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  • S.À. Pesina
    Specifics of philosophic and linguistic approaches to the central linguistic problems

    The paper addresses the problems which are investigated by the linguistic philosophy and the philosophy of language. The linguistic philosophy is based on the analysis of the word meanings of natural languages and logic relations between them. The philosophy of language is aimed at evaluating the essential characteristics of a language and a word. The discrepancies in views of philosophers of language and linguists on principal language problems are also examined. The conclusions contain the differences in approaches to the investigations of the basic linguistic notion – a word – of the philosophers of language and linguists.

    pdf pesina2012_1.pdf  (219 Kb)

  • N.A. Kazaryan
    Sign problem as a tool of cognition of sociocultural reality

    This paper discusses a problem of a sign as a tool of cognition of sociocultural reality. This theme is topical because it is poor-studied in the domestic literature. The goal of the paper is to establish the tool role of a sign in investigations of sociocultural reality. The object of study is the sign component of sociocuoltural reality. The subject is a role of a sign in the course of cognition of the given reality. The author discloses the gnoseological sense of a sign. It is inferred that the sign not only connects the person with a thing, providing an opportunity of its cognition, but it also “isolates” a thing (and subsequently isolates itself), taking up an ontologic sense. In addition, the sign is ambivalent, it possesses simultaneously both the features directly following from its definition (i.e. the features of its actual sign nature), and the features denying its own nature.

    pdf kazaryan2012_1.pdf  (309 Kb)

  • T.A. Prokopenko, T.A. Shalyugina
    The basic strategies of the business community

    The Russian business community is showing signs of institutionalization and becomes the subject of business activity. Analysis of the basic strategies of actors in the Russian market gives grounds to believe that the Russian business community, demonstrating the high adaptive capacity, is facing serious problems of definition of strategic objectives. The paper discusses strategies for the development of the modern Russian business community.

    pdf prokopenko2012_1.pdf  (208 Kb)

  • A.A. Nagralyan, D.V. Filyushkina
    The place and role of national tradition in globalizing economy and culture

    This paper is focused upon the problems of preservation of national tradition and national identity in the modern society which is characterized by progressing globalization of economic and cultural life. The authors show that it is necessary to preserve the national tradition and identity since there is a danger of their disappearance as a result of perception of the unified and cosmopolitan culture.

    pdf nagralyan2012_1.pdf  (240 Kb)

  • R.Yu. Kortoev
    The deterioration in the USA - Iran relations after a victory of Islamic revolution and attempt of the President of the United States J. Carter to release the American hostages in Tehran (1979-1981)

    During the regime of the American president J. Carter the USA-Iran relations have changed from allied to confronting in connection with Islamic revolution in Iran in 1979 and the anti-American policy of the new Islamic regime in Tehran in the 1970 – 1980s. The government of the ayatollah R.M. Homeini aspired to create «Islamic caliphate» in the Middle East, which would have its political-economical and religious centre in Islamic Republic of Iran and, thereby, to weaken positions of Washington in the Middle East region. Administration of J. Carter was the first to introduce economic sanctions toward Islamic Republic of Iran as a reaction to the capture of the American embassy in Tehran on November, 4th, 1979, and keeping its diplomatic personnel as hostages. The crisis with the American hostages in Iran has become the determining factor which affected defeat of J. Carter and victory of R. Reagan on the presidential elections of 1980 in the USA.

    pdf kortoev2012_1.pdf  (260 Kb)

  • V.V. Suvorova
    National historiography of the USA policy concerning Saudi Arabia (1990s –beginning of the 21st century)

    The paper shows how the Russian researchers reflect a Near-Eastern policy of the USA concerning Saudi Arabia since 1991. Attention is focused on articles which examine military-political cooperation of two countries, economic partnership and an antiterrorist interaction of the USA and the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.

    pdf suvorova2012_1.pdf  (291 Kb)

  • Z.L. Vlasenko
    The decision of a personnel problem in the Adygheya village: role of pupils’ production teams (the middle of the 1960 – 1980s)

    The paper shows the history of formation and development of pupils’ production teams at schools of the Adyghean Autonomous Region (ÀÀÎ) in the mid-sixties – 1980s, their role in rural youth professional orientation and in providing collective farms and state farms with agricultural personnel.

    pdf vlasenko2012_1.pdf  (281 Kb)

  • A.M. Ismailova
    Tsarism’s excise politics in petroleum-refining industry of North Azerbaijan in the second half of the 19th century

    The paper discloses the tsarism’s excise politics in petroleum-refining industry of North Azerbaijan and the effect of the latter on the level of economic development of Azerbaijan. The issue, raised in the paper, is to show the general and the particular in tsarism’s excise politics in one of the outlying districts of the empire, as well as to examine conditions of introducing excise into petroleum industry of Azerbaijan, beginning from abolishing a farming system to the end of the 19th century. Thus, the excise politics of tsarism resulted, on the one side, in extraction of great income but, on the other side, in development of economics in North Azerbaijan in the second half of the 19th century.

    pdf ismailova2012_1.pdf  (277 Kb)

  • E.V. Rubanov
    Interpretation of Fernand Braudel’s scientific concept in Yu.N. Afanasyev's works

    This paper discusses the interpretation of the scientific concept of Fernand Braudel, the greatest representative of French historical school “Annals”, in works of Yu.N. Afanasyev, one of the domestic historians who was the first who examined this theme. The author of this paper provides an analysis of the reasons bringing Yu N. Afanasyev to this study, and traces evolution of his views on the subject of study.

    pdf rubanov2012_1.pdf  (264 Kb)

  • N.I. Silvanyuk
    The Maikop petroleum “miracle”

    This paper provides an analysis of development of petroleum industry in the Kuban region in 1900-1910. The author describes the history of discovering the largest petroleum field in the Kuban region, in the vicinity of Maikop, activity of the first petroleum industry workers and joint-stock companies. This paper aims at studying a phenomenon of Maikop petroleum area. Proceeding from a level of scrutiny of a problem, realization of an object in view assumes the decision of specific targets: to investigate process of discovering and working out the Maikop petroleum deposit; and to show a role of the foreign capital in petroleum industry. “The Maikop oil boom” has involved the foreign capital in petroleum industry of Kuban, but positive results were not achieved. A considerable number of foreign joint-stock companies and the companies which fed hopes of fast enriching at the expense of the Maikop lands rich in petroleum were created. As a result of inflow of the foreign capital the technique of petroleum recovery was not improved and rates of its extraction diminished.

    pdf silvanyuk2012_1.pdf  (195 Kb)

  • M.-P.B. Abdusalamov
    On the history of shamhal Adil-Ghirey Tarkovsky’s military conflict with tsarist government in the Caucasus: reasons and consequences

    This paper discussess the conflict of shamhal Tarkovsky with the tsarist government in the Caucasus in 1725 and succeeding abolition of the title of shamhal. On the basis of profound analysis of a wide range of sources an attempt is undertaken to find out reasons which have induced shamhal to make this thoughtless action. The regime of Russian power in the east of Daghestan was a protectorate. Feudal lords in the Caucasus.used to refuse Russian citizenship, coming out with weapon against the tsarist government. These actions are explained by fear of complete subordination towards the Empire and by urge towards re-establishing independence.

    pdf abdusalamov2012_1.pdf  (282 Kb)

  • I.I. Vashchenko
    The Lenin theory of cooperation: sources, development and its content

    After disintegration of the Soviet Union researchers have had an opportunity to study V.I. Lenin's works under another aspect of view, not dogmatizing and without idealizing his products. In this paper, on the basis of Lenin's works, an attempt is undertaken to analyze working out his cooperative plan.

    pdf vashchenko2012_1.pdf  (217 Kb)

  • I.G. Ivantsov
    System of party education in the USSR in the 1930s (Based on the North Caucasus materials)

    This paper examines the system of party education in the USSR in the 1930s. From the beginning of the 1930s the party-political education became gradually a necessary attribute of a post of the Soviet administrator. This period is characterized by expansion of the long-term program of unification of internal political atmosphere at the higher school including the party school. The program was aimed at complete transformation of higher school into a particle of the obedient nation-wide mechanism.

    pdf ivantsov2012_1.pdf  (228 Kb)

  • L.S. Tsareva
    The trade employment of the population related to processing of skins of animals for manufacturing subjects of a costume, in the history of villages of the New Line (the middle of the 19th century - 1917)

    This paper discusses the tanning and furrier's trade employments of the population of the New Line villages, related to processing animal skins for clothes and footwear manufacturing. The author describes a raw-material base for these industrial crafts, modes of their production (a house craft, craft, handicraft) and their economic organization.

    pdf tsareva2012_1.pdf  (309 Kb)

  • A.P. Fedorovsky
    Sociocultural identity in the modern social theory

    The paper provides an analysis of modern thoughts concerning a phenomenon of socioculural identity. This paper is aimed at carrying out a comparative study of a concept of sociocultural identity at both interdisciplinary and intradisciplinary levels. An attempt is undertaken to introduce a concept of social identity in a context of social practice.

    pdf fedorovsky2012_1.pdf  (179 Kb)

  • L.V. Klimenko
    Group identity of age groups of the population in southern macro-region of Russia

    The paper discusses the age features of group identity presented in public consciousness of the population of five subjects of federation – the Rostov and Volgograd areas, the Krasnodar and Stavropol territories and the Adygheya Republic. The author examines expressiveness of level components in regional identification of the population and shows the correlation of primordial and designed components in identity structure of age subgroups of respondents.

    pdf klimenko2012_1.pdf  (276 Kb)

  • E.N. Karelkin
    Sociocultural factors of formation of the youth anti-social organizations

    This paper provides a sociocultural analysis of the factors predetermining escalation of anti-social models of behavior in the youth environment during the epoch of the information, post-industrial society. The author examines the basic risk generating determinants of a destructive choice and its causal relations with an individual system of belief.

    pdf karelkin2012_1.pdf  (218 Kb)

  • A.A. Lezhebokov
    The socio-political situation in Stavropol Territory in the beginning of elective campaign of “Autumn-2011” (according to results of carrying out sociological research using questionnaires)

    The paper defines the urgency of carrying out sociological investigations using questionnaires on electoral behavior of the population, provides an analysis of results of empirical research of citizens of Stavropol Territory and shows the example of construction of sociological “images” for supporters of various parties.

    pdf lezhebokov2012_1.pdf  (215 Kb)

  • I.I. Yakovlev
    Channels of dissemination of the socially significant information in local communities

    This paper shows the basic ways (channels) of informing the population about the socially-significant events. Data on sociological polls of citizens concerning mechanisms of obtaining the information are cited. The most effective ways of informing in modern conditions are defined.

    pdf yakovlev2012_1.pdf  (255 Kb)

  • E.N. Ter-Nikogosyan
    Behavioural risks in a sociocultural context of a HIV-infected target group

