the originality of poetics of the Adyghean Nart songs and legends reflecting forward evolution of national art consciousness of the Adyghes from a mythic creativity to heroic-epic images and motives. The author examines the “mechanism” of interrelation of tradition and improvisation and an originality of poetic tropes (comparisons, metaphors, epithets and hyperboles), promoting steady preservation of the archaic Nart poetic texts and archetypes.

    pdf chamokov2_2012_2.pdf  (286 Kb)

  • P.K. Chekalov
    Elucidation of a genre of the art autobiography in scientific literature

    The author of this paper shows characteristic features of a genre of the art autobiography. On the basis of the sudied scientific literature twelve characteristic indications of this genre are distinguished after estabkishing related forms of autiobiography.

    pdf chekalov2012_2.pdf  (294 Kb)

  • Sh.E. Shazzo
    Features of Russian vanguard in N. Kuyek’s lyrics (on question statement)

    The paper discusses the esthetic-philosophical aspects of lyrics of Nalby Kuyek in a context of spiritual creative searches of Russian vanguardists of the 1920s – the beginning of the 1930s. Principles of poetic, figurative and language system in structure of art thinking of the poet are shown.

    pdf shazzo2012_2.pdf  (410 Kb)

  • K.M. Shikov, P.K. Chekalov
    Innovative nature of the creative person of Mikael Chikatuyev

    The paper discloses the innovative essence of creativity of M.Kh. Chikatuyev. Specific attention is given to his contribution to formation of national landscape, love lyrics and satire. Spheres in which the poet acted as the innovator are defined.

    pdf shikov2_2012_2.pdf  (269 Kb)

  • K.M. Shikov
    On formation of creative identity of the writer in the Circassian literatures

    The paper examines the ethnocultural features and specifics of formation of creative identity of the Adyghean writers who have created the literary works that are unique in art form and content. An attempt is undertaken to disclose the features and the reasons of a fenomenal nature of creativity of national writers issuing works in the Russian language. The main research interest is concentrated on literary process of the 19th – the first half of the 20th century.

    pdf shikov3_2012_2.pdf  (292 Kb)

  • V.V. Sheremet
    The media convergence typology

    The paper discusses the essence of concept of the convergence which has become a characteristic of functioning of modern mass media and the reasons of a transfer of the studied phenomenon from other areas of a science and fields of activity to the theory and practice of journalism. The author describes various approaches to studying the media convergence and its typological features.

    pdf sheremet2012_2.pdf  (293 Kb)

  • A.V. Shishkina
    Information genres of periodicals as means of information openness of judicial system in Adygheya

    An analysis is undertaken of information genre priorities of press service in the Judicial Department of the Adygheya Republic. The author shows the role of regional mass media in providing the atmosphere of openness and the publicity in Adygheya aimed at expansion of possibilities of control by society of management processes and self-government in the state.

    pdf shishkina2012_2.pdf  (281 Kb)

  • M.P. Akhidzhakova
    Intercultural bases in text aspect of modern linguistics

    The paper discusses the unique structure of culture of the people or ethnic group which contains universal properties and qualities of this or that ethnocultural community. It is shown that language and culture can be compared as independent semiotic systems, in many respects structurally isomorphic and mutually displayed. The language incorporates every possible combination of results of activity of the person, his thoughts and spirit itself. The information, put in the text by the author, organizes reality display in consciousness of the reader.

    pdf akhidzhakova2012_2.pdf  (344 Kb)

  • Kh.Z. Bagirokov, Z.U. Blyagoz
    Realization of cognitive mechanisms in the bilingual artistic text

    The paper deals with the phenomenology of bilingual language consciousness in the artistic text. The authors consider the mechanisms of linguistic interpretation of cognitive and culturological intentions of the artistic text of Circassian writers-bilingualists living in the historical homeland and abroad. They represent “a speech fabric” in which the bicultural speech code is fixed.

    pdf bagirokov2_2012_2.pdf  (298 Kb)

  • V.P. Balakhova
    Stylistic potential of a polypredicative complex sentence

    The paper examines a stylistic potential of a polypredicative complex sentence. It is noted that the author’s message defines his idiostyle, promoting genre formation, and the syntactic organization, semantics, pragmatics, the communicative essence and stylistic potential of the text cause realization of his general communicative intention.

