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  • N.A. Petrenko
    Comprehension: history and modernity

    Based on the analysis of works of domestic and foreign philosophers on comprehension, the author arrives at a conclusion that a lot of controversial and unsolved issues still remains along with certain developments in the study of the problem. This work is is a foundation for further study of the problem of comprehension. The purpose of this paper is to show the place of the problem of comprehension in science, culture and in life.

    pdf petrenko2012_3.pdf  (805 Kb)

  • A.P. Bandurin
    On terminal and instrumental ecologic – value orientations of modern consciousness

    The paper examines the interaction of terminal and instrumental socially-valued orientations of modern consciousness at a level of correlation of its ecological and economic interests, motives and necessities. The social background of such analysis is a daily occurrence as space of the Russian social identity, originating instrumental-regulating values, which are correlated with the searches for models of exit from a system economic crisis on the ways of modernization and steady development of society in which terminal ecologic – value orientations become of greater significance.

    pdf bandurin2012_3.pdf  (458 Kb)

  • E.M. Malysheva
    Identity, spiritual potential of the Soviet society and formation of memory of the Great Patriotic War: Dialogue of the past with the present

    The paper gives reason to laws of historical continuity in destiny of Russia as factor of self-preservation in the conditions of threat to independence and inadmissibility of distortion of truth about World War II and the Great Patriotic War. On the basis of the analysis of German estimations the author reveals distinctions in approaches to elucidation of results and lessons of World War II and the Great Patriotic War in Russia and Germany. Also attention is paid to importance of development of meaningful dialogue between historians of two countries on these problems. Post-war generations need the authentic and originally scientific history of this difficult period reconstructed on the versatile source basis. Comprehension of the taken lessons forms identity and develops world outlook preferences of young generations of German and Russian citizens. Difficult process of research of constant and unstable characteristics of interaction of a society and the power of the military period is peculiar to modern approaches in studying history of the military period of the German and domestic newest historiography. In this context the author proves necessity of counteraction to distortion of history of war and the importance of solicitous attitude to historical memory not only as circumstances of a definition of the Russian identity, but also of the defensive factor and national safety of modern Russia.

    pdf malysheva2012_3.pdf  (888 Kb)

  • A.K. Cheucheva
    The main directions of foreign policy of Great Britain in the Northwest Caucasus in the 1850-1860s

    The paper discusses the main directions of foreign policy of Great Britain in the Northwest Caucasus in the 1850-1860s, namely: counteraction to policy of Russia in the Middle East question, upholding a principle of free trade and use of emigrants in the political interests of Great Britain.

    pdf cheucheva2012_3.pdf  (1 Mb)

  • A.F. Potashev
    Historiography of the reign of Nikolay the First

    The paper deals with the history of studying an epoch of the reign of Nikolay I by a historical science. The author distinguishes and describes stages of development of a historiography and draws conclusions on formation of the scientific concept of history of the second quarter of the 19th century as period of strengthening the Russian statehood, social and economic and political transformations which have become a preparatory stage of Alexander II reforms.

    pdf potashev2012_3.pdf  (938 Kb)

  • A.A. Panarin, Yu.A. Stetsura
    Youth in the agriculture reorganization in the USSR at the boundary of 1920-1930s

    This urgent research shows possibilities of use of experience of youth participation in transformation of village for the decision of modern problems of agriculture. The purpose of research is to analyze a role of Komsomol in youth preparation to carry out continuous collectivization of agriculture. Research problems are related to elucidation of the basic lines of activity of Komsomol at a boundary of 1920-1930s. The subject of research is participation of youth in the agriculture reorganization in the USSR; the object is Komsomol and rural youth. As a result of research active participation of youth and Komsomol in agriculture transformation is proved.

    pdf panarin2012_3.pdf  (569 Kb)

  • S.G. Kudaeva
    The Northwest Caucasus and the Adyghes (Circassians) in a context of geopolitical interests of fighting powers (The end of the 1820s – the beginning of the 1840s)

    The paper examines the interstate contradictions which emerged after signing the Peace Treaty of Adrianople of 1829 in the center of which there were Northwest Caucasus and the Adyghes (Circassians). Change of interests of different powers, as well as of a political situation in the region is traced in accordance with the basic historical marks. Those are the Peace Treaties of Adrianople (1829) and Unkiar-Skelessi (1833) and the London Conventions (1840-1841).

    pdf kudaeva_s_2012_3.pdf  (1 Mb)

  • A.Yu. Chirg, V.N. Maltsev
    Internal political struggle in the Western Circassia in 1854 – 1856

    The paper discusses internal political struggle in the Western Circassia in 1854–1856. The authors show contradictions between two Adyghe political leaders – Sefer–Bey Zanoko and Mokhamed Amin – and analyze the reasons why political dissociation was preserved in the country of Adyghes during the Caucasian War.

    pdf chirg2012_3.pdf  (503 Kb)

  • F.Kh. Shebzukhova, V.N. Maltsev
    The Northwest Caucasus as a part of the Russian Empire: from military conquest to search for ways of integration and realization of agrarian transformations

    An attempt is undertaken to define the primary goals of the Russian Empire in the North-Caucasus on ways of its integration in Russian uniform territorial, social, economic and political space, methods of their decision, as well as to show achievements and the obstacles, braking a solution of a problem.

    pdf shebzukhova_f_2012_3.pdf  (713 Kb)

  • V.N. Maltsev, A.Yu. Chirg
    Institute of police officer organization in the Caucasus: creation, activity, evolution (second half of the 18-th century – 1860)

    The paper is aimed at studying the institute of police officer organization in the Caucasus from the point of view of its role in development of the Russian system of administration managerial control in region and interactions with the population. The authors examine the process of formation of institute, development stages of police officer systems, the governmental policy in the relation of police officer organizations and features of activity of police officers. Conclusions are drawn on importance of police officer organizations in formation of the Russian governing in the Caucasus.

    pdf maltsev2012_3.pdf  (681 Kb)

  • M.V. Yanova
    Environmental problems in the South of Russia: results of expeditional researches

    The aim of this research is to show the history of study of Pricaspie territory. The object of the paper is the participation of the first expeditions in regional researches.

    pdf yanova2012_3.pdf  (466 Kb)

  • D.S. Kidirniyazov, K.Z. Makhmudova
    The Istanbul treaty of 1724 and its implications for the Caucasian policy of Russia

    The paper discusses the issue of the most important outcome of the Caspian expedition of Peter I – the conclusion of the treaty in Istanbul in 1724. It was the first international treaty of the Russian state concerning the Caucasian lands. The role of the treaty for the North-Eastern Caucasus was the fact that the region has ceased to be the subject of international agreements exclusively of Safavid Iran and Ottoman Empire. Since 1724 Russia has become an indispensable party to such agreements. In fact, the North Caucasian peoples have been included in the Caucasian knot of Russia’s Middle East policy for long-term historical perspective.

    pdf kidirniyazov2012_3.pdf  (695 Kb)

  • Z.L. Vlasenko
    The role of Maikop agricultural technical secondary school in training middle-link specialists for Adygheya in 1965-1991

    The paper discusses the basic directions and features of training and education of middle-link specialists for agriculture in 1965-1991. This is the time of reforming the agricultural branch directed to an intensification of manufacture and to the decision of a personnel problem. The role of Maikop agricultural technical secondary school in solving the tasks in view is marked.

    pdf vlasenko2012_3.pdf  (673 Kb)

  • Z.Yu. Khuako
    Political extremism: information aspect according to materials of sociological research

    The paper discusses features and various forms of display of political extremism in a society, as well as the theoretical and methodological bases of counteraction against political extremism. Special attention is given to preventive measures and counteraction against political extremism using information means.

    pdf khuako_z_2012_3.pdf  (663 Kb)

  • V.I. Kurbatov
    Social dialogue in harmonization of the social relations

    The paper discusses the role of social dialogue as the most important characteristic of development of the public relations. Social dialogue promotes formation of social partnership, social solidarity and the social world.

    pdf kurbatov2012_3.pdf  (489 Kb)

  • S.V. Shimko, A.A. Ozerov, L.V. Tarasenko
    Socialization risks: theoretical and methodological issues of research

    Every serious study involves the initial methodological basis of the selected angle of study. This study is based on a thorough theoretical and methodological analysis of the experience gained in the study of this scientific problem. In this regard, this paper is devoted to the analysis of theoretical and methodological issues in studying the socialization risks in the current scientific literature because of the need to find new methodological tools to study this complicated scientific problem in the changed conditions of socialization space of modern society.

    pdf shimko2012_3.pdf  (660 Kb)

  • E.A. Chernykh
    Theoretical and methodological aspects of the PR-culture in conditions of informational transformation of the modern society

    This paper discusses the basic approaches to the definition and analysis of the PR-technologies existing in the national and Western science, on the basis of which the category of the “PR-culture” is operationalized and a definition of this phenomenon is given. The author notices that the research on the PR-culture in sociology has not appeared at the level of the conceptual development yet. Therefore this is an objective argument to create the methodological field of the PR-culture researches.

    pdf chernykh2012_3.pdf  (802 Kb)

  • P.V. Burtsev
    The production organization in system of social self-control

    In this paper, we consider the production organization as a social system, focused on performance of the economic functions. Having in mind that the development of industrial organizations occurs through the achievement of stated goals, we believe that the system of social self-regulation as a process of social self-sufficiency in organization space creates the preconditions for the formation of integration points in the organizational space.

    pdf burtsev2012_3.pdf  (496 Kb)

  • A.V. Firsova
    The role of education in shaping the culture of professional management of the Russian sports system

    The paper reveals the role and specificity of the Russian education system in personnel training for the management of the sports system. It is inferred that there are no special programs for middle managers in the sports industry who can organize, for example, work in any gym.

    pdf firsova2012_3.pdf  (540 Kb)

  • G.P. Zinchenko
    Sociocultural bases of public service functioning

    This work examines the sociocultural aspects of public service functioning, which determine its contemporary character and prospects for development.

    pdf zinchenko2012_3.pdf  (607 Kb)

  • A.V. Popov, E.V. Dakhno, L.I. Tsherbakova
    Features of career management of public employees

    The paper defines the role of career management as a mechanism for the development of the public service in Russia. The authors distinguish stages of career management of a public employee and the factors that affect the career development.

    pdf popov2012_3.pdf  (499 Kb)

  • E.V. Krasavina
    Institutional surroundings of simulation practice of adaptation

    The paper deals with the process of institutionalization of shadow social practices in different spheres of life of Russian contemporary society in the aspect of its influence on the content and orientation of social adoption of young people.

    pdf krasavina2012_3.pdf  (844 Kb)

  • V.N. Grishay, E.K. Arutyunov
    RETRACTED on September 4, 2019. Business as one of the subjects of production of vital means and cultural samples: socio-cultural aspect

    Retraction of this publication is due to the discovered plagiarism – The source: Makhmudov F.M. Formation of youth business as subject of manufacture of vital means and cultural samples // The Bulletin of the Adyghe State University. Series “Region Studies: Philosophy, History, Sociology, Jurisprudence, Political Sciences and Culturology” - Maikop: Adyghe State University Publishing House, 2009, Issue 3. This paper shows that some advantages are peculiar to small business, namely: high level of adaptation to local conditions of managing; great independence of actions of subjects of small business; flexibility and efficiency in acceptance and implementation of accepted decisions; the great opportunity for the businessman to realize his ideas and to show his abilities; the low need in the initial capital and ability to quickly introduce changes into production and manufacturing process in reply to requirements of the local markets.

    pdf grishay2012_3.pdf  (637 Kb)

  • Z.A. Zhade, A.M. Chadje, Z.Yu. Khuako
    Bases of political and legal identity of Russians and the constitutional values: conceptual analysis

    The paper examines such objects of identification as policy and the right being important factors of consolidation of the Russian society. Political and legal identity is defined as a multidimensional concept in which civil, political and legal components correspond to each other to some extent. Proceeding from the analysis of the essence of political and legal identity and the constitutional values, a thesis is substantiated that search for identity is in many respects related to perception by Russians of the constitutional values and their rights.

    pdf zhade2012_3.pdf  (827 Kb)

  • A.M. Chadje
    Democracy institutes as a constitutional value

    The paper examines the main institutes of democracy, namely: a referendum, elections, a popular law creative initiative, collective appeals of citizens to public authorities and local government etc. The author shows the general regularities and features of their realization in the Russian Federation and in foreign countries. It is inferred that a vector of development of the civilized democratic state is revival of authority of national will, education of civil activity of society and providing a worthy place of representative bodies in the mechanism of the state government and local government.