    This paper provides an analysis of data of the sociological research carried out in a group of persons with a positive HIV-status. Measures for prevention of AIDS and HIV infection in Russia and in Adygheya Republic are considered.

    pdf ter-nikogosyan2012_1.pdf  (230 Kb)

  • E.A. Mukhina
    Moral crisis in Russian modern society (based on materials of sociological polling)

    The paper presents results of the sociological polling testifying to moral crisis in Russia. The general condition of a modern Russian society looks worried, a standard of living of the overwhelming majority of citizens is below European, social contrasts continue to go deep. Orientation of the Russian people to upsurge of economy and increase in gross national product needs updating because development of any system without a moral component is doomed to degradation. Effective social and economic reforms are possible only if they are supported by humanistic ideas and follow spirituality perfection.

    pdf mukhina2012_1.pdf  (187 Kb)

  • I.A. Babenko, O.A. Volkova, A.O. Egorenko
    Human capital in views of various categories of people

    This paper presents an analytical analysis of the results of sociological research on the relation of various categories of the population to problems of the human capital. This work discloses and determines the complexity and multifactorial nature of the process of forming basic elements of quality of human capital.

    pdf babenko2012_1.pdf  (784 Kb)

  • A.A. Rusanova
    Students’ professional self-identification in the structure of social self-determination (sociological analysis)

    This paper shows the importance of the scientific study on students’ social self-determination and professional self-identification as its structural component. The author gives a scientific basis for the relationship of “professional” and “social”. Based on empirical studies the author determines levels of students’ professional self-identification and presents a portrait of a typical social representative of each level of the person’s professional self-identification using students’ polling data from Chita State University.

    pdf rusanova2012_1.pdf  (302 Kb)

  • G.V. Golovina
    Functions of leisure activity as its most significant characteristics in the aspect of conformity to various requirements of society members

    The paper examines the functions of leisure activity as its most significant characteristics in the aspect of conformity to various requirements of society members. The author discusses the genesis of term “leisure activity” and characterizes its basic scientific interpretations and indicators.

    pdf golovina2012_1.pdf  (224 Kb)

  • G.N. Berezin
    Organizational culture in the Russian Police: problems and prospects

    The paper discusses formation of organizational culture in reformed department – in a system of law-enforcement bodies. The author investigates key parameters of reproduction of mechanisms of corporate interaction in this law-enforcement institution.

    pdf berezin2012_1.pdf  (247 Kb)

  • A.A. Pankin
    Theoretical approaches to social adaptation of modern army in the conditions of society modernization

    The paper shows the basic theoretical-methodological bases of the analysis of change of modern army related to modernization society trends. The author describes some promising directions of the sociological theory with reference to research of transformation of army as a social institute.

    pdf pankin2012_1.pdf  (227 Kb)
    php title.php  (9 Kb)

  • V.V. Zhilkin
    Non-alternativeness of an information-communication trend in a modern society

    The paper examines the modern social system, promptly transformed by information and communication technologies, which are capable to change not only the developed social institutions, but also the person.

    pdf zhilkin2012_1.pdf  (481 Kb)

  • D.V. Shapovalov
    Institutional and functional approaches in the sociological analysis of business charity

    The paper proposes to use institutional and functional approaches as a methodological basis of the sociological analysis of business charity. The author demonstrates institutional features and functions of the phenomenon under study.

    pdf shapovalov2012_1.pdf  (282 Kb)

  • A.A. Dargan
    Criteria for social state of health of people with physical disability

    The paper demonstrates criteria and indicators of social state of health of people with the physical disability. The author elaborated this for the analysis of interrelation of social state of health, social mobility and inclusiveness of these people in a society.

    pdf dargan2012_1.pdf  (258 Kb)

  • E.M. Afamgotov
    Problems of protection of rights and personal freedoms in Constitutions of the Russian Federation and France (the comparative analysis)

    This paper discloses the rights and freedoms of the person and citizen under Constitutions of Russia and France. The comparative analysis of separate constitutional rights and freedoms is given. The author demonstrates distinctions between the legal and actual constitution. Advantages and lacks of two constitutions are shown and certain conclusions are made on their basis.

    pdf afamgotov2012_1.pdf  (279 Kb)

  • B.I. Shekultirov
    Corruption in Russia: the law, the power and morals

    The paper examines corruption as the system phenomenon penetrating all spheres of the government of Russia and the reasons and consequences of corruption in life of the Russian society. The author gives examples of corruption abuses which are not estimated and not stopped by the power. It is inferred that prime measures of a state policy in sphere of corruption counteraction should be complex and continuous. The interrelation of corruption and moral values with the basic regulators of human life - the state and the law - is analyzed. The power and the law are shown to be the main indicators of the state, the mechanism of combination and interaction of which defines the character of the state system. Attention is payed to that the person develops and can't be satisfied only with material assets and stimuli. Therefore the moral state is a natural stage of evolution.

    pdf shekultirov2012_1.pdf  (266 Kb)

  • N.S. Pichko
    The sense-forming nature of culture in philosophy of the Renaissance and New Time

    The paper examines properties of social being in all various ways of its manifestation that are involved in definition of culture, and reveals a phenomenon of culture in series of such definitions which gradually, in process of advancement in depth of a subject, augment their content. The author ponders upon ideals of mankind, the purposes and problems which it puts, and upon formidable ways of their realization. A phenomenon of culture is considered from a position of humanitarian-esthetic consciousness. An analysis is made of those aspects of culture where the culture can be interpreted as a spiritually-esthetic phenomenon. The scientific literature on the nature of culture and its senses is analyzed.

    pdf pichko2012_1.pdf  (277 Kb)

  • E.V. Salnikova
    The star sky as the space of visual information

    The work deals with the aspects of prehistory of the modern technical visual culture and its phenomenon of the mass-media news. The author develops the idea of the sky space as the ancient screen and the information-carrying medium. The work studies the influence of the astronomy and magical astrological practices upon the visual interpretation of the Universe, as well as the connection of the sacral pattern of sky images and the virtual reality of contemporary visual technologies.

    pdf salnikova2012_1.pdf  (250 Kb)

    Political Science
  • Z.A. Zhade, S.M. Udzhukhu
    Phenomenon of protest identity in Russian modern society

    The paper considers protest identity as a component of political identity of the Russians in the conditions of identification search. Proceeding from the analysis of protest behavior and growth of protest moods in the Russian society, the authors define features of protest identity as a complicated real phenomenon and political construct.

    pdf zhade2012_1.pdf  (258 Kb)

  • M.V. Danilina
    Tools and interaction of the Council of Europe and the European Union in democracy promotion

    Problems of democracy promotion have been one of the major discussion topics for a long time. In Europe, the Council of Europe and the European Union are active in this sphere. In this connection it is interesting to consider the nature of their interaction, as well as the tools of democracy promotion. Finally, the paper examines the joint programs of the Council of Europe and European Union. A conclusion is made on the nature of the interaction between these two organizations.

    pdf danilina2012_1.pdf  (450 Kb)

  • A.M. Sidakov
    Dynamics of development and recruiting the Russian political elite

    Recruiting is one of the most important mechanisms of functioning of political system in the course of which identifying and filling of politically important positions take place. The political modernization of state produced substantial transformations in the character of relations between the central and regional power, as well as in mechanisms of recruiting and in specificity of activity of regional political elites.

    pdf sidakov2012_1.pdf  (312 Kb)

  • D.V. Mamazhenko
    Political management of investment attractiveness: essence and characteristic features

    In modern society, the success of any economy depends increasingly on the effectiveness of its investment policy. The organization of various forms of ownership, as well as the administration bodies of territories can serve as economy subjects. For Russia those are the federal bodies of State power, State power bodies of the Russian Federation`s subjects and bodies of local self-government. In this connection the study of the mechanisms of the political management of the investment attractiveness is becoming more relevant in terms of its practical use. Recently, the interest of Russian scientists to the study of this phenomenon has sharply increased. What is a “political management of the investment attractiveness”? In this paper the author tries to give a general concept of this phenomenon and to identify its essence, features and characteristics in the modern world.

    pdf mamazhenko2012_1.pdf  (276 Kb)

    The Economic Theory
  • V.A. Budasova
    The evolution of views on the problem of formation of the production costs

    Reflecting the processes of economic activity of people, production costs have occurred at all stages of human development. This paper gives a variety of scientific approaches to the definition of production costs, in accordance with the stages of economics development. The author provides a comparative analysis of the economic nature of the concepts of "cost", "expenses" and "production costs" in modern economic practice.

    pdf budasova2012_1.pdf  (444 Kb)

  • M.V. Khalina
    System of manufacturing factors in the innovative type economys

    The paper substantiates the qualitative changes in the system of manufacturing factors in the course of transition from industrial to post-industrial economy. The evolution of the theory of manufacturing factors reflects a shift of ways of economic development of a society as a result of revolutionary technological changes. In post-industrial economy a system of manufacturing factors is specific in their general innovative features.

    pdf khalina2012_1.pdf  (260 Kb)

    Financial Markets
  • S.S. Zaitseva
    Tax risks of insolvent and low competitive enterprises

    Tax risks of the managing subject are subdivided by the author into external and internal. The author defines the volumes of financial losses at approaching tax risks. Recommendations are given for non-admission of reduction of tax base since the sum of profit which has remained at the disposal of the organization will not satisfy the expected values of profitability. This will be promoted by the external and internal tax risks raising the volume of financial losses.

    pdf zaitseva2012_1.pdf  (317 Kb)

  • S.A. Roshchektaev
    Comparative analysis of the development of local financial markets in megalopolises of South of Russia

    The paper provides a comparative analysis of the development of local financial markets and collective investment market in megalopolises of South of Russia. An estimate is given of the dynamics of activity indicators of local managing companies, as well as of their investment funds. The author examines institutional bases of local financial market development in megalopolis.

    pdf roshchektaev2012_1.pdf  (620 Kb)

    Problems Related to Investment Activity
  • A.O. Metov
    Cost-effectiveness of investments in Russian petroleum industry: assessment problems and ways of its increasing

    The paper discusses the theoretical approaches to content and assessment of cost-effectiveness of petroleum industry in Russia, as well as issues of accelerated development of processing industries producing goods with high added value. This can be made by increasing the volume of their consumption in the domestic market and by increasing their delivery to foreign markets through the establishment of new petroleum supply system to find the optimal ratio between the price of energy, volume of exports and, as a consequence, the size of their output.

    pdf metov2012_1.pdf  (226 Kb)

  • O.Z. Khuazhev, R.A. Khunagova
    Management methodology of investment activity of the territorial timber industry enterprises

    The paper addresses questions of practical value of scientific researches related to application of the developed scientifically-methodical positions in work of the territorially-timber industry complex, as well as at regional government level during working out projects on development of small business, forecasting and modelling of innovative activity.

    pdf khuazhev2012_1.pdf  (192 Kb)