    pdf balakhova2012_2.pdf  (285 Kb)

  • S.K. Bedanokova
    Some features of functioning of the past times in an artistic narration

    The paper deals with a polysemy of the verbal forms related to essential weakening of time semantics at their inclusion in the artistic text. The text and time forms of a verb are examined from the point of view of the text organization (using an example of Passé simple and Imparfait). Cooperating with the other means of expression of the time relations in the text, they serve formation of integrity and cohesion of the text, implementing text-forming functions.

    pdf bedanokova2012_2.pdf  (346 Kb)

  • N.I. Valeeva
    Role of punctuation marks in the communicative and semantic organization of polypredicative complex sentences-microtexts

    The paper discusses the role of punctuation marks and their functioning in polypredicative complex sentences-microtexts. Features of use of punctuation marks in paremiological statements are revealed. Specificity of the use of the independent punctuation caused by communicative and pragmatical tasks of the author is investigated.

    pdf valeeva2012_2.pdf  (336 Kb)

  • S.N. Gasanova, D.S. Samedov
    On differentiation of a compound word and the phrase in the Agulsky language

    The paper discusses the differentiation of a compound word and the phrase in the Agulsky language. An attempt is undertaken to differentiate compound words, appositive constructions, analytical constructions and phrases taking into account phonetic, morphological, syntactic features of these units.

    pdf gasanova1_2012_2.pdf  (343 Kb)

  • S.N. Gasanova
    Syntax of phraseological units of the Agulsky language

    An attempt is undertaken to analyse features of functioning of phraseological units in the text and to define semantic-syntagmatic relations between phraseological units and words. The research objective is to reveal features of the phrases containing phraseological units.

    pdf gasanova2_2012_2.pdf  (294 Kb)

  • E.V. Zavertkina
    Oikonymy and its inherent features

    The oikonymy – a set of geographical names of settlements – is investigated in this paper as a part of lexical system of language. The position of oikonymic lexicon in system of language is considered from the point of view of a system-functional approach to language. The research has revealed the inherent properties of oikonymic lexicon presented in this paper.

    pdf zavertkina2012_2.pdf  (338 Kb)

  • V.Yu. Zaytseva
    A scheme of argumentation creation by respondents with a «concrete conceptualization» style

    The paper discusses features of the scheme of argumentation creation by the respondents belonging to a group of a concrete conceptualization within a cognitive style of «a concrete/abstract conceptualization». Following the concept definition of «argumentative communication», S. Tulmin’s argumentative-functional model, used for the analysis, is considered. The analysis of one of the statements is provided and the general features of the argumentation, characteristic of this group are deduced.

    pdf zaytseva2012_2.pdf  (303 Kb)

  • A.D. Iriolova
    Linguistic realization of the emotions and feelings related to love (as shown by U.S. Maugham’s works)

    The paper examines the designation and ways of expression of the emotions and feelings related to love. An analysis is made of the means related to manifestation of emotionality in language of the well-known writer. The differentiation of emotions and feelings is made. The analysis of texts of U.S. Maugham’s works shows that emotions and feelings are displayed at the same time both in internal experience and in external behavioural manifestations.

    pdf iriolova2012_2.pdf  (328 Kb)

  • L.T. Kalabekova
    Leading role of time category in the functional importance of paradigmal forms of verbal conjugation (in the French, Russian and Ossetian languages)

    The paper addresses the categories of time and space. Obviously, they are the most primary categories of life not only in ontogenesis, but also in categorization and conceptualization by the person of the world around. It is inferred that the research of any grammatical category (i.e. the material of the French, Russian and Ossetian languages), the nearest implication of which is one of the forms of verbal conjugation (for example, a voice, a mood or an aspect), should take into account a priori the presence of time in it.

    pdf kalabekova2012_2.pdf  (329 Kb)

  • A.S. Kolomiytseva
    Genre signs of polypredicative complex sentences - paragraphs in the Russian text