    pdf chadje2012_3.pdf  (796 Kb)

  • B.N. Khachak
    Realization of principles of equality of citizens before the law, justice and humanity taking into account gender features in criminal law

    The paper addresses the issues of realization of criminally – legal principles of equality, justice and humanity in norms of the General part of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, taking into account requirements of a gender approach in criminal law. The author examines the privileges for women fixed in the criminal legislation. It is inferred that such approach of the legislator creates some gender asymmetry. In this connection the corresponding changes in the criminal law are proposed.

    pdf khachak2012_3.pdf  (760 Kb)

  • R.E. Tovmasyan
    Issue of cash: financial and legal aspect

    The paper discusses the various points of view of financial and legal aspect of issue of cash. It is inferred that in order to improve the financial and legal regulation of settlement legal relationships the more important circumstance is a standard fixing the concept of “currency issue”, in particular “issues of cash”. It is worthy of noting that questions of monetary issue which is a starting point of all monetary turn should occupy the main place when considering actual problems of cash monetary circulation. At the same time, it is important to understand that monetary issue represents not simply release of money for the circulation – it is the independent direction of financial activity of the state.

    pdf tovmasyan2012_3.pdf  (617 Kb)

  • B.A. Agirbova
    The culture-forming role of public relations

    This paper discusses the culture-forming role of public relations (PR), features of PR-impact on a society, aiming at correction or formation of certain public opinion concerning this or that object or a question. The place and a role of culture in the life of society are considered. Features of formation of culture of the person and the society as a whole are defined. Also PR-activity of official bodies on formation of certain culture of behavior of a society, as well as the results of influence of public relations on the formation of public opinion are analyzed using an example of various state structures.

    pdf agirbova2012_3.pdf  (610 Kb)

    Political Science
  • B.I. Shekultirov
    Corruption in Russia as a threat to state and national security

    This paper analyzes corruption in Russia as the phenomenon posing a threat to state and national security and to mass consciousness. Corruption is considered from the different points of view: legal, social, economic, political, moral and household. The author analyzes indissolubility and imperfection of our legislation, its discrepancy and problematical character giving the chance for realization of frauds by criminal structures and possibilities of ducking out with impunity. The rational maturity of a society as a result of counteraction against corruption in mass consciousness etc. is disclosed.

    pdf shekultirov2012_3.pdf  (680 Kb)

  • D.Kh. Mekulov
    Democratization and “perfection” of the government system in the North Caucasus in the 1920-1930s

    The paper discloses the semantic meaning of democracy as the form of governing. The Civil War and strong class struggle removed democracy principles for a while. Clauses of the Constitution of RSFSR of 1918 and of the USSR of 1924 were in certain contradiction with the real affairs at places. Actions of extreme bodies of the state (1921-1924) debarred workers from the country governing. This paper provides specific digital data on revival of ethnic minorities in the North Caucasus.

    pdf mekulov2012_3.pdf  (777 Kb)

  • N.N. Yurchenko
    Analytical forecasting the administrative practice evolution in the aspect of local and regional projection (as shown by the the South of Russia materials)

    The paper addresses the issues and prospects of evolution of administrative practices in the field of political and state governance in local and regional projection. Attention is focused on the risks of administrative sphere and on forecasting the construction of the dynamic models of regional security in the context of government structure reforming.

    pdf yurchenko2012_3.pdf  (595 Kb)

  • S.A. Robskaya
    State building as a political process (research areas)

    This paper focuses upon the definition of “state building”, its origin and theoretical approaches in a contemporary political science.

    pdf robskaya2012_3.pdf  (636 Kb)

  • A.I. Kolba
    Political and disputed aspects of the relations in system of the budgetary federalism of modern Russia (the center – regions – municipalities)

    The paper deals with the political conflicts, arising during creation and operation of the fiscal federalism system in Russia. The author shows how the nature of political conflict relations in this field changed from 1990 to the present. An analysis is made of the influence of defects of modern model of fiscal federalism on the growth of social tension in the Russian society at the local and regional levels.

    pdf kolba2012_3.pdf  (828 Kb)

  • S.M. Savchenko
    Specific features of electoral behavior of citizens in modern Russia

    This paper discusses specific features of behavior of the domestic electorate, conditioned by peculiarities of political and socio-cultural development of modern Russia. The main attention is focused on the importance of the traditionalistic component in the worldview and behavioral patterns of Russians which influences the electoral behavior. Major trends in electoral behavior of Russian citizens are identified.

    pdf savchenko2012_3.pdf  (501 Kb)

  • N.E. Orekhovskaya
    Methodological construct of study of the “color revolution” phenomenon

    The paper shows that the adequate usage of sociological tools to analyze the “color revolution” phenomenon is possible on the basis of established methodological construct, which is based on conceptual and methodological assumptions: (1) the concept of “fluid reality”, (2) the concept of “flickering” network, multiple identities, (3) informational, non-coercive influence in the artistic and aesthetic form on the mass consciousness, (4) the concept of autonomous character of sphere of public space in relation to the existing political order, which is located between the official and private spheres and contains non-formal institutions and which is directly accessible to different layers and groups of society, (5) the global information society as a unity of the real and virtual reality, with its creative character and (6) the concept of social justice.

    pdf orekhovskaya2012_3.pdf  (545 Kb)

  • V.S. Malitsky
    Ideology in contemporary Russia

    The paper examines the periods of evolution of ideological situations in the Russian modern society. Attention is focused on the following periods: the period of perestroika and the revaluation of socialist values (1985-1991); the period of de-ideologisation of Russian society (1991-1996); the period of search for ideology for Russia (1996-2000); the period of implementation of neo-liberal values (2000-2008); and the period of revaluation of values of the neo-liberal ideology and the restoration of the neo-conservative values under the name of modernistic ideology (2008- the present ).

    pdf malitsky2012_3.pdf  (523 Kb)

  • A.R. Salgiriev
    Russia’s political elite: features of the formation and development

    An analysis is made of the current political elite of Russia, of mechanisms and characteristics of its formation and development. The author describes the channels of elite recruiting and their functions and gives the results of opinion polls.

    pdf salgiriev2012_3.pdf  (493 Kb)

    The Economic Theory
  • G.L. Avagyan
    Innovative mechanism of the cyclic-wave theory of N.D. Kondratyev

    The paper discusses the cyclic-wave concept of N.D. Kondratyev and its innovative mechanism. The author discloses the problems related to innovation classification and clustering. The modern interpretation of basic provisions of the long-wave theory from the point of view of realization of innovative processes is given.

    pdf avagyan2012_3.pdf  (522 Kb)

  • A.Ò. Kirguev, A.V. Nechayev
    The human factor in disintegration at meso level

    The paper discusses the actual aspects of human factor in the process of disintegration of economy space of regional economic systems in contemporary Russia. The creative component of human factor plays the leading role in this process, since the disintegration realizes the conflict in the economic interests of subjects of the territory.

    pdf kirguev2012_3.pdf  (337 Kb)

  • A.V. Nechayev
    The human factor during structural transformations at meso level

    The paper discusses the vital issues related to functions and position of human factor in the process of structural transformations of regional economical systems in contemporary Russia. The creative component of human factor plays the leading role in this process because the structural transformations have the trend to approve zones of active growth inside the territory.

    pdf nechayev2012_3.pdf  (309 Kb)

    Financial Markets
  • V.V. Nikanenkova
    Credit scoring as a tool of an estimation of borrowers’ creditworthiness

    Recently rates of increasing the crediting market for physical persons pass ahead of the rates of increasing the corporate crediting market. This leads to increase in credit risks of the bank system. Therefore quality of management of credit risks in retail crediting gets a special urgency. One of the tools of minimization of level of credit risk for the borrowers is a scoring system. This paper discusses the basic principles of construction, objections and types of a credit scoring, as well as reflects its positive sides.

    pdf nikanenkova2012_3.pdf  (619 Kb)

  • L.K. Ulybina
    Institutes and tools of the insurance market in reproduction system of the region economy

    The paper describes the methodological approach to development of institute of the insurance market in reproduction system of the region economy. The algorithm of model of formation and development of the regional insurance market is presented. Using the SWOT analysis the author reveals tendencies in the main indicators of its development. The model of development of the insurance market of Krasnodar Territory and its strategic parameters are provided.

    pdf ulybina2012_3.pdf  (648 Kb)

    Problems Related to Investment Activity
  • M.Yu. Saitova
    Regional bank cluster as an innovative financial instrument to stimulate investment activity in the region

    The paper deals with the questions of use of new financial instruments for stimulation of investment activity in the region in the form of formation and development of activity of a regional bank cluster. The author shows the features of the organization of financial clusters and adapts principles of cluster structuring economy. Classification of types of regional bank clusters is developed and criteria for their identification are defined.

    pdf saitova2012_3.pdf  (642 Kb)

    Regional Economy
  • V.V. Bagmetov
    The habitation market as an element of a housing construction complex of the region and its features in modern conditions

    The paper discusses development features of the habitation market in modern conditions. The author systematizes housing stock elements and shows their influence on housing demand. On the basis of great statistical material, features of structure and infrastructure of the habitation market have been revealed.

    pdf bagmetov2012_3.pdf  (476 Kb)

  • M.M. Dolgiev
    The main directions of implementation of strategic approach to development of the region energy system

    This work provides indicators of development of electric power and heat power sectors in the Krasnodar Territory. The major factors interfering effective development of power engineering are specified. The schematic diagram of elaboration of regional power strategy is given. The paper presents three scenarios of development of the energy sector in the Krasnodar Territory.

    pdf dolgiev2012_3.pdf  (405 Kb)

  • B.M. Zhukov, V.A. Dianova
    Identification of resource potential of the region development

    The paper deals with the imperatives of effective development of locally-spatial systems. The authors pay special attention to the resource potential and to identification of the possible ways of its implementation in order to promote development of regional economic space and to achieve the strategic goals and objectives of socio-economic development.

    pdf zhukov_zh1_2012_3.pdf  (617 Kb)

  • B.M. Zhukov, A.A. Osin
    Regulatory functions of the state in providing integrated territorial competitiveness

    This paper discusses formation of the new directions of the state regulatory policy, development and introduction of the modern regulatory functions to ensure integrated territorial competitiveness in the conditions of transformation and development of regional social and economic systems.

    pdf zhukov_zh2_2012_3.pdf  (750 Kb)

  • T.L. Kappusheva
    Strategy of social and economic development of the region and tools of its implementation

    The paper sheds light on a number of unexplored aspects related to the development and implementation of strategy of region socio-economic development in the current conditions. Particular attention is paid to the tools of regional strategy implementation.

    pdf kappusheva2012_3.pdf  (338 Kb)

  • N.A. Koroleva
    Mega giant corporations in a regional economic development of Russia

    During the past years the large corporations interact intensely with the regional economic systems. The mega giant corporations with the global level of economic relations are leaders in this process. But the activity of such corporations inside the region does not guarantee effective development of the region. This paper presents the main trends in interaction of mega corporations and the regional economic systems.

    pdf koroleva1_2012_3.pdf  (325 Kb)

  • N.A. Koroleva, N.A. Khilko
    The forms of interaction of corporate and web organizations with the regional economic systems

    During the past years the corporate and web organizations have had an active interaction with the regional economic systems. As a result, the new forms of relations at a meso level of organization of economic relations are created. But the activity of corporate and web organizations inside the region does not guarantee effective development of the region. This paper presents the main forms of interaction of corporate and web organizations with the regional economic systems.

    pdf koroleva2_2012_3.pdf  (385 Kb)

  • T.A. Kuzin
    Competitiveness of the Adygheya Republic in the economic environment of the Southern macroregion and subregional localities as a factor of its increasing

    The paper examines a number of the aspects related to an assessment of competitiveness of the Adygheya Republic in the Southern macroregion, to justification of a role of subregional localities as a dominating factor of its increasing in modern conditions. Special attention is given to new forms of the organization and management of the regional economy, providing a more complete use of local resources and factors in social and economic development of territories.

    pdf kuzin1_2012_3.pdf  (437 Kb)

  • T.A. Kuzin, M.K. Tamova
    Development of subregional localities in the economic space of the region: strategic priorities and implementation mechanisms