    Regional Economy
  • G.V. Vorontsova, O.N. Momotova
    Rationale of selection of strategic alternatives for regional development

    The paper substantiates the main strategic options of the region at present. The authors define the important areas of use of industry portfolio diversification as a tool to promote the regional economy to adapt to new challenges from a global, integrated, technologically sophisticated and hyper-mobile environment.

    pdf vorontsova2012_1.pdf  (230 Kb)

  • A.A. Dzharimov, R.T. Kushu
    Small and mid business as means of smoothing intraregional social and economic distinctions: strategic priorities and realization tools

    This paper discusses a number of unexplored aspects of substantiation of the development priorities of small and medium business as a means of smoothing intraregional socio-economic differences and organizational-economic mechanism for their implementation.

    pdf dzharimov2012_1.pdf  (208 Kb)

  • A.A. Ermolenko, N.A. Khilko
    Web organizations: the potential of development of regional economic systems

    The paper discusses the potential of the web organizations, which can be used in the development and transformation of regional economic systems of contemporary Russia. Their contribution to innovational modernization of the regional economic systems is estimated.

    pdf ermolenko1_2012_1.pdf  (213 Kb)

  • E.N. Zakharova, A.A. Bartashevich
    Management of ecologic and economic risks in system of tools of a regional sustainable development

    The paper discusses management of ecologic and economic risks in imperatives of a sustainable development of the region. The authors elaborate the economic-mathematical models of assessment of socially-ecological risks in a public health service system at regional level. The functioning of three-link system “prevention of an economic damage of the surrounding environment – decrease in ecologic and economic risks – maintenance of sustainable regional development” is examined in detail.

    pdf zakharova1_2012_1.pdf  (503 Kb)

  • N.M. Makarchouk
    The structural transformation of internal content of regional economic system

    During the last years the process of structural transformation has become a priority component of regional economic policy of Russia. Problems that the regions experience under the effect of the factors of global competition, are negatively reflected in parameters of their evolution. This paper uncovers structural issues of transformation of the internal sphere of the regional economic system and provides recommendations for their decision.

    pdf makarchouk2012_1.pdf  (187 Kb)

  • I.Yu. Natkho, A.V. Belousova
    The evolution of functional subsystems in the internal environment of the region

    The process of formation and evolution of regional functional subsystems during the last time has become one of priority signs of regional economic policy of contemporary Russia. Problems, which arise under the influence of competition, cause the demand of formation of effective subregional locations. This paper discloses the essential aspects of regional functional subsystems of Russia and gives recommendations for their decision.

    pdf natkho2012_1.pdf  (215 Kb)

  • A.V. Naumenko
    Mechanisms for realization of strategic priorities of municipality

    This paper discusses some aspects related to the rationale of tools of a mechanism for implementing the strategic priorities of economic development at municipal level.

    pdf naumenko2012_1.pdf  (259 Kb)

  • A.A. Tamov, A.V. Naumenko
    Methodological aspects of formation of the strategic management system of municipal economy

    This paper discusses some aspects related to the selection of tools of strategic management of the municipal economy and their proper use in the present conditions.

    pdf tamov2012_1.pdf  (215 Kb)

  • N.A. Khilko, I.V. Belomestnova
    The vertically integrated corporations as the subjects of modernization of regional economic systems

    This paper discusses actual aspects of participation of vertically integrated corporations as a subject of modernization of regional economical systems of contemporary Russia. The authors examine special features of vertically integrated corporations as the subjects of modernization at the mezzo- level and tools of increasing their role in this process, determining the reproduction of human capital of the region as the priority in this process.

    pdf khilko2012_1.pdf  (79 Kb)

  • A.Sh. Khuazheva, K.N. Kirzhinova
    Research on functioning of the regional power systems in the conditions of limitation of own power resources

    The paper presents the analysis of functioning of regional power systems in the conditions of energy deficiency, as well as of the causes of existing disparities in the region energy supply and the effective use of energy resources. The paper gives lists of trends of energy policy at the federal state and regional levels aimed at increasing the region energy supply.

    pdf khuazheva_a_2012_1.pdf  (369 Kb)

  • S.A. Chernyavskaya, A.V. Belousova
    The formation of alimentary regional subsystem and instruments of its evolution

    The paper discusses vital aspects of formation and instrumental intensification of development of alimentary subsystem as the main component of many regional economic systems. The authors investigate the relations between functions and instruments of the development of alimentary regional system using the cognitive potential of the reproduction approach.

    pdf chernyavskaya2012_1.pdf  (236 Kb)

    The Account, Audit and the Control
  • E.G. Aleeva, I.V. Sugaipova
    Auditing budgetary funds

    The paper discusses the auditing standards elaborated by INTOSAI, the international association of the national organizations, carrying out control in the budgetary sphere, the International Standards on Auditing and the Russian Standards on Auditing developed on their basis, as well as their use (merits and shortcomings) in auditing budgetary funds. The authors examine the role and functions of the Audit Chamber in auditing efficiency of using budgetary funds. It is inferred that it is necessary to improve legislative and standard base, to continue work on methodical aspects of external audit and to consider necessity of attraction of budgetary sector of independent commercial auditors to external audit.

    pdf aleeva2012_1.pdf  (234 Kb)

  • E.V. Olomskaya
    Accounting principles as the unifying factor of formation of accounting and tax information systems

    This paper describes the main accounting principles. The author determines the criteria for attributing these principles to a group of assumptions and requirements, The fundamental differences between the considered categories are distinguished. The correspondence of the above criteria to assumptions and specified requirements adopted by the Russian system of normative regulating accounting is investigated. The author considers in detail the criterion of materiality, which occupies a special place within the principles of accounting. The work studies which accounting model (tax, financial or any other) is formed by the determined principles. A detailed and reasonable comparative analysis of the accounting principles of accounting, financial and tax is presented.

    pdf olomskaya2012_1.pdf  (367 Kb)

  • V.Yu. Pazderova
    Know-how as an object of accounting

    Despite the fact that the term "know-how" for a long time is used in the business turnover, and the object itself as a collection of information of commercial value acts often as an object of transactions, it is one of the most controversial objects of modern accounting. This paper discusses the problem of identifying the know-how as an object of intangible assets of the organization in retrospective and contemporary aspects, related to its recognition and reflection in the Russian accounting system, as well as to the choice of depreciation policy.

    pdf pazderova2012_1.pdf  (256 Kb)

  • I.V. Sugaipova, K.A. Yurkhanyan
    Estimation and reflection of business reputation in accounting and financial reporting

    The present work examines estimations and reflections of business reputation in accounting and financial reporting. The authors discuss terminology of the problem under study, the formation of business reputation in the course of functioning of the organization, the existing methods of accounting and estimation of business reputation, as well as the international practice.

    pdf sugaipova2012_1.pdf  (215 Kb)

  • E.A. Fedchenko
    Application of calculation accounts in cost accounting for implementation of the government assignments

    The paper discusses features of application of calculation accounts for implementation of the government assignment in a budget institution – recipient of a grant. The author makes an analysis of government service cost for government assignment implementation. The cost accounts classification by the kinds of financial provision is presented. The methodology is suggested to make a cost accounting in rendering a government service for government assignment implementation and for obtaining target grant and budget investment.

    pdf fedchenko2012_1.pdf  (269 Kb)

  • E.V. Shmatova, A.V. Ryabchenko
    IFRS / RAS: the recognition of revenues and expenses

    The paper discusses the formation of financial reporting by the Russian enterprises in accordance with the International Financial Reporting Standards. The characteristic of the IFRS governing the recognition of income is presented. IAS 1 "Presentation of Financial Statements" is studied in detail. The criterion is proposed for revenue recognition in accordance with the RAS 9/99 and IFRS 18. We consider the accrual method as the primary method of the recognition of revenues and expenses of the company. Much attention is paid to the comparative analysis of the Russian Accounting Standards and IFRS.

    pdf shmatova2012_1.pdf  (268 Kb)

  • M.Yu. Yurchenko
    The use of analytical procedures in auditing fixed assets

    The present research focuses upon the use of analytical procedures in auditing fixed assets, their essence, the stages of planning analytical procedures, periodicity and the purposes of analytical examination in audit, as well as upon principal causes of the increasing role of analytical procedures in auditing.

    pdf yurchenko_m_2012_1.pdf  (213 Kb)

    Economy of Agrarian-Industrial Complex
  • À.À. Apishev, A.R. Nash
    Peculiarities of the functioning of the market mechanism of production and realization of rice

    In this work the market mechanism of production and realization of rice that can optimize the stability of rice complex, to establish strong interactions between the spheres and sectors of the economy of the region, to ensure that occupancy of the food market.

    pdf apishev1_2012_1.pdf  (304 Kb)

  • À.À. Apishev, B.A. Khakhuk
    Socio-economic assessment of natural (land) resources as the basis of modelling of the mechanism of paid land tenure

    The paper provides the methodological approaches to the evaluation of natural (land) resources in modern conditions. The cadastral evaluation is shown to act as the basis for determining their socio-economic value when land resources are evaluated as an object of fiscal relations. The measures to improve methodology for calculating the socio-economic value of land and the mechanism of paid land tenure are suggested using an example of the Novokubansky District. They are based on the principles of effective rent regulation.

    pdf apishev2_2012_1.pdf  (235 Kb)

    Management by Innovations
  • G.M. Mishulin, D.S. Taranukhin
    Theoretical methodological approaches to system formation in the innovation process

    There are represented theoretical methodological approaches to the innovation process research as a condition of system generating innovation status ensuring; there is the mechanism of different levels innovation systems formation and these systems’ features and development conditions given; there are new concepts like “innovation line”, “innovation transmissivity” offered; renewed concept of innovation process from system generating setting is given; the identification of innovation cycles and economic growth sources are conducted.

    pdf mishulin2012_1.pdf  (211 Kb)

    Mathematical Methods in Economy
  • R.B. Dekkushev
    Causal analysis of the labor market and the reproduction of labor resources in the Karachay-Cherkessia Republic

    The paper discusses problems of the labor market of the Karachay-Cherkessia Republic in the present conditions of the Russian Federation. The situation in the labor market of the Republic is estimated as the tense one by many indicators, including a low level of reproduction of labor resources and undesirable levels of unemployment. Therefore, the topical problem is to find ways to overcome negative tendencies in the present labor market, as well as to assess the role of government regulation in the reproduction of labor resources. The study of the socio-economic status of the region, labor market, the quantity and quality of labor resources, and identification of factors influencing the processes of reproduction requires the application of appropriate research methods. The causal analysis, which has become the basis for later cognitive modeling, was used as such a method in this study. As a result of this study recommendations to regulate the labor market and reduce unemployment were developed.

    pdf dekkushev2012_1.pdf  (522 Kb)

  • E.N. Zakharova, A.A. Poddubny
    The use of the cognitive approach to construct scenarios of development of the regional agrarian and industrial complex