    The paper describes the genre signs of polypredicative complex sentences in function of paragraphs as the composite, syntactic and communicative units of texts. They carry out the specific communicative and pragmatical objectives directed to realization of the general communicative task of the text, corresponding to its genre features and functional orientation of the style of speech. The author shows means of realization of the main signs of art, publicistic, scientific and official styles of speech by polypredicative complex sentences - paragraphs.

    pdf kolomiytseva2012_2.pdf  (299 Kb)

  • Z.G. Kakhuzheva (Tkhabisimova)
    Linguostylistic features of a news note

    The paper provides an analysis of the item of newspaper news the linguostylistic features of which are created by orientation to the informing type of speech causing the use of language standards. It is noted that in news materials of the press, such forms of informing speech as fact ascertaining, the informative description and an informative narration are intensely used. It is inferred that the distinctive properties of these types of speech in newspaper journalism are objectivity and lack of assessment.

    pdf kakhuzheva(tkhabisimova)2012_2.pdf  (326 Kb)

  • Y.G. Kocharyan
    Linguistic origin of the military term

    The present article is devoted to the study of the concept «term», it’s characteristics and particularization of the «military term». It also deals with the ways of replenishment and widening of English military terminology. The most prevailing ways are suffixal term formation, combination of two words, conversion, abbreviation, lexico-semantic word formation.

    pdf kocharyan2012_2.pdf  (330 Kb)

  • N.I. Melkonyan
    On ways of formation of a computer slang

    The paper discusses some innovations in English and emergence of new lexical units in the conditions of electronic communication. An analysis is made of the emergence of a computer slang, ways of its word-formation, as well as its distribution among professionals and ordinary users.

    pdf melkonyan2012_2.pdf  (330 Kb)

  • Yu.P. Nechay
    Language means and ways of an explication of a modal assessment (as shown by the language of the novel by E.Voynich «Gadfly»)

    The paper examines means and ways of expression of a modal assessment in the novel language of E.Voynich “Gadfly”. It is shown that a change of a word order, presence of a synonymy, specification, repetitions and tropes influence the expression of a modal assessment. Selection, sequence and nature of use of modal means of different levels are proved to be a semantic code of a modality. It is established that information put in the text by the author, organizes the programmed display of reality in consciousness of the reader.

    pdf nechay2012_2.pdf  (331 Kb)

  • N.V. Samarina
    Functional-semantic field as an object of study in modern grammar

    The research deals with such a notion as a functional-semantic field. The structures of the functional-semantic field and the functional-semantic category are compared. It is inferred that there exists a variety of functional-semantic fields which focus on a solution of representation issues basing on the material of one language as well as on comparison of several languages with such categories as definiteness/indefiniteness, quantitiveness and comparativeness.

    pdf samarina2012_2.pdf  (290 Kb)

  • A.P. Tikhonova
    The Khattsky – Adygsky lexical parallels (linguocultural aspect of a language sign)

    The Khattsky and Adygsky lexical units are compared to prove the relationship of the Khattsky and Adygsky languages at lexical level. Word-formation affixes and the root elements used at a word composition are revealed. It is shown that it is possible to appeal to the modern languages in order to restore a logic-conceptual structure of ancient words.

    pdf tikhonova2012_2.pdf  (355 Kb)

  • N.R. Khamitova
    Verbal word-formation of pair nouns in the Bashkir language

    The paper describes the unique way of word-formation of nouns in the Bashkir language. After the general specificity of pair nouns is considered, the author discloses functional possibilities of a making basis which differ from each other in degree of their activity and efficiency. Process of participation of verbs as a making basis in a system of formation of pair nouns is analyzed in detail. Semantic versions of the pair nouns having a verbal origin are distinguished.

    pdf khamitova2012_2.pdf  (311 Kb)

    Study of Arts
  • T.S. Rudichenko
    Principles of studying and practical adoption of national singing traditions

    The paper examines the questions related to introduction of achievements of basic science in performing practice. The author offers effective working methods for the heads of creative groups, putting a task of preservation of a tradition. Those are designing a studied repertoire in accordance with the structure of genre system; presentation of samples in typical forms and in various genre and style cover; learning mechanisms of typification of the text and tune and means of a variation and combination of different cliche.