    The paper examines a number of the aspects related to an assessment of the role of subregional localities in social and economic development of the region using an example of the Adygheya Republic, to justification of strategic priorities in development of localities and mechanisms of their implementation. Special attention is given to resources of problematic regions of the South of Russia, the effective involvement of which in economic circulation is an important condition of dynamic development of subregional localities.

    pdf kuzin2_2012_3.pdf  (390 Kb)

  • N.I. Pshikanokova, A.T. Bogatyrova
    Investment activity of region as the factor of economic growth in the conditions of national economy modernization

    The purpose of this paper is to reveal features of an investment policy of a depressive region and to substantiate the basic directions of its modernization as a system strategy forming basis of social and economic development of macroregion.

    pdf pshikanokova2012_3.pdf  (542 Kb)

  • O.V. Turkina
    Problems of a regional asymmetry of subjects in the Southern Federal District in separate kinds of activity

    The paper discusses unevenness in development of activity in agriculture, hunting, forestry and manufacturing industry of subject economy in the Southern Federal District. Processes of monitoring, diversification and specialization in the most developed and profitable kinds of activity can become a solution of this problem.

    pdf turkina2012_3.pdf  (573 Kb)

  • S.A. Chernyavskaya
    Creation of sustainable regional subsystems in economic space of contemporary Russia

    A variety of regional subsystems are formed in the course of structural reorganization of economic space of regions in contemporary Russia. To study them it is expedient to use the cognitive potential of the functional approach, revealing the functional orientation of the specified subsystems in the internal environment of the region.

    pdf chernyavskaya2012_3.pdf  (438 Kb)

    The Account, Audit and the Control
  • I.N. Voblaya, I.V. Sugaipova
    Tools, methods and means of modeling of accounting procedures

    This work deals with the questions of modeling of accounting procedures. The modeling is considered as an accounting method. The authors show the basic tools of modeling and examine sections of the Book of Accounts in detail, including off-balance accounts. The accounts of the given sections corresponding to the Accounting Standards and to the International Financial Reporting Standards are considered. Modeling is presented from the points of view of various Russian scientists, ìodeling steps are studied.

    pdf voblaya2012_3.pdf  (491 Kb)

  • I.N. Kirilov
    Theoretical aspects of the development of accounting and analytical support for management decisions at the enterprise

    The paper deals with the basic requirements and principles of organization of accounting and analytical systems at the enterprises. The content of the terms of “accounting” and “analysis” is studied. An analysis is made of the requirements for organizing an accounting and analytical support for management decisions at the enterprises; principles of development of effective accounting system are identified; the reasons to improve the system of accounting and analytical support are given.

    pdf kirilov2012_3.pdf  (474 Kb)

    Economy of Agrarian-Industrial Complex
  • I.V. Vasko
    Theoretical aspects of formation of regional agro-clusters

    The agro-industrial cluster plays a special role in studying tendencies in development of the integrated systems in agroindustrial complex. The cluster forms the favorable environment for development of the localized integrated subsystem – the agroindustrial branch of the regional economy. This paper examines the theoretical aspects of interaction of agro-cluster elements for the purpose of increasing efficiency of development of agroindustrial region.

    pdf vasko2012_3.pdf  (386 Kb)

  • K.E. Tyupakov, I.A. Papakhchyan
    Forms and sources of financing the reproduction of material base of domestic agricultural producers

    The paper provides the main forms of reproduction of fleet of motor vehicles and tractors as the main component of material base of agricultural producers. An analysis is made of advantages and shortcomings. Conclusions are drawn on preference of each of the presented forms in the conditions which have developed in the branch.

    pdf tyupakov2012_3.pdf  (900 Kb)

    Management by Innovations
  • A.A. Bitlev
    The state and prospects of development of innovation infrastructure in Russia

    The paper considers the current state of innovative infrastructure and its components in relation to the objectives and challenges facing the national innovation system. The analysis is made of the development of individual infrastructure entities in recent years. It is inferred that the infrastructure component is the most important factor of innovation development.

    pdf bitlev2012_3.pdf  (478 Kb)

  • Å.À. Byuller
    Innovative development of the forest sector in the forest-deficient region

    The paper discusses the problems and articles of conception for innovative development of forest sector of economy in the forest-deficient regions. This conception is based on the regulation mechanism of sustainable development of the forest sector.

    pdf byuller2012_3.pdf  (299 Kb)

    Mathematical Methods in Economy
  • F.B. Botasheva
    Length of “a horizon of the future” as a criterion for “predictability” of the economic process

    The paper describes the new approach to forecasting the economic processes. The author uses the construction of “a rectangle of prediction” in which the special role is given to the temporary side. It allows determination of natural time borders of the forecast of in advance ordered accuracy. The method is also useful for defining a temporary class of an economic signal by a criterion of the best conformity of type of its behaviour to this or that mathematical model defined from the greatest length of the temporary side of “the rectangle of prediction”.

    pdf botasheva_f_2012_3.pdf  (609 Kb)

  • L.V. Zyuzina
    Cognitive information technology of distribution of deficient resources in subsystems of “Education” system

    The paper contains a structured description of cognitive information technology providing deficient resource distribution in weakly structured subsystems of “Education” system. The technology is elaborated in accordance with the characteristics of subsystems and can be extended to other subsystems of the socio-economic system, having similar characteristics.

    pdf zyuzina2012_3.pdf  (1 Mb)

    Innovative Technologies in Marketing
  • N.V. Saprykinà, E.V. Saprykina
    Removal of barriers of foodstuff sales promotion using Internet communications

    An analysis is made of the peculiarities of foodstuff sales promotion. The paper suggests the tools of sales promotion in the Internet that allow consumers to overcome the myths and barriers of Internet advertising. The authors present an algorithm for an advertising campaign for agro firms in the global network.

    pdf saprykina2012_3.pdf  (244 Kb)

    The Theory and Practice of Business
  • T.G. Gurnovich, L.A. Latysheva
    The economic mechanism of management of system of agrarian business

    The paper discusses the basic principles of effective management in the agrarian business. The factors that determine the specificity of entrepreneurship in agricultural production are systematized. The authors propose an improved model of the mechanism of agricultural entrepreneurship, including a system of principles and methods for developing and implementing management decisions.

    pdf gurnovich2012_3.pdf  (685 Kb)

  • G.M. Zaloznaya, A.A. Mayorov
    The financial component of the efficiency of business in the Orenburg region

    The paper describes the economic history of entrepreneurship in the Orenburg region as an independent sector of the economy. At the present stage it requires the promotion of the innovation and production sector through the financial effect on the results of management, expansion of financial market infrastructure, a system of work with the subjects of scientific innovation small business and an increase of its share in the regional economy.

    pdf zaloznaya2012_3.pdf  (726 Kb)

  • A.K. Edievà
    The effectiveness of small business development in the Karachaevo-Cherkessia Republic

    The paper deals with the questions of assessment of the effectiveness of small business development in the Karachaevo-Cherkessia Republic. An analysis is made of the current state of small business enterprises on the basis of a number of indices. It is inferred that the crisis in 2008 affected adversely the development of small enterprises. Moreover, the efficiency by certain indices was not restored even at the end of 2010.

    pdf edieva2012_3.pdf  (365 Kb)

    Service Economy
  • S.V. Grinenko
    Analysis of the labor market of graduates of professional education: a marketing approach

    The paper presents approaches to coordination of interests of the labor market of graduates of professional education system, which determines the balance between supply and demand through the implementation of a marketing approach in the formation and development of scientific and educational infrastructure of the professional community by raising the level of information security of management decisions.

    pdf grinenko2012_3.pdf  (854 Kb)

  • S.V. Lazovskaya
    Dialectics of the general and specific in a service sector

    The paper discusses approaches to service definition, the general and specific features and properties of services. Features of a service sector in modern economic system are distinguished. The existing definitions and classifications of services of both foreign and the Russian authors are analyzed.

    pdf lazovskaya2012_3.pdf  (411 Kb)

  • A.V. Lashko, T.A. Makarenya
    Market-economic foundations of the formation and development of information services as part of a virtual market

    This paper defines which information services can be attributed to the virtual market. The authors allocate the main stages in the development of market of information services and examine the dynamics of growth of the key parameters for the long term. The work provides a comparison of different definitions from domestic sources during the period of active development of information services. The results of this comparison are used to draw a conclusion about the evolution of the market.

    pdf lashko2012_3.pdf  (835 Kb)

  • T.A. Makarenya
    The marketing approach in the management of system of the service granting

    This paper examines the problematic aspects of the marketing approach in management of system of service granting in the period of the economy modernization in conditions of customization of the service granting.

    pdf makarenya2012_3.pdf  (1 Mb)

  • D.V. Ryazantseva
    The main forms of interaction of secondary professional education organizations and business structures in the Krasnodar Territory

    The paper discusses the forms of interaction of the service organizations of secondary professional education and business structures carried out in the Krasnodar Territory. The author gives the characteristic of such cooperation, reveals the problems and shortcomings and offers the solution of current situation by realization of potential available in the Krasnodar Territory.

    pdf ryazantseva2012_3.pdf  (356 Kb)

    Social Economy
  • R.L. Agabekyan
    The peculiarities of transformation of Russian labor markets according to the types of economic activity

    An analysis is made of the peculiarities of the sectoral labor markets. The factors influencing the condition and prospects of development of sectoral labor markets are defined. The author distinguishes stages of transformation of Russian labor market and analyzes the peculiarities of every stage of labor market development.

    pdf agabekyan2012_3.pdf  (639 Kb)

  • K.V. Drokina
    Strategic partnership of the state, universities and business structures as the necessary condition of labor market balance in the South of Russia

    The main subject of work is consideration of possibility and need for application of strategic partnership between the state, universities and business structures. An attempt is undertaken to develop theoretical provisions and practical recommendations for creation of a system of strategic partnership. The author examines the relations between the state, universities and business structures arising as a result of strategic partnership. The result of research is formation of a system of strategic partnership which will promote a labor market balance in the South of Russia and which will overcome its main problem – the structural unemployment.

    pdf drokina2012_3.pdf  (883 Kb)

  • G.L. Bayanduryan, Yu.V. Skidanova
    Justification of methodological tools in the construction of a block scheme of investment policy at the machine-building enterprises

    This paper examines the problems related to the absence of a new classification tool for the formation of investment policy at the machine-building enterprises, adapted to the technological modernization. The authors propose and justify the block scheme of investment policy, which includes a synergetic adapter of rationalization of resource management, which is a central part of the speaker system, connecting the conceptual and methodological, entrepreneurial, strategic, resource and analytical units and the competitiveness unit.

    pdf bayanduryan2012_3.pdf  (346 Kb)

  • Z.O. Gukasyan
    Theoretical aspects of an assessment of management quality and organization of management accounting

    The paper discusses theoretical aspects of an assessment of management quality and the organization of management accounting. The author proves need for an assessment of management quality which should be constructed as a through assessment at federal, regional and corporate levels. The methodical approach to formation of indicators of this system is also substantiated.

    pdf gukasyan2012_3.pdf  (488 Kb)

  • E.A. Gurova, I.V. Petrievsky, I.P. Kuzmenko
    Information component of modern management methods for an enterprise sustainable development

    This paper focuses upon the introduction of controlling system at enterprises. It is inferred that its informatization is needed to raise efficiency of functioning of the managing subject and to optimize managerial processes of its balanced development.

    pdf gurova2012_3.pdf  (649 Kb)

  • S.K. Eshugova
    Fractal methods in management of development of the enterprises of agro-industrial complex

    The paper shows why it is necessary to use fractal modeling of emergence and distribution of innovations at enterprises of the agrarian and industrial complex. The author considers the theory of “fractal factory” as an innovatively focused production system and proposes the corresponding administrative tools for management of economically minimum production systems.

    pdf eshugova2012_3.pdf  (347 Kb)

  • I.I. Lyutova
    RETRACTED on September 3, 2019 Modelling of an organizational-economic controlling mechanism for an industrial enterprise sustainable development