    This paper discusses scenarios of development of the regional agrarian and industrial complex constructed on the basis of the use of the cognitive approach. An active role of its information-consulting maintenance is envisaged.

    pdf zakharova2_2012_1.pdf  (586 Kb)

  • A.Kh. Karanashev
    Martingale solution for the problem of stochastic control of investment and consumption

    This work discusses optimal investment and consumption strategies of an agent of financial market with utility of intermediate consumption and/or terminal wealth. The author derives an analytical characterization of the optimal portfolio (speculative demand for risky assets and a hedge portfolio).

    pdf karanashev2012_1.pdf  (1 Mb)

    The Theory and Practice of Business
  • R.A. Khunagova
    Organizational structures of development of business in wood territories

    In article questions of recreational using by wood, its economic forms of development of small forms of managing in wood regions in the decision of social problems are considered. Receptions of effective formation ecological directions of intensive integration of development of business taking into account features of wood territories are shown.

    pdf khunagova2012_1.pdf  (336 Kb)

    Service Economy
  • A.A. Ermolenko, D.V. Ryazantseva
    The main forms of interaction between the institutions of secondary professional education and business structures in the Krasnodar region

    This paper discusses the forms of interaction between the service institutions of secondary professional education and business structures in the territory of the Krasnodar Region. The author gives the description of such a partnership, exposes the problems and drawbacks and suggests the solution of the given circumstances by the realization of potential available in the Krasnodar Region.

    pdf ermolenko2_2012_1.pdf  (216 Kb)

  • N.P. Ketova, V.N. Ovchinnikov
    Intellectual services in the Southern Russia economy: possibilities, organization and prospects

    The paper describes the present structure of intellectual services and the basic institutional conditions and limitations of their development in Russia. The possibilities of further expanding of the market of the intellectual services are shown on the basis of materials of companies that provide such services with the use of IT-technologies. The authors formulate factors and conditions to intensify factors of the institutional environment of intellectual service area in Russian regions.

    pdf ketova2012_1.pdf  (321 Kb)

  • N.V. Koroleva
    Recreational zone as structural unit of the territorial state’s economy

    Designing of models of recreation areas has revealed necessity of the analysis of the maintenance of the given concept. This article is devoted to the research of concepts “recreation system”, “recreation area”, “recreation recourse”, as well as the formation and functioning of recreation areas. Classification of recreation recourses on the basis of the five criteria is offered: on character of use, on formation sources, on value scale, on integrated approach of use, to an ecological sign.

    pdf koroleva2012_1.pdf  (577 Kb)

    Social Economy
  • T.M. Shovgenov
    The economic aspect of the adaptation of the Kurds in the Republic of Adygeya

    The paper presents the economic aspect of the adaptation of the Kurds in the Republic of Adygeya. Determined the economic role of the Kurdish diaspora in the region, revealed the consequences of the resettlement of Kurdish ethnic group for the economy of Adygea.

    pdf shovgenov2012_1.pdf  (239 Kb)

  • V.I Berezhnoy, I.V. Taranova, I.A. Tsvirinko
    Management resources of the 21st century

    In article administrative innovations, as the new kind of innovations corresponding creatively-innovatsionnomoj to a control system on XXI century are considered.

    pdf berezhnoy2012_1.pdf  (301 Kb)

  • A.V. Gukasyan
    General contradictions and problems of industrial policy during post-crisis development

    The study describes contradictions and problems of industrial policy during post-crisis development. The author gave systematic factors of industrial policy changes, described special contradictions and new tasks of industrial policy development after the world financial crisis.

    pdf gukasyan2012_1.pdf  (310 Kb)

  • M.M. Dolgiev
    Problems and prospects of development of heat power industry in modern conditions

    This work examines problems related to development of heat power industry in the country. One of them is high degree of a deterioration of the capital equipment, leading to decreasing efficiency and to increasing risk of technogenic accidents. Great attention is given to the Kuban heat power system. Basic actions of its development strategy till 2020 are considered. Ensuring efficiency of functioning of the heat power complex is considered using an example of activity of “the Armavirteploenergo”.

    pdf dolgiev2012_1.pdf  (354 Kb)

  • I.V. Zenkina
    Prerequisites for development, main goals and procedure of strategic analysis under present conditions in Russia

    The paper reflects the topicality of strategic analysis in substantiation and appraisal of strategic managerial decisions. Prerequisites are examined for development of methodology, methods and practice of use of strategic analysis under the modern native conditions. Approach to interpretation of the nature of strategic analysis, proposed by the author, is presented. The role of strategic analysis in the information system of strategic management is shown. The content, main goals, as well as objects and subjects of strategic analysis are defined. The system of principles for conducting strategic analysis of managing subjects, formulated by the author, is presented and substantiated.

    pdf zenkina2012_1.pdf  (265 Kb)

    General Problems of Pedagogy
  • F.U. Bazaeva
    Self-realization category in national psychology and education philosophy

    An analysis is made of philosophical and psychological researches of modern domestic scientists on self-realization of the person. The paper discloses the basic characteristics of self-realization which is defined as process of disclosing and definition of intrinsic forces of the person during his interaction with the surrounding reality.

    pdf bazaeva2012_1.pdf  (212 Kb)

  • A.R. Galustov
    Teaching students to organize self-educational activity of pupils

    Effective methods of creative designing have experimentally been revealed using computer technologies, multimedia means and the Internet technologies influencing students’ comprehension of essence of pupils training to self-educational activity. Special attention is given to students obtaining scientifically well-founded views on control of self-educational activity of pupils. The author determines levels of readiness in students to train pupils to self-educational activity, as well as the factors providing success of formation of readiness in students to pupils training to self-educational activity.

    pdf galustov2012_1.pdf  (246 Kb)

  • E.V. Demkina
    Person’s typologization of the student in terms of the concept of identification with a trade

    The paper discusses the characteristic of the person’s types of the student in a context of the concept of identification with a trade. The basic actions of the student are defined and their differences from pupils in the course of training are shown. The basic functions of student's activity are demonstrated and the contradictions inherent in student's age are defined.

    pdf demkina2012_1.pdf  (258 Kb)

  • E.N. Zakharova
    On the competence approach in educational activity

    The paper discusses the basic lines of the competence approach in education. Several stages of its development are examined. The key competences are given, that young Europeans should have. General characteristics of the educational program focused on the competence model of education are demonstrated. The author distinguishes four models of competences. Each model identifies various approaches to planning, to the organization and to giving an opportunity of the higher professional training and in particular to an estimation and recognition of achievements of the student and to an assessment of possibilities of his employment at a labor market.

    pdf zakharova3_2012_1.pdf  (271 Kb)

  • N.S. Kramarenko
    Self-realization in the light of a network paradigm of the person’s development

    The paper examines the person’s self-realization from the point of view of a network paradigm. The author analyzes methodology of studying self-realization, considers a network paradigm as a new methodological basis of studying this problem and ponders upon the ontogenic aspect of self-realization and features of self-realization of teenagers in the Internet environment.

    pdf kramarenko2012_1.pdf  (226 Kb)

  • L.S. Makarova
    The module structurization of educational programs in the context of reforming the higher professional education

    An analysis is made of the questions related to introduction of the module structurization of educational programs. The concept of the module is defined and principles of designing modules are specified. The problem of creation of the module’s teaching-methodical complex (the short module) is set.

    pdf makarova_l_2012_1.pdf  (263 Kb)

  • V.A. Petkov
    Formation of the subject position of the senior pupil in professional self-identification

    The paper discusses the formation of a subject position in senior pupils in the conditions of interschool educational complex. The author gives a description of types of a subject position and their correlation with the stages of its formation, as well as formulates the pedagogical conditions providing efficiency of formation of a subject position in senior pupils.

    pdf petkov1_2012_1.pdf  (206 Kb)

  • N.M. Sazhina, Yu.N. Sinitsyn
    The structurally-substantial analysis of components of pedagogical maintenance of pupils’ health

    The paper examines components of pedagogical maintenance of pupils’ health. The authors make their structurally-substantial analysis. Invariancy of structures of formation of the investigated sides and their generalization allow the authors to designate the general structure of formation of components of health maintenance.

    pdf sazhina2012_1.pdf  (393 Kb)

  • N.P. Tropnikova
    Theoretical bases of construction of the concept of pedagogical assistance to self-development of the future teachers of vocational education

    The paper provides the first component of the concept of pedagogical assistance to self-development of the future vocational education teachers, disclosing characteristics of its general provisions. The paper deals with the general provisions of the concept of pedagogical assistance to self-development of the future teachers of vocational training focusing on teachers training for vocational education. A research objective is to theoretically prove general provisions of the concept of pedagogical assistance to self-development of the future teachers of vocational training. Specific problems are to specify concept definition; and to allocate the sources of its construction including legal and methodical bases, as well as a place in the pedagogical theory and practice of realization of pedagogical activity.

    pdf tropnikova2012_1.pdf  (230 Kb)

    Special Methods and Teaching Technologies
  • Kh.Z. Bagirokov
    Methods and ways of experimental training to one-member sentences of russian at adyghean school

    The paper presents the results of training in control and experimental groups. The level of speaking fluent Russian in the conditions of Adyghean-Russian productive bilingualism can be reached if pupils at Adyghean schools have a good command of basic structural-semantic types of one-member sentences of Russian and if they use them intensely in speech.

    pdf bagirokov2012_1.pdf  (267 Kb)

  • E.L. Makarova
    Innovative information-communication technologies as the means to organize the educational process

    This paper describes the concept of interactivity of the educational process, the innovative education and criteria for the formation of this quality. The author examines a set of innovative information-communication technologies as a means to organize the educational process.

    pdf makarova_e_2012_1.pdf  (258 Kb)

    Modern Problems of Psychology
  • E.K. Kardovskaya
    Professionally valuable orientations of students and social workers in the context of research of their professional consciousness

    This paper gives the results of the ascertaining experiment aimed at examining professionally valuable orientations of students, studying social work and practising social workers. The relationship has been revealed between professionally valuable orientations of students and social workers which is less expressed at first year students and becomes stronger to the fourth course. The hypothesis proves to be true that the professional environment of educational and teaching practice inluences the professionally valuable orientations of students.

    pdf kardovskaya2012_1.pdf  (284 Kb)

  • A.M. Kondratyeva
    Motivation of differently directed professional self-determination: the psychological analysis

    The paper presents the results of research of the psychological content of motivation to get education simultaneously by two various basic educational programs. The author introduces the concept “Motivation of differently directed professional self-determination” into the conceptual device of pedagogical psychology. It is shown that this concept includes a combination of socially focused and “research” types of the professional preferences poorly differentiated at middle uniformity; prevalence of developing system of values over consumption; and a mainly middle expressed requirement of achievements and orientation through time.