    pdf rudichenko2012_2.pdf  (286 Kb)

  • A.B. Shishkin
    Integration on the focused set on a projection

    The paper contains bases of constructive theory of integration on a projection on to the partially oriented set in space R^n.

    pdf shishkin2012_2.pdf  (410 Kb)

  • V.A. Kozlov, E.N. Kumshaev, L.Zh. Palandzhyants
    On a variation task of the theory of the multiplicative integral

    This paper considers the solution of a variation problem of the theory of the multiplicative integral.

    pdf kozlov2012_2.pdf  (216 Kb)

  • A.V. Kovalenko, A.A. Khromykh, M.K. Urtenov, D.K. Mamiy
    Modeling and the numerical analysis of the process of binary electrolyte transfer in the desalination channel of the electrodialytic device in the potentially static mode

    The paper discusses the modeling and the numerical analysis of the process of binary electrolyte transfer in the desalination channel of the electrodialytic device. The authors propose various mathematical models of ion transfer in the potentially static mode in the form of system of the quasilinear equations with private derivatives. Transition to a dimensionless kind is carried out and presence of some small parameter ε>0 is shown at the senior derivatives in the equations. If speed of electrolyte circulation through the desalination chamber is considerable there is one more small parameter λ>0. The special stretched system of coordinates is used for the numerical analysis. The basic laws of occurrence and development of a spatial charge in the desalination channel of electrodialytic device are revealed. Various asymptotic and numerical methods of the solution are proposed.

    pdf kovalenko2012_2.pdf  (2 Mb)

  • M.A. Voloshin, V.I. Chizhikov
    Designing and building resistance furnaces for the monocrystal growth device

    The paper discusses a method for calculating the temperature distribution along the length of resistance furnaces. The method has several advantages: it reduces the time to build a furnace, saves resources and leads to the desired result. Muffle material and heat insulation material are taken into account. A resistance furnace with a given temperature distribution was built based on the calculation.

    pdf voloshin2012_2.pdf  (438 Kb)

    Natural Sciences
  • A.D. Tsikunib, B. Dzhrivakh, S.A. Tlekhuch, S.R. Kaytmesova, T.A. Filimonova
    Optimization of the iodic status of an organism in the conditions of high power expenditures. «Iodine-preserving» diet

    The paper provides an «iodine-preserving» diet elaborated by the authors, which contains not only the optimum amount of iodine, but also nutrients, raising its bioavailability.

    pdf tsikunib1_2012_2.pdf  (655 Kb)

  • A.V. Shakhanova, A.A. Kuzmin, A.Kh. Agirov
    The functional and adaptive capabilities of young 10–15 year-old football and basketball players, depending on the somatotype

    This work addresses the questions of the functional state and adaptive capabilities of young athletes, depending on age, constitution type and training level in football and basketball training mode of child-youthful sports school of the Olympic reserve. The obtained results are of interest from the point of view of impact of sports training on the processes of growth, development and adaptation of an organism of young athletes of different somatotypes, as well as in terms of planning adequate training mode, taking into account regulatory and adaptive status of young athletes, in order to make an early forecast of overtraining and prevention of disadaptive states.

    pdf shakhanova2012_2.pdf  (769 Kb)

  • N.N. Khasanova, L.F. Trokhimchuk, T.A. Filimonova
    Assessment of functional condition of an organism of students working on computers

    This work examines influence of work on the computer on a functional condition of an organism of students. It has been established that the functional condition of the central nervous system and the visual analyzer change for the worse at the students working on computers in comparison to those who do not work on computers. The authors have revealed the dependence of the degree of fatigue upon the time of continuous work on computer.

    pdf khasanova2012_2.pdf  (616 Kb)

  • K.D. Chermit, A.G. Zabolotniy, A.V. Shakhanova, A.A. Tkhagova
    The classification of the electrobiological activity produced by muscles when performing powerlifting squats

    Electromyogrames (EMG) were obtained for the leg, hip and back muscles during performing powerlifting squats. Their classification is given, on the basis of which the authors elaborated the model of the transformation of the electromyogram pattern when performing squats with different weights.