    Retraction of this publication is due to the discovered plagiarism – The sources: Konyashina, Galina Borisovna. Mechanism of stabilization of economic development of industrial enterprises: Thesis... Candidate of Economic Sciences: 08.00.05. - Moscow, 2006; Glagolev, Sergey Nikolaevich, Formation of Economic Mechanism for Flexible Development of Industrial Enterprise (Thesis 2001); Yu.A. Mukhin, Modernization of Mechanisms for Sustainable Development of Industrial Company on the Basis of Balanced Strategic Indicators System // Economic Sciences, 2011, No. 3 (76) The paper presents the classification of processes and mobility elements of a management structure at the enterprise. Consideration of the organizational-economic mechanism of adaptive management has allowed the author to propose variants of ensuring stability of enterprise development and to substantiate the strategies providing balance of indicators for long-term prospect.

    pdf lyutova2012_3.pdf  (382 Kb)

  • Yu.V. Razvadovskaya
    Structural parametrization of industrial policy as a tool of management of structural transformations in industrial economy

    Within the framework of the sixth technological setup, there is a need to realize the new industrial policy directed to an increase of competitiveness of a domestic production of high-technology branches in industrial sector of economy. The structural parametrization which is based on a combination of optimum parameters of structure, creation of effective system of interrelation of parameters, the accounting of their quantity and sequence of interaction can become an effective technique of formation of qualitatively new industrial policy.

    pdf razvadovskaya2012_3.pdf  (634 Kb)

  • P.S. Shapovalova
    Problems and prospects of oil industry and substantiation of new principles of corporate planning

    This article is dedicated to the analysis of the contemporary situation of Russian oil industry and the possible negative consequences of the entrance in the WTO. In the opinion of the author, in order to increase competitiveness of enterprises in this branch it is necessary to improve the management technique, namely the corporate planning system, which should be guided by new principles of alternativeness, hierarchy and social-ecological criteria.

    pdf shapovalova2012_3.pdf  (495 Kb)

    General Problems of Pedagogy
  • V.G. Bazhenov
    Age features of interaction as a factor of socialization of the teenager’s personality

    The paper discusses age features of teenagers’ mental development which should be taken into account in the course of the organization of interaction of these children for the purpose of personality socialization.

    pdf bazhenov2012_3.pdf  (331 Kb)

  • S.N. Begidova, T.N. Poddubnaya
       Professional subject position as a component of the student’s professional development   

    The paper discusses the essence and the content of a professional subject position through the definitions of “a personality’s position”, “relation”, “self-determination” and “subjectness”. The theoretical analysis of interrelations available between them allowed the authors to prove a professional position of the student as the integral component of his professional development.

    pdf begidova1_2012_3.pdf  (240 Kb)

  • S.N. Begidova, S.A. Khazova, V.G. Mozgot
    Development of the competitive pupil’s personality as a target of system of the general education

    The paper proves the importance of development of the competitive personality in system of the general education. The authors examine the essence, structure and the content of social competitiveness of the pupil’s personality as the basis of development of professional competitiveness of future experts. This study provides scientific and methodical recommendations about the organization of competitive developing educational process in educational institution.

    pdf begidova2_2012_3.pdf  (244 Kb)

  • K.I. Buzarov
    The system approach as a methodological principle of creation of the educational school system (theoretical aspect)

    The present paper discloses the methodological value of a system approach to education. The author examines the essence of the system approach as a methodological orienting point in educational process.

    pdf buzarov2012_3.pdf  (189 Kb)

  • N.H. Vorokova, N.Kh. Khakunov, L.N. Kubashicheva
    Formation of moral value orientations in college pupils through modelling of problematic life situations

    The pilot and forming experiments were conducted to reveal pedagogical conditions and means and to work out the algorithm of application of life experience in order to form moral value orientations in pupils of the college. The effective, reproduced and universal model of formation of moral value orientations in pupils of college was developed through the solution of problematic life situations.

    pdf vorokova2012_3.pdf  (234 Kb)

  • T.D. Gomonova
    The essence and structure of multicultural competence at students of higher education institutions

    The paper discusses the essence and structure of multicultural competence at students of higher education institutions. The multicultural competence of students of higher education institutions is defined as an integrative quality of the future professional’s personality required for an everyday life and professional activity in multicultural society.

    pdf gomonova2012_3.pdf  (287 Kb)

  • N.G. Emuzova
    Innovative activity as the development resource of the regional education system

    An analysis is made of the main directions of innovative development of a regional system. The author discusses the experience in organization of innovative activity in the Kabardino-Balkarian Republic, examines results of competition of innovative products (projects) and formulates the proposals allowing the improvement of innovative activity in the region.

    pdf emuzova2012_3.pdf  (183 Kb)

  • O.S. Kabayan
    A system approach to development of tolerant culture in biological education

    The paper shows the role of biological education in tolerance development. The author proves that formation of biological literacy is needed to develop the tolerant culture. The importance of use of the system approach to develop the tolerant culture in biological education is substantiated.

    pdf kabayan2012_3.pdf  (259 Kb)

  • L.P. Kochenkova
    Multicultural teacher and his training in the university

    The paper reveals the essence of multicultural nature as an integral quality of the contemporary teacher and provides the components that make up the model of multicultural teacher.

    pdf kochenkova2012_3.pdf  (195 Kb)

  • V.A. Petkov
    Organization of self-development of physical potential at students of higher education institution

    The paper discusses the content of activity related to the organization of self-development of potential physical possibilities at students. The author proves scientifically one of the ways of its decision, namely: design of self-development of physical potential which is logically transformed to process of professional physical self-education of the student. Indicators of efficiency of the developed approach are the positive changes which have occurred in sports competence of students.

    pdf petkov2012_3.pdf  (215 Kb)

  • T.D. Skudnova
    Synergetic conception of the social and cultural design in education

    An analysis is made of the modern situation in the humanities education. The author substantiates the philosophical conception of synergetic value-guided approach in education and gives base characteristics of social and cultural planning in education.

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  • F.P. Khakunova, M.A. Kozlovskaya
    Pedagogical conditions of development of art perception at fine art lessons

    The paper substantiates the pedagogical conditions of development of art perception at pupils of 5-6 classes. Results of the carried out experimental researches are presented.

    pdf khakunova2012_3.pdf  (245 Kb)

  • F.F. Kharisov, L.A. Kharisova
    Assessment of the healthcare educational technologies in system of the general education

    The paper descibes criteria and techniques of an assessment of the healthcare educational technologies for their subsequent use in educational system of school.

    pdf kharisov2012_3.pdf  (165 Kb)

  • G.Z. Kharkovskaya, K.D. Chermit, O.I. Isakov
    A model of state and public management of activity of the municipal education system (as shown by the education system of Krasnodar)

    The paper substantiates the purpose, criteria and structural components of the model of state and public management of activity of a municipal education system on the basis of decisions taken by the governement and education bodies. Their hierarchy is defined and its efficiency is experimentally proved.

    pdf kharkovskaya2012_3.pdf  (417 Kb)

  • L.Kh. Tseeva, V.V. Zayko, B.Kh. Panesh
    Social and personal development of younger age children in the conditions of multicultural educational space

    The special importance for the multinational country is gained by constant need of society for education of the personality capable to activity in modern multiethnic conditions. Increasing attention to problems of socialization is related to the change of sociopolitical and social and economic living conditions, as well as to instability in society. The paper discusses the model of adaptable multicultural educational space constituting social and personal development of children of the advanced preschool and younger school age.

    pdf tseeva2012_3.pdf  (186 Kb)

    Special Methods and Teaching Technologies
  • Kh.Z. Bagirokov
    The accounting of the interference in the course of training to Russian at Adyghean school (lexical-semantic level)

    This work examines lexical-semantic interferent deviations in speech of pupils of the Adyghean national school, elimination of which promotes increasing culture of their Russian speech.

    pdf bagirokov1_2012_3.pdf  (240 Kb)

  • Z.U. Blyagoz
    Mutual enrichment of languages and cultures of the different people, the role of foreign elements, methods and ways of their use in the Russian and Adyghean speech of younger pupils

    This paper examines the mutual enrichment of structural-semantic elements at contact of languages with the different systems and formation of culture of the Russian and Adyghean speech at bilingualists in the multiethnic and multicultural environment.

    pdf blyagoz1_2012_3.pdf  (309 Kb)

  • L.N. Gorobets
    “The project method” as the pedagogical technology

    The work discloses the modern comprehension of the didactic concept of “the project method”. An analysis is made of the approaches to study the structure of this technology. The author provides his own comprehension, which is confirmed by teaching practice in higher education institution.

    pdf gorobets2012_3.pdf  (289 Kb)

  • B.M. Dzhandar, M.Kh. Shkhapatseva
    Educational situation as a basis of communicative and situational teaching Russian as a foreign language

    Systematically purposely created situations are of great importance for formation of communicative competence in another language since they promote emergence of motive and need to speak, help promotion of hypotheses and assumptions, strengthen cogitative activity and approach the learning process to natural speech communication.

    pdf dzhandar1_2012_3.pdf  (220 Kb)

  • A.Kh. Zagashtokov, L.I. Lieva
    Teaching grammatical aspect of the Russian verb at different stages of school education (from material of the kabardian school)

    This paper discusses the method of teaching the grammatical aspect of a Russian verb at different stages of school education (using materials of the Kabardian School). This piece of work develops the main idea of the article “Theory and practice of teaching the grammatical aspect of a Russian verb at primary and secondary school”, which was published in 2010 in a journal “The cultural life of the South of Russia”. The main practical results of the conducted investigations are studied in this work. The obtained results prove the effectiveness of the used methodology.

    pdf zagashtokov2012_3.pdf  (237 Kb)

  • D.A. Tatarinov
    On the use of intersubject links of mathematics and physics in complementary education of pupils

    Intersubject links are the important factor of formation of a complete natural-science picture of the world at pupils. Owing to this the establishment of intersubject links in teaching disciplines of a natural and mathematical cycle is urgent at all stages of the learning process. Use of group studies promotes removal of intersubject links of mathematics and physics on level of synthesis of these disciplines. The author of this paper has developed and approved a technique of group studies with pupils of 5-6 classes, realizing intersubject links. Approbation was held on the basis of physical and mathematical school of Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky. Both the technique and the approach, on which it is based, have serious scientific and pedagogical prospects.

    pdf tatarinov2012_3.pdf  (191 Kb)

  • F.K. Urakova, Z.R. Khachmafova
    Analysis of the art text as a way of formation of discourse and culturological competences in teaching Russian as a foreign language

    The perception and processing of the art text in the other language is considered as a cognitive process. The cognitive component of the contents of the text reflects a reality fragment in its refraction in consciousness of the subjects, correlated with the concrete sociocultural environment and a plan of the author. In this regard the process of updating the cognitive schemes of the reader in the course of reading such text is described in detail.

    pdf urakova1_2012_3.pdf  (209 Kb)

  • M.Kh. Shkhapatseva
    Interference and interaction of contacting languages in the learning process in modern conditions of bilingualism

    The paper addresses the problems related to language teaching in modern conditions of bilingualism. The main attention is given to interaction and interference of contacting languages in the learning process. The author shows the methodical principles of teaching languages in the conditions of bilingualism and the possible transposition and interference of the native language in the course of studying the Russian language.

    pdf shkhapatseva1_2012_3.pdf  (191 Kb)

    Modern Problems of Psychology
  • M.S. Kaydina
    Social intelligence and emotional burning out of teachers of special high education institutions

    The paper addresses a topical issue about resources of overcoming emotional burning out of teachers of special high education institutions. Research objective is to study social intelligence as a factor of teachers’ resistance to stress. Special objectives are to carry out a pilot study of a level of development of social intelligence and emotional burning out; and to study interrelation of social intelligence and features of teachers’ burning out. The object of research is a level of development of social intelligence. The subject of research is an influence of social intelligence on features of teachers’ emotional burning out. The research has revealed the return interrelation of level of social intelligence and teachers’ emotional burning out.

    pdf kaydina2012_3.pdf  (314 Kb)

  • A.S. Raspopova
    The influence of psychological training on the formation of structural manifestations of perfectionism in sport

    The paper shows the influence of psychological training on the formation of structural manifestations of perfectionism in sport. The author presents the indicators of perfectionism, personal properties and the results of analysis of the relationship of these parameters before and after training.

    pdf raspopova2012_3.pdf  (230 Kb)

  • Yu.K. Chernyshenko
    Age features of development of mental processes in children aged 3-6 years

    The paper presents data of many-year researches on features of age dynamics of mental processes (thinking, attention, memory, imagination, perception) in 3-6 year-old children. Also it shows the results of studying questions on existence of elements of sexual dimorphism in development of mental processes in preschool children.

    pdf chernyshenko2012_3.pdf  (173 Kb)