    pdf kondratyeva2012_1.pdf  (348 Kb)

  • I.V. Timofeeva
    Image of the body as the component of “I-concept” of the person of children with the children's cerebral paralysis

    The paper examines “the image of a body”, its value in structure “I – concept” and the relationship of “physical” and “social” “I”. The author studies features of bodily experience of the child sick of a children's cerebral paralysis. Results of research demonstrate that children, suffering a children's cerebral paralysis, irrespective of the intelligence, show the underestimated self-appraisal, uneasiness, the low self-esteem, the expressed tendencies to regress and dependence, emotional experience of physical awkwardness, mismatch and general physical inadequacy, as well as a lack of comprehension and reflection of their own feelings and interpersonal relations.

    pdf timofeeva2012_1.pdf  (329 Kb)

  • E.V. Kharitonova
    Socially-professional demand of the person: on the substantiation of the psychological concept

    The paper provides the theoretical substantiation of the concept of a socially-professional demand of the person. The author defines the basic approaches to its studying, as well as shows the basic results obtained at its approbation.

    pdf kharitonova2012_1.pdf  (201 Kb)

  • E.Yu. Shebanets, T.K. Khozyainova
       Relationship of personal features of mother having the child-invalid with level of her subjective well-being   

    The paper presents the results of studying subject qualities of the person which cause subjective well-being of mothers who are bringing up children with a cerebral paralysis. The relationship of level of subjective well-being of mothers with expressiveness of subject qualities is considered.

    pdf shebanets2012_1.pdf  (264 Kb)

    Educational Space of Physical Training and Sports
  • T.D. Aliev
    Efficiency assessment of integrated technology of student’s physical training at higher school of agricultural engineering

    This work presents the technology of the organization of education in discipline “Physical Training” at Higher School of Agricultural Engineering developed on the basis of certain organizational – didactic conditions. The author shows the structural units of the conducted research and the obtained results of use of the suggested content in the educational process.

    pdf aliev_t_2012_1.pdf  (263 Kb)

  • S.A. Evtykh
    The account of religious views in physical training of the person of the senior pupil

    The account of religious views is considered as one of backbone factors of maintenance of the person-focused and humanistic approaches to pupil physical training. The author shows components of personal physical training of pupils and degree of influence of religious views on their display. It is revealed that the type of religious orientation defines the character of motivation to employment by physical exercises and the level of active attitude to physical training.

    pdf evtykh2012_1.pdf  (248 Kb)

  • N.G. Mikhaylov, S.M. Chechelnitskaya
    Impellent activity as the indicator of health culture of children of preschool and school age

    An analysis is made of the structure of impellent activity influencing health of modern pupils from comprehensive schools. The role of sports in increasing impellent activity of modern pupils is shown on the basis of a considerable actual material. The important role of volume of impellent activity in formation of health culture is proved.

    pdf mikhaylov2012_1.pdf  (466 Kb)

  • T.V. Nesterenko, D.A. Kruzhkov
    The competent worker training in the field of sports and health tourism to use positive results of large sports forums

    The paper presents the theoretical and practical substantiation of efficiency of maintenance model of workers’ readiness in the field of sports and health tourism to hold large sports forums. The authors take into consideration pedagogical conditions of effective development of required properties and lines of the worker in this branch and educational technologies directed to formation of his professional competence.

    pdf nesterenko2012_1.pdf  (506 Kb)

  • V.A. Petkov
    Designing physical training and health improving activity at comprehensive school

    The paper discusses the approach to designing the physical training and health improving activity of comprehensive school in the context of humanistically focused paradigm of education. The model is suggested to provide high efficiency of physical training and health improving activity of teachers and pupils.

    pdf petkov2_2012_1.pdf  (203 Kb)

  • N.I. Romanenko
    Features of somatometric traits of middle aged women who are engaged in fitness

    The present paper discusses features of somatometric traits of women aged 35-45 years who are engaged in fitness. Somatic typization was held according to R.N. Dorokhov's metric scheme. A dimensional level of a variation and componental structure of a body (fatty, muscular, bone) was defined. To distinguish the somatic types by dimensional level of a variation and componental structure, regional estimated factors (A and B) have been developed. Results can form a basis for construction of effective employment of health improving orientation.

    pdf romanenko2012_1.pdf  (217 Kb)

  • L.A. Kholodnaya, V.Kh. Delok, N.K. Kuprina
    The cognitive component of personal physical training of college pupils and its formation with application of basic schemes

    Knowledge, norms and rules of behavior in the course of physical training, understanding of values of physical training, etc. determining independent impellent activity of the person are the basic component of personal physical training. However the physical training system pays insufficient attention to formation of this component, constraining the effective decision of tasks in view. This paper defines the content and the effective methodical means to form a cognitive component of personal physical training at pupils from college.

    pdf kholodnaya2012_1.pdf  (268 Kb)

  • K.D. Chermit, N.K. Kuprina, O.I. Isakov
    Role of educational institutions in formation of people’s base physical training and in development of mass forms of activity in the field of physical training and sports

    The present research defines the stages and the content of the personal physical training on the basis of the analysis of a current state of physical training in a society, its purpose, as well as trends of physical training in educational institutions.

    pdf chermit1_2012_1.pdf  (420 Kb)

  • K.D. Chermit, S.T. Shcherbina
    The resource importance of personal physical training of parents to maintain the physical training of children of the first year of life

    The authors use the analysis of concepts “resource”, “personal physical training” and problems related to physical training of children of the first year of life to define the importance of development of physical training components for the person of parents to create conditions of preservation of health, formation of high level of physical readiness, maintenance of comfortable level of life, preventive maintenance and counteraction to occurrence of various pathologies of the foothold-impellent device.

    pdf chermit2_2012_1.pdf  (594 Kb)

  • K.Yu. Chernyshenko
    Methods of qualitative evaluation of physical education of 7-10 aged pupils studying at a progymnasium

    The results of many years’ scientific investigations concerning the problem of the formal scientific – methodical approach to the evaluation of the development of individual physical education for 7-10 aged pupils are presented in the paper. These pupils study at the progymnasium with the use of the complex educational programs.

    pdf chernyshenko2012_1.pdf  (204 Kb)

  • S.B. Elipkhanov
    Pedagogical opportunities of concentration of power loading in training judoists-women of high qualification in the macrocycle in various years of the four-year cycle

    This research substantiates possibilities of concentrating power training of judoists-women of high qualification in a year cycle in different years of a four-year cycle of training. This work gives an analysis of the competition calendar for judoists of high qualification. As a result of research it has been established that the modern competition calendar for highly skilled judoists allows application of different in duration variants of concentration of power training in various years of the Olympic cycle, including in a year of the Olympic games.

    pdf elipkhanov1_2012_1.pdf  (552 Kb)

  • A.A. Yurchenko
    Technique of combining parameters of tourist walking trips and experimental estimation of its efficiency

    The paper substantiates necessity of working out a technique of combining parameters of tourist walking trips as an additional means to physically train the students, including projective, substantial, procedure and control modules. The author shows also the results of check of its efficiency in the conditions of pedagogical experiment.

    pdf yurchenko_a_2012_1.pdf  (210 Kb)

    Literary Criticism
  • I.V. Lozovoy
    Poetics of narrating (solved and unresolved questions of “common places” (loci communes) in Russian epos studies)

    The paper discusses stages of studying and the nature of “common places” of the Russian heroic epos. The review of scientific researches on the given theme for the last one and a half centuries is presented. The author defines basic positions from the point of view of the solved and unresolved problems related to this point in question. This work formulates directions of studying “common places” and their use in definition of the epic singer as a representative of this or that narrating school.

    pdf lozovoy2012_1.pdf  (329 Kb)

  • B.Kh. Lyamova
    On an originality of children's poetry by Nalbiy Kuek

    The paper shows specificity of reflection of children's attitude to the world in N. Kuek's creativity. Data on his literary heritage addressed to children are followed by definition of the role of creativity of N. Kuek in education of young people. This work shows the originality of N. Kuek’s poetic manner, including selection of art means and forms of expression of author's consciousness taking into account age features of the reader-child.

    pdf lyamova2012_1.pdf  (288 Kb)

  • R.G. Mamiy
    Theoretical and methodological problems of studying national literatures: Academician G.G. Gamzatov’s doctrine

    This paper examines the life and activity, scientific and creative achievements of G.G. Gamzatov, the only Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences on literary criticism in the Caucasus. A small review of his fundamental works is given. The topicality of this theme is caused by that G.G. Gamzatov has created the scientific, literary critical doctrine on theoretical and methodological bases of studying national literatures not only of Daghestan and the North Caucasus, but also of whole Russia.

    pdf mamiy_r_2012_1.pdf  (332 Kb)

  • E.V. Nikolsky
    The novel genre of the family chronicle in the Russian literature at a boundary of millenia

    The paper examines specificity of the special type of prose, namely: the novel of the family chronicle and its defining lines, including linear chronicle and family problems (presence of several generations of one family, a microclimate of a family, a problem of fathers and children, etc.) and specificity of a historicism. Resting upon experience in creativity of Russian modern writers and writers of Russian abroad, whose products have become widely known for the past two decades, the author comes to a conclusion that this genre has great prospects in the literature.

    pdf nikolsky2012_1.pdf  (306 Kb)

  • A.P. Popova
    “Russian modern fairy tales” by D.L. Bykov in a context of national tradition of satirical literary fairy tales

    The paper discusses features of realizing the genre of the Russian literary satirical fairy tale in D.L. Bykov's creativity. The aim of the research is to reveal specific features of literary fairy tales using an example of works of M.E. Saltykov-Shchedrin and M. Gorky and to track their influence on D.L. Bykov’s literary fairy tales. Fairy tales of the latter, on the one hand, have absorbed a part of traditions of a satirical literary fairy tale, and on the other, have become a new word in the Russian literature, close to a postmodernism.

    pdf popova2012_1.pdf  (284 Kb)

  • Y.G. Pykhtina
    On space of a village and Russian character (based on works of L. Tolstoy “Landowner's Morning”, A. Chekhov “Peasants” and I. Bunin “The Village”)

    The spatial image of the village is analyzed as a specifically national image on the basis of works of L. Tolstoy, A. Chekhov and I. Bunin. The author examines some traits of the Russian character related to space, where the people live (relationships with a family home, humility, integrity of nature, inability to organize the personal space, etc.).

    pdf pykhtina2012_1.pdf  (321 Kb)

  • T.M. Stepanova
    Folklore elements of art structure in two related books by R. Gamzatov “My Daghestan” in a context of intellectual prose of the North Caucasus

    Leading tendencies of development of intellectual prose of the North Caucasus are examined on the basis of works by E. Kapiev and R. Gamzatov. The question is considered in a context of ethno-mental outlook. The structure and poetics of the two books by R. Gamzatov are analyzed as a part of his philosophical-aesthetic system. The author comes to a conclusion about novelty of the person’s concept in intellectual prose of the writer.