    pdf chermit3_2012_2.pdf  (2 Mb)

  • E.A. Sirotyuk, T.G. Bakhareva
    Intrapopulation and ecological-geographical variability of gentian Pyrenean (Northwestern Caucasus)

    The paper examines intra- and interpopulation variability of a gentian Pyrenean in Alpine and subalpine phytocenoses of the Northwest Caucasus. Based on the majority of dimensional signs and the number of metameres of a flower, the authors show that there is a differentiation of cenopopulations of this species from various phytocenopses. It is assumed that these signs are the most plastic and depend to a greater degree on influence of environment factors.

    pdf sirotyuk2012_2.pdf  (2 Mb)

  • S.S. Grechishkina, A.V. Shakhanova, Yu.Yu. Dautov
    The relationship of indicators of heart rate variability and external respiration of athletes with different orientation of the training process

    This paper examines the effect of systematic athletic exercises on the functional state of cardiorespiratory system. The authors show the relationship of indicators of heart rate variability and external respiration in athletes with different orientation of the training process.

    pdf grechishkina2012_2.pdf  (936 Kb)

  • L.F. Trokhimchuk, T.G. Kirillova, M.A. Izmaylovà
    The dynamics of the statistical heart rate indices in the adolescents learning in the Physical Training Faculty

    The participants in this study (40 adolescents) were all students at a Faculty of Physical Training who were surveyed in the dynamics of the first and second year of training. The dynamics of heart rate statistics was studied in autumn (in the dynamics of the first year of training in semester 1 and at the beginning of the second year of training), as well as before and after examinations in the period of winter and summer examinations. Physiological mechanisms of adaptation of young men to training process at Faculty of Physical Training promote strengthening centralization of heart rate control only in reply to examination tension that occurs at the expense of reduction of a parasympathetic tone and increase of the adrenergetic influences, capable to provide short-term mobilization of additional energy resources.

    pdf trokhimchuk1_2012_2.pdf  (740 Kb)

  • T.G. Petrova, A.V. Shakhanova, N.N. Khasanova, G.M. Konovalova
    The neurophysiological status and its relationship to a morphotype of sportsmen-track and field athletes

    This paper reports upon research on the neurophysiological status at sportsmen-track and field athletes. It is revealed that somatotypological features influence the character of display of the basic properties of nerv-ous system: lability, mobility, force and degree of balance of nervous processes. The obtained results are attractive for a choice of tactics and strategy of track and field athlete training, taking into account a current condition of nervous system.

    pdf petrova2012_2.pdf  (634 Kb)

  • V.V. Myakotnykh
    Age dynamics of oxygen consumption at relative rest of persons with the various modes of impellent activity

    The level of energy potential of a biosystem can serve as a criterion for stability of an organism to a wide range of adverse effects. Increase in maximal oxygen consumption (VO2max) is possible only at application of great in volume and intensity physical activities. According to the theory of oxidative stress the increase in power loading can lead to accumulation of oxidative damage and to fast exhaustion of a biological resource of an organism. On the other hand, high energy expenditure during a working phase is accompanied by considerable economization of activity in a condition of relative rest, consequently, by decrease in intensity of free radical oxidation. In the present research, an attempt is undertaken to quantitatively assess a degree of this economization on the basis of indicators of the main exchange and oxygen consumption in a condition of relative rest at persons with high level of impellent activity.

    pdf myakotnykh2012_2.pdf  (575 Kb)

  • A.R. Tuguz, D.V. Muzhenya, E.N. Anokhina, A.S. Doroshenko, T.M. Ashkanova, L.D. Aldonina, K.A. Rudenko, A.F. Kizyanov, O.V. Sokolova, D.S. Shumilov, I.V. Smolkov
    Polymorphisms G197 and 197A of the pro-inflammatory IL-17A gene associated with cardiovascular diseases and malignant new growths of female reproductive organs at inhabitants of the Republic of Adygheya