  • L.V. Shelekhova, A.A. Panesh
    Ideographic approach to definition of the main types of personal and semantic sphere of students

    The paper presents the criteria device based on an ideographic approach to definition of the main types of the personal and semantic sphere of trainees, corresponding to various styles of learning activity.

    pdf shelekhova2012_3.pdf  (248 Kb)

    Educational Space of Physical Training and Sports
  • S.M. Akhmetov, A.I. Pogrebnoy
    On the condition and prospects of scientific and methodical support for training the Kuban leading athletes

    The paper provides the results of the carried-out scientific and methodical support of training the national teams of Krasnodar Territory in different kinds of sports. The authors show the problematic aspects in the organization of training process and prospects of further improvement of system of training the qualified athletes.

    pdf akhmetov2012_3.pdf  (184 Kb)

  • S.N. Begidova
    Development of motor creativity as a factor of professional competitiveness of the physical training expert

    The paper uncovers the essence of development of motor creativity at students – future experts in physical training and sports. The author proves that there is a connection between the development of creativity in the motor sphere and competitiveness of the expert. Stages of development of motor creativity are described: reproductive, standard and creative. It is inferred that there is the interrelation of impellent and intellectual development of the personality in the sphere of physical training.

    pdf begidova3_2012_3.pdf  (264 Kb)

  • Yu.M. Bosenko
    Gender aspects of stress-controlling behaviour in team and individual types of sport

    This work examines displays of stress-controlling strategies at athletes of team and individual types of sport. It has been revealed that the used stress-controlling strategies are influenced by a gender, sports qualification and by specificity of sports activity.

    pdf bosenko2012_3.pdf  (294 Kb)

  • V.I. Zhukov, A.M. Doronin, I.M. Kozlov
    The use of training devices to develop special force in athletes during the learning and training process

    The paper discusses the conditions increasing productivity of learning and training in sports by using training devices developing special force in athletes.

    pdf zhukov_v_2012_3.pdf  (195 Kb)

  • V.E. Kalnitskaya, A.I. Pogrebnoy
    Binocular synchronous pupillometry in monitoring of the psychofunctional condition of high-qualification athletes

    Observations of 83 high-qualification athletes representing different types of sports, by means of a method of a computer pupillometry, have revealed the qualitative and quantitative parameters of the ÐÌ ïàþùå reflex. These parameters make it possible to estimate a psychofunctional condition, to reveal deviations and to propose rehabilitation actions for athletes.

    pdf kalnitskaya2012_3.pdf  (219 Kb)

  • I.M. Kozlov, R.A. Kadyrkaev
    Muscle activity at figure skaters during special exercises

    The aim of this study is a comparison of muscle activity during two kinds of jumping exercises that young figure skaters do before ice training. For this purpose one high qualification figure skater did 6 jumping exercises. During exercises electrical activity of muscles, acceleration center of body mass, ground reaction force and trajectory of body mass center were evaluated. As a result of research it has been established that the maximum muscle activity is observed at departing from ice and at landing and the minimal muscle activity is marked at flight; interaction with ground in special exercises is of quick character; the consecutive and simultaneous antagonist muscle’s activity is observed during exercises which depend on movement target.

    pdf kozlov2012_3.pdf  (4 Mb)

  • O.B. Nemtsev, M.Kh. Kodzheshau, I.N. Grekalova
    On measuring results of counter movement jump

    The present research focuses upon comparison of results of counter movement jump measured by different methods, including 2-D and 3-D videotaping with different frequency, force plate and moving gage. It has been established that the result of counter movement jump evaluated during flight time by using force plate is significantly less than that measured by other methods. Results measured by different methods have strong correlation. But stronger correlation has been established between results of 3-D videotaping, on the one hand, and force plate and moving gage, on the other hand. Weaker correlation has been observed between results of 2-D videotaping, on the one hand, and 3-D videotaping and force plate, on the other hand.

    pdf nemtsev2012_3.pdf  (234 Kb)

  • N.N. Pilyuk, L.V. Zhigaylova
    Motivation of competitive activity of high-qualification acrobats and jumpers on the trampoline

    Our approach conceives of competitive activity of high qualification acrobats and jumpers on a trampoline as a complete, independent system which has concrete motivation, the contents, results and the process consisting of external and internal sides. The subsystem of motivation consists of the following parts: needs for the competitive relations; motives of the activity; the purposes and tasks which are put by the athlete and the coach, participating in competitions; and strategy and tactics developed proceeding from level of readiness and a rank of competitions. Each part has a composite structure, leading and secondary components which have various degree of interrelation with competitive result. The subsystem of motivation plays one of the principal roles in all system of competitive activity.

    pdf pilyuk2012_3.pdf  (233 Kb)

  • A.A. Fedyakin
    Features of recreational and training effects of nordic walking on the human body

    The paper deals with the relatively new trend of fitness – Nordic walking. The author provides data describing the features of the training effects of Nordic walking compared to those of Terrainkur. The main indicator is the dynamics and the total heart rate during the Terrainkur route passage with sticks and without them.

    pdf fedyakin2012_3.pdf  (421 Kb)

  • V.E. Chursinov
    Definition of the type of the “loading – yielding force impulse” dependence in shock - isotonic and shock - isokinetic modes of muscle operation

    Excentric training in isotonic and isokinetic modes is a unique form of external resistance for learning and training which is created by using an original training complex. This research is made to detect specific features of the dependence of “loading – a yielding force impulse of muscle pull” and skeletal muscles of the person using an example of power exercises in an automated workplace sports in shock - isokinetic and shock - isotonic modes of muscular contraction. The directly-proportional dependence between the size of loading and an impulse of yielding force (with increasing size of loading the impulse of yielding force increases) in competitive sports exercise in shock - isotonic and shock - isokinetic modes was defined for the first time. Also a comparative analysis of the “loading – a yielding force impulse” dependence in shock - isotonic and shock - isokinetic modes of muscle operation in competitive exercises was made for the first time.

    pdf chursinov2012_3.pdf  (389 Kb)

  • M.M. Shestakov
    Technology of the individualization of football player training process and conditions of its realization

    The paper substantiates the technology of an individualization of the football player training process. It is grounded on the accounting of level of readiness, functional condition and competitive activity of individual players defining possibilities of athletes to realize tasks, providing the effective collective activity during a match.

    pdf shestakov2012_3.pdf  (330 Kb)

    Literary Criticism
  • F.B. Beshukova
    Post-modernist structure of the art text of «The Black Mountain» by N. Kuyek

    The paper examines the genre specifics. The author puts forward the hypothesis for post-modernist structure of the studied text, referred to a novel genre. In order to disclose the main problem, a number of questions are actualized: specifics of an embodiment of the author’s consciousness, feature of structuring a system of images, text chronotope.

    pdf beshukova2012_3.pdf  (496 Kb)

  • M.M. Gubanukayeva
    Influence of the Russian literature traditions on art outlook of the Chechen writers of the 1920-1960s

    This paper examines influence of creativity of A.S.Pushkin, M.Yu.Lermontov and L.N.Tolstoy on art outlook of the Chechen writers of the 1920-1960s. In the pre-revolutionary period, when writing was absent, the Russian language played the great role in development of Russian-language art thought of the Chechens. The Russian language acquainted national intellectuals with literature and provided them an opportunity to have direct and indirect contacts with the figures of Russian literature. Mastering experience of Russian classical literature is one of the main secrets of the accelerated development of national literature of the Chechen people.

    pdf gubanukayeva2012_3.pdf  (372 Kb)

  • A.K. Matyzheva
    The Adyghean «small» prose: genre preferences

    This work examines the development of «small» prose genres (the short story and the story) in the Adyghean literature and the theoretical sources which have influenced the formation and dynamics of emerging genres. Results of research allowed the author to give a new assessment to the short story and to the story in treatment of a question of genre preferences.

    pdf matyzheva2012_3.pdf  (382 Kb)

  • U.M. Panesh
    About Tembot Kerashev’s spiritual heritage

    The present research focuses upon T.Kerashev’s place in national culture. An attempt is undertaken to present history of literature as the history of public thought and to trace, on this background, the main stages of creativity of the writer. As a result, sources and features of the main works of the master and their typological relations to the domestic literature and to the 20th century realism were defined.

    pdf panesh2012_3.pdf  (462 Kb)

  • A.K. Pshizova
    Art tools for historical color of an era in Tembot Kerashev’s short stories

    The paper discusses the formation and development of small genres in national literature – the great story, the story and the short story. Relying on numerous works of the Adyghean literary critics and critics focusing upon genre problems, the author of this paper investigates theoretically specific features of formation of the short story as a genre in the new writing literature of the Adyghes.

    pdf pshizova2012_3.pdf  (363 Kb)

  • A.A. Serdyuk
    National consciousness in A. Bayborodin’s creativity

    An analysis is made of national consciousness as one of the basic problems in creativity of A.Bayborodin. The paper examines unity of orthodox and national values in Russian literature. The national ideal of the writer is disclosed.

    pdf serdyuk2012_3.pdf  (375 Kb)

  • V.T. Sosnovsky, A.P. Burnusuzyan
    Interpretation of the Daghestan national greetings in «Khadzhi Murat», the great story by L.N.Tolstoy

    The Caucasus enriched L.N.Tolstoy with a folkloristic, historical and ethnographic material which later was used in «Khadzhi Murat”. In communication of mountaineers, the greetings making an independent genre classification group are very common. The Daghestan national greetings which were developed by century tradition of the mountain moral code are widely used in “Khadzhi Murat”. They contain a lot of things: the custom of the Daghestan hospitality, mountain ethics, etc. Understanding this, L.N.Tolstoy aspires to keep semantic meaning of mountain greetings for the art and narrative purposes, improving and altering them in various lists of edition of the “Khadzhi-Murat” great story.

    pdf sosnovsky2012_3.pdf  (440 Kb)

  • A.A. Skhalyakho, D.S. Skhalyakho
    National factor as the major component of literary creativity

    The paper discusses the aspects of national and cultural originality in the literary process. An analysis is made of communicative properties of the language as a tool for display of national life and a form of manifestation of art thinking of the people. It is inferred that the national in literature is displayed not only in the language, but also in contents of literary works where the national spirit impregnating the art organism of the work is the determinant factor.

    pdf skhalyakho2012_3.pdf  (502 Kb)

  • M.A. Khakuasheva
    New story parable «A Worldwide Flood» by M. Emkuzh (1994)

    An analysis is made of one of the modern works of the Adyghean Russian-language authors – the great story «A Worldwide Flood» of the Kabardian prose writer M. Emkuzh. This story is noted for a complicated composition, symbolism and a semantic saturation. «A Worldwide Flood», along with the novel «Abrag» by J. Koshubayev, can be referred to anti-Utopia stories, a new direction which has arisen in Post-Soviet Russian-language literature.

    pdf khakuasheva2012_3.pdf  (426 Kb)

  • F.N. Khuako
    Evolution and genre specifics of the lyrical story

    The paper discusses the history of the origin and development of the lyrical story, its composite and stylistic features. The analysis is made on the basis of a considerable literary and critical material. The author examines the theoretical fundamentals and the questions related to traditions, innovations and specifics of art lyricism in prose.

    pdf khuako_f_2012_3.pdf  (515 Kb)

  • K.M. Shikov, P.K. Chekalov
    Metric-rhythmic pallete of the collection of K.L.Mkhtse «In one world»

    An analysis is made of a metric basis of the poetic book by K.L.Mkhtse «In one world». The authors used the statistical methods to reveal a ratio of syllabic-tonic and tonic meters, disyllabic and three-syllable meters; and the quantitative structure of multimetric compositions, white and free verses. The carried-out analysis represents a rich variety of forms, meters and rhythms which the Abasin poet used in the late 1970s.

    pdf shikov2012_3.pdf  (441 Kb)

  • K.G. Shazzo
    The art conflict in a lyrical work (A.Fet, A.Blok and N. Baratashvili)

    The paper examines the art conflict in lyrical work, features of its manifestation in the identity of the hero, his experiences, character and the nature of disclosure of the many-sided epic world in the confessionary text, an originality of a lyrical plot, lyrical composition etc.

    pdf shazzo_k1_2012_3.pdf  (495 Kb)

  • Yu.A. Yakhutl
    Updating traditions of the Adyghean enlightenment in the Adyghean new written-language novel (question statement)