    pdf stepanova2012_1.pdf  (377 Kb)

  • N.Kh. Khuazheva
    The art concept of the person in novels on historical past by A. Evtykh

    This paper examines the novels of Asker Evtykh about the historical past with the purpose to analyze in them the ways of artistic realization of the concept of the person (“Barge”, “The Bull blood”). The theoretical basis of this problem and the used researches of scientists on creativity of Asker Evtykh are presented. The author discloses innovative solution of the problem of human character and mutual relations of the person and history which is realized through the complicated plot-composition structure. The history is shown through the images. It “is dissolved” in style, in features of a narration and in an individualization of speech of heroes.

    pdf khuazheva_n_2012_1.pdf  (331 Kb)

  • B.A. Tsey
    The moral-philosophical aspect of art elucidation of a problem “the people and the war” in I. Mashbash's novel “Millstones”

    The paper investigates the moral-philosophical aspect of the Adyghe historical novel devoted to the Caucasian War of the 19-th century and banishment of some of the peoples from the Caucasus. The author examines such aspects as the new qualities of moral and philosophical problems in chronology of movement of the novelistic epos of I. Mashbash; the moral and philosophical aspects of art elucidation of a problem of war and peace, the people and the war in the novel “Millstones”; a humanistic orientation of the novel in the decision of the major moral problems of life of the Adyghes in the 19-th century; and features of the art-style decision of moral and philosophical problems in the novel “Millstones”.

    pdf tsey2012_1.pdf  (349 Kb)

  • I.A. Tsipinov
    Forms of a peaceful resolution of conflicts in the Adyghe traditional society (as shown by a material of mythic-epic tradition)

    The paper provides an analysis of dominant forms of a peaceful resolution of conflicts in the Adyghe traditional society, based on a material of mythic-epic tradition of the Adyghes. The author substantiates the original indicator of increasing historicism in tradition which is the peaceful outcome of a conflict situation predetermined by appearance of the person in the mythic-epic arena. This testifies to the end, within the limits of folklore, of process of its formation and development lasting throughout the history of mankind.

    pdf tsipinov2012_1.pdf  (338 Kb)

  • T.N. Chamokov
    On continuity and innovation in system of the Adyghe new written prose

    This paper examines the continuity and innovation as the major factors of forward development of national literatures. The author traces their dialectic interrelation and interaction in the Adyghean new written prose in theoretical and historical-typological aspects. This work reveals the “mechanism” of connection of traditional experience and innovative discoveries in a novel genre, mutual penetration of folklore-epic and literary consciousness; esthetic reorientation to eternal humanistic problems of human existence by means of creative reconsideration of traditional mythological figurative system of the Adyghean ethnos.

    pdf chamokov2012_1.pdf  (292 Kb)

  • K.G. Shazzo
    On the art method in the national literature of the 20-th century

    The paper discusses features of the origin and formation of socialist realism in the Russian literature of the 20-th century and the character and the content of its formation in new written literatures of the North Caucasus. The main attention is focused on the analysis of false ideologically-esthetic orientations of the method and on its major components.

    pdf shazzo2012_1.pdf  (448 Kb)

  • Kakhuzheva Z.G. (Tkhabisimova)
    Structural models of a news note in newspaper publicism

    The paper describes structural models of a newspaper note which is the basic genre of the news journalism intended for informing reader's audience. The author shows typical properties of short and expanded news notes which differ not only in a display subject, but also in composition. It is inferred that in the Russian mass-media the expanded news note, which is characterized by the structural organization, is dominant.

    pdf kakhuzheva2012_1.pdf  (324 Kb)

  • S.V. Lyapun
    New approaches to classification of newspaper genres in the theory and journalism practice

    The paper discusses the interpretation of the concept of a publicistic genre in a context of modern scientific views. The author demonstrates new views on system of genres of the newspaper publicism, which has undergone considerable changes at a boundary of centuries. The description of the different points of view on the decision of this problem testifies to intensive development of the theory of the publicism comprehending professional work of journalists.

    pdf lyapun2012_1.pdf  (375 Kb)

  • V.V. Smeyukha
    Female network magazines: the theoretical and typological characteristic

    The paper discusses the typology of modern female network magazines. On the basis of the theoretical and typological analysis the author carries out their classification, reveals types of editions, gives them the characteristic, as well as defines development tendencies.

    pdf smeyukha2012_1.pdf  (378 Kb)

  • Chzhan Shuan
    The Olympic media strategies of China

    The paper examines experience of the People’s Republic of China in advancement of the events positively influencing the image of the state. The author describes the typology of mass media in China, channels of distribution of the information and the most productive information technologies providing advancement of the country which holds the Olympic and Paralympic Games at the international level.

    pdf chzhan_shuan2012_1.pdf  (307 Kb)

  • F.A. Autleva
    Literary translation problems in Marshak's critical heritage

    The paper characterizes indications of dialogue of cultures on the basis of a material of many-sided activity of S. Marshak. The author of this paper examines metapoetics data in Marshak’s “adult” lyrics and in literary-critical papers, in particular, related to the theory, history and practice of literary translation. Examples are given of Marshak’s analysis of his translations from “The King Lyre” and K. Balmont’s translations of W. Blake’s verses.

    pdf autleva2012_1.pdf  (354 Kb)

  • S.I. Buglak
    Correlation of comparison and metaphor in the English language

    The paper examines similarity and distinctions in comparison and metaphor functioning. Comparison is the basis of cognitive metaphor of the type Life is journey. Its basis consists of figurative comparison (simile), the analogy and associative similarity. The analogy is a more expanded comparison type. Comparison is explicit and a metaphor is implicit. Comparison and a metaphor represent a sphere of action of figurative speech. This paper distinguishes unreal, figurative comparisons, as well as real comparisons of identical, superfluous and sufficient degrees. However, all types of metaphors cannot be explained in comparison terms.

    pdf buglak2012_1.pdf  (363 Kb)

  • N.I. Valeeva
    Communicative and syntactic organization of a complex polypredicative sentence-microtext

    This paper examines interactions of thematic and rematic relations in the complex polypredicative sentence-microtext. Its communicative function is defined. The author identifies the sentence and text-organizing indications of microtext, specific feature of which is its communicatively-syntactic organization.

    pdf valeeva2012_1.pdf  (418 Kb)

  • G.Sh. Davletkulova
    A concept of intonation in the linguistic and methodical literature

    The paper discusses various approaches to treatment of concept of intonation, its components from the point of view of linguists and methodologists of different generations and theorists of Antique and Medieval public speaking. Their opinions are generalized. Works of linguists on relationship of punctuation with intonation are analyzed. A conclusion is made on the basis of similar relationship in the Bashkir language. The author presents a number of components of intonation and defines a role of intonation in speech at training to syntax, to the native language punctuation and to expressive reading.

    pdf davletkulova2012_1.pdf  (324 Kb)

  • S.N. Dolzhikova
    Features of penetration of anglicisms in the language of mass media

    The paper discusses the problem of lexical borrowings and features of penetration of anglicisms in the language of mass media. The goal of the paper is to consider problems of expansion of anglicisms in the Russian language system. This goal is realized in the solution of the following problems: to examine stages of process of borrowing and functioning of anglicisms in the mass media sublanguage. As a result of the analysis it has been established that the reasons of borrowings of anglicisms in the language of mass media include, along with the bases, the terminology, “craze”, expressiveness of novelty and an emotionality of the statement, which have got reflection in the literature, as well as sublanguage identification (or speech sphere).

    pdf dolzhikova2012_1.pdf  (345 Kb)

  • A.F. Isyangulova
    Semantics and stylistics of lexically and grammatically substantiated meanings of the category of belonging in the Bashkir language

    The paper discusses semantics and stylistics of lexically and grammatically caused forms of a category of belonging in the Bashkir language with the use of prose and poetry substyles of literary and art style as an example. The author shows the means and mechanisms of participation of these forms in syntactic transposition. Such types of secondary functions of addresses both to persons and not to persons are distinguished and analyzed. The author underlines expressiveness of the addressers-characterizations used in poetic speech.

    pdf isyangulova2012_1.pdf  (340 Kb)

  • A.A. Kalashaova
    Ways of realization of formula AIDCA in discourse of published advertisement

    The paper describes ways of impact on the advertising target audience the use of which promotes successful communications. The author shows the pragmatic and composition - stylistic role of AIDCA model providing efficiency of the advertising message. Positive influence on consumer behavior is due to that the addresser draws attention of the consumer, creates interest, causes desire and trust and, at last, induces to necessary action.

    pdf kalashaova2012_1.pdf  (359 Kb)

  • O.S. Kuzoyatova
    The basic directions in metaphor cognitive researches

    An analysis is made of the main approaches to describe metaphor in cognitive linguistics. The specificity of this phenomenon and its component filling are revealed. On the basis of the comparison of the approaches to metaphor research the emphasis is made on the necessity of taking into account its sociocultural background and sociopragmatic aspect.

    pdf kuzoyatova2012_1.pdf  (423 Kb)

  • M.D. Kunova
    Parcelling and parcelled constructions in the Adyghe language

    The paper examines the phenomenon of parcelling in the Adyghe language on the basis of examples taken from T.Kerashev’s compositions. It is ascertained that similar to other languages, parcelling and parcelled constructions function in the Adyghe language. Their use is characteristic both of oral speech and of written, in particular, in publicism and in the fiction language. The constructions can be subdivided in two groups by composition: with parcellate as a word or a word combination; and with parcellate as the whole sentence. Working out this topic will help us to solve some problems of syntax of the Adyghe language.

    pdf kunova2012_1.pdf  (310 Kb)

  • M.V. Laskova, E.V. Reznikova
    Personal pronouns in a political discourse

    The paper deals with the usage of the personal pronouns in the political discourse. These pronouns are means of manipulating the public opinion as well as a significant characteristic of a politician reflecting his outlook and ideology. The work examines historical changes in the usage of the personal pronouns in the political life of the country and the effect which the choice of the pronoun produces on the audience.

    pdf laskova2012_1.pdf  (324 Kb)

  • I.V. Oparnikova
    Ways of language explication of a fragment of the world picture in a professionally-slangy component of the language of medicine

    The paper examines the problem related to language expression of a professional picture of the world of the physician. Ways of the language organization of professionally-slangy lexicon and phraseology of language of medicine are investigated. The author shows a role of ways of word-formation and word change in realization of the basic tendencies of formation of professionally-slangy nominations.

    pdf oparnikova2012_1.pdf  (303 Kb)

  • L.M. Pelipenko
    Types of equivalence in translation of phraseological units with the component-numerals one, two, three from English into Russian

    The paper presents the results of an analysis of English and Russian phraseological units with the component-numerals “one, two, three / îäèí, äâà, òðè”. The study is based on contrastive investigation of phraseological units, the research being focused on the description of types of equivalence.