    The distribution of polymorphisms G197/197A of the pro-inflammatory cytokine IL-17A gene is investigated by the SNP (single nucleotide polymorphism) method in ethnic groups (Russian and Adyghes) of the population of the Adygheya Republic: donors, patients with different variants and starting mechanisms of cardiovascular diseases and malignant new growths of female reproductive organs. The «normal» G197 allele IL-17A, which is most widespread in populations, is associated (Ð=0,011) with risk of development of peripheral atherosclerosis and tumoral progression at a cancer of a mammary gland (ð=0,026). Availability of polymorphism G197 of pro-inflammatory IL-17A can be used for inhabitants of the Adygheya Republic as a marker of system inflammatory reactions of the organism involved in pathogenesis of cardiovascular diseases and malignant new growths.

    pdf tuguz_a1_2012_2.pdf  (709 Kb)

  • V.I. Kumakhov, A.S. Aloev
    Reproduction of soil fertility depending on fertilizers and the vegetative remains in a crop rotation on the chernozem in a foothill zone of the Kabardino-Balkarian Republic

    The paper examines optimization of a food of crops and gives agrochemical substantiation of reproduction of chernozem fertility depending on types and doses of fertilizers, the root and superficial remains and on balance of humus in the soil.

    pdf kumakhov2012_2.pdf  (1 Mb)

  • L.F. Trokhimchuk, O.I. Shkvirina, E.R. Kristalenko
    Physiological assessment of fifth-former adaptation to learning activities on the basis of a vegetative component of heart rate variability

    This work studies adaptation of pupils to learning activity in the initial stage of training in the 5th form using the method of the mathematical analysis of heart rate variability. The authors reveal sexual distinctions of adaptation potentialities of an organism. It is shown that the main physiological mechanism of initial adaptation is the high tone of parasympathetic section of vegetative nervous system. The above-segmentary level of regulation serves as a marker of reserve possibilities of an organism in the considered age.

    pdf trokhimchuk2_2012_2.pdf  (836 Kb)

  • Yu.Yu. Dautov, T.Yu. Urakova, D.N. Teunova, M.M. Dautova
    Dynamics of some indicators of interstitial space in patients with arterial hypertension, abdominal obesity and metabolic syndrome under the effect of reduced food

    This work provides surveillance data of persons with an arterial hypertension, abdominal obesity and metabolic syndrome. Among non-drug methods of rehabilitation the effective is a hypohigh-calorie diet which reduced the clinical-laboratory indicators and slowed down disease progressing.

    pdf dautov2012_2.pdf  (707 Kb)

  • A.R. Tuguz, D.V. Muzhenya, T.M. Ashkanova, E.N. Anokhina
       Polymorphisms of angiotensinogen and receptor I of the angiotensinogen type in teenage groups   

    Frequencies of Met235Thr and Thr174Met in the polymorphisms of a gene of AGT and A1166C of 2alleles of receptor I of the angiotensinogen-2 (AGT2R1) type associated with risk of development of cardiovascular diseases at the healthy surveyed teenagers living in Maikop (Adygheya Republic), are 0.410; 0.177; and 0.211, respectively. Frequency of Met235Thr in the polymorphisms of AGT gene exceeds similar indicators characteristic of the population in the Rostov region (0.179). No significant distinctions in frequency of Met235Thr of the polymorphisms of AGT gene in ethnic populations of the Adyghes, Russians and Armenians have been revealed.

    pdf tuguz_a2_2012_2.pdf  (1 Mb)

  • T.G. Tuova, B.R. Tuova
    Geographic and economic features of the dynamics and structure of unemployment in the Adygheya Republic

    This paper examines the contemporary problems of geography of unemployment within the limits of Adygheya Republic, as well as of population employment and labor market. The attention is focused on research of the number of the unemployed in the Republic, their stratification, allocation among the unemployed of a share of unemployed graduates of higher education institutions, possibilities of an employment service of the population in solving questions related to the hidden unemployment and providing services by the employment centers for youth employment.

    pdf tuova2012_2.pdf  (1 Mb)

    Technical Sciences
  • M.A. Kiryushkin, V.I. Chizhikov
    Analysis of stages of system scaling

    This work examines the main stages of system scaling and presents reasons for realization of the system to a certain stage.

    pdf kiryushkin2012_2.pdf  (388 Kb)

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