    The paper discusses the idea of studying transformation of Adyghean enlightenment traditions in the post-revolutionary period of history of national literature. Works of the well-known Adyghean writers T.Kerashev and A.Evtykh are examined. It is established that three periods of enlightenment in the North Caucasus in literature have become a uniform chain of forward development and have led to the post-revolutionary period of national culture and education.

    pdf yakhutl2012_3.pdf  (457 Kb)

  • N.Ts. Bitkeev, A.N. Bitkeeva
    Folklore of the Mongolian ethnoses: traditions and innovation

    The paper focuses upon the connection of tradition and innovation in folklore of the Mongolian ethnoses. An analysis is made of its current state, wealth and identity of spiritual culture of the Mongolians. The authors emphasize that the folklore helps people to perceive more completely reality, it is a source of enrichment of speech and its genres reflect achievements of moral and art culture of the people. Nowadays patriotic, pedagogical and art traditions of the Mongolian ethnoses did not lose their value.

    pdf bitkeev2012_3.pdf  (364 Kb)

  • A.M. Gutov, M.M. Pashtova (Mizhayeva)
    On translation of the Adyghean folklore text

    This work describes the history and modern methodological problems of translation of the Adyghean folklore text. The authors allocate the important structural elements of the text (phonologic, lexical and stylistic), the transfer of which causes certain difficulties in translation into the other language and suggest versions of the solution of various translational and edition problems. Folkloristic translation is regarded as the scientific problem the adequate decision of which actualizes language and cultural features of the original. The role of the expanded comments to the text is noted and their functional versions are given.

    pdf gutov2012_3.pdf  (480 Kb)

  • N.Kh. Emykova
    Khokhi-toasts in transmissions of the Adyghean radio

    An analysis is made of folklore genre transformations, in particular, khokhi-toasts at their different operational stages in mass-media texts. The author arrives at a conclusion that the Adyghean radio promoted formation of new cultural language in texts of toasts. With the performing form preserved, a certain deformation of a traditional khokhi genre took place.

    pdf emykova2012_3.pdf  (404 Kb)

  • S.L. Zukhba, T.N. Chamokov
    Deity of a horse in mythology of the Abkhazians and Adyghes

    The paper discusses scant information about almost forgotten but popular in the past Abkhazian and Adyghean deities of a horse named Achyshyashyan (Abkhazian name) or Pshishana (Adyghean name). In order to reconstruct images of these deities the authors used folklore and ethnographic data, as well as some data of scientists of the 19th-20th centuries.

    pdf zukhba1_2012_3.pdf  (389 Kb)

  • S.L. Zukhba
    Female beauty ideal in the Nart epos of the Abkhazean-Adyghean people

    In the Nart heroic epos of the Abkhazean-Adyghean people, the beauty is regarded as one of the main dignities of the woman. The author takes the most characteristic examples from texts of this majestic spiritual monument glorifying the bewitching beauty of a number of Nart women. With reference to them the concept of beauty is described as set of fine qualities in contrast to the ugly.

    pdf zukhba2_2012_3.pdf  (412 Kb)

  • Z.Zh. Kudayeva
    Center symbolics in mythic/poetic views of the Adyghes

    On the basis of the analysis of folklore sources and a mythic ritual complex the assumption is put forward that a system of the Adyghean mythic/poetic views included steady cosmogonic ideas of a tree as a Center of space.

    pdf kudayeva_z_2012_3.pdf  (603 Kb)

  • A.N. Sokolova
    On cultural diffusions in the post-folklore environment (using a dance «Oyra-oyra» as an example)

    The paper deals with the subject related to the dance «Oyra-oyra», occurring in the European post-folklore environment. On the basis of the great case of data obtained in archives and business trips, from the content analysis of Internet space, scientific literature and fiction, the author puts forward an idea of «the Caucasian trace» in the history of emergence of the dance and analyzes multiethnic and globalization impregnations in its structure and in the contents and multisemantic codes, interpreted differently in the specific environment.

    pdf sokolova2012_3.pdf  (622 Kb)

  • T.N. Chamokov, M.N. Khachemizova
    Archaic attribute in a system of fantastic images in the Adyghean heroic epos «Nart»

    The paper describes relations of fantastic images of the Adyghean heroic epos «Nartkher» to historical and genetic realities of an antiquity, in particular, to archaic attributes of the Ancient Meot period (the 8th – 7th centuries BC), coinciding with a Cimmerian Era — time of formation of the main core of the Nart epos. The Nart legends about fight against giants, about Sauseryko’s single combat with Totresh; and «Nart Kozheub», «Nart Koles», etc. were taken as an initial material. A link is established between the archaic attributes of the Nart epos and the archeology and ethnography data concerning the Era of Bronze and the early Iron Age, reflected in Nart legends and Adyghean pshinatles.

    pdf chamokov2012_3.pdf  (450 Kb)

  • K.G. Shazzo, Sh.E. Shazzo
    On poetics of «Nart» epos

    An analysis is made of some questions of «Nart» poetics (Adyghean version). An attempt is undertaken to investigate the content and motive functions of rythmic and rythmic-intonational repertoire of epic texts and formation of genre and style features (on the basis of one of the poems devoted to Sausoruko). The most important conclusion is that the sound-phonetic compositions influence directly the plot-event narration bases.

    pdf shazzo_k2_2012_3.pdf  (592 Kb)

  • A.N. Abregov, A.A. Khatkhe
    Scientific and national flora nominations in English, German, Russian and Adyghean languages

    The article is devoted to the investigation of the scientific and national denominations of plants in English, German, Russian and Adyghean languages. A research objective is to show the peculiarities of the flora kingdom nominations in the scientific terminology and in the colloquial speech, where there are different names for designating the same plant. The material analysis shows that the scientific and the national names of plants have different structure which is indicated by phytonyms of these languages.

    pdf abregov1_2012_3.pdf  (546 Kb)

  • A.N. Abregov
    Structural and motivational interpretation of a number of lexemes in the Adyghean languages: etymological etudes

    The structural and motivational characteristic of a number of lexemes in the Adyghean languages is provided only on the basis of etymological researches though in agglutinative languages, as the linguistic literature shows, the borders of morphemes are accurately delimited from each other. Lexical units of the Adyghean and Kabardino-Circassian languages are examined taking into account historical changes at phonetic, morphemic and semantic levels.

    pdf abregov2_2012_3.pdf  (425 Kb)

  • A.A. Altunin
    Structural components of the concept of «politeness» in the Russian and English language cultures

    The paper examines the specificity of components of the concept of «politeness». An analysis is made of various approaches to the «concept» definition. The author shows the concept structure, analyzes the universal category of «politeness» and reveals similarities and distinctions in understanding the studied concept by representatives of Russian and English communicative cultures. It is inferred that the people, belonging to different language culture communities, have distinctions in perception of the world.

    pdf altunin2012_3.pdf  (422 Kb)

  • M.P. Akhidzhakova, A.N. Khavdok
    Semantic field of reflection of the Adyghes’ mentality in A.Evtykh’s language space

    The paper discusses a system of verbal meanings which corresponds to social and ethnocultural competence of native speakers. Following the interpretation of a fragment of reality in conceptual system, the author shows the formation of a sense of verbal expressions about construction of a definite «world picture». Interpretations of the different conceptual structures belonging to a conceptual system which can «choose» the interpretation corresponding to intuition of the native speaker are given. Creation of the conceptual model providing the «true» information for a certain fragment of reality is described.

    pdf akhidzhakova1_2012_3.pdf  (558 Kb)

  • M.P. Akhidzhakova
    Cognitive structure of a system of historically developed spiritual and moral spheres of thinking and behavior of the Adyghes in A.Evtykh’s mental language space: linguoculturological aspect

    The paper discusses the creation and reconstruction of mental reality of the Adyghes’ life, psychology and civilization. Following the ethnoreproducing mechanisms, the author shows the most complicated transformations in the way of life, thinking and moral bases of life of the modern Adyghe. Various situations of eternal moral and ethical values – humanity, philanthrophy and the real courage – are described. The language material testifying that the consciousness of the writer is focused on the reflection of moral traditional values is given.

    pdf akhidzhakova2_2012_3.pdf  (592 Kb)

  • Kh.Z. Bagirokov, Z.U. Blyagoz
    On the concepts of “the native language” and “non-native language”

    The paper discusses various approaches to definition and interpretation of the concepts of “the native language” and “non-native language”. At research of this problem it is very important to differentiate the concepts of “the language” and “speech”. The coexistence of two language systems is the main source of reflection of verbal means of communication in the language and speech of bi - and multilingual society.

    pdf bagirokov2_2012_3.pdf  (419 Kb)

  • Kh.Z. Bagirokov
    Art bilingualism as the multilingual space: the problem statement

    The paper discusses the bilingual and multilingual situation in the Adyghean language space, which affected the formation of a language picture of the world in the Adyghes of the historical homeland and abroad and caused strengthening communicative interactions and search for ethnos self-identification in the conditions of globalization. Nevertheless, at the present stage the functioning of the Adyghean language in multilingual conditions is still poor studied.

    pdf bagirokov3_2012_3.pdf  (497 Kb)

  • M.R. Bagomedov
    Functioning of hydronyms in the Darga toponymic system

    The paper examines the hydronyms of Darga, one of the unique regions of multiethnic Daghestan. An analysis is made of the names of the water objects fixed in the territory of the settlements of Akushinsky, Dakhadayevsky, Kaytagsky, Levashinsky and Sergokalinsky rural areas. On the basis of the analysis of a large actual material, the author reveals the common and distinctive features of the analyzed toponymic units in the Darginsky language.

    pdf bagomedov2012_3.pdf  (567 Kb)

  • A.Yu. Baranova
    Toponymy as the means of actualization of mentality in the Russian-Adyghean language culture

    The paper examines mentality of the Russian and Adygheans through the toponymic system. The author shows that the Russian and Adyghean toponyms of the region represent an objective picture of contact of two cultures. Both the cultural and historical relations and the national features, which are displayed in toponymy, are noted. It is inferred that the views of native speakers and specificity of a world vision of two peoples are reflected in ways of the toponym nomination.

    pdf baranova2012_3.pdf  (478 Kb)

  • Z.U. Blyagoz
    Realization of bilingual training as the call of the times: linguistic aspect

    The paper discusses the conditions of parallel functioning of the state languages at the present stage of social development in the Adygheya Republic. After considering the interaction of the Russian and Adyghean languages, the author shows the formation and development of bilingualism: the formation of speech skills in the Russian and Adyghean languages and mutual enrichment of languages and cultures of the peoples. The work describes the extralinguistic (beyond the language) and language factors, promoting the formation of the Russian and Adyghean speech in modern conditions, and gives the typological characteristic of the considered languages.

    pdf blyagoz2_2012_3.pdf  (417 Kb)

  • R.A. Volkova, Yu.M. Nechay
    Semantics and functions of an emotional and expressional particle of doch in the art text (from materials of the language of E.M.Remarque’s prose and its translations into Russian)

    The paper discusses the semantic-functional specificity of modal particle doch in the works of E.M.Remarque. Being the part of the sentences that have different aims, it promotes implementation of important illocutionary intentions of the speaker, providing him an opportunity to influence the course of verbal communication in order to achieve the desired pragmatic results. An analysis is also made of variants of its transformation in the Russian translations.

    pdf volkova2012_3.pdf  (541 Kb)

  • M.A. Gasanova
    Numerical symbolics in the Tabasaransky paremiology

    A linguocultural analysis is made of the Tabasaransky proverbs and sayings with a numerical component. The author focuses attention on the material and spiritual aspects of numerical symbolism related to the life and death of a human being and to understanding the time and space categories by the Tabasaransky native speakers.

    pdf gasanova2012_3.pdf  (611 Kb)

  • T.M. Grushevskaya, N.Yu. Fanyan
    Modular approach to the text/discourse analysis: contribution of the Geneva linguistic school

    The paper discusses the modular approach to the text analysis, the criteria characteristic of any type of a discourse, initial requirements for the complex analysis of a text / discourse and the results of the text / discourse analysis in argumentative orientation.

    pdf grushevskaya2012_3.pdf  (428 Kb)

  • Yu.N. Gusak
    Functional specificity of punctuation in dichotomic space of language and speech: basic approaches and principles