    pdf pelipenko2012_1.pdf  (312 Kb)

  • T.B. Samarskaya, E.G. Martirosyan
    The publicistic text: essence, specificity and functions

    The concept of publicisity is considered and an analysis is made of functions of publicism and specificity of influence of the publicistic text on mass audience. The creative nature of the publicistic text, its assessment and objectivity are characterized in detail. On the basis of publicistic texts taken from Russian newspapers, syncreticity and dialogues of the publicistic text are analyzed, definition of conjecture is made and the basic signs of discourses are nominated.

    pdf samarskaya2012_1.pdf  (343 Kb)

  • A.S. Sopova
    Polypredicative compound sentences in communicatively-pragmatic aspect (basing on the material of A.I. Solzhenitsyn’s compositions)

    The paper describes the polypredicative compound sentences in communicatively-pragmatic aspect. The language means promoting the decision of problems of communicatively-intentional tasks of the author of the text are revealed. Features of formation of sentences to exert speech influence on the reader are shown.

    pdf sopova2012_1.pdf  (285 Kb)

  • Z.S. Tochieva
    Development of Ingush-Russian bilingualism in the multiethnic environment

    The paper deals with the social-linguistic problem of the Ingush-Russian bilingualism. Based on the data of general census of the population the author has drawn the tables that characterize the dynamics of the Ingush-Russian bilingual development at Soviet period. The determinant in that process was the Russian multiethnic society formed in the period of the social, economic and cultural transformations in the Ingush Republic, which significantly exceeded in number the native population.

    pdf tochieva2012_1.pdf  (312 Kb)

  • D.Sh. Kharanutova, L.D. Shagdarov
    Motivational foundation of the word as the initial semantic model (as shown by the Buryat language)

    The paper deals with semantic motivation of names of reality phenomena in the Buryat language. The motivational characteristics of derivatives, designating the leader, are analyzed. The authors disclose the relationship between the informative side of derivative nominations and the inner form of words, reflecting the character of logic-semantic processes in the formation of derivatives. It is inferred that in the Buryat language, the motivational foundation, when defining a leader, represents a semantic interference on the basis of horizontal vision.

    pdf kharanutova2012_1.pdf  (386 Kb)

  • T.V. Shcherbakova
    The communicatively-syntactic organization of polypredicative asyndetic complex sentences in artistic texts

    The communicative-syntactic organization of the polypredicative asyndetic complex sentences is described on the basis of their compositional-semantic types. The author identifies specific structural-semantic and communicative features of the polypredicative asyndetic complex sentences. The conclusions are generalized, stating structural-semantic, syntactic, communicative features of the polypredicative asyndetic complex sentences and the specificity of their actual division and punctuation.

    pdf shcherbakova2012_1.pdf  (475 Kb)

    Study of Arts
  • I.A. Bashkatov
    Art education of the future artists-teachers in the classes of sculpture and plastic anatomy

    This paper reports upon the historical development of the sculpture and sets the tasks and goals of modern teaching future artists-teachers to sculpture and plastic anatomy, including the preservation of the traditions and giving a new modern sense. The course program of sculpture and plastic anatomy for the graphic art faculties is analyzed. The conditions are defined to make the implementation of the artistic education of future artists-teachers in the classes of sculpture and plastic anatomy most effective. The author emphasizes the role of interdisciplinary relations of special disciplines and independent work, based on the personal interest of the future artist-teacher.

    pdf bashkatov2012_1.pdf  (296 Kb)

  • T.I. Berbash
    Drawing in senior courses of the art-graphic faculty

    This paper examines significance of thematic drawing in senior courses of the art-graphic faculty. It conceives of thematic drawing as a composite activity built on the basis of an artistic image. This image is considered to be a complex system of reflecting objective reality by means of the graphic competence and expressiveness. Examples of thematic drawing of the18-19th centuries in workshops of A.P. Losenko (the St. Petersburg’s “Imperial Academy of Three Noblest Arts) and V.A. Serov’s workshops (The Moscow School of Painting, Sculpturing and Architecture) are given. Ways and methods of conducting thematic drawing in the fifth year course of the art-graphic faculty in a drawing workshop are presented.

    pdf berbash2012_1.pdf  (287 Kb)

  • M.S. Bobrova
    Alexander Zhurbin's rock opera “Orpheus and Eurydice”: dramatic art problems

    The concentrated portrait of dramatic art is given. The paper discloses conceptual and genre aspects of rock opera of A. Zhurbin “Orpheus and Eurydice” in a context of tendencies of genre and style interactions in the second half of the 20th century and myth interpretations about Orpheus. The author distinguishes four basic dramaturgic levels, a system of images and composition conflicts, symbolical aspects etc. Means of symphonization are characterized from myth positions – equivalent of fatal action – and tragedy genre.

    pdf bobrova2012_1.pdf  (326 Kb)

  • G.E. Kaloshina
    Some tendencies in development of a historical opera in music of France of the 20-th century

    The paper discusses tendencies of development of a historical opera in music of France of the 20-th century. The author distinguishes an epic line with a history mythologization and lyric-psychological – with the accent on the ethic-moral problems, developing traditions of an epoch of romanticism. In the tideway of historical subjects a new mystery is formed that is caused by active processes of genre interactions. During the post-war period a religious-philosophical opera is formed with the concept of Christian tragedy. Multivalence and information redundancy of a romantic opera remain. The “covering” (layered) forms and two types of processes of symphonization are characteristic.

    pdf kaloshina2012_1.pdf  (394 Kb)

  • I.O. Makarova
    Computer graphics in a book illustration

    The paper discusses specific features of a book illustration performed with the use of computer graphics. The computer graphics is treated here as a special kind of the fine arts. Special attention is given to non-photorealistic visualization used widely in a modern book illustration. This direction of computer graphics allows the book illustrator to achieve high quality of the image and to avoid excessive photographic detailed elaboration.

    pdf makarova2012_1.pdf  (323 Kb)

  • S.A. Mozgot
    Intimate space in music of the 17-19th centuries: ways of expression and indications

    The author uses examples of music of the 17-19th centuries to examine the internal monologue as one of the ways of expression of intimate space in music. The following versions of the internal monologue are analyzed: a monologue-reflection, a monologue-self-reflection and a monologue-conflict. This paper shows their musical indications and the figurative-semantic potential of display of intimate space in music.

    pdf mozgot2012_1.pdf  (365 Kb)

  • A.N. Sokolova
    The Cossack dances as a cultural phenomenon

    This paper addresses the questions of structure and the content of the Cossack dances, their genre structure and kinetic plasticity. Resting upon modern expedition materials, the author comes to a conclusion that structural and genre determinants of the Cossack dancing culture are heterogeneous. It is also inferred that the Caucasian influence on culture of the Cossack communities living in immediate proximity of the Adyghes, Abkhazes, Ossetins, Ingushes, Chechens and other people of the Caucasus is strengthening.

    pdf sokolova2012_1.pdf  (380 Kb)

  • E.A. Tkachenko
    Genre and style interactions in clavier sonatas of the Classical age: problem statement

    The paper examines hierarchy of genres and styles inherent in musical culture of the Classical age. The author emphasizes specificity of clavier sonatas as the “experimental” sphere of innovatory artistic quests of that epoch and the priority varieties of genre and style interactions in clavier sonatas of that period of time.

    pdf tkachenko2012_1.pdf  (327 Kb)

  • S.I. Khvatova
    Conditions of development of modern divine service singing

    Conditions of existing spiritual church chanting in temples of Adygheya Republic and Krasnodar territory are analyzed. Distinctions in singing styles of divine service church chanting of Russian Orthodox Church are caused by many external factors (a place in hierarchy of temples of eparchy, a condition of parish, its financial position and specific acoustic conditions) and internal (theological and music education, taste of the regent, his technical equipment, presence of guidelines of the dean and prior etc.).

    pdf khvatova2012_1.pdf  (394 Kb)

  • V.B. Tlyachev, A.D. Ushkho, D.S. Ushkho
    Parallel straight line isoclines of differential polynomial plane systems

    In the paper, the earlier obtained results [1] on a case of polynomials of any degree in the right-sided parts of the system are generalized.

    pdf tlyachev2012_1.pdf  (329 Kb)

  • Kh.M. Andrukhaev
    Regression scale method for assessment of children's physical development

    Improved method is proposed to develop normative tables to assess the level of children's physical development on the basis of regression scales. For this a software package created by the author is used.

    pdf andrukhaev2012_1.pdf  (643 Kb)

  • D.K. Mamiy, A.V. Lavrentyev, A.V. Kovalenko, M.Kh. Urtenov
    Application of regular representation of a integro-differential singularly perturbed system equations for their numerical solution

    In this paper we give a regular representation of a boundary value problem for a singularly perturbed Fredholm type integro-differential second order equation in the perturbed Fredholm type integral equation form. Two different successive approximation methods are determined. It is shown how the regular representation of singularly perturbed equations allows us to construct efficient methods for solving differential.

    pdf mamiy_d_2012_1.pdf  (359 Kb)

  • S.E. Boychenko
    Partial contributions of individual harmonics to the power of circular polarization synchrotron radiation

    The theoretical analysis is undertaken to determine the dependence of the partial contribution to the power of circular polarization synchrotron radiation upon number of a harmonic and velocity of a particle.

    pdf boychenko2012_1.pdf  (3 Mb)

  • A.I. Gavrilov, F.V. Moskalenko, R.V. Teryukha
    Distribution function and particle growth in condensed phases in the free-molecular regime

    The paper discusses a phenomenological theory of homogeneous condensation from a vapor phase at low supersaturations. The numerical solution of the obtained equations is compared with the analytic approximation.

    pdf gavrilov1_2012_1.pdf  (704 Kb)

  • M.A. Masterova, Yu.G. Yants
    Umov-Poynting vector for the electric and magnetic dipole moments

    This paper examines the properties of Umov-Poynting vector for the electromagnetic field of an arbitrary varying electric and magnetic dipole. It is shown that in the near zone, at distances comparable with the typical wave length, the direction of the energy flow vector is not radial. The derived formulae in the far zone asymp-totically approach the known expressions for dipole radiation. Special cases of linearly varying and precessing dipole moment are considered.

    pdf masterova2012_1.pdf  (939 Kb)

  • A.I. Gavrilov, F.V. Moskalenko, T.P. Khlopova
    Particle trajectories of glass-forming materials upon receipt of glass blanks for optical fiber by vapor-phase deposition

    The particle trajectories of glass-forming materials have been obtained within the framework of the developed MCVD technique of fiber manufacturing. Precipitation features and temperature changes on the trajectories are analyzed for the mixed convective-thermophoretic mechanism.

    pdf gavrilov2_2012_1.pdf  (496 Kb)

    Natural Sciences
  • T.N. Melnikova
    The maximum runoff of rain high waters of the rivers in the North-West Caucasus