    An analysis is made of the basic works on research of the punctuation system of Russian, representing various approaches and opinions, concerning principles on which the punctuation is based, and permanently emphasizing its importance and functional specificity in text creation as an actual research position in linguistics. The language saved up the huge resources allowing us to represent and interpret the text in a new way. This explains the special urgency why it is necessary to study punctuation.

    pdf gusak2012_3.pdf  (424 Kb)

  • B.M. Dzhandar, M.Kh. Shkhapatseva
    Composite syntactic whole in the Russian, Adyghean and English languages

    A composite syntactic whole is the largest of structural-semantic units, which constitute the text. The paper discusses the construction of the composite syntactic whole in the Russian, Adyghean and English languages.

    pdf dzhandar2_2012_3.pdf  (540 Kb)

  • B.M. Dzhandar
    Comparative and typological characteristic of a syntactic system of the Russian, Adyghean and English languages

    The paper presents a comparative and typologic description of a syntactic system of the Russian, Adyghean and English languages. As a result, essential features have been revealed for both three compared languages and for each language separately.

    pdf dzhandar3_2012_3.pdf  (549 Kb)

  • S.S. Doyunova, R.Yu. Namitokova
    Precedent-related names of vodka

    The paper examines the phenomenon of precedentness and precedent-related texts using an example of names of the well-known product of material culture, the Russian vodka, being part of the language culture. The authors reveal also the features of text implementation for an advertising discourse as the precedent-related phenomena possessing huge pragmatical potential that causes emergence of a great interest in this phenomenon in modern linguistics. Results of research allowed the authors to define sources of precedent-related texts and different types of their transformation.

    pdf doyunova2012_3.pdf  (479 Kb)

  • E.E. Zhuk
    Features of studying language means of comic and their translation (taken from works of O. Henry and P.G.Wodehouse)

    This paper regards the problem of language means of the comic category in fiction text. The author underlines the necessity of studying the comic means from the cognitive point of view, taking into account the author’s linguistic nature. The critical analysis of the comic category promotes profound understanding of the fiction text through the culture.

    pdf zhuk2012_3.pdf  (417 Kb)

  • N.B. Kazarina, L.A. Isayeva
    Sports discourse: continuum discretization

    This paper examines a sports discourse as a composite multi-aspect uniting including central and peripheral zones, each of which has a set of specific features. Zones of a continuum are characterized on the basis of professional competence of participants of a discourse, communication situations, the purposes, strategies and tactics of communication and language means of their realization.

    pdf kazarina_n_2012_3.pdf  (448 Kb)

  • S.G. Kazarina
    Typological term studies as a differentiated linguistic discipline

    This paper substantiates allocation of typological term studies as a relatively differentiated linguistic discipline which is at a boundary of term studies and linguistic typology and which is characterized by the existence of its own object, subject, research methods and specific applied products.

    pdf kazarina_s_2012_3.pdf  (414 Kb)

  • A.M. Kambachokov, D.D. Gubzhokova
    Features of zoomorphism functioning in the Kabardino-Circassian language

    The paper deals with the features of functioning in art speech of the Kabardians and Circassians of word forms and phrases-metaphors with a rod word – the name of the live being, giving the figurative characteristic to the person. The authors make an analysis of lexical semantics of zoomorphisms, define their composition, borders of application and a syntactic position in the sentence. Besides, the work reveals the most effective ways of achievement or strengthening expressivity in the Kabardino-Circassian language by using zoomorphisms.

    pdf kambachokov2012_3.pdf  (551 Kb)

  • S.K. Kubashicheva
    Extralinguistic factors and stylistic features of causative constructions in languages with different systems

    The paper examines, in a comparative and typological aspect, the extralinguistic factors influencing the stylistic and statistical characteristics of causative constructions in languages with different systems. An analysis is made of frequency of realization of constructions with causative semantics in various functional styles, as well as of the semantic relations between actants of causative constructions in the English and Adyghean languages.

    pdf kubashicheva2012_3.pdf  (399 Kb)

  • E.N. Luchinskaya, M.N. Kunina
    Actualization of event representation as the specificity of interaction in a discourse of the judicial police officer-performer

    This work studies the status and parameters of a discourse of the judicial police officer-performer as a special type of the institutional discourse functioning in the legal sphere. This discourse was not yet a subject of special linguistic studying in a modern science. The event aspect of actualization of a discourse of judicial police officer-performer assumes consideration of a role of participants of a discourse in the course of professional communication and the analysis of communicative situations of different genres. Distinguishing the lexical-thematic groups in a discourse of judicial police officer-performer is the promising direction in research of this problem.

    pdf luchinskaya2012_3.pdf  (487 Kb)

  • L.S. Makarova
    Semantic dispersion and art transformation of an image in a poetic translation (using a material of the Russian and French languages)

    This work discusses specifics of poetic translation and the possibility of translational transformation of an artistic image. The author develops and specifies the concept of dispersion of the sense, capable to bring to a discord between the poetic original and translation.

    pdf makarova2012_3.pdf  (372 Kb)

  • O.E. Pavlovskaya, N.Yu. Zimina
    Specifics of ornamental idiostyle of postmodernism (as shown by the novel of V. Pelevin “Generation P”)

    The paper discusses the problem of specificity determination of ornamental idiostyle in creativity of Russian postmodern writers, in particular, in V.Pelevin's creativity. Definition of the writer’s idiostyle is given and specific features of Victor Pelevin’s ornamental idiostyle are revealed. It is inferred that the writer’s creativity corresponds always to a certain literary direction and to some extent is always beyond any currents owing to the specificity and originality, which is caused by identity of the writer's style.

    pdf pavlovskaya1_2012_3.pdf  (460 Kb)

  • N.E. Malova
    Linguo-cognitive categories of “implicitness” and "subtext"

    The linguo-cognitive categories of “implicitness” and “concept” are characterized as the markers of ideological level of work, and respectively, identity of an author's view of the world. These categories have no special language means of expression. The process of decoding demands certain efforts from the addressee who should correlate the content elements so that they had the meaning and importance. Having considered the features of “beyond the text” information, the author characterizes specific possibilities of an implicitness and subtext for research of a full picture of the art text.

    pdf malova2012_3.pdf  (443 Kb)

  • O.E. Pavlovskaya
    Features of SMS communication of the student of secondary professional education as a representation of pragmatical level of the language personality

    This paper examines SMS communication as a representation of pragmatical level of the language identity of the student of secondary professional education. The author analyzes such language features of SMS as an informal language, emotionality and use of forms of addresses and nonverbal signals.

    pdf pavlovskaya2_2012_3.pdf  (509 Kb)

  • M.A. Poleva
    Language consciousness of the adolescent through a prism of internal speech of characters of fiction

    The paper examines the internal speech of characters using an example of the novel by J. Salinger “The Catcher in the Rye”. The author emphasizes need of studying the language consciousness of the adolescent and ways of its expression in a work of art. The analysis of internal speech of the adolescent shows a set of different ways of its actualization in fiction.

    pdf poleva2012_3.pdf  (435 Kb)

  • V.B. Popova
    Categorial resonance in treatment of a definiteness / indefiniteness dichotomy

    An analysis is made of the content of the category of definiteness and indefiniteness given in the Linguistic encyclopedic dictionary. The author shows that it is necessary to differentiate the concepts of definiteness / indefiniteness like acquaintance to the reviewer, his individualizing characteristics and like calculation of borders of a subject of speech: still estimated, variative characteristics (indefinite article) and already estimated (definite), without their obligatory specification.

    pdf popova2012_3.pdf  (654 Kb)

  • E.G. Somova, G.A. Abramova
    Phonics in the organization of the poetic text

    The paper discusses the role of the sound organization of a verse in creation of an artistic image and in decoding the author’s idiostyle. This work traces the phonic features of art texts caused by influence of a sound image and gives examples of use of the author's individual phonic methods in compositions of Russian and foreign poets (Pushkin, Lermontov, Akhmatova, Balmont, Khlebnikov, Zabolotsky, Poe and Frost).

    pdf somova2012_3.pdf  (422 Kb)

  • M.S. Skhakumidova
    Communicative, speech and rhetorical preconditions of Russian teaching

    This paper deals with the complicated and unsolved yet question on communicative, speech and rhetorical preconditions of Russian teaching. The author shows the ways of activization of the rhetorical means strengthening the tools of a language material and promoting education of the general culture, in particular, the culture of speech behavior and the discipline of thinking.

    pdf skhakumidova2012_3.pdf  (378 Kb)

  • N.V. Tishin
    Interpretation of a political discourse in mass media

    The paper gives a definition of a discourse and elucidates the concept of interpretation of mass media political discourse. The political discourse can be examined, at least, from four points of view: political science, purely philological, socio-psycho-linguistic and individual hermeneutic. The author also shows that the tools of interpretation are of three types: properties of speech, knowledge of properties of speech in this language or in human language in general and strategies, organizing a real course of interpretation and connecting among themselves the purposes and means of interpretation.

    pdf tishin2012_3.pdf  (410 Kb)

  • R.B. Unarokova, G.Sh. Unarokova
    Linguocultural concept “nasyp / happiness” in the Adyghean language

    The paper examines the basic linguocultural concept of “nasyp / happiness” in a concept sphere of the Adyghean language, reveals and describes figurative, conceptual and value characteristics in the language consciousness of the Adyghes. Axiologic, national and specific characteristics of this concept are analyzed.

    pdf unarokova1_2012_3.pdf  (477 Kb)

  • R.B. Unarokova
    “Special languages” of the Adyghes: a linguofolkloristic aspect

    An analysis is made of the forms of art organization of communication significant of Adyghean communicative culture, ways of their functioning according to a technique offered by linguofolkloristics and ethnolinguistics and the new directions of a science on the language and folklore relations. Also the author explores specifics of poetic texts through which the mysterious language is realized.

    pdf unarokova2_2012_3.pdf  (491 Kb)

  • F.K. Urakova, B.M. Bersirov
    Comparative characteristic of lexical and grammatical units of the Russian and Adyghean languages

    The paper discusses the questions of the comparative and typological description of lexical and grammatical units of the Russian and Adyghean languages. The difficulties in mastering Russian lexicon are related to the interlingual lexical interference caused by essential divergences in lexical system of the Russian and Adyghean languages. The authors show that the compared languages differ at grammatical level not only in absence of certain grammatical categories, but also in nature of expression and functioning in speech of identical categories of parts of speech.

    pdf urakova2_2012_3.pdf  (523 Kb)

  • F.K. Urakova
    Comparative and typological description of phrases in the Russian and Adyghean languages

    The paper deals with the questions of the comparative and typological description of phrases in the Russian and Adyghean languages. This study allows outlining a strategy of the prevention and overcoming interfering influence of the native language promoting more rational organization of a language material in order to improve the quality of teaching Adyghean pupils to Russian.

    pdf urakova3_2012_3.pdf  (369 Kb)

  • Z.R. Khachmafova, E.N. Luchinskaya
    Intertextuality as reflection of linguocultural consciousness of the female language personality

    Intertextuality is investigated as a characteristic of individual style of the female author to reveal the central artistic images, symbols and the motives functioning as stem-forming elements of the art continuum.

    pdf khachmafova2012_3.pdf  (681 Kb)

  • A.R. Khunagova
    On definition of concept of “fashion” through “concept” definition

    The main characteristics of “the concept” are presented. The contents, structure, the main types and features of the concept are examined which allows all-round definition of a concept of “fashion” and elucidation of its essence. The concept of “fashion” is treated as a sociocultural concept - regulator, which is characterized by high value for the corresponding linguocultures.

    pdf khunagova2012_3.pdf  (424 Kb)

  • A.A. Shazzo
    A tendency to language democratization in the qualitative press of the beginning of the third millennium

    The paper discusses the tendency to language democratization in the qualitative press where there is the contamination of the language means belonging to different styles of communication. The use of stylistically lowered elements of a slang and popular speech causes expressivity and assessment, promoting manifestation of the author's “I” of the journalist who possesses stylistic competence and sense of proportion. Emergence of other style elements in analytical texts of the newspaper journalism focused on book and written speech, is a steady tradition in modern mass media.

    pdf shazzo_a_2012_3.pdf  (229 Kb)

  • M.Kh. Shkhapatseva
    Compound sentence as a special structural-semantic type in the Russian and Adyghean languages

    The paper presents the comparative analysis of a compound sentence in the Russian and Adyghean languages. The author shows the approaches to this problem in the compared languages and structural-semantic characteristics of this type of sentences, as well as defines the typology of compound sentences in the Russian and Adyghean languages.

    pdf shkhapatseva2_2012_3.pdf  (493 Kb)

    Study of Arts
  • G.Å. Kaloshina
    Opera-oratorio formation in the 1920s in A.Honegger, I.Stravinsky and A.Schoenberg’s creativity

    The paper examines the formation of an opera-oratorio in creativity of A.Honegger, I.Stravinsky and A.Schoenberg. A basis of rapprochement of the opera and the oratorio is the myth. It leaves traces on semantics of a plot, spatial-time processes, genre priorities and composition structure, as well as on interaction of the collective and individual principles. The author shows the features of image treatment, the role of symbolical level of the dramatic art and some versions of symphonization.

    pdf kaloshina2012_3.pdf  (732 Kb)

  • M.L. Karamanova
    “Sticks” by G. Kancheli as a multigenre composition

    The paper discusses the verbal, intra-thematic and composite levels of synthesis in the composition “Sticks” by G. Kancheli for a viola, chorus and an orchestra. The multigenre whole is formed by interaction of musical and extra musical genres, namely: concert, cantata, requiem, symphony, poem, motion picture art, prayer and liturgy. The composition connects features of sonata allegro, the multiple rondeau, a monocycle and variations. The author reveals the multilevel character of mythological space of dramatic art and the apocalypse concept.

    pdf karamanova2012_3.pdf  (496 Kb)

  • T.S. Rudichenko
    Christian tradition and folklore of the Don Cossacks

    The paper discusses the religious views of the Don Cossacks and the influence of the main views of the Christian dogma on their folklore. An attempt is undertaken to create the objective basis of opinions about religiousness of Cossacks, to reveal sources from which orthodox ideas got into national culture and systematize Christian images, motives and subjects in folklore. Influence of Christian tradition is traced at levels of the contents (concepts), forms of expression (poetics) and the organization of a system of texts (in their semiotic understanding).

    pdf rudichenko2012_3.pdf  (508 Kb)

  • A.S. Sagitova
    Stage director's searches at the Bashkir theatre in the 1960s – 1990s

    An analysis is made of the 1960s – 1990s stage direction of the Bashkir academic drama theatre named after M. Gafuri. This period is defined as time of gradual deep updating the academic scene, its exit to new level of art thinking when the saved-up traditions stimulate searches for new scenic forms and ways of reflection of life. As a result, all components of the theatre – directions, dramatic art and performing arts – develop intensively and by the beginning of the 1990s the theatre appears in the tideway of the most progressive currents of a modern domestic scene.

    pdf sagitova2012_3.pdf  (535 Kb)

  • Z.Ts. Khot
    Musical and educational activity of the Adyghean State Philharmonic Society in 2007 through 2012

    The paper shows the educational capacity of the institution, the ways of further development of this activity and the role of musical and educational department of the Philharmonic Society. It is inferred that the musical and educational capacity of the institution is not confined and there is a prospect to expand the designated directions of work at the expense of attraction of modern ideas of musical management.

    pdf khot2012_3.pdf  (494 Kb)

  • Yu.G. Tsitsishvili
    Monothematism as a principle of musical dramaturgy of the screen version of F.M.Dostoevsky’s novel “The Idiot” (Director V. Bortko, composer I.Kornelyuk)

    The paper shows the role of a musical thematism in disclosure of an ideological plan of the screen version of F.M.Dostoevsky’s novel “The Idiot”. In the course of the analysis of the film, the principle of musical monodramatic art realized through a monothematism has been revealed.

    pdf tsitsishvili2012_3.pdf  (545 Kb)

  • S.K. Kuizheva, L.Zh. Palandzhyants
    The characteristic system of the equtions for some class of algebraic differential equtions

    The concept of the characteristic system of the equations for some class of algebraic differential equations is formulated. The characteristic system of the equations for a certain class of the algebraic differential equations is calculated in a general view. The nonlinear differential equations of an interface and Benjamin-Bon-Mahoney’s equation for which the characteristic equations are found in an explicit form are examined as an example.

    pdf kuizheva2012_3.pdf  (567 Kb)

  • V.I. Paranuk
    On representations of some group of the cellular and triangular matrices of the fourth order

    The paper examines the group of the fourth order cellular and triangular matrices. Preliminarily some special decomposition of nondegenerated material matrices of the second order is considered. Group parametrization is made. Then unitary group representations as the operators realized in space of finite and infinitely differentiated functions are constructed.

    pdf paranuk2012_3.pdf  (355 Kb)

  • E.S. Astapova, S.S. Pavlov, I.A. Astapov
    Determination of structure characteristics and conductivity of Na-HS-zeolite with Mo, W and Ni nanopowders

    This work discusses structure and properties of synthetic zeolite modified with electroexplosion nanopowders of transition metals. The authors determine the structural type of zeolite and the unit cell parameters, as well as calculate specific surface and the pore volume. The thermal properties of modified samples are shown. Dependence of specific conductivity upon temperature, as well as activation energy are determined by using experimental data of resistance.

    pdf astapova2012_3.pdf  (770 Kb)

    Natural Sciences
  • E.A. Sirotyuk
    Vital forms of Gentianaceae in the Western Caucasus: systematic and ecologic-evaluation analysis

    This work provides the results of studying vital forms of Gentianaceae of the Western Caucasus and their distribution by genera, elevation belts and types of habitats. It is shown that terophytes and terophyte/hemicryptophytes prevail in the family. The mountain and wood species are, mainly, hemicryptophytes. Vital forms of gametophytes and cryptophytes are characteristic only of representatives of genus Gentiana L.

    pdf sirotyuk2012_3.pdf  (716 Kb)

  • V.V. Korobova (Zlobnova), I.D. Ayubova, F.D. Teuchezh
    The natural potential of the territory as a formation factor of regional farming systems (as shown by the flat landscapes of the Western Caucasus and Lower Don)

    This paper shows the role of natural potential in formation of regional farming systems. The authors give the factor analysis of agrocenoses productivity, which can find application in the form of algorithms and technological standards at creation of ecologically balanced farming systems. The authors’ recommendations make it possible to develop the rational schemes of the use of resources for increasing the agroecosystem productivity.

    pdf korobova(zlobnova)2012_3.pdf  (685 Kb)

  • N.I. Mamsirov
    Influence of ways of soil processing and fertilizer norms on its agrochemical properties

    This work discusses the results of researches on studying a content of available forms of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium, as well as influence of ways of the basic soil processing and fertilizer norms on humus balance. It is inferred that against a background of high norms of fertilizers the greatest gain in humus content is provided by the combined soil processing, which results in increasing the quantity of humus in all parts of an arable layer. The surface soil processing gives 2,2 times smaller increase in humus content, which proves to be the least during experience, despite the greatest gain in the top layer.

    pdf mamsirov2012_3.pdf  (667 Kb)

  • E.A. Shebzukhova
    History and biology of a pheasant in the Western Caucasus Phasianus colchicus L (lat.) Mezchet (in Adyghean)

    This work provides the analysis of literature on a pheasant. Observations of pheasant distribution in high-altitude belts of the Adygheya Republic are systematized, including a steppe zone, belts of forest-steppe and the broad-leaved forests, dark-coniferous forests, the subalpine and Alpine belts, the subnival and nival belts, as well as data on reproduction, food and habitats of a pheasant in the Western Caucasus.

    pdf shebzukhova_e_2012_3.pdf  (508 Kb)

  • N.Kh. Kagazezheva
    Oxygen exchange in teenagers in the conditions of highlands

    This work discusses the results of three-year longitudinal researches (2006–2008) on 14–15 year-old teenagers (of both sexes), living in high-altitude and flat territories of the Adygheya Republic. The author determines breath parameters in the conditions of physical activities: frequency, respiratory volume and the minute volume. Authentic distinctions are revealed in volume of lungs depending on accommodation conditions. In mountain conditions the volume of lungs of school children is truely less than that of contemporaries living in flat territories. Gender distinctions in all breath indicators are authentic for the school children who are living in high-mountainous widths and engaged in power sports.

    pdf kagazezheva2012_3.pdf  (459 Kb)

  • A.A. Guchetl
    Influence of ways of vising on performance of the single manual movement by children of the advanced preschool age

    This paper studies influence of ways of vising on manifestation of the latent period of impellent activity in single movement of children of the advanced preschool age. It is inferred that indicators of duration of the latent period decrease with increasing age, which testifies to expansion of impellent experience of the child and to achievement of a certain level of impellent ability by it.

    pdf guchetl2012_3.pdf  (534 Kb)

  • E.N. Anokhina
    Ethnogeographical features of distribution of gene BRCA1/2 mutations in patients with malignant new growths of female reproductive organs

    In America, Africa, Eastern and Central Europe, including Russia (the Central and Siberian regions), 185delAG and 5382insC mutations of gene BRCA1 are revealed in patients with cancer of female reproductive organs more often. High frequencies of BRCA1 mutations which are not found in other regions of the world are characteristic of Australia, Japan, China and Northern Europe. The widespread allel BRCA variants cannot be used as universal markers of cancer of various localizations.

    pdf anokhina2012_3.pdf  (1 Mb)

  • K.A. Rudenko
    Specificity of human leukocyte antigens of the second class (HLA II) associated with risk of development of bronchial asthma in world populations

    Protective antigens and antigens associated with bronchial asthma in world populations are localized dominantly in HLA-DRB1, -DQA1 and -DQB1 – the main complex of a histo combination of the people. The greatest number of the associated specificities is revealed in DRB1 (10) and in DQB1 (8) loci, it is less in DQA1 (4). Similar regularity is characteristic of protective allels: most of them are in DRB1 (5) and in DQB1 (6), but in DQA1 (1). Separate specificities (DRÂ1* 04, DQA1* 0301, DQB1* 0501) are found in the different people which can be both protective and associated with bronchial asthma. In the Russian Federation, DRB1*07, DRB1*08 and DQB1*05 specificities are associated with risk of development of bronchial asthma. They were revealed in two populations of the Russian in the Astrakhan and Moscow areas. In Astrakhan and Moscow probands with bronchial asthma different specificities of HLA-DRB1 locus are associated: correspondingly HLA-DRB1*08 and HLA-DRB1*07 allels. Protective antigens in DRB1 locus for the surveyed populations are not identified.

    pdf rudenko2012_3.pdf  (1 Mb)

    Technical Sciences
  • V.A. Kravtsov, V.I. Chizhikov
    Use of printed-circuit boards in the microwave devices

    Using the microstrip lowpass filter as an example, an analysis is made of a possibility of application of printed-circuit boards in the microwave devices as an alternative to high-cost boards on a ceramic substrate. The microstrip lowpass filter of the ladder type is calculated to assess possibilities of replacement of strip boards basing on polybark substrates by new printed-circuit boards. The offered printed-circuit boards can successfully replace high-cost boards on a ceramic substrate in a number of tasks.

    pdf kravtsov2012_3.pdf  (2 Mb)

  • V.S. Simankov, V.V. Buchatskaya
    Choice of methods of forecasting in researches of complicated systems

    To develop authentic forecasts it is necessary to define the method of forecasting corresponding to specificity of object of forecasting. In this regard characteristics of object of forecasting – extensiveness and complexity – are examined. The authors suggest the way of their definition and distribute the methods of forecasting by levels of extensiveness and complexity of objects of forecasting.

    pdf simankov1_2012_3.pdf  (507 Kb)

  • M.A. Kiryushkin, V.I. Chizhikov
    Software product construction on the basis of the microkernel architecture

    An analysis of the microkernel architecture is made to use it in software products. The use of the software microkernel allows us to support system work without its basic shutdown. The main architecture criterion is the requirement of microkernel invariance. Any changes in the system infringe only upon the user modules. The microkernel serves as a link between modules. An analysis is made to show the advantages of such products.

    pdf kiryushkin2012_3.pdf  (303 Kb)

  • V.S. Simankov, P.Yu. Buchatskiy
    Efficiency assessment of involvement of nonconventional renewable energy sources in energy balance of the region

    The paper discusses the main criteria for an efficiency assessment of involvement of nonconventional renewables in fuel and energy balance of the region. The offered system of criteria is complex; it takes into account costs for creation of production base of power and allows efficiency estimation of use of systems with renewables in a region power supply system. The assessment of the stated criteria according to the given technique is a basis for development of optimizing model of involvement of renewables in a region energy balance.

    pdf simankov2_2012_3.pdf  (917 Kb)

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