    The paper discusses the conditions of formation of the maximum runoff. The author shows elevation and longitudinal zoning of spatial distribution of the maximum runoff of rain high waters in the rivers of the North-West Caucasus for alternative ways of an estimation of maximum high-water runoff.

    pdf melnikova1_2012_1.pdf  (484 Kb)

  • F.V. Tuguz
    Forms of settling in territory of Adygheya

    A division into districts of modern settling in territory of Adygheya by its genesis has been conducted. The paper shows the origin and development of the forms of settling most typical for Adygheya. Using concrete examples illustrated with fragments of largescale maps, the author describes the interrelation between genesis of these forms and natural conditions.

    pdf tuguz1_2012_1.pdf  (2 Mb)

  • M.Kh. Karmokov, N.V. Polukonova, M.Yu. Voronin, M.I. Shapovalov
    Karyotype and chromosomal polymorphism Chironomus nuditarsis Str. (Keyl, 1962) (Chironomidae, Diptera) of the Central Caucasus

    The paper provides data on the karyofund features of populations Chironomus nuditarsis (Chironomidae, Diptera) from plains, foothills and mountains of the Central Caucasus (Kabardino-Balkarian Republic). We have found 11 banding sequences – two in the arms À (ndt A1, ndt A3), Â (ndt B1, ndt B2), F (ndt F1, ndt F2) and G (ndt G1, ndt G2) and one in the arms C, D and E – ndt C1, ndt D1, ndt E1. Ten of them have already been known, and one – ndt F2 (17f-m - 19a-g) is endemic, it is described for the species for the first time, but had previously been identified in Ch. plumosus.

    pdf karmokov2012_1.pdf  (1 Mb)

  • A.V. Shakhanova, T.G. Petrova, S.S. Grechishkina
    Condition of cardiovascular system and neurophysiological status of students attending the football class

    The paper discusses mechanisms of regulator-adaptive possibilities of cardiovascular system of the students who attend the football class. Data on heart rate variability were used to determine the regulator-adaptive status of students. Three groups of students who attended the football class were revealed: with high degree of adaptation (47%), with pressure of regulator mechanisms (20%) and with unsatisfactory adaptation (33%). Features of the neurophysiological status are defined within each group.

    pdf shakhanova2012_1.pdf  (896 Kb)

  • D.V. Muzhenya
    Pathophysiological role and the prognostic importance of the angiotensinogen (AGT) gene M235T polymorphism at illnesses of a heart continuum

    An analysis is made of data of the international ethnogenetic researches carried out in 1995 through 2010 by frequency and association of M235T polymorphism of AGT in patients with risk of development of cardiovascular diseases using HuGENet data. In 12 % of the researches conducted in different ethnic populations, significant increase of frequency of Ì235Ò polymorphism of AGT in groups of patients with cardiovascular diseases is observed. This allows us to regard it as a prognostic significant criterion for risk of development of illnesses of a heart continuum. We consider it expedient to study distribution and associations of 235Ò polymorphism of AGT gene in groups of patients with cardiovascular diseases in different regions of the world taking into account ethnic features of surveyed contingents of the population.

    pdf muzhenya2012_1.pdf  (908 Kb)

  • I.G. Volkodav
    Silver-polymetallic ores of Adygheya

    The paper provides a characteristic of various types of argentiferous polymetallic ores, their placing, history of study, age, structural-material features, parameters, assessment and prospects of further studying.

    pdf volkodav2012_1.pdf  (770 Kb)

  • Yu.M. Tlupova, R.Kh. Tembotov, A.Z. Akhomgotov
    The possibility of using space research methods to assess the condition of forest ecosystems in mountain areas of Kabardino-Balkaria

    In this paper based on the literature analysis, the potentialities of modern satellite remote sensing systems are considered to carry out the environmental monitoring of forest ecosystems in mountain areas. The authors show an opportunity of using satellite images of Landsat 5 Thematic Mapper to determine the species composition, the area of forests and the availability of logging.

    pdf tlupova2012_1.pdf  (1 Mb)

  • I.N. Dyakova, T.N. Tolstikova
    Biological features of a leaf of Spiraea specimen

    The paper provides the results of studying morphological features variability of the leaf of Spiraea L. specimen. It is established that the majority of the leaf features has high degree of variability; the greatest variation factor of the leaf size is at S. japonica `Macrophylla`. The results of research of epidermis and leaf stomata of Spiraea genus are given. The maximum general factor of features variation was observed at Spiraea x bumalda Pall., the average level of features variability at Spiraea alba Du Roi. and S. betulifolia Pall.

    pdf dyakova2012_1.pdf  (2 Mb)

  • I.V. Shokhin, M.I. Shapovalov
    The generic and zoogeographical analysis of the fauna of scarab beetles (Scarabaeoidea, Coleoptera) in the Adygheya Republic

    The paper presents the results of generic analysis of fauna and areal data of beetle species of the superfamily Scarabaeoidea occurring in the territory of Adygheya. The generic analysis of Adygheya scarab beetle fauna allows the authors to allocate 77 genera belonging to 5 families and 121 species belonging to them, of which 3 species are marked for the first time in this study area. The Caucasian species make up 16% of the fauna under study.

    pdf shokhin2012_1.pdf  (599 Kb)

  • A.S. Bondarenko, A.S. Zamotaylov
    Spatio-temporal differentiation of several ground beetle dominants (Coleoptera, Carabidae) in uplands of the North-West Caucasus

    The paper discusses peculiarities of the spatio-temporal distribution of 14 ground beetle species within the mountainous biocenoses mosaic of the North-West Caucasus.

    pdf bondarenko2012_1.pdf  (830 Kb)

  • T.N. Melnikova
    A hydrometeorological study of the North-West Caucasus

    The paper provides an analysis of distribution of hydrological stations and the development of meteorological researches in the North-West Caucasus. An assessment is made of hydrometeorological study of the region in order to improve the monitoring studies of river runoff regimes in the region basins.

    pdf melnikova2_2012_1.pdf  (467 Kb)

  • F.V. Tuguz
    A description of settlements arrangement in the Adygheya territory

    The paper discusses typologies of Adygheya settlements created by their location and by the planning form. The author shows specific features of relationship between the genesis of the settlements and their position on the terrain and their lay-out.

    pdf tuguz2_2012_1.pdf  (2 Mb)

  • K.D. Chermit, A.V. Shakhanova, A.G. Zabolotniy, A.A. Tkhagova
    The electromyographic characteristic of squats in powerlifting

    The electrobiological activity of muscles during squats with different weights in powerlifting is investigated on the basis of the interference surface electromyogram recording. The analysis of the electromyogram parameters is made by using the geometric modeling method.

    pdf chermit3_2012_1.pdf  (546 Kb)

  • S.B. Elipkhanov, O.B. Nemtsev, I.M. Kozlov
    Muscle activity when doing a backheel by highly-skilled female judoists

    The 2-D and 3-D video analysis was used to examine doing a backheel, one of the basic techniques in judo. Female judoists – members of the youth national team of the Russian Federation participated in experiment. It has been established that doing the backheel is accompanied by the greatest changes in relative length of muscle, as well as by the highest speed of contraction of the following muscles: right m. adductor longus, caput breve left m. biceps brachii, left and right m. biceps femoris, right m. latissimus dorsi, right m. obliquus externus abdominis, right m. rectus femoris, right m. sartorius, left and right m. gastrocnemius.

    pdf elipkhanov2_2012_1.pdf  (547 Kb)

  • K.D. Chermit, A.V. Shakhanova, A.N. Baladzhan, A.G. Zabolotniy
    The electrobiological characteristic of the conductor's manual actions

    The paper examines the electrobiological activity of muscles during the implementation of conductor's professional motor skills by recording the interference surface electromyogram. The types of the EMG patterns, characteristic of manual actions of conductors are desalinated.

    pdf chermit4_2012_1.pdf  (2 Mb)

  • T.P. Varshanina
    Prospects of forecasting ecologically significant natural hazards on the basis of structurally-similar geospace models

    Construction of the energy field topological structure, expressed in terms of gradients of structure parameters of geospace patterns, opens new prospects for monitoring and prediction of natural hazards and for creation of integrated geographic information systems (GIS).

    pdf varshanina2012_1.pdf  (828 Kb)

  • T.A. Ivanenko
    Some aspects of people's awareness of foods produced from genetically modified organisms

    The paper provides a brief overview of the different points of view on foods produced from genetically modified organisms (GMO), on regulation of their production and on problems of people’s awareness of this food. The results of the author’s pilot interview on actual questions related to foods produced from GMO are considered. It was established that citizens of the region, despite their sufficient high education, are poor informed about foods produced from GMO. The author points to the key sources of information about foods from GMO and about their low efficiency. The advices to raise people’s awareness are given. Recommendations are aso given for the regional authorities concerning the transgenic products production and the creation of GMO free zones.

    pdf ivanenko2012_1.pdf  (671 Kb)

    Technical Sciences
  • Yu.Kh. Guketlev, A.V. Beletskiy
    Graph-analytical model of regulation regional transport

    The paper provides a model of formation of optimum structure of a regional transport management based on a graph-analytical method. The model’s prospects are related to the analysis and a choice of priorities at formation of various schemes of regulation of the regional transport complex. The model can be used to make the comparative analysis of already functioning models of regulation and to choose the best among them. The model develops ideas of the cognitive approach at the solution of the poorly structured problems, developed at the Institute of Problems of Management of the Russian Academy of Sciences.

    pdf guketlev2012_1.pdf  (574 Kb)

  • M.V. Aliev, A.Kh. Panesh, M.S. Kasparyan
    Identification of contours on low contrasting and blurred images using fractal filtration

    This paper describes a method for fast evaluation of the fractal dimension (the dimension of Minkowski). Algorithm is proposed for the identification of contours on low contrasting and blurred images using fractal filtration.

    pdf aliev_m_2012_1.pdf  (531 Kb)

  • V.V. Kuyukov, A.A. Shinkarenko, V.V. Katkov, S.A. Khuazhev
    Increase of efficiency of vehicle braking on slippery roads

    The paper is dedicated to the questions of increasing efficiency of vehicle braking on slippery roads owing to strengthening of coupling properties of a wheel with a road covering. This is achieved by creation of short-term artificial increase in a roughness of a racetrack of the tire on all its length and of a road surface at emergency braking of a vehicle.

    pdf kuyukov2012_1.pdf  (446 Kb)

  • V.N. Korobkov, T.P. Varshanina
    Construction of a vector field for modeling a spatiotemporal structure of the tectonic pressure field

    The paper presents the construction algorithm of a vector field with reference to spatiotemporal structure modeling of the tectonic pressure field. The grounds are given for choice of development tools. A description is made of structure of data required for a vector field realization on PC.

    pdf korobkov2012_1.pdf  (637 Kb)

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